
Northeast Region : Convention Announcement Hawaii: Convention Announcement Maryland: Convention Announc ement ® VIII Game Fair Origins Join us this summer for the biggest and best Origins returns to the east coast this year, in the world! This year, the convention will feature a full range of and it's better than ever! Come to Towson State College June 27-30 for the gaming RPGA'" Network-sanctioned events, most experience of a lifetime! RPGA'" Network­ open to members only. Network experience sanctioned tournaments (AD&D® Game) will points will be awarded to all participants. Pre-registration forms will be available soon be featured, so sign up and earn your experi­ through DRAGON® Magazine. Don't miss ence points. out!! For information, send SASE to: Origins, P.O. GEN CON VIII Game Fair, MECCA (the Mil­ Box 139, Middletown, NJ 07748. waukee Exposition & Convention Center & Arena), August 22-25, 1985 New York: WANTED: Admins and agents for daring adventures in the TOP SECRET®Game . Call Jeff at 668-9167 or write to him at: 47 Lucern Ct., Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Wisconsin: Convention Announcement North Central Region IIA\WAIIC~N P.0 . BOX 25«5 • HONOLULU. HAWAII96625 Illinois: Player/OM with 8/5 years experience AD&D and RPGA are trademarks owned by TSR. Inc. MILCON Game Convention and are used with permission. is looking for a starting D&D® or AD&D® game to adventure in, or mature players for Attention all midwest gamers. We are California : The R.B.G. Role Players an established campaign setting (meet once holding a convention in and are looking for more gamers interested in the a week). Contact: Jeff Wilken, 3615 Green we need your support!! For more informa­ AD&D® game. For more information, con­ Street, Steger, IL 60475. tion, send SASE to: Milcon , 5615 W. Cair­ tact: R.B.G., 1442 N. Millet , South El Monte, del Lane, Mequon , WI 53092. CA 91733; or call one of the office rs: Ron : Convention Announcement Smith (818) 448-5775, Brian Esposito (818) 443-0880, or Jerry McWilliams (818) 308- 1830. GLATHRICON-GAMEFEST * 85 South Central Region And they say there's no free lunch! This DRAGON'S HOARD HOBBY year, Glathricon features RPGA'" Network SHOP Arkansas: Are you bored on the weekends Tournaments (AD&D® and TOP SECRET® and tired of TV? I am forming a Role Playing games), gaming seminars, a miniatures is offering a 10% discount on all merchan­ Society in Little Rock. Contact: Robert show, a masquerade , pool parties , and a dise for RPGA'" membe rs! Mackey, 3810 West Markham , Little Rock, specia l free lunch open to card-carrying So come see the wide range of games, AR 72205. Phone: 666-8451. RPGA'" members only! Don't miss the miniatures, paints , and models offered and take advantage of the savings! Texas: HELP! Lone gamer in small town is chance to collect some experience points dying for something to do. Anybody, please Membership card must be presented at with a sanctioned tournament! contact: Karl Richter, P.O. Box 80, Buffalo , time of purchase. (Offer does not apply to Guests include: the creators of STAR TX 75831. TREK®-the Role Playing Game , Rick Dragon 's Hoard catalog.) Texas: New club in Houston needs you! Reid (creator of Fluffy Quest®), and as Store Hours : Guest of Honor, the legendary master of Teenagers wanted to form an official RPGA'• Monday: 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Network club in the southwest area. Contact: fantasy himself-! Tuesday: 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Mike Wilkinson , 7310 Loma Alta, Houston, For a registration brochure, write : Wed-Fri: 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm TX 77083. Phone: (713) 933-6143. R.C.S.F.A., P.O. Box 3894, Evansville, IN Saturday:1 :30 pm - 7:00 pm 47737. Phone: 858-5419. Sunday: 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm Texas: There is a new club on the block! The DUNGEON-MASTERS GUILD specializes in Dragon 's Hoard Hobby Shop, 46-3 Coun­ TSR® role playing games and is always look­ Ohio : Convention Announcement try Plaza, County Trunk Highway "H" ing for new members. Contact: DUNGEON­ North, Lake Geneva, WI, 53147. Phone: MASTERS GUILD, 309 Arrowwood, Lake 248-6788. Capcon VIII Jackson , TX 77566. This year's Capcon features an RPGA'" Southeast Region Network-sanctioned tournament (fo.r the AD&D®Game). If you didn't get to play Frank North Carolina: Players for the AD&D® Mentzer's " " at GEN CON® Game Northwest Region game greatly needed! Must be willing to Fair don't miss it this time! RPGA Network devote one night a week (Friday) to play. player and judge experience points Washington: I need players and a GM for the Interested? Call 768-0257 after 7:00 and ask awarded. AprilSample 5-7, 1985 ® Game. (Ages 10-13 pre­ for Jeff. file ferred.) Please contact: James Bishop , 5505 Special Capcon VIII, Ohio Union, Columbus, OH NE Penrith Road , Seattle , WA. 98105. I have just joined the RPGA'" Network and Southwest Region would love to hear from anybody who would North Dakota: Jim Bright is starting a club in Arizona: Is anyone out there? I need share thoughts on the D&D® or AD&D® Grand Forks and needs players and GMs. Con­ gamers. There 's nary a game I don't or won't games, as well as any other TSR games or tact: Jim Bright, 1310 South 18th Street, Grand play. I'll also PBM . Contact: Dallas Crum , Rt. products. Contact: Jeff Alston, W6612, Cly Forks, ND 58201. 3, Box 406-A, Cottonwood, AZ 86326. B, Monroe, WI 53566. POLYHEDRON ..

