on saturDay 9tH May, celeBrates europe Day 65 tH annIVersary oF tHe scHuMan DeclaratIon european InstItutIons’ open Doors Day 2015

“The contribution which an organised and living Europe can bring to civilisation is indispensable to the maintenance #euopendoors of peaceful relations.”

Robert Schuman, 9.05.1950, 65th anniversary

on saturday 9th May, the european Institutions will open their doors to the general public in order to celebrate europe Day in a fun and festive way for the whole family. 9th May will mark the 65th anniversary of the schuman Declaration, which is regarded as the key event in the creation of a united europe. the central theme of this 23rd edition will be the european year for Development, a fi eld in which the European Institutions do a considerable amount of work supporting and initiating key projects in the areas of development aid and the fi ght against poverty. The , the European Council, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, the European Committee of the Regions and the European External Action Service will open the doors of their iconic buildings to more than 20,000 visitors, giving them the opportunity to gain a better understanding of how the institutions operate and to learn about the issues the institutions deal with in their day-to-day work on behalf of Europe’s citizens.

some symbolic concepts

the schuman Declaration: 65 years of peace and unity On 9th May 1950, Robert Schuman made a declaration that would change the very nature of Europe. The politician, who was the French Foreign Affairs Minister at the time, called for France and West Germany to pool ownership of their coal and steel industries together with other European countries. Although by today’s standards this may seem a rather modest endeavour, it nonetheless laid the foundations for a united and peaceful Europe. The six member states of the European Coal and Steel Community were making a historic move in order to prevent further devastating wars, after Europe had been left scarred by these distressing events twice in the fi rst half of the 20th century. Over 60 years later, this small Community has developed into the European Union, a family of 28 independent and democratic states, with 507 million citizens living in peace and stability: unprecedented in the history of the continent. 9th May 1950 marked the beginning of our shared adventure: an adventure which has been both exciting and benefi cial. This year, on the same date, we will celebrate Europe Day, remembering the journey we have been on together. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

Open Doors Day at the EU Institutions As well as commemorating a historic event, Europe Day is an opportunity to further promote transparency and encourage closer ties between the European Union and its citizens. The European Institutions open their doors and give the citizens the chance to discover their daily work. By letting people go behind the scenes, visit the Chamber where the EU’s elected representatives hold their debates, see the Council’s negotiation rooms and the room where the Commission meets, and meet the social partners and representatives of civil society, the Open Doors Day serves to demystify these «decision-making places» so that people can see them in a different light. Alongside this classic open-day format, there is a wide range of activities throughout the day for those who would like to find out more about the central theme of the European Year, which in 2015 is development cooperation.

2015: The European Year for Development The European Union Institutions have proclaimed 2015 the “European Year for Development”. The European Union and its Member States give nearly €60 billion per year for humanitarian and development aid, over half of global spending in these areas. Thanks to support provided by the Union, 14 million children now have access to primary education and sanitary facilities were provided for 25 million people between 2004 and 2012. By investing in developing countries, the Union can help keep in check threats to global security that arise from poverty, disease and climate change. During the Open Doors Day in Brussels, the European Institutions will organise a range of activities based on the theme of cooperation for development.

Detailed programme A detailed programme of the European Institutions’ Open Doors Day is enclosed. The press contacts for each individual institution are listed underneath the programme of activities. We however remain at your service for any further information or requests for interviews.

Lieven COSIJN Sophie Dupavé Press Officer - European Parliament Press consultant for the European Parliament +32-2-284 31 26 +32-2-644 02 50 +32-473 86 41 41 +32-475 44 17 21 [email protected] [email protected]

www.europa.eu/opendoors Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

The European Parliament Main entrance: Solidarność Esplanade - Agora Simone Veil (adjacent to Place du Luxembourg).

Programme for the day: from 9.45 am to 6 pm:

> 9.45 am: Opening ceremony: Altiero Spinelli European Parliament vice-President Sylvie Guillaume will officially inaugurate the Open Doors Day on the steps of the Altiero Spinelli building on the Solidarność Esplanade, along with Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region and Willy Decourty, Bourgmestre of Ixelles. The main doors of the European Parliament will then open to the public, whilst the Solidarność Esplanade will host outdoor activities and performances all day long.

> 10 am - 6 pm

Tours of the European Parliament building and the hemicycle, information stands on the activities of the different political groups and Directorates-General.

