All the News Every Thursday Morning of All the Pointes rosse ~ws Complete Netl'S Covera~e of All tlte Poiutes Home of the News

VOl. 2b-NO. 4 Entered as Second Clas~ Matter at $5.00 Per Year the Post OfTlce at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 28, 1965 lOc Per Copy 20 Pages Two Sections-Section One

- • iPair Nabbed DEADLINES High School Musicians Draw Big Crowd of the Two Found GutltYIAttempting to WEEK O/Violating LawslRoh Theater As Compiled by the I Third Arrested Waiting in Grosse Pointe News ' Dance 'I: Car IonWoods Lot; C~n- At Teeners . fesslons Made By Tno Thursday, January 21 :' IT WAS PRESIDENT Lyndon I -----.-- Three Detroit men were B. Johnson's day yesterday. ,Owner of Haii and Youth Who Organized Party Pay arraigned for examination After reciting his oath of office, $/00 Fines and Costs; 90-Day Sentence f"r before Woods Judge Don delivering his inaugural address Former Suspended by Judge Goodrow, Monday evening, and watching the parade in his honor. he attended five balls Th f H TJ 11 20542 H January 25, on warrants held in leading hotels in Wash- e owner 0 arper .l.loa, arper avenue, charging them with damag- ington. In his address to the Harper Woods, and a Pointe teenager, were found guilty ing a safe in the Woods nation and the world he asked in Harper Woods Municipal Court on Tuesday, January Theater, 19269 IVLck ave- for justice. libc;,ty and unity 19, of liquor vjolation charges. The hearing was held nue, after the theater was among Americans and our "fe]. before Harper Woods Judge Robert P. VanWiemeersch. forcibly entered. low passeng('rs on this dot of Found guilty were Dale~---~~-----'''----'---~-- The trio were arrested by earth." He also said that the Glenn, 26, of 22130 Shady lane'12 J .Z Woods ;md H2rper Woods po- nation aspired "to nothing that , St. Clair Shores; and John Nash, I Jl ' th .. b t ht 19 f 1723 S d uven II es lic'!, at about 2,30 a.m" on Sat- be1on~s £0 0 er~ u soug , 0 evern roa . ' urday. January 23, two were (',nly "man's domination over Harper Woods Police Capt. C f t I'inside the theater building, tyranny and misery." Charles H. Glosser said that on. e'ss 0 when arrested. and the third • • • Glenn was charged with viola- A SPLIT in the white com. I • C TI f was waiting in a car in the rnllnit.\' of Selma, Ala., has de. : tion of the State LIquor Con. ar 'Ie I parking lot at the rear of th(' trol Act, that of leasing prem- II~'" t~ veloped over the treatment of' I building. iscs where persons could drink l'

!, GI 'tood t t T' way, and take off at bin .s, a? sen en~- the rear yards of Balfour road, Ithe theater, (watchman's name Friday, January 22 Grosse Pomters contnb- for themselves on Thursday, February 4. Beginning at ! er of the ~etrOlt L!Ons, WIll ~ou~~ ~~ ~~e~~o;ne DetrOIt with Moore, an eX-!laratroo,?er I withheld) in which he infonned ~r=W YORK LOXGSHORE- uted a total of $31841249 1 h'l' .. h '11 b k be the maIn speaker Tues- Cl E t hi' h' and fleet of foot, rlght. behInd i the desk officer that there was ". p.m.-w I e ClaSSeSare In s'eS"'Ion-t ey "11 e ta -en ' 2 t oses s a IS ment I :\11'''' t d I new ... n d F b J d V W' them. The chase led o\"Cr back Isomeone in the manager's of. . ..• yes er ay approve( a t.h r 0 u, g h thoe Comm.Ull1.tyi en guided tours of the school and shown such facilities ay ev~nmg, e ruary ,a u ge an lemeersch sus- d' ' , . , work contract. It was the same f 1 d t d the thIrd program of the nd d th "1 t d' yard fences, an toward Vernor I flee, and ''It sounds llke some- contract they had rejected on \.;ampalgns. ma au 1 s IS- CIS the annex the new library and the science language AlL t S' f e t edaI e~m on .con 1- Highway. lone is trying to break into the i re th January. 8. whieh set off an At- closed today. This was 102.9 athletic and 'industrial arts d'epartments,' 'nnua ec ur: :~s M~- 1O~ a (On c o~e hlS est- Flushed from Hiding Isafe" 1 t. I G If C t d k percent o.f qu.ota.. Community leaders represent-:;\------~------the ~rosse P~ .te, abllskshmTenhtfhorl1aperlOd hr<>ftwgh0 Moore flushed the 15'year-old; Pa'tr"1men Robert Setchel1 an Ie ane IU oas oc The re';Idenhal campaIgn 1ast l'ng more than 80 Gr"sse POl.nte . morIaI .ASSOCIatIon" HIS lee - wee. e a owner t ou f h'd' gOd1 \i' I Wv It G d • stri],(". The longshoremen wil 1 • h db'''' Illlg Mrs Thompson 8827183 t 11 b t 8 15 h' tt d' h rom a Imp ace on ern r, ,an a er 00 man were dis- "0 e b"r 2030 was ea ed y .. . 1 . d It' . ,-, UI'e WI e gIn a ' IS a orney ann"UI:ICe t at he h f P 1 not retul'n to \"ork. howev-cr. .'l v m_ ~ -", CIVICSOCIa serVice an cu ural .... D Id M C h' I .., '" and into t e arms 0 atro men i patched to the theater A gen '. - ....~- 'I.' th K 1271 S . , '- . IOr mrs. ona l c onac Ie, 'I k' th C t ' P' wlll appeal . until tht'v know the (''.ltcome of omS. aenne OPP1~, • . groups have receIved letters m- 881.8613 A h h t 0 c oc m e en er s l'nes. Charles Slusser and Rlchard I eral broadcast was also.- sent bargaini~g and balloting in (lth- Renaud. f Edl~'wkar~ ...H lckey lIlt' viting tht:m to participate. in th~ I received' a n~~rt~r wa~d a~o~fd Auditorium, wa~~~~n~I~~il~yto~e mwau:e and, Warren, who had been ('aIled to , over the air, and Farins Patrol- I 1 a • . downer 0 llC 'ev s .• enswear a tours. These tours are bemg. ar-, 'lI'ke to take the tour may call The subJ'ect of this year's: d f' f~ 100' d 03 ssess- assist in the chase, I men William Ellsworthv Eu- er ports down the At,antic an 17140 K h"I " ~ . 1 'f b II d e a me 0 $ an court costs F h d Sl h d ' .n Grlf of :\Iexico, The four-year 't b . erc eh\a.. wa~ commu ..- ranged by the Grosse Pomte M!"s. Thompson or Mrs. Mc- senes of ectures IS oot a an of $10 or '0 day . "1 H renc an usser ~earc e 'I gene Fowler and John Krukow- • t 'd 80 t 1 y usmess c :urman. League o.f Wom.en Voters as a Conachl'e for l'nfor- at the two previous programs, 'd th f'.l d s In Jal, e the area on Vernor, Kprcl1eval ski and Harper Woods Patrol- eon,rae provl es an -c~n 'Gross.: Pointe is Dart of the t h d lk b P t pal e me an costs. d B If d' th ' . wage and fringe package. whIch E t W U. 't 11 of commUnI y serVlce. . mation. patrons ear ta s y e e N h rdi an a our, an m. e garage men Edward R. Smlth and War- . 1 d . . . as ern ayne nI. a In the letter urgmg the rep- ,Rozelle, the Commissioner of as ,acco ng to Capt. Glos- of 1215 Balfour, !o.und the sec. ren Newton, were sent to the mc u £'s an 1~~T:as: III pcnSIOns. ,Wayne County East of Wood- resentatives of Gros:;e Pointe's For the. past two years the the National Football League I ser, rent~d the hall fr<>m GI~nn, ond teenaf,er, hldmg under a scene by their respective sta- AS A RESl:LT of returns in ! wa:-d, Highland Park and Down- many organizations to attend, Gro~se Pomte League has been and Sid Luckman, former Col- a!!d was m charge ofthe Fnday I car. The youth was ar:-('sted. tions. two-by-electIfJns. the Bntish La- i tn:n Detr?it. which contributed the Leag~te said. "This is your mak~n~ a study of the com. umbia University star and pro. ~ght dance .. ~e hall has no Under intensive questioning, S t h 1l G d S' h

bor Government suffered severe :I total 01 $399,203. or 106.8 opportumty to see for your~elf I mUnIty s school needs. ~ast fessional football player, heense, permlttmg the sale of I' (Continued on Pagp 2) I e(~o:tinu OOedomnanp'agme1 t)and 2 setbacks in its .:fforts to control pHcent of quota. . why your Board of E.ducatIo~ June, ai t~e d end t~f ~e flr~t MI. Ford, who is the grand. :~lcOh~IC ~e~.erages on the prl~md- I Parliament. Foreign Secretary :\lrs. Perry L. TeWalt. 623 Lm. asks the property-ownmg reSl- year 0 s u y, e eague.s son of the late Henry Ford Ilses, uc .Icenses are app Ie ITh. f G Chi ------Patrick Gordon Walker was de- coin road. was Unit Chairman. dents of the Grssse Pointe Jl.lembers agreed that an. addI- founder of the Ford Motor Com: I for .and obtaIned on & te~porary Ie ets as Speeder Nabbed feated by the Conser ....ative can. Robert E. P a I ~ n c h ~ r. 20064! School District t~ approve funds tIonal scho~l was ~s~entIal to pliny, is a director and vice-' baS1S by perS()ns rentmg the I H . (I. I ' didate in a working.class suburh Wcr1gew00d. vlce-presldent of for ..he ~onstructlO~ of a second meet the commumty s future president of that company. He hall, or their, age~ts, it was said. I 11 onle III ,Ily iFollolving Chase of . The Labor candidate ,the Budd Co.. headed the Com- semor high school. needs and ~oted to support the I' , h g f "d t 1 _ The cap tam saId that on the' . . B' I.. t . I ff .t t a f d d ,.> for IS m c ar e 0 p,o uc pan F'd . ht . . I --- in the industrial Midlands dis. I rnumty usmess so lCl atlOn. Want Reports Made e. OJ 0 r I~e un s nee eu . d t I' d 1'1 ay mg m questlOn, ap- 'd f M H' Id: --- . I . t on truet'on mng an s, concerne : t I 300 t 400 The reSl ence 0 rs aro , Farms Patrolman Earl Field tnct of l':untaton ~anaged. to , ------; ;\1rs. Millert Thompson, chair-' I s c.s '. . with all the company's forward prox'':la ~hY h 11 0 persons R. Miller at 793 Notre Dame i pursued a 22-year-old Park mo squeak pa<;t th(" (onSf'I'Vatlve i EI . H 11 ~man of the League's cClmmittee I Durmg the serond year of Its product programs. were 111 d e 2t ' most fof them was broken into and robbed: torist at more than 90 miles a~ 0PPofll'nt but labor's ~ajority : ectlons e ( stl'dying Grosse Pointes school I' Stll?):, the League bee.n. ~x. Is Val!" Graduate were . ye;rs o. age. some time between 5 p.m. on: hour on Wednesday January 13 was cut short almost In half. 'B PTA (' .1 needs, explains that the League ammmg the speclfl(~ .faclhbes After graduating from Yale C t ~~ers In .~e:ses , January 20 and 3:10 a.m., Janu. i and arrested him ~vhen he tried The Labor party now only COD-~ Y --,ouncI hopes the. representative~ who I that would be need~d In a new University, he worked in various ~p '. osser sa'1 at an m- ary 21. . ;to elude capture by hiding be- troIs the 1I0use .of Commons oy , take part m tht' tours WIll re- school, how much Its construc- departments of the Ford Motor vestIgatlOn was also. cond~cted Accordmg to City police the i hind a garage. thrce seats. It IS also f!oubtbl At Monday night's meeting of port to their organizations on lion would c<>st,and what type Company before assuming his on charges that pohee officers thief or thieves gained I'ntrance F' ld 'd tl t I . t I i l ro \\ hf'ther the Liberal party \':ill thl' (:ro<;se Point~- PTA CouncP 'the conditions they ubserve. lof financing would be most de- present duties Since 1961 he I were on the premis()s while to the house by breaking the . g Ie Lsak Sla 1e \\as pa h - l d t' t '.. t t th' I L " , ' • bl Th 'tt k' d ' 'teenagers were drink" g b 1 In on a e lore roa , W en con mue 0 gl\e :suppor 0 e hPid at the Central Library, ncw' PrinC'ipal .Jerry Gerich and slra e. e comml, ee ~a .m~ has been president of the Edi- H'd . ~n ~er. glass in the back door. he observed Robert C. Howard Labontes. , officers were elected to two-Yl'ar Board of Education president the study reported ltS fmdmgs son Institute which operates . .e sal that thlS rnveshga-I The bureau drawers in the of 935 B k h' . th • • ..' -' to the League's membership at ' hon showed that two off-

made to any point between 4:30 give their approval for the i T..he pursui~g policeman ~aid a.m. and 8 p.m. ,,'111 cost no CiViCII" -' Center~' Det,elopmellt , Hardware Store Dutch Elm BlightII! Control tha. Howard 19nored the crUIser ' "(J' 'f' I ! funds necessary to buIld the ! siren and flasher. Field radioed more th an I (cnh UJ t nee I. - . . -- .. -_. d h' h I ------~-- I ~. . minutes. ;\Ildugan Bel! \\ ill ao-I At Its rrgular meetlOg held meeting, and informed the secon Igh sc 00. Imojean Whitney, 33, of 19380 The Farm:, will only dormant Also holding down the loss,; the. Clty poll.ce for help. and sorb $2.2 million of the reduc- on ~Ionda~. Janu3ry 25, th~ ;:ouncil that a majority of the In other activities, Lea g u e Teppert, Detroit, nearly smash. spray its elms during 1965. it Bremer pointed out, is the ef- 'thelr cars walted on Jefferson. t ion and General Telephone I Park council authorized City residents of the s!.\bdivision members and their husbands ed, through a hardware store on was disclosed at a regular coun~ fective sanitary program that i However, F~eld said, Howard $337.000. ' Manager Robert Slone to pre- were in favor of the proposed . . FrIday, January 22, when she cil meeting on Monday, Jan- is carried out by the Farms. turned onto Newberry place to • • • I pare plans and specifICations de .elopment, ;ll1d had approved and guests wlIl at!end a dmner lost control of her automobile.. uary 18. Where State law requires that ~Sunset lane. turned on Sunset Saturday, January 23 ' and t3K(' bids for the develop- plans for the project on a pre- at the Grosse. Pomte War Me-i According to a Woods ,1CCI- City Manager Andrew Brem- diseased elms be cut down and 1 lane and drove into the drive~ Ir-; THE EARLY HOURS of I ment of two lots in the pro. vious occasion, morial Center on Tuesday, Feb. I dent report, Mrs. Whitney was er, Jr .• told councilmen that a removed within 10 days and' way of number 36, where he this morning President Johnson posed civic ce.nter in Jeff~r.son Last summer. the Park pur. ruary 9, at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Shel-,' driving south on Mack avenue, study was made of 11 one-spr:ty, ~estroyed, the Farm .. removes attemp~ed to hide his car near was taken to Bethesda Naval avenue, OPposIte the MUflIc1pal ch".sed a lot near the Profes- d A I t n profe so f _ when she somehow \ost control versus a two~spray program, lts diseased trees withm three the brlCk wall. at the entrance Hospital to be treated for a cold Building. 15115 E. Jefferson. I sional Building in Jefferson .o.n pp.e 0 , s r 0 ~ 10f her vehicle. The car struck and in his opinion, the one days, and sometimes, less. to a garage. FIeld placed How- and respiratory infection. Doc- The lots. known as Lots 481 I avenue, owned by John Gillis htlc~l sCle~l~e at oakia~d Um- another that w~ parked on dormant spray is both efficient I The (oity manager presented ard under. arrest and took him tors were quick to flOint out th:lt ,and 482. between Pemberton of 74 Vernier road, for mer verslty, WIll speak on world! Mack, near Amta, owned by and economical. members of the council a Dutch. to t?e statl.on. there. w~s no c

accompanied to the hospital by by Loui£ G. ~edstone. arch~- II the civic center, one for its m ~a .a lons an as - es 120779 Mack, breaki~g. the door partmen~ .of Agriculture, any with the disease and hed to be: or five shells of beer at a Mack his daughter Luci. Mrs. John. i terts. They will cost an -est!- complete development, fro m relatIonshlps. glass. She, was not m)ur:ed. commumty that holds its elm removed and destroy •.d, and avenue bar. . .

~on and daughter. Lynda, WNe mateo S:;O.OOO to develop. . ! o~e .end to _.the other. for con- Pre-paid reservations must be I • Mrs: Wh~tney was giVen. a loss to ~e pe~cent, or less, 8!l- eight t:-ees w.ere foune! to be' . The motorIst was glv~n. a at Camp David and were not, Orville Sherwoot1. execu~lve i ~m,Ulty. ana, th~ ~ther on a made no later than Friday, Feb- ! vlOlatlon tIcket for n'Jt haVIng nuall~. lS dCID? an effective infe<:ted on Clty property. and, tJc~et ,for r e c k Ie s s ~nvlDg notIfied I)f his illness until 7 a.m. secretary of the Grosse Pomte I 'plece meal' basIS. m the event I 5 Se d h ks ($3 25 i her car under control and. caus- job m controllmg the Dutch these, too, were remO\'ed and i (drInkIng) a~d aUemptmg to • • • ,Property Owners' Association. that three other lots located in ruary, n c ec ,per Iing a property damage aCCIdent. Elm Beetle. The Farms' loss destroyed, loutrun a polIce car. His court DEMONSTRATIONS against I' with which the subdivision is I the center cannot be obtained, person) to Mrs. Ted Beebe, 526 She is scheduled for a court is within this category, the city DeFoe disdosed that in con- d ate was s c h e d u led for (Continued on Page 19) affiliated, was .present at the I (Continued on Page 3) INotre Dame, hearing on February 20. manager added. (CGntinued on Pag~ 4) I Wednesday, January 2:1, ~--_..-_------.._...... -_...._---..-.._.._------.:, I

Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 28, 1965 Thu Two Juveniles Confess to Car Thefts Catch Safecrackers in Act Ir------~~'S I (Continued from Page 1) Iabandoning it in f..ont of 553 a 1964 Oldsmobile from the (Continued from Page 1) their rights, that they did not I q I the juveniles confessed to steal- Middlesex, "'here it was re- d r i v e way of 523 Lakepointe, Newton, were quietly admitted have to say anything, that they p'e BOYS' SHOP ing an automobile from the cover!:d by Park police the next later abandoning it; on January into the theater by the watch- did not have to make statements I I d . 23, they stole a 1965 Dodge from man. As the officers entered without the advice of their law- .• nveway of a home in Center. day. the driveway of 536 Middlesex, the foyer, Setchell saw Murphy yers, and whatever they might I l~ne on Ja~~_a~r~~21, and _b~er .. O~.~~~~~~-=-~,_~the_~o!~ stole I and left it at Fairfax and Essex. peeking out from the door of say would be used agains~ them I I CALL OR SEE US FOR - --- Each Wanted One the manager's office. All four in court. All three men said I On January 23, they stOle the officers drew their service reo they wanted to make state. I IM'lsta"g from the side drive of volvers. ments, a.jmitting their part in I 'IV'~rrERSJ.\tE I 1675 Balfour, and were seen by No Resistance Offered the alleged crime. II IFrench and Moore. The boys M d All Signed Statements I I told the officers that they were auro was stan ing four feet I SUITS- . looking for a similar type car, inside the office. He and his They were again advised of I CRUISE so that both can each have o~e. companion were ordered to their rights when brought t\'. I Selected group> all from regular stock. Sizes 8 to 20. Formerly 29.95 to I corne out with their hands in fore Assistant Wayne County 42.50. Both boys confessed that they. the air. The two men surren. Prosecutor Dale Devlin, but I I had t-roken into numerous ga- dered without incident and they still said they wanted to NOW Va OFF (Alterations at cost). . rages in the Park, and numer. d I I lous Ce compiled I I I which they left the premises. Regl Two other on-duty officers, In the meantime, Woods Pa- with that of the one committed I SPEC'AL GROUP OF STUDENT SUITS- WASHINGTON Bi.VD. I In The BOOK TOWER s!lid to have arrived at the hall trolmen Leroy Tobian and Wil- in the Woods. I Sizes 36 to 42. Regular - long - short. Formerly to 79.50. in a scout car and entered the Ham Duster, also sent to the Under the law, damaging a I building, wer~ only conducting Woods Th~ate~ area, noticed a safe ~n th~ commission (Jf a I NOW $49.00 (No charge for normal alterations). I an inspection, the captain said. i bI.ack Pontiac 10 the theater lot, felo~y, ~arfl~s a sente~ce of up I N01.t, lIt ]JrogrCJs.' The patrolmen or. observing WIth a lone occupant. The off 1- to hfp. unprlsonment, If a per- I that a majority ~f the persons I cers appr~ached and de~anded son is found guilty, it was said. I I 27th ANNUAL JANUARY in the hall were teenagers, warn- the. man s operators lIcense, I ------I ed the bartender and others in whIch was produced. . WE WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, FEB. 2nd I charge against serving alcoholic When the man, Spma, was PT A. Council I NOTE: FOR INVENTORY beverages to anyone under 21 asked what ~e was doing in the I SALE years of age. This was earlier ayea, he clau.ned. he h~d had a (Continued from Page 1) I I I in the evening, it was said. f!ght With .hIS gIr.l frIend an.d In his remarks to Arthur G. I Presenting After looking the place over : s~e had gIven hl~. bac~ hIS Sherman, Jr., outgoing presi- I and making sur e ti,at there I rmg, and he was slttmg In the dent, Mr. Seyf£ert expressed the I Open Thursday Selected Groups of I 520 1 were no violations and every. I car, ~~one. group's appreciation for his un. I SUITS - OUTERCOATS ! thing was in order, the police- TO:Han and Duster heard the tiring efforts in behalf of the Nights Until I North, SPORT JACKETS - SLACKS I men left, Capt. Glosser said. radio broadcast regarding the organization and indicated that I ------car and occupant, and radioed he looks forward to a continued I SH I RTS - TI ES - ROBES 9 p.m. I .k D b back that they had t':\e car, and association. I SINCE 1900 I HATS - SHOES - HC, Kl d on leer Y also had the man in custody. In addition to Mr. ~herman, I I at 11eld B'S. t Spi~a was taken to the Woods officials for the past two years y COU S statIOn. were: Walter Seyfiert, vice- I I The arrested trio were ques- president; Charles Parcells, Jr., I 17140 KERCHEVAL AVE. in the Village Impressive More than 1,000 Boy Scouts tioned by Woods Det. Sgt. Jack treasurer; and Mrs. G. Gordon . of the Lakeshilre :Qistrict hit the Mast and Det. Albert Abend. I Cook, secretary. .. - - - _. ------• - • trail in their annual Klondike The three men said they wanted. ------__ Savings Derby January 24 in Chand1~r to confess to what they did. F Park, enduring weather condi-, The detectives said that be- tions that make tales of the old fore they accepted any state- Be ossured thf!' some coreful Klondike seem tame. ments from Mauro, Murphy and fitting and attention to detail "Be Prepared" is the SCOUts Spina, they advised them of; ~~ ot ony other time of year. motto . . . and these husky ------I Scouts were milre than ready Free Parking Just West of Building-Let Us Stamp Your Ticket to earn proficiency badges in Columbus'Dav the wintry setting. Leader N amelI

Sal Lauricella of 301 Kerby road, has been elected chairman 'Six-window Town Sedan-Newport & New Yorker series of the 3965 Columbus Day, spon- sored by more than 300,000 citizens of Italian origin in this area. The special day not only com. memorates Columbus Day but recognizes the contributions of 4.Doof Sed.n-Hewport series all Italians to the growth and ,strength of America. Last 7ear approximately 2,000 guests at- tended the banquet, making it the largest in the history of the Italian-American cummunity. A native of Connecticut, Mr. Lauricella is a 1957 graduate 4-000<" Hardtop-N_port. 300 and New Yorker serie5 of Wayne State University and • . served last year as publicity I--- chairman of the Columbus Day I committee. "Secri I at. I fine LAMP I TROUBLE I I Bring it to us! 2.000( Hardtop-Newport. 300 6 3OO-L series I WE CAN • REPLACE I !'ARTS I • REWIRE Raise or lo",.r I th.t basC!o CHERRY~ Conyertible-.Newport. 300 & 300.L lienes I SHRIMP EVEHYTHIJ.VG I STEAMEC I I LB. FR YOlJ~LL BE NEW ENI I I LB. JUI I Y2 GAL lJSIN~ I QT. CC I and I I PT. CO for and I I FRESH FI< I 3 BROILE CBlJISIN~ I 1 LB. FR 1 PT. LOI I RED SNAI S. STEIN & CO. I I I. HAS THE SEASON'S LARGEST Oro'I' oae of the I~est priced Chl)'~$: n.e Newport Convertible I I BROILED Point~ N~w. I BROILED & SMARTEST CRUISE & RESORT Published every Thursday by We have seven hats to go with our beautiful new outfit. (ThrE Anteebo PabHsbej:s, Inc. I Your wife'll tell you. The right hat can m.'ke all the differ- "original," with its own look and its own body. SEAFOOD 99 Kercbavai Avenue WEAR FOR MEN ence. Same thing goes for automobiles. One thing more. There are now seven Chrysler models I ALASKA GrOise Pointe 36. Michigan That's why each basic Chrysler rr,odel has its own special actuaily priced just a few dollars a month more than the I LOBSTER Phon. TU 2-6900 roof. Makes for a better-looking, more distinctive car. most popular smaller cars. Move up to Chrysler. This year FRESH FF Three Trunk Unes I SCALLOP~ We promise you this. You won't see low-priced cars that your ~hrysl~r dealer can ~OIIMGI 0CHRYSLER Secoad Cial. Po.tale patd at De- FRESH SF troIt, MlclIJlaD. rook like Chrysler. When you buy a Chrysler. you get an make Iieasier than ever. ~~ I Tune in Bob hop. and Tho ChI)'5W Tn..u .. NSC-r.:, Frid.ys. I FRESH BR s.STEIN &CO, . :iUbICrlpt!OD Rate. $5.00 Per Year FRESH Bf by MaU (•. 00 ouulde Wayne ClIunty). All New. and Adverti.lng I FRESH SF 17012 KERCHEVAL Copy Must Be In The New. Office by Tuelday Noon to Insure Inser. I FRESH H, In The Village tlon. Acldru. all MaU (SUbaerlptiOD', GROSSE POINTE CHRYSLER, IMPERIAL • 15000 Kercheval Ave. I Chan,e of Addre.. Forms 3579) to III Kercheval Avenue, GJ'O'. Pointe I Flinn., Mtchlran 4I2H. • .. ---- a - •• I-;'~

;,' , ~ .,

28, 1965 ~ursday. January 28, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three ... stopped all possibility of growth, .~.~ --- I .. IPark Pushes Teachers Voice Support yet expansion is desparately Prescriptions Filled needed, COllBtnlction of the new Winter Trap and Skeet I Ray-Ban Sun Glasses also Ground to Your school plus grade level re~r- I Civic Center For Second Hig1! School ganizatioll as planned will en- Shooting Equipment Prescription able the program to develop I. ,~ As the news vf the proposal dustrial arts, said on behalf of at the high school as well as in the present units." ~ • GLOVES I (Continued from Page 1) to construct a second senior his teachers, "A second high At present, full development high school became known at. school in Grosse Pointe will Reading specialist and veter- • COATS I :, OPTICIANS of the civic center is stymied Gr06se Pointe High School this provide the additional space in an English teacher. Andrew ION by owners of the three lots, past week, comments from staff each school necesary for im- Balas, commented upon the I c ~~. \ reading area planned for the • INSULATED 20183 MACK AVENUE ,two owned by the McBrearty members we r e unanimously proving the offerings In indus- ,-J' ..... u propo~ed high schuol. BOOTS r ""1\ • 'I Family, and one, by the Bran"- favorable. triaI arts by giving students an I ,,' :. Between Oxford Rd. and Norwood , "The layout consIsts of three ,dau Family, both of Detroit, Among the first to react were ,i~sight into our industrial so- Open 9 to 6 I :~~: TUxedo 4-5770 I who are seeking to break the teachers and administrators in clety through J,aboratory-elass- sections. Our experienc€s, and ' ~~ r95 to I .------111 residential zoning restrictions English, science, industrial arts, room experiences. Thro';lgh this th06e of others in the field, ':: •. ~ ----- . ~, on their properties and have reading, and special education, program, the role of mdustry have shown us that if' additic'l Tues. and Fri. till 8 p.m. .~;:;~ I ~~>., , them zoned for commercial use.! Speakincr on behalf of the de- and technology is unfolded as to the normal-size classroom, 'St i. ... : ., I '" D 8t students study the mstory and we need much storage Sp;.1ce, as I .,,",, : J he McBrcartys own two lots partments they head, r. an- development f . d ~' I well as a practice area or lab- , b L k . I Cook Georg Holman and 0 m us la 01'- B. McDANIEL GUN SHOP 151:l :.~;:yal .~;.: : etw~en a epomte and Bea~ ey. " e. '. ganizations, materials roducts oratory. I ~'ff;~' ;;;.;:' consfleld, and the Brandaus LewI~ Gra) '. of EnglIsh, sc~ence processes, and reWed' ~Oblems (Continued on Page 4) ~~-k- own a lot at Pemberton and and mdustrial arts, respectlvely. Th . : ~ t' ------._------~------_._-_. ---~._------I :ii1; "tr.z Jefferson. I comment~d upon the news in d e:e e},..penence~ e: p s u- i.9S to I I terms of increased educationai en s develop baSIC skills and ':.~ The McBreartys filed a suit opportunity for the youth of know~edge common to many oc- if.:.' I in Circuit Court when the Park the cummunity. I c,!,p.atlOns and professions pro- I.,t I. I efused to issue them a permit D C k .d "~ hift f I vldmg means for the applica- s. STEIN & CO. I to build a gas station on their r. 00 sal . s .0 tion of theoretical principles of OF WHALING S SEMI.ANNUAl PRE.INVENTORY property. The court \':as asked SOhme 1studdentts to anotdhel~ :Ig~ science, mathematics, and other I h to declare the residential one- sc 00 an e rem 0 e mh'" lOd related subjects, I . ,~ '1 .. . our current stnlC uret s ou I STOCK REDUCTION far~lI y restrlctlons. as unconstl- benefit English instnlction at I "This program will encom- group. I : 0> ! tut!onal on the claim ~hat th~rc Gro.;;se Pointe High School in pass a study of many areas to ~re already coo:merclal bUlld- at least three wavs. (1) Added include the broad aspects of I SALE mgs on both Sides of Jeffer- space will permit the more ef- construction, transportation, SOil ' t' . ~)n ~I.,} I , . . ficient use of l.:rge groups for commumca'lOn, manufacturmg, Last March 7, the. court de- lectures, movies and certain and research development while I . nied the family's mo~ion, and other types of instruction. (2) "rodents. become actively in- , the I\1cBreartys appealed to the I Curiously enough, more space volved III the. process~s and HE I : Slate Supreme Court. The r.Jat- should also permit more stu- products associated WIth our I , ter is still pending, dent-teacht:r conferences and industrial society." The Park made an attempt .more .small-g:-oup projects, b?th Another in the sys.tem with I : to buy the lots. but both fami- of \V~IC~.are nee:ded to prOVIde an immediate reaction was Dr. I i lies refused to sell unless they for IndIVidual dlff~rences. (3) I Paul E. Mawhinney, Director of I 500/0 i were paid co,nmercial. rather ~rhe knowledge of mnth graders PuP}1 Personnel. Of plans to in- :T5 i than r£'sidential pl'operty prices. I IS probably el06c" to .th~t of elude a specIal education facil- I i • the tenth grade than It l~ to ity in the proposed building, Genuine Reductions •• Buy Now DndSove! OFF I. rhe Park has sought to ac- that of grades seven and elj;ht. he stated I 01 i quire all of the land for itS I Evpn if. it were not. there are " . )st ). ! proposed civic c e n tel' since advant..ages in having a four. \ ~ progra~ for the educa~le 0,.. Sel~rted I 11951. year sequence under one roof re~rded of high school age Will GrOll r'" From WIRTHROPS FLORSHEIMS , I 1"53 tl ,'t . t't t d in preparing for English com- be mtroduced at the new school I I n :-I,. , le CI Y InS I U e . 11 "thereb xt nd'ng tho I Re~{ll!

9 ~~fi.~~~h:n:l::~::i.:~rc:;t ::e; i $ to $1500 I of the fragmentation effect.~ of: 8 !es the four years of high sch001.1 ,!,he maturity ~.nd seriousness of , "• I purpose of the older students: "We Excell in Fitted Quality" ,will be t ran s 111 it t e d to the! []Jeter []Ja 11•• !Jnc. I. younger student5. i "7. The possible development: CHILDREN'S - WOMEN'S 17015 Kercheval of a strong technical curriculum I Grosse Pointe Village for terminal students. , "8. The fostering of summer' TU 5-9236 I enrichment SU1-:lme~program.?' Lewis Gray, chamnan of Jl1------~ -- - ._ ..... _---~--~---_ ..------.CLIP AND SAVE - uReaC::y to Serve Dinner Ideas" _ •• •---~------Ii I I I t'Sellfood Carry Out and 1 1 a' i,s Home Delivery I linest" Only 1 I I I 18310 MA(K at McKINLEY - PHONE TU 5-4453 - TU 5-4190 I I .1 I Presenting Our New Menu for Carry-Out or Home Delivery I I FRESH PERCH I=RIED . 1.25 I SEAFOOD MENU FRESH PERCH SAUTE ... . 1.95 I, I Seafood Shipped In Freslt Dai'y JUMBO FRIED SHRIMP (Seven Shrimp) .1.95 I A LA CARTE I FRIED OYSTERS (In Season) 2.50 I CHERRYSTONES ON HALF SHELL i6-~':>auce & Lemon) 1 00 SHRIMP, RED SNAPPER, TROUT, PICKEREL, WHITEFISH I. I SHRIMP COCKTAIL w,th Cockto,: Sauce 60 large .90 Available in Family Size Dinners, Serves Four ..7.50 I: STEAMED CLAMS (Soft Shelll, i 2 Gal, Drown Butter 2.00 FAMILY PERCH-Serves Four .4.50 ,

1 1 LB FRIED SCALLOPS IToctarl 2.25 I:I • NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER .30 MEAT MENU Ii 1 LB. JUMBO FRENU~ FRIED SHRIMP and Cocktail ",auce 3.50 BROILED TENDERLOIN STEAK SANDWICH on Sesame I, I ~/2 GAL. FR.::NCH FRiED S: IRIMP a,.,d Cocktail Sauce 5.95 Sun (Slow and French Fries) 1 .50 I 1 QT. COOKED. r;:FLED AND DE-VEI~~ED SHRIMP BROiLED DEL MONICO STEAK (Slow, Roll, French Fries) 25 I and 8-oz. Cocktoli SaucE' :Approx. 45 Shrimp) 3.95 BREADED VEAL CUTLET (Slaw, roll, French Fries) ...... 1.50 I PT. COOKED. PEELED AND DE-VEINED SHRIMP BROILED BEEFBURGER an Sesame Bun . .50 I I and Souce (Apprax. 23-25 Shnmp) .2.00 French Fries and 51;)w .. . .75 I FRESH FROG LEGS--2 DOZ-~RIED (Tortor~ 3.50 CHEESEBURGER .60 I I :;BROILED lOBSTER TAILS (Dra ....n Butter) 2.95 Slow and Fries ...... 85 I 1 LB. FRIED PERCH (Tortorl 225 Quart 1.25 I 5PAGHETTI (Meat Sauce) I 1 PT. lOBSTeR A LA ~JEWBURG .. 2.95 Pint .65 I: 1 RED ~NAPPER. PICKERE!.... WHITEFISH, TROUT (Tartar) 1.75 CHICKEN (~/2) BROilED-Slow, Roll, Potato 2.10 I I CHICKEN (]/2) HOME ST~!..E FRIED-Slow, Rell, 1.45 I DINNERS French ~ries I Dinners Include CHICKEN (C~',ild's Order-Three Pieces) I French Fries or Baked Potato, Sla ...., Roll, Slow, Roll, French Fries . 1.00 I. Lemon, Tartar or C~cktail Sauce HOT KOSHER CORNED BEF on Onion Roll or Kye I;, WI~!-l .85 I BROILED MAINE LOBSTER (Three Haivesl Drown Butter . 3.95 Kosher Ddl 1.25 I BR81LED SOUTH AFRICAN i...OBSTER TAIL with Slow ana Fries Ii 8-oz. Slice Co' ned Beef ... 1.50 1 (Three Tads' Drawn Butter 3.35 1 y. SEAFOOD PLATE (Pc,cn, Scollcps, Shrimp) 1.50 I rysler models I ALASKA KIN':; CRAB {Hot' Drown Butter 2.25 PARTY MENU 10re tilan the I lOBSTER A LA NEW8UR':; ... 3.20 5 DOZ. FRIED FROG LEGS and Tartar ...... 7.95 1 .Ier. This year FRESH FROG LEGS-l DOl ---:FRIED 2.90 Y2 GAL. COOKED PEELED AND DE-VEINED SHRIMP II I SCALLOPS FRIED lCape Cod! 1.95 (Approx. ?O Shrimp and Sauce) .. . 7.50 CHRYSLER LOBSTER A U NEWBURG (1 Quart) . 5.50 Ii MOTOIl8 CORPOIlA_ I FRESH BROILED RED SNAPPER ...... 2.60 12 BROllEO L0BSTER TAilS (Drawn Butter) , 10.00 ~.TV, Friday&. FRESH BROILED TROUT 2.50 I I 24 CHERRYSTOI\I~S ON HALF SHELL (Souce and lemon) 3.75 FRESH BP:>ILED PiCKEREL 2,50 I I FRESH BROILED WHITEFISH ...... 2.50 1 BROILED MAINE ~OBSTER (Drawn Butter) each 2.95 20 PIECES FRIED CHICKEN (no Barks or Necks-Serves 6) 5.95 I FRESH HADDOCK FRIED ...... 1,50 II Ave. 1 Open Monday through Saturday, 4 p.m. f'o 10 p.m. 4" I I Sunday, 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. :! I II • ------~------• I ______• .. .. ~ .... s ...... - ~------""$--.

