Opening New Country

Rich Land and Prosperous Territory

Now Being Made Accessible by New Santa Fe Line

The new line of the Santa Fe through northwest Texas is giving rail-

road facilities to a country already well developed and prosperous. The

Texas counties to be crossed by this new line, Lipscomb, Ochiltree and Hansford, have been well settled in the last ten or fifteen years in spite of

the fact that it was fifty or sixty miles to the nearest railroad.

The prosperity of these settlers has attracted the Santa Fe and the one hundred miles of this new line branching from the Santa Fe at Shat-

tutk will be in operation this year.

That it is good territory is proven by the willingness of the original settlers to go so far from a railroad. Their live stock and the improve-

ments put in on their farms show how they have been making money.

The building of the railroad is another testimony to the worth of the

territory from the farming standpoint, as the railroad is looking for farm-

ers' products to haul to market.

A number of families of the are among the prosperous settlers in this territory and recently a church congregation has been organized.

There is still much good land in this territory which can be secured at very favorable prices, running from $18 to $30 an acre and 10 years' time.

If you are interested in getting good land for a little money write to C. L. SEAGRAVES, Industrial Commissioner, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, 1101 Railway Exchange, Chicago, for free illustrated

folder and names of parties having the land for sale. »»»»» ^ I International Conference

Church of the Brethren

June 7' IS, 1917

The following quotation from the pen of Elder D. L. Miller, in the Gospel Messen- ger of October 21,1916, amply presents the claims of the Santa Fe Railway:

" In 1872 the Santa Fe Railway was completed to Wichita and the town began to grow rapidly. The Santa Fe has been one of the greatest factors in developing Kansas and other States through which it passes. It will, without doubt, serve our people well who come to the next Conference. It is a good road and gives fine and ample accommodations." The Brethren will remember that Elder P. H. Beery has been connected with the Santa Fe for the past 10 years and knows thoroughly the customs and the tastes of his people, and will see

to it personally that every convenience

and comfort is provided.

The Santa Fe is a direct route. Spe- cial trains will be operated from Chica- go and Kansas City, details of which will be announced later. The Santa Fe also offers excellent service from Cali- fornia, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas points. For further information write to

J. M. CONNELL, General Passenger Agent, Santa Fe Ry., Topeka, Kans. W. J. BLACK, Passenger Traffic Manager, Santa Fe Ry., Chicago, III. 1^ «^

BrIthren Family Almanac n n The Year 1917 is a Common year of 365 days; the 141st of the Independence of the United States; the 6630th of the Julian Period; the 5678th of the Jewish Chron- ology (beginning at sunset Sept. 16th) ; the 1336th of the Mohammedan Era (beginning Oct. 17 th), and the 400th since the beginning of the Reformation. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES AND CHANGEABLE FESTIYALS. Dominical Letter G Sexagesima Sunday.Feb. 11 Easter Sunday April 8 Epact 6 QuinquagesimaSun. Feb. 18 Ascension Day May J 7 Lunar Cycle or Golden NomberlS Shrove Tuesday Feb. 20 Whit-Sunday May 27 Solar Cycle 22 Ask Wednesday Feb. 21 Trinity Sunday June 3 Roman Indiction 15 Palm Sunday April 1 Corpus Christi June 7

Septuagesima Sun. ..Feb. 4 Good Friday April 6 1st Sun. in Advent . . .Dec. 2 Ember Days :—1st, Feb. 28th; 2d, May 30th; 3d, Sept. 19th; 4th, Dec. 19th. THE FOUR SEASONS OR CARDINAL POINTS. Begins, enters the Vernal Equinox Spuing Sun T j March 20th, at 10: 30 in evening. " Summer Solstice Summer " "^ Ed, June 22d, « 6:21 " " evening " " Autumnal Equinox . .FaUj ' :i^, Sept. 22d, " 11:10 « " morning " Winter Solstice Winter " " y^j Dec. 22d, " 3:53 " " morning

ECLIPSES FOR THE YEAR 1917. In the year 1917 there will be Seven Eclipses—Four of the Sun and three of the Moon. The First is a Total E^clipse of tlie Moon.—January 8th at 12 o'clock, 09 min. in the morning. Visible here. Visible also to Western Europe, Northwestern Africa, North and South America, Northeastern Asia and Eastern Australia. Tlie Second is a Partial Eclipse of the Sun.—January 23rd at 6 o'clock, 49 min. in the morning. Invisible here. Visible to Eastern and Central Europe, Northern Africa and Eastern Asia. The Third is a Partial Eclipse of the Sun.—June 19th at 6 o'clock, 08 min. in the morning-. Invisible here. Visible to Northern and Western Asia, Eastern Europe and the North Polar Regions. The Fourth is a Total Eclipse of the Moon.—July 4th at 4 o'clock, 13 min. in the evening. Invisible here. Visible to Asia, Austria, Africa, Europe and South America. The Fifth is a Partial Eclipse of the Sun.—July 18th, at 10 o'clock, 06 min. in the evening. Invisible here. Visible to the South Polar Regions. The Sixth is an Annular Eclipse of the Sun.—December 14th, at 3 o'clock, 55 min. in the morning. Invisible here. Visible to Eastern Australia, the South Polar Regions and Southeast portion of South America. The Seventh is a Total Eclipse of the Moon.—December 28th, at 4 o'clock, 25 min. in the morning. Visible here. Visible also to North and South America, the Pacific Ocean, Eastern Asia and Australia.

Jupiter ( 2/ ) is called the Ruling Planet this year. EXPLANATIOIf OF SIGNS.

©Sun. JJi Jupiter. 7^ Pleiades. I2 Saturn. 9 Yenus. 6 Conjunction, % Mars* ij Uranus. S Opposition. Quartile. New First Full Last ^ Mercury J) Moon. Moon, Quarter. Moon. Quarter, ^ Neptune. ^^ Earth. THE TWELYE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. Aries, or Kam. SI <^!^ Leo, or Lion. / ^ Sagittarius, or Bowman. Capricornus, Taurus, or Bull. TTjj ^ Virgo, or Yirgin. yS ^si^ or Goat. AquariuSjOrWaterman. n Gemini, or Twins. :£^ ^ Libra, or Balance. ^ ^ 03 Cancer, or Crabfish. ^ ^^ Scorpio, or Scorpion. X ^ Pisces, or Fishes. £1 Ascendinor Node Planet crossing tlie Ecliptic toward the North. ^ Descending Node—Planet crossing the Ecliptic toward the South.

distance north (,'

I Moons Clock Sun Sun I Moon I Weeks and Time rises sets r. & s. I I and IMPORTANT EVENTS I Days Signs |h. m. h. m. h. m.|h. m. I

1 12. 4 7.23 4.37 12.33 Mon|C. Hope starts for Denmark, 1876. | S5 1 2 Tues| Surrender of Port Arthur, 1905. \^ 3 12. 4 7.23 4.37 1.35 3 Wed Chinese Inland Mission founded, 1860. j?J^ 12. 5 7.23 4.37 2.40 | I 3

4 Thu Corrections for this department solicited jpifi 12. 5 7.22 4.38 3.38 | 3 I 5 Fri Robert Morrison was born, 1782. 12. 6 7.22 4.38 4.30 I \ a^ 3 6 Sat Joan of Arc was born, 1412. 12. 6 7.21 4.39 5.27 I | (^ 3 j) 1st Sunday after Epiphany Day's length, p hours i8 min. 7 Sun Elder Peter Nead was born, 1796. ^.3 12. 7 7.20 4.40 6.27 8 Mon Galileo died in Italy, 1642. !^© 12. 7 7.20 4.40 rises 9 Tue Florida and Mississippi seceded, 1861. «»© 12. 7 7.19 4.41 6.11 10 Wed C. H. Balsbaugh d. in Pa., 1909. m © 12. 8 7.19 4.41 7.29 11 Thu B. F. Heckman d. China, Jan. 12, 1913. «© 12. 8 7.18 4.42 8.30 12 Fri Eld. Henry Kurtz died in Ohio, 1874.

28 Sun Alex. Mack, Jr., born in Germany, 1712. 12.14 7. 4 4.56 11.12 I ^® 29 Mon Eld. David "Long born in Md., 1820. 12.14 7. 3 4.57 morn I 30 Tue Eld. Jacob F. Oiler died in Pa., 1897. 12.14 7. 2 4.58 12.44 I 31 WedjC. H. Spurgeon died in France, 1892. v^3 12.14 7. 1 4.59 1.21 Both Useful and Ornamental A four color reproduction (9%xl6y^ inches) of the famous painting " Christmas Morn " certainly makes a very attractive first page for THE SCRIPTURE TEXT CALENDAR. For prnctical purposes there are Thoughts for Daily Meditations; International Sunday-school I^esson Titles, Golden Texts, and I-.esson References, References for the Daily Rible Readings bearing on the Sunday-school Lessons, etc. As an ornament for tlio iiouie, as Christmas or New Year Gifts, it is hard to equal the Scripture Text Cal- endar. I'rices: Eiu'h, 23c; 2 for ^c; 6 for $1.00; 12 for $2.25. AGENTS WANTED. Ask for prices on larger (luantities. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, ELGIN, ILL. FEBRUARY Second Month—28 Days 1917

Clock! Sun I Sun Moon Moons I Weeks I and Time risesl sets | r. & s. I IMPORTANT EVENTS J and Days Signs h. m.|h- m.|h. m.|h. m. I

Philadelphia, 1816. 12.14 7.00 5. 1.54 1 Thu Eld. Quinter born, | ^ 12.14 6.58 5. 2 2.51 2 Fri Mexican War ended, 1848. I ^ 12.14 6.57 5. 3 3.47 3 Sat Horace Greeley born in N. H., 1811. | (y^ Day's length lo hours 6 min. 5J Septuagesima Sunday Sun Eld. Daniel Vaniman was born, 1835. 12.14 6.56 5. 4 4.41 Mon D. L. Moody was born in Mass., 1837. 12.14 6.55 5. 5 5.38 Tue Eld. Tohn Forney died in Kans., 1895. 12.14 6.54 5. 6 rises Wed Eld. Jacob Miller died, 1890. m 12.14 6.53 5. 7 6.12 8 Thu Russo-Japanese war begun, 1904. m 12.15 6.52 5. 8 7.18 9 Fri W. H. Harrison was born in Va., 1773. 12.15 6.51 5. 9 8.24 10 Sat Eld. Wm. A. Anthony born in Pa., 1857. 12.15 6.49 5.11 9.32*

6) Sexagesima Sunday Day's length lo hours 22 min. 11 Sun Daniel Boone was born in Pa., 1735. 31 12.15 6.4815.12 10.40 12 Mon Abraham Lincoln was born in Ky., 1809. 12.15 6.475.13 11.37 13 Tue Admiral Porter died, Washington, 1891. 12.14 6.45 5.15 morn 14 Wed Wm. T. Sherman died, N. Y. Cy., 1891. 12.14 6.44 5.16 12.30 15 Thu Eld. Geo. C. Bowman b. in Tenn., 1832. 12.14 6.4315.17 1.25 16 Fri Philip Melanchthon born, Baden, 1497. 12.14 6.42|5.18 2.19 17 Sat Columbia, S. C., was burned, 1865. 12.14 6.4115.19 2.54

1) Quinquagesima Sunday Day's length 10 hours 38 min. 18 Sun [Martin Luther died in Saxony, 1546. 12.14|6.39|5.21| 3.47 19 Mon Alex. Mack, Sr., died in Pa., 1735. 12.14|6.38|5.22| 4.14 I 20 Tue 12.14|6.37|5.23| 5.39 21 Wed Santa Ana born in Jalapa, Mex., 1795. 0i 12.14|6.35|5.25| sets 22 Thu Geo. Washington born in Va., 1732. 12.14|6.34|5.26| 6.35 23 Fri John Q. Adams died, Washington, 1848. 12.13|6.33|5.27| 7.33 24 Sat Christopher Sower H. baptized, 1737. >*4r 12.13|6.32|5.28| 8.33

8) 1st Sunday in Lent Day's length 10 hours 56 min. 25 Sun iFulton died (day before) N. Y., 1815. ! ^^ ® |12.13I6.30|5.30 9.34

Victor born, 1802. I 26 Mon I M. Hugo was ^ ® |12.13|6.29|5.31 10.35 in 1807. 27 Tue iLongfellow was born Maine, | ,^ ® |12.13|6.28|5.32 11.42 28 Eld. A. H. Puterbaugh d. in Ind., 1903.1 Wed I ,^ 1|12.13|6.27|5.33 morn

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The successful farmer of today is the scientific farmer. Here is a book that tells how to get the best returns from the soil and make farm life more attractive and successful.

Farming opportunities, marketing of prodnoe, raising of vegretables, fmit and poul- try, dairy products, and all phases of aprrioulture are discussed by an expert. It is one of the most helpful farm books ever published. This book is packed with new, practical, money-making ideas.

800 pagres, bound in cloth, $1.00.

BRETHREN PUBI.ISHING HOUSE, Elgin, III. MARCH Third Month—31 Days 1917

Weeks Clock Sun Sun 1 Moon 1 "^anT Time rises sets r. «& s. and Days IMPORTANT EVENTS 1 1 Signs h. m. h. m. h. m.|h. m. 1 Thu Madagascar forbids , 1835. 5»1 12.13 6.25 5.35 12.49 2 Fri John Wesley died in London, 1791. 12.12 6.24 5.36 1.47 3 Sat Blessed are the meek. 12.12 6.23 5.37 2.^ p) 2nd Sunday in Lent Day's length ii hours 14 min. 4 Sun Alex. Campbell died in W. Va., 1866. «1 12.11 6.21 5.39 3.39 5 Mon [Subscribe for the Messenger, $1.50.] «1 12.11 6.20 5.40 4.27 6 Tue P. H. Sheridan was born in N. Y., 1831.

17 Sat Eld. Adam Brown died, 1906. I 12. 8 6. 5 5.55 2.20

11) 4th Sunday in Lent Day's length 11 hours 50 min. 18 Sun John C. Calhoun born in S. C. 1782. m^ 12. 8 6. 4 5.56 3.10 19 Mon Livingstone was born in Scotland, 1813. ^c 12, 8 6. 2 5.58 3.49 20 Tue Alex. Mack, died in Pa., 1803. 12. 7 6. 1 5.59 4.36 1 Jr., ^c 21 Wedl Gen. Johnston died, Washington, 1891. 12. 7 6. 6. 5.28 ! S5C 22 Thu Jonathan Edwards died in N. 1758. 12. 7 5.58 6. 2 sets 1 J., S5# 23 Fri Battle of Winchester, Va., 1862. «® 12. 6 5.57 6. 3 7.35 24 Sat Longfellow died in Mass., 1882. 99^m 12. 6 5.56 6. 4 8.37 12) 5th Sunday in Lent Day's length 12 hours 8 min. 25 Sun Elder Isaac Long died in Va., 1895. ff*® 12. 5 5.55 6. 5 9.39 26 Mon Beethoven died in Vienna, 1827. tfs?® 12. 5 5.53 6. 7 10.44 27 Tue Vera Cruz was captured, 1847. (^# 12. 5 5.52 6. 8 11.47 28 Wed Raphael was born in Italy, 1483. ^# 12. 5 5.50 6.10 morn 29 Thu Chas. Wesley died in London, 1788. ^® 12. 4 5.49 6.11 12.46 30 Fri Eld. B. F. Moomaw born in Va., 1814. ^1 12. 4 5.48 6.12 1.40 31 Sat Eld. Samuel Murray died, 1906. «1 12. 4 5.47 6.13 2.25 WE HAVE A LARGE LINE OF EASTER SUPPLIES

When you are in need of Easter Booklets, Easter Post Cards, Easter Mottoes, Easter Cards, Easter Services WE HAVE THEM We are continually changing our line by adding the newest and best, so that it is always complete and up-to-date. Right Prices, Prompt Service. Catalogue FREE for the asking. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, ELGIN, ILL. 4321

APRIL Fourth Month—30 Days 1917

I Moons I Clock Sun Sun | Moon Weeks I and Time rises sets I r. & s. IMPORTANT EVENTS I I J and Days Signs |h. m.|h. m.fh. m.(h. m. I

ijj Palm Sunday Day's length 12 hours 26 min. Sun Gospel Visitor started, 1851. «1 12. 5.44 6.16 2.51 Mon Thomas Jefferson born in Va., 1743. *C1 12. 5.43 6.17 3.34 Tue First Converts baptized in China, 1910. •^1 12. 5.41 5.19 3.57 Wed W. H. Harrison died, Washington, 1841. m3 12. 5.40 6.20 4.31 Thu R. Ralkes died, England, 1811. ^3 12. 5.39 6.21 4.58 Fri Peary reached North Pole, 1909. ^1 12. 5.38 6.22 5.35 Sat Xavier sailed for India, 1541. ^ © 12. 5.37 6.23 rises i^) Easter Sunday Day's length 12 hours 46 min.

8 Sun Fall of Island No. 10, 1862. 12. 5.3516.25 8.00 ^ 9 Mon Payne, author Sweet Home, died 1852, 12. 5.346.26 9. 6 10 Tue The Lord is my helper. 12. 5.33 6.27 10.20 11 Wed Civil War in America began, 1861. 12. 5.31 6.29 11.24 12 Thu Adoniram Judson died at sea, 1850. © 5.30 6.30 morn 13 Fri Bishop Thoburn sailed for India, 1895. ^ © fast 5.29 6.31 12.50 14 Sat Assassination of Lincoln, 1865. 11.59 5.28 6.32 1.32

75J ist Sunday after Easter 'Day's length 15 hours 4 min. 15 Sun Lincoln died in Washington, 1865. 11.59 5.27 6.33 1.56 16 Mon Philip Yonce died in Ohio, 1864. 11.59 5.25 6.35 2.28

17 Tue Juniata College founded, 1876. orrK 11.59 5.24 6.36 2.54 18 WedlEld. Geo. D. Zollers d. in Ind., 1911. 11.59 5.23 6,37 3.30

19 Thu I P. Melanchthon died, Germany, 1560. 11.58 5.21 6.39 3.56 10 Fri iBrainerd, missionary, born, Conn., 1718. 11.58 5.20 6.40 4.27 21 Sat Ye are the salt of the earth. ^m 11.58 5.19 6.41 sets 16) 2nd Sunday after Easter Day's length 15 hours 22 min. 22 Sun James Buchanan born in Pa., 1791. 11.58 5.18 6.42 7.52 2-3 Mon Abraham H. Casael died in Pa., 1908. 11.58 5.17 6.43 8.47 24 Tue New Orleans taken, 1862. 11.58 5.15 6.45 9.48 25 Wed First eleven at Bulsar, 1897. 11.58 5.14 6.46 10.45 26 Thu Love your enemies. 11.58 5.13 6.47 11.39 27 Fri Eld. John H. Umstad died in Pa., 1873. 11.58 5.126.48 morn 28 Sat James Monroe was born in Va., 1758. 11.57 5.11 6.49 12.29 ly) ^rd Sunday after Easter Day's length ij hours ^8 min.

29 Sun |Eld. Enoch Eby died in III, 1910. 111.57 5.10 6.50 1.31 | vg 1 died, 30 Monjjames R. Gish Arkansas, 1896.. | m 1 11.57 5. 9 6.51 2.22 AGENTS WANTED ^ * The prices in our catalogue are very close, often lower than those of the publishers themselves, and so we are unable to offer as liberal a discount as we would like to on all the books listed. However, we have some books upon which we can offer agents a VERY LIBERAL PROPOSITION. They are all good literature, fit to be put in any home, and sure to bring you satisfied customers.

Why not work for us during your Summer vacation? Write for partic- ulars. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, ELGIN, ILL,

7 MAY Fifth Month—^31 Days 1917

Weeks Clock Sun Sun Moon Time rises sets r. & s. 1 ^anT and Days IMPORTANT EVENTS 1 Signs h. m. h. m. h. m. h. m.

1 Tue Eld. Jacob M. Meyer died in Pa., 1906. 11.57 5. 7 6.53 2.54 2 Wed Bishop Coke buried, Indian Ocean, 1814. 11.57 5. 6 6.54 3.10 3 Thu Eld. Adam Brown born, 1812. 11.57 5. 5 6.55 3.41 4 Fri David Livingstone died in Africa, 1873. 11.57 5. 4 6.56 4. 9 5 Sat first convert in Denmark, 1876. ^ 3 11.57 5. 3 6.57 4.44 i8) 4th Sunday after Easter Day's length ij hours 54 min. 6 Sun Robespierre (Frenchman) born, 1758. ^ © 11.56 5.2 6.58 rises 7 Mon Robert Browning born, London, 1812. ««© 11.56 5. 1 6.59 8.11 8 Tue Amer. Bible Society founded, 1816. ««© 11.56 5. 7. 9.13 9 Wed Bunyan licensed to preach, Eng., 1672. m® 11.56 4.59 7. 1 10.27 11.56 7. 2 11.44 10 Thu Prof. J. M. Zuck died in Pa., 1879. ^© 4.58 11 Fri William Pitt died, 1778. ^ © 11.56 4.57 7. 3 mom 12 Sat E. B. Stuart died in Va., 1864. 11.56 4.56 7.4 12.11 T. 1 m® ip) ^th Sunday after Easter Day's length 14 hours 8 min.

13 Sun Vienna taken by the French, 1809. 11.56 4.55 7. 5 12.52 14 Mon Ye are the light of the world. 11.56 4.54 7. 6 1.30 15 Tue A. M. at Bismarck Grove, Kans., 1883. ^ 11.56 4.53 7. 7 1.56 16 Wed Wm. H. Seward was born, N. Y., 1801. 11.56 4.52 7. 8 2.30 17 Thu John Jay died in N. Y., 1829. 11.56 4.51 7. 9 2.54 18 Fri A. M. at Covington, Ohio, 1875. 9F^ 11.56 4.50 7.10 3.30 Eld. 1888. 19 Sat ! Quinter died N. Manchester, 11.56 4.50 7.10 3.57 20) 6th Sunday after Easter Day's length 14 hours 20 mm.

20 Sun |A. M. at Harrisburg, Pa., 1902. 11.56 4.49 7.11 sets 21 Mon Eld. I. D. Parker died, 1910 11.56 4.48 7.12 7.49 22 Tue A. M. North Manchester, Ind., 1888. 11.56 4.47 7.13 8.43

23 Wed A. M. Muncie, Ind., '93 ; Roanoke, '99. 11.56 4.46 7.14 9.40 24 Thu First mis. appointed for India, 1894. 11.57 4.46 7.14 10.25 25 Fri Arlington Heights captured, 1861. 11.57 4.4517.15! 11.12 26 Sat A. M. Illinois, 74; Pa., 77; Kans., '96. 11.57 4.44|7.16|11.45 21) Whitsuntide Day's length 14 hours ^2 min. 27 Sun A. M. at Pertle Springs, Mo., 1890. mm 11.57 4.43 7.17 morn 28 Mon A. M. at Lincoln, Nebr., 1901. ^1 11.57 4.43 7.17 12.15 29 Tue A. M. at Meyersdale, Pa., 1894. ^1 11.57 4.42 7.18 12.44 30 Wed A. M. at Milford, Ind., 1882.

2 Sat A. M. at Hagerstown, Md., 1891. | J5% 1 11.58 4.40 7.20 2.35 22) Trinity Sunday Day's length 14 hours 40 min. 3 Sun A. M. Pa. 1873, Va. 1879, Winona 1913. 11.58 4.39 7.21 3.14 4 Mon A. M. Decatur, III, 1895, York, Pa., '12. <«1 11.58 4.38 7.22 3.49 5 Tue A. M. Lanark, 1880, Springfield, 1906. 11.58 4.38 7.22 rises 6 Wed A. M. Bristol, 1905; St. Joseph, 1911. 11.58 4.37 7.23 8.50

7 Thu A. M. at Ashland, O., '81 ; Winona, 1910. 11.59 4.37 7.23 9.36 8 Fri A. M. Frederick, 1897, Hershey, 1915. 11.59 4.37 7.23 10.14 9 Sat A. M. at Des Moines, Iowa, 1908. 11.59 4.36 7.24 10.46

2^) ist Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 48 min. 10 Sun Judson volunteered for missions, 1810. 11.59 4.36 7.24 11.11 11 Mon A. M., N. Man., 78, Harrisonb'g, 1889. 11.59 4.36 7.24 11.48 12 Tue Wm. C. Bryant died in N. Y., 1878. 11.59 4.35 7.25 morn 13 Wed Ch. Erect. & Miss. Com. org., 1884. © 4.35 7.25 12.14 14 Thu Benedict Arnold died in London, 1801. slow 4.35 7.25 12.46 >** 15 Fri Eld. killed in Va., 1864. 12. 4.35 7.25 1.30 16 Sat Battle of Petersburg, Va., 1864. 12. 4.35 7.25 2.10 I «*

24) . 2nd Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 50 min. 17 Sun Eld. John Kline was born, 1797. 12. 4.35 7.25 2.51 1 fp«c 18 Mon Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 12. 4.35 7.25 3.38 1 (?*€ 19 Tue Council of Nice, 325. ^.m 12. 4.35 7.25 sets 20 Wed Geo. B. Holsinger born, 1857. ^# 12. 4.35 7|25 7. 21 Thu Santa Ana died in Mexico City, 1876. ^m 12. 4.34 7.26 8.43 22 Fri Let your light shine. fmm 12. 4.35 7.25 9.32 23 Sat D. P. Sayler, b. 1811, d. June 6, 1885. «® 12. 4.35 7.25 10.23 25) jrd Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 50 min. 24 Sun Henry Ward Beecher born. Conn., 1813. mm 12. 2 4.35 7.25 10.56 25 Mon A. M. at Seattle, Wash., closed, 1914.

I Clock Sun Sun | Moon Moons I I Weeks r. s. and Time | rises| sets | Days IMPORTANT EVENTS I & and Signs |h. m.|h. m.|h. m.|h. m.

26) 4th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 48 min.

1 Sun Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. 12. 4 4.36 7.24 1.51

I «1 2 MonJGarfield shot in Washington, 1881. 12. 4.36 7.24 2.34 3 Tue Eld. E. W. Stoner died in Md., 1911. 12. 4.37 7.23 3.47 4 Wed Declaration of Independence, 1776. 12. 4.38 7.22 risec 5 Thu Battle of Chippewa, 1814. 12. 4.38 7.22 7.56 6 Fri Huss born in Bohemia, 1369, died, 1415. 12. 4.38 7.22 8.39 7 Sat Thomas Hooker died in Conn., 1647. 12. 4.38 7.22 9.27

21) ^th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 46 min. 8 Sun P. B. Shelley died in Italy, 1822. 12. 5 4.39 7.21 9.56 9 Mon Braddock's Defeat, 1755. 12. " 4.39 7.21 10.34 in 10 Tue John Calvin born France, 1509. i ^ © 12. 4.40 7.20 10.57 11 Wed John Q. Adams born in Mass., 1767. 12. 4.40 7.20 11.44 I 12 Thu Julius Caesar was born, 100 B. C. 12. 4.41 7.19 morn I 13 Fri |Breth. Mis. arrive in Asia Minor, 1895. 12. 4.42 7.18 12.27

14 Sat IJudson arrived at Burmah, 1813. fpift 12. 443 7.17 1.14 28) 6th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours ^4 min. 15 Sun Rembrandt born, 1607. 12. 4.44 7.16 1.48 1 ^ 16 Mon Isaac Watts born (following day), 1674. 12. 4.45 7.15 2.27 17 Tue Adam Smith died in Edinburgh, 1790. 12. 4.46 7.14 3.21 18 Wed Godefroy de Bouillion died in 1100. 12. 4.46 7.14 sets 19 Thu Battle of Winchester, Va., 1864. 12. 4.47 7.13 7.15 20 Fri Petrarch (Italian poet) born, 1304. Mm 12. 4.47 7.13 7.57 21 Sat Battle of Bull Run, 1861. mm 12. 6 4.48 7.12 8.47 2^) yth Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours 24 min. 22 Sun Eld. Henry Kurtz born, Germany, 1796.

10 243 9

AUGUST Eighth Month—31 Days 1917

I I Weeks Moons I Clock! Sun Sun | Moon and Time rises| sets | r. s. I & IMPORTANT EVENTS I f and Days Signs |h. m.|h. m.|h. m.|h. m. 1 Wed Robert Morrison died in China, 1834. ^3 12. 6 4.57 7. 3 2.57 2 Thu [Send for Teachers' Monthly.] 12. 6 4.58 7. 2 3.36 3 Fri Eld. J. P. Ebe;-sole died in Ohio, 1890. 12. 6 4.59 7. 1 rises 4 Sat Book & Tract Work organized, 1885. 12. 6 5. 7. 1.32 jij pth Sunday after Trinity Day's length 14 hours

5 Sun Eld. Geo. D. Zollers born in Pa., 1841. 12. 5 5. 1 6.59 7.55 I ^© 6 Mon Alfred Tennyson born in England, 1809. ^ © 12. 5 5. 2 6.58 8.47 7 Tue J. Caspar Aquila was born, 1488. S5© 12. 5 5. 3 6.57 9.39, 8 Wed Robert Moffat died, 1883. S© 12. 5 5. 4 6.56 9.58 9 Thu Adoniram Judson born in Mass., 1788. «*€ 12. 5 5. 5 6.55 10.47 10 Fri Temple at Jerusalem burned, A. D. 70. f?«C 12. 5 5. 6 6.54 11.44 11 Sat Robert G. Ingersoll born, N. Y., 1833. ^€ 12. 4 5. 7 6.53 morn ^2) loth Sunday after Trinity Day's length jj hours 46 min. 12 Sun James Russell Lowell died, Mass., 1891. ^c 12. 5. 6.51 12.37 13 Mon Cornelius Van Dyck, of Syria, b. 1818. ^c 12. 5.10 6.50 1.32 14 Tue Farragut died in N. H., 1870. 12. 5.11 6.49 2.27

15 Wed Napoleon was born, Corsica, 1769. 58S! c 12. 5.12 6.48 2.59 16 Thu Earthquake, Valparaiso, 1906. <^ ® 12. 5.13 6.47 3.33 17 Fri William Carey born, 1761. 12. 5.14 6.46 sets 1 m m 18 Sat Confederate Congress met, 1862. 12. 5.15 6.45 7.08 1 « # jjj nth Sunday after Trinity Day's length jj hours 50 min. 19 Sun Blaise Pascal died, Paris, 1662. *t® 12. 5.17 6.43 7.46 20 Mon Mt. Morris College opened, 1879. ^® 12. 5.18 6.42 8.35 21 Tue John Tyndall born in Ireland, 1820. mm 12. 5.19 6.41 8.56 22 Wed! Battle of Catlett's Station, 1862. 1 3im 12. 5.20 6.40 9.48 23 Thu Louis XVI. was born in France, 1754. 12. 2.5.21 6.39 10.34 1 ^# 24 Fri 1 Eld. Jacob Thomas d. in Va., 1910. mm 12. 5.22 6.38 10.59 in Ind., 25 Sat 1 Eld. Hiel Hamilton died 1897. i«i 12. 5.24 6.36 11.34 ^4) 12th Sunday after Trinity Day's length Jj hours 12 min. 26 Sun Christopher Sower II. died in Pa., 1784.| c^ 1 12. 2 5.25 6.35 11.57

27 Mon Battle of Long Island, 1776. 1 ^ 1 12. 1 5.26 6.34 morn 28 Tue Barbara Kindig Gish born, 1829. ^ 1 12. 1 5.27 6.33 12.29 29 Wed Russo-Japanese war ended, 1905. ^ 3 12. 1 5.29 6.31 1.31 30 Thu Eld. Lemuel Hillery died in Ind., 1912.1 ^ 1 12. 5.30 6.30 2.36 31 Fri Bunyan died in London, John 1688. I ^ H 12. 5.31 6.29 3.40

Bv The THE GIRL WHO DISAPPEARED HON. CLIFFORD G. ROE Mr. Roe was formerly special prosecutor for Cook Co., 111., and had charge of the cases against panders and keepers of disorderly houses. He knows the " White Slave " trade as few other men do ; better probably than any of the patrons of the prostitutes. He knows why girls disappear from their homes and how they are kept in these places. He is also one of the foremost fighters of the hellish trafflc in souls. Out of his wide knowledge and strong purpose comes this book. The book is an illustration of the old saying, that " truth is stranger than fiction," and the readers of this book will agree that it can be made as interesting. It is a story woven from the facts of many cases that have come under Mr. Roe's observation. Illustrated with full page photo engrav- ings. 352 pages bound in cloth. Price postpaid, $1.50. Agents wanted. Write for terms.


11 r

SEPTEMBER Ninth Month—30 Days 1917

I Clock] I Moons Sun Sun | Moon Weeks I

1 and f rises! r. «& s. Time sets | and Days IMPORTANT EVENTS I I Signs |h. m.fh. m. |h. m. | h.^ m. 1 Sat Battle of -Sedan. 1870. ^©|12.,0|5.3316.27| rises

35) ^3^^ Sunday after Trinity Day's length I2 hours 54 min. Sun Atlanta captured by Sherman, 1864. ^ 11.59 5.34 6.26 6.40 Mon Oliver Cromwell died in London, 1658. 11.59 5.35 6.25 7.35 Tue Phoebe Gary was born in Ohio, 1824. 11.59 5.36 6.24 8.24 Wed Publishing House moved to Elgin, 1899. 11.59 5.37 6.23 8.51 Thu Lafayette was born in France, 1757. 11.58 9.44 Fri Sister Mary S. Geiger died, 1916. 11.58 5.40 6.20 10.40 8 Sat John A. Bowman killed in Tenn., 1863. 11.58 5.41 6.19 11.37 ^6) 14th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 12 hours ^8 min. 9 Sun iMosheim (church historian) died, 1755. i^C 11.58 5.43 6.17 morn

10 Mon j Blessed are the peacemakers. 11.57 5.44 6.16 12.44 11 Tue Battle of Lake Ghamplain, 1814. 11.57 5.45 6.15 1.29 i ^ c 12 Alex. Gampbell born in Ireland, 1788. j.g 11.56 5.47 6.13 2.17 Wed I c 13 Thu Great flood in Spain, 3,000 lost, 1891. «c 11.56 5.48 6.12 2.51 14 Fri Brethren at Work started, Lanark, 1876.

16 Sun 1 Revolution in Guatemala, 1891. ^m 11.55 5.51 6. 9 sets 17 Mon|U. S. Constitution adopted, 1787. ^m 11.54 5.53 6. 7 6.30 18 Tue J Sarah R. Major died in Ohio, 1884. )^m 11.54 5.54 6. 6 7.26 19 WedlJames A. Garfield died in N. J., 1881. )^m 11.53 5.55 6. 5 7.54 Battle of Chickamauga, 1863. 20 Thu 1 «# 11.53 5.57 6. 3 8.49 21 Fri 1 Abraham H. Cassel born in Pa., 1820. mm 11.53 5.58 6. 2 9.32 22 Sat |Eld. S. S. Mohler born in Ohio, 1832. mm 11.52 5.59 6. 1 9.57 j^'j i6th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 12 hours 2 min.

23 Sun Neptune discovered, 1846. 11.52|6. 6. I 10.51 24 Mon Eld. Isaac Price born in Pa., 1802. 11.52|6. 5.59 11.46 I 25 Tue First Breth. Miss, reach China, 1909. 11.52|6. 5.58 I morn 26 Wed Christopher Sower II. born, 1721. 11.51|6. 5.56 1.43 I

27 Thu ! Breth. church organized in Colo., 1873. 11.5116. 5.54 2.42 28 Fri Frances E. Willard born in N. Y., 1839, 11.51 6. 5.53 3.40 29 Sat [Lord Nelson born in England, 1758. 11.506. 5.521 4.38 jp^ I'/th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 11 hours 44 min.

30 Sun Geo. Whitefield died in Mass., 1770. rises I ©|11.50|6.10|5.50| GET READY NOW for Rally Day. We do not list our Rally Day Supplies in our large general catalogue, as we are continually changing our line by add- ing the newest and best. If you want a full attendance on Rally Day, and lots of enthusiasm aroused in your Sunday-school, just write for our Special Rally Day Folder Ready about August 15th, and yours for the asking. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, ELGIN, ILL. 12 OCTOBER Tenth Month—31 Days 1917

Moons Clock Sun Sun Moon Weeks f and Time rises sets r. & s. and Days IMPORTANT EVENTS J 1 Signs h. m. Ii. m. h. m. h. m. 11.50 6.11 5.49 6.11 1 Mon Eld. J. T. Myers died, 1915. iSS© 2 Tue First railroad in United States, 1833. 1P«© 11.50 6.13 5.47 6.52 3 Wed Bethany Bible School opened, 1905. ff«© 11.49 6.14 5.46 7. 7 4 Thu Brooklyn Ch., N. Y., organized, 1899. tf*© 11.49 6.15 5.45 8.14 5 Fri Jonathan Edwards born in Conn., 1703. ^© 11.49 6.17 5.43 9.30 6 Sat William Tyndale executed, 1536. 11.48 6.18 5.42 10.40 40) i8th Sunday after Trinity Day's length 11 hours 24 min. 7 Sun Edgar Allan Poe died, Baltimore, 1849. ^C 11.48 6.19 5.41 11.46 8 Mon The great Chicago fire, 1871. ^€ 11.48 6.20 5.40 morn 9 Tue David Brainerd (miss.) died, 1747. « c 11.47 6.22 5.38 12.10 10 Wed Eld. Daniel Thomas died in Va., 1868. «c 11.47 6.23 5.37 1.18 11 Thu Eld. Samuel Zigler was born, 1816. 11.47 6.24 5.36 2.31 12 Fri Columbus discovered West Indies, 1492. cgf C 11.46 6.26 5.34 3.41 13 Sat Alexander Mackay born, 1849.

28 Sun |Eld. Daniel Yount b. in Va., 1832. 11.44 6.46 5.14 4.37 29 Mon|Prof. Edmund Halley b. London, 1656. 11.44 6.47 5.13 5.35 30 Tue Ijohn Adams was born in Mass., 1735. fP* © 11.44 6.48 5.12 rises 31 WedlLuther nailed theses to door, 1517. JP* © 11.44 6.50 5.10 5.24

Have You a Library in your Sunday School? If you have, is it as effective as it might be? We make a spe- cialty of ffood books, and will be glad to assist you in the selection of a Sunday-school Library, or in building up and improving it if you already have one. Write for our large general catalogue, and ask us for suggestions as to the best books to place in your Sunday-school Library. Our prices are such that all schools, no matter how small, can afford to have a library. We have a large section in our catalogue devoted exclu- sively to books dealing with Sunday-school subjects. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, Elgin, lUinois.

13 4351

NOVEMBER Eleventh Month—30 Days 1917

Moons Clock) I Sun | I Sun Moon Weeks I and 1 rises| sets r. s. I Time | and IMPORTANT EVENTS f & i)ays Signs |h. m.|h. m.|h. m.| h. I m. 1 Thu Swear not at all. 11.44 6.51 5. 9 6.53 2 Fri James K. Polk born in N. C, 1795. 11.44 6.52 5. 8 7.50 3 Sat VVm. Cullen Bryant born, Mass., 1794. 11.44 6.53 5. 7 8.55

44) 22nd Sunday after Trinity Day's length lo hours 14 min. Sun Brethren arrived S. California, 1884. '^ © 11.44 6.54 5. 6 10. 2 I Mon B. F. Butler was born in N. H., 1818. ^ © 11.44 6.55 5. 5 11.10 Tue Eld. B. F. Moomaw died in Va., 1900. Y^ C 11.44 6.56 5. 4 morn Wed Battle of Belmont, Mo., 1861. j.g c 11.44 6.57 5. 3 12.23 8 Thu Eld. John S. Holsinger d. in Va., 1910.

18 Sun First love feast in Denmark, 1876. 11.45 7. 9 4.51 9.27 . mm 19 Mon James A. Garfield born in Ohio, 1831. mm 11.46 7.10 4.50 10.30 20 Tue Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, 1857. ^m 11.46 7.11 4.49 11.34 21 Wed Voltaire was born in Paris, 1694. 11.46 7.11 4.49 morn 22 Thu Geo. B. Holsinger died, 1908. ^ 3 11.46 7.12 4.48 1.58 23 Fri Franklin Pierce born in N. H., 1804. SI 11.47 7.13 4.47 2.46 24 Sat First Breth. Miss, land in India, 1894. SI 11.47 7.14 4.46 3.34 47) ^5^^ Sunday after Trinity Day's length p hours ^2 min. 25 Sun Isaac Watts died in England, 1748. «««ll 11.47|7.15|4.45| 4.28 26 Mon Great tempest of 1703. J?*l 11.48 7.15 4.45 5.23 27 Tue George B. Crittenden died in Ky., 1880. jpftl 11.48 7.16 4.44 6.14 28 Wed Washington Irving died in N. Y., 1859. (^© 11.48 7.17 4.43 rises 29 Thu Breth. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., ded., 1908. (^ © 11.49 7.17 4.43 5.37 30 Fri Eld. Samuel Zigler died in Va., 1901. ^© 11.49 7.18 4.42 6.39

IF YOU ARE on our list you will receive a copy of our LARGE NEW CATALOGUE without writing for it. But if you have not been receiving our catalogue be- fore, just write us and we will send you a copy FREE. We list a full line of Bibles, Books, Mottoes, Music, Sunday-school and Church Supplies, etc. Our prices are right. Our service prompt and satisfactory. BRETHREN PUBLISHING HOUSE, ELGIN, ILL.

14 DECEMBER Twelfth Month—31 Days 1917 Moons Clock Sun | Weeks I Sun Moon and 1 f rises| I r. s. and Days IMPORTANT EVENTS I Time sets & Signs |h. I m.fh. m.|h. m.|h. m. 1 Sat Siege of Quebec, 1775. ©|11.50|7.19|4.41| 7.48 I !^ 48) 1st Sunday in Advent Day's length p hours 21 min. Sun John Brown was executed in Va., 1859. 11.50 7.19 4.41 8.56 Mon Samuel Cooper died, 1876. m 11.50 7.20 4.40 9.51 Tue Eld. S. S. Mohler d. in Mo., 1893. m 11.51 7.20 4.40 10.46 Wed Martin Van Buren born in N. Y., 1782. 11.51 7.21 4.39 11.38 Thu Jefferson Davis died in La., 1889. 11.51 7.21 4.39 morn Fri Christian Hope born in Denmark, 1844. 11.52 /'.22 4.38 1.58 8 Sat Eli Whitney was born in Mass., 1765. ^ C 11.52 7.23 4.37 2.502.5C 4p) 2nd Sunday in Advent Day's length p hours 14 min

9 Sun John Milton born in London, 1608. ^t*^ (^ 11.53n ..S--^ 7.237 2^ 4.374.3,7 3.443.AA 10 Mon Blessed are the merciful. 11.53 7.23 4.37 4.37 11 Tue Great fire in Charleston* 1861. 11.54 7.24 4.36 4.56 12 Wed The Lord is my Shepherd. 11.54 7.24 4.36 5.49 13 Thu Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862. 11.55 7.24 4.36 6.38 14 Fri Washington died, Mt. Vernon, 1799. 11.55 7.25 4.35 sets 15 Sat Nero (Roman emperor) born, Italy, 37. 11.56 7.25 4.35 5.47

50) 3rd Sunday in Advent Day's length p hours 10 min. 16 Sun The great New York fire, 1835: mm 11.57 7.25 4.35 6.55 17 Mon John G. Whittier born in Mass., 1807. mm 11.57 7.25 4.35 7.59 18 Tue Battle of Lexington, Ky., 1862. ^m 11.58 7.25 4.35 9. 9 19 Wed Eld. Robert Calvin died, 1851. ^m 11.58 7.25 4.35 10.J5 20 Thu Eld. John Metzger born, 1807. s# 11.59 7.25 4.35 11.23 21 Fri Robert Moffat was born in 1795. SS51 11.59 7.25 4.35 morn 22 Sat Pilgrims landed, Plymouth Rock, 1620. SSI © 7.26 4.34 12.51 ^i) 4th Sunday in Advent Day's length p hours 8 min. 23 Sun Joseph Smith was born, 1805. slow 7.25 4.35 1.57 24 Mon Thackeray died in London, 1863. (?«1 12. 1 7.25 4.35 3.49 25 Tue Christmas. «*» 12. 1 7.25 4.35 4.42 26 Wed Texas admitted, 1845. 12. 2 7.25 4.35 5.37 27 Thu Geo. Whitefield born in England, 1714. t^ 9 12. 2 7.25 4.35 6.33 28 Fri Chas. Wesley born in England, 1708. 3?fi © 12. 2 7.25 4.35 rises 29 Sat Wm. Gladstone born in Liverpool, 1809. ^® 12. 3 7.24 4.36 5.21 52) Sunday after Christmas Day's length p hours 12 min. 30 Sun Eld. Wm. Hertzler born in Pa., 1827. 12. 3 7.24 4.36 6.30 31 Mon Barbara Kindig Gish died, 1915. 12. 3 7.24 4.36 7.43

not make THIS Why A BOOI^ CHRISTMAS and send us your orders. No gift is more appropriate than a good book. Our large catalogue is FREE for the asking and contains thousands of good books by the best authors—devotional books, stories; in fact, all kinds of good liter- ature. Not a single book has been listed without first having been carefully examined and approved by a Reading Committee.


