- Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, January 31, 1964 • Concert' 'World Around Rise Stevens Stars zn Tuesday SHOWBOAT Us' Features FRIDAY JAN. 31 " UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE " (110 Min.) Jock le-mmon, Coral Lvnley, Ed ie Adorns Polynesia 7 p.m. Jackie Cooper and Joe Flynn (Com.dy in Color) Wealthy landlord wolf only renh his apartments 10 culies, for ob­ The second in "The World vious reosons, unlil he meets his match with Around Us" series will be o beautiful college s'udent who already hos shown at the Station Theatre o husband in mind. A sexy, spicy howl! on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The (Adult). To Be Neptune Ball Guests SHORT: "Destination MoeJoo" (7 Min.) film entitled "Polynesian Para· ALL dise" deals with the spell and BY MARY WICKENDEN SATU RDAY FEB. 1 legendary romance of the South -MATINEE _ "Carmen" comes to China 'Hennesey' and " THE THRE E STOOGES IN ORBI T" (87 Min.) Pacific. Lake Tuesday evening when Rise 1 p.m. Among the sequences to be Stevens, world famous star of 'McHale's Navy' SHORT: "Willie the Kid" (7 Min.) the Metropolitan Opera, sings "Capl. Video No.2" (16 Min.) shown will be GaU'gin's Tahiti - EVENING _ . . . natives netting fish, building in the Station Theater . " I ON VOYA GE" (132 Min .) a home, creating a canoe from She appears as the third Stars Invited 7 p.m. a single log, the Tahitian hull, artist in the NOTS Civic Can- Actors Jackie Cooper, star 0' (Comedy in Color) Mom and Dod finally TV's "Hennesey" show, and Joe lake that trip abroad only to hove their and Bastille Day at Papeete; 'eenooers fired wilh romonces, J unior over­ Samoa, with its sensational knife Flynn, the ill-tempered Capt. Vol. XIX, No. 4 Noval Ordnonce Test Stotion, Chino Loke, CoUfoml1 Fri., Jan_ 31, 1964 bubbling with ~rt activity and finally dance, Fi ii . . • where Ie .. than Bin g ham P ton of "McHale', continental casanovas Siort giving Mom the a hundred years ago there we .. Navy" television comedy will 1M eye! A Disney funfelt for 011. (Adults and VX·5 Change Young People). cannibals. guests of honor at the Neptune i Ball next Friday and Saturday. SUNDAY.M OND AY FEB. 2·3 Arthur Dewey conducts this Feb. 7 and 8, at the Commu· " IRMA LA DOUCE" (146 Min.) presentation, sponsored by the Cdr. Manherz nity Centerl Jock lemmon, Shirley MaCloine China Lake Community Council. 7 p.m. Cooper will be at the Friday. (No synopsis available) Taking up photography in To Relieve night show, and Flynn will be TU ESDAY FEB. 4 1937 as a means of relaxation he~e for the Saturday perform. RISE STEVENS CO NCERT from business responsibilities, ance, Mrs. Charles Blenman Jr., MERMAIDS of the forthcoming Neptune are Doris Valitchka, Gwen L u t tel, Penny 8:15 p.tyl. Ba ll present a pulchritudinous preview in Kistler,' Therese Valentine and Alene Mor· WEDNESDAY FEB. 5 Dewey has since come to rank Cdr. O'Connor general chairman of the second " STRAIT JACKET" (n Min.) as one of the top professionals annual event, announced I t heir best stag8side manner. Left to right gan. But wait' li you see the Sea Hags! Cdr. Harry N. O'Connor, USN, rwv Joa n Cra wf.rd. Lea (debolt in the field of travel and ad· this week. 6 and 8: IS p.m. will be relieved as commanding (Horror) Warning! This is a chilling, gory ve nture. officer of Air Development Besides the famous televisiol\ account of on aKe murderess released from He and his wife have also Squadron Five by Cdr. Jack M. personalities, there'll be lots of Mermaids and 'Sea Hags' Rise Stevens a mental hospital to rejoin her daughter. made film.producin·g to U r s to Manherz, USN, in ceremonies at local talent, too. Producer Capt. (Continued from Page 1) Then the axe falls, again and again. (Adult). Floyd F. Reck and Director Bill SHORT: " Crook Who Cried Wolf" (7 Min.) the Mau·Mau country in Africa, RISE STEVENS Hangar One at 10 a.m. Monday, Rehearse For Neptune Ball tralto ("Orfeo" and "Delilah"). "Candid Mike 3·S" (10 Min.) the fiords of Scandinavia and Feb. 3. Valenteen are now conducting (Continued from Page 1) due to limited facilities, reserva­ The program which she will t he mountains of Mexico. cert Association series for 1963- Cdr. O'Connor, VX-5 CO since rehearsals. There'll be original Ridgecrest at Champs Market, tions will be necessary. sing at China Lake includes two 64. All tickets for the concert Jan. 18, 1963, will receive orders lyrics and hilarious relHrtee to THURSDAY-FRI DAY FEI, 6·7 Tickets to the Feb. 12 show amuse anyone interested Radio Station KRCK and at the Phone the Child Care Center famous arias, the "Habanera" " THE LE OPARD" (1&2 Min .) series have been sold out since to report to duty with the Air in from " Carmen" and liMon coeur may be obtained at the Com· September. Curtain time is community gossip, plul • wild Gift Mart. at 723723 . Charges will be a Burt Lancaster, Claudio Cardinale munity Center or from auy