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 28. 1965 Thu I Elm Blight FOl-d to Talk on Football i 7jIASU~iif-~;J-iSrAWDlIf !!!I1fO.,t; I . . ~ . I -- (Continued from Page 1) On the follwing Tuesday. Feb. three L ion s players, whose Amazing New Amphr. (Continued from Page 1) M' h' H t A . t' H ; . .' I IC. Igan ear SSOClaIOn. e ruary 9, Harry Gilmer. newly names will be announced next : J~nctl~n with tile compI~te is also a director of the United appointed coach of the Detroit week. ; city-wide su~veys made tWice Foundation and has been na. Lions, will speak a~ the final The Rev. Andrew Rauth. Advances a year, the city .also checks .all tional campaign chairman of program of. the thIrd. annu~l I minister of the Woods Presby. Hearing Aids : reques~ by reslden~. wantmg the United Cerebral Palsy As- Lecture SerIes. Mr. GIlmer IS terian Church will deliver the ,inspectIOns of SUSPICIOU look- sociation for five years expected to be accompanied by invocation bef~re the final lee. : in;{ elm. Mr. Ford, who ma'kes his ture on February 9. 10 Years Into Future I In all cases wh:re there is I home in. Lakeshore road, com. Stephen C. Thacker I Geo.rge Ro McMullen, chair- i ('\"idl:"nce of the blight, a 581i1- pleted hIS purchase of the De- .. I man and creator of the series, Free Life-Size Replica on Request : pIe is taken and sent to Lan- troit Lions in January, 1964. Takes Navy Tralnulg points out that the programs Chicago, Ill.-Zenith Hearing Aid announces first use of 'sing for analysis. The tot a'l The invocation preceeding the I are not only of tremendous in. Micro-Lithic Circuit, solid state integrated, amplifier in 'number of samples submitted Tuesday night program will be Seaman. Reeruit Stephen tcre~t to the adults in the com. a hearing aid. It doe') the work of 22 cm"lponents, plus to the Department of Agricul- given by the Rev. Fr. George c.1 Tha~ker. 17. USN, son of Mr. mumty but to the young people gives more power and greated performance, This new am- ture during 1964, was 53. in- J. Scharuder, assistant pastor and Mrs. Mmon B. Thacker of as well. plifier, smaller than a 'natch head, is sealed against dust and l'1udinj:( samples from the 48 of Our Lady Star of the Sea 1407 Somerset road, completed Single lecture tickets, if avail- moisture providing 500% greater dependability, elms that hact to be destroyed, I Catholic Church. two weeks of active duty trrin_ able, cost $1 and may be pur. The East Sid. H.aring Aid Center h8s been authorized to the engineer stcted. Reception Follows ing J a n u a r y 2, at the N:val chased at the War Memorial show and demonstratl:" this new hearing aid in this area. WEST SIDE LO 1.~9S0 In o;'der to help control the' his address. Mr. . Ford Will answer questl'ons Training Center Great Lakes Center. WRIT!E-PHONE-OR STOP IN FOR FREE LlFE.SIZE REPLICA EAST SIDE DR 1-8480 spread of the dlseaE,e, DeFoe . . III ' • Radio station WWJ is broad. , 'd I t t d d 1m from the audIence and meet pa- 17907 E. WARREN TU 1-3600 ~uring the two weeks he casti~g the ,lectures at 8:30 p ..m. ,sal. as year wo ea e s trans at a"fco: ee recep t'IOn to - ~_. __._--_.--- were con demned an d or dere d be h ld on th b 11 f h studie- each onl" A tape of the entire removed from city property. audi: ° 1 e a room 0 t e m anD foul' from private property. orm. toms and .etlquette, seama~lp series will also be available at As an added precautionary ------~--~-- and a basJ~ knowledge orf shIp- the Grosse Pointe Public Libra- board routme. ry. . ' EVERYTHING me:1SUI'e. a number of elm S("ho 1S t Also included in the training woodpile's were disposed of, he' .' 0 See The New H7ave NAUTICAL uppor was extensive military drill. first' ren'aled. ' r------.. (C6ntinued from Page 3) aid, swimming, water survival BUT NICE DeFoe listed the number of; "Because th~ reading instruc- tactics and physical fitness. ,infected elms that llad to be ~tor deals with tud 1:s CARPETS and ! removed during the past 10: . s en at so Lf)e J(re Celebrating . years: : many different levels, he must RUGS BOUND (East In 1954, private~16, city-3; ma~ntain e~orm.ous .files of GENERAL TAX AND CLEARANCE SALE ON . 1955. private-52. city-9; 1956, vaned materials meludmg book. per (9ur 25th ~'1niversary I private-48. city-14; 1957. pri- lets and tests, ~omplete sets of BUSINESS SERVICE c SKI JACKETS vate-41, (:ity-13; 1958, pri- books, a~d eqUlpment such as 45 yard 8eca"se . • . vate-26. city-3; 1959. private th~ tachlstocope and the scan- Established 1936 Whi'e They Last! . -26. city-3: 1960. private- ner .. T~erefor~, adequate stor- Large New Nobody Undersells . Carpet Selections 27. city-l0; 1961. private-21, ag~ IS ImperatJv~. . • Income Taxes ; cit~'-6; 1962. private-40: city In the practlce ~rea adJa- • Individual and Come in and Browse With Us WOODY PONTIAC -6; and 1963, private-20, C~I~t t~ t~~ classroom. we en. Business Returns McCOY & SONS ! "ity-5. ' VISion mdlvldual carreis, where And Don't Ever lorget It! , ... . . students can work independent- • Acc:o~ntinl It was pomted out In a news Iv. CARPET COMPANY Co See For Yourself • Bookkeeping OPEN MON. AND FRI. : Jrticl~ submitted to the F~rm.s . "Since the demands of the UNTIL 8:30 P.M, the ship's Wheel, inc. TW 1-1600 ; council by B.r~mer, that MIC~I- reading specialist are somewhat 14... 1 Kerch,val Ave. at Alter Rd. 14301 E. WARREN 19605 Mack Ave. 12140 JOSiPH CAMPAU : CommUnities spend. $6 mll- different from those of the VA 2-7812 lion dollars a. year to fight the! normal classroom teacher it i6 Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. Eves . TU 2-1340 Robert G, Rein VA 2.4100 Half-Mile South of Daviso" . threat to their stately elms. imperative that his work area Corner Lakewood At :\

SEM'-E E' Por~ l~I . ' STUFFED VILL GE • ET Plus •

"~.J combine to bring you SUNKIST l Oran LARGE 72 the very hest BAKED GOODS • In the GROSSE POINTE a.rea •.••

Delicious baked goods .•. fre~h from the ovens at the Village Manor's famous bake shop ... d~livered daily to Grosse Pointe's famous Farms Market. Planning to dine out? Be sure to visit the Village Manor. Shopping for your family's food needs? You'll find none finer than the domestic and imported foods that fill the shelves at Farms Market! r.'.

~~:" • FARMS MARKET • • VILLAGE MANOR • 355 Fisher Road 685 St. Clair TU 2..5100 TU 2-1110 :~.'.' . :.,' . delivery service res,.ervations and plans taken J for small or large parties to your door ;. 2fl :'. ,. Jj k;:~; L1 ~.i~~;j~IWII}Ui:~;:;\, , ~1.::==:;;::;1...... ;::=:;,;=,. ;=;:; ,=;, :;=:;==:;:=1,=,:;'=;::1=;;:=:! ::::;:;:;jl=!j :j;;;;iiii;;;;: :,=1;l!;;;:im;=ia;:;:::I:II;;;;j,)j;;:;;!I! ;;;:;;m=IIIl;;;;III1;;;;I!lI:;;:;!li!;MlIIjl'mlln;;;;:III1;mIll""iilliiiill!I:;;j,ill:mi@ij;;:IIIIij;;:III!;;;;lIIimTlllmTlIiliiiinrn;;;;III;;;;lIlliiiiilll!;;;lIIj;;;[lIi;;;;:III1;mill;;;;liil;;;;lili;:;;;il!!;;;;!III;;;;;ml;;;;:lIl1;;;;:mU;;;;:~!;;;;IIII;;;;m;MIIII=IIlI;;;;IIiI=i1il;r;r;;@;;;;;i1l1;;;;II!I;;;;IJI!;cni;;;;Il!!I1IDUUlllnullliGmlmn@uuMi!lIIII11UIIlI!11mU.lllmlllllllllllilllllli@~IlJUlllllla!llilllllllll!llIiIIllIllI!IDlllIllIlIIlIIllllllnjlllllllllll!lIImllll1II!!lIIIi!!ITlnnllllllmnIlITlliiMilltmmnnmttlill:nnmmmli!!!Imllllillillltnnnllnlllillllllll' )['!Ij!l!il iId/!IlIi!iiilll!ltll'l:llmlllllllllllllllll!llIiIl:!lIIlll11l1l11lllltuUIlIIIi'IliI' , ". f Thursday, .Jar,uary 28, 19b5 ry 28, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five

A PUBLIC MEETING Chamber Music Players plifier Giving Concert.of! Sztnday Sponsored by The next program of the Sonata S[;~ioso by Robert Gaul- Aids The Grosse Pointe Democratic Club Chamber Music P I aye r s of din, played by Margot Krumel, Grosse Pointe will be held on viola, and Camella Ehrlich, Sunday, January 31, at 3 o'clock piano. Gauldin, who is assist- ture in the Ballroom of the Grosse ant professor of theory and c()m- Pointe War Memorial. position at the University of Request MEDI.CAL CARE The month of February has Rochester's Eastman School of teen designated as "American Music. is the winner of the 1964 (''' flr,t u:;e of Music :\lonth" by the National Music Mountain contest, held at :i. ,Ul"'iP1lflf'f in Federation of Music Clubs; and Falls Village, Conn., for Ameri- ,~p.,JTH'llt5- r~1}, FOR THE AGED at this meeting of the Cha~- can :.>tring quartet composers. , 1'1" np\\" am. a::,';',' d:l,t and "Merits .:>f King-Anderson vs. the New ber Music Players, (which is A group of American songs actually the meeting for the will be sung hy Jean Ground, abllll~ American MediC31 Association Plan" month o~ Febr~ary), several soprano, accompanied on the " IIt:t horizpo to w?rks by AmerIcan composers piano by Marion Walker: "My :'_' l;1 : h:.- (lira. .SIZE REPLICA discussed by: DR. RALPH R COOPER WIll be featured. I Days Have Been So Wondrous The first selection will be the Free" by Hopkinson; "Do Not TU 1-3600 and: DR. CALDWELL B. ESSELSTYN ------~------Go, My. Love" by Hageman; "Come Unto These Yellow WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 8:00 P.M. F. J. Skiffington Sands" by LaForge; "Black is the. Color of My True Love's IRetires in Park Hair" by Shaw; and "0 Lovely World" by Ernest Charles. The Enginec:' Francis J. Ski2fing- Hopkinson composition is the Grosse Pointe High School ton, 65; formerly of 946 Notting. first ever published in America AN N EX Auditorium ham, and now of Anchorville, by an American. l\iich., retired from the Park Jean Ground, a Grosse Pointe {East of High School and West of Christ Church} Fire Department on Thursday, r:sident. is a native of :'iebraska DeCember 31, after more than and received her A,B, degree

I 35 years of service. from Nebraska Wesleyan, Con- 43 Grosse Pointe Blvd. I i A native of Detroit, he joined, tinuing her siudies at Eastman ... _------', the Park department on July School of :'dusk. She is a solo- ~- --~------~~~---~---- 4, 1929. He graduated from St. ist at the Central Woodward Charles High School in Detroit Christian Church. and is a mem- I and attended Assumption Col- ber of Tuesday Musicale and the 'lege in Windsor. Four Octave Club, and a former member of tht: Madrigal Club. He was made assistant engi- neer in 1930, and in 1936 was She has appeared in opera i made full engineer. During his productions in Lincoln, ~ebras- • : service as fireman, be invented l

!, movements in the fighting of Symphony, and appearing as soloist with the WomE:n's Sym- TU 2-1340 ; fires. Some of his ideas and in- phony. : ventions have been utilized by departments everywhere. Her accompanist, :'If a r ion ; Skiffington is married to the Walker, is assistant" organist at the Central Woodward Christian i former Genevieve deCaussin of Church and is also a member i Detroit, and is the father of two of Tuesday Musicale and the , sons, both married and living in F('ur Octave Club. , Texas. ! Ernestine Barnes, french horn, . A fa.rewell party !or the r~- and Helene Nordstrom, piano, I hred fIrem~n was gIVen by h~s will play the Horn Sonata by ! colleagues III the department on Bernhard Heiden. Heiden a ; December 31. Those invited be-I native Detroiter, is compose; in • THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS • : sides the regular members of residence at Indiana University . the department were City Man- This 1939 composition shows the agel' Robert Slone, Fire Chief influence of Hindemith, with BONEI.ESS, ROLLED ,William Graul and Fire Capt. whom the composer studied. : Henry DeClerc. The only non-American work "Francis Skiffington is a good on the prog:am is Trio-Minia- Rump Roast i man and an excellent fire- turen by Paul Juan, a Russian , fighter, and we all regret to see transplanted to ; it will 8C9 him leave the depattment, even be rlayed by ~llcille Z?charski, if it is because of ::-etirement," vlOll n; Lotte Wmkler, VIola, and lil Chief Graul said. "We are all Eleanor Lorentzen, piano. going to miss him in the fire The work was originally writ. -8E==JI house." i ten for violin. cello and piano; Following his comment on the ~eHo part was .transcribed

I Skiffington, Chief Graul an- fo~ VIOla by Mr~, Wmkler. The ~VE. nounced the promotion of two Tn?,. a rOTJ:antlc modern com. ,firemen to the newly created posl~lOn datmg fr0t?- about 1920, i ratings of corporals in the Fire conststs of. a senes o~ short D t t mOVf'ments III very different epar men. moods. Promoted to corporals were A coffee nour will follow the ~ndrew Bet;I0ot of 4185 .Beacons. A coffee hour will f II th fIeld, DetrOIt; and DaVId Taylor 0 ow e SEMI-BONELESS, STUFFED of 1229 Beaconsfield, who has I been fire inspector since May I, ALL Pork Loin Roast 1963. Both were high scorers in 45: written and oral examinations STUFFED WITH OUR OWN DELICIOUS BREAD ~RESSING for the new posts, the chief said. The chief disclosed that the SHOE - BOOTS EXTRA • BONELESS, ROLLED new corporals will conduct fire AND FANCY inspections, besides carrying on CALIFORNIA other duties in the department. Pork loin Roast Benoot has been with the Park I GALOSHES A Fire Department since October s n. 1942; and Taylor has been '~ , p 951:, with the departmpnt sin c e : Fehrl:ary 6, 1944. A R • OUR OWN ;Confederacy Daughters A 49( ,Schedule Luncheon Feb. 5 c LB. Pork Sausage i U LINKS OR BULK i The Stars and Bars Chapter', 'United Daughter!> of the Con- s TU 2-5720 , i federacy, is j:lanning a noon .. subscription luncheon at the , i Women's City Club Friday, ' .. 59,:. ..; .--~-"" : February 5. A :!l1eeting at 1 " I o'clock in Room A will follow SUNKIS! CALIFORNIA TRY OUR I the luncheon, C Boneless, Stuffed Oranges 69 Chicke:t Breasts .;\5 a rule true reflections LARGE 72 SZ. dl : ~ome f~om thinking, not looking I 16914 Ke1'cheval Ave. I mto mIrrors. ~i f j ---~----~~--~-~~------~~------, 1 . .. ,',,:.,:::'::,',:','.',: ~:~~.::::/ii~fC:}!?y ; ;',;,:':::.:. :.;:::::::::::::.:.:.,'. "'.''.'... . .:'-'":-::';"':::::;::':':::::::::?:::::.:~:;::-::::::: :::'::~~~ ~ j : 1 /!l'he @~ f!JJancak '~:""'''%''''1

. "r :.•., -' •

Breakfasts • Luncheons • Dinners Gourna@tEating ot reasonable prices


__ ••• ot ------.....--~------$ • •

Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 28, 1965 Thursday, J Southeastern Women Plan Evening Party

The Southeastern Women's I uary 28. The party will be held Club will hold ~ "Ways and 'I in the Hospital Room of the Means" evening party from 7 to .\lichigan Consolidated Gas Com- 18538 MACK AVE., LadWtS! 10:30 o'clock on Thursday. Jan. Ip~ny in Kercheval avenue. at Touraine HAVE YOUR I /J CHECKED BY W1~~~Funeral services~N~fo?:'Mr. ~Hun- neer~a~"~hi~l~e.Jfor Permalastic Pl.oducts .i:I.J THERE'IS A DlffEkfNU! ter. 51, of 1~75 Faircourt, were Company. He was a member of I remodel old je held Wednesday, January 2'7. He Kilwinning Lodge No. 297 F. finest, fotest $tvl died Saturday, January 23, in and A.M., Moslem Shrine and GREAT VALUE Henry Ford Hospital. the Detroit Consistory. FINE OlAMON IVORY BROTHERS An automotive design engi-l Funeral services were held WeAre WATCHES and neer, he was assistant head of! Wednesday. January 27. Burtalll GOLD JEWELR 3 interior sty?ng at Chrysler was in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Corp. Born In C.lldwell, Idaho, Survivors incl'.lde his wIfe. I MOVING CO. he was a memaer of the Engi- Martha' three brothers and a neeri~g Socie~y of Detroit, th~ sister, Mrs. Mabel Stor~. American SocIety of Body Engl- * * * JEWUER & 1"37 E. Warren neers and a ruling elder of MRS. DORA MOVIN,G w. 0'-0 appro'- Bethany Presbyterian Church. OSTERHELD WITTE inluranc:e He had lived in the Detroit area Mrs. Witte, 93, :!onnerly of f()r 2'1 years. 716 Trombley road, died Jan- Since S 1916 He is survived by his wife, uary 12 in the Alpha Manor Mabel F.; a son, Rodney; a Nursing Home. T daughter. Marcia; two sisters, Bot'll in Brooklyn, N. Y., she Storm Wi M:-s. Victor Gretzinger and Mrs. is survived by a daughter, Mrs. o LOCAL-LONG DISTA~4CE MOVING Carl Rankin, and a brother, J. Roy C. Ashfield of Trombley and D S.,eclol,llng in Commercial and Industrial Plants, Offices; Graham Hunter. road' a son Fred C Witte of R • Storms For Emplovee's House~old Furnishing Bur~al was in White Chapel Rockville C~nter, Li, N. Y,; Casement W ~emetery. Memorial contribu- a brother, Harvey Osterheld of I Agents of Allied Van Lines tlOn.C;may be !'lade to the Beth .. Brooklyn; four grandchildren • Porch Enclos a?y Presbytenan Church Memo- and 13 great-grandchildren. • Jalousies Serving The Grosse Pointes rIal Fund. . JE 6-1060 * * * Funeral servIces for Mrs. W FINAL • Screen Porc RITA BUSELMEIER Witte wer: held ~riday, Jan- • Awning Win 21703 Mound Rd. Warren, Mich. Mrs. Buselmeier, 50, died I uary 22, In Ro~kvI1!e Center I • Aluminum S . G and bUrIal was 10 ureenwood Saturda Y, J anuary 23 In race I C B kl 2 WEEKS • Awnings Hospital, She resided at 1371 emetery, :00. y~. D Everything Must Go! Beacon.sfield avenue. . WILLIAM J. ALLOR I We Repair .Services for Mrs. Buselmeler Funeral services for Mr. AI. Including the Fixtures Quaker Maid Sash and S waIII b7e.held Wednes?ay, Ja~u- lor, 93, were held Thursday, ry 2 I~ P~wano, Mich. Bunal January 21, at the Verheyden Values Galore! - Nothing Held Back- • FREE ESTI~ QUALITY KITCHINS WIll ~lso ;)e In Pewano, her place Funeral Home and St. Paul's A Thiele Custom Built Kitchen is of the' tine" quolity home of blrt~.. Cl:.urch. He died in his resi. 1 Only - Rebuilt equipment you can buy. Designed to your need., color and She IS surVIVed by her hus- dence at 155 Muir road on 'fues. For Exciting N.w TV • the ultimate in convel\ience yet b~nd, Bernard; two daughters. day, January 19. Lmda and Carol; a son Bernard, . r'o"""" and three step.daughters, Mrs. He was born. In. Macomb Mary Ann Melchlore, Mrs. Judy Co~nty but had lIved m Grosse COLOR McLaughlin and Barbara. POInte for 47 years. 17328 Mack II< II< * He is survived by four sons, Three Blocks Eost COL. FRANK L. HAVEL RaymDnd, Abel, Albert and G-E UHF I TV TU 1-61 Funeral services for Col{'nel Ethrope; a daughter, Mrs: Rob- SURFACE UNITS Hew Guarantee !Havel, 47, were held Tuesday, ert Sharpe; 23 gran~chlldren, Converter i January 26, at the Verheyden and 1?1 great-gr~ndchI1dren. • Brond New in Crate. I Funeral Home and St. Clare de Bunal was In S-c. Paul s LESS IMontefalco Church. He died in Cemetery. and Aerial MOTOR H his resi<:ence at 1346 Harvnd * * * THAN 1/1PRICE road Saturday, January 23. LUCY A. DELMAS SALE or L A colonel in the United Statt's Mrs. Delmas, 84, died in her Army, he was born in St. Louis, residence at 286 Ridgemont on .\10. Wednesday, January 20. :)urvivors include his wife Born in Grosse Pointe Farms, FRESH NEW IDEAS :\firiam; a son, Frank II' ~ she is survived by three nieces, VACUUM CLEANERS 25% daught~r, Susan Ann' his father Luella and Christine Godfrey This ~~EW Muiti-Storage ! .fohn Havel, and fo~r brothers: and Mrs. Virginia Harvey and 88 88 88 Limited Quantity ,fohn, William, Robert and a nephew, JacI-: Thorrez. now 25 • 35 .49 QUAKER iv1 A I D Cabinet Richard. Services were held at the Ver- has beautiful full-length Burial was in Arlin.gton Na. heyden Funeral Home and St. You can have a won tional Cemetery, Virginia. Paul's Church on Friday, Janu- cation with your f pdnel coors, unfold at the * * * ary 22. Interment was in St. friends in Florid< HaBERT C. CHILTON Paul's Cemetery. touch of the hand to trans- Mr. Chilton, 53 of 1409 Gray- * * * Lowest Prices in Town on fomia skiing, hl touring the coun~.y. form them into spacious ton road, died Sunda~r, January HARRY C. FEI,AX 24. in Cottage Hospital altei' a Mr. Felax, 65, died suddenly Oolor TV now taking reservation shelves of every shape and short illness. in Bon Secours Hospital on these Dodge Motor ~ OFF.SEASON RATES size for all YOUi package Born in Tennesee, Mr. Chilw Monday, Jenuary 18. ton was a graduate of Anorew Funeral services for Mr. Fe- loch URit Comp' goods. Jackson Law School in Nash- lax who was born in Molkie Self.SuHicie,,1 ------' , Sleep. , te I OPtN WEEKDA'fS 8 TIl.l 6 ---- ... ,Mich., were held Thursday, Open $undCIIYl10:00 to 4:00 .January 21 at the Verheyden MOTOR He Call for Evening and Sunday Appointment Thurs and i'rl. Till 9:00 P.M. Funeral Home. He is survived by his wife, RENTAl COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE WE DEL,Va:R I Florence; a daughter, Mrs. .f Gro.. Poinh On Ord.r of $5 or More I Frank Karos; two sisters, Mrs. DISPLAY OF COMPLETE KITCHENS Albert Wolgast and Bertha; a TU 5-1 J4 FREE ESTIMATE.. ". UP TO 5 YRS. TO PAY We Specialize in all TYpe!> 0; b rot her, Henry, and three I' Ask For Ste\l I r HOME MODERNIZATIOh ROSLYN grandchildren. Additions, Family Rooms, Attics, Etc. Burial was in Oakview Ceme- tery, Royal Oak. THlfLE (ONSTRUOION & SUPPLY (0. '" '" II ~~'~"~W!!I EI~EANOR KOENIG. ULRICH 24155 Little Mack and Stephens PR 5-2325 020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. t Funeral services for Mrs. Ul- Between 9 Clnd 10 Mile Rd•. ' TU 4.9821 i rich, 79, of 711 Harcourt road, --.~~~ .....~.-.....: r were held Monday, January 25 at the Verheyden Fun era I Home apd St. Clare de Monte' falco Church. She died Friday, January 22 in Bon Secours Hos- pital. Born in Detroit, she is sur- I The Pointes' Oldest Market vived by her husband, Dr. Ed. win A. wrich; a son Peter J. .898 St. Clair Ave., near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 Koenig, and a grandson, Peter DISPLAY J. Koenig, Jr . Discounted FARMER fEET'S OLD FASHIONED Burial was in Mt. Elliot .Cemetery. KITCHEN CABINETS From 500/0 to 750;0 Smoked Ham * WILLIAM'" *H. FRAHM WHOLE or Mr. Frahm, 78, died Frida)", Used KITCHEN-AID SHANK HALF January 22 in the Bertha Fisher 49~tr;; Home. A resident of Grosse Under Counter Model Pointe fo~ 60 years, he iormer1y STEREO CONSOLES -H-O-M-E-M-A-D-E------~~. made his home in Lakepointe DISHWASHE,R avenue. One of G kind-Whil, tit., '"stI He was born in Marine City, USED ELECTRIC Baked Beans69~ Mich. and was building inspec. $35 $50 2-LB. CARTON a tor for Grosse Pointe Park REFR~GERATOR- RANGES to Some Reduced from 1938 to 1950. Over MONlY and TIME SAVING Survivors include six sons, KAISER William, Martin, Thomas, Ed- Special! PURE ALUMINUM • REG. 25wfT. mond, Robert, .f 0 h n; four daughters, Mrs. Adele Steiger, PORTABLE Quilted Foil .18" HEAVY Rosemary Nowak, Mary Jane DUTY 25-FT. and Mrs. Joanne Barow, 26 TV grand~hildren, and six great- WASHERS & DRYERS grandchildren .. fRANK'S GOURMET 2.01l. 25!o 88 4ft< Services for Mr. Frahm were S124 up Lowest 'rices Ever Extract of Vanilla BottI. ... TOASTERS, tRONS, held Monday, January 25 in the DON'T THRO'4 Verheyden FUlleral Home and WAFFLE IRONS, G-E ORCHID BRAND St. Ambrose Church. Interment APPLIANCE POLISH AWAY TEMPLE and other Senior mothers. FRYING PANS, PINK or WHITE C RANGES - Save Oranges I Valparaiso Guild COFFEE MAKERS, 99 We'll Fi Grapefruit i0 Have Evening Party CARVING KNIVES, LGE. SI~E NYLON KNIT It! NIAGARA HU SOFT LGE. 36 SIZE The Valparaiso University BLENDERS, SPRAY • fABRIC Guild, Detroit Evening Chapter, WASHER BAGS 10 If there's some h STARCH SOFTENP:R is sponse.ring a dessert-card FIRE STARTERS $20 $95 15-0:1:. 16-0:1:. party on Friday, February 12, at - Were item that needs fixin I 1.98 39 Below Reg. Price 7:30 o'clock, in Bethany Luth. $1 it ifl-you'll like oUi eran Church, East Outer drive - Both for at Berkshire road. ccw.rteous service. Special feature of the evening Many Other Unadvertised F F~. will be a spring hat showing, • TOYS • LAMPS De IIvery~e You can always be sure of QUALITY FOODS at Verbrugge Delivery beginning at 7 o'clock. Tickets are available through any Guild Specials •••• Buy Now ••• member or at the door. • HOUS£HOLD APPLI TERMS AVAILABLE - ne. - Cfournier's !January elearance CHECK WITH I DETROIT EDISON ALL FURN ITURE Bring TIt,m '1 SERVICE CENTER REDUCED 10% to 30% off Pay Edison Bill. H.r., Exchange Bulbs, R.palr Small AI'l)lIanc •• Joe" 01 ;:~------.[fournier's Custom[furniture LOUNGE CHAIRS OPEN MONDAY .. FRIDAY Tro,Ie Special! 16421 Harper, near Whittier - TU 1-1285 18538 MACK AVE., at Touraine UNTIL' P.M. 14931 Charlevo TU 5-3206 Tue•., W.i •., Thun., Open Monday, Thursday, Friday 'til 9 p.m. $95 Sat. 'w6 Wayburn-Ph. 82 - • a p • • 0 0 ,

January 28, 1965 Thursday, January 28, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

panied by a pollce officer, met Dilaudid, and 16 were non-nar- Mrs. Woltut creating an The Walter J. Burczyks re.! hI t la songs during the V ProgrOM$ ; side in Grosse Pointe with their a e 0 p y )1 exquisite St. Charles Kitchen just for you. ,three young children-and all fi!'st lesson. ~ i three study piano with their The Music Center is offe:ing a ," ' 17328 MaCK Ave. ,t.alented mother. group lesson for the entire fam- Three 810('k5 t.ost (f Cadieux The concert program will i:l- ily. Everyone can learn to play rF elude Invitation to the Dance the new Lowrey Organ. Jusl TU 1-6130 %~i by Weber and Symphony NO.'1 Planning ter in B Flat (Spring) by Schu- think of the enJuyment and :..t: mann. The orchestra will be closeness thIS can bring into Headquarters :~J. under the direction of Felix vour home. Cares and tensions ::~.;;; ~:;~:~~\i?ti~ 'wI MOTOR HOMES Resnick, official conductor of disappcar as you and others for t;;< the orchestra. learn to play and listen to- I ;',.'. SALE or LEASE t~. Membership to the Symphony gether. The complete group II'S' St. Charles Wi Society is still available and son cost will be $4.95 per eve- welcomed. T h r e e outstanding ning. :\1rs. Poucher will instruct CUSTOM ~i?' I concerts remain in the season your family as an individual % I and are included in the mem- group. "No organ is needed at ItlTCHENS bership. They are the February home to start." A home rental classic beauty 7 concert, March 28 concert plan is available. Call now, don't with solo artist, Edward Dru- hesitate to arrange for your eve- Such a perfect combination . . . modern styling with dassic lines. linsky, principai harpist of the ning appointment. Ph!1ne PR,. Chicago Symphony Orchestra 5-8000, ask for Urgan Depart.., ii:';l(iN:i-" ...... ~, The tall, luxuriant look that's so good for evenings this season...... ;."o.;.., ...... w~ and May 2 conce!'t with solo, ment. Yours with a twist and a turn (perhaps a hairpiece, too) by our Y0U".fE~~can have a wo"derful vo-..I BI f' ld C t Kit h i< cation with your family or skilled stylists. Add gleam two ways: a glittering ornament and ~~~~c OO:681~est M:~e ~t~ elegra;~ ens friends ... 1'1 Florida or Cali- :~~:~~~a~~~~~lyRO::'~~~"tf:a~?;I G~R ~ I lustrous platinum haircoloring . . . Color Essence by Helene Curtis. I and concert artist of Grosse lEt D t 't I' }~ Birmingham, Michigan '"..>t fornia . . . skIIng, hunt,ng, or I P . I as e rOI w .v tourir\9 the country. We are i omte. IHrs. 10 to 9 ~t 644-5490 m I :\lrs. Bogdan Baynert, mem- I I !?i'~::;i~:~:l@:::;:::::~:l:~::l~~:J~"";:g.~,*",~m~~i::::::!~::::::::'::w;1:~'~m:~~~~?::~,$~<:::~t~~gN~~~~~~,-,~m~~~I now taking reservations to lea~. --~------_._~------~- ~.t;; ltIes;, Dcdge Motor Homes at Beauty Salon OFF-SEASON RATES ... .,[ ". "'1' Jacobson's. TU 2-2160 loch Unit Compl ••• I, Self-Sufficient Sleeps 6 to a . , MOTOR HOMES ORS RENTAL JANUARY ~ALE .1 Grosse Pointe, Inc. TU 5-1141 COSMETIC SP.:CIALS our entire stock of )0 "Ask For Steve" outstanding savings on famous GIRLS' SLACK sm

fragrance. and beauty needs 3.99 and 4.99 )0 I ". A. FEMME cologne In black lace print '~"~ atomizer by Marcel Rocha •• Special 2 OL corduroy stack s.ts."with c~ } \ \ '. I size. 2.50* ~ • '< cotton knit or acrylic ~ ... .) B. MOON DROPS, new moisturizing I treatment by Revlon .•. special package pile top •• W.'v. a i '.:::>. offers bath oil bonus with regular size . , ',I f moisture. balm. A 4.25 value, now wid. s.l.ctio. of t ., , only 3.00* o !~.''':. }J colors and styl •• in I'~ -!..'~-}- C. L'AIR du TEMPS cologne by Nina Ricci in lolique crystal flacon. 3.3 .iz.s .4 to 6x and 7 to 14. oz. 3.75*

I,~; •..•. D. INTIMATE moisture lotion for hands SOLES end body by Revlon. Special sizes; 14 , 'ast! oz., 2.40 value, 1.65* 24 oz., 3.75 value, only 2.50* JacobSOll'S E. lANVIN'S My Sin or Arpege toilet water in natural spray container. 1% oz. 3.00* F. NINON French process cold cream soep ..• lethers freely in herd water. Two boxes, 1.00

~RYERS .,-" *prices plus fed. tax J ,I'~' , . \ I ~_P.._ ' DON'T THROW 11' , I ,,~\ AWAY I t INTIMATt I t l'r10ISTURf I Save , LOTIO"! I ~ 'Ofl It''NI)$ f \ it'D 80.... ~ \, I '~....' If t1Jere's some household 95 item that needs fixi:1g-brin[, e it in-you'll like OUT p1"ompt courteous serdce. ertised • TOYS • LAMPS • BIKES ow ••• • HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES fashion-wi .. and ,BLE - ne. - i comfort~iessed, Caressa shoes step CHECK WITH US! I- softly'into spring •••

~ Bring Tltem 'n' the perfect accompanime,ts tor your new-season costumes. ~ ~th~ ~ .. IIftII~ ~.,.,~..."" JacA 01 I'" A. Dogwood buffed calf spectator; £tock.effect .KI...... lI6.oD EN MONOAY Tra,Ies B. Smooth navy calf, mid heel pump. 16.00 & FRIOAY 1 "'TIL 9 P.M. Ij 14931 Charlevoix at Weds., Thun., ~ot. 9-6 Wayburn-Ph. 822-9623 2 HOURS fREE PARKING WITH YOUR PURCHA~E