15 —


General Mission Board

ITS MEMBERSHIP Blough, Anna Z., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Coffman, A. R., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Miller, Mt. Morris, 111., Life Advisory D. L. Coffman, Carrie C, Bulsar, Surat Dist. Member. Cottrell, Dr. A. Raymond, Bulsar, Surat Dist. H. C. Early, Penn Laird, Va. McPherson, Kans. Cottrell, Dr. Laura M., ...Bulsar, Surat Dist. J. J. Yoder, Ebey, Adam (on furlough). Care General Mis- Galen B. Royer, Elgin, 111. North Manchester, Ind. sion Board, Elgin, 111. Otho Winger, Ebey, Alice K. (on furlough). Care General P. Blough, Waterloo, Iowa. A. Mission Board, Elgin, 111. Emmert, Jesse B Jalalpor, Surat Dist. ITS ORGANIZATION Emmert, Gertrude R., ...Jalalpor, Surat Dist. H. C. Early, President. Eby, E. H. (on furlough), 122 N. 76th St., Otho Winger, Vice President. Seattle, Wash. Galen B. Royer, Secretary-Treasurer. Eby, Mrs. Emma H. (on furlough), 122 N. J. H. B. Williams, Ass't Secretary, and Edi- 76th St., Seattle, Wash. tor of Missionary Visitor. Eby, Anna M., Dahanu, Thana Dist., B. B. C. I. R. R. ITS FORCE OF FOREIGN WORKERS Garner, H. P., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Denmark Garner, Kathryn B., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Himmelsbaugh, Ida (on furlough), McPher- Wine, A. F., Aagade 26, 2 Sal, Aalborg son Hospital, McPherson, Kans. Wine, Attie C Aagade 26, 2 Sal, Aalborg HofEert, A. T Bulsar, Surat Dist. Sweden Holsopple, Q. A., Uffi'alla Village, B. B. C. I. R. R., via Anklesvar. Buckingham, Ida, ..Friisgatan No. 2, Malmo Holsopple, Kathren R. (on furlough), Elgin, Graybill, J. F., Friisgatan No. 2, Malmo 111. Gray bill, Alice M., .Friisgatan No. 2, Malmo Kay lor, John I Vada, Thana Dist. Kaylor, Rosa, Vada, Thana Dist. China Lichty, Daniel J., Umalla Village, B. B. C. I. Blough, Anna V., ..Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi R. R., via Anklesvar. Bright, J. Homer, ..' Liao Chou, Shansi Lichty, Nora A., Umalla Village, B. B. C. I. Bright, Minnie, Liao Chou, Shansi R. R., via Anklesvar. Brubaker, Dr. O. G Liao Chou, Shansi Long, I. S., Vyara, Surat Dist. Brubaker, Cora M., Liao Chou, Shansi Long, Effie V., Vyara, Surat Dist. Crumpacker, F. H. (on furlough), McPherson, Miller, Eliza B. (on furlough). Care General Kans. Mission Board, Elgin, 111. Crumpacker, Anna N. (on furlough), McPher- Miller, Sadie J., ...Vyara, Surat Dist. son, Kans. Mohler, Jennie, Bulsar, Surat Dist. ^ . r.^ cv. i Cripe, Winnie, Liao Chou, Shansi Nickey, Dr. Barbara M., Dahanu, Thana Dist., Flory, Raymond C, Liao Chou, Shansi B. B. C. I. R. R. Flory, Lizzie N., Liao Chou, Shansi Pittenger, J. M., Ahwa, Dangs Forest, via Horning, Emma, Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi Bilimora. Hutchison, Anna Liao Chou, Shansi Pittenger, Florence B., Ahwa, Dangs Forest, Metzger, Minerva, ..Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi via Bilimora. Oberholtzer, I. E., Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi Powell, Josephine ...Vada, Thana Dist. Oberholtzer, Elizabeth W., Ping Ting Hsien, Royer, B. Mary, Dahanu, Thana Dist., B. B. Shansi. C. I. R. R. _ . Rider, Bessie M., ...Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi Ross, A. W., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Senger, Nettie M., Liao Chou, Shansi Ross, Mrs. A. W., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Shock, Laura M., Liao Chou, Shansi Shumaker, Ida C, Bulsar, Surat Dist. Vaniman, Ernest D., Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi Stover, W. B., Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. R. R. Vaniman, Susie C.,. Ping Ting Hsien, Shansi Stover, Mary E,, Anklesvar, B. B. CI. R. R. Wampler, Dr. Fred J., Ping Ting Hsien, Swartz, Goldie Bulsar, Surat Dist. Shansi. Widdowson, S. Olive, Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. „ . Wampler, Rebecca S., Pmg Ting Hsien, R. R. Shansi. Ziegler, Kathryn, Bulsar, Surat Dist. India Please notice—Postage on letters to our mis- Arnold,- S. Ira, Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. R. R. sionaries is 5c for each ounce or fraction there- Arnold Elizabeth, Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. R. R. of and 3e for each additional ounce or frac- Blough, J. M„ Bulisar, Surat Dist. tion. My Promised Land

" The field is the world," said the Mas- his home, and went to a country that ter, and there is where every Christian the Lord showed him to enter. It was is expected to work. Christians seem- the promised land to Abraham. Where ingly have divided that world-field into is the "promised land" in which each two,—the home and the foreign. Most Christian is to labor for the Master? every Christian is born in the home field, Not every one is called to foreign and far too many of them never look missionary service, but every one who beyond that boundary. It is natural, desires to work in the place of God's ap- purely human,—to be unlike Abraham, pointment and where the need is the who left his country, his people, and greatest MUST consider the claims of

16 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917. the foreign field in connection with the knowing it, to decide whether he shall home work before he makes his final enter or not. decision. To omit considering the for- In this he has Christ for his Example. The Master of every devout life him- eign opportunity is to leave an impor- self ignored not the cry of suffering tant factor out of God's final plan in his humanity, but came to earth and on the life and, like omitting some part of the cross expressed the measure of his re- solution in a problem in mathematics, sponse to his missionary call,—even the correct answer can not be obtained. OUR NEED. He went to the farthest is important that each one have the It point from his Father's house and made to his life. It is too late correct answer the greatest possible sacrifice for man's this are old. This to discover when we salvation (Fhilpp. 2: 5-8). Before he choice must be made in youth. And no ascended, he said to his disciples,—even whether God wants him in a one knows to his disciples today,—" As the Father foreign land until he has made a sin- hath sent me, even so send I you" cere effort to enter it. (John 20: 21). That word "you," in While there are many reasons which those words of the Master, includes you, may be acceptable to the Father for not reader,—it includes every follower of his. being in foreign service, WILLFUL What has been the answer to that com- IGNORANCE AND DISREGARD to mand in your life? Where is the prom- the claims of the foreign field is NOT ised land, flowing with the milk and ONE OF THEM. It is incumbent upon honey of noblest self-sacrificing service every Christian to know the field, and for you? At home or abroad?

Trying to Do Business in Heaven

That is what every person who makes requires the greatest legal skill, and few a will is seeking to do. Of course, when of them, even though drawn skillfully, an individual has worked hard for his stand the acid tests." " pile," whether it be large or small, he The Board, to meet this uncertainty of feels like " running it " just as long as he doing business by will, has provided an can, and of course the will is made. annuity plan, and disposition is made of Your lawyer may do his best to write property while the person is living. It your will; you yourself may believe fully is far better to execute your own will, that your relatives and heirs, unlike most while living, than to let it other people, will not contest your will. go to lawyers to fight over when you are dead. The Yet it is a fact, compiled from reliable authorities, that there is far more litiga- Board has not lost one dollar given on tion over wills than any other matter in the annuity plan. Perhaps it has had to court. One famous judge has estimated compromise half the wills in which it that 80 per cent of such cases of litiga- was beneficiary, rather than have an un- tion could have been prevented. pleasant legal fight. This same judge speaks further very The General Mission Board is always significant words: "Every lawyer knows glad to give information on this plan, that the principal cause of will contests and in doing so there is no thought of is the eagerness of the business man to putting any one under obligations to control the management of his affairs give unless he voluntarily chooses to do after his death, and the effort of his "at- so. If you want to know more about torney, to carry, out his post-mortem doing business on earth, as you want it p,lans by creating, by his will, a compli- when in heaven, address the General cated trust. The drafting of such a will Mission Board, Elgin, Illinois.


proved by Standing Committee of Annual Con- Qualifications of a Foreign ference. Missionary SPIRITUAL

For a long time the General Mission A genuine religious experience; a love for the souls of men; familiarity with the Word Board has considered the qualifications ot Lrod; habits of prayer; actual experience in personal work. of a foreign missionary and at times has considered seriously making a statement on the point. Not until re- Five Cents cently, however, did the Board venture to make a conditional statement. The of following is simply a standard toward which to urge young people to prepare, Every Dollar

but it must be understood that this is Some people say not required. Many other conditions that money given to enter in. What the Board would like is missions does not get well-trained men, like Paul, filled with a chance to do mis- the Holy Spirit like that great apostle. sionary work. In an- But the Board is far from accepting men swer to that statement, who simply have training and do not in whatever form it have the spiritual qualities which should may appear, the fol- characterize the messenger of God to lowing is given: Of foreign lands. In this light the Board the total expenditures has adopted the following: of the General Mis- sion Board, last year PHYSICAIi (1915-16), namely A sound constitution, capable of endur- ing hardness and not subject to any hered- $132,199.31, there was itary disease; good health and senses. expended, for Board's MENTAr. traveling expenses, salaries for the office, (1) Evaijferelistic.—^A regularly-ordained min- ister with regular collegiate and Biblical train- traveling secretaries, ing. postage, stationery, (2) Educational.—A regular college course; a thorough knowledge of the best approved etc.. the sum of $6,436.- methods of teaching, government and child- 14. In other words, of nature, thought and life; practical experience in teaching. every dollar spent by (3) Medical.—^A graduate of a reputable tne Board a little less medical college, at least one year interne in a good hospital; experience in the practice of than five cents was surgery, so that he may undertake surgical used as above indicat- work alone on the field; a license to practice medicine by the Examining Board of some ed. And that expendi- State. ture took care of plac- (4) Industrial. Such training and experi- — ing carefully $164,700.- ence as will enable the worker to train others to do efficient work along the chosen line. 00 in properly-secured (5) Trained Nurses.—Good academic train- loans, which is no part ing or the equivalent in high school; com- plete nursejs training in some -reputable hos- of the total expendi- pital; passing examination before some State tures. Those figures Board. are their own argu- Note.—Where applicant has fitted himself for some line of service other than evangelistic, ment. at least one year of Biblical study (resident work preferred) should be taken. DOCTRINAL Applicant must have recommendation from the congregation in which he holds member- ship; he expresses his views on the doctrines of the Bible and the tenets of the Church of the Brethren in his application; he is ap-


In a Nut Shell

The total receipts for the year 1915-16, by the General Mission Board, were $131,267.99 and may be divided as follows:

Donated by congregations and individuals, ', $73,716.73 Income from endowment and real estate, 39,545.90 Income from the Brethren Publishing House,' 9,840.00 Other sources, 8,165.36

Total, $131,267.99

That first item, %72>,7\6.7Z, is analyzed and some added information given in the following table:

1915-16 1914-15

State District 03 o o s d 1 < ^1 Arlf ansas, 2321 12| 2 $ 19 70 $ 16 85 $ 36 551 15 $ 7 97 $ 3 Northern California, 1048 16 13 1169 53 62 90 1232 43 1 18 984 91 94 Southern California, 1511 20 14 2696 44 766 13 3462 57 2 29 2709 82 1 71 W Colo and Utah, 267 4 2 54 02 112 00 166 02 62 117 61 44 No Illinois and Wis., 2499 29 25 3759 33 265 15 4024 48 1 61 3539 61 14 Southern Illinois, 2304 30 23 1794 40 152 90 1947 30 85 2079 35 91 Middle Indiana, *. 4246 42 36 3229 79 318 09 3547 88 84 3636 33 87 Northern Indiana, 5074 46 42 3335 88 369 56 3705 44 73 3850 89 77 Southern Indiana 2702 36 24 1334 19 256 27 1590 46 59 1631 41 64 Middle Iowa ... 1306 17 13 2327 16 387 43 2714 59 2 08 2553 04 2 09 Northern Iowa 1611 21 17 2152 69 183 05 2335 74 1 45 2848 08 1 81 Southern Iowa, 758 12 10 783 47 119 10 902 57 1 19 652 34 90 Northeastern Kansas 1599 22 16 1077 67 124 90 1202 57 75 1313 46 85 N. W. Kans. & N. E. Colo., .... 1014 17 12 563 76 156 13 719 89 71 1533 56 1 44 Southeastern Kansas 645 13 10 281 88 .90 80 372 68 58 391 42 60 S. W. Kans. & S. E. Colo., 1566 22 20 1520 26 736 46 2256 72 1 44 1628 80 1 02 Eastern Maryland, 2191 16 14 1830 26 211 95 2042 21 93 1444 05 65 Middle Maryland . . 1692 9 6 773 22 54 60 827 82 49 623 01 39 Western Maryland, 507 6 4 106 76 14 00 120 76 24 52 96 09 Michigan, 1343 25 19 688 30 230 29 918 59 68 626 03 47 Middle Missouri, 593 13 11 521 69 124 90 646 59 1 09 495 21 83 Northern Missouri, 762 10 8 492 62 125 85 618 47 81 509 16 92 Southern Missouri, 537 15 11 158 74 24 00 182 74 34 183 04 32 Nebraska, 1143 21 12 1479 23 237 03 1716 26 1 50 1254 02 1 15 N. & S. Car., Ga. & Fla., 722 23 7 59 13 99 49 158 62 22 107 82 14 N. D., B. Mt. & W. Can 1497 31 24 1086 36 497 40 1583 76 1 06 1201 10 77 N. E. Ohio, 2775 27 24 1636 62 341 47 1978 09 71 1744 71 64 N. W. Ohio, 1775 28 25 1457 95 356 25 1814 20 1 02 1794 76 99 Southern Ohio, 6069 44 39 4475 94 412 24 4888 18 81 3587 11 fi^ Okla. & N. Mex 1081 24 9 441 82 148 72 590 54 55 477 91 45 Idaho and W. Mont., 752 12 8 562 43 59 10 621 53 83 859 90 1 28 Washington 776 14 11 399 08 212 00 611 08 79 573 42 74 Oregon, 388 11 7 203 92 27 75 231 67 60 202 21 48 Eastern Pennsylvania, 6016 32 32 4046 71 184 60 4231 31 70 3392 66 &1

Middle Pennsylvania, : 4684 28 25 2026 48 181 84 2208 32 47 1804 17 42 S. E. Pa., N. J. & E. N. Y 1689 13 12 1174 15 59 40 1233 55 73 1049 92 60 Southern Pennsylvania 4888 21 19 2000 52 353 01 2353 53 48 1659 58 33 Western Pennsylvania, 6338 36 33 3288 56 223 62 3512 18 55 2822 59 44 Tenn., Ala., Miss. & Ky., 1614 25 13 292 59 1268 76 1561 35 97 308 82 20 Texais and Louisiana, 341 8 6 306 23 142 00 448 23 1 31 318 94 93 First Virginia, 2473 21 13 1746 13 795 79 2541 92 1 03 2221 53 98 Second Virginia, 1684 17 12 1408 53 151 08 1559 61 93 1645 42 56 Northern Virginia 3664 18 11 1517 14 364 23 1881 37 51 1463 38 38 Southern Virginia, 1998 23 12 848 15 6 75 854 90 43 604 86 27 Eastern Virginia, 1186 12 10 317 51 66 49 384 00 32 261 78 26 First West Virginia, 1722 17 10 804 93 47 28 942 21 55 696 42 35 Second West Virginia, 409 10 3 12 82 44 84 57 66 14 46 77 11

Cuba, . . 1 00 1 00 10 00 India, 1130 9 Denmark and Sweden, 227 9 1 43 76 43 76 19 43 57 14 Unknown 132 83 132 83 266 71 1 Totals, 93048|980|730| ^62531 281 mi85 451 ^73716 73|$0 79|.^63gS2_141 ?0 68


Missions and the Sunday- General Missionary Receipts

School 1887, $ 3,877.29 1902, 41,215.52 1888, 4,184.41 1903, 42,095.89 There is no more promising and fruit- 1889, 5,587.28 1904, 52,237.64 1890, 7,936.32 1905 58,004.59 ful field to cultivate for missionary work 1891, 7,628.09 1906, 69,142.17 than the Sunday-school. Already the 1892, 11,513.14 1907, 66,960.89 1893 8,989.17 1908, 67,642.63 fruitage is most gratifying, and in a 1894, 9,878.39 1909, 87,049.79 1895 10,691.78 1910 69,922.67 sense no special effort has made. been 1896, 17,258.91 1911, 77,734.87 The children, when taught to give nick- 1897, 20,259.29 1912, 92,250.46 1898, 31,423.06 1913, 99,734.09 els instead of pennies, will bring to- 1899, 32,123.09 1914, 114,720.82 gether a large fund for the Lord, and 1900, 50,978.07 1915, 131,267.99 1901, 39,112.74 1916 ???,???.?? none will give more cheerfully than they, Can't we make every one of those if the parents will help them. Let the question marks a "5" save the first one? children give unto the Lord. This is the record of the Sunday-schools for WE CAN IF WE WILL missionary work, as far as systematic record has been kept:

1907, $13,372.16 Gish'Fund Books 1908 17,700.90 liist of Books Available to Ministers of the 1909, 17,337.81 Church of the Brethren under the Provisions 1910, 21,704.17 of the Gish Publishing Fund Nov. 1, 1916. 1911, 21,979.71 Tliese books at the special price named are 1912, 26,112.07 limited to ministers of the Church of the 1913, 33,902.36 Brethren. Those whose names are not in the 1914, , 28,867.73 Almanac will please have a notice of their 1915, 31.353.81 election written out by the Elder, and sent in Total for nine years, $212,330.84 with their order. Price of books remains the same, whether ordered by Single copy or in quantity, whether by mail or express or freight. All orders should be addressed to Missionary Offerings at A. M. Brethren Publishing: House, Elgin, Illinois. 1890 Pertle Springs, Mo., $ 224.30 I. Trine Immersion as the Apostolic Form of 1891 Hagerstown, Md., 295.11 Cliristian Baptism.—By James Quinter. 20 1892 Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 366.82 cents. 1893 Muncie, Indiana 244.33 3. Doctrine of the Brethren Defended.—By 1894 Meyersdale, Pa 260.88 R. H. Miller. 20 cents. 1895 Decatur, 111., 366.12 5. of Asia. D. L. Miller. 1896 Ottawa, Kans., 302.00 Seven Churches —By 20 cents. 1897 Frederick, Md., 500.74 1898 Burlington Park, 111., 1,400.01 II. Bible Dictionary.—By Smith and Pelou- 1899 Roanoka, Va., 1,609.90 bet. Finely illustrated. 25 cents. 1900 No. Manchester, Ind., 1,868.00 15. The Eternal Verities.—By D. L. Miller. 1901 Lincoln, Nebr., 1,881.22 20 cents. 1902 Harrisburg, Pa 1,732.66 1903 Beliefontaine, Ohio 5,632.04 19. Modern Secret Societies,—By Chas. A. 1904 Carthage, Mo 5,677.19 Blanchard, D. D. 15 cents. 1905 Bristol, Tenn., 7,750.61 20. Alone With God.—By J. H. Garrison. 1906 Springfield, 111 10,142.32 15 cents. 1907 Los Angeles, Cal., 8,266.21 23. Cruden's Concordance. This book con- 1908 Des Moines, Iowa, 23,594.76 tains 757 pages. 30 cents. 1909 Harrisonburg, Va., 12,716.36 1910 Winona Lake, Ind., :.... 16,482.95 26. Bible Atlas; Historical Geography of the 19U St. Joseph, Mo., 13,563.01 Bible.—By J. L. Hurlbut, D. D. 60 cents. 1912 York, Pa., 16,099.95 29. History of the Brethren.—By M. G. 1913 Winona Lake, Ind 20,796.88 Brumbaugh. 50 cents. 1914 Seattle, Wash., 21,471.53 1915 Hershey, Pa 23,603.68 30. The Young Preacher.—By Theodore L. 1916 Winona Lake, Ind 25,520.53 Cuyler, D. D. 15 cents. 1917 Wicliita, Kansas, ? ? ? 31. The Twelve Apostles.—By J. W. Way- land. 15 cents. What is the matter with Wichita Con- 32. The Irife and Times of Jesus the Mes- ference? Let's make our offering ditto siah.—By Alfred Edersheim. 75 cents. Winona Lake of 1916 in every figure 33. The Sick, the Dying and the Dead.—By J. G. Royer. 10 cents. but the first one,—slip one on 1916 by 34. How to Master the English Bible.— making that a "3." By t James M. Gray. 10 cents. —


86. Universalism Against Itself.—By Wil- Indiana, Middle, Catherine Neher, Flora, ford Hall, Ph. D. 20 cents. Ind., Box 174. Indiana, Northern, R. O. Roose, 504 N. Main 37. Problems of Pulpit and Platform.—By D. D. Culler. 156 pages. 15 cents. St., South Bend, Ind. Indiana, Southern, J. W. Root, R. 21, Buck 39. Bible Beadingrs and Bible Studies.—By Creek, Ind., 1916, I. J. Rosenberger. 10 cents. Iowa, Middle, J, Q, Goughnour, Ankeny, 43. Bible History.—By Prof. W. G. Blaikie, Iowa, D. D. 30 cents. Iowa, Northern, Minnesota and South Da- kota, 46. The Character of Jesus.—By Horace Bushnell. 15 cents. Iowa Southern, Leslie Cover, S. Ottumwa, Iowa, 118 S, Moore St. 49. Problem of the Old Testament.—By Jas. Orr. 25 cents. Kansas, Northeastern, Kansas, Northwestern and Northeastern 50. Roman Catholicism Capitulating- Before Colorado, Mary E, Daggett, Covert, Kansas. .—By G. V. Fradryssa, 20 cents. Kansas, Southeastern, John Sherfy, 1309 S, *51. Contagion of Character.—By Newell Edith St., Chanute, Kans. Dwight Hillis. 20 cents. Kansais, Southwestern, and Southern Colo- rado, McPherson, *52. Pastoral and Personal Evangelism.—By W. H. Yoder, Kans. Charles Goodell. 20 cents. Maryland, Eastern, W. E. Roop, Westmin- ster, Md. *53. History of the Christian Church.—Vol. IV.— Dr. Philip Schafe. 90 cents. Maryland, Middle, Caleb Long, Boonsboro, By Md. 54. The Preacher and His Models.—By Maryland, Western, James W. Beeghly, James Stalker. 20 cents. Oakland, Md. 55. Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Michigan, S. M, Smith, Lake Odessa, Mich, cents. By John A. Broadus. 35 Missouri, Middle, I, V. Enos, Adrian, Mo, 56. A Man and His Money.—By Harry Missouri, Northern, B, W, Mason, Norborne, Reeves Calkins. 25 cents. Mo., R, 2.

57. Quiet Talks on Following the Christ. Missouri, Southern, and Northwestern Ar- —By S. D. Gordon. 20 cents. kansas, none appointed. Nebraska, S. G. Nickey, Moorefield, Nebr. 58. Thirty-three Years of Missions in the Church of the Brethren.—By Galen B. Royer. North Dakota, Eastern Montana and West- 50 cents. ern Canada, O. A. Myer, Williston, N. D. North and South Carolina, Georgia and Flor- 59. History of the Christian Church. Vol. V. ida, Jos. H. Griffith, Brummets Creek, N. C. Part I. By David S. Schaff. 90 cents. Ohio, Northeastern, Oscar H. Bechtel, Belle- ' «0. Quiet Talks on John's Gospel. By S. D. ville, Ohio. Gordon. 20 cents. Ohio, Northwestern, G. A. Snider, Lima, Ohio. 61. Expository Preaching, Plans and Meth- ods.—By F. B: Meyer. 20 cents. Ohio, Southern, Ira G. Blocher, Greenville, Ohio. 62. Doctrine of Prayer. By James Hastings, 60 cents. Oklah'oma, Panhandle of Texas and New Mexico, John R, Pitzer, Cordell, Okla. 63. A Man's Value to Society.—By Newell Oregon, Hiram Smith, Albany, Oregon. Dwight Hillis. 20 cents. Pennsylvania, Eastern, I. W. Taylor, Neffs- 64. I.ife of St, Paul,—By James Stalker. 15 ville. Pa. cents. Pennsylvania, Middle, John B. Miller, Cur- ryville. Pa. * To be taken from the list March 1, 1917. Pennsylvania, Southeastern. New Jersey and Eastern New York, M. C. Swigart, 6611 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. District Missionary Secretaries Pennsylvania, Southern, W. H. Miller, R. D. 4, Hanover, Pa. As near as we can revise the list, the fol- Pennsylvania, lowing is a list of the District Missionary Sec- Western, H. S. Replogle, Windber, Pa. retaries, as appointed by State Districts, in harmony with the Conference Plan of 1911: Tennessee, none appointed. Arkansas, First District and Southeastern Texas and Louisiana, M. H. Peters, Man- Missouri. vel, Tex. Virginia, Eastern, B. E. Blough, Nokesville, California, Northern, D. L. Forney, Chico, Va. Cal. Virginia, First District, C. D. Hylton, California, Southern, and Arizona, Geo. H. Troutville, Va. Bashor, Glendora, Cal. Virginia, Northern, J. Carson Miller, Timber- Colorado, Western, and Utah. ville, Va. Virginia, Second District, W. H, Zigler, Idaho and Western Montana, S. S. Neher, Churchville, Va, Twin Falls, Idaho. Virginia, Southern, S. P. Reed, Floyd, Va. Illinois, Northern, and Wisconsin, S. C. Mil- Washington, ler, Elgin, 111. West Virginia. First District, Seymour Ham- Illinois, Southern, Geo. W. Miller, Cerro stead, R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. Gordo, 111. West Virginia, Second District.


General Educational Board of the Church of the Brethren

The Board.—D. W. Kurtz, McPherson, Funds; Hold Property; Foster Co-operation Kans.; D. M. Garver, Trotwood, Ohio; J. S. Between Church and Schools. Flory, Bridgewater, Va.; D. C. Reber, Eliza- The Hope.—Every Student of Our Church at bethtown, Pa.; J. H. B. Williams, Elgin. 111. Work in Our Own Schools.

The Organization.-D. W. Kurt^, President; 7"-;, Md-;, J^^^Bridgewater,^?*'**^^T^^V^''''^AVa.; Daleville ^l^Va. ^r^^'Eliza- D. M. Garver, Vice President; J. H. B. Wil- ; liams, Secretary-Treasurer. ' ' l*;*^^^^'''!' r '/"^x^^l' ^ at^ ?r Manchester^ Ind. ; McPherson, Kans. ; Mt. Mor-

The Purpose.—Promote Education ; Receive ris, 111.

CONSTITUTION OF THE GENERAL EDUCATIONAL BOARD . As Adopted at Winona Lake Conference, 1916

I. The Name The ofBcial name of this Board shall be the General Educational Board of the Church of the Brethren, ^ II. Membership and Organization

1. Standing Committee of Annual Meeting shall appoint at? members of this Board, five brethren, to be confirmed by open Conference, for a term of five years each, except those first appointed, one of whom shall serve five years, one four years, one three years, one two years, and one one year, respectively, as indicated by the Standing Committee. 2. Three members of this Board shall be chosen from the schools, and two shall be chosen who are not connected with the schools; the majority of the Board shall be ordained elders: they shall be broad-minded men, interested in Ch.ristian education, and working faithfully in harmony with the principles and practices of the Church of the Brethren, as defined by Annual Conference. It is advised that no one be appointed a member of this Board who is also a member of any other General Board appointed by the Conference. 3. The members of this Board shall organize by electing a chairman, and a vice-chair- man from their number; they shall elect a secretary-treasurer, either from their own number or from out their number if they so desire.

III. Duties

1. The General Educational Board shall meet annually, or oftener, if circumstances require it. The Board shall give notice of its annual meeting through the Gospel Messenger, so that schools or individuals shall have the opportunity of bringing to the Board any question that properly belongs to it. 2. As often as the Board considers it needful and advisable, or at the special request of any school, it may appoint one or more of its members as a committee to visit any, or all, of the schools recognized by Annual Conference. 3. The Board shall have a moral and spiritual oversight of the several 'schools, and shall labor to keep them in harmony with the principles of the church. The Board is given the right to investigate such questions as teachers, textbooks, courses of study, athletics, etc., so far as these questions affect the moral and spiritual welfare of the school. The Board shall have the full power to make all decisions operative in these matters. The school shall make full, written reports to the Board as often, and of such nature, as the Board may require. 4. The Board, shall give earnest thought to the needs and mission of our schools. It shall give all the encouragement it can to the work of education in the church. It may do this by ar- ticles in the church publications, by educational programs at District Meetings and at the An- nual Conference, and in any other way it considers advisable. The Board should be the leader of educational thought in tJie church. 5. The Board shall incorporate, so that it may receive gifts and hold property for the pur- pose of Christian education in the Church of the Brethren. It shall encourage gifts and en- dowments to all the schools. It shall not actively solicit permanent funds for the Board, but it may receive such gifts in case of individuals who may prefer to give their means to the Board instead of to any individual school. 6. The Board shall give advice to individuals or to State Districts who may contemplate the founding of new schools. In the future no school shall be recognized by the Conference that does not receive the sanction of this Board before beginning its work. 7. The Board shall make a written report to the Annual Conference. It shall have the privilege to come directly to the Annual Conference for counsel, in matters pertaining to its work, or for a change in this constitution, without coming through a local church or District Meeting. lY. Remnneration The members of the General Educational Board shall be allowed two dollars per day for actual time spent, and expenses incurred in this work. These expenses shall be paid by the Annual Meeting Treasurer out of a fund provided by the Annual Meeting for this purpose. :


PAUL H. BOWMAN JOHN S. FLORY T. S. MOHERMAN President President President Pine Ridge College Bridgewater College Daleville College

Policy of General Educational Board

I. Work of Board—for Itself 5. As soon as possible get into position to assist them in their financial campaigns. 1. Perfect machinery of Board to care for 6. annual visits factors for good funds. Make our (a) By public Educational Meetings, (b) By 2. Seek for a good Secretary. meetings with Trustees, (c) By meetings with 3. Study conditions of church. Faculties, (d) By careful efforts to foster co- 4. What percentage of our Brethren's chil- operation between the schools ; and where nec- dren go to State and other schools? What per- essary to encourage coordination of courses. get a high school training? What per- centage III. Relation to the Church centage attend our schools? Number who at- 1. holding tend colleges or schools above the 8th grade. Urge the of Educational Meet- ings at various District Meetings. 5. Find pulse of church on educational ques- tions. 2. Urge Educational Meetings in local churches. 6. Plan Educational meetings at Annual 3. for Meeting: (a) Programs, (b) Exhibits. Suggest programs and topics discus- sion. 7. Publication and distribution of Educa- tional literature. 4. Write articles for Gospel Messenger on " the great questions : (a) Need of Church " II. Our Work with Schools Schools." (b) Why Send Our Children to Our Own Schools?" (c) "The Splendid Re- 1. Study conditions,—as suggested in an- sults of Christian Education in the Church nual report. of the Brethren." (d) " Why Colleges Need 2. Encourage schools: (a) To promote mis- Endowment." (e) " Education Fundamental to sions, (b) To promote Bible study, (c) To give Missionary Work." (f) " Education and Minis- students a larger vision of service to the try." promising young church, (d) Encourage men 5. Create in the church a school spirit in to prepare for the ministry. every jvay possible. schools to become standard- 3. Encourage 6. Write to members of last Standing Com- ized or accredited as soon as possible. mittee to ascertain facts of Educational Meet- 4. Furnish them with the printed require- ings at their District Meetings and in local ments of standardization. churches, etc., etc.

A Statement on Finances

The General Educational Board is incor- The Board is ready to receive funds for porated, so that it may receive gifts and hold Christian Education on the annuity basis, pay- property for the purposes of Christian Educa- ing five per cent annuity to those under fifty tion in the Church of the Brethren. It is not years of age and six per cent for those who the intention actively to solicit, but the Board are past that age. Annuity will begin on has made arrangements whereby it can handle the date the money reaches the Board, and any funds that come to it. will cease at the death of the donor. Then it


D. C. REBBR I. HARVEY BRUMBAUGH . S. J. MILLER President President President Elizabethtown College Juniata College Lordsburg College

will be used as the donor stipulates, or for fact is attested by the following paragraph education, as the Board may deem best. that is written into the body of the Annuity Endowment funds will be invested in first Bonds and Endowment Contracts: mortgages on farm real estate, on the same " It is agreed that the income from this do- terms, in the same territories, and under the nation shall be used in Col- same rules that have proved so safe and suc- lege; or in case that college should cease to cessful in handling the large funds of the exist as a school, or as a school under the aus- General Mission Board. pices of the Church of the Brethren, the in- The General Educational Board is also in a come from said fund shall be used at the dis- position to correspond with you, in case you cretion of the General Educational Board for the purposes of Christian education." do not now have money for education, but plan to have something at some future time, or This paragraph, filled out, binds the Board mean that something shall come from your to use your funds in accordance with your estate at your death. Endowment contracts, wishes. payable on or before death, similar to those For the guidance of those Avho may wish to of the General Mission Board, have been pre- incorporate a paragraph in their wills, in pared, and the Board is ready to enter into favor of the Educational Board, the following such a contract with you. forms, which may be copied, are suggested: Final disposition of funds by the possessors Form for Bequest of Money themselves is recommended by financiers, and " I also give and bequeath to the General even by some lawyers too, when the question Educational Board of the Church of the Breth- of assurance that funds will go where the ren Dollars for the owner intends, is taken into consideration. purpose of the Board, as specified in their Time and time again has it been proved that charter. I hereby direct that my executor our brethren and sisters who had money to pay said sum to the Treasurer of said Board, taking his receipt, within give for the Lord's work would far better have months after my decease." given it during their lifetime, for at their for death the funds never reached their intended Form Bequest of Beal Estate " I destination. It is better to put your money also give, bequeath and devise to the General Educational Board of the Church of where you wish it than to leave the question the Brethren a certain lot of land with the open to neglect in giving it, or placing those, buildings thereon standing, described as fol- who are left behind, in a position where un- lows (Here give the exact description that scrupulous men may persuade them to enter appears in your deed, of this plot of ground), litigation over technicalities. to be held and possessed by the Board, their The General Educational Board is prepared successors and assigns forever, for the pur- to care for funds that are intended for educa- poses specified in their charter." tion in particular parts of the Brotherhood. Address all communications regarding these It binds itself carefully to safeguard the subjects to General Educational Board, Elgin, wishes of the donors in such particulars. This Illinois.

Why Our Children Should Attend Our Own Colleges 1. Church Membership.—We desire our chil- pect non-Brethren professors, in non-Breth- dren to become members of our own church. ren environments, to give them such. They And we desire that they shall become active, should be in our own schools during those useful, sympathetic workers. We desire them years, when their habits of thought, visions of to secure an education that will more fully life and conceptions of religion are undergoing equip them for such tasks. We can not ex- those changes, incident to reaching maturity.


D. W. KURTZ OTHO WINGER J. S. NOFFSINGBR President President President McPherson College Manchester College Mt. Morris College

2. Student Body.—^A large percentage of riculum. They accord the sayings of Jesus students, attending our schools, come from and Paul a superior place to those of Plato Brethren homes.* Their ideals are Brethren and Aristotle. They recognize a personal ideals. Their notions of religion and of home- God, a divine Savior, a Holy Spirit, an immor- life are the same as those of your own chil- tal soul, a need of redemption and a world ob- dren. Your child is, therefore, not put to the ligation to the unsaved. additional strain of mingling with new asso- 7. Collegre Spirit.—Our schools are free from ciates, coming from strange environments. the blight of College Secret Societies. Their managements seek to the spirit of the 3. Sympathetic Supervision.—Our instructors make feel personal interest in the young people com- school democratic, uprooting caste and clique. mitted to their charge. Because these teach- The democratic ideal is dear to the genius of ers are of our own people, making financial the Church of the Brethren. sacrifice for our church, and interested in its 8. Church I^eadership.—Our schools are sup- welfare, they will logically feel a desire to plying us with a leadership. Consecrated relate oi,ir own children to our Qwn church, leadership is the greatest need confronting the and theirs. church. Your son can as well become a leader leaner, if 4. Life Training.—Our schools are equipped as a you do your duty towards him. or are becoming equipped with such libraries, The graduates from our schools are daily be- apparatus and buildings as will enable them coming greater factors in religion, business, to supply their students with a technical ed- neighborhood and society. ucation on a par with that offered in other 9. Missionaries.—O u r missionaries come schools. In addition to this they strengthen from our own schools. They are products of the moral and religious character of the stu- our own institutions. Volunteer Bands are dent, giving him a moral and spiritual ad- to be found in our Colleges that are as strong, vantage in meeting the temptations of a busi- or stronger, proportionately, than in any ness or professional career. other schools in our country. Their ideals of mission work are tempered in our own fur- 5. Scientific Departments, The student must — naces. study science. No education is complete with- 10. Investment Returns. out it. Truths of science hurt no one. Dif- —Our schools yield ficulty comes when instructors fail to point us the largest returns for the money invested. out the errors that godless men have pro- The returns are expressed in terms of stu- dents prepared for life. pounded,—science falsely so-called. Our in- Nowhere else than in structors feel a personal interest in guarding our Colleges can we find a combination of their students against these errors. consecration, scholarship, instruction, interest and careful supervision that will assure our 6. Place of the Book.—Our schools accord children the education that we desire them to the Blessed Book itiS proper place in their cur- have.

Have You a Boy? Why Not Make Him a Leader? Send Him to One of Our Own Church Schools?

25 1 .


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General Sunday School Board Chairman, H. Ky Ober, Elizabethtown, Pa. Levi Minnich, Greenville, Ohio. Vice- Chairman, Lafayette Steele, Walkerton, J. S. Zimmerman, Chicago, 111. Ind. Ezra Flory, Chicago, 111. Treasurer, James M. Mohler, Leeton, Mo. Secretary, J. B. Miller, Elgin, 111. (Not a S. S. Blough, North Manchester, Ind. member of the Board.) Board Meetin^rs The Board meets in regular session at Elgin, 111., the first Wednesday of March and Aug- ust. At this time regular and special business is handled. Ordinary matters that need attention between Bo&rd meetings are handled by the executive committee. The Board is always ready to receive suggestionis from live Sunday-school workers. SUNDAY-SCHOOL SECRETARIES Arkansas, First District and Southeastern Mis- Nebraska.—Virgil C. Finnell, Enders, Nebr. souri.—Ida Boyt, Poplar Bluff, Mo. North and South Carolina, Georgia and Flor- California, Northern.—D. L. Forney, Chico, ida.—Joseph H. Griffith, Brummett, N. Car. Cal. North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Western California, Southern and Arizona.—Geo. H. Canada.—Marvin Ken'singer, Zion, N. Dak. Bashor, Glendora, Cal. Ohio, Northeastern.—Edson Wolf, Hartville, Colorado, Western, and Utah.—J. A. Austin, Ohio. Fruita, Colo. Ohio, Northwestern.—-Mary L. Cook, Nevada, Denmark (not reported). Ohio. Idaho and Western Montana.—J. S. Flory, R. Ohio, Southern.—Ira G. Blocher, Greenville, 1, Twin Falls, Idaho. Ohio. Illinois, Northern and Wisconsin.—S. C. Miller, Oklahoma, Panhandle of Texas and Pecos Val- Lawrence Avenue, Elgin, 111. 970 ley, New Mexico.—John R, Pitzer, Cordell, Illinois, Southern.—I. D. Heckman, Cerro Okla. Gordo, 111. Oreg-on.—Hiram Smith, Chicago and Water India, First District.—Jesse Emmert, Jalalpor, Streets, Albany, Oregon. Surat District, India. Pennsylvania, Eastern.—Nathan Martin, Eliz- Indiana, Middle.—Lawrence Shultz, North abethtown, Pa. Manchester, Ind. ; W. C. Stinebaugh, North Pennsylva,nia, Middle.—A. B. Wilt, 301 Logan Manchester, Ind,, Assistant Secretary. Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Indiana, Northern.—Lafayette Steele, Walker- Pennsylvania, Southeastern, New Jersey and ton, Ind. Eastern New York.—Ira C. Holisopple, Potts- Indiana, Southern.—Emma Miller, New Lis- town, Pa. bon, Ind. Pennsylvania, Southern.---John H. Keller, Iowa, Middle.—Orlo B. Messamer, Adel, Iowa. Shrewsbury, Pa. Iowa, Northern, Southern Minnesota and South Pennsylvania, Western.—I. B. Holsinger, 1668 Dakota.—J. F. Senders, Preston, Minn. Hillsdale Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Iowa, Southern.—A. W. Miller, R. 1, South Sweden (not reported). English, Iowa. Tennessee.—Robert White, R. D. 4, Jonesboro, Kansas, Northeastern.—Clara Postma, Lone Tenn. Star, Kans. Texas and Liouisiana.—R. M. Harris, Jennings, Kansas, Northwestern and North and East La. — Cov- Central Colorado. ^Mary B. Daggett, Virginia, Eastern.—W. H. Sanger, Oakton, Va. ert, Kans. Virginia, First.—C. S. Ikenberry, Daleville, Kansas, Southeastern.—J. S. Leaman, R. 4, Va.; C. E. Jones, Fayetteville, W. Va., As- Madison, Kans. sistant Secretary. Kansas, Southwestern and Southern Colorado. Virginia, Northern. J. W. Wampler, R. D. 6, —J. C. Forney, McPherson, Kans. — Harrisonburg, Va.; W. B. Kohne, Mathias Maryland, Eastern.^J. Walter Bnglar, New W. Va., Assistant Secretary. Windsor, Md. Virginia, Second. Minor Maryland, Middle.—H. R. Rowland, R. D., Ha- — C. Miller, Mt. Sid- gerstown, Md. ney, Va. Maryland, Western. — James W. Beeghly, Virginia, Southern.—^E, E. Bowman, Naffs, Va. Eglon, W. Va. Washington.—Sarena A. Faw, North Yakima, Michigan.—D. B. Sower, Scottville, Mich. Wash. Missouri, Middle.—D. L. Mohler, Leeton, Mo. West Virginia, First.—Eastern End, Mrs. J. B. Missouri, Northern.—B. F. Shirk, Plattsburg, Leatherman, care of Mr. Seymour Taylor, Mo. Keyser, W. Va. Western End, Seymour Missouri, Southern and Northwestern Arkan- Hamstead, R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. sas.—R. F. Bowman, 2505 Virginia Ave., Jop- West Virginia, Second.—J. B. Shaffer, Nestor- lin, Mo. ville, W. Va.

27 . i


o o M 0) « & o O V! w in 1 0) O V 1 be o o a ^^ a OS o o M (D a OJ m c c T! A a Xtl Year B > OS a o o o o -d M 1 U c P bo C CM (V a o 0) oj rt 1^ a © O a e 6^ 2 o N S o d «-4 ^ ^ ^ U W H < O H ;^ ^ fa CO CO

1899 507 2 9361 . .. 1 29,006 ....Tl $ 7,385.90 1900 466 2,524 .... 31,984 ::::. 2,964.78 10,790.37 716 ...

3901 . . 801 4,119 46,620 28,983 $ 4,235.0 16,433.86 1,371 1902 916 4,268 ?4 53,327 .^fi.119 6,282.99 21,269.30 1,644 1903 954 4,716 36 57,585|38,165 10,490.80 28,832.91 2 358 1.

1904 1 005 4 723 . . . 53 59,216140.042 10 790.30 28,100 84 2,442 72 66,782 41,725 ... 1905 1,018 4,756 1 12,530.45 31,155.93 2,622 ...1...

1906 1,053 4,918 69 58,660 40,808 14,710.83 34,179.42 •^,753 . . .|. . .|. . .

89 48.051 . . . 1. . . 1. 1907 1,131 5,613 1 73,661 13,372.16 41,773.56 2,760 1908 1,132 9,255 70,404 3,105 3,400 86,164 50,054 17,799.99 44,237.36 3,359 132 ...|

1909 . 1,224 9,886 80,197 5,080 4?06 94,347 53,119 17,337.84 47,436.66 3,375 1374 . . .1.

