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111111 January 12, 198i 3 '\/\\" , • ~ '''''. v~ , • • • ~. ''-:. • '. .... New pier on Governor approves Scripps horizon generous UC budget The Student Center Board's prize work and study as reporters, copy The following is a Statement of the President's Address delivered to the UCSD draWing for those who filled out the editors, or phmographers. student communiry from AS Council President Craig Lee: University Center questionnaire will be UC an Diego Ch.mcellor Richard academic marketplace ," according 10 • PAST PROGRESS C. Atkinson has c,llied Governor held Friday, January 13 , at 4:30 during The Los Angeles Olympic Organizing January. A new quarter. New classes, new schedules, and new professors. By PHIL WILLON Gardner. For University staff Deukmejian 's 1984-85 budget "a ve ry employees, the Governor's Budget the TGIF, Prizes include a $200 travel Commiuee is looking for 900 "players" While each of us is busy preparing for the upcoming quarter, let us take a look A new pier may be In store for the approximately 50 feet longer (IOSO feet) encouraging sign for the Universlry of provides a sabry and benefit increase certificate. If you have not completed to fill middle management positions as at what was accomplished last quarter. SCriPPS Institution of Oce,.iOography, the anel five feet wider th,1n the old one. It California," of up to 10%, the same increase that the questionnaire, which qualifies you computer experts, event coordinator, The AS Council underwent a major reorganization of the UCSD Student Lobby direct result of Governor Deukmejian's will .lIsa be beuer eqUipped to pump -It comes at .I critical time in the state employees are JlIocated. For for the drawing, you may do so at open:ltions managers, and secretartal Annex. The Lobby Annex works in the state capital voicing student opinion on new budget plan. The 30% in rease in seawaler throughout the Scnpps f,lciIi ty; development of the San Diego campus. employees in exclusive bargaining EDNA help. Applications in the form of a cover issues such as fees, UC policy, and other student-related issues. funds for the UC campuses includes this water system is the life blood of the It adresses our highest budget units - both staff and academic - letter and resume must be sent directly For the first time in the history of UCSD the AS Council embarked on a monies for the new pier as well as .I sea major rese,lrch projects as well .IS of the priorities: competitive faculty salJries s.llary and benefit adjustments will be Senate Rules Chairman• David Roberti to the Olympic Organizing Committee, project designed to make money for UCSD students. The effort produced the wall. National Marine Fisheries Service and and new instructional and research subject to collective bargaining. Human Resources Department, Los UCSD Calendar which features UCSD students exclUSively. announced today that February 1 is the DUring the severe slonns that hit San the public ,lquarium. facilities. The governor's budget will The proposed budget containS $36.8 deadline for applications to the 1984-85 Angeles, CA 90084. After extensive -research and debate, the AS Council rescinded the three-year Diego laSl winter, the 70 year old pier Currently, the mullifuncuonal pier enable us to put longstandmg plans million In program Improvements In California enate Fellowship Program. boycott on Coors products. The new policy encourages students to make their sustained extensive d.lmage ,lOd had to serves as a collection site for clean The Intercollegiate• and Recreation into effect and 10 better serve the "a reas of the University'S greatest need, The nine-month program begins in own choices. be temporarily repaired al a COSt of seawaler, marine daw and live needs of the San Diego community." instructional equipment and Sacramento the firsl week of November Departments have moved most of their In order to handle our annual 5250,000 budget more effectively, the AS council $60,000. The Slructure , which hJS specimens and mcludes a laboralory The Governor's Budget, rele~sed compulers, funding for research, ofTices to ARC, the new Athletic and created an ex oficio position of controller, The controller will oversee the budget 1984. Fellows are aSSigned to the become somewhat of .I landmark, is not ,md small boat launching platform . Tuesday in Sacmmemo, provides affirm,Hive action and special help Recreation Center, located adjacent to personal or committee stalts of Senate and make financial recommendations to the Council. expected to last more than three years In addition , for Ihe past 17 years the $1 ,447 million from .III state sources with maiiuenance of the University'S the new pool. The basketbaJl, soccer, The AS sponsored numerous programming events during the faU quarte~, . members. in this crippled condition. pier has been involved in the collection for Umverslty operalions, an mcrease phYSical plant," according to William rugby, fencing, and badminton coaches including seven successful TGIF celebrations and a speech by former preSIdential "We're delighted that the funding has of air samples for a major carbon • will remain in the main gym . ARC will of more than $241 million or 20% , B. Baker, UC Vice President for Budget America's leading editors and authors candidate John Anderson. been proVIded," said Tom Collins, dioxide research project being including proposed salary range and Unlversiry Relations. Program of romance fiction wiD be the faculty of house the administrative Intercollegiate NEW DIRECTIONS AsSIstant Director for AdminlstrJuon conducted in th e institution's studies on ofTices as well as offices of coaches adjustments for UC staff and faculry . improvements include more than $12 the econd Annual UCSD Extension Each quarter the 58 you pay in Campus Activity Fees ~s to the AS Council. Jnd Fin,mce, -It's just in a nick of tllne ," atmospheric pressure, in relation to the Universiry of Californta PreSIdent million in funds for instructional Romance Writers Conference, February whose SPOrtS relate to the new pool These fees comprise our $250,000 yearly budget And whIle you pay us, we If stme funds were not provided, it greenhouse effect complex. DaVid P. G,lrdner IOday charactenzed equipment replacement. \0-12 at the La Jolla Village Inn. spend it. , . ., would be doubtful if a new pier would All of the proJccts will be carefully Governor DeukmeJian's 1984-85 /\s another component of progrJm Conference topiCS include reseJrch • But this year, instead of spending our enure budget, we are mvestlng some of be built. transferred to the new pier wilh its proposed budget for UC as "the most improvements, Governor Deukmejian procedures, the logic of plot and If you have trouble hanging on to our money. A preliminary design for the new $3 improved facilities, as soon as it is built positive and encouraging evidence of is proposing $7 million in state structure, characterizations, and exciting those New Year's resolutions, take heart. million pier will begin in July if the The proposed budget also includes Slate support received by the SUPPO" for student financlJI aid and love scenes that aren't obscene. Help is on the way. On Saturday, current budget proposals are passed in funds for the construction of the sea Univers ity 10 neJriy two dec,ldes." affirmalive action programs currently JJnuJry 21 , UCSD Medical Center will the legislature. Construction is wall to prOlect Scripps from the -If approved by Ihe Legislature," says funded by student educational fees An Industry/ UCSD• Faculty present a one day workshop open to scheduled to begin in November of poundmg surf. Erosion has become President Gardner, "the Governor's In addition to the $241 million for ColloqUium on "Communi ations and the public on "Resolulions '84: Making 1985. such a problem thaI the Institute of Budget will be a major turning pomt In University operations, Ihe Governor's Signal Processing" will be held Thursday, Changes Successfully." For $SO for No linal decisions have been made Geogmphics and PI,metary Physics the University's histOry. The budget Budget also provides $155.8 million 10 January S, from 8:45 am till 5 pm in couples or $30 per person the workshop on the location of this new structure , building is in danger of sliding. Collins does more than just hold the line; it SUPPO" the University capital building Room 2622 , Undergraduate Science will help you understand your but It is hkely Ihal It Will be the same as commented," lf that erosion continues, reverses the long period of program, including $42.4 million to be Building, Revelle Campus. motivation for change and resistance to the present one. -Our obJecnve is 10 we could lose the end of (he building." deterior.Hion that we have been milde available in 1983-84. 