7 2 s • « --- pee 4 •

Page Eight GROSSE POI N T E N'E W S Thursday, January 28, 1965 of Richard H. Snook, the Choir Winnifred. Fenton, elementary 1Janc'J ~ Hair Fashions Or~ to Present Library Offers GPHS l"lusicians IIosts at Concert is conducted' by J 0 h n Finch, school music consultant, coordi- Thur~ music department head. Dr. nated the project. IRENE HALL, "ROP. ,«'~.-;' .,:;...... ,: ,,\,~~'\,~."F"',i'\1\"" On Tuesday, January. 19, 1746 sented "Snow, Snow, Beautiiul NO APPOINTMENT . '. ' . "":,~.'::,;,):;,~~\".i\WI.~.. Course on Books Family Movies" Snow" .by Sherman Feller, fifth and. sixth grade pupils NECESSARY ~; . . " "Adoramus Te" by Palestrina, Devi Open 8:00 to 5:00 .\ For the person too busy to The. fifth program of the i964~ ~rom the 10 element~ build- and the spiritual "Lord, Bring Mon .thru Sal read all of today's best sellers ~;vellings oy 65 FJmily Film Night Series will. J?gS of. The Gros~e POInte Pub- Dat Sinner Home" by Graydon Robert Orr, Director. of Public For ..ppolntm~nt be presented Friday, rebruary he School SY,stem attended an Clark. • Shampoo & Set Libraries in Grosse Pointe, will 5, at 7:30 p.m: in the Cen~al hour-long con~ert pr~sented by In addition, the audience of 1.75 once again offer his popular Library Meeting Room of. the the Grosse. Pomte High School children enjoyed the Boys' . .. serl~s "Books America is Read- Grosse Pointe Pu'ol~c Library. Symphony Ban~, Orchestra, and A 6! • Htlircutting ing." . Chorus rendition of "Min S,kol, '.-\ 'j)' ~4' Family Film Nights are beld A Capella Choll'. gave the -I' ...., ~., 1.50 • ~ • 1 - "\,.' Din Skol" by Sil sedores. :".... I Sponsored by .the Depart- the first Friday night in ea~h The Symphony. Ba~d per- Elsewhel "Night on Bald Mountain" by 14631 E. Jeffer:>on-Parking on church lot in rear-VA '2-4.14 ment of Community Services, .month, October through Apnl. formed "Incantation and Dance" for seeo Moussorgsky was per~ormed by GJ:osse Point.e Public Srhool .The program: for February 5, b:y John' Barnes. Chance, "Stars and fina ~~------~------System, this groUp will meet the Symphony Orchestra. The WIll be; an en]?yabl~ treat for and Stripes Forever" by John Earlier f i a I e, Handel's "Hallelujah weekly for eight weeks begin- the entIre famIly. Films to be phillip Sousa, and "Lassus ri Pointe sw Chorus" was presented' by the ning Thursday, February 4 at 8 shown inclu~e UG!--Y DUCK- Trombone" in which the trom- lay at Do Symphony Orchestra and Choir. p.m. in the Central Library. LING (11 mmutes, m color) - bone section is featured meet. But adapted from t.he classic tale . The Symphony Band and Or- Each of the eight class per- ent as the by Hans Christian Andersen, The A Cappella Choir pre- chestra are under the direction iods will be devoted to all in- bed eight Real animals tell the story of tensive review of a currer:tly gaining th the baby swan who is raised popular book by the instructor, Blue D with a brood of ducklings and followed by a lively discussion scratched rejected becaus~ he is different. Prompt, Accurate, Prescription Ser'flice of books, ideas and the major p' Grosse Po problems we face today. Mr. After spending a lonely winter Packaged Liquors, Champagne, Wine conquerinl trying- to find a friend among, vidual Me! OIT will cover 10 bocks which many different. animals, "the FUJ,l Line o/.Fine Cigars represent an excellent crr 'ss~ A . place fini1 ugly duckling" returus to the touched 01 SKI section of curre-nt and potential pond, where he discovers his ROB7. V. !'ATES R.Ph., FREDERICK W. SELTZER R.Ph. hest sellers. They will be even- ory at D(J tr.ue identity. • I ly div~ded between fiction and 15324 E. Jefferson at Nottinghom meet. non-Hction offerings. SUPERJET TO SPAIN (25 U g i Mertz al Following is a list of books, minutes, color .. A tour of color- I( Free Parkin, on Hoffln,ltam . fl) It. , mark in t PROTECTED and their authors to be covered: fui Spain includes Alhambra, ~ re~ aten tne a e. at 4:20.6. HERZOG, Saul Bellow. ancient mementoes (old fort- • . PHARMACY • VA 2-2580 d I Davis Did you realize that you ski prot~drtl ress), Balboa, Tagus, Toledo H d K Of M I If Providin when you belong to the Auto Club? Yes. MARKINGS, Dag Han ...mar- (Gothic architecture), Madrid, on - n, .. , a e nay cyery member is covered by the Club's skjold. broad Personal Accident Insurance policy FULL FATHOM FIVE, John MA! that pays up to $10,000 for in;urit.'S result. Stewart Carter. am' ~. ,.. ,• WI~II ing {r0m a wide range of spons. and ::~~~:;;:t::l;e;:;l:~;::tdre' ...... as.--u:Jo' Moh~~...,..i_~r,_Sweaters T H I N G S AS THEY ARE, BEl travel accidents. Ski.iog, hunting, fishing Paul Horgan. SEBASTIAN. THE SCATTER- . t£dvellng •.• you'~e covered! 1Ip ~o $40 BRAIN (11 minutes, color). a week for 10 wee1t-~hO$pital expeoses is THE ITALIANS, Luigi Bar- zini. . Sebastian the Scatterbrain, a EJ .I '. /It J . also included. tiny, yellow duckling, visits a ~ r ~'''../ SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW?, Lilliputian village in the center . i ~.",., GRINt- So, whether you're c1f. to Boyne or Harry Golden, Bombay. catty the small package of of Europe on a camping trip_ Th. P · I Hd & L b ( , MR. KENNEDY AND THE Wandering into the woods, hr: llJ. n Ei CRANBERRY --- protection that Auto Club membeG e Gine we. um er o. ;as; iJ do. Join today! NEGROES, Harry Golden. almost fell pre y to the ev)l ~ - I' WHITE LA~E CALL, Angus Wilson. s~ake. A ch~rming film espe. Has It ••• Along With 10,000 Other Items clal1y for tob. . 'M k W b THE DARRYMORES, Hollis . s ac at ay urn VA 1.5550 EJ PINK , MIC Alpert. Adults, and children accompa- m i' . ri1 /One more book, to be an- nied by adults, are cordially in- EJI i1:J!-"::]i II:U-IBE iBi-Il:J1 ~l BLUE nounced later.) vited. Come early for a good seat. . Reservations for this class Sizes 34 to 44 AUTOMOBilE ~LUBOF MICHIGAN discllssicm group must be made by calling the Department of Community S e r v ice s, TU Pierce Parents 5-3808, or TU 5-0271; early registration will insure a place Bid to in class, as the size is strictly Reg. $10.88 limited, Parents of all eighth grade students and new' ninth grade ,,, Dr. William N. Wasson,. of students at Pierce Junior High • • • Wayne State University's health are urgl:?d to attend a meeting at and physical education division, the school next Thursday, Febru. Stock Up Now On founded the National Intramural ary 4, at .8 .p,m. Association in 1950 at Dillard AT EVERYDAY LOW PRICES University in New Orleans. Th'e general top i c will be FILM "Planning for Ninth. Grade and High School." The agenda for You pay no more when you • I • the evening is planned to relay buy from Paul Gaeh--Tell us' if we're wrong. info'rmation concerning curric- ., ulum choices in ninth grade as 1----'Suggestions: well 3S the offerings at Grosse ex 126 KR135 KR 459 ~ Pointe High School. The pro- Instomotic 20 expo 8mm gram will be presented by se- lected members of the Pierce $1.47 $1.81 ( and High School staffs. Serve yourself The PTA Hospit~lity Commit- KERCHEVAL •.• In tbe Village ) tee, composed of Mrs. William Westhoff, chairman; Mrs. Gomer PAUL GACN'FISH~1(RD. Shop Mon., Thurs., Fri. Eves. Until 9 p.m .. a winter vacation ... Evans, Mrs. Frank Huster and Mrs. DelmoParis, is planning refreshments lor a social hour 1IIl11l1l11l1ll1ll11l1l11l1l11l11l11ll11lilllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllllllll!1I11111 lIIu 1II111111111!III :!1111111111111111111111111111i!II IIII:IIilllllllllllli 111111111t111111111i11i1l 111111111111111i1111111111111111lillllll! IiIlHIl i11111i11i1l II in the cafeteria following the meeting in the auditorium. Jet Delta Open 9 MEAT BUYS! COMP-ACTSA VINGS foFlol'ida DURING THE M'ONTH OF JANUARY WE ARE HAVING OUR from Detroit j -I •••most people do! I See your Trm,el Agent or call Delta Air Lines EVERY CAR, EVERY MODEL, EVERY COLOR IN OUR ENTIRE -

.. FOR DELIVERY STOCK IS PLACED ON SALE AT SPECIAL SAVINGS! !! •..l,;''K'o, ~~---_._------~ -~~-~------TU 2.5778 - TU 2.5777 CENTER CUT SEA~ BONELESS, ROLLED * Chevrolels * Chevelle IAN FLI ~""oifs, GUS or buts ••• Pork Loin. * Chevy II * Corvair all savings 2 D~ORS, 4 DOORS, HARDTOPS, 'CONVERTIBLES, 6" Roast STATION WAGONS .... accounts at the NO FAT - NO BONE IT'S JUNE IN JANUARY AT TED EWALD CHEVROLET ALL MEAT OUR PRICES ARE CUT SO DRASTICALLY THAT WE r Mac ~CommoDU)ealth~ CANNOT AND DARE NOT at ADVERTISE THEM! Cadie earn 4% interest••• 89~ Co.meln-Just Try Us- .-- .-. STRICTLY -4 Re'(uon Why Our c.u~lomer~Comel?ack Year -4fier Year compounded and GA~ FRESH, WHOLE 1AJe guarantee CompleteS~lijlaclion Bef~reand -4fier liteSa.1e SOLI paid every 90 days BEEF AT TENDERLOIN REGUI PRICI come in lIlId discover hOlD TED EWALD CHEVROLET 15 At City 15175 E. 'Jefferson Limits our 41 . Lb. is /; .",afl. '1 better VA 1.2000 • LANG'S 'gADAAll 6JDinb '.d JJn1.q CJuwJllJ1Jl1 (/)JUl1JJA LOOK FOR MORE NEW IDEAS FROM BA.~K OF THE COMMON\VEALTH 17045 KERCHEVAL JUST MINUTES FROM EDSEL FORD FREEWAY In tll. Viii",. CHALMERS EXIT TO JEFFERSON, TURN LEFT TO CITY LIMITS Member F.D,I.C.


• Page Nin. nuary 28, 1965 Thursday, January 28, i965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

Fenton. £'lementary !(' ('onsuitant. coordi- Devils Lunu:e Past Acorns alr:.:~':::~o;:'a~~~;~~u~~:~111 lrojed. <.J lime< well-under !be one-min- University School Notes

For Sixth Leaglle V1CtOI",Y lute mark for the third slam. L...... ------II And, Mertz scored his I Ground - breaking ceremonies Hon, on class rank, financial ~ ~ ~ - ~~.~ ---- ~e~o.nd v:ctory of the meet, for the Grosse Pointe Univer- need, and the student's grades By Hie Hendee !OInmg thIS reporter ft'r a slam sity School's new sciencp. build- through schooL The' scholar- A.69-36 of Royal Oak Dondero last Friday ln the 100-~'ard freestyle. ing were held last Friday morn- ship granted is renewable an. gave toe Blue DevIl swimmers their sixth BeL victory. Makes False Starts ing in the area between the old- nually if the student maintains Elsewhere in the league. Monroe and Fordson quarrel False starts added more ex- er school building and the ten- a "e" average through his col. for s~cond pl~ce. followed by Royal Oak, Wyandotte" citement to the contest. Tam. nis courts. lege years. and f~nally .HIghland ~ark. I _ .. - .~ .... _~ - -;--~._- -'- blyn and JO~1n Barlow '65 jump- Participating in the event The G.P.U.S. Proscenium 50- ~arher thls seaSOn Grosse 1 only h~ppy memories of .the ed the gun m the 400.yard free- were Headmaster Hugh C. Rid- citty presented its annual win. Pomte sweated I'ut t~e last re- afternoon. Dow Davis and Jay st~le and, although th~ referee dleberger, pre sid e n t of the tel' show last Friday and Satur- lay at Dond~ro .to Wll1 a ~lose ~Mahler brought home three trled to stop them wlth 1"xtra Board of Trustees Alfred R. day nights in the school audi- meet. But thts bme was dlffer-I TIoyal f)ak victories. Davis took shots, they t~l'ashed on. Me~ Glancy Jr., and Jogeph L. Hud- torium. cnt as. the Blue and Gold grab- I the 200 ann ';Oo-yard ~reestyle and ~ever Jumped, ~weats~lt son, Jr., who is chairman of 16941 KERCHEVAL NOTRE DAME The play was Cornelia Otis cor. be? .eIght of th~ 11 ~vent~ in I event;; and then Mahler, ranked i clad, 10 .front. ?f thelr team- the "~rogram .for ~xc~llen~e" Skinner's "Nuts in May" direct. gammg the ~C1pslded VlctOr). ; among Michigan's top four I mates, .thus gammg great glory commlttee, WhICh IS dll'ectmg ed by Mrs. Wllliam Granse, Blue Devt.l Tom Mertz '66 I breaststrokers. won his race in I by savmg the day. the endowment drive, which, teacher of speech and drama- REGUlAR REGULAR 53~' s~ratched . nls name on the, 1:06, three seconds ah~ad of his Want\ng to get in on the fun, along with the science building, tics. The cast included Connie REGULAR 1.35 '9~ {,rosse ~omte record board by; competition. I Devil John Rentenbach was all will add a new library, art Nank, Sue Nicols, Greg Wat- ~onquenng th~ 160-ymd. lndi-, Divers Dick Green '65 and I set by the t.ime the next ev~nt room, and artificial-ice skating kins, Cleve Thurber, Peter Dur- ~~dual ~~dley l~l 1:42.9. Second ~~Iark Gibson "66 remembered had roll:d around. The SWll~- rink to G.P.U.S. ant, Hilda Sabato, Judy Peslar, EMPIRIN FLETCHER WITCH place fInisher, rom Hunt. had, the licking they took last Dec- mers agam false started but, thIS Th t d nts and faculty of Shael Mathews, Betsey Pea- touched out Mertz for the viet- : ember on Donder"'s boa~d and time they heard the extra shots th ~ S ~ ;chool a number of body, Donna Iukov, Sarah Els- ory at Dondero' th l' ~ - . 'f' g' Th 'nt s e ppe , (> m e ear Ier I blanked their opponEnts for one slgm ym a Jump: e Spl1 er parents, and several other trus- ton, Wayne Pressel, Sally W~av- Compound (ASTORIA HAZEL m~et. i of the four Blue Devil slams. returned tc theIr block~ but tees watched as the brief exer- er, Sally-Jo Sorock. Sally Duff, Mertz aiso holds the Varsity' Craig Dever '65 and Mike Rentenba~h was already. m the dses took place. They heard Jan Seski, Ronnie Roberts, mark in the 400-yard freestyle I Neil '67 smashed the 60-yard all'. on hIS way to sav,mg the the three speakers express en- Steve Gershenson, Woody Semp- 100 TABLETS 5-01. BOTTLE 16 oz. BOTTLE at 4:20.6. I freestyle as Dever tied his own race. ~he crowd recogmzed the thusiasm for the new venture, pliner, and John Perkin. OUR lOW PRICE "D D~,,:is Double Winner ! Varsity record of 28.7 in the feat wlth lauahter and applause. calling it an historic day in the Also playing a significant OUR lOW PRICE OUR lOW PRICE • rovlding Dondero with its' race. Rentenbach was wet twice life of the school. The Rev. part backstage in the produc- ~-_ ... - again during the meet, as Franklin - P.- Bennett, Jr., of tion of the play were the follow- c~~lle/ ing students: assistants to the MASONIC AUDITORIUM FIJI., JAN. 29 _ 8:20 P.M. I anchor-man on both winning re- Christ Chur.:h, pronounced the lays. benediction. director, Barbara Littler and In Italy Lauraine Cain; stage manager, 88t 6ge 33c Craig Jennings; lighting, John BERLIN PHILHARMONIC i TheT~::~ty~~m~~::~ecord Seniors Donna Iukov and Mabley and Jan Seski; sound Conductor: Herbert ";,,on Kor~jon lof eight wins and one loss will Julie Munger have won honors Beethoven SymphorlY No. 6 (Pastorale) I,be on the line next Friday effects. Jim Levey and Matt as semi-finalists In the Michi- DfJbUII~ L'Apres Midi d'un Faune Zukowski; Stage crew, Craig I uters Ravel Dar;hnls and Chloe, Suite No, 2 I night as powerful Royal Oak gan Competitive Scholarship Jennings, Ray Wattles, Jan' GRtNNE:'L'STlckets: $5.50 - $4.50 • $3.50 • $2.50 IKimball battles the Devils in examinations. This gives them (DNTN.) MASONIC TEMPLE I the Grosse Pointe pool. Sc')ki, John Mabley; set paint. ALL TYPES • REG. 1.00 the chance to compete in finals ing, Craig Jennings, Jan Seski, -;:---:--:---.:-::-~---~.-.-.•---::-:----=-:_" which could mean as much as Ray Wattles, Alesia Bicknell, Bi~~~::~~~ra~:~h~~~~ei~eh~~~$800 to the winners. Such , state finals last year for Class Bonnie Klein, Toni Truesdale, awards are based, in addition Kathy McCarroll; properties, ~dERRY A runner-up. Last week they to performance on the examina- PACQUIN'S '\ fought Seaholm to a 48.59 loss, Julie Munger (chairman), Laur- MID-WINTER aine Cain, Kathy McCarroll, ITE I ! their first of the season. : I And now the two squads power of Kimball? Find out this Alesia Bicknell, Paula Fischer, K SALE meet ... Kimball and Grosse Friday night, here at 7:30, as Bonnie Klein; make-up. Ann HAND CREAM one of Michigan's biggest high Wattles (chairman), Holly Lo- 6 9 ~ '. Pointe. Each with one loss to OUR LOW PRICE E Seaholm. "chool meets is fought in one max, Annie Lory Bachrach, MEN'S Grosse Pointe's big power will . Kathy Maschmeyer, Cathy Lilly, of Michigan's smallest hlgh .To Ford: tickets, Ronnie Rob- , I come in th'e form of depth where 34 to 44 WOMEN'S : as Royal Oak will depend on school pools. \erts: faculty advIsor for tickets, ,: i individual champions for their BeL Standings E. L. Kimber. ALL TYPES CHILDRE~rS . 'points. Of course, the Devils Win Lose I ----- CLAIROL SHAMPOO REG. 1.00 -e ' will have the advantage of the home pool, a pool hated by the ~~~~::ointe: ~ Weaving Driver Kimball swimmers. Monroe 4 2 \ SKI WEAR C

, • Page Ten GROSSE PO;NTE NEWS Thursday, January 28, 1965

Ora'II PoInte New. What Goes On '] Neighborhood CluD News I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY Whatj ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. nwon at RECREATION SCHEDULE OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL WINTER 1965 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN Your Lihrary BADMINTON (Adults) Second Class Postage Pai'l at Detroit, Michigan By Virglnh~ Leonard BROWNELL JR. HIGH SCHOOL .fl-I E l-II1.1. \ Wednesdays 7:30-10:00 P.M.-Membership required. By SYBIL FULLY PAID CIRCULATION Time flies-if I may start out could I do better than quote RICHARD BALLET ?hone TU 2~6900 in a bromidic vein! It seem!ola bit from the January 15 issue SCHOOL OMANCE mixed with snow flurries is forecast impossible that on January 25 of TIME, who wrote their me- Tuesdays 5-6 P.M.-Intermediates R for the Hill. Brides-to-be are registering their Member Michigan Prella Association and National Editorial Association our Grosse Pointe Central Li- morial under the caption: "T. S. 6-7 P.M.-Advanced Students 'gift lists and Valentine's Day is stirring. some to seek NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRE~ESTATIVB brary celebrated its twelfth Eliot: He knew the anguish of Jan. 12th-Mar. 16th-l0 sessions $25.00-Myra Halsig lovely thoughtful things ... others, WItty tokens of Weekly Newspaper Representatlv~s. Inc. birthday. I have before me the the marrow, the ague of the Instructor. affection. These days, there's lots of heart-shaped ~ Fifth Aver.;]e. New York 19. New York. ByraQt 9-7300 January 22, 1953 issue of the ~keleton." In describing Thomas BASKETBALL LEAGUES CHICAGO OFFICE shopping on the Hill. 333 North Mlchlg!lIl Avenue Phone FInancIal 6-2214 GROSSE POINTE NEWS, which Stearn!': Eliot, TIME has this to BROWNELL JR. HIGH SCHOOL had as its headline: "To Dedi- say: "He was born a prairie- Saturdays-Boys 9-12 Collegiate League 9.12 Noon ANDSOME, classic Roman warrior heads . • . cate Library Sunday." On the state American; he .made him- • ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER first page was a large picture I)f self the apotheosis of the cul- Boys 9-12 Midget League 1-5 P.M. H (copper engraved on heavy glass) salad or WILLIAM ADAMa _ ADVERTISING MANAGER the then-new main rea din g tured, conservative Englishman. PIERCE JR. HIGH SCHOOL dessert plates. The set of eight sell for sixteen JANET MUELLER. _ _.._ F,b;ATURE PAGE. SOCIETY room, as well as a fine article He was painfully reserved, with Tues. & Wed. Boys ages 12-15 Giant League- dullars at The League Shop, 72 Kercheval. Elegant JAMES J. NJAIM_, , _ ~.EWS gift! Stylish on your table! GLORIA W OLFCALE .., _ _...ADVERTISING telling about the d e d i cat ion a huge store of natural dignity; 6-10 P.M. MARY LORIMl!:R _ .ADVERTlSIN G \.eremonies, some background he dt'lighter1 in playing school- Boys ages 16-19 Major League- .;aHN MacKENZIE - _ BUS~ESS material on the purchase, build. boy practical jokes on his 6-10 P.M . ERE WHISPERS of Nuit• De Longchamp sachet JOANNE EASO :11 ACCOUNTS ing and f~rnishing of this Li- friends. The theme of his art Men 20 & Over Adult League M spray in the air surround you with glamour. It ALBERTA WILKE _ _ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING brary. Do you remember? was chaos and despair, death- Neighborhood Club Membership only requirement comes in a toile patterned container _ 'rhe sachet, ONNELLEE KOENIG .,-- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The Central Library was made; yet in life he was the BATON TWIRLING perfume, cologne and drawer liners are at Trail FERN CREIG CLASSI]<'lED possibl" by gl'fts of the late mod e I Christian gentleman, <- k' d d d d' h' 1 t BROWNELL JR. HIGH SCHOOL Apothecary Shop, 121 Kercheval. FLORA HARDING " CIRCULA TI ON D. M. F('fry, Jr. and the late -m an goo -an III IS as :\'Iurray W. Sales. Funds for the yealS,. supremely happy". Saturdays Ages 5 tllru teens 10-11 A.M. Jan. 16- furnishings were contributed by From Eliot's poem: WIUS- Mar 20. $10.00 for 10 lessons, Marge Hudson - In- ECORATIVELY SPEAKING• whether you're Grosse Pointe organizations and PERS OF UdMORTALITY, we structor. D starting to "build" a room, looking for accesor- Council Hears School Plans individuals, as well as through quote: I CREATIVE DANCE ies to complete y.)ur home or planning re-carpeting special appropriation by the "Expert beyond experience, RICHARD SCHOOL and draperies ... the skilled decorators at DenIer, Dr. Charles H. Wilson, superintendent of schools, Board, of Education to ~elp I He knew the anguish of the I Tuesdays-Girls ages 5-10-4-5,P:M. Jan. 12.Mar. 16 77 Kercheval, take a creative approach and help you was the main speaker at Monday evening's meeting of strengthen the book collection. marrow $10.00 for 10 sessions. Myra Helslg - Instructor. achieve the beautiful effects you really want. the Grosse Pointe PTA Council, held at the Central Many gifts were also made IThe ague of the skeleton: FENCING Library. Topic for the meeting was "Plans for Grosse through the F l' i end s of the No con-~act possible to flesh Th dB' ( 11 ) 4 5 PM Gross{' Pointe Public Library. Allayed the fever of the bone:' urs ays egmners a ages - '. EMARKABLE how the• soft pati~a of beloved Pointe High School North." And do you remember? Marcel As TIME suggests. this could Advanced (allages) 5-6 P.M. R heirlooms is simulated by Stieff for the Histori- Dr. Wilson covered many areas relating to the pro- of New York, was the very well be his own epitaph. Teens & Adults 7:30-8:30 P.M. cal Newport Pewter Reprouctions, w~ saw at the posed building. including the architect's "charge" by archItect. A. th t t th t I Jan. 14-Mar. 18-$5.00 for 10 lessons. John Bruce - Dants, 98 Kercheval. We loved the wooden handled the Board of Education. the cost of the proposed struc- I t t' t b no tIt ntodert angleln a w~ls Instructor. coffee pot with companion sugar and creamer. • d .t . f t Hid' d I f mus con mue 0 e s a - emp e 0 0f ow-ano th er 1 - I Lure, an 1.S mam ea ures.. e a so Iscusse. pans or. gic. I have before me also the lustrious name: the late Win- FIGURE SKAT NG the reno\ atlOn and c,>f the present hIg? schoOJ Dedication Program for this Li. ston ChurchilL His reputation as NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB RINK HE FAMOUS FLORENTINE• craftsman, Gugli- as well as the proposed audItorIUm and Performmg Arts brary. The ceremony was held statesman, painter, politician, Moa. thru Fri. 10-12 Noon and 1.3 P.M. T elmo Cini, designs unique zodiac charms . • . Center. At th::- close of the meeting he answered some Iat 3 p.m.-the day was a sunol world leader is undisputed. But. No membership requirement also, bracelets, earrings, 25 related questions from an interested audience. clay-the program was under in our field, it is his renown as FUN NIGHT nee k I ace s in fourteen The superintendent said that 1------the auspices .of the Frien~:>. The a .writer to which I would pay MAIRE SCHOOL karat gold or antique sil- the instru<:tions from the ~'lrd! instructional and cult~rai tool' numbe.r of. on. thls-r:ro- trIbute. Here .was a many- Fridays 4th, 5th and 6th grade boys and girls 7-9 of Education to the archltect5. for the entire commuruty. gram IS.qUite Imp!eSslVe. ere face.ted ma!1' HIS many tomes PM Jan 15-Ma 21 Members 25c-Guest 50 ver. Perfect foil for a fa- requested that the n"w brilding I'" . .. d was a rIbbon cnttmg ceremony. testify to hiS remarkable talents. .. . y.. '. c. vorite Valentine. Very dif- t It ,.11" d"eSIgned for future~ use th a;'t I WIllt permItf . thet Jomtr .e. an invocation by Dr .,Frank Fitt We have all either read or Includes refreshments., MISS Masak m charge. • - • -. • I ve opmen .0 111Sruc IOn !n I various presenbtions of the heard of his HISTORY OF THE GYM CLASSES ferent ... very new at the 1t allow for the best of tradI' I vocal and mstrumental musIc f . h' f th d'ff tEN G LIS H SPEAK' 'l.TG PEO . I d t" h'! 'd ' . ' url1lS mgs a e I eren u~. MAIRE SCHOOL Sign of the Mermaid, 75 tIOna e uca Ion w 1 e proVI - as well as "peech and dramatIcs t f f t b PLES h' SECOND WORLD 01S 0 IS Kercheval. ing for innovation. The Board I programs ~in classrooms built :OOt .,preskcnbawRnbot Mar0 - UTAR' h. WHILE ENGLAND Saturdays Boys and Girls ages 7.12 10-12 Noon. also \vl'che(l a pra"tI'''al and es-: dd" I Jee s, lemar s y 0 er 1. rr, ~\ , IS Jan 9 Apr 3 MembershI'p only requI'rement Harry ." • L L • • I around the stage. An a Ibona Director of the Grosse Pointe SLEPT just to mention a few . - '. . thetlcallv plea.<;ln" faCIlity one, 1 . t t' n I area wl'll be ...... '.. . Warnken-Instructor. "HI~" John S. Goodman,• Realtor, "For real serv- • b. .' : arge ms rue 10 a Public LIbrarIes mtroduch('n of tItles. HIS lIterary works WIll that would be well wlthm the ~ 'd db' d'Vl'sl'on of the ' '. GYMNASTICS Ice, remember?" TUxedo 6-3060. . - . . I provl e ) 1 the late Florence H. Severs bve on-one of hIS many con- ~lTJ'ln!'lalabllIt~ of the commun. :auditorium. into Voree areas by (who was Director of the Gross~ tributions to one form of "im- BROWNELL JR. HIGH XPERIENCE has no substitute.• The experience Ity to pay for I~. . . the use of soundproof folding Pointe Library from 1929-1949), mortality" which is important in Wednesdays Boys and Girls ages 9 thru teens 6-7:30 E Propert~-ownt~g reSIdents of i doors. introduction of the guest speak- all great people. It constitutes P.M. Separate classes for beginners and advanced. of the prescription specialists at Trail Apothe- Grosse POInte WIll vote Mo~(Tay., "Today the performing arts er, Hfllph A. Ulveling. Director an invaluable legacy. Jan. 13-Mar. 24, $7.50 for 10 lessons. Pete Rondot _ cary Shop, 121 Kercheval, assures you expert, reli- .Marc~ 22,. on two propOSItIOns.j are vocational as weD as cul- of the Detroit Public Library. ----__ Instructor. able compounding and prompt deliverv. TUxedo The fIrst, 111 the amount of $7,- i tural in nature, Many Grosse I h d b 15688. - 600,000, will cover the cest of: Pointers are interested in music . a~e goo . reason .to e Writing Course HOSTELING ACTIVITIES (Teens) the proposed hiO"h school and i d d t' t' nOstalgIC. Havmg been 10 the Call TE 1-4800 (American Youth Hostel Office). b . an rama ICSas an avoca IOn. t f 13 I th I Off I Ad HERE to go on Ml)ndays• after February 1st? the renovation of the present ~It is our conviction that this will sys em or years, wa~ ere. e,.ec. ults Camping, Hiking, Canoeing, Horseback Riding, Sail- W building. The second. in the i b f th 't' I reme~ber all the hectic days ing and Cycling Trips. ON THE HILL, 104 Kercheval, of course! .. ecome one 0 e commUnI y s of movmg the month of plan. Open for luncheons and dinners ... isn't that good amount of $750.000, Will fInance most widely appreciated. assets,". 'f d f' Creative Writing, taught by ICE HOCKEY news? an auditorium and ~:rforming Dr. Wilson said. ~iI~;, ha~ p~~UI~I~~ DOl-othy Jurney, will again be NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB RINK p f~i~~~~~~ Arts (~~ter. T~~~se/le\Ht~S rte - lIe added that although the all felt that at long last we had offered by the Department of Saturdays Boys ages 8-12. 9-12 Noon. Fee $2.00 for OS?-, CHILDREN grow• up normally. For many res en dedarcffl ec s es Ima e~, . high school plans includ~ a a br~nd new librc:ry of our OWl}. Community S e rv ice s of the the season-payable at 710 Notre Dame. Jack Hoag M as roun e 0 to the nearest; small theatre with 350 seats, its And after 12 years, those of us Grosse Pointe Public School . h (C db th C't f G P . t 1 chIldren. however, the years of chHdhood bring hundred thousand dollars. ,stage facilities as well as its in- who are still on the staff con- In cage. o-sponsore y e l.y 0 rosse oln e more fe~ than fun, more sadness than joy. For At t th t t I . d bt d . System. and Grosse Pointe Hockey Association). presen e ~ a In ~ e. I s~ructional .. u~e would be c~n. tinue to take pride in being a Mrs. Jurney is presently Woo G those chIldren who have more than their share of ne~s ?f the syst~m IS .81 mli! for; slderably umlted. The supenn- ronrt of such a beautiful Library. men's Editor of the Detroit ICE SKATIN difficulty in adjusting to life. help is often hard to blllldmg purposes. G r 0" s e . tend en, indicated that the audi- ~ '1e dozen years have passed Free Press. Previously she had NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB RINK find. Count on the Northeastern Wayne County Point('.~ current irldebtedness i torium complex would provide rapidly and profitably; in the been Editor for the Miami Her- Afternoons and Evenings (Public Skating). Child Guidance Clinic, 18420 Mack A venue Grosse ranks It. 16~h l?west out of 40. area Drive will be used for any major tects and school admlmstrators square foot includes the cost of Sect. 11, Mon. & Wed., 9-11 A.M. The\\tm.R.fIamilton eo. planned for a program to teach expansion, and the main built!- and Board members, who else a:.> conditioning. Jan. ll-Mar. 17-Marian Gulevich-Instructor. O,.'er a Century of Service students an overall understand. ing itself is designed to permit had worked on plans? . 13. plans are being $35.00 for 20 sessions. ing of industrial processes. interior alterations with a mini. I Bot~ studen~s and teac~ers ma~e to incorporate the struc- TAP DANCING 10. FIe xi b I e instructional mum of effort, should enroll- were mvolved III the plannIng. ture into the surrounding com- RICHARD SCHOOL FUNERAL DIRECTORS areas in business education to ments spiral. Architects ha':e: Every department at the junior' munity? Tuesdays-Beginners, age 7-12. 4-5 P.M. meet varied demands. i been ask~d to .incl~de pl~ns for! an plan the d " . Serf'ing Ing areas served from a smgle, 7 C ld th b 'ld' b I mo t d s' bl b 'ld' 'bl stu y the SItuatIon. He IS work. Jill Goodman - Instructor. kitchen. I . ou e Ul mg e ex. .s. e rra e. Ul 109 ~SSI e. ing closely '.....ith the municipali- GROSSE POI!"TE DETROIT • .' . I panded upward? I Orlgmal plans mcorporatmg all . . . . TEEN CENTER 12. PhYSIcal education faeIlI'1 The building will not exceed suggested features called for tIes ~nvolved. Th~ de~l1ed land. LAKEPOINTE & KERCHEVAL-Friday Nights .AND SUBtTRBS t. bl t th t the I s~apmct of the sIte Will not be 1('S compara eo. ose a . '35 feet and there is no plan to 1400,000 square f(,et, a somewhat I <-d' , For Jr. High only. 7:30-10 P.M. Ping pon, table pool, present Grosse Pomte High: add a fourth floor on allY part I. unrealistic figure. p afnne d until ~assage \If .the dancing, refreshments. Membership or guest fee School with a swimming pool f th b 'ld' Ire eren urn. However, a nelgh- ~;ILLIAJ\I R. HAMILTO:" II DAVIDM. H.nuLTox • .' i 0 e Ul mg. , 11. Wh~t modifICations are borhood meeting will be calleu required. CLARE:"CE OTTER 1~. A c~nter. for sP~clal edu-: 8. W.ould. the school be less I planned In the present high to show what the architect has TEEN SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE E. cation. WhIChWI)) prOVide ~ con. I expenSIve If the three wings school? 'developed. . THE CELLAR (Lakepointe & Kercheval) tll1uatIon of tlle elementary and I were telescoped to provide more Undersized rooms at the An- . junior high classes currently room for future exp(lusion? nex may be enlarged, possibly 14. Wl!:t h are ~he conse; Sr. High only. 8:30-11:30 P.M. Dancing to Combos- CHAPELS offered at Monteith and Brow. The architects say that such for vocal mllsic. The present quences 1 t e vote IS d~feated. Refreshments. Members 50 - Non-Members 75c. nell. a plan would destroy the beauty vocal music room may be de. The Bo~rd of Educabo~ has TVMBLING DETROIT BIRMI!'\CIlAJI 14. 515 spaces for off-street lof the design and would not reo velopt:d into a study and con- n(J plans If the proposal IS de. MAIRE SCHOOL 39iS CASS AVENCE 820 EAST MAPU~ p;<.;';'inff. as well as complete i duce the costs materially, since ference area for the English de- feated beca~s~ Grosse Pointe Saturdays-Boys and Giris ages 7-12, 9-10 A.M. TE 1-2712 MI4:6000 athletic facilities. :only corridors, which are rela.1 partment. The business educa. needs the facIlity badly. Jan. 16.Mar. 20. $10.00 fee for 10 sessions. In his closing remarks Dr. tively inexpensive, would be tion area will be redesLgned.1 15. What about funds ior op. WEIGHT LIFTING (Teens) '\ORTHWEST Wilson elaborated upon th~ BOG- i eliminated. AIl'o, the present de. The electrical wiring wiil be i Hating the new high school? BROWNELL JR HIGH ] 81)00 J nu-:s COUZE~S seat aQditorium and Perfonning pennits a better flow and modernized. The auditorium willi The March 22 referendum . Saturdays, 1-3 P.M. Dl 1.1300 Arts Center. He stressf'd the im. dlsper~al of stu~ents. . be renovated. Lockers will be Imakes no provision for operat- MEMBERSHIPS portance of the h~i1ity as an I 9, What area In the new hIgh :replaced where needed. Some ing funds. Membership to the Neighborhood Club is required I , Thursday. January 28, 19b5 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pc!ge Eleven Mrs. Edmond R. Carleton, II John Malcolm Claims Bride Carleton-Rousseau