Strike Warfare Division, Office s'ouvre a ta voix" from "Sam· 7 p.m. 8,15 p.m. of Chief of Naval Operations. number performed by I group The Neptune Ball committee flat rate of $2.50 for the first CDroma in Color) This Cannes Interna­ son et Dalila" by Saint·Saens. Community Council Director. of anonymous "sea hagl." says that although many who child and $1.50 for each addi­ tional Film Festival winner depicts the fad­ Chance For Some Tickets Cdr. Manherz reports from CNO She will also sin'g three "Se· Single admissions may be ob. Offsetting the lalter will be attend the ball will wear formal tional child. This includes food ing era of aristocracy in Italy and centers tained at the theatre door, it Lou Bagge, ticket manager where he was head of the At­ and other services, i. e., diapers. guidilles," two by Manuel de upon a proud family', acceptance of chang. for the Association, reports that tack Aircraft Requirements Sec­ a bevy of beautiful mermaids, attire, short dresses and dark seats are available, at $1.25 fo~ Falla and the one from " Car· ing times. layish drama (Adu!t. and Young a few tickets were turned in tion, Aviation Plans Division, defintely not anonymous: Gwen business suits will be both ap­ People). men" by Georges Bizet. adults, 75 cents for students. Luttel, Penny Kisler, Alene Mor· propriate. College To Stage by patrons who were itI or out since Sept., 1961. Modern Songs, Too of town fo r the first two con­ Attending the colorful cere­ gan, Therese Valenteen and Table Reservations 'Death of a Salesman' Several modern songs includ­ certs of the season. monies will be RAdm. H. G. Doris Valitchka. .' For table reservations for Arthur Miller's modern clas­ ing "Orpheus with his Lute" by CROSSWORD PUZZLE " Perhaps 15 tickets for the Bowen, Commander, Operational ComNavAirPac BI nd eight or more at the Commu­ sic, 'IDeath of a Salesman," will Ralph Vaughn Williams, will A CROSS lO·Arrican Rathbone CGilCerf \\rere .vail· Thst and Evaluation Force, and The popular dance band from nity C e n t e r performances, ll.C hanged be the major spring production open her program. Miss Stevens t·Choicest ('alar o f able and some 25 for the Hinton. other officers of his command_ ComNavAirPac, , will please phone Ann Seitz on Ext. of the Desert Division~ of Bakers­ (i-Toll . l 3.Hag will also sing several German S-Toward the H. ·Chief Norse Mills concert," he reports. Also expected are Capt. Jack W. provide the dance music, ar· 72010. field College. lieder songs by Schumann, mouth goo. "There isn't much we can do Hough, CO, NAF; Capt; Leo n rangements chairman Mickey )2-Uselessly 19· Caustic , For those who wish to en joy The play, which will go into Strauss, Brahms, and Hugo . 1 a-PiSI>en substance in advance of the Stevens con­ Grabowsky, NOTS Executive Of­ Freedman reports. IG·Wash lightly 21. Prel108itio n c!:.cktails and din ner pri or to rehearsal in two weeks, will Wolf. .17-:\lature 24 ·Yenlllated cert, but anyone willing to come ficer; Capt. Francis X. Timmes, What with only 400 tickets the show, the Commissioned Of· be performed twice in April on Mrs. Robert Wa lker is serving IS· Note or scale 2(j·Small Technical Officer, and Cap t. available fo r each night's per· 19· 5ol itary amount down to the box office about . icers Mess (Open) will feature the Burroughs campus of the as manager for t his concert. 20-Con juncLiOll 2G·Assumed 8 p.m. Tuesday might find Floyd F. Reck, Plans and Opera­ formance - and they are sold 22-l\lan's name reduced prices both Friday and college. She reports that there will not nickname 2;·l'ronoun something available," he said. tions Officer. on a fi rst-come-first-served basis Saturday evenings. Reservations Tryouts for all but the cen­ be a reception for the artist 23·Blemlsh 2S-Hindu 25 -Se rbian coin c)'mbals "Bagge may be reached at Uniform for participants witl - you'd better get yours now. .re now being taken. Phone tral part of Willy Loman will after the concert. 21-Mud . 30 ' (:reek letter Ext. 724231 for further ticket be full dress blue bravo; for Contact Tic k e t Chairma" 28-SailOr" 32-Born 72265 or 72268. be held in the Multi-Use Room Miss Stevens will be assisted (colloq.) 33-~lonel.."lry 40- South 49-:\TOllntaln Ill. information. guests, service dress blue bravo Maura McCreery at NOTS Ext. ; And the Navy Exchange Child at Burroughs Feb. 6 and 7 be­ by James Shomate at the piano. 29 -Jo'alsehood penalty Am e rican CrHe Rise Stevens is the only star or appropriate civilian altire. 723603; Mrs. Laurence Ellefson ':lI . At this I>lace 35·}'ragrant rode n t li O· 'frA.nsgres­ Care Center will be open from ginning at 8 p.m. He will play several short 32-Catch oleores in "I-River ill sion ever to sing roles ranging from at Ext. 725361 ; Mrs. William 33-D~ree 36-Glrl's pume Siberia. 