Volleyball Coach Was 76Ers on a Very Good Nigh!
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• -InII ... In... In• ... 111111 January 12, 198i 3 '\/\\" , • ~ '''''. v~ , • • • ~. ''-:. • '. .... New pier on Governor approves Scripps horizon generous UC budget The Student Center Board's prize work and study as reporters, copy The following is a Statement of the President's Address delivered to the UCSD draWing for those who filled out the editors, or phmographers. student communiry from AS Council President Craig Lee: University Center questionnaire will be UC an Diego Ch.mcellor Richard academic marketplace ," according 10 • PAST PROGRESS C. Atkinson has c,llied Governor held Friday, January 13 , at 4:30 during The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing January. A new quarter. New classes, new schedules, and new professors. By PHIL WILLON Gardner. For University staff Deukmejian 's 1984-85 budget "a ve ry employees, the Governor's Budget the TGIF, Prizes include a $200 travel Commiuee is looking for 900 "players" While each of us is busy preparing for the upcoming quarter, let us take a look A new pier may be In store for the approximately 50 feet longer (IOSO feet) encouraging sign for the Universlry of provides a sabry and benefit increase certificate. If you have not completed to fill middle management positions as at what was accomplished last quarter. SCriPPS Institution of Oce,.iOography, the anel five feet wider th,1n the old one. It California," of up to 10%, the same increase that the questionnaire, which qualifies you computer experts, event coordinator, The AS Council underwent a major reorganization of the UCSD Student Lobby direct result of Governor Deukmejian's will .lIsa be beuer eqUipped to pump -It comes at .I critical time in the state employees are JlIocated. For for the drawing, you may do so at open:ltions managers, and secretartal Annex. The Lobby Annex works in the state capital voicing student opinion on new budget plan. The 30% in rease in seawaler throughout the Scnpps f,lciIi ty; development of the San Diego campus. employees in exclusive bargaining EDNA help. Applications in the form of a cover issues such as fees, UC policy, and other student-related issues. funds for the UC campuses includes this water system is the life blood of the It adresses our highest budget units - both staff and academic - letter and resume must be sent directly For the first time in the history of UCSD the AS Council embarked on a monies for the new pier as well as .I sea major rese,lrch projects as well .IS of the priorities: competitive faculty salJries s.llary and benefit adjustments will be Senate Rules Chairman• David Roberti to the Olympic Organizing Committee, project designed to make money for UCSD students. The effort produced the wall. National Marine Fisheries Service and and new instructional and research subject to collective bargaining. Human Resources Department, Los UCSD Calendar which features UCSD students exclUSively. announced today that February 1 is the DUring the severe slonns that hit San the public ,lquarium. facilities. The governor's budget will The proposed budget containS $36.8 deadline for applications to the 1984-85 Angeles, CA 90084. After extensive -research and debate, the AS Council rescinded the three-year Diego laSl winter, the 70 year old pier Currently, the mullifuncuonal pier enable us to put longstandmg plans million In program Improvements In California enate Fellowship Program. boycott on Coors products. The new policy encourages students to make their sustained extensive d.lmage ,lOd had to serves as a collection site for clean The Intercollegiate• and Recreation into effect and 10 better serve the "a reas of the University'S greatest need, The nine-month program begins in own choices. be temporarily repaired al a COSt of seawaler, marine daw and live needs of the San Diego community." instructional equipment and Sacramento the firsl week of November Departments have moved most of their In order to handle our annual 5250,000 budget more effectively, the AS council $60,000. The Slructure , which hJS specimens and mcludes a laboralory The Governor's Budget, rele~sed compulers, funding for research, ofTices to ARC, the new Athletic and created an ex oficio position of controller, The controller will oversee the budget 1984. Fellows are aSSigned to the become somewhat of .I landmark, is not ,md small boat launching platform . Tuesday in Sacmmemo, provides affirm,Hive action and special help Recreation Center, located adjacent to personal or committee stalts of Senate and make financial recommendations to the Council. expected to last more than three years In addition , for Ihe past 17 years the $1 ,447 million from .III state sources with maiiuenance of the University'S the new pool. The basketbaJl, soccer, The AS sponsored numerous programming events during the faU quarte~, . members. in this crippled condition. pier has been involved in the collection for Umverslty operalions, an mcrease phYSical plant," according to William rugby, fencing, and badminton coaches including