John Parke Malcolm, son of Mr. and !VIrs. John Simpson Nuptials Celebrated Malcolm, of Barrington road, claimed Donna Gene VThite as Ihis bride Saturday, at an early Pair Travel to Canada after Saturday Rites; Lace afternoon ceremony inS t. Panels Accent Skirt of Bridal Gown; Mary's Church, Niles. Mich. The for mer Miss White, Will Live in Detroit daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eu- Renee Leone Rousseau and Edmond Rov Carleton, gene Harris White, of Niles, II, exchanged marriage vows Saturday, at an" 11 o'clock wore a gown of silk alpaca ac- cented wit h re-embroidered ceremony in St. Joail of Arc Church. Alencon l::ce. Her basque bo- The bride, daughter of I------~-'----- dice was fashioned with a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank !ried cascades of beige cymbidium scoop n e c k I i n e and long R 0 u sse a u, of Hampton orchids. sleeves, and her belled skirt road, wore a gown of ivory The bridegroom, son of Mrs. fc.atuTed a deep band of Alen~ peau de soie with Alencon Dorothy Carleton, of Detroit, WOMEN'S con lace. • lace bodice detailing. and Edmond Carleton. also of More lace edged her deta<'h- Lace panels accented her floor Detroit. asked Jacques Rous- . . . ::.',:::;:)::;:: ahle Chapel length train. A silk length, belled skirt, which end- Iseau to serve as best man. ------~ -~~-_ .._------',', ::,:.::,:"",l':::' alpaca and lace headpiece, :::>':::';:i~',::.J.. ed in a Chapel train. -\ short Ushering were Ned Brazelton, ""'::::::::~:JY\~....".': {' ..',.' , ~;rd~f~g;;~~~ ~~d ift~~~~~ e::~illusion veil fell from hel' match- James Hahn. James Lapish, of ing lace Chapel cap, and she Atlanta. Ga .. and Gilbert Mack. .she e-arried white glamelias Short and to '.':...r... ":,::,' carried a missal, in For her daughter's wedding, From Another Pointe .... ::1;':'. , and tropical greens. white peau de soie. :.\lrs. Rousseau chose a bone. ':¥~:': In floor length frocks, styled The Pointe Maid of honor JoAnne O'Hare, colored costl'me suit with a of View . .\ with willow green velv~t bo- of Camp Hill, Pa., and brides- beige chiffon overblouse and '. '. dices and green faille skirts. maids ~1rs. .J. Pilliod Tuck, of matching- accessories. Mrs. Carle- Among senior girls from six were the attendants, maid of By Janet IUuel1er Swanton. 0., and Diane lvan ton wore a three-piece Chanel , area high schools to be honored honor Patricia Gurski, of Dear- were dressed identically in floor i !';tyle suit in a soft pink shade, ; bv Elizabeth Cass Chapter, born, and bridesmaids Mrs. l '""'"I Daughters of the American: Michael Maharry, of Garden length gowns featuring browr. i <1l1dmatching accessories. velvet bociices and candlelight ~ When they return from their By Janet Mueller I Revolution, with the annual, City, Mich .. Lee Mah~~ln. Helga beige brocade skirts. : wedding trip to Canada, the . 'I Good Citizens Award is ROBYN ~ Hipp. of Vienna, , and Their headpiec~s wen- beige Ii new ~k and Mrs. Carleton will .Many P?inte breakf~s~ table ~ollver~ahons ~entered RANNEy, of Grosse Pointe i Lesley Anderson, of Ann Arbor. lace Chapel caps, and they car- make their home in Detroit. aroun~ a umque an~ exc~tB:g proJect thIS mornmg: The High, daughter of MR. and Their headpieces were veiled American Museum m Bntam. I MRS. DON E. RANNE".', of willow green velvet circlets. . ' . _ Photo by Gene Butler and they carried cascades of Academy thIS Saturday are! "?th her three daughters, espe~ The la(;..~ies and gentlemen. wh,) heard-and. saw-.-all N.orth Renaud road. Qualifica- . tropl'cal greens and ,\'hl'te gla-- I PAULA FISCHER, daughter of, clally for the party. th d d p nd In St. Joan of Arc Church Saturday .mormng, about the .~Iuseum last evemng, at the receptIon gIven I t10!1~for e. awar are .e e - M meJias. :.MR. and' M R s. P A tJ L P.! * * • by ~r. and ~rs. Hugo S. Higbie, of Provencal road, in I ablh~y,. serVIce, ~eadershlP and RENEE LEONE ROUSSEAU, daughter of Mr. and rs, John C. Hoye served as the I FISCH~R. of Lakeland avenue. II MR. and MRS. EDWARD A. h. f I :\11 .(' 'I' th IV!. I "d' t . patnotlsm. MR::l. JOHN E., Charles Frank Rousseau,. of Hampton road, was mar- I who WIll be f'scorted b" RICK I BAUMANN JR (St 11 Pe onor 0 al.1 .~~C al um. e 1 useum S Irec or, are. com FINC'LI, comml'ttee chal'rman, 'i • d t M C I t f M D tl C I t d bridegroom's best man. Usher'S J. • ., e a r- ... ne 0 r. a1' e on, son 0 IS. oro IY ar e on an TOM KIN SON a d SUE I ) f R] d pletely f~scmated ~y the conce!?t o! a perman~nt dl~play anc MRS. WILLIAM INNES, I were James L. White, brother . n : alta . a os yn roa , announce of Amencana outSIde the terrItorIal boundaries 01 t!le regent will pre s e n teach _Edm~_r:~_Car~~!~~,_~~?.!!roit. _~ __ ~ of the bride. Michael H. Ma- JENKS, ~daughter of M]~. and J the birth of a son, ROBERT , harry, David P. Derleth, of Ann I MR.S. ~EREMIAH JENKS. of 1 JOHN. January 1. Robert has United States...... honOI-ee ,.vit~ a Good Citizen P!~ . MR. and MRS. H. R. ESHLE- Woodrow Wilson Fellows in the Arbor, and Thomas R. Derleth, ,Umverslty place, whose escort. two b rot her s. KARL and The Museum IS a gIft from some prIvate CItizens of and a cl,tatJ?n February 1 a. MAN. of Trumbley l', en- past years include CAROLYN of Ferndale. : will be BUD FLOYD. ! !',,[ARK. and will be baptized at the States to the people of Great Britain. It opened at a.Women s Clt~ Club tea for the joying their eighth sojourn in ANN FISHER, Academy of the For her daughter's wedding: * * * lOur Lady Star of the Sea Claverton :\lanor. Bath. in 1961. I g~rls a.nd theIr mothers. The, the Pacific Islands. Sacred Heart. Class of '63, and the reception of the Piek-; LESTER IRVI~G HUJ)SO~. Church Sun day afternoon, , . . . . d .. d I gIrls Will compete for the state: * '" '" I BEVERLY JANE HARLING, wick Club in Kiles, Mrs. White! son of MR. and MRS. FRED February 7. Godparents will be , Mr. :\Ic( allu~. an ar~hlt.ect vvho ha. vIsIte .. ~he title and a $100 government' MRS. LYNN McNAUGHTON i Grosse Poiute High School, chose a two-piece dress of I HUDSON. of Lakepointf. ave- MRS. JOSEP~ LALLI and D.R. l~'~'.a ~umber of tImes. tWIce In t~e capacIt~ of V!S~tmg bond. Th: s~ate winner wi~l rep- has left her Kenwood road home! Class of '59, MRS. JANE PRES- taupe beige silk. Mrs. M31- i nue, will receive his Bachdor of JAMES F. KRAFT. A fa~lly (ntlc In the Department of ArchItecture, \ ale Umver- I resent MIchigan chapters III the for winter's duration and is SEL SCHULTZ GPHS, Class of colm's two-piece dress was Science in Business degrel' from buffet Will follow the baptlsm. sity. was appointed Museum dir~('tor two years before national ~ompetition for a $1,000 , making her headquart~rs at The '58, ROBERT EARL STIEFEL, fashioned of cerise silk. Both Mi<-lmiUniversity, Oxford. 0., at : .. '" * the C'pening. scholarshIp. Last yea r, .443: Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla. GPHS, Class of '63, and JANE mothers pinned green cymbi- mid-y€ar graduation eXf'rcises: JOYCE LEE TAUBE. a jun- '" * * seniors were sponsored by MICh- : .... '" '" ,G. PEIRCE, Grosse Pointe Uni- dium orchids to their purses. this Sunday. : ior at Michigan State Univer. He worked closet\' with thl' founders of the :Wuseum ligan DAR members. _~1RS: CHAP-LES J:IELIN, ~f' versity School, Class of '63. When they return from a va- ... * * •sity. has left The Pointe to th r t d' bl f f'tt' 20 A . I .~ * * "'mdmll! Pointe dnve, presl- ' * * '" cation in Nac;sau, the newly- I DAVID PERK!NS, of Ballan- ! (,OI~tinu~ her stud~~s at the on. e com~ lea e p~o. ~~s ~ 1. m~ merl~an I Recent vdcationers in Wash- 'dent of the Scandinavian Sym- MR. and MRS. THOMAS KA. weds will make their home in i tyne road. has returned from I Umverslty of HawaII. Joyce. a p,erwd. rooms and 10 exhibition balIerJPs mto an EnglIsh inglOll, D.C.. included MRS. I phony Women's Organization, I I SER. (Mary Helen Hayward), Buffalo, N.Y., where the b!ride- service in the U!lited States; member of Alpha Gamma Delta Georgian )Ianor House. IOMAR FIELD R A INS, 0 f returned from her Florida .va- of Honolulu, Hawaii, announce groom is employed as an engi- Navy. En. 3(SS) Perkins ~erved I sor?rity. 3nd a Communications Purpose ()f th(' :lluseum is to represent graphicall}' Mapleton road. ,catio~ to pl'eside a: the f:lrst the birth of a son, THOMAS neer in the Aerospace. Division on the submarine S.S. S.lilfish i maJOl" IS the daughter of ~m. American life from the 17th to !he 19th centuries. There * * * functIOn of SSWO 65 season, HOWARD KASER, JR., Janu- of Cornell AeronautIcal La- in New London. Conn. I and ~IRS. ED WAR D W. are st'ctions d('l'oted to textiJes. pewter. ghss and folk Enjoying themselves at the I ~he Arti~t. Luncheo~ ~Oday. at ary 16. I boratories. * ... .. :TAUBE. of Hidden lane. art. interiol's from American eras and areas reproduced Hunt Club tea dance sponsored ~rhe Whittier Hote, onoymg II< '" * 1---~---~------MR. and MRS. HENRY G.: ':' * * in minutt' detail and on the drounds a replica of Wash- bv tht' Alumnae of the Acad- ;~ISS MARJORIE HA~AR:D'I SAA'DRA HODGSON, daugh- \ Building is ~ffiS LLOYD M. GILDNER. Jr. of Fisher road I MR. and :MRS. LEONARD Y Inctton's :llount' Vc;non flo~'er l1a~'den gift of the le;'w of the Sacred Heart in I dIrector of the. DetrOit Clt ter of :\fR. and M~S. DONAL!) DAVIS, ~( Rivard 'boulevard. announce the birth of a son,: CARNAGHI, of N~ttil1gham d ~ ~. Lakeshore road Saturday were I Ballet, which WIll be f~atu:e HODGSON. of Amta avenue, I .. -i' '" GREGORY DALTON on De- I road, announce the bIrth of a Colonial Dames of :\merica. MR. and MRS. GEORGE HAM. ,at the January 30 SC'andU1a~lan cO'l1pletes tier two-year program ER KOEPCKE of cember 31. Mrs.' Gildner is the: son. :\UCHAEL LEONARD, on The ;\'ational ~ocietv of the Colonial Dames of MONO, the STANLEY BEAT- ~ymph?ny Concert at the 8cot- at Western Michigan Univer. ,ALB T .F. b on th t~ach- i former JOAN McKENZIE. The! :\10nday. January 25. Mrs. Car. America. Statr of ~Ii('hiian, has asked Mr. McCanum TIES. MR. and MRS. FRANK' hsh RIte Ca.thedral. WALDIE sity's School of ~usiness and ~eff ro~:- ~lUh e U' e' f maternal gralldparents are for- 'naghi is the former MARILYN t I to join thf' f('sti\'itie~ Friday evening, at the Grosse COUZENS. JR.. MR. and MRS .. ANDERSON IS to be gues~ con-I will receive her secretarial certi- mg .s~ 0 t e ru~er~~ y .0.,. mer Pointers. MR. and MRS. I TLTRNER. Paternal grandpar- f Pointe Club. when members entertain their husbands FREDERICK K. CODY, MR.. d~ctoo:. Speaker at today s ai. ficate this week. ' DebOlt. o~ on mum,:, 'I OATIS DALTON McKENZIE .. ents are th(' RAYMOND CAR. and MRS, HANS GEHRKE,lfalr IS MYRTLE LABBITT. . • • • EducatIOn thIS eommg semestel. no\\, of Tel Aviv. MR. and MRS.: NAGHIS, of Cadieux road. M.R. and guests at a black.tie dinner party. JR.. and MRS. LEO A. MARX, :M.RS. KENN~TH STRANG, ofj MR and MaS MICHAEL R. Koepcke, a former faculty mem- HENRY G. GILDNER, of Lin- ,and ~ms. ROLLAND TURNER "'. * * the WILLIAM L. HURLEYS, J HIdden lane. I.S hostess for the DeBOLD of Ha~Pton road an- ber of the U. of D: College of I coIn road are the paternal j are the maternal grandparents. Receiving guests will be president Mrs. Hansel ROBERT J MASONS MR and' afternoon affair. t'h b' 'th f d 'ht Commerce and Fmance, wlll grandparents. I * * * . ,...... • nounce e H 0 a aug er, d t . "S P .. Dwight Wilson ami ~lr. Wilson. r,d chairman of hospi- MRS, DANIEL J. TINDALL, CINDY ANNE, January 19. MrS., c?n lieD a ~ 0 u I' s; .. 1~1 u ~fi '" • • .JOHN 1\fcNA...l\IARA, of Ver. tality Mrs. J. V Hnor Davis and Mr. Davis. JR., MR. and MRS. WALTER Off on a vacation in Jamaica DeBold is the former MARTHA \'lsory opmen . ass Wl MR. and MRS. BESHARA J. 1l1l~r road. rece.n~ly received f:~st Following program chairman Mrs. George A. BA YE'R, JR., MR. and MRS. and Pompano Beach, Fla .• were SLOWIN, daughter of MR. and begm February 2, at 7 p.m. MABARAK, of T h r e e Mile: pnze for outlmmg an effectIve Ashlev Schemm will introduce Donald C. Graves, who :..RTHUR G. KICHNER, JR., MR. and MRS. GREE:E FEN- MRS. LEONARD SLOWIN, of I 010 '" * . drive, were honored on their i advertising pr06ram including P3S chosen as his topic: "From Town Crier to Televi- MR. and MRS. JAMES SYL-, LEY, JR., 0; ~ra~for lane. Nottingham road. I MR. and MRS. CORNELIUS 40th wedding anniversary last Icopy. layout and budget in a VAIN. the THOMAS VER- '" .. * PATRICK BROGAN, of Ann Sunday. at a reception givenlcontest open to Wayne State sion." l\Ir. and Mrs. William J. Chesbro'ugh. Mr. and Mrs. BIESTS. RICHARD KELLYS, Partying at the University of MRS. FREDERICK R. KEY. Arbor, announce the birth of a I bye their daughter and son-in- lJnin:rsity advertising students. 'r't.IOMAS GIBNEYS, ALAN Wisconsin Alumni Club of De- son, JAMES PATRICK, Janu- jlaw, MR. and MRS. }~. HARRY John was graduated from WSU (Continued on Page 15) ~ t o't's ual Founders' Day DEL, of Kenwood road, wiu at- --.-----~-~------~---- DEVINES. LUT_S MUSHROS, D'r I annt TI- Wh'tt' 1 t tend the 42nd annual Alumnae ary 12. Mrs. Brogan is the for-I WHEATLEY, of Grayton road. this winter. MARILYN K L U C ENS, MR, mner a l.e I leI'. as mer ALICE JAMES, da~ghter who celebrated their 12th wed- * >;< * and MRS. RICHARD MUL- Tuesday was club preSident Council at Wellesley College, of DR. and MRS. EDGAR ding anniversa.-y the same day. : Enjoying a skiing vacation at LANEY. MR. and MRS. BER-; G.EORGE 0, DRAIS, of Ca- Wellesley, :\flass., February 4 JAMES, of Westchester road./ Among the guests was ':he Ma-! BQ:,n~ Mountain recently were APARTMENTS NARD VAN ANTWERP, MR. I dleux road. i through 6. '" '" '" Paternal grandparents are the I baraks' d a ugh t e r. MRS.: the LEO~ SEHOYANS. of Co- and MRS. GEORGE SIMONS, i * * ... CORNELIUS R. BROGANS, of I MICHAEL SHATURKY. who; lonial road, and their children, 'I and mlmy many more. .• : RICHA~D F. HU:~~GLI,. of ROBERT E. SCIDIELZ, a 1964 Merriweather road. I came from San Jose, Calif., \ BILLY, ALAN and DAVID. FOR LU~URIOUS LIVING , ,Radnor CIrcle, managmg dl-I'eC- graduate of Grosse Pointe High ~ ~ . ~ _ '" ... * i tor of United Community Ser- School, was initiated into Phi . * * * MR. and MRS. FO~AN Ivices of Metropolitan Detroit, Sigma Kappa fraternity, Delta FrIends of the ~L YDE LA I JOHNSTON, of Radnor Clrcle, t will discus." "Social Agency Denteron chapter, at the Uni- MEES, former Pomters now On a private drive under great ,hade trees lies the Grosse J announce th(' ado p t ion on I Trends" at the annual meeting versity of Michigan early this li~ing in. Ormond ~each., Pointe orea's newest and mosl .January 12 of a daughter,! of the Lea g u e of Catholic month. Robert, a student in Will be mterested m knowmg exclusive apartments. D€siC)ned CAHOL YN ANNE. born Sep-: Women of Detroit today. U. of M.'s College of Engineer- they are going to England to for those who a"lpreciote aDa~t tember 24. Mrs. Johnston is the * "" * ~ing, is the son of ~'lR. and MRS. attend' the wedding of their son.

ment living at its modern best_ former ELLEN McCLARTY.. I Elected Woodro,,, Wilson Fel- .lACK E. SCHMELZ, of Wedge- LT. COM. CLYDE D. LA MEE, We invite your inspection at * * * lows for 1964-G5 are MARY SU- wood drive. JR., and DIANE LUKER. The the few units still available, Visiting MRS. LYLE A.: ZANNA LUNDALE, a graduate * * * I ceremony is scheduled March East JeHerson at Nine Mile Rd. DEVLIN and her son, WIL-: of Grosse Pointe High School, Chairman of the 72nd annual 20. in North Bury St. EdmunJs, ! Ollr Resident Manager will be St. Clai, Shores, Michigan LIAM B. DEVLIN, of Notre i and FRANK WEBER MUN- meeting of the six branches of I Suffolk. ! delighted to show you around, Dame avenue, were the BETH- : GER. JR., a graduate of Grosse the YWCA of :\fetropolitan De-I * * * i or phone 775.3280. Managed by . UNE DUFFIELDS. of Grand Pointe University School. Other troit, to be held February 6 at Planning to attend the formal I, Homer Warren & Co. : Rapids. * * * Pointe----~---_._------~-School graduates elected--- Detroit's---, '----- Veterans-~ ----- .\Iemoriall------_.junior prom at Western Reserve: Hawaiian-.----vacationers----,include r-:::~=-:::=2,:~::1~~::=~:E=:~~~":"'t, Open Thursdays until 9:00 ~\ r't '... . ~'.' ~~\. M~f1/JJ .~ f V: I:f; .: ; ..:: "';'.;:;-,' ~/. ' ':" . ----- .:';; ..,,' ---... :',

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Thur,day. January 28. Iq65 Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, Janu Society News Gatheredfr~lll All of the I)ointes Wo Accepts Sign10 Gamma Award Church Women Hold Sigma Gamma Torch Drive ladies Plan Luncheon Annual

:'.' ..... The Women's S 0 c i e t y of Meeting on Saturday (oft '. ' By To View Fashions i; ... . ~.. Christian SeTVice of Grosse Pointe Methodist Ohurch will M LongyeEr Palm~~~'Rece,ive.s Laura. Butler Mrs. Bert Cremers, Mrs. Sterling Dodson and Mrs. ~. )egin the month of February rs. d Pdt Mrs, Clifford B. L with a luncheon next Tuesday, Memorial Awar : .Junior resl en s J. L Hudson, Jr., Will Model Evenings Gowns at I at 12:30 o'clock, at the church. Report on Year's Work ciation; Wi February 15 Show Hostess Circles for the event f th S'gma Ga A' on L are Doris White and Susannalh The annual meeting 0 I . mma. SSOCla- A coloriul glimpse of the newest fashions for Spdng I e Wesley. Devotions will be given tion was held Saturday,. January 23, In ~he Fnes Audi. The annual m and Summer. will be offered women Torch 1963, 4,500 by Mrs. Walter Griffith. The torium of the Grosse }'omte War MemOrIal. Cottage Hospital to Drive volunteers in recognition of their efforts in the program will consist. of a guest Mrs. ,Joseph Spitzley is \ .. ---~---_. ---- Residence in Ridge annual "Give Once for All" campaign .. panel,. with. students. from ~h.e the newly-elected pr~.ident I president i~ 1933-34: was a Present officers. Women for the U nit e d 1-" . . . Amencan FIeld SeI'Vlce parbcI- of th Association. \ trustee of tne DetrOit Ortho. ing for their secon Foundation I.Wl!F) , a year-! :'lIlliI'. of Saks Fifth Av€.. awl pating. Ie.. ~r~ Wil- paedic Clinic from 1935 to 1939 include second vi round orgamzation of p~st, :"ettie O'Brien. of. the J. L. Hud- I All prayer groups will con-! . Other o~lcers are f: i.' vicc- and served as an advisor to th~ dent Mrs. Claren tinue meeting at their sohed- I ham. Wot erspoon. Irs Jf h-/ Trustee Board. and present Torch Dnve 11'5. Cliffard ~_ LOI Fisher Theater on Mondav, mentator. ~?r t~e snow. i ses will h~ Mrs. Robert Hawk- Carole Williams, second vice- ed a JUnIOl Award. the newly elected pre r v In additIOn ,0 the parade of Fe bruary~.. fashions from 19 Detroit-area' :ins and Mrs. Wendell Nichols. president; .\frs. ;\1arrion Scott.: Following the awards pres. the group. GMsse POInt~rs I ~ c I II d e d stor~s. the one-hour pro g ram: : Doris White Circle will meet recording secretary; ~1rs. G.ol"j entation "Labor of Lo\'e," a Other newly elected among 25 Toren Dnve \'ol~m. \\:i11 include tW:l entertainment; I at the home of Mrs. H. D. don M:.dtland, corresP°ndmg sound strip film on Sigma Gam. are ~l:,s. Al1hur Wa teers who will model evenmg Isegments featuring l(l~al and na- ~ Ralph in Radnor circle. Ml"I. secretary: and Mrs. John Dumo, ma and the Detroit Orthopaedic \"ice-president. :\1rs. H gowns are :\11'5. Bert Cremers,. tionally-known ta!ent. : Ralph's assistant will be Mrs. trea~ure.r. . . r Clinic waS shown. Joey Sutika, ~1aynard. assistant t )Irs. Sterling Doc:"son and 'Irs. There wi!! be two perform. i Richard Frisbie. HighlIghts of the meeting m-I Torch Drive Lighter from the :\lrs. George Grenzke. J. L. Hudson. Jr. i ances with half of the volun- . Marthta-Mary Cirde will ga- eluded reports from the B1~om-I Clinic. was introduced to the secretary. and \irs. AI Clothes for daytime wear will i teers invited for 11 o'clock and: ;theor at Mrs. Maralyn Ruble's field Hills and G.osse Pomte! membership. historian-publicity. be modeled b.....25 professionai: the other half :nvited for 1:30; Yorkshire road home. Mrs. Junior presidents. Sigma GaOl'. }Irs William Dance and h :\lrs. Clarence Wil1ia models who are donating their o'c;ock. Ruble will be assisted by Mrs. ma founded and .sponso~s. the ~co~mittee served tea aft~r ~~ and vice-president. was i service!>. The ~ederlaI'Jder The ate l' I Burton Tingley. . Detroit ?rthopaedlc Chllle. a formal close of the meeting. )1rs. Worth Kramer. of Bloom- :Corp. and its president. David: MRS. LONGYEAR PALMER, (cen- pI' {;sid e n t, looks on. Mrs. Palmer Mrs. Nor man Mooney wIll Torch Drive Agency. field Hills. is president of WUl.". T. Nederlander. are ~onatinC1: tel l, smiles as she accepts Sigma Gamma received the award, for distinguished open her home in Renaud road During the year . .Junior mem- Eugene 1st Chairman of the fashion show the use of the Fisher Theater fo~; Association's Laura Butler Higbie Award service to the Association, at Sigma to Naomi Circle. Her assistant bers worked on the Ass?ciation's Woods Garden Pianist Eugene lsto committee is )lrs. William H. the day. from MRS. JOSEPH SPITZLEY, new Gamma's annual meeting, held last Sat- will be Mrs. Russell Allen. benefit for the DetrOit Ortho. Frank, of Hunti,:gton Woods. .Stunning jewelry, to be worn! president of the Association, as MRS. Rebecca Circle will meet at paedic Clinic's department. of i Club To Meet be soloist with Thp Det! urday in the War Memorial's Fries the Neff road home of Mrs. Education and Research, :1SSISt-: phon~ Orchestra at 8:3 WUF co-ch al r men of the, With the ball gowns, will be loan.: CARLTON M HIGHIE JR t' . Auditorium. event are )Irs. Robert C. Fisher. ed by Jules R. Schubot. Back.: _._. .~_. ..__~'_ . ....:' re IrIng Charles Stadelman, Mrs. CU!- ed with addressing and fi]lng at' . on Thursday. January . ford Boyd will serve as co- the Clinic. served as Clinic Members of the Gro~se POInte of Bloomfield Hills. and Mrs. I ground stage ::.ettings will be' Saturday. January 30. Byron Nichols. of Lakeland ave- : donated by \Vinkelman's. i Clark Women's Club ! St P I Lad. I hostess. hostesses for Torch Drive func- Woods Garden Club WIllgather - .\uditorium. Paul Pol Betrothed \ • au leS: Mrs. Russel Scot will enter- tions, and began preparations' Tuesday, February 2, at the cunduct. nU~hers on the committee are : To Meet Next Monday 1M t M d i tain Ruth Circle at her Moor- for their commg June bazaar. Hawthorne road home of Mrs. Istamin will perf arm o r ., ?~:: Iland drive home, assisted by! Recipient of the Laura Butler, F1ward .Groth. Mrs. Faunte :'III'S.Le!, A. Iacocca. of Bloom- Altar Society i ee on ay en's Concerto for PI I • Mrs Kenneth Leipprandt and I Higbie )re~orial Award for dis. Glbson Will serve as co.hostess. Orchestra ::\0. 4 in G ~I fwid Hills. hostess chairman; T H ld D. \ Clark Women's Club will i The regular meeting of the I . ,., Th '11' :'II:,,;. Paul Crider, ot Birming- 0 0, Inner i meet at Christ Met hod j s t I St P I' Alt 'So' t 'Il b I Mrs. Harry Ibler. ,tmgUlshed serviCe to thp As. e program WI consIst of a orchestral portion of ham. and )Irs. Let! A. H:Jls. of IChurch on Monday. February 1. : he'ld a~10snd ar F ::e: W\ a~ i Susannah Wesley Circle will sociation was Mrs. Longyear, workshop, devoted to making . gram will include \rebel the ~hittier. co-chairmen of in- 3t. Philomena Altar Society! at 1 o'~lock. A tea and soci~l t : 1:30 ~'cloc:y, in '~beU ?'a r ish be entertained by ~n. R

W'e regret we cunnot accept table reservations lor alter 7 p.m. A practical cours~ In "Busi-: ness and Real Estate Law" will 84 Kercheval Ave. TU 2-9440 ~~~~~~~ ... !I!I!I!I~!I!I~_.~!I!I~!I_••••• " be offered by the Department of Community Services, Grosse the Pointe Public School System. Dancing Curl I Eight w~eks ~n length, thE.' ; course will begin Thursday, PERMANENT COI •February 4, at 7:30 p.m. The : instructor will be Dan i e 1 budget Hodgeman. ~ daytime JULIE IN THE FISHER BLDCi. SHAMPOO The diamond need not ne.:essarily be large ... with W:nren's, Mr. Hodgeman Is a pract.icing attorney, speciali:ling in the Solon and WAVE perfection and quality are most important. 00 these essen- field of real estate. ..=----- , tial points, Warren dianlonds are the soundest of values. CAMPIC II' All prospective s t u den t s PRESENTS must register by calling the ~P!~ial.: I Department of Community Ser- TOUCH UP $750 i vices at TU 5-3808 or TU ! !'i.0271: enrollment in the class I is limited. i Formal showil'ij ------_.~~-~------_._------COUNT FERDINANDO Informal mGdelil1 SARMI'S NEW COLLECTION OF CLOTHES % FOR ... OFF SPRING, CRUISE, and SUMMER • • DRESSES • Miss Connie CLOTHES THAT ARE DIVINE • COSTUMES for Campiol this young- • LONG DRESSES FEBRUARY 1st, 2nd and 3rd new and e: • JEWELRY • suits and ( MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY • BORGANA and RIVOTA and tailore, COATS CHARLES W. WARREN a COMPANY JEWELE"S and SILVERSMITHS Ste\lb~1lGI_II • Tiff.,,,, Srer!iBg 1520 WASHINGTON BOULEVARD INFORMAL SHOWINGS PUNCH & JUDY BLOCK Dcuoir. Michigan' 8226 • Td~none 962.~l)l 3 Kercheval Ave., StOI<: Hou~: 9:30 until ~:OO .HA'S~~ at Fishe r Road 1he 8clln,",' 8.lunore. Plonda I , • I' .1u ------.--.-- ••••••••• 2 •••••••••••••••••• '._.,_•..• _•.• _,•..•..~••••• ,.•" .• ,., •.• _--_.-._--1.-..-.,. .t---- a•••.•,-0111.-. ------~--

Page Thirteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS ole- Thursday, January 28, 19b5 Woman's Page. • • by, of and for Pointe Women .Jamm IDonlinicun High Prepare For UCS Luncheon Slate Snow Ball DAC Bowlers Mark 3turda Annuai Meeting Held Parents to Meet At DBC Saturday TheUelroil Bo.celeb The regular monthly meeting wmlFiftiethAnniversary By Cottage Auxiliary usher In the '65 social season I ,Iurd Butler of the Mothers' and Fathers' Saturday evening, at the tradi- Pr(:~idents -. ~~ . - ...-. I Clubs at Dominican Hig~ School tional "Snow Ball" first formal h h--'-.---'--- C--Ib--. L d. H Mrs. Clifford B. Loranger is New President of Asso- will be held on WeclUesday, '>, party of the year. Jo n Cooley Is C airman of e e ratIons; ales aye Vork ciation; William E. Countryman Speaks :February 3, at the school. ~ Decor will be "frosty," feat- Chance to Test Their Aim on the Alleys i Mrs. Neil Patterson. program 111.1 (;afllrna ASSDcia. on leader Dogs .for Blind chairman, has arranged to have 11 u~ing W~:Lte.feat~ery, glitter~n~ I The big day in 1965 for Detroit'-Athletic Club bowl- _ I \ vmes WIth hangmg crystal ICI- . l'" S t d J : I fl t hr. Fries Audi. Th I . f \lr 'A '1' t! as guest speakers, Father John "~ des in the lobby and white I ers and t~eIr lar Ies It commg UP on .a Ul: ay, anuary ,'J III 11'1;11 e annua meetmg c> the v omen S UXI Iary 0' J. Kirvan whose topic will be ~ vines olus a large glitter ball 30, ~nd wIll not o~ly playa large pa~ In kIckmg off the Cottage Hospital took place hnuary 20. at the Nurses' "The Church and the Secular i ! formed by huge snow flakes club s Golden JubIlee Y~ar, (along WIth a host of other ! ' Residence in Fidge road. College." J 9:n :H ....'-:!~ rl '. suspended in the center of the January events), but WIll actually celebrate the DAC ,,' In.. /u.. . Present l?fficers, continu-, ,------~---_. __ . I Father Kirvan belongs to the lroit Ortho. ballroom. t bowlers VERY OWN 50th birthday. 1'1'1' lrl,rn 19a!'i to 193Q ~ng for theIr second terms. of the program, She aiTanged Paulist Order and is presently :--:1"1d Cocktails at 7 o'clock will be How about that? Fifty 'I~------,,' , ;,r, ad'.i"Or to thE' melude second vice-presi- to have William E. Countryman, the Chaplain of the Newman i:II.l:d dent Mrs. ('l3renr:e Wjl- a rpprpsentativ(' of Leader Dog!'>. Club at Wayne State University. . ',' :1' followed by dinner and dancing continu.o~s years of league: uring Earl Wrightson and Lois .•~ . . competItIOn and good fel-: Hunt. who were heard many Iiams. treasurer .vII'S, F. for tll" Blind School in Roches .. In the past he has served at , ," , ilwn,Jhrr'y,. Jr ~:~ to th~ mUSIC of Earl Perkins lowship! And more than' times on radio.'s Firestone Hour, Cla~-ton Miles, correspond. hr, address the meeting. 'Catholic Information Centers in 1'1'(, 1.-1', \l'jf'r ~I'Cf'I\'I'~ .'\ and his orc~estra. 600 are expected to attend,: ~nd .:Joe Sod]a. world famous . , , .' "", ;~')drrl flf Dir('c, ing secretary Mrs. tio--,"ard' \11'. Countryman ('xplained Bost.on, Baltimore and Grand Simon and parliamentar.i ~lso ha~ been ?,eard on NBC s versary luncheon of the Women's Committee of United Lutheran Couples Class which, of course. wll) begll1; g "'. -' f t )' .' I.!2hte, from thr 'tb kt'I' th t 6: But more bowl m stockmg ee :'Ilr~, (;eorge (;r(,~lzke, recording; short t3lks expressing their ap. "Cathohc Hour .a~? the CBS I Community Services are MRS. BOYD HORNE, (left), W1 coc - ai Sine g~m a . h b J~';"r,du('ed to thl' s('('rrtar\', and ~Ir." Albert i,p\',: p:'('ciation of the work being; Ch.urch of t~e A~r. .. Plans Party on Saturday 'I k am! there are still t ose rave o c oc . ! ones, long dinner dresses and " hlstori:H;.puhE~itv. . done by the Women's Auxiliary ... Ills talk Will give an inSIght of Handy road, luncheon program chairman, and MRS. ';,'f' r)<1~('e and h('r ' ('I . \\"11' A I I d f I :mto the challenges faced by The Couples Class of First With the evening on split sec'j all. who risk their necks or a \ ,rs. are\1('I' 1 l'lms, s('c- ..~ u\1e lPOn was serve 0 • I th C tl}' t d t CARL GRAWN, of Yorkshire road, a past DCS 10 S U ,I"~, :.rj t€'a dfter thl' . 1 . hI' h t' e a IC en on a secu. English Evangplical Lutheran and timing, dinner will l)e sen'. i turned ankle in high heels for Oll( I \'I('{'.pr('s\( ent, was In (' arg(',. lH\'Ing ! ('.._.m('e__ mg... , ~._._. _.. ' Iar campus;;.~ d th e par t th at Women's Committee president. Theme of this year's r,: ~h~ ;neetln~ Church. Vernier road, will hold ed at 7:30 o'clock in both the i a try at the alleys. Ithe Newman Club is playing in luncheon, scheduled Monday, February 1, at Detroit's a card party at the church on Main, Dining Room ,il1d the: Anvwa\'. the whole black tie :providing spiritual help. more Saturuay. January 30 at 8 GeorgIan Ro()m to guesb seated : '. '1 f f nand :guidance and social contacts. Masonic Temple, is "From Home to Humanity." evenmg is a pi e 0 u ,d ....(;flrden o'clock. Marr!ed ~uples of all at League tab Ies. : ":inds up in the Abhey, decked