'There has Communications and signal processing change. bJsiCillly replace whal we have now but The .. ddilional wall \vas initially experien ing." been insufficiem state SUPPO" for the is one of the most prominent of the • with some modem construction supposed 10 be built two ye,1r5 ago, but "The faculty .salary recommendations University c.ll)ital needs for m,my high technologies m the San Diego area A special toll-free telephone techniques," Collins added. due to budgetary problems the funds for in the Governor's Budget improve the years," according to Baker, noting last and IS the focus of much research at information hotline for former prisoners Plans for the pier show Ihat It will be it were frozen. University's competilive position In the year's capital budget of $7 million. UC D. of war hJS been inaugurated by the • Veterans Admintstration. The 24 hour, ApphcJtions for the the 1984 Pulliam toll-free number, 1-800-821-8139, is Journalism Fellowships are now avallble available to over 93,000 ex-POWs for those graduating students seeking nationwide, The hotl~ne allows ex­ one of the ten intern positions on The POWs to inform the VA if they feel Indianapohs Star, The Indianapolis News , Iheir treatment is not consistent with The Ari;z:ona Republic, or The Phoenix the intent of the Prisoners of War Gazette. The $2,340 fellowships are for Health Care Benefits Act of 1981. New Cam rt, When We invested a portion of our budget in the UCSD Calendar. All profits from In Quonset 324 Warren (on Russell Drive, sales at the bookstore will go directly to the AS. Furthermore, we are laying the east of the Warren Provost office), foundation this year for the calendars for next year, If successful, this should prOVide the AS with a steady source of income year after year. . Whea We are also looking at other ways to make money. One proposal IS to use some of our capital to buy refrigerators which will be leased to on-campus The first working day of each week, students, between 11 :30 am and 3:00 pm. Why should the AS be interested in making money? With more money we can 1968... astrophysics." Dr. Alfven, a professor of provide more services and activities, and with this extra income we become less applied physics at UCSD, has been "'eIy While Berkeley celebrates its 100th dependent upon you, the stUdent, for financial support. The following day in the Bookstore, anniversary this year, UCSD wiD have its involved in this field for 30 years and is AS Councils at other schools have had profitable businesses for years. The UC WHERE: own celebration as the University currently studying how plasma reacts in Berkeley AS is worth 510 million dollars alone. at the Information window, Library begins to take physical shape space. We would like to set a new precedent this year, a precedent of building for Third College north of Revelle and Muir Colleges. "By 1973 .. , the future. We are fairly small right now in comparison to other UC student • La Caso the end of 1968 ," Lieutenant General A Over the Christmas break, UCSD governments. But like the UCSD campus, ASUCSD is stiD growing • Munch Box ..... L. Browser said , "the combined libmries received 33 letters of proteSl from East NEW CONSTITIITlON White winter quarter registration receipt on the UCSD campus will contain at German high school students protesting The current ASUCSD Constitution is obsolete. It was written in 1977 when WHEN: card stamped by the Cashier, least half a million volumes. The total the latest series of American bombings UCSD was half its current size. Furthermore, it doesn't take into consideration Tuesday number of volumes to be available at the in North Vietnam. One of the letters the new programs and policies developed at UCSD. What our student January 17th Central Library is expected to be 3 proclaimed, "I caU upon all freedom­ government needs is a new constitution. .., . . million ." loving people to energetically work for My main priority this quarter as AS preSident IS develo'pmg a new consututlon Lolt or Stolen Cards 1969 ... the withdrJwal of all US forces in Indo­ which will accomodate the future needs of the 6S Counc". TIME: ChIna and an end to this dirty war." Call extension 6840 A new development in Ihe gloomy Why is a constitution so important? Our constitution is our law. It guides the . 10:00-11:30 financi.ll st.uus of the ASUCSD was 1976,.. structure and policies of the AS. . . before you pay for a replacement. ,1 1:00-2:30 presented ,l[ last night's council meeting. Under new law, which went into un several occasions during the past years, well-intentioned programs were Funds from the vending malchines .lre eflect New Ye.u's Day, posession of an cancelled because they conRicted with some part of the Constitution. now avalbble for AS usc , The AS is ,llso oun e or less of m.lriJu,ma will no longer A new comminee for developing a new constitution has openings for students. considering imposing .\ $10 student be co ns Idcred a felony. Sgt. Bill Mot! of The committee wUl examine the current structure of the AS, determine a new center tax 10 help remedy their finanCial the UCSD police said, "The new 1,lw will structure which is better able to accomodate future AS Councils, and incorporate problems. nOI ch.mge our work .11 ,Ill. We were this structure into a new constitution. To obtain your current-quarter validation 1971... never se,lrching for marijuana users." sticker, you must first have the Cashier's Dr. Arthur M. Jensen, author of 'Twin Only US serviwnen will still be Differences and Subpopul,ltion considered felons if they Me discovered office stamp your white registration Differences in Mental Abiliry ," was possessi ng m,lriju,ln.l. receipt caret forced to postpone a lecture at the Salk Institute Thursday when a group of 1978 ... UCSD students clapped loudly and UCSD's Bolton Colbum recently won rhythmically so that the UCB professor the American Surfing Association's AIl­ scheduled for a January 16 visit, are reseJrch scientist at UCSD's California of education was un.lble to speak. American nJtional championship. considering "",kIng UCSD one of the Space Institute, believes there is a nation's le .. ding schools for their growing imerest among those in the 1972 .. , Colburn, .In art hiStory criticis m mdjor J...... , 11 . tIIdII Iarther DOdce at Muir, will graduate thiS June ,md then students. aerospdce Industry, in the materials Nobel laure.)te Hannes A1fven was 11:30 am - 3:30 pm on the first working day of notified Tuesday that he has been "tum pro and travel. I won't make much 1981... industry, and in the space sciences, in -Recycle the Guar~ian- , . granted the highest award of the Soviet money, but I'll get to travel ," Business opportUnities In sp.lCe will developing long term operating Recycling bins located by the Guard(Qn office, ThIrd the week at Quonset 324, Warren campus. Academy of Sciences for 1971 . The 1980 .. , be the topic of a new UCSD extension capJbilities in space using local award was granted for "outstanding Scientists from the People's Republic program this winter tilled "Space resources. Parking /OL , Mandeville Parking Lot and under HL Library. achievements in plasma physics and 01 China, here 1,lst month and now InduSlriJliz.1tion ." David Criswe ll , PhD, a - Chrisropher Canole Calumnist Editor CommentarY- Tim Augus[ Managing Editor Phil Lauder Opinion Editor Dredging up an old issue: Grace Nielsen News Editor Life with Sean was never boring Lisa L.lpin • • • Contributing News Editors By GARY PISCOPO MEChA on the Review ChrislOpher Canole My roommate's n