1910 1,193 10,343 87,199 5,876 4 517 97,812 52,217 21,704.17 55,842.29 3,??0 1^320 . . .|

1911 1,152 10,540 74,262 ,7,161 5,688 98,797 54,117 21,979.71 63,657.34 3,265 1 793 4511011-0 J 1912 1,144 12,651 82,063 8,569 6 6?8 107,545 55,668 26,112.07 72,980.27 4,240 1,924 75 139 •^50 1913 1,188 12,779 89,485 9,814 7,150 106,701 60,802 33,902.36 82,509.31 4,279 2,65.S 100 154 257 1914 1,224 12,808 100,116 10,429 7,306 118,143 65,773 28,867.73 94,301.00 5,587 2 925 120 197 276 1915 1,275 12,1571 100,340111,501 8,0^ 126,755 68,667 31,353.81 104,386.78 6,501 2,495 137 269 341

Booklets and Leaflets Bound Table L.eaflets 1. The Sunday-school. Below will be found a list of Sunday-school 2. Sunday-school Organization. Booklets and Round Table Leaflets, prepared 3. The Superintendent. and furnished by the General Sunday School 4. The Teacher. Board. These booklets contain from twelve to 5. Teacher Training. twenty-four pages, besides the cover and will 6. The Beginners. prove an inspiration to all who read them. 7. The Christian Workers' Society. The Leaflets are all two pages, containing a 8. Temperance in the Sunday-school. series of questions for discussion, names of 9. The Cradle Roll. several useful books on that particular sub- 10. The Primaries. ject, or some special information to workers. 11. The Adult Class. Both the Booklets and Leaflets are furnished 12. World-wide Missions. free to our people. The General Sunday School Sunday-school Board Booklets Board 1. The District Sunday-school Secretary and By Levi Minnich His Work. The General Sunday School Board is the lin- 2. The Sunday-school Superintendent and His eal descendant of the Sunday School Advisory Work. Committee, first appointed by our Annual 3. Teachers of Children. Conference in 1896 upon the recommendation Qf 4. Teacher-Training. a committee, appointed in 1895 by instruction 5. The Calling of the Sunday-school Teacher. of the General Missionary Committee. The 6. Teachers of Girls. Sunday School Advisory Committee Avas amen- able to Annual Conference through the 7. Teachers of Boys. Stand- ing Committee. 8. Singing in the Sunday-school. The work of this Committee was to assist 9. Cradle Roll. The the publishers of our Sunday-school literature 10. Organized Adult Bible Classes. in keeping our quarterlies, papers, etc., sound 11. Things the District Sunday-school Secre- in the doctrines of the Scriptures, as under- tary Can Do. stood by the General Brotherhood. It was 12. The Home Department of the Sunday- also their duty to raise the standard of our school. Sunday-school literature as rapidly as possi- 13. The Sunday-school Library. ble, and to conduct a Sunday-school Meeting in the Tabernacle each year, at 14. The Sunday-school Missionary Secretary. the time of our Annual Conference. The Committee also 15. The Christian Workers' Society. provided efficient teachers for the various de- 16. The Sunday-school Teachers' Meeting. partments of the Sunday-school on Confer- 17. Grading the Sunday-school. ence Sunday.

28 ,.,


Report of Sunday-Schools for the Year 1915 by State Districts

^ so m o o ?. bo CIS _ ^ •S 1=1 CJ o t^ Name of State District o O oj r3 g !3 JJl 0.2 SQ ft to 3

Arkansas, First and S. E. Mo.,* . 2 1... 10 75 55 7 2 California, Nortliern, 15 12 8 1,644. 619, 81 1,805 1,103 10 50 California, Southern and Arizona, 20 22 13 2,559. 673, 230 2,097 1,351 46 99 Colorado, Western and Utah 7 5 236. 45 53 362 238 5 Idaho and Western Montana, 15 12 9 948. 215 118 1,010 665 19 "32 Illinois, Northern and Wisconsin, 34 146 16 5,261. 2,357 484 4,870 2,705 67 210 Illinois, Southern 88 56 11 2,126. 1,213 336 2,733 1,639 58 128 India, First, 67 41 24 371. 190 115 2,028 1,614 96 Indiana, Middle, 49 107 17 6,610. 1,855 563 5,749 3,838 "72 195 Indiana, Northern, 55 115 11 6,547. 1,613 619 6,337 3,762 86 370 Indiana, Southern 83 57 8 2,350. 857 820 2,847 1,670 68 151 Iowa, Middle,* 18 87 9 2,465. 1,327 200 1,878 1,036 21 86 la.. No., So. Minn, and S. Dak., . 21 78 9 3,616. 2,212 240 2,457 1,375 43 81 Iowa, Southern, 12 22 2 789. 399 129 988 569 14 96 Kansas, Northeastern, 27 12 3 1,258. 455 153 1,859 864 18 69 Kans., N. W., and N. E. Colo 14 1 5 832. 167 152 1,348 773 25 42 Kansas, Southeastern, 13 12 8 416. 87 91 765 452 26 13 Kans., S. W., and So. Colo 22 46 7 1,850. 793 232 2,353 1,317 43 137 Maryland, Eastern, 28 59 9 2,594. 772 316 4,258 2,015 61 106 Maryland, Middle, 22 41 5 1,678. 314 251 2,677 1,226 33 118 Maryland, Western, 9 15 1 69. 7 40 282 192 30 27 Michigan, 28 57 6 1,823. 506 290 2,480 1,471 45 119 Missouri, Middle, 14 22 3 484, 129 812 446 17 80 Missouri, Northern, 9 14 1 606, 207 708 446 12 61 Missouri, So., and N. W. Ark., 11 3 3 240. 30, 70 560 294 11 13 Nebraska, 22 51 7 1,554, 587, 221 1,735 850 29 89 No. and So. Car., Ga. and Fla., . . 6 33. 17 24 301 183 16 15 No. Dak., B. Mont, and W. Can., 28 7 3 1,315. 348, 213 1,580 864 22 70 Ohio, Northeastern 32 62 18 3,257. 1,226 372 3,482 1,784 103 247

Ohio, Northwestern, , 35 76 15 3,106, 808 348 2,940 1,630 54 126 Ohio, Southern 62 129 16 8,096. 2,629 711 9,742 4,829 118 534 Okla., P. of Tex. & P. Val., N. M. 13 18 2 758. 323 117 1,200 648 35 43 Oregon 10 11 4 -584, 102 80 608 409 9 18 Pennsylvania, Eastern 69 136 28 5,353, 844 7,809 4,240 92 Pennsylvania, Middle, 56 219 29 7,455, 687 7,758 3,812 102 Pa., S. E., N. J. and B. N. Y 14 85 12 3,342 71 258 3,606 1,716 42 312 Pennsylvania, Southern, 48 101 16 3,546, 305 609 6,024 3,187 92 281 Pennsylvania, Western 68 311 39 8,928 ,609 747 9,118 4,407 138 478 Tennessee, 11 6 1 232 47 82 676 306 31 15 Texas and Louisiana, 6 1 249 58 48 844 289 12 14 Virginia, First, 25 28 7 1,807, 664 165 2,493 1,160 29 135 Virginia, Second, 36 81 7 1,679 595 314 4,149 1,931 62 134 Virginia, Eastern, . .• 25 22 7 622 61 168 1,681 987 19 72 Virginia, Northern, • 58 63 15 3,161 671 490 4,491 2,364 116 294 Virginia, Southern, 13 12 2 283 131 91 921 603 22 152 Washington, 17 34 6 987, 195 143 1[,079 701 23 36 West Virginia, First, 36 11 2 564 180 224 1 1,140 78 110 West Virginia, Second, 7 1 92, 21 43 276 166 13 48 Totals 1.275|2,495|414|$104,886.78|$81,353.81|12,157|126.755|68;667|2,089|6,501 * (1914 Report.)

In 1898 Conference passed a resolution, ad- report of our Sunday-schools has been pub- vising each State District to appoint a Sun- lished in the full report of our Annual Con- day-school Secretary, to inspire the Sunday- ference. As the name indicates, the work of school work of the District, and to supply the the Sunday School Advisory Committee was Sunday School Advisory Committee with such merely to advise. It did not have the author- ity nor the means to lead statistics and other information as that Com- our rapidly-growing Sunday-schools to more aggressive work. mittee should aslc. For this -reason the Sunday School Advisory Com- Within a few years every State District was mittee was succeeded by the General Sunday provided with a District Sunday-school Secre- School Board, appointed by our Annual Con- tary, since which time an annual statistical ference in 1911.


The Work of the General Sunday School 1904, H. P. Albaugh, C. D. Bonsack, Levi Board Minnich. 1905, O. L. Minnich, H. P. Albaugh, C. D. the needs of the church and the To observe Bonsack. world. To provide plans for the faithful study of 1906, S. J. Miller, O. L. Minnich, H. P. Al- God's Word. baugh. To cooperate with the Sunday School edi- 1907, Levi Minnich, S. J. Miller, O. L. Min- tor of the church in improving our Sunday- nich. school Literature. 1908, D. H. Zigler, Levi Minnich, S. J. Mil- for publication, through the To arrange ler. Brethren Publishing House, Teacher Training 1909, James M. Mohler, D. H. Zigler, Levi including doctrines especially adapt- courses, Minnich. ed to the needs of the church, and correspond- Mohler, D. ing in grade with courses provided by the 1910, Levi Minnich, James M. International Sunday School Association. H. Zigler. To issue other pamphlets and books, as may be necessary for the development of the Members of General Sunday School Board Sunday-school work of the church. To encourage and help the District Sunday- 1911, D. H. Zigler, H. K. Ober, Levi Minnich, school Secretaries to active service in their Jas. M. Mohler, Lafayette Steele. necessary, send respective Districts, and, if 1912, Lafayette Steele, D. H. Zigler, H. K. needed. special workers when and where Ober, Levi Minnich, Jas. M. Mohler. charge of all Sunday-school work To take 1913, Jas. M. Mohler, Lafayette Steele, D. the Annual Conference. and interests at H. Zigler, H. K. Ober, Levi Minnich. secure, through the District Secretary, To 1914, Levi Minnich, S. S. Blough, Jas. M and otherwise, complete statistics and to pre- Mohler, J. S. Zimmerman, Lafayette Steele, serve them at their office. D. H. Zigler, H. K. Ober. To cooperate with the schools and col- peo- 1915, H. K. Ober, Levi Minnich, S. S. Blough, leges of the church in training our young Jas. M. Mohler, J. S. Zimmerman, Lafayette ple for active service in the Sunday-school. Steele, D. H. Zigler. To secure funds for the furtherance of Flory, H. K. Ober, Levi Min- their work through Sunday-school oflEerings 1916, Ezra Jas. M. Mohler, J. S. Zim- and such other sources as are in harmony with nich, S. S. Blough, Lafayette Steele. J. E. Miller is the usages of the church. merman, present board. To make annual reports to the Conference of secretary of the the Sunday-school statistics of the church, such of moneys received and expended, and progress of the work as may be of general Remodeling an Old Church The Annual Conference of 1914 interest. Many of our old churchhouses were built placed the management of the Christian Work- of long before the day of Sunday-schools. Local Societies of the church into the hands ers' conditions have changed very much since the General Sunday School Board, and in- the time when those houses were erected, and, as creased the membership of the Board from a result, the houses do not always se^rve the to seven. five present generation to the best advantage. house, with its four straight walls, Members of Sunday School Committee The old gave a large seating capacity for church serv- came in, this Following are the names of those who ices. When Sunday-schools organiza- for all the classes. We are served on the Committee from its same room served their terms of that the best work can be done tion, arranged according to now learning class has its individual room. office when each How to secure these separate rooms without A. C. Wieand, I. N. H. 1896, I. B. Trout, building a new house, has puzzled some peo- Beahm. ple. Many of our churches have solved the Trout, A. C. expense. The 1897, I. N. H. Beahm, I. B. problem at a very reasonable Wieand. plan on the opposite page tells how one room and se- Beahm, I. B. church took its large auditorium 1898, A. C. Wieand, I. N. H. cured six individual class rooms besides the Trout. main auditorium and basement. Wieand, I. N. H. 1899, I. B. Trout, A. C. If your church is not in position to remodel Beahm. its building, you can get pretty fair service A. C. Wie- the use of curtains. Neitlier the looks nor 1900, S. H. Hertzler, I. B. Trout, by the service of curtains is to be compared and. with what you will get by stationary or mov- H. Hertzler, Levi Min- 1901, C. E. Arnold, S. able partition. term of I. B. nich (the latter to fill unexpired The Sunday School Board has prepared a Trout, resigned). booklet of plans both for remodeling and Arnold, S. H. copy of this book of plans 1902, Levi Minnich, C. E. building new. A cents. However, if a Hertzler. can be had for fifty the erection of a Minnich, J. G. church is contemplating 1903 C D. Bonsack, Levi house, term of building or the remodeling of its old '(the latter to fill the unexpired Wine a copy may be had free. C. B. Arnold, deceased). 30 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

C/ass f?ooni. To Soseftie/ft —;


Old Folks' and Orphans' Annual Meeting Delegates

Homes Delegates sent by the churches for Old Folks' Home, Carlisle, Pa. nineteen years: Morrison Cove Home, Martinsburg, Pa. Brethren's Home, Neffsville, Pa. Brethren's Home, Greenville, Ohio. Old People's Home, Fostoria, Ohio. (D Old People's and Orphans' Home, Mexi- Time and Place. a r/i co, Ind, o ;-i Q >i The Aged Persons' Home and Orphan Q rt •O -o -4-> Asylum, Middletown, Ind. % *s a o Old People's and Orphans' Home, Mt. w eq U ij W H Morris, 111. 1897 Frederick, Md., 93 104 18 14 10 239 The Home, Girard, 111. 1898 Naperville, 111.. 136 118 24 28 13 319 Folks' Marsh alltown, Iowa. Old Home, 1899 Roanoke, Va., . 126 105 22 26 13 292 Old Folks' Home, Darlow, Kans. 1900 N. Manch., Ind., 149 114 35 34 16 348 Fahrney Memorial Home at San Mar, 1901 Lincoln, Nebr., 156 110 25 37 12 10 35 near Mapleville, Md. 1902 Harrfsburg, Pa., 167 115 18 34 22 7 368 Old Folks' Home, Timberville. Va. 1903 Beliefontaine, O. 162 117 22 44 13 13 371 Orphans' Home, Timberville, Va. 1904 Carthage, Mo., 160 115 18 40 8 9 350 Old People's Home, Empire, Cal. 1905 Bristol, Tenn., 165 91 30 38 8 16 348 1906 Springfield, 111., 173 127 33 41 16 14 404 1907 L. Angeles, Cal. 100 47 10 52 16 38 263 Ministerial Force 1908 Des Moines, la. 201 115 23 47 12 16 414 Our 1909 Har'bg, Va 193 104 17 44 5 18 381 1910 Win. Lake, Ind. 228 128 29 54 14 33 486 1896 2,150 1906 2,723 1911 St. Jos., Mo. .. 227 101 11 45 16 40 440 2,208 1907 2,831 1897 1912 York, Pa., 210 116 20 39 11 25 421 1898 2,298 1908 2,938 1909 2,987 1913 Win. Lake, Ind. 25 6 100 24 61 12 23 486 1899 2,361 1910 3,012 1914 Seattle, Wash., 117 30 2 36 10 39 234

1900 2,397 . 23'3 1911 3,049 1915 Hershey, Pa.. . 119 21 33 13 36 455 1901 2,569 1912 3,066 1916 Winona Lake, Ind. 12581 1161 35 67|14 46 536 1902 2,646 1913 3,017 1903 2,750 1914 3,062 1904 2,763 1915 3,082 1905 2,769 1916 3,106 1918 January ^uly Officers 1 2 41 51 6 Committees and 7 81 9 111213 14 15 16 1811920 In addition to the Boards, elsewhere re- 21 22 23 25|26|27 in the following Com- ferred to the Almanac, 28 29 30 1..,.. mittees and Officers are in charge: February Augrust J. Kurtz Miller, Chair- Peace Committee.— ..|..l II 2 1 2 3 N. Y. man, 664 Forty-fourth Street, Brooklyn, 4| 5 61 7 8 9 4 5 6 81 9|10 C. A. Wright, Secretary, North Manchester, 11112 13|14|l5i]6 11112113 15116117 20121122123 Ind. ; W. J. Swigart, Treasurer, Huntingdon, 1819 181920 22 2324 Pa. 2526, 27 28 .... 252627 29 3031 Homeless Children Committee.—Frank Fish- March September 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 er, President, Mexico, Ind. ; P. S. Thomas, S&c- •I 7 4| 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 retary, Harrisonburg, Va. ; E. E. John, Treas- 111 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 urer, McPherson, Kans. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Committee on Dress Reform.—S. N. McCann, 29 30

President, Bridgewater, Va. ; E. M. Stude- baker, McPherson, Kans.; Eva Trestle, 3435 Aprjl October Street, Chicago; Florence Myers, Van Buren 1 2 41 5 ..I.. 11 21 3 4 5 Huntingdon, Pa.; Lydia E. Taylor, Mt. Mor- T 9 1112 6 7 8 9 10 1112 ris, 111. 14 16 13 14 15 1617 1819 Tract Examining: Committee.—E. B. Hoff, 21 23 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 27 28 29 30|31|..t.. Chairman, Maywood, 111.; J. W. Lear, Secre- May November tary, Decatur, 111. ; S. N. McCann, Bridgewater, Va.; Jas. M. Moore, 3435 Van Buren Street, ..!.. .. 1 21 31 4 ..|.. • . 1 2 5 6 9 Chicago; Edward Frantz, Elgin, 111. 5 6 7 8 9 1011 314 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Gish Committee.—J. E. Miller, Chairman, El- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 gin, 111.; J. H. B. Williams, Secretary, Elgin, 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 111.; J. W. Lear, Decatur, 111. June December General Officers of Sisters' Aid Societies. .. ] 1 2 41 5! 6 Mrs. M. C. Swigart, President, 6611 German- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 81 9 1213 town Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. Levi Min- 91011 12 13 14 15 1516 19 20 nich, Secretary-Treasurer, Greenville, Ohio. 16117 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 2627 26 27 28129 29 30 Transportation Agent. P. 23I24I25 General Railway — 30 ...... |.. S. Miller, Roanoke, Va. Easter, March 31 Pentecost, May 19 Annual Meetinjc Treasurer.—J. B. Deeter, West Milton, Ohio. .



Corrected up to and Including November 18, 1916 CANADA CHINESE MINISTERS Bare, John Cowley, Alberta, N. W. T. Gwong, Moy, North Manchester, Ind. Brubaker, A. J., Seven Persons, Alberta. Wing, Moy Grove Avenue, Elgin, 111. Brubaker, Peter, Medicine Hat, Alberta. Cool, A. S., Medicine Hat, Alberta. UNITED STATES S., Keoma, Alberta, Culp, J. Abernathy, I. W., Wilson, W. Va. Elmer, Dauntless, Alberta. Frantz, Ackerman, John Coopersburg, Pa. Irvin, David M., Francis, Assa. Long, George, Irricana, Alberta. Adamis, David M., Roaring Spring, Pa. Adkins, Priser, J. W., Brunetta, Alberta. A. W., R. D. 6, Nevada, Mo. Reeves, C. D., Pambrum, Sask. Ahner, Jacob, Reish, Joseph D., Dauntless, Alberta. 2346 Anthony Blvd., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Rensberger, Melvin, Osage, Sask. Aikey, Elmer, R. D., Bradford, Ohio. Shatto, Luther, Gleichen, Alberta. Akers, A. J., R. D. 1, Riner, Va. Strycker, Geo., Vidora, Sask. Akers, G. W., R. D. 1, Sowers, Va. Ziegler, Ira Vidora, Sask. Akers, J. H., Oakvale, W. Va. Akers, Dr. R. T., Alum Ridge, Va. CHINA Akers, Wallace, R. D. 1, Sowers, Va. Bright, J. Homer, ...Liao Chou, Shansi Prov. Albaugh, H. P., 3524 Elliott Ave., Berwyn, 111. Crumpacker, F. H. (on furlough), Albaugh, John D Keymar, Md. McPherson, Kans. Albright, John Gardner, Kans. Flory, Raymond C, .Liao Chou, Shansi Prov. Alger, Lonnie L., Sterling, Colo. Moyer, Elgin S., care Y, M. C. A., Allbright, Wm. H., ...Grundy Center, Iowa. Canton, China. Alldredge, J. S., Anderson, Ind. Oberholzer, I. E,, Ping Ting Hsien, Allen, Harvey W., Dumont, Iowa. Shansi Prov. Allen, H. C, Surgoinsville, Tenn. Vaniman, Ernest D., Ping Ting Hsien, Allen, J. R., Dumont, Iowa. Shansi Prov. Allen, Thomas, York, N. Dak. CUBA Alley, H. L., 118 No. Market St., Freder'k, Md. Alliison, David W Shippensburg, Pa. Oriente Province. Mahan, Walter, .....Omaja, Altland, Chas. H R. D. 3, East Berlin, Pa. DENMARK Andes, D. L., Fort Defiance, Va. Andrew, J. Fred, Clay City, Ind. Bskildsen, C. C, Hirshalsvej 17, Hjorring. Andrews, M. E., Bangor, Cal. Hansen, Christian, . . . .Bethesda, Bronderslev. Johansen, Martin, Hassing, per Bedsted. Angle, B. D., Olsson, Christian, Bedsted. 1910 W. Lafayette Ave., Baltimore, Md. Angle, Wine, A. F Aalborg, Aagade Second Sal. Wm. L R. D. 1, Camden, Ind. Anglemyer, D. H., Nappanee, Ind. INDIA Anglemyer, Jesse J Williamstown, Ohio. Arnold, S. Ira, Ankeny, Frank R. D. 2, Shelocta, Pa. Umalla Village, via Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. Annon, G. W., Thornton, W. Va. R'. R. Annon, S. M., R.D. 1, Bx. 19, Montrose, W. Va. Blough, J. M., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Annon, Zech., Thornton, W. Va. Ebey, Adam (on furlough), Anthony, F. D., 1020 Falls Road. Roland Park, No. Manchester, Ind., care of Dan'l J. King. Baltimore, Md. Emmert, Jesse B., Jalalpor, Surat Dist. Appleman, Jacob Thomas, Okla. Garner, H. P., Bulsar, Surat Dist. Appleman, John F., 351 B. Walnut St., Hoffert, A. T Bulsar, Surat Dist. \. Nappanee, Ind. Holsopple, Quincy A., Argabright, J. H., Fairview, Mo.. Umalla Village, via Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. Argabright, W. R Fairview, Mo. R. R. Armentrout, G. W Dighton, Kans. Kalidas, Lellubhai, Amletha. Arnold, Albert S Eglon, W. Va. Kaylor, John I., Vada, Thana Dist. Arnold, A. W Pleasant Dale, W. Va. Lichty, Daniel J Arnold, Charley M., New Paris, Ind.

Dahanu, Thana Dist., B. B. C. I. R. R. Arnold, D. E. , Purgitsville, W. Va. Long, I. S., Vyara, Surat Dist. Arnold, Geo. S Burlington. W. Va. Narsibhai, Icchabhai, Arnold, John, La Place, 111. Umalla Village, via Anklesvar. Arnold, John A., Eglon, W. Va. Pittenger, J. M ., Arnold, Perry A., Beaverton. Mich. Ahwa, Dangs Forest, via Bilimora. Arnold, Peter, Burlington, W. Va. Ross, Amos W Bulsar, Surat Dist. Arnold, Silas, Dobbin, W. Va. Stover, Wilbur B., Anklesvar, B. B. C. I. R. R. Atkins, J. M., Cabool, Mo. Ausherman, C. F., .R. D. 50, Myersville, Md. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Austin, A. W., Gushing, Okla. Detrick, Herbert, Manila. Austin, Oliver, College Hill, McPherson, Kans. Auvil, A. C Sines. Md. SWEDEN Badger, Samuel, Manvel, Texas. Andersson, A., .Rundelsgatan 26, Limhamn. Bagwell, E. B Bremen, Ohio. Graybill, J. F Friisgatan 1, Malmo. Bail, S. W Arcadia, Fla. Johansson, Ola., Eolshall, Stockholm. Bailey, Arthur Johnsson, Per, Vannaberga, Vinslof. 578 Grove St., Morgantown, W. Va. Jonsson, Nils, Monbiougatan 11, Malmo. Bailey, John P., Bolivar, Mo. Linden, B OLserod. Baker, C. L East Berlin. Pa. Lysell, Karl. Farlof Baker, David, Carson City, Mich. Mauritsson, Andras ' Baker, David, Piney Flats, Tenn. S. Forstadsgatan 66 a., Malmo. Baker, D. H., .Abbottstown St., Hanover, Pa. Petersson, John, Sangen, Marsta. Baker, F. L., R. D. 1, Mt. Morris, 111. 33 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Mondovi, Wis. Beery, P. Baker, H. C, • H Baker, Henry, R. D. 3, Greenville, Ohio. 3543 W. Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. Baker, H. Jesse, .R. D. 1, New Weston, Ohio. Beery, Salem, De Beque, Colo. B., Duncansville, Baker, H. M., R. D. 2, New Weston, Ohio. Benner, Levi Pa. Bennett, Pa. Baker' H.S., 666 Abbottstown St., Hanover, Pa. John, Artemas, Pa. Benton, Homer S., R. D. 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Baker, John S., ..R. D. 4, Elizabethtown, Everett, Pa. Berkebile, C. E., R. D. 2, Butler, Ohio. Baker, J. S • Berkebile, D. G., Delta, Ohio. Baker, N. B .•;'.•/••;;•••• Wichita, Kans. Berkebile, S. P., R. D. 1, 1251 North St. Francis Ave., Bellefontaine, Ohio. Bnsley, Ala. Baker, N. R Berkey, D. R R. D. 3, Marion Center, Pa. Va. Baker, Raphael, Gormania, W. Berkey, I. L., R. D. 9, Goshen, Ind. Colo. Baker, Roscoe P Haxtun, Berkley, Josiah R. D. 1, Rockwood, Pa. Baker, William, Liberty town Md. Berkley, Norman W., Bane W. W Burlington, W. Va. 420 Ferndale Ave., Johnstown, Pa. Bantz, C. M., Berkley, S. J., R. D. 2, Meyersdale, Pa. WA* 'a'^I?*''^''^'^?, ^^^n'111. Barkdoll, H. M., R. D. 3, Naperville, Berkley, U. Albert, .Derby St., Johnstown, Pa. Barklow, B. F Myrtle Point, Oregon. Berkman, D. G., Chadron, Nebr. Oregon. Barklow, C. H., Myrtle Point, Betts, David, R. D. 3, Nampa, Idaho. Oregon. Barklow, Thomas, Myrtle Point, Betts, I. F., R. D. 2, Box 244, Pasadena, Cal. Va. Barnes F., Brandonville, W. Betts, Jacob, R. D. 2, Nampa, Idaho. Barnes', Lee, R. D. 2, Billings, Okla. Beverage, Josiah, Monterey, Va. Barnett, J. W Bandon, Oregon. Beverage, J. W., .Monterey, Va. Barnhart, A. B • • • • • • Bible, J. W., Flint-stone, Md. 301 Summit Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Bingaman, A. L., Cerro Gordo, 111. Barnhart, D. B R. D. 1, Overbrook, Kans. Binkley, Newton W., Pittsburg, Ohio. Barnhart, D. L., R. D. 1, Owasco, Ind. Biser, M. M., Junction, W. Va. Barnhart, Geo., Carthage, Mo. Bixler, Edward C, New Windsor, Md. Barnhart, G. A Wirtz, Va. Bixler, Uriah, Westminster, Md. Barnhart, Jeremiah, ....R. D. 1, Ockley, Ind. Bixler, Wm., R. D., East Akron, Ohio. Barnhart, J. B., Donnelsville Ohio. Bjorklund, John, Barnhart, John Mansfield, 111. 404 S. 9th St., Rocky Ford, Colo. Barnhart, J. W., R. D. 3, Wirtz Va. Blair, John A., College Hill, McPherson, Kans. Barnhart, O., Custer, Mich. Blessing, S. A., West Milton, Ohio.

• • • Barnthouse, Jasper ^ Blickenstaff, Andrew McFarland, Cal. 8 W. Craig St., Uniontown, Pa. Blickenstaff, D. J R. D. 1, Oakley, 111. Barrette, James S., Church Hill, Tenn. Blickenstaff, Leo, 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago. Barrette, P. N Church Hill, Tenn. Blickenstaff, Miles, Bashor, A. M., Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 318 College Hill, McPherson. Kans. Bashor, B. J Bedford, Va. Blocher, Amos H., York, N. Dak. Bashor, D. C, Raisin City, Cal. Blocher, Ira G., Greenville, Ohio. Bashor, G. H., Glendora, Cal. Blocher, Michael, Bashor, James D Dandridge, Tenn. ...Box 5, Rio Linda, Sacramento Co., Cal. Bashor, J. B., Santa Ana, Cal. Blocher, S. W., R. D. 4, Greenville, Ohio. Bashor, S. C, Jamestown, Colo. Blough, A. P., 1315 Grant Ave., Waterloo, la. Batzel, G. S., R. D. 7, Everett, Pa. Blough, Charles W., R. D. 1, Hollsopple, Pa. Baugher, A. S., R. D. 22, Lineboro, Md. Blough, E. E., Nokesville, Va. Baugher, G. M., Brodbecks, Pa. Blough, Homer B., Baugher, Henry M., Spring Grove, Pa. R. D. 6, Box 67, Waterloo, Iowa. Baum, H. L., Shannon, 111. Blough, Jerome E., R. D, 5, ...Johnstown, Pa. Beabes, Newton E., Jerome, Pa. Blough, Norman H., Davidsville, Pa. Beach, Guy, New Enterprise, Pa. Blough, P. J., Hooversville, Pa. Beahm, G. W., Midland, Va. Blough, S. S., Beahm, I. N. H Nokesville, Va. 604 Miami St., North Manchester, Ind, Beahm, J. C, Elk Lick, Pa. Blough, Urias, Beahm, S. P Bedford, Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Beale, Jesse, Waterloo, Iowa. Blough, W. W Beatrice, Nebr. Beals, S. W., R. D. 6, Jonesboro, Tenn. Blue, Elmer D., R. D. 1, Johnstown, Pa. Beam, J. C. W., ...Fourth St., Johnstown, Pa. Boaz, Jacob M., Larned, Kans, Bean, E. G., .Indian Camp, W. Va. Bock, Daniel, Kokomo, Ind. Bean, Wm. M Bellefontaine, Ohio. Bogart, C. O., Mountain Grove, Mo*. Beard, David R., R. D. 1. Meridian, Idaho. Bogue, Frank M., Windfall, Ind. Beaver, I., ..R. D. 2, Box 156, Mifflinburg, Pa. Bohn, J. S Peru, Ind. Beaver, O. J Bohrer, A. P., Cacapehon, W. Va. 786 North Garey Avenue, Pomona, Cal. Bolinger, Floyd Carson City, Mich, Beaver, S. S., R. D. 8, Lancaster, Pa. Bolinger, Solomon, R. D, 2, New Madison, Ohio. Beaver, W. H,, St. .John, Kans. Bollinger, D. D., Fruitland, Idaho. Bechtel, Oscar H., ...R. D. 5, Bellville, Ohio. Bollinger, Samuel, R. D. 1, Vestaburg, Mich. Bechtelheimer, Boyd, Galveston, Ind. Bollman. Jesse G., Elkhart, Ind. Becker, Allen G., R. D. 3, Manheim, Pa. Bond, Wm„ White, Pa, Beckner, W. O., McPherson, Kans. Bonewitz, John Weston, Oregon. Bedel, Luther R. D. 1, Nebraska, Ind. Bonsack, Chas, D,, New Windsor, Md, Beeghly, A. J., R. D. 2, Friedens, Pa. Book, I. B., North Manchester, Ind, Beeghly, James W., Eglon, W. Va. Book. Wm. I Beeghly, .Ter., Markleysburg. Pa. ..207 DeKalb Square, West Philadelphia. Pa. Beeghly, John W., ..R. D. 14, Dayton, Ohio. Bookwalter, L, A., Trotwood, Ohio, Beelman, Adam Chicago Junction, Ohio. Bookwalter, Sylvan, R. D. 2, New Paris, Ohio, Beelman, Geo. W Boomershine, Reuben, Brookville, Ohio, 46 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster, Pa. Boone, C, B R, D. 5, Roanoke, Va. Beer, J. H., Denton, Md. Boone, John O., Ferrum, Ya. Beery, C. O., Pleasant Hill. Ohio. Boothe, .Tesse, R, D, 3, Floyd, Va, Beery, Isaac R., Lanark, 111. Boothe, Noah R., Dulanev, Va. Beery, Jacob D., Augusta. W. Va. Booth, N. T Floyd, Va. Beery, Noah V., ...R. D. 4, Brookville, Ohio. Booze, H., Aline, Okla. 34 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Borough, Samuel Brower, J. D., South English, Iowa. 305 E. Broadway, South Bend, Ind. Brower, J. H., South English, Iowa. Borough, Wm., 188 Elder St., South Bend, Ind. Brower, J. J Reedley, Cal. Bosserman, Eleazer, Williamstown, Ohio. Brown, Charles C, East Berlin, Pa. Bosserman, Levi D., Brown, C. H., Clovis, N. Mex. 1224 S. Walnut St., Riverside, Cal. Brown, B. C, Westminster, Md. Bosserman, W. P Tangier, Okla. Brown, J. K Box 149, Martinsburg, Pa. Bowen, F. S., R. D., Zion, Pa. Brown, S. M., 1545 North Grove, Wichita, Kans. Bower, Clarence E., ...R. D. 2, Albion, Ind. Browning, V. B., R. D. 2, Muncie, Ind. Bowers, Geo. F., Taneytown, Md. Brubacher, A. H., R. D. 7, Lebanon, Pa. Bowers, Harvey S., ...R. D. 1, Wakarusa, Ind. Brubaker, A., Gratis, Ohio. Bowers, Peter, Parkersburg, 111. Brubaker, A. C

Bowie, J. B., , Prairie City, Iowa. 2002 Broadway, Kansas City, Kans. Bowlus, John S., Burkittsville, Md. Brubaker, A. O., Lindsay, Cal. Bowman, A., Hagerstown, Ind. Brubaker, A. Z., R. D. 6, Lebanon, Pa. Bowman, A. D., Leslie, Idaho. Brubaker, B. F., Protection, Kans. Bowman, Asa R. D. 5, Floyd, Va. Brubaker, C. C McPherson, Kans. Bowman, Daniel, Dillons Mills, Va. Brubaljer, D. E., Mt. Morris, 111. Bowman, Dan'l F., R.D. 3, Johnson City, Tenn. Brubaker, D. G., Elk City, Okla. Bowman, David, Empire, Cal. Brubaker, D. M., Weilersville, Ohio. Bowman, D. E„ ...R. D. 20, Hagerstown, Ind. Brubaker, D. R., Roanoke, Va. Bowman, D. W., Brubaker, B. B., Brubaker, Pa. 3702 Columbus Ave., Anderson, Ind. Brubaker, B. H R. D. 42, Virden, 111. Bowman, Earl M., Jasper, Mo. Brubaker, Ellis S., R. D. 9, Wabash, Ind. Bowman, B. E Nafes, Va. Brubaker, F. B., ...R. D. 1, Duncansville, Pa. Bowman, Geo., R. D. 1, Callaway, Va. Brubaker, H. A., .807 Coburn St., Akron, Ohio. Bowman, H. D., R. D. 1, Laporte, Ind. Brubaker, Henry, Holmesville, Nebr. Bowman, Isaac, R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. Brubaker, H. M., Minneola, Kans. Bowman, Joseph, R. D. 1, Callaway, Va. Brubaker, H. T., Bowman, Jos. H., R. D. 5, Harrisonburg, Va. 415 S. Water St., Olathe, Kans. Bowman, J. J., Dayton, Ohio. Brubaker, Isaac S., R. D. 2, Lindsay, Cal. Bowman, J. L., Scottdale, Pa. Brubaker, I. W., Prairie City, Iowa. Bowman, J. P., R. D. 2, Prescott, Mich. Brubaker, J. A., Pomona, Cal. Bowman, J. Price, Brubaker, J. B., R. D. 3, Manheim, Pa. R. D. 3, Johnson City, Tenn. Brubaker, J. P., West Alexandria, Ohio. Bowman, L. A., R. D. 1, Callaway, Va. Brubaker, J. H., Virden, 111. Bowman, Michael, Topeka, Ind. Brubaker, J. H., R. D. 3, Monticello, Minn. Bowman, Paul H., New Windsor, Md. Brubaker, Jonathan, Virden, 111. Bowman, R. F., 2505 Virginia Av., Joplin, Mo. Brubaker, J. O., .Live Oak, Cal. Bowman, Samuel, McPherson, Kans. Brubaker, L. E., Callaway, Va. Bowman, S. I., Harrisonburg. Va. Brubaker, N. F., .Fruita, Colo. Bowman, S. J., R. D. 4, Jonesboro, Tenn. Brubaker, N. J., Bowman, S. L., Bridgewater, Va. 2140 West Thirty-first St., Los Angeles, Cal. Bowser, Daniel, ..804 W. Poplar St., York, Pa. Brubaker, W. N., Rockton, Pa. Bowser, Israel M R. D. 12, York, Pa, Brubaker, W. H., Live Oak. Cal. Bowser, J. J., Empire, Cal. Bruere, Harvey, Fredric, Iowa. Bowser, Joseph J., 518 Madison Ave., York, Pa. Brumbaugh, A., Greenville, Ohio. Bowser, Samuel, Prescott, Mich. Brumbaugh, Aaron, .Mt. Morris, 111. Boyd, A. L., Cordell, Okla. Brumbaugh, Elmer, Boyd, C. F., Newville, N. Dak. R. D. 1, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Bradley, E. J Saluda, N. C. Brumbaugh, Bnos B., R. D. 1. Union, Ohio. Bradley, F. H., Imperial, Texas. Brumbaugh, Ernest, Williamsburg, Pa. Bradley, W. H., Kearney sville, W. Va. Brumbaugh, G. B., James Creek, Pa. Bradshaw, M. E., Relief, N. C. Brumbaugh, G. W., Clovercreek, Pa. Brallier, Chester A., Pierceton, Ind. Brumbaugh, H. B., Huntingdon, Pa. Brallier, Geo. H Hall, Fla. Brumbaugh, Henry H., Defiance, Pa. Brallier, W. A., Greenville, Iowa. Brumbaugh, I. Harvey, Huntingdon, Pa. Brammell, Guy H Ozawkie, Kans. Brumbaugh, Irvin B., ..R. D. 1, Grafton, Pa. Brammell, H. L Ozawkie, Kans. Brumbaugh, James D., Martinsburg, Pa. Brandt, Harry A., ...Box 54, Lordsburg, Cal. Brumbaugh, J. B., Juniata Park, Pa. Branscom, Geo. A., R. D. 5, Campobello, S. C. Brumbaugh, J. B., Huntingdon. Pa. Bray, W. T., Denair, Cal. Brumbaugh, Jesse K., West Milton, Ohio. Breneman, Jacob, Brumbaugh, John A., Gildford, Mont. 660 Pennsylvania Ave., York, Pa. Brumbaugh, John C, North Liberty, Ind. Breshears, Asro, R. D. 1, Wheatland, Mo. Brumbaugh, J. R., Pittsburg, Ohio. Breshears, B. E., Omak, Wash. Brumbaugh, L. R., Ridgely, Md. Bricker, J. A., Brumbaugh, M. G., Executive Mansion, 833 Wellington St., Baltimore, Md. Harrisburg, Pa. Brickey, J. A., R. D. 1, Nocona. Texas. Brumbaugh, M. R., Henrietta, Pa. Bridge, Albert, Monticello, Ind. Brumbaugh, Reuben H., Tylersport, Pa. Bridge, G. O., Monon, Ind. Brumbaugh. S. I., R. D. 2, Saxton. Pa. Bright, Jno. Calvin Laura, Ohio. Brunk, E. B., ..: Dexter, N. Mex. Brigner, Chas. W Altoona, Kans. Brunk, Perry S., Altoona, Iowa. Brillhart, D. Y., R. D. 1, Dallastown, Pa. Brunton, Walter, ...R. D. 2, Cashmere, Wash. Brillhart, Uriah, R. D. 4, ..Lawrence, Kans. Bryan, C. A Box 234, Shannon. 111. Brindle, J. H., R. D. 9, Gettysburg, Pa. Bryant, J. E., R. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colo. Britton, J. F Bristow, Va. Bryant, S. S Peppers, N. C. Broadwater, Clyde, Bittinger, Garrett Co., Md. Bucher, Allen, Annville, Pa. Broadwater, J R. D. 2, Preston, Minn. Bucher, Cyrus, Astoria, 111. Brodbeck, A. M., Dover, Pa. Bucher, Rufus P., ..R. D. 3, Quarryville, Pa. Brougher, Mahlon J Bucher, S. G Astoria, 111. 132 Shearer Street, Greensburg. Pa. Buck, Abram, Santa Rosa, Fla. Brower, David M., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Buck, O. D., Franklin Grove, 111. Brower, Isaac U Parkerford, Pa. Buckingham, B. F., R. D. 2, Prairie City, Iowa. 35 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Buckingham, W. I., Prairie City, Iowa. Chambers, J. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. Buclilew, Albertus, R. D. 1, Union, Ohio. Chandler, William Myrtle Point, Oregon. Bucklew, D. W., Mt. Clinton, Va. Charles, Warren, Grampian, Pa. Bucklew, Solomon, Chemberlen, G. F., Covina, Cal. 541 Highland Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. Childs, Lewis, R. D. 2, Daleville, Ind. Buckley, J. S., Sterling, 111. Christian, J. H., R. D. 5, Huntington, Ind. Buckley, William, Christian, J. H., Gettysburg, Ohio. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Claar, Michael, , Klahr, Pa. Buckmaster, G. W Reck, Okla. Clanahan, John Edith, Va. Budd, Amos, Auburn, Ind. Clapper, D. K., R. D. 1, Meyersdale, Pa. Buntain, Geo. W., R. D. 5, Wenatchee, Wash. Clapper, G. M Sykeston, N. Dak. Buntain, W. E., Clapper, John, Lindsay, Cal. 337 N. Carolina Ave., S. B., Washington, D. C. Clapper, Joseph H., Yellow Creek, Pa. Burall, J. M., New Market, Md. Clapper, Sherman, Salubria, Idaho. Burcham, Wm., Noblesville, Ind. Clark, Chas. W., R. D. 3, Johnson City, Tenn. Burger, R. E., 1517 Stevens Ave., Elkhart, Ind. Clark, Dennis, Maysville, W. Va. Burger, S. J., R. D. 2, Howe, Ind. Clark, D. H., Texas. Burger, Samuel J., Baltic, Ohio. ...128 W. Locust St., San Antonio, Burget, A. B., Clovercreek, Pa. Clark, E. F., Burgin, George W., ...32 Bryant St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Tenn. 1500 S. Peaid St., Denver, Colo. Clark, Jesse D., Jonesboro, Clark, John S., Burkhart, Joseph, •. . . . Shippensburg, Pa. St., Parsons, Kans. Burkhart, J. S., 3234 W. Main Clark, Roy B., R. D. 2, Jonesboro, Tenn. R. D. 3, Box 10, Johnstown, Pa. Burkholder, C. K., Claybaugh, H. A., 1134 Platte Ave., Fremont, Nebr. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Clear, D., ...1217 Oxford St., Houston, Tex. Burkholder, J. B., ..R. D. 3, Harmony, Minn. J. Cleaver, Geo. D., Curwensville, Pa. Burkholder, J. H., R. D. 1, Elmo, Kans. Cleaver, Urban, Burkholder, Wm., R. D. 3, Newville, Pa. , R. D., Grampian, Clearfield Co., Pa. Burnett, S. G R. D. 1, Ripley, Okla. Burns, Irvin S Topeka, Ind. Clem, Amsey B., New Paris, Ind. Burns, W. H., Flora, Ind. Clemens, G. W., Stet, Mo. Burress, W. P., 1417 Perkins Ave., Joplin, Mo. Cline, E. J., Burrow, G. P., Ralley, Okla. ...108 N. Eighty-second St., Seattle, Wash. Burton, John F., Ankeny, Iowa. Cline, John W., Mt. Sidney, Va. Bussard, Wm., New Paris, Ind. Cline, Justus H Stuarts Draft, Va. Bussear, Z. L., Freesoil, Mich. Cline, J. W., Butcher, B. C, Ware, Texas. ... 1823 Eleventh Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Cline, M. J., Bridgewater, Va. Buterbaugh, J. O., R. D. 2, Sraithburg, Md. Cline, P. F., R. D. 1, Weyers Cave, Va. Butler, Henry N., ...R. D. 1, Richland, Iowa, Newton, Pa. Butterbaugh, Andrew, Polo, 111. Cline, Samuel West Butterbaugh, T. D., Silver Lake, Ind. Clingenpeel, G. W., Louisa, Va. L., D. 3, Brookville, Ohio. Byer, Franklin J Mt."-Morris, 111. Cloppert, H. ...R. B. L., Gatewood, Va. Byer, W. D .R. D. 5, Marshalltown, Iowa. Clower, W. Byer. W. H., Salt Petre Cave, Va. Clower, Lewis M Gatewood, W. Va. Byerly, David, Lima, Ohio. Coate, A. David, Greenville, Ohio. Byerly, D. M., Magley, Ind. Cober, Ephraim, 311 Main St., Sabetha, Kans. Byerly, Jesse S., R. D. 2, Decatur, Ind. Coblentz, Perry B., Peru, Ind. Byers, Calvin S., Rocky Ridge, Md. Cochran, Martin Tollgate. W. Va. Byrd, I. D., Cobham, Va. Cocklin, Walter B., R.D. 3, MechanicsbUrg, Pa. Cakerice, J. H., R. D. 1, Abilene, Kans. Coffman, Aubrey R., Caldwell, L. D., Mathias, W. Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Calhoun, Allen, Boyer, W. Va. Coffman, Ernest S. R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Calvert, J. G., Inglewood, Cal. Coffman, H. C. N., South English, Iowa. Calvert, Noah H., Brumbaugh, N. Dak. Coffman, J. D., R. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colo. Calvert, W. Q., .* Lordsburg, Cal. Coifman, J. M., ...R. D. 1, Harrisonburg, Va. Campbell, D. C, R. D. 1, Colfax, Ind. Coffman, John I., R. D. 3, Box 7, Laton, Cal. Campbell, Jas. A., Fristoe, Mo. Coffman, Luther C Daleville, Va. Campbell, John A., ...R. D. 2, Parsons, Kans. Coffman, N. Walter, R. D. 2, Fishersville, Va. Campbell, U. S., Lyndhurst, Va. Coffman, T. R Canfleld, Geo. G., Summerfield, Kans. JL120 Greenfield Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Carger, Harry V., Plymouth, Ind. Coleman, John Carl, Geo. C, 1065 Franklin St., Johnstown, Pa. 1125 Albina Ave., Portland, Oregon. Collins, John C, R. D. 2, Laporte, Ind. Carney, James S., R. D. 4, Pomona, Kans. Collyer, Harry, , Covert, Kans. Carpenter, A. F., R. D. 3, Middletown, Ind. Colyn, Charles, R. D. 4, Osceola, Iowa. Carper, E. P., Fordwick, Va. Conner, Abram R. D. 1, Manassas, Va. Carper, Frank S. Palmyra, Pa. Conner, Jacob, R. D. 2, Spring City, Pa. Carter, W. R., Woodlawn, Va. Conner, W. K., Caruso, J ...546 So. Seventeenth St., Harrisburg, Pa. 205 Twenty-first St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Conover, Norman A., Casebeer, R. D., Somerset, Pa. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Caskey, Homer F., Red Cloud, Nebr. Cook, Hezekiah, Dillsburg, Pa. Caskey, O. C, R. D. 1, Prescott, Iowa. Cook, O. W., Dillsburg. Pa. Caslow, Ellis F., Cook, S. G Venedocia, Ohio. 1914 Gardner Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cook, W. E R. D. 4, Billings, Okla. Cassady. J. Harry, Huntingdon, Pa. Cook, W. G., R. D. 4, Billings, Okla. Cassel, Chas. D., Manheim, Pa. Cool, N. D : Cassel, F. P., Lansdale, Pa. 405 S. Market St., Winchester. Va. Cassel, Isaac Fairview Village, Pa. Cool, N. J., R. D. 2, Beaverdam, Ohio. Cassel, Joseph N., Fairview Village, Pa. Cool, P. N., R. D. 1. Bradford, Ohio. Castle, Noah P., Brownsville, Md. Coover, A. B Broken Arrow, Okla. Cawley, E. C, Parkersburg. 111. Coppock, C. v., R. D. 3, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Chambers, Daniel Middleton, Mich. Coppock, Jacob Tippecanoe City, Ohio. 36 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Cordier, F. P., Celina, Ohio. Deardorff, Geo. E., Cory, Lee R., Milford, Ind. Cor, Church St, and Clover Ave,, Marion, O. Correll, P. M., R. D. 1, Mosheim, Tenn. Deardorff, Isaac, Cosner, Earl C, Gormania, W. Va. R. D, 10, Marion, Grant County, Ind. Cosner, J. T., Bismarck, W. Va. Deardorff, J. B. Patterson, Cal. Cosner, Newton D., Bismarck, W. Va. Deardorff, J. W., Empire, Cal. Cosner, Wm. H., Wilson, W. Va. Deardorff, Moses Yale, Iowa. Manchester, Ind. Cotrell, D. Owen, North Deardorff, W. A., Brantford, N. Dak. Couser, D. G., R. D. 3, Lincoln, Nebr. Deaton, George ,.R, D, 2, Claypool, Ind. Couser, J. A. R R. D., Dayton, Ohio. Deaton, J. F Cover, Samuel C, Canton, Ohio. R. D. 1, West Alexandria, Ohio. Cover, S. L Mt. Etna, Iowa. Cox, Charles L., Tyrone, Pa. Debolt, A., Masontown, Pa. Cox, John M., Lordsburg, Cal. Decker, S. B., Ashland, Oregon. Coy, Aaron, R. D. 8, Dayton, Ohio. Deeter, John W., Gilead Street, Andover, Conn. Crabill, Joseph M R. D., Woodstock, Va. Deeter, Manly Milford, Ind. Craun, Benj. H., ...R. D. 1, Bridgewater, Va. Deeter, W. R., Milford, Ind. De Lauter, Ora R. D. O", Canton, Ohio. Craun, Manon J., Bridgewater, Va. ^ Cripe, Calvin, New Paris, Ind. Dell, Jacob S R. D. 5, Beatrice, Nebr. Cripe, Chas. C., R. D. 1, Lewiston, Minn. Del;), Chas. B R. D. 3, Shannon, 111. Cripe, Clyde, Middlebury, Ind. Delp, Jacob, j Pearl City, 111, Cripe, D. B., 813 E. Main Street, Enid, Okla. Delp, S. B,, Murdock, Kans, Gripe, D. S., R. D., South Bend, Ind. Derrick, C. C Cripe, Israel, Mt. Carroll, 111. 2523 Nashville St., El Paso, Texas. Cripe, Jacob, R. D. 13, Galveston, Ind. Deseuberg, Wm. L,, Cripe, John W., *. Goshen, Ind. Bast Ninth Street, Ashland, Ohio. Cripe, Nath., Hillisburg, Ind. Detrick, A. J,, Yoder, Colo, Crist, A. D., Middleburg, Fla. Detrick, W. C, Crist, Charles, R. D. 1, Paola, Kans. 213 N. Wabash St., Wabash, Ind. Crist, D. A., Quinter, Kans, Dettra, Lewis R Vaucluse, v a. Crist, D. W., Yorba Linda, Cal. Detwiler, A, J Williamsburg, Pa, Crist, Henry F., Detwiler, David T,, New Enterprise, Pa, 535 Bhrich Street, Colorado City, Colo. Detwiler, Edgar M,, 14 Sell St., Johnstown, Pa. Crist, Isaac H., Virden, 111. Devilbiss, W. B,, Crist, J. B., Friend, Kans. 742 S. Main St., Ottawa, Kans. Crist, Roy A., .....Quinter, Kans. Dibert, D. W Everett, Pa. Cross, A. Sherman, Blountsville, Ind. Dick, Trostle P., Cross, J. J., ...R. D. 1, Michigan City, Ind. 1700 Mifflin St., Huntingdon, Pa, Cross, Wm. U., Akron, Ohio. Dickerson, Moses I Pilot, Va, Crosswhite, A. G., Roaring Spring, Pa. Dickey, A. M., Crouch, E. M Bdinburg, Ind. 9850 Sixtieth Ave., South Seattle, Wash. Crouse, J. H R. D. 2, Savanna, 111. Dickey, Howard R. D. 16, Culver, Ind, Crouse, J. M., Fayetteville, W. Va. Dickey, J. P Lordsburg, Cal. Crowell, J. A., Dickey, J. S., North Manchester, Ind. 2187 Cummington Rd., Cleveland, Ohio. Dickey, L. H,, Fostoria, Ohio. Cruea, Moses, Dickinson, W. Harry, St. Peters, Pa. 1405 Eastern Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Diehl, Austin, R. D, 9, Jonesboro, Tenn, Crumpacker, A. J., R. D. 1, Harrisonville, Mo. Diehl, C. H Jonesboro, Tenn, Crumpacker, Alden Hartman, Colo. Diehl, John I,, Iowa City, Iowa, Crumpacker, Emory C, Diehl, Oscar, Panora, Iowa,

R. D. 1, Box 46, Roanoke, Va. Diehm, Edgar, • Huntingdon, Pa, Crumpacker, J. S., Dierdorff, D. T Surrey, N. Dak. R. D. 1, Box 48, Roanoke, Va. Digman, S. P Crumpacker, S., R. D. 1, Berkeley Springs, W. Va, R. D. 1, Box 48, Roanoke, Va. Digman, T, B,, Williamsport, W. Va, Crumpacker, S. P., McPherson, Kan's, Diller, Aaron B., Nash,- Okla, Cullen, Ray R., R. D. 5, Beatrice, Nebr. Dilling, L. S. Hagerstown, Ind. Culler, A. J., McPherson, Kans. Dilling, Roy Culler, Elmer A Hartville, Ohio. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Culler, E. M., R. D. 1, Cleveland, Ala. Dillon, Robert R. D. 6, Camden, Ohio. Culler, Geo. F., Woodland, Mich. Dinger, Evan M,, R. D. 1, Reinholds, Pa. Culp, Ira, Rawlings, Md. Dively, Fred C, .. .Claysburg, Blair Co., Pa. Cummings, James F., Naffs, Va. Dively, Taylor Klahr, Pa, Cunningham, Elwood, R. D. 19, Shipman, Va. Dixon, Andrew M,, Huntingdon, Pa, Custer, Frank C, R. D. 11, Hillsboro, Ohio. Dixon, John Bluefield, W. Va. Czigans, Milton C, R. D. 1, Auburn, W. Va. Dolby, Mattie, Mt. Morris, 111, Dadisman, Lee R. D. 1, Kenedy, Texas. Dorer, Solomon, 161 Spring St., Johnstown, Pa. Daggett, A. C, Covert, Kans. Dorsey, Dr. J. S., Daggett, C. F Belleville, Kans. 742 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Daily, Elmer, Peru, Ind. Dotzour, Grover C, McPherson, Kans. Danner, G. Howard, Abbottstown, Pa. Dove, Geo. A., Hotchkiss, Colo. Darr, John J,, R. D. 6, Somerset, Pa. Dove, Geo. L., Criders, Va. Davidson, R. C, Dove, J. A., "Cloverdale, Va. R. D. 4, Box 51, Lynchburg, Ohio. Dove, W. A., Criders, Va. Davis, C. Ernest, Macdoel, Cal. Downing, A. S., Lamar, Colo. Davis, C. W R. D. 1, Live Oak. Cal. Dredge, D. S., New Carlisle, Ohio. Davis, D. C. Trade. Tenn, Driver, C. M., R, D. 3, Staunton, Va. Davis, P. S., Springs, Somerset Co., Pa. Driver, John F Timberville, Va. Davis, Wm,, Morrill, Kans. Driver, J. L., R. D. 2, Bridgewater, Va. Dawson, M. M., Cumberland, Okla. Driver, Samuel, R. D. 2, Lima, Ohio Deal, John, .Brumbaugh, N, Dak. Driver, S. I., R, D. 8, Lima, Ohio, Deardorff, Chas. H Dunbar, L, M., Darlington, Ind. R. D., Box 42, Clarksville, Mich. Duncan, N, A., Norwood, Mo. Deardorff, Earl, Bagley, Iowa, Duncan, Preston, Riner, Va. 37 .


Dupler, A. W,, ..466 Alton St., Appleton, Wis. Eller, J. F., Empire, Cal. Durr, Francis F., Glendale, Ariz. Elliott, J. M Holden, Mo. Early, A. B., Ft. Defiance, Va. Elliott, L. E R. D. 2, Mercersburg, Pa. Early, Geo. A New Hope, Va. Ellis, C. C, Huntingdon, Pa. Early, H. C, Penn Laird, Va. Ellis, O. C, R. D. 2, Huntington, Ind. Early, M. G Midland, Va. Elrod, S. L., Climax, Kans. Early, Oscar, R. D. 1, Stet, Mo. Elson, J. H., Wawaka, Ind. Early, S. P., Emerick, Israel Manchester, Pa. 1126 N. Union St., Fostoria, Ohio. Emley, B. F., R. D. 2, S. Whitley, Ind. Eastwood, Albert M., Middleburg, Fla. Emmert, Harvey, Huntingdon, Pa. Eavey, George W., R. D. 3, Elida, Ohio, Emmert, M. W., Mt. Morris, 111. Eberly, Harvey M., Lititz, Pa. England, W. F., Lordsburg, Cal. Ebersole, Martin, R. D. 5, Lancaster, Pa. Englar, Daniel, R. D. 32, New Windsor, Md. Ebie, John L., Englar, J. Walter New Windsor, Md. 3435 Van Buren Street, Chicago, 111. Englar, Sam'l E., R. D. 32, New Windsor, Md. Eby, D. B Sunnysid^, Wash. Englar, W. P., .Uniontown, Md. Eby, D. F., Engle, Eldon Morrill, Kans. R. D. 21, Box 21, East Akron, Ohio. Ennis, David E., Blanchard, Okla. Eby, E. H., Ennis, M. M., Box 38, Cole, Okla. ..122 North Seventy-sixth St., Seattle, Wash. Enos, Irvin V Adrian, Mo. Eby, Henry H., R. D. 4, Dayton, Ohio. Erbaugh, G., R. D. 2, New Lebanon, Ohio. Eby, Ira P., Mt. Morris. 111. Erbaugh, Ivan L., Eby, Jacob A., Sunnyside, Wash. R. D. 2, New Lebanon, Ohio. Eby J. G Erbaugh, N. W., '. R. D. 1, Box 80, Summerfield, Kans. R. D. 3, West Alexandria, Ohio. Eby, Josiah, R. D. 14, Dayton, Ohio. Ernst, John J., ^ Red Cloud, Nebr. Eby, L. H Payette, Idaho. Eshelman, Clarence A McPherson, Kans. Ecker, G., Westminster, Md. Eshelman, D. E., R. D. 1, Box 8, Canton, 111. Ecker, Thomas, Taney town, Md. Eshelman, E. E R. D. 2, Preston, Minn. Eckerle, P. F., Lanark, 111. Eshelman, M. M., Eddy, J. A Worthington, Minn. 219 Blanche Ave., Tropico, Cal. Edgecomb, Alba, R. D. 1, Ripley, Okla, Eshelman, Nathan, R. D. 3, Blizabethtown, Pa. Edgecomb, Samuel, Eshelman, S. S., R. D. 3, Elizabethtown, Pa. R. D. H, Box 104, Fresno, Cal. Etter, David, ...R. D. 1, Union Deposit, Pa. Edmister, J. F Garrison, Iowa. JJvans, A. A., R. D. 8, Carlisle, Pa. Edris, E. W., Fredericksburg, Pa. Evans, Alex., Wikel, W. Va. Edwards, F. G., Evarts, John D Wilson, W. Va. 1702 S. Santa Ee Ave., Chanute, Kans. Fager, Chas D., Ochiltree, Texas. Edwards, H. P., Woodlawn, Va. Fahnestobk, A. G R. D. 1, Lititz, Pa. Edwards, Levi Streets, N. C. Fahnestock, N. B Manheim, Pa. Edwards, Robert, Jonesboro, Tenn. Fahnestock, S. B., .Manheim, Pa.

Egan, E. J., ; . . Shipman, Va. Fahrney, Callo, Eicher, J. K., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. 761 N. Second Ave., Twin Falls, Idaho. Eidemiller, J. Howard, Fahrney, J. Welty, R. D. 2, New Carlisle, Ohio. 311 West Fifth Street,, Frederick, Md. Eikenberry, Amos R., Mt. Morris. 111. Fahrney, P. D., 827 Hamilton Boulevard Eikenberry, Edward, Greene, Iowa. corner Park Lane, Hagerstown, Md. Eikenberry, E. R., R. D. 5, Wenatchee, Wash. Faidley, Ira D., Eikenberry, Harvey, Raisin, Cal. 1730 Maple St., Des Moines, Iowa. Eikenberry, I. M., Onekama, Mich. Falkenstein, Geo. N Elizabethtown, Pa. Eikenberry, John, ...R. D. 6, Warren, Ind. Fasnacht, Earl Twin Falls, Idaho. Eikenberry, J. F Greene, Iowa. Fasnacht, Urias C Quarryville. Pa. Eikenberry, John, Faust, Alvin G., R. D. 1, Windber, Pa. 1208 Grand Ave., Middletown, Ohio. Faw, C. R., Eikenberry, J. W., 938 Franklin St., Winston-Salem, N. C. R. D. 3, Independence, Kans. Faw, Enoch, R. D. 3, ..North Yakima, Wash. Eikenberry, Kernie, Mexico, Ind. Feightner, I. L Elk Creek, Cal. Eikenberry, Morris W., Dallas Center, Iowa. Feiler, O. H Eikenberry, W. H., Barnum, Minn. 717 East Ninth St., Hutchinson, Kans. Eikenberry, W. L., Felthouse, J. V., Seminole, Fla. 1655 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kans, Ferguson, I. B., .R. D. 1, Boswell, Pa. Filer, Calvin F., North Manchester, Ind. Fernald, T. Herbert, Filer, Wm. H., R. D. 2, Froid, Mont. R. D. 3, Box 77, Waldoboro, Me. Eisenberg, J. Linwood, Royersford, Pa. Fesler, Frederick, Eisenberg, J. Y., Royersford, Pa. R. D. 10, Box 47, Anderson, Ind. Eisenbise, Chas. W., Kingsley, Iowa. Fidler, J. W., ..' Brookville, Ohio. Eisenbise, C. S., Field, Louis Donithon, Ky 3545 Congress St., Chicago, 111. Fields, Harry M., Eisenbise, Forest S., R. D. 1, South Whitley, Ind.

3545 Congress St., Chicago, 111. Fields, Robert, ; Laura, Ky. Eisenbise, P. J., Effingham, Kans. Figgers, Robert, Buena Vista, Va. Fike, Aaron, R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. '.3446 W. Van Buren St.," 'Chicago, 'ill*. Fike, A. R Nezperce, Idaho, Eisenbise, W. G., .'. Waddams Grove, 111. Fike, B. J Nezperce, Idaho. Eisenbise, W. H Mt. Carroll, 111. Fike, D. M I. Eisenhour, C, ...R. D. 1, Nappanee, Ind. . . .229 West Oak Street, Walla Walla, Wash. Elgin, William A Elamsville, Va. Fike, Emra T., R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. Ellenberger, Albert J., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Fike, Ezra Eglon, W. Va. Ellenberger, G. W Mound City, Mo. Fike, Geo. D., Nampa, Idaho. Ellenberger, Hervin R., .,, Mound City, Mo, Fike, J. H Middlebury, Ind. Ellenberger, J. K., Polo, Mo. Fike, John S., J]glon, W. Va. Ellenberger, W. S., Prowers, Colo. Fike, Jonas, Eglon, W. Va. Filer, C. E., Salem, Va. Fike, Lorenzo II., R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. Eller, Geo. R., R. D. 2, Quinter, Kans. Fike, Moses, ..R. D. 2, Box 44, Oakland, Md. BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Fike, Noah, Hovatter, W. Va. Foster, J. M., R. D. 3, Luray, Va. Fike, Peter L., Foust, D. A R. D. 1, Greencastle, Pa. 343 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago, III. Foust, J. E., Champion, Pa. Fike, Phineas L Peace Valley, Mo. Fouts, D. H Centralia, Wash. Fike, S. K., Cordova, Md. Fonts, E. S., Fredric, Iowa. Fike, S. W Blliottsville, Pa. Fouts, S. S., Salem, 111. Fike, Tobias S Ladiesburg, Md. Fox, Barry T., Shady Grove, Pa. Fike, U. J., Clarence, Iowa. Fox, E. S., R. D. 2, Larned, Kans. Filbrun, J. J., ...R. D. 5, Wenatchee, Wash. Fox, Ira H., Box 105, Centralia, Wash. Filbrun, Parker, R. D. 4, Dayton, Ohio. Fox, Lemuel R., Mount Pleasant, Pa. Fillmore, A. G., Francis, J. G., R. D. 1, Box 46, Davidson, Okla. 138 Cumberland Street, Lebanon, Pa. Finnell, Virgil C, Bnders, Nebr. Franklin, Ross, Parsons, Kans. Fipps, Elmer E., R. D. 1, Kokomo, Ind. Franklin, W. K., Lordsburg, Cal. Firestone, J. B., Roanoke, La. Frantz, Abram M., Dawson, W. Va. Fiscel, Emery D., Yale, Iowa. Frantz, Earl M., McPherson, Kans. Fishbaugher, H. E., ...R. D. 1, Preston, Minn. Frantz, Edward, Elgin, 111. Fishburn, Geo. A., Overbrook, Kans. Franta, H. A., Fisher, Frank Mexico, Ind. 1400 Euclid Street, McPherson, Kans, Fisher, Harley, Mexico, Ind. Frantz, Ira H., Mt. Morris, 111. Fisher, Ira, Flora, Ind. Frantz, Isaac, Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Fisher, Irvin, 923 20th St., Sacramento, Cal. Frantz, John F., Wabash, Ind. Fisher, Lee M., Gowrie, Iowa. Frantz, J. R,, Fruita, Colo. Fisher, Leroy, R. D. 2, Miltord, Ind. Frantz, M. S., Fisher, Levi, Perth, N. Dak. 934 North Market St., Wichita, Kans. Fisher, Noah, Andrews, Ind. Frantz, Roy A., Fisher, S. T., Peru, Ind. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Fisher, Wm. D., '. Baltic, Ohio. Frederick, J. E., Rodney, Mich. Fitz, Conrad, Frederick, John D., R. D. 1, Nappanee, Ind. 1201 Albina Ave., Portland, Oregon. Freed, Amos Clay pool, Ind. Fitzwater, A. J., Broadway, Va. Freshour, C. N Myersville, Md. Fitzwater, L. W., Beverly, Kans. Fretz, William, SoutJi Hatfield, Pa. Fitzwater, P. B., 4822 Bernard St., Chicago, 111. Friend, G. H., Portis, Kans. Flanagan, Robert, Laneville, W. Va. Friend, S. M., North Manchester, Ind. Flohr, Charles G., R. D. 3, Fairfield, Pa. Fruit, G. L., R. D. 2, Viola, Wis. Flohr, John R., R. D. 3, Fairflel(i, Pa. Fry, Henry Ludell, Kans. Flohr, Leonard J., Thurmont, Md. Pry, W. H., ...... R. D. 1, Windber, Pa. Flohr, Lewis B., Vienna, Va. Fulk, George H,, Genoa, Va. Flohr, M. R., R. D. 6, Chambersburg, Pa. Fuller, Harry, Oakwood, Ohio. Flora, A. W., .Maxwell, Iowa. Fultz, A. H., Indian Camp, W. Va. Flora, Fred A., .Moscow, Idaho. Funderburg, Cyrus, R. D. 2, Springfield, Ohio. Flora, J. C, New Windsor, Md. Funderburg, Daniel, Markle, Ind. Flora, John W., R. D. 2, Kappa, Ind. Funderburg, D. D., New Carlisle, Ohio. Flora, Riley, Bringhurst, Ind. Funderburgh, Isaac V Inglewood, Cal. Flora, Riley, R. D. 1. Rocky Mount, Va. Funderburgh, Jacob C, L. B. 272, Eustis, Fla. Flory, Charles L., Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Funk, Boyte H., Bedford City, Va. Flory, Ezra, 343 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago, 111. Funk, Jacob, Wiley, Colo. Flory, George B., Bridgewater, Va. Funk, S. W., Charter Oak, Cal. Flory, Geo. W., Covington, Ohio. Furrey, G. W., Evanston, 111.

Flory, Henry, Defiance, Ohio. Fyock, Abram, . R. D. 1, Alum Bank, Pa. Flory, Jacob, Jewell, Ohio. Fyock, J. W., R. D. 2, Lovejoy, Pa. Flory, James A., Fyock, J. W College Hill, McPherson, Kans. 515 Howland Ave., Toledo, Ohio. Flory, John, R. D. 4, Defiance, Ohio. Fyock, Oran, R. D. 1, Rochester Mills, Pa. Flory, John S., Bridgewater, Va. Gaby, S. A., R. D. 1, Baileyton, Tenn. Flory, J. S Twin Falls, Idaho. Gammon, W. C, Tate, Tenn. Flory, J. T., Nokesville, Va. Gans, Lewis A., R. D. 1, Cashmere, Wash. Flory, Michael, Girard, 111. Garber, B. B., Waynesboro, Va. Flory, N. B Garber, B. F., Palls, King William Co., Va. 612 A St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Garber, C. S., 5217 Swift Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. Flory, R. F., Sherwood, Ohio. Garber, D. B ...R. D. 2, Markle, Ind. Flory, S. H., Nokesville, Va. Garber, D. B., .. Bridgewater, Va.

Flory, S. I., Stuarts Draft, Va. Garber, F. A., . R. D. 1, Leon, Iowa. Fogelsanger, Samuel, Garber, J. C, ... Buena Vista, Va. 225 E. Orange St., Shippensburg, Pa. Garber, J. H., .. Newmarket, Va. Folger, W. W., R. D., Ankeny, Iowa. Garber, John A., Follis, John M., Trigo, Cal. 508 B St., S.S." E.E., Washington, D. C. Foltz, S. M R. D. 1, Hagerstown, Md. Garber, J. R., Portis, Kans.

. . Force, James H., Scott, Kansas. Garber, Peter, . , Weyers Cave, Va. Forney, Adam E., Garber, P. I., R. D. 6, Harrisonburg, Va. Seventh St., Chambersburg. Pa. Garber, S. D., R. D. 2, Baileyton, Tenn. Forney, Benj., 1312 Conn. St., Lawrence, Kans. Garber, S. L., R. D. 6, Harrisonburg, Va. Forney, D. H., Raisin, Cal. Garber, S. W., Forney, D. L., Route A, Chico, Cal. ...118 South Moore Street, Ottumwa, Iowa. Forney, Edmund, Lordsburig, Cal. Garland, John C, Pleasant Ridge, Pa. Forney, Henry, .Chenoa, 111. Garman, Henry K., Forney, Hiram, 2821 N. Bonsall St., Philadelphia, Pa. 555 W. Lincoln Ave., Goshen, Ind. Garner, Charles Oren, Union Bridge, Md. Forney, H. W., Thomas, Okla. Garner, Geo. W., R. D. 1, Walbridge, Ohio. Forney, J. C, ..Rock Lake, N. Dak. Garner, Uriah R. D. 1, Walbridge, Ohio. Forney, Milton G., ...R. D. 8, Lancaster, Pa. Garst, Isaac B., R. D. 1, Quinter, Kans. Forrer, John, Stuarts Draft, Va. Garst, J. H., Salem, Va. Forry, Wm. A., .634 Locust St., Lebanon. Pa. Garst, J. O., R. D. 6, Dayton, Ohio. Foster, Frank, Centralia, Okla. Garst, John H Blountville, Tenn.


Garst, Levi, R. D. 1, Salem, Va. Grady, Geo. W., Riverton, W. Va. Garst, N. H., R. D, 3, Roanoke, Va. Grady, Isaac S., ...Berkey Ave., Goshen, Ind. Garst, N. N., Madison, Kans. Crapes, C. E. Augusta, W. Va. Garst, Samuel H., Blountville, Tenn. Grater, J. W., Garst, Samuel S., 619 N. Cushing St., So. Bend, Ind. R. D. 5, Box 729, Los Angeles, Cal. Crater, W. H., Morrison, 111, Garver, D. M., Trotwood, Ohio. Craybill, A. K Nokesville, Va. Gauby, J. M., Washington, Kans. Graybill, Ceo., R. D. 3, Troutville, Va. Gauby, M. D., R. D. 2, Morrowville, Kans. Craybill, Israel B., R. D. 20, Lititz, Pa. Gauby, Samuel M., R. D. 1, Washington, Kans. Graybill, J. H., Nampa, Idaho. Gaunt, W. A., Graybill, John G., ..R. D. 2, New Holland, Pa. 1519 Mifflin St., Huntingdon, Pa. Graybill, Jonas, R. D. 3, Troutville, Va.. Gearhart, Earl, Mount Pleasant, Pa. Green, A. J., Leon, Kans. Gearhart, Samuel, Shady Grove, Pa. Green, J. T., Lonaconing, Md. Geib, Amos P., Green, Louis F., Jr., Cubage, Ky. 358 Sixtieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Greenawalt, W. H Geiman, Christian Lineboro, Md. 310 N. Second St., Goshen, Ind. Geiser, J. S., Froid, Mont. Creenhalgh, Jonathan, ..R. D. 38, Ingalls, Ind. George, T. Ezra, '. Gregory, E. Stanley, 1421 Miami St., South Bend, Ind. 716 S. Fiftieth St., Tacoma, Wash. Gerdes, David, R. D. 3, Morrison, 111. Gregory, Orrin B., Harvard, Idaho. Gerdes, Wayne, Sterling, 111. Greyer, Saylor G., .R. D. 1, Port Republic, Va. Gerhart, Jacob R. D. 5, Vincennes, Ind. Griffeth, H. M., Brummett, N. C. Getz, John H., Tropieo, Cal. Griffith, Chas. V ...Relief, N. C. Geyer, M. H., R. D. 5, Syracuse, Ind. Griffith, Jos. H., Brummett, N. C. Gibbel, Henry R., Lititz, Pa. Griffith, L. H., ....R. D. 18, Richland, Kans. Gibbel, Aaron R., R. D. 1, Ephrata, Pa. Gripe, N. S., Ripley, Okla. Gibbel, C. R., Brunnersville, Pa. Groff, Edwin, R. D. 4, Carthage, Mo. Gibble, Hiram, Manheim, Pa. Grofe, Forest, Clarkshill, Ind. Gibble, Ira D R. D. 5, Myerstown, Pa. Groff, Hershey, Bareville, Pa. Gibbs, Chas. B., Bolar, Va. Groff, J. C, R. D. 2, Yoder, Colo. Gibbs, Ezra, Conrath, Wis. Groff, Joseph, Covington, Ohio. Gibson, Cullen C, Virden, 111. Groff, Nathan D., Gibson, D. B., Girard, 111. R. D. 1, New Weston, Ohio. Gibson, Frank W., Miami, N. Mex. Crosh, Walter, Deshler, Ohio. Gibson, I. J., Mount Morris, 111. Cross, Jesse, Nocona, Tex. Gibson, Javan, Virden, 111. Crossnickle, S. P Los Angeles, Cal. Gibson, Walter, R. D. 10, Gibson, Ind. Group, W. G., R. D. 1, York Springs, Pa. Gilbert, Elmer H., ... North Manchester, Ind. Grove, W. D., ...R. D. 1, South English, Iowa. Gilbert, Frank, Brethren, Mich. Groves, C. M Junior, W. Va. Gilbert, J. Z Cruber, C. A., Astoria, 111. 3300 Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Gump, Charles O., R. D. 4, Churubusco, Ind.

Gillett, C. E., . Benson, Ariz. Gump, Jesse A., Churubusco, Ind. Gillett, Ola E., ...St. David, Cochise Co., Ariz. Gump, John B., R. D. 1, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Gilliam, Harvey, Fredericksburg, Iowa. Gump, S. S., North Manchester, Ind. Ginger, Perry, Warm Springs, Va. Guthrie, C. W., Gingrich, A. B R. D. 4, Lebanon, Pa. 1200 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gingrich, Jacob H., ...R. D. 4, Lebanon, Pa. Guthrie, J. A., Spencerville, Ohio. Gipe, Harrison S., Palmyra, Pa. Guthrie, J. L., Upper Sandusky, Ohio. Gish, James W Holmesville, Nebr. Guthrie, W. R., Lafayette, Ohio. Gish, R. G., Laporte, Texas. Guyer, Herman S., Loysburg, Pa. Gish, W. B., Thomas, Okla. Guyer, Nelson, Woodbury, Pa. Gish, W. Warren, Rydal, Kans. Cwin, J. N., R. D. 3, Modesto, Cal. Gitt, C. W., Cabool, Mo. Habecker, P. M., ...R. D. 3, Quarryville, Pa. Click, B, F., Trevilian, Va. Hagerman, Ceo. C, Toddville, Iowa. Click, Daniel M., Trevilian, Va. Hahn, Geo. W., Click, David C, R. D. 1, Dundee, Oregon. 55 N. Mount St., Indianapolis, Ind. Click, H. N., R. D. 1, Bridgewater, Va. Hahn, M. L., Hine's, Minn. Click, J. D R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Hahn, M. W., Greenwood, Del. Click, Joel, Roanoke, La. Haines, A. H., Huntingdon, Pa. Click, John T., R. D. 17, Bridgewater, Va. Haines, O. P., Cerro Gordo, 111. Click, Jos., Lake City, Kans. Hall, S. D., Strawberry, Ark. Click, Simon, R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Hall, Wm. I., Clarkton, Va. Clotfelty, Wm. N., Batavia, Iowa. Haller, F. L., Kasson, W. Va. Clover, H. H., ...81 Morris St., Uniontown, Pa. Halterman, Harvey, Dovesville, Va. Gnagey, A. L., Fruita, Colo. Hamer, Oscar W., Cnagey, Joel, Meyersdale, Pa. 1311 Randolph St., Waterloo, Iowa. Gnagy, C. H., Dysart, Iowa. Hamer, Stuart Waterloo, Iowa. Cnagy, Harvey A., Dysart, Iowa. Hamilton, W. J Champion, Pa. Cochenour, F., Hamilton, Wm. E Detrick, Va. 116 N. CentrarAve., Chanute, Kansas. Hamm, David, Rocky Ford, Colo. Coldizen, John C, Laneville, W. Va. Hamm, J. J., R. D. 2, Cerro Gordo, 111. Good, W. H., R. D., McBain, Mich. Hamstead, Obed, R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. Cordon, J. H., Deer Park, Wash. Hanawalt, Harvey M., Lordsburg, Cal. Corham, A. L., Payette, Idaho. Hanawalt, H. W McVeytown, Pa. Coshorn, B. F Clay City, Ind. Hanawalt, W. C, McFarland, Cal. Coshorn, E. N., Ladoga, Ind. Handy, Wm. H., Barrett, N. C. Cosnell, William, Mt. Airy, Md. Hantz, J. F., Abilene, Kans. Cossard. Harry A., Lanark, 111. Harader, Edwin Aurora, Mo. Gotschall, R. B., Harader, L., ...R. D, 6, Arkansas City, Kansas. 1521 W. Third St., Marion, Ind. Harden, T Hyndman, Pa. Couglinour, J. Q., Ankeny, Iowa. Hardman, D. R R. D. 5, Warren, Ind. Couglinour, S. M., Ankeny, Iowa. Hardman, Martin, Middleburv, Ind. Crabill, Peter T., Roseland, Nebr. Hardman, Olin, R. D. 1, Polo, Mo.

40 .


Hardy, James, Herr, John, Myerstown, Pa. 302 South Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Hershberger, Howard, ...R. D. 1, Everett, Pa. Harlacher, D. Bucher, R. D. 1, East Berlin, Pa. Hershberger, John S Everett, Pa. Harlacher, G. W., Dover, Pa. Hershey, J. W. G., Lititz, Pa. Harley, Henry P Delta, Pa. Hertzler, Samuel H., Elizabethtown, Pa. Harley, Owen L., Hertzog, P. H., ...Plain, Chelan Co., Wash. 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Hess, Henry L., R. D. 5, Manheim, Pa. Harley, William, Huntingdon, Pa. Hess, J. W., R. D. 2, Bridgewater, Va. Harman, Ananias, R. D. 3, Floyd, Va. Hess, Samuel R.- D. 2, Royersford, Pa. Harman, S. P., Harman, W. Va. Hess, Wm., Goshen, Ind. Harp, Geo. S., R. D. 50, Myersville, Md. Hesse, Clarence, Bridgewater, Va. Harp, James, Lenore, Idaho. Hetric, J. P., Pottstown, Pa. Harpin, J. Wm., Bridgewater, Va. Hetrick, D. A., R. D. 5, New Bethlehem, Pa. Harris, Charles J., ...R. D. 4, Greenville, N. C. Hevner, John W., Hosterman, W. Va. Harris, I. G., Murdock, Kans. Hewitt, Alva, R. D. 2, Windfall, Ind. Harris, I. L Cabool. Mo. Hiatt, Ira, 509 Calvert St., Muncie, Ind. Harris, James P., ...Leon, Butler Co., Kans. Hicks, C. M., Harris, John P Saxton. Pa. R. D. 1, Clear Spring, Washington Co., Md. Harris, W. D McClave, Colo. Highbarger, O. S., Harrison, John C, Vermontville, Mich. 154 S. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Md. Harrold, A. W., Columbiana, Ohio. Hilbert, John B., Jonesboro, Tenn. Harshbarger, Chas., Virden, 111. Hilbert, M. F., Brewersville, Ind. Harshbarger, C. W., .R. D. 2, Johnstown, Pa. Hilbert, Robert, Jonesboro, Tenn. Harshbarger, Isaac J., Girard, 111. Hildebrand, Jacob, North Liberty, Ind. Harshbarger, J. P., Lordsburg, Cal. Hill, James, R. D. 1, Arcadia, Ind. Harshbarger, J. W Scottville, Mich. Hilton, Geo. W., Surrey, N. Dak. Harshbarger, Lori B., Johnstown, Pa. Ilinegardner, B. D., Mathias, W. Va. Harshbarger, Wm. R., Ladoga, Ind. Hinegardner, J. A., Midland, Va. Harshberger, J. M., Hiner, R. F., 722 Horner St., Johnstown, Pa. 7217 Palatine Ave., Seattle, Wash. Hart, David M., R. D. 1, Garrett, Ind. Hirt, B. D., R. D. 7, Bruce Lake, Ind. Hart, Ira M Mechanicsburg. Pa. Hochstedler, David, R. D. 1, Farmington, Del. Hartman, A. A., Lake View, Wyo. Hochstetler, B. K., Sandpatch, Pa. Hartman, D. B., Hochstetler, Frank, Danville, Ohio. 816 Blaine Ave., South Bend, Ind. Hochstetler, Josiah, .R. D., Millersburg, Ohio. Hartman, Guy N., Kauffman, Pa. Hockenberry, Roy, Everett, Pa.

Hartman, J. O., Live Oak, Cal. Hodgden, Dorsey, , Hartman, P. S., Santa Rosa, Cal. ...1534 West Germantown St., Dayton, Ohio. Hartman, Walter W., Bridgewater, Va. Hodge, Josiah, Piney Flats, Tenn. Hartman, W. H., Goltry, Okla. Hodge, Nathan E^ R. D. 10, Jonesboro, Tenn. Hartranft, Samuel D., Maugansville, Md. Hofe, C. S., El Centro, Cal. Hartsough, Harvey, Nappanee, Ind. HoflF, B. B., Harvey, Amos, Jasper, Mo. ....1306 S. Seventeenth Ave., Maywood, 111. Harvey, Frank H., Hoff, Ernest G R. D. 1, Gormania, W. Va. 3435 West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Harvey, Henry M Parlier, Cal. Hoffer, Aaron H., Hatcher, Wm. L., Summitville, Ind. R. D. 4, Elizabethtown, Pa. Haughtelin, Irving, Panora, Iowa. HofPert, H. A., Moorefield, Nebr. Haughtelin, J. D., Panora, Iowa. Hoffman, J. P., Argos, Ind. HaAvke, M. R., Indian Springs, Tenn. Hoffman, M. J., Hay, Frank E., Hagerstown, Ind. ..2507 Fremont Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Haynes, W. F., Patterson, Cai. Hoffman, Sylvester B Scaln Level, Pa. Hazlett, James L., Rossville, Ind. Hogan, S. B., R. D. 4, Norborne, Mo. Heagley, Geo. A., Batavia, 111. Hohf, D. B., R. D. 4, Hanover, Pa. Heckman, D. H., Plattsburg, Mo. Hoke, J. F., R. D. 3, Box 55, Welsh, La. Heckman, I. D R. D. 2, Cerro Gordo, 111. Holder, Daniel, ....Batavia, Iowa. Heckman, J. Hugh, Holder, Joseph, R. D. 2, Middletown, Ind. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, III. Holderreed, Louis, Heckman, John, Polo. 111. R. D. 1, Box 45, Lenore, Idaho. Heckman, S. J., R. D. 1, Overbrook, Kans. Hon, S. J R. D. 1, New Berlin, Ohio. Heckman, Wm. T., ...R. D. 2, Cerro Gordo, 111. Hollar, E. Cleveland, Heestand, A. I., R. D. 3, Wooster, Ohio. 219 Clark Ave., Warrensburg, Mo. Heestand, Eli L., Plymouth, Ind. Hollenberg. Fred, Lordsburg, Cal. Heeter, G. B., Burnetts Creek, Ind. T-Toller, H. W., R. D. 10, Davton, Ohio. Heeter, N. B., R. D. 7, Goshen, Ind. Hollinger, A. B., R. D. 2, Palestine, 111. Heisey, Herman B Hollinger, Abram K., R. D. 6, New Bethlehem, Pa, 237 Hummel St., Harrisbnrg, Pa. Heisey, Lester Mansfield, Ohio. Hollinger. Adam M Heisey, W. J., North Manchester, Ind. 515 Emerald Street, Harrisbnrg, Pa. Heisy, Martin, R. D. 6, Lebanon, Pa. HolUnger, Albert, Gettysburg, Pa. Heitz, S Cerro Gordo, 111. Hollinger, Archie Heller, Jacob, Decatur, Ind. 6135 GreeuAvtDod Ave., Chicago, HI.

Helm, C. A., . . .- Windham, Ohio. Hollinger, David, Greenville, Ohio. Helm, Otto F Thomasville, Ga. Hollinger, E. S., .R. D. 1, Hollansburg, Ohio. Helman, Harlev H., TJnionville Center, Ohio. Hollinger, G. W., Leaf River, 111. Helman, Howard H.. R. D. 1, Smithville, Ohio. Hollinger, Henry B., R. D. 4, Lebanon, Pa. Helman, J. Q., R. D. 4, Greenville, Ohio. Hollinger, H. H., R. D. 4, Dover, Pa. Hendricks, S. F R. D. 6, Plymouth, Ind. Hollinger, Jacob H -. Hendrickson, D. C, Pittsburg, Ohio. 323 D St., S. E., Washington, D. C. Hengst, Victor A., Llanerch, Pa. TTollinger, Jesse, North Yakima, Wash. Henry, J. M Daleville, Va. Hollinger, Moses, R. D. 1, New Madison, Ohio. Henry, Samuel, Laton, Cal. TTollopeter, Jason B.. Pentz, Clearfield Co., Pa. Hensley, Joel Higgins, N. C. ^Tolloway, .Tames T., Centerview, Mo. Herndon, E. R., R. D. 3, Weatherford, Okla. Holloway, J. H., R. D., Chanute, Kan's.


Holmes, C. E., Tonasket, Wash, Hufford, Isaac, R. D. 3, Petoskey, Mich, Holmes, Eli Smithville, Ohio. Hufford, Willard, Pyrmont, Ind. Holmes, G. W Lincoln, Ark. Hughes, John R., Bphesus, Va. Holsberry, J. K., Plant City, Fla. Hull, R. T., Bakersville, Pa. Holsinger, D. R., R. D. 1, Laton, Cal. Hulse, Lewis J Twin Falls, Idaho. Holsinger, I. E., Hummer, D. A., R. D. 1, Portland, Ind. 1668 Hillsdale Ave., Dormont, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hummer, Fred, R. D. 7, Portland, Ijid. Holsinger, J. L., Agra, Okla. Humphreys, Lewis G., Holsinger, L. F New Enterprise, Pa. Box 211, Waynesboro, Va. Holsinger, L. R., Pottstown, Pa. Hunsberger, Wm. H., Holsinger, L. T., Brethren, Mich. R. D. 3, Mercersburg, Pa, Holsinger, Ralph S., Agra, Okla. Huntsman, E. T,, ,,,R. D. 2, Martinsburg, Pa. Holsinger, Virgil C, Williamsburg, Pa. Hutchison, A., Lordsburg, Cal. Holsinger, W. H., Williamsburg, Pa. Hutchison, Geo,, Lindside, W, Va. Holsopple, F. F., Harrisburg, Pa. Hyer, Leonard Columbia City, Ind, Holsopple, H. L.., ...R. D. 3, Versailles, Mo. Hylton, A. N Floyd, Va. Holsopple, Ira C, Pottstown, Pa. Hylton, Austin R. D. 3, Willis, Va, Holsopple, W. W., R. D., Versailles, Mo. Hylton, B, B R, D. 2, Mansfield, Mo, Honberger, S. A., Hylton, C. C, Pittsburg, Ohio. 3819 B. First St., Wichita, Kans. Hylton, C. D., Troutville, Va. Honeycut, J. W., Poplar, N. C. Hylton, D. Price, Royersford, Pa. Honeyman, B. F., Dayton, Ohio, Hylton, E. E., R. D. 4, Willis, Va. Hood, W. H., Hylton, Gilbert W., R. D, 3, Floyd, Va, 3525 Colorado Ave., Chicago, 111. Hylton, I. L., Live Oak, Cal,

Hooper, C. J„ Oakland, Kans, Hylton, Joseph, ! , Glace, W. Va, Hoover, Blair, R, D. 1, Miami, Texas. Hylton, Joseph B,, Hoover, David E., Garrett, Ind. R, D. 2, Box 53, Mansfield, Mo, Hoover, David F., .,R. D. 2, Middletown, Ind, Hylton, J, W. B,, Protection, Kans. Hoover, David H., Singers Glen, Va, Hylton, S, A., Hoover, David P ,.50 North Bismarck St., Indianapolis, Ind. 1803 Adams Ave,, Tyrone, Pa, Hylton, S. E R. D. 3, Willis, Va. Hoover, Frederic, Riddlesburg, Pa. Hylton, S. E., R. D. 2, Macksville, Kans. Hoover, Harry Cleveland, Ala. Hylton, S. P., Yoder. Colo, Hoover, Isaac L., Overbrook, Kans. Idlemari, R. T R, D, 2, Scenery Hill, Pa, Hoover, Jacob, Beaverton, Mich. Ihrig, L, B., Fairfield, Mo, Hoover, J, J., Sabetha, Kans. Ihrig, Lessie V,, R, D, 1, Wheatland, Mo, Hoover, .J. W., ...R, D, 1, Duncansville, Pa. Ikenberry, Chas, S., Daleville, Va.