QUIZ: Visitors can answer a QUIZ as they visit the stands of the different Directorates General, to test their knowledge about the work of the European institutions. Beautiful Fairtrade scarves will reward participants!

> 11 am - 1 pm: Debate on the topic: “Empowering women and girls - dignity and development for all”, with the participation of Dr Denis Mukwege, winner of the 2014 Sakharov Prize and Hauwa Ibrahim, winner of the 2005 Sakharov Prize. Members of the European Parliament will discuss the vital role of women and girls in development. Sylvie Guillaume and Ulrike Lunacek, vice-presidents of the European Parliament, will give the welcome address and we will have the honour of welcoming Hauwa Ibrahim and Denis Mukwege, both Sakharov Prize winners. Once the debate has begun, the public will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

> 1.15 pm: Dr Denis Mukwege will introduce the documentary L’homme qui répare les femmes (La Colère d’Hippocrate) [The man who fixes women (Hippocrates’ Anger)], by Thierry Michel and Colette Braeckman. The film shows the doctor’s battle against the sexual abuse inflicted on women in the Congo during military conflicts.

The film will begin at 1.30 pm. 115 minutes- Audio in French, English and Swahili with subtitles in French and Dutch. Hemicycle - Paul-Henri Spaak, 3rd floor.

> 3 pm: Ulrike Lunacek, vice-President of the European Parliament, will introduce our two very distinguished special guests, Dr Denis Mukwege (winner of the 2014 Sakharov Prize) and Hauwa Ibrahim (winner of the 2005 Sakharov Prize). The two speakers will each give a brief presentation about their tireless work to help and protect their vulnerable fellow citizens. Nana Mouskouri, UNICEF ambassador, will also participate in this discussion.

> 11 am - 5 pm: Mini conferences on cooperation for development These short conferences, each lasting half an hour, offer opportunities to learn more about the key political issues in the area of development. Conferences will begin at 11 am, 11.45 am, 12.30 pm, 3.45 pm and 4.30 pm. Room 3C50 - Paul-Henri Spaak, 3rd floor. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Polish. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015


> 10 am - 6 pm: Development Village: A variety of NGO’s and civil society associations active in the field of development will inform the public in an interactive and fun way about the many projects they run and support. You can read more about these associations below. > For kids & teens Plenty of activities are on offer for younger guests. They can participate in street soccer, break dancing and graffiti workshops that will take place throughout the day on the Esplanade Solidarność or try to run a special obstacle course that will illustrate how people in some countries still struggle with access to water. Smaller kids will enjoy the face painting, giant puzzles and colouring activities. > Music and culture Presenter Eric Baranyanka will ensure a festive atmosphere all day long and introduce a colourful musical programme, including: - La Nouvelle Flibuste - Bal Global - C&C Factor E

> 1.30 pm - 5 pm: Speed-dating A chance for visitors to share their ideas with some of the Belgian Members of the European Parliament. Take the opportunity to ask your representatives in the European Parliament about the topics you’re most passionate about. List of participants: Gérard DEPREZ, Tom VANDENKENDELAERE, Claude ROLIN, Marc TARABELLA, Anneleen VAN BOSSUYT, Philippe LAMBERTS, Helga STEVENS, Marie ARENA, Philippe DE BACKER, Sander LOONES and Mark DEMESMAEKER.

Several exhibitions will also be on display:

> Lest we forget Information Office in / Old Luxembourg station - Place du Luxembourg Portraits from Buchenwald 1944-1945, by Georges Despaux. 8th May 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe. Lest we forget is a collection of portraits drawn in secret by political prisoner Georges Despaux during his time at the Nazi concentration camp of Buchenwald. This exhibition aims to highlight the capacity for culture and art to prevail even in the most inhumane conditions.