aLAST NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! TO THE One time only courses. Department of History Winter Quarter COMIC GALLER~ 1984 History IIIQ: ~------c~cs------~ Muslim Political TIIeory and Institution. '* New Comics: Arriv. w ..kIy by air rr~ VndertJtandin§ Kllomeni, "lIadaji, & A.sael '* Colledor's Comics: Gol,*, Age to Pr.sMt Thursday, 3:00-5:00, TEH 502, Code 4664 * Comic & Fantasy Art Islam is the religion and the way of life for nearly one A particle in a vacuum: D. G. Wills • • • * Comic (ons.,.,otion: Mylar Snugs. Mylit.s. billion people: Ad#r•• Box.s A knowledge of Muslim religious and political ideas and By CLYDENE NEE '* Open 7 Days institutions will enable us to understand not only what 'At first glance it IS hard to teU exacdy world. /' '* A,.. Fr .. Portdng is currently happening in the Middle East, but what what D.G. Wills is. Situated on 'a quiet "\ was borhered about the possibility , (JI.9! may happen in the future in Afghanistan, Pakistan, pan of La Jolla Boulevard, this booksho p of a nuclear war," Wills explains. "and someday I thought I might open a G ,qrtJ"'~ India, Indonesia and even China and the Soviet Union. and colTee ho use is set back from the -- - street ,md seems p.m of a dIfferent bookstore to serve the cause of Taught by Waclie Jwaideh, Pro/euorolNear world from the bUIldings that surround knowledge, bo. ping 10 preserve ,....--FANTASY GAMES MlNIATURES-~ Eastern Stu_e. at Indiana Vnive,..ity. it. something for the future." Dungeons & Dragon ~ • Chomp Ions Ral Partha • Citadel Used books and magazines are pIled O ne of the factors that shaped his Villains & Vigilantes . freveller Superior • Phaenix on die tables around the open-air patio. views was the novel by James Hilton , Star Trek • Star fleet Custom-mode figures History 135: Spain Since IBM and the first set of shelves you see is Lost HoriZQ n, in which the high lama of Rlinequest & Others Painted & Unpainted brimming with books. When one comes Shangri.Ll wanted to preserve some of Lecture Tueaclay • nunclay, 11:30-12:50, through the door of the shop, one's first the world's knowledge, so that after the PAL 1117, Code 2114 feeling is that of being overwhelmed by world WilS destroyed knowledge would survive. r------, ,------~, books. From noor to ceiling there are : this coupon IS volld for this coupon IS valid for , : Fifty years ago Spain was a backward and •, , massive bookshelves that are stuffed "' would argue that it is more impoverished country on the verge of a bitter Civil War with books, and piles of books are :, 100 COMIC lAGS 10% Off Important to have those places in the , fflEE with 00\1 purchase of the purchase of onv Gomes or Mlnlotures which foreshadowed World War II and the following scattered here and there all over the world," says Wills, "not retreated from , , New ComICs over S 12 00 (S3.00 minimum ) noor. the world ." , Cold War. Today Spain is one of the "economic Another pan of the setting is the , Exptes Jon. 26. 1964. Exptes..b-l. 26. 19&4. Wills studied at Columbia University , seating, which ranges from school desks , successes" of the mid-twentieth century, with a under Zbiegniew Brze zi nskI and was in , n.. Comic GoIl..y 1M Comic GaI,-¥ to barber chairs. which the owner of the European standard of living and a stable Socialist the process of interviewi ng for jobs in !_------_. store thought was a necsessity, having WashmgtOn when his filther's health government. As a central facet of European history noticed a lack of seating in some of the deteriorated to the point where it and an example of a successful escape from best book stores around th e world. became necess.lry for Wills to come to D.G. Wills is the name of the store's backwardness, Spain represents an historical chapter li ve o n the West Coast to help his Santa Barbara, but he was eventuaUy It has also become a favorite haunt owner, probably one or the most for several graduate students and a worth investigating. interesting individwls that one would father. drawn to UCSD. "UCSD exists in a vacuum," says number of professors from UC D, and ever run .!Cross. He served as a Soviet KnOWing that he wanted to open .1 Taught by Professor Gabriel Tortella,PII.D., one recognizes many names of those bookstore, Wills began the l,lborioU5 Wills. "There is no academic community militJIy analyst in the American individuals who make their livings in V.ivertJity 01 W.. consin an" Pro/e.. orat t'e intelligence community in the '60s. task o f looking for a place to open a here, and I gambled that someday I could be across the street from the front of classes here. Vnivenity 01 Alcala de Henares near During this time he became concerned store. He looked in the San Francisco Part of the Chal111 of D.G. Wills is the about events taking place around the area and then had illmost settled on campus. If' wer across from campus I Madrid, Spain. would be open seven days a week until culrural events that take place there that midnight. It would be much like the are free 10 the public. Concerts, poetry store now. only larger, with students and readmgs. discussions with famous professors having discussions on the authors and political figures take place _ patio: often, so often that the group that works • Gain practical • Make yourself more employable .. . • Earn academic credit." Four years ago WIlls rented a truck .K , under D.G. Will is called the La Jolla experience... • Check out career interests". • Apply what you are learning in the classroom". fiUed it with all his worldly belongings Cultural ociel)'. . ACADEMIC Commanicatio_ Social Senric:.. and 6,000 volume , ,md WIth a "La Jolla Some of the upcoming events that wIll be sponsored by the Cultural OCICl)' will Learn the arts of advertising, public Clinical psychology and sociology students or Bust" motivation drove his [ruck be a bil1hday celebration for omerset relations, video production, newspaper and gain direct client contact experience, across the country. INTERNSHIP Maugham J.muary 25 . ThIS program will magazine writing. counseling & biofeedback experience. Soon he opened up shop at his present location and hJS since include the acting talents of Denms • Planned Parenthood PROGRAM • San Diego Magazine increased the Slock of the Slore to Turner. who will read from iI ploly about • The Bridge • Cable television stations somewhere around 20 ,000 volumes. Maugham's hfe, which W,IS written by • Episcopal Community Services Willi,lm Menard, who wrote Maugham's • Major network stations These books range from romance novels • The Good Life Open Campus Foundation biography and was a close person,ll • Phillips Ramsey Advertising and murder mysteries to astronomy and friend . What's an Academic • Los Angeles Times higher mathematics. One can m,lke a..i.e.. great d eals; most of the books are half Steinbeck, who is perhaps Dennis' • create your own Internship? Use economic (orecasting, market analysis cover price or very rc,lsonable. Students f,lVonte writer. will also have a program It's a valuable academic experience. Computer Science" Eagiaeel"iq & management science skills. can fi nd lIscd textbooks and out·of­ when Jack on Ben~on will dISCUSS hIS You'll work with a faculty advisor in Develop and implement software, work • Cubic Corp. print m,l[cnals. new book on Steinbeck on January 29 . developing a research paper topic and with engineers designing projects at major • E.F. Hutton This blurb marks tne first Issue of the GuardIan book section , an attempt co deal with all in selling goals for your internship. firms. • C.W. Clark academic dISCiplines (and spare lime undlsciplines) through an interest In books. It will appear Each placement IS correlated to your • Hewlett Packard • cities of San Diego & Del Mar major and designed to compliment your every Thursday and include articles all particular worlts, literary trends. writers and bookstores • Teledyne (with pictures and conversations). academic work. • Sony Inc. Pre-"'_ You can work in a career related, off· • Private engineering firms Work with medical research teams in campus placement and earn credit hospitals & labs. work with patients in c6nics, through the Academic Internsh ip Art&: Drama • Salk Institute Program. Work on dramatic productions, learn • UCSD Medical Center How many units of credit is lighting & design, set up museum displays • VA Hospital and develop photographic series. • Scripps Clinic/ Research Foundation it possible to earn? • San Diego Museum of Art • CaI·Biochem, Inc, From 4 to 12 per quarter, to a • Major theatre companies maximum of 16. • San Diego Library Go"ern..... t 1- Hour Contacts & Glasses' GOOD NEWS! Now· The National Edition of The New Who is eligible? • La Jolla Museum Take an active part in the legal process, work in local & state government offices & York Times is readily available to UCSD students and Any UC student with a 2.5 GPA who Pre-Law agencies. faculty at a 30% discount off the newsstand price on a Learn legal research skills, attend court, has completed 90 units. • UC Student Lobby Extended Wear Lenses prepaid subscription basis: Papers are delivered to write briefs, interview clients and witnesses. How do I find placement? • Governor's office departments or offices on the morning of publication. • Indigent defense firms • State Legislature & Assembly persons wtttI thll ad We find one . or you can develop • City Attorney's office • Mayor's office Hydrocurve II lenses. your own. • Private law firms ONLY 35¢ PER DAY $149. Ptofeaalonal selYle .. extra. Call or Drop in for MONDAY - FRIDAY Yoo can wea: Extended Wear Contact Lenses contlnUOUlly for t'::j?~'::.~~~l»\\\<~ .,...V;~~~~.;;,~A~,l#r.. 1~: Sir: .". .' . . is here. Come to the Guardian offices (located May I make the request that you now tum your attention to the question southeast of Revelle Plaza, adjacent to the Che which has always been of the greatest imerest to aU Austen emhusiaSls: What 11 was the exact extent of the brain Cafe) at either am or 3 pm, and find out what injuries suffered by Louisa Musgrove in her fall from the Cobb at Lyme Regis?