Series Editor Martin Walters

Series Originator Alan Hamilton

People and Plants is a joint initiative of WWF, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants

Titles in the series

Applied : People, Wild Use and Conservation Anthony B Cunningham

Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: Equitable Partnerships in Practice Sarah A Laird (ed)

People, Plants and Protected Areas: A Guide to In Situ Management (reissue) John Tuxill and Gary Paul Nabhan

Plant Invaders: The Threat to Natural Ecosystems (reissue) Quentin C B Cronk and Janice L Fuller

Tapping the Green Market: Certification and Management of Non-Timber Forest Products Patricia Shanley, Alan R Pierce, Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén (eds)

Uncovering the Hidden Harvest: Valuation Methods for Woodland and Forest Resources Bruce M Campbell and Martin K Luckert (eds)

Forthcoming titles in the series

Ethnobotany: A Methods Manual (2nd edition) Gary J Martin Tapping the Green Market

Certification and Management of Non-Timber Forest Products

Edited by Patricia Shanley, Alan R Pierce, Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén

Earthscan Publications Ltd, London • Sterling, VA First published in the UK and USA in 2002 by Earthscan Publications Ltd Copyright © WWF, 2002 All rights reserved ISBN: 1 85383 810 1 paperback 1 85383 871 3 hardback Typesetting by PCS Mapping & DTP, Newcastle upon Tyne Printed and bound in the UK by ??? Cover design by Yvonne Booth Cover photo by Esther Katz/CIFOR Panda symbol © 1986 WWF ® WWF registered trademark owner For a full list of publications please contact: Earthscan Publications Ltd 120 Pentonville Road London N1 9JN, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7278 0433 Fax: +44 (0)20 7278 1142 Email: [email protected] Web: www.earthscan.co.uk 22883 Quicksilver Drive, Sterling, VA 20166–2012, USA Earthscan is an editorially independent subsidiary of Kogan Page Ltd and publishes in association with WWF-UK and the International Institute for Environment and Development A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tapping the green market : certification and management of non-timber forest products / edited by Patricia Shanley ... [et al.]. p. cm. — (People and plants conservation series) Includes bibliographical references (p. ). ISBN 1-85383-871-3 (hardback) — ISBN 1-85383-810-1 (pbk.) 1. Non-timber forest products—Certification. I. Shanley, Patricia, 1955- II. People and plants conservation series (Earthscan Publications Ltd.) SD543 .T26 2002 338.1'74987—dc21 2001006716

This book is printed on elemental chlorine-free paper Contents

List of figures, tables and boxes viii About the contributors x The NTFP certification project team xiii The People and Plants initiative by Alan Hamilton xv People and Plants partners xvi Acknowledgements xvii

Section I: Overview Introduction by Patricia Shanley, Sarah A Laird, Alan R Pierce and Abraham Guillén 3

1 The rise of certification, the current state of the playing field for NTFP certification programmes and future prospects by Jamison B Ervin and Patrick Mallet 7 2 The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification by Patricia Shanley and Sarah A Laird 20 3 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, and by Abraham Guillén 28

Section II: NTFP profiles from around the world Introduction by Patricia Shanley, Alan R Pierce, Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén 47

Latin America 4 Chicle (Manilkara zapota) by Peter W Alcorn 49 5 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) by Enrique G Ortiz 61 6 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.) by Dennis Johnson 75 7 Pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.) by M Constanza von der Pahlen 85 8 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) by Miguel N Alexiades 93 9Breu resin (Protium spp.) by Campbell Plowden 110 10 Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.) by Campbell Plowden 116 11 Amapá (Parahancornia spp. and Brosimum spp.) by Campbell Plowden 123 12 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) by Campbell Plowden 126 13 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) by Miguel N Alexiades 136 Tapping the Green Market

Eastern North America 14 Fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia struthiopteris) by Alan R Pierce 156 15 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum) by Alan R Pierce 162 16 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) by Alan R Pierce 172

The Mediterranean region 17 Mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus), cork oak (Quercus suber), argan (Argania spinosa), pine nut (Pinus pinea), pine resin (various spp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa) by Yorgos Moussouris and Pedro Regato 183

Sub-Saharan Africa 18 Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia) by Kodzo Gbewonyo 200 19 Baobab bark (Adansonia digitata) by Claudia Romero, Isla Grundy, Bruce Campbell and Anthony B Cunningham 208 20 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) by Terry C H Sunderland, Marie-Laure Ngo-Mpeck, Zacharie Tchoundjeu and Sarah A Laird 215

Africa and Asia 21 (various spp.) by Terry C H Sunderland and John Dransfield 225 22 Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) by Ganesan Balachander 240 23 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.) by Esther Katz, Carmen García and Marina Goloubinoff 246

Other initiatives 24 Sustainable harvesting of epiphytic bromeliads in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico: a pilot study by Jan H D Wolf and Cornelis J F Konings 257 25 Reducing the ecological footprint of the ‘wooden rhino’: the case for certification of Kenyan woodcarvings by Susanne F Schmitt and Anthony B Cunningham 259

Section III: The core elements of NTFP certification 26 Ecological issues by Alan R Pierce and Patricia Shanley 267 27 Social issues by Alan R Pierce 283 28 Subsistence issues by Alan R Pierce 299 Space outside the market: implications of NTFP certification for subsistence use – a northern case study from the Upper Peninsula Region, US by Marla R Emery 302 The interface of timber and non-timber resources: declining resources for subsistence livelihoods – a southern case study from Brazilian Amazonia by Patricia Shanley, Leda Luz and Margaret Cymerys 313 29 Marketing issues by Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén 322 30 Technical issues by Abraham Guillén, Alan R Pierce and Richard Z Donovan 337

vi Contents

Section IV: Conclusions and recommendations 31 Conclusions and recommendations by Patricia Shanley, Sarah A Laird, Alan R Pierce and Abraham Guillén 353

Appendices I Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs by the NTFP certification project team 366 II Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup by Alan R Pierce 386 III Resource directory 399

Acronyms and abbreviations 403 References 407 Index 440

vii List of figures, tables and boxes


22.1 A value chain of amla : from forest fruits to pickles 245 23.1 National and export markets for benzoin 254 28.1 NTFP exchange-value continuum 303 28.2 Product types and livelihood uses of Michigan NTFPs 307 28.3 1986–1995 average annual unemployment: Upper Peninsula (UP), Michigan (MI) and US rates 308 28.4 1995 unemployment fluctuations: Upper Peninsula (UP), Michigan (MI) and US rates 309 28.5 Number of species extracted by the timber industry in eastern Amazonia, Pará, Brazil 318 28.6 consumption in three Capin River communities, Pará, Brazil 318


1.1 Comparison of NTFP certification programmes 15 6.1 Commercialized Euterpe species 82 6.2 Non-commercialized Euterpe species 83 8.1 Differences between U. tomentosa and U. guianensis 96 15.1 Canadian and US production of maple syrup, 1997 and 1998 169 17.1 Annual resin production in Southern Europe, 1982 and 1997 194 20.1 Diagnostic bark characters of P. johimbe and P. macroceras 220 21.1 The rattan genera: number of species and their distribution 227 21.2 Available rattan floras by region to date 228 21.3 Some traditional uses of , excluding cane 229 21.4 The major commercial species of rattan as identified for Asia by Dransfield and Manokaran (1994), and for Africa by Tuley (1995) and Sunderland (1999) 230 21.5 The growth rates of some commercial rattans in cultivation 235 21.6 Commercial-scale rattan trials and plantations 237 22.1 Estimated fruit production of amla from a south Indian forest 241 22.2 The many uses of Phyllanthus emblica 243 28.1 Motivational factors in informal and formal economies 304 28.2 Multiple uses of Michigan NTFPs 306 28.3 Medicinal tree species extracted as timber, Pará, Brazil 316 28.4 Fifteen of the most useful tree species (> 10cm dbh) to caboclos of the Capim River, Brazil, in a 1ha forest plot (200m x 50m) 317 List of figures, tables and boxes

29.1 Markets for selected NTFPs and examples of marketing limitations and opportunities afforded by certification 334


1.1 A perspective on NTFP certification from the organic sector 12 1.2 Lessons learned from fairtrade 14 17.1 The Strofilia (Pinus pinea) forest in south-western Greece 191 26.1 Irresponsible marketing of Amazonian Viagra 269 26.2 Bows and arrows: tools for palm heart management? 273 26.3 Marketing success: ecological and social failure 279 26.4 Borneo camphor: decline of a historically important NTFP 281 27.1 Ethical and legal obligations of commercializing traditional knowledge and resources 287 27.2 Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis spp. and admixtures): appropriation and globalization of a sacred NTFP 297 29.1 An industry perspective: Shaman Botanicals’ view on the certification of NTFPs 332 30.1 Management planning requirements for certification of NTFPs 339 30.2 Steps to establish production systems for NTFPs 340

ix About the contributors

Peter W Alcorn is president of Wild Things, Inc, a chewing gum manufacturer based in Gainesville, Florida.

Miguel N Alexiades, PhD, is Nuffield Fellow in Ethnobotany at the Department of Anthropology, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.

Jean Allan is director of the Falls Brook Centre, an environmental organization pro- moting sustainable agriculture and forestry in New Brunswick, Canada.

Ganesan Balachander works in the Center for Compatible Economic Development at The Nature Conservancy in Leesburg, Virginia.

Beto Borges is programme executive for the Goldman Environmental Prize and was for- merly the manager of Sustainable Harvesting, Ethnobotany and Conservation at Shaman Pharmaceuticals in San Francisco, California.

Bruce Campbell, PhD, works at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Bogor, Indonesia.

Anthony (Tony) B Cunningham, PhD, is WWF/UNESCO/Kew People and Plants regional coordinator for Africa.

Margaret Cymerys, MES, is a wildlife biologist with six years’ experience working in the Brazilian Amazon.

John Dransfield is the senior principal scientific officer in charge of palm research at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in the UK. He has worked on the , ecology and silviculture of rattans since 1970, is author of several books and two interactive CD- ROMs on rattans, and is co-author of Genera Palmarum.

Marla R Emery, PhD, is a research geographer with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, Burlington, Vermont.

Jamison B Ervin is an independent consultant in ecological research and policy analysis.

Carmen García, PhD, is an ecologist researching the ecology and value of non-timber for- est products (NTFPs) at CIFOR’s regional office in Belém, Brazil.

Kodzo Gbewonyo, who holds ScD and MBA degrees, has several years of industrial experience in pharmaceutical R&D, and is currently president of BioResources International Inc, a company engaged in commercial development of natural products from West African biodiversity. About the contributors

Marina Goloubinoff is an anthropologist who has worked as a consultant for several French and international research centres including CIFOR and the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF).

Isla Grundy, PhD, is a faculty member of the Forestry Department at the University of Stellenbosch in Matieland, South Africa.

Bee Gunn works at the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG).

Dennis Johnson, PhD, is a geographer who has maintained a research interest in palm utilization and conservation for 30 years, while working in international development and teaching.

Esther Katz is an ethnobotanist at the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD) with fieldwork experience in Mexico, the Congo and Indonesia. She has collabo- rated for four years with the Forest People and Plants team at CIFOR.

Steven R King, PhD, is senior vice president for Ethnobotany and Conservation at Shaman Pharmaceuticals.

Cornelis (Kees) J F Konings, MSc, is a forest ecologist currently studying epiphytes in Mexico.

Leda Luz is a forester working in the threatened Atlantic Forest of Brazil.

Patrick Mallet is an environmental consultant who is focused on improving community- based resource stewardship in agriculture, agroforestry and forestry through ecological and social certification and marketing initiatives.

Daniel Marmillod works at the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Turrialba, .

Yorgos Moussouris holds degrees in engineering, geology and planning, and currently works with Alcyon, an Athens-based environmental consulting firm dealing with devel- opment projects.

Marie-Laure Ngo-Mpeck works with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Yaounde, Cameroon.

Enrique G Ortiz is research associate at the Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, director of research and management for the Amazon Conservation Association’s programme on Brazil nuts, and programme officer for the W Alton Jones Foundation.

Maria Constanza von der Pahlen, MES, is an independent consultant in conservation science based in Massachusetts.

Julie Pereira is a former employee of FairTrade International in Alsemberg, Belgium.

Campbell Plowden, PhD, is acting head of Pennsylvania State University Graduate Ecology Program in College Park, Pennsylvania.

xi Tapping the Green Market

Pedro Regato, PhD, is a forest ecologist and currently serves as coordinator of the Forest Unit at WWF’s Mediterranean Programme Office in Rome, Italy.

Claudia Romero is a tropical ecologist and PhD candidate in the Department at the University of Florida in Gainesville.

Gunar Rundgren is an organic agriculture specialist working in Höje, Sweden.

Susanne F Schmitt, PhD, is International Plants Conservation Officer and Assistant Co- ordinator of the People and Plants initiative based at the WWF United Kingdom (WWF-UK) office in Godalming, UK.

Terry C H Sunderland, PhD, works with the African Rattan Research Programme, a project of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG), UK.

Zacharie Tchoundjeu works with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Yaounde, Cameroon.

Antonio Valente da Silva is an illustrator living in Corte Madera, California.

Róger Villalobos works at the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE) in Turrialba, Costa Rica.

Jan H D Wolf, PhD, University of Amsterdam, is a tropical ecologist specializing in the ecology of epiphytes and epiphyte communities.

xii The NTFP certification project team

Patricia Shanley has worked with forest-based communities in the eastern Amazon over the past decade, concentrating on the impacts of logging on locally valued fruit and med- icinals and the comparative economic value of timber and non-timber species. Shanley has co-authored two non-timber forest product (NTFP) manuals focusing on the use and marketing of significant NTFPs in eastern Amazonia: Forest Fruit Trees in the Life of Amazonians (1998) and Recipes without Words: Medicinal Plants of Amazonia (1995), both published in Portuguese. Shanley received her PhD from the University of Kent, UK, and is currently a research scientist for the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) in Bogor, Indonesia.

Richard Z Donovan served as director of SmartWood, a forest management certification programme of the Rainforest Alliance, from 1992 to 2000 and is currently chief of forestry at the Rainforest Alliance. During 1987 to June 1991 he was senior fellow with World Wildlife Fund, US, coordinating the grassroots Osa Peninsula Forest Conservation and Management Project (BOSCOSA) in Costa Rica. He received an MSc in natural resource management from Antioch College.

Abraham Guillén worked for three years as the product and market development coor- dinator for the Bolivia Sustainable Forestry Management Project (BOLFOR), a US Agency for International Development (USAID) project. A Honduran native, he also worked for four years as associate regional forester for USAID in . He holds an MA in international marketing from the Universidad Nur, in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, an MEd from Framingham State College in Massachusetts and an MBA from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. He is currently the international marketing and programme manager for SmartWood.

Sarah A Laird works on the commercial and cultural context of biodiversity and forest conservation, including NTFPs. Her work is primarily based in Cameroon, although in recent years it has also included South Africa and Malaysia. She is co-author of Biodiversity Prospecting (1993), An Introductory Handbook to Cocoa Certification (1996) and The Commercial Use of Biodiversity (1999), and editor of Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge (2002). She received an MSc in forestry from Oxford University.

Sergio Madrid is the executive director of the Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible (CCMSS), located in Mexico City. He has served on several national committees for forestry and certification issues. He holds a BSc in agronomy and is an MSc candidate in the Rural Development Programme at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City. Tapping the Green Market

Alan R Pierce is an independent consultant specializing in ecological research and pol- icy analysis. He previously worked with the Forest Stewardship Council. He received an MSc in forestry from the University of Vermont.

Tasso Rezende de Azevedo is the Manaus regional director of the Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA), located in Piracicaba, Brazil. He has worked in the field of certification for more than seven years and is former co-chair of the Forest Stewardship Council’s NTFP working group. He received a BSc in forestry from the University of São Paulo.

xiv The People and Plants initiative

There has been great emphasis on timber extraction and its effects on plant conservation, but non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are increasingly recognized as being of major importance. The harvesting of such products can have lower impacts on forest ecosys- tems than other uses, provide a range of social and economic benefits to local groups, and is potentially compatible with efforts to integrate the use and conservation of bio- diversity. Some products, such as Brazil nut, rattan, palm heart, pine resin, maple syrup, mush- rooms and chicle, are internationally traded. These are important revenue earners for regional and national economies, but they also provide communities with key resources and a valuable means of generating income. However, there is relatively little documen- tation about the ecology, use and management of even the most widely utilized non-timber species. Non-timber forest resources are a more difficult group of products to certify than timber, partly because of their diverse nature and social and ecological complexity. However, in spite of these challenges, opportunities exist to promote sound ecological and social practices in NTFP management and trade through market tools such as cer- tification, and their potential realization in practice is the subject of this book. People and Plants is an initiative of WWF, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (RBG). It aims to increase the capacity for community-based plant conservation worldwide. Training is undertaken at field sites in selected countries, with case studies and other information made available to a wide audience through various publications, training videos and the internet. Publications include working papers, issues developed through a handbook and discussion papers, in addition to the People and Plants conservation series, to which the present work contributes. The People and Plants website can be visited at www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants. It contains full versions of the smaller People and Plants publications, as well as contact information for organizations involved in applied ethnobotany and news about field projects and other activities. Alan Hamilton Head, International Plants Conservation Unit WWF-UK

PEOPLE AND PLANTS WEBSITE: www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants People and Plants partners

WWF WWF (formerly the World Wide Fund For Nature), founded in 1961, is the world’s largest private nature conservation organization. It consists of 29 national organiza- tions and associates, and works in more than 100 countries. The coordinating headquarters are in Gland, Switzerland. The WWF mission is to conserve biodiversity, to ensure that the use of renewable natural resources is sustainable and to promote actions to reduce pollution and wasteful consumption.

UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the only UN agency with a mandate spanning the fields of science (including social sciences), education, culture and communication. UNESCO has over 40 years of experience in testing interdisciplinary approaches to solving environmental and development problems in programmes such as that on Man and the Biosphere (MAB). An international network of biosphere reserves provides sites for conservation of biological diversity, long-term ecological research and testing and demonstrating approaches to the sustainable use of natural resources.

ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW The Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG), Kew, has 150 professional staff and associated researchers and works with partners in over 42 countries. Research focuses on taxon- omy, preparation of floras, economic botany, plant biochemistry and many other specialized fields. The Royal Botanic Gardens has one of the largest herbaria in the world and an excellent botanic library.

The People and Plants initiative is supported financially by the Darwin Initiative, the National Lottery Charities Board and the Department for International Development (DFID) in the UK, the European Union (EU) and the Norwegian Funds in Trust.


While the organizations concerned with the production of this manual firmly believe that its subject is of great importance for conservation, they are not responsible for the detailed opinions expressed. Acknowledgements

This project, and the resulting manual, were made possible through a range of collabo- rations and reflect the diverse and multidisciplinary nature of NTFP use and management. Invaluable collaboration in the field-testing of guidelines was provided by a number of experts. We wish to thank team leader Sergio Madrid, ecologist Aliza Mizrachi, forester Xavier García, Fair Trade eV representative Margit Schlagenhauf and Peter Alcorn of Wild Things Chewing Gum Company for their help with the Noh Bec chicle assessment in Mexico. The Bolivian field assessment team was made possible through the efforts of team leader Sergio Madrid, biologist Damián Rumiz, anthropol- ogist Ruth Silva and foresters Jeffrey Hayward and Pedro Savavia. Geographer and ecologist Dennis Johnson, agronomists Westphalen Nunes and Manuel Vital, anthro- pologist Rui Murrieta and forester Tasso Rezende de Azevedo provided assistance in the Brazilian field trials. The NTFP certification project is particularly grateful to the in- country support supplied by: Sergio Madrid and the staff of the Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible (CCMSS) for the Mexican field trial; Pedro Saravia (CIMAR), Fernando Aguilar (Consejo Boliviano para la Certificación Forestal Voluntaria), John Nittler and Roberto Sainz (BOLFOR/USAID, Bolivia) for the Bolivian field trial; and Tasso Rezende de Azevedo and the staff of the Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola for the Brazilian field trials. Of enormous assistance throughout was the Project Advisory Committee, which not only helped to ground the draft guidelines in its many areas of expertise, but also pro- vided insight and comments, including review of the chapters presented in this book. Individuals in the committee include: Mike Arnold, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)/Oxford/Overseas Development Institute (ODI); Jason Clay, WWF; Carol Colfer, CIFOR; Tony Cunningham, People and Plants; Ousseynou Ndoye, CIFOR; Alicia Grimes, US Agency for International Development (USAID); Nickie Irvine, Stanford University; Edward Millard, Conservation International (CI); William Milliken, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh; Charles Peters, New York Botanical Garden (NYBG); Manuel Ruiz-Perez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Terry Sunderland, African Rattan Research Programme, Royal Botanic Gardens (RBG), Kew; and Yorgos Moussouris, independent consultant to the NTFP Project of the WWF Mediterranean Programme. The manual benefited greatly from the contributions and comments of a variety of individuals, including: Jamison Ervin, Patrick Mallet, Dennis Johnson, Tasso Rezende, Marla Emery, Trish Flaster, Conrad Reining, Julie Pereira and Gunnar Rundgren. A spe- cial thanks is owed to Dawn Ward for her assistance in coordinating various aspects of the NTFP certification project from its inception. The authors are very grateful to Antonio Valente da Silva, Bee Gunn and Jamison Ervin for contributing their beautiful illustrations. We would also like to thank Kees Konings for the use of Antonio Rodríguez’s bromeliad sketch in Chapter 24. Tapping the Green Market

The contents of this book stem from a Rainforest Alliance project that received sup- port from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The mission of the Rainforest Alliance is to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that live within them by implementing better business practices for biodiversity conser- vation and sustainability. Technical and logistical support was provided by the staff of the Rainforest Alliance and its SmartWood programme, including Daniel Katz, Karin Kreider, Elizabeth Skinner and G P Varshneya. We wish to thank the Ford Foundation for its generous financial assistance in pub- lishing this volume and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the Rainforest Alliance and the People and Plants initiative for supporting the distributing of the book in developing countries. And, finally, many thanks are due to USAID – in particular, John McMahon and Alicia Grimes, who made this project possible and were a source of great encouragement and support throughout. While the invaluable assistance of all the above is greatly appreciated, any errors or omissions are, of course, the responsibility of the authors alone.

xviii Section I

OVERVIEW Introduction

Patricia Shanley, Sarah A Laird, Alan R Pierce and Abraham Guillén

NTFPs and certification

Non-timber forest prod- poorly documented and ucts (NTFPs) are criti- relatively little - cal to rural subsistence tion exists concerning livelihoods in both trop- the ecology, use and ical and temperate for- management of even ested areas and make up the most widely utilized significant local, regional non-timber species. This and international mar- paucity of data stems kets. They provide from the difficulty of communities with key valuing NTFPs, as they subsistence resources and are primarily used and with a valuable means of exchanged in informal generating cash income. Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva economies by local com- Some high-value, intena- Piquiá (Caryocar villosum) munities. tionally traded products, There is, however, such as Brazil nut, rat- growing recognition of tan, palm heart, pine resin, maple syrup, the important economic, social and eco- mushrooms and chicle, are also important logical values of NTFPs, and the com- revenue earners for regional and national plementary roles they can play to timber, economies. agriculture and other land uses. NTFP In the tropical Americas and else- harvests can have lower impacts on forest where, however, NTFPs have long been ecosystems than other uses, provide a ‘invisible’ to, or undervalued by, many range of social and economic benefits to government policy-makers, non-govern- local groups, and are potentially compat- mental organizations (NGOs) and sci- ible with efforts to integrate the use and entific researchers, most of whom have conservation of biodiversity. directed the bulk of their attention toward In addition, the liberalization of inter- wood-based forest products. As a result, national trade regimes has created sig- the economic significance of NTFPs is nificant opportunities for, as well as chal- Overview lenges to, the sustainable use and conser- (from Acer saccharum), ginseng (Panax vation of forest resources. Deregulation spp.) and yohimbe (Pausinystalia has the capacity to expand the commer- johimbe), there is growing demand for cialization of NTFPs that already play a new and varied products. These include significant role in the agricultural, phar- medicinals such as cat’s claw (Uncaria maceutical and personal care industries. spp.), Croton spp., pau d’arco (Tabebuia However, initiatives to liberalize inter- spp.) and kava (Piper methysticum), national trade may also threaten to natural sources of currently synthetic escalate logging and overharvest of NTFP ingredients such as chicle (Manilkara resources, which are likely to have direct zapota latex used as a base for chewing and, in many places, detrimental conse- gum), and expanded markets for ‘wild’ quences for rural communities and forest foods such as fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia . struthiopteris), various mushrooms and Certification is a relatively new forest wild leeks (Allium tricoccum). policy tool that attempts to foster respon- Certification may be able to create sible resource stewardship through the incentives for improved management and labelling of consumer products. The beneficial social practices associated with premise is that consumers will seek out existing products, and might help ensure and support products that are reputably that products new to international markets certified as hailing from well-managed meet standards for ecological sustainabil- sources. To date, forest management cer- ity and social responsibility. Certification tification has focused on timber products, can also help to differentiate sustainable although some attention is now being and fairtrade products in the marketplace. given to NTFPs. Increasing numbers of companies are seek- While many lessons can be drawn ing certified sources of raw materials as from timber certification, transfer of part of wider efforts to position themselves existing timber-based guidelines and pro- as socially and environmentally respons- cedures to NTFPs is inappropriate. ible, to secure reliable sources of Non-timber forest resources are a more well-managed raw materials or as a means difficult group of products to certify than of tapping into new markets. A few local timber due to a multitude of factors, producers have found that certification including their exceedingly diverse and can help them sell products and gain idiosyncratic nature and social and eco- access to new markets. logical complexity. However, in spite of Certification is a market-based tool these challenges, opportunities exist to for social and environmental change and promote sound ecological and social prac- is dependent upon companies and con- tices in NTFP management and trade sumers sharing the common values and through market tools such as certification, goals articulated in certification standards and their potential realization in practice and guidelines. In some cases, this means is the subject of this manual. companies and consumers will need to Demand from international con- pay more, and in others they will need to sumers for ‘green’ or ‘fairtrade’ forest make the additional effort to seek out cer- products is significant and on the rise. In tified products. European consumers and addition to products with established companies have proved most committed markets, such as Brazil nuts (Bertholletia to creating change through the consump- excelsa), palm heart (Euterpe oleracea), tion of products certified ‘organic’, rattan (various species), maple syrup ‘fairtrade’ or ‘eco’; but consumers around

4 Introduction the world are increasingly receptive to cer- tion programmes, not to mention their tified products. The least receptive appear costs, will prevent most NTFP harvesters to be consumers in countries with wide- around the world from participating in spread poverty, where certified products such initiatives unless they have access to and concerns cannot be considered a pri- sustained technical and financial assis- ority. As a result, certification of NTFPs tance. Many NTFP markets are small in will work best for those products with sig- scope and value, and attract limited atten- nificant markets in countries with the tion or investment. The scope for necessary corporate and consumer base, certification to promote sustainable and which rules out most of the NTFPs con- socially responsible practices is thus sumed around the world. limited to a select, small number of for- Certification requires a high level of malized, internationally traded NTFP organization and technical sophistication species; however, in these cases it may be a from producers, especially with regard to potentially useful tool. Whether or not management planning, monitoring, prod- certification is the end goal, certification uct tracing and marketing. Many NTFPs criteria and methods might also benefit are gathered by individuals or families forest managers, companies and donor with little thought toward the formal eco- agencies by providing reputable standards nomic sector. The level of organization of sustainability against which local per- and sophistication required by certifica- formance can be measured.

The NTFP marketing and management project

This manual is a product of the Rainforest (IMAFLORA); in Bolivia, the Centro de Alliance’s NTFP marketing and manage- Investigación y Manejo de Recursos ment project, which was supported by the Naturales Renovables (CIMAR); and in United States Agency for International Mexico, the Consejo Civil Mexicano para Development (USAID). The purpose of la Silvicultura Sostenible (CCMSS). Some the project was to explore the feasibility of these groups had already begun to draft of NTFP certification, with a principal certification guidelines for high-value geographic focus on Latin America. The products such as Brazil nut, palm heart, project team worked with an extensive pine resin and chicle, and many were network of collaborators in Mexico and familiar with timber certification through Central and to evaluate the membership of the forest management impact of certification on the manage- network, Certificación Integral de ment, harvest and sale of several different Bosques Americanos (CEIBA), coordi- NTFPs from distinct settings. The NTFP nated by SmartWood, the Rainforest certification project and manual are a col- Alliance’s programme for forest manage- laborative effort that grew in response to ment certification. The project strove to the interests of non-governmental organi- learn from and expand upon existing zations working with producer groups guidelines while promoting complemen- throughout Latin America, including the tarity and consistency between geo- following: in Brazil, the Instituto de graphically scattered and conceptually Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola distinct efforts.

5 Overview

The first phase of the project involved perate and tropical NTFPs from around drafting generic guidelines and indicators the world were collected in order to for NTFP certification, drawing upon the expand our understanding of the social, work of these groups and others. ecological, marketing and technical Guidelines, indicators and verifiers were aspects of certification and to test the developed by plant class or part and then desirability and feasibility of certification field-tested in three sites – Brazil (palm for a broad range of species. This book hearts), Bolivia (Brazil nuts) and Mexico includes the final draft guidelines, indica- (chicle). Additional NTFP field tests were tors and verifiers and species profiles, as undertaken by the WWF Mediterranean well as insights and practical guidance Programme Office in Greece (for chestnut resulting from this process. It is not production) and Spain (cork). Based on intended as the definitive word on the these experiences, guidelines were modi- subject, but as the basis for further devel- fied, and information on the strengths of opment of the concept and practice of and limitations to NTFP certification was NTFP management and certification. recorded. Species profiles for both tem-

Structure of the book

The book is organized into four sections. herbs, fibers), markets (subsistence, local, Section I provides an introduction to cer- regional, international), uses (eg medici- tification systems, tracing the evolution of nal, edible, craft, fiber) and sources timber certification and drawing out rele- (primary forest, secondary forest, fallow). vant lessons for NTFP certification. This Section III examines the ‘core ele- section also introduces the guideline ments’ of NTFP certification, with chap- development process (readers can find the ters covering ecological, social, marketing final generic guidelines, indicators and and technical issues. An additional chapter verifiers by plant class in Appendix I). on subsistence issues highlights the impor- Section I concludes by relating experi- tance of NTFPs to subsistence livelihoods ences from field-testing of the guidelines in both the North and the South. in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil. Section IV concludes with a review of Section II expands the focus of the the central lessons learned, summarizing manual to incorporate a range of temper- some of the opportunities and challenges ate as well as tropical NTFP species afforded by NTFP certification. profiles. The species profiles examine Guidelines for assessing the manage- unique ecological, social, cultural and ment of NTFPs, incuding verifiers and marketing elements – and in so doing, indicators for sustainable harvest of vege- portray the enormous diversity in NTFPs tative structures (apical bud, bark, root, – as well as the potential, or incompatibil- ), reproductive propagules (fruits, ity, of certification to act as a tool for the ) and exudates, are set out in promotion of environmental and social Appendix I. Appendix II provides an objectives in each case. The species repre- example of species-specific guideline for sent not only geographical diversity, but maple syrup. Appendix III presents a list different classes (resins, roots, bark, of valuable resources.

6 Chapter 1 The rise of certification, the current state of the playing field for NTFP certification programmes and future prospects

Jamison B Ervin and Patrick Mallet

Certification in context

As early as 1906, with increasingly distrustful the Food and Drug Act, of industry claims and labelling has been an corporate green-washing important quality assur- and have begun seeking ance tool for consumers out third-party assur- (Hadden, 1986). Since ances regarding the prod- then, the notion of ucts they purchase. quality, first used to In many cases their describe food purity, has distrust is warranted. A greatly expanded to UK survey found 626 cover health, nutrition, environmental claims on safety and social and wood products from environmental responsi- Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva selected stores. Of the bility. Such programmes Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) labelled tropical wood include dolphin-safe tuna, products, less than half kosher-certified foods, were able to provide any sweatshop-free clothing, bird-friendly cof- kind of assurances whatsoever, and only fee, fairtrade coffee, environmentally safe three companies were able to document electricity and cruelty-free cosmetics. Such that their products came from well-man- labels empower consumers to voice their aged forests (WWF-UK, 1995). ‘For some concerns directly through their purchases, companies’, concluded WWF, ‘establishing instead of indirectly through their votes. an environmental policy is primarily a pub- While over half of all Americans consider lic relations exercise’ (WWF-UK, 1995). the environmental attributes of a product At about the same time as the labelling (EPA, 1993), savvy consumer-citizens are proliferation of the early 1990s, forestry Overview underwent its own transformation. The 1990s as growth and corporate takeovers concept of ‘sustained yield forestry’ had were in the 1980s. By the early 1990s, gained currency among foresters during the nearly half of all Fortune 500 companies mid-1900s. This approach viewed timber had board-level committees for environ- as the primary objective of forest manage- mental affairs (Tibor, 1996) and over ment, and gave scant recognition to other 70,000 companies were committed to some forest products, benefits or services. In the form of environmentally responsible com- 1980s and 1990s, public pressures for the merce in the US alone (Hawken, 1993). protection of a host of forest attributes – Environmental responsibility entails clean water, wildlife , old-growth what author Paul Hawken calls a ‘restora- protection – forced forest policy-makers to tive economy’, in which there is ‘a reconsider the sustained yield approach. predictable and consistent market that Ecosystem management, a philosophy that recognizes the true, full costs of doing sought to sustain healthy, diverse ecosys- business and reassigns them to the mar- tems by balancing human needs with ketplace where they belong’ (Hawken, environmental values (Robertson, 1992; in 1993). Hawken cites companies such as Salwasser et al, 1993) emerged as a new The Body Shop, Ben and Jerry’s and Tom’s paradigm. This confluence of ecological of Maine as exemplars of the new move- and socio-economic values provided a ment toward corporate responsibility. backdrop in which forest product certifica- The growing recognition of corpora- tion’s goal of encouraging ‘ecologically tions’ environmental responsibility to sound, socially beneficial and economically society at large, the need to manage for viable forestry’ (FSC, 1999) seemed to be long-term intergenerational needs and the not a radical departure from existing importance of the marketplace in achiev- norms, but a natural extension of prevail- ing those goals afforded certification with ing attitudes. a ready cadre of businesses willing to seri- The past decade has given rise to ously consider third-party certification. numerous principles, guidelines and In short, the following conditions standards for forest management at the have created a climate that has enabled international level, including the Pan- the rise of third-party certification: European Criteria, the Montreal Process, the International Tropical Timber Agree- • the proliferation of labels and the ment, the Amazonian Treaty, the United emergence of savvy consumer-citizens; Nations Conference on Environment and • increasingly complex expectations for Development (UNCED) Forest Principles forest management and the inade- and the Forest Stewardship Council’s quacy of traditional assessments to Principles and Criteria (Elliott, 1999). The measure that management; variety of actors involved, the abundance • the failure of public policy to stem the of approaches to defining sustainable rising tide of deforestation and the forestry and the different purposes of the subsequent search for other models, standards underscore the depth and including market mechanisms; breadth of the movement toward stan- • the renaissance of standardization and dardization and regulation of forest the proliferation of attempts to quan- management worldwide. tify sustainable forestry; and The notion of corporate citizenship • the rise of corporate environmental and environmental responsibility has responsibility. become as fundamental to businesses in the

8 The rise of certification

Overview of NTFP certification programmes

Third-party certification includes both practices worldwide through an an independent assessment of the forest accreditation programme of forest management practices of an operation, product certifiers; according to pre-defined standards and • the International Federation of Org- criteria, and a verification of the product anic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), origin through chain-of-custody monitor- which promotes sustainable agricul- ing and product labelling. The goal of ture through an international acc- certification is to improve environmental, reditation programme of organic agri- social and economic aspects of forest culture certifiers; and management by ensuring market access • the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations for responsibly produced products International (FLO), which promotes (Elliott, 1999). Accreditation is a process equitable trade relations between pro- whereby certifiers are evaluated to ensure ducers and consumers by coordinating consumers that the product labels they see national fairtrade labelling initiatives in the marketplace are consistent, reliable in 17 countries. and credible (Ervin et al, 1996). Certification of natural products, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) including NTFPs, is a rapidly evolving field, as evinced by the emergence of a First conceived in 1989 by a handful of wide variety of new certification systems timber traders, woodworkers and repre- over the past 15 years. Each of these sentatives of environmental and human systems focuses on specific objectives, rights groups, the FSC is a relative new- ranging from promoting the well-being of comer to the accreditation scene. producers to reducing the environmental Propelled by the forces and trends impact of a forest operation. While each described earlier, the FSC grew to include certification programme has its own pri- a broad spectrum of stakeholders, ranging orities and objectives, the general aim of from Brazilian rubber tappers to inter- most is to move production systems national labour leaders from local toward more sustainable practices. In the watershed advocacy groups to interna- case of NTFP management, ‘sustainable tionally recognized environmental groups; production’ means practices that work and from tiny community-managed oper- within ecological constraints, provide ations to some of the largest timber socio-economic benefits to harvesters, producers in the world. Today, the FSC producers and local communities, and are system has grown to cover more than 16.5 in alignment with prevailing cultural million hectares of forest in over 30 coun- norms. The criteria within each cert- tries, and represents hundreds of diverse ification system reflect these three corner- interests worldwide. stones of sustainability. FSC’s mission is to promote environ- The systems directly relevant to NTFP mentally responsible forestry practices certification include: that ensure the maintenance of a forest’s biodiversity, productivity and ecological • the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), processes; socially beneficial practices that which promotes forest stewardship provide local communities and society at

9 Overview large with an array of benefits; and and continue to be developed. While economically viable management that membership of IFOAM is open to any provides adequate financial incentives to individual or organization with an interest adhere to long-term stewardship prac- in organic agriculture, voting rights are tices. These objectives are further defined restricted to those organizations whose by a set of broad principles and criteria production systems are predominantly that apply to all forests worldwide. The organic. FSC’s principles and criteria, along with IFOAM’s Basic Standards for Organic an accompanying set of more specific, Agriculture and Food Processing were regional standards tailored to local eco- first published in 1980 as a means to stan- logical and socio-economic conditions, dardize criteria within existing allow for a fairly comprehensive yet flex- certification programmes. IFOAM mem- ible platform for developing NTFP bers authorized the development of an standards and guidelines on an ad hoc international accreditation programme in basis. 1990. This came as a result of its 15 years FSC’s current policy of allowing of experience in evaluating certification NTFP certification on a case-by-case programmes (IOAS, 1998), and was built basis, and the mandate from its recent on the perceived need for an independent strategic plan to ‘provide an enabling body to assess the compliance of organi- environment for NTFP certification and zations claiming to adhere to IFOAM labelling’ (FSC, 1998), has resulted in a standards (Courville, 1999). The accredi- flurry of NTFP activities. Chicle gum is tation programme was formally launched the first non-timber product to be certified in 1992 and, in 1997, was transferred to and labelled under the FSC. Ongoing case the newly registered International Organic studies and field tests on products include Accreditation Service, based in the US. Brazil nut, palm heart and maple syrup. In According to IFOAM (1998a), addition, certifiers such as SmartWood are ‘organic’ is defined as: incorporating NTFP standards into their generic certification standards. ‘…various systems for producing food and fibers according to International Federation of specific standards that promote Organic Agricultural Movements environmental, social and eco- (IFOAM) nomic health. These systems take local soil fertility as a key to suc- Founded in 1972 as a non-profit federa- cessful production. By respecting tion of organic agricultural interests, the natural capacity of plants, ani- IFOAM is the oldest of the international mals and the landscape, it aims to programmes discussed in this chapter. optimize quality in all aspects of Many of the initial members were agriculture and the environment. European farmer organizations that were Organic agriculture practises already certifying products as organic sustainability by dramatically using their own locally developed stan- reducing external inputs such as dards. IFOAM has since grown steadily chemical and genetically syn- from its European roots to encompass thesized fertilizers, pesticides and over 650 members worldwide. The pharmaceuticals.’ diverse membership has strongly influ- enced how IFOAM standards have been

10 The rise of certification

In contrast to the FSC, which depends In the basic standards document, upon a spare overarching framework, certifiers have the option to develop IFOAM’s approach towards standards their own forestry standards based on has been one of increasing detail and IFOAM’s ‘Principle Aims for Organic scope of the issues covered. Accredited Agriculture’ and on the ‘Standards for certifiers are able to bring forward pro- Social Justice’. While IFOAM has posed criteria for new types of organic refrained somewhat from making further production that fall outside those covered headway in developing its own forestry by the basic standards. The result is a standards due to the obvious overlap with more detailed set of standards that certi- the work of the FSC, it has formed a fiers and national certification prog- subcommittee to explore the possible rammes then adapt to fit local circum- development of forestry standards in the stances. Some examples of recently future (see Box 1.1 for an organic per- developed standards include aquaculture spective on NTFP certification). and textiles, while standards for NTFPs have been in effect for some time. Fairtrade Labelling Organizations NTFPs fall within IFOAM’s ‘wild-har- International (FLO) vested’ section. The section specific to NTFPs, entitled ‘Collection of Non- Fairtrade labelling emerged from a long Cultivated Material of Plant Origin history of alternative trade movements including Honey’ includes a few sentences that date back to the 1960s. These ‘alter- regarding protection from, and avoidance native trade organizations’ emphasized of, prohibited substances, pollution and direct trading relationships with develop- contamination, and a brief reference to ing world producers and dealt mainly in ecological processes (IFOAM, 1998b): craft products. Max Havelaar Coffee launched the first fairtrade product ‘…wild-harvested products shall based on standardized criteria in the only be certified organic if derived Netherlands in 1988. Numerous other ini- from a stable and sustainable tiatives, including the Transfair Network growing environment. Harvesting and the Fairtrade Foundation, quickly fol- or gathering the product shall not lowed. In 1997, these initiatives coalesced exceed the sustainable yield of the under the umbrella Fairtrade Labelling ecosystem, or threaten the exis- Organizations in order to harmonize and tence of plant or species’. standardize fairtrade labelling worldwide (Waridel, 1999). In addition to these standards, wild-har- FLO does not accredit its 17 national vested products must meet all other members, but rather plays a coordinating requirements as laid out in the basic stan- role between them. Its goal is to promote dards document. Each certifier then has sustainable development through fairtrade the option to develop specific additional by creating export opportunities for disad- standards related to wild-harvested prod- vantaged producers and increasing the ucts. While many certifiers have done so volume and market share of fairtrade- (NTFPs certified as wild harvested include labelled goods around the world. Like berries, tea, honey, coffee, mushrooms organic and forest product labels, fair- and ginseng, among others), the percent- trade labels provide a means by which age of total certified organic products that consumers can positively contribute to sus- are wild-harvested is very small. tainable practices. Current trade in FLO

11 Overview


Gunnar Rundgren

Organic agriculture certification relates to non-timber forest product (NTFP) certifica- tion in several different ways. Organic production standards cover agroforestry, forest garden and permaculture production systems fairly well. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) does not define products from such sys- tems as NTFPs but rather as organic products. Currently there are organic standards for ‘wild’ production of edible goods. These standards have been developed for the collection of herbs, berries, mushrooms, fruits and nuts, etc. The main reason for developing the ‘wild’ standard was to ensure that these products could be used as part of an organic food product. Having organic stan- dards for wild products allows products with mixed or multiple contents to qualify for the organic label. Many organic consumers likely view wild products as being the most organic products available. Thus, use of the term wild may be somewhat confusing and contradictory, and should be understood as relating to the products and not to the pro- duction system. The wild standards normally regulate:

• non-cultivation of the actual product (the harvested/collected product will not be subject to any direct cultivation measures such as pruning, planting, etc); • non-contamination (no use of chemicals, distance from points of pollution, etc); • identification of the areas of harvesting/collection; • sustainable harvesting/collection of the actual product (not necessarily the entire forest where the product grows).