6 p.m. unlit 2:30 a.m. to care Those interested in non-acting pieces by Francis Poulenc and :'4-0uLch town 4l-Ralsed [i2-COnl llasa Puckett at FR 5-4732, or Mrs. 3S-l.amprey 3S-Printer's 44-1... "\t(' r point soprano ("Der Rosenkavalier" Social Security Man JACKIE COOPER _ in reel life a Lieutenant in the "Hen- for children of attendees. Elaine participation may contact the Claude Debussy after the inter- 3G-Climbing m easu re 4{i-Path 53-~ Ylllbo l tor and "Tales of H off man") A Social Security representa- Robert Hamblin at FR 5-2029. Darnell, manager, states t hat college at FR 5-2348. mission. Illa.nl 39-Rows 4i-Emmet tantalum . through mezzo-soprano ("Car- tive will be at the Community nesey" TV show, but in real life a Lieutenant Commander Tickets are also on slle at the 37·Strike out .1S·Containe l"s men" and "Mignon") to can- Center next Wednesday, Feb. 5, in the Navy - will be guest of honor at the Neptune Ball Community Center, .nd in 4v-i{ h'(;r In )Lair 4::<"ron oLl n (Continued on Page 8) from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 7. (Continued on Page 8) 43-Cllmumg lllant ~------~------~~~------H-Man'!! nickname "G· Collection ot facts Launched 48-BoG"sed down 536 EM To Take Federal Joint Crusade . In mud SO-Nahoor sheell The annual Federal Service !i t- Del ihc ra lion r. ~-l'oke r stake Joint Crusade and National !j{j -l'aid notices tiG-GirJ'1i name Advancement Tests Health Agencies Fund Drive was launched here this week as DOW N Three hundred and twelve enlisted men from the Naval S tat ion Commander Capt. l·PieC'e of Air Facility, 120 from Air Development Squadron Five, and 104 fleu lpture Charles Blenman Jr. and Execu· 2- Destg-na ted from NOTS Enlisted Personnel compliment have been recom- 3-Vessel's mended to take the Navy-wide - tive Officer Capt. Leon Grabow­ cur ved lJlanking- examinations for advancement cers, pay grade E-7, will start sky made their donations to 4-Symbol (or to pay grades E-4 through E-7 at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4. Jim Greenfield, Campaign Chair· tellurium Ii-Stratagem to be given at the Community Exams will cover the follow- man. (i · Slave 7-Worm Center Feb. 4, 6, 11 and 13. ing ratings: ABE, ABH, AC, ADJ, The FSJC-NHA campaign is 8-ConjuncUon Personnel taking the exams ADR, AE, AG, AK, AMH, AMS, one of three authorized on-the. . 9·Inlet have already met the qualify- AO, AQ, AT, BTC, BM, EM, EN, job fund solicitations approved f lf UN 'I AuthlWiZH SwYin N• • • ,...... Oi l,.. ing standards for advancement GMG, GT, MM, NT, PN, PR, RD, by Presidential directive for all but must now pass the written RM, and SK. Federal establishments. examination. POI Tests Feb. 6 Month of February Those aspiring to advance to Exams for Petty Officers, First The drive will be conducted the next pay grade have already throughout the month of Feb. been burning the mid-night oil, Class, pay grade E-6, are sched­ uled for 7,30 a. m. on Thursday, ruary, according to Chairman ~m~ ______PLACE division officers report, and will Feb. 6. Greenfield. N i net e e n " key.. STAMP continue until the last exam is men," who have been selected completed. Exams will cover the follow­ ing ratings: ADR; AE, AG, AI(, as department representatives, HERE Some are resorting to train­ have already been briefed on ing books while others are re­ AlI1E, AMS, AO, AQ, AT, BM, BT, CS, DC, DS, DT, ET, FT, collection procedures, Green­ ferring to equipment manuals to field noted. TO, ______refresh their memories. What­ GMG, GMM, HM, MM, NT, PH, ever the technique, it witl re­ PN, RM, RD, SD, SK, YN. Capt. Blenman urged 100 per quire heavy concentration to P02 Tests Feb_ 11 cent participation. "All we ask/' CLIMBING ON THE MEMBERSHIP band­ Hirsch. Children are Grantly, Godfrey ,and beat the three hour limit set Exams for Petty Officers, Sec­ he pointed out, "is that every· wagon of the Maturango Museum (I-r) are Stuart Westmorland, Kathleen Mack. Museum for completion of the exams. ond Class, pay grade E-5, will OPEN FSJC DRIVE-First donations to Federal Joint Char· one does what he conscientious· curator Sylvi. Winslow, director Rhea Bien­ preserves the past of Indian Wells Valley CPO Tests Feb. 4 be held at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, ities Compaign are made by Capt. Leon Grabowsky and Capt. Iy can. Then I think we can man, board members LaV McLean and Alice for both junior .nd senior members. Exams for Chief Petty Offi- (Continued on Page 3) Chlrles Blenman Jr. to Jim Greenfield, Campaign Chairman. (Continued on Plge 4) Pa ge Two ROCKETEER Friday, January 31, 1964 Friday, January 31, 1964 ROCKETEER Page Seven