- Championship season falls a career in journalism could do for you. Meet the I refer, of course, to that episode in Chapter 12 of Persuasion which reads in editors, find out what makes us tick, and then pan: "The ladies ... were comented (0 pass quiedy and carefully down the steep short by a game help make us tick. flight, excepting Louisa; she must be If you cannot aumd ekher meain& contKI rht GuardiGft o8kt • x3166 and ~)'OW' name, IIUIIIber and uywWch ICCIioa you _kllilrclOwr1re (or jumped down them by Captain 1I11III. __..... 11.1111' ••• ' ...'"111111'1] 1.... _1111 11I ..,mllll'IIIII"'I' ••• '1II , n11111111'"111 II. II , Wentwonh_... He advised her against it, By MIKE GREENBERG thought the jar too great; but no, he ()np ~1.4 ~ ...... 'Itt: tN [ration in Kilboum ,md Molly Wheatley. But the would we do anything different. I ,lot reasoned and 14lktd in vain; she smiled Doug Dannevik's voice, even when he squad as a whole put on a volleybaU yeM, the ,mswer would have been yes. .. and said, '1 am detennined I will'; he med to conceal It over the telephone . show that could only be upsLlged by th e but [his year the answer was no We put out his hands; she was too The Triton women's volleyball coach was 76ers on a very good nigh!. In what were much better prepJred this year." precipitate by half a second, she fell on distraught, and rightfully so, after UCSD Dannevik called "the greatest match we Although the findls exams theory is a the pavement on the Lower Cobb, and (for the second time in as many years) have ever played ," the Tritons crushed University of California at San Diego was taken up lifeless! bit hard [0 swaUow, UCSD's Lu Lu lost the NCAA Division III Juniata, limillng the locals to 10 pOints Schwartz, who IS three-time All­ "There was no wound, no blood, no championship to Elmhurst (last year it throughout the entire match. visible bruise; but her eyes were closed, American (which is unprecedented for a was La Verne) in four excrutiatingly Once in the final four, UCSD wa s in she breathed not, her face was like Division III player), agrees that finals tough games by the scores of lO-15, 11 - superb position (.IS they were laSi year) death. The horror of that moment to all did sidetr-ack her and her teammates' 15, 15-9, and 13-15 three weeks ago at to win their second national who stood around!" minds enough to affect their play. "It is La Verne. championship. After disposing of MIT The injuries sustained fronl this very difficult to concentrate on practice The loss to Elmhurst was the first in four games, only third-ranked episode led to Louisa's convalescence a[ when you have a biology final on your such defeat for the Tritons all year long Elmhurst stood in the club's way of a the cottage of the Harvilles. It was there, mind ." says Schwanz. "Girls were in Division 1II, as they were ranked perfect season (m Division 1Il). in the course of her recovery, that there leaving practice early to study. and the number one in the country for most of But inexplicably, the Tritons were occurred a transfer of her affecllons whole week /leading up to the final four the season. UCSD displayed the sluggish, not capitalizing on their from Captain Wentwonh to Captain tourney] we never really pmcticed well ." Efforts Jrom Debbie Doran and the rest dominance that Dannevik was talking opponent's mistakes. Dannevik blames Benrwick (the Hatville's lodger), and the about en route to this year's fin_als, the club's mediocre performance on One could tell that UCSD was going oj the UCSD volleyball team were not good eventual betrothal of her former The "Road to La Verne" began in finals week, which coincided with the to be denied the c hampionship trophy enough to avoid losing the title game for intended to Anne Elliot the second year in a row. juni,lIa, Pennsylvania, for the Mid- tournament . . Ar.lantic Regional five weeks ago. Juniata /'It·"'~ tum II) I'(/g~ H IS not one of your typical towns which "Our final exams hurt us greatly only supportS big-time spons. The 15~ because the girls were concentrating on spectators that viewed the toumament finals instead of the championship," demonstrated that they take their says Dannevik. "Historically, this has UCSD has bowl games, too volleybaU seriously in Pennsylvania. The always been the case. We play fabulous media coverage of the event surpassed before finals week and not up to our the covt;.@ie given by Slu\ Diqo's finest potential during and after finals." By KIM HADDAD of any Clipper or Socker home game. Last year the Tritons were faced with Before we become thoroughly the coed MA champs, beating out 1V and radio crews covered the tourney the same dilemma, because the engrossed in intramural winter spons, Captain Dick as well as Blitzkrieg. In as if it were the Super Bowl. tournament (held in Triton Pavilion) due credit should be given to \as( coed AA , The Aying Tigers beat Rise in But despite a bipanisan crowd , UCSD was played at the tail end of finals quaner's 1M champiOns. In men's MA an explOSive ove nime game, with a flnal manhandled Western Maryland and week. But Dannevik did not blame football , last year's champs York Hunt score of 4-3 . Finally, in single-A action, thcn the host school without losing a academics for that setback as he Club was upset by Plain Wrap Double Secret shut Out the "T" Rule by game. The Juniata match highlighted admitted that La Verne was bener on Prophylactics in the Animal Bowl 10 a score of 1-0. great perfonnances by UCSD's thrce All­ that particular night. become the new tide holders. The game Although the ultimate frisbee leagues Americans: Lu Lu Schwanz, Krislln The Triton coach was not nearly as was painfully close, finishing oiL 22-2 L got off to a rather slow start, they generous in regards to Elmhurst. "I am In AA, Butt State took the Macrophages A view Jrom the cliJJs Sydney Jones (England certainly prOVided a round of thrilling st ill tremendously disappointed," says by a final score of 18-13 in the Banana ~u th , The Studio Publications) oflhe Cobb at playoff games. In AA, Better Luck II beat Dannevik. "This loss was much harder Bowl, again J rather close game. In the Tuesday, January 17, 1984 Lyme Regis, a view which throws no lighl on out the NO( Ready For AA Players after to accept than last year's, because we lite problem dealt with in Ihe lellerabove . We Soul Bowl (men's single-A) the Patty a set of very close and rigorous games. were the best team in the nation aD IIIvile our readers ' replies on Ihe mailer: Animals shut Out Bendo~r with a 32-0 In Single-A, Horizontal As Anything 9:00 am-4:00 pm season long. I didn't feel as bad last year victory, giving them the league dove their way to championship status because La Verne was good, but championship. as they beat Geo Fishbeck Fan Club in Student Center As d oncernetl reader, I would like to Elmhurst wasn't good enough to win, In coed A football, Din won over the an 8-7 OT thriller. draw your attention to three points: but they did." Despellldos, overcoming the outrageous In the tennis playoffs, the teams were I. The filII was only a short one - Dannevik, who is a very emotional odds of 7,000,000-1 set by the Budman. very closely matched, giving us some North Conference Room LOUI S,I being ')umped", i.e. held by the coach, said afterwards that he would nOl The flnal score in the Soul Bowl was 19- incredibly exciting sets. In MA coed, wilist and lifted slighrly .tS she came have done anything different in 7 in what might be. if the Budman Drop Shots squeezed by ~ 'em, down the stairs. The tOLlI distance was preparing his team to bce the victors. quoted the odds correctly, the upset of Lea~ 'em by a 13-12 margin. In AA, Hit probably only 3 to 4 feet. "After the match, Mike Hipp and I the millenium. the BaU beat Third Serve by a score of Christy Wada's prayers were not aoswered. BS/MS in EE, CS and Computer Engineering. 2. It was never specinrd exactly talked about If we had the chance, In the noor hockt;y flnals, Critters was l'it'us(' 'UP11 [(I pu)l.e H Technical Disciplines with interest in Sales and Systems which p,lrt of her body received the force of the fall upon the pavement. Engi neering. Though some critics Ill.ly surmise that ------1 Students interested in Summer and/or Co-op Assignments. she Slruck her head, (mention of ,I "scvere contusion" to the head is made SPECIAL: later in the chapter,) it is f.lT more Come informally any time during the hours indicated above and common for a victim falling forward in % PRICE ' : learn about technical career opportunities in IBM from many dif­ an outward arc to land upon his knees ferent locations throughout the country. Then sign-up on inter­ or outstretched hands. HAIRCUTS!: 3. As the author points out in rhe WItII n. COIIIHMI I view schedules (through your placement office) for formal inter­ pas!klge Ci ted above, no visible signs of & ...... 1116/84 : views which will take place on February 3. Injury were noted - no bleeding from Ah.t My P.rwI Speciall rhe e,lrs, dil.lted pupils, convulSions. or ,my of the usual symptoms of severe .. Bring 3 Personal Data Sheets or Resumes. hc.ld inJUry. The entire f.tll inCident. plus (he ~ _.~A Citizenship or permanent residence required for interviews. injurics .Ipp..trently received, seem highly suspect to thiS rc.lder. ~ ..F~".\· · In your opinion, Clluld .my credence ~:#, AI/ d.~ be given to the theory that Louisa ~ ~~ ,~ ~~ ~f· Musgrove wmrived the entire acddent, YOur Fall Quarter h.lving .llrc,ldy conceived J tender lOamto6pm . ~ ~rades are .--..- - p.lssion for Clpt.lin 8cntwick? Tuesday thru Saturday ------.-, Detennincd to rid herself of the P...... available in your - -.-_... --- .lttentions of Captain WCl1Iwlmh , she Garner Av . dePartmental - seriOUS ---_.------111l.'lf In the w,'y of C'pt

