Society Elects Eight Writers High Catholic Officials Preside At
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VOLUME IV SAINT PAUL, MINN., FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1938 NUMBER 16 Society Elects New Delta Phi Lambda Members High Catholic Officials Preside Eight Writers At Commencement Exercises Delta Phi Lambda Initiates Archbishop Murray Presents Diplomas; Father J, M. Members of Ariston, Venus Celebrates Baccalaureate Mass LaConcha, Wheel Father Joseph M. Venus, pastor His Excellency, the Most Rever- of St. Patrick's church, Butte, Two seniors and six juniors, all end John Gregory Murray, Arch- Montana, will celebrate the Bac- members of Ariston, La Concha, bishop of St. Paul, will present calaureate® Mass for the gradu- or the Catherine Wheel staffs, diplomas to 107 graduates of the ating seniors at 10 a. m. on Sun- were initiated into Delta Phi College on Thursday, June 9, at day, June 5, in the Chapel of 3:30 in the Jeanne d'Arc au- Lambda, honorary writing society, Our Lady of Victory. Thursday evening, May 19, in the ditorium. Roy J. Deferrari, Father Joseph Schabert, dean Whitby lounge. Ph.D., secretary general of the of the College of St. Thomas, will Catholic University of . America, Mary-Alyce O'Gara and Rose give the baccalaureate address. will give the commencement ad- Gallagher are the two seniors dress. The Chancellor of the elected, and Mary Carroll Scanlan, Archdiocese of St. Paul, the Very Helen Flynn, Mary Hoffmann, Newly elected members of Delta Phi Lambda, honorary literary Reverend Donald J. Gregory will Isabel Price, Patricia McHale, and society, were initiated last evening. The new members shown above introduce Archbishop Murray Winifred Kaul were chosen from are Mary Carroll Scanlan, Patricia McHale, Mary-Alyce O'Gara, Rose and announce the awards. Helen the junior class on the basis of Gallagher, Isabel Price, Mary Hoffmann, and Helen Flynn. Flynn and Patricia O'Brien, jun- ability and interest in writing. ior Rosebearers, will assist in the presentation of the diplomas. Winifred Kaul was notified Scientists Frolic at The combined Choral Clubs of of her election to Delta Phi SsJ. Frolic Set the College of St. Catherine and Lambda by letter. She has been Supper, Scavenger St. Thomas under the direction of at home in Faribault, Minne- Mr. Cecil Birder will sing a pro- sota, since Easter, recovering Hunt on Campus gram which will include, Now Let from inj uries suffered in an Hotel Del Otero at Spring Park, all the Heavens Adore Thee, automobile accident in Janu- Lake Minnetonka will be the from the cantata, Sleepers Awake, ary. She will return to school Members of the Mendel Forum scene of the senior-junior party Bach; How Lovely Is Thy Dwell- for the fall term. have planned a scavenger hunt to be held on Thursday, May 26. ing Place, Brahms; Alleluia-Christ to be given on the campus Tues- Jean Sullivan and Helen Nockels Is Risen, KopolyofT; and A Wood- Mary Alyce O'Gara is associate day, May 24, from 5 until 8 p.m. are co-chairmen of the S.-J. and land Symphony, Wieck-Beetho- editor of the Wheel, a member of The party will be carried out with have appointed the following com- ven. the executive board of the Twin a scientific theme and followed mittees: general arrangements, City Chapter of the Minnesota by supper in the Common Rooms. Mary Virginia McLaughlin, Mary- College Press Association, and a In charge of general arrange- Alyce O'Gara, and Gretchen Web- 4ll-Student Art (Continued on page 6, column 1) ments are: Mary Foley and Fran- ber; finance, Kay Boulger, Kay Archbishop John Gregory Mur- cis McLaughlin, chairmen: Dor- Henely and Elizabeth Leick; ray will present diplomas to one Exhibit Planned Debaters Entertain othy Gormican, Mary Palcich, decorations, Betty Lou Koempel hundred graduates at the Com- Dorothy Fish, Betty Puhr, Dor- and Msry Jane Lewis; transporta- mencement exercises on June 9. Plans are being made for an At Honor Banquet othy Bartelme, and Jeanette tion, Marie Salschieder, Betty The Archbishop is president of all-student art exhibit to be Hirschboeck. Hazel Marrs will Heimbach, and Rose Marie Jo- the Board of Trustees of the Col- shown from May 28 to June 4. hannes. lege. Evangeline Boner and Gayle attend to supper arrangements. The crafts and sculpturing Kelly, debaters, will take part in classes, under the direction of Sis- the entertainment at the Court of ter .Leon, will exhibit CSC Honor Banquet on June 2 at the New Phi Beta Kappa Chapter Formally Installed; plaques, cork hot-pads, and book Hotel Lowry. Subject of the de- covers. Etchings, clay figurines, bate, which will be a humorous and life-size plaster busts will one, is "Resolved: That coeduca- Professor Ogle Stresses"Need For True Wisdom" also be shown. tion is beneficial to college stu- The class in costume design dents." Gayle and Evangeline will Formal