Hoover, L, B., Curryville, Pa, Ikenberry , Henry Wirtz, Va.

Hoover, M. M., R. D, 1, Gaston, Ind. Ikenberry, J, W., , Daleville, Va. Hoover, O, P Ikenberry, L, D,, North Manchester, Ind. — 5512 Maple Avenue, St, Louis, Mo, Ikenberry, S, M., R. D. 3, Wirtz, Va. Hoover, Perry R., R. D. 20, Hagerstown, Ind, Imler, T, P., 7 Ridgely, Md. Hoover, Silas R, D. 6, Somerset, Pa. Inman, J, C, 713 Grant St., Springfield, Ohio. Hoover, Walter A., Nezperce, Idaho. Irvin, Floyd M., R. D. 1, Creston, Ohio. Hoover, W. C, Timberville, Va. Irwin, William S., Hoover, W. I. T., Lordsburg, Cal. ...26 E, Woodland Ave,, Sharon Hill, Pa. Hoover, W, N., R. D. 2, Altoona, Pa. Isenburg, Jasper, Rogersville, Tenn, Hopson, Noah, Huckleberry, Va. Jackson, J, R., Rutherfordton, N. C. Home, H. T Sand Brook, N. J. Jacobs, Melvin A.,

Horner, Wilbert J,, , West Fourth St., Waynesboro, Pa, 1527 Hastings St., Chicago, 111. Jacobs, S, K., R. D. 11, York, Pa. Horning, Daniel, Fruita, Colo. Jamison, John W., Potts Creek, Va, Horning, Jonas West Alexandria, Ohio. Jarboe, J. Edwin, Horning, Samuel, ...R. D, 4, Brookville, Ohio, ...323 N. Twenty-second St., Lincoln, Nebr. Horning, S. H., Long Beach, Cal. Jarboe, J. W., Hornish, Jay, R. D. 4, Defiance, Ohio. R. D. 2, Collyer, Trego Co., Kans. Horst, A. B Spencer, Ohio. Jehnzen, John C Rodney, Mich. Horst, Jonas, .. R. D. 1, Columbiana, Ohio. Jellison, J. H., R. D. 5, Vincennes, Ind. Horst, M. Clyde, Jennings, Lee, R. D. 2, Willis, Va. 1026 Bedford St., Johnstown, Pa. Jennings, Roy F., Hosfelt, C. F. R. D. 2, Newburg, Pa. College Hill. McPherson, Kans. Hostetler, D. W., ,. Mulberry Grove, 111. John, E. E., ..College Hill, McPherson, Kans. Hostetler. F. P., ...R. D. 2, Greentown, Ind. John, .J. J., New Windsor, Md, Hottel, Benj., Richland Center, Pa. John, O. O., St. John, Kans. Hottenstein', Amos, East Petersburg, Pa. Johns, Frank, ,,.R. D. 3, Chambersburg, Pa. Hongendougler, John, Adrian, Mo. Johns, J*. Bitzer, R, D, 2, Ephrata, Pa. Houk, Peter R. D. 8, Peru, Ind. Johnson, Albert, Laureldale, W, Va, Houser, Orville, North Liberty, Ind. Johnson, Carman, Hovatter, John, Hovatter, W. Va. 5886 Burchfield Ave,, Pittsburgh, Pa. Howard, I. J Hartford City, Ind. Johnson, I, C, Howard, L. C., Stevensville, Mich. 24 W, Marble St., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Howe, E. M Maitland, Pa. Johnson, John J Howe, W. M 723 East Chamberlain Street, Dixon, 111. 325 Beachley St., Meyersdale, Pa. Johnson, Stephen, Spokane, Wash. Howell, .John D., Cordell, Okla, Johnson, Wallace, Hoxie, G. W., Williams, Oregon. 154 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., Uniontown, Pa, Huber, Calvin A R. D. 5, Goshen, Ind. Johnson, W, H., R. D. 1, Eunice, N. C, Huffman, Edward N Johnson, Wm., 6207 Washington St., Sta. D., St. Joseph, Mo. 1234 N, Emporia Ave., Wichita, Kans. Huffman, J. B. F., Rileyville, Va. Jones, D, H., Rummel, Pa. Huffman, J. D R. D. 1, Timberville, Va. Jones, Emeral B., Syracuse, Ind. Huffman, Lewis, Mt. Zion, Ind. Jones, Galen, Wichita, Kans. Huffman, M. L., R. D. 2, Rock Lake, N. Dak. Jones, H, D Windber. Pa. Huffman, Peter, Elkhart, Ind. Jones, J. Estel, Wichita, Kans.


Jones, Jesse C, Marion, Va. Kintner, Edward, North Manchester, Ind. Jones, Joseph Girard, 111. Kintner, W. I., R. D. 2, Holton, Ind. Jones, Lewis, Ewing, Va. Kintzel, Wm. Z., Pine Grove, Pa. Jones, S. P Fingerville, S. C. Kinzie, J. H., Haxtun, Colo. Jones, Wm. M., Syracuse, Ind. Kinzie, W. A., McPherson, Kans. Joseph, Clyde, R. D. 16, Culver, Ind. Kirk, D. W., Joseph, J. E., R. D. 1, Barnum, Minn. R. D. 4, Box 30, Fairmount, W. Va. Joyce, B. B Olathe, Kans. Kirkham, O. O., Parsons, Kans. Judy, A. M , Peru, W. Va. Sabetha, Kans. Judy, C. Edward, Pansy, Garrett Co., W. Va. Kistner, Roy, Kagey, Jos. M., Dayton, Va. Kitchen, A. R. R. D. 2, MahafCey, Pa. Kahle, Walter M., Kitson, J. W., ..146 Crescent St., Goshen, Ind. 358 Sixtieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Klein, David R. D. 2, Mt. Airy, Md. Kahler, J. F., Klein, Jesse R Le Gore, Md. ..2236 Cleveland Ave., N. W., Canton, Ohio. Klepinger, A. L R. D. 10, Dayton, Ohio. Kao, Guy, R. D. 2, Froid, Mont. Klepinger, Davis P., R. D. 8, Peru, Ind. Karns, Gabriel, Baton, Ind. Klepper, Jacob S., Rogersvyie, Tenn. Kauffman, Andrew J., Froid, Mont. Klepper, Peter F., Blue Springs, Nebr. Kauffman, H. A Payette, Idaho. Kline, Henry S., 1512 Rose St., Reading, Pa. Kaylor, Hiram B., Kline, J. H Elizabethtown, Pa. R. D. 3, Box 21, Elizabethtown, Pa. Kline, J. PL, Broadway, Va. Keedy, Wilmer, R. D. 7, Darlow, Kans. Kline, John L., R. D. 2, Decatur, Ind. Kegly, Lurty, Marion, Va. Kline, John M., Sr., ...R. D. 2, Manassas, Va. Keim, Howard H Nampa, Idaho. Kline, J. Samuel Keim, L. M., Narberth, Pa, .Sta. 3, 2919 St. Joseph Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. Keiser, B. T Pomona, Cal. Knavel, Chas. S., Rummel, Pa. Keiser, J. W., R. D. 1, Alvordton, Ohio, Knavel, Peter, R. D. 1, Windber, Pa. Keiser, Thos Lordsburg, Cal. Knepper, Lewis S., R. D. 2, Berlin, Pa. Keith, C. W., Brethren, Mich, Kniesley, D. S., Harbor Springs, Mich. Keith, Jacob F., Camp Creek, Va. Knisley, Geo., R. D." 7, Everett, Pa. Keller, D. H„ ,,. Knopsnyder, William, Freed, Pa. 3515 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Knouse, Edwin, Franklin Grove, 111. Keller, Jacob S., Mercersburg, Pa. Koch, D. P Pioneer, Ohio. Keller, J. Edwin Kohne, Joseph C, Mathias, W. Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago,. 111. Kohne, W. E., Mathias, W. Va. Keller, J. H., Udell, Iowa. Koones, Emanuel G., ..R. D. 2, Clearville, Pa. Keller, John H., Shrewsbury, Pa. Koontz, H. S., ...R. D. 1, New Enterprise, Pa. Keller, Michael, R. D. 2, Lamed, Kans. Koontz, Wm, C, Shady grove. Pa, Keller, Samuel, Empire, Cal. Kopenhaver, William Pottsville, Pa, Keller, W. D., Ashland, Ohio. Krabill, Christian, Greenwood, Del. Keller, Wm. J., Krabill, J. P., R. D. 1, Box 45, McBride, Mich. 315 Fairview Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Krabill, J. W Denton, Md. Kelley, H. M., Burlington, W. Va. Kreider, Daniel K., Altoona, Pa. Keltner, Chas. H., DeKalb, 111. Kreider, Frank R. D. 5, Goshen, Ind. Keltner, Lewis E., Kreider, Ira, R. D. 2, Bringhurst, Ind. 925 Grand Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Kreider, Landa U., ...North Manchester, Ind. Keltner, P. R., Gen. Del., Freeport, 111. Kreider, Lawrence, ...R. D. 2, Arcanum, Ohio. Keltner, W. W., Williston, N. Dak. Kreider, Willis C Arcanum, Ohio. Kendall, Amos, ...R. D. 17, McGrawsville, Ind. Kreiner, S. A., .Mogadore, Ohio. Kendall, B. F., Van Buren, Ind. Kreps, Alfred, Carrington, N. Dak. Kendall, Sherman, Bennetts Switch, Ind. Kuhleman, August, Pearl City, 111. Kendig, B. D., Stuarts Draft, Va. Kuhns, Amos M., Union Deposit, Pa. Kenepp, S. J., Payette, Idaho. Kulp, H. Stover, R. D. 3, Pottstown, Pa. Kennedy, Robert Ozawkie, Kans. Kulp, Samuel W Ephrata, Pa. Kensinger, Isaac, Clovercreek, Pa. Kulp, William K., Kensinger, Marvin, Zion, N. Dak. .40 East Locust Street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Kerlin, B. D., Twin Falls, Idaho. Kuns, Geo. D., Kesler, B. B., Puxico, Mo. 2260 N. Park Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Kesler, James, Zion, N. Dak. Kurtz, Charles, .R. D. 20, East Akron, Ohio. Kesler, Jeremiah D., Zion, N. Dak. Kurtz, D. W., McPherson, Kans. Key, Isaac, Sweetsers, Grant Co., Ind. Kurtz, L. P., Goshen, Ind. Kidwel, B. M., Nocona, Tex. Kurtz, Michael, Richland, Pa. Kieffaber, G. W., Inglewood, Cal. Kutz, D. C, R. D. 2, Pine Grove, Pa. Kilhefner, David, Lackey, W. B Elamsville, Va. .161 Church Ave., *Bphrata, Pa. Lahman, C. W., Franklin Grove, 111. Killian, Wm., R. D. 5, Walkerton, Ind. Lair, John M R. D. 2, Custer, Mich. Killian, G. H., Hicksville, Ohio. Lambert, B. A., Jr., Circleville, W. Va. Killian, J. W Walkerton, Ind. Lampin, J. C, Polo, 111. Killingsworth, Abel, R. D. 2, Collins, Mo. Lampin, Wm., r...Polo, 111. Kilpatrick, J. W., Melvin Hill, N. C. Lanaham, Ocia C, Kimmel, C. E., Mt. Morris, 111. 1010 Wall St., Hillyard, Wash. Kimmel, H. H., R. D. 3, Somerset, Pa. Landes, B. S., R. D. 5, Harrisonburg, Va. Kimmel, J. T., Hartville, Ohio. Landes, H., Lintner, 111. Kimmel, Milton L., Sheldon, Iowa. Landis, D. F., Minot, N. Dak. Kindig, Ira N., Holmesville, Nebr. Landis, G. W., R. D. 8, Chandler, Okla. Kindig, J. J., Roseland, Nebr. Landis, Henry, Flora, Ind. Kindig, J. R R. D. 2, Waynesboro, Va. Landis, J. A., R. D. 2, Penbrook, Pa. Kindy, C. C 143 Mill Street, Naperville, 111. Landis, Moyne Sidney, Ind. King, Eugene, Copper Hill, Va. Lantis, R. M., Kinsel, Jacob, Altoona, Pa. 1565 W. Second St., Dayton, Ohio. Kinsey, Wm., Lantz, B. B., Criders, Va.

113 Pannebaker Ave., Lewistown, Pa. Lantz, J. W., . . . : Criders, Va. Kinsley, Chas Hartville, Ohio. Lantz, S. E., R. D. 4, Madison, Kans. Kintner, Chas L., ..R. D. 1, Sherwood, Ohio. Lapp, Ira J., Miami, N. Mex.

43 *


Andrews Ind. * * Long, Ira B., Larick, Henry, " ' * : " ^" V A., ...800 W. Locust St., York, Pa. 425 Almond Ave., Long Beach, Cal. Long, J. Tenn. Long, Jacob M. (mute), ...Red Cloud, Nebr. Laughrun, A. M R. D. 7, Jonesboro, Long, M. Alva R. D. 2, Weiser, Idaho. Laughrun, Marion, Jonesboro, Tenn. Long, 'S. D., Hermosa Beach, Cal. Lawver, J. B., r^'^^T' • • • • J T Amsterdam,^v^va. Long! Walter S., Lavman 218 Fourth Ave., Altoona, Pa. Lear, John 'w.,' 412 Bast Olive St., Decatur, 111. ...R. D. 1, North English, Iowa. Learn, Lev^, Long W. H., g^- Mont. J., 830 Williston Ave., Waterloo, la. ^ ; 3^ -^ ^7 KklispeilV Long, W. Pa. Longanecker, Daniel Paola, Kans. Leas,' L. Elmer, .754 W. Poplar St., York • • • ••• • • • •^• Leatherman, D New Carlisle, Ohio. Longanecker, H. C ; Pa. R. D. 42, Union City, Ind. Leatherman, B. K., R. D. 5, Gettysburg ,^ W. Va. Longanecker, Joseph, West Manchester, Ohio. Leatherman, Brnest, . . .Williamsport, Longanecker, Noah, Hartville, Oliio. D., * ' Leatherman, I. Al* Xr!" "/ 'tii' Palmyra, Pa. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Longenecker, J. H., Va. Longenecker, Linn B., Lititz, Pa. Leatherman, J. M., Purgitsville, W Purgitsville, W. Va. Lookingbill, Carmon B., Nevada, Iowa. Leatherm^ji, J. N., Ohio. -R- D- Vienna, Va. Loomis, Edward, New Philadelphia, Leatherman, J. R., 3, Hollow, Okla. Minor, ....Williamsport, W. Va. Loshbaugh, O. B Leatherman, Ralph Hollow, Okla. Leatherman, R. B., ....Williamsport, W. Va. Loshbaugh, Lough, Morris Dumont, Iowa. •••••, *. Leatherman, R. N., ti'/ 111. L. F., ..R. D. 2, Box 44, Limon, Colo. ....1303 No. Champaign St., Champaign, Love, Cal. Lovegrove, J. W., Box 90, Creighton, Mo. Leavell O W McFarland, .Patterson Creek W.Va. Lowe, Troy, R. D. 1, Eunice, N. C. Lechlit^r, Bmm'on, .. Va, ...... Silverlake, Ind. Lowry, Wm. L., Falling Waters, W. Leckrone, Bmmanuel, Pleasant, Pa. Quincy, Ludwick, B. B., Mt. Leckrone, :•;,:" \"^:" a" ^^\.\\' Weiser, Idaho. ..132 Bast Third St., Ashland, Ohio. Luke, George -Lena 111. ...R. D. 2, Silverlake, Ind. Lutz, Ezra, • Leckrone, Samuel, Deshler, Ohio. Leedv A Leedy, Okla. Lytle, David, 111. B. Onego, W. Va. Leedy, Harry B., ...R. D. 1, Cerro Gordo, McAvoy, W B. B., Sykeston, N. Dak. Lefever, Blias B., McCann, 'r;\'"il'"h'B. S. N., Bridgewater, Va. ...301 N. Hill Ave., Pasadena, Cal., Sta. McCann, Va. McCann, W. J., Sykeston, N. Dak. Leftwich, J. P., R. D. 1. Leesyille, York Springs, Pa. McClane, John, Knox, N. Dak. Lehigh S. M Sidney, Ohio. Scott St., Lima, Ohio. McCorkle, U. R., R. D. 8, Lehman, C. S., 130 So. Mercersburg, Pa. ...R. D. 5, Kingsley, Iowa. McCoy, Frank, Lehman, Franklin, ...••. Lehman, Josiah, Guthrie, Okla. McCune, F. E., Cal. 1242 New York Street, Lawrence, Kans. Lehman, L. J., ...Reedley, Pa. McCune, Isaac Mell, ...Medicine Lake, Mont. Lehman, Peter S., R. D. 1, Chambersburg, R., W. C Strathmore, Ca . McCune, O. Lehman, N. Thorp Ave., Kansas City, Kans. Lehmer, G. G. Los Angeles, Cal. ...36 McCune, R. F Princeton, Kans. G., • • Lehmer, S. ,""><'i' M., Hanging Rock, W. Va. 3207 Manitou Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. McDonald, Homer Pa. McDowell, C. A., R. D. 2, Somerset, Pa. Leliner, John, R. D. 1, Greencastle, David R., Smithville, Ohio. Lentz, Chas. A., Leeton, Mo. McFadden, McFarland, W. E., R. D. 35, Union City, Ind. Lentz, G. W.,^^. ' R. D. 1, Coyle, Okla. ^ — ^^^j^ -gt; Kansas* c'iVyV Mo'. McGuire, Grant T McKee, C. F., Oaks Pa. 'ind. McKimmey, J. Wm Leroy, Mich. ^!?!f'N.^'S'moA'd' 'St.',' -Ha-r'tford 'city,- Ind. McKimmey, Nathan, '.• * Lerch, James M., • • • Knox a; 557 Plymouth St., East Toledo, Ohio. Lerew, Isaac S., • 'A ky^^'I-^^^' r^^^^^' McKimmey, Perry, Beaverton, Mich. Lesh, John, R. D. 2, Meridian, Idaho. McKimmy, J. A., Beaverton, Mich. Litchfield, Nebr. ^^^y!!'. 'Cou'n'c'i'l'Bl'uffs,' 'lowa. McLellan, W. P .400 North 'sth 's't'.,' McVay, F. F., Ipava, 111. Lewis, C. A., 506 B. Vine St., Champaign 111. Louis, North Platte, Nebr. Lewis, David H., Ashland N. C. Macey, Va. Maddocks, D. B., 312 Fourth Ave., Altoona, Pa. Lewis, J. F Taylors Vallfy, Valley, Va. Madeira, Chas. C Blizabethtown, Pa. Lewis J. G., Taylors Ind. Mahon, J. L., R. D. 27, Van Buren, Ind. Lewis J. W., R. D. 3, Middletown, Va. Mahorney, J. R. D. 4, Cherryvale, Kans. Lewis, S. B Taylors Valley, W Damascus, Va. Main, J. C, Walkersville, Md. LewiiJ W. R Deshler, Ohio. D. 6, Columbus, Kans. Malott, Floyd, Lichte'nwalter, A. B., R. Sowers, Va. R. D., Waterloo Iowa. Mannon, J. F., Lichty, W. H., Samuel Dulany, Va. Light, Caleb Velva N. Dak. Mannon, Manon, Geo., Gypsum City, Kans. Liiht, Charles, VV^.^Zf^ ^S?* Omer B., Li^ht G H Hatfield, Pa. Maphis, West Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Light Millersville, Pa. ...3435 HE Marchand, F. E., Thomas, Okla. Lightcap, J. C Mansfield, 111. Marker, Brnest A., Ozawkie, Kans. Liihtner, B. F Gettysburg, Pa. II. Markey, B. A., Warrensburg, Mo. Lilligh, Henry, Mulberry Grove, Ark. Markey, Michael, R. D. 9, York, Pa. Lillv, H. J Carlisle, Abraham, Astoria, 111. Markley, John M., Lind, 1001 W. Lake Ave., Plymouth, Ind. Lininger, M. C, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Meyersdale, Pa. Martin, A. L. B., ;••••• Lint, C. G., Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. ••••••••••••*; ^' ...2541 W. Lehigh Little, David L D. Holland, Pa. Ave., New Kenismgton, Pa. Martin, Amos M., .R. 3, New 501 Rid g^ Antioch, Va. ...R. D. Modesto, Cal. Martin, Chas W. Li'vingston, Harvey, 3^ Maugansville, Md. Lobban, Zora Clovis, N. Mex. Martin, C. B., Martin, Harvey J Fair Play, Md. Long, Arthur, R. D. 3, No. Liberty, Ind. Howard B., Darlow, Kans. Long, Caleb, Boonsboro Md. Martin, Martin, J. F., Yorkshire, Ohio. Long, C. B., Penn Laird, Va. Garrett, Pa. Martin, Nathan, .R. D. 5, Blizabethtown, Pa. Long, Daniel W., • Perry O Waynoka, Okla. Long, D. Victor, Boonsboro, Md. Martin, Mason, B. W., R. D. 2, Norborne, Mo. Long, B. F., Boonsboro, Md. 44 .


• Miller, D. Elmer, Mason, John H., • • • R. D. 2, Box 40, Norborne, Mo. ..1401 Sixth Ave., Bast Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mason, Walter W., R. D. 6, Sabetha, Kans. Miller, De Witt H., Bridgewater, Va. Masters, Hoke H Brummett, N. C. Miller, D. L., Mt. Morris, 111. Masterson, B. F .Long Beach, Cal. Miller, D. P., Kinross, Iowa. Masterson, J. M., Chatham. 111. Miller, D. W Robins, Iowa. Miller, E. Masterson, J. S., Scottville, Mich. C, 1047 Vistula Ave., South Bend, Ind. Mathias, Oscar, Paradise, Cal. Miller, Edward, R. D. 5, Bradford, Ohio. Mathis, Bondurant, Iowa. J Miller, B. J., Junction City, Oregon. A., .....R. D. 1, Free Union, Va. Maupin, Geo. Miller, E. S., Lineboro, Carroll Co., Md. Maust, C, H., •;••:• Miller, F. E., Bangor, Mich. Seattle, Wash. Seventieth and Sycamore Sts., Miller, George H Mt. Carmel, Pa. Cal. Maust, H. F., Macdoel, Miller, Geo. H., Schellburg, Pa. Pa. Maust, M. J., Everett, Miller, Geo. K., Cando, N. Dak. Meyersdale, Pa. Maust, S, P., Miller, Geo. W LaPlace, 111. Maxcy, Van Kirk, Miller, Henry R., Spring Grove, Pa. Kans. 901 Cottonwood Street, Emporia, Miller, Hiram G., Bridgewater, Va.

B. (colored), Washington, Ohio. '. May, C. Miller, Hugh, . Gettysburg, Ohio. Circleville, Ohio. May, James (colored), Miller, I. B., Gettysburg, Ohio. Octavia, Nebr. Meek, Levi L.,' Miller, I. N., Lordsburg, Cal. Meek, V. K., Miller, I. M., R. D. 5, Peru, Ind. 809 E. Randolph Street, Enid, Okla. Miller, Isaac, York, N. Dak. Mellinger, John, Ramona, Kans. Miller, Isaac A., Nokesville, Va. Mellott, Isaiah, R. D. 2, Needmore, Pa. Miller, Isaac H., Weston, Oregon. Pa. Mellottt, John, Pleasant Ridge, Miller, J. A., Manvel, Tex. Mentzer, D. B., • • Miller, J. A., .:. R. D. 1, Gaston, Ind. 146 S. Broad St., Waynesboro, Pa. Miller, J. A., «'. . New Lisbon, Ind. Meredith, Harry • • • Miller, J. A., R. D. 1, Wawaka, Ind. 321 Eagle St., Mt. Pleasant, Pa. Miller, Jacob A., Pa. Merkey, Jacob, Petersburg, R. D. 2, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Merrill, D. M., Avilton, Md. Miller, J. B., Curryville, Pa. Messamer, O. E., Adel, Iowa. Miller, J. Carson Moores Store, Va. Mich. Messner, Peter B., Lake Odessa, Miller, J. E., 284 McClure Ave., Elgin, 111. Metz, Daniel O., ...R. D. 4, Union Bridge, Md. Miller, J. Kurtz, Metzler, Christian, Wakarusa, Ind. 664 Forty-fourth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Metzler, David, Nappanee, Ind. Miller, John A., Carlisle, Pa. Meyer, J. G., Elizabethtown, Pa. Miller, John H Meyer, J. W., Jr., Fredericksburg, Pa. Summit Ave., Hagerstown, Md. Meyer, Samuel G., Fredericksburg, Pa. Miller, John W Pa. Meyers, Harvev, R. D. 1, Somerset, R. D. 4, Box 35, Morrison, 111. Meyers, Samuel A., ...R. D. 1, Somerset, Pa. Miller, Jonathan, Clifton, N. C. Meyers, W. H., Raisin, Cal. Miller, Joseph, ....Elkhart, Ind, Meyers, W. H., R. D. 2, Somerset, Pa. Miller, J. P., .R, D. 3, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Michael, E. J., Myrtle Point, Oregon. Miller, J. R., Nappanee, Ind. Michael, G. I R. D. 3, Kenmare, N. Dak. Miller, J. Wm., Singers Glen. Va. Michael, Howard D., Juniata, Nebr. Miller, L. E., Wenatchee, Wash. Mickle, Thos. B., ...R. D. 1, Alum Bank, Pa. Miller, LeAvis, Sultan, Wash. Milham, W. H., Live Oak, Cal. Miller, Leo Miller, Anthony A., Bolar, Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Miller, A. B., Miller, L, H R, D, 1, Needmore, W, Va, 135 E. North St., Hagerstown, Md. Miller, L, S. R. D, 5, Harrisonburg, Va. Miller, A. B., Huntingdon, Pa. Miller, Martin H., Miller, Abednego, Degrafe, Ohio. R. D. B, Box 68, Reedley, Cal. Miller, Abram, Miller, M. B Spring Creek, Va. R. D. 2, Box 114, Williston, N. Dak. Miller, Merlin G., Mt. Morris, 111. MilleB, A. C, Weyers Cave, Va. Millfer, Monroe B Sergeantsville, N. .1. Miller, A. C, Trevilian, Va. Miller, N. J., Rehobeth, Md. Miller, Adam H., ...R. D. 3, Louisville, Ohio. Miller, Noah H., ...R. D. 1, Cerro Gordo, 111. Miller, A. F., Darlow, Kans. Miller, O.S Bridgewater. Va. Miller, A. H., Bolar, Va. Miller, Peter, Jonesboro, Tenn. Miller, A. L., R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Miller, P. S Roanoke, Va. Miller, Alfred, R. D. 2, Loganton, Pa. Miller, R. H New Ross, Ind. Miller, Andrew, Eldorado, Ohio. Miller, Roy E., Hartman, Colo. Miller, Andrew G., R. D. 1, Ordway, Colo. Miller, Samuel, West Alexandria, Ohio. Miller, A. W., ...R. D. 1, South English, Iowa. Miller, S. A., Accident, Md. Miller, Arthur G., Miller, S. B R. D. 7, Box 67, Plymouth, Ind. 1060 Third Ave., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Miller, B. F., R. D. 2, Vienna, Va. Miller, S. C, 3643 Grenshaw St., Chicago, 111. Miller, B. F., Grottoes, Va. Miller, S. Christian, Elgin, 111. Miller, Bruce, Scottville, Mich. Miller, S. D., Mt. Sidney, Va. Miller, B. W., R. D. 1, Shelocta, Pa. Miller, S. H., Sunnvside, Wash. Miller, C. C, R. D. 3, Wabash, Ind. Miller, S. J., Lordsburg. Cal. Miller, Chas. A., 205 Ohio Ave., St. Josepji, Mo. Miller, S. P ' New Sharon, Iowa. Miller, Clarence, R. D. 1, Hancock, Md. Miller, S. S., Laplace, 111. Miller, Clayton B., Miller, S. S East Berlin. Pa. R. D. 2, Hummelstown, Pa. Miller, Swigart F., Holmesville, Nebr. Miller, Clessie A., New Lisbon, Ind. Miller, T. J R. D. 1, Kenedy, Texas. Miller, Clyde J Miller, W. H 302 North Sel St., Bryan. Ohio. 320 S. ]8th St., Independence, Kans. Miller, C. I., Martinsburg, W. Va, Miller, William H., R. D. 4, Hanover, Pa, Miller, David, Stockport, Ind. Miller, Winfield T,; Miller, David A., Brantford, N. Dak. 3400 Mondawmin Ave., Baltimore. Md. Miller, D. B Atwood, Colo. Miller, W. R., Onekama, Mich.


Mills, John W., R, D. 3, Johnstown, Pa. Myer, Diller S., Bareville, Pa. Minnich, David, ...R. D. 41, Union City, Ind. Myer, John W., 748 Union St., Lancaster, Pa. Minnich, Elmer G., R. D. 4, Lebanon, Pa. Myer, O. A., Minnich, G. W., Trotwood, Ohio. R. D. 2, Box 101, Williston, N. Dak. Cal. Minnich, Otto L., Hemet, Myers, A. E., Paola, Kans. Minnich, Wm., R. D. 1, Union, Ohio. Myers, Benton, Bangor, Cal. Minnix, Jos. C, Roanoke, La. Myers, C. E., R. D. 2, Indiana, Pa. Mishler, Geo., South Whitley, Ind. Myers, Clark C, Waddams Grove, 111. Mishler, Iverson E., New Paris, Ind. Myers, C. S., Effing, N. Dak. Mishler, John L., ...R. D. 2, Middlebury, Ind. Myers, Earl, Hardy, Nebr. Mishler, M. J., R. D. 2, Conway, Kans. Myers, Frank A., Polo, 111. Mishler, Roy, Roann, Ind. Myers, Frank B Nemadji, Minn. Mitchel, John A., Saline City, Ind. Myers, G. C, .358 Sixtieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Mitchel, John C, ...R. D. 2, Center Point, Ind. Myers, G. S Curryville, Pa. Mitchel, Zion, Wirtz, Va. Myers, I. C, Mock, Virgil E R. D. 3, Syracuse, Ind. R. D. 6, Box 26, Harrisonburg, Va. Moherman, T. S., Daleville, Va. Myers, J. A., Huntingdon, Pa. Mohler, Dan, Cerro Gordo, 111. Myers, Jacob M., R. D., Red Lion, Pa. Mohler, D. L., '. Leeton, Mo. Myers, J. L., Loganville, Pa. Mohler, D. M., Grand Junction, Colo. Myers, J. M R. D. If Stanley, Wis. Mohler, George Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Myers, John, Lititz, Pa. Mohler, Harvey H., ...Grand Junction, Colo. Myers, John A., Millstone, Md. Mohler, H. B., Pleasant Mound, 111. Myers, John C, Broadway, Va. Mohler, James M., Leeton, Mo. Myers, Millard R., Mohler, Jesse D., Warrensburg, Mo. 178 N. TaylQr Ave., Oak Park, 111. Mohler, J. M Myers, M. M., Fairfax, Va. 427 "West Main St., Mechanicsburg, Pa. Myers, O. R., Huntingdon, Pa. Mohler, John M., Leeton, Mo. Myers, R. T., McVeytown, Pa. Mohler, Levi S., Elizabethtown, Pa. Myers, S. B., R. D. 1, Dallastown, Pa. Mohler, M. S., Leeton, Mo. Myers, Seth F., 608 Bell Ave., Altoona, Pa. Mohler, Paul Myers, S. L., R. D. 1, Hardy, Nebr. 1230 25th Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn. Myers, T. T., Huntingdon, Pa. Mohler, Wm., Springer, N. Mex. Myers, Walter A., Broadway, Va. Mohr, F. H Bakers Summit, Pa. Myers, Walter N., R. D. 3, Clymer, Pa. Moll. John T., Constance, Ky. Naff, Benj. T., Dillons Mill, Va. Molsbee, Abraham, Nocona, Texas. Naff, Daniel, .'. Naffs, Va. Montgomery, A. S. ,...R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. Naff, D, C, R. D. 3, Roanoke, Va. Montgomery, Riley, Bringhurst, Ind. Naff, John A., R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. Montz, Glen R Naff, W. H., R. D. 5, Box 46, Floyd, Va. 108 N. Eighty-second St., Seattle, Wash. Nair, C. E Broadway, Va. Montz, R. A Ramey, Minn. Naylor, Louis, Portis, Kans. Moomaw, J. P., Williams, Oregon. Nead, A. E., Limestone. Tenn. Moomaw, R. M., Apple Creek, Ohio. Nead, Daniel P., .R. D. 7, Box 62, Peru, Ind. Moore, J. B., Cambridge, Nebr. Nedrow, Elmer F., R. D. 9, Ludlowville, N. Y. Moore, J. E Nedrow, Lloyd J., Jones Mills, Pa. 606-607 Black Bldg., Waterloo, Iowa. Nedrow, R. A., Moore, J. H., Sebring, Fla. Ludlowville. Tompkins Co., N. Y. Moore, James M., Neff, B. W., R. D., Quicksburg, Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Neff, Chas., New Paris, Ind. Morgan, E. A R. D. 3, Pine Grove, Pa. Neff, Earl C, East Columbus, Ohio. Morphew, J. E., Tipton, loAva. Neff, E. E., R. D. 1, Fairfax, Va. Morris, Charles Mt. Morris, 111. Neff, Henry, Nappanee, Ind. Morris, James H., Cordell, Okla. Neff, Isaac M Fairfax, Va. Mortin, Silas, ...Trigo, Cal. Neff, James, Milford, Ind. Mosbaugh, Walter, ...R. D. 15, Arcadia, Ind. Neff, Raleigh R., ...R. D. 1, New Paris, Ind. Moss, Aaron, North Manchester, Ind. Neff, W. B R. D. 2, Beaverton, Mich. Moss, Loring I., Portage. Ohio. Neher, Amos A .San Dimas, Cal.

Moss, Owen C, Duffy, W. Va. Neher, Ananias , Guthrie, Okla. Mote, Arthur, Woodland, Mich. Neher, Andrew McCune, Kans. Mourer, John H., R. D. 20. Idaville, Ind. Neher, A. S., R. D. 4, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Mow, A. I., R. D. 2, Plymouth, Ind. Neher, David, Custer, Mich. Mowry, H. R., R. D. 1, Maurertown, Va. Neher, D. P., R. D. 4, McCune, Kans. Moyer, Elmer, R. D. 2, Soudertown, Pa. Neher, E. J., Hollywood, Ala. Moyer, Henry H., 639 Church St., Reading, Pa. Neher, J. H Hudson, 111. Movers. Henrv, Dovesville, Va. Neher, L. M., Warsaw, Ind. Mock, Harry C, R. D. 3, Smithburg, Md. Neher, Medford R. D. 11, Argos, Ind. Mullens, J. P Skeetrock, Va. Neher, Oscar W Box 125, Mt. Morris lU. Mullins, J. H., Skeetrock, Va. Neher, S. S., Twin Falls, Idaho. Mummert, Moses, Menges Mills. Pa. Neher, Wm. D Chenoa, 111. Munson, A. A., Dowagiac, Mich. Neiderhiser, Emanuel, ...Mount Pleasant, Pa. Murphy, Ross D., Shippensburg, Pa. Neikirk, D. H., Lemasters. Pa. Murphy, William, Carlisle. Pa. Nelson, N. B., Barnum, Minn. Murphy, W. R., Moatsville, W. Va, Nelson, N. P Rosalia, Kans. Murray, Claude IT., R. D. 2, Homerville, Ohio. Nesselrodt, Chas., Hepners, Va. Murray, Darrell R Nevinger, G., Hart, Mich. 2020 W. Third Street, Dayton, Ohio. Newcomb, Lewis Rocky Point, Va. Murray, Jacob A., ..R. D. 1, Smithville, Ohio. Newcomer, Aaron, Smithburg, Md. Murray, .John, Tate, Tenu. Newcomer, E., Mt. Morris, 111. Murray, .T. C North Manchester, Ind. Newcomer, M. S., Mt. Morris, III. Murray, .Tos. H., Roanoke, Va. Newcomer. S. I., Lanark. 111. Murray, M. R., Newton, Wm R. D. 3, Wichita, Kans. 1514 Francis, St. .Joseph, Mo. Nicholson. C. C Mussolman. A. P., Batavia, 111. R. D. 11, Box 665, T-os Angeles, Cal. Musser, I. N., Columbia, Pa. Nickey, Amos J., Monticello, Minn. 46 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Nickey, Paul A., R. D. 3, Kearney, Nebr. Peters, J. B Wirtz, Va. Nickey, S. G., Haxtun, Colo. Peters, Jesse, R. D. 2, Wenatchee, Wash. Nickler, Forrest Shipshewana, Ind. Peters, John R., ...R. D. 2, Wenatchee, Wash. Nicodemus, R. H., Peters, Morton H., Manvel, Texas. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Peters, N. C. R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. Nihart, Clyde E Lake Arthur, N. Mex. Peters, Owen, Quinter, Kans. Nill, Joseph, McFarland, Cal. Peters, Preston R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. Nine, Garfield, Weed, Cal. Peters, Riley L., R. D. 3, Wirtz, Va. Nine, W. F., Macdoel, Cal. Peters, Wilfred, R. D. 3, Wirtz, Va. Nininger, C. B., Peters, Wm., Detrick, Va. 409 W. First St., Santa Ana, Cal. Peters, Woodford, Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Nininger, Harvey, Lordsburg, Cal. Peterson, A. M Mountain Grove, Mo. Nininger, R. W., Peterson, B. M., Ruleton, Kans. College Hill, McPhersen, Kans. Peterson, B., R. D. 6, Poplar, N. C. Nissly, Jacob, Richland, Pa. Peterson, Henry, Brummetts, N. C. Niswander, A. M., ...R. D. 1, GreencaStle, Pa. Peterson, J. Henry, Fountain City, Tenn. Niswander, I. B., Peterson, Sol., Belief, N. C. 909 N. Vine St., Guthrie, Okla. Petre, David R., ...R. D. 1, Hagerstown, Md. Niswander, S. F., Winchester, Idaho. Petry, Andrew, .Hollansburg, Ohio. Noffsinger, E., ...R. D. 41, Union City, Ind. Petry, Benj. F., R. D. 10, Baton, Ohio. Noffsinger, Jesse, R. D. 6, Dayton, Ohio. Petry, Carl G., Battle Creek, Mich. Noffsinger, John S., Mount Morris, 111. Care of Sanitarium, H. P. O. Noffsinger, W. P., R. D. 35, Union City, Ind. Petry, C. C, Kitchel, Ind. Nolen, Posie, Blamsville, Va. Petry, C. H Berthold, N. Dak. Nolley, W. D., Bri^gewater, Va. Petry, B. S., Berthold, N. Dak. Norcross, D. A., Lordsburg, Cal. • Petry, Luther, Richmond, Ind. Norris, B. O., R. D. 38, Ingalls, Ind. Petry, Stephen S Berthold, N. Dak. Norris, J. W R. D. 6, Huntington, Ind. Pfautz, Jacob, R. D. 5, Myerstown, Pa. Norris, S. A R. D. 1, Shirley sburg. Pa. Pfautz, J. K., R. D. 1, Bareville, Pa. Nyce, W. G., St. Peters, Pa. Pfoutz, C. L., Gettysburg, Pa. Gber, H. K Blizabethtown, Pa. Phillippi, Wm. R., Navarre, Kans. Oberholtzer, W. H., Myerstown, Pa. Phillips, Geo. A., R. D. 1, Waynesboro, Va, Oberlin, Chas. R., Phillips, W. B., Moatsville, W. Va. 1830 Michigan Ave., Logansport, Ind. Pippin, Bveret, Nappanee, Ind. Ockerman, Allen, Highland, Ohio. Pittman, H. E., Loraine, 111. Ockerman, J. E., Woodville, Ohio. Pitzer, John R., Cordell, Okla. Ockerman,- L. E ., Plank, John M R. D. 6, N. Yakima, Wash. ...1218 S. Armstrong St., Kokomo, Ind. Piatt, W. M., Oellig, C. R., Waynesboro, Pa. 800 Clanton Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Ogden, Orlando, Unionville, Iowa. Pletcher, Irwin R., Jones Mills, Pa. Oren, A. W., Clayton, Ohio. Pletcher, Jeremiah M., Oren, Noah, Carthage, Mo. R. D. 4, Box 103, Morgantown, W. Va. Osborn, John, Plum, S. S., B. D. 5, Polo, III. Falling Run, Morgantown, W. Va. Pobst, F. B Plain, Wash. Osborne, John D., Tacoma, Va. Poff, Chester W., Burr Oak, Ind. Overholser, Lewis B., Ashland, Oregon. Poling, Arley V., ...R. D. 1, Montrose, W. Va. Overholser, Wm,, Warsaw, Ind. Poling, J. K. R R. D. 5, Philippi, W. Va. Overholt, Jonas C, Pollard, R. T Garrett, Pa. 1830 Francis Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Pollock, Alvin, Overholtzer, Darius, Covina, Cal, 183 N. Van Buren St., Batavia, 111. Overholtzer, D. J Covina, Cal. Pontius, Bert, Elkhart, Ind. Overholtzer, E. C, Fair Oaks, Cal. Popejoy, Wm. A., Poneto, Ind.