An Equal Opportunity Employer , hould h,l\l' been Ihrown Illtll ,In l ______PB i ~~-Call______for ApPOltltm~1l1 -~_~_-- l\l\',dld ulIlt\iIlO\l ,I, Ihe result 01 whclt C, IIl onl), Ill: tl'\'lllcd ",I ,llght Jol!,,? Emily Shieh IT TAKES A BEnER Is Dannevik too good for UCSD? Running Thoughts GRADE CALCULATOR TO By MIKE GREENBERG

There seems to be a misconception a great many things beyond especially III Veme, but UCSD had of next year's tournament with the hope By JEFF SAVAGE GET A BEnER GRADE abow coaches at UC D. Many students mtercollegiate sPOrts. Yet the w,ly he is more talem, at least on paper they did . rhar it arrives a week after finals . He feel that it IS a fairly easy job that takes WHAT'S GOING ON HERE DEPT. Imagine the emotion of a coach who just lost the progressIng, Dannevlk will be burned The Tritons defeated each club during even mentioned to me that he was Super Bowl. It would probably take him months to recover from the heartbreak of a limited amount of skdl. Maybe they out .It an e'lrly age . the regular se.15On in a convinCing rhlnking about requesting the NCAA to seeing a year of work fall three hours short of a championship. UCSD volleybaU coach are right. After all , one does not need a HIS te.lIns h• .II'e been the most. fashIOn, yet when it was time to play for delay the tourney a week rhe next time HEWLETT Ph.D. to be a volleyball coa h. All you Doug Dannevik cannot afford the time. Dannevik's Super Bowl came in the fonn of rhe successful In the hlslOry at UCSD. For ,til the marbles, the club played far it comcldes with UCSD's finals. Can you NCAA Division 1lI women's volleybaU championship game a few weeks ago in La PACKAROI--I - really need is some experience In the the P,lst three years, they have been 111 below thclr potential. This can be imagine the NCAA changing ir s entire Verne. The Tritons lost. But Dannevik had to immediately direct his attention to the SPOrt and a linle bit of luck. the finals of the NCAA Division III excrutlanng for a coach. Knowing Ihat playoff slructure to suit one team 's men's squad, which opens play Saturday (versus the Alumni at 6 pm in the Pavilion). tm, Lv '-- 4 ~ ~ch at UC D like men's ch,lmplonships, winning It .Ill in 1981. your te.lm has the ability to win a and women 's volleyBlln '-~ schedule? ·We're going to get our bell rung this year, but I'm really excited about the team ," says But in the la~t two seas ns. his teams Dannevlk, one needs an enormous championshIp, should win and sitting This year, D.mnevik fclr that the Dannevik. Somehow those thoughts do not mix weU, but Dannevik clears it up. "We're >--....ooved well 111 the title on the sidelines helplessly, w,ltching NCAA W.IS agmnst hlln. He couldn't amount of patience. That is D.mnevik's matches, TliS1'ii! iLl to. ~ in Triton so young this year that we just can't expect to be very competitive, but we had our best downf.lli. He's a bright. arti ulate man PaVIlion last year and Elmhursl thIS them lose, can be traumatic. Dannevik understand how his team , being r,mked recruiting year ever last year, and we've reaDy got some athletes. We used to have $57.50 sugg. retaH 570.00 - h'ill rrie:;last momh's loss around with who obVIously has the Intelligence to do ~ason . Both te.lms were good , number one ,Ill year, was placed in the midgets, but now we have size ." Among the "recruits" are: Matt Hunt, a freshman hitter 1m, even '35 ~'" f'.....,...,~p < rhe men's Mid-Atlami Regional instead of out team for the com ing season. . from San Clemente, Doug Stanley, a (;')" hitter with a cannon spiking ann, Orange • ProgramrTlC:lQle e t. _He was perplexed thaI for the first Coast colkge trartsfer Tad Brown and sophomores Mike MitcheU, Scot! Thompson and • Engineering and Statistical Becduse Dannvei k is a very emotional lime In nl .... 'r~ did not coach, the ldst twO years have been Pat Brienen. In aD there will be 12 sophomores and freshmen on the court along with Functions show proper consideration Tora nult~_ just two seniors_ Veterans Kevin Bateman and Johnny Henderson wiD be looked upon taking their loll on his mind and body. one teJm (in the pasr. aU number onc • 79 Program Steps Like other profeSSionals who had to quit to carry the leadership load. But ability alone does nOl make a winner. Anitude and .10 Constant Memories Icams were seeded in their own regIOn desire are important ingredients in a winning formula. Although the season has yet to their job because of ulcers and coach's so th ey did not have to tr,wel). • RPN logic, contInuous memory, srart, Dannevik is pleased with what he has seen thus far. "In the past we had players burn-out Uohn Madden, DIck Vermeil Danncvlk W,IS infuri.lted by this. He , and 1CklIgIt LCD dIsPlay, who thought they were on the tOO cool side. By walking out on the court they thought .md AI Attles recently), Danncvik IS close dlong with Athletic Director Judy Sweet, they were reaDy bitchin' I Dannevik saw the movie Valley Girls the night beforel. This to bemg one of those c.lsua lties unless wrote the NCAA III a futile attempt for year we have the type of guys who are willing to stick their nose in there:" .It appears he takes .1 more open approach to rhe the governing body to recon~ider their sporr. decision. D,1l1 nevlk expected them to do that with what the Triton coach says about hIS team and the extremely dIfficult schedule they face, this year's win column will near empty. But having athletes on $73.95 sUoo. retaH SQO.OO HP-11C When talkrng with the Triton head so. They did not, ,md the Triton cO.lch be the court with a desire to win , excitement will not be lacking, and surprises may come coac h, one re,lltzes thar he has .1 screamed bloody murder. yet. tremendous desire to be the best. He Consequently, Dannevik blamed the • Programmable demands a lot from his pbyers and in trip to Juniata, Pennsylvania, for the loss NOT TO BE BELIEVED DEPT. Remember the '84 San Francisco riots? A group that • Advanced EngineerIng and relurn , when they lost, he refuses to put in the finals. "That trip lOok a 101 out of called themselves the 4ger Faithful poured through City streets by the hundreds, Statistical Functions the blame on them . Bur .It the same us ," said Dannevik "We played our beSt tipping over cars with Maryland license plates and worse yet, blowing up cars wirh DC • 203 Program Lines time, he denies taking any of lhe b,11l during the trip. but when we came plates. They stopped and searched all pedestrians, and those from DC were stuffed • 21 storage registers responsibiliry on himself. Excuses are back, the girls had to concentrate on with yellow flags. All this over some penalty in some football game when some enemy • RPN logic, continuous memory, Doug Dannevik's trademJrk, which is finals. Allrhe travelling did take a lot out receiver fell down and the good 4ger guy was found guilty of pushing him to the turf. and 1O-dlglt LCD dIsplay, fine for a DIvision II school. His most of us. We were never rhe same." And to think thIS mess could have been avoided if the officiating crew had an recent excuse was that finals week One rhing Dannevik has failed to opportuniry tb reverse what they must have known (or at least would h.:lve discovered) hampered the team so mu h that they realize IS that this school does not give til hI! a poor deciSIon . The use of replays on judgement calls would allow for this. At could not concentnlle in practice and a hoot about intercollegiate spons. Only tfl~ 'NFL meetings last year, 15 clubs voted for the use of replays on cruCial Judgement sugg. retail $120.00 thus lost to Elmhurst in Ihe finals. HP-15C $98.50 Doug Dannevlk has the mt.ensity and apparently the ability to coach Jor a DiVISion I school. the players and some oj those who work calls but 21 were needed for passage. Opponents claimed that a three-hour game Dannevlk is already checking the date in the lA office care about how the would become a five-hour marathon with constant interruptions as offiCIals huddle plea,;" Iw /I to page H around a screen and study controversial plays. Perhaps this may be true if 20 plays • Programmable were checked out in a game. One solution would be to limit each team to twO or three • Advanced EngIneering and replays per game and allow them to 5pt'nd them at t~ir own discretion as they do StatistIcal Functtons timeouts. It doesn't take more than three minutes to rewind tape and analyze a play • Matrix Operations enough times to make a correct caU. The NFL has already anowed for six television • Solve and Integrate IMPORTANT MEETING tlmeouts a game. Avoiding another dtsaster like the one Sunday is certainly as • Complex Functions . important as generating revenue. Although replays may lengthen a game by 10 or 15 .448 Program Lines minutes, something must be done. On the call in question (actuaUy there were twO bad DEALERS WANTED! calls in a row), perhaps the officiating crew felt obligated to give the nod on a elose • RPN logIc, continuous memory, and 1Ckllglt LCD display, caD to the defending champions much the way judges and referees give the edge to the boxing champion instead of the chaUenger. Being on Redskin land probably helped too. But those are outside forces that the league must deal with separately. Of course, the '84 SF riots never reaDy happened, but there are "Wanted-Dead or Severely Tortured" posters of the infamous officiating crew hanging on the waUs of $98.50 sugg. retail S120.00 HP-16C every bank in the city. If NFL Commissioner Pete RozeUe and Supervisor of NFL Officials Art McNally schedule that particular crew to do a 4ger home game next year, • Programmable watch out. The SF Riots may come yet. • Computer Science Functions I I • Blnary/Octal/Declmal/ ON THE AIRWAVES DEPT. One of the newest controversies to emerge on televiSIon Hexadecimal ConV91SIons news is just what detennines a good sportscast. Because sportscasters are being hired • 203 Program lines or 101 16-blt for their good looks , and largely because of technical innovati~ns, today's sportscasts data registers are prettier, faster moving, and more comprehenslv~ . But IS It Journahsm? Howard • 1's and 2's complement unsigned Cosell does not think so. He calls local sportscasts a dIsgrace because of their faIlure modes to investigate Important stories in their own back yards. If Cosell's assessment is , • Boolean AND, OR, NOT, XOR indeed accurate, then New York's should be conSIdered the nation s • RPN logic, continuous memory, supreme "dis&,race." With his use (critics say overuse) of Videotape highlights, Wolf has and 1O-dlglt LCD dIsplay. the most entenaining sportscast around. A typIcal Wolf sportscast over WCBS-1V: "Yankees 4, Red Sox 2, big crowd at the stadium tonight, Guidry over Hurst...Let's go to ATTENTION the videotape ... Sixth inning, Winfield barting, Randolph on first, BOOM! Out of here. 2-zip Yanks ... Seventh inning, Griffey on second , Wynegar Singles to center, Armas a/l CASINO NIGHT dealers & anyone interested throws home and THEY CALL HIM OUT! Boo of the week for that call . Gimme a HP-41C in participating in the biggest fun-filled event break. OK , Mets 7, Pirates 5 in Pittsburgh ... Let's go to the videotape ..... Four fast-paced minutes of highlighrs, humor and off-the-waD observillions beam over of the year: TV screens twice a night, five nights a week (plus every Fnday mornmg for a national audience on the CB morning news). Wolf is the first to admit that this is not $159.95 .'1. journalism at all . "Hey, I'm a performer," he said while in San Francisco recently to sugg. retail $195.00 1st MEETING promote his book (entitled appropriately, Gimme ~ Break). ~l kno~ my, spons, and for a/l CASINO NIGHT 1984 dealers is Wed" Jan, you've got to know your stuff to do your act. But I m not a Journaltst, I m a peformer­ whether I like it or not. " Wolf was billed as the eventual successor to Howard CoseU • Programmable 18, at 5 p,m, in the North Conference Room when ABC plucked him out of Washington to put him in the .booth with • CNer 130 advanced functions and to fonn its first rew m 1976. The triO lacked • 400 program lines (across from EDNA in Student Center). chemistry, and Wolf was soon in search for another job. He landed a spot on ABC's • Alpha numeric display College Footbdll Scoreboard, where he was badly miscast. When hIS contract expIred, • Expandable to 2C(X) program lines he went local again , hiring on with WABC III New York and takmg over the number­ • Optional printer/plotter, cald reader, optical wand IMPORTANT TO ATTEND one market in the country. His salary reached $500,000 a year, but he made front page HP-41CV and HP-41CX available alSO. headlines in the Big Apple in 1980, by jumping to rival WCBS. WCBS suddenly became the top-rated news station in New York and has remained so. When It ~,omes Sign up at OCR at new location (ARC) next to to televiSion sportscasting as entertainment, Warner Wolf should be conSIdered state Canyonview Pool & Racquetball Center, of the art." IIIIIVEIISIIY lIaaliS