Sample file Contents POLYHEDRON Special Feature 13 In the Bla ck H ours - by D avid Cook. Part 2 of the AD&D® module begun last issue. (" In the Black H ours" was used as a sponsored tournament at GEN CON® South 1984 Game Fair and at CONTACT 1984 convent ion .) Features 6 Ultimists - by E. . A new character class for those who want to have it all! 7 Why Gargoyles Don 't H ave Wings (But Should) - by David Collins . An alter­ nate viewpoi nt on this controve rsial topic. 8 Th e Li ghter Side of Encounters - by . Has your campa ign grown too pred ictable? These enco un ters will put some life back into it 1 12 Punnishments to Fit the Crime - by Knarf Reztnem. More foolishness for April. 12 New Ma gic Items - by Frank Mentzer. An appendix to this month's "Lighter Side" (by the DM from whose campaign the encounters were taken), explaining the new items introdu ced. 21 Dungeonsongs - by David Collins and Steve Schaeffer. Music to adventure by. 22 Excerpts from th e Book of Mischievous Magic - by Frank Mentzer. If you thought some of the items in "The Book of Marvelous Magic" were bad puns, About the Cover wait until you sec the ones they took out 1 This month's cover is a origi­ 26 "Zee CheP' - by Bru ce H eard. A delicious new NPC for your campaign . nal, created especially for our April Fool 30 The M ale of the Species - by Frank Mentzer. The elusive emezon described at issue. The scene depicts cr itters from the vario us Foolish articles in these pages - last. gargoyles (with and without wings), a flying Departments slime, a man and his frog, and of course 5 Notes From HQ some snits and a confused bolotomus in the foreground. 5 Guest Editorial - by Thomas S . R obertson 24 Di spel Confusion - by Frank Mentzer and Merle R asmussen.