Overholtzer, J., „ . Glenn, Cal. Porter, S. B Bradford, Ohio. Overholtzer, S. A., Lordsburg, Cal. Powell, B. M R. D. 2, Buena Vista, Va. Overhultz, J. N., Keuka, Putnam Co., Fla. Prather, A. T., Schoolfield, Va. Owens, Martin G., Transom, N. C. Prather, John, Maitland, Mo. Oxley, Charles F., McClave, Colo. Prather, Marion, Schoolfield, Va. Oxley, John, Quinter, Kan's. Prather, O. J., Laurens, S. C. Oxley, T. P., Quinter, Kans. Pratt, Eugene W., Santee, San Diego Co., Cal. Painter, Geo. W., Luray, Va. Pratt, B. W Redmond, Oregon. Pannell, Wm R. D. 2, Stuarts Draft, Va. Prentice, Geo., R. D. 3, Aline, Okla. Parish, J. A., ...9 Henry St., Cumberland, Md. Price, C. C, Polo, 111. Partch, A. H., Outlook, Wash. Price, David B., Patrick, Thomas, R. D. 2, Penbrook, Pa. 1116 North Walnut Street. Brazil, Ind. Patten, John, .'.R. D. 2, Stanley, Wis. Price, J. M., Harleysville, Pa. Patton, Lee, R. D. 6, Chlllicothe, Ohio. Price, John H., ...R. D. 1, Libertyville, Iowa. Paul, D. W., R. D. 5, Huntinsrton, Ind. Price, M. V., Alpena Pass, Ark. Paul, Wm R. D. 1, Milford, Ind. Price, Wilson T., Wynne, Ark. Payton, S. W., Priddy, Anson C, R. D. 6, Muncie, Ind. 412 Madison St., Connersville, Ind. Priddy, Jacob W., R. D. 11, Muncie, Ind. Pearce, Samuel, 724 Horner St.. Johnstown, Pa. Prigel, J. M., Gittings, Md. Peck, J. C R. D. 1, Box 42, Holton, Kans. Priser, David F., Peck, J. W., R. D. 2, Meversdale, Pa. N. Wayne St., North Manchester, Ind. Peck, L. A., Fort Hill. Pa. Pritchett, John A., Peebler, A. J., * Billings, Okla. R. D. 3, .Johnson City, Tenn. Peek, Francis M Gove, Kans. Pritchett, R. B., R. D. 3, Johnson City, Tenn. Peifer, L. R., ...3353 Walnut St., Chicago. 111. Prowant, Elmer R., Continental, Ohio. Pence, Geo. F., Cleveland, Tenn. Prowant, L. H., Hamler, Ohio. Pence, Joseph, Port Republic, Va. Puderbaugh, A., Ozawkie, Kans. Pence, Samuel, North River, Va. Puffenbarger, G. M., Doehill, Va. Pepple, Elmer," R. D. 1, Laotto, Ind. Pugh, J. W Hosterman, W. Va. Perrott, George A., Fairplay, Md. Pursely, A. F., .R. D. 2, Box 49, Buchanan, Va. Petcher, Glen W., Fruitdale. Ala. Puterbaugh, Levi, R. D. 10, Argos, Ind. Peters, Amos B., ...R. D. 2, Wenatchee, Wash. Pyle, Emerson O Peters, Daniel R. D. 1, Boone Mill, Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. 47 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917. •

Pyle, W. H., Greene, Iowa. Riley, Forrest, Onekama, Mich. Quakenbush, Ralph, ...R. D., Fredonia, Ivans. Rinehart, Abram, Onward, Ind. Quick, C. L., College Corner, Ohio. Riner, James A., Fayetteville, W. Va. Racer, J. A., Jr., Kimball, Va. Ritchey, Samuel, Yellow Creek, Pa. Racer, John A., Kimball, Va. Ritchey, W. S., R. D. 1, Everett, Pa. Rairigh, I. F., Woodland, Mich. Rittenhouse, E. M., ...R. D. Alvordton, Ohio. Rairigh, S. F., Denton, Md, Ritter, H. H., Mabel, Oregon. Rambow, Geo., Douds Station, Iowa. Robbins, Jos. P., Ranck, B. F., 608 Bell Ave., Altoona, Pa. R. D. 5, Box 33, Arcanum, Ohio. Randolph, H. S., Roberison, J. B Dodson, Va. 406 N. Carey S., Baltimore, Md. Roberts, D. W., R. D. 1, Salem, Va. Rarick, J. W., McCollough Blvd., Muncie, Ind. Roberts, Frank, Gowrie, Iowa Rarick, John G., Eaton, Ind. Roberts, I. F., New Creek, W. Va. Rarick, Ralph G., Robertson, J. F., R. D. 1, Winston-Salem, N. C. 3435 W. Van Biiren St., Chicago, 111. Robertson, J. P., R. D. 1, Winston-Salem, N. C. Rarick, W. Carl R. D. 2, Colfax, Ind. Robertson, Price, Lindsay, Cal. Rascher, Harry H., Roaring Spring, Pa. Robeson, Jesse I Lonaconing, Md, Ratchford, Michael, Moorefleld, W. Va. Robinson, John A Ream, James F., ...R. D. 2, New Florence, Pa. 1550 ...Maple Street, Des Moines, Iowa. Reber, Aaron C, R. D. 1, Ridgely, Md. Robinson, Roy, Waynoka, Okla, Reber, D. C, Blizabethtown, Pa. Robinson, T. A., Redfleld, Kans. Reber, J. G., Centerport, Pa. Robison, Joseph, .t.R. D. 1, Vestaburg, Mich. Redding, L. J., Flagler, Colo. Rock, James O., Navarre, Kans. Redenbo, O. B. Vincennes, Ind. Rodabaugh, A., R. D., Collins, Mo. Redmon, S. S R. D. 2, Nampa, Idaho. Rodabaugh, E. G., Stet, Mo. Reece, Bnos J., R. D. 1, Fairview, Mo. Rodabaugh, Willis Fredric, Iowa. Reed, A. G., Rodecker, Thomas Mendon, Ohio. 3231 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Rodes, A. J., Clovis, N. Mex. Reed, C. D., Troutville, Va. Rodgers, J. "C Matthews, Ind. Reed, Cecil, Donaldson, Ind. Rogers, James W., Reed, Eli, Trout Dale, Grayson Co., Va. R. D. 1, Fayetteville. W. Va. Reed, Elias M., ...R. D. 1, Hagerman, N, Mex. Rogers, Samuel, Church Hill, Tenn. Reed, Enoch, Floyd, Va. Rogers, Thomas, Windfall, Ind. Reed, G. O., Troutville, Va. Rogers, W. F Fayetteville, W. Va. Reed, John A Rohrer, H. W., ..412 West Tenth Street, Ellensburg, Wash. 4114 Reese St., Philadelphia, Pa. Reed, John A., R. D. 2, Box 55, Sparta, N. C. Roller, J. S., Timberville, Va.

Reed, Michael , R. D. 3, Floyd, Va. Rolston, J. E., Sheldon, Iowa. Reed, N. C, ...R. D. 1, Eunice, N. C. Ronk, Chas., Glendale, Ariz. Reed, P. D., Limestone, Tenn. Ronk, Jesse, New Ross, Ind. Reed, Quincy D., Hagerman, N. Mex. Roof, Alfred B., 2220 Pitt St., Anderson, Ind. Reed, R. E., Morgantown, W. Va. Roop, Geo., Union Bridge, Md. Pveed, R. H., Laura, Ky. Roop, W. E., Westminster, Md. Reed, Richard, R. D. 1, Sowers, Va. Roose, Eli, Nappanee, Ind. Reed, S. S., Myrtle Point, Oregon. Roose, Hiram Wakarusa, Ind. Reed, Samuel P., Floyd, Va. Roose, R. O., Reed, Wm. A ...Melvin Hill, N. C. 504 N. Main St., South Bend, Ind. Reed, Wyatt, ^ R. D. 3, Floyd. Va. Root, A. C, Long Beach, Cal. Reese, J. W., ...R. D. 4, Bowling Green, Ohio. Root, Ernest, Myrtle Point, Oregon. Reeves, Alfred H., Nemadji, Minn. Root, John A., Ozawkie, Kans. Reichard, J. Rowland, Fair Play, Md. Root, Jos. A., Waynoka, Okla. Reichard, W. S., .' Root, John H., R. D. 4, Brookville, Ohio. 138 So. Potomac St., Hagerstown, Md. Root, J. S., Arago, Oregon. ReifP, J. B., Holmesville, Nebr. Root, J. W., R. D. L, Lafayette, Ind. Reiley, Erastus C, Troutville, Va. Root, Lester, R. D. 1, Mondovi. Wis. Reiman, Ralph W., Berlin, Somerset Co., Pa. Root, Leonard H., Mt. Morris, 111. Replogle, Abram, Roaring Spring, Pa. Root, T. C, R. D. 2, Box 16, Waynoka, Okla. Replogle, George, Tyrone, Pa. Rosenberger, E. H., McComb, Ohio. Replogle, Frank G., Mt. Morris, 111. Rosenberger, I. J., Covington, Ohio. Replogle, Fred A., ...R. D. 1, Owasco, Ind. Ross, J. F., R. D. 6, Grafton, W. Va. Replogle, H. S., Scalp Level, Pa. Ross, W. L., R. D. 2, Seymour, Ind. Replogle, Walter R., 323 3rd St., Anderson, Ind. Roth, David Blain, Pa. Reppert, J. J., Rothrock, Edgar, Carlisle, Nebr.

1715 West Second St., Glendale, Cal. Rothrock, E. S : Carlisle, Nebr. Resser, Geo. M., R. D. 2, Manchester, Md. Rothrock, H. M., Loomis, Wash.

Rexroad, Carl, R. D. 7, Darlow, Kans. Rotruck, Noah M., . . Williamsport, W. Va. Reynolds, Chas., R. D. 1, Panora, Iowa. Row, W. J Junior, W. Va. Rhoads, J. R., 1277 Glenn Ave., Fresno, Cal. Rowe, C. B., Dallas Center, Iowa. Rhodes, Haddon, Huntingdon, Pa. Rowland, C. P Lanark, HI. Ribblett, David C, ..R. D. 2, Johnstown, Pa. Rowland, David, Lanark, 111. Rich, Jesse, R. D. 1, Bussey, Ark. Rowland, D. A., R. D. 6, Dixon, 111. Richard, Herbert F., Rowland, Elmer S., .R. D. 6, Hagerstown, Md. Congress Street, Chicago, 111. Rowland, H. R R. D. 6, Hagerstown, Md. Richard, J. H Maitland, Pa. Rowland, John, .Maugansville, Md. Richcreek, F. O., R. D. 3, Syracuse, Ind. Rowland, John E., Bunkertown, Pa. Richie, I. S., Sullivan, Ind. Royer, A. H., R. D. 1, Stevens, Pa. Riddlesberger, I Royer, Galen B., 272 McClure Ave., Elgin, 111. 30 E. 3rd St., Waynesboro, Pa. Royer, Galen B R. D. 2. Arcanum, Ohio. Ridglev, Dow A R. D. 1, Parkersburg, 111. Royer, Harvey L., Dallas Center, Iowa. Rife, Joseph D., Roann, Ind. Royer, J. Abraham Rife, Obed C, Converse, Ind. ..4612 Seventy-third St., S. E., Portland, Ore. Riggleman, John, Monterville, W. Va. Royer, Jesse E., R. D. 4, Box 57, Madison, Mo. Riggleman, W. L., Rockoak, W. Va. Royer, J. G., Mt. Morris, 111. Rilea, E. E., Barnum, Minn. Royer, John L., ...R. D. 4, Myerstown, Pa.


Royer, John M,, , Millmont, Pa. Shaffer, J. J R. D. 2, Berlin, Pa. Royer, Oliver, ...R. D. 6, Chillicothe, Ohio. Shaffer, Levi, Hudson, Iowa. Royer, S. D., Bradford, Ohio. Shaffer, L. G., Johnstown, Pa. Royer, U. S., R. D. 1, Newton, Kans. Shafford, John W Rocky Ford, Colo. Royer, Wm., R. D. 2, Arcanum, Ohio. Shamberger, Chauncey H., Ruble, Lawrence, McVeytown, Pa. North Manchester, Ind. Ruff, Edward, Fort Benton, Mont. Shamberger, George A., Oroville, Wash. Ruhl, Allen B., R. D. 5, Manheim, Pa. Shamberger, J. E,, Payette, Idaho. Rumrael, Wm., R. D. 5, Johnstown, Pa. Shanholtz, j. l., Levels, W. Va. Rupel, C. F Plain, Chelan County, Wash. Shank, C. A., Abilene, Kans. Rupert, Jesse C, .R. D. 1, Three Springs, Pa. Shank, E Dayton, Ohio. Rust, Arthur G., Sharp, A. M., Egeland, N. Dak. 357 North Seventy-second St., Seattle, Wash. Sharp, B. F R. D. 4, Greenville, Ohio. Rust, Rayburn S., Stillwater, Okla. Sharp, S. Z., .'.Fruita, Colo. Ryman, J. M., R. D. 1, Woodstock, Va. Shaver, Daniel Bent Mountain, Va. Sadler, John, Mclntyre, Iowa. Shaver, Isaac H., Copper Hill, Va. Sadler, J. W R. D. 2, Ostrander, Minn. Shaw, O. F Milledgeville, 111. Sala, Joseph, Bremen, Ind. Sheafter, W. I., Huntsdale, Pa. Salsbury, C. L., R. D. 1, Mondovi, Wis. Shearer, Samuel S., R. D. 1, Rheems, Pa. Sanders, Henry, Sheets, Andrew, Gray, N. C. R. D. 4, Box 94, Fairmont, W. Va. Sheets, Henry, Scottsville, N. C. Sandy, J. D R. D. 4, New Carlisle, Ohio. Sheets, T. A Harmon, N. C. Sanger, F. P., Shellenberger, J. B Burnham, Pa. R. D. 1, Box 114, Fayetteville, W. Va. Shelley, P. G Richfield, Pa. Sanger, M. G R. D. 2, Mt. Solon, Va. Shelly, D. F Ollie, Iowa. Sanger, S. A., Free Union, Va. Shenefelt, Ernest Minneola, Kans. Sanger, S. F., Empire, Cal. Shenk, D. M., Dorrance, Kans. Sanger, W. E,, R. D. 1, Cordova, Md. Shepfer, B., Sugarcreek, Ohio. Sanger, W. H Oakton, Va. Shepherd, J. M R. D. 38, Ingalls, Ind. Sanner, Jacob, Casselman, Pa. Shepherd, John, Viola, Wis. Sappington, Geo. K., Le Gore, Md. Shepler, J. E., Bentons Ferry, W. Va. Sargent, E. B,, R. D. 1, Payette, Idaho. Sherfy, Ernest F., Sargent, Frank, 1718 Gordon Ave,, McPherson, Kans. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Sherf y, Joel Saluda, N. C. Satterfleld, J. .R. Dandridge, Tenn. Sherfy, John, -. .Mont Ida, Kans. Saunders, S. R., R. D. 1, Goodview, Va. Sherfy, J. S., 1907 Maple St., Parsons, Kans. Saville, Isaac J., Pleasant Dale, W. Va. Sherfy, N. B., Blountville, Tenn. Sawyer, A., Morrill, Kans. Sherland, Fred W Williston, N. Dak. Sawyer, W. H. H., Morrill, Kans. Sherrick, J. F., R. D., Middleton, Mich. Saylor, John M., \ Cubage, Ky. Sherrick, M. M., Mt. Morris, 111. Say lor, Rudy A., R, D. 5, Bradford, Ohio. Shickel, Jos., Roanoke, Va. Scaggs, Lewis C, Riner, Va. Shideler, Daniel, R. D. 3, Warren, Ind. Schechter, David P., Shideler, Henry, R. D. 5, McCune, Kans. Sanitarium H. P. O., Battle Creek, Mich. Shideler, Noah M Nokesville, Va.

Schechter, Joshua, Jr., . . Worthington, Minn. Shidler, Wm. H., Schechter, Samuel H., Wenatchee, Wash. R. D. 6, Box 67, South Bend, Ind. Schlosser, John, Schoeneck, Pa. Shiffler, C. C, .504 Logan Ave., Lakemont, Pa. Schlosser, Ralph W., Elizabethtown, Pa. Shirk, D. A., R. D. 1, Polo, Mo. Schlotman, Samuel, Missouri Valley, Iowa. Shirk, Nelson, Mt. Morris, 111. Schmidt, Jonathan G., Robins, Iowa. Shirky, S. B., R. D. 4, Norborne, Mo. Schnaithman, Paul, ...R. D. 4, Billings,. Okla. Shisler, J. B., Harley sville, Pa. Schrock, Clarence E., Shively, E. E., Bourbon, Ind, 808 Avenue E, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Shively, J. C Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Schrock, J. H., Shipshewana, Ind. Shively, G R. D. 4, Box 54, Mifflinburg, Pa. Schrock, W. G Berlin, Pa. Shively, J. K., Schuder, Floyd A., Box 266, Milford, Ind. R. D. 14, Box 779, Los Angeles, Cal, Schue, Albert, New Windsor, Md. Shively, J. W., Bourbon, Ind. Schwalm, Harvey W., .R. D. 5, Goshen, Ind. Shively, J. Will, Newville, N. Dak, Schwalm, H. M., Wakarusa, Ind. Shively, Levi S,, Mt. Morris, 111. Schwalm, Vernon, Wakarusa, Ind. Shober, S. U,, Somerset, Pa, Schwenk, Charles A., Shock, D. Warren, Loganton, Clinton Co., Pa. 1210 25th Ave., No., Minneapolis, Minn. Scrogum, J. J Hart, Mich. Shoemaker, C. W., R. D. 1, Overbrook, Kans. Sears, A. L., R. D. 1, Garden Grove, Iowa. Shoemaker, S. H., Secrist, Caleb Cordova, Md. 524 S, Eighteenth St., Mt. Vernon, III. See, E. A., Mathias, W. Va. Shoemaker, Solomon S., .R. D. 1, Lake, Ohio. See, S. W., Mathias, W. Va. Shong, David, Sherwood, Ohio. Seibert, J. C, Empire, Cal. Shook, R. M., R. D. 1, Wendell, Idaho. Sell, Brice, R. D. 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Shope, A. J,, .R. D. 5, Box 19, Harrisburg, Pa. Sell, Daniel D., Plattsburg, Mo. Shorb, D. M. Surrey, N. Dak. Sell, James A., ...R, D. 1, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Showalter, J. S R. D. 3, Roanoke, Va. Sell, Wm. K R. D. 41, Union City, Ind. Showalter, S. A R. D. 1, Wooster, Ohio. Sellers, Arthur, R. D. 6, Bryant, Ohio. Shrader, J. E., Greencastle, Pa. Sellers, E. G., Onekama, Mich. Shreve, R. J Foley, Ala. Sellers, G. W., R. D. 6, Bryan, Ohio. Shriver, Aaron F., Senger, Anthony Unionville, Iowa. 327 West Front St., New Philadelphia, Ohio. Senger, I. C, Linville Depot, Va. Shroyer, Reuben, R. D. 2, New Berlin, Ohio. Senger, S. J. C Astoria, 111. Shuck, J. F., Scotts Bluff, Nebr. Setty, Sanford, Kerman, Cal. Shull, Chalmer G Shade, George, Hancock, Minn. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111, Shaffer, Daniel E., Shull, W. H., R. D. 2, Virden, 111. 462 Overhill St., Morgantown, W. Va. Shultz, Lawrence, ...North Manchester, Ind. Shaffer, J. B., Canton, 111. Shumaker, David F., Shaffer, J. B Nestorville, W. Va. 661 Cypress Avenue, Johnstown, Pa. BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Simmons, A. L., Henrietta, Pa. Snyder, Phineas Simmons, Jolin B., ...Timber Valley, Wash. R. D. 2, Box 28, Deer Park, Md. Simmons, Thos. J Osceola, Mo. Solleuberger, Aaron D., St. John, Stafford Co., Kans. Simmons, T. J., Jr., Fallon, Mont. Solleuberger, Clarence C, Simmons, W. B., Bridgewater, Va. 349 East Walnut St., Circleville, Ohio. Union City, Ind. Simmons, W. K., ...R. D. 35, Solleuberger, Ira, Naperville, HI. Va. Sims, James L Marion, Sommers, H. A Clay City, Ind. Sines, A. L Sines, Md. Sonefrank, Geo., Loree, Ind. Sines, H. B., Sines, Md. Sonon, Henry S., East Petersburg, Pa. Sink, D. F Trigo, Cal. Souders, J. F., R. D. 2, Preston, Minn. Sink, Henry A., 915 E. 23rd St., Anderson, Ind. Sower, David E Box 244, Scottville, Mich. Siple, Geo. L Doe Hill, Va. Sowers, J. B., Willis, Va. Sites, S. G., Heizer, W. Va. Spacht, J. R Williamstown, Ohio. Sizemore, Jos. J., Rogersville, Tenn. Spaid, A. R., Hooks Mills, W. Va. Slabaugh, W. W., Spall, James J., Seymour, Ind. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, HI. Spangler, Herman, Poff, Va. Slater, E. O., Spangler, S. G., Floyd, Va. 614 West Center St., Springfield, Mo. Spangler, W. B., Christiansburg, Va. Slifer, C. H., Arcadia, Fla. Spauogle, Andrew, Lewistown, Pa. Sloniker, Jacob, Lovewell, Kans. Spauogle, H. A., Lewistown, Pa.

Sluss, Elijah, Skeetrock, Va. Spencer, C. C, (colored) , Sluss, S. C, Skeetrock, Va. 124 York St., Denver, Colo, Slyder, James, ..R. D. 3, Chamberisburg, Pa. Spidle, W. F Richland Center, Pa. Small, J. B., Portis, Kans. Spitler, D. N., Luray, Va. Smeltzer, Elias, Arcadia, Ind. Spitzer, J. F., Summitville, Ind. Smeltzer, Jesse A., Spitzer. S. F., Gapland, Md. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Spouseller, John, Sherwood, Ohio. Smeltzer, M., 137 Evans Ave., Noblesville, Ind. Sprague, Byron, Mansfield, Mo. Smith, Aaron, Wauseon, Ohio. Sprankel, Samuel, Massillon, Ohio. Smith, B. W., Burlington, W. Va. Spurgeon, J. B., Adel, Iowa. Morrill, Kans. Smith, C. B., St. John, Clyde , Bryan, Ohio. Smith, Clarence L., R. D. 2, Martinsburg, Pa. Stair, M. E., Mont Ida, Kans.

Smith, E. J., Stambaugh, Ralph, . . ., Astoria, 111. R. D. 3, Box 27, Woodward, Okla. Stauturf, Judsou, ...Station D, St. Joseph, Mo. Smith, F. R R. D. 4, V/averly, Kans. Starbard, Earl M., ..R. D., Clarksville, Mich. Smith, George C, Waddams Grove, 111. Starook, Samuel S., R. D. 1, Lewisburg, Pa. Smith, Harlan, Mt. Morris, 111. Statler, Foster B., ...R. D. 1, Windber, Pa. Smith, Hiram, Albany, Oregon. Stauffer, Clinton W R. D. 3, Polo, IlL Smith, H. W., R. D. 1, Sunfleld, Mich. Stauffer, E. H., Rock Lake, N. Dak. Smith, H. Z Stauffer, Elmer J., Mulberry Grove, 111. R. D. 1, Box 80, Beliefontaine, Ohio. Stauffer, Harvey, .R. D. 4, Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Smith, Jacob O Bunkertown, Pa. Stayer, D. A., R. D. 1, Hopewell, Pa. Smith, Jasper, -.South English, Iowa. Stayer, J. C, Woodbury, Pa. Smith, J. H., R. D. 1, Maurertown, Va. Stayer, J. Clyde, Huntingdon, Pa. Smith, J. M., Woodland, Mich. Stayer, J. R .Woodbury, Pa. Smith, John A., Steel, W. M., Everett, Pa. 1406 Dellwood Ave., Baltimore, Md. Steele, Cyrus, Middlebury, Ind. Smith, J. R., Carrington, N. Dak. Steele, Lafayette, ..R. D. 1, Walkerton, Ind. Smith, Leander, Steermau, C. H., Honey Grove, Pa. 440 Fletcher Ave., Muscatine, Iowa. Steffeu, Conrad, ..Bethel, Mo. Smith, Lee R., R. D. 2, Box 27, Albion, Ind. Steinbarger, Samuel J Smith, P. A., R. D. 2, Royersford, Pa. R. D. 3, Lewistown, Pa. Smith, S. M., Lake Odessa, Mich. Steinberger, A. C, ...R. D. 3, Lewistown, Pa. Smith, S. Z., Sidney, Ohio. Steinour, J. E., Mui:taugh, Idaho. Smith, T. M Ethelfelts, Va. Stephens, Geo., Egeland, N. Dak. Smith, Welty G R. D. 1, Mont Alto, Pa. Stern, C. V., Hines, Minn. Smith, Wm. A., Antioch, W. Va. Stern, Geo. E., Arcadia, Nebr. Snader, A. P., New Windsor, Md. Stern, O. E., R. D. 4, Arcadia, Nebr. Snader, David, Akron, Pa. Stern, Roy E., R. D. 4, Arcadia, Nebr. Snader, Edwin A., Westminster, Md. Steward, Edward D., ..R. D. 5, Abilene, Kans. Suavely, I. C Flora, Ind. Still, David, Ewing, Va. Suavely, John L., Alvo, -Nebr. Stine, A. M., Adel, Iowa. Suavely, S. U., R. D. 1, Republic, Ohio. Stiuebaugh, J. G., R. D. 3, Camden, Ind. Suell, Geo. W., Stiuebaugh, Walter C, No. Manchester, Ind. R. D. 5, North Manchester, Ind. Stinuette, Robert L., Snell, Harvey, Covina, Cal. 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Suell, J. A., R. D. 1, South Whitley, Ind. Stiversou, J. U. G., Snell, J. H., North Manchester, Ind. 1548 38th Ave., Oakland, Cal. Suell, Samuel, R. D. 1, Union, Ohio. Stockdale, Chas. R., R. D. 1, Freesoil, Mich. Snider, G. A., R. D. 5, Lima, Ohio. Stone, Geo. B Crystal, Mich. Snively, J. S., Long Beach, Cal. Stone, Henry, Fairview, Okla. Suowberger, A. C, Stouer, J. C, R. D. 2, Palestine, 111.

R. D. 4, Box 15, Anaheim, Cal. Stoner, Levi, . . . : Bremen, Ohio. Suowberger, A. L., Stouer, Samuel D., Ladoga, Ind. 129 W. 10th St., Newton, Kans. Stoug, Geo. W., Newville, N. Dak. Suowberger, Isaac N., Stookey, Sherman, ...R. D. 2, Olympia, Wash. R. D. 1, Box 15, Orlaud, Ind. Storm, Jacob, Coal City, Ind. Suowberger, John, Lamed, Kans. Stotlemyer, Irving R., Myersville, Md. Snuffer, M, P., Box 85, Pemberton, W. Va. Stouder, D. W., Snyder, Adam A R. D. 1, Everett, Pa. Madison, Greenwood Co., Kans. Snyder, B. F., Beliefontaine, Ohio. Stouder, Jas. A ....Fruita, Colo. Snyder, David Raisin, Cal. Stouffer, S. M., R. D. 5, Newville, Pa. Snyder, .T. M., College Hill, McPhersou, Kans. Stout, John C Milford, Ind. Snyder, Joseph F., R. D. 1, Everett, Pa. Stout, Thos. J Windfall, Ind.


Stover, H. M., Teeter, B. Y. S Flint Stone, Md. 125 W. Second St., Waynesboro, Pa. Teeter, D. W., Jasper, Mo. Stover, J. Harman, Teeter, J. L., Williams, Oregon. 2318 Lewis Ave,, Fresno, Cal. Teeter, L. L., .Mooreland, Ind. Stover, John Emmert, Mount Morris, 111. Teeter, L. W., .Hagerstown, Ind. Stover, John M., Bradford, Ohio. Teets, L. W., Lost City, W. Va. Strausbaugh, G. S., Teets, Wm. L., Eglon, W. Va. R. D. 1, Fredericktown, Ohio. Templeton, Leland G., Big Cabin, Okla. Strausburg, John, Somerset, Ind. Tennison, K. G., .Weatherford, Tex. Strawser, George Oriental, Pa. Terwilleger, Samuel Blue Springs, Nebr. Strayer, P. C, ...R. D. 3, Johnstown, Pa. Thomas, A. S., Bridgewater, Va. Streeter, John O., Chewelah, Wash. Thomas, Chester A., Strickler, B. H Girard, Mont. R. D. 1, Brandonville, W. Va. Strickler, D. H., Vicksburg, Pa. Thomas, D. D., Ada, Ohio. Strickler, Ellis, El Centro, Cal. Thomas, H. V., Alvada, Ohio. Strickler, H. W., Loraine, 111. Thomas, Isaac, Strathmore, Cal. Strickler, Walter, Luray, Va. Thomas, J. L., R. D. 1, Kuna, Idaho. Strohm, Fred B., Thomas, Jer., ....Bruceton Mills, W. Va. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Thomas, J. A., Peabody, Kans. Strohm, J. A., ...R. D. 2, Westphalia, Kans. Thomas, J. Walter, R. D. 11, Westminster, Md. Strole, W. P., Thomas, P. S., Harrisonburg, Va. 3145 W. 43rd St., Rosedale, Kans. Thomas, V., Bruceton Mills, W. Va. Stucker, Wm., No. Yakima, Wash. Thomas, W. J., Inglewood, Cal. Stuckey, D. P., Paris, Ohio. Thomas, Wm., Box 428, Ambridge, Pa. Stuckey, L. T., New Enterprise, Pa. Thompson, A. E., Waldo, Kans. Stuckman, P., Nappanee, Ind. Thompson, S. C, Windber, Pa.

Studebaker, Ellis M., , Thompson, S. B,, College Hill, McPherson, Kans. 646 Eighth Street, Garden City, Kans. Studebaker, Geo. L., Thompson, Wm. E., Conway Springs, Kans. 517 W. Main St., Muncie, Ind. Throne, Geo., R. D. 1, Pioneer, Ohio. Studebaker, G. E Throne, G. M R. D. 5, Ottawa, Kans. 800 Front Street, Rocky Ford, Colo. Throne, J. E., 824 Willow St., Ottawa, Kans. Studebaker, Herbert A., No. Manchester, Ind. Throne, John B Red Cloud, Nebr. Studebaker, Samuel, Pearl City, 111. Tigner, W. H., Valley, Wash. Stultz, R. L., Moorefield, W. Va. Tinkle, Wm. J., Taft, Texas. Stump, Edward, Teegarden, Ind. Tipton, Vance, Peppers, N. C. Stump, Geo. C, R. D. 2, New Madison, Ohio. Tisdale, W. D., Waterloo, Iowa. Stump, G. T R. D. 1, Dillons Mill, Va. Tolleson, W. S. H., L. B. 28, Hartford, Ark. Stump, John, Walkerton, Ind. Toney, Carey, R. D. 8, Kitchel, Ind. Stump, John Miami, Texas. Tooker, Grant, Wetonka, S. Dak. Sturgis, John, Perrin, Mo. Townsend, H. V., Woodland, Mich. Stutsman, Chas. Noble, Trimmer, Jacob E., R. D. 5, Wenatchee, Wash. 143 S. Hanover St., Carlisle. Pa. Stutsman, D. C, R. D. 10, Dayton, Ohio. Trostle, B. C R. D. 1, Panora, Iowa. Stutsman, G. O., Liberty, 111. Trostle, Bph Mt. Morris, 111. Stutsman, Jesse, R. D. 4, Arcanum, Ohio. Trostle, W. B., San Gabriel, Cal. Stutsmfn. J. S. R. D. 6, Elkhart, Ind. Trout, C. E., Stutsman, Wm., Elgin, Ariz. ....614 Center Ave., N, W., Roanoke, Va. Stutzman, C. W., Metamora, Ohio. Troxel, J. J., Conway Springs, Kans. Stutzman, Melvin D., Troxel, Joseph, Caldwell, Kans. 207 N. Indiana Ave., Goshen, Ind. Troyer, Nathaniel O., R. D. 11, Argos, Ind. Suit, R. L., Seven Mile Ford, Smyth Co., Va. Truax, Wm. R Pleasant Ridge, Pa. Summer, A. E R. D. 1, Sowers, Va. Tucker, G. W., Mole, N. C. Summer, Benjamin F., Mt. Morris, 111. Turner, Daniel, Genoa, Va. Sunderland, Henry, Carthage, Mo. Turner, L. F., R. D. 3, Lovington. 111. Suter, C. M. Franklin Grove. 111. Tyson, A. S., McBain, Mich. Sutphin, Elmon, Wenatchee, Wash. Tyson, Conway, McBain, Mich. Sutter, A. A., Roanoke, La. Ulery, J. Edson, Onekama, Mich. Sutter, P. J., Maxwell, Iowa. Ullery, Daniel, Sheller, 111. Swallow, J. F., Hampton, Iowa. Ullery, J. Forest, R. D. 3, Nampa, Idaho. Swartz, E. J., Bremen, Ind. Ullom, Homer Lamar, Colo. Swayne, G. H Shirleysburg, Pa. Ulrey, Jacob C, McPherson, Kans. Swigart, G. H., McVeytown, Pa. TJlrey, John C. Windom, Kans. Swigart, J. C, Mattawana, Pa. Ulrey, John P., Pyrmont, Ind. Swigart, M. C Ulrich, L. E., R. D. 2, Wenatchee, Wash. ..6611 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Ulrich, W. M., .614 Sixth Avenue, Sterling, 111. Swigart, S. J., Lewistown, Pa. Umble, Samuel, Markleysburg, Pa. Swigart, W. J., Huntingdon. Pa. Umphlet, Price, Mount Morris, 111. Swihart, Aaron M Poplar, Mont. Urey, J. H R. D. 3, Waterloo, Ind. Swihart, Clarence B., Goshen, Ind. Utz, Franklin N., Port, Va. Swihart, Geo. B., Roann, Ind. Utz, John H., R. D. 2, Tanevtown, Md. Swihart, Neri R. D. 27, Tippecanoe, Ind. Utz, Silas K., New Market, Md. Swihart, Walter, ...R. D. 1, Churubusco, Ind. Valentine, J. F., ...R. D. 3, Belington, W. Va. Swinger, Jacob, Palestine, 111. Valentine, T. F., ...R. D. 1. Auburn, W. Va. Swinger, Wm., Trotwood, Ohio. Vancil. Joel A Box 18, Continental, Ohio. Switzer, John W., Roanoke. 111. Van Dvke. Archibald, Talhelm, Byron Altamont, Kans. 3415 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Tannreuther, W. O., Waterloo, Iowa. Van Dyke, G. H., Tawzer, .T. J., Kearney, Nebr. 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.

Taylor, Chas. V Mt. Morris, 111. Van Dyke, Irvin C, ,A\ . . . .Pocatello, Idaho.

Taylor, H. R., 720 E. Villa St., Pasadena, Cal. Van Dyke, S. P., ^.'. . . .V. .Newberg, Oregon. Taylor, I. W., Neffsville. Pa. Vanhorn, D. M.. -T R. D. 1, Everett, Pa. Taylor, Milton M Louisville, Ohio. Vanpelt, J. FranK_...R. D. 8, Richmond, Mo. Taylor, S. W., ...Union Grove, Lane. Co., Pa. Van Sickle, Geo./W., R. D. 1, Selbysport, Md. 51 3i7^5 '^. ^, BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Varner, John P., Bartow, W. Va. Weimer, Asa H Streby, W. Va. Varner, W. B., Bridgewater, Va. Weimer, Elsworth, ...R. D. 2, Converse, Ind. Varner, Wm., Doe Hill, Va. Weimer, F. J., R. D. 3, Ft. Recovery, Ohio. Vest, W. F Floyd, Va. Weimer, Israel, Streby, W. Va. Vines, A. J., Jonesboro, Tenn. Weimer, Samuel, Buchanan, N. Mex. Vines, Foster, R. D. 3, Jonesboro, Tenn. Welch, D. P., R. D. 1, Clifton, N. C. Wade, W..F Weller, D. P., Continental, Ohio. 137 South Eleventh St., New Philadelphia, Weller, H. A Copemish, Mich. Ohio. Weller, M. J Farmington, Pa. Wagenman, J. G., Williston, N. Dak. Wells, James, McDonalds Mill, Va. Wagner, Chas. A., Laurel, Klickitat Co., Wash. Wells, J. M., R. D. 5, Philippi, W. Va. Wagner, D. T., Beecher City, 111. Wells, Levi E R. D. 1, Sowers, Va. Wagner, F. A., Waldo, Kans. Wenger, Alvin P R. D. 1, Bareville, Pa. Wagner, J. C, ...Portis, Osborne Co., Kans. Wenger, E. M Fredericksburg, Pa. Wagner, Oscar W Adrian, Mo. Wenger, H. C, R. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colo. Wagner, Wm. U., Elmwood, Nebr. Wenger, Perry, Mt. Sidney, Va. Wagoner, Ellis, Pulaski, Ind. Wenger, R. C, Wagoner, G. F., Atlanta, Ind. 604 East Ninth Street, No. Manchester, Ind. Wagoner, I. B., Burr Oak, Kans. Wenger, S. K., Rexmont, Pa. Wagoner, Isaac N., Ramey, Minn. Wenger, Stanley C, R. D. 6, Brookville, Ohio. Wagoner, J. Elmer, Mt. Morris, 111. Wenrick, A. D R. D. 8, Dayton, Ohio. Wagoner, N. B., Red Cloud, Nebr. Werking, Oscar D., Hagerstown, Ind. Wakeman, Chas. H., ...R. D. 3, Edinburg, Va. Wertenbaker, Wm., Wakeman, L. D., Edinburg, Va. 1254 E. 50th St., Los Angeles, Cal. Wales, G. E., R, D. 1, Kenedy, Texas. Wertenberger, A. J., Norcatur, Kans. Walker, Daniel H., ...R. D. 5, Somerset, Pa. Wertz, W. Clay, Waynesboro, Pa. Walker, Galen K., R. D. 1, Shelocta, Pa. West, Ellis H., Patterson, Cal. Walker, L. A Adel, Iowa. West, George, Clayton, 111. Wallace, Lewis, Mt. Morris, 111. West G Wallech, John S., Greencastle, Pa. ...'... !r*. D'.'i,' Box 42] cieveiand* MilYs* *N.*C. Wallis, J. E., Jennings, Garrett Co., Md. West, J. K., R. D. 1, Hollis, N. C. Walter, Charles, Summum, 111. West, W. E., Mount Morris, 111. Walter, W. F., Crimora, Va. Westen, W. Sanford, Tyrone, Pa. Waltman, J. K., Nampa, Iowa. Westrick, Oliver Belleville, Kans. Waltz, B. F Elk Lick, Pa. Weyant, Samuel, Klahr, Pa. Wampler, A., Warrensburg, Mo. Weybright, J. S Thurmont, Md. Wampler, D. J., New Plymouth, Idaho. Weybright, Wm., Overbrook, Kans. Wampler, D. S., Lonaconing, Md. Wheeler, F. M., R. D. 7, Marshalltown, Iowa. Wampler, B. M Timberville, Va. Whetzel, L. J Moorefield, W. Va. Wampler, J. D., R. D. 8, Lima, Ohio. Whisler, E. L., Centralia, Wash. Wampler, J. W R. D. 6, Harrisonburg, Va. Whisler, H. A., McFarland, Cal. Ward, Calvin, McPherson, Kan's. Whitacre, A. J., Pinto, Md. Ward, J. M R. D. 1, Pomona, Kans. Whitaker, L. A., Warner, D. F„ 3435 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. 107 Grosvenor Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Whitcher, W. B Exeter, Cal. Warren, Isaac Edw., Roann, Ind. White, A. M Glendora, Cal. Warstler, C. Walter, White, Francis M., 800 S. Van Buren St., Auburn, Ind. R. D. 1, Box 127, Crfwe, Va. Warstler, J. H., New Paris, Ind. White, John B., Sterling, Kans. Warstler, O. H., Syracuse, Ind. White, John P R. D. 1, Billings, Okla. Watkins, L., Mont Ida, Kans. White, Ralph E., ."Vinegar Bend, Ala. Watkins, W. C, R. D. 1, Grenola, Kan's. White, W. E., Fruitdale, Ala. Watson, Geo. W., Plattsburg, Mo. Whitmer, B. B., Conway Springs, Kans. Watts, Wm. S., Lowell, Ark. Whitmer, Daniel, ..R. D. 1, South Bend, Ind. Weaver, A. A., R. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colo. Whitmer, Merrill I Weaver, D. W., R. D. 2, Birdsboro, Pa. R. D. 1, Box 42, South Bend, Ind. Weaver, Edw. S., Scott City, Kans. Whitmer, Peter B., Weaver, Ervin, North Manchester, Ind. 1038 S. Main, Ottawa, Kans. Weaver, E. Frank, Whitmer, Victor Curlew, Iowa. R. D. 2, Grand Junction, Colo. Whitmore, B. C Bair Ave., Hanover, Pa. Weaver, Geo. W Manheim, Pa. Whitson, I. C, Fountain City, Tenn. Weaver, Herschel Whittaker, Walter, Antioch, W. Va. R. D. 1, West Manchester, Ohio. Widder, D. H.. 1516 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa. Weaver, Ira, Middlebury, Ind. Widdowson, J., Dixonville, Pa. Weaver, J. L R. D. 1, Windber, Pa, Wieand, A. C, Weaver, John E., R. D. 8, Goshen, Ind. 832 South Humphrey Avenue, Oak Park, 111. Weaver, Milton R., Wieand, John, R. D. 2, Wooster, Ohio. ...2615 N. Twenty-second St., Omaha, Nebr. Wike, Henry, R. D. 6, Huntington, Ind. Weaver, M. J Everett, Pa. Wike, I. B., Huntington, Ind. Weaver, S. P Wiley, W. A., R. D. 3, Ashland, Ohio. 527 Laurel Avenue, Wichita, Kan's. Wilkins, C. L. Middleton, Mich. Weaver, Theron G., Wakarusa, Ind. Williams, Albert L Thomas, Okla. Webb, I. E., New Market, Iowa. Williams, Bruce, Plattsburg, Mo. Webster, C. F R. D. 1, Salem, Va. Williams, C. E., R. D. 5, Floyd, Va. Weddle, Andrew J R. D. 3. Willis, Va. Williams, J. H. B., Elgin, 111. Weddle, G. W., Bloom, Kans. Williams, Perry R. D. 2, Plattsburg, Mo. Weddle, Joel R. D. 3, Willis. Va. Williamson, J. W., ...... Hedgesville, W. Va. Weddle, J. L., Tonasket, Wash. Williar, Jacob O., ...Route 2, Mt. Airy. Md. Weddle, L. M., Floyd, Va. Williford, W. R., ...R. D. 5, Dandridge, Tenn. Weddle, R. M., Dunlap, Kans. Willis, John Beelog, N. C. Wegley, J. W R. D. 1, Somerset, Pa. Willis, Robert Poplar, N. C. Weibley, Israel L Varna, N. Y. Willt, Lloyd T Weidler, Ira Ashland. Oregon. R. D. 7, Box 60. Watson, W. Va. Weidman, Silas, Homerville, Ohio, Wilson, J. D R. D. 5, Greencastle, Pa. Weimer, Allan, Greenville, Ohio. Wilson, Josiah S., Junior, W. Va. 52 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC. 1917.

Wilson, Roy X., Orbisonia, Pa. Wright, John W., Grottoes, Va. Wilt, J. W., 1100 2nd St., Juniata, Pa. Wright, Van B., Sinking Spring, Ohio. Wimmer, John H., Salem, Va. Wy ant, Frank, Moline, Kans. Wimmer, N. P Copper Hill, Va. Wyne, Jacob, La Place, 111. Wimmer, S. D., Oakvale, W. Va. Wy song, Daniel Nappanee, Ind. Winder, W. C, R. D. 1, Waldo, Kans. Wysong, Henry, R. D. 4, Nappanee, Ind. Wine, A. J., Yager, H. Linwood, Brightwood, Va. 1528 East Front St., Ft. Worth, Texas. Yaney, I. F., R. D. 2, Decatur, Ind. Wine, D. D., Covington, Ohio. Yankey, F. A., Criders, Va. Wine, David G., Wauneta, Nebr. Yearout, Chas. M., ...R. D. 4, Moscow, Idaho. Wine, D. P., Forestville, Va. Yereman, O. H., Wine, George, R. D. 3, Laton, Cal. ...415 Portsmouth Bldg., Kansas City, Kans. Wine, Geo. W., R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Yingling, Carroll, Wine, G. L 337 Seventy-sixth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 205 B. Seventh St., N. Manchester, Ind. Yoder, Carl B Howe, Ind. Wine, John M., Yoder, Clarence H., 208 Halladay St., Santa Ana, Cal. 711 W. Thirty-fifth Place, Los Angeles, Cal. Wine, J. R., 527 Laurel Avenue, Wichita, Kan's. Yoder, Ephraim P., Brewton, Ala. Wine, J. W., R. D. 1, Dayton, Va. Yoder, Geo. B., 665 Chain St., Norristown, Pa. Wine, M. N., Octavia, Nebr. Yoder, H. B Wine, Madison, Fruitdale, Ala. 343 N. Charlotte St., Lancaster, Pa. Wine, W. M Woodside, Del. Yoder, J. J., ..College Hill, McPherson, Kans. Wineman, D. B., Gettysburg, Pa. Yoder, John, R. D. 2, Spencer, Ohio. Winey, C. G., Thompsontow^n, Pa. Yoder, L. S., Weyers Cave, Va. Winger, H. H., Palisade, Colo. Yoder, R. A., 118 East Main St., Sabetha, Kans. Winger, Otho, North Manchester, Ind. Yoder, Samuel B., Hemet, Cal. Winger, Roger, R. D. 5, Marion, Ind. Yoder, W. H., Conway, Kans. Wingert, Frank, R. D., Franklin Grove, 111. Yohn, Clarence, Wingert, H. H., Kingsley, Iowa. 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. Winklebleck, Levi Hartford City, Ind. Yontz, Andrew J., Topeka, Ind. Wirt, James, Virden, 111. Yordy, Amos, Roanoke, III. Wirt, John H., Lew^iston, Minn. Youiice, Samuel, Clarion, Mich. Wise, D. W., Grand Junction, Iowa. Young, A. C, Crystal, Mich. Wise, Geo. B., North Yakima, Wash. Young, E. S Elgin, 111. Wise, W. M., Grenola, Kans. Young, George, Greenback, Tenn. Witmer, John H., Union Deposit, Pa. Young, I. R,, Lanark, 111. Witmer, Samuel Z., Elizabethtown, Pa. Young, J. E., Beatrice, Nebr. Witmore, Ira, Adrian, Mo. Young, M. S R. D., East Akron, Ohio! Witmore, Jacob, Young, S. L., North Manchester, Ind. 135 Carey St., McPherson, Kans. Young, W. E., Clarion, Mich. Witmore, J. C, Fostoria, Ohio. Younkins, M. A., Weverton, Md. Wolf, Abraham, Fairfield, Iowa. Yount, Oran S., Troy, Ohio. Wolf, Albert, Alvada, Ohio. Yount, W. B Wolf, Calvin R., R. D., Brandonville, W. Va. 156 W. Main St., Westminster, Md. Wolf, C. B., 995 W. Fifth Ave., Pomona, Cal. Yundt, S. B., Wolf, F. B., Preston, Minn. 390 B. Pasadena St., Pomona, Cal. Wolf, Marshal R. D. 2, Oakland, Md. Zeigler, Henry, ...Rehrersburg, Berks Co., Pa. Wolf, Samuel N., Akron, Pa. Ziegler, Jesse C, Royersford. Pa. Wolfe, Daniel, R. D. 1, Coyle, Okla. Ziegler, Levi K., Wolfe, James W., Brandonville, W. Va. 149 S. Third St., Shamokin, Pa. Wolfe, Leonard, McCune, Kans. Ziegler, Levi, Royersford, Pa. Wolff, Chas. E., Fairchild, Mont. Zigler, D. C, ..R. D. 1, Churchville, Va. Wolford, A. Klein, R. D. 4, Santa Ana, Cal. Zigler, D. H., Broadway, Va. Wolford, Wm. B., Ligonier, Pa. Zigler, I. N., R. D. 1, Broadway, Va. Wood, Charles S., Summitville, Ind. Zigler, Jacob S., Woodard, A. B., Gowrie, Iowa. R. D. 1, Box 36, Fayetteville, W. Va. Woodie, H. J., Zigler, J. D., Bridgewater, Va. ...R. D. 1, Box 54, Winston-Salem, N. C. Zigler, S. D., R. D. 4, Oneonta, Ala. Woodiel, T. L R. D. 1, Austin, Ark. Zigler, W. H., R. D. 1, Churchville, Va. Woodiel, W. L., Austin, Ark. Zimmerman, C. W., ...R. D. 3, Mt. Solon, Va.

