All recipes have been submitted by members of the public. The BBC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the ownership of these recipes.

Recipes from the Recipe Swap Tent

Series: Hairy Bikers - Mums Know Best – Series 2 Category:Baking Sweet Programme:Lazy Weekends Submitted By:Susanne Radford Recipe Title:Linzer Ingredients: 250g 250g butter 250g sugar 125g ground 125g ground 1 egg 1 tbsp cacao powder 2 tbsp Kirsch Schnapps ½ tsp cinnamon 1 pinch cloves 1 glass raspberry jam 1 egg yolk

1 All recipes have been submitted by members of the public. The BBC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or the ownership of these recipes. Method:Put the flour, sugar, ground almonds and hazelnuts in a large bowl.

Make a hole in the middle and put in the soft butter, spices, Cacao and Schnapps.

Work everything together to form a smooth dough (or use a food mixer).

Wrap the dough in cling film and cool for at least 1 hour.

Roll the dough out on a lightly floured surface to about 8 mm thick.

Line a 28-30 cm flan tin with rolled out dough.

Spread the jam evenly onto the . Roll out the rest of the thinly and cut small strips about 1 cm wide. Decorate the cake with a lattice pattern.

Glaze with egg yolk. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180ºC for about 30-40 min.

This cake is best made in advance and can be kept in an air tight container for up to 4 weeks.

This cake will soften if left for a couple of weeks in an airtight container Notes: