UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko


Gašper Martinšek

Radeče, 2016

UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko



Mentorica: Kandidat: Doc. dr. Klementina Jurančič-Petek Gašper Martinšek

Radeče, 2016


Iskrena zahvala za pomoč pri izdelavi diplomske naloge doc. dr. Klementini Jurančič-Petek, ki mi je ves čas mojega pisanja pomagala s strokovnimi nasveti ter navodili. Hvala tudi staršem, bratu Mihi, ter starim staršem, ki so me vsa ta dolga leta študija spodbujali in nikoli nehali verjeti vame. Največja zahvala pa moji ženi Sari Martinšek, ki me je neutrudno spodbujala, hodila z mano po poti do cilja, kljub temu, da ni bilo lahko. Sara vedi, da mi brez tebe ne bi nikdar uspelo. Hvala tudi vsem ostalim, ki ste mi kakorkoli pomagali, da sem uspešno dokončal zadano nalogo.

Koroška cesta 160 2000 Maribor, Slovenija


Podpisani Gašper Martinšek, rojen 6.7.1985, študent Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, smer Angleški jezik s književnostjo in Geografija, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom Slovensko angleški slovar ribiške terminologije pri mentorici doc. dr. Klementina Jurančič-Petek, avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev.

Radeče, 8.5.2016

______(podpis) POVZETEK

Namen te diplomske je zbrati najpogostejše slovenske izraze iz področja ribiške terminologije in jih prevesti v angleščino. Najprej predstavim teoretično ozadje pisanja slovarjev in nadaljujem z opisom tradicije ribištva v Sloveniji. Število ribičev in obseg mednarodnih dogodkov, ki jih Ribiška zveza Slovenije organizira oziroma se jih udeležuje, so odlični razlogi za sestavljanje takšnega slovarja. Teoretičnem delu bo sledil sam slovar. Izrazi so razdeljeni po kategorijah glede na njihov pomen. Slovar vsebuje pet kategorij: Terminology related to fishing (terminologija povezana z ribištvom), Fishing gear (ribiška oprema), Fishing baits (ribiške vabe), in Slovene fresh waters (vrste slovenskih sladkovodnih rib), Slovene fishing jargon (slovenski ribiški žargon). Skupaj je v tem slovarju zbranih 612 terminov. Upam, da bo ta slovar dobro služil slovenskim ribičem, ki se želijo naučiti določenih angleških terminov, da bodo lahko uspešno komunicirali s tujci, s katerimi delijo strast do ribolova.

KLJUČNE BESEDE: slovar, dvojezični slovar, ribiška terminologija, ribištvo

ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to compile most frequently used Slovenian terms from the field of fishing terminology and their equivalent expressions in English. First a theoretical background to dictionary making will be presented followed by a description of the tradition of fishing in . The number of fishermen and the international events the national fishing organization of Slovenia attends/organizes will serve as a legitimate reason for the making of such dictionary. This theoretical point of view will be followed by the dictionary itself. The terms are sorted according to their meaning in five sections: Terminology related to fishing, Fishing gear, Fishing baits, Fish species in Slovene fresh waters, Slovene fishing jargon. 612 terms are compiled in this dictionary. All terms have an explication in English, a fonetic transcription (to help learners pronounce the word) and the equivalent term in English. Hopefully this dictionary will serve to Slovenian fishermen willing to learn certain English terms to successfully comunicate with foreigners sharing their passion for fishing.

KEYWORDS: dictionary, bilingual dictionary, fishing terminology, fishing


1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1






3.2. FISHING GEAR ...... 19

3.3. FISHING BAITS ...... 25



4. CONCLUSION ...... 41

5. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 43

MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 1


Before compiling a dictionary of any sort one must decide first about the potential users (the targeted group of people), the size and the content of the dictionary. Every dictionary has a specific purpose and a targeted group of people. ˝There are dictionaries for native speakers…., for foreign learners…, monolingual as well as bilingual, general as well as specialized…˝ (Hartmann, 2001: 4). This dictionary is, according to Hartmann´s types, a bilingual specific dictionary for foreign learners. The purpose of this graduation thesis is to compile useful words and expressions from the field of fishing. Fishing in Slovenia is a quite popular activity. In my opinion this dictionary will be useful because in the last two decades more and more foreign fishermen have decided to try their fishing luck in Slovenia and the knowledge of English language among Slovene fishermen is, in my opinion, often not sufficient to provide the quality communication between the fishermen. The dictionary is divided into five different sections; Terminology related to fishing, Fishing gear, Fishing baits, Fish species in Slovene fresh waters, Slovene fishing jargon. Every term in Slovene is specified by an English translation, a phonetic transcription in English, word class and an explanation of the term in English.


In the last decade or two fishing in Slovenia has become more important and its role in the world has changed in a positive way. Nowadays more and more people from all over the world come to Slovenia to find their river, lake or maybe even the fish of their dreams. The rivers are getting cleaner with building new wastewater treatment plants, which has resulted in the majority of Slovene waters being inhabited with more fish than was the case a few decades ago. As the nature in Slovenia is amazing and also the hospitality and kindness of its people, Slovenia has become a magnet for all kinds of fishermen from all over the world. Because of the increasing role in the world and all the above mentioned criteria, Slovenia has recently been chosen to host many important international MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 2 competitions, such as the Women's World Angling Championship which took place in Radeče in 2013, World Championship for Youth which took place in Radeče and Sevnica in 2012, World Fly Fishing Championship which took place in Bohinj in 2012, World Championship Coarse Angling for Clubs which took place in Radeče in 2014 and finally the World Championship for Nations which took place in Radeče in 2015. These are all proof that the quality of fishing in Slovenia is at a very high level, and that fishing societies are doing an excellent job organising all these championships. Such an increasing number of foreign fishermen in Slovenia triggerred the idea to write this thesis, since I have experienced firsthand the problems communication between the foreign and Slovene fishermen can bring. Hopefully this dictionary will help Slovene fishermen to find uknown words and make the communciation with foreign fishermen easier. If the people from abroad that come to fish to Slovenia will feel more at home, they will more likely decide to come back, which is what all fishing societies in Slovenia would like to achieve. But before we start writing a dictionary we should focus on some norms that are suggested by Sterkenburg, Zgusta, Čermák and others experts on this subject.


Before considering compiling great numbers of words into a dictionary we must first discuss some theoretical issues regarding dictionary writing. Different types of dictionaries should be considered, the content and the structure of the dictionary (the order of the entries, the information provided about each entry) and the targeted group of people. As Sterkenburg points out: ˝There are many types of dictionary: children´s dictionaries... translation dictionaries... technical dictionaries...˝ (2003: 3). But what exactly defines a dictionary? ˝A dictionary is a systematically arranged list of socialised linguistic forms compiled from the speech-habits of a given speech community and commented on by the authors in such a way that the qualified reader MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 3 understands the meaning... and is informed of the relevant facts concerning the function of that form in its community˝ (Zgusta 1971: 17). Sterkenburg agrees with Zgusta to a certain point but provides his own criteria which should be used to define a dictionary. These are formal criteria, functional criteria and finaly criteria concerning content. He believes a dictionary should above all: ˝provide information on the meaning of the lexical units included and information on their usage in specific language situations˝ (2003: 8). Now that we know what constitutes a dictionary we must decide what kind of a dictionary we would like to write. As the title of my thesis suggests, I decided to include entries relating to fishing terminology. The content is thus chosen and so is the targeted group of people (people interested in fishing, either professional fisherman or recreational fisherman or anyone who wishes to translate, write or know a word or expression in English or Slovene related to fishing). To compile the entries, a lexicographer or a person who is writing a dictionary, must obtain resources for the words to be included in the dictionary. As Čermák observes ˝until recently, the business of data-collection was rather expensive and time- consuming...˝ (Sterkenburg, 2003: 18), however, since the dawn of internet the gathering of information has become much quicker and cheaper. The number of entries included in online dictionaries is greater than in hard copies and they can be updated on a daily basis. It is true, however, that we must be careful about the information found online. Nonetheless, I believe that for a fisherman who spends hours by the bank of a river, an online dictionary is not the best option. It would be easier for him/her to have a hard copy of specifically chosen words at their disposal.

Swanepoel observes that multilingual dictionaries provide for each entry ˝one or more translation equivalents in the target language˝ (Sterkenburg, 2003: 67). Furthermore, Swanepoel quotes Haas (1967) and Landau (1984: 9-10) that ideally a translation of any entry in a multilingual dictionary should provide:  An equivalent translation to the target language covering all possible meanings  Grammatical, syntactic and semantic information  Information regarding different variations MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 4

 Proper names  Spelling, pronunciation

Each lexicographer chooses to include or eliminate certain pieces of information listed above for different reasons. They might assume that the targeted group of people is already familiar with certain details and will find them unnecessary or irrelevant. Such assumptions, however, may be dangerous, nonetheless, lexicographers must consider the target users and their knowledge regarding the content of the dictionary in the making in order to make similar assumptions with confidence. I have included the following information for each entry in this fishing dictionary:  An English translation  Phonetic transcription of the translation  Word class  Explanation of the entry in English


Not to confuse a dictionary with a glossary, I will provide dictionary explanations for both terms to distinguish the two. According to online Cambridge Dictionary a dictionary is ˝a book that contains a list of words in alphabetical order and that explains their meanings, or gives a word for them in another language; a similar project for use on a computer “or” a book that gives information about a particular subject, in which the entries (= words or phrases) are given in alphabetical order”. A glossary, on the other hand, is “an alphabetical list, with meanings, of the words or phrases in a text that are difficult to understand” (Cambridge Dictionary online). Sterkenburk briefly discusses the beginnings of glossaries from the Middle ages on. Glossaries were written between the lines or at the end of a text (at first especially in religious texts) to explain unknown words for better understanding understanding of a text. A glossary may also be bilingual or multilingual, so words may be translated into another language and further explained. One of the most famous MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 5 glossaries mentioned by Sterkenburk is Reichenau´s glossary accompanying the Vulgate Bible from the 8th century. It consists of approximately 1000 entries. In my thesis, therefore, we are not dealing with a glossary but with a dictionary, because we are not explaining difficult words from a text but providing entries related to a certain topic.

MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 6



Akcija – action /ˈæk.ʃən/ noun an indication on the that indicates how much weight the rod withstands before it brakes Akumulacija – accumulation /əˌkjuː.mjʊˈleɪ.ʃən/ noun the process of disposing material in lower course of a river and therefore making deposition of different geomorphologic material Akumulacijsko jezero – reservoir /ˈrez.ə.vwɑːr/ noun an artificial lake which is formed when a dam is built to retain water Akumulirati – accumulate /əˈkjuː.mjʊ.leɪt/ verb to gradually increase in number or amount Alga – /ˈæl.ɡiː/ pl noun very simple, usually small plants that grow in or near water and do not have ordinary leaves or roots Alohtona vrsta – allochthonous species /əˈlɒkθənəs ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun species that are found in a place other than where they or their constituents were formed Alpska reka – mountain river /ˈmaʊn.tɪn ˈrɪv.ər/ noun all watercourses, from its source to the lowland, that source in the mountains Apnenec – limestone /ˈlaɪm.stəʊn/ noun a sedimentary rock consisting mainly of calcium carbonate, deposited as the calcareous remains of marine or chemically precipitated from the sea: used as a building stone and in the manufacture of cement, lime, etc Avtohtona vrsta – autochthonous species /ɔː'tɒkθənəs ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun species that are inhabiting a place or region from earliest known times; aboriginal Bajer – glej ribnik Bakterija – bacteria /bækˈtɪə.ri.ə/ pl noun, sing –rium (-riəm) a very large group of microorganisms comprising one of the three domains of living organisms. They are prokaryotic, unicellular, and either free-living in soil or water or parasites of plants or animals Barje – marsh /mɑːʃ/ noun ground near a lake, a river, or the sea that often floods and is always wet Barva – (BrE colour) (NAmE color) /ˈkʌl.ər/ noun an attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths Beličarjenje – angling /ˈæŋ.ɡlɪŋ/ noun the art or sport of catching fish with a rod and line and baited hook or other lure, such as a fly Belouška – grass snake /ɡrɑːs sneɪk/ noun a harmless nonvenomous European colubrid snake, Natrix natrix, having a brownish-green body with variable markings Bistra voda – clear water /klɪər ˈwɔː.tər/ noun water that is free or almost free of any impurities or contaminants and in which the visibility is very good MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 7

Blatno dno – muddy bottom /ˈmʌd.i ˈbɒt.əm/ noun the bottom of a lake, river or any other watercourse, covered with mud Blato – mud /mʌd/ noun a fine-grained soft wet deposit at the bottom of ponds, lakes, etc Breg – bank /bæŋk/ noun an elevated section alongside a river, stream, etc Brežina – embankment /ɪmˈbæŋk.mənt/ noun an artificial slope made of earth and/or stones Brzica – rapids /ˈræp.ɪdz/ pl noun a dangerous part of a river that flows very fast because it is steep and sometimes narrow Ciprinidni revir – cyprinid fishing district /ˈsɪprɪnɪd ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ noun a fishing district or area where mostly cyprinids can be caught Curek – stream /striːm/ noun any steady flow of water or other fluid Častni član – honorary member /ˈɒn.ər.ə.ri ˈmem.bər/ noun a person who has an honorary position in an organization Čistilna naprava – wastewater treatment plant /weɪstˈwɑː.t̬ɚr ˈtriːt.mənt plænt/ noun a plant built to remove any kind of biological or chemical waste products from water Član – member /ˈmem.bər/ noun a person who joins a group to take part in a particular activity Članarina – fee /fiː/ noun an amount of money you have to pay to be a member of some organization Črevo – intestine /ɪnˈtes.tɪn/ noun a long tube through which food travels from the stomach and out of the body while it is being digested Čuvaj – conservation officer /ˌkɒn.səˈveɪ.ʃən ˈɒf.ɪ.sər/ noun a person who protects, preserves and manages natural resources and the environment, also he checks fishing permits, licences or certificates Degradacija – degradation /ˌdeɡ.rəˈdeɪ.ʃən/ noun a process in which the beauty or quality of something is destroyed or spoiled Dnevni uplen – bag limit /bæɡ ˈlɪm.ɪt/ noun a number that says how many fish of different species are allowed to be killed and kept Dno – bottom /ˈbɒt.əm/ noun the ground underneath a sea, lake, or river Dolvodno – downstream /ˌdaʊnˈstriːm/ adv, adj in or towards the lower part of a stream; with the current Dolžina – length /leŋθ/ noun the linear extent or measurement of something from end to end, usually being the longest dimension or, for something fixed, the longest horizontal dimension Drst – spawn /spɔːn/ noun the production or deposition of eggs Drstišče – spawning ground /spɔːnɪŋ ɡraʊnd/ noun a place where fish leave their eggs for fertilization Državno prvenstvo – national championship /ˈnæʃ.ən.əl ˈtʃæm.pi.ən.ʃɪp/ noun a competition where only citizens of a certain country are allowed to compete Elektrarna – (BrE power station) (NAmE power plant) (BrE /paʊər ˈsteɪ.ʃən/) (NAmE /paʊər plænt/) noun a factory where electricity is produced Elektroribolov – /ɪˌlek.trəʊˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun a way of fishing by using electricity to stun the fish which is then caught to the net MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 8

Evropsko prvenstvo v športnem ribolovu – course angling European championship /kɔːs ˈæŋ.ɡlɪŋ ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən ˈtʃæm.pi.ən.ʃɪp/ noun a fishing contest where fishermen from all over Europe come to compete for being the best European fisherman Glava – head /hed/ noun the part of the body where the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and brain are Globina – depth /depθ/ noun the distance down either from the top of something to the bottom, or to a distance below the top surface of something Gobec – mouth /maʊθ/ noun the opening in the face of an , consisting of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind containing the teeth and the tongue Goltni zobje – pharyngeal teeth /fəˈrɪn.dʒi.əl tiːθ/ noun opposing patches of teeth which occur on the upper and lower elements of the gill arches of some cyprinids Gorvodno – upstream /ˌʌpˈstriːm/ adj, adv in or towards the higher part of a stream; against the current Gramoznica – gravel pit /ˈɡræv.əl pɪt/ noun a place where gravel is dug out of the ground Grapa – ravine /rəˈviːn/ noun a deep narrow valley with steep sides Grba – hump /hʌmp/ noun a round raised part on a person’s or animal’s back Hidroelektrarna – hydroelectric power plant /ˌhaɪ.drəʊ.ɪˈlek.trɪk paʊɚ plænt/ noun a facility on water that produces electric energy by the force of fast moving water Hrbtna plavut – dorsal fin /ˈdɔː.səl fɪn/ noun a thin vertical part sticking out of a fish Hudournik – torrent /ˈtɒr.ənt/ noun a large amount of water that is moving quickly Ihtiofavna – ichthyofauna /ˈɪkθɪəʊˈfɔː.nə/ noun all fish that live in a particular area Ihtiolog – ichthyologist /ˈɪkθɪəʊləˈdʒɪst/ noun a person from the branch of zoology dealing with Ihtiologija – ichthyology /ˈɪkθɪəʊlədʒɪ/ noun the branch of zoology dealing with fishes Ikra – rou /rəʊ/ noun fish eggs Ilegalen ribolov – illegal fishing /ɪˈliː.ɡəl ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun the way of fishing that is not allowed or prohibited by the law Izliv – river mouth /ˈrɪv.ər maʊθ/ noun the point where a river issues into a sea or lake Izpustiti – release /rɪˈliːs/ verb to give freedom or free movement to someone or something Izvir – river source /ˈrɪv.ər sɔːs/ noun the place where water comes from the ground, the furthest point from which water could possibly flow Jata – school /skuːl/ noun a large number of fish or other sea creatures swimming in group Jez – dam /dæm/ noun a wall built across a river that stops the river’s flow and collects the water, especially to make a reservoir that provides water for an area Jezero – lake /leɪk/ noun a large area of water surrounded by land and not connected to the sea except by rivers or streams Kača – snake /sneɪk/ noun a reptile with a long body and no legs Kačji pastir – dragonfly /ˈdræɡ.ən.flaɪ/ noun a large with a long, thin, brightly coloured body and two pairs of transparent wings MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 9

Kalna voda – murky water /ˈmɜː.ki ˈwɔː.tər/ noun water that is dark and dirty or difficult to see through Kasting – casting /kɑːstɪŋ/ noun a fishing discipline where competitor throws a weight or an to the target Kobranka – dice snake /daɪs sneɪk/ noun a European non-venomous snake of the family Colubridae, grayish-green to brownish or almost black, with dark spots on the back Kolobar – fish rise /fɪʃ raɪz/ noun a ring that occurs on the water surface after fish has taken a fly or jumped out of the water Komar – mosquito /məˈskiː.təʊ/ noun a small flying insect that bites people and animals and suck their blood Komercialna voda – commercial water /kəˈmɜː.ʃəl ˈwɔː.tər/ noun a water that is used for breeding fish and selling them after fishermen caught them Kontrola – license inspection /ˈlaɪ.sənsɪnˈspek.ʃən/ noun an official visit of a warden to check your fishing license Korito – riverbed /ˈrɪv.ə.bed/ noun the ground over which a river usually flows Kormoran – cormorant /ˈkɔː.mər.ənt/ noun a large, black bird with a long neck and body that eats fish Kost – bone /bəʊn/ noun any of the hard parts inside a human or animal that make up its frame Kotanja – basin /ˈbeɪ.sən/ noun the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake, or sea Koža – skin /skɪn/ noun the natural outer layer that covers a person, animal, fruit, etc. Kraj ulova – location of the catch /ləʊˈkeɪ.ʃən əv ðə kætʃ/ noun a place where a fish was caught Krapar – carp fisher /kɑːp ˈfɪʃ.ə/ noun a fisherman that prefers catching carps Krapolovec – glej krapar Krivolov – poaching /pəʊtʃɪŋ/ noun catching and/or killing animals without permission Krivolovec – poacher /ˈpəʊ.tʃər/ noun a person who catches and/or kills animals without permission Križanec – hybrid /ˈhaɪ.brɪd/ noun an animal that has been produced from two different types of animal, especially to get better characteristics Krmišče – feeding spot /fiːdɪŋ spɒt/ noun a place where you throw feed in order to attract fish to a particular area Krmiti – to feed /fiːd/ verb to give food to animals Krmljenje – feeding /fiːdɪŋ/ noun giving food to animals Labod – swan /swɒn/ noun a large, usually white bird with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes Ledvice – kidney /ˈkɪd.ni/ noun either of a pair of small organs in the body that take away waste matter from the blood to produce urine Lehnjak – travertine /ˈtrævətɪn/ noun a porous rock consisting of calcium carbonate Lehnjakov prag – travertine cascade /ˈtrævətɪn kæsˈkeɪd/ noun a small waterfall made of travertine Lipanski pas – grayling zone /ˈɡreɪlɪŋ zəʊn/ noun a part of the river similar to the trout zone with water still flowing quite fast but the temperature is slightly higher MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 10

Ločje – rush /rʌʃ/ noun a plant like grass that grows in or near water and whose long, thin, hollow stems can be dried and made into floor coverings, containers, etc. Lokvanj – water lily /ˈwɔː.tər ˈlɪl.i/ noun a plant whose large, flat leaves and cup-shaped petals float on the surface of lakes and ponds Lov rib s plovcem – float fishing /fləʊt ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun a type of fishing where there is a float attached on the line which signalizes when the fish takes the bait Lovna sezona – fishing season /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈsiː.zən/ noun a part of the year when fishing is allowed Lovna voda – fishing water /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈwɔː.tər/ noun a water where fishing is allowed Lovopust – closed season /kləʊzd ˈsiː.zən/ noun a period of the year in which the hunting of a particular type of fish is not allowed Luska – scale /skeɪl/ noun one of the many very small, flat pieces that cover the skin of fish, snakes, etc. Meander – meander /miˈæn.dər/ noun a curve of a river or stream Meandrirati – to meander /miˈæn.dər/ verb when a river or stream follows a route that is not straight or direct Memorialno tekmovanje – memorial contest /məˈmɔː.ri.əl ˈkɒn.test/ noun a contest organized in honour of a particular person who had a huge influence on fishing but had already died Mentor – mentor /ˈmen.tɔːr/ noun a person who gives another person help and advice over a period of time and often also teaches them how to do their job Mesto krmljenja – glej krmišče Met vabe – cast /kɑːst/ verb to throw a bait into the water Metabolizem – metabolism /məˈtæb.əl.ɪ.zəm/ noun all the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth Minimalna dovoljena mera – minimum landing size /ˈmɪn.ɪ.məm ˈlæn.dɪŋ saɪz/ noun a dimension which tells us whether the fish is big enough to be landed Mirna voda – calm water /kɑːm ˈwɔː.tər/ noun a water surface that is still and has no waves Mišica – muscle /ˈmʌs.l̩ / noun one of many tissues in the body that can tighten and relax to produce movement Mladi ribič – youth angler /juːθˈæŋ.ɡlər/ noun a young person whose hobby is catching fish Mladinec – junior /ˈdʒuː.ni.ər/ noun a young person below a particular age who is involved in fishing, he is not old enough to fish without an escort of an adult Mladinska sekcija – youth section /juːθ ˈsek.ʃən/ noun a section within an angling club which educates youth anglers Mladinski tabor – youth camp /juːθ kæmp/ noun a camp where youth come to learn and practise Močvirje – swamp /swɒmp/ noun an area of very wet, soft land Most – bridge /brɪdʒ/ noun a structure that is built over a river, road, or railway to allow people and vehicles to cross from one side to the other Motna voda – cloudy water /ˈklaʊ.di ˈwɔː.tər/ noun water that is not transparent MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 11

Možgani – brain /breɪn/ noun the organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and activity Mrenski pas – barbel zone /ˈbɑːbəl zəʊn/ noun river’s zone with gentle gradient and a moderate water flow and temperature, oxygen content is good Mrtvica – oxbow lake /ˌɒks.bəʊˈleɪk/ noun a curved lake that was originally a bend in a river but became separated when the river took a new, straighter course Muhar – fly fisherman /flaɪ ˈfɪʃ.ə.mən/ noun someone who catches fish with artificial flies as lures Muhariti – fly fish /flaɪ fɪʃ/ verb to fish using artificial flies as lures Muharjenje – fly fishing /flaɪ ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun the activity of trying to catch fish using a fly to attract the fish Mulj – silt /sɪlt/ noun sand or soil that is carried along by flowing water and then dropped, especially at a bend in a river or at a river’s opening Mušica – fruit fly /fruːt flaɪ/ noun a small flying insect that feeds on plants and leaves its eggs on the leaves of plants Način ribolova – fishing technique /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ tekˈniːk/ noun a method of catching fish Najmanjša mera – glej minimalna dovoljena mera Naravna hrana – natural food /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl fuːd/ noun a food that can be found in nature and does not contain any artificial ingredients Natakniti vabo – bait a hook /beɪt ə hʊk/ verb putting a bait onto the hook in order to attract fish to be caught Nižinska reka – lowland river /ˈləʊ.lənd ˈrɪv.ər/ noun a slow-flowing river that has lower gradient, low oxygen level and often disposes a lot of sediments Nočni ribolov – night fishing /naɪt ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun fishing during the night Nosnica – nostril /ˈnɒs.trəl/ noun either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when you breathe Notranje uho – inner ear /ˈɪn.ər ɪər/ noun the part inside the ear that controls balance and the ability to hear Nutrija – coypu /ˈkɔɪ.puː/ noun a South American animal that lives near water and has valuable fur, nowadays they live also all over Europe Obrežje – shoreline /ˈʃɔː.laɪn/ noun the edge of a sea, lake, or wide river Odlavljanje – capturing /ˈkæp.tʃər ɪŋ/ noun the way of catching all the fish from certain water, normally with the help of electricity to stun the fish Ogrožena vrsta – endangered species /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive Okljuk – glej meander Oko – eye /aɪ/ noun the organ of sight containing light-sensitive cells associated with nerve fibres, so that light entering the eye is converted to nervous impulses that reach the brain Onesnaženost – pollution /pəˈluː.ʃən/ noun a damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 12