Pianist r~llgpnC' Istomin will I minor Concerto with them, And \ .------~ .... ages and then" friends are wel- Intermittent dancing In the I for anniversarv banners, at mid- J J/eel To !)(' soloist with Th(' DetrOIt Sym.: ,illst a few days after that. he IChurch Circles come. Pontchartrain Roo m to the' night with "'snacks on the phony Or"hcstra at 8:30 o'c!o('k I made his Carnegjp Hall debut. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Ritz, chair- I music of Warney Ruhl's orches- i house." ,- .. J .~(.: (;,osse P'):ntp on Thursday, .Janll~t.y 28. and I With t1w :"Ie\\' York Philharmonic. FIN AL ISlate Sessions men for the event, will be! tra will be provided from 7: '."f':I" {'b~ "',-;11lla~h(>f Satmda\'. ,Jalllun' 30. at Ford Orch('stl'a as winner of the Le\'- happy to take yDur reservation, Iuntii midnight. But at 10 o'clock. : 1 k F'.' ~Jdry ~. a~ thr .\llditoilll1l1, I"I'lll P3ray will: flllritt Pri7(,. Call LA 7-9619. The cost is $3 I (sharp). the entertainnlent. an, Self.made 0 b s t a c .e s ~ep \ The Cir~les of the Grosse eo '. ""(l1 horne of ~Ir" fondue!, , I!l' is particularly known for' per couple. i hour of music, will begin fea.; many from striking their stnde. I Pointe Memorial' Church. Worn------~-~_.- ---- .------._-- -~ (;~','h :'>1:-,- Fa:mtr Istolllln \\'III pC'rform B(.ethoy. I his interpretations of Bectho\'.' LAST DAYS THIS MONTH 3 I en's Association '¥ill meet next ~.'-'. f' a" CI)-hr)'~e5i~ I'll',; ('OI1C(,l'tO for Piano and; £,1:':: works i\nd has played ail; ! Tuesday, February 2, at the '\0 0\1'" _ • ~.. ',1,": •• ('on:--l.'~ 1'):- rt Orchf':-otr:J 4 in (; \la,ior, Thf' ; th(' \\orld with the forC'-, : following homes: orCh(',tl"ll portion of the pro-: l1,ost orchestras. , ';' " ":f.:r: t(' makll~:': i Circle One, Mrs. Warren F.l ,~~. :t~d~!")nS for .:-H' ,:r.lIn will ine!llde Wpber's On'r. Tickpls at all prices are avail. i What do all those :1 Haberkorn, Df Audubon road' tUrt' to "Ikr ~~r{,l~ehllt!." Sihel-' able at the Ford Auditorium Wa:-r: a~ Hpr:nan Circle Two, Mrs. Eugene Allen, Ill'" S~ Il1phony :--'0. 2 ill D \Ia,ior. Box Office . Frank G. Yates, of Har- Formerly to 24.95 off ALL OTHER DARK vard road; Circle Nine, Mrs. Street and Dress Shoes $1385 Kennard Jones, of Buckingham NOW road; Circle Eleven, Mrs. Wil- during our SPECIAL GROUP liam C. Quinlan, of Fisher road; Circle Twelve, Mrs. Andries M. I _. ~:e Cobbiers and Other Casuals Cole, of Lothrop road. 'I . There is no Circle Ten at Me- s 195.ot JANUARY uo all sale.~ final-No Phone Calls Please morial Church this year. P' .. G TOURS ('{£EN - At':E SKIN CARE) H TOl,;KS Mooney-Hipsher SALE ILll'olGS FOR ACNE o:,:e WRLTOn-PIERCE Ri tes Reveuled Look your best for dates 0' Uncommonly fine pelts, : "'. -_-__. _._.. ,~~,K_[~CH~V_AL~AT~S~~_L..._llt_~.!.~.~_SS~EPOI~tI:: ...... -'1_ (hmccs. If Qenc haa been giving uncommonly fashionable shape~ In Our Savior's Lutheran you a rough time ••• ("lear up and styling, uncommonly drastic Church, Great Falls, Mont., De- ~our skin problem with TASC. reduction! Our fur sale ... pi i cember 19, John P. Mooney, son Co. of ~lr. and Mrs, Norman J. at 20% to 30% off-is the AVAILABLE AT YOUR fAVORITE DRUGGIST'S :'vlooney, of North Renaud road, event of the year, for every A PRODUCT OF claimed Evelyn A. Hipsher, woman who's wise enough to TU 6-0111 daughter of Mr. and l'vlrs. W. W, want fur at real savings! S. J. TUTA6 & CO.. DETROIT 84. MICHIGAN Registered Electrologist Hipsher, of Igloo, S.D., as his Hurry in while the selection PHARMACEUTICALS bride. DOCTORS( REFERENCES is uncommonly rich! For her marriage, the former Sheared Canadian Consu'tation Without Ob'igation Miss Hip::.her ~hose an Empire Emba Autumn Haze" style gown of ivory brocade, BEAVER JACKETS, Now .- $495 MINK STOLES, Now $399 18050 Mock Ave. By Appointment fashioned with a scoop neckline, Shea red Canadian long sleeves and circular train. Emba Tourmalinef!' $895 we are proud to introduce ~ Grosse Pointe Phone 882-3906 BEAVER COATS, Now --- Her 'illusion veil fell from a i MINK STOLES, Now $499 cluster of silk rosebuds, and she Black Dyed PERSIAN ~.~====~~~~~~d\ I LAMB JACKETS (Mink the Cal ifornia-designed carried a cascade bouquet fea- \ Emba Morning Light* Ituring a single red poinsettia, MINK STOLES, Now $499 trimmed collars), Now $395 I, white c a I' n a t ion s, holly and couture collection of Black Dyed PERSIAN I berries. Ernba Autumn Haze '" $599 LAMB COATS (Mink NEW Mrs. Norbert Johnson served MINK STOLES, ex. Ig. Now trimmed collars}, t'>low ...., $495 daytime suits and costumes by I as her sister's matron of honor, in a floor length emerald green Emba Azurine'" Natural MINK STOLES, Now .. ---- $599 MINK COATS, Now $1695 I gown with a matching veiled \ CAMPION~ - BERT GEIGER BEAUTIFUL BAR(jAINS ! bow headpiece. She carried a Emba Autumn Haze'~ Emta Tourmaline" : single white poinsettia sur- MINK JACKETS, Now $695 MINK COATS, Now $1995 rounded by green-tipped carna. I ARE BUSTING OUT tions, holly and red berries, Emba Autumn Haze'~ Emba Morning Light'~ Friday, January 29 The bridegroom's brother, Lt. MINK JACKETS, Now .._..~1095 MII'~K COATS, Now $2695 ALL OVER THE STORE! Brian H. Mooney, of Fort Irwin, *TM Embo Mink Breeders Association Calif., acted as best man. Ush. Formal showings at 11 :00 AJv~. and 2 :00 P.M. HAND PRINTS BROCADES ering were Norbert Johnson and TWEECY UPHOLSTERY VELVETS Robert Fox. KAY ANOS FURS Informal m~deling from 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. NYlON TWEEDS After a wedding trip to Cali- SHEERS: fornia, the newlyweds are mak. VA 1-2664 LINEN AND FIB[~GLAS COTTON BLENDS ing their home in Great Falls. 15100 MACK AVE., corner Maryland PLAIN (OLORS Open Daily 9 :30 -5 :3() I A guy with money to burn is "SECONDS" ,seldom seen sitting by the fire. FINEST DECORATIVE, I~-- FABI' officiaterl at the dou-' Flower giri Cathy Yuran. thl' ! CIa.e a e '. I. . istration, Detroit Di hie ring ceremonv Satur- hridE'gro?m's niece. chose a pink i I Nuptial Mass, WhICh was TheIr headpIe~es were matc~. Detroit. Inc., is sche d(1\' morning, in St. Paul's' and. whJt~ . floor I!'ngth frock r I followed by a reception at! ing. pillb~~es wIth attac~ed 1)- Hall, Detroit. l)n'the Lakeshore. fashIoned lIke the dresses of ;, I the Detroit Athletic Club. i luslOn vellmg. and thel.r bou- •• I •• " IT the adult attendants. She car : .. ~ f quets were clu.sters of whIte ~r- Registration v.-ill b 'r .1 he ,J. Ie!: I" till' c!all"hter of ried a basket IJf pink SWl'ethear~ , The bride IS th~ dau ..hter 0 'nations, ivy and velvet ribbon. Room 2043 at 9 in the \, ' .1lHi \It s. .\1hCrt. \1. Berteel" roses. 1 :\11'. and :\Irs. DInc H. Ber(jrd." of "; Hdrlnor clrc1p, 11('r hllshancll i 'of McKinley avenue. Her hus., Dr. Sherburne C. Brown, ing. The first pane " thl' "on of \11' and \Irs. John I Edward Stys. of South :\li?rnL , band is the son of :\1r. and :\Irs. i Southam~ton. Long, Island. serv- gram, "Poison Is The :-- r \" ,()~ Detroit, I rl~.. sern'd as. his brother's 'Sherburne C. Brown. of ~'eff' ed as hIS brother s best ma~. lem," is slated in 'r'hi' hridp's peau d(' soil', Je . man. Seatlllg the guests, a d I In the usher corps were Ulnc 2043 at 9:45 o'clock. (':lapt'! It-n~th train flowed from' ~~re Stne Revak, John Harvey,: ,r a . _. 'J Berard brother of the bride. Crystal and pear emor~))dery David Beifore, Charles R. :\Juel. ',,'j wal"t and was tieri with a D.omas Rogers and William Panelists are to includ : ,',\ 10 frr)nt lxon. I accent.ed th~ bolero b~dIce of ler David Bavne and William Jane Bostick, chairma the bnde's sllk.faced satm dn'ss. ''\1 . , \ douhl(' tirrrri crOwn of <'('ed i For h('r daughter's wedding sumer Consultant, United : Her belled skirt ended in a I .' aas. ,. Food and Drug Adminis "(' If:, ('r~st~ls anrl la('e ap-: and reception at the Knights of, Chapel train. and her headpiece, t For her oaughter s weddmg. professor, Home Eco dlfjllp hf'Id lH'r fingr-rtip iIIus- I C'olllmblls Hall. Gabi'ipI Richard, a pearl.detailed silk-faced satin :\lrs. Berard chose a. dre~s of Wayne. State {jnivers~ty 'I'n \1'11. anri <;hp carried a bOll,' ('ouncil. in Warren avenue. Mrs. I pillbox, caught a bouffant illus. 'pale hlu~ peau de :';OIe WIth a F. COtant, M.D., pre s i (;::1" 0; \I'hite ro<;r,. centl'red I Berteel chose a light pink stre!'t I ;ion veil. lace boclce.. She pmned a l.a...... Board of Health, City of '.' 'rh a \\ hitI' or('h:(I corsage. length dr~ss with a matching I : She carrico an arrangement of ender orchId to h~r matchmg John J. Ihnlon, M.D., (',;111"(, B('rtpel was hN si;;fE'r's jacket. Silver bugle beads ac-, : white roses and stephanotis, :~c- .i;;('ke~. Her hea.dplece was a Health director, Detroit "1.1 id of h 0 nor BrIdesmaids cE'nted htr bodice. :cf'nted with ivy. bll'!1dmg cOllpctlOll of floral County Departments of ',' rrr ChE'f\"1 Brrtepl. another :\trs. Sys wore a street length' :\lrs. Jerome Shulec served as I sprays. and Hugo HuBerman, M. ,',Irr; (;aJ! PhJlJips. Suc;an Schu- gown of dusty blue lace over ~ 'her sister's matron of honnr.' :\1rs. Brown's dress of kelly ministrator, Children's H ::'rr arid \Irs. Florem e Yuran, , taffeta, wilh coordinating acces. I i Bridesmaids were Ellen Hovli.: grpen skinner satin feat'Jred a Photo by .Joe Vall'kula Detroit. ",tf'r of thr hrid('groom. I sories. Both mothers wore i -Photo by Eddie :\fcGrat~•. Jr. : han, :\lrs. James Lass. Mrs. Carl, white o':erblouse with red, Thf'~ \\ Ofr I d (' n tic a l floor' orchid corsages. ' , Anderson anG :'Ilrs. Charles Carr, green :md white beading cire)- Panels presenting asp At a Saturday ceremony in St. Paul's on the Lake. :('!':1 '1 ~o\\ n, of willow l!!'('{'n After a short wedding trip to I At a 12;30 o'clock Nuptial Mass in St. Paul's on : of saginaw'j 'ing h('r neck, and a matching poison are scheduled "c('t'lre f:1II(', \\Ith ha~dmade, Chicago. the new :\1r. and :\-Irs./ shore, NANCY ~1ARIF BERTEEL, daughter of Mr. I The attendants wore identical I jacket. Her accessories com- taneously from 10:30 t :'~rl'n petal hab TheIr cas. Stys will make theIr home in I the Lakeshore Saturday, PATRICIA MARIE BERARD, i floor length gowns of royal bIlle' piemented her gown. and sht> o'clock, in Rooms 2043 t:lmf'S \\ en' nomme. of McKinley avenue, ; ated from qualified colleges and:. • available. Free Measurement & Estimate ServIce at Your Heme Or Office New lorh Stock Ex hll\'(' announce<1 the engage- universiti('s within the last 10 I SpeCial Carnegie Course Here, in on i n t i mot e Come in. browse around this beaut1fui neu' showroom. Get ment. of their d a ugh t e r. i years. . . . . I Being Offered to Women i smart atrr.osDhe,e, where ideas and suggestions to impT01;e the de. cor of your home and ot, JEANNE MARY, to Peter Bur- AddItIonal mformatIon about . coffee is served, you browse or office. at gard Bogle, son of Mr, and, membership In AAUW may be: at your leisure, You can 1500 Bubl Bt; :'.Irs. Henry Charles Bogle, of 'obtained from Mrs. Zinn, TU: After years of Dale Carnegie I select just the right silhou- REDUCED- 51. Clair Shores. : 1-0784, or AAUW Membership I presentations at the Center. for; ette for your individual type SHunE. SHO,P Th t '" 'Chairman Mrs. Urban Boresch,! the first time beginning with a I of figure. PRICES! (' Ilnnounr~men was. ma""e , 886-4692. : demonstration l'.ionday, F~bt"J-: ENe 0 R E, also accepts Other Showrooms at at a sma 1l famJly ~atheTlng at The Cr~ative Writing Group, ary 8 at 8 p.m., the Grosse I better clothes for cansign- the !lom~ of the brlde-ele~t. 'will meet at the home of Mrs. i Poi n t e War Memorial wm' ment, Come in and speak to WEST SIDE NORTH SIDE . :\llSS ~enomm(' p.t.tendeCl the, Clayton D:etrich, in Kensington' offer the Dorothy Carnegie' Mrs. Shoreck regarding En- 23229 Plymouth Rd. 2908 North Woodward l nI\'('rslt~' of DetroIt and was 'road at 12:45 o'clock on Wed. I Course designed s t r i c t 1y for ~~r~0~~t;~2ive plan. Clos- Detroit Royal Oak PAUL GACH ,graduated .from MacLean C"!-, nesday, February 3. . ! women. Attendance at the dem-' I ' Phone 535.5581 Phone 549-6128 ,.ege. Her, f.llll1Ce was graduat:d I "Economic Cha;lges in TO-lon.stration meeting February; ~ 345 FISHER RD. Irom WIllIams College. WII- day"s Japan" wI"1 be descrl'bed' 8th is op....n to th.... ubI' fre 'j;:""-'.",w".,' ....'.m'.' ",...",,,...: ..,... ,." "'-'~""-"-'-"'u--,-...-..,-..-.~.-.-,-.-'-. -,' -" ..... SPEC'" liamstown. Mass., and' received: at the meeting ~f the Interna-I and In n"o way ~b~igat~~ on::! fr"~""""Y,':'::':w'~".:.~..:~,,«::~;..:;,~:.~{-~.,.:,.,~",<:"':::,:<:'.:w',;..:::::.>;,,,,,,:.:;.:,w'.:.,:.,: . ;,::,: ':"":" :.... :.:;.. ~~:Wi,N~.;".~fii.~::::~~'!'~::::~~~:i::::;:.:.::x::;.:::.::::::::::,;"':.:::':;:~~:::' Contents of 40 ?l,&st~l'S de~re~ from the tional Relations group on Thurs-I Classes will begin the following ~~B l nI\ CIslt~ of ~1IchIgan. , day. Fl'bruary 4, at 1 o'clock at week, Monday, February 15, :,:" PALATIAL LAKESI . - '. . - - ,the home of Mrs. Sheldon Dren-! continuing weekly on Monday::;,; , nen, of Lakecrest lane. I evenings from 7 to 10:15 o'clock ' ':~: Grosse Pointe . • • I !\irs. Harvey W ..gner will de-' through May 10. ", P'


AND LARGER LOCAnON This collection 01 authentic antiques at trait's oldest pro" 1J 114 K erc1u'val betluee11 Lakepoi'l1te and. Maryland I:.?; Kerman rug, 15x > OPENINGTUESDAY,FEBRUARY2nd, 822.28181 ,~ carved Aubusson wrought iron cane ...... -- ...... ~--- --..------_ ...... _ -- I ..:. ~---li!i!;! dining room suite curio table, SteinV\ CHARLEVOIX , ;:1: ~:{ Sterling silverware: .::. (barllete, (limp for Boys'l tray, approximatel tJf Lowestoft. Capi-d Charlevoix, Miclrigcn stemware, Waterfl fOtlt Season Boys 7-J 6 Count Hara Stein, NOW ACCEPTI NG ENROLLMENTS FOR Paintings. Meissor THIS SUMMER, 1965 AND FOR 1966. ether prominent a The camp with Oude Ranch featu~es: Riding, riflery, <""tiling, tennis, canoeing, all athletics, archery, crafts, sy...jmming, water skiing, tutoring, over-night trips. A mature staff of sixty. Du I Boys from many states, plus foreign countries. Grosse Pointe enrollment limited. Call now for an appoint- ARl ment.

Last HOson boy, from 73 elti., ."d to...-". h. 4 12 INt.. ottend.d C.... p Chorl."oix Lawr Kenneth W. Smith 1922 Beau'ait Ruad Auc Director-Owner TU;;:edo 1-0286

, For Ink • L_. __ •• ---- ...... ------...~ ... ------••••••• &•••••••••••••••• I!I.&•••••••••• 2••••••••• 3 .L.a ~ .•-'!Ij _a._.II!S.'.6Z

1965 965 Thursday, January, 28, 19t>5 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Poillte Women na es To Hold Symposium Sort Tickets For Dinnerama From Another Pointe of View I Inside The Mothers' Club

(Continued from Page 11) I L... ------~ay ay On Poison Prevention John G. Garlinghouse, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brace Krag, the The first me € tin g of the I t"niversity of ~ichigan, will be James A. Lafers and the James Stand arts plan to enter- "iothers Club of the Grosse i the guest speaker at Parents' ~arl and Higbie Panel Diiicussions to Be Featured At Day-Lon~ Session tain at cocktails at the club before dinner. Pointe Hig~. School in 1965 took i :\Tight, February 9. ~irs. James place January 4 at 1:15 p.h1. in. Laird, program chaIrman, an- II"! in mid-March; Drugs, Foe,d, Pesticides * * * the Teachers' Dining Room. Mrs. : nounced that Dr. Robertson's to Be Considered ' Returning To Yesterday's Reception Robert Clarke, President. open- topic is "Why Students Fail." 6Ssocia- -~------~- ~ ed the business agenda with her: This subject matter is provoca- . "Poiso~ Is No Picnic," a symposium for the preven- i Mr. McCallum discussed his project informally and r e p 0 r t on the intervening' tive and parent" are expected :, Audi. tlOn of accIdental poisoning in home and community, I. showed slides of Museum exhibits to the assembled month's lmsi!less, . to flock to the school that night ~o-spaec!ic * * * WaY!le State University; John lem," at 2 o'clock. Diane Mc. 6:30-8:30 p.m. for the use of: man of the Nominating Commit- 5utika. I Ian McCallum is in Detroit as part of a coast-to- F. Cot ant, M.D., pre sid e nt, •Lane Place, Consumer Special- coast tour to talk with present Friends of the Museum students.. . i tC'e and is aSSisted by :\lrs. ,'),.' \\: ~h ;1 JIll thE' Board of Health, City of Detroit; : ist, United States Food alid to th(' and to acquaint other interested groups with the story " ~irs. ~Ilham Munro, Membe~.: Charles Zentgraf, Mrs. Robert '~'~0'~ .' :~-i'. John J. Ihnlon. M.D .. Public, Drug Administration, will serve of the American Museum in Britain ShIP, rer'orte? tl~ere IS Christian. :\1rs. William Pank- Health director. Detroit-Wayne i as chairman of the session. Members of the 8t. Joseph Auxiliary of the Little . .. . now a paId memhershlp 111 the. hurst. and Mrs, Richard Hinks. ,,(. \\ ,1':-- '1 lld her County Departments of Health; Sisters of the Poor, who staff the Burtha Fisher Home . ChaIrman of the DetrOIt Comm.Ittee for the Museum Club of 1300. ::\lrs. Jones will be pleased to 'If ~ln;-~: ;er th(' and HlI~o Hullerman. M.D., ad. G d r. for the Aged at Southfield and Outer Drive, are plan- IS Mrs. Harold A. Beatty, of McKmley avenue. Mrs. Thomas Pl~tty, Play rep.: hear from anv mothers who Uno:. ministrator, Children's IIo:,pital, "Tar ,en u--rou.p ning a "Dinnerama" this Saturday at the Detroit Committee members include Mrs. Howaru Smith, I r~<:entative, sai~ S1.~8 ca~e: have i>ugge~tioris fol' next year's t):" '...-,' ~:- Detroit. H L h Yacht Club. Cocktails at 7 o'clock will be followed by Mrs. Walter B. Ford II Mrs. Lawrence Fleischman Mrs., flom the prod~;tI()n of Arsemc: slate of offIcers. • (',I ~' I[{'! 'I T ' , , _ and Old Lace, and the monev; _ 1 Panels presenting aspects of i liS ltllC eon dinner and a movie .. MRS. WOODROW LAMB, of .~\ 1 • :l !.t 1 ; 'I .John B. Wa~re~, Mrs. John N. Lord, Robert TannahIll, goes into the scbo13r.ship fund. Self-made men often fail to poison are scheduled simul., Th G d G f th Cook road, (left), and MRS. JOHN FALLON, of York- ,:I:'C:::: (,1!' .. : e .ar en rroup 0 e the Hugo ~~gbIes, Mrs. Henry Clyde Johnson and Mrs. I of the ~iothers Club. I make themselves agreeable. : :1.l.~r1!~~: tant'ously from 10:30 to 12:30 Grosse Pointe Woman's Club shire road, area chairmen for Dinnerama, are pictur- Gaylord GIllIS, Jr. Dr. James Rob('rtson, Associ- i _ ed as they sort tickets for the affair. Funds realized ':':0"' l~n7T' o'clock, in Rooms 2043, 3042, i scheduled a double treat for * * * ate Dean of the Collpge of Lit-; People on the up-grade are r. '~r! ...h ~. Point£' 3043 and 3044. ! members and guests yesterday. via the party will be used to help pay for the sprinkl- Tau Beta To Reminisce erature, Science and the Arts, ~those who keep on the leveL ": 'n her .athE'r ing system to be installed at the Burtha Fisher Home There will be discussions on 'when it sponsored a pot-luck, Tau Beta Association members will re-live nearly It thf' Accidental Home Poisot1ings, lunc~e~n followed by ~r. Hugh as a preci:tution against fire hazards. Dinnerama co- f Mrs Pestidd{'s and Plants, Food, StalkPr s ~:ogram on Gardens chairmen are Mrs. David Horlick and Mrs. John Ray- 64 years of progress and dedication through slides and ~aunt(' (Handl{' With Care), and Drugs, of Europe. . mond. movies at their annual meeting Monday evening. ostess, (Their use and Abuse). Hostess for. the affair was The entertainment will follow dinner Lll the Crvstal NOW! Immediate Openings for It of i! ~1rs. Vene Whims, of Crestwood Ballroom of the Grosse Pointe War Memorhll 7 Lunch [s scheduled at 12;45' road. at 18kin::: Dental Auxiliary Plans Big Ball o'clock, in the River Room.! The Club's telephone bridge o'clock, and the election of officers and trustees for 1965. JI' _ the SALESMEN Mrs. Henry M. Campbell, III, of Kenwood road, is I ~E erman Luncheon speakers will be ;\>lrs. 'party is scheduled for next The Detroit District Dental the "casino." Edward Henkel, Jr., chairman, Wednesday, February 3. Auxiliary has scheduled its an- All proceed:> will be donated the retiring president. Mrs. Hilary H. Micou, Jr., of' Junior League of D~troit Poison i1ual fund rais:Y1g event-the to the children at Detroit Or- Moran road, is in charge of arrangements. I Prevention Patrol. and George :\Iight is supposed tG make "Millionaire's Ball"-3aturday, thopaeclic Hospital and Dental T. Daughters, director, Detroit right, but don't count on it, * * * February 13, at The Whittier Aid, Eerie Evenings IBM@ Hotel. f I I . .. I' Poin~e chaIrman 0 r t 1e Ghosts and other assorted apparitions will mate- DATA PROCESSING DIVISION Dentl~ts of DetrOIt WIll d<>:n,event IS Mrs. Robert Skau, of rialize on stage at The Players Playhouse tonight and black ties and e s cor t their I Washington road assisted by F 'd d S t:' . For those who qualify. excenent career opportunities . . I" n ay an a uruay evenmgs. are available with one of America's top sales organi- We are pleased to announce that wives to an evemng of cock- co-c h a I r men Mrs, Thomas Source of all this extra-terrestrial activity is The Fine tails an~ dinner, dancing to I Singelyn, of Grayton road, and Arts Society of Detroit, presenting the second show of zations. IBM is interested i'1 persons with a college the mUSJC of the Blue Not~s I Mrs. M~rray Clark, of Country its 1964-65 season, Noel Coward's "Blithe Spirit." degree. ur,der 35. who desire a career in sales. Previous experience in the data processing or office H. TERRY SNOW DAY, Jr. and relaxed entertainment In Club drIve. Pointers in the cast of this "improbable farce" ------include Gail Schollenberger, Mrs. John DenIer, Harold I equipment fields is not required. The important J7st has been appointed r..fanager of our Emmons, Jr., and Mrs. Erich Schneider. The producers, thing is that you can demonstra~ abilitY to deal ~. WA N T ED ! I also Pointers, are Mr. and Mrs, William J. Dennes. ~ffectivelv with business management. Corporate Finance Department !I * * * Women's Clothes I Dinner in 'Italy' To Mange For An Interview ••• The first of Grosse Pointe Hunt Club's monthly CARL M. LOEB, RHOADES & CO. is parties for 1965-A Night in Italy-is scheduled this CALL COLLECT Saturday. . , Strolling troubadors will entertain during the cock- Mem~ IBM District Office, Detroit tail hour, beginning at 7 o'clock, dinnt'r will feature a New 10Th Stock Exchange De:lroit Stock Exchange complete "Italiane menu," and Eddie Santini's Orchestra 965-5370 ~ ~~ C). .:.~~ will provide music for dancing. . and other principal exchanges "j.f' ),' ( I'~. 1\\ Host and hostess are Mr. and Mrs. David Amory. i .I',' I ,"I'&' Among the guests will be Mr. and Mrs, John Kirlin, J AM EQtIAL OPPORTIJNIlY EMPL~ 1500 Buhl Building, Detroit, Michigan 48226 OPEN ./)/)); ~ 10-5 /J . I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson and the Edwin Peaborlys. Telephone 962-8400 I)AILY, 1 FRI. 'TIL DR. and MRS. ALEX DOMIN I 9 near 3 Mile Dr. ~p ! of Rivard boult!vard recently i returned from a trip tQ Mexi- I - ico, Among the places they Visi-[ _4.reYon Illtel~ested ill Monogramming, Embroidery, Hemming I too was Alcapulco. I SPECTACULAR SALE A Career in Real Estate? Contents of 40 room man~jon removed from a For Those Who Went PALATIAL LAKESHORE DR~VE home to be sold at a I And Con AHard WE NEED A FEW ADDITIONAL \ PRICED SALE SALESPEOPLE TO WORK IN OUR \ • THREE GROSSE POINTE OFFICES \ MON., FEB. 1st thru FRI., FEB. 5

DAILY 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. REQUIREMENTS \ TUES. EVENING UNTIL 9 P.M. Age - 30 to 50 Year~; \ I I Desi re to Succeed • Good Education and Pleasing Personality This collection of 2,000 items includes rare and Ability to Get Along Vlith Others authentiC antiqut>s formerly belonging to one ot De- Consistancy in Work Habits troit's oldest prominent families. Live In, or Adjacent to, Grosse Pointe Kerman rug, 1)x33, onginal cost $10,000. Hand Willingness to devote full time to the business carved Auh'...lsson sofa, 18th century design, pair aT wrought iron candelabras, hand carved Renaissance WE OFFER dining room suite, carved gilt console and mirror, curiO tablE', Steinway grand piano, etc. LAKE FRONT ESTATE Association with one of the oldest, largest, and most Here's City-Suburban living; at it's best. This home has everything, including successful Real Estate organizations operating in the Sterling silverware:. Service plates, sterling tea set and " guest room, master suite, library, billiard room, games room, 7 fireplaces, Grosse Pointe area. tray, approximately 500 sterling and SheHield items. sprinkler system and a beautiful walled garden. This is by far the BEST BUY Lowestoft. Capi-di-Monte, English lustre, Venetian in the Pointe for a home of this type. Full cooperation from fellow sales people, manager stemware, Waterford crystal, Daum, Gallee, Tiffany, , and staff. ,I Count Hara Stein, many items to select from.

Paintings. Meissonier, F. Boltz, H. Dearth and many IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? Extensive advertising promotion. other prominent artists. Business has been unusually good and the demand for homes greatly An 8-week training course. exceeds the supply. If your home is for sale and competitively priced, we can sell it for you fast. See us at once while this activity Pleasant surroundings. continues. Du Mouc:helle SELLINC HOMES IS OUR BUSINESS IF INTERESTED AND QUALIFIED



_..-.Ir'----'.-; ?_,_C:¥:, I I ~ Lawrence F. DuMouchelle, ..Au- ,ft.,J1Ii1" M. . --:1:::. _. _ Auctioneer and Appraiser • • • • W' 0 • • ,~ ,", 82 Kercheval-uOn The Hill" For Information Call WO 3-6255 TU 4-0600 TU 4-0600