Woods, M. F., Loomis, Wash. Zimmerman, J. , Mt. Solon, Va. Woods, Otho C, Loomis. Wash. Zimmerman, J. S., Workman, A. S., Loudonville, Ohio. 615 W. Ninth St., Waterloo, Iowa. Workman, C. J., Buckeye City, Ohio. Zimmerman, S. P., ..R. D. 1, Hollsopple, Pa. Workman, Clifford A., ..Buckeye City, Ohio. Zimmerman, W. B., Bunkertown, Pa. Workman, J. T., R. D. 2, Howard, Ohio. Zobler, Wm. N., R. D. 3, Lancaster, Pa. Worst, David R., ...R. D. 1, West Salem, Ohio. Zook, Fred R., Martinsburg, Pa. Wortinger, Albert, R. D. 8, Goshen, Ind. Zook, Wallace M., R. D. 4, Lititz, Pa. Wray, Benjamin Flora, Ind. Zuck, D. M., Mercersburg, Pa. Wright, A. L., North Manchester, Ind. Zuck, John, Clarence, Iowa. Wright, C. A., Zug, B. F., R. D. 4, Myerstown, Pa. 403 Syracuse Street, N. Manchester, Ind. Zug, H. S., R. D. 4, Manheim, Pa. Wright, J. C, Bray, Cal. Zug, John C, 103 N. Chestnut St., Palmyra, Pa. Wright, J. H., N. Manchester, Ind. Zug, S. R., 103 N. Chestnut St., Palmyra, Pa. RUPTURE BRETHREN PLAIN CLOTHING I use this means to let you know that there We make a specialty of Brethren Plain is relief and cure without an operation. Just Clothing made to your order under personal write to me. I will tell you how I was cured supervision. Having had seven years' expe- after being ruptured 33 years. No experi- rience in this line with the Albaugh-Dover ment; been used over 25 years. I can furnish Co., we knoAV how to please and guarantee you with plenty of evidence of its merits. complete satisfaction. Quality high. Prices For Men, Women and Children. reasonable. Send for our large line of 'sam- I.EVI WISE, ples. PT.AIN CLOTHING CO., 19S7 Jefferson St., Anderson, Ind. 944 E. 63rd St., Chicago, 111. 53 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Churches and Missions, with Pastors and Elders in Charge Below will be found a yst of our congregations with the pastors and elders in charge, by State Districts, as complete as could be arranged from the data in hand. F.or the address of these elders and pastors, see ministerial list on previous pages.

Arkansas, First District, and Southeastern Denmark Missouri Thy, Martin Johansen. Austin, Ark., H. J. Lilly, elder. Vendsyssel, C. C. Bskildsen. Bodcaw, Ark., B. B. ETesler, elder. Idaho and Western Montana Broadwater, Mo., B. E. Kesler, elder. Boise Valley, D. R. Beard, pastor; J. F. Ul- Lilly, elder. Carlisle, Ark., H. J, lery, elder. Farrenburg, Mo., B. E. Kesler, elder. Bowmont, J. H. Graybill, elder. Little Brushy, Mo., B. E. Kesler, elder. Clearwater, James Harp, elder. Mt. Hope, Ark., W. T. Price, elder. Flathead Valley, Montana, L. H. Eby, elder. Francis, Ark., T. Price, elder. St. W. Idaho Falls, Callo Fahrney, elder. California, Northern Moscow, 317 East First Street, Fred A. Flora, Butte Valley, H. P. Maust, pastor and elder. pastor and elder. Chico, South Fourth and Walnut Streets, D. Nampa, Eleventh and Third Streets, J. E. L. Forney, pastor; W. R. Brubaker, elder. Shamberger, elder. Elk Creek, D. L. Forney, elder. Nezperce, Cedar Street and Fifth Avenue, Empire, D. Bowman, elder. B. J. Fike, elder. Fresno, Harvey and Thesta, J. Harman Payette Valley, J. E. Shamberger, elder. Stover, pastor and elder. Weiser, Court and Seventh Streets, M. Alva Fruitvale, M. E. Andrews, elder. Long, elder. Kerman, Samuel Edgecomb, elder. Winchester, B, J. Fike, elder. Lindsay, Lehman, elder. W. C. Illinois, Northern, and Wisconsin Live Oak, R. Brubaker, elder. W. Ridge, McFarland, H. A. Whisler, elder. Ash Wis., G. L. Fruit, elder. Barron, Oak Grove, D. R. Holsinger, elder. Wis. Batavia, Patterson, W. F. Haynes, elder. 217 North Van Buren Street, C. C. Kindy, elder. Raisin, J. Harman Stover, elder. Cherry Grove, I. R. Reedley, J. J. Brower, elder. Young, elder. Chicago, R. H. Nicodemus, elder. Rio Linda, Michael Blocher, elder. Chippewa Sacramento Valley, W. R. Brubaker, elder. Valley, Wis., H. C. Baker, elder. Cloverdale, Trigo, David Sink, elder. Wis. Columbian, F. L. Baker, pastor. California, Southern, and Arizona Dixon, J. J. Johnson, pastor; Olin Shaw, elder. Covina, Geo. F. Chemberlen, elder, Elgin, Hamilton and Highland, J. H. B. Wil- Egan, Hemet, Cal., S. E. Yoder, elder. liams, elder. El Centro, C. S. Hoff, pastor. Franklin Grove, O. D. Buck, elder. Glendale, Arizona, C. W. Ronk, pastor; F. F. Freeport, P. R. Keltner, elder. Durr, elder. Hickory Grove, W. H. Eisenbise, elder. Glendora, G. H. Bashor, pastor and elder. Lanark, I. R. Beery, pastor; P. F. Eckerle, Hermosa Mission, Hermosa Beach, Cal., S. D. foreman. Long, pastor. Maple Grove, Wis., J. M. Myers, pastor; J. G. Imperial Valley, Holtville, Cal,, G. H. Bashor, Royer, elder. elder. Milledgeville, O. F. Shaw, pastor ; J. E. Miller, Inglewood, G. H. Bashor, elder. elder. Long Beach, Third and Walnut Streets, A. C. Mt. Carroll, I. R. Young, elder. Root, pastor and elder. Mt. Morris, Leonard H. Root, pastor; M. M. Lordsburg, W. F. England, elder. Sherrick, elder, Los Angeles, East, 234 South Hancock St., t^aperville, C. C. Kindy, pastor. W. M. Piatt, elder. Pine Creek, C, C. Price, pastor and elder. Los Angeles, Santa Fe Mission, 1003 Santa Fe Polo, F. A. Myers, pastor; John Heckman, Avenue, W. M. Piatt, pastor. elder. Los Angeles, South, 1300 East Fiftieth Street, Rock Creek, O. F, Shaw, elder. J. Z. Gilbert, elder. Rockford, E. P. Trostle, elder. Mountain View Mission, Elgin, Ariz., Wm. Shannon, David Rowland, elder. Stutsman, elder. Sterling, W. M. Ulrich, pastor; C. M. Suter, Pasadena, Hudson Avenue and Herkimer St., elder. W. E. Trostle, elder. Waddams Grove, P. R. Keltner, elder. Pearce, Arizona, Wm. Stutsman, elder. West Branch, S. S. Plum, elder. Phoenix Mission, Arizona, L. B. Keltner, pas- Willard, Wis,, E, P. Trostle, elder. tor. Worden, Wis., J. M. Myers, pastor; J. G. Pomona, O. J. Beaver, pastor; S. E. Yundt, Royer, elder. elder. Yellow Creek, P. R. Keltner, elder. Santa Ana, A. C. Snowberger, elder. Santee (San Diego County), G. H. Bashor, Illinois, Southern elder. Allison Prairie, O. B. Redenbo, elder. Tropico, 500 North Glendale Avenue, S. S. Astoria, D. J. Blickenstaff, elder. Garst and M. M. Eshelman, elders. Big Creek, D. A. Ridgely, elder. Blue Ridge, T. Heckman, elder. China W. Camp Creek, C. A. Gruber, elder. Bright, Liao Chou, J. Homer Cerro Gordo, O. P. Haines, pastor; D. J. Blick- Ping Ting Hsien, Ernest Vaniman, Colorado, Western, and Utah Champaign, 1203 North Market Street, R. N. First Grand Valley, J, R. Frantz, elder; J. E. Leatherman, pastor; W. T. Heckman, elder. Bryant, assistant elder. Coal Creek, S. G. Bucher, elder, Fruita, S. Z. Sharp, elder. Decatur, Warren and Broadway Streets, J. W. Grand Junction, H. H. Mohler, elder. Lear, pastor, Mt. Garfield, Salem Beery, elder. Girard, W. H. Shull, elder. Smith Fork, Salem Beery, elder. Hudson, S. W. Garber, elder. Cuba Hurricane Creek, Henry Lilligh, elder. Omaja. Kaskaskia, D. T. Wagner, elder. 54 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

La Motte Prairie, A. B. Hollinger, pastor; J. Indiana, Northern C. Stoner, elder. Auburn Mission, Seventeenth and Jackson Liberty, G. O. Stutsman, elder. Streets, C. Walter Warstler, pastor. Loraine. Baugo, H. M. Schwalm, elder. Macoupin Creek, I. H. Crist, elder. Berrien, in charge of Mission Board. Martin Creek, D. A. Ridgely, elder. Bethany, Chas. Arnold, elder. Mulberry Grove, Henry Lilligh, elder. Bethel, Manly Deeter, elder. Oak Grove, S. Heitz, elder. Blissville, John M. Markley, elder. Oakley, D. J. Blickenstaff, elder. Blue River, Walter Swihart, elder. Okaw, Jacob Wyne, elder. Bremen, Joseph Sala, pastor and elder. PantJier Creek, J. W. Switzer, elder. Camp Creek, Owen Harley, pastor; J. W. Pleasant Grove, Daniel Ullery, elder. Shively, elder. Romine, Henry Lilligh, elder. Cedar Creek, C. Walter Warstler, pastor; Salem, Henry Lilligh, elder. David E. Hoover, elder. Spring Run. Cedar Lake, J. H. Urey, elder. Sugar Creek, James M. Masterson, elder. Columbia City. Virden, I. H. Crist, pastor; W. H. Shull, elder. Elkhart City, E. L. Heestand, elder. Woodland, at Astoria, J. W. Lear, elder. Elkhart Valley, Frank Kreider, elder. India English Prairie, Samuel J. Burger, pastor; Deeter, elder. Ahwa, J. M. Pittenger. W. R. Anklesvar, W. B. Stover. Fort Wayne, Green and Smith Streets, Eli in Bulsar, J. M. Blough. Roose, pastor; charge of Mission Board. Dahanu, D. J. Lichty. Goshen City, J. W. Kitson, pastor. Jalalpor, J. B. Emmert. La Porte, H. D. Bowman, pastor and elder. Neff, elder. Vada, J. I. Kaylor. Maple Grove, Chas. Vali, Q. A. Holsopple. Middlebury, J. H. Fike, elder. Nappanee, J. F. Vyara, I. S. Long. Appleman, pastor; Daniel Wysong, elder. Indiana, Middle New Salem, John B. Stout, pastor; Henry Andrews, Ira E. Long, pastor; in charge of Wysong, elder. Mission Board. North Liberty, Daniel Whitmer, elder. Bachelor Run, Ira Kreider, pastor; I. C. Osceola, Wm. H. Shidler, pastor; Christian Suavely, elder. Metaler, elder. Beaver Creek, Ellis Wagoner, pastor; in Pine Creek, Lafayette Steele, elder. charge of Mission Board. Pleasant Hill, Jesse A. Gump, elder. Burnetts Creek, G. B. Heeter, pastor. Pleasant Valley, John Mishler, elder. Cart Creek, Geo. E. Deardorff, pastor. Pleasant View Chapel, J. W. Kitson, elder. Clear Creek, Geo. E. Deardorff, elder. Plymouth, E. L. Heestand, pastor; in charge Eel River, I. B. Book, elder. of Mission Board. Flora. Portage, in charge of Mission Board. in Hartford City, charge of Mission Board. Rock Run, I. L. Berkey, elder. Hickory Grove, D. A. Hummer, pastor. Salem, Howard Dickey, pastor; S. F. Hen- Huntington, L. U. Kreider, elder. dricks, elder. Huntington City, Guilford and Washington Shipshewana, J. H. Schrock, elder. Streets, I. B. Wike, pastor. South Bend, First Church, Miami Street and Kewanna, B. D. Hirt, pastor; in charge of Indiana Avenue, T. E. George, pastor and Mission Board. elder. Landessvjlle, Fred Kendall, pastor; D. M. South Bend, Second Church, Cush'ing and Byerly, elder. Van Buren Streets, J. W. Grater, elder. Logansport, First Church, Chas. R. Oberlin, St. Joseph Valley, D. S. Cripe, pastor and pastor; J. G. Stinebaugh, elder. elder. Loon Creek, D. Paul, pastor. W. Syracuse, Amsy Clem, pastor; F. O. Rich- Lower Deer Creek, J. G. Stinebaugh, elder. creek, elder. Manchester, Grover Wine, pastor; H. J. Tippecanoe, Manly Deeter, pastor; F. O. Rich, Wright, elder. creek, elder. Markle, D. B. Garber, elder. Topeka, I. S. Burns, pastor and elder. Mexico, Frank Fisher, elder. Turkey Creek, Henry Wysong, elder. Monticello, G. B. Heeter, elder. Union, J. F. Appleman, elder. Oak Grove, in charge of Mission Board. Union Center, D. H. Anglemyer, elder. Ogans Creek, Elmer H. Gilbert, elder. Wakarusa, Christian Metzler, elder. Peru, Benton Street, S. T. Fisher, pastor; in Walnut, charge J. F. Appleman, elder. of Mission Board. Washington, Overholser, Creek, pastor; Fish- Wm. pastor and eld- Pipe Peter Houk, Frank er. er, elder. Wawaka, J. H. Urey, elder. Pleasant Dale, D. M. Byerly, elder. West Goshen, Calvin Huber, elder. Pleasant View, J. A. Snell, elder. Yellow Creek, Hiram Roose, elder. Plunge Creek Chapel, J. H. Wright, elder. Yellow River, Emanuel Shively, Portland, in charge of Mission Board. pastor; J. W. Kitson, elder. Prairie Creek, D. R. Hardman, elder. Roann, Geo. E. Swihart, elder. Indiana, Southern Salamonie, J. W. Norris, pastor; D. W. Paul, Anderson, 2127 McKinley Street, D. W. Bow- elder. man, elder. Santa Fe, S. T. Fisher, elder. Arcadia, Elias Smeltzer, elder. Somerset, Ellis S." Brubaker, elder. Beech Grove, E. O. Norris, elder. South Whitley, Geo. E. Swihart, elder. Bethany, John A. Miller, elder. Spring Creek, Geo. Mishler, elder. Buck Creek, L. L. Teeter, elder.

' Sugar Creek, B. F. Emley, elder. , Fairview, John W. Root, elder. Tipper Deer Creek, Jacob Cripe, elder. Fountain, Jonathan Greenhalgh, District elder. Wabash, Ellis S. Brubaker, elder. Four Mile, J. W. Rarick, pastor and elder.

Wabash City, W. C. Detrick, pastor ; in charge Harrison County, Jonathan Greenhalgh, Dis- of Mission Board. trict elder. West Eel River, T. D. Butterbaugh, elder. Hillisburg, Nathaniel Cripe, elder. West Manchester, I. B. Book, elder. Howard, John W. Flora, elder. West Marion, J. W. Norris, pastor; in charge Indianapolis, 59 North Germania Avenue, Geo. of Mission Board. W. Hahn and S. A. Hylton, pastors.


Killbuck, Jacob A. Miller, elder. Iowa, Southern

. Kokomo, Markland and Home Avenues, L. E. Council Bluffs, 808 Avenue E, Clarence E. Ockerman, pastor; John W. Root, elder. Schrock, pastor; M. R. Weaver, elder. Ladoga, E. N. Goshorn, elder. Crooked Creek, H. C. N. Coffman, elder. Lick Creek. English River, J. D. Brower, elder. Little Walnut. .Fairview, Orlando Ogden, elder. Lower Fall Creek, A. B. Roof, elder. Franklin, A. L. Sears, elder. Mississinewa, Jacob A. Miller, elder. Libertyville, one country house and one on Mount Pleasant, Samuel D. Stoner, elder. Main Street, Batavia, W. N. Glotfelty, elder. Muncie, 117 South Council Street, Geo. L. Monroe County, D. P. Miller, elder. Studebaker, pastor. Mt. Etna, S. L. Cover, elder. Nettle Creek, L. W. Teeter, elder. North English, Oak Street, D. P. Miller, elder. New Bethel, J. W. Rarick, pastor and elder. Osceola, East Blue Grass Street, A. L. Sears, New Hope, Jonathan Greenhalgh, Diistrict elder. elder. Salem, one country house and one on Elm and Streets, Noblesville, Twelfth and Grant Wm. Ohio Streets, Lenox, S. L. Cover, elder. Burcham, elder. South Keokuk, H. N. Butler, elder. Plevna, J. W. Norris, elder. South Ottumwa, 118 South Moore Street. Pyrmont, Jeremiah Barnhart, elder. Rossville. Kansas, Northeastern Hill, Jonathan Greenhalgh, pastor Sampson Abilene, Geo. Manon, elder. elder. and Appanoose, S. J. Heckman, elder. Summitville, W. L. Hatcher, pastor and elder. Chapman Creek, Edward D. Steward, pastor Upper Fall Creek. and elder. Lebanon. West Cottonwood, C. A. Shank, elder. White, W. Carl Rarick, pastor; D. C. Camp- Kansas City, 921 Central Avenue, I. H. Crist, bell, elder. elder. Windfall, Nathaniel Cripe, elder. Kansas City Mission, 729 St. Paul Avenue, Iowa, Middle Benj. Forney, pastor and elder. Lawrence, 1400 New Hampshire Street, F. E. Beaver, D. W, Wise, elder. McCune, pastor and elder. Brooklyn, I. W. Brubaker, elder. Morrill, C. B. Smith, pastor and elder. Cedar, John Zuck, elder. Olathe, East Elm Street, H. T. Brubaker, elder. Cedar Rapids, D. Elmer Miller, elder. Ottawa, Ninth and Main Streets, R. F. Mc- Coon River, E. D. Fiscel, elder. Cune, elder. Dallas Center, C. B. Rowe, elder. Overbrook, I. L. Hoover, elder. Des Moines, First Church, East Sixteenth and Ozawkie, I. L. Hoover, elder; J. A. Root, as- Des Moines Streets, John A. Robinson, pas- sistant elder. tor; S. M. Goughnour, elder. Pleasant Grove, J. H. Cakerice, elder. Des Moines Valley, J. Q. Goughnour, pastor Ramoaa, E. F. Sherfy, pastor and elder. and elder. Richland Center, Geo. G. Canfleld, pastor; J. Dry Creek. G. Eby, elder. Fernald, C. E. Lookingbill, pastor; D. W. Rock Creek, Walter Mason, pastor; C. B. Wise, elder. Smith, elder. Garrison, Harvey A. Gnagy, elder. Sabetha, Second and Main Streets, R. A. Yo- Harlan, J. Q. Goughnour, elder. der, elder. Indian Creek, E. D. Fiscel, elder. Topeka, 240 Michigan Avenue, Oakland, C. J. Iowa River, P. M. Wheeler, elder. Hooper, pastor; I. L. Hoover, elder. Muscatine, 1133 Lucas Street, Leander ^mith, Wade Branch, Geo. M. Throne, elder. pastor and elder. Washington, R. A. Yoder, elder; John M. Oak Grove, J. Q. Goughnour, elder. Gauby, assistant elder. Panther Creek, A. M. Stine, elder. Washington Creek, R, F. McCune, elder. Prairie City, I. W. Brubaker, elder. Kansas, Northwestern, and North and Hast Iowa, Northern, Minnesota and South Dakota Central Colorado Curlew, W. H. Pyle, elder. Antioch, Saul P. Hylton, elder. Deer Park, J. E. Joseph, pastor and elder. Belleville, Edward D. Steward, elder. Franklin County, Morris Lough, pastor; Har- Bethany, L. F. Love, elder. vey Gillam, elder. Bethel^ A. C. Daggett, pastor; in charge of Greene, W. H. Lichty, elder. Mission Board. Grundy County, D. Warren Shock, pastor and BjLirr Oak, Ira Wagoner, pastor and elder. elder. Colorado City, Second and Jefferson Streets,

Hancock, J. H. Brubaker, elder. Henry F. Crist, pastor ; in charge of Mission Kingsley, Charles Eisenbise, pastor; H. H. Board. Wingert, elder. Denver, First Church, South Washington and Lewiston, Chas. C. Cripe, elder. Mississippi Streets, Geo. W. Burgin, pastor; Minneapolis, Twenty-fifth Avenue and Free- in charge of Mission Board. mont Street, North, Paul Mohler, pastor; Dorrance, D. A.' Crist, pastor; in charge of J. H. Brubaker, elder. Mission Board. Monticello, J. H. Brubaker and A. J. Nickey, Maple Grove, A. J. Wertenberger, elder. associate pastors and elders. North Solomon, I. S. Lerew, elder. Morrill, I. N. Wagoner, elder. Oninter, D. A. Crist, elder. Root River, E. E. Eshelman, pastor and elder. Saline Valley, In charge of Mission Board. Sheldon, J. E. Rolston, pastor and elder. Victor, A. C. Daggett, elder. Slifer, Lee M. Fisher, pastor. White Rock, S. L. Myers, elder. South Waterloo, 1315 Grant Avenue, A. P. Blough, pastor and elder. Kansas, Southeastern Waterloo City, Seventh and South Sts., un- Altamont, Byron Talhelm, elder. der control of the South Waterloo church, Altoona, M. E. Stair, "elder. A. P. Blough, pastor and elder. Fredonia, R. W. Quakenbush, elder. Spring Creek, Harvey Gillam, elder. Grenola, W. C. Watkins, elder. Willow Creek, Grant Tooker, pastor and Independence, Sixteenth and Myrtle Streets, elder. W. H. Miller, elder. Worthington, J. Schechter, pastor and elder. Mont Ida, M. E. Stair, elder.


Neosho, Sixteenth Street and Santa Fe Ave- Maple Grove, G. E. Yoder. nue, J. S. Sherfy, elder. Oakland, A. C. Auvil. New Hope, A. B. Lichtenwalter, elder. Michig:an Osage, J. S. Clark, elder. Bear Lake, Samuel Younce, pastor and elder. Paint Creek, T. A. Robinson, elder. Beaverton, W. B. Neff, elder. Parisons, Twenty-sixth Street and Washing- Black River, F. E. Miller, pastor ; J. M. Smith, ton Avenue, J. S. Clark, elder. elder. elder. Scott Valley, R. F. McCune, Crystal, Geo. E. Stone, pastor and elder. Verdigris, S. E. Lantz, elder. Elmdale, C. H. Deardorfe, elder. Kansas, Southwestern, and Southeastern Grand Rapids, Burton Street and Gardner Colorado Avenue, E. F. Caslow, pastor; C. L. Wil- Bloom, G. W. Weddle, elder. kins, elder. Conway Springs, Wm. E. Thompson, pastor. Harlan, H. A. Weller, pastor; D. E. Sower, Eden Valley, A. D. Sollenberger, pastor and elder. elder. Hart, G. Nevinger, elder. Garden City, S. E. Thompson, pastor and Homestead, D. E. Sower, elder. elder. Lake View, L, T. Holsinger, elder. Hutchinson Mission, O. H. Feiler, pastor; H. Little Traverse, D. S. Kniesley, elder. B. Martin, elder. Long Lake, D. E. Sower, elder. Kansas Center, E. M. Studebaker, elder. New Haven, C. L. Wilkins, elder. Larned, M. Keller, elder. Onekama, J. E. Ulery, elder. Larned City, J. M. Boaz, pastor; E. S. Fox, Riverside, W. H. Good, elder. elder. Rodney, Samuel Bollinger, elder. McClave, Colo., W. D. Harris, elder. Saginaw, C. L. Wilkins, elder. McPherson, A. J. Culler, pastor; E. E. John, Shepherd, H. Stauffer, elder. elder. Sugar Ridge, J. W. Harshbarger, elder. Miami, N. Mex., Ira J. Lapp, pastor; Wm. Sunfield, H. W. Smith, elder. Mohler, elder. Thornapple, P. B. Messner, elder. Monitor, W. H. Yoder, pastor; M. J. Mish- Vestaburg, Jos. Robison, elder. ler, elder. Woodland, J. M. Smith, elder. Murdock, J, G. Harris, elder. Woodland Village, G. F. Culler, elder. Newton, Tenth and Oak Streets, N. B. Baker, Zion, Samuel Bowser, elder. pastor and elder. Missouri, Middle elder. Peabody, J. A. Thomas, Centerview, J. M. Elliott, elder. B. Martin, elder. Pleasant View, H. Clear Fork, at Leeton, C. A. Lentz, elder. Crist, pastor. Prairie View, John Deepwater, T. J. Simmons, elder. Benj. Brubaker, elder. Protection, Kansas City, 6235 Hughe Street, G. W. Lentz, Rocky Ford, Colo., David Hamm, elder, pastor and elder. Salem, M. S. Frantz, elder. Mineral Creek, at Leeton, James M. Mohler, Walnut Valley, M. Keller, elder. elder. Side, Frantz, Wichita, East M. S. pastor. Mound, at Adrian, Ira Witmore, elder. Side. Wichita, West Mound Valley, at Harrisonville, D, L. Mohler, Wiley, Colo., Jacob Funk, pastor; H. TJllom, elder. elder. Osceola, T. J. Simmons, elder. Maryland, Eastern Prairie View, at Versailles, H. L. Holsopple, Baltimore, 1506 North Fulton Avenue, W. E. elder. Roop, elder. South Warrensburg, at Warrensburg, Jesse D. Woodberry, West Thirty-sixth and Poole Mohler, elder. Streets, F. D. Anthony, pastor. Spring Branch, at Avery, L. B. Ihrig, elder. Beaver Dam, G. K. Sappington, elder. Turkey Creek, at Fristoe, James A. Campbell, Bel Air Mission, W. E. Roop, elder. elder. Bush Creek, J. M. Burall, elder. Warrensburg, D. L. Mohler, elder. Denton, J. H. Beer, elder. Missouri, Frederick City, H. Tj. Alley, pastor. Northern Green Hill, W. M. Wine, elder. Bethel, G. W. Ellenberger, pastor; S. B. Locust Grove, J. O. Williar, elder. Shirkey, elder. Long Green Valley, Wm. E. Roop, elder. Honey Creek, in charge of Mission Board. Meadow Branch, Uriah Bixler, elder. Kidder, in charge of Mission Board. Middletown Valley. C. N. Freshour, elder. Log Creek, D. A. Shirk, pastor and elder. Monocacy, T. S. Fike, elder. North St. Joseph, J. S. Kline, pastor and elder. Piney Creek, John TJtz, elder. Pleasant View, John H. Mason, elder, Pipe Creek, J. J. John, elder. Rockingham, E, G. Rodabaugh, elder. Sams Creek, A. P. Snader, elder. Shelby County, James Hardy, pastor and elder. Washington City, D. C, Fourth Street and Smith Fork, D. H. Heckman, pastor; E. G. North Carolina Avenue, S. E,, W. E. Buntain, Rodabaugh, elder. pastor. South St. Joseph, 502 Kentucky Street; Chas. West Point, A. P. Snader, elder. A. Miller, pastor; J. S. Kline, elder. Wakenda, E. G. Rodabaugh, Maryland, Middle elder. Beaver Creek, Caleb Long, elder. Missouri, Southern, and Northwestern Berkeley, D. K. Clapper, elder. Aurora. Arkansas Cabool, Gitt, Brownsville, N. Philip Castle, elder. C. W. elder. Carthage, Forest Street South of Cedar Street, Hagerstown, A. B. Miller, pastor ; W. S. Reich- ard, elder. Geo. Barnhart, elder. Johnsontown, Caleb Long, elder. Dry Fork, Earl M. Bowman, pastor; D. W. Teeter, elder. Licking Creek, John A. Myers, elder. Manor, John Rowland, elder. Fairview, J. B. Hylton. elder. .Toplin, D. Teeter, elder. Pleasant View, John S. Bowlus, elder. W. Welsh Run, David M. Zuck, elder. Mount Hermon, N. A. Duncan, elder. Nevada, D. W. Teeter, elder. Maryland, Western Oak Grove, A. Killingsworth, elder. Bear Creek, S. A. Miller. Peace Valley, Phineas L. Fike, elder. Cherry Grove, D. M. Merrill. Pilot Knob. Fairview, I. W. Abernathy. Shoal Creek, J. H. Argabright, elder. Georges Creek, J. T. Green. Springdale, W. S. Watts, elder. 67 BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Nebraska New Bethel, N. C, J. A. Reed, pastor and Afton, J. B. Moore, elder. elder. Alvo, Wm, U. Wagner, pastor and elder. Pigeon River, N. C, Robert Willis, pastor. Arcadia, J. J. Ernst, paistor and elder. Pleasant Grove, N. C, J. H. Griffith, pastor and Beatrice, W. W. Blough, pastor and elder. elder. Betliel, Edgar Rothrock, pastor and elder. Pleasant Valley, N. C, N. C. Reed, pastor and Edison, in charge of Mission Board. elder. Falls City, W. W. Blough, pastor and elder. Rowland Creek, Va., Jesse C. Jones, pastor Glen Rock, W. W. Blough, elder. and elder. Grand Prairie, in charge of Mission Board. Sebring, Fla. Haxtun, Colo., S. G. Nickey, pastor and elder. Seneca, Fla., J. C. Funderburgh, pastor and Highline, S. G. Nickey, elder. elder. Juniata, H. D. Michael, pastor; J. J. Tawzer, Zion, Fla., J. V. Felthouse, pastor and elder. elder. Kearney, J. J. Tawzer, pastor and elder. Ohio, Northeastern Lincoln, Twenty-second and Q Streets, J. Ed- Akron, 807 Coburn Street, H. A. Brubaker, win Jarboe, pastor and elder. pastor; A. F. Shriver, elder. Octavia, M. N. Wine, elder. Ashland City, First Church, East Third Omaha, First church. Twenty-second and Mi- Street, Quincy Leckrone, pastor; W. L. Des- ami Streets, M. R. Weaver, pastor and elder. enberg, elder. Pioneer, Virgil C. Finnell, pastor and elder. Ashland Dickey, W. D. Keller, pastor and Red Cloud, H. F. Caskey, pastor; N. B. Wag- elder. oner, elder. Bethel, J. F. Kahler, elder. Silver Lake, H. D. Michael, pastor; Edgar Black River, A. B. Horst, elder. Rothrock, elder. Bristolville, A. W. Harrold, elder. South Beatrice, James W. Gish, elder. Canton Center, S. Sprankel, elder. South Loup, W. P. McLellan, pastor and elder. Canton City, W. D. Keller, elder. South Red Cloud, N. B. Wagoner, elder. Chippewa, D. R. McFadden, elder. Sterling, Colo., L. L. Alger, pastor; S. G. Danville, C. J. Workman, elder. Nickey, elder. East Nimishillen, N. Longanecker, elder. North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Western Freeburg, S. Sprankel, elder. Canada Goshen. Greenwood, G. S. Strausbaugh, eldef. Battle Creek, Canada, Geo. Strycker, elder. Jonathan Creek, E. B. Bagwell, Berthold, C. H. Petry, elder. pastor and elder. Bethany, J. D. Kesler, elder. Loudonville, A. I. Heestand, elder. Bowden Valley, Wm. J. McCann, elder. Maple Grove, L. Desenberg, Brumbaugh, M. L. Huffman, elder. W. elder. Mohican, A. I. Heestand, elder. Cando, J. D. Kesler, elder. Mt. Zion, EdAvard Loomis, elder. Carrington, Alfred Kreps, elder. Philadelphia, A. F. Shriver, Egeland, A. M, Sharp, elder. New pastor; Ed- ward Shepfer, elder. Ellison, J. C. Forney, elder. Creek, S. S. Englevale, D. T. Dierdoff, elder. Owl Shoemaker, elder. Reading, A. I. Heestand, elder. Fairview, Canada, M. N. Rensberger, elder. Springfield, J. C. Inman, Flora, W. A. Deardorff, elder. pastor; A. I. Hee- stand, elder. Golden Willow, Wm. J. McCann, elder. Sugar Creek, Shepfer, Grand View, D. F. Landis, elder. Edward elder. Tuscarawas, DeLauter, Irricana, Canada, Luther Shatto, elder. Ora pastor; S. Spran- kel, elder. James River, W, A. Deardorff, elder. Nimishillen. S. Sprankel. Kenmare, D. M, Shorb, elder. West elder. Wooster, R. M. elder. Milk River Valley, M. N. Rensberger, elder. Moomaw, Zion Hill, A. Harrold, elder. Minot, 415 North Main Street, D. F. Landis, W. elder. Ohio, Northwestern Pleasant Valley, A. H. Blocher, elder. Baker, G. A. Snider. Ray, O. A. Myer, elder. Bellefontaine, South Detroit Street, B, F. Sny- Salem, J. Wm. Shively. elder. der. Surrey, D. T. Dierdorff, elder. Black Swamp, Geo. Garner. Turtle Mountain, John Deal, elder. Blanchard, D. P. Weller. Valley, Mont., O. A. Myer, elder. Blue Creek, D. P. Koch. White Rock, Committee. County Line, D. D. Thomas. Williston, D. F. Landis, elder. Deshler, David Lytle. North and South Carolina, Georgia and Eagle Creek, J. J. Anglemyer, Florida Fairview, C. W. Stutzman. Arcadia. Fla., C. H. Slifer, pastor. Fostoria, 321 West Sunimit Street, S. P. Early. Bailey, N. C, H. H. Masters, pastor and elder. Greenspring, S. U. Suavely. Bethel, N. C, Joel Hensley, pastor and elder. Hicksville, Geo. E. Killian. Blue Ridge, N. C, Martin Owens, pastor and Lick Creek, G. W. Sellers. elder. Lima, 625 East Elm Street, C. S. Lehman. Brooklyn, S. C, S. P. Jones, pastor and elder. Logan, H. Z. Smith. Brummett Creek, N. C, B. M, Bradshaw, pas- Marion Mission, 137 Reed Avenue, Geo. E. tor and elder. Deardorff. Flat Rock, N. C, D. P. Welch, pastor. Maumee, John Sponseller. Golden, N. C, J. R. Jackson, pastor. Poplar Ridge, John Flory.

Green River Cove, N. C, Joel Sherfy, pastor. Portage, Loring I. Moss, pastor ; L. H. Dickey, Hollow Poplar, N. C, E. Peterson, pastor and elder. elder. Richland, Lester Heisey, pastor. Little Pine. N. C, J. A. Reed, pastor and elder. Rome, Harvey Thomas; Melvin Hill, N. C, W. A. Reed, pastor and Ross, James A. Guthrie. elder. Sand Ridge, L. PL Prowant. Mill Creek, S. C, W. A. Reed, pastor and elder. Silver Creek, .T. W. Keiser. Mountain Creek, N. C, J. R. Jackson, pastor. Sugar Creek, David Byerly. Mountain View, Va., N. C. Reed, pastor and Swan Creek, D. G. Berkeoile. elder. Toledo. Nevada and Plymouth Streets, N. K. Mount Carmel, N. C, J. A. Reed, pastor and McKimmey. elder. Wyandot, J. L. Guthrie. 58 ,



Ohio, Southern Thomas, F. E. Marchand, elder. Turkey Creek, Joseph Troxel, elder. Bear Creek, J. W. Beeghly, elder. Union Center, W. P. Bosserman, elder. Beaver Creek, Aaron Coy, elder. Washita, A. L. Boyd, elder. Beech Grove, Svlvan Bookwalter, elder. Wawaka, C. D. Eager, pastor, E. J. Smith, BrookviJle, J. W. Fidler, elder. elder. elder. Charleston, D. M. Garver, ^ ^ „^ ^. Oregon Mission, J. O. Garst and J. W. Fid- Cincinnati Albany, Hiram Smith, elder. ler, elders. ^ -^ ,t Ashland, L. B. Overholser, elder. Circleville, C. C. Sollenberger, pastor; D. M. Bandon, J. W. Barnett, elder. Garver, elder. . , ^ . « Flory, pastor; G. A. Sni- Mabel, H. H. Ritter, elder. Covington, Geo. W. Myrtle Point, Thomas Barklow, elder. der, elder. Newberg, S. P. Van Dyke, elder. Donnels Creek, J. D. Sandy, elder. and Philadelphia Streets; Redmond. East Dayton, May Weston, John Bonewitz, elder. Garst, elder. J. O. Williams, J. L. Teeter, elder. Fort McKinley, A. L. Klepinger, elder. Harris Creek, John Calvin Bright, elder. Pennsylvania, Eastern Hickory Grove, Jacob Coppock, elder. Annville, A. B. Gingrich. Laramie, S. Z. Smith, elder. Big Swatara, John H. Witmer. pas- Lexington, at Highland, Allen Ockerman, Chiques, H. S. Zug. tor and elder. Conestoga, S. H. Hertzler. Lower Miami, Emanuel Shank, elder. Conewago, S. Z. Witmer. Lower Stillwater. B. F. Honeyman, elder. Elizabethtown, Samuel H. Hertzler. Marble Furnace, J. W. Fidler and J. O. Garst, Ephrata, Locust Street and Church Avenue, David Kilhefner. elders. May Hill, J. O. Garst and J. W. Fidler, Fairview, Henry S. Sonon. Middle District, S. A. Blessing, elder, Harrisburg, Geo. N. Falkenstein. Middletown, J. O. Garst, elder. Hatfield, F. P. Cassel. New Carlisle, D. S. Dredge, elder. Indian Creek, Jacob M. Price. Newton, at Pleasant Hill, Chas. Flory, pastor; Lancaster, H. B. Yoder, elder. Isaac Frantz, elder. Little Swatara, E. M. Wenger. Oakland, D. M. Garver, elder. Maiden Creek, Jonathan G. Reber, elder. Painter Creek, Wm. Royer, elder. Mechanic Grove, Rufus P. Bucher, elder. Palestine, Henry Baker, elder. Midway, A. H. Brubacher, elder. Pittsburg, N. W. Binkley, elder. Mingo, Jesse C. Ziegler. Poplar Grove, S. W. Blocher, elder. Mountville, H. E. Light. Prices Creek, J. Longanecker, elder. Norristown, 524 Barbadoes Street, Geo. E. Salem, Wm. Minnich, elder. Yoder, pastor and elder. Sidney, S. Z. Smith, pastor and elder. Palmyra, John C. Zug, elder. Strait Creek, J. O. Garst and J. W. Fidler, eld- Peach Blossom, Fairview, Md., S. K. Fike, ers. elder. Sugar Hill, J. F. Brubaker, elder. Reading, John C. Zug. Trotwood, D. M. Garver, elder. Ridgely, T. F. Imler, elder. Union City, B. F. Sharp, elder. Schuylkill, E. M. Wenger. Upper Twin, Aaron Brubaker, elder. Shamokin, Levi K. Ziegler, pastor; John C. West Dayton, Fourth Avenue and College St., Zug, elder. Dayton, David F. Warner, pastor and elder. Spring Creek, J. H. Longenecker. White Oak, J. W. Fidler and J. O. Garst, Springfield, Benj. Hottel. elders. Spring Grove, I. W. Taylor. Oklahoma, Panhandle of Texas and New Springville, John Schlosser. Mexico Tulpehocken, John Herr. West Conestoga, Cyrus R. Gibbel. Aylesworth, J. A. Brickey, pastor; J. R. Pit- West Greentree. zer, elder. White Oak, Hiram Gibble. Antelope Valley, D, E. Cripe, elder. Big Creek, N. S. Gripe, elder. Pennsylvania, Middle Cement, F. E. Marchand, elder. Albright, D. M.' Adams, pastor and elder. Cheyenne, J. R. Pitzer, elder. Altoona, Sixth Avenue and Fifth Street, W. Clovis, C. H. Brown, elder. S. Long, pastor and elder. Pitzer, Elk City, D. G. Brubaker, pastor ; J. R. Ardenheim, W. J. Swigart, elder. elder. Artemas, John Bennett, elder. Enid Mission, Fourth and Randolph Streets, Aughwick, S. A. Norris, elder. V. K. Meek, pastor. Bellwood, D. B. Maddocks, pastor; J. B. Mil- Guthrie, J. Lehman, elder. ler, elder. Hollow, O. E. Loshbaugh, pastor. Carson Valley, L. B. Benner, elder. Hoyle Creek, J. E. Lawver, pastor; H. Booze, Claar, Edgat Diehm, pastor; F. C. Dively, eider. elder. 'Indian Creek, E. J. Smith, elder. Clover Creek, J. K.- Brown, elder. Monitor, I. H. Miller, pastor; D. E. Cripe, eld- Dry Valley, S. J. Swigart, elder. er. Dunnings Creek, Abram Fyock, elder. Mt. Hope, J. Lehman, elder. Everett, M. J. Weaver, pastor; John S. Hersh- New Oak Grove, F. E. Button, elder. berger, elder. North Star, Joseph Troxel, pastor; D. E. Fairview, W. H. Holsinger, elder. Cripe, elder. Hollidaysburg, W. N. Hoover, pastor and Panhandle, Blair Hoover, pastor; W. P. Bos- elder. serman, elder. Huntingdon, J. H. Cassady, pastor; H. B. Paradise Prairie, Daniel Wolfe, elder. Brumbaugh, elder. Pecos Valley, B. M. Reed, elder. James Creek, H. B. Brumbaugh, elder. Pleasant Home, J. Lehman, elder. Juniata Park, J. W. Wilt, pastor and elder. Pleasant Plains, H. Booze, elder. Leamersville, James A. Sell, elder. Prairie Lake, J. A. Root, pastor; H. Booze, Lewistown, 134 Shaw Avenue, Wm. Kinsey, elder. pastor ; S. J. Swigart, elder. Red River, A. G. Fillmore, elder. New Enterprise. D. T. Detwiler, elder. Sunshine, Samuel Weimer, elder. Raven Run, S. I. Brumbaugh, elder. BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.

Rirtdlesburg, J. P. Harris, pastor; J. B. Miller, Elk Lick, B. F. Waltz, pastor; W. M. Howe, elder. elder. Roaring Spring, A. G. Crosswhite, pastor and Georges Creek, Jasper Barnthouse, elder. elder. Glade Run, G. K. Walker, pastor and elder. Snake Spring, W. S. Ritchey, elder. Greensburg, M. J. Brougher, pastor; P. J. Spring Run, J. C. Swigart, elder. Blough, elder. Stonerstown, J. P. Harris, pastor; J. B. Greenville, E. K. Hochstetler, elder. Brumbaugh, elder. Indian Creek, R. T. Hull, elder. Tyrone, Adams Avenue, D. P. Hoover, pastor; Jacobs Creek, B. B. Ludwick, pastor; J. K. J. B. Brumbaugh, elder. Eicher, elder. Warriors Mark, D. P. Hoover, pastor; J. B. Johnstown, L. B. Harshbarger, elder. Brumbaugh, elder. Walnut Grove, Bedford Street and Miller Woodbury, John R. Stayer, elder. Avenue, M. Clyde Horst, pastor. Yellow Creek, D. A. Stayer, elder. Ligonier, P. J. Blough, elder. Manor, J. W. Fyock, elder. Jersey, Pennsylvania, Southeastern, Ncav and Maple Glen, J. W. Peck, elder. Eastern "Sew York Markleysburg, Samuel Umbel, elder. Amwell congregation, three houses, Amwell, Meyersdale, W. M. Howe, pastor and elder. Sand Brook and Bethel: parsonage at Ser- Middle Creek, Silas Hoover, elder. geantsville, N. J.: H. T. Home, minister; Montgomery, Oran Fyock, elder. J. Kurtz Miller, elder. Morrellville, J. W. Mills, pastor. Coventry, country church, L. R. Holsinger, Mt. Union, Solomon Bucklew, pastor and elder. pastor and elder. Pittsburgh, 1120 Greenfield Avenue, T. R. Coff- Greentree, country church, C. F. McKee, pas- man, pastor and elder.

tor and elder. Pleasant Hill, E. D. Blue, pastor ; J. E. Blough, Harmonyville, village of St, Peters, Pa., W. elder. G. Nyce, pastor; L. R. Holsinger, elder. Plum Creek, G. K. Walker, pastor and elder. New York City, First Brethren, 354 Sixtieth Quemahoning, P. J. Blough, elder. Street; parsonage at 358 Sixtieth Street; W. Sipesville, C. A. McDowell, pastor. M. Kahle, pastor and elder. Red Bank, H. B. Heisey, pastor and elder.. Italian Mission, 205 Twenty-first St., .John Rockton, Geo. Cleaver, elder. G. Caruso, Italian pastor; J. Kurtz Miller, Rummel, P. J. Blough, elder. elder. Scalp Level, H. S. Replogle, pastor and elder. Parkerford, village church, parsonage in Park- Shade Creek, W. H. Fry, elder. erford, A. M. Dixon, pastor and elder. Summit Mills, .Toel Gnagey, elder. Philadelphia, Bethany Mission, 3'255 Kensing- Ten Mile, R. T. Idleman, pastor and elder. ton Avenue. Trout Run, R. T. Hull, elder.

