Actazoologicacracoviensia, 53B(1-2):9-38,Kraków,30June,2010 doi:10.3409/azc.53b_1-2.09-38 SystematicanddistributionaldataonNeotropicalArchipini (Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) JózefRAZOWSKI andVitorO.BECKER Received:15Jan.2010 Accepted:15March2010 RAZOWSKI J., BECKER V. O. 2010. Systematic and distributional data on Neotropical Ar- chipini(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae). Actazoologicacracoviensia, 53B(1-2):9-38. Abstract. Seven Neotropical genera and 34 species are treated. One genus (Raisapoana gen. n.) and 20 species (Sychnovalva simillima sp. n., Claduncaria maestrana sp. n., Raisapoana paraisoana sp. n., Argyrotaenia cubae sp. n., A. vinalesiae sp. n., A. santa- catarinae sp. n., A. chiapasi sp. n., A. lojalojae sp. n., A. telemacana .n., A. granpiedrae sp. n., A. potosiana sp. n., Clepsis logilabis sp. n., C. jordaoi sp. n., C. brunneotona sp. n., C. griseotona sp. n., C. labisclera sp. n., C. bertiogana sp. n., C. diversa sp. n., C. paralaxa sp.n., C.pinaria sp.n.)aredescribedasnew. Keywords:Lepidoptera,Tortricidae,Cochylini,Neotropics,distribution,newtaxa. Józef RAZOWSKI, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences,S³awkowska17,31-016Kraków,Poland. E-mail:
[email protected] Vitor O. BECKER, Reserve Serra Bonita, P.O. Box 01, 45880-970 Camacan, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
[email protected] I.INTRODUCTION This paper constitutes the second part of our series on the Neotropical Tortricidae (first is de- voted to Atteriini: RAZOWSKI &BECKER 2010, in press). It follows the papers of the similarly enti- tledseriesontheCochylinistartedbyRAZOWSKI &BECKER (2002). The papers consist of the descriptions of new taxa from various tropical New World countries, chiefly from Brazil, Costa Rica, and Ecuador and the unpublished data on their morphology and dis- tribution.