Smile & Click Pray for Armed Forces Deacon Felix Archibong, left, addresses the congregation at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Midland during his "I would like to ask people to join in a moment Transitional Ordination Mass, October 11, 2014. of silent prayer, wherever they are, at Noon Photos, Pgs. 12-13. on Veteran's Day, Tuesday, November 11, 2014, to honor the men and women of our Armed Forces, past and present. In this moment of prayer, I would suggest that we express gratitude for their service, pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, and pray for the intentions of those still living. Many of our men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have returned with post- traumatic stress disorder, injuries, loss of limbs, and other painful situations. They answered the call to service. They need our support and prayers." Serving the Diocese of San Angelo, Sis Volume XXXIV, No. 11 NOVEMBER 2014 Bishop Sis issues statement regarding global Ebola concerns Editor’s note: When Ebola killed a man and brought the quaran- is causing increased worry locally. practices to prevent the spread of this virus. tines of two nurses at Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, many The most severely impacted countries are Guinea, Along with other non-governmental agencies such as in Texas, including the Most Rev. Michael J. Sis, Bishop of San Angelo, issued statements to the people of their dioce- Liberia, and Sierra Leone, all of which have severely Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is ses regarding the disease. Following is Bishop Sis’s statement. underfunded health care systems. Their situation is made responding to the Ebola outbreak by working closely with more complicated by a lack of clean water and basic local government health officials to distribute information By Bishop Michael J. Sis hygiene services. about the virus, how it is spread, and how to prevent trans- The Church is trying to give people hope in a variety of mission. CRS has committed more than $1.5 million in The Ebola epidemic has claimed more than 4,400 lives, ways. Throughout Western Africa, the is private funds to continue its emergency response to the and its destructive impact continues to expand. Since some involved in health care, treating patients in its clinics and Ebola epidemic in West Africa. cases have been confirmed in the United States, the disease hospitals. All churches and faith communities have a vital If you would like to support this emergency work of role to play in promoting good hygiene and safe funeral (Please See EBOLA/22) 50-year milestones Stephen Kent, Fr. Richard Barron, Fr. Ron Rolheiser and others in “Catholic Voices” to be celebrated by Pages 8-11 diocese, December 22 Friend the Diocese of San Angelo on The Angelus Facebook for the latest news, and sub- scribe to DOSAMail weekly updates at SAN ANGELO — Two special occasions will be celebrated at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in San Angelo, December 22, 2014. At 6:30 p.m., a Mass will mark the 50th anniversaries of the consecration of the cathe- dral, and the 50th priestly ordination of the DIOCESE OF SAN ANGELO Most Rev. Michael D. Pfeifer, OMI, retired PO BOX 1829 NONPROFIT ORG. SAN ANGELO TX 76902-1829 US POSTAGE PAID bishop emeritus of San Angelo. SAN ANGELO, TX The current Sacred Heart Church in down- ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 44 town San Angelo, was dedicated August 1, 1961. Following the naming of San Angelo as a diocese, it was named principal church and then, on December 21, 1964, raised to the dignity of cathedral, at which time it was consecrated by Bishop Thomas Drury, first bishop of the diocese. Bishop Emeritus Pfeifer served as shep- herd of the Diocese of San Angelo from 1985-2013. He was ordained a priest of the Bishop Michael J. Sis holds a newborn baby following the order of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate on transitional ordination Mass of Deacon Felix Archibong, December 21, 1964. He was succeeded by Saturday, October 11, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Bishop Michael Sis on January 27, 2014. Midland. Page 2 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus From The Bishop’s Desk Reflections on the 2014 Extraordinary Synod on Family By Bishop Michael J. Sis of the many complex challenges faced by marriage and the family in our world today. Many people have questions about the The reflections that were put forward in this Reflexiones sobre el Sinodo Extraordinary Synod on the Family that took Synod were intended to raise questions and place last month in Rome. After seeing a indicate perspectives that will need to be variety of different claims matured and made clearer by further reflec- Extraordinario de 2014 in the secular media, tion in the year between now and the some have been left won- Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Por el Obispo Michael J. Sis suponía de lograr. Este evento no hizo, y dering just what hap- Bishops to take place in October of 2015. nunca tuvo la intención de hacer, ningún pened in this Synod Press coverage of the Synod was some- Mucha gente tiene preguntas sobre el cambio a la doctrina de la Iglesia. El regarding our teaching on times focused exclusively on the controver- Sínodo Extraordinario Sobre la Familia Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica aún es marriage. sial topics of Communion for the divorced que se llevó a cabo el mes pasado en valido. The two-week gather- and remarried and homosexual relationships. Roma. Después de haber visto una var- El propósito del Sínodo Extraordinario ing at the Vatican from However, those two topics were only a small iedad de diferentes reclamos en los de 2014 era para comenzar una discusión October 5-19 was accom- part of the overall discussions. Despite the medios de comunicación seculares, extensa de los muchos desafíos comple- Bishop Sis panied by a dramatic variety of observations and suggestions that algunos se han quedado preguntándose jos que se afrentan el matrimonio y la media frenzy of controversy and consterna- came forth in the process, there emerged a qué realmente pasó en este Sínodo familia en nuestro mundo hoy día. Las tion. Much of the anxiety was rooted in a common need to encourage families to live tocante nuestra enseñanza sobre el matri- reflexiones que se pusieron ante este misunderstanding of what this Synod was out their calling with fidelity, assuring sup- monio. Sínodo fueron con la intención de hacer meant to accomplish. This event did not, and port to those who are called to the vocation La reunión de dos semanas, del 1-19 de resaltar preguntas e indicar perspectivas was never intended to, make any changes in of Holy Matrimony. octubre, en el Vaticano, fue acompañada que tendrán que madurarse y aclararse Church doctrine. The Catechism of the The Synod affirmed the positive testimony por una histeria de medios dramáticos de por medio de más reflexión durante el Catholic Church is still valid. of Christian families. It spoke of the need to controversia y consternación. Mucha de año desde ahora hasta que se lleve a cabo The purpose of the 2014 Extraordinary la ansiedad fue enraizada en un mal Synod was to begin an extended discussion (Please See BISHOP/18) entendimiento de lo que este Sínodo se (Mira OBISPO/18) DIOCESAN BRIEFS Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Christ into your marriage so it can be a service and you are invited to assist them Ray to host mission in Midland A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is sched- greater marriage. Let God be the strength with their ongoing retirement and elder- Catholic apologist Steve Ray will lead a uled for November 14-16 in the Diocese of your marriage by attending the next care needs. On behalf of the 34,000 reli- four-night mission, culminating with the of Lubbock. For more information, contact Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend gious now over the age of 70 and the premiere of “Abraham,” part of his multi- [email protected] or 806.577.5912. on November 21-23, 2014 at the Grand ever increasing numbers of religious who part video series. His schedule is as fol- Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats, which are Hotel in Midland. Please register online at will be retiring soon, a heartfelt thank you. lows: Sunday, January 11-Tuesday, completely confidential, strive to attempt For more informa- May God bless you for your continued January 13, 2015 — Mission at St. to help heal the pain of abortion. tion, you may contact Pete & Kathleen generosity. Stephen’s Catholic Church. Wednesday, “May Rachel’s Vineyard be an instru- Molina at 432-528-3324 or Val & Cindy January 14, 2015: Social hour with ment of the thirst of Jesus to heal and Luna at 432-349-3690. Safe environment information Steve, dinner, “premier” showing of DVD restore to life the fullness of life which The Catholic Diocese of San Angelo is “Abraham”, comments by Steve Ray, Jesus promised, even now to those seek- Retirement Fund for Religious firmly committed to creating and maintain- meet Steve after dinner, video. Thursday, ing His peace.” — St. Teresa of Calcutta. On December 13-14, 2014, you will ing the safest possible environment for January 15, 2015: Knights of Columbus have the opportunity to participate in the our children and young people. To report Clergy Appreciation Dinner, guest speak- Fr. Romanus celebrates 25 2014 Retirement Fund for Religious allegations of sexual abuse by church er Steve Ray at St. Stephen’s Church. Sacred Heart Church in Coleman and annual appeal in the Diocese of San personnel, contact the Victim Assistance The mission and dinner will include the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Angelo. Please support this collection as Coordinator, Lori Hines. To ensure confi- opportunity to donate to the fundraiser for Winters, will celebrate the 25th anniver- generously as you have done in the past. dentiality in her outreach to victims, she the completion of the last two DVD films sary and Mass of Thanksgiving for the A recent study shows that while unfunded can be contacted privately at (325) 374- in the series “Footprints of God, the Story priesthood of Fr. Romanus Akamike Nov. retirement liability remains profound, 7609 (cell). Alleged victims are advised of of Salvation.” Those films will be Elijah 15, 2014, at 10 a.m. The Mass will be at progress is being made toward narrowing their right to report alleged abuse to civil and Elisha, and Doctors of the Church. Sacred Heart, 303 E. College Avenue, the gap between retirement needs and authorities. Coleman, with Most Rev. Michael Sis, available funding. Additionally, the Allen organ sale and Fr. Romanus and priests of the National Religious Retirement Office is WYD spots available A former choir member of St. Elizabeth Diocese of San Angelo. Reception follows working with religious to design strategies World Youth Day 2016 will take place in Ann Seton, Odessa inherited an Allen dig- in the Fr. Cyr Parish Hall, Coleman. that best support their retirement needs. Krakow, Poland, July 24-August 1, 2016. ital organ. It is about 12 years old in good RSVP: Delia Dela Rosa, Sacred Heart Know that many of the retired religious The Diocese of San Angelo has five spots very good shape. It is a theater organ but (325) 625-5773 or Mary Jo Tucker, Our spend hours each day in front of the available for individuals 21 years of age or is classically voiced with real pipe sound. Lady of Mount Carmel (325) 754-5811 Blessed Sacrament where they hold you older. For more information, please contact Excellent for a smaller church. He is ask- up to God in prayers of thanksgiving, Sr. Adelina Garcia, OSF, at the Diocesan ing a bargain price of $10,000. It is locat- while many others give hours of volunteer Worldwide Marriage Encounter Pastoral Center by phone at 325-651-7500 ed in Fort Worth and is available for service to support the ministry of younger or by email at agarcia@sanangelodio- "For God did not send his Son into the inspection. Call Fr. Mark Woodruff at 432- members of their Orders, Congregations Total Cost: $3,138. world to condemn the world, but that the 202-0336 for details. world might be saved through him." Let and Communities. These elderly women and men religious have given a lifetime of The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 3 SEMINARIAN OF THE MONTH Edgardo Aragon

Date of Birth: April 2, 1993 Birthplace: Espanola, New Mexico Do you have siblings: 1 sister What seminary do you attend? Conception Seminary What level are you: 2nd Home parish: Holy Redeemer / Odessa Favorite saint: Saint Ignatius de Loyola Favorite Scripture: John 1 Favorite color: Red Favorite music: Indie Alternative Favorite food: Home Cooking Favorite dessert: Pie, Cheesecake Any hobbies: Music Objectives: To be a holy man of God and answer his call!

Edgardo’s Biography I was born in Espanola, New Mexico, me and my family moved to Odessa, Texas on my fourth birthday. My parents are both from Chihuahua. I Bishop Michael Sis addresses a full presentation room at the McNease Convention Center in San Angelo for the annual Diocesan have one sibling, my little sister, who is eleven Conference Day, October 8. (Photo by Jimmy Patterson) right now. I graduated in 2011 from Odessa High School, and went to Odessa College for three years before going to Conception Seminary Bishop talks leadership in parishes College. My calling to the priesthood began after each of us in my family lived retreats. After these By Jimmy Patterson Bishop Sis’s 10 Essentials of retreats my family and I started to develop a Editor / West Texas Angelus Leadership in Parish Ministry greater and more profound relationship with Christ. We became really involved in this group SAN ANGELO — Bishop Michael Sis delivered the 1. Accountability for the good of the Church and the that held the retreats, Los Pequeños Hijos de keynote presentation at the annual Diocesan Conference Day, María. My family and I started to volunteer and October 18, 2014, stressing a message of the need for effec- well-being of each person. tive teamwork and leadership within parishes and parish reli- 2. Transparency in matters of finance. help serve in these retreats, as well as participate gious education programs. 3. Respect for the Dignity of the Person. Respect a in the weekly gatherings. This led me to come to Using the World Cup German Soccer team and the NBA person’s right to say ‘no.’ Invite and propose. Don’t manip- learn more about my faith as well as to grow clos- champion San Antonio Spurs as examples of how much fur- ulate or coerce. er to Christ. As I grew spiritually, the thought of ther teamwork will take a parish than if the focus is placed on 4. Balance time spent with family, work, church work, the priesthood kept crossing my mind, and I one or two individuals, Bishop Sis said teamwork, combined recreation, rest, fun. began to consider it. After visiting the seminary with leadership are two essentials of successful programs. 5. Look to the peripheries. Look for those on the and praying about it for a long time, I made the Religious education volunteers and others filled the main fringes of society and the Church, and reach out to them. decision to start applying. I started my first year in hall at McNease Convention Center to hear the Bishop as 6. Be open to new ways of doing things. Carry out seminary this semester and I really love it. Even well as Anne Comeaux, former Director of Catechesis for the pastoral renewal through discernment and reform. though, it’s only been a few weeks I can already Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, speak on discipleship 7. Team spirit, not turf battles. It’s not about you. see myself begin to grow. Most of the things I do and evangelization. 8. Train your replacements. None of us will last forever. in my free time revolve around music. Anything It was also announced at the conference that the Diocese of 9. Keep good written records so your successors don't having to do with music, I will partake in; listening San Angelo’s Office of Education and Formation will now be have to reinvent the wheel. to music, reading about music, and playing music. known as the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis. 10. Leave it better than you found it. This is an expres- The conference day has previously been presented in sion of good stewardship of our ministries. I also like to read and watch good movies or TV February. series. Page 4 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus

CALENDARS Breakfast with the Bishop: ASU Family Day BISHOP SIS' 12 — ODESSA, San NOVEMBER SCHEDULE Juan Mission- Mass at 8-14 BALTIMORE, 7:00 a.m. Meeting of USCCB 12 — MIDLAND, Our 15 COLEMAN, Sacred Lady of Guadalupe – Heart, Mass 10 a.m., 25th Procession at 5:00 p.m.- anniversary of Fr. Mass at 6:00 p.m. Romanus Akamike 13 — ROBERT LEE, 16 SAN ANGELO, St. Our Lady of Guadalupe – Joseph, Pro-Life Mass, Mass at 6:00 p.m. 11:15 a.m. 17 — SAN ANGELO, 22 SAN ANGELO, Baptist Memorial Catholic Schools Retirement Center – Mass Commission Meeting, 9 at 2:00 p.m. a.m. 20 — MELVIN, St. 23 OKLAHOMA CITY, Francis Xavier – Mass at Region 10 Youth 5:00 p.m. Conference 21 — MILLERSVIEW, 25 ABILENE, Holy Our Lady of Guadalupe – Family, RCIA, 6:30 p.m. Mass at 9:30 a.m. 27 SAN ANGELO, 22 — SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral - Sacred Heart Cathedral – Thanksgiving Day Mass at Mass at 6:30 p.m. to cele- 9:00 a.m. brate the 50th Anniversary 30 CARLSBAD, St. Priestly Ordination of Therese – Mass at 11 a.m. Bishop Michael Pfeifer, Bishop Michael J. Sis (back row) gathered for breakfast with students, family and friends at the Newman Center for OMI, and the Consecration the annual Angelo State University Family Day on September 27, 2014. The Newman Center hosted the breakfast for BISHOP SIS' of the Cathedral – families of the center’s students. (Courtesy photo) DECEMBER SCHEDULE Reception After 3 — MERKEL, Our 23 — EDEN, Mass at Mother of Mercy – Mass at Detention Center 1:30 p.m. Christ the King Retreat Center Calendar PARISH FESTIVALS, FAIRS 6:30 p.m. 24 — SAN ANGELO, November 2014 8 Immaculate Conception Observed- 4 — CLYDE, Sts. Juvenile Detention Center 10 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group Office Closed SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Joachim and Ann – Mass Mass at 9:00 a.m. 11 Adoration 9 Presbyteral & Finance Lunch ST. JOSEPH - ROWENA at 6:30 p.m. 24 — SAN ANGELO, 14-16 Deacon Formation 9 DOSA-Annual Christmas Party for Flag Raising, Balloon Release - 10:30 a.m 7 — SAN ANGELO, Sacred Heart Cathedral – 17 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group Clergy & Religious Turkey and Rowena German Sausage Dinner with all the trimmings- 11 a.m. - 1:30 Christmas at Old Fort Christmas Mass at 18 Adoration 11 Bishops Staff Christmas Party Concho- Mass at 11 a.m. Midnight p.m. Country Store, Live Auction, 11:30 a.m. 21-22 First Methodist, Midland 13 Deacon Formation Prize Drawing, Games for all Ages 11:30 a.m. - 8 — SAN ANGELO, 25 — SAN ANGELO, 21-23 Beginning Experience 15 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group 3:30 p.m. Uncooked sausage sold by the Sacred Heart Cathedral – Christmas Day Mass at 24 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group 16 Adoration pound while supply lasts. Sausage Sandwich Feast of the Immaculate Goodfellow Air Force Base 27-30 Thanksgiving Holiday 18 Bishop Sis Staff Mass & Lunch Supper - 4:30 p.m. Shuttle available from Conception Mass, 6:30 pm at 10:00 a.m. December 2014 18 Catholic Daughters Christmas Party parking area to parish hall. 9 — SAN ANGELO, 1 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group 21-23 Bishop Pfeifer’s Anniversary NOVEMBER 21-22 Diocesan Pastoral Center NECROLOGY 2 Adoration Celebration SACRED HEART-ABILENE – Meeting of Diocesan DECEMBER 5-7 Advent Men’s Retreat 21-23 Seminarian Winter Gathering LADIES’ BAZAAR Finance Council and 1-Rev. John A. Pierce 8 Heart of Mercy Prayer Group 24-28 Office Closed Christmas Holiday The women of Sacred Heart Parish in Presbyteral Council at (1979) Abilene will host their annual Holiday Bazaar, 11:00 a.m. 5-Rev. Angel Vizcarra, Beginning Experience Weekend, Nov. 21-23 Saturday, Nov. 22 and Sunday, Nov. 23 from 9 9 — SAN ANGELO O.P. (2004) a.m to 6 p.m. The women will be offering a vari- Beginning Experience is a weekend go online or call one of the telephone ety of handmade gifts and decorations for the Presbyteral Council 12-Deacon Nestor Perez retreat designed to help you find your way numbers below to obtain a registration holiday season, baked goods and tamales for Meeting at 2:00 pm. (1993) and learn to live through the grief that form. For additional information about the sale. Breakfast and lunch/dinner plates will be 9 — SAN ANGELO 12-Rev. James Aaron, comes with the end of a marriage through weekend you can visit the website: begin- available at $5 per plate for adults, $3 for chil- Christ the King Retreat (1999) divorce or death of a spouse. or call Christ the King dren ages 3 to 10. A raffle for 5 terrific gifts: a Center – Annual Christmas 20-Rev. John Waldron The next Beginning Experience week- Retreat Center at 325-651-5352. We have Keurig coffee maker, $200 gift certificate, a gift end will be November 21-23 at Christ the team members who live in different cities, certificate for a day at the spa, a Kindle and a Party for Priests, Sisters, (1995) King Retreat Center in San Angelo. Plan so just call one of these team members handmade prayer bench. Raffle tickets $1 each Deacons and Wives at 28-Rev. Nicholas to attend this weekend to start your heal- and they can put you in touch with some- or 6 for $5. The drawing will be at 6 p.m. on 5:30 pm. Femenia, C.M. (1999) ing process. The weekend begins on one in your area: Jennifer (432) 528-6243; Sunday. Our bazaar is our biggest yearly 11 — SAN ANGELO, 29-Rev. Msgr. Louis Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. and con- Anna (325) 949-8967; Ruby (325) 893- fundraiser enabling us to help our parish and Christ the King Retreat Moeller (2008) cludes on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. 4120; Brenda (432) 288-2712 or Kathy provide scholarships for two of our graduating The cost for the weekend is $115 which (325) 944-4746. high school students each year. We are located Center – Annual Christmas 30-Rev. John Hoorman, at Sacred Heart Church South 8th & Jeanette. Party for Staff at 6:30 p.m. C.PP.S.(1995) includes your food and lodging. Please The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 5 David Kauffman movie to open in December in diocese

By Jimmy Patterson 93”), Kevin Pollak (“A Few Good Men”) Editor and Christopher Lloyd ("Back to the West Texas Angelus Future,” "Taxi"). "The One I Wrote For You" will open in Catholic artist David Kauffman is set to Midland-Odessa and San Angelo, as well release "The One I Wrote for You," a full- as a number of other Texas cities begin- length motion picture about an aspiring ning December 5. singer, Ben Cantor (Cheyenne Jackson), In an interview from his San Antonio who gave up a once-in-a-lifetime opportu- office, Kauffman said the creation of the nity to be a singer/songwriter, and settled film has taken most of the last four years instead for a pleasant albeit less-fulfilling of his life, from concept to delivery. life as a coffee shop barista and family “So far, the initial reactions have been man who gets one more chance at his very positive,” Kauffman said. “We’ve dream. heard people come out of the movie say, Kauffman, wrote the story and songs ‘Gosh, I thought this was going to be a From “The One I wrote For You,” starring for the movie as well as served as its home-grown little movie, but this is a Cheyenne Jackson executive producer. (right) The movie features Jackson (“United (Please See KAUFFMAN/20) Youths serve meal made from scratch to seniors Abilene’s ‘Little By Brandon McAuliffe Saints’ Early Special to The Angelus

ABILENE — It was a small Childhood Center idea cooked out of a brain- storming session in the middle of a summer mission trip to San offers a Catholic Antonio, but it became more than anyone ever imagined. pre-school option On October 5, the youth group at Abilene’s Holy Family The Angelus put together a meal for paris- honers age 70 and older that ABILENE — Started by two moms in a small was fully made from scratch house in 2008, Little Saints Early Childhood and prepared by the youth. Center at Sacred Heart Catholic Church contin- The idea stemmed from want- ues to grow and meet the formation and educa- ing to bridge the generational tion needs of the smallest Catholics. gaps that exist in today’s socie- With fewer than five children when the ty and served as an expansion school opened in 2008, Little Saints provides from a program already going Catholic formation and early education for on. The youth went into the children ages 1-5. The school week for the mission trip sending birthday Little Saints Center is Mondays, Tuesdays cards to the church members, Thursdays and Fridays. Lydia Rose is the but wanted to do more. Young people representing the Holy Family-Abilene Youth Group, which together with the school’s director. The youth expected 30- 40 peo-help of others, cooked a meal made from scratch for seniors in the parish. “(The) economy often requires both moms ple to potentially show up, but (Courtesy photo) and dads to work outside the home,” wrote Youth Director Penny Pope was Msgr. Robert Bush in 2012. Msgr. Bush is amazed at the turnout. The event wasn’t all about serving after mass for the event. pastor at Sacred Heart Church, where the others, but the youth wanted to get to know members of The meal would not have been possible without the sup- school is located. “Little Saints Early the church. port of Holy Family pastor, Monsignor Fred Nawarskas, Childhood Center is a loving and faith-filled “There were at least 100 people there,” she said. “The and Father Sam Mattheisen. place to be. It has also benefitted stay-at- kids talked to the senior citizens while they were eating “They came and visited with the kids beforehand and Fr. home moms and grandmothers by giving them and got to know them.” Sam helped pray (before lunch),” said Pope. “Msgr. Fred time to run their errands and complete neces- The menu consisted of chicken salad, a quiche (bacon, sat and visited with the youth and parishoners, and, of sities while their children learn more about spinach and cheese), rolls, fresh fruit and banana pudding. course, they both ate.” their faith while adequately engaged.” Pope said she has been overwhelmed by thank you Pope added that there are plans for the luncheon to Little Saints is the only Catholic preschool notes, and numerous kids have had parishoners thank them become an annual event in the future. education center in the Abilene area, which

(Please See SAINTS/17) Page 6 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Pregnancy Help Center Banquet

At left, photos from a recent banquet benefiting the Pregnancy Help Center in San Angelo show the volunteer waitstaff, as well as Knights of Columbus and wives from Wall, Miles, San Angelo councils, and our Christian brothers and sisters from the Brethren Church in Wall. Above, we also had some high school students helping. These are students from the Newman Center and Pro-life Rams from Angelo State University helping set up tables and serving plates to all those who attended the Pregnancy Help Center Banquet. (Courtesy photos)

Life Chain in Big Spring

The Life Chain event was Sunday, October 12 in Big Spring. Owners of Tire Time allowed participants use of their property at 5th St. and Gregg Streets. Approximately 40 people attended, including some the Holy Trinity Catholic Church youth group, Knights of Columbus in Big Spring, parishioners and younger CCE students. (Courtesy photos) The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 7 Bishop: Decision to house those monitored for Ebola 'right thing to do' By David Sedeno many refugees from Africa make their Catholic News Service home. As Duncan was isolated at the hospital, DALLAS —Dallas Bishop Kevin J. officials planned to decontaminate their Farrell said that he followed the teaching apartment, but the family could not be of Christ and stepped in to house the moved to a suitable location. That's when fiancee of Ebola victim Thomas Eric the county judge and the mayor asked Duncan and three others for several Bishop Farrell about finding a place for weeks at a diocesan facility when no one them. He and his staff worked with local else would. officials to transfer the family from their The bishop's acknowledgement Oct. 20 apartment to a building at the far end of coincided with the lifting of the 21-day the Catholic Conference and Formation quarantine for nearly four dozen people Center in South Dallas. being screened for the Ebola virus with At a mid-morning news conference out- none showing any signs of the disease. It side the gated retreat center, Bishop also capped nearly a month of a scram- Farrell said that he and several other peo- bling by local, state and federal officials ple, including Troh's pastor at Wilshire in trying to both combat the virus and Baptist Church, had spoken with the fam- calm the public's fears about its spread. ily earlier in the day. During the time, two nurses who had Dallas Bishop Kevin J. Farrell answers questions from media Oct. 20 about what will He confirmed that local officials called contact with Duncan tested positive for happen to the diocese's building in South Dallas where Ebola victim Thomas Duncan's him after exhausting alternatives for a the virus after his death. And with the financee and her family were quarantined. The bishop's news conference coincided with suitable place willing to take the family. growing health concerns, officials also the lifting of the 21-day quarantine for nearly four dozen people being screened for the He said he debated for about 15 minutes faced a national public relations headache Ebola virus, with none showing any signs of the disease. (CNS photo/courtesy The Texas before saying that he followed the exam- as they acknowledged missteps in the Catholic) ple of Christ and said "yes." handling of the crisis, including not ini- Clay Jenkins and Dallas Mayor Mike the society. "I knew that they had tried to find other tially banning those self-monitoring Rawlings, among other officials, spoke at "There is no question that today is places and they just couldn't find one. I themselves for symptoms from traveling an early morning news conference at the milestone day, a hurdle that we need to was then moved by their dedication and or coming into contact with the public. Dallas County office building, saying that get over, but there are other hurdles to concern. I too was concerned," the bishop In between, there were various con- 43 people being monitoring for the virus jump," Rawlings said. said. "I felt it was the right thing to do demnations from nurses about the hospi- had not shown any symptoms of the dis- Duncan had traveled to the United and am so pleased that we did. tal staff not being properly trained to han- ease and were free to return to their nor- States from Liberia in September to visit "It is an example of what it means to dle such a crisis, calls for travel bans to mal lives without fear that they carried or his fiancee and went to Texas Health care for our brothers and sisters, irrespec- the United States from people from the would develop the disease. Presbyterian Hospital Dallas after feeling tive of where they come from, what race four West African countries hardest hit by They also spoke about area residents sick. He was sent home, but was returned or what religion they are," he said. "We the virus, and prayer meetings and can- being compassionate and welcoming of in an ambulance several days later and help people because they are people. We dlelight vigils observed at various those who had been self-monitoring tested positive for the Ebola virus. He help people because we are Catholic, not churches in the Dallas area for Duncan themselves or, as in the specific case of had been staying with his fiancee, Louise because they are Catholic." and those impacted by the virus. those who came into direct contact with Troh, her son and two nephews in an Still on Oct. 20, Dallas County Judge Duncan, that they be accepted back into apartment in an area of the city where (Please See DALLAS/22) Texas nurse with Ebola supported by prayers from her home parish DALLAS (CNS) — During an Oct. 13 parish in Fort Worth. treated real well," he said. "I'm very opti- cleaned after tests confirmed she con- Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Pham was involved in the care of mistic." tracted the disease. Her dog, Bentley, is Fort Worth, the pastor, Father Jim Khoi Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan prior Pham, while in isolation at Texas being cared for at an undisclosed loca- asked for prayers for Nina Pham, a to his death Oct. 8. Duncan contracted Health Presbyterian, conversed with fam- tion. Dallas nurse who grew up in the parish Ebola in his home country of Liberia and ily members by Skype. A person who came into close contact and is now in the news as the first person had traveled to the Dallas hospital where She received a blood transfusion Oct. with Pham was also placed in isolation at known to have contracted the Ebola virus he was being treated. 12 from Ebola survivor Dr. Kent Brantly, the Dallas hospital. in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control initial- who had been working with Ebola Our Lady of Fatima parishioners have "She's very comfortable. She's very ly said Pham's contact of the virus was patients in Liberia when he contracted praised Pham for her outgoing and kind supported now. She knows that every- likely a protocol breach, but the nurse is the virus in the summer. He recovered in personality. body knew to pray for her, especially in said to have worn the required protective an Atlanta hospital. Phong Tran, a neighbor of the Phams, this difficult time," the priest told The gear and is believed to have followed the Pham is a 2006 graduate of Nolan told The Dallas Morning News he wasn't' Dallas Morning News. hospital's procedures. Catholic High School in Fort Worth. surprised Pham went into nursing The priest has been updated on the "Her mom is very calm and trusts When the school community found out because she has "a big heart and loves to condition of the 26-year-old nurse at everything to God's hands," the priest she contracted Ebola, it organized a help people." Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital by told the Dallas newspaper. He also said rosary service at the school's chapel. "I just pray to God that everything is her mother. The Phams have been long- he has faith Pham will recover. According to The Associated Press, all right," he said. time parishioners at the Vietnamese "Soon Ebola will be something that is Pham's apartment has been thoroughly Page 8 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Speaking of Saints ... St. Hilda oversaw monastery known as great learning seat