Onesnaževati – pollute /pəˈluːt/ verb to make an area or substance, usually air, water, or earth, dirty or harmful to people, animals, and plants, especially by adding harmful chemicals Ovira – obstacle /ˈɒb.stɪ.kl̩ / noun something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult Ožilje – cardiovascular system /ˌkɑː.di.əʊˈvæs.kjʊ.lər ˈsɪs.təm/ noun an organ system which circulates blood and other nutrients through blood vessels to cells Pitna voda – potable water /ˈpəʊ.tə.bl̩ ˈwɔː.tər/ noun water that is clean and safe to drink Pižmovka – muskrat /mʌskˌræt/ noun a North American beaver-like amphibious rodent, Ondatra zibethica, closely related to but larger than the voles, family Cricetidae Plankton – plankton /ˈplæŋk.tən/ noun very small plants and animals that float on the surface of the sea and on which other sea creatures feed Plavati – swim /swɪm/ verb to move through water by moving the body or parts of the body Plavut – fin /fɪn/ noun a thin vertical part sticking out of the body of especially a fish or an aircraft that helps balance and movement Plen – prey /preɪ/ noun an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal Plitvina – shallow /ˈʃæl.əʊ/ noun the shallow part of an area of water Ploščičev pas – bream zone /briːm zəʊn/ noun a big part of the river which includes lower stretches of rivers, canals and ditches, with slight current, gentle gradient and good oxygen content Pobočnica – lateral line /ˈlæt.rəl laɪn/ noun a system of sensory organs in fishes and aquatic amphibians consisting of a series of cells on the head and along the sides of the body that detect pressure changes and vibrations Podmerska riba – undersized fish /ˌʌn.dəˈsaɪzd fɪʃ/ noun fish that is not big enough to be landed Podrepna plavut – anal fin /ˈeɪ.nəl fɪn/ noun the median, unpaired fin on the ventral margin between the anus and caudal fin Podtalnica – ground water /ɡraʊnd ˈwɔː.tər/ noun underground water that is held in the soil and rocks Pogin – fish die off /fɪʃ daɪ ɒf/ noun when a big number of fish die, usually because they had been poisoned Pokalno tekmovanje – cup competition /kʌp ˌkɒm.pəˈtɪʃ.ən/ noun a competition where the best three competitors get cups as an award Pomor – glej pogin Ponikalnica – seasonal stream /ˈsiː.zən.əl striːm/ noun a stream that flows only for part of the year Ponirek – grebe /ɡriːb/ noun any of a family of grey or brown water birds that swim on or under the surface of the water Poplava – flood /flʌd/ noun to cause to fill or become covered with water, especially in a way that causes problems Porečje – river basin /ˈrɪv.ər ˈbeɪ.sən/ noun the area of land from which streams run into a river, lake, or sea MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 13

Poribljavanje – fish stocking / fɪʃ ˈstɒkɪŋ/ noun to replace fish that had been caught or had died with new ones Postrvji pas – trout zone /traʊt zəʊn/ noun a part of the river with steep gradient, fast flowing water and cool temperatures Potočni rak – crayfish /ˈkreɪ.fɪʃ/ noun a small animal that lives in rivers and streams and is similar to lobster Potok – stream /striːm/ noun water that flows naturally along a fixed route formed by a channel cut into rock or ground, usually at ground level Potopiti se – submerge /səbˈmɜːdʒ/ verb to go below or make something go below the surface of the sea or a river or lake Povirje – headwaters /ˈhedˌwɔː.tərz/ noun the tributary streams of a river in the area in which it rises, headstreams Povodje – drainage basin /ˈdreɪ.nɪdʒ ˈbeɪ.sən/ noun an area of land from which the rain flows into a particular river or lake, etc. Površinska voda – surface water /ˈsɜː.fɪs ˈwɔː.tər/ noun water that flows on the surface Pravila ribolova – fishing regulations /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˌreɡ.jʊˈleɪ.ʃən/ noun an official rule of how to catch fish Prehrana – nutrition /njuːˈtrɪʃ.ən/ noun the substances that you take into your body as food and the way that they influence your health Prehranjevanje – feeding /fiːd.ɪŋ/ noun a process of eating food Prepovedan ribolov – prohibited fishing /prəˈhɪb.ɪtɪd ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun the act of not allowing to people fish Pretok – discharge /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ noun a pouring forth of a fluid Prijem – strike /straɪk/ noun a moment when fish grabs your bait Pritok – tributary /ˈtrɪb.jʊ.tər.i/ noun a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake Prizadeta vrsta – endangered species /ɪnˈdeɪn.dʒəd ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive Prod – pebble /ˈpeb.l̩ / noun a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river Prsna plavut – pectoral fin /ˈpek.tər.əl fɪn/ noun the fin on each side of a fish near the front of its body, used for controlling the direction the fish goes in and for slowing it down Raca – duck /dʌk/ noun any of a various small aquatic birds of the family Anatidae, typically having short legs and webbed feet Rajon – area /ˈeə.ri.ə/ noun a particular part of a place, piece of land, or country Rak – crayfish /ˈkreɪ.fɪʃ/ noun a small animal that lives in rivers and is similar to a lobster Rastlina – plant /plænt/ noun a living thing that grows in earth, in water, or on other plants, usually has a stem, leaves, roots, and flowers, and produces seeds Razmnoževanje – reproduction /ˌriː.prəˈdʌk.ʃən/ noun the process of having babies, producing young, or producing new plants MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 14

Rečna dolina – river valley /ˈrɪv.ər ˈvæl.i/ noun an area of low land between hills and mountains, often with a river running through it Rečni kanal – river channel /ˈrɪv.ər ˈtʃæn.əl/ noun a passage for water to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water that is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along Rečni tok – river stream /ˈrɪv.ər striːm/ noun water that flows naturally along a fixed route formed by a channel cut into rock or ground, usually at ground level Rečno korito – riverbed /ˈrɪv.ə.bed/ noun the ground over which a river usually flows Rečno ustje – estuary /ˈes.tjʊə.ri/ noun the wide part of a river at the place where it joins the sea Redka vrsta – rare species /reər ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun a set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other, not common for one particular area Reka – river /ˈrɪv.ər/ noun a natural wide flow of fresh water across the land into the sea, a lake, or another river Rep – tail /teɪl/ noun a part of an animal’s body, sticking out from the base of the back, or something similar in shape or position Repna plavut – caudal fin /ˈkɔː.dəl fɪn/ noun the tail fin of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates, used for propulsion during locomotion Revir – fishing district /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ noun an area of a river, lake or sea, that has fixed borders where fishing is allowed Riba – fish /fɪʃ/ noun an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in throughout its mouth Ribariti – fish /fɪʃ/ verb to catch fish from a river, sea, lake, etc., or to try to do this Ribič – fisherman /ˈfɪʃ.ə.mən/ noun someone who catches fish, whether as a job or his hobby Ribiška družina – fishing club /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ klʌb/ noun a special form of society that gathers together nature lovers under their common interests for fishing sport and fish farming Ribiška trgovina – fishing store /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ stɔːr/ noun a store that is specialized in selling Ribiška zveza – fisheries society /ˈfɪʃ.ər.iz səˈsaɪ.ə.ti/ noun a large group of people who work together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing the work that needs to be done, everything to make fishing more successful Ribiški čuvaj – fishery guardian /ˈfɪʃ.ər.i ˈɡɑː.di.ən/ noun a person who protects a particular water from poachers Ribiški spremljevalec – fishing attendant /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ əˈten.dənt/ noun someone whose job is to be in a place and help fisherman Ribiški turizem – fishing tourism /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈtʊə.rɪ.zəm/ noun a set of tourism-related activities carried out by professional fisherman Ribiško tekmovanje – fishing tournament /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈtʊə.nə.mənt/ noun an organized competition among anglers Ribja steza – fish path /fɪʃ pɑːθ/ noun an alternative water path made for fish to be able to move upstream where there is a dam built MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 15

Ribji mehur – swim bladder /swɪm ˈblæd.ər/ noun an organ inside a fish that holds air so that it does not sink and stays in the correct position Ribji zarod – fish litter /fɪʃ ˈlɪt.ər/ noun a group of small animals that are born at the same time Ribnik – pond /pɒnd/ noun an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made Ribogojec – fish farmer /fɪʃ fɑːmə/ noun a person who works at a fish farm Ribogojnica – fish farm /fɪʃ fɑːm/ noun a special area of water used for breeding and growing fish Ribogojništvo – fish farming /fɪʃ fɑːmɪŋ/ noun commercial fish raising, usually for food Ribojeda ptica – fish eating bird /fɪʃ iːtɪŋ bɜːd/ noun a bird that eats fish Ribolov – fishing /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun a sport or job of catching fish Ribolovna sezona – fishing season /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈsiː.zən/ noun the time period of the year when fishing is allowed Ribolovna voda – fishing water /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈwɔː.tər/ noun a part of the river or lake where fishing is allowed Ribolovni okoliš – fishing district /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ noun an area of a river or lake which usually belongs to one fishing club Ribolovni revir – glej ribolovni okoliš Roj – swarm /swɔːm/ noun a large group of all moving together Roparica – predatory fish /ˈpred.ə.tər.i fɪʃ/ noun a species of a fish that kills and eats other fish Salmonid – salmonid /ˈsælmənɪd/ noun any fish of the family Salmonidiae Salmonidna voda – salmonid water /ˈsælmənɪd ˈwɔː.tər/ noun any water that is basically inhabited by salmonids Salmonidno-ciprinidni revir – salmonid-cyprinid water /ˈsælmənɪd ˈsɪprɪnɪd ˈwɔː.tər/ noun any water that is inhabited by both, salmonid and cyprinid fish species Samec – male /meɪl/ noun the sex that fertilizes eggs, and does not produce babies or eggs itself Samica – female /ˈfiː.meɪl/ noun the sex that can give birth to young or produce eggs Samotar – loner /ˈləʊ.nər/ noun an animal who prefers being on her own Siva čaplja – grey heron /ɡreɪ ˈher.ən/ noun a large bird with long legs, a long neck and grey feathers that lives near water Skala – rock /rɑːk/ noun any aggregate of minerals that makes up part of the earth’s crust Sladkovodna riba – freshwater fish /ˈfreʃˌwɔː.tər fɪʃ/ noun any fish living in or containing water that is not salty Slap – waterfall /ˈwɔː.tər.fɔːl/ noun water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower point, sometimes from a great height Smukanje – fish stripping / fɪʃ strɪp.ɪŋ/ noun an artificial process of removing the ovulated eggs from a female fish Soteska – gorge /ɡɔːdʒ/ noun a deep narrow valley with steep sides, usually formed by a river or stream cutting through hard rock Sotočje – confluence /ˈkɒn.fluː.əns/ noun the place where two rivers flow together and become one larger river MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 16

Spodnji tok – lower course /ˈləʊ.ər kɔːs/ noun a course of the river where its volume of water is as its greatest, where the channel is deep and wide and the landscape around is flat Srce – heart /hɑːt/ noun an organ in human or animal chest that sends the blood around the body Srednji tok – middle course /ˈmɪd.l kɔːs/ noun a course of the river where a river has more energy and volume, where the gradient is gentler and lateral erosion has widened the channel Stoječa voda – standing water /ˈstæn.dɪŋ ˈwɔː.tər/ noun any body of stagnant water, including puddles, ponds, rainwater, drain water, reservoirs, etc. Strmec – gradient /ˈɡreɪ.di.ənt/ noun a measure of such a slope, especially the ratio of the vertical distance between two points on the slope to the horizontal distance between them Struga – channel /ˈtʃæn.əl/ noun a passage for water or other liquids to flow along, or a part of a river or other area of water that is deep and wide enough to provide a route for ships to travel along Studenec – spring /sprɪŋ/ noun a place where water naturally flows out of the ground Svetovno prvenstvo – world championship /wɜːld ˈtʃæm.pi.ən.ʃɪp/ noun a competition where competitors from all over the world compete who is the best Školjka – clam / klæm/ noun a creature with a shell in two parts than can close together tightly, and a soft body that can be eaten Škrge – gill /ɡɪl/ noun the organ through which fish and other water creatures breathe Škržni poklopec – gill arch /ɡɪl ɑːtʃ/ noun any of the bony or cartilaginous arches or curved bars extending dorsoventrally and placed one behind the other on each side of the pharynx and supporting the gills of fishes and amphibians Športni ribolov – sport fishing /spɔːt ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun fishing mainly for pleasure or competition Talna riba – bottom fish /ˈbɒt.əm fɪʃ/ noun any of certain fishes that live at or near the bottom of a body of water Talni ribolov – bottom fishing /ˈbɒt.əm ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun fishing with weighted line for fish that feed close to the bottom Tehnika ribolova – fishing technique / ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ tekˈniːk/ noun a method of catching fish Tekoča voda – flowing water /ˈfləʊ.ɪŋ ˈwɔː.tər/ noun any body of water that is moving, including rivers, streams etc. Temperatura vode – water temperature /ˈwɔː.tər ˈtem.prə.tʃər/ noun a measured amount of heat in water Teža – weight /weɪt/ noun the amount that something or someone weighs Tipalka – barbel /ˈbɑːbəl/ noun any of several slender tactile spines or bristles that hang from the jaws of certain fishes, such as the catfish and carp Tok – stream /striːm/ noun any current of water or liquid Tolmun – pool /puːl/ noun a deep part of a stream or river where the water runs very slowly Tolščenka – adipose fin /ˈæd.ɪ.pəʊs fɪn/ noun a posterior dorsal fin occurring in some fish, such as those of the and catfish families Trebuh – stomach /ˈstʌm.ək/ noun a soft front part of your body just below the chest MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 17