POLYHEDRONN Ncwszinc (1hc official newsletter of POLYHEDRON Newszine is mailed free to all righted mate rial with proper acknowledgement; TSR lnc.'s ROLE PLAYING GAME ASSOCIATIONN RP GA' " members. US members hip rates arc 812 however, any use of such copyrighted mater ial in Network) is published bi-monthly by TSR Inc. The per year (bulk mail delivery only); foreign rates the submission beyond the newszine without. mailing address for all correspondence is: P.O. Box 509, are $20 per year (surface mail) or $30 per year TSR 's further prior written approval is prohibited. Lake Geneva, W I 53147. Telephone: (414) 248-3625 . (air mail). All prices are subject to change with­ out notice. Changes of address for the delivery of In the event an article submitted for publication POLYHEDRON '~ membership materials must be received at least in POLYHEDRON'" Ncwszinc contains material 30 days prior to the effective date of the change to copyrighted by TSR co such an extent as to make insure uninterrupted delivery. it impractica l to separate those materials from the NEWSZINE submission, TSR will reta in copyright ownersh ip POLYHEDRON Newszine welcomes unsolicited of the article upon submission for publication. submissions of written material and artwo rk . No Volume 5, Number 2 responsibility for such submiss ions can be However, ifTSR makes use of the materials assumed by the publisher in any event. No contained in the article for any product or com­ Issue #23 submissions will be returned unless accompanied mercia l purpose beyond RPGA'" Network uses, by a self-add ressed, scamped envelope of suffic- TSR will pay the author the then current fee for 1enl SIZC. such produce or purpose. Editor: Penny Petticord Unless specia l arrangements to the contrary arc DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D , made prior to publication, mater ials submitted to ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS , Contr ibutin g Editor: the Publisher for publication in POLYHEDRON ADVANCED D&D, AD&D, BOOT HIL L , Tom Robertson Ncwszine are accepted solely upon the condition GAMMA WORLD, TOP SECRET, DRAGON, that the materials may be edited and published in and arc registered trade­ Production: POLYHEDRON Ncwszine or used in RPGA'" ma rks owned by TSR Inc. "TM" designates Kim Lindau Network sanctioned tournaments, conventions, other trademarks owned by TSR Inc. unless and events without cost to the Publisher. All other otherwise indicated . ROLE PLAYING GAME Samplepublicat ion rights may be reserved by the author ASSOC IATION,file RPGA and GEN CON arc Co ntr ibuting Artists: except that, upon publication, the Pu blisher is service marks owned by T SR Inc. MARVEL Roger Raupp granted a first right of refusal to purchase any SUPER HEROES, SECRET WARS, and all Tom Wham and all such publication rights offered for sale by Marvel characters are trademarks of the Marvel the author. So lely for purposes of submissions for Comics Group. T H E ADVEN T URES OF publ icat ion in POLYHEDRON Newszine and INDIANA JONES'" Game is a trademark of upon prior written agreement , authors may be Lucasfilm, Ltd. © 1984 TSR Inc. All Rig hts granted a non-exclusive right to use TSR copy- Reserved.

188Ue # 23 Notes Froio ng __ News for April

If this is you r first issue of POLYHEDRON'" Newszine, I'd like to still sign up by calling HQ before May 30, 1985. take this opportunity to welcome you to the RPG A'" Network, and to let you in on the gag . Five out of the six issues you will receive From the "Eve ryone Makes Mistakes " Department with each year of memb ership bring you club news, inform ative Th e 1985 membership directory has been delayed due to prod uc­ art icles on your favorit e ga me systems, and a chance to make a tion difficulties. We hope to release it in May. serious co ntribution to the hobby by sha rin g you r ideas with ot her Last issue, the art icle on new cler ic spe lls by was members. This issue is not one of those five. It's the annua l April missing the following line from the mend limb spe ll: " Level: 5; Fool issue, conceived in madness and dedicated to the proposition Components: V,S,M ". that there is room for levity in gam ing. Th e only comp letely Omi tted from the GEN CON 17 Game Fair winners lists were "st raight " items in this issue a re the module (" In the Black Hour s" Mik e Wise (who should have been listed with Susan Sullivan as a Part 2, by D av id Cook), "New M ag ic Items" (pg. l 2) by Frank first place winner in the STAR FR ONT IERS® Game tournament), M entze r, the ads, and the "Notes from HQ " art icle to which your and J ohn M au (who took a first in the GA MMA WORLD® game eyeba lls are now glued. event). Our apolog ies to both, and belated congratulat ions . Our members have been genero us with their contri but ions to ou r And lastly, specia l tha nks to the phantom keyl