CHAPLAIN'S MESSAGE _____-. 'DESERT PHI LOSOPHER' PROMOTIONAL OPPO RTUNITIES Worry ... and 'reMnt Stolion emp toyee. or. encouraglld Double-Check,:' to apply for the positioris listed below: Ap. t plicotions should b. a«omponied by on up. to·dote Form 58. Th. fact thot positions are ad .... rtised hete does not preclude the Use Security of ' other meons 10 fill Ih n . vo(oncies. Triple-,Check!.l Clerk· Typ ist, GS·l, Code 1751 - Th is is ~ By CHAPLAIN MARK E. FITE a trainee posit iOl"1 leading to full time d uo Bv "pOP" LOFINCK tiei as a Fisca l Accounting Clerk. Duties Some time ago I wrote a column about how lost mines got We often are worried or anxious about many things, and will include oudil ing civilian payrolls, prop­ the usual connotation that is given with this is something less er sorting of checks as to correSf amount, lost. ' The finder didn't know where he was when he foun

U. S. Na,vol O0''''''rdnan co rett StetI_ " Well," he said, " If we get a China l oka, Colifornla Christian Scienc. (Chopel An~ x) few breaks, we should do a lot Morning Service-II • .m . better than last year. We can't c.ptoln Chari•• Iionman. Jr., USN Sunday School-II o.m. Stalion Commondel' do much worse. Joe Adcock is " I ," "T," IIWty Protestonts (All Fallh Chapel) comi n9 with the club, and he Public Information Off~ Morning Worship-tt30 and II CI .m. Sunday School-9:3O a .m., Groves and _eli:: • . Ifoward Richmond elementary Khool •. Basketball Schedule EdItorial Advhor Tuesday, Feb. 4 Ro man Catholic (All Fa hh Chapel) Ilchcnd Or"a".'1 6:00 p.m. Holy Man- 7, 9:30 a.m., and 5:30 editor p .m. Sunday. NOTS vs. VX-5 ..del ChI" 7:30 p.m . Auoclot. Edllor 6 a .m. Monday .hraugh Friday, 11 :30 a .m. Saturday. - AOD vs. Aero Science ""rick l. lichord, Special Anlgnmenn Confessians-8 to 8:25 a .m., 6 to 8:30 p.m. Basketball Standings DIADLINES Saturday. Th ursday before Flut frldoy- ••WI S.ori•• _ ___.. _ _ ' MS" 4:30 p.m. 4 to 5:30 p .m . (As of Jan. 29) PItotog,oph, __...... _ .. _ has., 11 :30 a ,m. Team Won Lost NOTS Hebrew Services (East WIA9 All Faith '.. Roc:kotMr rec.lv.. Armed fOf'Cel p,... Chapel) NOTS ...... 8 2 """'0 mat.riol. All 0,.. aHicl.1 U. S. Navy Every fiut and third Fr iday, lI:IS p.m. VX-5 ...... 6 2 JUMP BALLI-Larry Faulk (4) of Aero Science and Jerry unlo.. otherwi.. ldentifloct. Prlnr.cl .ffKtto. Sabbath School every Saturday morning . ...kly with approprr.Md fund. In compllonc. INGOLD H. SCHERMERHORN receives 20- Docks. Schermerhorn, of the Contract Divi· NAF ...... 6 3 Schwarting (9) of VX-5 go up for the ball during Tuesday ...... NovExot P-35, hvl.-d July 1950. otto Unitarian Fe ll owship (Parish Hall) year Federal Service pin from Capt. C. A. sian, has been with NOTS for 13 years. Aero Science ...... 5 3 night's game which VX·5 won by score of 75 to 69. Referee ... to ICJne St., Bldg. 00929. Phone, - "'SS4I, Fellowship Meeting - Sunday., 7:30 p .m . Reilly, Public Works Officer, on behalf of Watching ceremony are Lt. R. R. Randall, CATCHER BOB RODGERS autographs books and b.. eballs AOD ...... 1 8 Gary Maxwell keeps his eye on the action. 71655,72012. Sunday School - 9:30 a .m. Southwelt Division, Bur•• u of Yardl and Division Head, and C. C. Martin, CEo for youngsters. Seaman Guard ...... 1 9 -Photo by Tom Faught, PHAN Page Six ROCKETEER Friday, January 31, 1964 Friday, January 31, 1964 ROCKETE ER Page Three 6 Two CL Residents Establish New Credit Union Declares Per Cent Dividend NOTS Super · Tra cker Elected to Serve On Astrometrics Mobile X-ray Un it Third Year In Locks on Satellites United Fund Board Div. (Code 404) Pays An nual Visit A Row for the Two China Lake residents, The establishment of Astro· The Mobile X·ray Unit will Bettylou Logue and Russell E. metrics Division (Code 404) was pay its annual visit to NOTS NO'S Pasadena To Be Featured Davis, were elected along with announced last week by Frank Pasarena on February 3, 4, 5, VIRGINIA E. LIBBY - EXT. 638 PasadenaAnnex four Ridgecrest residents to H. Knemeyer, Head of the Wea· and 6, 1964, according to Pasa· For the third consecutive At Electronics three·year terms on the board of pons Development Department. dena \nnex Nurse Virginia 01· year, the NOTS Pasadena Em· directors of the IWV United Named to head the new dis· son. ployees Federal Credit Union Show in L. A. Fund last Thursday. sion is Donald K. Moore. As· An X·ray card will be distribu· has declared a 6 per cent divi· Ridgecrest residents elected sociate Head is Richard V. Boyd. ted with timecards on Friday, dend, the highest permitted by The NOTS satellite tracking' were Dr. David Kraus, George Branch heads are as follows: January 31. Supervisors will ask law. The announcement was station NACODE (Navy CorreIa· Smith, Paul McKenry, and Cath· Physics (4041) G. S. Wilkins: employees to insert full name, made at the annual meeting on tlon Detection) - a portable, erine White. Electronics (4042) J . P. Lee place and date of birth, height January 21. automatic and ultra·sensitive Mrs. Logue, a housewife (acting): Guidance (4043) N. J. and weight. Each employee will Other business of the day in· electronic data receiver - will whose husband, Ve r n on, is a Schneider; Control (4044) R. P. take this card to the X·ray unit cluded election of the Board of De a featured Navy operational Test Department employee, is Burt (acting); Projects (4045) at the time scheduled below. Directors and Credit Committee unit at the Fifth Annual Winter actively engaged in loca l Girl R. V. Boyd (acting). Cards will be sent to military members. Two vacancies on the Convention on Military Elec· Scout work and the Kern Coun· The establishment, approved personnel for completion by Board of Directors were filled tronics, Los Angeles Ambassa· ty Recreation program. The Ver­ by H. G. Wilson, Associate Tech· them and their dependents who by Danny Moore, who replaced dor Hotel, Feb. 5·7. nons have been residents of Ch i­ nical Director, simultaneously are included in this survey. Gerald Mostellei, and Barbara The NACODE system, design. na La ke for six years. dissolved the Special Projects Children over 15 years of age Leisge replaced Margery Ross. ed and developed by the Test Davis, a m e~hanica l engineer Branch, Code 4052, and (h e are eligible for X·ray. Jane Ingham, who has been Department's Instrument De­ wi th t he Weapons Development Servo Development Branch, . Employees will report alpha· serving as an alternate, will re· velopment Division, headed by Dept., is the local Elks Club in· Code 4057. The personnel from betically according to last name, place Dick Franz on the Credit Fred M. Ashbrook wifh super· stitutional representative for Ex­ these codes, along with Leo L. preferably in conformance with Committee. vision by branch head H. Nor· plorer Scout Post 3, Boy Scout Kielman and Lowell A. Paulsen the following schedule: "The analysis of trends shows man Ronning, Code 3045, is Troo p 3, Cub Scout Pack 3. He of Code 4053, will now com· Monday, February 3 a healthy, steady growth of unique in its ability to aid sci· also se rves on the BSA K ern prise the new Astrometrics Di· A·E 8 a.m. - 12 noon total assets, dollar amounts of entific advancement in the fie ld County Council. He came to vision. F·J 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. loans, and amount of member's of geodesy. Chine Lake in 19S4. Tuesday, Fe bruary 4 shares for each quarter," re· Utilizing a new application of To Elect Offi cers Feb. 7 . Income Tax C ourse K·O 8 a.m. - 12 noon ports the Supervisory Commit· t~e Doppler measurement prin· New and holdover members of An l1·week course in holY to P·T 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. tee. "This indicated that your ciple as applied to the tracking the F board of directors will prepare federal and state in· Wednesday, February 5 Credit Union is successful in of near·Earth satellites, the sys· meet at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, corne tax returns begins Mon· fulfilling its mission of promot· U·Z 8 a.m. - 12 noon t~m is one of'the most sensitive Feb. 7, at the Station Restaurant day evening at 7 p.m. in Room ing thrift and creating a con· LB and MD Personnel: 1 p.m. and far reaching tracking sta· SATE LLI TE TRACKERS Leroy D. Marquardt (seated), proj. to elect a slate of officers to 12' of Burroughs Evening High -3:30 p.m. venient source of credit." tions in operation today, accord­ ect engineer on NOTS operation NACODE, and Ralph R. serve throughout 1964. SchOol. The meeting was presided Thursday, February 6 iog to Leroy D. Marquardt, proj· Smith, technician, check t racking station to be demonstrated over by President Bill Derby. ONR and Board of Examiners ect engineer of the design and at L. A. e lectronics show. (Green St.) d.evelopment program. functioning of the satellite. Ten Systems in World 8 a.m. - 12 noon JE~E C. JACKSON, RM3 MERRELL T. HARRIS, ENJ Best in 100 Years The two-channel instrument is Johns Hopkins' Applied Phys· Stragglers 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Six Seconds Marquardt told of experiments NOTS Long Beach and San capable of receiving and taping ics Laboratory acts as technical with NACODE that reveal great· 200 data words during a single adviser on the Doppler measure· Clemente Island personnel in· er knowledge of the Earth and pass of a satellite. In ·this geo­ ments and analysis: The Pacific terested in having a chest X·ray Two Continue Navy Career To Victory its environment during a four may report with X·ray card in graphic location, on a daily basis, Mi'ssile Range and the New Mex· "Too close for comfort but year period than any observa· hand to Long Beach Naval Sta· Reenlistment ceremonies were son reported aboard in March, reenlisted for a period of four up to six passes can be received ico State Un!versity also sup: victory was ours last Monday tions made in the past 100 years. tion Dispensary on Monday, held recently for two military 1962, from the Naval Commu· years on January 17. Harris from a single satellite. Current· port the NACODE network num· by defeating Aerolab 51·50 in Visitors at the e lectronics con- Iy, data is being recorded from Tuesday or Wednesday between personnel attached to NOTS nications Station, Kodiak, A· reported aboard