The organic wild production standards therefore cannot be seen as standards for sus- tainable forestry, and organic wild products are not defined as sustainable forestry NTFPs. The point of FSC certification for NTFPs is that the product originates from sus- tainable forestry. For the organic movement, including some products in sustainable forestry, NTFP certification makes little or no sense. Take the examples of typical agri- cultural crops such as oil palm and coffee. To define coffee as a forest product will not provide sustainable forestry NTFP certification with any improved credibility. It is true that coffee often grows under forest shade, but it is also clear that if coffee produc- tion is the principal goal of the farmer, he will tend to direct his forest management toward optimization of coffee production. In such a case, timber output will be extremely low and the rationale for the farmer to have his forest certified is small. If forestry is the farmer’s main concern, any coffee that is grown will most likely be very low-yielding and neglected. Organic coffee is grown under shade. (The IFOAM standards are general and do not specifically require natural shade; however, some IFOAM members’ standards are more detailed in this area.) In this way, organic certification contributes to the main- tenance of forests. In the marketplace, the certification of coffee under both FSC and organic standards will not be helpful and has the potential to confuse consumers and retailers – possibly resulting in less shade-grown coffee being marketed. There is thus a need for closer dialogue between IFOAM and the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to clarify these issues.

12 The rise of certification products exceeds US$200 million per year cation, it is not surprising that there have worldwide (Pereira, pers comm, 2000). been a number of collaborative activities Producers interested in obtaining the between certification and accreditation fairtrade label must apply for registration organizations over the past few years. with FLO’s ‘product registers’, for which These activities have included attempts at FLO currently has seven: coffee, tea, harmonizing criteria, joint assessment sugar, honey, bananas, cocoa and orange trials, discussions on logos and labelling juice. Producers have to comply with strategies, common marketing and pro- product-specific fairtrade criteria that motion activities and mutual recognition cover such areas as transparent and demo- between accreditation systems. FLO, cratic decision-making about the use of IFOAM and FSC have all held meetings extra premiums generated through fair- with each other within the last three years trade sales. Similarly, interested importers to discuss ways to better collaborate in the must meet a number of conditions to par- future. ticipate in the fairtrade chain, including The most significant progress to date paying a fair price and favouring a long- has been made on the ground through term and direct-trading relationship. joint certification assessments. When Fairtrade standards have so far been assessors representing different certifica- developed on a product-by-product basis. tion programmes are brought together All criteria comprise generic concepts, with producers to undertake trial assess- including decent working conditions, set- ments, there is the potential to share a ting prices to cover the costs of production wealth of information about different and sustainable farming practices. In ad- approaches. Joint certification assess- dition, product-specific criteria include ments have taken place for chicle and references relevant to the unique aspects of shade coffee in Mexico and palm heart in production and trade for each product. As Brazil (see Chapter 3 for summaries of a young umbrella organization, FLO has chicle and palm heart certification tests). harmonized its criteria and reviewed its Lessons learned from these assessments current structure based on prior experi- will enable participants to identify gaps ences. It is also deepening a dialogue with and areas of overlap. The eventual aim is the organic movement, and is launching a to minimize redundancy and to have common fairtrade certification mark to be assessors who are qualified to certify used on all fairtrade products in all under more than one programme, thus national markets (see Box 1.2 for lessons reducing the time and cost burdens to learned from fairtrade to date). those producers seeking more than one Given the level of overlap in criteria certificate. and the common interest in NTFP certifi-

Lessons learned in marketing certified timber products

When forest product certification first certification has gained momentum and began in the early 1990s, published mat- numerous books, scores of conference pro- erial about the topic was scant to ceedings and entire issues of popular non-existent. In the past decade, however, journals have been published on the sub-

13 Overview


Julie Pereira

Fairtrade is a necessary but not necessarily sufficient condition for sustainable devel- opment. Fairtrade facilitates access to markets for disadvantaged producers and ensures benefit-sharing and safe working conditions. Fairtrade is about establishing long-term trading relationships, enabling producers to invest in their futures with con- fidence and assisting the development of decision-making and negotiating skills. Simply put, fairtrade is about empowerment through trade. But implementing fair- trade can be challenging. Producer cooperatives can be fragile – as they grow, institutional investment is often necessary, just as in any other businesses. Recognizing the need to invest, and possibly to reorganize, in order to become more ‘business friendly’ may take time and political will. Finding the funds and support to transform cooperative business practices can be even harder. In response, Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) has recently set up the fairtrade producers’ support network. The network will actively use the infor- mation that we gather from our regular inspection visits, beyond assessing eligibility for certification as fairtrade producers. The network will enable the exchange of infor- mation about difficulties encountered during assessment visits (such as with decision-taking or communication within an organization, restructuring finances and lack of marketing expertise), resulting in linkages with potential sources of support in the North and South. Such support could be in the form of a grant from a donor for specific resource persons to offer assistance, or could involve nearby cooperatives shar- ing their successful experiences. Fairtrade is a process and the results and impacts of fairtrade certification will not be felt overnight. We recognize that it takes time for some of the most marginalized producer groups to meet all fairtrade criteria; yet, it is these groups that need the ben- efits of fairtrade sales the most. In order to make fairtrade more accessible, we divided our criteria between what we call ‘minimum fairtrade criteria’ for entry/inscription as a fairtrade producer, and ‘process criteria’, against which we hope producers will demonstrate improvements over time. We will be asking producers to prepare a yearly work plan (against which they will be assessed) to demonstrate how they intend to tackle difficult areas. One such area would be gender. For example, what measures will they be taking to improve the gender situation in their organization? Against which indicators would they expect monitors to assess progress? FLO has a lobbying role to improve trading conditions and to promote sustainable development; it also has an educational role to inform people all over the world of existing unfair trading relations and to offer a sustainable and successful alternative. Trade can be a very valuable development tool, and it is possible to trade fairly and for all to profit. ject. As a result, the failures, successes, Certification can help market limitations and potential of forest product value-added products certification are beginning to emerge. This section summarizes some of the lessons In the low-margin, commodity-driven learned from timber certification and spec- world, volume is king. However, one of ulates about their implications for NTFPs. the emerging success stories for certified

14 The rise of certification

Table 1.1 Comparison of NTFP certification programmes

Forest Stewardship International Federation of Fairtrade Labelling Council (FSC) Organic Agriculture Organizations Movements (IFOAM) International (FLO) NTFPs Chicle, maple syrup, baskets, Berries, tea, honey, coffee, Coffee, tea, honey, certified or palm hearts mushrooms, ginseng and bananas, cocoa in process others Other Timber Organic produce, fish, Sugar, orange juice products meats, dairy certified Main Timber users, Organic farmers and organic Producers (seeking historical environmental advocacy certification organizations market access) and drivers groups in late 1980s; in the 1960s; consumer consumers; concern about concern over deforestation concern about health equity issues in the 1960s Approach to General principles and Basic standards with Product-by-product NTFP criteria, with region- additional section for standards standards specific detailed standards; ‘wild-harvested products’ NTFP guidelines developed by class on a case-by-case basis Current Developing a consistent Clarifying boundaries with Harmonizing criteria and issues framework for NTFP FSC regarding forest product refining certification certification certification, expanding process; investigating new social criteria products for certification Primary focus Ecologically sustainable Avoidance of exposure to, Fair and equitable for NTFP and socially responsible and contamination by, distribution of benefits to certification forestry chemical pesticides and producers fertilizers Weaknesses No requirements that Few ecological criteria for Narrow focus on trade NTFP food products are treating harvesting areas equity and community chemical free as functioning ecosystems well-being companies is that they can improve their market its certified logs by first sorting the market position by increasing value, not logs according to species and by grade, volume (Mater, 1998a). For many pro- resulting in a much higher price for the ducers, whether a small cooperative in most desirable logs than would other- Mexico or an industrial forest in Sweden, wise be paid (Mater and Mater, 1998). the prospect of increasing value from a Similarly, California company Collins green premium is a major motivator to Pine found relative success marketing cer- obtain certification. While there may very tified finished products, such as pine well be certain products and certain shelving and hardwood flooring. Once niches that can potentially capture green certified, these already high-value prod- premiums as a direct result of certifica- ucts found a consumer audience willing to tion, it is more likely that certification can pay a higher price (Hansen and Punches, be a tool for the better marketing of 1998). already high-value products. Adding value to certified products is For example, a forest operation in not limited to forest operations. Portico, Vernon, British Columbia, was able to S A, a vertically integrated door manufac-

15 Overview turer in Costa Rica, found that the cost of pay more for) environmental products. certification amounted to approximately For example, producers of certified gin- US$1 per door. These high-end doors were seng may do well to seek out retailers of marketed for hundreds and even thou- high-end herbal products whose cus- sands of dollars (Diener, 1998). tomers prefer ‘natural products’. Certified For NTFPs, opportunities to add Brazil nut producers may find they have a value can occur both at the certified pro- better chance of selling to Ben and Jerry’s duction site as well as along the supply than to Breyers Ice Cream. Basket-makers chain. For example, certified Brazil nuts, with certified baskets may look to high- shelled and processed locally, marketed end mail order outlets whose customers directly to retailers instead of intermedi- are already willing to pay high prices for aries and sold with even a modest green products they perceive to be in alignment premium, could result in significant with their personal values. By carefully increases in profit margins to local com- identifying and targeting appropriate munities (see Clay, 1992; Plotkin and niche markets, producers of certified Famolare, 1992). NTFPs may enjoy increased market Whether the product is fancy-grade access, market share and possible market maple syrup, high-end rattan furniture or premiums. dried gourmet mushrooms, certification can be not only an added value itself, but Diversified products and also a useful tool in marketing already strategies can mean stability high-value products to motivated, discern- ing buyers. Some producers of certified products are finding that a diversified product base Certification can appeal to means not only more opportunities to certain niche markets market different products, but also more stability should any one of those products Certification, like other forms of market- fail. Collins Pine, for example, sells certi- ing, will appeal to some people more than fied pine shelving, various grades of others. Those forest product companies hardwood flooring, veneer quality logs that have realized market benefits from and dimensional lumber (Hansen and certification have often targeted specific Punches, 1998), while Seven Islands in demographic niches such as progressive Maine sells several different grades of cities where consumers are likely to flooring, dimensional lumber, studs and purchase environmentally responsible cedar shingles. products (Hansen and Punches, 1998). Certified NTFP producers may want Initial research on consumer willingness to consider a management strategy for an to pay for certified products indicates that array of products, based on the capacity women, in general, and urban women, in of the forest and the management feasi- particular, are more likely to buy and pay bility. Clay, for example, recommends more for environmentally responsible marketing the following products from products (Forsyth, 1999; Ozanne and some types of Brazilian forests: Brazil Vlosky, 1998). nuts, rubber, babassu, acai, cupuassu, The successful marketing of certified copaiba, andiroba, urucrum and cashews NTFPs is likely to entail the identification (Clay, 1992). Similarly, some forests in of markets, communities, companies and New England may yield a bounty of prod- consumer groups willing to purchase (and ucts, including maple syrup, ginseng

16 The rise of certification and other medicinals, wild leeks and these situations has faced a different chal- Christmas wreaths, while those in South- lenge in the certification process. Very East Asia may yield mushrooms, rattan small operations often lack resources to and fruits. conduct inventories, develop a man- agement plan, monitor environmental Opportunities may lie within impacts, or even cover the costs of cert- existing markets and products ification. Very large operations face chal- lenges in information management, staff The cornerstone of an effective marketing training and supervision in certification, strategy is not only an assessment of pos- increased public scrutiny and expectations, sible new products and market niches, but external decision-making pressures such as also an analysis of existing products, cus- boards of directors or shareholders, and tomers and suppliers. For example, political tensions within the organization Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE), a and from peers within a recalcitrant indus- community-run tribal cooperative in try. Certified cooperative organizations Wisconsin, discovered through a market (such as those certified under ‘resource analysis of their supply chain that Gibson manager’ programmes), may face commu- Guitar was one of their end users. Gibson nication challenges with individual was unaware that they were using certi- members, inconsistent management prac- fied wood, and had been exploring the tices from owner to owner, and complex possibility of developing a line of certified chain-of-custody issues. A community guitars. Once MTE discovered this, they operation may face issues regarding equi- were able to convince the intermediaries table distribution of benefits, perceived to obtain chain-of-custody certification, imbalances from community to commu- and within two years, Gibson had devel- nity, and cultural tensions resulting from oped a line of certified guitars (Mater, the introduction or strengthening of a mar- 1998b). ket-based economy. Certified NTFP producers, especially NTFP producers interested in certifi- those whose products ultimately reach cation will first need to realistically assess environmentally conscious consumers, whether any benefits may result from may consider tracing their supply chain to seeking certification or whether the costs the end user, in order to identify possible will exceed the potential benefits. marketing opportunities. In some cases, Secondly, producers seeking certification end users may even be willing to pay the need to carefully evaluate the strengths, costs of chain-of-custody certification. weaknesses and potential impacts of adopting any particular model. A variety of models may be needed to suit different Volume matters circumstances One of the barriers to timber certification A wide array of forest producers have been has often been the mismatch between the certified to date, ranging in size from less supply and demand of any one product. than 10 hectares to more than 1.8 million For example, Collins Pine attributes the hectares. Ownership varies from individu- discontinuation of its pine shelving line als to large intergenerational families, from Home Depot stores to its inability to forest companies, non-profits, coopera- meet the exponential supply demands of tives and whole communities. Each of the company (Landis, 1997). Customers’

17 Overview adherence to exact specifications, such as improved or secured access to forest and grade, thickness and species, along with a other resources, improved market access limited number of certified distribution and product differentiation (Propper et al, channels, can provide significant barriers 1998). However, being a pioneer has its to marketing of certified products price. The development of a new product (Hansen and Punches, 1998). for marketing and certification can Clay emphasizes the importance of require significant investments of time and volume to NTFP marketing, stating that resources. Clay claims that product devel- no single Amazonian producer can provide opment requires at least five to ten years enough commodities to meet the needs of (Clay, 1992). In addition, such efforts are even a small company in North America often small scale and experimental, with or Europe (Clay, 1992). NTFP producers many expensive mistakes along the way. exploring potential certified markets Once the product is developed, larger would do well not to underestimate the operations can easily duplicate the process importance of an even balance between for less cost, in less time, and with more supply and demand and the strength of efficiency of scale. market cooperatives in providing adequate Nonetheless, the importance of a few supplies of NTFPs to major markets. pioneers on an entire industry has been well documented (Rogers, 1995), and pro- Being a pioneer has its price ducers of NTFPs may well consider the benefits of transforming an industry and The benefits of being one of the first certi- establishing an early market presence fied producers of a particular product worth the initial costs of product develop- are clear: strong company positioning, ment.

Future scenarios for NTFP certification

Based on the past decade, it seems likely cation programmes, in addition to the that, at least in the near future, certifica- third-party certification programmes tion will continue to be a growing trend in described earlier. NTFP certification sys- the forest products industry. It would also tems are rapidly emerging within the seem likely, given the increasing recogni- programmes of FSC, IFOAM and FLO – tion of the importance of NTFPs to rural systems that potentially overlap and communities, and the growing consumer duplicate each other. As a result, the env- market for natural products, that the ironment for NTFP certification is highly swell of interest in certified timber may uncertain, and the future may hold several carry over to NTFPs. What is not clear is different scenarios. how NTFP certification will evolve. The first scenario is one in which Already there are numerous first- NTFP certification remains primarily party self-certification schemes, industry third party, but there is no single frame- and trade association certification pro- work for assessing and certifying NTFPs. grammes, government certification In this case, different certifiers under each initiatives, and environmental non- system would use their own standards for governmental organization (NGO) certifi- NTFP certification. Development of stan-

18 The rise of certification dards would be limited to particular this scenario, there would be general regions where NTFPs were considered sig- agreement about the boundaries and nificant, and would vary considerably scope of each organization in order to from region to region. Certification pro- avoid redundancy and confusion. grammes could compete or collaborate The third scenario is one in which with other organizations, depending upon there is a broad proliferation of first-, the nature of their programmes. second- and third-party certification pro- The second scenario is one in which grammes for NTFPs, run by governments, there is a coordinated system of primarily forest product companies, pharmaceutical third-party schemes, with a common companies, certifiers, environmental framework for NTFP certification, either groups and harvesters themselves. There through an NTFP principle and criteria or would be little or no consistency from other guidelines. This framework could be programme to programme or even from used by the FSC as well as by other certi- product to product. Integrity and credibil- fication schemes, and could allow for the ity would be left for the consumer to mutual recognition of certificates between decide. collaborative certification programmes. In