Trebušna plavut – pectoral fin /ˈpek.tər.əl fɪn/ noun the fin on each side of a fish near the front of its body, used for controlling the direction the fish goes in and for slowing it down Trofeja – trophy /ˈtrəʊ.fi/ noun a memento of success, especially one taken in war or hunting Trup – body /ˈbɒd.i/ noun the main part of a person’s or animal’s body, without the head, arms, and legs Ujeti – catch /kætʃ/ verb to take hold of something Ulov – catch /kætʃ/ noun an amount of fish caught Usta – mouth /maʊθ/ noun the opening in the face of a person or animal, consisting of the lips and the space between them, or the space behind containing the teeth and the tongue Ustna votlina – oral cavity /ˈɔː.rəl ˈkæv.ɪ.ti/ noun the part of the mouth behind the gums and teeth that is bounded above by the hard and soft palates and below by the tongue and by the mucous membrane connecting it with the inner part of the mandible Ustnica – lip /lɪp/ noun either of the two fleshy folds surrounding the mouth, playing an important role in the production of speech sounds, retaining food in the mouth, etc. Utruditi – tire out /taɪər aʊt/ verb to make someone extremely tired Utrujanje ribe – tire out a fish /taɪər aʊt ə fɪʃ/ verb to make a fish extremely tired Vališče – hatchery /ˈhætʃ.ər.i/ noun a place for hatching large numbers of eggs, especially fish or chicken eggs Velikost – size /saɪz/ noun how large or small something or someone is Veslati – row /rəʊ/ verb to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with oars Veslo – oar /ɔːr/ noun a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat Vidra – otter /ˈɒt.ər/ noun a mammal with four legs and short brown fur that swims well and eats fish Vijačenje – /ˈspɪnˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun a fishing technique where a spinning lure which imitates a small fish is used to catch fish Voda – water /ˈwɔː.tər/ noun a clear liquid, without colour or taste, that falls from the sky as rain and is necessary for animal and plant life Vodna gladina – water surface /ˈwɔː.tər ˈsɜː.fɪs/ noun the top part of any body of water Vodni tok – glej tok Vodno dno – glej dno Vodno rastlinje – aquatic plants /əˈkwæt.ɪk plænt/ noun any plants living, growing, happening, or connected with water Vodomec – kingfisher /ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃ.ər/ noun a small brightly coloured bird with a long pointed beak, which leaves near rivers and lakes and eats fish Vodostaj – water level /ˈwɔː.tər ˈlev.əl/ noun the level reached by the surface of a body of water Vodotok – watercourse /ˈwɔː.tər.kɔːs/ noun a stream of water such as a river or canal, or the channel along which if flows MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 18

Vodovje – waters /ˈwɔː.tərz/ noun any body of sea, or seas regarded as sharing some common quality Vonj – smell /smel/ noun the characteristic of something that can be recognized or noticed using the nose Vrša – /fɪʃ træp/ noun a trap usually consisted of a steel frame used for fishing Vrtinec – whirlpool /ˈwɜːl.puːl/ noun a small area of the sea or other water in which there is a powerful, circular current of water that can pull objects down into its centre Vsejeda riba – omnivore fish /ˈɒm.nɪ.vɔːr fɪʃ/ noun a fish that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat Vzreja – breeding /ˈbriː.dɪŋ/ noun the process of producing plants or animals by sexual reproduction Zaliv – bay /beɪ/ noun a part of the coast where the land curves in so that the sea is surrounded by land on three sides Zarod – litter /ˈlɪt.ər/ noun a group of animals that are born at the same time and have the same mother Zasidrati se – anchor /ˈæŋ.kər/ verb to lower an anchor into the water in order to stop a boat from moving away Zastrupitev – poisoning /ˈpɔɪ.zən.ɪŋ/ noun an illness cause by eating, drinking, or breathing a dangerous substance Zaščitena vrsta – protected species /prəˈtektɪd ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun animal or plant species that are kept safe from being injured or killed Zategniti – strike /straɪk/ verb to lift the rod quickly and straighten the line to set the hook into fish’s mouth Zgornji tok – upper course /ˈʌp.ər kɔːs/ noun a part of the river near the source, where the vertical erosion is greatest and the river runs through steep valleys, produces rapids and often waterfalls Zmleti – grind /ɡraɪnd/ verb to make something into small pieces or a powder by pressing between hard surfaces Žaba – frog /frɒɡ/ noun a small animal that has smooth skin, lives in water and on land, has long powerful back legs with which it jumps from place to place, has no tail, and is usually greenish- brown in colour Želodec – stomach /ˈstʌm.ək/ noun an organ in the body where food is digested Želva – turtle /ˈtɜː.tl̩ / noun an animal which lives in or near water and has a thich shell covering its body into which it can move its head and legs for protection Žrelo – throat /θrəʊt/ noun the front of the neck, or the space inside the neck down which food and air can go Žuboreti – burble /ˈbɜː.bl̩ / verb to make a low, continuous bubbling sound, like water moving over stones Žuželka – insect /ˈɪn.sekt/ noun a type of very small animal with six legs, a body divided into three parts and usually two pairs of wings, or, more generally, any similar very small animal

MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 19

Comments on terminology relating to fishing

Finding word equivalents for terms in this section was the easiest compared to terms in other sections. I had the knowledge of the equivalents for the majority of these terms but I had to seek their definitions in English dictionaries. I used two dictionaries for definitions and the pronunciation of all terms: Cambridge Dictionaries Online and Collins English Dictionary. For example, for the words algae, member, torrent, pray, stomach, insect, etc. the equivalents were present to me in English and I only had to find the definition and check the pronunciation. With some terms it was more difficult. First I had to find a suitable translation with Google Translate and then I searched for a definition in Collins or Cambridge dictionaries, for example cardiovascular system, swarm, confluence, gill, etc. If I was not absolutely positive about the translation offered in Google Translate I entered the term into Google Search to confirm, either with photos or other websites, that the translation was suitable. Examples for this are coypu, fruit fly, muskrat, grass snake, pharyngeal teeth, gray heron, etc. I had great difficulty finding an equivalent word for the term adipose fin. I did not find a translation with Google Translate so I entered trout fish fin into Google Search. I encountered a picture of a trout and the names of all its fins, because I knew that this type of fin is typical of trouts only.


Brezzalustnik – barbless hook /bɑːbləs hʊk/ noun a hook that was made without a barb or has had its barb either completely removed, or compressed so that it is completely with the shaft of the hook Bolognese palica – Bolognese rod /ˌboʊ.lə.ˈniːz rɒd/ noun a fishing rod used mainly by competitive fishermen fishing in deep, running waters. These rods are up to 8 m in length and are very light because of the carbon that they are mostly made of Čoln – boat /bəʊt/ noun a small vehicle for travelling on water Dolgohrbtnik – long shank hook, longshank hook /lɒŋ ʃæŋk hʊk/ noun a hook with extra long shank, made for baiting up long baits such as worms, or for big streamers in fly fishing Drevak – dugout /ˈdʌɡ.aʊt/ noun a small light boat made by cutting out the middle of a tree trunk MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 20

Držalo za sete – pole roost /pəʊl ruːst/ noun a plastic stand that is used for holding few rods Elastika - pole elastic /pəʊl ɪˈlæs.tɪk/ noun a device used on a part of a line that is attached to the pole, to cushion the fight from a battling fish and therefore helps the line to be less likely to break Elektroagregat – electrofisher /ɪˈlek.trəʊˈfɪʃ.ə/ noun an electronic device which is used to catch fish in large quantities and very quickly. It relies on two electrodes which deliver current into the water to stun fish, but results in no permanent harm to fish Frača – slingshot /ˈslɪŋ.ʃɒt/ noun a Y-shaped implement with a loop of elastic fastened to the ends of two prongs, used for throwing fishing food to long distances Gaf – gaff /ɡæf/ noun a stiff pole with a stout prong or hook attached for landing big fish Harpuna – spear gun /spɪər ɡʌn/ noun a device for shooting spears under water Hlačni škornji – /ˈweɪdəz/ noun long waterproof boots, sometimes extending to the chest like trousers, worn by anglers Igla za natikanje bojlijev – needle /ˈbɔɪli ˈniːdəl/ noun a needle that opens on one side and forms a hook which is used to attach a boilie or some other bait to a hair Indikator prijema – strike indicator /straɪkˈɪn.dɪ.keɪ.tər/ noun a device that indicates to a fisherman that a fish took the bait Iskalnik rib – /fɪʃ ˈfaɪn.dər/ noun a device that transmits sound waves and receives echoes from the bottom and can therefore display where the fish are, what the depth is, etc. Izravnalec vrvice – line aligner /laɪn əˈlaɪnə/ noun bevelled plastic tube attached to the shank to fix the angle between the hook and the nylon trace Jeklena predvrvica – steel wire leader /stiːl waɪər ˈliː.dər/ noun a leader that is used as the end of the line to prevent a fish from biting through the leader Jig trnek – jig head /dʒɪɡ hed/ noun a type of a hook with big and heavy front to gain some weight and therefore reach big depths Klešče – glej ribiške klešče Kolesce – glej ribiško kolesce Konektor – pole elastic connector /pəʊl ɪˈlæs.tɪk kəˈnek.tər/ noun small plastic device used as a connection between pole elastic and line Konica trnka – hook point /hʊk pɔɪnt/ noun a sharp end that penetrates the mouth or flesh of a fish Kraparska palica – carp rod /kɑːp rɒd/ noun a rod used for carp fishing or fishing for big fish, used mainly for bottom fishing. This kind of a rod is usually put on a rod pod Krma – /ɡraʊnd beɪt/ noun bait that fisherman throws into water to attract fish Krmilnik – feeder /ˈfiː.dər/ noun a metal device which is placed just above the hook and is used to put bait on it in order to attract fish. They come in many different sizes and shapes; therefore there are many different names, such as a method feeder, a spring feeder, a cage feeder, etc. Las za bojli – hair /heər rɪɡ/ noun a thin thread which is attached to the hook and where we put some sort of on. The main purpose of it is that the hook is free and a fish is easily hooked MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 21 up. It is used mostly for putting on it, but can be used for putting other types of baits to it as well Letna ribolovna dovolilnica – (BrE annual fishing licence) (NAmE annual fishing license) /ˈæn.ju.əl ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈlaɪ.səns/ noun an official document that gives you permission to fish through whole year Ležaj – bearing /ˈbeə.rɪŋ/ noun a part of a that supports another part that turns around Match palica – match rod /mætʃ rɒd/ noun a strong, light and quality fishing rod, that usually consists of three parts and have their guides very tight together Merilnik globine – plummet /ˈplʌm.ɪt/ noun a lead plumb used in conjunction with the float to determine the depth of water Montaža – glej naveza Mreža čuvarica – keepnet /ˈkiːp.net/ noun a cone-shaped net that is put in a river and used for keeping fish alive after they have been caught Muharica – glej muharska palica Muharka – glej muharska palica Muharska palica - fly rod /flaɪ rɒd/ noun a light, thin and flexible rod, now usually made of fibreglass or split cane, used in fly-fishing Muharski primež – fly tying vice or fly tying vise /flaɪ taɪŋ vaɪs/ noun an appliance for holding a hook while a fly tier makes a fly Naveza – rig /rɪɡ/ noun an arrangement of one or more hooks, lines, swivels, sinkers and floats for fishing Navijalka za navezo – winder /ˈwaɪn.dər/ noun a plastic tool used for storing rigs when they are not in use Navijalni boben – spool /spuːl/ noun a part of the reel that holds the line Nož – knife /naɪf/ noun a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp-edged often pointed blade of metal fitted into a handle Obroček – guide /ɡaɪd/ noun a round ring attached to the fishing rod in order to direct the motion of the Obtežilnik – sinker /ˈsɪŋ.kər/ noun a weight fixed to a fishing line or net to keep it under water Odpenjač – disgorger /dɪsˈɡɔːdʒə/ noun a tool used in coarse fishing to remove a hook when it is too deep in fish’s mouth to remove it with fingers Odpenjalna podloga – unhooking mat /ʌn'hʊk.ɪŋ mæt/ noun a mat we put a fish on to safely remove a hook from its mouth without harming it Odpenjalne klešče – forceps /ˈfɔː.seps/ noun a metal instrument with two handles used for removing a hook, when it is too deep in fish’s mouth to remove it with fingers, or for squeezing the sinker Ost trnka – glej konica trnka MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 22