By Mary Lou Gibson

Hilda was a seventh century noblewoman who became one of the most accomplished English women of her time. Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of her life and her accomplishments is how she was able to attain great influence and authority in the Anglo-Saxon church without ever being ordained. Very little is known about her Gibson early life. Much of her story comes from an account by the Venerable Bede, historian and doctor of the Church, entitled “Ecclesiastical History of the English People.” Mary Lou Gibson She was nobly born in 614 the writes about saints for the daughter of Hereric, nephew of West Texas King Edwin of Northumbria. Her Angelus. father was murdered when she was Gibson’s column very young and she was brought also appears up at the court of King Edwin, her monthly in the great uncle. She was baptized St. Hilda Catholic Spirit, when she was 13, when King Most Rev. Michael J. Sis, back row, center, with four young men in formation for the priesthood, the newspaper of Edwin and his entire household became Christian. including Freddy Perez, a seminarian of the Diocese of San Angelo. (Courtesy photo) the Diocese of In Bede’s account, Hilda lived a normal life of a noble Austin. woman until she was in her early 30s. She then decided to live a religious life and traveled to Gaul where her Bishop Sis presides over installation of sister, Hereswith, was already professed and living in the royal nunnery of Chelles, near Paris. Kathleen four acolytes at Assumption Seminary Jones writes in “Women Saints” that after about a year, Aidan, bishop of Lindisfarne, persuaded Hilda to return By Praveen Lakkisetti insisted that being called to the at the Altar of God with a pro- to Northumbria and follow her vocation there. Assumption Seminary ministry of acolyte is not found love of God and His She was given a bit of land near the river Wear and merely jumping through hoops people. lived a secluded life there for a time with a few com- SAN ANTONIO — Amidst in formation, or the conferral As part of the seminary for- panions. Her first experience as an abbess came some the joy and celebration of life of a new label, but a path of mation, seminarians are years later at a small monastery at Hartlepool. and witness of Christian voca- humility that is to be embraced installed as acolytes in the sec- Rosemary Guiley writes in “The Encyclopedia of tion, four men in formation for in following Christ. ond year of theological studies Saints” that during this time, Hilda received extensive the priesthood were installed Quoting from the call narra- after due personal prayerful religious instruction from Aidan and others. A few as acolytes during the tives of the New Testament, reflection, assessment, and years later she was called on to improve the monastery Eucharistic celebration and the Greek origin of the application to the bishop. The at Streaneshalch (later renamed Whitby). presided over by Most Rev. word, ‘akolouthos’ (one who formation faculty at the semi- She was a Benedictine abbess for more than 30 years Michael J. Sis, Bishop of San follows or attends) the bishop nary accompanies men in for- of this double monastery of men and women which Angelo. The four men are: highlighted the significance of mation to offer themselves to became celebrated as a great seat of learning and a Freddy Martin Perez (Diocese the ministry of acolyte as one God through periodic assess- spiritual center. The monks were responsible for wor- of San Angelo), Michael of service in the Church. He ment and guidance. The ship while the nuns led an enclosed life of prayer and Patrick English (Archdiocese insisted on the need to walk acolytes serve and assist contemplation. Jones writes that Hilda established a of San Antonio), Joshua the path of Christ, even when priests and deacons at the regular pattern of monastic life and taught the obser- Stephens (Diocese of Corpus this entails sacrifice and hard- Mass and offer Eucharistic vance of justice, purity, peace and charity. No monk or Christi) and Jean Stillson ship. services to the sick. nun had personal property. Everything was held in (Brothers of the Beloved He invited the candidates to The celebration continued in common. One interesting aspect of the double Disciple). offer themselves to God and the cafeteria with the families monastery was that the nuns were superior to the The celebration began with his people in the service of the and friends of the newly monks. the Holy Eucharist. In his Church and constantly grow installed acolytes. As men in Hilda was the superior of the whole establishment homily, Bishop Sis reiterated into mature manhood. He formation continue to respond which included a large landed estate. Since the the significance of being invited the congregation to to God’s invitation, may they monastery had to be self sufficient, it included a farm installed an acolyte in the support and strengthen the be abundantly blessed in their Church. In reference to the seminarians as they respond to life of sacrifice and commit- (Please See SAINTS/23) priestly formation program, he God’s invitation by ‘acolyting’ ment. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 9 Making Sense of Bioethics Strength, peace Men need women; women need through prayer men; children need moms and dads By Erick Rommel Catholic News Service By Fr. Tad Pacholczyk plementarity of a man and a woman. Sexual intimacy between men and women When you think about it, faith and trust go hand in hand. People In the current debate over gay marriage, people involves the possibility of children. No other form believe in the power of prayer because they believe sometimes ask: Who should define marriage? of sexual or erotic interaction encompasses this they see results. They pray for strength to get through a Democrats or Republicans in Congress? The basic, organic, and complementary possibility. challenge, and then they find the strength to overcome Supreme Court? Should it be put to a referendum, Without parsing words, Professor Jacques LeClercq that obstacle. allowing the majority to choose a put it this way more than 50 years ago: “The human Did that strength come from prayer or from inner for- definition? race is divided into two sexes whose reason for exis- titude? Or, did prayer create that inner fortitude? There's We can identify two kinds of tence is physical union with a view to continuing the no way to tell. That's why it's called faith. “definitions” when it comes to species.” More recently, Professor Robert P. George Our most basic faith is formed at the earliest of ages, marriage. The first touches on similarly described marriage as “a union that takes before we create lasting memories. It's not religious the essence, the objective reality, its distinctive character from being founded, unlike faith but faith through family. or the truth about marriage. The other friendships, on bodily unity of the kind that Watch young children when you encounter them. Rommel second involves a legal or politi- sometimes generates new life.” There are many They are joyful with a happiness that comes from not knowing the dan- cal position, advanced through kinds of love, ranging from maternal love to broth- gers that surround them. When thrown in the air by an adult, the child the media, judicial decisions, or erly love to love of friends to love of neighbor to doesn't cry. She laughs with excitement. That's true faith, or belief, that other legislative means. While Pacholczyk romantic love, but only one that is proper and inte- the adult will never let her fall. these secondary definitions of marriage can be of gral to marriage, namely, spousal love with its As we grow, we learn this is not always true. Sometimes the people we interest, their true level of importance is properly inscribed complementarity and potential for human trust most aren't always worthy. We believe they will catch us, but some- gauged only in reference to the first and objective fruitfulness. times they hurt us emotionally. It hurts more than physically when they definition. Marriage teaches us that men need women and let us fall. Notable errors are sometimes made in these sec- women need men and that children need both moth- Each time this happens, our perception of the world changes. We no ondary definitions of marriage. In the mid-1960’s, to ers and fathers. In this sense, marriage and the fami- longer trust completely. Instead, we make mental lists of people we trust consider but one example, prohibitions existed in ly represent foundational realities, not constructs to catch us and those we don't. more than a dozen states which outlawed persons of that can be invented, defined, legislated, or deter- Despite these fears, we still sometimes trust those who we think are not different races from marrying one another. A white mined by popular vote or culture. Marriage, in fact, worthy. We hope against hope "this time will be different" because we man and a black woman could fall in love in those is the “primordial first institution,” flowing out of want to recapture the innocence that comes from never having to ques- states, but could not legally tie the knot. The the intimate and creative union of male and female. tion those in whom we have faith. Supreme Court overturned those restrictions in It precedes other societal institutions and conven- We pray for them to not let us down yet again. 1967, recognizing that the ability to enter into mar- tions, and is essentially ordered towards creating and When it comes to this reliance on other people, I'm more of a "God riage doesn’t depend on the skin color of the man caring for the future in the form of the next genera- helps those who help themselves" type of a person. I'm hesitant to place and woman getting married. tion. Marriage is a given reality that we come to dis- faith in others because I fear disappointment. Despite this, I've learned Gay marriage advocates today sometimes attempt cover in its authentic design, not a concept for us that strength, encouragement and assistance often come more easily to draw a parallel between such mixed-race mar- to“define” according to our own agenda or desires. when you have the strength to seek encouragement and help. riage laws and state laws that would prevent two Gay marriage proponents deny these foundational This doesn't mean prayer is ineffective. There's nothing wrong with a men (or two women) from getting married to each truths about marriage. Through vigorous legislative prayer for strength, but sometimes the greatest strength is found through other. They suggest that legally forbidding two men efforts, they are striving to impose a profoundly the humility to realize some battles can't be fought alone. Sometimes you from getting married stigmatizes those men in much false redesign for marriage upon society so that, in need the support of others -- even from those who have let you down in the same way that preventing a black man from the words of Professor George, marriage becomes the past -- in order to truly succeed. marrying a white woman stigmatized both of them. “an emotional union for the sake of adult satisfac- This lesson is one taught many times throughout history. Back before Yet there is really no parallel at all between the two tion that is served by mutually agreeable sexual Europeans came to North America, American Indians who inhabited the land had faith that was different, but just as strong as the beliefs many cases. While marriage as an objective reality is cer- play,” thereby undermining its intrinsic connection hold today. It's easy to look at these traditions through a modern eye and tainly color-blind to the racial configuration of the to complementary bodily union between men and question their validity. spouses, it can never be “genital-blind,” because women. This forced reconfiguration of marriage is Today, we know how rain is formed. We know that a dance does not male-female sexual complementarity stands square- no more defensible than the efforts of those who create rain. Despite that, American Indians found rain dances to be suc- ly at the heart and center of marriage itself. socially or legislatively attempted to impose a cessful. To see this fundamental point about marriage, notion of “racial purity” upon marriage or society in If a dance doesn't cause rain, why did American Indians believe it did? however, we have to step beyond the cultural clichés former times. They believed because they had faith, and because they had faith, they that suggest that marriage is merely an outgrowth of never stopped dancing until the rain began to fall. emotional and erotic companionship. The institution * * * That is the faith we should seek in life. We need faith to always believe of marriage does not arise merely out of loving sen- in the outcomes we want to achieve, faith to always believe that the peo- timent. It is born, rather, from the depths of the com- Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctor- ple we want to trust can be trusted and faith to believe others can help us, mitment assumed by a man and a woman as they ate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral even as we pray for the strength to help ourselves. enter into the total communion of life implied in the work at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Through these beliefs, we can rediscover within ourselves the faith of a procreation and education of children flowing from Fall River, MA, and serves as the Director of young child, a faith that comes from knowing someone is always there to their union. To put it another way, marriage arises Education at The National Catholic Bioethics protect us, even though we now know we must also protect ourselves. organically and spontaneously from the radical com- Center in Philadelphia. See Through this faith, we can become the people we were meant to be. Page 10 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Catholic Voices On understanding life’s most important secrets By Fr. Ron Rolheiser once described. Steadiness, he suggests, betraying himself, Peter “went outside” of God’s loving presence inside of human lies “not in the conviction that something something else, namely, outside all that’s twistedness, vulnerability as the path to What’s life’s deep secret? Do we ever will turn out well, but in the certainty that best inside of himself, outside of the com- intimacy, God’s identification with the really understand life? Do we ever really something makes sense, regardless of how munity of life, and outside the secret of life poor and the excluded, the necessary con- get things right? What lies at the center of it turns out.” There are days when we itself. nection between suffering and glory, the life? know the truth of that. And what is the secret of life itself? paradoxical nature of love and life (which These are the deep- But there are also days when we aren’t In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus says: “To can only be received by giving them er questions that sure exactly what we know, when we feel you is given the secret of the Kingdom of away), the centrality of self-sacrifice as the gnaw away inside of outside of things, when the circle of life God, but to those outside, everything is in key to love and fidelity, and the impor- us and we are never seems to exclude us, and we walk round riddles.” To whom is he referring? Who is tance of giving our lives over without really sure how to the edges of love and meaning, unsure, “you”? What is the secret? What puts you resentment (of not sending the bill when- answer them.. Do we unsteady, feeling some inexplicable guilt inside? What puts you outside and makes ever we carry someone’s cross). ever really under- because we have the sense that somehow the Gospel a riddle? There’s a lot inside this secret! And stand what our lives we are doing things wrongly and are not In Mark’s Gospel, the answers to these when we are at our best, when we let the are all about? where we should be. questions are clear: You are “inside” or demands of love, truth, and fidelity take us Yes and no! I sus- And so we live with a secret we some- “outside” the true circle of understanding, to where we would rather not go, we know pect that most of us Rolheiser times know, and then not. We feel steady not on the basis of being Jew or Gentile, of its truth and live inside of it. On those go through life bouncing back and forth and then unsure, strong and then vulnera- being man or woman, or of going or not days, we know the secret of the kingdom between knowing and not knowing, ble, moral and then guilty; loveable and going to church. Rather you are inside or and the Gospels make sense. But then between feeling steady and feeling inse- then unworthy; we sense that we know the outside the circle of true understanding on there are days that, like Peter when he cure, between having days when we feel secret to life and then suddenly we feel we the basis of “getting” or “not getting” the betrayed Jesus, we “go outside”, outside of we’re getting things right and having days don’t. Sometimes we stand inside of things secret. And what is the secret? truth and what’s best inside of us, and from when everything seems out of sorts. and sometimes we stand outside of them. In essence, the secret to life is the cross that perspective life, love, truth, Jesus, and As the Sufi mystic Rumi, once put it, we I’ve always been struck by a very of Christ or, as various scripture scholars the Gospels all look like an empty riddle. live “with a secret we sometimes know, poignant expression in the Gospel of and spiritual writers put it, the brokenness and then not know.” Mark. He tells us that Peter betrayed Jesus of Jesus on the cross, the wisdom of the Ronald Rolheiser, a Roman Catholic I suspect we all know what that feels at his trial, ultimately cursing him in order cross, the invitation that lies inside the priest and member of the Missionary like. Some days, it seems, we know the to save himself, After that betrayal, Mark cross, and the willingness to live out the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is president secret to living and feel we are inside of (in a stunningly cryptic statement) says demands of the cross. of the Oblate School of Theology in San things, at their heart. This may not neces- simply: “Peter went outside! “ It’s not easy to try to summarize all that Antonio. He is a community-builder, lec- sarily be something we are consciously Outside of what? Obviously he is refer- this means. To do that, one would have to turer and writer. His books are popular aware of, but something sensed at some ring to much more than Peter simply step- summarize all the deepest challenges with- throughout the English-speaking world deeper level. There are times when our ping outside of a door and leaving a room in revelation, theology, and spirituality: and his weekly column is carried by more lives make sense in a way Vaclav Havel or a courtyard. In betraying Jesus, and in God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, than seventy newspapers worldwide. Philip Kitcher and the dangers of soft atheism By Rev. Robert Barron delve into this feature of Kitcher’s Christian, he would maintain, is that I ball from generation to generation. On thought, for I have explored the Kantian was born to Christian parents who passed the contrary, they are sifted and tested A very instructive exchange between reduction of religion to ethics elsewhere, the founding stories onto me. If you, as a through a complex process of reception Gary Gutting, a phi- but I would like to draw attention to one Jew or Muslim or Hindu, have different and assimilation. They are compared and losophy professor at particular move made in this interview, foundational stories, there is no reason- contrasted to other similar experiences; Notre Dame, and since it shows, with remarkable clarity, able way I can convince you or you can they are analyzed rationally; they are set Philip Kitcher, a one of the fundamental misunderstand- convince me. It’s just your cockamamie in dialogue with what we know of the philosophy profes- ings of religion common among atheists. myth against my cockamamie myth. world on other grounds; they are subject- sor at Columbia, Prompted by Gutting, Kitcher admits This is, of course, a variation on the stan- ed to philosophical investigation; their just appeared in the that he finds all religious doctrine incred- dard Enlightenment view that positive layers of meaning are uncovered through pages of The New ible. Pressed for an explanation of this religion is untethered to reason and hence conversations that have unfolded across York Times. rather extreme position, he points to the inevitably violent, force being the only hundreds, even thousands of years; their Kitcher describes fact of the extraordinary plurality of reli- way that one religion can supersede behavioral and ethical implications are himself as a propo- gious doctrines: Christians, Jews, another. teased out and assessed. nent of “soft athe- Barron Hindus, Muslims, animists, etc. hold to The fundamental problem here is that Let us take just one example from the ism,” which is to say an atheism distinct radically different accounts of reality, the Kitcher completely overlooks the deci- Bible in order to illustrate how this from the polemical variety espoused by divine, human purpose, etc. And since sively important role that a religious tra- process happens. The book of Genesis Richard Dawkins and Christopher all religions rely fundamentally on the dition plays in the development and rati- tells us that the patriarch Jacob one night Hitchens. Unlike his harsher colleagues, same ground—some revelation offered to fication of doctrine. It is true that reli- had a dream of angels ascending and Kitcher is willing to admit that religion distant ancestors—there is no rational gion is usually grounded in some founda- descending on a great ladder that was can play an ethically useful role in a pre- way to adjudicate these differences. tional events, but those experiences are dominantly secular society. I won’t Indeed, the only real reason that I am a not simply passed on dumbly like a foot- (Please See BARRON/22) The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 11 Catholic Voices US Air Force changes oath, renders God superfluous By Stephen Kent her supervisor "told me he wanted to talk lenge, said Matthew Kaemingk, confer- deeply about from where they came. Who Catholic News Service to me, that I couldn't say 'God bless you' ence organizer, is attracting people who made that beauty? anymore to customers because somebody focus more on alternative spirituality. I find atheists annoying. They seem The U.S. Air Force no longer requires might get offended." "Just as they prefer to make their own more intent on making fun of deists than "so help me God" to be part of the oath A spokesman for the Garden State software, airplanes, music, organic food in promoting what they see as the posi- taken upon the enlistment of airmen or Parkway said the agency has no policy and political movements," said Kaemingk tives of their lack of belief. the commissioning of officers. against saying, "God bless you." in a recent Seattle Times article, "[those Time magazine recently reported that A toll-taker on the "It does say, 'Provide customer service, who live in the Northwest] also prefer to more and more atheists are forming Garden State smile' -- it does say all that," Fernandez make their own religion. They are "churches" to adopt secular versions of Parkway is suing the said. "But it does not say in any line, 'Do described as freethinking, anti-institution religious practices. They come together in state of New Jersey not say, "God bless you."'" and individualists, more inclined to par- community to support a nonbelief system, because she claims a Off we go into the wild blue yonder ticipate in a yoga class or hike in the much like gathering in a symphony hall supervisor told her to with no concern for a supreme being, zip- mountains." to hear no music. stop saying "God ping onto a turnpike after being told to In the comments section of the story on We should accord them the respect and bless you" to have a nice day or to drive safely but the Seattle Times' website, one person dignity they deserve as creatures of a cre- motorists as they being unblessed by God. wrote: "Maybe those of us that live here ator they don't believe in. But feel free to drove away from the While such nonsense does not doom in the [Pacific Northwest] have a greater disdain their ideas. toll plaza. the country to an ultimate fate of pagan- awareness of the myth of religious In the first situa- Kent ism, it is indicative of a growing trend to beliefs!! Even if I believed in a 'supreme --- tion, strapping into a render God superfluous. being' of any type, I would have far better fighter aircraft would seem to take all the Washington and Oregon for some years things to do with my time enjoying the Kent is the retired editor of two arch- help it can get from aerodynamics and, if have been among the least religious states beauty of the Northwest rather than sit- diocesan newspapers and has a master's necessary, divine intervention. The sec- in the country. The Fuller Theological ting in some myth-driven facility!!" degree in spirituality. He can be contact- ond situation involves offensive blessing. Seminary recently held a conference in While enjoying the trees and lakes and ed at: [email protected]. Cynthia Fernandez, the toll-taker, said Seattle to address the subject. The chal- peaks, that person might think more Taking another step closer to our eternal home By Moises Sandoval of my favorite columnists who writes for able to return, some of us native-born Catholic News Service The New York Times, recently examined Latinos have our haven. For me, it is New an essay in The London Review of Books Mexico, where we have always been more Un paso más Connecticut, now that fall is here, is a by James Wood. Wood asked a fellow fully accepted than anywhere else. It is our time of waning. The sunlight is bright but Englishman Christopher Hitchens, like metaphor for what we imagine heaven to cerca a nuestra weak; the sky is a deep blue but won't last; himself a longtime U.S. resident, where he be. the garden is turning would go if he had only a few weeks to That is why my father, who moved his Por Moises Sandoval yellow. A neighbor live. Would he stay in America? Long family to Brighton, Colorado, from our working on her yard before Hitchens became terminally ill, he ancestral home in the foothills of the comments on the said he would go to Dartmoor, the English Sangre de Cristo Mountains in New Ahora que el otoño ha llegado, Connecticut está beauty of the day, landscape of his childhood. Mexico always said he would return en temporada de decrecer. El sol brilla pero es then adds: "But win- Cohen writes that for all of us that is the (though he never did). débil; el cielo brinda un azul profundo pero no ter is coming." landscape "of the world in its beauty It is also why my mother's last words dura; el jardín pasa de verde a amarillo. Una veci- We are put in mind absorbed before it is understood, of pat- before she died were, "I am going to New na trabajando en su patio comenta sobre la belleza of fleeting time, the terns and sounds that lodge themselves in Mexico today." She and my father knew del día, luego añade: “Pero el invierno ya viene”. passing of our lives. some indelible place in the psyche and call that in New Mexico, there would be no La fuga del tiempo, el paso de nuestra vida, Those of us who out across the years." Most of us are no anxiety about being accepted. And that full dominan nuestros pensamientos. Nosotros que have lived long real- longer there. measure of acceptance, faith tells us, will hemos vivido muchos años vemos lo tanto que Sandoval ize how much we Wood therefore explores a form of con- be ours in our eternal home. hemos perdido: ya no podemos correr o caminar have already lost: temporary homelessness: "lives lived with- For now we are left with what Wood rápido, ver o oír tan bien como antes, o hacer todo can't run or walk fast, see or hear as well out the finality of exile, but also without calls a sense of "afterwardness," borrowing lo que hacíamos sin gran esfuerzo. Es el otoño de as we once did or do things once done the familiarity of home," Cohen wrote. It is the word from Sigmund Freud. Cohen la vida. effortlessly. It is the autumn of our lives. the sense of not fitting in, an anxiety about quotes Wood: "To think about home and Así es que rezamos más que antes. Mi hermano So we pray more than we used to. My belonging, what Cohen calls displacement the departure from home, about not going Ray, un maestro por cuatro décadas, reza su brother Ray, a teacher for four decades, anguish. home and no longer feeling able to go rosario y asiste la Misa diariamente. Explica, says his rosary and goes to Mass every This is a widespread human condition, home, is to be filled with a remarkable “Tengo que estar preparándome para mi examen day. "I must be getting ready for my final particularly of immigrants and U.S. sense of afterwardness." exam," he explains. We are preparing, Hispanic citizens like myself who have a That is why nursing homes and hospices final”. packing up, to travel to a destination per- history spanning centuries in what is now are such lonely places, the last places any- Así es que nos preparamos, empacando la male- ceived as our true home. the United States, yet have at times experi- one would like to die in. Everyone yearns ta, para viajar a nuestro verdadero hogar. ¿Si But given the choice, what would be the enced rejection in our own homeland. to depart from this world from home, even SANDOVAL port of embarkation for the journey to the But unlike the undocumented, who can- if it is only a humble hut in the barrio. (Mira /23) afterlife? In that respect, Roger Cohen, one not go home out of fear that they won't be Page 12 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 13 The Ordination of Deacon Felix Archibong

Saturday, October 11, 2014 Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church * Midland, Texas

Presided over by San Angelo Bishop Michael J. Sis, the Mass of Transitional Ordination of Deacon Felix Archibong, was celebrated in Midland’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church on October 11, 2014. Above, Deacon Archibong gives thanks to all those who attended and made his ordination possible; bottom right, sup- porters, friends and family of Deacon Felix; Above right, a packed Our Lady of Guadalupe Church; at left, a prayerful Deacon Felix. Above left, Deacon Felix with Bishop Sis, and others who have been instrumental in his journey to the diaconate.