• •

Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 28, 1965 Society News Gathered froID All of the Pointes Cooking Clmses Aimed at A.dults Discuss Post-O-Gram Proiect Icop Club Hears'Science Editor IPointe B~t Club From pate de foie- gras to struet thi$ eight week course I I ...... • " •••...... J ". r ..~. "'"",,, -::~. hamburgers for two. your culi- begiuning Thursday, February ..__.- ...... ~ About Evolution At T H II Planning Party .... }~'.. :.. ";.:.: nary talents - and taste - Willi' 4, at 7:30 p.m. - own a - be satisfied by one of the many . Speaking before the Women"s The Grosse Pointe- Boat Club YOUR AD CAN IE C Cooking Classes offered by the I' Party Cookery and Plann~ng Republican Club of Grosse has scheduled its Wintertime P . t Dr Walter Sullivan, science edi. Department of Community Ser- ,15 a six week course covenng Ol!! e, . John N. Moore, As- tor of the New York Times, will Dance Party Saturday. February vices. Grosse Pointe Public I short cuts to simple and suc- i soclate Professor of Natural discuss "Is There Intelligenl 6, beginning at 8:30 o'clock. at School System I cessful preparation of menus! Science at Michigan State Uni- the Alger Post in St. Paul ave- .' I and f03ds for entertaining.: versity and noted lecturer and Life Beyond the Earth" when hE' nue. Classes offer~d ~or I Party m.,nus. table settings. I author, said "Organic evolution appears at Detroit Town Hall Is Tuesday noon, 12 the WlOtE"I' semest~r wdl ~- and "quickee" foods wEI be I is not fact, but is only a guess." February 3. I Members are i?vited to .brir:g for aij. new copy, chan c~ude Fu.nch Cookmg. ;Be~m- . covered by the instructor, Mrs. i In a revealing, if not startling The program will be at guests. ReservatIon deadline 1S 11; copy and cancellations . nm~ an(i Advanced). Cookmg Julie Green. Mrs. Greene has I .address entitled "Indoctrination a.m. in Fisher Theater. I January 30. Reserva~ions may for Two, Part;.' Cookery and been associated with the De-' IUIletted that all real in our Lives", Dr. Moore stated I' , I be made by <,ontactmg secre- Food Decor~tion. In all classes. troit Edison Company as a I "li t. h d SullIvan, who wrote the de.: tary-treasurer Marie Barbret, copy be submitted to 0 th a t Wes t ern CIVI za l()n a ... ' I £ice b1 Manday 6 p.m. students WIll not only be io- Home SPrvice Advisor. This I been indoctrinated with mater- book on AntarctIca.' TUx~do 1-3980. structed in different types of class will begin Monday Fi;brU- I ialistic concepts for 400 years. "Quest for a Continent," afte-r' meal preparation, but will be ary 15. at 7:30 p.m.' 1 Chorge Ads-f2' words fa able to sample the fruits of Using an impressive bibli.ogra- foui" major expeditions there, is I • their labor at the conclusion of Food De<:oration began Wed- phy, he documented the mflu- also author of the I A ustln Mothers IOc eoch ~dditionol each class period. nesday. January 27. for a per-I e~ce of materialism .sin~e Dar- leased "We Are Not Alone." Coli French Cooking wHl be of- iod of eight weeks. Mrs. Arlean W1n's theory of evolutIon In 1858 Discuss Fiesta f('red on bC'th the Bcgir.lling Yost. the instructor, has taught. gave impetus to the doctrine. In this narraitve he has put TUXEDO 2-690 He used a series of logical ar- together the story of why scien. I and Advanced level. ar.d once with the Detroit Public School 3 Trunk Lines I gument to show that Darwin's tists, believ(' other intellig£'nt. Plans for the annual Fall again the instroctor will be I System for 11 years. theory fonned the foundation of societies exist within communi., Fiesta we~e .unfolde~ at yest;r- LINER 5TATIONS Chef ~rge Marchand. Mr.j She will cover the techniques " the Fabian thinking of the early cable range of the world and I day .evening s ~eeting .of tne CUNNINGHAM DRUGS Marchand IS cu-. ;:lntly Instruc- I of decorating canapes sand- twentieth century, which in turn how we may go about making I Austin Moth~rs Club 10 the .: 18941 Kercheval at Notre ting Chef at C had. s e Y High [I wiches. and many f~ds for ..... ;;':.:.:...... 1 has permeated the fields of re- contact. I school cafeteria . TU 5-lIS88 ~chool. where he trams ap~ren- such special occasion.c; as cock. I ..'. ligi.o~, edu('atio~, economics, Walter Sullivan's ability to!. Foll~~in~ the business ,~es- HARKNESS PHARMACY tice che~s for hotel work. he tail pai"ties. birthday celebra- polltlcs, and the literary arts, as translate difficult technical in. slOn. Strlct~y for ~affs. a has prevIOusly been .Sous Chef i Hons and showers. Of special 20313 Mack Ave. at Loc well. formation into terms the layman sketch spoofmg poaTliamentary TU 4-3100 at the Detroit AthletIC Club. interest to young mothers and . Dr. Moore pointed to a long can readily understand and ap- law. was presented by the NEWS SALES STATIO Beginning French Cooking. grandmothers w1l1 be Mrs. I list of books which would help predate has made him one of Wayne Eastern Deanery Play- to start on Thursday. February Yost's methods for making fan- I DOWNTOWN ARE.A the in~uiring mind seek out in- the most highly regarded of the : ers. T~e hilarious proceedings Grand Circus Park Newa 4. ~n(\ the advancer! class .. to cy children's candies. which I .t .~, ." Majestic Bldg. News Stand f~rmatIon that leading seien- writers and speakers on these I were mt!oduced by Mr;. Jo- beglO Tuesday. Ff'bruary 2. wIll, will also be covered in this ~ tlSts today are disputing the topics. seph PrIce. Mot her s Club ?<>th be 10 week courses. meet. course. ' .. ,t ..: .. E. JEFFERSON TO CITY LI teaching of Darwin's idea as president. .<\lden Park Manor. E. J 109 at 7 p.m. for 3 perIOd of Th P st 0 G . f and VanDyke thr£'e hours each meeting. In Further information regard- e 0 - - ram proJect 0 the Unit- O-Gram, MRS. E. I. BOOK, of Oxford fact and are saying that evolu. ------Caroerona G1tt Shop, W both classes. the preparation of ing Hie various cooking cl8..-~es ed Community ServIces' Tribute Fund road. The ladies gathered recently at tion should be taught as theory A task finished today is worth Favors are always charged up & Jeff. Park Drop, CltyL1mltlt entret's and side dIshes will be may be obtaIned by calling the occupies the attention of, (left to right), the Tribute Fund Committee's annual only, at all scho:>l levels. He re- dozens planned for tomorrow. ~ with high interest attached. featUred. i Department of Com m u nit y MRS. H. LLOYD PA'ITERSON, of Bishop meeting. Post-O-Grams are sold by the peatedly refe!'red to the book --- GROSSE POINTE PARK recently published by the Veri. Miller Pharmacy. Waybu Cooking For Two is especial- ',services at TU 5-3808 or TU road, MRS. GILBERT H. WHELDEN, of committee to provide funds for emerg. Kercheval ly d~i.'!ned to help the bride 5-0271. Prospective, students, Park lane. MRS. WALTER A. CROW, of ency aid in cases where no other re. tas Foundation of Harvard Grad- Sullvan Pharmacy. Beac uates, "The Great Deceit" as City of Grosse Pointe and Kercheveal or .~ew ~ome-llUlke. become I :ue urged to reg!~ter as. soon as Berkshire -road and, displaying a Post. sources are available. Louis Party Store on Ch famlhar WIth the preparation. possible by calhng thIS num-: ------.-----~------.------~ _ being worthy of investigation. by Owner of ba,.ie foods. as well as to ber. as all classes are limited' He called upon his audience as GROSSE POINTE CITY h' I Kopp's Pharmacy. Ca<1te assist the more experienced' in size. ,local Alp a Phi Alums Offer Course ;Local Garden women and mothers to defend Kercheval homemaker. whose meal Plan-I ----- the right of today's children to Cunningham's Drugs. Notre ! Plan Bridge Party Series lop I. · and Kerche'val ning must be scaled down to , . : n 0 ItlCS :Club to Meet be taught truth rather than fal. Notre Dame Pharmacy. the needs of a smaller family. I Off,cers Are Installed I The Grossp Pointe Alpha Phi i lacy. I Dame and KeJ'cheval Interested persons may find :\.'Irs. Ruth Engle. who re-I By Pol'Ish A'id Soc'lety "Alums are busy boning up on A non partisan course in 1Mb em ers 0f the Wm. dml'11 GROSSE POINTE FARMS eel\'l'c! IwI' :\Iaster's de g r e e __ ; their brid"e these days in pre- P' G d Cl out about Dr. Moore's bibliogra- Trail Pharmacy. Kerchev f h U' . of b Practical Politics will be offered I omte ar en ub will gather phy by telephoning the Educa- the .Hill rom t e DIversIty Wiscon- . .. I paration for their big fmld rais- .,. Feruary 3 for a 12:30 o'clock Farms Drugs. Fisher Rei ~in in Home Economics and I N.ew oftlcer~ of the PolIsh AId ing project for the 1964.65 sea- for a n()mmal reglstrat}()n luncheon meeting at the Pemb. tion Committee, TU 4-8843. Kercheval Foods and ~lltrition. will in-! SocIety were Installed ye~:erday. son. Their tar<1et date for the charge of $2 to Grosse Pointe Schettlers Drugs. Fisher R< ..~ I at a luncheon at The Kmgsley , to. ecton road home of Mrs. Virgil M.aumee Kinsel DTUD. Mack and Inn in Bloomfield Hills. ~hastel'Y, off Fc~arles ~oredn t~S ! Women at the Grosse Pointe Walling. Second Graders Raise Road I . e ~eel{. 0 e ~uarYf t Ian he' War Memorial on Mondays be- Program c h air man Mrs. Wood'. Drul Center. Mac! I President of the group IS occasIOn IS a serIes 0 e ep one . . ' I Frank Wilton has arranged to $52 for SS Hope Fund! Bournemouth (7 Mile Rd. ::\irs .• lohn J. Bare. )Irs. Frank bridge parties in 14 of the gmmng February 8. have Mrs. Harold Fremaine .GROSSE f'OINTE WOODS i Hodges serves as first vice-presi- alumnae homes. Ladies may sign up for nine lecture to the group on Land- Mrs. Lillian Seegers' second erience. The drapes, shutters and wool carpeting. Newly dec- Blue Hill PharmacY, Macll The bride-elect is the daugh- children worked in committees Blue Hill Boncw. James Mast, Mrs. Samuel Ulmer mg .su~J~ets ~ll b~ covered; teT of Mrs. Michael Lawlor, of of<:lted. $31,000. MAKE OFFER. J>evomhire Drugs. llIack , The Society has all 0 cat e d Mrs. J. A. Kerns. Mrs. W. F: ~~eal~d1V~dual 10 P~~l~ics, party priced art i c I e s and mad~ I Devonahlre I College Point, and the late Mr. L & L Pharmacy, .Macll anll ! funds for psychiatric consulta- LePla, Mrs. ~fiUard Smith. and . g mzab?~, composlt~on of pre. change. getting social studies! KNORR'S SOUPS 35:a. Lawlor. Call for Appointment conaf1eld and' arithmetic experience. [ I tions and psychological test- Mrs. Syd Reynolds. I~mcts, politIcal CaInl?algns, polito Her fiance is the son of Mr. Cololl1 Patent Medlc1De, I . h d . Ical clu~, leaderShIp problems The clasIJ also made favors j Mack 16 Oz Size 1mgs for youngst~rs w 0 atten I Proceeds from the parties will and reI f flit' - and Mrs. Elwood T. Platz, of Harper Commumty House. A go to cardia<: aid Alpha Phi's b' a Ion 0 po ICS and Lothrop road. that were sold at a bazaar last TUxedo 2.6347 NU SOFT RINSE • . h' ' usmess 1A-PERSONALS 47:3 Ispnng luncheon and fas Ion national philanthrophy. During . fall to help the fund. -- _. --~------'I' show is scheduled )lay 26. at the! the past two years $3,550 has The course will be set up in Grace Hospital Auxiliary J. L. Hudson Company. I heen given to Children's Hos- workshop fashion with discus- The Women's Auxiliary to the ENGAGED? Discerning b H,....lin ~.. I ---- ~-- I pital in Los Angeles and $3,530 sion groups led by Mrli. James Grace Hospital will hold a select Grosse Pointe's f candids . . . in vibrant 89 Kercheval TU 5-8400 M t lk - d f 1 Ito the University of M!nnesota A. Wilson anti Mrs. Harvey C. luncheon and meeting at the I 10\~Son~~kea e~ery d~ll~~u~t~ Heart Hospital. From Octoher, Fru~h~uf. Jr. Each ~eries will Women's City Club at 12 o'clock color. or sparkling bl?-c1I 1 This is the wine to serve ... when white. Jack DeForest. ~ 11961 through October, 1963, be llmlted to approxImately 20 on February 2. Dr. Gertrude Z. $85,078.68 was raised for Ameri.j members. Those i:lterested are Gass will speak on "The Role 4-4852. ,can Heart; $8 129.87 for local asked to register at the Center I of Women Whose Husbands Are CLASSES in basic drawin~ an nou ncement ;projects; $8.415.32 to Alpha Phi as soon as possible. in a Helping Profession." you want your goodtaste to show painting. Monday evenin : Cardiac AId Fund. I ' .. ~._ , to 9:30 p.m. 12 lessons, I '. The grand t~tal ~:ince .the pro. I ,I Cask Crel!m Sherry caters tc the whims of discriminating tastes. Little wonder. beginning February 8. . Ject stiirted In 19~6 IS more 11 PIlB~IlC Cask. Cream. Sherry is 8 full bodied, amber-gold wine, rich in rare fragrance, structor Phyllis Koop. I than $700.000. For the 1962-63 ~ S' AIL IV ~ Harper near Chalmers. : period, 80 alumnae groups reo . i.£I ~ ~ ~nd fll,l,e~w~~h8 nut-sweet flavor all its own. And Cask Cream Sherry is so fit- tmgly right for so many pleas- ant occasions. You'll find this VAlley 1.Q445. Ask for : ported having participated in 3 Bradley . 'Cardiac Aid Project. This year Not an Auction - All Items Priced • up~rb.tasting sherry espe?ially delightful betvveen meals, or in Dorine to date 46 groups have report- settrng the mood for after-dinner ccrdiality. Ask for Cask Cream 2A-MUSICAL ed. S(J they have high hopes of Sherry aJ your favorite liquor store. tavern, or supermarket. INSTRUCTION formerly of Maxines-has joined being on their way to another Household Furnishings successful year. the staff of PUNCH AND JUDY

I , '" MUSIC STUDIOS , ~' .j Piano, guitar. banjo, ! 'Buxom Belles' Invited 'f MRS. ARTHUR STRASNER l To Become 'Svelte Sues' accordion. Anna Mae Beauty Salon 17358 Westhampton Rd. Guitar Rental and Sales The Buxom Belle Club has Southfield 15 Kercheval 14530 E. Jefferson Ave.. Phone VA 2-1405 :~us~ started a new chapter, and (E. of Southfield Xway, N. 'Of 8 Mi. Rd.) Grosse Pointe Farms InVItes Poi n t e ladies with TU 44440 Res. 372~ weight problems to come to the SATURDAY, JANUAt;Y 31, FROM 10 A.M. -- -..------~~- . ------.------Tyrone School. Littlestone and 1;::~t:$:1"':~"f;:'~\~:;~:'':::';;:~'':''Tb''::::~::::'~'~'e'~':'i':;;"::':N:~%Sii:E'::i<:;:I"::':G::~':::"H:''{<~B;i:~O\<''RH'}~::i:::a~:O':;-":':"O'M':Di',::,:,,~:::":~:':~':~';::;~~;;;~~~'*::':J~:oo:s~ ar~e~~~lo~~ :e~;e~d~; PIANO, organ, voice, th Pre-school through UI :~< :t I evenings. MR. I MRS. JOSEPH WANAMAKER ,ity level. Walter Mup.lleJ Colon! ..l Ct. N.• TU 6.10 i~ THRIFT SHOP ~ he1~mw~~~~e :ft~a~~~~~tn ~;o~~ 681 Hollywood Rd. HIY..IE BOYKIN HAT 'I j! fi.] lems by group therapy, similar Grosse Pointe Woods piano teacher. New Enl m Largest Stock of ResaLe CLothes ~~ to methods used by AA or Re. (E. of 8 Mi. Rd., N. of Morningside) Conservatory Boston. ~;l In the Grosse Pointe Area ::;:,'covery, Inc. For further infor- tute of Musical Art, De ;...... ~.;.,.:~.,:,...:...,..,i.,. mation. contact Mrs. Helen WEDNESDA Y, fEBRUARY 3, FROM 10 A.M. Beginners and advanced 'f : Krebs, J~A 7-2207. ? ALSO :~: CASK dents. Studio, 10C"1 Mary ------_.- Grosse Pointe Park, P ~: A BARGAIN DEPARTMENT :r I Back from a winter holiday in VA 2-9464.

~, With hundreds of items of clothes, cnina and :?: I( Florida and Nassau are the MR. I MRS. K. BASHY. ~: .. WIL IA ACCREDITED piano teal =; ,..,' brie-a-brae at low prices ::r i L M SCHUMACHERS. of D.I.M.A. g r a d u ate. 1 I Harvard road. 18484 Greenlawn _: i: Detroit Kirby met hod. w,' ST. CLAIR AND WATERLOO - TU 5-0773 }~:I r------;;..-;;..--.";",-----;..-----. through college level trail SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, FROM 10 A.M. 886-3094. J:: • Open Tues_ thru Fri., 10-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. • [1:! I t~ THE t: • Thurs. 10.12 a.m., 2-4 p.m., 7-9 p.m. • :;:~::I r esu via I ~. ~: • Sot. 10-12 a.m. - Ciosed Monday,>. ";; ART GALLERY DUNN ING COUR~ MR. & MRS. JAC.K P. MUNSON PIANO and THEORY ~"Zi'::'" .""-'~"'+'mw"","""""" ,."."" ,..w""..".,",.,,,.:,,/ I 0 rig ina I Impo rted I :' BRIGGS MUSIC STUDI' 19500 Birwood Rd. 15 Kercheval-Punch and Detroit Building. Oil Paintings I ~ Grosse pointe SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, FROM 10 A.M. Teacher: MILDRED BRI( KEARNEY TRAVEL SERVICE • MOC'ERATELY PRICED • TUxedo 2-5680 MEMBER OF AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRAVEL AGENTS Now Available MR. & MRS. F. A. FENDLER on Rental Basis PRIVATE TUTORING takes pleasure in announcing 1312 Berkshire Rd. IN Have A Portrait Made Grosse Pointe Park YOUR OWN HOME the associ.ation with its staff of of Your Loved Ones CASK All subjects; all grades. • SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, FROM 10 A.M. ults and children. CertU $30.00 and up CREAM SHERRY teachers. MRS. BEN W. BEYER Call: SALES CONDUCTED BY DETROIT AND SUBURB. 100 Whittier Hotel Vesuvia WINE TUTORING SERVICE KE 7-4653 Detroit, Michigan ART GALLERY H. O. McNiern." Stalker I Boos, Ine. 15126 MACK VA 1.8224 ~ APPRAISERS ALL ET.EMENTARY ,rs' 821-5700 Bron~: .... d. and botrf.d by MIchigan Wineri ••• 'no .• hw Pew, Mlcfll and remedi&l reading De' 40 W. Grand River 962-1373 424 Book Bulldinl WOodwnd 1-9085 f8~E CASKWINE GUIDE; Write P.O. Box 207. P'w Pew.": Board of Education list. 4-4323 after 4 p.m. ..

~ -- --- ._----_... & ; i •

sday. January 28, 1965 Thursday, January 28, 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen lintes - I Poilltt> Boat Club I I Planll;llf! Party nr T:lf' Cr(lss{' Pointe B~at Club YOURAD CAN I' CHARGED I' ~('IJ{.ct\ll('ct Its Wintertime Three Trunk Lill.' To S.rv. Vou 9ulckly CALL TUxedo 2.-6900 Three Trunk Lin•• To Serve Vou Quickly P ..::eT Fa;'ty Saturday. February '; h{'~tnning at 8'30 o'clock. at : '1(' :\1):('[ post ir. St. Paul ave- Classified Deadline 2~-TUTORING IS--SITUATION WANTED 6A-FOR RENT 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FORSALE 8-ARTICLES FORSALE n.l£' BRIDGE: ta. (Furni.hed) . ught 1D small groups IENVELOPES, CJll'ds, etc. any Is Tuesday noon, 12 p.m., FOR THE }"INEST IN RESALE GUITAR and Drum Warehouse "l(,lJlb(,I'~ .Ire ill\'ited to bring tn my home. Reasonable. quantity, hand addressed in MODERN 3-bedroom 2lh bath for all new copy, changes of CLOTHING FOR THE must remove befor~ inventory NOW YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY ::lll'''t''. R£'servation deadline is COpyand cancellaUoD.l. It ia 885'5341. my home. VAlley 1-3485. colonial with family room, FAMILY guitars and drums. Lowest CAN LEARN TO PLAY THE ,1.1 nt,ary 30, R£'~ervations mllY suggested that all rql eatate . $300 unfurnished, $350 fur- Many, originals. Large selection prices ever. Several used ORGAN. :)l' mad£' by contactmg serre- COMMUNITY IF YC'U'LL NAME the Job you nished Minimum lease 6 of children's wear. . 1f\'.tr£',,~lIr('r :\1arie Barbret. ropy be submitted to our of- want done I'll do it! VA month~. drum sets. Gibson an~ Fender fice by Monday G p.m. Items taken on consignment. guitars, and others from This is a family instrument 'll',l'do 1.3980. TUTORING SERVICE 4-9172. MANOR TU 6.0550 $14.95. Fender electric guitar, everyone will enjoy. You will MRS. LOUIS MARICK DlREC LEE'S FASHION MART BEGINNERS SKIS, boots, me FOR pe!"sonalized secretarial '2J339 Mack TU 1-8082 ~9. be ..bIe to play songs during V 3'ge Ads. J 2 words for $ , .00 TOR Tutormg by degree teach. service call Hester Wright 6B-ROOMS FOR RENT the first lesson. 5, and poles. TUxedo 8-096'7. en avaiiable in all subjects for 10 to 5 Daily - Fri. 'tit 9 MUSIC CENTER Austill IOC e"cn "dJition,,1 word Batchelor, 885-2727. NICE ROOM in private home. Mothers grades high school, college and 22933 Gratiot near 9 The Music Center is offering l1-AUTOS FOR SALE Refined gentleman. Garage. OIL PAINTINGS - Originals. C~" adult education. NURSES AID, with references. Noted artist. Frames included. Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily a group lesson for the entire J)i.i\f'llSS Fiesta PRescott 2.5337. Grosse Pointe Woods. 881- HARD TOP for a 1963~ Sting 3311l\tert1weather Sacrifice. Call anytime, UNi- family. Everyone can learn TUXEDO 2-6900 4299. ESTATES bought and sold. Ray Cor vet t e convertible. 3 Trunk Lines Grosse Pointe Farma versity 3-9438. to play the new Lowrey $150. TUxedo 4-6567. j".'!:' fol' the annual Fall SA-SITUATIONS ROOM for gentleman. Private Complete or ood pleeea. An. organ. TUxede 4.2820 ti,ques, silver, china, furni- i' : ". cl 1\ l'r£, unfolded at yester- LINER STATIONS WANTED (Domestic) home. Good transportation. ELECTRIC DRYER, Hamilton; Think of the dose family reo '61 CORVAIR Moma, 4-door, !;:\ t'wllin.;'s met'ting of the OPENINGS FOR fl!:ACHERS electric range, refrigerato~., 2 ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C. lationshin this will bring into automatic: tra~ion, bilelt'- CL;'\jNINGHAM DRUGS EXPERIENCED lady w ish e s Vicinity Mack - Moross. TlTx. \1I,':n \lnthNs' Club in the large air-eushioned leather Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO your home. Cares, tensions et seats, excellent condition. ~59.11 Kercheval at Notre Dame Thursdays, laundry and clean- edo 4.9162. .<"11":'; c:1f('tPf ia. TYPEWRITING or shorthand chlirs. Miscellaneous. VAlley 6-2500. disappear as you and others TUxedo 1.8645. Tl' 5-9698 individually bmght in my ing. References. 923-1215. r',l1 (l\e In l: t he business ses- PLEASANT ROOM for em. 1-1320. May be seen Saturday will learn to play and listen H '\RKNESS PHARMACY home. Reasonable. 885-5341. It's a buyers' market. We know RAMBLER American, '58, auto- ,":1 ..:-;tl"lf't1y for Laffs," a EXPERIENCED, reliable h d Y ployed lady. Near transporta- afternoon. together. ~0313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoor - it and our prices show it. matic transmission, transpor- ,k,'ld1 .pn..fin~ parliamtntary wishe:. day work, or 5 days. tion. TUxedo 2.1152. The complete group lesson 1T ~-3100 3-LOST AND fOUND DRESSER, chest, vanity, bench, Lowrey Starlet organ, regular tation, $95. TUxedo 4.5411. ,de \'.,1" pr~ented by tl1e 921.5258. cost will be $4.95 per evening St:ws SALES STATIONS LOST night table; in excellent con- $495, Sale $395. \\ :!\':H' Eastern Deanery Play- 6C-OFr.ICE FOR RENT Mrs. Poucher will instruct KA..RMANNGHIA, 1964. Choco- DOWNTOWN AREA : Young male cat, short GOURMET com: for parties. dition. TUxedo 5-4637. Kimball Spinet walnut piano, 'h I hI' hil:lriou~ proceedings your family as an individual l(lte brown, special order, Grard CIrcus Park Ne~ Stand hair, black, white and tan Morning calls only. 771.7132, AIR CONDI'fIONED 0 f f ice, regular $695, Sale $597. '\ ,':',' If~tr()dll ..ed lJy 'Irs. .To- ~lJlestlc Bldg. News Stand striped. "Farms." 884-31:..01 ... group. black interior. Under 6,000 &I'nI Elizabeth. telephone and secretarial YOUR OIL PAINTINGS expert- Many Practice Pianos from $49. ,,,,,,, Prh'e, \10 the I' s' Club - ly repaired, restored and miles. Used on Euro~an va. E JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS 4-HELP WANTED answering services available. Many-many others. "No organ is needed at home l,t, ....l(iprl. Aldl'll Park Manor, E. JeIieuon WHITE WOMAN wishes Fri- Suitable for manufacturers cleaned. cation. $2,000. Eve n , n g s, and VanDyke MALE AND FEMALE Lowrey and Conn organs. to start." A home rental plan I days. Please call after 5:30. representative. TUxedo weekends, call WO 5-6972. Camerona Gift Shop. Wa"burn ANTIQUE FRAMES completely Kimball, Story &: Clark pianos. I is nvailable. Call now, don't ; ", .. ;', :l1'I' aL\a~,,; "hargerl up & Jeff NEAT TYPIST with light short. 824-6448. 1-8140. Pari< Drugs. CltyLimlg restored. Museum standards Shop at hesitate to arrange for your P 0 N T I A C '63 9 passen,er .\1',1 hi.!h lnt('rest attached. hand for real estate office. of perfection. A GOOD IRONER wants Mon- OFFICE SPACE in the Village. THE MUSIC CENTER evening ai'pointment. Phone wagon, very clean, Ziebart GROSSE POINTE PARK Good working conditions. Mr. days, Tuesday. Baby sitting. PRescott 5-8000. Ask for rust.proofed, full power, :.1';1('1' Pnarl'l'acy, Waybum and Birdsall. TU 4-0600. 643 Notre Dame, Answering VII GLFS ART SHOP 22933 Gratiot near 9 Mile Kerdle\'al Reftrences. 821.5885. service. Parking. TUxedo Hours 10 to 9 organ department. $2,375. TUxedo 6-4206. Sc.:"'.ln Pharmacy. Beaconafled 8100 Kercheval WA 2-5165 ,sse Pointe ana Kercheveal NURSE 'WIDOW. babysitter or ironing 5-0518. CADILLAC, 'M Sedan de VIlle, LoUiS Party Store on Charlevoix Restoration Specialist THE MUSIC CENTER in my home. Connie Franklin, good condition, full power, Michigan Rer:istered Graduate, OFFICE FOR LEASE INTERIOR 22933 Gratiot near 9 Mile ,:'ROSSE POINTE CITY sin g 1e 21 - 30. Downtown 571 Manistique. 824-3464. 1000 Sq. ft. Kercheval near original owner, Grosse Pointe. Kopp s Pharmacy, Cadieux and DECORATING Hours 10 to 9 TUxedo 1-7030. K"rcheva.l ophthalmologist's 0 f fie e, REFINED woman wants 4 days, Chalmers. Paneled, drapes, air ALSO AT WIGLES . . . CunnmglJam's Druga, .Notre Darne days only, Complet~ resume conditioned and heated. Parking First class custom-made drap. VR turn. la .of and KercheVal no nights. Excellent refer- SMALL household articles. Call CHE OLET, 1u-...,. Impa ~ :-:ot~e Dame Pharmacy. Notre Box X.25 Grosse Pointe News. space in rear. FOR SALE eries, bedspreads, dust ru1Jles, d h d . V 0 ences. VAlley 4-5466. Thursday after 4 p.m., Frida" oor ar top, automatic -0. Dame and Kercheval PROPERTY INVESTMENT CO. Extraordinary selection of fully valences, samples, repairs. " E 11 t diti Ori' 1 DEALER WANTED - Goo d EXPERIENCED lady wishes Free estimates HOward 3- after 10 a.m. TUxedo 4-0108. xce en con on. gma GROS)E POINTE FARMS Rawleigh busineSlS now open 1332~'Kercheval 824.1510 authentkated rare masterpieces . ~- owner. $750. TUxedo 1-1671. T~all Pharmal"Y. Kercheval on day work. References. Call including works by Whistler, 6153. i BEAUTIFUL rn~hogany secre.! ,he HIli in Grosse Pointe. If willing to aft~r 5 p.m. 331-3314. GROSSE POINTE, Mack Ave. f.lrms Drugs, !".sher Rd. and conduct Home Service busi- Thomas, Gainsborough, Aert van .. I tary, $40. Mahogany dresser, OLDS, '64 Holiday 98 .f.door Kercheval betwe~n 7.8 Mile, 20' x 60', der Neer, Gari Melchers, Robert RENTAL of ?1uslcal instruments $25. Breakfast set 4 chairs hardtop, full power, 11,000 ness with good profits, write EXPERIENCED lady wan t s S,'heltlers Dr\,l:;S. Fisher Rd. and modern store. Ample parking. Hopkin, others. for school children. S? monthly. $40. Carpet, 8x10.' $15. Pro: miles, family. t:M, li~e new, ~laumee Rawleigh, Dept. MCA 769-45, Monday, Wednesday, Friday $175 per month. TUx e d 0 Kmscl Drup. Mack and 7-M11e Freeport, Illinois. cleaning. Steady work or of. THE MUSIC CENTER jeetion screen, $20. Maple pa~e. blue Wlth white top. Road 1-8364. DRAPES, pair of green chairs, 775-8000 chairs with cushions, $20. Orlgmally $4,660, ask in g Wood's Drug Center. Mac1l and fice cleaning. 868.GOgO. leather top step tables, cock- Bourne;nouth (7 Mile Rd.) A MECHANICALLY inclined MISCELLANEOUS articles of Other furniture. Open Friday $3,19S. Call 778-5820. young man for direct sales NEAT, experienced w 0 man 6F-TO SHARE tail table. TUxedo 6-0186. and Satu,'day 1 to 5 p.m. 528 .GROSSE POINTE WOODS baby clothing and furniture. 1964 FIAT, llOO-D, 4-elect Grosse Pointe's finelt MAN, over 45, counter and ATTORNEY and wife desire 2 condition. One owner car. 3139 East Larned St., ~O 8-3118 22933 Gratiot near 9 2 TELEVISIONS, 5 e V"e'r"al A SMALL Piano-Nice studio randids ... in vibrant full- marking. 12 to 7 p.m. 6 days or 3 bedroom home in Grosse TUxedo 4-7797. color. or sparkling black .!lnd Hours 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. Daily aquariums. P u m p s, sump, upright to fit in limited space. steady. Denby Cleaners, 20087 6-FOR RENT- Pointe or vicinity. LOraine !... when \,hlte. Jack DeForest. TU drainage and high pressure. Ebonized, $34,'). Smiley Bros., RAMBLER American '60 4-door Mack. 7-6294 or WOodward 2.7840. .1-4852. (Unfurnished) WE FIX ANY TV Winch. 1'U 5-0695. 5510 Woodward, TR 3-6800. sed an, automatic, power RECEPTIONIST, age 20 to 50, SMAu.. home or wing of house $19.95 Open evenings 'til 9. Sundays steering. One owner, 30,000 CLASSES in basic drawing and good telephone voice, typing, LUXURIOUS, spacious 2 bed- on large estate, college grad. LADY'S MUSKRAT fur coat, 1 to 5. miles. 885-20S3. e to show painting. Monday evenings, 7 some experience. Send resu. rO')m flat, 2Jh baths, family uate aud 18-year-old son, for. Includes all parts and labor. size 14, good condition, sacri- . . 1960 PLYMOUTH Fury convert- to 9:30 p.m. 12 lessons, $25, room, terrace, 2-car garage. mer Grosse Pointe residents. 110., 24", 27", slightly extra. fice $30. TUxedo 4-1321. BALDWIN ~ Full Size sp~net me to Box G10, Grosse Pointe ible. POwer brakes and steer- ;J ~3stes, Little wonder. h('ginnin~ :rebruary 8. In' Many extras. 15847 Windmill TUxedo 4-9377. USED TV SALE' lor g a n Wit h reverberatIon, News. $15 BOOKCASE, mahogany; small percussion, 28:'watt sou n ~ ing, whitewalls, Golcf~n Com. rl.:h In rare fragrance. ~t ructor Phyllis Koop. 14310 Pointe. $325. TUxedo 4-2253. Harper near Chalmers. Call WANTED-Man to assist in RESPONSmLE Pointe family ~i::~ .:...... :.::::..$25 radi?, double bed comple~, I sy~ems. TranslStO! tone ~en- mando motor. TUxedo 4-7797. Crearr' S~srr'( is so flt~ " CTURE TUBES $7 1 speCial, dust ruffle, blue liv- eraoor, locktd 10 tunmg. \":\l1£'y 1.0445. Ask for Miss posting, bookkeeping, typing, HARCOeRT 709-U p per six desires unfurnished house to 95 1963 COMET 4-door custom. ; OriS You'll find this 21 PI ...... ing room chair, sectional love Beautiful tone and easy to Bradley. general office work. No tele- rooms 2 bedrooms, 2 full lease for year or more, com- Radio, heater, automatic, low be:,' ee:l meals. or in phone calls. Kennelly and Sis. baths,' compietely air-condi. mencing March 1. Four bed- . ., TV seat; antique chairs, hand play. BRAND NEW for only VIe [;, 5 braided rug, paintings, fire- $1,050. Easy ~ rent or buy, mileage. Call VAlley 4-4910, As~ for Cask Cream 2A-MUSICAL man Co.. 563 Lycaste. tioned, gas heat, 2-car garage. rooms or more. TU 4-6445. Ph" VAlley 1-4206. 25280 GRATIOT place tools. TUxedo 4-6930. only $25 month. Smiley Bros., Saturday or Sunday. .~rn, or supermarket. INSTRUCTION 4A-HELP WANTED - WIDOW desires 2 or 3-room 776.6200 5S10 Woodward, Detroit, TR FORD '60 Galme 4-door hard. NEFF LANE - 2-bedroom, air apartment, furnished or un- WALNUT DESK-CHEST com- 3-6800. Open evenings. Sun- I top. Black, red interior. TUx- PVNCH AND JUDY (Domestic) conditioned, fully carpeted, furnished or would share HALLICRAFTER TV combina- bination, 48" high. Good con- day 1 to 5. edo 5-6150. MUSIC STUDIOS WANTED for placement: Ex- 26 feet of closets, private home. Call TUxedo 1-5508. tion, U of M record changer. dition, $30. Tt'xedo 1-4140 Piano, guitar, banjo, perienced cooks, waitresses basement. No children, no Frigidaire refrigerator, top after 5 p.m. SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT THUNDERBIRD, 1 owner, ex. pets. $160. TUxedo 4-3207. 8-ARTICLES FORSALE freezer, 13.9 ft. Please call FOR SALE accordion. and couples. TUxedo 5-4576. We Buy and Sell Antiques cellent condition, 1963 hard. (;uitar Rental and Sales. . ---~ after 6:00 p.m. 884-4452. toP. Call Mr. Nash, 9 A.M. to Silver - Glassware . Furniture TYPEWRITERS anO add 1 D Jl CLEANiNG W 0 man, German, WANTED 6 P.M. WOodward 2-5485. COUNTRY FURNACE conversion burner Pie safe, $75. Dough Box, $30. machines. new. rebullt. Rea~ 15 Kercheval Scandanavian, for 1 day every CLUB On Consignment for Resale. sonable prices. National Of- Grosse Pointe Farms other week. Mack.7 Mil e , MANOR Children's, men's and women's to gas, 170,000 B.T.U. input, Blanket boxes from $25 to $35 1957 FORD Co u n try Squire ficeEquJplDent.16833 ~r Wagon. 9 passenger, excep- n' 4-4440 Res. 372-8994 wurking adults. Grosse Pointe Spacious and luxurious 2- clothing; must be cleaned and excellent condition, :reason- COI,ONIAL RESALE SHOP at 8i~hop TUxedo 1-'fl30. tional condition, rust proofed, references. TUxedo 1-0476. bedroom apartments. From pressed. ALSO household appli- able 886,1832, after 6 p.m. 25613 E. Jefferson 772-0430 -- . 10-4 TueS.-Sat. Closed Mon. power brakes, steering. TUx- PI:\~O, or~an, v:>lce, theory. ances. Will pick up. HOUSEKEEPER, 5 days, for $250. GOLD FRAMES repainted and 8S-ANTIQUES edo 1-5793. Pre-school through unlve) .. working mother. Call 881- THE BARGAIN BOX A REAL 15 MILE (Maple Rd.), just east 25819 Harper, 4 bib. north of refinished. 882.1977. CHERRY CAB I NET, circa sit" level. Walter Muel1er, 482 3293, after 5 p.m. {\f Telegraph, Birmingham, MI COLLECTOR'S ITEM 1961 MERCURY Mediator, pow- C~lon; ..1 C~. N., TU 6.1090. 10 Mile. 771-2650. 1840, $225. TUxedo 5-1109. er brakes, steering, white- 4.0273. AQUARIUM, 3 gallons, fully I Antique bedroom sui t e , . ~ , WOMAN, with recent refer. walls, radio. heater, PRescott FmEPLACE seasoned hardwood, equipperl, plus many extras. 1876 date of manufacture. .1lXIE BOYKIN HAT TEN, ences, companion to widow 9-ARTICLES WANTED 8.7926 • delivered and placed. Don TUxedo 1-4673. B e aut i f u 1 marble top plano teacher. New Englan? ffivving to Eastland apart. ELEGANT Georgian Colonial d res s e r. For price call for lease. 742 Sunningdale. Spens, New Baltimore. RAy- WE BUY old gold, Jewelry and W ~TED Ca:1servatory Boston, Ins!i- ment. Live in. ADams 1.8137. YU 2-3622, Port H u r 0 n , silver. Vogue Jewelers, :a377 12-AUTOS An Offers qualities which will mond ~56. HUGE DISPLAY tute of Musical Art, DetrOIt. Mich. Morass Road. I .i speak well of new tenants. of Heginners and advanced stu- 5-SITUATION WANTED ROCK SALT and ammonia sul- dents. Studio, 1001 Maryland, $435 monthly. Owner, TUxedo AFRICAN VIOLETS HEAD SKIS, 6'4", s till have TRI-CITY phate for icy walks and drives. I PAY CASH Grosse Pointe Park, Phone 6.2600. A lovely cheerful gift for all guarantee. TUxedo 2-0036. FOR YOUR OLD SUITS CASH BABYSITTING SERVICE We deliver. TUxedo 4-6576. occasions. Choice, lush plants. VA 2-9464. "We will etay while you're MODERN 3-bedroom 21,-2bath A must for that Valentine. DOUBLE BED and dresser, twin TOPCOATS and SHOES BABY CRIB, Lullaby, birch, A telephone call will bring us to ..\CCREDITED piano teacher, away, any hour, night or day" colonial with family room, Our display is a show of its bed, dining room table, china for complete. Abbot step-on play- you immediately. DI.M.A. g r a d u ate. Kelly Best Baby Sitters Avaliable $30!> unfurnished, $350 fur- closet, Motorola T.V., 2 bed- pen, $50 for both. 884-5375. very own. f . OPEN SUNDAY Kirby met hod. Pre-~c~OOl Licensed and Bonded nished. Minimum lease 6 ALICE'S VIOLET RACKS room chairs, Norge re rlge~- CARS through college level tralmng. Baby Care, Vacation Care, months. RE'FRIGERATOR-13 cu. ft., 16845 Harper TITxedo 1-1135 ator. p~rch rug, sma II ~o, Diamond 2-3717 MANOR TU 6-0550 separate' freezer. Reasonable. '30 pm lamp, kitchen table, 2 chalrs. 886-3094. Convaiescent and Elderly Care Weekdays 10 a.m. to. 5 ,.' I U d 5-7760 754-6070 ----- 15687 East 7 Mi1~, 839-9640. WANTED - Home of furili- ANY MAKE 3.BEDROOM HOUSE, excellent Open SundllYs 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. T xe 0 • ture or odd pieces. WA 1- 'rHE ANY MODEL NEEVa baby sitter? The Sitterl location, full basement, $130 CORNET Grinnell, silver bell Fe!" Your Convenience CURIO CAB IN E T SHELF, 8575. DUNNING COURSE Club, PRescott 7.0377. Li- No pets. TUxedo 5-6114. 4550 and m~tes. Excellent condi- ebony with inlay mirrnr, un- BOOKS, art objects, paintings. p~~o and THEORY censed and bonded. Radnor. tion, $65. Encyclopedia Brit. FUR COAT, size 14, brown 2 tique English carved walnut taniea, like new. TU~edo 4- skin sable scarf. TUx e d 0 chest, Victorian inlay ~able, Immediate cash. BRIGGS MUSIC STUDIO NEFF, 523 B. C. Claes Book Shop HANEY BROS. 15 Kercheval-Punch and Judy I 3703. 4-3277. large walnut oval mIrror, APPROVED Duplex with 3 bedrooms, 2lh other items. 17609Maumee. Since 1928 14770 GRATIOT Building. NURSES REGISTRY baths, built in 1956, available WHEELCHAIR, good condition, Certified Appraisals Grosse pointe WE BUY-SELL-TRADE February 10th. $260, lease. GUNS $50. TUxedo 2-1422. COLLECTOR'S oil paintings - WO 3-4267. and Teacher: MILDRED BRIGGS Licensed Practical Nurses. TUxedo 5-4100. Perrault, Weiss, Noweig, We have excellent books and Reloadin, equipment and com. ROUND maple table, 2 leaves, 15300 GRATIOT TUxedo 2-5680 'rOLES REAL ESTATE ponena. Scope and 81ght In- excellent frame.s; large MelS- delightful paintings for sale. 4 chairs, $25. TUxedo 6-0619. Companions, Nurses' Aids ~tallatioDJ. Stock fitting and sen vase, white mar b I e DR 1-7888 28- TUTORING GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Ros. statue. 881-7466. NOW TAKING Spring clothing complete gunsmithIni. 21" TV, PIANO, dining room I Convalescent Care. lyn Road - Attractive 2 bed. for the entire family, on con- PRIVATE TUTORING room bungalow (no dining BROWNING & WINCHEST~R set, bookcase, lamps, tlphol- SACRIFIC.E. Si.llger s~wing m~- sigI'lment. Colonial Res a Ie CASH SALES & SERVICE stered chair, step tables. 884- IN Day or Night room), $110 per month. Reply chine Wlth zlg-zag m be aut!.- Shop, 25613 E. Jefferson, 172- FOR YOUR OW~ HOME Box H.34. Grosse Poi n t e GUN AND TACKLE SHOP 3881. ful cabinet. Makes bu~n- 0430. 10 a.mA p.m. Tues.-Sat. CARS All subjects; all grades~. ~d. News. holes, sew on buttons. Claim Closed Monday. 885-8722 882-2498 B. McDANIEL CO. ANTIQUES for $3 per month, or total of ults and children. Cer ••fled Desperately needed - '15 ears. MARLBOROUGH, 1035 - 15102 KERCHEVAL $31.10. Dealer. 7~.7870. NAME BRAND baby grand teachers. Your Girl Fridny OF We will pay MORE for a clean Sunny 3 rooms, wall.wall piano 01" S pin e t to buy or Cor. Marylan4 VA 1-8200 car. Call: Secretarial Service carpeting. Jeffp,rson, Grosse THE LIKE NEW, bleached, sheared, store. HOward 3-1919. Dk:TROIT AND SUBURBAN Mimeoaraph1oa b e a v ~ I' jacket, very pale Pte. busses. Large closets. GIRLS' Slim Style Chubbies at WAGGIN' TONGUE TUTORING SERVICE beige, size 10.12. Cost $495. WANTED: Wardrobe t run k . Mrs. Colem~n TU 4-6442 VA 2-1216 great savings, good selection, KE 7-4653 Sacrifice $225. TUxedo 5.7078. good con d i t ion. TUxedo size. 8~ to 14~. COUNTRY FURNITURE GROSSE POINTE EXPERIENCED MAN wants 955 HARCOURT-Lower flat in ACCESSORIES 4-1711. ISABELLE'S CHILDREN'S ORCHID PLANT8, 3 Cadlleyas, AU. ELEMENTARY ,., a de., position cleaning offices or excellent condition. 2 bed- RAMBLER SPECIALTY SHOP 20933 Harper Tues.-Sat. 1 Cymbidium, with green "INANTED: World book or Col. abd remedi~ reading Df!trOit the !t. t res. Referf:nee. John rooms-2 garages and only 3 16841 Harper Ave. Near 8 Mile 11-4 house, $G. Home made ceramic lier's enc~'clopedia, 1960 or B.'lard of Education list. TU Quarls, 16616 Muirland, UN doors from bus. $185,00. 18201 MACK AVE. TU~o 4-7980 881-4090 kiln, $5. TU 4-4669. later edition. TUxedQ 4-2898. 4-4323 after 4 p.m. 2-4917. TAPPAN 884-6200

