I EGYPTIAN BIODIVERSITY STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN (2015 – 2030) January 2016 II CREDIT This work was produced through UNDP, GEF, PIMS no. 4864. Project manager Dr. Tarek A Temraz, MSc, PhD. Marine Ecology & Pollution Marine Science Department Suez Canal University
[email protected] Scientific Committee 1- Professor Hamdallah Zedan Head of the National Biodiversity committee and the Former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nation /CBD Executive Secretary. 2- Professor Mostafa Fouda Minster of Environment Advisor for Nature Conservation 333-3--- Professor Mohamed Saber National Research Center- Biodiversity Expert& NBSAP Consultant 4- Engineer Wahed Salama Former Manager of Nature Conservation Sector, EEAA 555-5--- Dr Khaled Allam Harhash Manager of Genetic Resources Department, EEAA 6- Dr Tarek A Temraz NBSAP, Project Manager III IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The NBSAP would like to take the opportunity to thank all the staff in the Nature Conservation Sector (NCS) for their true support and endless help particularly the protected area staff for providing data and information during the preparation of the strategy and the economic valuations studies of the goods and services provided by natural ecosystems within protected area. The NBSAP project manager would like to extend his sincere gratitude to all the stake holders participated in all the 19 meetings and workshops to formulate this strategy. The participatory approach followed during the preparation of this strategy necessitate the participation of wide array of specialist and focused groups and this wasn’t achievable without support of the administration authorities represented in different ministries, research institutes, universities and governmental agencies, to all of those we thank their unconditioned and extended support.