installation of the Gam- "Members of Phi Beta Kappa plans to exhibit sketches showing defend the affirmative and Ar- ma of Minnesota chapter of Phi Honored are not supposed to be mercenary the development of modern dress thur Lodge and Francis Campion Beta Kappa took place at the enough to put material gain ahead from ancient times to the present of St. Thomas College, the neg- ollege on Tuesday, May 17. of the contemplation of philoso- day, and the adaptation of various ative. Mother Eucharista, Ph. D., pres- phy," stated Archbishop John native costumes to practical mod- The Junior Association of Com- ident of the College, gave the Gregory Murray in his address at ern clothing. merce is sponsoring the dinner at address of welcome at convoca- the Convocation which was part Oil paintings and charcoal por- which Gladys Volp, Maridee La tion in the Jeanne d'Arc auditori- of the Installation Ceremony of traits will be included in the ex- Pointe, Alice Promer, Margaret um at 11 a.m. Guy Stanton Phi Beta Kappa held in the hibit, as will be various advertis- Neville, Evelyn Engstrom and Ford, acting president of the Uni- Jeanne d'Arc Auditorium, Tues- ing techniques used in commercial Catherine Bougler will be honored versity of Minnesota, and Senator day, May 17. art. The advertising techniques in company with the six ranking of Phi Beta Kappa, presided at Describing the function of Phi demonstrated will show pen and seniors of Hamline, Macalester ;he installation ceremony which Beta Kappa the Archbishop said, ink sketches, pencil drawings and St. Thomas. followed the welcoming address, "The society is designed to mar- from life, still lifes executed in shall men and women in the cause Initiation of honorary and pastels, and Benda process prints. of knowledge that will enable alumnae members, Sister Antonia The exhibit will be in the Men- Dietetics Association them to stimulate society." Con- McHugh, M. A. and LL. D., Sister del hall art rooms and the entire gratulating the initiates he con- Eleanore Michel, Ph. D., and Sis- student body of the college is in- Meet Draws Seven tinued, "I know St. Catherine's ter Jeanne Marie Bonnett, Ph. D., vited to inspect it. will accept the responsibility and preceded the induction of officers Representing the Dietetics De- will bestow this honor only on of the chapter, Sister Antonia partment at the Annual May meet- worthy students, and I know St. Choral Clubs Slate president, Sister Jeanne Marie, ing of the Minnesota Dietetics as- Catherine's will be conscious not secretary-treasurer. sociation being held today in the (Continued on page 6, column 2) Sixth NBC Broadcast Nicollet Hotel, Minneapolis are Tht initiation of Maridee La- Sister James Agnes, Helen Mc- Pointe, senior, and alumnae mem- Sister Teresita Elected Manmon, Alene Faltesek, Mary bers, Clara Glenn, M. A., Ellen The sixth national broadcast by the combined Choral Clubs of St. Jane Stringer, Jeanne O'Brien, Lord, Genevieve Ahern, and Anne —Courtesy of Pioneer Press. To Phi Beta Kappa at U. Mary Foley, and Helen Nockels. Condon Collopy, M. A., followed Catherine's and St. Thomas will Maridee La Pointe, senior, was be presented over the Red Net- "Recent Therapeutic Develop- and the singing of America the Sister Teresita of the Science initiated as a member in course department has been elected to work of the National Broadcasting ments" will be the subject dis- Beautiful concluded the cere- from the graduating class of 1938 the Alpha of Minnesota chapter System through radio station cussed by Mr. John Blair at the mony. into the Gamma of Minnesota of Phi Beta Kappa, national hon- KSTP on Monday, May 23T from luncheon in the Francis First At th e evening convocation, chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, na- orary scholastic society. Sister re- 9:30 to 10 p. m. Room at 12:30 p.m. Dr. M. G. Vis- with Senator Ford again presid- tional scholastic fraternity. Mar- ceived this recognition for her The program will include scher, head of the physiology de- ing, addresses were given by His idee is editor of the Catherine work in Zoology at the University "Largo" from Xerxes, Handel, partment of the University of Excellency the Most Reverend Wheel, vice president of the sen- of Minnesota during the year Morning Song, Henschel, Now Let Minnesota, will speak on "Re- John Gregory Murray, Archbish- ior class, and a member of Delta All the Heavens Adore Thee from search and the Dietitian" at 2:45 op of St. Paul, and Professor Phi Lambda, honorary literary 1936-37. The initiation will be the cantata, Sleepers Awake, p.m. Following Dr. Visscher's Marbury B. Ogle of the Depart- society. held on May 26 in the Center Bach, Alleluia! Christ Is Risen, speech a tea will be given by the ment of Classics, the University for Continuation Study on the the Easter Song of Little Russia, Minnesota Hospital Association of Minnesota.