> Latvian Presidency Altiero Spinelli, ground floor 25 Moments Photo Exhibition

> Sakharov Prize, Paul-Henri Spaak, 3rd floor DG EXPO – Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought

Press inquiries: Lieven COSIJN Sophie Dupavé Press officer – European Parliament Press adviser to the European Parliament +32-2-284 31 26 / +32-473 86 41 41 +32-2-644 02 50 / +32-475 44 17 21 [email protected] [email protected]

More information on our website: europarl.europa.eu/opendoors Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

List of participants in the Development-themed village

The European Parliament and UNICEF International present «A discovery tour on girls’ education». Based on real stories received from UNICEF about girls living in different countries around the world, we want you to experience their lives with and without education. Their stories show the daily struggles and barriers that girls have to face to get an education. Follow their journey in an educational labyrinth located in the development village. At 4 pm you will have the unique opportunity to meet Dr. Hauwa Ibrahim, a Nigerian human rights lawyer and Sakharov laureate from 2005. Ms Nana Mouskouri, internationally acclaimed singer and former Member of European Parliament, will also be present in her capacity as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

PASOAF (Peace and Solidarity in Africa) and INGSW (International Network for the Good and Socio-economic Wellbeing) are active in raising awareness of the new Millennium objectives for Development. They also work on issues linked to migration and poverty reduction in Central Africa. These associations will be showing a photographic exhibition and giving the public the opportunity to interact through board games.

Information, Formation et Développement (Information, Training and Development) (INFODEV): In the North, the non-profit-making association trains associations of migrants to run development projects for their home communities and provides facilities for intercultural exchanges. In the South, it builds up the ability of local people to take action by providing training and gives its partners technical, financial and organisational assistance. INFODEV will be putting on a presentation about the journey migrants go on, their place and their contribution as agents for development in their host countries and their countries of origin.

Mouvement Européen-Belgique/Europese Beweging-België: since it was set up in 1949, this association has striven to bring citizens and the EU’s structures closer together by explaining what is at stake and making the major issues in the news about Europe easier to grasp. Their presentation on 9 May will be highly interactive, with quizzes, games and exchanges with visitors.

Centre de Culture Européenne: an international association supported by UNESCO, CCE devises, coordinates and disseminates content focusing on Europe and its relations with the rest of the world. Through its research work and its training programmes, CCE promotes the cultural heritage of the whole European continent and encourages intercultural exchange and dialogue between peoples. Visitors will be offered news and the chance to attend debates.

Réseau Africain de l’Education pour la Santé (RAES): The aim of the association is to boost education, health and citizenship in Africa through the use of information and communication technology and the media. The members of RAES will present the various communication tools they have set up for this purpose, including television serials and mobile apps.

Fédération Internationale de la Diaspora Afar (FIDA): the organisation’s work focuses on questions linked to economic and humanitarian development in Africa and socio-cultural questions in Europe. It will exhibit a selection of handicraft items from the Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti) and stage demonstrations of traditional and folk dancing.

Action 2015 : a campaign run by more than 1500 organisations in 125 countries, to push for 2015, the year of decisive intergovernmental summit meetings (Addis Ababa in July, New York in September and Paris in December) to be a historic year in action to combat poverty, inequality and climate change. With GCAP (Global Call to Action against Poverty): the largest worldwide movement calling for an end to poverty and inequality, and the Civil Society Alliance for the European Year for Development, coordinated by CONCORD, the European NGO confederation for relief and development. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

IHECS Academy: a continuing training centre attached to the Institute for Advanced Studies in Mass Communications. It offers various European courses in journalism and communication. IHECS Academy will be offering a game in partnership with Cafébabel Bruxelles: «the best political communicator on the European Union and development». Participants will be asked to make a 30-second political statement to camera. The audience will decide who was the best communicator!

Naminama: an association consisting entirely of volunteers which collects funds for the digging of a drinking water well in the village of Anissamane in Niger. The project will improve living conditions for the population and encourage the development of agriculture and stock breeding. It will also mean a dispensary can be set up. The association will be organising board games about agriculture, food and a comparison of decent work as between the regions of North and South.

UNICEF Belgium: The United Nations Children’s Fund is the world’s largest organisation devoted to children and respect for their rights. UNICEF’s mission in Belgium works in seven fields vital to the proper development of the child: nutrition, health, hygiene, protection, education, HIV/AIDS and social inclusion. UNICEF Belgium will be running quizzes for children and an operation aimed at adults to raise awareness of the subject of malnutrition.

Dokters van de Wereld / Médecins du Monde: this international organisation gives humanitarian medical aid to vulnerable groups in Belgium and throughout the world. It also condemns violations of the right to health and human rights in general. To promote the ‘Bike Tour’ event to raise funds for woman and children who still do not have adequate access to health care, visitors will be asked to get on a bike and cycle a few yards singing: Everyone has a right to health!