19 Chapter 2 The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification

Patricia Shanley and Sarah A Laird


Certification provides a The process of cre- useful framework in ating the NTFP guide- which to address a vari- lines involved numerous ety of issues relating experts and collabora- to NTFP sustainability tors across the globe, because it requires a with a particular empha- grounding in manage- sis on Latin America. ment, as well as in The guidelines were broader environmental, drafted between 1997 social and marketing and 1998, with input issues. Before the genesis from the NTFP certifica- of this project, non- tion advisory committee, timber forest products Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva certification experts and (NTFPs) received scant Uxi (Endopleura uchi) other forestry and NTFP attention under the forest specialists. Field-testing management guidelines took place in three coun- of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) tries: Mexico (chicle), Bolivia (Brazil nut and its accredited certifiers. Working from and palm heart) and Brazil (palm heart), momentum created by the FSC NTFP during the first half of 1998. Summaries working group and various other NTFP of the three field trial experiences are certification initiatives, the United States reported in Chapter 3. Agency for International Development The guidelines were developed (USAID) grant to the Rainforest Alliance through a multistage process. Initially, it allowed for the creation of practical was decided that the guidelines should be NTFP criteria, indicators and verifiers, inclusive – even to the point of being cum- and their subsequent field-testing.1 bersome – in order to reflect the broad range of social, ecological and commercial The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification issues raised by sustainable NTFP man- and Indicators for Sustainable Forest agement. The intention was to provide a Management (Prabhu et al, 1999) (the document reflecting the current state of first manual in CIFOR’s Criteria & Indic- knowledge and experience, which might ators Toolbox Series), and Tropenbos’s be whittled down and modified through Hierarchical Framework for the Form- field-testing. Modifications resulted pri- ulation of Sustainable Forest Management marily and importantly from practical Standards: Principles, Criteria and experience, rather than from considera- Indicators (Lammerts van Bueren and tions hundreds or thousands of kilometres Blom, 1997). away from field sites. The intention was to address a broad Broad generic guidelines were drafted, spectrum of issues within the generic drawing upon the FSC ‘Principles and guidelines, incorporating elements of Criteria for Forest Management’, includ- organic, fairtrade and ecological/sustain- ing draft principle and criteria number ability (FSC) criteria. The complex web of 11 on NTFPs, and a range of certifier social, ecological and marketing issues guidelines, including: NTFP guidelines raised by NTFPs requires an approach developed by non-governmental organiza- that integrates the concerns of these dif- tion (NGO) collaborators throughout ferent types of certification. In addition, Latin America, including Consejo Civil since NTFPs are often relatively low- Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible value, low-density products with complex (CCMSS), Centro de Investigacion y chain-of-custody issues, it was felt that Manejo de Recursos Naturales Renovables experience from fairtrade, organic and (CIMAR), Instituto de Manejo e Certif- FSC/ecological certification would com- icacão Florestral e Agrícola (IMA- plement and strengthen the assessment FLORA); timber guidelines drafted by cer- and monitoring operation. tifiers such as SmartWood, Scientific Because NTFPs encompass such a Certification Systems, SGS Silviconsult wide range of plant forms, performance and the Soil Association; organic guide- indicators and verifiers were drafted lines from groups such as the according to plant part harvested, includ- International Federation of Organic ing exudates, vegetative structures (apical Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the bud, bark, root and leaves) and reproduc- Soil Association, Organic Crop Improve- tive propagules (fruit, ). This process ment Association (OCIA), the Northeast involved the close consultation of scien- Organic Farmers Association (for maple tific literature published on the ecology syrup) and Naturland; agricultural guide- and sustainable management of NTFP lines issued by the ECO-OK programme; species (eg Peters, 1994; 1996), and bene- and fairtrade guidelines from the fited from contributions by experts on Fairtrade Foundation, Max Havelaar and particular species, some of whom are Goods & News. The work of the members of the advisory committee. Tropenbos Foundation and the Center for The performance indicators and veri- International Forestry Research (CIFOR) fiers for plant parts harvested provide the on criteria and indicators for sustainabil- ecological detail necessary for an under- ity also proved invaluable, in particular standing of ‘sustainability’ for individual CIFOR’s project on Testing Criteria and NTFP species (see Appendix I). The Indicators for Sustainable Forest Manage- generic guidelines tackle broader social, ment and subsequent Guidelines for environmental and legal issues. Additional Developing, Testing and Selecting Criteria species-specific NTFP guidelines, or

21 Overview checklists, may be developed within the social performance indicators and veri- framework of the generic guidelines and fiers should be developed. This was not plant class indicators and verifiers, as was possible within the scope of this project; done in the case of maple syrup (see but through field-testing of generic guide- Appendix II). Such species-specific check- lines, a great deal was learned about the lists may be warranted in a variety of core elements of social standards for circumstances, including cases in which: NTFPs. Critical social elements that must be addressed include: rights to land and • existing expertise and detailed scien- resources; safe working conditions and tific knowledge is available; adequate compensation; open partici- • there is high demand for certification pation and consultation; institutional of a particular species; capacity-building; and the nature and • funding or human resources are avail- extent of benefit-sharing with local com- able to invest in research and the munities. development of guidelines; The NTFP guidelines were designed • markets are expanding for a particu- for areas where NTFPs are the primary lar species; products assessed for certification. • unique aspects of a product’s manage- However, in two of the assessment sites ment, harvest, processing or (Mexico and Bolivia) timber was also har- marketing require highly specialized vested, providing an opportunity to test indicators and verifiers. combined assessments with both NTFP and timber guidelines. To avoid the cum- In the case of palm heart, for example, bersome and repetitive work entailed in class indicators and verifiers were adapted administering two separate sets of guide- prior to, and during, field-testing by lines, discussions ensued among each Dennis Johnson, a researcher expert in assessment team as to the most effective this area, for various species of har- way of tackling forests in which both vestable palm (Euterpe spp.). A number of timber and non-timber products are har- requests for maple sugar assessment by vested. Assessors agreed on the need for a landholders in North America also nec- single field document that includes both essitated further elaboration on the timber and NTFP criteria, but could not exudates section for maple sap production reach consensus on how such a document (see Appendix II). In Indonesia, NGOs should be formatted (ie by modifying the and researchers are discussing the devel- timber guidelines to be more holistic; by opment of species-specific guidelines for adding additional NTFP criteria to the rattan. timber guidelines as an appendix; or by While social and cultural issues are nesting NTFP criteria under relevant sub- addressed in the generic guidelines, given ject areas within the existing timber the complexity of this aspect of NTFP use, guidelines sections). management and marketing, additional

22 The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification

Initial revision of guidelines

Initial draft guidelines were circulated to • The complex, abstract, intimidating the advisory committee for comment. language makes it appear as if Resulting comments helped to focus and directed principally at large-scale streamline the document prior to field- operations and may render it in- testing. Issues raised by the advisory comprehensible to community-based committee, and subsequently by field operations. assessment teams, fell into roughly six • Who is the principal audience – com- subject areas: general observations on panies, communities, NGOs? both approach and guidelines, technical requirements of certification, social issues, Technical requirements of ecological issues and economic issues. certification These are summarized below. • Information requirements of certifica- General observations and tion can be onerous, bureaucratic and comments on approach costly, factors that will ultimately dis- courage small producers and favour • Is certification practical, relevant, fea- large-scale, capital-intensive opera- sible or desirable for NTFPs? tions. •Will certification of NTFP manage- • Communities may not have the skills ment be considered by land area or by needed to record data in a way that is species? required by certification, despite hav- • The study should not only look at ing the requisite knowledge. NTFPs from natural forests, but also • Requiring separate plans for every consider NTFPs from enrichment harvested NTFP species will be diffi- plantings, agroforestry systems and cult, time consuming and expensive. plantations. •Tracking well-managed NTFPs from • Excluding game and fish from the forest to marketplace (the chain of cus- NTFP guidelines development process tody) is very challenging, likely very is problematic, as such forest costly and impossible in some cases. resources are of great importance to rural communities. Social issues

General observations and • NTFP harvesters frequently operate comments on the guidelines on a system of minimizing risk as opposed to maximizing gain, the lat- • The document too closely resembles ter being the primary objective of timber management guidelines. certification. • The document should be simple – • International Labour Organization delete unnecessary rules and require- (ILO) and International Tropical ments. Timber Agreement (ITTA) standards • The document needs to address are unknown, unrealistic and inap- NTFPs and timber together in a holis- plicable to many NTFP harvesting tic fashion. operations.

23 Overview

• The certification process needs to Economic issues specify a mechanism for increasing the • Small producers with small volumes likelihood of equitable distribution of are unlikely to generate sufficient benefits from NTFPs to women and earnings to cover the cost of certifica- marginalized groups who are typically tion, much less to comply with many not represented in traditional govern- of the regulations established to ing bodies. ensure acceptable conditions and • Completely resolving land tenure practices in the formal sector. issues is a near impossibility, and will • In the absence of external support, remain a blanket barrier for most NTFP certification is likely to be more harvesters wishing to enter the certifi- suitable for companies and well-orga- cation process. nized, well-connected and skilled • Certification needs to more effectively participants. Successful operations address community-based resource that merit certification will require management. access to management skills, capital and entrepreneurial skills that are dif- Ecological issues ficult to access for most NTFP gatherers. • There is a lack of documentation and • Forest management plans need to bet- often the knowledge necessary for ter reflect the social and economic determining sustainable-yield levels interests of local communities and and management regimes for many should not be so onerous as to dwarf NTFPs. the value of the product(s). • Species sensitive to overharvest as a • The need for income may drive people result of commercialization should be to divert labour and goods to the mar- cautiously considered for certifica- ket that were previously allocated to tion. subsistence, to the detriment of their • How does one determine when felling health and nutrition (although added or destructive harvesting is permis- income might also improve liveli- sible? hoods). • Should naturalized, exotic species be • History shows that increased value is certified? often captured by outsiders, traders and the wealthy, not NTFP harvesters themselves.

Field revision of guidelines

In the field, assessment teams in Mexico, extraction criteria specific to road con- Bolivia and Brazil streamlined the guide- struction were amended to include paths lines, deleted repetitive criteria or or trails. The teams also changed the indicators, and removed language and ordering of the guidelines and checked phrases drawn from timber guidelines and indicators for ease of use in assessments directed at large-scale operations which (eg the ability to assign a numeric grade to were inappropriate. For example, timber each indicator in the field).

24 The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification

Examples of language amended to lines from the field-testing experience is: make the requirements more accessible to ‘In the case of externally supported oper- small producers, and more effective in the ations, a plan exists to reduce the level of field, include the following: dependency on external support (techni- cal, financial) to maximize the level of • ‘Land tenure is secure’ was amended self-sufficiency and control’ (criterion to read: ‘The rights to use of the prop- 8.6). Field researchers felt such a criterion erty and access to resources is secured was needed in order to assure long-term for the long term’ (criterion 2.1). economic and political self-sufficiency on • ‘Resource conflicts with adjoining the part of NTFP operations if they were landholders or other resource users to be viewed as truly sustainable. are resolved or are being addressed in In spite of significant modifications a systematic and “legal” manner’ was from the original draft, the guidelines amended by inserting ‘effective’ in lieu remain formal and follow roughly the of ‘legal’ (criterion 2.4). same framework of most timber certifica- •‘The forest management plan is com- tion guidelines. The resemblance to timber prehensive, site specific and detailed’ certification guidelines was unavoidable was amended by adding: ‘and appro- because the project sought certification priate to the scale and intensity of the under the FSC umbrella, which has forest operations’ (criterion 3.2). standard principles and criteria for man- agement of forest units. The diverse composition of the assessment Three key questions that arose during teams assisted the field-testing process by field-testing, and which remain partly offering views from anthropological, unanswered after the assessments, are: social, business and ecological perspec- tives. For example, botanists clarified the 1 What is the most effective form for definition of ‘naturalized’ in criterion 5.18 NTFP guidelines? Are they most effec- to read ‘exotic species that are reproduc- tive as a stand-alone document, an ing on their own over a long time frame’. addendum to timber certification Members of the assessment teams with guidelines or integrated directly into timber certification experience brought timber guidelines? with them a wealth of knowledge about Most NTFP specialists felt that an FSC requirements for certification that addendum would not be sufficient to benefited NTFP experts new to the certifi- adequately cover NTFPs, believing cation process. that such a document would diminish Social scientists emphasized the the value and role of NTFPs in forests importance of adding to, and strengthen- relative to timber. By contrast, timber ing, existing social criteria. During the certifiers tended to like the idea of an Brazilian assessment, the attending social addendum, viewing it as a quick and scientist made reference to the need for easy way of including NTFPs into an annual reviews to study the impact of already verifiable and working sys- palm heart harvesting on ‘cultural capital’ tem. Two separate documents – as over time (ie the impact of palm heart employed in the field assessments – commercialization on traditional gard- were considered to be cumbersome ening, marketing and labour division and repetitive. It is likely that a multi- patterns and processes). An example of a pronged strategy will be necessary, social indicator added to the NTFP guide- depending upon the case. In cases

25 Overview

where an area is managed primarily social criteria could be strengthened, for one or more NTFPs, a separate, as has already been accomplished stand-alone set of guidelines will be with the ecological indicators, by necessary that addresses the unique including more specific social verifiers issues raised by particular NTFP throughout the text or by including a species and NTFPs, in general. Where separate annex, as was done in the a forest is managed primarily for tim- case of ecological verifiers and indica- ber, and NTFPs will not be certified, it tors. is necessary to include in the guide- 3 How can the guidelines be accessible, lines more effective criteria to ensure fair and effective for both community- timber harvests only minimally impact scale and industrial-scale operations? NTFPs of local importance. And in Is it possible to have a ‘sliding cases where forests are managed pri- scale’ of scoring, taking into account marily for timber, but where NTFPs the different scales of operations will also be certified, a species-specific and contrasting access to technical addendum (eg maple syrup) or plant resources? class indicators would prove most Industrial NTFP operations gener- effective. ally possess financial and technical 2 How can social and ecological veri- resources unavailable to community- fiers and indicators be most effectively based forest operations. In the cases incorporated within guidelines? Are assessed, external support permitted they best integrated into the generic communities to map and inventory guidelines (as are some social criteria) their forests and to develop forest or annexed, as for the ecological veri- management plans. However, in the fiers and indicators? cases of communities who have little In general, the ecological indica- or no external support, development tors and verifiers were very well of a detailed forest management plan received by assessment teams, and is highly unlikely. were found to be the most useful part Timber certification assessors of the document because they provide tackle this same problem when assess- concrete and field-specific guidance. ing large- and small-scale forest However, since the ecological indica- management units. Certifiers of com- tors and verifiers comprise many munity-based operations train their pages, of which only a few are applic- assessors to see that guidelines are able for any particular NTFP, they met, but allow some latitude to were annexed to the main generic employ discretion in the face of con- guidelines. As an alternative, in the textual issues such as the size, scale final version of the guidelines, refer- and access to resources (technical and ence is made to where ecological financial) of a particular operation. In indicators might be placed within the developing and applying NTFP guide- body of the generic guidelines, should lines, there is much that can be that be preferable. learned from the ‘cross-pollination’ of The social indicators are nested timber, organic and fairtrade guide- within the body of the generic guide- lines, expertise and hard-earned lines, following the format and layout know-how developed over many years of the FSC principles and criteria. of tackling a range of related issues. Overall, assessment teams felt that

26 The process of drafting and revising guidelines for NTFP certification


Development of the NTFP guidelines and regardless of whether certification is their subsequent field-testing has gener- deemed appropriate in particular cases or ated a good deal of information and not. The following chapters relating field interest. Subsequent certification field tri- test results, species profiles and analysis of als for other NTFPs have been scheduled ecological, social, technical and marketing in , Chile and North America as a issues provide more detailed findings and result of the project. The guidelines observations resulting from the NTFP cer- remain a living document, open to further tification project that are relevant to revision and fine-tuning as knowledge and further efforts to develop and refine NTFP experience warrant. guidelines. The guideline development process In August 2001, the NTFP Exchange demonstrated that certification agencies Programme of PROFOUND and the (forestry, organic and fairtrade) still have NeoSynthesis Research Institute in Sri a great deal to learn about NTFP man- Lanka held a meeting on certification and agement, harvesting and marketing. community-based resource management. Certification institutions will require more Participants from throughout South-East specialized personnel to tackle the idio- Asia felt that, while useful, the NTFP syncrasies of NTFP certification, where guidelines were too timber-based in orien- and when certification is appropriate. It is tation. The participants recommended hoped that the development and field-test- that more attention be paid to commu- ing of NTFP certification guidelines will nity-based resource management and contribute to a better understanding of stressed the need for more simplified the complexities of NTFP management, guidelines and certification processes. Note

1 Appendix I includes the generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs. This document contains the original guidelines that were field-tested in Latin America and has specific reference sections on class indicators and verifiers for sustainable harvest of exudates, vegetative structures and reproductive propagules. Appendix II provides an example of species-specific guidelines for maple-sugaring operations. It is formatted as an adden- dum to existing timber certification guidelines.

27 Chapter 3 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

Abraham Guillén


Illustrations by Antônio Valente da Silva Chicle Brazil nut Palm heart (Manilkara zapota); (Bertholletia excelsa); (Euterpe oleracea)

The NTFP certification project team logical status, and local and regional eco- selected three field sites for testing the nomic importance. In the end, three cases guidelines based upon several criteria, were chosen: a chicle operation in including: potential marketing links; Mexico, a Brazil nut-producing forest in maturity of the production system; ability Bolivia and two palm heart operations in of the production system to produce com- Brazil – one an industrial operation and mercially viable quantity and quality; the other a community-run operation. forest conservation impact; and institu- The NTFP guidelines (see Appendix I) tional capacity to collaborate. In addition, were tested in the field in 1998 by teams NTFPs for potential field-testing were of practitioners with local, regional and chosen on the basis of their com- international expertise. The following mercial value, use, export potential, eco- summaries briefly describe the various set- Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil tings and results of the field tests. of this book, which describe the core ele- Additional analysis of the field trials can ments of certification (ecological, social, be found in Chapters 26–30 (Section III) marketing and technical issues).

Summary of the Mexican NTFP field test (chicle)

Background focuses on the harvesting of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) and Spanish Chewing gum has its origin in the cedar (Cedrela odorata), with a 75-year Yucatan, where it has been used since rotation, 25-year cutting cycle and an Mayan times. The original Chiclets brand authorized annual allowable cut of 6708 (whose name is derived from the chicle cubic metres (m3). The chicle tree tree) was developed by an American who (Manilkara zapota) is harvested in accor- observed the Yucatan tradition of chewing dance with government regulations. The natural gum and later turned that tradi- authorized harvest of dry gum latex is 59 tion into an entire industry. At first, tonnes per year, with a minimum tree natural base gum was used for manu- diameter of 25 centimetres (cm), and an facturing chewing gum. Today, most com- 8-year cycle between harvests. The tradi- mercial chewing gum manufacturers use tional harvesting method of making petroleum-based gums instead of natural zigzag incisions on the bole of the tree to base gums. Certification provides a way extract the latex has not changed in gen- to reintroduce naturally based chewing erations. gum to consumers while supporting the protection of the forests where chewing gum originated. The forest As a result of the certification field- The Noh Bec lands are classified as testing process, the Noh Bec ejido (ejidos tropical semi-humid forest and receive are communally owned lands whose approximately 1200 millimetres (mm) of tenure is granted by the Mexican govern- precipitation per annum. Within Noh ment) is now certified by SmartWood and Bec’s forests, over 70 tree species per its affiliate, the Consejo Civil Mexicano hectare are found, with an abundance of para la Silvicultura Sostenible (CCMSS), 200 to 400 trees per hectare above 15cm under the rules of the Forest Stewardship in diameter. The land is relatively flat and Council (FSC). The Noh Bec ejido is one has poor soils for which forests are its best of the few forestry operations in the world land use. The most abundant tree species to be certified for both timber and non- are chicozapote (Manilkara zapota) and timber products (gum latex). ramon (Brosimum alicastrum). Both species have been used since the Mayan General description civilization. Chicozapote was used for construction and gum while the seeds of The Noh Bec ejido has legal ownership ramon served as a source of fodder. Fire is of 23,100 hectares. Of this area, 18,000 frequent in this forest type, and the two hectares are dedicated to permanent forest principal species (chicle and ramon) are management. Timber is managed accord- fire-resistant/fire-adapted species. Hence, ing to a 25-year management plan that the cultural importance and ecological

29 Overview characteristics of the two species have led Timber certification to their current dominance in this forest The Noh Bec ejido was one of the first type. Chicozapote is also shade tolerant community forestry operations to be certi- and has good natural regeneration. Its fied in the world. The ejidos of Noh Bec, wood is very dense and was once consid- Tres Garantías and Caobas y Petcacab, ered undesirable by the timber industry; organized under the Sociedad de Prod- however, current demand for chicozapote uctores y ejidos Forestales de Quintana wood appears to be growing. Chicle gum Roo (SPEFQR), have been certified under extraction has supplied a yearly source of FSC standards since 1994. income for local communities for decades.

FSC certification The ejido system Following the 1999 field trials, Noh Bec The ejido system is the main legal mecha- became the first forest operation in the nism under which Mexico has granted world to be awarded certification for land and resource utilization rights to NTFPs under the FSC system. The Noh communities since 1942. One of the great- Bec ejido sought certification of its chicle est benefits of the ejido system is that it resource independently from the SPEFQR has allowed communities to organize, organization, and is now assisted by the become legally empowered and learn how Plan Piloto Chiclero. to manage large forest areas. Under the ejido system, land areas are to be man- aged collectively. In the Yucatan pen- Fair Trade eV endorsement insula, 51 ejidos own 489,000 hectares of Chicle production in the Noh Bec ejido permanent tropical forests. These ejidos was also evaluated by Fair Trade eV dur- are located between the biosphere reserves ing the same time as the FSC certification of Sian Ka’an and Calakmul. Between assessment. Noh Bec is now endorsed as both land management systems, the total a producer that meets Fair Trade eV’s area comprises 1.7 million hectares of social and business practices criteria. Fair tropical forests and wetlands. The history Trade eV is helping to introduce the cer- of resource utilization in the Yucatan is tified gum to the European market in long, stretching back to the time when the coordination with the gum manufacturer Maya first settled along the peninsula. (Wild Things) and the Plan Piloto The Yucatan was considered the last Chiclero. Fair Trade eV and FSC assess- Mexican frontier, which resulted in pol- ments are considered complementary itically induced massive deforestation given that Fair Trade eV emphasizes during the 1960s. During 1957 to 1983, social and economic fairness, and FSC the Mexican government awarded a tim- emphasizes the environmental, social and ber concession to MIQRO S A, after economic sustainability of the operation. which the communities were granted the The assessment was jointly conducted in rights to manage the forests in their legally order to reduce field assessment costs owned land. Deforestation has signifi- and share criteria to enhance both certi- cantly diminished under ejido man- fication systems. agement practices and as a result of the establishment of the two biosphere reserves. Communities use the forests as their main source of revenue.