from the USS bering 10 systems operating the last six seconds of the vention \\~II witness actual sa(el· four orbiting satellites but the the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Pasadena. laska. He enlisted in the Navy MATACO (ATF·86) on January throughout the world. game," reports Don Robinson, lite tracking sequences monitor· system could handle as many as Other NOTS employees at· No provision can be made for Jere C. Jackson, RM3, USN, in February, 1955. Jackson is 121, 1963. Harris is stationed ed by NOTS employees Richard 10. employees on leave or tempor· shipped over for a period of radioman on San Clemente at the Sea Range Operations manager of the NOTS Pasadena atched to the traCking station K. Miller and William R. Mad· The NACODE system can also ary duty elsewhe,e. six years on January 16. Jack· Merrell T. Harris, EN3, USN, Division in Long Beach. basketball team. project in various technical ca­ NOTS was trailing by six dux, who will demonstrate how I be used in quick support of a pacities are Ralph R. Smith, points at the beginning of the each data word is automatically launch operation, its precision technician in·charge of test eval· fourth quarter and being at a receIved, punched on teletype measurement capability being ation; Kenneth Bryant, Claude height disadvantage (at least tape, and transmitted to a con· adopted for use on Program W. Brown, Arthur R. Craddock, Fund Drive Gains Momentum as Keymen two inches per player), Lad y trol center for evaluation. ANNA (Army, Navy, NASA, and George D. Kimball and Harold Luck was on our side when the The operators may also fol· Air Force), a Department of De· B. Kil)1ley. clock ran out before Aerolab low the data transmission with fense project under the manage· Also engaged in the project Distribute Brochures, Envelopes This Week was able to shoot the two point· comments and status reports ment of the Bureau of Naval are Veri-IOn J. Logue, Ernest T. er which would have made the with emphasis on any informa· Weapons with NASA coopera· The 1964 NOTS Pasadena definite responsibility to sup· Long, John V. Monckton and P715 -Clarence Engel (SCI). Gorz, P80834 - Charles Black diCCerence between defeat and tion that might indicate mal· tion. Paid E. Payne. fund raising campaign for the port such programs whicb can P752 - Betty Koers, P754 - (SCI), P8084 - Squire Clemons, victory. Federal Service Joint Crusade distribute some of our abun· Esther Alles, P80 - Peggy Hig· P80841 - Charley McJunkin, High point men in the game and the National Health Agen· dance to those in need and can gins, P802 - Priscilla Secor and P80842 - Harold Jensen (LB), were Ray Brooks collecting 18 cies launched last Friday is aid in our programs in health. Norma DePaulo, P804 - Pat P80843 - George Weidman points and Roger Morehead gaining momentum as selected We should not take this reo Brumbach, P8042 - Bob Thur· (MD). with 11 points. Don McDonald, key men are going full speed sponsibility lightly. I have and man, P8043 - Doug Kuper, p. P8087 - Eleanor Page, P8089 Don Palmer, John Grove, Del ahead, distributing brochures know that you have a personal 805 - Ethel Eppard, and John 1- Matilda Pollock, P8092 and Yarbrough and Don Robinson CAPT. E. B. JARMAN, Commanding Officer of Naval Ord· and contribution envelopes to knowledge of the fine work that Bascom. P8093 - Mike Slivcov, P8094 nance Laboratory, Corona, Calif., has a cup of coffee and employees. these agencies have accomplish· P807 _ Sharon Oates, P8082 , - Eugene Fields, P8096 _ Art also turned in star perform· chats wi th Capt. Charles Blenman J r., Com NOTS, during Local representatives of the ed." - John DeFriest, P8083 _ Joan Block. • _ _ ~a;nc:-e_s_. _ ___-:~ -=-~;::: break in tour of Station last Monday. Accompanying Jarman two drives attended briefing If you have not been contact· p were NOL Technical Director Dr. F. S. Atchison; Asso. Tech. sessions held here last week for ed, seek out your keyman to· _ _ ,..._,....A Director Dr. H. K. Skramstad; B. F. Huston, Head of Fuze purpose of providing informa· day. Dept., and J. J . Nastrone ro, Head of Deve lopme nt Divi sion 2. tion and showing short films to P19 - Sue Burg, P191 - officials and keymen of the An· John Melillo and Mary Harrison, ASPA Nom i nates nex drive. P193 - Lt. (jg) K. W. Eveland 536 Men to Take In behalf of Capt. G. H. Lowe, (LB), P194 - Chief Bond and 2 NOTS Men Fo r Officer in Charge, LCdr. W. M. Chief McFadden (SCn, P195, - February Tests Chief Galik (LB), P176 - Vera Doubenmier Award Place relayed the following . (Continued from Page 1) Hickey. Leroy M. Jackson, Head of the message, in part, to the session: Feh. 11. "1 Ieel that the agencies reo P2510 - Clint Weaver, P2561 Community Relations Office, presented in this campaign are - Wm. J. Smith, P2562 - El