NEXT QUESTION PLEASE DEPT. Monday's question: Two weeks ago, the Minnesota North Stars of the NHL scored a goal without actuaUy putting the puck in the net and COIIPUTER CENTER ~ATURDAY, FE::ORUARv 25 without the opposing team's putting the puck into its own net aCcidentally. How did they score? Answer: The opposing goalie was removed from the ice and on a Nonh Unlvers'1y of callfomla, San Diego 8 PM MAIN GYM Star breakaway, the player with the puck was tripped. The referee awarded a gOoll to Minnesota. Today's question: Did the Pittsburgh Steelers and rhe t. Louis Cardinals La Jolla, callfomla 92093 ever merge? If so, how long did the merger laS!, what was the re,lm caUed, and what was its records? Answer in Monday's Issue. 452-4291 "'1'01{ ,.., " . '. . ':X~ . . . Volleyball ,.>lIIIII".-tI /""" I"'.~" II when Ihey blew the fIrst game of the title match (15-10) after leading 7- 1. As the comest progressed, the Trilons I .llw.l)'s In'lI1.lge<.l to r.lil behin<.l berore ,...':'CllaSlleS offered Winter Quarter .'~~I4-oIto-"""-1 __ ~-4-_~ IllLlkmg .1 run .11 Elmhur t. Game rwo P,E. 120/ Sportlln America (4 units) was.slIlld,lr to gal11(, rou r, UCSD laillng WfINF. 1-1 :50. course code 3605. APM 3305 behllld by live , onl), to tie the score at Instructor: John (Jack) Douglass II , berore los ing 15-11. Game Ihree was One Hundred dollas'lInt priZe! ReveIte Tolent show 5150/clfer/lrode lor good 1(}speed. Coil Scol at compus. La Jolla Prolesslonol Cenler, 8950 V~1o La won by UC D l5 -9, .md when the Feb. 1 In the cole. CatI453-9S39or45MJ669. (1/17) 453-6719. (1/12) Jolla Dr. S4JHe 116O-C CoIl fofoppl453-7040. (6/7) Tritonscame back frolll ,I se~c n point P.E . 160 / Exercise Physiology (4 units) Get on liege and mokelOmII bucksl R-'Ie Tolenl Term papers - ~ - dissertations. Low rat ... fait MTWTh. 9-9:50, course code 3606. APM 2250 dcl'Clt In gJme four to tie the score .It TRAVEL Show Feb. 1 I.0Il eX PrIz.. " (1/17) MJIIIice. f'IO.Type. 454-6860. La Jolla. (6/7) 13, D.mnevik throughl the girls would Instructor: James White Typing services fo< student/foculty. theses, be victOriOUS . "At Ihat point, I thoughl HOUSING monuscrIpts. books - 1Q VIS eocp. Catl RobIn. 571 - we h.ld an exceUent chance or winning. 6982. (1/12) P.E. 160l / Exercise Physiology Lab (2 units) We had Ihe mOlllentum , and if we had <::N£RSEAS JOBS - S4Jrnrra/vea IOUnd Europe,S. 1vrBI.. Australia. AlIa. AlIIIeIdI. S5OO-S1200 monthly. LOST Be FOUND fast, ocCUfate. hlgh-QuOlily. some dOV 1ypjng T. 6-9 pm. course code 4669. small gym rm. 17 1----11---+- + come bJck to win , I know we would SlghI1eelng. ffee Info. WIlle oc. Box 52-CA 19, CIoIrernont operIenced. occurote IypIng fof papers. t'-. that w'" be offered Spring 19~i==::t::=i1 wlnmng the next rwo points and the (1/19) Room for renl at Del Mer, hca everythjng including proposals. Quick tumaound and reasonable rat ... ch,unpionship. And the only feeling dNct occea 10 the troln trock. beach. Night time La Jolla IIIIofd processing. 76UJ Fay /We, Sial 45l>- P.E. 170 / Psychological Basis of Sports a ANNOUNCEMENTS please 756-6773 Luven or Lowrance. (1/12) 0116. (1/12) Physical Activity (4 units) Dannevik. was lefl with . was that or the January 20, Friday, 8 p.m. frustration of h,lVing 10 wait another Lecture and Lab ye.lr ror what now must seem a vinuaUy Jnstructor: Ann Jones Mandeville Aud. $2.00 unattainJble n,lliondl championship, SalIorII ~ watchlng 180lOI'1 Is heref UCSO SaIling Club meets at the ree oenler pallo Thurs. at 6:00. WANTED PERSONALS (1/12) SherW Calculus book lor sole. Brand-new perfect P.E . 160l / exercise Physiology Lab (2 units) concJtlon. $20. Jc7{ 481-2863. (1/12) Studv Groups roN forming atGroundwolk BookstOl9 Instructor: James White Int_lISted In C-1518 Fernondo asap. (1/12) and letter perfect finals. 481 -8395 (2/9) SocrIng Club. Instructor's lime tree 10 UCSD students. (1/12) staff & 'acuity, Call Alan. 566-7405 for more info. example, Dannevik's personality would 78 Datsun King cab pickup 5-speed. cossette, 85CXXJ Typing. word processing, tope Iranscripllon. Quality (1/12) better suit Ihe school. They would want i'ledentol studenlS old and new: Come to Predenl miles. SJ(XX) cr beSt. MileS 452-6954. 272-8110 (1/19) work at reasonobie rates. La Jolla. Sand\!. 459-5818, CUb meeting Men at 3:00 In R'welle Infofmol him to win desperately, .lnd he would (1/30) Casino NightI AlllnterMted deoIor$comefo general LoungEl. (1/12) Waterbed King. 12 aower, s10inecl gloss and mirror ~ng 1/18 at 500 pm In the North CorI. Rm. relurn the rdvor by doi ng so. He would heodboad. podded roils. 5600 . .Jett. ~0267 . 452- Improlle Term PapeB. Theses. Ten years """'Ing sop, (1/12) yo..x way Inlo lhe New Yea w/ Nollce 10 scream bloody murder, and those ,II the Dar! 2617. (1/16) two Mos. degr8es. Word ~ . Flo, 45G-1868. ~. Warren ApI. Cui de Soc Fri. the 13th - 9 pm. BlackJack. Crops. Poker, Roulette. Deoicrs wontedlll NCAA would h,lVe to li sten. He would (1/12) 77 Puch MaxI. molor pertect. else good, cleon. LNWANTED HAIR REMCNED PERMANENTL V near (1/12) have the power and leverage that he has always cove led. He co uld recruit the best ,uhlelcs in the country and budd a progrdm rtt,ll he has always dre

