UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko DIPLOMSKO DELO Gašper Martinšek Radeče, 2016 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko Diplomsko delo SLOVENSKO ANGLEŠKI SLOVAR RIBIŠKE TERMINOLOGIJE Graduation thesis SLOVENE ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF FISHING TERMINOLOGY Mentorica: Kandidat: Doc. dr. Klementina Jurančič-Petek Gašper Martinšek Radeče, 2016 ZAHVALA Iskrena zahvala za pomoč pri izdelavi diplomske naloge doc. dr. Klementini Jurančič-Petek, ki mi je ves čas mojega pisanja pomagala s strokovnimi nasveti ter navodili. Hvala tudi staršem, bratu Mihi, ter starim staršem, ki so me vsa ta dolga leta študija spodbujali in nikoli nehali verjeti vame. Največja zahvala pa moji ženi Sari Martinšek, ki me je neutrudno spodbujala, hodila z mano po poti do cilja, kljub temu, da ni bilo lahko. Sara vedi, da mi brez tebe ne bi nikdar uspelo. Hvala tudi vsem ostalim, ki ste mi kakorkoli pomagali, da sem uspešno dokončal zadano nalogo. Koroška cesta 160 2000 Maribor, Slovenija IZJAVA O AVTORSTVU Podpisani Gašper Martinšek, rojen 6.7.1985, študent Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, smer Angleški jezik s književnostjo in Geografija, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom Slovensko angleški slovar ribiške terminologije pri mentorici doc. dr. Klementina Jurančič-Petek, avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev. Radeče, 8.5.2016 _______________________ (podpis) POVZETEK Namen te diplomske je zbrati najpogostejše slovenske izraze iz področja ribiške terminologije in jih prevesti v angleščino. Najprej predstavim teoretično ozadje pisanja slovarjev in nadaljujem z opisom tradicije ribištva v Sloveniji. Število ribičev in obseg mednarodnih dogodkov, ki jih Ribiška zveza Slovenije organizira oziroma se jih udeležuje, so odlični razlogi za sestavljanje takšnega slovarja. Teoretičnem delu bo sledil sam slovar. Izrazi so razdeljeni po kategorijah glede na njihov pomen. Slovar vsebuje pet kategorij: Terminology related to fishing (terminologija povezana z ribištvom), Fishing gear (ribiška oprema), Fishing baits (ribiške vabe), Fish species in Slovene fresh waters (vrste slovenskih sladkovodnih rib), Slovene fishing jargon (slovenski ribiški žargon). Skupaj je v tem slovarju zbranih 612 terminov. Upam, da bo ta slovar dobro služil slovenskim ribičem, ki se želijo naučiti določenih angleških terminov, da bodo lahko uspešno komunicirali s tujci, s katerimi delijo strast do ribolova. KLJUČNE BESEDE: slovar, dvojezični slovar, ribiška terminologija, ribištvo ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to compile most frequently used Slovenian terms from the field of fishing terminology and their equivalent expressions in English. First a theoretical background to dictionary making will be presented followed by a description of the tradition of fishing in Slovenia. The number of fishermen and the international events the national fishing organization of Slovenia attends/organizes will serve as a legitimate reason for the making of such dictionary. This theoretical point of view will be followed by the dictionary itself. The terms are sorted according to their meaning in five sections: Terminology related to fishing, Fishing gear, Fishing baits, Fish species in Slovene fresh waters, Slovene fishing jargon. 612 terms are compiled in this dictionary. All terms have an explication in English, a fonetic transcription (to help learners pronounce the word) and the equivalent term in English. Hopefully this dictionary will serve to Slovenian fishermen willing to learn certain English terms to successfully comunicate with foreigners sharing their passion for fishing. KEYWORDS: dictionary, bilingual dictionary, fishing terminology, fishing INDEX 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1 1.1. FISHING SITUATION IN SLOVENIA ................................................... 1 2. THEORETICAL APPROACH TO WRITING DICTIONARIES ................... 2 2.1. DICTIONARY OR GLOSSARY ............................................................. 4 3. SLOVENE ENGLISH DICTIONARY OF FISHING TERMINOLOGY ....... 6 3.1. TERMINOLOGY RELATED TO FISHING ........................................... 6 3.2. FISHING GEAR ..................................................................................... 19 3.3. FISHING BAITS ..................................................................................... 25 3.4. FISH SPECIES IN SLOVENE FRESH WATERS ................................ 31 3.5. SLOVENE FISHING JARGON ............................................................. 38 4. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 41 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................... 43 MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 1 1. INTRODUCTION Before compiling a dictionary of any sort one must decide first about the potential users (the targeted group of people), the size and the content of the dictionary. Every dictionary has a specific purpose and a targeted group of people. ˝There are dictionaries for native speakers…., for foreign learners…, monolingual as well as bilingual, general as well as specialized…˝ (Hartmann, 2001: 4). This dictionary is, according to Hartmann´s types, a bilingual specific dictionary for foreign learners. The purpose of this graduation thesis is to compile useful words and expressions from the field of fishing. Fishing in Slovenia is a quite popular activity. In my opinion this dictionary will be useful because in the last two decades more and more foreign fishermen have decided to try their fishing luck in Slovenia and the knowledge of English language among Slovene fishermen is, in my opinion, often not sufficient to provide the quality communication between the fishermen. The dictionary is divided into five different sections; Terminology related to fishing, Fishing gear, Fishing baits, Fish species in Slovene fresh waters, Slovene fishing jargon. Every term in Slovene is specified by an English translation, a phonetic transcription in English, word class and an explanation of the term in English. 1.1. FISHING SITUATION IN SLOVENIA In the last decade or two fishing in Slovenia has become more important and its role in the world has changed in a positive way. Nowadays more and more people from all over the world come to Slovenia to find their river, lake or maybe even the fish of their dreams. The rivers are getting cleaner with building new wastewater treatment plants, which has resulted in the majority of Slovene waters being inhabited with more fish than was the case a few decades ago. As the nature in Slovenia is amazing and also the hospitality and kindness of its people, Slovenia has become a magnet for all kinds of fishermen from all over the world. Because of the increasing role in the world and all the above mentioned criteria, Slovenia has recently been chosen to host many important international MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor. Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko, 2016 2 competitions, such as the Women's World Angling Championship which took place in Radeče in 2013, World Championship for Youth which took place in Radeče and Sevnica in 2012, World Fly Fishing Championship which took place in Bohinj in 2012, World Championship Coarse Angling for Clubs which took place in Radeče in 2014 and finally the World Championship for Nations which took place in Radeče in 2015. These are all proof that the quality of fishing in Slovenia is at a very high level, and that fishing societies are doing an excellent job organising all these championships. Such an increasing number of foreign fishermen in Slovenia triggerred the idea to write this thesis, since I have experienced firsthand the problems communication between the foreign and Slovene fishermen can bring. Hopefully this dictionary will help Slovene fishermen to find uknown words and make the communciation with foreign fishermen easier. If the people from abroad that come to fish to Slovenia will feel more at home, they will more likely decide to come back, which is what all fishing societies in Slovenia would like to achieve. But before we start writing a dictionary we should focus on some norms that are suggested by Sterkenburg, Zgusta, Čermák and others experts on this subject. 2. THEORETICAL APPROACH TO WRITING DICTIONARIES Before considering compiling great numbers of words into a dictionary we must first discuss some theoretical issues regarding dictionary writing. Different types of dictionaries should be considered, the content and the structure of the dictionary (the order of the entries, the information provided about each entry) and the targeted group of people. As Sterkenburg points out: ˝There are many types of dictionary: children´s dictionaries... translation dictionaries... technical dictionaries...˝ (2003: 3). But what exactly defines a dictionary? ˝A dictionary is a systematically arranged list of socialised linguistic forms compiled from the speech-habits of a given speech community and commented on by the authors in such a way that the qualified reader MARTINŠEK, G. Slovene English Dictionary of Fishing Terminology. Dipl. delo Filozofska fakulteta Maribor.
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