Opening Ceremony, 19 September 2010 Christian Colliex, IFSM
Opening Ceremony, 19 September 2010 Christian Colliex, IFSM President PartipantesPartipantes dodo IMCIMC 17,17, sejamsejam todostodos BemBem VindosVindos aoao RioRio DeDe JaneiroJaneiro IFSM International Federation of Societies for Microscopy Words about the Federation Life from 2006 to 2010 From IMC 16 in Sapporo to IMC 17 in Rio, and next? Prag ? Beijing? Istanbul ? Sapporo 2006 Rio 2010 Sydney ? General Assembly of IFSM selects Rio de Janeiro as host city for IMC 17 in 2010 Sapporo, closing ceremony GS and CC Sapporo 2006 IFSM presidents and executive board members Left to right : First row E. Zeitler, A. Maunsbach, G. Thomas,H. Hashimoto, A. Howie Second row : S. Iijima, G. Solorzano, B. Carter, G. Griffin, X, H. Lichte, D. Cockayne, P. Ingram, C. Colliex, W. Baumeister, K. Furuya. Selection and visit of the site (October 2006) Rehearsal, September 2009 From an IFSM summit meeting at Cusco (2007) preparing IMC 17… …to the official opening of IMC 17 to night at Rio de Janeiro 19 September 2010 Thanks and congratulations to the organizing committee Organizing Committee Chair Guillermo Solorzano Vice Chairs Wanderley de Souza (Life Science) Walter J. Botta (Materials Science) Daniel Ugarte (Instrumentation) Chair Local organizing committee Luiz Henrique de Almeida (UFRJ) Marcia Attias (UFRJ) Helene Barbosa (Fiocruz) Claudia Franca Barros (JBRJ) Ivani Bott (PUC‐Rio) Marilia Garcia Diniz (UERJ) Secretary Marcos Farina (UFRJ) Andréa Martiny (Inmetro) Rossana Melo (UFJF), secretary Vice Chairs André Luiz Pinto (CBPF) Elisa Saitovitch (CBPF)
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