seven successful TGIF celebrations and a speech by former preSIdential "We're delighted that the funding has of air samples for a major carbon • will remain in the main gym . ARC will of more than $241 million or 20% , B. Baker, UC Vice President for Budget America's leading editors and authors candidate John Anderson. been proVIded," said Tom Collins, dioxide research project being including proposed salary range and Unlversiry Relations. Program of romance fiction wiD be the faculty of house the administrative Intercollegiate NEW DIRECTIONS AsSIstant Director for AdminlstrJuon conducted in th e institution's studies on ofTices as well as offices of coaches adjustments for UC staff and faculry . improvements include more than $12 the econd Annual UCSD Extension Each quarter the 58 you pay in Campus Activity Fees ~s to the AS Council. Jnd Fin,mce, -It's just in a nick of tllne ," atmospheric pressure, in relation to the Universiry of Californta PreSIdent million in funds for instructional Romance Writers Conference, February whose SPOrtS relate to the new pool These fees comprise our $250,000 yearly budget And whIle you pay us, we If stme funds were not provided, it greenhouse effect complex. DaVid P. G,lrdner IOday charactenzed equipment replacement. \0-12 at the La Jolla Village Inn. spend it. , . ., would be doubtful if a new pier would All of the proJccts will be carefully Governor DeukmeJian's 1984-85 /\s another component of progrJm Conference topiCS include reseJrch • But this year, instead of spending our enure budget, we are mvestlng some of be built. transferred to the new pier wilh its proposed budget for UC as "the most improvements, Governor Deukmejian procedures, the logic of plot and If you have trouble hanging on to our money. A preliminary design for the new $3 improved facilities, as soon as it is built positive and encouraging evidence of is proposing $7 million in state structure, characterizations, and exciting those New Year's resolutions, take heart. million pier will begin in July if the The proposed budget also includes Slate support received by the SUPPO" for student financlJI aid and love scenes that aren't obscene. Help is on the way. On Saturday, current budget proposals are passed in funds for the construction of the sea Univers ity 10 neJriy two dec,ldes." affirmalive action programs currently JJnuJry 21 , UCSD Medical Center will the legislature. Construction is wall to prOlect Scripps from the -If approved by Ihe Legislature," says funded by student educational fees An Industry/ UCSD• Faculty present a one day workshop open to scheduled to begin in November of poundmg surf. Erosion has become President Gardner, "the Governor's In addition to the $241 million for ColloqUium on "Communi ations and the public on "Resolulions '84: Making 1985. such a problem thaI the Institute of Budget will be a major turning pomt In University operations, Ihe Governor's Signal Processing" will be held Thursday, Changes Successfully." For $SO for No linal decisions have been made Geogmphics and PI,metary Physics the University's histOry. The budget Budget also provides $155.8 million 10 January S, from 8:45 am till 5 pm in couples or $30 per person the workshop on the location of this new structure , building is in danger of sliding. Collins does more than just hold the line; it SUPPO" the University capital building Room 2622 , Undergraduate Science will help you understand your but It is hkely Ihal It Will be the same as commented," lf that erosion continues, reverses the long period of program, including $42.4 million to be Building, Revelle Campus. motivation for change and resistance to the present one. -Our obJecnve is 10 we could lose the end of (he building." deterior.Hion that we have been milde available in 1983-84. 'There has Communications and signal processing change. bJsiCillly replace whal we have now but The .. ddilional wall \vas initially experien ing." been insufficiem state SUPPO" for the is one of the most prominent of the • with some modem construction supposed 10 be built two ye,1r5 ago, but "The faculty .salary recommendations University c.ll)ital needs for m,my high technologies m the San Diego area A special toll-free telephone techniques," Collins added. due to budgetary problems the funds for in the Governor's Budget improve the years," according to Baker, noting last and IS the focus of much research at information hotline for former prisoners Plans for the pier show Ihat It will be it were frozen. University's competilive position In the year's capital budget of $7 million. UC D. of war hJS been inaugurated by the • Veterans Admintstration. The 24 hour, ApphcJtions for the the 1984 Pulliam toll-free number, 1-800-821-8139, is Journalism Fellowships are now avallble available to over 93,000 ex-POWs for those graduating students seeking nationwide, The hotl~ne allows ex one of the ten intern positions on The POWs to inform the VA if they feel Indianapohs Star, The Indianapolis News , Iheir treatment is not consistent with The Ari;z:ona Republic, or The Phoenix the intent of the Prisoners of War Gazette.