iner, whose timely madness, and we would like to than k the following persons for their help made the last issue poss ible. April Fool articles: Gary Gygax ("Ult imists"), Skip Willi ams (" Th e Lighter Side of En cou nters"), Bru ce Heard ("Zee Che f"), Frank M entzer (" Excerpt s from the Book of Mischievous Magic", AN OFFICIAL POLICY STATEMENT "P unni shmen ts to Fit the Crime", "Emezo ns", and "D ispel Co n­ fusion"), Merle R asmu ssen (" Dispe l Con fusion "), Dav id Collins A Guest Editorial (" Dun geonsongs" and " Wh y Gargoyles Don 't H ave Wings (But by Tom Robertson Should) - an Alternate Viewpoint"), and Tom Robertson (Gu est RE: Question s on the sex lives of mon sters. Editori al). We at TSR, In c. receive hebdomadal plan gency for part iculars about the fecundity and persona l habits of the various creatur es Tournament News detailed in the AD&D ® game. Thi s is an indurati ve policy state­ ment in that regard. Now that all the tournament data for the year 1984 ha s been proc­ Fir st, the Gygax Act of 10344 A.A. quite clea rly states (to quote essed , we at HQ feel that specia l mention should be made of two Volume 92, Chapter 7, page 301, colum n 4): members' acco mplishments. As you know, the RPGA Netwo rk 's tournament scorin g system allows players to rate the quality of the "On the Onto geny of the Specie: The pan oply of autochtho­ nou s occupants apposite to the realms heretofor e detail ed judging in sponso red event s. Last yea r, one an d only one judge hereby irrevoca bly receive the apodi ctic protection deta iled in received a perfect score from all of his players - the highest possi­ Volume 45, Ch_apter 4, of this Act." ble quality rating. That j udge was our very own Harold J ohnson, a talented veteran. On the other side of the coin, one new member Th e conclusion is obvious, though additional forensic disquisition ineluctably wou ld require add itiona l researc h, and no enchi ridi on is managed to take a first place in the AD&D ® event at GEN CON® avai lable. Consu lt your local herm eneuti cist. I 7 Game Fai r, and anot her first in the AD& D® event at Contact 84 Second, through the anfractuous, sesquipidali c and prolix details - and he had never played a major tournament before! So let's all of this Act, all the official ly autho rized crea tur es are forb idden from cong ratulate " Rooki e of the Yea r" Steve Glimp se - the one to beat engag ing in any sort of anomalous procreation with out express in 1985. perm ission, except in such instance s as specifically detai led in th e Below are the winners lists for RPGA Network even ts held at refere nces as kept in th e Prim e Libravaults, und er threat of excoria­ several convent ions since our last report. Co ngratu lat ions to a ll! tion and often instant , permanent , an d transmultiversal era dica­ tion . And the y all know it. Co nvent ion 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place Third and finall y, we at TSR , In c ., being mere Impl eme ntor s of Contact 84 Steve Glimpse Charles M artin the rulings of the Prim ordial Polymat h specifica lly for the elabora­ Richard R oyster Randy Head Pedro Dominguez tion and communicat ion of information for this subsegme nt of the Bruce R abe John Goertz Mark C rowley Prim e Mat erial Plane in this parti cular Pr obability (this universe Joe M artin Robert Etheridge B.J. Brenner being unfortunat ely miscata logued with such regu larity that an David Boger Jason Dowd Michael Boshears accurate M ultiversal Classificat ion Code would have no real mean­ Council of Five ing), can neither promise nor expect respons e from Offi cial Sources Nations Paul Bosselait Kim Stevens John Gan in this rega rd unless seekers of clarification s includ e, with their Nowscon Randy Helmink Michael D orsey Dave Wisner questions , a self-addressed prepaid conta iner comp atab le with the Fantasycon I Ru ssell Robertson David Gard ipee Judy R obertson message delivery syste ms current ly in common use, as well as, in cases wher e thorough resea rch is desired, a prepaid transprobability Don 't forgetSample to check the classifieds page for announcements o f the conta iner to facilitat e communi cafiletions with the Main Office. No te upcom ing conve ntion s that feat ure RPGA Network tournaments! also that sedulous ratocination and autodidacticism are enco ur aged , Ar e you planning to attend GEN CON Game Fa ir this year? If espec ially for the impecun ious meliorist. so, consider judging an RPGA Network tournament. Not only do This shou ld clarif y the situation considerabl y. you get exper ience point s for eac h session you judge, but you Thank you for your inquiry. receive a free membership extension and free ad mission to the con! If you didn't get a judge letter from the conventi on staff, you can NOTE: This policy is labile and subject t0 floccipaucinihilip ilification.