30 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

Wild Things Florida Growers Association endorsement Wild Things, a manufacturer of natural (chicle)-based chewing gum, helped cata- The Florida Growers Association has cer- lyse Noh Bec’s certification. More than tified Jungle Gum as an organic product. ten years in the making, Jungle Gum, the Organic certification is considered critical trade name of Wild Things’ chewing gum for marketing edible NTFP products. The product line, is the only existing chewing organic seal of the Florida Growers gum that fully meets FSC, fairtrade and Association, combined with Fair Trade eV organic certification standards. Wild endorsement, have given Jungle Gum the Things purchases chicle from the Noh Bec marketing edge necessary for promoting ejido in Mexico, manufactures the final responsibly produced edible products in product in the US and markets the gum an arena where the FSC label is unknown. through retailers and via the world wide Complementary branding, as demon- web. Wild Things hopes that consumers strated by this case, provides the producer will differentiate their brand from other with a stronger marketing ‘mix’ that products that copy some of its attributes enhances product attributes. but do not fulfil the high ecological, social and economic standards and values that Jungle Gum represents.

Reasons for pursuing chicle certification

• Lack of markets for natural gum base: The Plan Piloto Chiclero is actively during the 1999 season, chicle was looking for new markets for chicle not harvested due to low demand gum, an effort that requires additional from traditional buyers – namely, international support mainly from the Japanese chewing gum companies. US and Europe. The drop in demand has had signifi- • Motivated buyer: as society becomes cant economic repercussions for the more aware of environmental issues ejido economy since the main sources and socially and ecologically responsi- of revenue are timber extraction (har- ble industry practices, a new gen- vested during the dry season) and eration of environmentally sensitive gum extraction (harvested during the companies is emerging. Wild Things’ rainy season). Agricultural production Jungle Gum is the first triple-certified within the ejido is mainly for family NTFP available in the world. Jungle consumption. It has been postulated Gum was designed to use only certi- that a closing of gum markets will fied gum base, thereby creating an drive further exploitation of the tim- incentive for its suppliers to request ber resource, principally to provide certification. Wild Things imple- needed income, which in turn could mented a marketing strategy to utilize result in overextraction of the most certification as a differentiating factor valuable species, lack of management in a highly competitive industry. It for lesser-known species and eventual made the first purchases of certified degradation of the forest ecosystem. base gum from Noh Bec in 1999 and

31 Overview

is now seeking to capture an environ- chicle gum, additional sources of mentally sensitive market segment. income are always welcome in the Jungle Gum was first introduced at region. The Plan Piloto Chiclero aims the FSC Product Fair in Germany, and to add value to its gum base by pro- is now being marketed in Europe and ducing ready-to-chew gum in the in the US. Yucatan if demand for naturally based • Fair Trade eV endorsement: this is gum is realized. expected to help find new gum mar- • External organizations driving new kets in Europe for all the chicle alternatives: several organizations are producers in the Yucatan region. Fair trying to help the Yucatan ejidos cap- Trade eV endorsement is strongly sup- ture new sources of income. It may be ported by the Plan Piloto Chiclero and perceived that these external organi- was specifically requested by Wild zations are moving quickly to capture Things. new opportunities without the full • Diversification of income sources: understanding of the situation by the because the Yucatan ejidos are basi- ejidos. cally dependent upon timber and

Lessons learned from the field test

The following is a summary, organized by • Chain-of-custody controls are difficult subject area, of some issues raised by the to implement, especially with regard to NTFP certification experience in Mexico. avoiding the mixture (contamination) of certified products with non-certified Technical issues products; to proper record-keeping (paper trails) of products as they move •Timber and NTFPs need to be better from the forest to storage areas integrated in management plans. through manufacturing processes and • The operation needs to implement sales; and to implementing good phys- a low-cost and scale-appropriate ical inspection controls. monitoring programme capable of • Permanent training, technical assis- answering questions about critical tance and transfer of technical know- variables that are needed to manage how within and between communities the forest better. It is perceived that is needed. specialized research organizations should conduct the monitoring to Ecological issues allow for economies of scale and stan- dardization of practices, particularly • There is a need to strengthen the given the low availability of funds scientific rationale justifying the fre- within the ejidos. quency of harvest according to • Cost-effective forest inventory tech- prescription and practice, minimum niques for products other than timber diameter size, number of taps, and species that are not normally included other critical variables. in forest management plans (eg palms, • There is a need to understand more nuts, seeds, etc) are needed. fully the long-term forest dynamics,

32 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

and changes in woodland structure costs when compared to timber. NTFP and composition induced by forestry revenues are considered part of the practices. whole ‘basket’ of forest products that • Baseline data, from which to guide the justify its maintenance. management of wild fauna, is insuffi- • There is increasing market pressure to cient (this needs to be approached at a use the chicle tree as structural wood regional scale). and flooring given its long-lasting • The trend towards felling chicle trees wood characteristics. that are considered ‘dead or not pro- ductive’ has no proper ecological Social issues justification since there is insufficient technical understanding of the im- • There is very strong social participa- pacts of such practices on fauna and tion in managing chicle in the Noh the ecosystem. Bec ejido. The ejido holds annual • Unsustainable collection of other assemblies where every major forest NTFPs (such as medicinal plants, activity is approved, including the seeds, fruits, etc) by ejido members management of chicle. Chicle harvest- goes unrecorded and may have nega- ing is organized under a committee tive ecological consequences. that is responsible for its planning, control and payments to participants. Economic issues Only members from the committee are allowed to harvest chicle and at • Prices for artificial (petroleum)-based the end of the annual harvest, the gum are a fraction of the cost of committee shares the profits (if they natural-based gum; therefore, natural- exist) with the rest of the ejido. based gum is not competitive for the • Community operations seeking certifi- same market segment. cation need to be sufficiently strong • Markets for natural gum base are very and organized to successfully acquire small. Reintroduction of natural- and maintain a certificate. Open, based gum requires the development democratic and participatory pro- of a market where producers, manu- cesses, community participation in facturers and buyers work together in forest planning, good organization, product and market development. strong financial controls and strong • The ejido currently lacks a marketing family participation, as seen in Noh strategy to promote certified timber Bec, greatly facilitate the certification and natural gum base. process. • The European market seems to be • There is a need for strong leadership more open to certified chewing gum within the organization in order to and is more willing to pay higher orchestrate the required balance bet- prices for natural-based gum than the ween satisfying internal needs, manag- US market. The US market seems ing outside pressures from assisting to be more price conscious than organizations (non-governmental org- environmentally sensitive. A different anizations (NGOs), government, marketing strategy may need to be buyers, etc) and finding a path to suc- developed for each market. cessful business. •Income from NTFPs alone is insuffi- • There needs to be significant outside cient to cover all forest management technical and marketing assistance in

33 Overview

order for communities to be competi- entrepreneurs willing to participate in tive in the international marketplace. their development process. • Initially, communities seem to be more • Communities who aspire to gain certi- competitive in supplying primary fication need to have a viable business products (raw gum, logs, lumber, etc); that is acceptably run, have a positive but if they are to capture higher prices cash flow, exhibit strong internal for their products, they should eventu- financial controls and have strong ally try to integrate vertically or form leadership. joint ventures with socially sensitive

Summary of the Bolivian NTFP field test (Brazil nuts)

Background harvested and are the principal focus of the Bolivian government-approved man- The Pando region in north-east Bolivia, agement plan for the area. The palm heart about the size of Costa Rica, has a long (asai) harvest is covered under a ‘sub- history of commercial NTFP utilization. management plan’. The main certification The region is one of the few large-scale challenges found include weak social con- cases where a forest product other than ditions for direct workers and workers timber provides commercial justification contracted through third parties, as well for maintaining natural forests. Since the as the long-term financial viability of the turn of the century, extraction of latex forest operation. (rubber or goma) from the siringa tree (Hevea brasiliensis) brought labourers into the region’s forests. In the 1950s, the General description harvest of goma reached its peak, employ- The property where the field test was con- ing nearly 3000 workers. The goma ducted is located in the departments of harvest declined due to competition from Pando and La Paz in north-eastern South-East Asian rubber plantations and Bolivia. The forest is predominantly con- improvements in the production of syn- tiguous low, medium and high rainforest, thetic rubber made from oil; it finally with an abundance of dominant Brazil nut collapsed in the early 1980s. Since the trees. It seems likely that the only humans rubber boom and bust, forest product to make use of this forest in this century production in the region shifted in greater have been seasonal workers who came to quantity to Brazil nut (Bertholletia the region first to harvest goma, and then excelsa) harvesting, which has not com- later Brazil nuts (castaña) and asai. The pensated for the economic loss from the limited seasonal work related to the cas- rubber boom heydays. taña harvest has meant a continual The second NTFP field test was imple- reduction in the number of people who mented on a quarter-million-hectare man- live year round in the collection centres agement unit owned by a company (which (small forest settlements). Today, the per- cannot be named here) that produces manent population of families who live in Brazil nuts and palm hearts (Euterpe pre- the forest settlements are three genera- catoria). Emphasis was placed on Brazil tions removed from the original goma nuts because they are the main products

34 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil labourers. In addition, over 500 seasonal spp.), while chaparral or the abundance of workers migrate to the area during the asai (Euterpe precatoria) and goma (Hevea castaña harvest season (the rainy season brasiliensis) characterize the low forests. of January to March) and during the asai There also exist extensive pampas, ripar- harvesting season (the dry period from ian forests, periodically flooded areas and July to November). secondary forests growing on previously cultivated sites. The forest The region has historically possessed some of the greatest plant and animal The total area comprises approximately diversity in Bolivia. However, today, 250,000 hectares, of which about 190,000 as a result of uncontrolled hunting, hectares are covered by forest. The region most vertebrate species have diminished. is classified as sub-tropical humid forest, International markets for hides and pets, with an annual precipitation of 1800mm, as well as domestic (mainly subsistence) mean temperature of 26° Celsius (C), gen- consumption of game, have resulted in tle, flat topography and an altitude of 160 many species being listed as threatened to 200 metres above sea level. The topo- or endangered. These include caimans graphical gradient influences the diversity (Melanosuchus niger), giant otter in forest types. The high forests are domi- (Pteronura brasiliensis), neotropical river nated by castaña (Bertholletia excelsa), the otter (Lutra longicaudis), jaguar middle forests are richer in timber species (Panthera onca), monkeys (families such as roble (Amburana cearensis), cedro Cebidae and Callithricidae), and parrots (Cedrela fissilis) and mururé (Clarisia and macaws (family Psittacidae).

Reasons for pursuing certification

The company’s motives for seeking certifi- investors. In addition, this operation was cation were largely driven by hopes of interested in receiving technical assistance enticing investment and gaining business from international projects that promote visibility and/or credibility. Certification better forest management practices and appeared to be one of many strategies for improved production systems, for which making the company attractive to external certification was a requirement.

Lessons learned from the Bolivian field test

The Bolivian field test provided a number that it does not explicitly require of issues and lessons, as presented below timber harvest plans to be integrated by subject area. with NTFP plans. •Treatments prescribed in the manage- Technical issues ment plan had not been implemented in the field. •A problem posed by Bolivian law is •Pressure for harvesting timber from

35 Overview

outsiders is increasing – in particular, • The operation does not have a plan or for commercially valuable species and fauna study to guide its fauna man- in marginal areas where the company agement. has less control. • Basic ecological baseline data is lack- • There is no financial incentive and ing. very little training given to gatherers • The Brazil nut harvest rates are well to execute sanitary measures in order documented, but justification of har- to prevent spoilage, aflatoxin (a vest rates and predictive analysis mycotoxin) contamination and loss of regarding the implications of different product. harvest rates were weak. There is a • The workers’ conditions for handling lack of research data regarding food products require serious im- growth and yield for Brazil nuts from provements. the property. • The characteristics of how the prod- • Some illegal logging is occurring, uct is harvested from the wild make it although the difficulty of accessing the difficult to prevent illegal extraction area is preventing intensive timber given the size of the area and the diffi- extraction. culty of controlling access. • The forest is relatively undisturbed • The harvesting method has not because the main product harvested is changed in generations, and basically the Brazil nut fruit. The asai harvest is the same principles and technology recent and has been concentrated on base are used to manufacture the only one third of the property (in the ‘final’ product (simple drying of the lower forests). Brazil nuts). • Harvesting of castaña and asai is very • Harvesting of asai is considered not labour intensive and uses traditional, sustainable given perceived over- non-mechanized techniques that cause harvesting and the required long har- minimal damage to the forest and vesting cycles. require few access roads. • Agroforestry systems are not incorp- • The neighbouring Brazilian states orated into the management plan. have promoted deforestation through •A monitoring system (ie permanent ‘live’ international boundaries. There plots) has not been established, either is a threat that if transportation is prior to or after harvest. improved in the region, deforestation • Other land uses, additional to NTFP may result from an influx of farmers extraction, are being granted by the and hungry industries looking for fast government to natural resource con- cash and/or land. cessions (mining, oil exploration), which puts the long-term management Economic issues of the forest at risk. • There are strict European import Ecological issues restrictions on the aflatoxin allowance for Brazil nuts. This is threatening the • Uncontrolled hunting, and company entire industry, given their lack of tolerance of hunting by sub-contrac- proper technology and funds to meet tors, are causing serious depletion of the requirements. certain species such as monkeys, wild • The final product is a small nut that pigs, birds and endangered species. poses serious challenges in terms

36 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

of implementing chain-of-custody re- • The government does not favour a quirements for production control, policy for granting land rights to resi- verification and monitoring. Differ- dents of the forest settlements or other entiating non-certified nuts from long-term traditional land users. certified Brazil nuts is perceived as the • For the forest settlers, there are few biggest challenge for chain-of-custody income alternatives other than work- certification. ing as NTFP harvesters for companies • Brazil nut producers from Peru and in the region; their salaries and bene- Brazil believe that Bolivian nut pro- fits are at subsistence levels and ducers compete unfairly; Bolivian completely dependent upon company castaña sells for lower prices than nuts largesse. Such a situation leads to the from other countries because Bolivian creation of a cycle of poverty from companies pay lower wages and offer which it is difficult for the families to fewer benefits to their workers. escape. There is little incentive for the forest workers to apply better man- Social limitations to agement practices. sustainable-use issues • The company does not formally rec- ognize the forest settler community • Land tenure is still not completely and its use of the forest resource, fails defined, affecting the long-term stabil- to include the NTFP harvesters in ity and viability of the operation. management planning and does not • The company has not granted land provide guarantees against failing to tenure or forest resource-use rights to renew housing leases or job opportu- the families who have lived in the for- nities. est settlements for several generations. • The working and living conditions are These families do not feel that they generally poor, with respect to med- have a recognized claim to any part of ical care, education, sanitation and the concession area, and consequently basic amenities, and are exacerbated their participation in securing the for- by the company’s current cash prob- est resources is weak. lems.

Summary of the Brazilian field test: industrial operation (palm heart)

Background exploitation for agriculture, timber and NTFPs such as rubber and palm fruits. Euterpe oleracea or açaí is one of the key However, commercial harvesting of palm palm species in the várzea (seasonally heart only began in the region in the late inundated) forests of the lower Amazon. 1960s, after the industry relocated from Its resprouting capacity gives this species a the decimated Atlantic coastal forests to high potential for sustainable harvest. the Amazonian region. Açaí is a pioneer species and is a clear Açaí is a very important species for indicator of existing soil and moisture the local population, providing two main conditions. The várzea forests of the products: palm heart for the Brazilian and lower Amazon have a long history of

37 Overview international markets (a source of cash) The forest and açaí ‘milk’ from its seed pulp. This The várzea forest is one of the most reddish-coloured juice is very nutritious important forest types along the Amazon and used by Amazonian families as a River. Várzea forests are found in Brazil, refreshing drink. It is particularly impor- Peru, Bolivia and . In the lower tant for children living in the rural areas (a Amazon, várzea forest is not a climax for- kind of ‘Amazonian milk’). About 65 est. Given the seasonal flooding and daily tonnes of açaí juice are consumed per day tides, the várzea forest type favours pio- in the city of Belem alone. neer species that can tolerate flooding and saturated soils. Açaí is a pioneer species General description and is not found in terra firme forests. It competes very well in the várzea forest This field test was conducted at the request habitat. of a company that manages approximately There are several differences between 3300 hectares of várzea forest and pro- várzea and terra firme forests: duces palm heart and açaí juice. Emphasis was placed on palm heart management, • Várzea forests have, in general, fewer given that it is the main product being pro- plant species than terra firme forests. duced. The harvesting of palm heart is • Várzea forests have a greater abun- prescribed under a management plan dance of species adapted to conditions approved by the Brazilian environmental of high humidity. protection agency (Instituto Brasileiro do • The canopy of várzea forests is lower Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais and more open than terra firme Renováveis – IBAMA). The economic forests. importance of this species is inducing sev- •Tree growth in várzea forests is rela- eral companies and local users in the tively fast. region to introduce enrichment planting • The underbrush of the várzea forest is and/or to favour açaí natural regeneration, more open than terra firme forests. at a potential hidden cost of forest simpli- • The várzea soils are relatively rich due fication and a reduction in biodiversity. to flooding and subsequent deposition This situation, if not prevented, may be an of sediments. impediment to achieving sustainable man- agement, and therefore certification.

Reasons for pursuing certification

The main motivation for seeking Forest management practices in order to ensure Stewardship Council (FSC) certification long-term supply for the production of by this operation is to comply with palm heart and açaí juice. the environmental policies of financial investors, which require third-party verifi- Organic certification cation of the company’s forest practices. Furthermore, certification is to be used as Most of the palm heart products sold by a technical reference to introduce better this operation are destined for the

38 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

Brazilian market, which accounts for had temporarily depressed the market and about 85 per cent of the world’s market. induced the government to impose Given that palm heart is an edible prod- stronger sanitary controls. The organic uct, this operation also pursued organic certification assessment was executed in certification as a marketing tool to differ- combination with the forestry assessment, entiate its products from lower-quality which resulted in lower costs and the processed açaí supplied by many small sharing of technical criteria. This opera- producers. At the time of the assessment, tion is also planning to pursue Inter- a recent death attributed to ingestion of national Organization for Standardization canned palm heart imported from Bolivia (ISO) 9000 certification.