Palica za vijačenje – spinning rod /ˈspɪn.ɪŋ rɒd/ noun a strong rod that is used for spinning. In most cases they consist of two parts and are shorter than 3,5m, usually made from carbon and used for catching predator fish Pinceta – tweezers /ˈtwiː.zəz/ noun a small pincer-like instrument for handling small objects Plavajoča vrvica – floating line /ˈfləʊ.tɪŋ laɪn/ noun a fly-fishing line that floats on the surface Pletena vrvica – /breɪdəd ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ laɪn/ noun a line made by braiding few fibers of a man-made material into one line. That kind of a line is extremely strong but it is also known that it does not stretch much Plovec – (BrE float) (NAmE bobber) (BrE /fləʊt/) (NAmE /bɒbə/) noun an indicator attached to a baited line that sits on the water and moves when a fish bites Podmetalka – landing net /ˈlæn.dɪŋ net/ noun a net that is used by an angler to land a big fish Polagalka – whip /wɪp/ noun a telescopic rod without a fishing reel, made from carbon fibre, normally ranges between 3-6m, while the rig is attached to the whip by connecting it to the eye at the end of the whip Požirka – silicon tubing /ˈsɪl.ɪ.kən ˈtjuː.bɪŋ/ noun a small item that is put on the float to make it stay on the same place on the fishing line Predvrvica – leader /ˈliː.dər/ or trace /treɪs/ noun a length of nylon attaching a hook or fly to a line Primež – glej muharski primež Recept za bojlije – boilie recipe /ˈbɔɪli ˈres.ɪ.pi/ noun a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook boilies, including a list of what ingredients are needed for this Ribiška mreža – fishnet /ˈfɪʃ.net/ or /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ net/ noun a net for catching fish Ribiška oprema – fishing equipment /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ or fishing gear /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ɡɪər/ or fishing tackle /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ ˈtæk.l/̩ noun the equipment required for fishing Ribiška palica – (BrE fishing rod) (NAmE fishing pole) (BrE /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ rɒd/) (NAmE /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ pəʊl/) noun a long pole made of wood, plastic, etc. with a line attached to it and a hook at the end of the line, used for catching fish Ribiška vrvica – fishing line /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ laɪn/ noun a strong string made from artificial material used with a fishing rod to catch fish Ribiške klešče – pliers /ˈplaɪ.əz/ noun a small tool with two handles for holding or pulling things, or for cutting the line or wire Ribiški pribor – glej ribiška oprema Ribiški stol – fishing chair /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ tʃeər/ noun a seat for one person, which normally has four legs, and sometimes few drawers, to put some fishing gear in it Ribiški škornji – waders /ˈweɪ.dəz/ noun long waterproof boots, sometimes extending to the chest like trousers, worn by anglers Ribiški telovnik – fishing vest /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ vest/ noun a shirt without sleeves with many pockets where we can put fishing gear in, used in fishing MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 23

Ribiško kolesce – fishing reel /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ rɪəl/ noun a cylindrical device for winding, casting, etc., consisting of a revolving spool with a handle, attached to a fishing rod. There are two types of fishing reels: front drag reel and rear drag reel Ribolovna dovolilnica – fishing permit /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ 'pɜ:mɪt/ noun an official document that allows you to fish in a particular river or other fishing area Ročaj role – reel handle /rɪəl ˈhæn.dəl/ noun a part of a fishing reel designed for reeling the line on a spool Rola – glej ribiško kolesce Roler za štek – pole roller /pəʊl ˈrəʊ.lər/ noun a stand usually with adjustable legs, which is put behind an angler, used for rolling a pole while fishing Sak – lave net /leɪv net/ noun a large that is put in water and lifted when there are fish inside, used mainly in the past Sidro – anchor /ˈæŋ.kər/ noun a heavy metal object, usually shaped like a cross with curved arms, on a strong rope or chain, that is dropped from a boat into the water to prevent the boat from moving away Spin palica – glej palica za vijačenje Stojalo za palice – rod pod /rɒd pɒt/ noun a stand made from aluminum or some other artificial material, used mainly in carp fishing, to put a fishing rod on Svinec – glej obtežilnik Svinger – swing hanger indicator /swɪŋ ˈhæŋ.ər ˈɪn.dɪ.keɪ.tər/ noun an indicator that is set between a fishing reel and a strike indicator and when a fish takes a bait and therefore strengthens the line, it pulls the line very quickly and signals the device to alarm the fisherman Ščipalec – clipper /ˈklɪp.əz/ noun a device for cutting, fishermen use it for cutting fishing line Škornji – glej ribiški škornji Škropilec – (BrE atomizer) (NAmE atomizer) /ˈæt.ə.maɪ.zər/ noun a device that changes liquid into small drops by forcing it out through a very small hole. It is used in coarse fishing to wet the groundbait Štek – pole /pəʊl/ noun a rod made from the best carbon and therefore very light. It consists of few parts which can be put together and apart and measure up to 13 m in length. They are mainly used in fishing competitions. Štoper – float stop /'fləʊt stɒp/ noun a small piece of fishing gear attached to the line to prevent the waggler to move on the line Tehtalna podlaga – weigh sling /'weɪ slɪŋ/ noun a large piece of fishing gear used to put big fish into to weight them before releasing them Teleskopska palica – telescopic rod /ˌtel.ɪˈskɒp.ɪk rɒd/ noun a rod that is designed to collapse down to a short length and open to a long rod (2,5-4m). These rods are usually cheaper, heavier and stronger in comparison to other fishing rods and can be used for float fishing or bottom fishing. Telovnik – glej ribiški telovnik MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 24

Toneča vrvica – sinking line /sɪŋk.ɪŋ laɪn/ noun a fly-fishing line that sinks to the depth, it is used mainly in connection with heavy nymphs or streamers Trnek – fish-hook /'fɪʃ hʊk/ noun a curved device used for catching fish by impaling them in the mouth Trojček – treble hook /ˈtreb.l ̩ hʊk/ noun a single eyed hook with three shanks and three evenly spaced point Uho trnka – hook eye /'hʊk aɪ/ noun a small loop or hole at the end of a hook, a part of the that is used to connect the hook to the line or lure Utež – glej obtežilnik Vagler – waggler /ˈwæglə/ noun a float only the bottom of which is attached to the line Valilnik – hatchery /ˈhætʃ.ər.i/ noun a place for hatching large numbers of eggs, especially fish or chicken eggs Vodilo – glej obroček Vodna kroglica – bubble float /ˈbʌb.l ̩ fləʊt/ noun a type of a that is hollow inside but can be filled with some water if a fisherman wants it to partially sink to the water Vozel – knot /nɒt/ noun a join made by tying two or more fishing lines together or by tying a hook, a fly or some other bait onto the fishing line Vrat trnka – shank /ʃæŋk/ noun the relatively straight portion of the hook which extends from the eye to the first bend Vrtilka – swivel /ˈswɪv.əl/ noun a device made of two parts which turn independently, preventing the line from being tangled Vrvica – glej ribiška vrvica Zalust – barb /bɑːb/ noun a subsidiary point facing in the opposite direction to the main point of a fish-hook, intended to make extraction difficult Zalustnik – barbed hook /bɑːbd 'hʊk/ noun a hook that has a sharp point that is curved backwards and therefore prevents a fish from unhooking Zanka – loop /luːp/ noun the curved shape made when something long and thin bends until one part of it nearly touches or crosses another part of it Zaponka – bail /beɪl/ noun a part of a fishing reel that when opened, allows line coming out from the fishing reel, and when closed it prevents line from coming out of the fishing reel Zavora – drag /dræɡ/ noun a mechanism on a fishing reel that makes a friction and when properly set, helps the line to be less likely to break

Comment on fishing gear terminology

To find word equivalents for terms in this section I had to be quite inventive. I watch a lot of fishing series, so I knew the suitable translations for words like , MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 25 wadders, boilie needle, fishfinder, carp rod, rod pod, loop, etc. When watching these series I also noticed that there is a difference between the UK term for plovec, which is float and the North American which is bobber. For some words I only had to check the Google Translate to be sure: bolognese rod, slingshot, line aligner, feeder, etc. Some words are even used among Slovene fishermen as they are in English (rod pod), or similarly (bolognese rod as »bolonez«). Word equivalents for the following terms: unhooking mat, forceps and dogout; were found with Google Translate or Pons Dictionary and then their definitons were again taken from Cambridge or Collins Dictionary. For the term barbless hook the equivalent was found by seeking part of the word (zalust, barb in English) and then logically putting together the whole word (brezzalustnik, barbless). To be sure I checked the term barbless hook in Google Search and confirmed my assumptions. For the term disgorger I had to check the products on an online shop with selling fishing equipment (Bass Pro Shops). The term shank was found by entering »parts of the hook« into Google Search. During the time when I was already writing this thesis there were two fishing tournaments in my hometown. These tournaments attracted competitors from all over the world so I took advantage of being a judge there and I asked a few native speakers from the UK to help me with some terms. These terms were pole roost, plummet, gaff, whip, pole roller.


Aditiv, atraktor, dodatek – additive /ˈæd.ɪ.tɪv/ noun a substance that is added to bait in order to improve its taste or appearance to attract fish Aroma – (BrE flavour) (NAmE flavor) /ˈfleɪ.vər/ noun a particular taste itself Atraktor – glej aditiv Beljakovine – protein /ˈprəʊ.tiːn/ noun one of the many substances found in bait, fish need to eat it in order to grow Blestivka – /ˈspɪnərbeɪt / noun a fishing bait that has one or more metal blades shaped so as to spin like a propeller when the lure is in motion MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 26

Bojli – boilie /ˈbɔɪlɪ/ noun boiled paste fishing baits, usually combinations of fishmeals, milk proteins, bird foods, semolina and soya flour mixed with eggs, one of the most established carp baits but also used in catfish fishing Cimetaš – Cinnamon Sedge /ˈsɪn.ə.mən sedʒ/ noun an angler’s name for a small four-winged caddisfly which has pale hand wings, that frequents sluggish water Cof – braid /breɪd/ noun weighted bait made of four or more straps of leather or silicon used particularly for fishing for huchen Čarnik – Grayling Witch (also red tag) /'greɪlɪŋ wɪtʃ/ noun artificial fly which has a tale made of red wool, a body made of peacock herl and a heckle made of Rhode Island Red’s feathers Češnja – cherry /ˈtʃer.i/ noun a small, round, soft red fruit with a single hard seed in the middle which can be used for fishing as bait Črv – worm /wɜːm/ noun a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones, used for fishing as bait Deževnik – /ˈɜːθ.wɜːrm/ noun any of numerous worms which burrow in the soil and help aerate and break up the ground Drevesni plod – tree fruit /triː fruːt/ noun the soft part containing seeds that is produced by a plant. Many types of fruit can be used as bait for fishing Dodatek – glej aditiv Enodnevnica – dayfly /ˈdeɪ.flaɪ/ noun slender insect with delicate membranous wings having an aquatic larval stage and terrestrial adult stage. It lives in freshwater for about a year and as an adult on land for a few hours to a few days Fuj – bloodworm /'blʌdwɜːm/ noun a small red larvae, living in a mud at the bottom of the rivers, used as a bait by anglers Gamarus, postranica – amphipod /ˈæm·fəˌpɑd/ noun any marine or freshwater that is similar in appearance to a shrimp but has no shell, in which the body is literally compressed Glukoza – glucose /ˈglu·koʊs/ noun a type of sugar that is found in many foods and that organisms use to get energy Hrana – food /fu:d/ noun any substance containing nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that can be ingested by a living organism and metabolized into energy and body tissue Hranilna vrednost – nutritional value /njuːˈtrɪʃ.ən.əl ˈvæl.juː/ noun capacity to nourish the body with the substances needed to live and grow. It means the quantity, range and quality energy (calories), vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are found in food Hranilo – nutrient /ˈnjuː.tri.ənt/ noun any substance that plants or animals need in order to grow Izdelava bojlijev – making boilies /ˈmeɪ.kɪŋ ˈbɔɪliz/ noun the activity or process of making boilies Jetra – liver /ˈlɪv.ər/ noun a large organ in the body that cleans and produces bile Kaménjarka – glej vrbnica Kaster - caster /ˈkɑː.stər/ noun a chrysalis of a maggot, a shell-like pupae that contains the soon-to- emerge fly MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 27

Kobilica – grasshopper /ˈɡrɑːsˌhɒp.ər/ noun a plant-eating insect with long back legs that can jump very high and makes a sharp high noise using its back legs or wings Koruza – corn /kɔːn/ noun the seeds of the maize plant, or the plant itself Koruzna moka – cornflour /ˈkɔːrn.flaʊr/ noun a white flour made from maize, used in cooking for making liquids thicker Kostni črv – maggot /ˈmæɡ.ət/ noun a creature like a very small worm which later develops into a fly and is found in a decaying meat and other foods, it can be used as bait for fishing and is also one ot he most used baits in fishing competitions Kotačnik – rotifer /’rəʊtɪfə/ noun any minute aquatic multicellular , having a ciliated wheel-like organ used in feeding and locomotion Kraljevi kočijaž – Royal Coachman /ˈrɔɪ.əl kəʊtʃmæn/ noun artificial fly tied as a wet fly, dry fly and streamer pattern. It has a peacock body with red silk or floss, a white wing and brown or red- brown hackle Kruh – bread /bred/ noun a food made from flour, water, and usually yeast, mixed together and baked Leča – lentil /ˈlen.təl/ noun a very small dried bean that is cooked and eaten Levinka – Dun /dʌn/ noun a fly that resembles an insect that comes to the surface and opens its wings but cannot yet fly and is therefore an easy target for a fish Ličinka – larva /ˈlɑː.və/ noun an immature free-living form of many animals that develops into a different adult form by metamorphosis Lipidi – lipid or lipide /'laɪp.ɪd, ˈlɪp.ɪd/ noun a substance such as a fat, oil, or wax that dissolves in alcohol but not in water and is an important part of living cells Ločnica – glej mladoletnica Mah – moss /mɒs/ noun a very small, green or yellow plant that grows especially in wet earth or on rocks, walls, and tree trunks Majevka-majska muha - mayfly /ˈmeɪ.flaɪ/ noun a species of a dayfly. It is a short-lived insect that can be found near water and have long tail appendages and large transparent wings. Its larvae are aquatic. It is also an artificial fly resembling this Mladoletnica, ločnica, šaš - caddisfly (also caddice fly) /'kædɪs flaɪ/ noun any of a group of moth like insects that are attracted to lights at night and live near streams, ponds, lakes or rivers. Caddisflies are often used as models for the artificial flies used in fishing Mleko v prahu – dried milk /draɪd mɪlk/ noun milk in the form of a powder that you must add water to before you can drink it Moka – flour /flaʊər/ noun powder made from grain, especially wheat, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc. Moden – glej kostni črv Mrtva riba – dead fish /ded fɪʃ/ noun a not living fish Muha1 – fly /flaɪ/ noun any dipterous insect, esp the housefly, characterized by active flight MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 28

