Description of the Female of Navicordulia Aemulatrix Pinto
Neotropical Entomology ISSN: 1519-566X journal homepage: SYSTEMATICS, MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY Description of the Female of Navicordulia aemulatrix Pinto & Lamas and Additional Notes on the Male (Odonata: Corduliidae) AP Pinto1,2, CJE Lamas1 1Museu de Zoologia, Univ de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2PPG em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia), Instituto de Biociências, Univ de São Paulo, SP, Brazil; Collaborating researcher at the Lab de Biologia e Sistemática de Odonata, Depto de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Univ Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil Keywords Abstract Anisoptera, Corduliinae, dragonfly, morphology, taxonomy The female of Navicordulia aemulatrix Pinto & Lamas is described Correspondence Ângelo P Pinto, Museu de Zoologia, Univ de and illustrated for the first time based on a single specimen from the São Paulo, Av. Nazaré 481, Ipiranga, 04263- same locality of the type series (state of Santa Catarina, [municipality 000, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; odonata_angelo@ of São Bento do Sul, 26°14’58”S, 49°22’59”W, railroad station] Rio Vermelho, 29.I.1952, in MZSP). In addition, further morphological Edited by Roberto A Zucchi – ESALQ/USP notes for the male are provided based on three specimensN aemulatrix collected at the type locality and at a new locality in the state of Santa Catarina Received 17 May 2011 and accepted 30 July (TimbóNeocordulia municipality). setifera The pronotalin process present in . 2011 is re-evaluated and considered non-homologous to that found in (Hagen Selys) as previously suggested. Introduction anal triangle, by a pilose complex on male sternite S7, and by female subgenital plate boat-shaped, projected South American representatives of Corduliidae, commonly posteriorly beyond S10, etwith al a supralaminar process known as emerald dragonflies, due to their secretive projected posteriorly beyond apex of cerci (Machado habits are rare in collections, and general aspectset onal & Costa 1995, GarrisonNavicordulia aemulatrix 2006).
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