Lessons learned

The following issues, grouped by subject Technical issues matter, were brought to light by this field trial. • The palm heart management plans approved by the government are mainly short-term harvesting plans. Ecological issues Technical information and forest • There is insufficient information management-plan models for palm about the different harvesting rates to heart exist, but they are not utilized. better define the sustainable harvest- • There is a need to develop an inte- ing level. grated management approach that is • The practice of underbrush elimina- reflected in the overall management tion to favour the growth of palm plan and that includes all commercial trees still needs to be justified as a forest products being harvested (eg technical prescription and should be palm heart, fruits and firewood). The incorporated as part of the manage- management plans also need to be tai- ment plan. Underbrush clearing seems lored to address differences in the to promote forest simplification, sizes of parcels managed – this holds which could lead to a loss of biodiver- particularly true for small-land man- sity. agers and community operations. •A monitoring system for better man- • Financial targets instead of biological agement needs to be established in and ecological factors mainly drive order to evaluate the conditions of the palm heart harvesting levels. forest, management operations and • The forest management plan should environmental issues. address the issue of sourcing from dif- • Forest protection and reserve areas ferent forest areas, which is typical for need to be included in the manage- palm heart harvesting. Many commu- ment plan and clearly demarcated in nities are supplying palm heart to the the field. The protection prescriptions company. Many have a harvesting per- for areas along rivers and waterways mit, but few have a management plan. need to be improved. •A clear chain-of-custody system to track all raw and processed palm heart bought by the processing plant

39 Overview

needs to be in place to control and high production costs of the Brazilian monitor where the product comes factories; and relatively saturated tra- from. ditional international markets, • Forest protection plans need to be resulting in depressed prices. Palm expanded from a primary focus on heart collectors are affected by the fire control and illegal extraction in economic viability of the factory. order to encompass wider issues. • There is a need to develop a marketing Given that the forest areas are of free plan that identifies new markets for traditional access, free harvesting of palm heart. The Brazilian market, palm heart is frequent and difficult to although the largest, is relatively satu- control. rated by low-priced HoP. New • Distance to the processing centre is a international markets must be identi- key factor given that palm heart is fied, given that traditional markets are highly perishable (it quickly deterio- being saturated by plantation-grown rates three days after harvest). Proc- palm heart. essing by communities in remote areas • In order to capture environmentally seems to be an alternative to prevent- sensitive markets in Europe, a product ing deterioration. This ‘satellite’ differentiation strategy may need to be processing would need to have accept- implemented. Such a marketing pro- able processing quality control, gramme should emphasize the technical assistance and training. importance of supplying a product Processing adds value to the product from well-managed and natural forests. for small producers, increasing profits. Social issues Economic issues • There are few to no labour opportuni- •Within the company’s management ties in the region besides supplying areas, demand for palm heart seems to palm heart to the processing industry. be greater than the forest can yield. Additional activities are subsistence The company may need to buy from fishing and agricultural production. additional outside sources. Paying The processing factory is the main harvesters by volume, even though source of employment in the region. practical, creates an economic incen- The interdependence between the fac- tive to overharvest the palm heart tory and surrounding population is resource base. very significant. • Payment to palm heart collectors was • The company’s recent purchase and reported as frequently delayed by management of land previously occu- community members. In addition, pied by small landholders, some of the community considers grading for whom have been relocated, have quality control by the company incon- created land-use and resource-access sistent. Grading is critical because it conflicts. forms the basis for the payment rate. •Workers’ rights need to be revised in • The economic viability of the process- order to guarantee compliance with ing plant is directly related to three existing regulations. Work contracts factors that are driving prices down in should be available for all workers. Brazil: lower-priced imported palm • Minimum conditions for work safety heart from Bolivia and Peru; relatively should be met and maintained in all

40 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

operations, especially for fieldwork. prevent social conflicts and improve • Basic medical coverage needs to be compliance with good management made available not only for the work- practices at all levels. ers in the processing plant, but for •A training programme is needed to fieldworkers as well. introduce and maintain good harvest- • Participation of the local population ing practices. This programme should in developing the forest management cover workers, contractors and inde- plan should be fostered in order to pendent raw-material suppliers.

Summary of the Brazilian field test: community operation (palm heart)

Background trade, followed by brief experiments in marketing Brazil nuts and hides of Palm heart (from Euterpe oleracea) is not poached big cats, and cultivation of cacao a traditionally consumed product in the and other crops. In recent years, local Lower Amazon, although residents of the farmers banded together to manage açaí, area have consumed the fruit pulp of açaí leading to the formation of a local associ- for centuries. As noted in the previous sec- ation and the construction of a palm heart tion, açaí juice is extremely nutritious and canning factory. This case study of a com- calorific, and is a very important subsis- munity-organized palm heart association tence comestible in the nutritionally poor provides an interesting example of a pop- local diet. The soft, fleshy palm heart of E. ulist movement to obtain tenure for local oleracea is eaten principally as a salad residents, to assert the rights of rural ingredient, and has a large international worker unions and to gain social and eco- and domestic market. As stands of palm nomic independence for local landowners. heart were devastated in southern Brazil during the 1950s and 1960s, production of palm heart moved north to the várzea General description (seasonally flooded/wet) forests of Lower This field test took place in a community- Amazonia. managed forest, approximately 300 Much of the várzea forests in the area hectares in size, principally dominated of the certification trial have long been by várzea forest with small patches of exploited for agriculture and timber. terra firme forest. The operation is an During the 19th century, relative prosper- association of families, organized as a ity came to the region with the boom in cooperative to produce palm heart and rubber extraction. Wealthy merchants and palm fruits, the former principally for landowners (patrons) dominated the eco- external trade, the later for consumption nomic and social system, keeping most and trade to local metropolises. Women in local farmers and rubber tappers landless the cooperative also produce açaí juice or in states of continual debt through and can açaí fruit jam. Farmers in the loans and overcharging of goods (known association have been managing their as the aviamento system). The aviamento forestlands for more than half a century, system persisted in the region during the with a particular focus on palm heart pro- 20th-century boom and bust of the rubber duction in the last 20 to 30 years. In the

41 Overview early years, palm heart extraction was The management system quite destructive and decimated the Participating families manage at least one resource. Local residents, concerned hectare of palm hearts to be supplied to about the depletion of an important sub- the local factory. The palm hearts under sistence product (the açaí fruit), began management, E. oleracea, are multi- implementing more sensitive management stemmed palms capable of sustainable practices in the 1980s. Families take pri- management. The community manage- mary responsibility for managing their ment plan calls for intensive palm heart own lands (for palm heart and other tim- management (up to 1000 clusters of palms ber and non-timber products) within the per hectare), with each palm cluster opti- context of a collective forest plan. mally containing six stems per cluster in Association members are also available to three different age classes (the middle age work as teams who clear new areas and producing palm fruits before they are har- participate in communal harvesting vested). One or two tall, older palms are brigades. The community association is kept as seed sources within plots. Desired democratic, holds periodic meetings to forest conditions are met through thin- discuss management of the resource base nings, girdling, underbrush removal of and the factory, and has regular elections competing trees and shrubs, and enrich- of community representatives. The com- ment planting. Palm hearts are harvested munity receives technical and financial on a three-year rotation. Economically support from a local NGO and an over- valuable trees are also retained in forest seas donor agency. areas, particularly Virola surinamensis, Carapa guianensis, Ceiba pentandra and The forest pendula. Perhaps the greatest benefit of intensive management for E. The site is classified as várzea forest habi- oleracea to the community has been the tat, as described previously. increase in quantity of palm fruits avail- able for harvest as well as the extension of the temporal availability of these fruits.

Reasons for pursuing certification

The community association sought certifi- association believed that certification cation for a number of reasons. Firstly, could bring the operation higher visibility, they desired a confirmation that their both locally and internationally, and association was meeting the highest stan- potentially increase market access, palm dards for palm heart management. A heart prices, community reputation and number of secondary motivations also future ability to secure donor funds. In made certification an attractive option. short, certification was valued not only as For example, certification was seen as a a tool to improve and validate good forest way of legitimizing progress to date and management practices, but also for its reinforcing steps taken to secure land ability to bolster social, economic and tenure firmly to the production area. The political progress made to date.

42 Summaries of the field-testing results in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil

Lessons learned

The following issues, grouped by subject •To widen economic opportunities, the matter, were brought to light by this field community needs to improve access trial. to local markets and centres of pro- cessing beyond the scope of the Technical and ecological issues association project. • Long-term training in product man- • The association’s current management agement and product marketing is plan lacks policies and control meas- lacking. ures governing the harvest of timber, • The canning factory and the factory game and other NTFPs on community store are currently closed. Prior to members’ land (ie the plan does not resuming operation they need to pass integrate management of the várzea sanitary inspections. forest for palm hearts and palm fruits • Management costs are currently subsi- with subsistence use of timber, game dized by outside resources that could and other NTFPs and services). eventually be lost. • The community requires further tech- • The palm heart business is highly com- nical assistance with regard to map- petitive, and the association may need ping its resources and conducting ade- to place great emphasis on the devel- quate monitoring of the resource base opment of overseas specialty markets and its response to harvest. in order to ensure that it has a good, •Differing practices in family manage- well-paying outlet for its products. ment blocks have not been system- atically monitored or recorded into Social issues the management plan, nor have differ- ing practices been examined to • The association’s dependency upon determine which harvesting regime external assistance (technical and maximizes açaí fruit production. financial) makes its long-term sol- • The community has not clearly de- vency and stability questionable. marcated conservation zones and • Secure, legal tenure has still not been protected areas in the management obtained from the relevant govern- plan, in the field or on maps. ment agencies (a difficult undertaking •Production capacity of individual pro- in Brazil, although the process ap- ducers’ plots and a control system for pears close to being finalized). tracing sales of product from individ- • Internal conflict resolution mecha- ual plots to the association’s factory nisms need to be established for the or to other outside buyers are cur- long-term stability of the association. rently lacking. • Baseline data on past and present sub- sistence use of the forest is lacking, as Economic issues is an assessment of the operation’s possible impact on the depletion of • The community has no clear sales cultural capital (eg since pursuing plan for palm fruits and canned palm commercial palm heart production, hearts. varieties and numbers of cultivated

43 Overview

crops in the area have dropped dra- • The community needs to spell out matically, knowledge of other forest rights, roles and responsibilities of its resources has declined, dependency on associates and determine penalties in the income from the project has cases of bad-faith practices. increased, etc). • Gender equity in decision-making processes requires further attention.

44 Section II


Patricia Shanley, Alan R Pierce, Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén

NTFPs and certification

Illustration by Jamison Ervin Argan (Argania spinosa)

The following species profiles were gath- The species profiles illustrate the ered from non-timber forest product range of product classes that characterize (NTFP) researchers around the globe. NTFPs and which are found in the indica- While not exhaustive, the profiles, taken tors and verifiers section of the NTFP as a whole, provide a glimpse into the certification guidelines (see Appendix I), diverse, complex and idiosyncratic uni- including exudates, whole plants, veg- verse that is encompassed by the term etative structures, bark, roots and repro- ‘NTFP’. Like the diversity of the forest ductive propagules. Species profiled products they describe, the profiles vary include: widely in content and style and reflect the views of the individual researchers, the • exudates: chicle gum, breu resin, state of information regarding the species amapá latex, copaíba oil, croton and the historic and present use and man- latex, maple syrup, mastic gum, pine agement of the plant. resin and benzoin resin; NTFP species profiles from around the world

• whole plants: palm heart, rattan; The profiled species come from a vari- • vegetative structures: fiddlehead fern ety of habitats, including primary forests croziers, cat’s claw leaves; (Brazil nut, titica, pau d’arco), secondary • bark: pau d’arco, cat’s claw bark, cork forests (amla, maple), forest gardens oak, yohimbe, baobab; (benzoin), riverine forests or seasonally • roots: titica, American ginseng; inundated forests (fiddlehead fern, palm • reproductive propagules: Brazil nuts, heart), lowveld forests (baobab) and agro- argan fruits, pine nuts, chestnuts, forestry/silvo-pastoral systems (cork, griffonia seeds and amla (‘emblica’) argan). More than a few products demon- fruits. strate an ability to thrive in a variety of sites and conditions. Profiles were selected to not only illustrate The NTFP profiles were drawn from issues raised by particular classes of prod- both temperate and tropical regions in ucts, but also diversity in plant forms (ie order to portray the diversity of products, trees, vines, herbs), sources (eg primary markets and habitats from which NTFPs forest, secondary forest, fallow), uses (eg are sourced, as well as to underline the medicinal, food, incense, construction, importance of NTFPs to populations liv- handicrafts) and markets (subsistence, ing in both the North and South. There is local, regional, international). a preponderance of species profiles from Many products bridge a number of Latin America due to the geographical markets and use categories. For example, focus of the NTFP certification project. while argan, fiddlehead ferns and amla NTFPs from boreal forests and oceania are subsistence goods of local importance, are notably absent, while other regions they also have regional markets. Brazil are admittedly underrepresented when nuts, palm hearts, pine nuts, rattan, cork, compared to Latin America. pine resin, maple syrup, chestnuts, Certain classes of critical NTFPs are yohimbe, cat’s claw, griffonia, ginseng and also prominently missing. Products such chicle have significant regional and inter- as game, fuelwood, fodder and fungi were national markets, but are also important not purposefully neglected, but rather fell locally as food or medicine. A few prod- outside of the original plant-oriented ucts with small or neglible international focus of the project. Such products pre- markets, but of significant local impor- sent a host of additional issues and tance, were also included to illustrate the sub-texts not covered in the following relationship of certification to the maj- pages, and have unique economic, man- ority of NTFPs that are consumed or agement and social/cultural characteristics traded locally. Examples include amapá, that will impact their certification. copaíba, mastic gum, amla, benzoin, Despite obvious gaps, the profiles baobab bark, titica and breu. In addition, contained herein represent a unique blend woodcarving and bromeliad case studies of temperate and tropical NTFPs. are included at the end of this section to Together, the profiles paint a portrait of provide insight into instances where certi- complexity that is intended to further our fication and sustainable management understanding not only of certification, regimes could be developed for non-wood but also of broader NTFP management, products entering the handicraft and harvest and marketing issues. ornamental plant markets.

48 Chapter 4 Chicle (Manilkara zapota)

Peter W Alcorn

Botany and ecology of chicle

‘Chicle’ is a common (Lundell, 1933a) and name that refers to a over 125 centimetres (cm) number of different in diameter (Pennington, species of plants, found 1990). Mature trees are from Argentina all the evergreen or semi-decid- way to Florida. These uous, show pronounced plants either exude a sympodial branching sticky white latex, pro- and have spirally arr- duce a fleshy brown and anged, simple leaves very sweet fruit, or were clustered at branch tips once used in the man- (Pennington, 1990). The ufacture of chewing cream-coloured gum. However, only one Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva are bisexual and sym- species can legitimately Chicle (Manilkara zapota) petalous, with petals be referred to as the first- alternating with petal- class chicle of chewing like staminodia. They are gum fame, and that is Manilkara zapota axillary, solitary and occur densely packed (L.) Van Royen in the family Sapotaceae. at branch terminals. The brown, scaly, Even within its native range, two ad- rough-skinned fruit is about 4cm in diam- ditional species are often mistakenly eter and is extremely sweet. The fruit referred to as chicle. Both of these species usually contains two to five flat, shiny, have also, at one time, been used in the dark-brown seeds (personal observation manufacture of chewing gum. Manilkara by the author suggests that seeds are, on chicle and Pouteria reticulata are clearly average, 1.72cm long) with a long basi- distinct from M. zapota, and are referred ventral hilum scar and thick testa. to by those who know chicle as second- In the field, older trees are immedi- and third-class chicle, respectively. ately recognized due to the omnipresent Manilkara zapota is a tree that can diagonal slashes – testament to the great reach over 45 metres (m) in height economic importance of this species and NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America the diligence of chicle harvesters (chi- season, from March to May). Among cleros) to locate every tappable tree – those observed consuming the extending the length of the bole and often fruit are howler (Alouatta pigra) and spi- well into the lower branches. Trees of der (Ateles geoffroyi) monkeys, various 25cm diameter at breast height (dbh) or parrots (Amazona spp.), (Potos more are usually conspicuously scarred flavus), tapir, peccary and various species with this pattern. The bark is usually grey of bats. and furrowed on younger trees, becoming The other disperser that may actually very thick, deeply fissured or checked carry chicle seeds from the source habitat with age. The slash (inner bark) is dis- to a different habitat is the bat. The po- tinctly pink or occasionally white. The tential importance of bats cannot be leaves, especially on younger plants, are overstated. In fact, the activities of the bat distinguished from co-occurring species may have a great deal to do with the pre- by their coriaceous leaves, thick and sent distribution of M. zapota. One abundant white latex, the presence of epi- possible explanation for the high inci- phylls on the upper dark-green surface, dence of chicle trees around Mayan ruins and lack of such plants on the lower yel- – following the conclusions of Peters lowish surface. The leaves also have a (1983), regarding Brosimum alicastrum – distinct yellow mid-vein and secondaries is that their seeds are dispersed there by that join the mid-vein at very uniform, bats, which carry the entire fruits back to nearly-90-degree angles. size and their roosts (Hall and Kelson, 1959). shape vary considerably (5 to 15cm long Barbour (1945) has also observed that the and 3 to 8cm wide) and cause more con- bat Artibeus jamaicensis parvipes roosts fusion than elucidation. The tree’s canopy in trees of M. zapota. The popularity of is usually very dense and the sympodial Mayan ruins to roosting bats is well branch form is immediately distinguished. known. Chicle is found in various habitats of Kinkajous, related to the raccoon, sub-tropical moist and sub-tropical semi- have been observed feeding on chicle deciduous forest types. These include both fruits, and bats have been observed either upland and scrub swamp forest types of taking fruit or visiting the flowers. Belize, both high- and low-stature semi- Heithaus et al (1975) observed entire evergreen forests of Quintana Roo and flowers being consumed by three species Campeche, Mexico, and the primary of bats (Carollia perspicillata, Artibeus forests of much of the Petén Basin of jamaicensis and A. lituratus), all of which Guatemala. The species also does quite are native to the chicle region. Heithaus et well, throughout its range, in late sec- al (1975) also mention that it is rare for a ondary forest types. plant species to exhibit both bat-polli- Chicle is a dominant species in the nated and bat-dispersed syndromes: ‘Only forests where it occurs, often reaching Manilkara zapota had both bat-dispersed densities of as high as 85 stems per hectare and seeds’ (p843). These authors (>10cm dbh), and is almost always found also found that one bat species within the top ten dominant species, in (Glossophaga soricina), observed in Costa terms of number of stems and total basal Rica, carried chicle pollen on its fur in 60 area. The species is important to a host of per cent of their captures, and that chicle animals that count on its sweet fruit was one of the six plant species most com- throughout the dry season (though fruit- monly represented by pollen on these ing seems to peak at the end of the dry bats. Furthermore, Pennington (pers

50 Chicle (Manilkara zapota) comm) suspects that species of Artibeus the weather at the time of the previous bats are the principal pollinators of chicle. tapping, and probably many other fac- The species has a substantial native tors, none of which have been doc- range. Manilkara zapota is found in umented. One thing is dramatically clear part or all of the Mexican states of – yields of 14kg per tree recorded in the Tamaulipas, Mexico (Martinez, 1959), early days of the industry are unheard of Veracruz (Schwartz, 1990), Oaxaca today. (Martinez, 1959), Chiapas, Tabasco, In a small study in Belize, Alcorn Campeche, Yucatan and Quintana Roo (1994) reported that spacial distribution (Pennington, 1990). It occurs nearly of chicle trees appeared clumped. throughout Belize and the Petén of Structure of the seedling and sapling Guatemala, and has been recorded from population was representative of a isolated locations along the Atlantic coast healthy and reproductive population. of (Pennington, 1990). As a Distribution of seedlings and saplings result of this broad distribution, chicle is also appeared to be clumped and indi- recognized to have been a significant part cated that most seeds germinate within of both the Aztec and the Maya cultures the 7m ‘canopy shadow’ of the parent (Roys, 1931). And yet, almost no infor- tree. This study also revealed that the mation regarding how the plant was used highest levels of seedling mortality occur by these peoples is documented. beneath the parent trees, showing only a In the more recent past, chicle has simple pattern of density-dependent mor- had the distinction of being probably the tality. Probably the most significant single most economically (and politi- information about chicle population cally) important plant species in Central dynamics generated from this study is America (Schwartz, 1990; Lundell, that chicle is likely a gap-dependent 1933a, 1933b, 1934). What is known species. In other words, its seedlings about the species is a direct result of this maintain a slow growth rate on the forest economic importance. However, only floor until a gap in the canopy opens, at very basic information about product- which point the growth rate increases ivity, growth rates, distribution, seed exponentially as the tree grows to reach germination requirements, etc has been the top of the canopy. This is a classic pri- published. The most complete data have mary-species canopy strategy (Hartshorn, been gathered by various ejidos (indigen- 1980), but indicates one of the most ous forest communities) in Mexico that important reasons chicle has never been depend upon the revenues from the har- successful in plantations – it simply will vest of chicle, and these data are not not grow tall enough in clearings. The published. Data gathered from various only thorough study of growth rates of sources (Lundell, 1937; Jorgenson, 1993; mature trees was conducted by Karling in Schwartz, 1990) have recorded chicle 1934. Karling documented an annual yield figures of from 0.7 kilograms (kg) growth rate of approximately 0.5cm dbh per tree in Mexico, to an average of per year for trees in the 20 to 30cm dbh between 1kg and 1.8kg per tree in the size class. However, his study does not Petén. Yield is dependent upon many fac- indicate sample size and Karling himself tors, however, including the size of the notes that huge variations (of up to tree, how many times it was tapped in 1.7cm) were documented. the past, how intensively it was tapped,

51 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Economic background of the chicle extraction industry