Muha2 – fly /flaɪ/ noun a lure made from a fish-hook dressed with feathers, tinsel, etc, to resemble any of various flies or nymphs: used in fly-fishing Naravna vaba – natural bait /ˈnætʃ.ər.əl beɪt/ noun a small amount of food that can be found in nature, put on a hook or in a special device used to attract and catch a fish Nimfa – nymph /nɪmf/ noun the immature form of some insects, such as the dragonfly and mayfly, that resembles the adult, apart from having underdeveloped reproductive organs and wings, and develop into the adult without a pupal stage Olje – oil /ɔɪl/ noun any of a number of viscous liquids with a smooth sticky feel. They are usually flammable, insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents, and are obtained from plants and animals, from mineral deposits, and by synthesis. They are used as lubricants, fuels, perfumes, foodstuffs, and raw materials for chemicals Pijavka – leech /liːtʃ/ noun a fat creature that lives in wet places and fastens itself onto the bodies of humans and animals to feed on their blood Plastični črv – /ˈplæs.tɪk wɜːm/ noun a fishing bait, made from plastic, that resembles an earthworm and can come in variety of shapes, colors and sizes Plavajoči bojli – oozing boilie /uːzɪŋ ˈbɔɪlɪ/ noun a boilie filled with high leakage feeding stimulators which creates a mist of attraction directly around the hookbait Polž – snail /sneɪl/ noun a small creature with a soft, wet body and a round shell, that moves very slowly Postranica – glej gamarus Potezanka – streamer fly /ˈstriːmə flaɪ/ noun fly tied to imitate the various species of baitfish upon which game fish feed. Usually it is tied by using feathers for the wing, but can be tied with hair and/or feathers. It can be tied in different sizes, but they are normally bigger than ordinary flies Potopka – wet fly /wet flaɪ/ noun a traditional style of fly tied with soft, swept back hackle, and a backward sweeping wing. It resembles an insect that is lifting toward the surface and has already started opening its wings Prelka – Spinner /ˈspɪn.ər/ noun a fly that resembles an insect that has developed from a Dun and became a good flyer, it lifts and descends above the water surface, mates and lays eggs Prodnica – glej vrbnica Protein – glej beljakovine Pšenica – wheat /wiːt/ noun a plant whose yellowish-brown grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself Pšenična moka – wheat flour /wiːt flaʊər/ noun powder made from wheat grain, used for making bread, cakes, pasta, pastry, etc. Puhovka – CDC fly /siːdiːsiː flaɪ/ noun fly tied from the feathers from the back of the duck, directly around the preen gland Ribja moka – fish meal or fishmeal /fɪʃ.mɪəl/ noun ground dried fish used as feed for farm animals, as fertilizer, etc MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 29

Riževa moka – rice flour /raɪs flaʊər/ noun fine flour made from ground rice Sestavina – ingredient /ɪnˈɡriː.di.ənt/ noun a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular dish Sir – cheese /tʃiːz/ noun a food made from milk, that can be either firm or soft and is usually yellow or white in color Sojina moka – (BrE soya flour) (NAmE soy flour) (BrE /ˈsɔɪ.ə flaʊə/) (NAmE /sɔɪ flaʊə/) noun powder made from soya bean Suha muha – dry fly /draɪ flaɪ/ noun an artificial fly that floats on the surface of the water and resembles the adult form of aquatic or terrestrial insect Šaš – glej mladoletnica Topni bojli – soluble boilie /ˈsɒl.jʊ.bl̩ ˈbɔɪli/ noun a boilie that is soluble in water Trzača – chironomid /kiˈranəməd/, midge /mɪdʒ/ noun a small fly that flies in groups, and often bites Umetna muha – artificial fly /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/ noun a bait which resembles some sort of an insect tied on a fishing hook Umetna vaba – artificial bait /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl beɪt/ noun a bait made by people to attract and catch a fish Upehanka – Spent /spent/ noun a fly that resembles an insect that has already done her reproduction and has fallen to the water surface exhausted Vaba – bait /beɪt/ noun a small amount of food on a hook to attract and catch a fish Vitamin – vitamin /ˈvɪt.ə.mɪn, 'vaɪ-/ noun any of a group of natural substances that are necessary in small amounts for the growth and good health of the body Vobler – crankbait /kræŋkbeɪt/, /plʌg/, wobbler /ˈwɒblə/ noun a hard bodied made from cork, plastic or wood with a plastic lip attached to the front of the body. There are different kinds of crankbaits: Plavajoči vobler – floating crankbait /ˈfləʊ.tɪŋ kræŋkbeɪt/ noun a crankbait that floats on the water surface “Popper” – popper /ˈpɒp.ər/ noun a floating crankbait that pops on the water surface when you make a sudden move with your fishing rod Toneči vobler – sinking crankbait /sɪŋkɪŋ kræŋkbeɪt/ noun a crankbait that sinks Vobler z nevtralno plovnostjo – suspending crankbait /səˈspendɪŋ kræŋkbeɪt/ noun a crankbait that starts either sinking or lifting when you start winding the fishing line Vrbnica – stonefly /ˈstəʊn.flaɪ/ noun any insect of the order Plecoptera, in which the larvae are aquatic, living beneath stones, and the adults have long antennae and two pairs of large wings and occur near water Zdrob – semolina /ˌsem.əlˈiː.nə/ noun the large hard grains of wheat left after flour has been bolted, used for puddings, soup, but also for preparation of boilies Zmes – mixture /ˈmɪks.tʃər/ noun a substance made from a combination of different substances, or any combination of different things MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 30

Žganci – “žganci” noun a dish in Slovenian and Croatian cuisine, similar to polenta, made from maize, wheat or buckwheat flour, water, cooking oil and salt Živa vaba – live bait /laɪv beɪt/ noun a bait that you put on a hook that is still alive Žlička, žlica - /spuːn lʊr/ noun a metal lure for catching predator fish such as pike, catfish, perch, zander or trout

Comments on fishing baits terminology

Quite a lot of terms have been known to me already such as spinnerbait, boilie, worm, eartworm, cherry, moss, leech, etc. Watching a fishing series also expanded my vocabulary regarding fishing terms such as maggots, oozing boilies, crankbait and popper. A word like boilie is also used in the Slovene language with the same pronunciation. A Slovene equivalent for this word is not used by Slovene fishermen and therefore I am not sure it even exists. Some terms were easily translated with Google Translate such as amphipod, larva, midge, etc. I found an equivalent for the term kotačnik with Google Search offering me the English word and description. I included a lot of different types of flies for flyfishing in this section. Since I know what these flies look like, it was not difficult to find their English equivalent on an online store for flyfishing. I found these terms on Fullingmill online store: Grayling Witch, Mayfly, Caddisfly, CDC fly, Dun, etc. Sometimes I had to use my imagination to find an equivalent in English. For the term cimetaš I entered »cinnamon fishing« into Google Search and I found a lot of references for cinnamon sedge. I checked the pictures on Google Search to confirm that this is the right equivalent for cimetaš.

MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 31


Afriški som – African sharptooth catfish /ˈæf.rɪ.kən ʃɑːptuːθ ˈkæt.fɪʃ/ noun a species of a catfish, of the family Clariidae, the airbreathing catfishes, Clarias gariepinus Alohtona vrsta – allochthonous species /əˈlɒkθənəs ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun species that are found in a place other than where they or their constituents were formed Amerikanka – glej ameriška postrv Ameriška postrv – rainbow trout /ˈreɪn.bəʊ traʊt/ noun a freshwater trout of North American origin, having body marked with many black spots and two longitudinal res stripes, Salmo Gairdneri Ameriški somič – brown bullhead /braʊn ˌbʊlˈhed/ noun a medium-sized fish of the Ictaluridae family that inhabits both fresh and brackish water, with scaleless dark brown skin and distinctive barbels, thick rounded body and large somewhat flattened head, Ameiurus nebulosus Androga – silver bream /ˈsɪl.vər briːm/ noun a species of fish very similar to bronze bream but with smaller scales, a fairly deep bodied fish with a dark olive-green back and pale fins that can be pinkish, Blicca bjoerkna Avtohtona vrsta – autochthonous species /ɔː'tɒkθənəs ˈspiː.ʃiːz/ noun species that are inhabiting a place or region from earliest known times; aboriginal Barjanski kapelj – barje sculpin /bɑːrje skʌlpɪŋ/ noun a fish very similar to Cottus gobio but with small warts on the skin behind pectoral fins, inhabits small streams to medium-sized rivers, spawns in March-April, Cottus metae Beli amur – grass carp /ɡrɑːs kɑːp/ noun a herbivorous, freshwater species of the family , native to Asia, but brought to other parts of the world to prevent the water plants from overgrowing, Ctenopharyngodon idella Belica – sunbleak /sʌnbliːk/ noun a slender fish living in schools, with a tapered body, an upward- turned mouth, it is usually only from 4-6 cm long though it can grow larger than 10 cm, Leucaspius delineatus Beloplavuti globoček – whitefin gudgeon /'dænjuːb waɪtfɪn ˈgʌdʒ.ən/ noun a small fish that grows to maximum 12 cm, inhabits bottom of moderately flowing large and medium size lowland rivers, active at night, feeds on insect larvae and other large benthic , vladykovi Blistavec – /ˈsuː.fiː.ə/ noun an autochthonous species in a drainage basin of the , that is in average 15 cm long, lives in schools in clear, running waters with pebbles at the bottom, usually used as a bait in the past, souffia Bolen – asp /æsp/ noun a predator fish, that grows up to 100 cm long, with big mouth and outstanding lower jaw, feeds on fish, Aspius aspius Ciprinid - cyprinid /ˈsɪprɪnɪd/ noun any teleost fish of the mainly freshwater family Cyprinidae, typically having toothless jaws and cycloid scales and including such food and game fishes as carp, tench, roach, and rudd MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 32

Čep – zingel /zɪŋgəl/ noun a genius of fish in the Percidae family, long and slender, reaching 12 to 48 cm in length, feeds mainly with invertebrates such as and insect larvae, and will also eat small fish, Zingel zingel Činklja – European weatherfish /ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən ˈweð.ərfɪʃ/ noun a species of loach in the Misgurnus, named as European weatherfish due to its activity patters changing when air pressure rises or falls, it can grow to a length of 30 cm, Misgurnis fossilis Črni amur – black carp /blæk kɑːp/ noun a species of cyprinid fish, in European waters allocthonous species, brought from Asia, Mylopharyngodon piceus Črni somič – black bullhead /blæk ˌbʊlˈhed/ noun a species of bullhead catfish, with ability to thrive in waters that are low in oxygen, it has barbels located near its mouth, a broad head, spiny fins and no scales, Ameiurus melas Črnomorska čepa – black sea shad /blæk 'siː ʃæd/ noun a species of ray-finned fish in the genus Alosa, originally from Black Sea, adults migrate up rivers to spawn, Alosa immaculata Črnooka – white-eye bream /waɪt aɪ 'briːm/ noun a fish that occurs in fast flowing rivers, active at night, inhabits large lowland rivers and estuaries, usually rare and threatened due to water pollution, Abramis sapa Gambuzija – western mosquitofish /ˈwes.tən məˈskiː.təʊ.fɪʃ/ noun an allochthonous fish species brought to Europe from South America to fight against malaria, because it likes eating mosquito larvae, Gambusia affinis Glavač – glej kapelj Globoček – gudgeon /'gʌdʒ.ən/ noun a ray-finned fish that lives in schools at the bottom of flowing rivers, grows up to 15 cm in length, has one pair of barbels and dark vertical spots on the caudal and dorsal fin, Gobio gobio Goli zet – three-spined stickleback /θriː.spaɪnəd ˈstɪk.l̩ .bæk/ noun a very small fish that grows up to 8 cm in length, has sharp points along its back, when spawning the males have red lower half of the body, Gasterosteus gymnurus Grba – Italian barbel /ɪˈtæl.jən ˈbɑː.bel/ noun a species of fish that is very similar to common barbel, but the Italian barbel is more greenish in colour, it grows up to 70 cm in length and can weight up to 4 kg, Barbus plebejus Grbasti okun – balon’s ruffe /ˈbæl.əns rʌfi/ noun a fish species that is allochthonous in Slovenia, it is an endemic species of the Black Sea’s drainage basin, lives in schools at the bottom of rivers, grows up to 12 cm in length, Gymnocephalus baloni Jegulja – eel /iːl/ noun a long, thin, snake-like fish, in Slovenia it can be quite commonly found in Soča river, feeds on fish, snails, active at night, Anguilla anguilla Jez – ide /aɪd/ noun silver in colour with pink fins, the tail and backfin can be greyish, this species is a predator, feeding on fish, insects, snails, it can grow up to 70 cm in length, Leuciscus idus Jezerska postrv – lake trout /leɪk 'traʊt/ noun can be found in Lake Bohinj and in some other accumulations, very similar to the Atlantic salmon, feeds on smaller fish, Salmo trutta m. lacustris MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 33

