The hyacinth42º Aniversário da UNIVERSIDADE DO MINHO and theUniversidade University do Minho UNIVERSITY OF MINHO of Minho42nd Anniversary of the University of Minho The visual identity of the University of Minho (UMinho),17 | was02 | inspired2016 by the elements present in the coat of arms of its foundation: the winged serpent, the open book and the hyacinths on a silver field. The insignia of the University merge into the wisdom of the serpent, into the knowledge of the book and into the scientific modesty of the hyacinths - persistent flower that grows in harsh soil. For its distinct nature, the flower of the hyacinth became the basis for the iconographic representation of UMinho. The small flowers of six petals have a radial arrangement, mostly like a six-pointed star. Simplicity in shape is no doubt the desire of intelligence. From a flower a symbol was created. With the symbol, UMinho grew. In the future, it will flourish... sustainably! No caminho da Sustentabilidade On the path to Sustainability Edição e propriedade Editor and property Reitoria da Universidade do Minho Largo do Paço 4704-553 Braga T. +351 253 601 109 F. +351 253 601 105 E.
[email protected] Coordenação editorial Editorial coordination Júlia Costa Edição Editing O jacinto GCII - Gabinete de Comunicação, Informação e Imagem e a Universidade Supervisão Redatorial Supervision do Minho Paula Mesquita A identidade visual da Universidade do Fotografia Photography Hugo Delgado | WAPA Minho (UMinho), inspirou-se nos Nuno Gonçalves elementos do Brasão da sua fundação: Rui Carvalho | Node Media Studio a serpente alada, o livro aberto e os jacintos em campo de prata.