Photos by Alan P. Torre / Page 14 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Nation Report takes deeper look at stats about women's religious orders By Patricia Zapor "One of the most striking findings regarding new Catholic News Service entrants is that almost equal numbers of women have WOMEN RELIGIOUS been attracted" to both kinds of religious orders, the Religious institutes whose members follow more traditional practices (the Council of Major WASHINGTON— A longtime trend of declining Superiors of Women Religious), such as wearing full habits, had a similar number of women in CARA report quoted. Gautier's book categorized the numbers of women in religious orders is unpacked a bit formation as did religious orders whose members follow more contemporary practices (the two types of religious orders according to whether the in a new study by Georgetown University's Center for Leadership Conference of Women Religious). organizations belong to one or the other of two leader- Applied Research in the Apostolate. ship organizations, the Leadership Conference of In the report released Oct. 13, the social science TOTAL NUMBERS OF Women Religious and the Council of Major Superiors WOMEN RELIGIOUS IN researchers of CARA observed that the demographical THE U.S. BY YEAR of Women. story of women religious in the United States takes The LCWR's member organizations, which account some disentangling. 1966 for about 80 percent of the country's women religious, Although past studies have talked about the rapid 1950 had among them 73 postulants, 117 novices and 317 1980 decline in the number of nuns in the country starting 1990 women who had taken temporary vows in 2009. after the Second Vatican Council, "such studies did not 2000 Although its member organizations account for a 2010 provide the more nuanced narrative of what decline 2014 much smaller percentage of the nuns in the U.S., meant for the individual religious institute," the report CMSWR organizations had about the same number of said. "How, for example, did religious institutes respond 147,310 181,421 126,517 102,504 79,814 57,544 49,883 women in formation as did LCWR institutes, said to declining membership?" SISTERS IN THE In 2009, the year on which this study was Gautier -- 73 postulants, 158 novices and 304 who had based, the orders that constitute the LCWR From a peak in 1965 of 181,000, the number of U.S. BY AGE had 73 postulants, 117 novices and 317 taken temporary vows. women religious in the U.S. has steadily declined to the women who had taken temporary vows. Among other items in the report, CARA pointed to current 50,000. That's about how many sisters there The orders that make up CMSWR in the same 60-69 year had 73 postulants, 158 novices and 304 several institutes that stood out in the data for having a 70-79 % were in the United States 100 years ago, said the report: % 22 women who had taken temporary vows. "slowing rate of decline" in number of members. When 32 50-59 % "Population Trends Among Religious Institutes of 6 The Leadership Conference of Women Religious the authors dug a bit, they found that such slowing estimates that about 80 percent of the women Women," by CARA staffers Mary L. Gautier and Mark 40-49 religious in the United States belong to orders 2% sometimes was the result of one community absorbing 80-89 90 && Over affiliated with the LCWR. % M. Gray, and Erick Berrelleza, a Jesuit scholastic at % 11 another. 26% Under 40 Boston College. 1% It cited the merger of the Sisters of St. Joseph of CARA found that as their numbers declined, some Source: U.S. Census Bureau/Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate © 2014 CNS Graphics Springfield, Massachusetts, in the mid-1970s with the religious orders reorganized their internal structures, tutes disappeared from the Official Catholic Directory, a Sisters of St. Joseph of Fall River, Massachusetts. while others merged with other religious institutes. reference book published annually, whether by being "It is not that the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield Some have been bolstered by sisters from other coun- folded into another organization, by leaving the United exhibited a sudden increase in new vocations, but rather tries or women who joined a religious order later in life. States or adapting in another way. these two mergers account for the upswing," the CARA Others simply stopped serving in the United States. The report pointed to a flaw in assumptions about the report said. "In such cases, the apparent slowing rate of "In the face of diminishment," it said, "women reli- growth in women's religious vocations coming primarily decline is not related to an increase of new vocations; gious have innovated by responding with new models in orders that are "traditionalist" -- meaning for exam- instead, it is these mergers that account for the increases when old models proved ineffective." ple, those whose members wear a full religious habit -- That's partly why the report refers to disentangling, while institutes whose members do not wear a tradition- Gautier told Catholic News Service. Some whole insti- al habit are declining. (Please See CARA/20) Catholics concerned about bloodshed in Middle East, see need for action NOTRE DAME, Ind. (CNS) -- San an Oct. 20 consistory that "we are wit- the Catholic Peacebuilding Network intention. Diego resident Stephanie Celustka has nessing a phenomenon of terrorism of based at the University of Notre Dame, Other just-war criteria -- legitimate prayed at Mass for an end to the Islamic previously unimaginable proportions," believes action needs to be taken to pro- authority, proportionality and probability State threat in the Middle East. and said the situation demands constant tect people in the Middle East from ISIS, of success -- are murky in this situation, The parishioner from San Diego's St. prayers and an adequate response from he's not convinced all of the just-war cri- he said. Anne Catholic Church is among the 53 the international community. teria has been met for a full-throttle com- "On the one hand, the United States percent of Americans who said in a Airstrikes from an international coali- bat mission. has been invited in by the Iraqi govern- September Pew poll that they support a tion led by the U.S. has driven ISIS out "If the popemobile had a bumper stick- ment, but there are serious concerns U.S. military campaign against ISIS, as of some regions of Iraq and Syria, but er, it would say, 'War is not the answer,'" about the legitimacy of the Iraqi govern- the Islamic militants in Iraq and Syria are the group has continued to dominate said Powers, also a professor of Catholic ment," Powers said. "The Iraqi govern- known. some other areas, and some military peacebuilding at Notre Dame's Kroc ment has been a government that has not "I think that it's important that we pro- experts are calling for ground troops. Institute. "But, of course, war is not the respected the rights of minorities and has tect the people who don't have the ability "I think our involvement in the Middle answer is not the answer to complex not respected in particular the rights of to protect themselves," Celustka told East, especially in Iraq, is half baked," problems like those that we see in Iraq the Sunni Muslims. It's been a very sec- Catholic News Service. "I just hope the said Felipe Dimayuga, a parishioner at and Syria." tarian government, and it's lost a lot of U.S. doesn't turn into one of those coun- Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in Powers told CNS in an interview at legitimacy. That's one of reasons why tries that uses its power to take over and College Park, Maryland. "We should Notre Dame that Catholic just-war crite- ISIS has grown so strong, so quickly. control, but uses the power to protect." commit ourselves, or not at all." ria for the conflict have been met in the "My real concern is the probability of told cardinals gathered at Though Jerry Powers, coordinator of areas of just cause, last resort and right success and proportionality," he said. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 15 Our Faith Rosary ‘overload’; origin of ‘Catholic’; offering to Jesus, Mary By Father Kenneth Doyle of a Holy Hour, which takes its inspiration from Christ's bishop is present, there is the Catholic Church." The word Catholic News Service words to the apostles at Gethsemane, "You could not keep "Catholic" comes from the Greek root meaning "universal." watch with me for one hour?" The Catechism of the Catholic Church in No. 868 says Q. Although on occasion I enjoy saying the rosary pri- It is a devotional exercise commonly consisting of times that the church is catholic (because) "She proclaims the full- vately, I have a problem with being "forced" to do so. for mental and vocal prayer, for the exposition of the ness of the faith. ... She is sent out to all peoples. ... She My perception is that many churches Blessed Sacrament and for Benediction. A Holy Hour may encompasses all times." are now saying the rosary aloud be arranged to include hymns, a litany or the rosary, depend- before Sunday Masses and even dur- ing on the desires of those who participate. Q. I am grateful for your column and excited to see ing holy hours. In our parish, following Mass on weekdays, a group prays what issues you will be tackling that particular week. I believe that these should be silent the rosary aloud. They wait about 10 minutes before start- But as an owner (and reader) of the Catechism of the times for solitude and private prayer. ing, which gives people a chance to make a private thanks- Catholic Church, I am sometimes surprised at the level The most annoying aspect is that, giving after Mass. (We also have a Blessed Sacrament of the questions; perhaps the catechism should be pre- when they finally do finish the rosary chapel, and those who want to make a longer thanksgiving scribed reading for the laity -- but then you would be out and I think that I can get back to my sometimes go there.) of a job! own praying, then they proceed to Parishioners have always seemed quite accepting of this That having been said, I do have a question myself. recite still other prayers publicly -- to practice. (Pride goeth before the fall!) I am a member of the Mary, the angels and the saints. Do I Doyle The goal, I think, should be to keep the central focus on Apostleship of Prayer and the Militia of the Immaculata. have the wrong attitude here? (Houma, Louisiana) the Eucharist while seeking also to accommodate various Both groups provide a morning prayer of dedication -- A. The church's guidelines for the celebration of the devotional practices, of which the rosary is a particularly offering all my thoughts, words and deeds of the day. Eucharist are to be found at the beginning of the Roman worthy one. In November 2013, following a Sunday But one directs this dedication to Jesus, and the other to Missal, the large prayer book on the altar that the priest Angelus address, Pope Francis highlighted the value of the Mary. Isn't that mutually exclusive? How can I offer reads from during Mass. There, in the General Instruction rosary as "spiritual medicine." "Don't forget to take it," he myself totally to both of them? (Craigsville, Virginia) on the Roman Missal, in No. 45 it is stated that "even before said. "It's good for your heart, for your soul, for your whole A. I think you would do best to relax and let Jesus and his the celebration itself, it is commendable that silence to be life." mother sort this out. Both practices -- offering the day's observed in the church, in the sacristy, in the vesting room activities to Jesus or to Mary -- are noble and good. and in adjacent areas, so that all may dispose themselves to Q. I've been wondering when and why the followers of (Technically, I suppose, in the second instance what you're carry out the sacred action in a devout and fitting manner." Jesus first started calling themselves "Catholic." Can really doing is offering the day to the Lord through Mary's It would seem, then, that the public recitation of the rosary you help? (Norfolk, Virginia) intercession.) in church during the sacred moments before the beginning A. The first written reference to the term "Catholic" can be You should be comforted by the memory of one of our of Mass should be avoided. found in the early days of the second century. A bishop from most recent saints, Pope John Paul II. His papal coat of arms Instead, as you point out, this should be a time for "soli- Antioch in Syria, Ignatius, was arrested and brought to displayed a prominent Marian symbol and his apostolic tude and private prayer." Rome by armed guards. Shortly before his martyrdom, he motto referred to Mary with the Latin words "Totus Tuus," As for the inclusion of the rosary during a Holy Hour, that wrote a letter to his fellow Christians in Smyrna (the city of meaning "totally yours." The saintly Karol Wojtyla had no is an open question. There are no strict rules for the structure Izmir in modern-day Turkey) in which he said, "Where the hesitation in offering his day and his papacy to our lady. Helping the world ... one family at a time By Effie Caldarola can I help?" from a refugee camp on one continent to parents in the wake of thousands fleeing Catholic News Service I'll admit that my friend cries easily, but the dizzying environment of a busy a city besieged by Islamic State fighters. there are few of us who can handle the American city. The baby was cradled against a gun slung I belong to a Catholic group that gath- daily onslaught of horrific news without They'll need everything, from tooth- across the soldier's chest. ers for prayer and good feeling deep emotions. We seem to move brushes to cleaning supplies, to a table I wondered: Did that baby ever find his works. At a recent meet- from one humanitarian crisis to another. and beds. They need bus tokens, towels mom? That picture brought the war to my ing, we discussed a Whether it's the enormous suffering of and garbage cans. The list is long and kitchen table in a way that statistics can't. project to help a refugee those affected by Ebola in African cities specific. We realized that by taking on the Millions of Syrians have fled their family resettle in our on the verge of internal collapse, or the material needs of one family, we're mak- homes, some have left for neighboring city. horrors of war and beheadings in the ing a dent, scratching the barest surface, countries such as Turkey or Lebanon. The discussion was Middle East or the sight of young chil- of human troubles in this weary world. Additionally, millions more have fled practical until the leader dren trying to find refuge from violence There is a saying, "He who saves a life wars in countries throughout the world. asked everyone to by making the long journey across saves the world entire." Sometimes the Millions live, sometimes for decades, in explain what motivated Caldarola Central America, it has been a gruesome news obscures individual suffering. refugee camps established by the United them to consider the year. The suffering of refugees is one of People are lost in a blur of huge numbers. Nations, and many will never have a project. the most painful to behold. That's when assisting one family brings chance to go home. That's when my friend began to cry. Our group will be assigned a family by home reality. A few "lucky" ones will be sent by the She couldn't watch the news, she said, a local agency that handles placement of I recently saw a news photo of a baby, with its frequent reporting of misery and refugees through the U.S. Department of a few months old, in the arms of a tragedy around the world without becom- State. We have been given a list of items Turkish soldier in full battle regalia. The (Please See CALDAROLA/21) ing overwhelmed and wondering, "How the family needs to begin their new life, soldier was looking for the Syrian child's Page 16 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Family synod’s dynamics recall Second Vatican Council By Francis X. Rocca At a news conference Oct. 13, Cardinal Catholic News Service Erdo distanced himself from the midterm report, identifying Italian Archbishop VATICAN CITY — Even before the Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto, the synod's start of the Oct. 5-19 Synod of Bishops special secretary, as responsible for a par- on the family, observers were likening it ticularly controversial passage on same- to the Second Vatican Council of 1962- sex unions. 65. Later that afternoon, the synod fathers In both cases, an innovative and charis- divided into 10 working groups to dis- matic pope called an assembly in the first cuss the midterm report and suggest months of his pontificate, seeking to amendments for the synod's final docu- preach the Gospel in terms of contempo- ment. rary culture and apply Catholic teaching The midterm report was "seen by many with what St. John XXIII called the as not being as balanced as it should have "medicine of mercy." been," Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of As it turned out, history also repeated Washington told CNS. itself in the institutional dynamics of this Cardinal Wuerl, one of 11 members of year's event, as bishops from around the a team that drafted the synod's final world asserted their collective authority, report, said one common objection was to leading the assembly's organizers in the theological concept of "graduality," Rome to revise some of their best-laid Pope Francis attends the morning session on the final day of the extraordinary Synod of which the midterm report used, among plans. Bishops on the family at the Vatican Oct. 18. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) other ways, to suggest the positive value A classic history, "The Rhine Flows of "irregular" relationships such as into the Tiber," recounts the first tumul- cohabitation. tuous week of Vatican II, when bishops synod on the family reacted strongly after took the floor to comment. A number "You don't see that in the final docu- rejected the Vatican's handpicked candi- the Oct. 13 presentation of an official objected that the text lacked certain nec- ment because the small language groups dates for the commissions that would midterm report by Hungarian Cardinal essary references to Catholic moral said, 'Yes, it was said, but it didn't garner write the council documents. Peter Erdo of Esztergom-Budapest. teaching, particularly regarding homosex- support," the cardinal said. "It was not a revolutionary act, but an Cardinal Erdo's report, which was sup- uality and cohabitation. Bishops also The synod's leadership, under Cardinal act of conscience, an act of responsibility posed to summarize the assembly's first remarked on the midterm report's scarce Lorenzo Baldisseri, who served as gener- on the part of the council fathers," week of discussions, made headlines with references to the concept of sin. al secretary, planned not to publish the recalled Pope Benedict XVI in 2013. its strikingly conciliatory language "Three-quarters of those who spoke working groups' individual reports but Then-Father Joseph Ratzinger attended toward people with ways of life contrary had some problems with the document," provide them only to the drafters of the Vatican II as a theological adviser to to Catholic teaching, including divorced Cardinal George Pell, prefect of the final report, along with their approxi- Cardinal Josef Frings of Cologne, and remarried Catholics, cohabitating Secretariat for the Economy, told mately 450 suggested amendments. Germany, one of the leaders of the bish- couples and people in same-sex unions. Catholic News Service. He called the But on Oct. 16, the bishops insisted ops' resistance. Immediately after the cardinal spoke, report tendentious, skewed and without More than 50 years later, bishops at the 41 of the 184 synod fathers present sufficient grounding in Scripture and tra- (Please See SYNOD/20) ditional doctrine. Cardinal Wuerl: Family synod came to a ‘real consensus’