Despite the extensive distribution, vast nomics of chicle extraction have histori- anthropological and economic impor- cally been dictated by the buyers of the tance, dominance in forests and resource: American companies such as exceptional value as a food resource, rela- Wrigley’s and American Chicle (now tively little is known of the ecology and Warner Lambert). The primary motiva- natural history of chicle (Pennington, pers tion of these companies was to acquire as comm; Egler, 1947). The chewing gum much chicle as they could, and pay as low habit, and the industry that feeds it, may a price for it as the sellers would stand. never have developed had it not been for Consequently, there was never any regard the discovery of natural chicle latex. The from the buyers for the long-term well- discovery of chicle at a time when the being of the resource or the chicleros. This invention of modern chewing gum was in tradition has continued under the present its infancy meant that the two would chicle buyers: Mexico, Japan, Italy and become inextricably linked forever. Some South Korea. of the most incredible fortunes amassed in The chewing gum industry began in the United States were chewing gum riches the late 1800s when chicle was tested as in the early 1900s. These fortunes were a cheap substitute for rubber. A New almost as quickly lost as they were gained Yorker named Adams rediscovered its in the high-flying world of chewing gum attributes as a chewing gum and began marketing. marketing the product with nearly instant While chicle is most widely known by success (see Hendrickson, 1976, for a its latex, which is used in the manufacture complete review of this event). Several of chewing gum – hence the brand name other companies got on the bandwagon Chiclets – chicle has endured a long his- and developed their own brands as gum tory of exploitation by human cultures. chewing became a national craze. By the Beginning with the Aztecs and Maya indi- mid-1900s, the tapping and export of ans, the fruit was popular because of its chicle for chewing gum was the most sweetness, and the latex (gum) was important industry in the Yucatan and the chewed by women and children (Roys, Petén (Schwartz, 1990). It was during this 1931). As the last stronghold of the Maya time that much of the three-nation area culture fell and European cultures took Mexico–Belize–Guatemala was mapped root in Central America, chicle was still and most thoroughly explored. Most of an important culinary species. The this exploration, including the discovery Europeans considered the chicle fruit a of archaeological sites, was done by chi- delicacy for its subtle flavour and high cleros. During peak years of chicle sugar content. Despite their appreciation production (1930–1950), as much as of the fruit, no evidence exists to indicate 10,800 tonnes of chicle was exported that the Spanish cultivated or favoured from the three-country region (Belize the species. It was not until the develop- Customs Report, 1942–1952; Jorgenson, ment of chewing gum that evidence for 1993; Schwartz, 1990). changes in the structure of the chicle pop- Gum was very popular among soldiers ulation became important. Even that in both world wars, particularly among evidence, however, is anecdotal. The eco- American World War II soldiers who

52 Chicle (Manilkara zapota) spread the popularity of gum to the far thrived. The chewing gum industry did a reaches of the world. The resulting total retail business of US$140 million in increase in gum consumption (see 1942 (Egler, 1947) and over US$1.5 bil- Jorgenson, 1993; Salafsky et al, 1993; lion in 1986 (Warner Lambert, 1986). Reining et al, 1991; Ashcraft, 1973; This transformation was largely due to Olizar and Olizar, 1968; Belize Customs the fact that at about the time that natural Report, 1949; Egler, 1947; Hill, 1937; chicle was becoming depleted, chemists Standley, 1925; and Heyder, 1930, for a determined how to manufacture a petro- more complete description of the eco- leum-based gum that was cheaper, of nomic trends of the chicle industry) led to more consistent quality and of apparently excessive demands on the chicle resource limitless supply (Hendrickson, 1976; (Schwartz, 1990; Bartlett, 1935; Lundell, Schwartz, 1990). Not all gum manufac- 1934) and ultimately to the development turers switched entirely to synthetics, of more dependable and cheaper synthetic however, and for the last 40 years, meagre substitutes. By 1960 the chicle boom was purchases by these companies have kept over, and by 1980 the industry came to a the chicle industry alive, although at a comparative standstill. scale that is only vaguely reminiscent of While the chicle industry declined, the the chicle boom of the previous century. gum industry not merely survived but

The effect of land-use change on the chicle population

While changes in land use most assuredly 1991) and fires. And although there is affect the chicle population throughout scant pre-human evidence for hurricane the region, how the effects are manifested activity, events such as that of 1931, where is largely unknown. At the same time, it is vast tracks of forest were destroyed, were quite clear that in spite of massive env- probably relatively common. ironmental and ecological changes in the Following the arrival of human beings region, chicle has survived. Whether the to the region, additional influences on for- dominance of the species in the forests it est structure and composition have inhabits is a result of the land-use changes developed. The Maya civilization is of the past is as valid a question as known to have flourished from about whether there has been a negative effect 2000 BC to AD 1000, although their on the population. ancestral characteristics and eventual Even though the Yucatan plateau is of demise are not well understood (see late Tertiary age, according to Graham Hammond, 1982, for a review). (1977), much of the Yucatan’s forests are The influence of the Maya on the of recent origin, developing their present structure of present-day forests of the characteristics only about 11,000 years Yucatan Peninsula and Petén Basin are not ago. Climatic factors have contributed to entirely known. However, it is well docu- the forest structure, most notably hurri- mented that population levels were much canes (which have been shown to higher for the region than they were when dramatically influence the patterns of the colonists arrived, and that probably regeneration for chicle; You and Petty, vast areas of forest were cleared in order

53 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America to cultivate land for the production of 1800s. Unlike logwood, the cutting of food (Rice, 1991; Hammond, 1982). The mahogany required gangs of 10 to 50 effect of this clearing on the regeneration individuals and the use of teams of cattle, of forest tree species had to be substantial. and caused marked damage to surround- In fact, it is hard to believe that after only ing vegetation as a result of tree-felling, perhaps 10 to 20 generations of trees, the barquadiers (yarding areas), roads, rail- effects of Mayan agricultural and forestry roads and access to water for transport. practices would not still be highly evident The practice of mahogany cutting in present-day forests. Furthermore, if the probably influenced the overall composi- Maya actually favoured the species (by tion and structure of the Belizean forests not cutting it down) when they cleared (Brokaw and Mallory, 1993) as well as areas or built living structures, the trees forests of Mexico and Guatemala. would have had a tremendous advantage However, specific effects of logging on over other species following the collapse species other than mahogany have not of the Maya civilization and the natural been documented for the area. General regeneration of the forest vegetation. effects of selective logging from other Following the decline of the Maya, areas (Ganzhorn et al, 1990; Johns, 1988; and their eventual conquest by Spaniards, Uhl and Vieira, 1989) include the decline various forms of forest resource extrac- of overstorey tree size; a decline in the tion took place, gradually increasing in number of seedlings of woody species intensity to the present. Most economi- (and an increase in the number of herb- cally important of these activities are the aceous plants); reduced thickness of litter extraction of logwood (Haematoxylon layer; and a dramatic increase in the num- campechianum – used as a source of dye ber of trails, roads and barquadiers and in Europe; see Joseph, 1987), timber and other small artificial clearings. chicle, and both widespread and localized Several researchers from the early slash-and-burn agriculture. Each of these 1900s have suggested that the increased industries and their associated activities demand for chicle resulted in extensive has had some impact on the structure and overharvesting of the resource (Heyder, composition of the forest. 1930; Lundell, 1933a; Karling, 1942a; Although timber harvesting has been Gilly, 1943; Egler, 1947). These authors taking place in the region for over 250 provide anecdotal evidence of a 5–15 per years (see Edwards, 1986; Napier, 1973, cent mortality rate for tapped chicle trees, for a summary), systematic harvesting has and some (eg Lundell, 1933a) suggested only been in practice for the last 150 years that the industry would not survive at (Standley and Record, 1936; Edwards, peak production without periodic breaks 1986). Logging of mahogany (Swietenia in all tapping activity for several years. macrophylla), and to a lesser degree Despite forecasts of high mortality, the Spanish cedar (Cedrela mexicana), gradu- resource still appears to be rather abun- ally replaced the extraction of logwood as dant. However, a human-influenced the primary export commodity of the mortality rate of even a low level, acting region and was a fundamentally differ- on a single species, could have a pro- ent extractive industry. This transition nounced effect on the population occurred over a period of about 100 structure of that species. years, from the late 1700s to the late

54 Chicle (Manilkara zapota)

The chicle resource

The chicle-tapping season begins with the surface during boiling), the pot is removed arrival of the winter rains around July and from the fire to cool. When cool enough is usually over by the end of February to handle, a chiclero will soap his hands when the rains abate. Trees at least 20cm and set up a working surface, such as a in diameter are of tappable size. Trees are spread of leaves (usually Sabal mor- ‘tapped’ in a herring-bone pattern, with a risiana) or a plastic tarp, and produce a central channel running vertically up the four-sided wooden box to shape the chicle tree and lateral slashes intersecting the into a block or marqueta. He then reaches vertical about every 40cm. Slashes are into the pot and pulls out a sizeable wad made up the bole of the tree and into the of the hot latex and kneeds it into the box, upper branches, as high as 30 metres, by repeating the process until the box is suit- agile men (chicleros) wielding razor sharp ably full (about 12kg). machetes and slashing through the bark to When a block has been suitably the sap-filled phloem tissue. Because of formed, the chiclero presses into the hot the potential damage and limited yield surface a small block of wood with his produced through this tapping method, initials carved in it, thus identifying the other tapping methods have been marqueta as of his making. The camp attempted but have failed to increase yield supervisor applies his initials and the or reduce damage (including the Ibidem chicle contractor’s as well. This system of method used for rubber trees, Havea marking each block not only defines own- brasiliensis – Karling, 1942c – and extrac- ership, but also serves as a chain of tion of latex from leaves and fruit – responsibility, should the block be found Morton, 1987). After tapping, the tree unacceptable for one reason or another. needs from three to eight years to heal, at Marquetas are stacked in a cool ware- which point it can be tapped again. As house until a contract is filled and the many as five sets of tappings have been chicle is ready for export. observed on some trees, indicating that a In the past, the quality of chicle deliv- tree may be tappable for 15 to 40 years. ered to the buyer, and the quantity of Within 24 hours of tapping, the latex chicle available from the forest, have been drains and collects in a cloth bag (often issues of primary concern in the industry. coated with natural rubber from Castilla The advent of synthetics has meant that elastica) at the base of the tree. Chicleros the price of raw chicle is compared not store daily yields in large cloth bags until only seasonally to other chicle on the mar- the end of the work week, at which point ket, but also to the going rate of synthetic the camp begins the chicle-cooking gum bases. Whether sustainability will process. In order to reduce the total mois- also become an issue of concern in the ture content of the latex to about 30 per industry is yet to be determined. cent, the chicle is cooked in a large (about One of the most troublesome prob- 136 litres) cauldron over a wood fire for lems Wrigley’s and other gum companies about three hours and is stirred con- encountered at the peak of production stantly. When the desired moisture (before switching to synthetics) was that content is reached (determined by observ- the chicle received in the US was fre- ing the clarity of the bubbles rising to the quently contaminated with latex from

55 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America other species of trees (at least one of them early 1900s (eg Schwartz, 1990). The was the toxic Metopium browneii). greatest historical peak occurred in the Chicleros would even put rocks in the mid-1940s when a combined total of centre of a block of chicle in order to approximately 10,000 tonnes were increase the weight (Karling, 1942b). exported from the three-country region. Different latexes have different chemical With the introduction of synthetics, chicle properties; thus, impurities caused irregu- production has steadily declined to the larities in the processing. point where less than 2000 tonnes have Today, impurities are no longer a been harvested annually over the last ten problem for two reasons. Firstly, the cur- years. Primary buyers have been the rent demand for chicle is far less than it Japanese, and until the 1998–1999 sea- was when large-scale tapping was prac- son, these purchases have kept the ticed, so it is not difficult to find the industry alive. Following the severe down- contracted amount of ‘first-class’ chicle swing in the Japanese economy during the (M. zapota). Secondly, there are only a last two years, purchases for chicle last few buyers of natural chicle and they pay year all but disappeared. In fact, both a high price for the material; conse- Guatemalan and Mexican chicle ware- quently, middle-men have had to houses were left with over 100 tonnes guarantee that no impurities will be each of unsold chicle. There are currently encountered (if they are, the entire con- no indications of a rekindling of the tract will be nullified). At present, all Japanese market for chicle, thus leaving chicle comes from one abundant forest producers in serious doubt about the species, the ‘first-class chicle’ tree future of their industry. In addition, the Manilkara zapota. If demand increases to domestic use of chicle for chewing gum World War II levels, however, contractors remains unreliable. may have to work in areas where first- Over the last two years a growing class chicle is less abundant. When this interest in ‘natural chewing gum’ from happens, the probability that impurities potential buyers of chicle has sparked are encountered will increase. In addition, enthusiasm for a rebirth of the chicle other behaviours that resulted from high industry among producers. The enthusi- demands for chicle may also resurface, asm derives from the fact that the market particularly overtapping. This results is depressed, higher prices are envisioned when trees are retapped before the tree and the notion of sustainable production has had adequate time to heal from the is generally attractive to producers. What previous tap, or when small trees are is commonly neglected by producers in tapped, or when trees are overzealously considering the potential of this new out- tapped (girdled) and killed (Karling, let for their chicle is the micro-scale of 1942b). the marketplace, the necessity to grow There are numerous sources that the market slowly, and the extra work describe the history of chicle extraction, involved in producing chicle on a ‘sustain- the value of the export and the annual able’ basis. amounts extracted, dating back to the

56 Chicle (Manilkara zapota)

Managing the chicle resource

Historically, the chicle resource has never Furthermore, any management strategy been managed. Rather, the current popula- must include a significant buffer contingent tion of chicle trees in the forests of the that will protect the chicle resource from Petén and Yucatan are a result of the inter- overharvest or extremes in weather or action between once native forests and the other factors that produce severe negative past and ongoing human activity in the impacts on the chicle resource. region. Today’s chicle resource has been shaped by silvicultural and agricultural Chicle management plan practices of the Maya, the disappearance of the Maya, the industry of timber extrac- A basic chicle management plan should tion, the chicle extraction industry, and the seek to determine and/or monitor the fol- ebb and flow of market demand for chicle. lowing: If the chicle population has been in a state of transition for the last several thousand • yield of individual trees and the years, what then should be the goal of a resource as a whole; management plan? It is helpful in answer- • growth rates of chicle trees; ing this question to understand that this •mortality rates of chicle trees; species is not in a state of pristine native • analysis of cause of death for tapped existence, but has been manipulated by and untapped chicle trees; humans to such a degree that its ‘natural’ • chicle pollination ecology; level of importance in the forest is not now • definition of chicle seasonality in known. This knowledge should come as terms of both meteorological and bio- somewhat of a relief to potential man- logical data; agers, allowing them to determine goals •fruit and seed production, predation based on the needs of the system as a and survival; whole, including the humans who depend • seedling survival, growth rates and upon the resource and the economic sys- recruitment; tem within which they must live. • size-class distribution of chicle popu- Recently, chicleros have begun to lation; organize (SPFEQR, 1993), and already a • wildlife density/abundance. substantial database on chicle productiv- ity, tree size-class distribution, tree growth Socio-economic aspects of chicle rates and chiclero performance/documen- management tation has been established by the Plan Piloto Chiclero group in Quintana Roo, Socio-economic aspects of chicle manage- Mexico. This first attempt at developing ment that require examination include: standards for chicle monitoring is to be lauded, but much more needs to be done. • social costs of chicle harvesting, Any management plan for chicle must including a cost–benefit analysis; approach the task as holistically as pos- • comparison of harvesting and man- sible – including, in particular, consid- agement under different land tenure eration of the fact that without a market, scenarios (Mexico versus Guatemala there will be no point to management at all. versus Belize);

57 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

•influence of the different marketing • placement of permanent tags on chicle strategies (open market production trees; versus managed production); • data on tree yield, dbh, estimated • marketing issues (eg what will make a number of previous taps, weather more saleable chicle?); conditions, time of day, chiclero, • safety and hygiene in chicle camps; amount of time for tapping; education and social security for chi- • training of chicleros and other com- cleros and their families; munity members in data collection • economic analysis of chicle harvesting and analysis; in order to establish market price min- • collection of data by chicleros and/or imums each year (there is currently no other members of the community; logical system). • establishment of appropriate number of permanent chicle research areas for Specific management practices work on seedling establishment, polli- nation ecology, etc; Specific management practices should •provision of access by all members include: of the community to all aspects of • mapping of the chicle resource, research and management of the chi- including trees, trails, water sources, cle resource. etc;

Chicle certification

Chicle extraction has taken place in chicle certification offers perhaps the most Mexico, Belize and Guatemala at varying compelling opportunity to fundamentally levels for well over 100 years. The fact reshape an industry. that the industry is still functional sug- The strength of this conclusion rests gests that extraction may have been on several observations: conducted in a sustainable fashion. However, anecdotal evidence of overhar- • Chicle is a dominant species of tree in vesting in the past, more intense pressure the forests of the Yucatan and Petén on contemporary forests for conversion, Basin and has shown a remarkable and a renewed enthusiasm to take part in biological resilience in response to the business of ‘natural gum’ could again human manipulation. lead to overharvesting. Adding value to a • The chicle industry is firmly rooted in natural resource has generally positive the region’s culture and traditions. effects. However, adding value on the pro- • The chicle market is currently com- duction side, without adequate controls, pletely flat, with no pending orders could lead to overharvesting. for the purchase of large amounts of Of the many resources and extraction chicle. scenarios currently being evaluated for • There is a developing trend for ‘nat- certification (eg timber, rattan, tagua, ural chewing gum’. Brazil nut, palm heart, various types of tropical foliage, fibers, fruits and seeds),

58 Chicle (Manilkara zapota)

However, there are some very serious produce adequate latex flow. The second risks. Most of these risks are related to the new ‘natural chewing gum’ indicates that fact that much is riding on the rebuilding it is ‘all natural gum’; the reality is that it or saving of the chicle industry in the face is made from only partially natural gum of a collapsed market. The opportunity base. The other portion of the base is a exists to use certification to rebuild the synthetic material, no different from com- chicle industry in a manner that protects mercial chewing gums. not only the resource itself, but also the These products are mentioned as forests that produce chicle and the chi- examples of the types of obstacles that cleros who depend upon the revenues will need to be overcome if certification is from it. In addition, certification could be to be successful. Certifying chicle is only the vehicle that will bring to producers part of the battle; a marketplace must also new forms of employment in the chicle be created that will understand the differ- industry, as well as greater control of the ence between certified and uncertified resource upon which they depend. ‘natural chewing gum’. This point cannot Certification could also be effectively used be overemphasized. Should the market- to educate customers about higher levels place not be adequately monitored and of quality in chicle products. All of these non-certified ‘natural chewing gum’ prod- elements are critical if a market for ‘nat- ucts end up being promoted to customers ural chewing gum’ is to be given fertile without a resounding and thorough ground in which to grow. response from the certification industry, Already evident in this new market the effects of certification will only serve are products that offer a ‘green-washed’ to put certified producers at a strong dis- version of what producers and astute cus- advantage in the market. The short-term tomers hope to create. Two products that effect of this scenario would hurt produc- recently arrived on the market make false ers of certified chicle. The long-term effect claims that work directly against the would be to confuse the consumer, and efforts of certification. One claims to be that would have the effect of turning ‘nat- ‘certified sustainably managed’, and that ural chewing gum’ into another rainforest ‘tapping chicle gum from rainforest trees fad, a result that could potentially destroy is non-detrimental to the life of the tree or the industry. If, on the other hand, a to the environment’. Even though the first strong effort is made early on to identify claim is flatly untrue, the customer has no ‘good natural chewing gum’ as being gum way of knowing this. The second claim is produced from certified sources, cus- unfounded and misleading. Tapping chicle tomers will learn what to expect and what trees in an unmonitored fashion can kill to demand from all ‘natural chewing the trees. And there are many environ- gums’. mental issues that can be raised for Certification of chicle involves two discussion about tapping practices. As if important elements – chain of custody these comments were not misleading and the management and monitoring of enough, on a single pack of chewing gum, forests. Once these two practices are the authors also write: ‘6000 chiclero employed in the chicle industry, a host of families farming 80 million chicle trees in other benefits follow. The application of the rainforest’. This comment serves only the concept of chain of custody allows not to misinform customers about how chicle only the realization by producers that they is produced, as chicle is not farmed at all, control their resource, but also that they but rather requires intact natural forest to are linked to the end of that chain – the

59 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America market. This is a new role for producers is too late. While the benefits of employ- of chicle. Throughout the region, produc- ing effective forest management have been ers have traditionally been kept in the discussed at length and are well known in dark about all aspects of the final use of certain areas, effective certification of the product they create. Not only does chicle could bring the theory of certifica- this new role create numerous opportuni- tion to a whole new audience, at a whole ties for producers; it also allows them to new scale. prepare for market fluctuations before it

60 Chapter 5 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

Enrique G Ortiz

‘The noblest trees in the forests of Tauaú were the Bertholletia, and one specimen was perhaps as large a tree as I have anywhere seen on the Amazon valley’ R Spruce (1853).

