INDIAN RECORD a National Publica Tion Lor the Indi Ans 01 Canada L.Tc
INDIAN RECORD A National Publica tion lor the Indi ans 01 Canada et M.L Single Copies 10 cents VOL. XX, No. 2 WINNIPEG, CANADA FEBRUARY 1957 Hobbe,m'as Appeal Eviction OTTAWA-Unless and un til an Alberta judge rules otherwise, the 118 Cree In dians on the Hobbema Re serve in Alberta, whose qua lifications have been challen ged will return to full Indian status and the right to share in any band money. This is the immediate effect of the appeal from the decision of the I n d ian Affairs Register which was filed in Ottawa, Feb. 4th. Whi,le the Indians, members of the. Samson Band, have not been removed from the reserve, certain monies have been held back since the ruling of the reg First row (seated), le,ft to right: Mr. R. Leonard, Jourda in, Garry Ma'inville, Ra lph Ma invillle, Dario Fiddler, istrar that they were not entiUed P.T. Instructor; Mr. Guy Bre'mault, Industria'i Arts Sy lvia Desmoullins, De'ana McLa uren, Irene Houle, Jenny to be registered as treaty In Tea cher; Rev. Fat her M. St. Jacques, Language's Pro Pe,tequan, Vido,ri a W anagamik, Louise W esley. dians. Until an appeal had been fessor; Rev. Fr. C. Ru est, Pri ncipal a nd Superior; Sister Back row, le.ft to right: T ho'mas Burns, Jame,s Jack, la:unched ithat ruling prevailed. St. Florence, Te'acher; Siste'r CecHe de Rome, Home Roy Lac Seul, Andy Lac Seul, AI'ec Medecin, Stella The appeal, rec.eived here Fe.b.
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