By Francis X. Rocca 13 midterm report, which made headlines the midterm report), and then there were Catholic News Service with its strikingly conciliatory language things you see in that (midterm report) toward people with ways of life contrary that aren't in here at all." VATICAN CITY — Cardinal Donald to Catholic teaching, including divorced He said the synod's working groups W. Wuerl of Washington said the Oct. 5- and remarried Catholics, cohabitating commonly objected to the theological 19 Synod of Bishops on the family came couples and people in same-sex unions. concept of "graduality," which the to a "real consensus" after two weeks of The midterm report was "seen by many midterm report used, among other ways, animated debate, and that its final report as not being as balanced as it should to suggest the positive value of "irregu- will serve as a solid basis for the world have been. At least from their perspec- lar" relationships such as cohabitation. synod on the family in 2015. tive, it wasn't as reflective of the balance "You don't see that in the final docu- "What we saw and what we ended up in the discussions," the cardinal said. ment because the small language groups with was the result of a free and open As a result, he said, "it was really said, 'Yes, it was said, but it didn't garner process. The pope at the very beginning important that that final (report) be a support,'" the cardinal said. said speak with clarity and charity and consensus document." Synod fathers voted on each of the listen with humility and that's what hap- Cardinal Wuerl, who served on the 11- final report's 62 paragraphs. All received pened," Cardinal Wuerl told Catholic member team that drafted the final a simple majority, but three -- on espe- News Service Oct. 20. report, said "there were a number of cially controversial questions of homos The cardinal said the only "glitch" in things that you see in this final document the process came with the synod's Oct. that were only lightly touched upon (in (Please See WUERL/21) Cardinal Donald Wuerl (CNS Photo) The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 17 SCHOOL (From 5) sacristy to show the children what those are. The kids also visit the sanctuary garden, and gives it a unique opportunity to extend its Mother Mary in the grotto. We are practicing ministry to outreach as relationships are fos- singing “Ave Maria” and have taught the chil- tered with the families. dren some prayers.” One hope of school organizers and volun- Teachers at the school are certified both in teers is that an initiative is started in area Catholic education and CPR. Parent volun- Catholic Churches in bulletins or through cler- teers are currently organizing a fundraiser for gy to spread the word about the Catholic edu- a playground. cation option for these youngsters. Some “God has a plan, and it is growing at a good Catholics in the Abilene area take their young rate,” Garner said. ones to non-Catholic Churches for Mother's Little Saints expanded schedule for the Day Out and preschool simply because they 2014-2015 year: Monday, Tuesday & are unaware of the Catholic preschool educa- Thursdays 8:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m., for 1-3 year tion offered at Little Saints. Although the olds; Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Fridays school is physically located at Sacred Heart in 8:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m., for 4-5 year olds only. Abilene, it is open to children from all parish- Please call Lydia Rose, Director, 325-660- Book Sale at St. Ann’s es in the area. 5555 or Kelly Guadarrama, Assistant Director, Students at St. Ann’s Catholic School in Midland participated in “The school has helped reinforce the 325-864-8660 for more information. an “Under The Sea” Book Fair in October with a goal of raising Catholic formation, and helps make the chil- “I encourage you to stop by and visit our $10,000. Exceeding the goal would permit students, teachers and dren better able to identify with the Catholic early childhood center so you can see person- volunuteers to have a “Dress Up as Your Favorite Storybook teachings we practice at home,” said Kelly ally of the wonderful things happening at Character Day.” Participants did, in fact, exceed their goal, rais- Garner, a parent volunteer. Little Saints,” Msgr. Bush said. ing a total of $14,000. (Courtesy photo). “They are taken to the adoration chapel and Sisters serving in South Texas 'colonia' win Lumen Christi Award

CHICAGO (CNS) -- Three members of the began this ministry 10 years ago," she wrote. Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary "When our Bishop (Daniel E.) Flores (of ministering in Texas were named the winners of the Brownsville) nominated us, never in our wildest Lumen Christi (Light of Christ) Award given each dreams did we think that such recognition would year by Catholic Extension. come our way! In reality, the award recognizes not The three winners -- Sisters Carolyn Kosub, only us but the many people who share in this min- Emily Jocson and Fatima Santiago -- arrived in the istry: staff, Board, benefactors, colonia residents and South Texas "colonia" of Penitas, located in the numerous volunteers. As we often say, 'All of us Diocese of Brownsville, in 2003 after a tornado rav- together are Proyecto Desarrollo Humano!'" aged the poverty-ridden community, and since then A Texas native, Sister Carolyn said, "The old idea have worked with residents to help meet some of that missionaries go to a place to bring God's mes- their most basic needs. sage is usually overshadowed by the realization that They created Proyecto Desarrollo Humano they also find God incarnated in that place. As Pope (Project for Human Development), an outreach cen- Francis reminded us in 'The Joy of the Gospel,' the ter dedicated to evangelization, health, social servic- church is not limited to one cultural expression." es and education. And in 2009, the sisters worked to Despite what seems like nine-month summers in acquire land and donations of labor and materials to South Texas, she added, "there is another kind of build St. Anne Church for the townspeople. The warmth that trumps the weather. It is the loving church sits on what had once been a drug-smuggling kindness and deep faith of our Hispanic immigrant corridor. The church was given to the diocese in people. Yes, they are what most would call material- 2013. ly poor, but they are rich in qualities that matter As one Penitas resident said, "Having this church, much more: family, helpfulness, sharing, joy and -- the community center and these sisters here with us energizing it all -- the solid conviction that God is is to have the presence of God among us." with them." Sister Carolyn, in a Sept. 16 blog posting, "The Catholic Extension has presented the Lumen Sisters Emily Jocson, Fatima Santiago and Carolyn Kosub pose for Cowgirl Missionary," wrote about being a Lumen Christi for the past 37 years to an individual or a photo in Penitas, Texas, in this Aug. 25 photo. The three Christi recipient. group who has demonstrated how the power of faith Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are the winners of Catholic Extension's 2014 Lumen Christi Award. The sisters "My sisters and I are overwhelmed by the great can transform lives and communities. arrived in the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, in 2003 after a tornado honor that Catholic Extension has bestowed on our The award is accompanied by a $50,000 grant to ravaged the poverty-ridden community, and since then have ministry here. The Lumen Christi Award is a strong support the recipients' ministry. worked with residents to help meet some of their most basic affirmation of what we have been doing since we needs. (CNS photo/courtesy Catholic Extension) Page 18 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus

BISHOP Blessing of the (From 2) Animals support families in raising their children well, the role of Bishop Sis and other grandparents, and challenges such as violence and human trafficking. They Synod Fathers called on governments to priests around the support the rights of the family. They affirmed the pro- Diocese of San Angelo found beauty of marriage as well as the fertility and genera- blessed their share of tivity of marital love. They spoke of the family as the cats, dogs and gold- domestic Church. fish, but it’s a safe bet The Final Report of the 2014 Synod is a document of 62 that the bishop’s paragraphs. Each paragraph was voted upon separately. blessing of this reptile The second paragraph was unanimously agreed upon by the Synod Fathers. It reads, “Despite the many signals of crisis was one of only a of the institution of the family in the diverse contexts of the handful of its kind. 'global village', the wish for a family is still alive, especially The Blessing of the among young people, and this motivates the Church, expert Animals is celebrated in humanity and faithful to her mission, to tirelessly and annually on the Feast with profound conviction announce the 'Gospel of the fami- Day of St. Francis of ly'.” Assisi, October 4 this The written summary of the Synod discussions will be presented to the national bishops’ conferences around the year. (Courtesy photo) world for their continued study and reflection. The Final Report will function as a working document for the 2015 Synod of Bishops. After the 2015 Synod, Pope Francis will issue a post-synodal apostolic exhortation on the Church’s call to help families face the challenges of today. In his closing speech of the 2014 Extraordinary Synod, OBISPO Pope Francis reflected on the animated speeches and dis- (From 2) “A pesar de las muchas señales de cri- ideas con discernimiento espiritual, cussions of the Synod, where the participants spoke with sis de la institución de la familia en los para encontrar soluciones concretas a frankness “without ever putting into question the funda- la Asamblea General Ordinaria del contextos diversos de la ‘aldea global’, tantas dificultades que las familias se mental truths of the Sacrament of Marriage: its indissolubil- Sínodo de los Obispos en octubre de el deseo de una familia aún está vivo, enfrentan, y para dar contestaciones a 2015. especialmente entre los jóvenes, y los muchos desalientos que rodean y ity, unity, faithfulness, fruitfulness, and openness to life.” La cobertura de la prensa del Sínodo motiva a la Iglesia, experta en sofocan a las familias. Pope Francis reminded everyone that we still have one a veces se concentraba exclusivamente humanidad y fiel a su misión, a anun- Él nos aseguró que el Espíritu Santo year before the next Ordinary General Assembly of the en los temas controversiales como la ciar incansablemente y con profunda es el verdadero promovedor y garante Synod of Bishops, in October of 2015, to mature the pro- de Comunión para los divorciados en convicción, el ‘Evangelio de la de la unidad y armonía de la Iglesia— posed ideas with spiritual discernment, to find concrete nueva unión y las relaciones homosex- Familia’.” el Espíritu Santo quien a través de la solutions to so many difficulties that families face, and to uales. Sin embargo, esos dos temas El resumen escrito de las discusiones historia siempre ha guiado a la Iglesia give answers to the many discouragements that surround solamente fueron una pequeña parte de del Sínodo será presentado a las con- mediante sus ministros. and suffocate families. las discusiones en general. A pesar de ferencias nacionales de obispos alrede- A la conclusión del Sínodo, los He reassured us that the Holy Spirit is the true promoter la variedad de observaciones y sug- dor del mundo para su estudio y reflex- Padres Sinodales pidieron oraciones and guarantor of the unity and harmony of the Church – the erencias que surgieron en el proceso, ión continua. El Reporte Final fun- mientras la Iglesia camina reunida Holy Spirit who throughout history has always guided the surgió la necesidad común de animar a cionará como un “documento de traba- hacía el próximo Sínodo. Ofrecieron Church through her ministers. familias a vivir su llamada con fideli- jo” para el Sínodo de Obispos 2015. esta oración para todas las familias del At the conclusion of the Synod, the Synod Fathers asked dad, asegurando apoyo a los que son Después del Sínodo 2015, el Papa mundo: llamados a la vocación del Sagrado Francisco emitirá la exhortación apos- Padre, regala a todas las familias la for prayers as the Church walks together toward the next Matrimonio. tólica post-sinodal sobre la llamada de presencia de esposos fuertes y sabios, Synod. They offered this prayer for all the families of the El Sínodo afirmó el testimonio posi- ayudar a familias quienes se afrentan a que sean manantial de una familia world: tivo de familias cristianas. Habló sobre los desafíos de hoy día. libre y unida. Father, grant to all families the presence of strong and la necesidad del apoyo para familias en En su discurso de clausura del Padre, da a los padres una casa wise spouses who may be the source of a free and united criar a los hijos bien, el papel de los Sínodo Extraordinario 2014, el Papa para vivir en paz con su familia. family. abuelos, y los desafíos como la violen- Francisco reflejó sobre las pláticas y Padre, concede a los hijos que sean Father, grant that parents may have a home in which to cia y el tráfico de humanos. Los Padres discusiones animadas del Sínodo, signos de confianza y de esperanza y a live in peace with their families. Sinodales les pidieron a los gobiernos donde los participantes hablaron con jóvenes el coraje del compromiso Father, grant that children may be a sign of trust and que apoyen los derechos de la familia. franqueza “sin poner nunca en dis- estable y fiel. hope and that young people may have the courage to forge Afirmaron la belleza profunda del mat- cusión las verdades fundamentales del Padre, ayuda a todos a poder ganar life-long, faithful commitments. rimonio así como también la fertilidad Sacramento del Matrimonio: la indisol- el pan con sus propias manos, a gustar Father, grant to all that they may be able to earn bread y generatividad del amor matrimonial. ubilidad, la unidad, la fidelidad y la la serenidad del espíritu y a mantener with their hands, that they may enjoy serenity of spirit and Hablaron de la familia como la Iglesia procreatividad, es decir la apertura a la viva la llama de la fe también en tiem- doméstica. vida”. pos de oscuridad. that they may keep aflame the torch of faith even in periods El Reporte Final del Sínodo 2014 es El Papa Francisco les recordó a todos Padre, danos la alegría de ver flore- of darkness. un documento de 62 párrafos en el cual que aún tenemos un año antes de la cer una Iglesia cada vez más fiel y Father, grant that we may all see flourish a Church that cada párrafo se votó separadamente. El próxima Asamblea General Ordinaria creíble, una ciudad justa y humana, un is ever more faithful and credible, a just and humane city, a segundo párrafo fue decidido unánime- del Sínodo de Obispos, en octubre del mundo que ame la verdad, la justicia y world that loves truth, justice and mercy. mente por los Padres Sinodales. Dice, 2015, para madurar las propuestas la misericordia. The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 19 Family Life Sometimes less news is good news About the other 364 days ... By Bill Dodds large number of viewers. audio files that brought bad news, hor- Catholic News Service Fast forward some 20-plus years -- rifying news, to life. Sad news. Deeply and, my, how those years did fast for- disturbing news. One my earliest memories of my ward -- and ... you know the story. In recent months, that has included late father-in-law is his watching the Networks, local stations, newspapers, videos and photographs of beheadings. national news dur- cable, satellite, Internet, cellphone ... I don't want to see them because I ing weeknight countless options all day and all night. can't "unsee" them. In the same way, I family dinners. And that increased competition has don't listen to the 911 calls from recent Since he watched, led to "entertainment" (shock value) tragedies because I can't "unhear" we all watched. A trumping news that's truly valuable. them. I don't need to see or hear those complete broad- News that's important. Valuable and to know what happened. They're pre- cast on one chan- important can have a tough time com- sented not to further inform me but to nel and then, peting with racy or lurid because we increase viewership, which translates switching to a dif- humans love gossip. The junk food of into higher ad rates, which means ferent station, a the news world. greater profit for a corporation. complete broadcast Dodds With that in mind, these are a few 4 It can be easy to think there's noth- on another. points to consider: ing we can do about all that happen- It seemed a little strange to me. 4 I took a step away from the news ing, but that's not true. We can always Hadn't we pretty much seen every- last year after my wife died of uterine pray for those people and those situa- thing in the first one? But he was, you cancer. I didn't have the physical or tions. Prayer always makes a differ- know, really "old" at age 58, and I emotional energy for it. Over time, I ence. loved his daughter. Showing great discovered I could stay informed by 4 And there can be the sense that wisdom for a 20-year-old, I kept my reading through story headlines on things are getting worse. That may be mouth shut. local television websites. I could skip true. What I know is true is that the Given a choice, and without his whatever I wanted to. immediacy, repetition and global knowledge, I would have preferred a And I could avoid the dramatic scope of the news can make it seem "Twilight Zone" rerun. Or, in a pinch, music, overblown artwork and omi- things are worse. So can the ever- even a "Gilligan's Island." nous tones of the news anchor. It increasing news hole that constantly It would be eight years before CNN seems that fear sells, and more news has to be replenished. became the first 24-hour cable news outlets are relying on it in so many These days, there's just too much for channel station and more than a ways. one person to absorb. Even an old decade after that, with the first Persian 4Even before this, I stopped viewing news junkie like my father-in-law Gulf War in 1991, that it gained a the video clips and listening to the couldn't do it. When God says no it can often be painful, life changing