Jezerska zlatovčica – arctic char /ˈɑːk.tɪk tʃɑːr/ noun a cold-water fish, lives in deep mountain lakes, in Slovenia they can be found in Krn Lake and Lake Bohinj, when spawning they have orange to red lower half of the body and fins, Salvelinus alpinus Kapelj – bullhead /ˌbʊlˈhed/ noun a very sensitive fish that lives only in very clean waters that are rich in oxygen, a fish that feeds at night, during the day it hides between rocks, it can be used as a bait when fishing for Danube salmon, Cottus gobio Kečiga – sterlet /ˈstɜːlɪt/ noun a small , used as a food fish and a source of caviar, Acipenser ruthenus Klen – chub /ˈtʃʌb/ noun one of the most common species of fish in Slovenia, having a cylindrical dark greenish body, sometimes having orange or reddish fins, it can grow up to 80 cm in length, Leuciscus cephalus Klenič – common dace /ˈkɒm.ən deɪs/ noun very similar to chub but it is smaller, lives in schools, in winter time it moves to the deepest parts of the lakes or rivers, in Slovenia it can be found only in Danube river basin, Leuciscus leuciscus Kosalj – blue bream /bluː 'briːm/ noun also known as zope, is a fish very similar to white-eye bream, but its mouth its more normal, its scales are smaller and the body is more yellowish, Abramis ballerus Krap – carp /kɑːp/ noun a teleost food fish, carp has a body covered with cycloid scales, a naked head, one long dorsal fin, and two barbels on each side of the mouth, Cyprinus Carpio Lagunski glavoč – lagoon goby /ləˈɡuːn ˈgəʊbɪ/ noun inhabits fresh, brackish and salt waters, grows up to 5 cm in length, Knipowitschia panizzae Linj – tench /tɜntʃ/ noun freshwater game fish, it has a thickest dark greenish body with a barbel at each side of the mouth, Tinca tinca Lipan – grayling /'greɪlɪŋ/ noun a salmonoid food fish of the genus Thymallus and family Thymallidae, of the Northern hemisphere, having a long spiny dorsal fin, a silvery back, and greyish- green sides, Thymallus thymallus Mazenica – Adriatic roach /ˌeɪ.driˈæt.ɪk rəʊtʃ/ noun lives in schools, usually in the areas covered with water vegetation very close to the riverbanks, it is very rare in Slovenia and has therefore been put on the list of endangered species, Sarmarutilus rubilio Menek – burbot /ˈbɜː.bət/ noun a gadoid food fish that has barbels around its mouth, it is active at night, lives in large and cold rivers or lakes, Lota lota Mrena – barbel /ˈbɑː.bəl/ noun a fish with a pointed snout and long body, lives in fast flowing rivers where it stays at the bottom, the most common technique to catch it is bottom fishing, a very strong and powerful fish, it can grow up to 90 cm and weights up to 6 kg, Barbus barbus Mrenič – brook barbel /brʊk ˈbɑː.bəl/ noun a ray-finned fish with irregular black spots and blotches, and thick and fleshy fins, can be found in Mediterranean river basin, Barbus meridionalis caninus Navadna nežica – spinned loach /spɪnəd loʊtʃ/ noun although it is not rare in Slovenia we cannot see it often as it is active only at night, it likes being in sandy parts of rivers, lakes, oxbow lakes and MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 34 gravel pits, it can grow up to 10 cm, female lays eggs to water vegetation or on rocks, Cobitis elongatoides Navadni koreselj – crucian carp /ˈkruː.ʃən kɑːp/ noun it has a very high back, sometimes reddish fins, without barbels, it can weigh up to 2 kg, it darkens with maturity, Carassius carassius Navadni okun – ruffe /rʌf/ noun a teleost fish that has a single spiny dorsal fin, a very aggressive species, has similar colours and markings to those of the walleye, Gymnocephalus cernuus Navadni ostriž – European perch /ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən pɜːtʃ/ noun a spiny-finned teleost fish valued as food and game fishes, it is greenish in colour and has red fins, it is a very aggressive fish feeding with other fish, worms, shrimps, Perca fluviatilis Navadni zet – three-spined stickleback /ˌθriː.spaɪnd ˈstɪk.l̩ .bæk/ noun a small fish that has sharp points along its back, male can be very colourful when spawning, it can grow up to 10 cm in length, Gasterosteus aculeatus Ogrica – vimba /vɪmbʌ/ noun it has inferior mouth, a big upper lip, when spawning males have black back and reddish lower part of the body, it feeds on ground animals, Vimba vimba Ozimica – coregonus /kɔːrəgəʊ.nəs/ noun an allochthonous species in Slovenia, lives in cold and slow rivers, it can grow up to 75 cm, Coregonis lavaretus Pegunica – Danube bleak /'dænjuːb bliːk/ noun a slim fish that lives in rivers and lakes that are rich in oxygen, very rare in Slovenia, feeds on small animals, Chalcalburnus chalcoides Peščeni/kesslerjev globoček – Kessler’s gudgeon /ˈkes.lərz gʌdʒ.ən/ noun a protected fish species in Slovenia, it lives in small schools and can grow up to 8 cm, Romanogobio kesslerii Pezdirk – European bitterling /ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən ˈbɪt.ərlɪŋ/ noun it lives in lowland lakes and ponds where there are clams in water, because it lays eggs in shells, it lives in shallow waters close to the shore, Rhodeus sericeus amarus Pisanec – common /ˈkɒm.ən ˈmɪn.əʊ/ noun it lives in cold waters that are rich in oxygen, in big schools among water vegetation very close to the shore, males can be coloured from yellow to red when spawning, their lips are also coloured in red, Phoxinus phoxinus Pisanka – schneider /ˈʃnaɪdə/ noun a small fish that usually lives very close to the shore in the shallow water, it can grow up to 13 cm in length, it feeds with insects and small animals that live on the river bottom, when spawning they can get dark grey stripe above the lateral line, Alburnoides bipunctatus Piškur – lamprey /ˈlæm.pri/ noun a long, snake-like fish that uses its sucking mouth to feed off the blood of other animals, Lampetra fluviatilis Platnica – Danube roach /'dænjuːb rəʊtʃ/ noun likes living in small schools, feeds on invertebrates, algae and detritus, average size is about 30 cm but it can grow up to 50 cm, when spawning males have spawning warts on its head, Rutilus pigus virgo Ploščič – bream /briːm/ noun likes slow flowing rivers or standing waters and lives in big schools close to the bottom, in Slovenia it can be found mainly in oxbow lakes, it feeds on water vegetation and invertebrates, it gets typical spawning warts in the spawning season, Abramis brama MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 35

Podust – nase /'neɪz/ noun a fish with very typical sharp lower lip which it uses for scratching algae from rocks, it likes to move and likes living in fast flowing rivers, nasus Pohra/potočna mrena – Danube barbel /'dænjuːb ˈbɑː.bel/ noun a small fish that likes living in small and clear waters, lives by the bottom and feeds on small bottom animals and detritus, moves upstream when spawning and spawns in schools in small flowing rivers with small rocks on the bottom, Barbus balcanicus Postrvji ostriž – largemouth bass /lɑːdʒˌmaʊθ bæs/ noun an allochthonous species in Europe that came from North America, very aggressive fish, feeds on small fish, in Slovenia it can be found in some oxbow lakes of Mura and Drava, Micropterus salmoides Potočna postrv – brown trout /'braʊn traʊt/ noun a common brownish variety of the trout Salmo trutta that occurs in the rivers of N Europe, but also on other parts of Europe and in the USA, Salmo trutta m. fario Potočna zlatovčica – brook trout /'brʊk traʊt/ noun a North American freshwater trout, introduced in Europe and valued as a food and game fish, with reddish belly and lower fins, lives in clean and cold waters rich in oxygen, recently they breed this species in fish farms, Salvelinus fontinalis Potočni glavoč – Padanian goby /'pædænɪən ˈgəʊbɪ/ noun an endemic species of Jadran river basin, likes living at the bottom of cold and fast flowing rivers that are rich in oxygen, hides among rocks during the daytime and is active during the night, Padogobius bonelli Primorska belica – Italian bleak /ɪˈtæl.jən bliːk/ noun an autochthonous species of Jadran river basin, likes being in schools just under the water surface, in average it reaches 13 cm, Alburnus arborella Primorska podust – South European nase /saʊθ ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən 'neɪz/ noun an autochthonous fish of Jadran river basin, it is very similar to the , it can grow up to 30 cm in length and is considered an extinct species, Chondrostoma genei Primorski blistavec – Italian vairone /ɪˈtæl.jən veɪrəʊn/ noun an endemic species of Jadran river basin, likes running and clean waters, is on the list of protected species, Telestes muticellus Primorski pisanec – Italian minnow /ɪˈtæl.jən ˈmɪn.əʊ/ noun its maximum size can be up to 8 cm, lives in clear waters reach in oxygen, feeds on algae and invertebrates, Phoxinus lumaireul Progasti globoček – Italian gudgeon /ɪˈtæl.jən ˈgʌdʒ.ən/ noun likes being in small schools, avoids fast moving rivers, it can be found on a sandy bottom, feeds on invertebrates, Romanogobio benacensis Psevdorazbora – topmouth gudgeon /tɒp maʊθ ˈgʌdʒ.ən/ noun it can be found in ponds and small lakes, feeds on fish, fish eggs and insects, it was brought to Europe from Asia, it can grow up to 12 cm in length, Pseudorasbora parva Rdečeoka/črnovka – roach /rəʊtʃ/ noun a species of fish that can be found in stationary and moving waters, likes being in schools, it has red eyes and silvery body, Rutilus rutilus Rdečeperka – rudd /rʌd/ noun has a compressed dark greenish body and reddish ventral and tail fins, it can be found in lowland rivers, oxbows, lakes and ponds, feeds on small insects and plankton, Scardinius erythrophtalmus MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 36

Rečna babica – stone loach /stəʊn loʊtʃ/ noun likes living in streams or rivers with stone or gravel bottom, feeds on invertebrates, active mainly at night, during the day it is hidden among the rocks, Barbatula barbatula Rjavi somič – brown bullhead /braʊn ˌbʊlˈhed/ noun a medium-sized fish of the Ictaluridae family that inhabits both fresh and brackish water, with scaleless dark brown skin and distinctive barbels, thick rounded body and large somewhat flattened head, Ameiurus nebulosus Sabljarka – sabrefish /ˈseɪbəfɪʃ/ noun it feeds on invertebrates, small fish and plankton, it can grow up to 60 cm in length, and it is a protected species in Slovenia, Pelecus cultratus Saveta – Italian nase /ɪˈtæl.jən ˈneɪz/ noun lives in lakes and slow flowing rivers, feeds on plants and invertebrates, it can grow up to 45 cm in length, and it is on the list of extinct species in Slovenia, Sivi/pisani tolstolobik – bighead carp /ˈbɪɡ.hed kɑːp/ noun a bottom feeding fish, feeds on plankton and algae, due to too cold water it does not spawn in nature in Slovenia, can be found in some lakes and ponds in Slovenia, Hypophthalmichthys nobilis Smrkež – striped ruffe /straɪpt rʌfi/ noun likes being in small schools at the bottom of large rivers, active mainly at night, feeds on invertebrates and occasionally on small fish, Gymnocephalus schraetzer Smuč – zander /ˈzændə/ noun it has two separate dorsal fins, during the day time it likes to rest among submerged trees, gets active at the dawn, predator fish feeding on other fish, it has a very tasty meet, Sander lucioperca Solinarka – South European toothcarp /saʊθ ˌjʊə.rəˈpiː.ən tuːθ kɑːp/ noun it can be found in slow- flowing rivers and also in hypersaline coastal lagoons, feeds on invertebrates and plants, can also be bred in aquariums, it can grow up to 7 cm in length, Aphanius fasciatus Som – catfish /ˈkæt.fɪʃ/ noun a fish with a flat head and long hairs around its mouth that lives in lowland rivers or lakes, a night predator, feeds on fish and vertebrates, has brownish fins and no scales, Silurus glanis Sončni ostriž – pumpkinseed /ˈpʌmp.kɪnˌsiːd/ noun inhabits ponds and small rivers, feeds on small fish, vertebrates and fish eggs, natively from North America but brought to Europe, they are yellow to olive green with golden or copper spots, Lepomis gibbosus Soška postrv – marble trout /ˈmɑː.bl ̩traʊt/ noun can be found in very cold streams or upper courses of Alpine rivers that are reach in oxygen, feeds on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, adults feed on fish, in Slovenia it can be found in Adriatic basin, can grow up to 120 cm in length, can be olive- green to silvery in colour with some brown lines forming a marbled pattern, Salmo marmoratus Srebrni koreselj/babuška – Prussian carp /ˈprʌʃən kɑːp/ noun lives in lowland rivers and still waters, is very tolerant to low oxygen concentrations, feeds on plankton, plant material and invertebrates, is silvery in colour and can grow up to 35 cm in length, Carassius gibelio Srebrni/beli tolstolobik – silver carp /ˈsɪl.vər kɑːp/ noun likes to swim just beneath the surface, it feeds only on plankton, olive green or silvery in colour, has a large head and can grow up to 1 m in length, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 37