by Gary Gygax powerful beings, adjust the results as Hit D ice: Ultimists, being a cleric­ follows: mage-monk blend, use only d6, but in © 1985 E. Gary Gygax. All Rights Reserved. add ition to constitution adjustment, they Strength: The various new classes I proposed a year ga in one hit point per die for each level of or so ago are okay, but the players in MY Die Ro ll Strength Score experience. So a 1st level ultimist has an campa ign have really taken to the newest 11 15 add itional hit point bonus of + I per hit sort of adventurer, which developed out of 12 16 die, a 2nd level ult imist has + 2, etc. my deep devotion to the powers of the 13 17 Th ere is no limit to the number of level lower planes! I call them ULT IMI ST S, 14 18(50) points they can thus gain. or the fighting wizard-priests. Here is 15 18(75) Attack: Ultimist characters attack as how the class developed, and the stats so 16 18(90) FIGHT ERS in melee combat. Because you can add them to your campaign. 17 18(99) they are a super-race, they always gain History: Aeons ago, the mightiest of 18 Roll ld6. + 1 "to hit". tri-classed characters, Palir Lofo, deter­ 1 = 18(00) The Class: Ultimists work simultane­ mined to create a band of invincible 2-3 = 19; 4 = 20; ously in clerical, magic-use, and monk pawns to spread his power through the 5 = 21; 6 = 22 professions. However, they gain levels as entire world. Thus, the Ever-dark Order Intelligence: Add + 4 to dice roll, no follows: of Ultimate Enforcers was created. Hi gh intelligence under 16 being possible. Experience Points Level in the inaccessable mountains of • Wisdom: Same as intelligence. Rhumdedhum, a fortress-like monastery 0-1,000 1 was constructed to house and train the Dexterity: 1,001-2,500 2 new order of super-adventurers. By the D ie Ro ll Dexterity Score 2,501-5,000 3 scores came the vilest and most powerful 5,001-7,000 4 13 15 7,001 - 9,500 5 of those who sought freedom through 14 16 abuse and oppression. There in the total ly 9,50 1- 12,500 6 15 17 12,501- 16,000 7 hidden recesses of the monastery's fast- 16 18 16,001-20,000 8 ness, they bred like rabbits, and thus 17 19 developed a new sub-race of virtu al over- 20,001-25,000 9 18 20 men. From this forsaken wilderness, 25,001-31,000 10 Note: Double all Reaction/Attacking and thousands of leagues from anywhere, 31,001-38,000 11 Defensive Adjustments. came the fighting wizard-priests, ready to 38,000-46,000 12 do battle with anyone or anythin g ... cer- Constitution: Same as stre ngth. Double 46,001-55,000 13 tain of victory' all hit poi nt adjus tments as if a fighter. 55,001 - 65,000 14 Creating an Ultimist Character: Charisma: Same as strength . To gain levels above 14, the adventurer Because of resistance to the concept of Comeliness: For males add 2d4, no score must accumulate additional expe rience rolling more than 4d6 and selecting the under 18 possible. For females add points at the rate of 25,000/level of expe­ best three (as expressed by ent hu siasts 3d4, no score under 20 possible. rience. when I prepared the barbarian class), use Starting Equipment: In addition to the standard system to generate stats for the ultimist. But as these are s~uer- j \

• \ \ I _ii' SampleJ d ._. 4-,-;;?Jrtiili file

6 Iss u e #23 the equipment normally obtainab le through purchase - ultimists begin with 1,000 to 4,000 gp (ld4) - the Order Why Gargoyles furnishes each of its fledglings with spell books listing all known spells, a bag of holding(15,000 gp capacity), and a spe ­ Don't Have Wings cial sword oflifc stealing ( explained below). Each is also granted a cloak of displacemcni, ring of protection + 3, boots of speed, ring of feather faJling, and (But Should) a wand of his or her choice; but as these I:>1985 David Collins 'D enotes ma1crials copyrigh1cd by TSR, Inc. are only on loan from the Order, they don't really count. Spell Point s: Memorizing spells is (An Alternate Viewpoint) tedious, and the selection requires reason­ ing and intelligence applied to the game. right back where I started. How can these contradictory state ment s be reconciled? They are, obviously, not part of the by Da vi d Collins Easily enough after you think about it. ultimist class. Instead a simple spell point I suppose I should first mention that the Picture two gargoy les, Rudy and Hub ert. system is substituted. For each level absence of wings on the illustrations of the They just woke up after a late night, and attained, the ultimist ga ins 100 spell and mar goyle* never really both­ both of them want to fly down to the pond points. Each point is synonymous with a ered me at all. I was perfectly willing to to see if they can maybe scare up some duck spell level. Th erefore, a 1st level ultimist accept the idea that somewhere there was an for breakfast. Rudy climbs out of bed, can cast 100 1st level spells per day, or 50 artist who goofed when he did the pictures. stumbles to the ledge outside the cave, and 2nd level spells, etc. Spell points "regen­ This rather apathet ic attitude changed launches himself into the air. During