Unless you feed a meter no matter where on campus you must have a parking permit. Student US" permits are available from the Central Cashier's Office, 401 Warren Campus, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The cost of an US" permit is $45.00 and is good through June 30th, 1984.

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. Utopian Communities and . "The Sociological Imagination" Imagine you are taking a course which explores the plans for ideal communities as they have been formulated in Europe and America ... Picture yourself in a classroom discussing utopian schemes and "dream" societies as the prod uct of fixed views of human nature. The question of social analysis vs. social "engineering" is suddenly clarified as you WAKE UP and SIGN-UP for SOCIOLOGY 190 with Professor Grana this Winter Quarter. There is still room in the course for you and your ideal ideas! Monday, 3-4:50 pm BB 2103 I 2 .

.~. poro meno ~.

1 An Arts MagazIne -Serving,the UCSD unity L--____"- 2 J Vol. 5 • No. 1 .an. 12. 1984

Poco moto (J 4..-'-

pp = - • •

. =60)

= --= ------+-~---­ _---t-+-:.a+-::~

It. II 2.

• •

After 200 years •

JIL-.. __ --' L Ludwig has his day at UCSD



S Ii . . Cecil Lytle: for love :of music and memories Contents Start the new year Different styles Concert offers i Coyer: The San Diego write for H1ATUSI have kept him ideals and spirit" The."..ne Symphony makes history at fresh and alive oIM.I. King otthe '8Os UCSD with the Beethoven If you are interested in writing about paintings, Sonatas and Concertos In their By SIJS.VfI COML By JOM rOISKRG r.a. entlretJ. The featured soloist for books, television. .exhibits, concerts, dan~e, A "fantastic plano pIa)'lec": On the anniversary of his AnIW.w mLiK these performances will be the -perfoimance · art, mOvies, lectures, poetry, Indeed, music Is his passion. birth. the Reverend Dr. Martin AlII : ... ArtI EiMGr Cecil Lytle's comfortably Luther lUng. Jr. Is remembered JO'" I'IU renowned pianist John UII. See recitals, or anything else vaguely resembling arts elegant oIIIce Is dominated by a as an Inspllational leader who ...... story on page 4. or entertainment around UCSD then Hiatus is shiny grand plano. Lytle's race fought not only for black civil PlIKE Aftn. JAn BUS· lights up when he discusses his liberties but also for the 1AUr:R. cnnmornEIl CAnOlL interested in you. No experience is necessary to JON! r'OIISIIUG.lOtA Ill. PI.S. work: It Is tMf to see that he ccwclence of all humankind, IRJI'II' ( Be a part of the active ana exciting backstage ated ewer the last three years to the Sl.llUller. In 1980 he pIa~ ' and students playing world· are racism, sexism, or Innovation naturally atbac:ts Innocuous repetition. The new f.. Princess Anne. He won PIr!t premiere pieces by three UCSD classicism." life at the new Weiss Theatre and earn credit Lytle because of Ita tfahnea and Innovative Is ever likeable. Prize at the rran! Liszt composers. The concerts s~ The concert Is free and open for it too!

Sierra Institute For emergencies. SHORT-SLEEVE SHIRT BoxC ~Ra~~~~~~==~=rr=o=ze=n~===0~ or ary other time Pretend It'S HawaJl and Carriage House you,t keep warm r-=====A~Y~======~ University of Califomia S'oourf Jlj/air yogurt creations (5 Santa Cruz Ca. 95064 (408) 429-2761 100... ImitatIOn mlf1i< Iany purcha!~f ~~oo or more I • We also honor all PlLLOW----~~..._.,~ Even the greal skiers need somethong to lall back on VIEW MIRROR OIN! per In case )'OU want to ski backwards caetomer 1030 Torrey Pines Rd. NoUJ Open! at Herechel 1774 Garnet Ave. 6Uf 00""" K~ WM~7 SIX-PACK La Jolla Pacific Plaza When the thorst-ald krt runs dry 00 '(0" 1"0 fltlD Serve chilled _"T OtIrr .... (QMI ~ A"'Tl". -r~~, ' ~~ n AT 8P~ SOFT CONTAO LENSES i W\\&U, ~ CA~\C \DUN61i ~-r-ntE One Hour Service ~tcases O"\~R~\'TV &.Un'fJAli GHU"U INCLUDES: (~.. til N.\,A "S'ALA "'OII~ i Contact lenses, examination, patient training, follow up, 1··:=~~",'}:r chemical care kit and fitting. SfO'*'''· .~ EXTENDED WEAR LENSES ••• TIE IIOtIEI ONLY $165.00 ft4e ~M'C ~11V AT uc,~D AN EDWARD S. FELDMAN PPOOUCTION "HOT DOG ... the movie" FRIDAY THE CLASSICAL EYE ,. "",~ OAV() NAlJGfTOO . PATRICK HOUSER . TRftCY N. SMTH . JOHN PATRICK REGER ' FRAN< K£fPAtA .. ~ TWEED;:... January 13 DR. ROBERT HEUER OPrOMETRJST II ;~'~ls 1/ £:;CHRISTOPt£R w. KNIGfr ~ MKE MARVIN ~~ PALl G. RYAN ~ PETER BE~ ....--,-===--=--, """"',: MIKE MARVIN -= EDWARD S. FELDMAN o..o: PETER MAAl