First Church, Dauphin above Broad ; parson- West Johnstown, N. W. Berkley, elder. age, 2260 North Park Avenue; George D. Roxbury house, 16 Sell Street, Johnstown, Kuns, pastor; M. C. Swigart, elder. E. M. Detwiler, pastor. Geiger Memorial, 2541 West Lehigh Avenue; Viewmont house, W. H. Rummel, pastor. parsonage attached to church ; A. L. B. Mar- Sweden tin, pastor and elder. Kjaflinge, A. Andersson. 6611 Avenue par- Germantown, Germantown ; Malmo, J. F. Graybill. sonage same address as church; M. C. Swi- Olserod, B. Lindell. gart, pastor and elder. Simrishamn, A. Andersson. Pott'stown Mission, Fifth and York Streets, Vannaberga, Per Jonsson. in charge of Mission Board. Royersford, D. P. Hylton, pastor; J. P. Het- Tennessee ric, elder. Bailey Grove, Jesse D. Clark. Upper Dublin, H. K. Garman, pastor. Beaver Creek, J. Henry Peterson. Bristol, Samuel H. Garst. Pennsylvania, Southern Cedar Grove, Joseph I. Sizemore. Antietam, C. R. Oellig, elder. Crowson. A. M. Bashor. Back Creek, D. A. Foust, elder. French Broad, A. E. Nead. Buffalo, Green Shively, elder. Fruitdale, Ala., Madison Wine. Carlisle, Jos. A. Long, elder. Knob Creek, D. F. Bowman. Chambersburg, Peter S. Lehman, elder. Limestone. P. D. Reed. Codorus, D. Y. Brillhart, elder. Meadow Branch, J. Henry Peterson. Falling Spring, Wm. C. Koontz, elder. Midway, A. M. Laughrun. Hanover, Daniel Bowser, elder. Mountain Valley, P. M. Correll. Lost Creek, J. E. Rowland, pastor; Geo. New Hope, John B. Hilbert. Strawser, elder. Oneonta, Ala., S. D. Zigler, elder. Lower Conewago, Hezekiah Cook, elder. Piney Flats, D. F, Bowman. Lower Cumberland, Wm. Murphy, elder. Pleasant Hill, John H. Garst. Marsh Creek, Albert Hollinger, elder. Pleasant Mount, James S. Barrette. Perry, David Roth, pastor; D. A. Foust, elder. Pleasant Valley, C. H. Diehl. Pleasant Hill, D. B. Hohf, elder. Pleasant View, A. J, Vines. Ridge, S. M. Stouffer, elder. Wayne Mission, Miss., Madison Wine. Sugar Valley, Chas. A. Schwenk, elder. White Horn, P. D. Reed. Upper Codorus, B. S. Miller, elder. Wolf Creek, Ky., R. H. Reed. Upper Conewago, C. L. Baker, elder. Texas and liOuisiana Stouffer, elder. Upper Cumberland, S. M. Bethel, at Kenedy, Texas, G. E. Wales, elder. Church, Belvidere York, First West King and Fort Worth, Texas, A. J. Wine, elder. A. Long, pastor and elder. Avenue, Jos. Live Oak, at Weatherford, Texas, K. G. Ten- Pennsylvania, Western nison, elder. Berlin, B. F. Waltz, pastor and elder. Manvel, Texas, M. H. Peters, elder. Nocona, Texas, K. G. Bolivar, J. C. Sanner, pastor; H. S. R'eplogle, Tennison, elder. elder. Pleasant Grove, at Tomball, Texas, J. A. Mil- Brothers Valley, Daniel H. Walker, elder. ler, elder. Portland, Texas, Miller, Chest Creek, D. R. Berkey, pastor; J. W. Fy- J. A. elder. ock, elder. Roanoke, La., J. A. Miller, elder. Connellsville Mission, W. M. Howe, elder. Virginia, Eastern Dunnings Creek, Abram Fyock, elder. Belmont, Geo. A. Maupin, elder.

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Bethel, E. J. Egan, pastor; I. A. Miller, elder. Thorny Bottom, Josiah Beverage, elder. Fairfax, E. E. Blough, elder. Valley Bethel, A. A. Miller, elder. Locust Grove, S. A. Sanger, elder. Virginia, Southern Madison, S. A. Sanger, elder. Angel's Rest, Moses I. Dickerson. Manassas, Abram Conner, elder. Antioch, Riley Flora. Midland, M. G. Early, elder. Beaver Creek, Noah R. Boothe. Mine Run, Geo. A. Maupin, elder. Bethlehem, D. A. Naff. elder. Mt. Carmel, S. A. Sanger, Blackberry, S. M. Ikenberry. Nokesville, I. A. Miller, elder. Burks Fork, Joseph Hylton. Rappahannock, S. H. Flory, elder. Christiansburg, W. H. Naff. elder. Trevilian, D. M. Glick, Coulson, S. G. Spangler. Virginia, First Germantown, Riley L. Peters. Riley Flora. Jamison, elder. Mt. Hermon, Alleghany, J. W. Mt. Jackson. Samuel P. Reed. Antioch, S. P. Beahm, elder. Pleasant Hill, A. N. Hylton, elder. Bethel. ^ , Pleasant Valley, Wyatt Reed. Va., John Dixon, pastor; J. H. Bluefield, W. Red Oak Grove, W. H. Naff, elder. Murray, elder. _ _, Smiths River, Wm. A. Elgin. Chestnut Grove, W. Va., J. S. Zigler, elder. Snow Creek, John O. Boone. Cloverdale, S. Crumpacker, elder. St. Paul. Copper Hill, Isaac Shaver, elder. Swan Creek, I. Hall. Va., J. A. Riner, pastor; A. Wm. Crab Orchard, W. Topeco, A. N. Hylton, Frantz, elder. M. L. A. Ikenberry, elder. Walkers Well, Bowman. Daleville, J. W. White Rock, Wyatt Reed. Greenbriar, W. Va., A. M. Frantz, elder. Jeters Chapel, S. Crumpacker, elder. Washington Johnsville, D. C. Naff, elder. Centralia, David Fonts, pastor; Conrad Fitz, Lynchburg, P. S. Miller, elder. elder. Monroe, G. W. Hutchinson, elder. East Wenatchee, at Wenatchee, J. J. Filbrun, Mt. Joy, Lewis Newcomb, elder. elder. Oakvale, J. H. Akers, pastor; C. E. Filer, elder. Forest Center, W. H. Tigner, elder. Peters Creek, C. E. Eller, elder. Loomis, H. M. Rothrock, elder. Roanoke City, P. S. Miller, elder. Mt. Hope, at Chewelah, J. O. Streeter, pas- Saunders Grove, S. R. Saunders, elder. tor; A. B. Peters, elder. Selma, J. T. Layman, elder. Omak, B. E. Breshears, pastor; C. E. Holmes, Smiths Chapel, J. W. Ikenberry, elder. elder. Troutville, C. D. Hylton, pastor; Jonas Gray- Seattle, Seventy-second and Greenwood bill, elder. Streets, R. F. Hiner, elder. Virginia, Northern Spokane, Stephen Johnson, elder. Brocks Gap, Daniel Turner, elder. Stiverson, at Laurel, C. A. Wagner, elder. Cooks Creek, J. M. Kagey, elder. Sunnyside, J. A. Eby, elder. Flat Rock, Daniel P. Wine, elder. Tacoma, 710 South Fiftieth Street, M. F. Greenmount, I. C. Myers, elder, Woods, elder. Harrisonburg, P. S. Thomas, elder. Tekoa, D. B. Eby, elder. Linville Creek. Wenatchee, L. E. Ulrich, elder. Lower Lost River, B. D. Hinegardner, elder. Wenatchee Park, at Plain, P. H. Hertzog, Mill Creek, H. C. Early, elder. elder. Mt. Zion, J. M. Foster, elder. Yakima, at North Yakima, Enoch Faw, elder. North Mill Creek, J. "W. Wampler, elder. West Virginia, First Pleasant View, B. W. Neff, elder. Allegheny, J. T. Cosner, elder. Powells Fort, Wm. E. Hamilton, pastor; John Bean Settlement, Geo. S. Arnold, elder. Clanahan, elder. Beaver Run, Geo. S. Arnold, elder. Salem, N. D. Cool, elder. Capon Chapel, J. A. Parish, elder. South Fork, J. W. Wampler, elder. Cheat River, S. H. Fike, elder. Timberville, John F. Driver, elder. German Settlement. .Tonas Fike, elder. Unity, J. S. Roller, elder. Greenland, E. T. Fife, elder. Upper Lost River, L. D, Caldwell, elder. Harman, Jonas Fike, elder. Woodstock, H. R. Mowry, elder. Knobley, Peter Arnold, elder. Virginia, Second New Creek, B. W. Smith, elder. North Fork, John S. Fike, Barren Ridge, Geo. A. Phillips, elder. elder. Old Furnace, B. W. Smith, elder. Beaver Creek, A. S. Thomas, elder. Red Creek, John Fike, Bridgewater, Hiram G. Miller, elder. S. elder. Sandy Creek, Jeremiah Thomas, elder. Buena Vista, J. C. Garber, pastor; S. I. Flory, Seneca, Obed Hamstead, elder, elder. Tearcoat, A. Arnold, elder. Chimney Run, A. A. Miller, elder. W. White Pine, H. N. Kelley, Crummits Run, Geo. M. Puffenbarger, elder. elder. Elk Run, W. H. Zigler, elder. West Virginia, Second Headwaters, J. W. Wine, elder. Beans .Chapel, E. G. Bean, pastor and elder. Hevener, A. S. Thomas, elder. Bethany, Z. Annon, elder. Lebanon, Perry Wenger, elder. Brady Gate, John Riggleman, housekeeper. Middle River, B. B. Garber, elder. Mill Creek, in charge of Mission Board. Mt. Vernon, J. R. Kindig, elder. Mount Zion, J. M. Wells, elder. Pleasant Valley, Peter Garber, elder. Pleasant Valley, M. C. Czigans, housekeeper. Sangerville, J. W. Wine, elder. Shiloh, Obed Hamstead, elder.

Staunton, Geo. A. Phillips, pastor ; A, S. Thom- Valley River, J. W. Row, pastor; Z. Annon, as, elder. elder. Summit, J. T. Glick, elder. Wade Chapel, Z. Annon, elder.

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Mission Boards and Their Organization

Arkansas, First District and Southeastern Indiana, Southern Missouri Pres., John W. Root, R. D. 4, Lafayette, Ind., Pres., Jacob M. Swinger, Essex, Mo., 1916. 1918. Sec, H. I. Buechley, Carlisle, Ark., 1915. • Vice-Pres., Jeremiah Barnhart, R. D. 1., Ock- Treas., H. J. Lilly, Carlisle, Ark., 1917. ley, Ind., 1920. California, Northern Sec.-Treas., J. A. Miller, R. D. 1, Gaston, Ind.. 1919. Pres., D. R. Holsinger, Laton, Cal., 1917. E. O. Norris, R. D. 38, Ingalls, Ind., 1921. Vice-Pres., J. R. Rhoads, 1277 Glenn Ave., Fresno, Cal., 1918. Iowa, Middle Sec.-Treas., J. S. Strole, Laton, Cal., 1919. Pres., A. M. Stine, Adel, Iowa, 1918. California, Southern, and Arizona Rec-Sec, G. E. Goughnour, Ankeny, Iowa, 1918. E. Trostle, R. D. 1, San Gabriel, Cal., Pres., W. Treas., W. H. Royer, Dallas Center, Iowa, 1918. 1919. .Vice-Pres., D. W. Crist, Yorba Linda, Cal., Sec. of City Conditions, E. C. Trostle, Panora, 1919. Iowa, 1917. Sec, Wm. H. Wertenbaker, 1254 E. 50th St., Sec. of Rural Conditions, I. W. Brubaker, Angeles, Cal., 1917. Los Prairie City, Iowa, 1919. Treas., Harvey Vaniman, Lordsburg, Cal., 1921. Ira B. Netzley, Glendora, Cal., 1920. Iowa, Northern, Minnesota and South Dakota Colorado, Western and Utah Pres., I. M. Forney, R. D. 2, Waterloo, Iowa, 1917. Pres., J. D. Coffman, Grand Junction, Colo. Sec.-Treas., H. C. Sheller, R. D. 2, Grundy Wiler, Grand Junction, Colo., 1917. W. F. Center, Iowa, 1921. Frantz, Fruita, Colo., 1917. J. R. H, H. Wingert, Kingsley, Iowa, 1919. Denmark A. P. Blough, 1315 Grant Ave., Waterloo, Iowa, Chairman, A. F. Wine. 1918. Secretary, P. Hansen. J. E. Burkholder, Harmony, Minn., 1920. Treasurer, C. Hansen. Iowa, Southern M. Johansen. Pres., A. L. Sears, R. D. 1, Garden Grove, Idaho and Western Montana Iowa, 1919. Pres., L. H. Eby, Payette, Idaho, 1917. Sec, A. H. Brower, R. D. 1, South English, Sec, David Betts, Nampa, Idaho, 1919. Iowa, ]918. 1918. Treas., S. S. Neher, Twin Falls, Idaho, Treas., W. D. Grove, R. D. 1, South English, Illinois, Northern and Wisconsin Iowa, 1917. Pres., S. S. Plum, Polo, 111., 1920. Kansas, Northeastern Sec.-Treas., Elmer Zuck, Lanark, 111., 1918. Pres., Geo. Manon, Gypsum, Kans., 1918. Ezra Flory, 343 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago, Sec, R". A. Yoder, Sabetha, Kans., 1917. 111., 1919. Treas., Enoch Derrick, Abilene, Kans., 1919. Elgin, 111., 1917. J. H. B. William's, Kansas, Northwestern, Buck, Franklin Grove, Illinois, 1921. and North and East 0. D. Central Colorado Illinois, Southern Pres., A. C. Daggett, Covert, Kans., 1921. Pres., D. J. Blickenstafe, Oakley, 111., 1917. Vice-Pres., D. A. Crist, Quinter, Kans., 1917. Sec, E. E. Brubaker, R. D 45, Box 26, Auburn, Sec.-Treas., H. C. Long, Littleton, Colo., 1917. 111., 1920. Hirndia Garber, Portis, Kans., 1920. Treas., G. W. Sensenbaugh, Cerro Gordo, 111., F. A. Wagner, Waldo, Kans., 1918. 1921. Kansas, Southeastern H. H. Gruber, Astoria, 111., 1919. Pres., G. W. Miller, Cerro Gordo, 111., 1918. Wm. C. Watkins, Grenola, Kans., 1918. Sec, Jno. A. Campbell, R. D. 2, Parsons, Kans., India -1917. Field Committee of India Mission Treas., M. E. Stair, Mont Ida, Kans, 1919. Pres., J. M. Blough, Bulsar, India, 1916. Kansas, Southwestern, and Southern Colorado Sec, J. B. Emmert, Jalalpor, India, 1915. Pres., J. J. Yoder, McPherson, Kans., 1918. Treas., Adam Bbey, Karadoho, India, D. J. Sec.-Treas., M. J. Mishler, Conway, Kans., Lichty, Umalla Village, India, 1917. 1917. David Hamm, Rocky Ford, Colo., 1918. 1. S. Long, Vyara, India, 1918. John N. Dresher, McPherson, Kans., 1917. B. Stover, Anklesvar, India, 1919. W. F. A. Vaniman, McPherson, Kans., 1919. Mission Board of India District Maryland, Eastern Pres., J. M. Blough, Bulsar, 1915. Pres., A. P. Snader, Windsor, Md., 1918. Sec, Govind Khengar, Bulsar, 1916. New V. Pres., C. D. Bonsack, Windsor, Treas., Lellu Kalidas, Amletha, 1916. New Md., 1917. Iccha Narsi, Umalla Village, 1917. Sec.-Treas., E. Visvas Randevi, Vyara, 1917. W. Roop, Westminster, Md., 1917. Indiana, Middle J. W. Englar, New Windsor, Md., 1918. Pres., J. G. Stinebaugh, R. D. 3, Camden, Ind., S. K. Utz, New Market, Md., 1916. 1917. Maryland, Middle Sec, S. S. Blough, 604 Miami Street, North Manchester, Ind., 1920. Pres., David M. Zuck, Mercersburg, Pa., 1918. Treas., Emery Miller, R. D. 9, Huntington, Sec, John S. Bowlus, Burkittsville, Md., 1919. Ind., 1918. Treas., Caleb Long, Boonsboro, Md., 1917. D. M. Byerly, Magley, Ind., 1919. Elmer S. Rowland, Hagerstown, Md., 1921. Geo. E. Swihart, Roann, Ind., 1921. Siron F. Spitzer, Gapland, Md., 1920. Traveling Secretary, Irvin Fisher, Mexico, Ind. Maryland, Western Indiana, Northern Pres., A. L. Sines, Sines, Md., 1921. Pres., D. R. Yoder, Goshen, Ind., 1918. Sec.-Treas., Frank H. Harvey, Gormania, W. Sec, David Metzler, Nappanee, Ind., 1919. Va., 1920. Trees'.,, J. H. Schrock, Shipshewana, Ind., 1917. Perry H. Broadwater, Bittinger, Md., 1921.


Daniel Baker, Grantsville, Md., 1917. Pennsylvania, Eastern Henry Sines, Sines, Md., 1917. Pres., J. H. Longenecker, Palmyra, Pa., 1918. Michigran Sec, E. M. Wenger, Fredericksburg, Pa., 1915. Treas., D. Kilhefner, Ephrata, Pa., 1919. L. Wilkins (also traveling member), Pres., C. Rufus P. Bucher, R. D. 3, Quarryville, Pa., Middleton, Mich., 1919. 1917. Messner, Lake Odessa, Sec.-Treas., Peter B. Geo. W. Weaver, Manheim, Pa., 1916. Mich., 1917. Locating Sec, J. Edson Ulery, Onekama, Mich,, Pennsylvania, Middle 1918. Pres., John Bennett, Artemas, Pa., 1917. David B. Sower, Scottville, Mich., 1918. Vice-Pres., J. S. Hershberger, Everett, Pa., S. M. Smith, Lake Odessa, Mich., 1917. 1919. Sec, H. A. Spanogle, Lewistown, Pa., 1918. Missouri, Middle Treas., D. T. Detwiler, New Enterprise, Pa., Pres., Jesse D. Mohler, Warrensburg, Mo., 1920. 1919. Lentz, Leeton, Mo., 1917. Pennsylvania, Southeastern, New Jersey and Sec, C. A. Eastern Treas., Ira Witmore, Adrian, Mo., 1918. New York Permanent Dist. Clerk, Jesse D. Mohler, War- Pres., George D. Kuns, 2260 N. Park Ave., rensburg, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa., 1918. Sec, H. K. Garman, 4637 North Thirteenth St., Missouri, Northern Philadelphia, Pa., 1919. Pres,, J. S. Bowman, R. D. 4, Norborne, Mo., Treas., W. S. Price, Royersford, Pa., 1917. 1917. H. T. Home, Cherryville, N. J., 1920. Sec.-Treas., Ezra Mohler, Plattsburg, Mo., 1918. Pennsylvania, Southern J. Frank Vanpelt, R. D. 8, Richmond, Mo. Pres., Jos. A. Long, York, Pa., 1920. Missouri Southern, and Northwestern Arkansas Sec, M. A. Jacobs, Waynesboro, Pa., 1920. Pres., Howard Oxley, 1918. Treas., C. R. Oellig, Waynesboro, Pa., 1918. Sec, W. R. Argabright, Fairview, Mo. C. L. Baker, East Berlin, Pa., 1919. Treas., Orin Harvey. 1022 Main St., Joplin, D. A. Foust, R. D. 1, Greencastle, Pa., 1918. Mo., 1917. Nebraska Pennsylvania, Western Pres., J. J. Shaffer, R. D. 2, Berlin, Pa., 1918. Pres., \S. G. Nickey, Haxtun, Colo., 1919. Sec, H. S. Replogle, Windber, 1917. Sec, Edgar Rothrock, Carlisle, Nebr., 1918. Treas., P. J. Blough, Hooversville, Pa., Treas,, Levi L. Meek, Octavia, Nebr., 1917. 1920. W. M. Howe, Meyersdale, Pa., 1921. North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Western Galen K. Walker, Shelocta, Pa., 1919. Canada Sweden Pres., Geo. W. Hilton, Surrey, N. Dak,, 1919. Pres., J. F. Graybill, Friisgatan 1, Malmo, Vice-Pres., J. S. Sheaffer, Carrington, N. Dak., Sweden. 1918. Sec, Jonis Sjolin, Birgerjarlsgatan 81, Nytorp, Sec, O. A. Myer, Williston, N. Dak., 1917. Limhamn, Sweden. Treas., Geo. C. Deardorff, Rocklake, N. Dak., Treas., F. J. Johansson, Ansgarigatan 21, Lim- 1919. hamn, Sweden, M. L. Huffman, Rocklake, N. Dak., 1917. B, Lindell, Olserod, Sweden, North and South Carolina, Georgria and S. A, Cederholm, Simrisholm, Simrishamn, Florida Sweden. Pres., H. H. Masters, Brummett, N. C, 1918. Sec.-Treas., Geo. A. Branscom, Campobello, S. Pres., P. D. Reed, Limestone, Tenn., 1919. C, 1917. Sec, A. E. Nead, Limestone, Tenn., 1918. L. A. Jones, Scottville, N. C, 1919. Treas., S. H. Garst, Blountville, Tenn., 1920. Ohio, Northeastern S. J. Bowman, Jonesboro, Tenn., 1917. Pres., A. B. Horst, Spencer, Ohio, 1918. Texas and Liouisiana Sec, Ed. Shepfer, Sugar Creek, Ohio, 1917. Pres., Sam Molsbee, Nocona, Texas, 1918. Treas., A. S. Halteman, Wooster, Ohio, 1919. Sec, M, H. Peters, Manvel, Texas, 1917. Ohio, Northwestern Treas., J. M. Moore, Manvel, Texas, 1916. Pres., G. D. Armentrout, 525 N. Franklin Ave., Virg:inia, Eastern Lima, Ohio, 1917. Pres., S. A. Sanger (Honorary Life Member), Sec, D. G. Berkebile, Delta, Ohio, 1918. Free Union, Va. Treas., J. L. Yoder, Bellefontaine, Ohio, 1919. Vice-Pres., J. A. Hinegardner, Midland, Va. S. H. Vore, Lima, Ohio, 1918. Sec, I. B. Miller, Oakton, Va., 1918. J. L. Guthrie, Upper Sandusky, Ohio, 1919. Treas,, S. H. Florji, Oakton, Va., 1918. Ohio, Southern W. F. Hale, Nokesville, Va. Geo. A. Maupin, R. D. 1, Free Union, Pres, D. M. Garver, Trotwood, Ohio, 1921. Va. Sec.-Treas., Clarence A. Baker, R. D. 1, West Virgrinia, First Manchester, Ohio, 1917. Pres., C. E. Filer, Salem, Va., 1921. Adam Pfeifer, West Milton, Ohio, 1920. Sec.-Treas., Levi Garst, Salem, Va., 1920. J. W. Fidler, Brookville, Ohio, 1918. W. P. Crumpacker, Roanoke, Va., 1918. J. O. Garst, R. D. 6, Dayton, Ohio, 1919. J. W. Shaver, Troutville, Va., 1919. J. Ikenberry, Oklahoma, Panhandle of Texas and Pecos W. Daleville, Va., 1917. Valley, New Mexico Virginia, Northern Pres., N. S. Gripe, Coyle, Okla., 1919. Pres,, J. Carson Miller, Moores Store, Va., Sec, J. R. Pitzer, Cordell, Okla., 1917. 1919. Treas., W. P. Bosserman, Tangier, Okla., 1918. Sec, I. N. Zigler, Broadway, Va.. 1917. J. A. Byerly, Elk City, Okla., 1919. Treas., J. C. Myers, Broadway, Va., 1918. D. L. Kinzie, 1917. L. S. Miller, Harrisonburg, Va., 1917. Oregron I. Wm. Miller, Singers Glen, Va., 1918. Pres., S. P. Van Dyke, Newberg, Oregon, 1919. Virgrinia, Second Sec, Thomas Barklow, Myrtle Point, Oregon, Pres., B. B. Garber, R. D. 1, Waynesboro, Va.. 1917. 1919. Treas., M. C. Lininger, Box 512, Ashland, Ore- V. Pres., S. I. Flory, Stuarts Draft, Va., 1921. gon, 1918. Treas,, J. B. Coffman, Dayton, Va., 1917.


Sec, J. W. Hess, Bridgewater, Va., 1918. West Virginia, First D. S. Thomas, Bridgewater, Va., 1920. Pres., Peter Arnold, Burlington, W. Va., 1920. Sec, Ezra Pike, Eglon, W. Va., 1919. Virginia, Southern. Treas., John S. Fike, Eglon, W. Va., 1921. Pres., S. M. Ikenberry, Wirtz, Va., 1916. John R. Riggleman (deacon), Rockoak, W. Sec, J. Bowman, Callaway, Va., 1915. Va., 1917. Treas,, W. A. Elgin, Elamsville, Va., 1916. Jeremiah Thomas, Bruceton Mills, W. Va., 1918. Asa Bowman, R. D. 1, Floyd, Va. A. N. Hylton, Floyd, Va., 1914. West Virginia, Second Pres., W. J. Row, Junior, W. Va., 1919. Washington Sec, E. G. Bean, Indian Camp, W. Va., 1917. Pres., S. A. Shockley, Lookout, Wash., 1918. Treas., Z. Annon, Thornton, W. Va., 1921. Sec, L. C. Wise, Wenatchee, Wash., 1917. J. I. Spurgeon, R. D. 1, Auburn, W. Va., 1918. Treas., H. C. Nead, North Yakima, Wash., 1919. J. F. Valentine, Belington, W. Va., 1920.

Temperance Committees and Their Organization THE GENERAI. TEMPERANCE COMMIT- Indiana, Southern TEE OF THE CHURCH OF THE Pres., Oscar Working, Hagerstown, Ind., 1917. BRETHREN. Sec, D. W. Bowman, 3702 Columbus Ave., An- Chairman, P. J. Blough, Hooversville, Pa., derson, Ind., 1918. 1918. Treas., C. C. Petry, Kitchel, Ind., 1919. Sec, J. J. John, New Windsor, Md., 1917. Iowa, Middle . Va. Treas., J. Carson Miller, Moores Store, Chairman, D. W. Wise, Grand Junction, Iowa, 1919. 1918. Temperance Committees Sec, Chas. Reynolds, Panora, Iowa, 1917. District Treas., P. S. Brunk, Altoona, Iowa, 1919. Arkansas, First District and Southeastern Iowa, Northern, Minnesota and South Missouri Dakota Caleb Altus, Hoxie, Ark. D. W. Wise, Grand Junction, Iowa, 1918. Newton Boyt, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 1917. 1919. California, Northern Sec, D. W. Shock. 1210,25th Ave., N. Minneap- olis, Minn., 1918. I. L. Feightrier, Elk Creek, Cal., 1919. Treas., E. E. Ernest Davis, Macdoel, Cal., 1918. Eshelman, Preston, Minn., 1917. L. J. Lehman, Reedley, Cal., 1917. Iowa, Southern California, Southern, and Arizona Chairman, J. H. Brower, R. D. 1, South Eng- lish, Iowa, 1918. Chairman, S. W. Funk, Charter Oak., Cal., P. Miller, 1918. Sec, D. Kinross, Iowa, 1917. Treas., Sec. -Treas., Fred Chemberlen, 7319 Fourth St., Mrs. Almeda Caskey, Corning, Iowa, 1919. The Palms, Cal., 1917. Kansas; Northeastern W. M. Piatt, 800 Clanton Street, Los Angeles, Cal., 1919. Chairman, I. L. Hoover, Overbrook, Kans., 1917. - Colorado, Western, and Utah Sec, W. P. Strole, 3145 West Forty-third St., Chairman, A. L. Gnagey, Fruita, Colo., 1917. Rosedale, Kans., 1918. Sec. -Treas., J. D. Coffman, Grand Junction, Treas., Roy Rock, Navarre, Kans., 1919. Colo., 1916. Colina Miller, Clifton, Colo., 1918. Kansas, Northwestern, and North and East Central Colorado (not reported). Denmark Chairman, Roy Crist, Quinter, Kans., 1917. Idaho and Western Montana Sec, Mary E. Daggett, Covert, Kans., 1918. Chairman, B. D. Kerlin, Twin Falls, Idaho, Treas., Geo. Breon, Portis, Kans., 1920. 1917. Kansas, Southeastern (Also Sunday-school Sec, Fred A. Flora, Twin Falls, Idaho. 1919. Board) Idaho, 1918. Treas., J. F. IJllery, Nampa, Pres.. J. A. Strohm, Westphalia, Kans., 1919. Illinois, Northern, and Wisconsin Sec-Treas. (Sunday-school work), J. S. Lea- Pres.. C. C. Price, Polo, 111., 1917. man, Madison, Kans., 1918. Sec. -Treas., M. W. Emmeijt, Mt. Morris, 111., Sec-Treas. (Temperance work), R. W. Quak- 1919. enbush, Fredonia, Kans., 1917. Chas. H. Keltner, DeKalb, 111., 1918. Kansas, Southwestern, and Southern Colorado Illinois, Southern Chairman, Jacob Funk, Peabody, Kans., 1918. Pres., I. J. Harshbarger, Girard, 111., 1919. M. S. Frantz, Wichita, Kans., 1919. Sec, Ralph C. Stambaugh, Astoria, 111., 1919. Dr. A. J. Culler, McPherson, Kans., 1917. Treas., R. N. Leatherman, 1303 N. Champaign Maryland, Eastern St., Champaign, 111., 1917. Chairman, J. J. Johns, New Windsor, Md., India, First District 1918. W. B. Stover, Anklesvar, 1917. Sec, R. .T. Ridgely, Myersville, Md., 1917. Ranchod Ganesh, Anklesvar, 1916. Treas., W. E. Roop, Westminster, Md., 1916. Soma Rama, Bulsar, 1915. Maryland, Middle Indiana, Middle Chairman, C. M. Hicks, Clear Spring, Md., T. D. Butterbaugh, Silver Lake. Ind., 1917. 1917. Ira E. Long, AndreAVS, Ind., 1918. Sec, A. M. Horst, Hagerstown. Md.. 1919. Moine Landis, North Manchester, Ind., 1919. Treas., N. P. Castle, Brownsville, Md., 1918. Indiana, Northern Maryland, Western J. F. Appleman, 351 East Walnut St., Nap- Chairman, I. W. Abernathy, Wilson, W. Va. panee, Ind., 19]8. Sec-Treas., Perry Bowser. Grant'sville, Md. Wm, Overholser, Warsaw, Ind., 1919. James W. Beeghly, Oakland, Md. F. O. Richcreek, Syracuse, Ind., 1917. J. T. Green, Lonaconing, Md.


Daniel Baker, Grantsville, Md. Pennsylvania, Middle D. M. Merrill, Avilton, Md. Chairman, Brice Sell, Hollidaysburg, Pa., 1917. Michigan Sec, T. T. Myers, Huntingdon, Pa., 1919. Treas., Park, Chairman, C. H. Deardorfe, Clarksville, Mich, J. B. Brumbaugh, Juniata Pa, 1918. 1918. Sec, D. E. Sower, Scottville, Mich., 1919. Pennsylvania, Southeastern, New Jersey and Treas., Geo. E. Stone, Crystal, Mich., 1917. Eastern New York Missouri, Middle Chairman, M. C. Swigart, 6611 Germantown Chairman, Jacob Ihrig, Fairfield, Mo., 1919, Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., 1918. George D. Kuns, Philadelphia, Pa., 1917. Sec. -Treas., T. C- Nininger, 303 N. Bellaire Sec, Ave., Kansas City, Mo., 1917. Treas., M. B. Miller, Sergeantsville, N. J., 1916. Mollie L. Lentz, 6238 High St., Kansas City, Pennsylvania, Southern Mo., 1918. Chairman, John A. Miller, Carlisle, Pa., 1917. Missouri, Northern Sec, J. J. Kreiner, Chambersburg, Pa., 1917. Chairman, J. S. Kline, 2919 St. Joseph Ave., Treas., H. M. Stover, Waynesboro, Pa., 1917. St. Joseph, Mo. Pennsylvania, Western Sec, Bruce S. Williams, R. D. 2, Plattsburg, Chairman, J. J. Shaffer, Berlin, Pa., 1918. Mo. Sec, N. H. Blough, Davidsville, Pa., 1917. Treas., D. A. Shirk, Polo, Mo. Treas., B.- F. Waltz, Elk Lick, Pa., 1919. Missouri, Southern, and Northwestern Arkansas Sweden (not reported) Chairman, Noah Oren, Carthage, Mo., 1919. Tennessee Sec, C. W. Gitt, Cabool, Mo., 1917. Treas., Peter Killingsworth, 1918. Chairman, Samuel H. Garst, Blountville, Tenn., 1916. Nebraska Sec, Robert Hilbert, Jonesboro, Tenn., 1916. Chairman, M. R. Weaver, 2615 N. 22nd 'St., Treas., S. W. Beals, Jonesboro, Tenn., 1916. Omaha, Nebr., 1918. Texas [Louisiana Sec, F. D. Beck, Bruning, Nebr., -1919. and Treas., J. Edwin Jarboe, Lincoln, Nebr., 1917. Sec, A. J. Wine, Ft. Worth, Texas. North Dakota, Eastern Montana and Western Virginia, Eastern Canada J. R. Leatherman, R. D. 3, Vienna, Va., 1915. Chairman, G. I. Michael, R. D. 3, Kenmare, N. B. F. Click, Trevilian, Va. Dak., 1917, A. K. Graybill, Nokesville, Va., 1919. Price Umphlet, 1918. Virginia, First District Thomas Allen, York, N. Dak., 1919. Chairman, J. W. Ikenberry, Daleville, Va., North and South Carolina, Georg:ia and 1917. Florida Sec-Treas., Jos. H. Murray, Roanoke, Va., Chairman, H. H. Masters, Brummett, N. C, 1918. 1917. J. H. Garst, Salem, Va., 1919. Sec-Treas., W. C. Prince, Chesnee, S. C, 1917. Virginia, Northern L. A. Jones, Scottville, N. C, 1918. Chairman, P. S. Thomas, Harrisonburg, Va., Ohio, Northeastern 1917. Chairman, W. D. Keller, Ashland, Ohio. Sec-Treas., Joseph Pence, Port Republic, Va., Sec-Treas., R. M. Moomaw, Apple Creek, Ohio. 1919. A. A. Kurtz, Hartville, Ohio. W. C. Hoover, Timberville, Va., 1918. Ohio, Northwestern Virginia, Second District Chairman, J. R. Snyder, Beliefontaine, Ohio, Chairman, M. A. Good, Bridgewater, Va. 1919. Sec, John T.' Click, Bridgewater, Va. Sec-Treas., Leo G. Wise, 1917. Treas., C. M. Driver, R. D. 3, Staunton, Va. N. I. Cool, 1918. Virginia, Southern District Ohio, Southern Chairman, A. N. Hylton, Floyd, Va., 1916. Chairman, Isaac Frantz, Pleasant Hill, Ohio. Sec-Treas., G. A. Barnhart, Wirtz, Va., 1914. Sec-Treas., Levi Minnich, Greenville, Ohio. Asa Bowman, Floyd, Va., 1915. Field Worker, L. A. Bookwalter, Trotwood, Washington Ohio. Chairman, J. A. Eby, Sunnyside, Wash., 1917. Oklahoma, Panhandle of Texas and Pecos Sec, R. F. Hiner, 7217 Palatine Ave., Seattle, Valley, N. Mex. Wash., 1919. Chairman, H. W. Forney, Thomas, Okla., 1917. Treas., C. H. Maust, 70tli and Sycamore Sts., Sec, lo McAvoy, Thomas, Okla., 1919. Seattle, Wash., 1918. Treas., Pearl Wiltfong, 1918. West Virginia, First District Oregon Chairman, Jeremiah Thomas, Bruceton Mills, Nellie Root, Arago, Oregon, 1919. W. Va. Annie Kline, Albany, Oregon, 1918. Sec-Treas., Ezra Fike, Eglon, W. Va., 1919. Nellie Morton, Ashland, Oregon, 1917. Lillie Moore, Bismarck, W. Va., 1917. Pennsylvania, Eastern West Virginia, Second District Chairman, J. W. Myer, 748 Union St., Lancas- Chairman, D. W. Kirk, R. D. 4, Box 30, Fair- ter, Pa. mount, W. Va. Sec. (To be appointed at next District Meet- Sec, S. M. Annon, R. D. 1, Box 19, Montrose, ing). W. Va. Treas., J. W. Hershey, Lititz, Pa. Treas., Noah Fike, Hovatter, W. Va.

SUPPLEMENTARY READING FOR THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL LESSONS f^,. See pages 120 and 121 of our large General Catalogue for a few good suggestions. In the book sections you will find many helpful volumes listed.

Brethren Publishing Hous^ Elgin, 111.


FOR THE Annual Conference "HereisYourAnswcrj'm I OF THE * Webster^ I Church of the Brethren New International! WICHITA, KANSAS, -TheMerriamWebster I | I It answers with final authority all % £ kinds of questions in Language, His- H About June 7 to 15, 1917 H tory. Biography, Fiction, Trades, i p Arts, and Sciences. ^ 400,000 Words and Phrases Defined. THE FRISCO LINES will have p: | 6000 Illustrations.^ a Special Train From St. Louis for p the accommodation of the Breth- |l 2700 Pages. ren, members of their families and % "Write for specimen friends. Date of departure, sched- If

II pages, ule, etc., will be announced later. 11 etc.,

11 FREE. For information and fares, address

J. N. Cornatzar General Passenger Agent St. Louis, Mo.

CAP GOODS IMPORTANT NOTICE I am sending Cap Goods from sea to District Meeting appointed the undersigned sea and into Canada, and south to the for three years as a medium of information "be- Gulf. If you desire first-class goods tween the churches of the State District and and moderate prices, drop a card ask- prospective buyers of land. ing for Samples. Guarantee Satisfaction. Reasons.—1. Within the territory of each Mention the Almanac. local church in our district there are good for sale, which will increase in value. MARY A. BRTJBAKEB, farms 2. The local churches are anxious to be- Box 331. Virden, lU. come stronger through immigration. In some, ministers are greatly needed. 3. In many sections of the country there are those who are seeking other locations. Purpose of the Movement.—Complete and re- liable information will be secured about lands for sale in the vicinity of any of our local Smucker's churches—location to towns, railroads, schools, character of land, terms of sale, etc., etc. An- HOME MADE swers to any or all inquiries will be given free. D. F. I.ANDIS, Apple Butter 415 N. Main Street, Minot, N. Dak.

SMUCKER APPI.E BUTTER is made AID SOCIETIES and ORGANIZED CLASSES by men who know how, with modern methods and modern packages. You I am making a special proposition to the will appreciate our effort and find our above where, by investing nineteen (19) dol- prices consistent with quality. Write lars, a profit of twenty (20) may be made at today for prices. an honest business. J. M. SMUCKER, ORRVIL.I.E, OHIO. For full particulars address Box 515. G. H. ARBEGAST Pure Cider Vinegar, for sale in barrels. (L.ower Cumberland Cong-regation) 419 W. Keller St., Mechanicsbure:, Pa. BRETHREN FAMILY ALMANAC, 1917.


Apple Butter Why Brethren Are Locating Here

Because of its high altitude, and healthful ^H|S^^^^B Hartzler's strictly Pure location. On beautiful Lake Jackson. Splen- ^^H^^^^|B Apple Butter. An Apple did soft pure water free from sulphur. Sur- ^^H^^P^^ Product only, sweetened rounded by a large body of land perfectly ^^^^^ —1^ with granulated sugar and adapted to citrus fruit culture. Where the boiled to have Keeping: qualities. Not the bit- Brethren are building a good churchhouse. ter, black, scorched Apple Butter you can buy, For particulars and printed matter address, but nice in color and which has pleased thou- sands of customers the past twenty years. W. A. DICKEY Write at once for prices and order sheets to North Manchester, - Indiana D. M. HARTZLER & SON, ' Reference, Elder J. H, Moore, Sebring, Flor- Smithville, Ohio. ida.

There are many among you who look forward for various reasons to a home in a climate less severe than the one you now live in. When you think of a move of that kind your mind naturally turns to Sunny CALIFORNIA REV. MICHAEL BLOCHER, of Rio Linda, Cal., whose place is shown in the accompanying p i c- ture, four years ago was a wheat farmer on an extensive scale Rev. 3fichael Blocher and a corner of his 5-acre ranch at on the prairies near Rio Linda, Calif. A 2-year-old pear tree at his right and a Perth, N. D. This is 3-year-old cherry tree at his left in background. Note the way the result of his and he has made a living- between the trees berries, melons, milo his wife's idea o f — " maize, etc. retiring." While their fruit and al- mond trees are ma- turing, they are living high on chickens, You will find at Rio Linda cream, vegetables, fruits, butter, berries, etc., all fresh and in abundance^ Good Soil, Abundance of Water for Irri- We have the nucleus of a Thrifty gation, Rail and Water Transportation, Electric Line Through the Land, Con- BRETHREN COLONY crete Boulevard Building, Delightful Cli- at Lio Linda, California. mate, Ideal Home Spot. There are several Brethren families here now, any one of whom will cheerfully tell Write us for a booklet now; tell us or you the truth about our lands and the your brethren what your plans are, and character of the Dealings of this Company. we will help you find a home in Delight- They are making Good and we want more settlers of their type. Our lands ful California among your own people. are lo- cated from 5 to 10 miles from the heart of the rapidly growing city of Sacramento, with its 75,000 population. Prices are rea- SACRAMENTO SUBURBAN sonable and terms easy. FRUIT If you are thinking of coming to Cal- LANDS CO. ifornia, and nine out of ten Do think of it, write us at once, if Home Office: Western or you choose, write Office: to 1036 McK night Bldg. 328 J. Street, REV. MICHAEL BLOCHER, Minneapolis, Minn. Sacramento, Cal. Rio Linda, California.

67 THINK of a Louisiana HOIVIE

How many people are there who would like a home of their own, who havp rinne -nnwr? Manv are rentinp- anH navinp- as much rent per year as Louisiana. Are you go: Date Due to do the same?

Do'ii b CLO uiis.' xdrve cL itivv^ aays ana' come lo i^duisiana. This is a country with great resources, opportunities, and possibilities.

Our lands are in the Northwestern part of the State, 40 miles north of Shreveport, a city of 40,000 people, and destined to be 100,000 soon.

We have been in the lumber business for 24 years here, and have these lands with the timber taken off. Some are open and some must be cleared yet. These lands are interspersed with nice homes, and have a contented people here.

There are no waste lands, no swamps, no hillsides to wash. We have good water, good roads, good schools, and churches where needed.

There is no better place to raise cattle, hogs and sheep.

Fruit does well. Taxes are low.

Corn, cotton and oats are staple crops. A crop failure has' never been known here.

Why go to the arid or cold climates, when you have such a pleasant climate, and a land of such possibilities so near?

We are only 24 hours out of St. Louis, 30 hours out of Qiicago, and 12 hours out of New Orleans. Our markets equal those anywhere. We need farmers, dairymen, stockmen, gardeners, and orchardists. We need six times as many people here as we have. We want these people in the country. Come and see what is here.

You can buy lands at from $10.00 to $20.00 per acre with one- fourth cash and the balance on time to suit your purse.

We have a folder that tells the story. Write for it, or come and see us. Address, M. S. BOLINGER, Mgr. of Land Dept. S. H. BOLINGER & CO., Shreveport, La.


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