The J.W HAU C066 Castro Charges U.S. Aids Cuban Plotters
The WeaUMT pAO l m r m Average De0y,,Net Praee Ron •t o , A WOHIMM jRanrlr^Bti^r ^vptting ^^ralb FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 19BS For tlM Waek BikM Hmy Mrd, UM Members of the Walthor L«agu* bodge 8t. area will pay 40 per 'Rarller. the School Building elMT a U n «■«•$« ti and all youth of the Zion Luther cent, or $40,000; persona who may Mohahan to Get Committee had auggeated the 12,925 * manring Hag. Law ■ 7e, About Town an ChuiTh have been Invited to a one day mo vis into the area north Building Inspection Department avaay. bat, bs.nnd aummer rally, sponsored b>' the of W. Middle Tpke. in fhe Adams Fourth 5lan Soon might be able to do the work. At MMibav of Mm Andtt Th* W-montlily dtnce *t the Hartford Zone of-the nWlonal St. area will pay 30 per cent, or that time. Committee member BofMiM M OlreatattoM ManchentKT’^ A City o f Villago Chorm EUlnfttm Rl(l|« Countrj- Chib; league, Sunday at 2 p.m'. at Slop- $80,000 (meanwhile, the payment A fourth man may 6e appointed Raymond Goalee said he did not will be held Saturday nitrht from! la- deferred 1: and the Water and favor such a move because the de era Camp. Southington Thoae to the building inspector's depart B to 1 attending ahoiild bring their own Sew'er Department will pay 30 per I partment was understaffed. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1959 (Ctaaaiflad*AdvartlatNg Paea i) PRICE n V E CfeMTB food Soda and Ice cream may be cent, or $30,000.
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