Plan Belgique/Plan België: this NGO acts with and for the most vulnerable children in the South. It fights poverty, injustice and inequality in some 50 countries in the South. In Belgium, the organisation raises funds and raises awareness among the general public by means of schemes it runs in schools and on the media. Plan Belgique will offer visitors a chance to do some street art-type work involving painting on canvas with felt-tip pens, in conjunction with its campaign against early marriage.

ARES - Université Catholique de Louvain: L’Académie de Recherche et d’Enseignement supérieur (ARES) (the Academy for Research and Higher Education) is the federation of establishments of higher education in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It supports scientific research projects in partnership between Belgium’s French- speaking universities and establishments of higher education and the developing countries. These projects target problems such as health, protection for natural resources and urban and rural development. To raise public awareness of these issued, ARES invites its visitors to play ‘Land Rush’, a simulation game which gives an idea of the everyday life of an African peasant.

Fracarita International and Fracarita Belgium: the activities of these NGO’s focus on three fields of interest: mental health care, care for people with disabilities and education. Fracarita International and Belgium will present the project of Kintu Kimune School in DR Congo. In addition to general information about the activities of these NGO’s, visitors will have the opportunity to discover how it is to be a student at Kintu Kimune.

VIA Don Bosco: this Belgian NGO is active in the area of education and training in Africa and Latin America. It supports education and employment for underprivileged youngsters in the South, strengthens its local partners for an independent and sustainable future and creates relations between Belgian schools and schools in the South. VIA Don Bosco will propose a “photographic” petition ACTION 2015, as well as an interactive activity about the obstacles to access quality education. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

CEBioS - Institut royal de Sciences naturelles de Belgique (The Royal Institute for Natural Sciences of Belgium): The Institute is presenting the the CEBioS (Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development) Programme, whose mission is to promote sustainable development and eradicate poverty in the South, mainly through conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity. The aim of the display is to make people think about the importance of biodiversity for sustainable development and action to combat poverty in the developing countries.

Codéart: with its network of engineers, technicians and agronomists, this non-profit-making association helps the artisans who are its partners in the countries of the South to produce machines locally, thereby increasing the income of peasant groupings while ensuring that the basic needs of local people are met. The fields it works in are: production of simple agricultural processing equipment and energy production. Visitors to its stand will be able to see how manioc and/or palm-oil processing machines work.

Royal Museum of Central Africa: a team of Belgian and African scientists will stress the pivotal part played by fish and research into giving them protection. In this hands-on activity (presented in FR, NL and AN), visitors will handle and observe African fish with the naked eye and through a binocular microscope. A range of well-known fish will be shown, such as the Nile Tilapia, an introduced species which has invaded many regions.

The ONE Campaign: this NGO runs operations to combat extreme poverty and prevent illness, especially in Africa. It raises awareness among the public and political leaders to combat, in particular, AIDS, to increase investment in agriculture and nutrition. Many Youth Ambassadors (young activists from all over Europe) will be there to remind the public that fighting extreme poverty is everyone’s business!

Citizens for Europe: this platform brings people active in civil society in Europe who want to make Europe more participatory and democratic. The synergy which develops between the members enhances the value of their events and projects and gives them greater visibility with the media and political decision-makers. There will be a quiz to enhance people’s awareness of development aid and EuropeAid’s programmes.

Le Monde selon les femmes: a feminist NGO which works in the domains of development, life-long learning, research and social movements. The world view which they promote is one of equality and solidarity in male/ female and North/South relationships. To raise public awareness about these topics, the organisation will be organising a game called “20 priorities for true gender equality in the world.”

Light for the World: a Belgian NGO which operates in Africa. Their mission is to combat blindness, improve the quality of life of blind people and their families, and defend their rights in the most disadvantaged countries. Visitors both young and old are invited to express their opinion, through drawing or writing a short text, on the topic “What is life like for a blind person in Africa?”

Iles de Paix: this NGO helps poor populations in Africa and South America to make progress towards greater autonomy. As such, Iles de Paix supports suitable and sustainable development projects, mainly in the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry, access to basic services like healthcare and education, and the development of good practices for autonomous governance. Iles de Paix invites the public to play games where they can think about and, if necessary, realign their views of the challenges faced by developing countries.