., I - -- --~----~-~------~-

Thursday, January 28, 1965 Thursday I Ja Page Eighteen GRO.SSE POINTE NEWS , 13-REAL ESTA r FOR SALE [ RENAUD A fine ranch hou~ 3 bedrooms. H2 h I room, Il1Qdern kite cellent breakfast r on a well land5~ap tached garage with door and complet basement with pine Three Trunk Lines To .Serye You QuIckly DEADUNE 12, NOON TUESDAY reation room. At YOUR AD CAN IE CHARGED Three Trunk Lin. To Serve You Quickly CALL TUxedo' 1-6900 fan. complete law I system and many 0 I Reduced to $37,500. 12-AUTOS WANTED ! 13-REAL ESTATE !13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATt ,3-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE ------i FOR SALE ! FOR SALE , FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE T. RAYMON TU 1-1100 Res I ------J I BARRINGTON - English cot- KENWOOD RD. CASH ANITA, l090-This ranch home IN A HURRY to move? The LOCHMOOR 2110 - 3 bedroom 13A-LOTS FOR I tage for small family. 2 bed. One of' the Farms' most desir- I is shipshape, bright ~md shin- owner of this attractive Colo. able streets, walk to St. Paul. face brick ranch ~bungalow rooms. den. $19,500 Tappan Says for I ing. A 2-bedroom 'home in the nial has been transferred and Don't miss this superior flimily Silloway & CO. Excellent location. Only 10 i BF~RKSHIRE - Colonial Center low 20's. , will give occupancy imme,di- home Witli 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, years old. 2 car gara~e; rec- L1FE'S HAPPIEST BISHOP, 13R6, near St. Clare Waverly Sub marb!C' entrance hall. Family ately. 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, plus maid's on 2nd and \\onder- ~eation room and many other INVESTMENT and Maire schools. 4-bedroom, In the "Farms" b FOREIGN I room. 4 bedroomS' Terrace. i BARRINGTON 508 ...,. It it's a screened porch, built in 1956 nice features. ful children's or maid's suite on 2% bath, center hall Colonial Lake and Kerc 'I All enormous rooms. BIG Colonial with 4 bedrooms, and tastefully decorated. One 3rd. Magnificent', paneled li- with family room. 1st floor Apple Orchard "E ,(;RA:'Il"f> MARAIS-Near Lake. 0me 31h baths you are looking for, block to Richard School. brary, b rig h t, cheery family' TONNANCOUR 135 - Custom veloping into a ROADSTERS Buy A H 1 a vat 0 r y and modernized built 5 bedroom; Georgian I English manor house. Dining this it IT. Near beautiful $27,900. See 241 McMillan to- room. You name it-it's here! 5£l'eet. Call today kitchen. Only $29,800. style desiga; Ph story; Mut- ) ro<,m 17x14 with connectin~ Windmill Pointe. nay. ' and Restrictions. TRs, MGs, FIATS. : terrace. Library, 4-car ga- LAKELAND at ~fAU:\IEF~- SWEENEY & tv100RE schler kitchen. Many excep. ,TIT 1-6800 KENSINGTON, 1329,. around rage. Better than new 4 year old HIDDEN, LANE 620, Open Sun- tional features. See our pic- MERCEDES. SPRITES, , the corner from St. Clare. Country Clu COLONJAL. 4 Bedrooms, Fam- day. Spacious rooms grace GROSSE POINTE SHORES - tures and f1{)or plan on this AUSTIN HEAL YS ETC.'~. OXFORD RD. - Delightful English home with 4 bed- ONE of the last. ri , 'colonial. One you ha Vi' always this well constructed ranch Owner transferred to New home. ilv Room. professionally dec- rooms, 2 baths on 2nd; large Golf COUrse. 135'x On lovely. newer lane. York and mUl1t sell this attrac- BY APPOINTMENT admired. Seven bedrooms, 3- oi'atd throughout. bedroom, bath on 3rd. Den, tive ranch. Paneled library car garage. Walking distance SEt FAR AND AWAY ... and i nook and 1st floor lavatory. Choice Lakesh A DARLING one bedroom co-op with fireplace, family room, HANEY BROS to schools. Here's the Answer 2 is far and away one of the 3-car garage. Under $30,000. 115'xl80' , in G r () s ')iT. VERNON-St. Paul parish. The Home to Fit apartment near the Pointes. bedrooms, llh baths, beauti- finest houses on magnifi- Carter & Co. Shores, convenient t 14770 GRATIOT ful grounds. $42,500. 4 berlrooms. 2 baths. Early Your Pocketbook cent Lake Shore Road. This LAKELAND, 575 - Center hall new swimming pool. and 15300 GRATIOT poss~ssion. Well mi\intained. brand new offering which is Colonial, st. Paul and Maire CALL TU 4~4400 sell. Open Sunday 2:30-5:00 TORREY W\)ODS- RUTH ASSOC IATES ready for your furnishings. school districts. Couvenient DR 1-7888 ,FAIRLAKE LANE 3 - Rambl- LAKE POINTE. 87i - FIRST Charming Cape Cod has 2 A smaller house with man- to Village. 3 bedrooms, 1¥.> i of Grosse Point~ ing ranch on a lane adjoining : OFFERING. Convenient traf- Bedrooms. Bath duwn. Large sion-sized rooms and the baths up. den, nook and 1st : SWEENEY & the lake in ,Grosse Pointe 12A-BOATS AND : fic pattern for family living. Bedroom. full Bath and extra TV 6-4060 latest and best of every- floor lavatory. Nicely finished FOR SALE BY OWNER TU 1-6800 Shores, The 119' lot with a MOTORS 4 bNlrooiils. glassed circular I room up. 2% car garage. . thing. The master suite is, basement. 81 Kercheval on the Hill view of the woods to the re'ar 5-Bedroom t err ace, carpeted breakfa!;t room.. OI'EN SUNDAY 2 to' 5. : located. on the first floor. LOT 75'x135'. 650 provides 0.By owner. 74 Kercheval and separate dining room: IlO\IE. Custom buiit 1961. r.ooms, 2 sunrooms. recrea- pn f.' sows m every . Sunningdale. Appointment only. - CHOICE COR:--"E t 3 a gararte. On this Ranch has 2 bedrooms TUxedo 2-7619. be the first and you m~y I f:xql1lsite 1ill' roof. coneH.te lIon room. -c r h 185' x 116'. be the only one who sees hlock and stucco. 3 large bed. 1 '2 lots. and a LIbrary or 3rd bed- 'I ' I,o'way HOOVER REALTY CO. 1 this new listing. It won't Si & CO.. rooms. 2 full haths. sprink.' I room. 2 2 baths and a recre- SUNNINGDALE modern ranch 775-3500 Real.'.or PRICED TO S last long. lered 75' x 125. lot with dork J0 HN S ! tion room .with fireplace and home facing 'LochmooT golf BY OWNER TU 4-:7000 Evenings-Sundays, TU 4-4721 and seawall. Tera7.zo floors,: • ,lavatlJry in basement. club. 3 bedroom~, 3% ooths, 454 Fisher. 3 bedroom colonial THIS ONE SPEAKS for itself. JAMES Kitc'hen with built.ins and . ANi 541 ROBERT JOHN- 2 fireplaces, fmished rec; with all important extra room Its distinctive appearance slidiilg dGors to palio. I~arge Off Lake Shore Road near room with built-in bar.20x42 GOO DM downstairs. Family kitchen from the street calls you in- HOLLYWOOD 505 op2n plan living and dining: Edsel Ford Estate. Captivat- heated pool and pooi house. side to see more. Once FIKANY includes neW built in G .E. GROSSE POINTE CITY rooms plus central hNt and. 93 Kercheval 886-3060 ing Early American c h arm % acre lot.' Owner. TUxedo dishwasher and breakfast there you'll be amazed how 3 bedroom ranch, l'h baths, kit- 823.3444 aIr-conditioning combine for -I comhined with all the mod- 4.1512. nook. 11;2 baths, full base- the house "opens up" with Dutch Co 1 0 n i a 1. S-bedroom. chen dining space. Heated porch g I' a c i 0 l\ S and -~------ern appointments of comfort. ment with rec. room. $27,500. a large prop?rtioned li~ng Fiberglas insulation, storm off full dining room. Expansion LOT on 3 ~Iile near family living. Beautifully dcc- GROSSE POINTE CITY I able living, 3 Bedrooms, large TUxedo 4-5981. room and library leadmg windom. Low taxes. Wall to attic. QUlet area. Star of Sea BEDFORD,' 1096 - Elevated 200 foot frontage. oratf.'d including carnet and, CAPE COD Colonial, 3 bedrooms con;'enient kitchen with built- from the paneled foyer. wall carpeting. 50x165 lot. Parish. Immediate posses~ion. draperies of excellent quality. ' 1~ baths. family room. Excel. ins. generous s i zed family . 120x120 picturesque corner lot There is a stepdown dining 886-3926. Leaving city. By appointment. WARNER REALTY enhances beauty of this brick room, and large screened Offered well below duplica-; lent location. rOom with fieldstone flre- TUxedo 1-7336. FLORIDA with stone trim Early Ameri- GROSSE POINtERS terrace which is so -located t!on ('\.Ists ,at S48.450 wit,h in .. DOVER TUxedo 6-3730 place .. Outstanding tri-Ievel CHOICE lot on In (,ro"se Pomte tr3de. TUxedo 1 home. can. 3 large bedrooms, 3 that it provides access to WANT TO SELL. ".. OPEN SUNDAY waterway, Boca Ra 6-2600. baths, library or 4th bedroom, ? both the living and dining AND BUILD NOW.' 2:30-5 P.M. ON THE WATER ley 2.7804. The A, S, C'S family room with fireplace rooms. Upstairs are five and kitchen has built.ins. This 12G-FARMS Economists point out that Will sell your home while bedrooms for the family. 45 S. DUVAL-This one should ~othing like it anywhere! Win- RIVER HOUSE is a fine offering. TU 4-0600. 14--REAL ESTATE buying a home today is the building you a new One on 'and two more over the head your list if you must ter wonderland n()w and all Efficiency apartment. Living WANTED SMART THING TO DO. Saddle Lane - off Cook heateti garage for, stay-in have four bedrooms and de- .summer activities can be enjoy- room, dining area and kitch- GRAND MARAIS, 740 - How ed in this outstanding 4 bed- ACCENT ON VALUE Road near Morningside or help or more family. Full sire the quiet of a limited HOUSE in Grosse Poi en" Drt:ssing room and bath. soori can you move? This A- BF.YfER SELECTION attic for storage, and 'a access circle street. If yOU room RANCH, just 30 minutes Jl-ST F. elF LAKE ORION-on All the features and conve- on Woods Lane north of 10 years old. 3 be. B-~ORE HOUSE FOR TI-iE 'white center hall Colonial is Vernier-have models and basement which is, ideal for want prime location and a to downtown. DEEP WATER OrIOn - Rochester Road, 114 nience required for modern. just waiting for you. Near the baths, with at least MO~EY Plans to show you. Call us. kids. with a playroom, bil- ;)ewer house, with forced DOCKAGE on 3 sides, attached acres. ;::-nient to Ma- BARCLA Y 428 - Attractive what we are talking about. "Politeness is an easy vir- TU 6-0550 15-BUSINESS Fall dressing room, one and one- tory. Fine condition through- son and Parcells schools. two bedroom ranch in the In this terra~e are five bed- tue, costs little, and has OPPORTUNI1' Winter half bath!;. AbovE' dCl' two bed- out. Carpet!; and draperies Can't be beat. TU 1-6300. Farm's. Completely air condi- rooms and three baths, The selling pow'"'r." .! rooms and bath. Family room. included. Ideal arrangemellt tioned. Excellent condition. center hall plan provides OWN YOUR OW:\' COt':\TRY LIVI7\G IS REAL, Rpcrpation room with dress- for those who need separate GHOSSE POINTE WOODS - for a comfortable den BOURNEMOUTH, 485 Write or call for c RIDGEMONT, 344 - Deluxe li\-ing Let us shf)w you some mg room and bath. Fine I quarlers for parents. etc. Fverything has been done! tucked' behind the living 3 bedroom custom brick ranch. of opportunitie~. !Jetter than new COLONIAL ledgerock ,and brick ranch. room. Come see all the of our attractive values in ~\\'imrnil1g puo!. A. speeial \1 HILLCREST RD. (near ;vIoro~s I Purdy I built 1950. All large rooms, ex- Two extra large bedrooms, 24 P. Conroy, Area farm properties. house for the speci~l pur' Plal?e )-Close to grade and just 2 years old. 3 spacious "house" you can buy for 'Cellent' con d i t ion. carpets, , J. .bedrooms. 21~ baths, paneled ft. living room, den with fire- $29.500. & draperies, lawn sllrink1t'fS. Near chaser. l .iunior high schools. shopping, place, tel'race, attached ga- I PARTAKE I~ iVilily 'room with fireplace. I everything. Only $29,000. Today's Offerin!!!; buslinc, ~Olkefront pier park- THE ,ONLY STEP you'll have 17000 W. 8 M I bcnmed ceiling, parkay floor, rage, carpeting throughout. ~EAR LEO:"'iARD _ ADDISON C'L:\lREV1EW. Large and lux- and in very nice condition. 4 to take is the one to your Southfield. M full" equipped kitchen, car- Real value. Edgar WILCOX TU 4-3551 Townshi. 239 acre!;. Attrac-! uriOll!; ranch with many ex- 'I full size bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 nhone, if it results in see. Call 353-262 pets and drapes included. KERCHEVAL TV 4.2228 ti\'£' hom('. ad r qua t e farm' tWllsive extras. Three bed- lavatories. Sunrooms up and N. RENAUD, 858 - Excellent loving and. buying this 1100 .B~ilutifully landscaped. Own. ing. ------~_._---_._------huilc.ings. paved road. 5250 I rooms. two and on£'.ha1f down. L:lrge lot 75' x 150' and center entrance ranch. L:!rge er transferred. TU 1-6300. story and a half hous€' on I balh~" Family room, Funy air I 3 cat' garage. Kitchen much rooms; one and one-half baths, O'Mara .Court. Two bed-' GUIDE TO' GOOD SERVICE reI' an£', conditioned. 1\0 foot lot. A i updated with stainl~.; steel _ full dining room, family room, rooms and a bath and a _ 57 ACRES I~ HADLF.Y TOWX- i finp hous(' for tile special: sink. etc .. and breakfast space. O~ BF.AUTIFUL ~er.'alld Road I attached garage'. Beautiful half on the first floor, and SINCE 1~ SHIP. COTn£'rof Baldwin and I purchaser. $;)9,000. Please call today for complete Near Lake :- S~8ClOUS 4-bed. location. Owner leaving town. i f('om Colomal WIth wonderful , of course a living room and Sutton Roans. L£'vel land. cor- " ' information. the giganti~ combination accommodations. 3 full batils LAKELAND, 510 ...:...Beautifully ner property, 2700 ft d road' HOLLYWOOD. Charming Co- i kitchen and family center. Electrical Repairs Detroit's pow~er .room. oak-paneled Ii 'a p poi n t e d four-bedroom, frontag£'. Some mature woods. i Ionia!. Three bedrooms. Fam- i HUGH An enclosed stairway leads brary. family room with fire- three-bath home. Mod ~ r n EvergrN'n s{'~dlings h a v (' I ily room. $23.200. : CHALMERS to two mQre bedrooms and Rail place, games room. Custom kitchen. with built.ins, plus Appliance Circuits h('\('n plantNI. Easily divided' TU 4-4040 Eves. TV 4-2557 a bath. This house is on a huilt in 1954. Excellent 'offer- entertainrr:ent size fa mil y into 4 parcels. Attractively i LJXIVERSITY. Interesting con- _ dead-end street, yet just a PROMPT SERVICE ing. Must he s()ld. TU I-G';JOO. room and den. Central air priced at $15.000. tenlPorary. 1'hree bedroonls~ ------few blocks from GPUS, \ ('onditioned. Ideally located WILLIA 1\\0 and one-half baths. Dress- Barnes, and Star of the Sea Krausmann Electric Co. GROSSE POINTE WOOD.S SHORI<~HAM. 590 - You'll love for schools, sh.opping and H. p, HOLMES. INC. , ing room. Library. Recreation schools. - 13243 EAST By owner. 2217 Hampton, 3 bed- this brick Ranch. The living transpo~tation. TU 2-5900 .10 6-4770 ~n 7-3050 i roon~ \\ ~th bar. $38.000. room colonial. built 1949. Large room has ledgerock fireplace. IMPRESSIVE. IMMACULATE, paneled g:lmes room, 3 bed LOCHMOOR 1435-Price reduc- living room. modern kitchen, impeccable. imaginative, im- I ------; W.\SHI:'iGTOX. Exe('lIent Co- ed to under $45,000.00. A 1 baths. tiled basement, ga- rooms, 11/2 bath. kitchen with possible to find enough ad. ! 13-REAi. ESTATE : Ionial built 1951. Three bed- % large exquisitely paneled fam. rage, carpet, drE'pes, nicely deco.1 huilt-ins and covered patio .. jectives to do justice to this: FOR SALE roo illS. one and one-half baths. ily room is the focal point of ------~------~~-- rated. $17,000. TUxedo 4-1144. Completely equipped p 0 0 1. colonial in one of the Immediate o('cupanry. $29.500. this custom built three bed- Ideal for entl'rtaining. Well Farm's choicest locations . priced too. TU 4-0600. room. three bath ranch with GROSSE POINTE PARK BlTEJ:\'G1-L'\;\r. Near Kerche- BISHO~3553-:-~ear Mack. by a perfect' pattern for enter- YOll can live in this newer bouse' on Cloverly Road. I 956-58 TROMBLEY ! val. COlonial. Four bedrooms. owner. 1l.<2brick, 3 bedrooms, SHOREHAM, 699 - Up the cir. taining and good, family liv- ing. Located on the section which is full of pleasant _ • FLAT ~EAR I 1\\ 0 and one-half baths. Dell. 21~ bath, gas heat, carpeted, cular drive and through the surprises. such as the living i WE IEPAIR - 511 BEAl TI~uL . O'N I 80 forA lot. $29.500 with tiled basement. Large corner door to comfort and conveni. of Lochmoor with the beauti. room, dining room and lib- II TRAXSP~RTATI. . $3.000 down. Vacant. 1 lot. Many extras. S25.;;OO. By ence. A home wjth 2 bed- fully landscaped par k way New Portabl. raTY'. mas~er suite, and four CUSTOM BUILT IN 1953 I arT)ointment rooms, 2 baths. living room makes this home an outstahd- TYPEWRITERS FENESTRA ..~! more bedrooms, and three Tn PRICED TO SEl.L AT BEDFORD. ~('ar St. Paul. Sub- , --' - .------overlooking park-like garden. ing buy. Grosse Pointe Cab i baths be i n g attractively Locks& Op.ntors paneled den' with fireplace. $39.50 00 i stantial English. Six bed-I ' MANOR, 468-Vacant. Excellent spread out over' four dif- 5 rooms. two d~d one-half baths' , The Mutschler kitchen is 13/31 E. JEFFERSON AVE. "lAST $46. I three bedroom, 1Y2 bath colo- ,ferent levels. The ,~ntire TU 2-6300 7 MILl RD. AI Low Down Payment ! Sun Room. Breakfast room:, BARRINGTO.N-Spacious 3.bed- . bright with step-saving 1st nial. Den, breakfast room\ h 0 use is air.conditioned. Exc('llent house for sizeable I :oom. Enghsh .Cape ~o~, fam. !loor laundry. Dreams, a're ADDIIS . . . . . i lav., enclosed terrace, carpet- and there is a swimming Com.ement hvmg WIth an m I f" mil\' $33000 Illy kItchen WIth b~l\lt-ms, 26 like this. TV 1-4200. MACHIIES ----~ come and little upkeep. You'lJ: d , • . ft. living room. '1st floor lav.:- ing. Good Farms location. pool and pool house which would get a big play. in this bt' proud to own this flat. I THOROUGH COVERAGE tory, 2-car gar age. ,Many VAN ANTWERP. 1961-Colonial ROAO SERVICE 'PEWRITERS SERVICII I N. RENAUD 1666-S pac i 0 u s ad if the month were May. ON OTHER extras. . ' with 3 bedrooms, family room, ami I three bed roo m, two bath FOI g~mes room and gas heat. Now they are just conver- Sol.. GEORGE PALMS Rlty. GROSSE POINTE HOUSES, I VAN ANTWERP - Brick C-art-m-ent,1 BROTHERS INC. 'I CHAMPION SC H W EITZ ER JOHNSTONE & Shoe Repair 1 bedroom. all electric kitCh-I • REALTOR en. air-conditioned. Perfect 83 KERCHEVAL TV 2.6000 886-4200 Edgar 365 , ..... , Rd., 0". Hilh Dep."dabl. S.... 'c•• MEHLEI \ lew of Gold Cup races. Call TU 4-5700 I' TV.2228 10403 HARPE Mr. Lusk, VAlley 1-2700. JOHNSTONE 100 KERCHEVAL

------~------...... --.._------_.-_------Thursday, January 28, 1965 ay, January 28. 1965 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen 13_REAl ESTATE FOR SALE is-BUSINESS -----_.~--- __ ~OPPORTUNITIES 21E-CUSTOM CORSETS 211-PAINTING A-HD 21R-CEMENT WORK 21T-DRESSMAKING DECORATING Headlines of the Week RENAUf"'\ ROAD MORTGAG.E----. ~'--- INDIVIDUALLY designed J. W. KLEINER SEWING alterations, ad~lts and L' ' on a nice ~f $~O,OOO wanted S~ncer girdle. and surgica! children;. h~rns, zippers, pil- CUSTOM PAINTING CEME...~T CONTRACTOR (C4)nt~ued from Page 1) led. today the pas~ing of ~ir \ fl1lt' ranch house containing building in ~-umt apartment supports. Over 30 years ex- lows, drapes. Blankets bound. &; DECOR.ATING the United StatEs for supporting r WIn s ton ChurchIll. He dIed ;; hr(h)(l!llS. 1% baths. family Grosse P' t e t r 0 1 t, near -perience. M a u d e Bannert. Cement - Brick - Block TV 1-7455, Chimneys . Tuck Pointing the Vietnamese government con- shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday rnnn1. mod{'rn kitchen and ex. $120000 I om e. Valued at I TU 5-4027 VE 9-1385 Quality Work crlIrnt hreakfast room situated Ow' , nsured for $110,000. ---~------Interior and Exterior Steps - Walks ALTERATIONS and sewing.tinued in Saigon yesterday and morning in his London Mme. r.r1 1 'oil'll landscaped lot. At- andne~, a long time resident 21 G-ROCF 51.YICE 20 Years Experience All Other Repair Work Will pi:!k up and deliver. spread to two (.ther cities, Hue Death came to him 10 days after l,ll'h,':/ ~aragl.' with ~lectric-eve P' tome owner in Grosse ------ALL WORK GUARANTEED Free Estimates TUxedo 1-3669. and Nha Tr ..ilg. In Hue, students I he suffered a stroke which • om e. Telephone Mr H ALL ROOF & GUTTER WORK Licensed and Bonded ~------sacked the U. S. InfOrmation proved to be fatal. The 9O-year- "(1(11" .1:1d C'OnlpIetely finis;1ed 821 8985 ' arms RUDOLPH TONELLO 545-3203 'th . ' evenings any tI'm'e' Caulking, ChI' m n e y repal'rs. EXCLUSIVE ALTERATIONS Service Library, burned an esti- old statesman and warrior will :1a~,':1I1'llt WI pine paneled rnc_ afte 6 ... f' Idr . or write 936 Beacons- Gutters cleaned TU 2-0717 by Marie Stephens. Quick matel~ 8,000 books and demand. be laid to rest next Saturday 12, NOON TUESDAY :r,ltW:: room, Attic Coolin" Ie G service on nems. (Furs). TV ed the ouster of U. S. Ambass2- after a state funeral. which is ',,:~. ('('mpl(-t£' lawn sprinklini, '. :._ ross~!.~in_t_e 30, Mich, ADVANCE MAINTENANCE HUGHES BROTHERS, painting 21 S-CAR'PENTER WORK 5-7610. dor Maxwell D. Taylor. Ameri- accorded to only Britain's great- -. -- _._--~------': .• t,':1' alld many' oiher extras.: BEAUTY TU 2-5539 and decorating, wall washing, I EXCLUSIVE DRESSMAKING cans were ordt'red to stay out est heroes. President Johnson 1\('<1[1('('" to $37,500. ' and fi SHOP - Business -R-O-O-F-A-N-D-G-U-TT-E-R-w-or-k--- expert paper hanging, free CARPENTER - All types re- -REAL ESTA!'E estimates. 5293 Yorkshire, . pair and remodellng. Carl _ dresses, suits, coats. Qual- of th~ downtown area of Nha ordered V. S. flags flown at dieux r'a;~~~o:n\ Ca- Decks repaired, replaced. 25 FOR SALE T. RAYMOND JEFFS x~~::~. TUxedo 2-9750 or 821.9643. Watson, LA 6-5501. ity work; done in my home, Trang by U. S. Military police. Ihalf-staff for Churchill who was Tt" 1 1100 Res. TV 2-0176 Good returns. Owner mO~'i~~: years e'lperlence, references Warren-Outer Drive section. '" * ... an honorary citizen of the , on request. Don Seeger, TU Al>D!TIONS ALTERATIONS 882-7761. MARY ELL E N RIORDAN United States. Meantime kaders -.- I WARREN REALTY TU 5,5788 5-7460. 13A-LOTS FOR SALE _ C 0 LOR ED PROFESSIONAL Family rooms, porch enclosures, --~------president of the Detroit Federa~ from all nations sent messages )(,1['.TO()f~ 2110 - 3 b(.droom decorator. Interior, exterior. .~- . -- _.- ~---_._------RE-WEAVING, mot h holes, tion of Teacher.;, said yesterday, of sy~pat.hy to the.Briti$h, w~o 21H-RUG CLEANING model'n kitchens, attics convert- fare hnck raYH'h- hungalow 16-PETS FOR SAlE Expert workmanship. Refer- ed. tears and burns. 22549 Raven, tha~ the union \\ ill ask the Board were msplred by hls leadership E'.cdknt Ideation Onl\" 10 ences. TRinity 1-7318. PRescott 7-4381. of Education for an annual pay to victory in World War ll. COMPLETE MODERNIZING j',ll', old 2 car ~arag« f~.e- Vv',:werly Subdivision SIBEH'I::\N-.H lTs K Y puppies, BEST CARPET CLEANERS DRESSMAKING and aUera. raise ranging ft'om $200 for be...... ,',J!i":1 room and many other LICENSED & INSURED In thl' "Farms" between the .-\_K~ regIstered. $165. Call CLEANING, DYEING lions. Fast service on re-lining I ginners. to $700 for teachers with PRESIDENT JOHNSON con- 11('(' teatllf('" . L~kl' Ilnd Kercheval. This, 7;>4.-3133 after 5 P.M. REPAIRING HELMER and shortening of coats. Will i master s degrees and 11 years tinued his recovery from a cold \1':,11:' Orchard Estate is de- IYOR- -- .----. - ~.--- TUxedo 4-0522 pick up and deliver. Anna seniority. The ~roup is the sole which sent him to Bethesda l\''\\'\tOl'R 1:1:) - Custom \r:"pm~ into a beautiful' KSHIRE terrIers, wonder. PROMPT HOME SERVICE RUDOLPH'S Schmidt, 771-1971. bargaining agt'nt for Detroit's Naval Hospital Saturday. At a 1::I!t :1 hpclrop111 : Georgian -tn',,!. Call today to see Plat' f~ll pets, A.K.C. Englisl} blood FREE ESTIMATES the FINEST in SHOLTZ the Carpenter-Panel. 10,000 teach~rs. press confere'~~e in his room at !~ It- (!(o'lc;n. 1':: "tor\"; ~Iut. anri Rl:'strictions. . lIne. Black and tan. TUxedo INSURED ing and remodeling. Also '" .. .. the hospital he told reporters 4.7579. 21U-PLUMBING ,.'JllT kltchcl":. 'Tany' excep. TU 2-6556 small jobs. 771-3729. Sunday, January 24 that his sore throat was gone 1'>1];.] I('attlre.' ~l'(' our piC'. Custom Decorating Country Club Lot r POODLES b . :-- -.- .~ LICENSED master plumber. AIR FORCE SECRETARY and his cough had abated. He Crt'. and fluor plan on thi~ DOING all types of carpenter O\T "f the last, right On th~ r line ;\K'r 1~ (: k, Sassafrass WALLPAPER HANGING R e pair s, remodeling, etc. Zuckert announced in Washing- also said that he hoped to at. .,:::t' ,work, remodeling attic rooms, l;nlf Course. 135'x300', ... i 8.7124. ~ regIstered. PRescott RADKE CARPET CLEANERS GUiiranteed electric sewer ton that a group of 10 to 12: tend Churchill's funeral if he is Carpets, rugs, tacked down or Ji'URNITURE REFINISHING porches. Small or big jobs. I cleaning. Cal Roemer, TV cadets at the Air Force Acad. physically up to the trip. He ,'f~O I\IALE -sii~;r--t~y'-po~d-ies, loose and upholstered furniture Estimates free. TUxedo 5-5892. 2-3150. Chol~e. Lakeshore Lot FREE ESTIMATE emy had been ~tealing academic said, however. that he would ~t., '.lilO, In ~" 0 sse Pointe r little beauties. I.KC regis- clpaned and moth proofed, in Additions Alterations examination p~pers and "offer. return to the White House when arter & CO. ~h;lrr:-. convenient to park with: tercd, eXcellent pedigree, 3 your home the modern way 772-5758 ing them for ~ale," More than t~e doctors g i v e him pennis- nrw sWlmmmg pool. Priced to! months old. wormed, puppy with the latest Rug Deteger, Kitchen Modernization SPRENKLE i 100 cadets may be involved in ISlOn. (;\LL TU -1-4400 ~rll. I sho~. TUxedo 2.9563. dries overnight. -~--~ Repairing, serge binding, throw or Minor Repair ePLUMBING the scandal., in'eluding 30 mem-I • '" '" . bers of the football team. First 1 A NEW UNITED Natlons free Free Estimates • HEATING SWEENEY & MOORE i20-PIANOSiiWIcE--- ~~~s d:l?~er~~~ners, picked up GEORGE S. DALLY Licensed Contractor information of the "cheating i?f "t~e. ma,~pulalion of U. S. • SEWER CLEANING ring" was re\ ealed last Mon- ImperIalism' was called for by TU 1-6800 COMPLETE piano servIce. Tun. PAINTING, DECORATING I'(li: ";\1.1: BY OW\'ER . Free estimate, rea son a b I e Paper hanging and wall wash. FRANK J. ST. AMOUR VA 2-1282 day but its scope was not known Communist China's Pre m i e r _.._~ __ . mg. re?uilding, refinishing, prices. DR 1.3133, TU 2-8324 TU ~~~791 ,'.i:'(lil:l1 t (' f r:1 c e. cdrpett'd ing. Serving this community for SINCE 1916 until yesterda::. Chou En-lai, He said the organi . I )T 75' 135' 6 _. de-mothwg. Member PI'ano . \ JJ"3J'-, In :..'()pd repair with .( x. 50 Pemberton T over 25 years. H F J E Z E . '" .. .. zation had made "too many mis- nf'ar ,\ vondale Call echnicians Guild. R Zech II WALL TO WALL carpeting '1_,',a1(of. "ton'. di,hwasher , . owner. , . , -. N N 21V-SILYER PLATING WESTERN SPECIALISTS in takes" and "utterly disappoint- ".-\lIey 1.8788. Will co-o . 731.7707 \ c1e~ned $12.95. Couch and TU 1-7480 ,)(1,a: 2 e"r ~:lra::(' (";l!l afte; per . _~ ~. _~______chaIr cleaned $10.95, 546-0644. BUILDING ~ Moscow said that the Chinese. ed" the new nations of Mrica 'CJi'cK or \\'('rKends Tl'xedo atl:'. ~ .__~~ , PIANO TUNING and servicing, ------.- PAL~TING, decorating. Ov~r 30 I Home and industrial repairs SILVER & GOLD PLATING Soviet struggle is on the verge and Asia: His rema~ks w~re )97 guaranteed W'\Iter Muellel', TACKED DOWN CARPETS Additions, 1\ t tic s completed 0 'd' . dR' . 10f erupting a.1ain only three made dunng a speech m Pekmg ears experience. Free est1'_ ' I Xl Izmg an epalrmg ~ , Y Porch enclosures, recreation Brass P 1" h' & L . I months after 1 he fall of Nikita ,in honor of visiting Indonesia '~V~~~_~I.09~~. ~_ AND FURNITURE mates. Otto Schroeder, 884- 0 IS mg acquerlOg , F . M" t S b d' d WINDMILL PTE. DR. 3334. roo:ns, garages repaired. Jewelry Repairing. Engraving', S. Khrushchev. Sources say that: h.oreIgln I~IS er u an rlO an /\REA :21-MOVING 6- STORAGE ______TU 1-9744 TU 4-3011 . . i the ideological conflict between I IS de egatlOns. IW~Sr: POI'\TE :,HORES -_. -~_._----~ CLEANED on PAINTING, colors matched, LEEBERT Ithe two Comrr:unist nations has I' '" II< • papering, paper removed, wall i not flared into the open only Tuesday, January 26 droom hornr on beautiful L:\KEPOI:'I1TE and KORTE ABC -'lOVING is our business, JIM SUTTON SI LVERSM 'THS i I washing w 0 r k 'guaranteed. I because of thl' stern restraint: PRESIDENT JOHNSON sent nltlgdale. Appointment only. - CHOICE CORNER LOT. not a sideline. 2 men, $9.50 LOCATION 185' x 116'. I an hOllr. Ti'ne starts at YOllr Mertens, 122 Muir, TU 2-0083. M~~~~~izati~~ti~\'s~r~'or;~~~ J~ 14508 CHARLEVOIX of the new So';iet leaders. The I to Congress yesterday the 1966 1 Blk. east of Chalmers R u s s i a n s have been under Ibudget which is the most ex- [Oon:R REALTY CO, I home. 5-story warehouse for i RUGS PICKED UP PRICED TO SELL PAINTING and paper hanging, rages. IG77 BRYS VA 2-7318 I harsh attacks by the pro-Chi.! pensive one in American hist. i5fl() Realtor : storage in locked rooms. I AND DELIVERED win t e r rates. Guar:llli.ced TU 4-2 . ~: rese leaders of Albania and ~he . ory, calling for expe~ditllres of i Gual'anteed professionals.: nltlg".Sunda~ '. Tl' 4-4721 ~V~t~\_~~~~ard Culling. PRes- 942 TU 2.2f36 21 Z-LAN DSCAP-I-N-G~-~ ! Communist party of J ap3n. I$99.7 billion. The budget which JAMES R. i 568-2515. ' ~ . I ...... i includes more dollars for do- I . II A TEMPORARY INJUNC. I mestic social and educational 200/0 MURAL and Art Painting. In- TRIMMING . re mov aI. spraYIng. T' "ll ' th t' 1 HOLLYWOOD 505 J J ~~-=-GE~ERAL ~_ERViCES C Usto mC raft Complete tree ser 'c : ION was Issved yesterday by i programs WI raI~e. e na IOI.a F KANY R ty. : terior painting. Experienced, OFF CASH and CARRY CONSTRUCTION . v~ e. . a Federal district judge which! debt to $322'.5 bIllion on June Iroom raneh. II:! baths. kit. 8:::3.3444 VA 1,0614 i CARPET LAYING reasonable work guaranteed. Cal Fleming Tree SerVIce prohibits Sheriff Jam e s G.: 30, 1966. In his message Presi. ditlIn~ space. HeatE'd porch NEW AND OLD Indian Village. W A 1nut COMPANY TU 1.6950 Clark from interfering with Ne. dent Johnson estimated that 2.3805. ull dmm; f('om. E~;pansion PRIDE Additions and Remodeling of all ---~~. . groes attempting to register to receipts from the taxpaying 1.0T on 3 -'Iile near Jefferson. ! Stair Carpet Shifted . Quiet area. Star of S{'a CARPET A~D FURNITURE 200 foot frontage. Repairs of All Types 21J-WAlL WASHING types expertly done. B. N t Ivote at the court house in pu~lic would be ~.4 billion ~h. Immediate possession • Family Rooms • kitchens ltstneSs 0 e I Selma. Ala, The order came a w~ich means a deflClt of $5.3 'mg city. By appointment. WARN~R REALTY TV 5-57S8 Cigaret Burns Re-Woven CLEAN ERS • Remodeled • R e ere a t i oln . Iday after the Sheriff. using a billion for that year. The budget ,do ~.7336. FLORIDA . LEO TRUDEL I WALL WASHING Rooms. Porches. Attics Con- The annual meetmg of stoc~- \ nightstick as a prod. turned, also contains provision for $1.75 CHOICE lot on Intercoastal' BOB TRUDEL FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING & DECORATING verted • Dormers • Garages holders was held at the Mam Imore than 100 1'Iegro teachers i billion less income from excise Remodeled. Office of the, Comm~rc.ial State: away from the courthouse. Thev taxes. waterway. Boca Raton. VAl. TU S-0703 771-0865 I 10615 CADlUX HOME MAINTENANCE ! (l'," THE WATER ley 2.7804. Free Estimates and Planning Bank, RoseVIlle, MIchIgan, on ~had staged a march protesting l ------~ ~.~ - ELMER T. LABADIE Service. FHA Financing. January 19. I voter registration procedures. \' ling II~;(, it an~-.\'''ae' "'in. HANL>Y MAN S E R V 1 C E~ I _ ._TUXEDO 5-5700 14-REAl ESTATE ~ohn Huett.eman, Jr. wa~ ap- '" " .' I tk wonderland no.\' and all ~himney. porch repair arId "NEVER eSED anything like TUxedo 2-2064 rwr art !vities ran he ('njoy, WANTED I DEAL DIRECT WITH \ p{)]nted presIdent and Milton Monday, January 25 \ r odd jobs. PRescott 7-3452. it" say users of Blue Lustrf' BUILDER M. Mahoney was appointed THE WHOLE WORLD mourn- ..J"~ . I II :hl'; O\lbtandiag 4 hed. HOUSE in Grosse Pointe unde,' ,-' - --~-~.---~--'-- for c I e ani n g carpet. Rent WALL WASHING, no streak- TU 1-1024 .cashier. ._____ ~ I)); ..... The Pointe 1 R:\'\;CII, ju,;t 30 minutes 10 years <,'d. 3 bedrooms, 2 J< IREPL~CES, ehImne~s clean- electric :;hampooer, $1. Eas. ing, drop cloths. Reasonable. ~Vlr. Huetteman is president lo"\'ntrl\~'". DEEP WATER ______~ I 1.------.. baths, with at least 1 bedroom i e,d. ChImney ~creens Hlstalled. town Paint and Wallpaper, 881-5306, call after 5:30 p.m. Memorial 1\ ..\(;1': ()J1 ;-f sj(ips .. It!ached CARPENTER - Modernization, of Grosse Pointe Shores. Mr. THE GROSSE POINTE and bath down. Good familv' F u.rnaf'es. bOllers cl~aned, reo 20481 Mack. TUxedo 1-9760. iIOII.'l'. fnil ..' {'qllipped kit('h- 21 K~-WINDOW WASHING repair work. Call after 5 p.m. Mahoney is are sid e n t of S.&pTIST CHURCH room very important. Maxi., paIred, rep!aeed. 14500 Harper. VAlley 1j.2772. -_~_-----_--- Bob Ream at 771-8748. Grosse Pointe Park. '" ¥t Church ,t~; ,:djominl; family room. r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ,... --.. 8 Mile at Mack, .. g:lragr. plus many spN'ial mum. $43,000. Daytime Tux-. AL'S FURNACE J~ United Presbyterian 211-PAINTING At-ID G.OLMIN GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Woods .1 16 Lake Shore Rd. If'~. Built 19.'11. excellent edo 4.9122. Nights Tuxedo & CHIMNEY SERVICE 4.5498, VE 9-1710 DR 1.5535 DECORATING WINDOW CLEANING The Grosse Pointe I ~ -- ~ Bertram de H. tlon Pri'.'ed at fra('tion of METHODIST CHURCH Invites you to worship ~~ Atwood _.------SERVICE Congregational l:d C'eL,t .'\ll1C!zin.g valllr. A.I INTERIOR and exterior with us. I Ben L. Tallman WA~TED home in; 21 i)-ELECTRICAL WALL WASHING 211 Moron Road he SOLD. n'xedo 1-6300. painting, wall washing and Church 10:00 a.m. Church School ! IRichard W. Mitchell Gross{' Poi n t e or vicnity. r APPLIANCES FREE ESTIMATES paper hanging. Ha,'e insur- 9:30 WorshIp: C h u r c h School 11:00 a.m. Morning W(\rshlp Garv R. Gruber ,stone & Johnstone 882.1977. ~---- ~_. WE ARE INSURED 240 Cha1fonte at Lothrop _._------for Nursery thrOlll(h 6th ~lJ:inisters ancp-. Kenneth Pygott, SLo, grade. Adult Classes. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship -~ -=-- F.\:'.IiLY of 6 wishrs to hllY 4. I GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY Cl''ll 8-1780, after li:30 p.m. VALLEY 1-9321 Worship Service and and Rad)o Broadcast ~..::"..= Services 11:00 Won,hlp: C h u r c h School .,.__-- 9:~O and 11:15 h('droom home from owner. r Church School at 9:30 & 11 for Nursery through Senior )SEDALE COURT A-OK Window Cleaners. Serv- Dr. A. Dale Ihrie, Minister ...: Church School Both DONALD BLISS Nursery thru High School High. Immediate occupancy. VAlle',! :ce on storms and screens ----. Hours-Crib Room ;[,I! 3 rWdroom ranch com. HOOVER DecoratoX' thru Adult. 2.263C from 9 a.m, to 12 or Free estimates. 521-2459, 886-2363 ! ca~'p('t('d I an:-r famliv 885-1329. FACTORY AUTHORIZED Exterior Interior Youth Sunday Ministers ~ natllLI! fir(-pl.lrf':-. 2 ra~ -----~--- . SERVICE Free Estimate~ 21L-TllE WORK by I,'d ~ara:::-{' :\I;;ny extras, THREE BEDROOM home in \ E' C U REV. JAMES D. NIXON 40 Years in G.P. John William Estes, Jr. REV. ROBERT C. HASTINGS CITY OF 1()('