sonnel. creases7 once every four or five This formula takes into consid- years instead of every couple of eration that pay increases bring years as the Civil Service bas. higher retirement costs and is " Eve n if you grant that the adjusted to take care of the fact starting point was right and the end po int was right after the -=--:--:-~-=--~--:-.....:..----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;::;;::;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;:===:; Ienactment of last year's pay in- OCLA Spring crease, we estimate that the aver- age officer lost $14,000 over this · L· t d period just because he got his increases as such long intervals." GILBERT BELL (center), who worked here 19 years ago and Courses IS e returned with AIAA visitors, is greeted by Frank Knemeyer .IThe UCLA Extension an- Defense planners say the "av- (ri ght), Head, Weapons Development Dept., and R. T. (Dick) nounces the following Educa- erage officer" used to obtain the $14,000 figure is a captain or Carlisle, Assistant Department Head. ti9n courses for the Spring Navy lieutenant just promoted in Semester: 1949 with six years service at .' Educ. X 326.IB, New Ap- time of promotion. The time proaches to Arithmetic in Ele- span of the study is from 1949 "",ntary Schools, (2 units) $30. to the present. Instructor: Grant Pinney. Be· DOD is li very anxious" that gihs Jln. 31, and meets every this should not happen in the fu- Friday evening, 7-10 p.m. and (ture. Of the $200 million pro- SaturdlY mornings, 9 a.m.·12 posed for the FY65 military pay- noon, in Room 41 , Murray ARMY TASK FORCE VISITS CODE 4S-Nine nett, Picatinny Arsenal; John Dickie, Edge- roll, $143 million will go for CONCENTRATING on test I members of the Army's Munitions Command wood Arsenal; and Art Breslow, Code 4543. ta rget (left of center). Schoo - Task Force II visited Code 4S last week for Back row (I-r) are Richard K. Traub, Edge- the DOD requested military pay A continuation of 326. 1A the purpose of studying equipment used in wood Arsenal; L. G. Dudeck and M. G. Britt, increase. which has recently concluded. the production of handling of pyrotechnic Ammunition Procurement & Supply Agency; The pay increase is proposed China Lake members of the Current methods used in teach- compositions. Left to right are Ed Allen, Burton Werbel, Picatinny Arsenll; Cecil Ed- to be effective October 1964. American Institute of Aeronau­ ing arithmetic at specific grade Code 4543; Jerome Selman, Dover, N.J.; Wal· monds, Ammunition Procurement & Supply tics and Astronautics played levels in the elementary schools ter F. Smith, Frankford Arsenal; L. S. Bar- Agency. are examined. Pebble Pups Meet host to members of the Antelope Valley sections of the AIAA on Educ. X 339.1 Evaluation of Monday, Plan Field Jan. 22-23, and the distinguish­ Audio Visual Materials (2 units), Joint Crusade • • • Zero and One-Bedroom ed visitors apparently were im­ $33. Instructor: R. T. Carlisle. (Continued from Page 1) Trip on Saturday pressed by what they saw: Begins Feb. 3 and meets every expect good results." An illustrated talk on mineral (1) Tests on .the Gemini Es­ other Monday, 7-1 0 p.m. in identification by crystallography cape System. Room 1000, Michelson Lab. As in past campaigns, em­ ployees may des i g nat e the Units Now Available will be given by Ken Pringle, a (2) SNORT. This course is being offered amount they wish to give to an There has been an increase in the supply of 0 and I-bed­ mineralogist of tbe Detonation (3) Warhead Research. at China Lake for the first time. agency on the back of the en­ room units available for single personnel. There also has been Physics Group, Research Dept., (4) Weapons Delivery Tech­ It is more advanced than 139A. velopes. a. decrease in the demand for these units from single personnel. at Monday's meeting of the Val­ niques by VX-5. Its purpose is to enable users Greenfield pointed out the Therefore, to bring the de­ ley Pebble Pups. (5) Sidewinder and SHRIKE of audio-visual materials to ex­ addition of Project Hope to the mand in line with the supply, end Litho. and Motion Picture The meeting will be at Groves missiles. plore thoroughly the relative Federal Service Joint Crusade. the single civilians in H Group Service WP-15 through WP-18, Street School auditorium from (6) The HiTab Program. merits of the various media, The S. S. Hope is a 23·bed hos­ will now become eligible to and Inspection Service WX.49, 5 to 6 p.m. Robert Nagel of the Antelope and to study the criteria to be pital ship which has been a apply for zero and one-bedroolll WX-51 , WX-52, and WX-53. Then, on Saturday, Feb. 8, the Valley Section and Frank Kne­ followed in selecting and eval­ symbol of mercy to thousands apartments, motels, and the one­ Applications for the housing Pebble Pups will go on a field meyer of NOTS were co-chair­ uating them. of people in Indonesia, Viet bedroom Hawthornes, C. J. Fall­ list ordinarily closes on the 25th trip to Jawbone Canyon. Mem­ men of the business meetings. Education X 