- Page Eight ROCKETEER Friday, January 31, 1964 • Concert' 'World Around Rise Stevens Stars zn Tuesday SHOWBOAT Us' Features FRIDAY JAN. 31 " UNDER THE YUM YUM TREE " (110 Min.) Jock le-mmon, Coral Lvnley, Ed ie Adorns Polynesia 7 p.m. Jackie Cooper and Joe Flynn (Com.dy in Color) Wealthy landlord wolf only renh his apartments 10 culies, for ob­ The second in "The World vious reosons, unlil he meets his match with Around Us" series will be o beautiful college s'udent who already hos shown at the Station Theatre o husband in mind. A sexy, spicy howl! on Wednesday, Feb. 12. The (Adult). To Be Neptune Ball Guests SHORT: "Destination MoeJoo" (7 Min.) film entitled "Polynesian Para· ALL dise" deals with the spell and BY MARY WICKENDEN SATU RDAY FEB. 1 legendary romance of the South -MATINEE _ "Carmen" comes to China 'Hennesey' and " THE THRE E STOOGES IN ORBI T" (87 Min.) Pacific. Lake Tuesday evening when Rise 1 p.m. Among the sequences to be Stevens, world famous star of 'McHale's Navy' SHORT: "Willie the Kid" (7 Min.) the Metropolitan Opera, sings "Capl. Video No.2" (16 Min.) shown will be GaU'gin's Tahiti - EVENING _ . natives netting fish, building in the Station Theater . " I ON VOYA GE" (132 Min .) a home, creating a canoe from She appears as the third Stars Invited 7 p.m. a single log, the Tahitian hull, artist in the NOTS Civic Can- Actors Jackie Cooper, star 0' (Comedy in Color) Mom and Dod finally TV's "Hennesey" show, and Joe lake that trip abroad only to hove their and Bastille Day at Papeete; 'eenooers fired wilh romonces, J unior over­ Samoa, with its sensational knife Flynn, the ill-tempered Capt. Vol. XIX, No. 4 Noval Ordnonce Test Stotion, Chino Loke, CoUfoml1 Fri., Jan_ 31, 1964 bubbling with ~rt activity and finally dance, Fi ii . • where Ie .. than Bin g ham P ton of "McHale', continental casanovas Siort giving Mom the a hundred years ago there we .. Navy" television comedy will 1M eye! A Disney funfelt for 011. (Adults and VX·5 Change Young People). cannibals. guests of honor at the Neptune i Ball next Friday and Saturday. SUNDAY.M OND AY FEB. 2·3 Arthur Dewey conducts this Feb. 7 and 8, at the Commu· " IRMA LA DOUCE" (146 Min.) presentation, sponsored by the Cdr. Manherz nity Centerl Jock lemmon, Shirley MaCloine China Lake Community Council. 7 p.m. Cooper will be at the Friday. (No synopsis available) Taking up photography in To Relieve night show, and Flynn will be TU ESDAY FEB. 4 1937 as a means of relaxation he~e for the Saturday perform. RISE STEVENS CO NCERT from business responsibilities, ance, Mrs. Charles Blenman Jr., MERMAIDS of the forthcoming Neptune are Doris Valitchka, Gwen L u t tel, Penny 8:15 p.tyl. Ba ll present a pulchritudinous preview in Kistler,' Therese Valentine and Alene Mor· WEDNESDAY FEB. 5 Dewey has since come to rank Cdr. O'Connor general chairman of the second " STRAIT JACKET" (n Min.) as one of the top professionals annual event, announced I t heir best stag8side manner. Left to right gan. But wait' li you see the Sea Hags! Cdr. Harry N. O'Connor, USN, rwv Joa n Cra wf.rd. Lea (debolt in the field of travel and ad· this week. 6 and 8: IS p.m. will be relieved as commanding (Horror) Warning! This is a chilling, gory ve nture. officer of Air Development Besides the famous televisiol\ account of on aKe murderess released from He and his wife have also Squadron Five by Cdr. Jack M. personalities, there'll be lots of Mermaids and 'Sea Hags' Rise Stevens a mental hospital to rejoin her daughter. made film.producin·g to U r s to Manherz, USN, in ceremonies at local talent, too. Producer Capt. (Continued from Page 1) Then the axe falls, again and again. (Adult). Floyd F. Reck and Director Bill SHORT: " Crook Who Cried Wolf" (7 Min.) the Mau·Mau country in Africa, RISE STEVENS Hangar One at 10 a.m. Monday, Rehearse For Neptune Ball tralto ("Orfeo" and "Delilah"). "Candid Mike 3·S" (10 Min.) the fiords of Scandinavia and Feb. 3. Valenteen are now conducting (Continued from Page 1) due to limited facilities, reserva­ The program which she will t he mountains of Mexico. cert Association series for 1963- Cdr. O'Connor, VX-5 CO since rehearsals. There'll be original Ridgecrest at Champs Market, tions will be necessary. sing at China Lake includes two 64. All tickets for the concert Jan. 18, 1963, will receive orders lyrics and hilarious relHrtee to THURSDAY-FRI DAY FEI, 6·7 Tickets to the Feb. 12 show amuse anyone interested Radio Station KRCK and at the Phone the Child Care Center famous arias, the "Habanera" " THE LE OPARD" (1&2 Min .) series have been sold out since to report to duty with the Air in from " Carmen" and liMon coeur may be obtained at the Com· September. Curtain time is community gossip, plul • wild Gift Mart. at 723723 . Charges will be a Burt Lancaster, Claudio Cardinale munity Center or from auy Strike Warfare Division, Office s'ouvre a ta voix" from "Sam· 7 p.m. 8,15 p.m. of Chief of Naval Operations. number performed by I group The Neptune Ball committee flat rate of $2.50 for the first CDroma in Color) This Cannes Interna­ son et Dalila" by Saint·Saens. Community Council Director. of anonymous "sea hagl." says that although many who child and $1.50 for each addi­ tional Film Festival winner depicts the fad­ Chance For Some Tickets Cdr. Manherz reports from CNO She will also sin'g three "Se· Single admissions may be ob. Offsetting the lalter will be attend the ball will wear formal tional child. This includes food ing era of aristocracy in Italy and centers tained at the theatre door, it Lou Bagge, ticket manager where he was head of the At­ and other services, i. e., diapers. guidilles," two by Manuel de upon a proud family', acceptance of chang. for the Association, reports that tack Aircraft Requirements Sec­ a bevy of beautiful mermaids, attire, short dresses and dark seats are available, at $1.25 fo~ Falla and the one from " Car· ing times. layish drama (Adu!t. and Young a few tickets were turned in tion, Aviation Plans Division, defintely not anonymous: Gwen business suits will be both ap­ People). men" by Georges Bizet. adults, 75 cents for students. Luttel, Penny Kisler, Alene Mor· propriate. College To Stage by patrons who were itI or out since Sept., 1961. Modern Songs, Too of town fo r the first two con­ Attending the colorful cere­ gan, Therese Valenteen and Table Reservations 'Death of a Salesman' Several modern songs includ­ certs of the season. monies will be RAdm. H. G. Doris Valitchka. .' For table reservations for Arthur Miller's modern clas­ ing "Orpheus with his Lute" by CROSSWORD PUZZLE " Perhaps 15 tickets for the Bowen, Commander, Operational ComNavAirPac BI nd eight or more at the Commu­ sic, 'IDeath of a Salesman," will Ralph Vaughn Williams, will A CROSS lO·Arrican Rathbone CGilCerf \\rere .vail· Thst and Evaluation Force, and The popular dance band from nity C e n t e r performances, ll.C hanged be the major spring production open her program. Miss Stevens t·Choicest ('alar o f able and some 25 for the Hinton. other officers of his command_ ComNavAirPac, San Diego, will please phone Ann Seitz on Ext. of the Desert Division~ of Bakers­ (i-Toll . l 3.Hag will also sing several German S-Toward the H. ·Chief Norse Mills concert," he reports. Also expected are Capt. Jack W. provide the dance music, ar· 72010. field College. lieder songs by Schumann, mouth goo. "There isn't much we can do Hough, CO, NAF; Capt; Leo n rangements chairman Mickey )2-Uselessly 19· Caustic , For those who wish to en joy The play, which will go into Strauss, Brahms, and Hugo . 1 a-PiSI>en substance in advance of the Stevens con­ Grabowsky, NOTS Executive Of­ Freedman reports. IG·Wash lightly 21. Prel108itio n c!:.cktails and din ner pri or to rehearsal in two weeks, will Wolf. .17-:\lature 24 ·Yenlllated cert, but anyone willing to come ficer; Capt. Francis X. Timmes, What with only 400 tickets the show, the Commissioned Of· be performed twice in April on Mrs. Robert Wa lker is serving IS· Note or scale 2(j·Small Technical Officer, and Cap t. available fo r each night's per· 19· 5ol itary amount down to the box office about . icers Mess (Open) will feature the Burroughs campus of the as manager for t his concert. 20-Con juncLiOll 2G·Assumed 8 p.m. Tuesday might find Floyd F. Reck, Plans and Opera­ formance - and they are sold 22-l\lan's name reduced prices both Friday and college. She reports that there will not nickname 2;·l'ronoun something available," he said. tions Officer. on a fi rst-come-first-served basis Saturday evenings. Reservations Tryouts for all but the cen­ be a reception for the artist 23·Blemlsh 2S-Hindu 25 -Se rbian coin c)'mbals "Bagge may be reached at Uniform for participants witl - you'd better get yours now. .re now being taken. Phone tral part of Willy Loman will after the concert. 21-Mud . 30 ' (:reek letter Ext. 724231 for further ticket be full dress blue bravo; for Contact Tic k e t Chairma" 28-SailOr" 32-Born 72265 or 72268.
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