his erate" daily, providing the character rests drastically when I read issue #21 of flight to the pond, he crashes into two boul­ for at least one hour. Spell points are used POLYHEDRON™ Newszine. On page 9 ders, one hillside, four trees, and a lilypad. He also scares a couple of ducks half out of for clerical, magic-user, or illusionist there was an art icle titled "Why Gargoyles Don 't H ave Wings (But Should)", by Mr. their minds. Hub ert, on the other hand spe lls (at twice normal level cost). They Gary Gygax. He reached the topic given in (being a bit more with it), climbs out of can also be used at the rate of I for 1 to the title about a third of the way through bed, stumbles to the closet (by the ledge recharge the sword of life stealing, pro­ the article (about where I expect I will reach outside their cave), pucs on his wings, vided that is the only activity the ultimist it also), discussed the apparent contrad ic­ THEN launches himself into the air. Hi s engages in for that day. Casting spells tion between the text (which gives a flying flight to the pond is smooth and uneventful above the level normal for the ultim ist has speed for the monster) and the illustration except for catching two ducks that seem to risk, however. There is a chance of spell (which shows no wings), but then shrugged have been panicked by something. failure based on the easy formula which the whole thing off as a mistake somewhere Gargoyles, as is obvious from the above, follows: in the process of production. He then went have detachab le wings. The gargoyle sup­ on to discuss the life cycle of the gargoyle, plies all of the lifting and moving energy Level of Spell - Level of Ultimist = and to give combat statistics for the young magically, but can only maneuver slowly % Chance of Spell Failure (presumably the true purpose of the article and with difficulty (Maneuverability Class in the first place), and never did mention a K). Wings must be used to gain effective Munk Abilities: Ultimist monk abi li­ gargoyle's wings after that single paragraph. maneuverability in the air. (If you use this ties arc as shown in the Players Hand­ Havin g reconsidered the problem, I now idea in your campaign, the wings should book. H owever, they gain the following propose to explain this highly disturbing NOT be magical in any way - unless you additional powers with open-hand com­ dichotomy another way, and give a defense want everyone flying after one encounter bat: for the artist who did the drawings. I sug· with gargoyles). gest that both the text and the illo are cor­ This hypothesis resolves the situation just 4th level = treat right hand as sword rect. The solution is simp le after a little as completely as that given by Mr. Gygax. of sharpness reflect ion on the mechanics of a fantasy The picture of the gargoyle without wings is 8th level = treat right hand as vorpal world. Gargoyles can fly without wings. exactly that - a picture of a gargoyle with­ blade After all, it states in the text that gargoyles out his wings. He had probably hung them are "predatOJ·s of a magical nature", so it up on the coat rack while posing for the Thiev ing Abilities: Note that the seems likely that they can fly magically, just artist. ultimist does not require thieves' tools for like a mage using a fly• spell, ( or for that For those who feel that this idea is not opening locks; his Jong fingernails are matter, anyone whatsoever usin g a potion of sufficiently realistic, I would like t0 point carefully shaped for use as lockpicks. flyingj. If you have no problems with the out that "rea lism" as we know it is not one Multiple Functions: Ultimists are able mage flying without wings, then you should of the premises on which a fantasy world is to use two weapons at the same time, have no probl ems with the gargoy le doing based, and that the above hypothesis is wear armor and cast spells or perform as the same. perfectly logical within the constraints of the AD&D® game system. After all, detachable a monk, or fight with a weapon in one But this still doesn't completely settle the question. Th e last section of the monster wings are already ava ilable to characte rs in hand and use monk open-hand attacks. Sampledescription speaks of the gargoyle's aquatic the form fileof magical wings of flying•. I would These are, of course, only the "bones" cousin, and says that the kopoacinth* is just also like to mention that the idea of 1sar­ of this exciting and interesting new class. like the gargoyle, but uses its wings to goyles with detachable wings is not original Next issue we'll tell you about how Pali r swim. This poses a problem. If the manne with the author. It is lifted almost com­ Lofo dominates all pantheons of deities, versio n has wings (or fins as the case may pletely from one of the most famous series and more about his minions of the Ever- be), and is identical to the gargoyle, then of fantasy novels of all time - Frank dark Order of Ultimate Enforcers. ~ the gargoyle must have wings tOO, and I 'm Baum 's "Oz" books. ~