SOS Children’s Villages: For over 65 years, this organisation has offered a home and a future to vulnerable children in 134 countries around the world, including Belgium. It sets up children’s villages, family support programmes and SOS Schools. At their stand, visitors will have the opportunity to write messages on cards about aspects of child development which they believe are important. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

Centre National de Coopération au Développement (CNCD-11.11.11): this organisation calls national and international political bodies to account in terms of their responsibilities in development cooperation and international solidarity. It also finances programmes and development projects in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. The CNCD will be showing short documentaries and giving out brochures on climate issues, as well as organising a fun ball-throwing game based on the same topics.

European Federalists: The European Federalists will be organising a “Stars Collection”, where citizens will be invited to write their wishes and dreams for the future of Europe on stars. The wishes will be collected and used to formulate three proposals and requests which the Federalists will present to the different political groups of the European Parliament. Visitors can also fill in a mini-questionnaire about Europe’s activities and participate in a quiz entitled “How much of a federalist am I?”

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE): CIFE will be presenting its various European and international courses for students and young professionals. After their studies, which have a strong intercultural focus, many CIFE graduates move into careers in the international institutions and development NGOs. They will be organising a fun competition based on well-known personalities and the content of the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, in the fields of education and training, youth and sport.

The communes of Etterbeek and Ixelles will also have stands at the village, along with the European Parliament Information Office in Belgium, the EESC and the Court of Auditors.

Visitors can also sample flavours from around the world throughout the day, thanks to caterers Shinwi and Lucy Chang. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

Council of the European Union - European Council

The European Council and the Council of the European Union are holding an Open Day at the Justus Lipsius Building (rue de la Loi 175, Brussels), the headquarters of the two institutions.

Guided tours of the building Members of staff will show visitors round the meeting rooms in which the Heads of State and Government and Ministers meet for European summits and Council meetings. Tours will take place throughout the day in French, Dutch, German and English.

«Europe through the generations» – a face-to-face meeting To mark the 65th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, the Council is holding a cross-generational event bringing together young Europeans and former colleagues or members of the families of the founding fathers of the EU – a unique opportunity for the younger generation to learn how those prominent figures shaped the Union and find out more about what went on behind the scenes in the early days of the building of a united Europe.

The guests and speakers will include: Maria Romana De Gasperi (daughter of Alcide De Gasperi, former Prime Minister of Italy), Antoinette Spaak (daughter of Paul-Henri Spaak, former Prime Minister of Belgium), Paul Collowald (a journalist who worked with Robert Schuman and Jean Monnet), Jean-Marie Pelt (former private secretary to Robert Schuman), Jacques-René Rabier (chief of staff to Jean Monnet), Clemens Coudenhove- Kalergi (great-nephew of Richard Niklaus Coudenhove-Kalergi, founder of the Paneuropean Movement), Gabriel Fragnière (a Swiss philosopher and teacher, and a friend of Hendrik Brugmans), Victoria Martín de la Torre (author of «Europe, a leap into the unknown») The event will start at 2.00 pm in the Justus Lipsius Building and can be watched live on our website: http://video.consilium.europa.eu/webcast.aspx?ticket=775-982-15713

Stands d’information et activités ludiques There will be various stands offering information and documentation to suit every reader and hosting a number of activities:

> Information stands from the Council Secretariat’s Development and Environmental Protection Units, together with the two EU missions in Mali, illustrating the subject of development. > Stands representing the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Latvian Presidency and the future Luxembourg Presidency of the Council, etc.

> There will also be demonstrations of traditional Latvian dances during the day. > A kids’ corner and a European quiz to involve visitors actively in getting to know about Europe The Open Day will also be on the social media sites. Visitors can use hashtag #EUOpenDoors on various social media networks to join in the conversation and share their impressions or their Instagram photos of the day.

For more information about the Open Day, go to our website: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/events/opendoors/

Press inquiries: Romain SADET / Press officer +32 2 281 89 14 / +32 473 86 54 37 [email protected] Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

European Commission The EU is working hard to establish a stronger Europe on the world stage.

On 9th May 2015, visitors will be able to learn about the practical steps that the European Commission takes, its main priorities, and the wide range of tasks and jobs it carries out. As well as taking part in the many activities and events going on inside the Commission building and on the esplanade, visitors will have the opportunity to talk to Members of the European Commission and other prominent Commission figures.

At the Berlaymont – from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

> 10.00 am – Opening ceremony with Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union.

> 10.00 am-5.30 pm – Guided tours of the 13th floor of the Commission building (including the room where the whole Commission meets).

