College Voice Vol. 29 No. 16 Connecticut College

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College Voice Vol. 29 No. 16 Connecticut College Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 2004-2005 Student Newspapers 3-4-2005 College Voice Vol. 29 No. 16 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "College Voice Vol. 29 No. 16" (2005). 2004-2005. Paper 17. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2004-2005 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. -- - -~-------- SPORTS A&E This week, the College renounced its Turn to page 10 for previews for men's Sweet Charity, directed by Lawrence decision to offer Winchester faculty and women's lacrosse. Also, the track, Thelen and featuring Conn student housing to students in order to fmance squash and swimming teams have fin- actors, takes the stage this weekend at the increasing number of students study- ished their winter seasons. Check out Tansill Black Box Theater. ing abroad. Check out p.6 page 9 for the results. First Class U.S. Postage PAID Permit #35 .:'i New London, cr PUBUSHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF CONNECTICUT COLLEGE VOLUME XXIX • NUMBER 16 FRIDAY, MARCH 42005 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, NEW LONDON, CT Fainstein Announces Resignation, Effective June 2006 JIy JUUA LEFKOWITZAND THoMAS McEvov the College at the end of the 200 I time of Gaudiani's departure, the ious outside media establishments. well as a climate that was filled with EOiTOR-iN-CIIlEF AND NEWS EOITOR academic year after Conn's faculty College was in a precarious finan- blamed Gaudiani. mistrust due to the perceived actions called for the resignation of former cial state. A substantial portion of "President Fainstein inherited a of the previous President," stated On Friday, February 26th, for his decision. In light of this inter- President, Claire Gaudiani. At the the Conn community, as well as var- financially unstable environment as David Milstone, Dean of Student Norman Fainstein, announced that est, Fainstein will take a one-year Life. "The budget is now balanced." he will resign as President of the sabbatical and return to the College "['ve done a number of things to College in June 2006. Amongst in 2007 to teach courses in sociolo- improve the College's financial other accomplishments, Fainstein is gy and urban studies. state," Fainstein explained. "The accredited for restructuring the "I thought it was time to take most substantial action I've taken is College's fiscal budget and estab- stock of my life and what I've strengthen the PPBC (Priorities, lishing an ambitious four-year accomplished at the College," Planning & Budget Committee). Strategic Plan. Fainstein told The Voice in a recent The Committee has done an excel- "I think students were definitely interview." I also considered how I lent job of making sure that the surprised, but he's not resigning want to shape the rest of my career College operates within its means. tomorrow, " stated Pete Lelek, and thought it would be great to go They've outlined annual and long- President of SGA. "We have timeto back to my first love, which is being term budgets that accommodate to make the transition, which will a professor. Right now, I teach one the College's financial state." ensure stability and continuity at the sociology course. When I return in The College has undergone, College." 2007, I will teach five courses at the numerous changes in the years since: The Board of Trustees formally College. Some of the most meaning- Fainstein's appointment. Fainstein' approved Fainstein's resignation at a ful relationships I've formed in the restructured many of Conn's rela- meeting held the morning of Friday, past three and half years have been tionships with outside institutions. February 26th. with students, and 1 look forward to In December 2003 a contract "President Fainstein had dis- having more opportunities to do between the Lyman Allan Museum cussed his plans with me and other this." and the College granted members of members of the ex.ecutive commit- Francis Hoffman, Dean of the the Conn community different types tee of the Board some weeks before Faculty, remarked, "I applaud of privileged access to the museum the meeting," stated Barbara Kohn, Norman's leadership of the College and re-embursed the College with Chair of the Board of Trustees. "We through a period that called for $1.1 million, a large portion of the discussed it with the rest of the renewing campus governance money Conn invested when it was a trustees at a meeting of the full processes, securing the fiscal health trustee of the museum. Fainstein has Board on Friday morning. There of the College, and facilitating cur- also facilitated the creation of ami- were varying degrees of surprise. ricular and programmatic able ties with the city of New Five years is now around the aver- changes..... I understand well the London through increased efforts, age tenure for a college president, so attraction of scholarship and teach- such as extended outreach programs it's a natural transition point." ing, and look forward to working in the city. Recent improvements In an e-mail distributed to the with Norman when he joins the include renovations of Unity House campus community, the president Sociology Department." and the Fortune Recital Hall, as well cited his desire to teach as the reason Fainstein became President of President Fainstein announced bis resignation last Friday. The Board of Trustees approved the resignation later tbat day. (Face) continued on page 6 Conn Student Participates in "The-Gates" Art Project Student Life Reconsiders' BY TIlOMAS MCEVOY NEWS EDITOR House Council Positions By MAKENA CAHILL "The Gates," an art display by Connecticut College honorary degree holders Christo and Jeanne-Claude, was unveiled in New York's Central STAff WRITER Park on February 12. Conn senior Maggie Turner was one of 600 volunteers who participated in the week long installation process. Turner was given the Every spring during the room House Diversity Coordinator. great honor of unfurling one of the 7,500 saffron gates on opening day. selection process, students are elect- A survey of Housefellows and Turner commented on her opportunity to be a part of the project's unveil- ed to House Council positions. The Governors was compiled by the ing. 