By Father John Catoir will either lead you to a reluctant accept- Upon prayerful reflection of the Job could not depend on God's promise to Catholic News Service ance of God's will or a rejection of his story, you may gain some perspective on help when I needed it? will. the simple concept: Life is a test. I began to doubt my vocation. Was What do you do when God, your We see examples of this in the Bible, We all have drama in our lives, things God really calling me to be a priest, or friend and protector, in those disillusioned that God, their pro- that we can't understand and sometimes was it all a figment of my pious imagina- suddenly turns you tector, would allow others to enslave take out on God. I had my own drama tion? In the weeks that followed, I down and says "no"? them, and in those who remained faithful when I was in the seminary. My mother endured a state of distress and continued A tragic event, such and praised God for their subsequent lib- was very sick, and I prayed incessantly with my classes, putting on as brave a as a death, can topple eration. that God would heal her and let her live front as I could muster. your childhood dreams We hear of this when some question to see me ordained. Then gradually, in a month or two, I about a heavenly Father why God would allow unthinkable atroc- Was that too much to ask? began understanding the whole experi- who will help you ities such as the Holocaust to occur. I was confident that God would grant ence as a test of faith. I thought about through the trials and In the Bible, God reveals his answer to my plea, but God did not answer. He the fact that my mother's suffering, tribulations of life. Catoir such questions. A man named Job had took her home two years before my ordi- which had lasted for many years, was at Deaths happen all the his world turned upside down by numer- nation. Needless to say, I was deeply last over. This was a good thing. I could time. However, when someone you love ous tragedies. One misfortune after shaken, not because I needed motherly see her sitting in a front-row seat, in dies, even though you pray and plea to another devastated him, and yet he care. After all, I had been on my own heaven, on my ordination day. save them, it can be heart-wrenching. remained steadfast in his faith. He put on throughout my college years and in the I began to realize that time does heal The anger and confusion that an the will to honor God, no matter how Army. I was shaken because I suddenly and that God's will takes into account the unwanted death unleashes can be devas- great the miseries of his life affected had serious doubts about God as a helper suffering of others, not just the pain of tating. You begin to doubt the very exis- him. In the end, God rewarded him for and protector. one person. tence of God. Ultimately, the experience his deep devotion. How could I go on as a priest if I Page 20 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus KAUFFMAN The West Texas Angelus Official Newspaper of the (From 5) says have their own arc in the Kauffman’s hope is that peo- Kauffman said he is now Diocese of San Angelo, Texas larger story told in the picture ple will walk out of the movie reviewing three treatments he POSTMASTER: Send all address real movie, with real production itself. and think to themselves, either will explore in hopes of turning changes to: values, a real score, real editing. “The One I Wrote For You” is consciously or subconsciously, them into screenplays as well. WEST TEXAS ANGELUS People love the movie.” also more realistic than many about the balance of what they “Music has been all consum- P.O. Box 1829 Kauffman said films of this genre, Kauffman are called to in life. Balancing ing for me for most of the last SAN ANGELO, TX 76902-1829 what the film’s said. His intent was to make it dreams with family life is essen- 25 years. This is even more dif- ______principal actors gritty and believable, and tial because, as Kauffman said, ficult, but for some reason I are doing include situations with which all “family is core to everything we have developed a passion for it. Bishop Michael J. Sis onscreen — families can identify. are.” For the last six years this has Publisher their interaction “Husbands and wives get into For himself, Kauffman said it been our mission,” he said. “We and the mes- arguments,” Kauffman said. has been tough at times to bal- feel like it has been a godsend Jimmy Patterson sages they con- “But we wanted to show that ance this dream with his family as well: with this movie we vey as a family part of reality without going life. Working on the film some- have been able to combine song Media Relations Director Kauffman Editor and what is crazy but still be identifiable. times necessitates rising and hit- and story for healing and hope important to a family —are Kauffman said the film’s first ting the office as early as 5 a.m. on stage and screen. The work strengths of the film. two weekends and how it per- and working side by side with is hard. Joyful, but hard. There Member Catholic News Service “This is a story that has been forms in a limited opening will his children — while they were has to be a mission of hope Catholic Press Association told a million times, but not like be critical to the movie’s long- doing homework he would be behind it. If I am somehow able Texas Catholic News this,” Kauffman said. “It’s just a term success. It will open on writing or editing himself — to make a second film, I’ll prob- beautiful little family film about screens in more than a dozen when they were in high school. ably do this for a long time.” a guy who gets a second chance Texas cities before being given The sacrifices made by his wife Theatres in these cities will screen Published the first Monday follow- at being a songwriter, and he the opportunity for a wider have been, he said, critical to “The One I Wrote for You”: Austin, ing the 1st Saturday of each month gets lost in the production and release. the film becoming the reality it Beaumont, Corpus Christi, Dallas/Ft Worth, El Paso, Houston, Lubbock and delivered to all registered determines that he is going “This has truly been my life is today. parishioners in the San Angelo Midland/Odessa, Rio Grande Valley- about this for all the wrong rea- for the last few years,” “I look at what I have done, Brownsville/McAllen, San Angelo Diocese. sons and he has to ask himself, Kauffman said. “But it’s like the width and depth of what you San Antonio. ‘Do I really want to win this Christopher Lloyd tells his son have to learn and do it well, and Our website is : Subscription rate for all others: contest?’ ” in the movie, ‘You’ve gotta fol- we believe we have acted with $10 per year Kauffman wrote 14 songs for low your heart, kid. You’ve just integrity every step of the way Trailer: the movie, story songs that he gotta follow your heart.’ with this movie,” he said. THIRD CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT SAN ANGELO, TEXAS CARA Printed by the San Angelo Standard Times (From 14) point to even further expansion predicted. ship by a combined total of 267 A Scripps-Howard Company into the foreseeable future," it In some cases statistically sig- people since 1970. That number, in membership." said. For instance, the Religious nificant growth actually repre- the report said, is "too few to Submissions: There are some institutes that Sisters of Mercy of Alma, sents very few people, Gautier have an effect on the overall Story suggestions, calendar items, show consistent growth even Michigan, was established in noted. picture." parish briefs and all other without such mergers, the report 1973 with nine members. The Six institutes that have been "Whatever these institutes submissions should be emailed to said. community has continued to cited in anecdotes and news have done or are doing is Jpatterson@ "These communities do not grow gradually, and its member- reports as evidence of a reversal unlikely to offset losses in the exhibit the growth-followed-by- ship will approach 100 by the of the trend toward decline, tens of thousands elsewhere. It COPY, PHOTO DEADLINE: decline pattern and seem to end of the decade, the report have increased their member- is simply not enough." Third Friday of every month. Photos should be in jpeg format. SYNOD

Letters to the editor are welcome, (From 16) northern European countries had been lead- majority, but three -- on especially contro- and should be emailed to ers of change at Vatican II, some of the more versial questions of homosexuality and Jpatterson@ that the working-groups' reports be made outspoken synod fathers this year were from Communion for the divorced and civilly public. the English-speaking countries and Africa. remarried -- failed to gain the two-thirds Letters to the editor are printed at "We wanted the Catholic people around The synod's final report, which the pope supermajority ordinarily required for the discretion of the editor and the world to know actually what was going ordered published almost immediately after approval of synodal documents. identities of the writer are subject on in talking about marriage and the family," the assembly finished its work Oct. 18, fea- "What I think Pope Francis succeeded in to verification. Please include Cardinal Pell said. tured many more citations of Scripture, as doing was letting the synod fathers, letting name, address and phone number On the same day, the drafting committee well as new references to the Catechism of the synod participants, actually come to a when submitting letters. was expanded to increase its geographic the Catholic Church and the teachings of real consensus, even though it's a weak con- diversity, with the addition of Cardinal Blessed Paul VI, St. John Paul II and Pope sensus in some areas," Cardinal Wuerl said. Wilfrid F. Napier of Durban, South Africa, Benedict XVI. "The process worked, even though there and Archbishop Denis Hart of Melbourne, Synod fathers voted on each of the docu- were bumps along the way." Australia. Just as bishops from a cluster of ment's 62 paragraphs. All received a simple The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 21 WUERL

(From 16) come to a real consensus even though lenges and virtues of traditional fami- it's a weak consensus in some areas," lies. sexuality and Communion for the the cardinal said. "We've had such an airing, such as divorced and civilly remarried -- failed The final report will serve as the expression of the problematic," Cardinal to gain the two-thirds supermajority working paper for the October 2015 Wuerl said. "I think we are going to be required for approval of synodal docu- world synod on the "vocation and mis- hearing more and more the positive side ments. sion of the family in the church and the ... the wonder of what the church has The final report was a "consensus modern world." experienced and presented from the document, to the best of the ability of "Between now and next October, I beginning." everybody working on it," Cardinal think there is going to be so much fruit- He added, "We are going to be able to Wuerl said. "And you know what veri- ful discussion in the church," Cardinal celebrate that and find there are a lot fies that for me? Every single one of Wuerl said. people living it, struggling to live it, and those paragraphs received a majority Following the often-contentious dis- I think they're going to be witnesses to and only a handful didn't receive the cussion of sexual ethics and how to the next synod. They're going to be the two-thirds." reach out to people in "irregular" unions ones in the next synod who will be "What I think Pope Francis succeeded during the synod, preparation for the bearing witness to what's ahead of us in doing was letting the synod fathers, next assembly, the cardinal explained, and what we can be." letting the synod participants, actually would give more attention to the chal- THEODORE

(From 24) Technology. She worked at Dell and “It’s a big deal for them to devote Whole Foods in Austin before answer- their lives completely to God,” he said. meaning of Therese’s vows of poverty, ing her calling as a nun. The event also was remarkable for chastity and obedience, Mount Carmel “I had gone to the funeral of John Sis, who had never before in his career Hermitage’s hermits unfolded a rug on Paul II,” Therese said after the ceremo- presided over a solemn profession of the ground. Therese laid face down on ny, taking a brief moment between pos- vows. it, her white robes spread out like wings ing for pictures with friends and family, “I knew her before she entered into on either side of her. each of whom she embraced with the this,” said Sis, who also lived in Austin As Therese lay motionless, the her- jubilance of a bride greeting guests at before moving to San Angelo. “She mits named each saint, and parishioners her wedding. “Even though I was went on a retreat with us in Belton. I responded with “Pray for us.” protestant, I was so drawn to him. When met her when she was first looking into Upon Therese’s recitation of her I went to the cathedral (where his funer- (becoming a nun). This is like going full vows to her fellow sisters, Bishop Sis al was held), something happened. I circle. held his hands above her bowed head began to feel pulled. The next thing I “She brings a lot of life to this com- and prayed for grace of chastity, warmth knew, I was taking RCIA,” to convert to munity. She exudes joy. She’s had a of love and that she will continue to Catholicism. long journey of faith. I’m very excited love God above all else. Four nuns live at the monastery, said for her, and I’m very grateful to God to His voice breaking with emotion, Sis the Rev. Steve Hicks, priest at Cathedral know her, and I hope many more follow said, “May she love you and fear you, Church of the Sacred Heart in San in her footsteps.” may she love you and serve you. Be her Angelo, who attended the event to sup- Beaming and unable to contain her comfort in sorrow…her patience in port Therese and his sister friends. enthusiasm, Therese is the antithesis of adversity, her riches in poverty, her food “They come in as a postulant; they’ve the archetypical quiet nun. “This morn- in fasting. May she find all things in made no vows,” he said. “Then they ing I could not stop crying; I was so you.” become a novice and make their first overwhelmed,” she admitted. “When Under her birth name Arniece profession.” you love God…he gives you more love. Russell, Therese, now 63, in the ’70s When the other sisters have made the How can you out-give God? All I have won Miss Black Manhattan, Miss Black determination that the novice is ready to to give him is my life.” New York and Miss Black America and become a nun, she makes her final pro- graduated from the Fashion Institute of fession, Hicks said. CALDAROLA

(From 15) among strangers in a culture, customs There are few fairy-tale endings here. and language foreign to them. But there is a chance, one family at a U.N. to countries like ours, and to For many, the apartments they will be time, to tell them that we care about a cities like mine. They come from able to afford will be in tough neighbor- suffering world. Bhutan, Iraq, the Congo, South Sudan. hoods. The adjustment will be hard, the They come to a strange place, to live loneliness deep. Page 22 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus

DALLAS EDICTAL SUMMONS October 13, 2014 (From 7) Bishop Deshotel came at a after also being transferred from CASE: MININGER (GRAHAM) -- BRIGHAM poignant time for health care Texas Presbyterian Hospital. She NO.: SO/14/38 Diocesan officials canceled workers in Dallas. was admitted to Texas various retreats and meetings at "Obviously we are trying to do Presbyterian Hospital Oct. 14, The Tribunal Office of the Catholic Diocese of San the retreat center while Troh and the best we can for patients, both after a weekend of roundtrip trav- Angelo is seeking Tony Carvon Brigham. her family were at the home on those who are sick and those who el from Dallas to Cleveland on You are hereby summoned to appear before the the property. He said the family are well to keep them well and Frontier Airlines. Tribunal of the Catholic Diocese of San Angelo, at 804 remains there until they find suit- we had prayers for people affect- She boarded the plane for her Ford Street, San Angelo, Texas 76905, on or before the able housing. The bishop said the ed by the Ebola situation here in return trip to Dallas after confer- November 30, 2014, to answer to the Petition of Robin county will properly clean the Dallas," Zellers told The Texas ring with Dallas County Health Mininger (Graham), now introduced before the Diocesan facility, but that because none of Catholic, newspaper of the Dallas officials and her family says she Tribunal in an action styled, “Robin Mininger (Graham) those temporarily housed there Diocese. was approved for the return trav- and Tony Carvon Brigham, Petition for Declaration of tested positive for the virus it did Worshippers prayed specifical- el because her low-grade fever Invalidity of Marriage.” Said Petition is identified as Case: not have to go through hazmat ly for Nina Pham, 26, a nurse at had not spiked to the level that MININGER (GRAHAM) -- BRIGHAM; Protocol No.: cleaning. Texas Health Presbyterian and a would cause concern. SO/14/38, on the Tribunal Docket of the Diocese of San On Oct. 19, about 150 health Catholic, who contracted the The news of her travel impact- Angelo. care professionals attended the virus from Duncan. She received ed not only the airline company, You may communicate with the Tribunal in person or in annual White Mass at the plasma from Dr. Kenneth but people who were on the flight writing. Failure to communicate within the prescribed Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Brantley, who contracted the with her or on the plane that was period of time will be considered your consent for the Guadalupe in downtown Dallas, virus in Africa but survived after in service for several days before Tribunal to continue its proceedings in the above-named with Auxiliary Bishop J. Douglas being treated in the United States. it was decontaminated and case. Deshotel thanking and praising Pham was transferred from parked in a hangar. Given at the Tribunal of the Diocese of San Angelo on them for their works, saying they, Texas Health Presbyterian Her family has now hired attor- the 13th day of October 2014. like Christ, were healers. Hospital Dallas to the National ney Billy Martin after the Centers After the Mass, Dr. Tom Institutes of Health in Bethesda, for Disease Control and Zellers, a pediatric cardiologist Maryland, where she continues to Prevention said that she had been Reverend Tom Barley, and president of the Dallas receive treatment. Another nurse, advised not to avoid public trans- MSW, MBA, M. Div.,JCL Catholic Medical Association, Amber Vinson, 29, is at Emory portation while self-monitoring Judicial Vicar said that the blessing from University Hospital in Atlanta, her symptoms. BARRON (From 10) ship of God is enlivening to human hold a remarkable number of truths in that a society dominated by advocates of beings; etc. These conclusions are the common, that there are points of contact Kitcher’s brand of atheism might tolerate rooted in the earth and stretched into the result of the very sifting process I refer- between doctrines that seem utterly at religious people for a time but will, heavens. Upon awakening, he declared enced above, and they provide the basis odds, and that there are some of their eventually, seek to marginalize them—or the site where he had slept holy and con- for something that Kitcher and his col- teachings that are indeed mutually exclu- even hospitalize them for insanity. If secrated it with an altar. As the tradition leagues evidently find inadmissible, sive. And in regard to the points of con- you think this last suggestion is paranoid, has received this story and drawn out its namely, a real argument about religious tention, authentic arguments can be take a good hard look at the policy of the implications, it has come to see a mani- matters. It is not simply a question of launched from both sides. Soviet Union in regard to those who dis- fold of profound metaphysical and spiri- pitting one ancient story against another; As I hinted above, what bothers me agreed with its regnant ideology. In the tual truths: that finite being and Infinite it is a question of analyzing, marshalling about Kitcher’s proposal is that it effec- mid-nineteenth century, John Henry being are intimately connected to one evidence, and testing against experience. tively relegates all religion to the arena Newman fought tenaciously to defend another; that every place is potentially a And when this takes place between inter- of the irrational. It is interesting to note the rationality of religious claims. place of encounter with the power that locutors from different religious tradi- that several times in the course of his Kitcher’s interview—as well as the volu- sustains the cosmos; that there is a hier- tions, provided that they are people of interview he compares religious experi- minous writings of his intellectual archy of created reality stretching intelligence and good will, serious ence to the experiences of people suffer- allies—convinces me that the same battle upward to God from the earth and down- progress can be made. The conversation ing from psychosis. And this shows the needs to be joined today. ward from God to the earth; that the wor- partners will discover, perhaps, that they real danger of such a proposal, namely, EBOLA (From 1) to send disaster response teams and resources. impacts of the outbreak. 4Ensure that the availability of treatment centers, medical I encourage everyone to pray for those who have been Catholic Relief Services, you can donate to the CRS equipment, materials and trained personnel keeps pace infected, for healthcare workers, for those who have lost West Africa Emergency Fund through the following web- with the epidemic. loved ones, and for the repose of the souls of those who site: or you may call 1-877-435-7277. 4Make a long-term commitment to resolving the underly- have died, among whom are priests, sisters, missionaries, In a September 23, 2014, letter to the National Security ing problem of the severe lack of capacity in the health and health care workers who contracted the disease while Council, spokespersons for the United States Conference systems of the affected countries. caring for their people. of Catholic Bishops and CRS welcomed the U.S. 4Collaborate with Church health structures and other To all, my ongoing advice is to be aware, do not panic, Government’s commitment to respond to the Ebola crisis community-based organizations to develop public educa- and always use good hygiene practices to prevent the and encouraged the United States to do the following: tion programs to help halt the spread of the virus. spread of viruses and other communicable diseases. 4 Urge other donor nations to increase their commitment 4Prepare for the growing humanitarian and long-term The Angelus NOVEMBER 2014 Page 23

SAINTS House, Senate (From 8) thorough study of Scriptures and Hilda became ill with a fever and engage in good works as well. He chronic pain during the last seven years Contact Information which produced several different crops, describes Hilda as a woman of great of her life. She died at dawn on a vegetable garden, beehives and boats energy and a skilled administrator and November 17, 680. Guiley describes an HOUSE OF for fishing. Local workers were hired as teacher. Whitby followed the practices interesting legend related to Hilda’s farm laborers since the monks and nuns of the Celtic Church brought to north- death. When the bell was rung to REPRESENTATIVES did not do any of the manual labor, ern Britain by St. Columba. At that announce her passing, it was heard by a -- U.S. Congressman K. Michael according to Jones. time, Gallick explains, all the religious nun, Begu, in a monastery 13 miles Conaway (District 11-- San Angelo, Sarah Gallick writes in the “Big Book houses in the north of England followed away. Guiley writes that Begu had a Midland-Odessa, Andrews, Stanton, of Women Saints” that Hilda trained Celtic traditions. vision in which she saw the soul of Crane, Rankin, Big Lake, Colorado City, many future bishops at Whitby. The There were distinct differences Hilda borne up to heaven by angels in a Sterling City, Robert Lee, Bronte, Ballinger, most famous of her monks was between the Celtic system and the radiance of light. Winters, Miles, Christoval, Eldorado, Caedmon, an elderly cowherd whose Roman Church such as the date of Gallick credits Hilda with being a Junction, Menard, Eden, Melvin, Brady, gift of song and poetry was encouraged Easter and the degree of authority decisive factor in uniting the English Coleman, Brownwood, Sonora, McCamey, by Hilda. She soon became famous for attached to the papacy. In 664, the bish- church. Her feast is kept on the Roman Mertzon, Sweetwater ) her wisdom and kings and princes came ops and clergy held a synod to deter- Calendar on November 17 and in the Phone: 202-225-3605 to her for advice. At Whitby, Hilda built mine these questions and they met at Church of England on November 19. Mailing Address: 511 Cannon House up a library of manuscripts that includ- Hilda’s monastery. Rodney Castleden She is the patron of education and the Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 ed all of the New Testament and parts writes in the “Book of Saints” that patron saint of the National Cathedral Email (via Web): of the Old Testament. These manu- Hilda was a great champion of the School for Girls in Washington, DC. scripts were available in various transla- British church services when they were The Whitby Monastery was abandoned come.shtml: tions and had to be copied by hand on debated at the synod. in the ninth century following the Web: parchment or vellum. The final decision taken at the synod Danish raids. It was refounded as a The vellum came from the skins of was to adopt the Roman system and Benedictine Monastery after the -- Rep. Randy Neugebauer (District 19 calves on the farm while parchment was acknowledge the supremacy of Rome. Norman Conquest in 1066. The -- Big Spring, Abilene, Clyde) produced from sheepskin. All of this Although this ruling went against monastery continued to operate as a work was done on tablets made from Hilda’s wishes, she accepted it and the religious house until the dissolution of Phone: 202-225-4005 beeswax. rites and practices of the double monasteries by King Henry VIII in Mailing Address: 1424 Longworth Bede tells us that Hilda insisted that monastery at Whitby were changed 1539 ( HOB, Washington, DC 20515 all the monks and nuns should make a accordingly. Email (via Web): come.shtml SANDOVAL Web: -- Rep. Pete Gallego (District 23 — (Para 11) Por eso, Wood explora una forma con- desde la cordillera de Sangre de Cristo, temporánea de carencia de hogar: “vidas siempre decía que un día iba a regresar, Fort Stockton, Iraan, Ozona tuviéramos la opción, cuál sería el puerto vividas sin la finalidad de exilio pero anhelo que no lo realizara. Mailing Address: 431 Cannon HOB de embarcación de nuestro viaje al más también sin la familiaridad de hogar”. Es Por eso también, las últimas palabras Washington, DC 20515-4323 allá? En ese respeto, Roger Cohen, uno el sentido de no ser adecuado, de de mi madre al morir fueron, “Hoy me Phone 202-225-4511 de mis favoritos columnistas del periódi- ansiedad de no pertenecer, que Cohen voy a Nuevo México”. Ambos sabían Web co The New York Times, escribe sobre llama la angustia de desplazo. que en Nuevo México no habría un ensayo escrito por James Wood en La Esta es la condición humana general, ansiedad de ser aceptados. Plena Reseña de Libros de Londres. Wood le particularmente entre inmigrantes y ciu- aceptación, la fe nos asegura, recibire- pregunta a su compatriota inglés dadanos latinos con historia de siglos mos en nuestro hogar eterno. U.S. SENATE Christopher Hitchens, los dos residentes viviendo en lo que hoy es Estados No obstante, ahora vivimos con lo que -- U.S. Senator John Cornyn de muchos años en Estados Unidos, Unidos quienes en varias épocas han Wood llama un sentido de “después”, Phone: 202-224-2934 donde iría si le quedaran sólo unas sem- sufrido rechazo en su propio país. frase que Wood le presta a Sigmund Mailing Address: 517 Hart Senate anas de vida. ¿Se quedaría en América? Pero distinto a los indocumentados que Freud. Cohen cita a Wood: “Pensar del Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510 Hitchens, mucho antes de que le diag- no pueden volver a su patria por miedo hogar y del salir del hogar, y de no nosticaran una enfermedad terminal, dijo de no poder regresar, algunos de volver y no sentirse capaz de volver, eso Web: que iría a Dartmoor, el paisaje de su nosotros ciudadanos de nacimiento ten- crea un sentido extraordinario de (lo que juventud en Inglaterra. emos nuestro refugio. Para mi ese refu- significa) después”. Cohen explica que para todos ese es el gio es Nuevo México, donde siempre los Por eso es que las clínicas de reposo y -- U.S. Senator Ted Cruz paisaje “del mundo en su belleza embe- hispanos hemos sido aceptados mejor los hospicios son sitios de tanta soledad, Cruz, Ted - (R - TX) Class I bido antes de ser comprendido, de dibu- que en cualquier otro lugar de este pais. los últimos lugares que cualquier per- Phone: (202) 224-5922 jos y sonidos que se graban en algún Es nuestra metáfora, como si nos imagi- sona ve como escena adecuada para Mailing Address: B40B Dirksen lugar indeleble en el psique y nos llaman naramos el cielo. morir. Todo el mundo anhela despedirse a través de los años”. La mayoria de Por esa razón, mi padre, quien llevo a de este mundo en su casa, aunque sólo Senate Office Building, Washington, DC nosotros ya no vive allí. su familia a Brighton, Colorado a vivir, sea una humilde choza en el barrio. 20510 Page 24 NOVEMBER 2014 The Angelus Sister Theodore’s Solemn Profession

Former Miss Black America makes solemn profession of vows as Carmelite Nun

Editor’s Note: The following story origi- nally appeared in the San Angelo Standard-Times and is reprinted here with permission.

By Becca Nelson Sankey

SCHLEICHER COUNTY — The singing voices of a choir, angelic in cadence, filtered from the stone chapel tucked away on secluded acreage in Schleicher County. On Sunday afternoon at Our Lady of Grace monastery, Mary Theodore Therese officially closed the chapter on her life as a 1970s beauty pageant queen, fashion institute of technology graduate and big-city career woman, and began anew as a Carmelite nun. Images from Sister Therese, who has lived at the Mary Theodore monastery the past five years, Therese’s solemn marked her spiritual milestone with profession of vows, a solemn profession of vows, an October 4, 2014. event that filled the chapel with With Sister Mary sisters, hermits, church officials Grace Erl, Superior including The Most Rev. Michael of the Our Lady of Sis, and Therese’s family and Grace Monastery in Schleicher County, friends. above, and at left as “What we celebrate with you The Most Rev. this day…can be described in Michael J. Sis, these words: vision, risk, wonder, Bishop of San Angelo, and Fr. hope, struggle,” said the Rev. Fabian Maria Dave Simpson, who traveled out Rosette, of the Mt. of state to deliver the homily. Carmel Hermitage, Risk, Simpson said, is the ener- near Christoval, pray over Sister gy force that allows Therese “to be Theodore. ordinary, but for God to do the extraordinary in her life.” Photos by Alan P. After Simpson discussed the Torre / (Please See THEODORE/22)