TRIBE OR TRIBAL ORGANIZATION INITIAL CR RELEASE Alabama Ma-Chis Lower Creek Indian Tribe $7,037 Mowa Band of Choctaw Indians
2018 Initial CR Release of LIHEAP Block Grant Funds to Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations under P.L. 115-56 INITIAL CR TRIBE OR TRIBAL ORGANIZATION RELEASE Alabama Ma-Chis Lower Creek Indian Tribe $7,037 Mowa Band of Choctaw Indians $128,077 Poarch Band of Creek Indians (also in Florida) $82,073 United Cherokee Ani-Yun Wiya Nation $33,442 Alaska Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association $165,633 Aniak Traditional Council $149,594 Assn. of Village Council Presidents $2,392,465 Bristol Bay Native Association $900,047 Chuathbaluk Traditional Council $18,751 Cook Inlet $259,388 Kenaitze Indian Tribe $117,991 Orutsararmuit Native Council $218,761 Seldovia Village $10,938 Sitka Tribe of Alaska $65,595 Tanana Chiefs Conference $1,493,031 Tlingit & Haida Central Council $700,036 Yakutat Tlingit Tribe $31,252 Arizona Cocopah Tribe $7,223 Colorado River Indian Tribes (also in California) $23,645 Gila River Pima-Maricopa Community $72,889 Navajo Nation (also in New Mexico and Utah) $1,391,576 Pascua Yaqui Tribe $27,844 Quechan Tribe (also in California) $17,796 Salt River Pima Maricopa Ind. Cmty. $26,894 San Carlos Apache Tribe $44,348 White Mountain Apache Tribe $63,355 California Berry Creek Rancheria $5,620 Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians $1,513 Bishop Paiute $21,182 Coyote Valley Pomo Band $4,669 Enterprise Rancheria $2,162 Hoopa Valley Tribe $38,734 Hopland Band $5,880 Karuk Tribe $28,100 2018 Initial CR Release of LIHEAP Block Grant Funds to Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations under P.L. 115-56 INITIAL CR TRIBE OR TRIBAL ORGANIZATION RELEASE Mooretown Rancheria $16,038 N.
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