313.1, Discipline Nam, and Peru. gatter, Housing Administrator, day of the month. Applications bers and their families will meet They were supported by Ed and Control in the Modern In addition to Project Hope, announces. will be a c c e pte d from this there at 9:30 a.m. and hike l Bonner, Don Ross, Ernie Coleal School (2 units), $30. Instructor: group until close of business about a mile to the famed Cinco three other international agen­ The civilian H Group is com­ IWhere d All the and Gil Bell of the AVS, and Sylvia Besser. Be'gins Feb. 6 cies, Radio Free Europe, Amer­ Feb. 3 for the February listing. feldspar deposit. H. G. Wilson, Ray Van Aken and meets every Thursday from prised of the followin'g types of Any applications received from Most of the collecting will re­ ican-Korean Foundation, CARE, classifications: GS-7 and GS.8, Quonset Huts G011 and A. T. Robinson of the 4 - 7 p.m. in the Groves School and 11 participating National this group after Feb. 3 will be quire only sharp eyes to detect China Lake section. Cafetorium. Leadingman WS-47 through WS· placed on the March waiting perfect crystals, but garden Gilbert L. Bell, now aJet Pro­ Health Agencies, will benfit 51, Head WS-40 through WS-42, pulsion Laboratory representa­ All were convinced that such A critical study of the various from NOTS' employees dona­ list. If you are a single civilian claws, a hammer and chisel section meetings are invaluable techniques used in home and Shop P I ann e r WD·35 (10) in the H priori ty group you are might come in handy, Royal C. tive at Edwards AFB, retured tions, Greenfield said. through WD-35 (12); General to China Lake last week for the and should be scheduled reg- school for setting limits and urged to make application at Gould advises. Station Keymen Wage Service WB-13 through first time in 19 years! WATCHING VX·5 PLANES come in low for strike during aerial weaponry demonstration. ularly. helping children to responsible the Housing Office on or before P. S., Bring water and lunch­ Keymen who organize the WB·16 and AS/ W-l, Printing He was a visitor with the self-direction. The appropriate­ Monday. es. solicitation of funds within de­ Antelope Valley Section of the ness of these procedures for partments are listed below: children of different ages and AlAA, and one of the first ques­ Codes 00 and 17, Bob Driggs; tions he asked upon arrival here stages of development will be Code 12, Floyd Singer; Code 18, considered. was, Lt. R. S. Thomas; Code 20, Les "Where did all the quonset Prospective members are Fairall; Code 25, Lloyd Rogers; urged to attend the first class huts gO?1I Code 28, CWO H. H, Thomason; Bel! was working with the meeting, as a minimum enroll· Code 29, Ann Peltier; Code 30, ment of lS is necessary in Institute of Technol­ Bel Frisbee. ogy when he first came to NOTS order to continue. Registration Code 35, Ken Barnett; Code will take place It the first in the spring of 1945. 40, L. L. Doig; Code 45, Leonard II I can't forget that .. • we class meeting, and is accom­ Pemberton; Code 50, Bernie were greeted by a snowstorm!" plished by payment in full by Sword; Code 55, Bob Weakley; check or money order. His job then was to assist in Code 65, Larry Buckley; Code the preliminary development of 70, Frank Donnelly; Code 75, a miss distance indicator to use ACS Meets in Mojave Betty Shorr; Code 84, Cal Mit­ in aerial rocket training. The Mojave Desert Section of chell; and Code 88, CWO "We had a truckload of es­ the American Chemical Society Charles Garcia. pecially machined rails to use will have a dinner meeting on ------in the construction of a new Feb. 3 at 6:30 p.m. at White's ExpectinCj? track out where the present K Cafe in Mojave, Calif. The expectant parents' class, area tracks are located," Gil re­ A lecture will be given by Dr. sponsored by the American Red called. Sherman Shaffer, western rep- Cross, will start Feh. 5. The project was halted, how­ resentative of the ACS, on "The Class is held at Dorm 16 ever, when World War II ended. Chemical Profession and the each Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m., CAP INSPECTING OFFICERS-CAP Squad­ and Capt. Robert B. Thomas, Squadron Com­ Bell, along with other Ante­ ACS" at 8 p.m. for six weeks. ron 84 was inspected by three officers from mander (far right), pose with inspecting offi­ lope Valley AlAA visitors, cer­ The public is cordially invited For information or registra- the Civil Air Patrol's California Wing Head­ cers, Lt. Cols. Monte Ramirez, Ralph Almond, tainly were gratified by the pro­ to attend both the dinner and tion contact Ruth Stone, RN, at quarters last Saturday. Capt. Rona ld E. Jen­ and William Rayfield. They were assisted by gress which has been made and the lecture. 7-3082. sen, NOTS Air Force Liaison Officer (left) Lt. Col. F. L. Richards, former Sqdrn. 84 CO. is being made here. KEEPING THEIR EYES on jet as it climbs during loft-bombing maneuver.