4 nWu January 12. 1984 January 12. 1984 "..",. 5 The lJ(3) Dr:pIIrtlllent of DrIma Jolla Clvlc-U.lverslty Sym­ \ will preat two eftllinp of phony on Saturday. June 2. In 30% OFF all SWeatwear Opera, love, redtals performed by tile members addition. cash awards will be for guys • gal. oftk tblnS )UI' PIIIta' of l'lne Arts given. 1- Frofesslonal Theltre Tralnln. The deadline for applicattoM murder and PIogrwn toIight and I'rIday In the is January 9, 'I1IoIe Interated lJCS) ~. DlvtcIed lato two tIIIaIIbIeI. the eight acton In the should call 1-436-7993 or 45~ .more in 'Diva' program wtIl pertOrm selectiolB 5678 for details 011 how to apply I'rom tnldltlonal ind experfmfJItal or for further Information. By 110M HV thater worU IS part of thdr n.. 1 • • • 4.(j7-:l:lc.J:l Diu. 15 a new wave nlm with opera thesis prqjecL I'tew York conceptual theater Introducf()ry Special music. a comedy with genuine The recItals are designed to artist stuart Shennan perfOl"lm suspense and most surprisingly a allOw the actor! to !how their his Tenth Spectacle (I'orttIits . ",jilt l1li o,.Iy - ,It" I'rench I'OIIIIIICe without phllOllOphlcal virtuosity 15 dramatic perfonners. naces) at the La Jolla and to aid In the building of their 01 Haircuts discussions about love and death. It's Museum of CQntemporary Art at fast·paced. runny and photographeclln IndtvId ..1 repertoires for rutlft aUditions, Members of the 8 pm Thursday, January 12. 12for studentlll InteMe shades of midnight blue. Most QIIId ..t1ng acting class are Akd Shennan. who has performed with ~/«tNllulirstylists of all. It·s run. his Specucles or one-man r~larly $22 (women), $19 (men) If you'n: stili with me after all this shows at New York's Museum of praise. I will ha~ to admit that Diu. Expr.... ons Unlimited Modern Art. The Georges Ivails has a rather Improbable plot. 1bere Is a Pompldou Centre in ParIs, the Sculptured Nails, reg. $40, IIOII! $25 1030G Torrey Pines Rd .. La Jolla wildly popular opera singer who Fills, reg. $20, IIOII! $15 .e41OO6 Walker Art Center In Manicures. reg. $7, IIOII! $5 refuses to make records because she MInneapolis and major galleries Pedicures, reg. $16, "OW $12 believes It destroys the purity of the Davies. David Gassner. Mark and performance spaces across Pacific Eyes • 1be MovIng Targets will kIck-olr the three years. '. . juliel/e Wrap, reg. $14, "OIV $12 r. music. Her most dedicated fan Is a TaIdat *1 745 First St .. Encinitas HoI1u.... Lawrence Kaiser. Jean 1984 social season rrlday as tlley headline tile nrst 1be festivities begin at 4 pm witll the usual the country. won a Village Voice . young postal worker named Jules who I.I:sIIIdster. Samuel Sandoe. Aiel (In Lumbelyard Shopping Center) rolf, beverages on tap. 1f)'Oll have JH!ftr been to a TO • Obie award (the off-Broadway 8950 Villti La Jolla Dr. Starr and Kate Udall. 9G.Q337 sneaks a I'tagra recorder into a nae MovIng Targets have just completed a six take time out to experience a cultl;lral Tony) for outstanding Suite 1122 performance and makes a hlgh-quallty AdmJasIon Is ffte. I'.nsemble A Lo Jolla, Ctl. 92037 song U and haft p1a¥ed at local nightclubs for phenomenon and dance your ass off. achlevement'lo 1978. Valid wtth thl. coupon tape for his own use, Ashort while later will perlbnn at 4 pm tonight and at A half-hour showing of a Offer expires 1/ 18/ 84 8 pm on rrtday. I'.nsemble IS will through 1·18. he receives another tape by accident: a number of Shennan's short, prostitute turning over Information pertbrm at 8 pm tonight and 4:lO pm rrtday, The UC5D 11IeatR Is pm. lUesciays through Sundays. Yale. the artist spent two years Mandeville Auditorium. mostly silent and black and about the Paris Connection to the located 011 tile warren campus on There Is no admission charge. In [urope. returning to New The concert 15 free and open white films precedes his Is police murdered by two thugs. and ~us way. directly behind the I'ree parking Is available on York late in 1966. to the public. for Information performance In the Museum's just before getting an Iceplck in the UCSD BooUtore, weekends. for additional Serra's talk will be held In the call 452-3229. . Sherwood Auditorium. 700 bad\. she drops the casL!lette Into Jules' for further Information please Information call 452·2864. Museum auditorium. Admission • •• Prospect street in La Jolla. mailbag. Jules Is Immediately pursued call the UCSDDrama Department at • • • Is $3: students and seniors $2, The La Jolla Civic-University General admission is $5: seniors by an assortment of good guys and bad 4S2-l79l. The La Jolla Museum of The Museum is located at 700 Symphony Association will hold and students $4, Tickets are guys: taiwanese record pirates who ••• Contemporary Art's Info",..' Prospect Street at the its annual Young Artists available at the Museum prior to want the nrst tape. cops and criminals Oiler Rot CJraphics. an Talks with Artists series Intersection of Silverado Street. Competition on Saturday, the performance or at the door, who want the second. In the mJdst of exhibition of lithographs, continues Tuesday. January 17. for Information call 454-3541 february 11. and Sunday. for information call 454-3541, the confusion. Jules ftncIs a couple of drawings and a !election of at 8 pm with a talk by the or 454-0267, february 12. at the Mandeville • • • unlikely protectors In a 14-)aI'-o1d books by the controversial contemporary sculptor Richard Center. The competition will be A special event at the San Vietnamese girl and her rat,... lewer. artist and writer Dlter Rot. wlH Serra. ••• offerred In four divisions - Diego Museum of Art In 8alboa Sound like nonsense? It Is. but that·s be on view at the Mandeville Art Serra. born In 1939. studied Martin Luther King. the most plano. strings. winds and voice Park will focus attention on the the point. Gallery January 6 through at Yale University at a time when rema..uble of Civil Rights - and there will be two levels of detailed artistry of quilting. old The diva of the title Is AmerIcan January 29. This exhibition Is Abstract [xpresslonlsm was on leaders. will be commemorated competition: a Senior level for and new. In A Quilting Affair. soprano Cynthia 1IIwktns. pIa)1led by sponsored by The Goethe the de~lIne and Pop and In concert by the UCSD Gospel those 18-26 and a Junior level from 10 am to 4 pm on American soprano Wlibemllll WIggins Institute In Los Angeles. Minimal Art were ascendant. . Choir. directed by Reverend for those 15-17, first place Saturday. January 21 in Copley femanclez. Cynthia Is black and Gallery hours are noon to 5 After receiving his BA from Jones. Sunday at 8 pm in the winners will perform with the La Auditorium. strikingly beautiful. sings magnillcently and speaks terrible I'rencb ("Je n'suls pas k Beallesl") - In short. a perfect goddess. • Mu~. T-Shirts. &:~lspr~·a~ls. Rod; I M~·I1l

Philo.ophy 122 - Bio-Medica' £t.ia TT1a - 10:00 - 11:20 - HL 1438 - Barbara Wiater. (Cn. Code 3695) This course will examine ethical issues that arise in the practice of medicine and medical research, with a special focus on attempting to develop justifiable moral principles that can help resolve such disputes. After a short general introduction to the major ethical theories, particular issues will be explored, such as: the concept of health, the physician-patient relationship, patients' rights and physicians' responsibilities, informed consent, confidentiality of medical records, euthanasia and the prolongation of life, allocation of scarce medical resources, medical experimentation. Medical case-studies will be examined. The intended outcome of the course is that sf'tJdents will be able to use the moral tools presented to reason effectively on their own about the ethical problems in medicine.

Philosophy 152 - Plti'o.oplty a .... Literature TTh - 1:00 - 2:20 - BB 2135 - Frederick Olaf.on (Crs. Code 4605) This course will deal with the role of moral understanding in imaginative literature ­ more specifically in the modern novel. Its premise is that in representing human beings in their relationships to one another the novel can hardly avoid at least implicit judgments on the moral character of such persons and their actions. In some of the very best modern novels the author has chosen, quite deliberately, to concentrate on this moral element in the life of his characters. Perhaps the preeminent novelist of this kind is Henry James; and I have therefore chosen two of his novels, The Wings of the Doue, and The Golden Bowl, as the main reading for this course. The course will begin with a quasi-philosophical treatment of the theme of morality in its broad application to society and to literature: Modern Dogma and the Rhetoric of Assent by Wayne Booth. The written work of the course will probably consist of two short papers in addition to the final examination. January 18, Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. 17.. - Plti'osopltical Psycltology MWF - 1:00 - 1:50 - USB 3020 - James Klagge Mandeville Auditorium (Cr•. Code 4607) This course will be concerned with various views on the nature of the mind. We will G.A. $10.00, UCSD St. $6.00 begin by discussing claims by the psychological theories of psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Then we will focus on some contemporary philosophical theories UCSD Fac/Staff, other St. &: Sr. $8.00 II such as type-identity, functionalism, token-identity, and dual-aspect. We will II conclude with a discussion of the place of subjectivity in theories of the mind. .... UCSD Box Office & Tieketton: 452-4559 ...... -CALCULATORS MODEL EL-S12 "THIN MAN"" WALLET-SIZE WITH MODEL EL-508H 128 PROGRAM STEPS AdvIInced, "lentlftc calculator with Improved scientific CIIlculator with Multi Formule decimal/hexadeclm.1 ey.tem conver8lon key. Re ..rve end decimal/hexadecimal .y.tem • 48 pre-programmed scientific functions turn • In addition to performing the scientific functions, the complicated problems into easy operations. EL-512 permits the user to store up to 128 program steps built-up from any of its preprogrammed . • Direct formula entry lets you enter problems just as functions. •ISDe'lSaJ you write them. • Hyperbolic (sinh. COSh . tanh) and their inverses. dh'lt:liSl • Three parenthe8f)s levels and four levels of pending .cfJl~a!I operations. • Rectangular/polar coordinate conversions. • Decimal/hexadecimal system conversior'l key. • Mean, sum. and standard deviation. • •• • Statistical calculations with statistical mode [STAT). • 4-Multi Formula Reserve for storing formulas, and 9 number of samples/Ix [n Ix). mean/ Ix2 [I, Ix2 ) • Data Memories for storing numbers. • •• standard deviation [sa), enter data/correct data [DATA • Direct formula entry enters formulas the way they are ••• CD) keya .. written. ••••• • Independently accessible memory. • Computer-age hexadecimal conversions. • DEG/RAD/GRAD selector key. • Easy-ta-read 1O-digit liquid crystal display with • Degree/minute/second conversion key. scientific notation expression. • Auto Power-Off conserves power. 95 • Independently accessible 3-key memory. 95 • Power-saving FEM liquid crystal display has 8-digit $37 • 15 levels of parentheses with up to 7 pending $32 mantissa and 2-diglt exponent. operations_

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8 NIMu January 12, 1984