Sulec – Danube salmon /'dænjuːb ˈsæm.ən/ noun considered an endangered species in Europe, has a large mouth and head, its body is silvery-white with numerous dark spots, lives in waters that are reach in oxygen, is a predator and feeds on fish, Hucho hucho Šarenka – glej ameriška postrv Ščuka – Northern pike /ˈnɔː.ðən paɪk/ noun a predator fish feeding on other fish, frogs, small mammals and even birds, it can grow up to 150 cm in length, it is olive green in colour with many light spots, Esox lucius Štrkavec – Italian chub /ɪˈtæl.jən ˈtʃʌb/ noun can be found in small rivers and streams, feeds on terrestrial and aquatic animals, adult mainly on fishes, it has a long head and is brownish or bronze in colour, Squalius squalus Upiravec – Danube streber /'dænjuːb strebər/ noun lives in rivers with strong current, likes being at the stone bottom, feeds on invertebrates and is active mainly at night, Zingel streber Velika nežica – Balkan loach /ˈbɔːl.kən loʊtʃ/ noun occurs in moderate or fast-flowing rivers where it hides among submerged vegetation, autochthonous species in the drainage basin of the Black Sea, survives also in waters that are poor in oxygen, Cobitis elongata Velika senčica/evropska umbra – mudminnow /mʌd ˈmɪn.əʊ/ noun inhabits slow-flowing rivers, oxbows and shallow lakes, feeds on plankton, it can grow up to 12 cm in length, Umbra krameri Zelenika – bleak /bliːk/ noun lives in great schools in rivers and lakes, feeds on plankton and insects, its mouth is turned upwards, it is silvery in colour with green back, Alburnus alburnus Zlata nežica – golden spined loach /ˈɡəʊl.dən spaɪnd loʊtʃ/ noun during the daytime the adults are burrowed in the sand and gets active at night, it can reach up to 9 cm in length, Sabanejewia balcanica Zlati koreselj/zlata ribica – goldfish /ˈɡəʊld.fɪʃ/ noun lives in ponds, lakes and rivers, feeds mainly on plankton, valued as an ornamental fish for aquariums and ponds, can differ in colour a lot, from different shades of red, orange or golden, Carassius auratus Zvezdogled – Danubian longbarbel gudgeon /'dænjuːbɪən lɒŋˈbɑː.bel ˈgʌdʒ.ən/ noun juveniles are diurnal while adults are nocturnal, lives in fast-flowing rivers, feeds on insects and invertebrates, Romanogobio uranoscopus

Comments on terminology relating to fish species in Slovene fresh waters

Finding word equivalents for animal species required a slightly different approach. It was quite difficult to find some equivalents, especially for those rare species that can only be found in specific areas in Slovenia (indigenous species such as Kessel’s gudgeon, Padanian goby, Italian bleak, Italian vairone, etc.). Fortunately, the MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 38 majority of descriptions relating to animal species contain the Latin name for them, therefore I was able to find English equivalents through the Latin names. I also made use of the CD Ribe v slovenskih vodah, the book Sladkovodne ribe and the website Encyclopedia of Life. The descriptions of fish species in these sources are either too extensive, too plain, or in the Slovene language, so I formed almost all the definitions for terms in this section by myself. I tried to form the definition by gathering the most important features of the fish so that anyone could recognise the fish by its definition. There were only a few definitions that were taken from Collins Dictionary (grayling, brown trout), or Cambridge Dictionary (lamprey), or the book Sladkovodne ribe (eel). I have been familiar with these English equivalents from before. I also knew the terms bream, zander, grass carp, rainbow trout, lake trout, chub, barbel and catfish and for these I also formed completely new definitions. I found a Latin and then the English equivalent from the CD for the following fish species: bullhead, Kessler’s gudgeon, South European nase; for which I formed the definitions myself with the help of previously mentioned sources. I found a Latin and then the English equivalent from the CD for the following fish species in the book: schneider, European weatherfish, asp; for which I formed definitions with the help of previously mentioned sources.


»Blinkarjenje« (vijačenje) – spin fishing /ˈspɪnˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun a fishing technique where a spinning lure which imitates a small fish is used to catch fish »Blinker« (blestivka) – spinner, spinnerbait /ˈspɪn.ər/, /ˈspɪn.ə beɪt/ noun a fishing lure with a fin or wing that revolves when drawn through the water »Bolonez” (bolonjska oblika ribolova) – bolognese /ˌbɒl.əˈneɪz/ noun bolognese is a fishing technique used mostly at deeper parts of rivers, lakes, etc., with a telescopic rod from 4 to 9 m long with extremely fine action »Bremza« (zavora) – brake /breɪk/ noun a device inside a fishing reel that helps a fisherman to slow a fish down MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 39

»Brezvozelni vozel« – knotless knot /nɒtles nɒt/ noun a popular knot among carp fishermen, that can be used to secure various bait such as boilies to the loop section »Bučka« – /klɒŋk/ noun a fishing tool originally made from wood which has been used for catfishing mainly in Europe and consists of handle, fork and heel »Bučkati« – clonk /klɒŋk/ verb to use a fishing tool originally made from wood which has been used for catfishing mainly in Europe »Catch and release« (ujemi in izpusti) – catch and release /kætʃ ænd rɪˈliːs/ noun a way of fishing where you return all fish back into water after catching them »Futer« (vaba) – feed /fiːd/ noun food thrown into water to attract fish »Futrati« (hraniti, privabljati) – feed /fiːd/ verb to throw food into water to attract fish »Glista« (deževnik) – earthworm /ˈɜːθ.wɜːrm/ noun any of numerous worms which burrow in the soil and help aerate and break up the ground »Gumica« (elastika) – rubber /ˈrʌb.ər/ noun an elastic substance used for fishing with pole »Jumbo bojli« – jumbo boilie /ˈdʒʌm.bəʊ ˈbɔɪli/ noun big boilie with diameter around 35 mm »Kapitalec« (trofeja) – trophy /ˈtrəʊ.fi/ noun a memento of success, especially one taken in war or hunting »Kobra« – cobra /ˈkəʊ.brə/ noun a tool which is used for throwing feed, usually boilies, to long distances »Laks« (ribiška vrvica) – fishing line /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ laɪn/ noun a strong string made from artificial material used with a fishing rod to catch fish »Na grund« (talni ribolov) – bottom fishing /ˈbɒt.əm ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun fishing with weighted line for fish that feed close to the bottom »Na roke« (ribolov z rokami) – hand fishing /hænd ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ/ noun fishing with bare hands »Nosek, nosnik« (ogrica) – vimba /vɪmbʌ/ noun a fish with inferior mouth, a big upper lip, when spawning males have black back and reddish lower part of the body, it feeds on ground animals, Vimba vimba »Plemenka« – broodfish /'bruːd fɪʃ/ noun a mature fish used for the production of eggs or sperm »Potočnica« (potočna postrv) – brown trout /'braʊn traʊt/ noun a common brownish variety of the trout Salmo trutta that occurs in the rivers of N Europe, but also on other parts of Europe and in the USA, Salmo trutta m. fario »Raubšic« (ribolov na črno)– poaching /'pəʊtʃɪŋ/ noun catching and killing animals without permission on someone else's land »Rinka« (obroček) – guide /ɡaɪd/ noun a round ring attached to the fishing rod in order to direct the motion of the fishing line »Silk« (ribiška vrvica) – fishing line /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ laɪn/ noun a strong string made from artificial material used with a fishing rod to catch fish »Špula« (ribiško kolesce) – fishing reel /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ rɪəl/ noun a cylindrical device for winding, casting, etc., consisting of a revolving spool with a handle, attached to a fishing rod. There are two types of fishing reels: front drag reel and rear drag reel MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 40

»Štant« (mesto ribolova) – fishing spot /ˈfɪʃ.ɪŋ spɒt/ noun a particular place for fishing »Vloženka« (vložena riba) – stocked fish /stɒkət fɪʃ/ noun fish raised in a hatchery and released into a river, lake, or the ocean to raise the existing population »Zapeti ribo« (uspešno spraviti ribo na trnek) – hookset /'hʊkset/ noun a move made with a fishing rod by a fisherman in order to set a fish hook into the mouth of a fish

Comments on terminology relating to the Slovene fishing jargon

There are a lot of slang words in this section that I have already included in previous sections as in their proper Slovene form (»glista«, »laks«, »na grund«, »futrati«, »bremza«, »blinkarjenje«, »potočnica«, »špula«, etc.). Because the slang word and its proper Slovene equivalent have the same meaning I provided the same definition as in the previous sections. I also provided the proper Slovene equivalent for each slang word to make it easier to understand for any potential user of this dictionary. There are also some words that have not been mentioned in previous sections. For these words (»bučka«, »bučkati«, »kobra«) I provided completely new defitions because I was already familiar with the English equivalent from before. I was lucky enough to find English equivalents for two terms (»plemenka« and »vloženka«) by asking a native speaker, competitor at one of the competitions where I was a judge, and then shaped the definitions for these two terms on the basis of their suggestions.

MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 41


The aim of this graduation thesis was to gather as many different words/terms that have even the slightest connection with fishing. Before I started writing I had to think about which words I should include and which information I should provide about the chosen words. Therefore I decided to divide them into five groups, because it was easier to list the words this way: Terminology related to fishing, Fishing Gear, Fishing Baits, Fish Species in Slovene Fresh Waters and Slovene Fishing Jargon. I also decided on these groups of words because I believe it is easier to find a word in a dictionary which is organized in such a way; for example, when you are fishing and you are seeking a word related to fishing gear you simply check that section of the dictionary. First I wrote down as many words I could think of and then I continued by going through some books about fishing adding new words to my existing list. The main aim was to write a dictionary which would be user friendly for fishermen who do not have much time when fishing to search through a complex dictionary. The total number of terms that I have included in the dictionary is 612, there are 297 terms in “Terminology Related to Fishing”, 103 in “Fishing Gear”, 87 in “Fishing Baits”, 97 terms in “Fish Species in Slovene Fresh Waters” and 28 terms in “Slovene Fishing Jargon”. In the last category I included as many terms as I could think of, and I also received a lot of help from my fishing colleagues. However, the words included in that category are probably mostly used in the area where I come from, namely the Radeče region. I assume that in other parts of Slovenia other words may be used, but that could be the topic for another thesis. When trying to find English equivalents of these words I used many different strategies. I knew many words from before, so I simply had to find a suitable definition, word category and its pronunciation. I made use of the Cambridge dictionary online and Collins dictionary for this information for the majority of words. These two dictionaries could not help me much with the definitions of fish species for which I had to invent definitions. The dictionaries were not specific enough for anyone to recognize the fish when faced by it, however the books about these types of fish (Ribe v slovenskih vodah and Sladkovodne ribe) presented too MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 42 detailed definitions, therefore I designed definitions that would best summon all the important characteristics about the species in order to easily recognize them. Other word equivalents that were previously unknown to me were found with the help of either Google Translate, Latin names of fish species, Google Search and even native speakers of English from the UK. When I found an equivalent I checked it in various places (web pages, with either a photo, online-fishing shop or a description in fishing forums, articles, etc.) to be certain that it denotes the same thing as its Slovene equivalent. The most difficult equivalents to find were those of fish species, even though, I was able to search by their Latin names, it was extremely difficult to find suitable equivalents for those fish species indigenous to our area (Slovenia). Even though I knew a lot of terms from watching different kinds of fishing TV series, it was quite time consuming to find and check word equivalents for terms unfamiliar to me. In my opinion this thesis could be used as a handbook at any fishing competition planned to be organised in the future. It would also be a good idea to prepare a dictionary that would be compatible with this one, an English Slovene Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Colleagues who would like to compose a similar dictionary are advised to choose a topic they are really interested in, because it is easier to embark on such an endeavour if you are motivated. To complete the dictionary it is necessary to: list the words, divide them into semantic groups, decide on the features of the dictionary (which information one wishes to include for each term) and then start finding equivalents. To find the equivalents one needs to be quite resourceful so it is necessary to think of every possible source that could help and then check if the term found really equals the original in its own language. In the course of writing this thesis I gained a considerable amount of knowledge, especially I realised that it is not as easy to prepare a dictionary as it seems. I also became familiar many new terms from all five included categories which will hopefully come in handy when fishing with fishermen from all over the world.

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