'The experience overall was fabulous," she said. "It was so amazing Office of Student Life (OSL) has Office of Student Life in regards to to see the park transform and to be a part of such an enormous artistic created a new proposal to amend the the current system. In general, they endeavor." current House Council structure to saw the effectiveness of House Maggie Turner learned about Christo and Jeanne-Claude's project on eliminate superfluous positions and Council to be moderate, although their internet website, which contained a link where people could apply to to create a House Council that is there were positive comments participate in their project. There were three components of the project open generally more efficient and effec- regarding the positions of Freshmen to volunteers: installation, monitoring, or removal. Turner chose to apply for tive. Currently, each donn's House and OVCS representatives. Those the installation aspect of the project and she was chosen. "It was pretty Council is comprised of the positions that were viewed in a more amazing that the whole application process took place online," Turner said. Housefellow, one Governor, one negative light were SAC The volunteers assisting in the installation process were divided up into Senator, two representatives from Coordinator, Class Representatives teams of eight, each group responsible for installing one hundred gates. each class, two SAC Coordinators, and Environmental Coordinators. Turner's group included a high school senior, a Washington married couple, two Environmental Coordinators, The new plan deals with all a San Francisco architect, a sculpture from Brooklyn, and a writer from two OVCS Representatives, and one House Council positions in a con. Manhattan. "We had a dynamic group, and we will continue to be friends and keep in touch," Turner said. continued on page 6 As an art history major, Turner feels that participating in the project has enhanced her appreciation of the field. "One of the best classes I ever took here was' Art from 1945' with visiting Professor Laura Auricchio," she said. Room Entry Policy Reassessed "In that class Ifirst learned about Christo and his wrappings, and to have BvMATILImo been completely enthralled then and be able to contribute today is remark- STAFF WRITER able - something I will never forget." Turner said her experience has also increased her interest in modern art. The Judicial Task Force (JTS) is currently reviewing the College's Room She is considering the possibility of moving to New York to further her stud- Entry policy to evaluate the appropriate circumstances under which a cam- ies in the field. Maggie Turner '05 unveiled one of the 7,500 saffron gates in Central Par pus safety officer can enter a student's room without his or her consent. Under the current policy, unless there is an emergency, College staff must gain permission of the Dean of Student Life or another appointed College Dessert and Dialogue Targets Athletic Issues member before entering a student's room. The current policy in the Student Handbook states, "Except in the case of an emergency, room entry should be JIy EMILY HONSTEIN carried out with the authorization of the Dean of Student Life, or designee, STAff WRITER and, where practical, with the awareness and cooperation of the student(s) involved." The image of athletics at Conn was the topic of this past Tuesday's history.
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    HELSINŠKI ODBOR ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA U SRBIJI Helsinške sveske br. 34 EKSTREMIZAM Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji 34helsinške sveske EKSTREMIZAM KAKO PREPOZNATI DRUŠTVENO ZLO Beograd, oktobar 2014 EKSTREMIZAM: KAKO PREPOZNATI DRUŠTVENO ZLO Biblioteka Helsinške sveske, knjiga br. 34 Izdavač: Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji Za izdavača: Sonja Biserko Oblikovanje i slog: Ivan Hrašovec Štampa: Grafiprof, Beograd Tiraž: 800 primeraka Beograd, oktobar 2014. ISBN 978-86-7208-198-5 COBISS.SR-ID 210678284 Izdavanje ove publikacije omogućila je Američka agencija za međunarodni razvoj (USAID) kroz program „Građansko društvo za budućnost“ koji sprovodi Institut za održive zajednice (ISC). Stavovi izneti u ovoj publikaciji predstavljaju stavove autora i nužno ne izražavaju stavove USAID-a, Vlade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država ili ISC-a. Sadržaj I EKSTREMIZAM U SRBIJI Sonja Biserko Ekstremizam: nastavak državnog projekta .................................7 Srđan Milošević “Antifašizam” srpske desnice .............................................17 Srđan Barišić Duhovna legitimizacija ekstremne desnice ...............................38 Pavel Domonji Autonomaši – “crvena krpa komunizma” ..................................70 Jelena Višnjić “Pogledaj me nevernice”: desnica o ženama, žene u desnici, slučaj Srbija ..82 II ODNOS DRŽAVE PREMA EKSTREMIZMU Ivana Stjelja Zločin iz mržnje i incidenti motivisani mržnjom u kontekstu delovanja ekstremističkih organizacija u Srbiji ......................................99 Dokumenti
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