> Throughout the day, on a walk through five «villages» illustrating the Commission’s major priorities – Employment, Growth and Investment; the Single Digital Market; the Energy and Climate Union; the European Union as a player on the world stage; the European Union works for its citizens – visitors can learn more about the Commission’s work and its main priorities in an entertaining and interactive way. On the programme there will be exhibitions, quizzes, games and a lot more.

> 10.30 am-5.50 pm – A series of meetings with prominent figures from the Commission who will talk about its main priorities: «The European Energy Union» with Vice-président Šefčovič (11.45 am - 12.30 pm); «What can be done about youth unemployment?» with Marianne Thyssen Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Worker Mobility (2.00 pm-2.45 pm); as well as the EU budget, etc. - Schuman Room – Full programme at: http://ec.europa.eu/belgium/events/docs/scic_jpo_programme_2015_en.pdf

> 11.00 am-12.30 pm – Citizens’ Dialogue live from the EU pavilion at EXPO Milano 2015, a relay of the citizens’ debate on Europe with Federica Mogherini,the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, and Martin Schultz, President of the European Parliament – Press Room (send in your questions and comments on twitter via #EUdialogues)

> 3.15 pm-4.00 pm – Prize-giving ceremony for the video competition on: «Cooperation and Development: that’s my business!» (http://ec.europa.eu/belgium/news/150209_cooperation_nl.htm - no EN version) in partnership with the Federal - Public Service of the Chancellery of the Belgian Prime Minister – Schuman Room

On the esplanade – from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm

The Development Area will be hosting Eu can aid, an association of volunteers from the EU staff; the European NGO confederation for relief and development CONCORD; the Mission of China to the EU to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the EU and China. For more information on 2015 see the European Year for Development.

On stage: enjoy a succession of performers, musicians (Pee Diamond, traditional Chinese music, etc.), dancers (including hip hop with A. Dinaux, reggaeton with L. Minacapelli, tango with D. Dominguez, tap-dancing with the Fredacademy, Bollywood and Tradidanse, etc.), demonstrations (T’ai Chi and Kung Fu, and a fashion show) and games. Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

Setting off from the esplanade for the Brussels Canal: a three-hour guided bike tour! A chance to see lively, contrasting parts of the city which have been awarded grants by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Further Information: [email protected] - To sign up: Pro Velo 02 502 73 55 - www.provelo.org

On the Rond-point Schuman and the Petite rue de la Loi from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm The third Bread Festival, a local festival organised by the non-profit Schuman Square association, also in line with the EXPO Milano 2015 theme ‘Feeding the planet, energy for life’.

Press contact:

Anne Compere + 32 484 50 80 16 [email protected]

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

> Find out about the work of the EESC and its partners towards sustainable economic, social and environmental growth in developing countries.

> Share your views on economic growth, employment, the environment and development around the world.

> Discover the EESC’s educational and interactive programme with information stands, activities, music, games, etc.

> Test your knowledge of the EESC, the European Union and the European Year for Development and win a prize.

> Face painting, colouring, a quiz, souvenir photos … all ages and tastes will be catered for!

Press contact:

Caroline ALIBERT-DEPREZ + 32 2546 94 06 + 32 475 75 32 02 [email protected] Brussels celebrates Europe Day European Institutions’ Open Doors Day 2015

European Committee of the Regions

On Saturday, 9 May 2015, EU institutions open their doors to celebrate the Europe Day. Join the celebrations and learn more about the European Union. Discover the regions and cities of Europe - events and activities for all ages!

> Visit the European Union’s Assembly of regional and local representatives, and learn about its role and activities (ground floor: stands of political groups; 5th floor: presentation of the Committee).

> Experience Europe’s diversity: visit the interactive stands of partner regions and cities, discover regional initiatives on development cooperation and taste the variety of local products.

> Enjoy the surprises prepared by entertainers.

> Get dressed for a voyage through space and time with the Magic Land costumes, and have your picture taken as a souvenir of your visit at the European Committee of the Regions.

Press contact:

Carmen SCHMIDLE + 32 2 282 23 66 + 32 494 73 57 87 [email protected]

10th May 2015 – Europe will be taking part in the Fête de l’Iris For the third year running the EU will be leaving its part of town and participating in the Brussels-Capital Region’s festival: the Fête de l’IRIS. The European Village, set up by the European Commission’s Representation in Belgium, the Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture, the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Parliament, the Parlamentarium, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee, will be welcoming visitors. For more information visit the website at www.fetedeliris.be