") Thursday. January 28, 1965 Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS * * * * Feature Page who~ where and wha'not Pointer of Interest Good Taste by whoozit P.floril~Recipe' oj You teenagers , , , who are a Iway s "hanging Peopl~ I. Th~ Know around:' looking for "something to do," might check flJ~nte in at the Neighborhood Club, now in t~e process of. ~x- panding its program of Volunteer ServIce Op}?ortumtles MOMOSETI'I Counter Points for teens. The Club \\lould like to know of hIgh school . Contributed by students who have time, skills and an interest in people :~ Mrs. A. P. Fuchs By Pat Rousseau to share. There is a need for volunteers to direct club .~ 8 medium onions A Valentine, .. for someone very special from the groups, teach sports, crafts ar.d music, do ind.ividual :'I:~\ % lb, lean ~round pork tutoring and s t a f f libraries late .a~ternoon.s In The .,~ 1 tsp, sugar Walton-Pierce Fine Jewelry Collection, beautiful ear- Pointe's elementary schools. Mrs. V.lvlan DaVIS, o~ .the 1 tsp, paprika rings and brooch in a .l~af design., paved with rubie~ and !\ieighOorhood Club staff, is responsIble for recrUItmg, .~:: salt diamonds or a dramatIc golden nng, domed and laVIshed . with diamonds. For him ... a set of handsome solid gold training and supervising the ,,:olun.teers .. At the .sc~ools I ~''''(<<.'( . pepper buttons for a blazer . . . limited edition designs. thev will work under the dIrectlO:1 ot the pnncIpals 1 1J2 lb. package broad and the sl:hool-community agents. Times can be arrang~ noodles, cooked * * * ed to fit the volunteer's schedule, but it is important to Parmesan cheese Top Drawer Topics, . 17007 Kercheval UP in the be able to 5erve on a regular once-a-week basis. Teen- I Slice and cook onions in 1 Village, agel's interested in performing a worthwhile service and: tbsp, butter and 3 tbsp. water. Roses are red. gaining valuable experience are asked to contact Mrs.! Cover steam, but do not ~Tiolets are blue Davis at the Neighborhood Club. TUxedo 5-4600. brown. Add pork after onions We hU?)e stocked new things '" * * are partly cooked. Cook pork. Add remaining ingredients And redecorated for you. One thing IBEX Club n1l'mb(~rs . . • canNOT be I and put in large, shallow pan. Open again February 8th . . in time for Valentine accused of is "hanging around:" These ladies make it Cover with Parmesan cheese. «timelys." their business to be busy, We cite two of the groups- 'I Bake one hour at 32[,0. Serves * * * within-the.Club. the Drama Group and the Music Group, I four. Be The Prettiest ValentiD~ in beautiful, feininine both of whom have intercsth'g programs in progress dur- I ------I fashions from Claire Pearnne, 397 Fisher Road. Noted ... manl , th . t th' J dolman sleeves, and easy lines for the back and skirt. Color the 109 (' wm rr inon S,.. 'I Mel'l's., Chorus mid.winter fashion bloom luscious peach! '" * * ! I ~ * hon '\\itht~h~~~:~l~~~~~~UR'~~~~~~~ c~~rti. i~ue~l~~u~~: ! ..~~ "':~:'~;~::*'&~::::~:/i1~''''~':::.1~i.• :;\<::~::!:::::. '.:, , I g__ Y "Each Day, . , is *a Val:ntine Day" . , . when you're Grossman, Curator of Th.eatre. Arts for the Detr~)lt 1nst1- I .,. ~, w <.. , """ ~.* ..",. -Photo by Ed« * ,mon . as arllve, 1t:lm ~noor, e" an, pOIn s as,' gre'.\' to know the Estes family Crystal ballroom, Friday eve- Valentine ... to a kitcheH! A Mutschler Kitchen , .. the :lIusie Group has planned TWO series of I to. begm work as qrosse Pmnte CongregatIonal Church S during the summer. ning, .January 29, at 7;30 o'clock. because o.t its advanced deszgn and versatility becomes .., DIrector of EducatIOn ~-"-~-~ ~------I programs. :lIrs: Char, Ies ,A, Ch3pm~n wIlI.dIrect ~ smg. '.. . . , But so many moves in such a President W. M. Watson of more the heart of the home eve1'y year! These are the er5' ChOrtl~.. whlle ladles mternted m playmg an 1Dstru. He h~(; ~)ee.n here only a and .~p~C~fya pe:l~d ~~ m-hospl- ! short time is a rather frighten. Touraine road is looking for- kitchens that keep up with your changing needs and the ment can Jom the Recorders Ensemble taught by Joseph mo~th, IS still. In th~ process of tal chmcal tra1Omg. . ing experience for a three-year- ward to a crowd of 50 tables. changing times. Choose from ContempoTary, French or Hayes. of the Oak Park Conservatory. B?th ~roup~ willi geth~g acquamte~ m ~he c?m- .M.r~ Ha~~ond ~hOught h1~ old ~oy. And Paul. cau~ht ~old Admission to this party is $1.25 Early American models at 20489 Mack Avenue. be featured in concert at the genera) meetIng m April •• '1 mumty: of .arra.ngln~ hIS.offIce, chnh tram1~g pl?gram was the first day he arr1ved m M1Ch- per person. of setthng In WIth hIS WIfe, Ro- too short to give hIm an ade- igan so he couldn't go outside The evening include$ enjoy-! * * '" * '!< * IsaHe, and their three.year-old quate understanding of the to piay. able games of cards a short "Cupid's Breath" , , " Elizabeth Arden's heavenly scent is in ... IBEX. Jant'Jrv meeting, incidentally, is sched. I son, Paul. in the Church's Lex- I problems of the emotionally dis. H d' d h h f . concert by the choru~, and re- t~e air at Kopp's, 16926 Kercheval. Bow romantic can a Valentine uled tomorrow at "The 'Carriage Trade." an antique shop ingtun road manse. I turbed. He accepted the Chap- t e ISCO~~ t at ~ e urn~ freshments contributed by wive5 gIft be? Other beloved perfumes ... oh, so prettily packaged! in West ~kNichols road, Detroit, where Mrs, Burton But he is already hard at: l~inc~ at the Ba~goi' Stat~. Hos- l\~~ ~~~mon~re~~ n~'b~g of chorus members. * * * Friedman, \vell known authority 011 English and Ameri- work. Those who think of! plt~l 10 o~derth~oIf':lclld'easHeflSex - all their furniture from Maine' Thp 25-man chorus under the "All ye that lovely lovers be" ... if you're planning f t III 15 d can 2n t.Iques, .Wl'11 spf'a k o. her re~en t'~lP t0 E urope In'" c.hurc,h" a~ a Sunday-onIy af- thepenencework fascinating.Ie . e oun they bought new things their' direction of Wilber Bezeau .."ill a pre-Lenten wedding, we'd like to tell brides-to-be that search of antIques and WIll examIne heIrlooms brought faIr are nustaken. Mr. Ham-. first week in The Pointe), sing a number of old favorites, Paul Gaeh "Candidgraph Album" is available in color. . lb' b t th t' tt ti' t d t mond and John William Estes The hospItal served 1,200 out selections which have made b ~. ex !nem ers . ~ e mee mg, a emp ng 0 e er- Jr., the Congregational Church'~ and in-patients. Maynard Ham- P a u 1: s grandparents male chorus singing a delight. Other color albums are budgeted from one hundred nine- nune theIr authentIcity. " * minister have full-time respon-I mond was the only ~haplain. taken him everywhere w1th Include will be "Waltzing 1\1a- teen-fifty, .. complete. Paul Gach Studios. , , located at •. *. '. sibilities: the Church office is He worked in conjunetion with them th: mo~th he and tilda", Shenanaoah", "The Whif- 345 Fisher Road. TUxedo 1.0500 . . , . (W?uldn t It be Just I?REAnFlJI: to fmd out that open every day, "church" means psycholo~ists, was called in ~or mother lIved 10 Doyer. All In I fenpoof Song", "V i veLa '" '" >I< that beauhfu' Early AmerIcan occasIOnal t3ble yoa, ?aper work, personal contact consultatIOn on problems WIth a~l, Paul ~as a little .hom~- Amour", "Men of Harlech" and Tender Loving Care, , . includes having the proper inherited from Great Aunt Maud was actually made in work, meetings and programs religious angles. sIck ... until h~ talked "':lth his many others. ~rand Rapids in 1932?). to arrange and attend. He devoted much of his time ~randparents VIa !~ng dIstance home medical supplies ... such as, a thermometer (in '" ".\< * , ! to trying to break down the phone, got ove.r ms col~, an.d working order) ... 0 First Aid Kit .. , Take stock and E . f 'Y1th a~d .For Peo~le ."Snake Pit" image of mental began to get Involved In hIS Louise Nobili then drop by the Notre Dmne Pharmacy to replenish Jarly nominee or rnost provocative program title of BaSIcally, It IS .work ~vlth and illness in the general commun- new community, (he loves the you.r med.icine cabinet. the yea r: ..... Ii YOll Get Where You Are Going, Wh~re for people - whIch SUIts Ma:(- itv, lecturing 1.0 different groups, i Grosse Pointe Congregational To Teach Here * * * Will YOli Be:." I just close vour eves and think about nard Ham~ond p.e~ectly. ThiS ta'king young people on tours of Church School). that for a rninute:l. to be pi'e~cnt~d by Mrs. James H. tall man. with sllnlmg eyes and. . 1 Love Th~t Service! ... With a "Good morning" ... your car I . d t D t . S .. L' b 2 t' . th N th just a touch of Southern draw! the hosp~tal. . Paul s co~? wa,~_not the .onl~' Water colorist Louise Jann- is whisked a~ay and paJ'k. ed. This is the way service begins at ,a~r a e ron, orosis r e ruary mee mg 111 e. o~ in his speech, (he was brought Conducted St"rvlces. Hammond mo\mt; calamity., son Nobili lives in the City of \ Edward Nepl, "ParruccIuere," 19463 Mack Avenue, a beauty Brys drive home of ~rs. Hom~r Marson,. ASSIstIng up in Baltimore Md' 10 years He served a com m un I t y Maynard Hammond caught hIS Grosse Pointe in a home which I salon that. puts your comfort and good looks first. TUxedo 4.8858. hostesses at the 12:30 ° clock se~sI~n are to Include Mrs. in Maine have t~nded"to camou- church whil~ acting as chaplain h.and in a door du.ring his she and her artist husband I * * * Donald Draper, Mrs. Ralph Nettmg and Mrs. R. H. flage but not obliterate his na- at the hosp1tal, where he con- fIrst week m The Pomte. He Marco desiuned themselves. .. Tompert. Chairman of the day is Mrs. James C. Boles. five 'accent), genuineiy likes duete<;I three Sunday sen:,ices, s?ook hands at the Congrega-. While M~s. !':obili is on sa. . SId Erwm Says.. "Rouge is a tricky item in C05- Prrsonally. we think it a little unfair of Mrs. Laird to I and genuincly cares about peo- (OI~e.m each of the ~osPltal:s bonal Church. welcome-to-the-' batieal leave from Wayne State 11!etlcs. No longer do we d~ the apple-of~the-cheek rou- l'0me up with her topic so earlv in 1965-club program pIe. bUlldmg~). He descrIbes. hIS l~ammond-famJly f~rmal recep- University this year, she has tlUe, unless we are old-fashIoned. Rouge should be used chairmen will be rackincr the'ir brains from now 'til A D' t f Ed f M I\V.ork WIth the PSYCh?lo~l,~ally bon January 10 WIth a metal consented to teach water color \ to emphasize tte bone structure (contour lines) of the D' b' t .. 'f' I' th f d d his trec or 0 . uca IOn, r. disturbed as rather hke put- g,uar~ over. a broken bone at classes at the Grosse Pointe face and to. bring out the eves. Usage, as well as a ecem eI, rj- mg to top 1 In eng 0 wor sand ept IHammond works directly 14nder ting a puzzle together' One seg- tne tIp of hIS thumb War Memorial to limited I t Ilk' h d 'f l' t f '. of thought. the Congreg~ti~nal Churc;h's ~ent of someone's life is out May Prove fiJ~ssing bers of students. num- I ~f;l~H1~Nl~~~O ~~.;~~~I1}ms rue IOns you receIve * '" * B?ard of. Ch:1stJan EducatIOn. of proportion - by. talking .it This broken bone may turn The term of wa t e r \: 0 1CI r .' . Pilferings HIS functIOn 1S to help .Church out, you help put It back m t t b bl . . d' . classes begins Tuesday evening * * * . . members grl)w as Chnsttans to 1 " IOU 0 e a essmg m ISgUise, .' M' 5J ld J h WillIam :\1akepeace Thackeray, the British novelist, C' 'II '1 bl t" I p ace. however; the Senior Pilgrim February 2, and contmues on axzne ,le on ... reports t,wt t ere are still open- once became a candidate for Parliament. His Tory l(\~lIZ~ha :V:I a \:a erIa d He :ecalls a talk by Dr. Karl Fellowship is planning a ski Tuesday nights from 7:30-9:30 ings in her workshop. "Tl1e Personal," beginning ~ tV" . , ....1 k' d . d ' I e ~rc. as a . I rary an Mennmger, whose s,peech at the trl'p. MI'. Hammond has never for 12 weeks. The enrollment Ja"'u"ry 25t1' ,~?Gros{'e Po'nte If you'd Tz'keto se ho oppo!;en, Iscotmt 'v onc . was a goo -natUl e nobleman, an audlO'vlsual aIds depart- Bangor State Hospital resolved b k' h' f' $36 Th . t t d ,o'~ ,l on . L 0.. ~ e w 'h d' .. ' Th k " b k d d een on S IS, ( e IS not exactly ee IS . ose In eres e the staff handles ma1."eup, 1oshion. and other facets of \\ 0 a mll eo ac era~ 5 00 S. . menU, that C~Jl be a apt~ !'o itself into the simple trnism: anxious to try the sport), and should register now. Only 15 f' h 1 UTO b The t\I:O met .on the street one day. After chattmg hel~ e?uc.ate hIS congrega.tlOn m Love is really the ~'nswer. a weak band is a perfect excuse can be accommodated. . emmine c .arm, cal II 1-9091 a out visiting a session. pleasantly for a mmute or two, Thackeray remarked with Chnshamty. to work WIth all I "Jesus said that 2,000 years to stay in the lodge in front of Mrs, Nobili's beautiful work :!< * '" a smilp. "\VeIl. may t~e ~est man win!". age groups, yout~ and ad~lt. i~g~," !VIr. Hammo?d smiles. a warm fire .. , ' I is ~rized in many private col. Wouldn't It ... be . , , to have a Nina Ricci, original "Oh, I hope not!' VIseOtInt Monck replIed with a One facet of hIS work IS or., It s still true - a little tender ., . .lectwns as well as rAuseums. ' at a fraction of the original francs? The Cinderella Shnp, courteous bow. ganization of materials. If a II loving care goes a long way." I h!he JUlIlor PIIgrun Fellow- Her paintings have won ar! im- 16227 Mack Avenue has one for resale (along "ith other designer '" '" '" Church School teacher calls The Hammonds accomplished, s Ip has plans, too. When he pressive list of awards. clothes). The shop relines stoles, monograms and does alterations. , • I early in the week, requesting their move from the East Coast' was here last summer, Mr, ------~--~~~~_.------~------The world reallv isn't allv worse, It S Just that the' usp oi th<.' film projector and to The Pointe with a minimum Hammond spent a week. ~t Be content with what you n{'ws coverage is s~ much better, matcl'iaJs on the life of the of fuss. They already knew a church-s.ponsored. Camp 'l7alahl, Kennedy-Emory , have-never with what you are, -Changing Times Apostle Paul, for example, bit about the area; they had near. Bnghton, Mich. He IS now * '" '" Maynard Hammond reserves spent last August in Grosse makmg. arrangements to tak~ Rites Revealed At Wisconsin's Sf Lawrence Seminarv. the nuns the projector and collects the Pointe while Mr. Hammond con- !he Jumor !,F to Camp Talahl Democracy is a way of Ii'ling g who prepare the meals for thE' seminarians there, placed I materials for the teacher. i duc.ted sei.'vices at the. Congre. 10 lat: spnn .. -- I :8 ,thnt has stood the test of t:me. a tray of cookies at the end of the serving line each day.! tie conducts worksh?ps to .in- . gatlOnal ~h~rch d?rmg the I. Jumor PF 18 newly OJ:,.gan-of ~~~: ; A si!:,!n admonished: "Take un Iv two cookies." struct adults, works With Jumor Estes famIly s ,:acatlOn. ,Ized at the CongregatlOnal len Kennedy, of Lakeshore road, I e It b ' ' 'th t h' . and Senior Pilgrim Fellowship, It was Rosalie Hammond s Church .. Maynard Hammond at- , . .soon ecame apparem fa.; IS plea \~'as not (thp ('hurch youth groups). calls first prolonged stay outside the te?ded Its first early were married Saturda~, ~anuary a enhrel~ heeded. and a more e.fectl\e appeal was sub- f '1' . th 't East Coast area (she was born thIs month. He was very pleased 16, at.a small famIly cere- u 't t I "T k 1 t k' b W . on amllcs lfl e comrr:um y, 'I muny In Mr Kennedy's h m St 1 U ~(: ., a e on y \\'0 cOO'les--remem cr ho IS conducts services in the ab- in Maine), and she liked the w!en 44 ,?eo~le showed up at I . 0 e. ;t watchmt1. I f th .. t ;out-going attitude of Pointe thIS orgamzatlon session. Reverel1;d Ben L. ~allman, of I;' . i senee 0 e mmls er. , . I Grosse POinte MemOrial Church A little later. the nuns deCIded to offer crackers as . B k~ d Al V . d i people. Mr. Hammond IS not a "hobby offic'ated t th 't ' well. Immediately. a .neat lettered signed appeared: If I~~ ,,~~;~ is ~~rie~~leSo is: Hard T~ M,ak.c Mo'\'e man," prefers t? spend. his A~enda~ts w:r~l~. Edmund !I next to the crackers. ObVIOusly the work of a seminarian. his background Mr Hammond I She found It dIffIcult to leave spar~ hm: l'ea~mg. bowll!1~' J. Papineau and W, Arthur To Curl--or Not to Curl It read: : "grew up in the church." his i her Maine home, how.ever. The pl~ymg .w1th hIS son, domg Batten. -is the big coiffure ques- "Take all you want-remember. He is watching the i family took church attendance IHammonds had bUIlt them- thlOgs WIth people. ------tion of the new year. Some cookies." L • and participation in church af- I selves a house only a year ~e- So fa.r, he ~as not had much R d' . fairs as a matter of course, and i fore: when the~ had had no. 1r.- spare ~me. Everyone wants to G & J Electric Co. women find it difficult to - ea er s DIgest M~ynard Hammoud was aetive ! t~ntlOn of ~ovmg. For the flr~t meet him, an~ he w~nts tc meet giye up the i r straight, * * * in church groups but h'nded to i time. Rosalie. Hammo~d ~xperl' everyone .. HIS of~l,ce. ~t the Jim Kreusmonrt, Own.r limp, untamed tresses in Trifles make prrfrrtion-and perfection is no trifle.', take hi~ r£'ligious commitment! ~nced the ~ehghts of plckmg out Church still has a waltmg-for- Electrical Wiring fayOf' of the new short -Mi('helan~elo for "ranted :her own linoleum and counter someone - to - pay-attention -to hairdos with a Jumbo Curl --_ .._-~-----_.~------.-----~- At" II '. Ch l" :tops and selecting her own col- me" look; he has not had time and Repairing L. scrnng as a ap am s '0 . I' t' t h . t (h ld l'k Perm to give the hair body · L ,. RIG 1 't t' th S th P 'f' I r CO,11 )lna lOns. 0 ang pIC ures, e wou 1 e and motion. pf!lOn Of les Pt'(lO, on ,S dass~s:n mId we 01 1 h aCI lCt Fortunately. the Hammonds 'I to mount a huge replica of 4.2738 L U1 I tu < • unno V> or at. 1 1 e me . . M" - t b CANVAS OXFORD Men that seem more than 1 . . .- - -_.~ O' t I H wa., t k found a buyer almost Immedl- alOe s rocKy coas on one are G P , t & E t S'd Changi'1g" conditions in Am('r- units for the communitlt's in I ~~~~ ~1(:7~hs't ';h :. s ru~ ately _ TOO immediately in wall), or collect keepsakes. or rosse as 't e casually interested in their Men's - Women', iean life are. challenging the whieh th£'y are located. .~ II,e .ae . a h e~<;d('peo ?e fact , .. the\' had to move' out' bring books and decorations own wives' good looks are .. on'can Lealon Allxlll'ar\' to C . ,lea J y;eren t as am~ to lIve ' f h .....m" ,,-"' . arrYll1g forward the Auxil- th' '," " a month before Maynard Earn. rom - orne. beginning to tire of all $9.95 e.~nd its ~ndeavors, a~. the. n~- jary'" continuous program for I . el: religIOn. 'mond was scheduled to leave He is at the beginning of "the little nothing looks" twn s .la~f!est wom{'~ s patn,otlc th£' welfare of America's chilo I He r~tllrned. to the Sta.te~. en ! Banger State Hospital and trans- things in Grosse Pointe. He is -the Dale little nothing organtz~tJon. aecor?mg to .,lrs. dn'n will be April's speC'i,,1ae-, rolled In Ba1tm~ore JUnJ? COl-, fer to Grosse Pointe. still meeting people getting to lipstick~-the little noth- JACK PURCELL £h'a .. ;';le!sen. preslder,rt of Tth.e I tivity. along with the f.tudy of: legc; He was still undecIded. as, 1n this limbo-month, Mrs. know his way aroun'd the town, AUXIliarys Pom!e ~ n~~' ('osta Rica. the 1965 stud\' cOlin.' ~~"\~.h~t h~"w~nte? to, do wIth, Hammo'1d and Paul moved in I observing, thinking, starting ... ing black dress and hair- White or Block 1 :: 303 here. The orgamzatlOn", try in the Foreign R£'lations: d .lie h' 1 knc\\ I .\~a~ted ~o : with her parents in Dover, Me., \ The pictures and the books dos that do little or noth- pr~gram for. 19')5 calls for spe- program. 1 ~1 ~~~et In;. b~t I "asn. t sur e Iwhile Mr. Hammond commuted, and the keepsakes will come. ing to e n h a n c e what ('~al emphasl~. ~ach m~mth on 2\Jay will be the month of: \\ , a ,-:- w en e..('ame I~ con.. betwee,1 Dover and Bangor. I _ could be a pretty face- dIfferent art\vltJes deSIgned to . I . .~ th' tact \\Ith a JC\\lsh SOC'1010gy,Th . ed . Th P' t Jllck '"tterson ofthe. if properly framed with h d' [" . <1 memoria POPpIes, \',. en (' ,teacher who influenced him to i ey arrlv III e om e I mt'€'t .t e nee s. 0 ~ro~I~,.,.. Auxiliary will distribute an esii-: b . 0 ' .. t ,shortly before the first of the i RN Alumnae he a I thy hair-vibrantly ('han~\TI.:! commullltles. s a ('<; mated 20.000.000 of the little., c, me a. mIDISer. . year, to find their new parson- 1 Woods Poliee says alive with cclor and sheen. and tne natIOn. V£'teran-made flowers to ~ worn I He studIed at Ba~gor ~emm- age and new congregation wait- Piall Meeting Designer Mollie a r It i s Activltie:; to help str{'n~tht'n in honor of the nation's war I ar)'. and the Um,,:erslty of ing for them. ; ~ "in this s'ick wea,h" r: the security of America's p~ace !!"tame.. has had practical A minister does not come to ; 5 aid it 50 well, "My and. freedom will ~ emp~asl7.~d June will bring attent.i~n t,o: lencc .!; the pastorate, servm~ I a communit). as a. str~nge:. ~r. The Alumnae Association of if you drive too close clothes are for the woman dunng January. Empha.qs also the w 0 r k af the Aux11larys: as mlms~er of the Dover-Fox- \Hammond. like hiS Wife. IS Im- Henry Ford Hospital School of of good.taste-that wants i Rolan.d Gray's Racquet will be placed on wmnmg pub. 100.000 junior memlJers. while, S:oft .Cli~;c~ .for thr~c. y~,ars, pressed by "the tremendous Nursing will hold its monthly to tlte man ahead of to look like a girl-not a meeting On Monday, February 1 and Sport Shop lIe support for thE' Amen{'an July will emphasiU' the naticm-I uld hIS clm~cal . lramll~g at out-giving of people here." The g h 0 u I Or a goiJ." Her u:>gion's rE"<'ommendations to the' "Vide Girls' State program. Dan v e r s HospItal,, Hammonds' mavin gdll.Yin Lex- at 8 p.m. in the Clara Ford you, 'fou mll'f find statement in a recent press new Congress. , Augtl.~t will be the mcnth of Mass., and for the ~ast tlve ington road was heetic, with Nurses' Home Lounge at Hen- ry FOl'd Hospital. release reflects the ob- Americanism will be the ae.', annual con. entions, alid septem-I years has been Ch~plam of the people calling to say hello and yours.If in "" car jectives you will find in tl\"ityemphasized in February as; ber 'pla~;;;emp~asis ~n. ~he Bangor State HospItal, Bangor, bri~ging groceries for the new Following the business meet-I v.:ill our haven at 117 Kerche- the Auxiliary joins with the na-: orgamzatlOn & mUSIC actiVIties. I Me.. arnvals. ing, a lecture and slides on the with him." val on the Hill. tion in obser\'an{'e of tl1e birth- i Bringing young peopl(' into con- i DiffIcult Decision Weather-wise. The Po j n t e topic "IBM Automation in Nurs. cta\"~ of two great Americans, tact with edu('ational aids and: The decision to leave institu- came as a shock - both ot the ing" will be presented by Dr. Our salon is always open W~shinrrton and Lincoln sehol.lrships wiii be emphasized I tional work and return to a com- Ham m 0 n d s were expecting Monday. so that you can In ~1;rch the .;;;>otli;::htof em. in October, an~ e.nrclling memo i ~unity congregati?n ~'!as dif- more snow, (They don't know ~r~~:~t~~~~~~l~~~ma:~e~re; STUDIO CAMERA SHOe start your week right ,nd phasis will bt' placed on the bers {or 1966 In ~O\'ember. flcult. Most semmanes now how luc~' they are!) Ford HOl>pital and Ray Harder CAR.L JOYNER _ bright! Call TUx e do 106 Ken:heval-on-the- Hill _\uxiliary's community service' Work for disabled veterans and require their students to have Paul Gets Adjusted from the staff t)f IBM. Refresh. 20229 MAC - tit 1+'4 ~ 1-6833 for appointments. ;>rojects, carried out each year civil ddf:nse will be emphasized p~actical experience in dealing It took Paul a little time to ments will be served following I K - IJI. e D_..:! TU 1-2262 TU 1-5262 oj' the orga;-tizauon's 13,000 local iin De<:ember. WIth psychological problems, adjust, but now he's fully "at the program .

.. ------~-...;.,;",....._-_...... _------~- ~ -- ~ .-