Brazil nut forests in a nutshell: an overview

Brazil nuts (Bertholletia tained in a hard - excelsa Humb. and like fruit that is opened Bonp.), also known more in the forest by Brazil nut recently as ‘Amazonian harvesters or castañeros nuts’, are one of the only (the tree is known as cas- non-timber forest prod- taña in Bolivia and Peru, ucts (NTFPs) widely used and castanheira in Brazil). in international markets The seeds (vernacularly that come strictly from called nuts) are then natural forests and not transported to a village from plantations. They where, after some initial are not only a tasty com- processing, they are modity but also a Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva ready to start a long resource that plays an commercial and geo- Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) important social and graphical journey that environmental role. may take them as far Their collection and marketing are away as a Christmas feast table in responsible for the protection of millions England (the ‘Christmas nuts’ mentioned of hectares of healthy forests in Brazil, in Sokolov, 1995). Bolivia and Peru and represent a major The biology of the Brazil nut tree is source of income for hundreds of thou- one of the most remarkable and often- sands of Amazonian residents. It is indeed cited natural history stories that show the a very important nut. intricate relation between an ecologically The seeds of the Brazil nut tree are the healthy forest and low-impact human use. commercial product. The seeds are con- The reproductive success of the Brazil nut NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America tree is dependent upon a handful of The famous explorers Humboldt and species that perform vital pollination and Bonpland were the first to describe this seed dispersal services, and is illustrative tree species scientifically in 1807, from of a fragile system that is easily disrupted samples collected in – trees later by unsustainable human interventions. thought to have been planted by mission- Analyses of the nutritional value of aries from seeds brought from Brazil. Brazil nuts have shown it to be rich in oil Given the majestic size of the Brazil nut (approximately 65 per cent) and protein tree, it has been said that Humboldt (approximately 17 per cent), with a high offered an ounce of gold to whomever content of methionine, a type of protein could climb the tree to procure a named ‘excelsina’, as well as all the essen- for its botanical description. The earliest tial amino acids (Zucas et al, 1975; Mori historical reference to Brazil nuts dates and Prance, 1990). Due to its high content back to 1569 and comes from an account of selenium, it is also used for treating sev- of a Spanish explorer, Alvarez Maldonado, eral types of cancer, and has lately been who claimed that he survived on these nuts recommended as a treatment for prostate after fleeing from an attack by Indians in cancer. south-eastern Peru. When the Spanish cap- The Brazil nut tree is one of the giants tured the English pirate Richard Hawkins of the forest, reaching heights close to 60 in 1594, he was reportedly fed Brazil nuts metres (m), diameters of over 2m, and while he languished in jail in Lima. Dutch ages of over 1000 years. It may indeed be merchants were the first to introduce the longest-living tree known in the Brazil nuts to Europe early in the 17th cen- Amazon. Its canopy resembles a huge tury. However, Brazil nuts came to be a emerging umbrella, branching out only at regular export product only later in the the top and presenting its flowers and 19th and 20th centuries, first entering the fruits mainly at the outer edges of its United States at the beginning of the 19th canopy. The trees occur in castañales century (Rosengarten, 1984). (clumps of trees), separated from each Amerindians have used Brazil nuts other by distances of up to several kilo- for thousands of years. In fact, based on metres. In these stands, B. excelsa the occurrence of human-related black undoubtedly holds the greatest biomass organic earth – terra preta do indio – sev- per hectare among all trees. With a var- eral researchers believe that the current iable number of fruits per tree, each fruit geographical distribution of the Brazil nut contains 15–25 seeds, arranged in seg- tree is a direct result of indigenous prac- ments much like the pieces of an orange. tices. The Kayapó in Brazil, among other B. excelsa is the only species of its , groups, currently carry and plant Brazil belonging to the pan-tropical family nut seeds on their journeys through the Lecythidaceae (the family of the monkey forest. I have encountered several 100- pot and Sapucaia trees). This species nat- year-old trees connecting, in a line, two urally occurs mainly in Brazil, Bolivia and points from a lake to a river, suggesting an Peru; however, some smaller populations old trail that was probably widely used by are found in the , and ancient Toromona or Ese-eja Indians in Venezuela. Brazil nut trees occur naturally Peru. However, the current distribution of only in lowland rainforests, at elevations the Brazil nut tree species may also have below 800m, on well-drained soils in resulted from unintended practices by high-ground forests or terra firme. indigenous peoples and/or, to a greater

62 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) extent, through ‘natural’ ecological companies, may buy the nuts. Alt- processes (see the following section on ernatively, companies that paid earlier Brazil nut tree ecology). monetary advances to harvesters may Brazil nut harvesting is a physically directly receive pre-arranged nut ship- demanding and dangerous activity. Fruits ments at ports. However, a few are gathered from the ground, usually community-run enterprises in the three during the rainy season when the fruits main Brazil nut producing countries are ripen and fall. There have been several still active and carry out the initial stages cases of reported deaths and serious of processing (ie the de-shelling and qual- injuries resulting from fruits or cocos ity selection of the product). Strict quality falling on unlucky harvesters: a 1 to 2 control, dry packaging and transportation kilogram (kg) fruit falling from a height of follow this process to the final destina- 50m is a potential killer. Although the risk tion, mainly the US and Europe. Although is omnipresent, castañeros know when processing is still carried out traditionally, and how to collect fruits to reduce risk or most of the nuts traded in the world mar- injury. Harvesters in Brazil and parts of ket today likely come from sophisticated Bolivia use hand-woven baskets and a processing factories that are increasingly grabbing stick to gather fruits (in Peru, replacing hand labour with mechaniza- fruits are mainly gathered by hand). The tion, a reality that arose in direct response fruits are then accumulated outside the to cost and quality standards imposed by canopy shadow of the Brazil nut tree to be buyers in the Northern hemisphere. opened with a machete. All the seeds are Brazil nut stands are not free land. In then poured into a standard-sized nylon large part, they are portions of forests sack that holds 70 to 75kg of nuts. It takes assigned by governments to communities the nuts of approximately 400 cocos to fill or to individual caretakers that may take up a sack or barrica, depending upon the the form of private corporations, compa- size of the fruits. The sacks are then car- nies or individuals. A smaller portion of ried to a main camp or loading point (next the world’s castañales is found on private to a river or a road) for a pre-transporta- property. However, in most cases, the tion treatment of drying and cleaning. At ‘concessionaries’ (or other forms of land- the end of the harvesting season, the cargo holding) own the Brazil nut harvest. Brazil is then transported to the nearest town nut landholdings are of varying sizes, to be sold to peeling factories (private depending upon the country and on the or communal), or alternatively to be region. For example, in south-eastern unshelled in households. Although there Peru, an extension of close to 1.2 million are variations depending upon the site, it hectares in the Madre de Dios department should be noted that the described har- has been granted as concessions to indi- vesting process mainly takes place in the vidual heads of families in units usually no forest, a wild forest, from widely scattered larger than 1000 hectares. In Bolivia, in trees connected by narrow and muddy addition to small Brazil nut landholders, trails, and in camps often hundreds of there are individuals and companies who kilometres from an urban centre. control, hold resource rights or own Once the nuts are shipped to towns, medium to large areas, in some cases por- the processing and commercialization of tions of land the size of Belgium. The the product follows a few set patterns. tenure situation in Brazil is similar to that Middlemen, often commissioned by in Bolivia, with the additional exception transformation and commercialization of significant-sized areas being designated

63 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America as ‘extractive reserves’ where small plots potential’ at the end of this chapter). (300–400 hectares) are divided among Recent studies show that even though it is community members. an activity that takes place only seasonally Whatever the size of the land or social (although the peeling and processing may organization, the individuals in charge of extend for several months beyond the Brazil nut harvesting operations depend harvest season), Brazil nut extraction upon hired-hand labour and a system of accounts for over 60 per cent of the yearly loans to finance the harvesting season. income for a large portion of the people Thus, Brazil nut harvesting uses a large involved (Agreda, 1999). number of people directly in the forest The position of the Brazil nut’s place in activity. Although no one has ever the world nut market has dropped from 4 assessed the number of people (and their per cent in the 1970s to less than 2 per cent dependants) involved in, and dependent today (Clay, 1997b). Brazil nuts currently upon, Brazil nut harvest and trade, its serve a ‘filling role’ in world nut trade, and number may easily account for several their trade is linked to the availability or hundred thousand people. The case of scarcity of other, more preferred nuts (eg Puerto Maldonado in Madre de Dios, peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, Peru, provides a glimpse of the magnitude pistachios and macadamia nuts). However, of the industry’s impact. In Puerto trade with the UK, the Netherlands, Maldonado, there are about 1200 conces- Germany and the US, the main buyers of sions and concessionaries. Each requires Brazil nuts, still brings around US$40 mil- an average of three workers for nut gath- lion in export revenues per year to Bolivia, ering in addition to the concessionary. The Brazil and Peru together (LaFleur, 1992; average family size in the area is of six Clay, 1997b). Several researchers have individuals. Just counting the field opera- attempted to explain the fluctuations in tions, close to half of the population of the prices, and have analysed the various city is dependent upon this resource for prices paid for nuts to actors in the trade – their income. If the middlemen and fac- from the forest gatherer to the retailer – in tory workers (one of the few occupations order to understand the economic chain of for women and, in many cases, single revenue and to improve the social and mothers) are added, it can be extrapolated environmental aspects of Brazil nut trade. that the number of people employed by What remains clear is that the Brazil nut the Brazil nut industry would easily com- industry is a sector that is facing a contin- prise two-thirds of the population of one uous drop in volume, which in turn is of the most biologically rich areas of the jeopardizing its social and environmental world – an area where no other economi- role. cally and environmentally sustainable However, recently developed Brazil alternatives exist. nut forest management plans, as well as The Brazil nut-rich forests of Peru an increasing commercial potential due to represent less than 10 per cent of the its organic nature, bring hope for those total area of castañales in Amazonia, wishing to re-establish the Brazil nut’s hence underscoring its regional and global previous position in the world nut market. socio-environmental importance. The Although agronomic techniques have labour figures in Brazil and Bolivia may been successfully developed, large-scale be similar to those seen in Peru, although attempts at domestication have failed, and with a significant difference in social con- Brazil nut harvesting from wild groves ditions (see the section on ‘certification remains the only viable commercial source

64 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) of nuts. Brazil nut certification may play Brazil nuts may make the product readily an important role in bolstering its conti- certifiable for certain markets. However, nuity as an industry. Although several the social aspects of the industry will issues need to be resolved, the organic and require some modifications and close environmentally friendly attributes of supervision.

Brazil nut tree ecology

The botanical description of the Brazil nut 1400 to 2800 millimetres (mm). It is tree is as follows. Large trees to 60m tall, thought that two to seven months of unbuttressed, the young branches glabrous, reduced rainfall are required for this tree sparcely lenticellate. Bark with conspicu- species to develop properly. Trees are usu- ous longitudinal fissures. Leaves simple, ally found in stands called manchales or alternate, the blades oblong, 17–36cm x manchais of 50 to 100 trees, each clump 6.5–15.5cm, coriaceous, glabrous on both separated by distances that may extend up surfaces, longitudinally striate, with 29 to to several kilometres. There are some 45 pairs of lateral veins prominulous on records of 10 to 25 Brazil nut trees in a both surfaces. of axillary hectare; however, these are exceptions. spikes or of terminal, paniculate arrange- Typically, when larger areas are consid- ments of spikes with one or two orders of ered – including those between manchales branching, the latter with two 2–7 lateral – tree densities fluctuate between 2.5 to 3 branches. The and bracteoles are adult trees per hectare. No one knows lanceolate. Flowers approximately 3cm what is the total area covered by Brazil diameter at anthesis, calyx with two lobes. nut forests in Amazonia. Some conser- Petals six, pale yellow to white oblong- vative estimates place it at around 20 ovate to 30mm long, androecial hood million hectares (Clay, 1997b), an esti- white to yellow, the inside of hood with mate that may fall far short when the wide depression into which fits the staminal geographical range of the species is con- ring, the inside of ligule often tinged with sidered. pink. Staminal rings asymmetrical with The age structure of Bertholletia pop- 80–135 stamens; ovary (3–) 4 (–6) locular, ulations does not show the reversed the 16–25 ovules inserted at the base of J-shaped curve characteristic of self-main- septum. Fruits round, usually 10–12.5cm x taining tree species, with most plants 10–12.5cm but up to 16cm x 14cm, often being mid-age reproductive individuals of of varied shape and size even within same basal diameters between 1 and 2m. tree. Seeds 10–25 per fruit, approximately Seedlings at the earliest stages of develop- 3.5–5cm x 2cm, the embryo undifferenti- ment are rarely found, suggesting that a ated (adapted from Mori and Prance, major recruitment bottleneck occurs at 1990). the seed dispersal stage or during seed Brazil nut trees are found in non- establishment (Ortiz, 1991). Brazil nut flooded Amazonian forests at lower trees are long lived, a factor that may elevations, in areas with a mean annual explain its persistence as a species through temperature of between 24 and 27° time (based on radiocarbon analyses and Celsius (C) and annual rainfall between allometric measurements, some trees are

65 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America estimated to be well over 1000 years old; better crops in relation to average trees, Camargo et al, 1974; Salomao, 1991). independent of the year. It is still unclear Nursery as well as field studies have what determines high-production years, shown that Brazil nut tree seedlings and as well as how often these occur. Extra- saplings require intermediate to high lev- polations of yearly commercial yields els of light for their initial development, indicate that only 20 to 30 per cent of the growing faster and shedding more leaves potential Brazil nut areas are currently under those conditions. However, desic- under commercial management. cation of leaves has been reported in Flowering occurs mainly at the onset seedlings growing in open nurseries. Their of the rainy season, reaching a peak in gap dependence may explain in part their November and December. Changing occurrence in stands, whether these gaps weather patterns may vary the timing of are a result of natural or human distur- this event, as well as the length of the flow- bance. Once a seedling reaches a gap, it ering season. Flowers follow a relatively grows relatively quickly to access avail- generalized leaf-drop cycle and are pro- able sunlight. Reproductive maturity (ie duced en masse. One can readily identify a flower and nut production) is reached at a Brazil nut-rich forest during flowering sea- basal trunk diameter of >40cm in the for- son by the profusion of pale yellow est, or at 15 to 20 years of age for a tree flowers carpeting the ground. Flowers last growing under good light conditions. In only a few hours, opening before sunrise grafted trees, reproductive age can be and falling early in the afternoon. Thus, reached in a third of that time. visitation and pollination take place Fruit production varies between trees, early in the morning when flowers are from no fruits at all to over 2000 per tree. receptive. When all fruit-bearing trees in a popula- Large-bodied bees presumably polli- tion are considered, productivity per tree nate the flowers of Bertholletia excelsa, averages close to, or slightly above, 20kg particularly the colourful Euglossinae of raw or in-shell nuts, or around 100 group. Due to the logistical constraint of fruits. However, this average figure is flowers being at heights of over 30m, all reduced by half when all of the B. excelsa research on pollination of Brazil nut trees plants are considered (seedlings as well as has been carried out in plantations, where unproductive trees). Castañeros only keep trees were grafted, and flowers were at no account of, and harvest, productive trees more than 8–10m above ground. Only (eg a 10–20-fruit tree would be ignored). recently have researchers in Peru looked Tree and fruit numbers may vary depend- at wild trees to investigate what species ing upon the specific area within a region. are the main visitors and pollinators. Bees For instance, within the same region, of the genera Xylocopa, Eulaema and locals usually know ‘hotspot’ areas where Exaerete appear to be among the main manchales are bigger, tree numbers per visitors; however, ongoing research will hectare are higher and fruit production is clarify their identities, importance and known to be exceptional. Explanations how specific visitors/pollinators are to this for these patterns remain speculative, and tree species. no correlations have been found between It has long been believed that the fruit numbers and tree diameters, tree lower production of Brazil nuts is related heights or soil types. Fruit yields also to a pollination deficiency, mainly attrib- vary between years, but it is frequently utable to smoke resulting from increasing observed that productive trees often yield forest fires in the Amazon (ie smoke and

66 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) forest fragmentation affecting bee abun- (Ortiz, 1991). If shotgun shells were dance, and thus pollination). Recent not so expensive, hunting of macaws by observations of lower visitation rates and castañeros would be a more common a reduced composition of the bee assem- practice. blage visiting Brazil nut flowers in Peru Fruits begin falling in the middle of (Centeno and Ortiz, unpublished report) the rainy season (in Peru and Bolivia and seems to support this hypothesis; however, parts of Brazil, by mid-December), at confirmation of this relationship awaits which time seed dispersers and seed further results. Other studies have shown predators commence their activities. A the reluctance of some bee species – handful of mammals eat Brazil nuts, but Euglossines, in particular – to visit frag- only after three species of rodents gnaw mented or modified habitats (Powell and open the fruits and liberate the seeds: the Powell, 1987), a fact that may help to agouti, the paca and a squirrel. The agouti explain, in part, the failure of Brazil nut (Dasyprocta spp.) is responsible for most plantations, which have shown good veg- of this work – more than 80 per cent of etative growth but poor fruit yield. In the total (Ortiz, unpublished observation). addition to these observations, several of After eating a share of the nuts from a these bee species show a tight seasonal fruit, only agoutis, squirrels and acouchis specialization to flower species (as has (Myoprocta spp.) bury and rebury the rest been found for B. excelsa), some depend- of the seeds, at depths of 1 to 2cm, ing upon orchids that grow in Brazil nut for later consumption when food becomes tree canopies for odours essential to their scarce (a behaviour called ‘scatter- reproductive rituals. Brazil nut trees are hoarding’). Unfortunately for the scatter- mainly allogamous (ie they require cross- hoarders, other mammals (mainly fertilization or, in other words, need other peccaries, rodents and others), knowing of genetically unrelated conspecific trees the seed burial patterns of agoutis, spe- nearby and gamete carriers for fertiliza- cialize in seeking out their caches. tion). There is one lesson from this natural Without the agouti, virtually no natural history that is highly relevant for Brazil regeneration of Brazil nuts would occur. nut-rich forest management: a productive Agoutis often remove originally cached Brazil nut forest requires a healthy forest. seeds and subsequently rebury them at After pollination, only a few flowers further distances, a fact that may help advance through the transition stages explain how Brazil nut stands are formed. between immature and mature fruits, a Although home ranges of adult agoutis process that may take up to 14 months on are small, juvenile agoutis wander widely, the canopy. For instance, before fruits fall taking seeds or whole fruits with them for in the middle of the rainy season, one can distances greater than 1 kilometre (km), see two generations of fruits at the same thus offering another explanation for the time: developing fruits and mature fruits formation of new Brazil nut stands. ready to fall. During this time, fruits Due to the death or poor memory of endure attacks by , mammals the seed disperser, some of the buried and hungry birds, particularly parrots. seeds may escape predation. It is impor- Macaws are regular consumers of the still- tant to keep in mind that agoutis are not soft, unripe fruits. Macaws visited close to only seed dispersers but also seed preda- 75 per cent of a monitored tree popula- tors. In order for natural regeneration to tion in Peru and damaged close to 5 per occur, a portion of the seeds liberated cent of the fruit yield from those trees from the fruits needs to survive. How does

67 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America seed harvesting by castañeros affect this hunting. Moreover, and counterintuit- natural process? Some researchers have ively, in most cases agoutis are even more proposed that harvesters should leave a abundant in harvested areas than in areas minimum of 20 per cent of the seed yield that experience little or no hunting (ie nut in the forest in order to facilitate the harvesting per se has not affected their regeneration process (eg Peters, 1990). populations). This observation has This recommendation assumes that inten- already been quantified in several coun- sive harvest adversely impacts B. excelsa tries (eg Dirzo and Miranda, 1991; recruitment. Research of varying harvest Emmons, 1984) and probably is due to a intensities (normal and purposely inten- populational release from their main sive) in Peru and Brazil showed that close demographic regulators: large cats (jaguar to 40 per cent of the total fruit production and puma). Big cats are often the first to in the forest, including all trees in the flee or be hunted out when hunters arrive. research population, were left in the This intriguing observation opens the ground or were taken by mammalian seed possibility for Brazil nut-rich forest man- dispersers before fruit gatherers arrived agement where this rodent species could (Miller, 1990; Ortiz, 1991; Ortiz, un- become part of a management plan. published report). In addition, empirical Once a seed escapes predation, it needs evidence shows that natural seed regen- to be buried in a spot that is not seasonally eration (number of naturally occurring flooded and receives some level of direct seedlings) is greater in areas where har- sunlight in its first years, if it is vesting takes place than in areas not to have a chance of developing into a harvested. This fact may be explained by seedling. The energy stored in the nut the indirect seed dispersal accomplished serves as food for the developing plant and by harvesters (seeds dropping from sacks), is slowly consumed over the first year of combined with hunting practices and a growth. After that period, the seedling will subsequently larger agouti population survive only if it is able to photosynthesize that retrieves a greater number of seeds to and escape from its new predators, the cache. In areas that are not harvested, herbivores. During the seedling’s first year seed mortality may be greater due to less- of growth, seed predators will often seek disturbed agouti populations that have an out, unearth and consume the easier time retrieving their caches, as well buried nut, thereby killing the seedling. as greater levels of seed predation by Observations on seedlings closely moni- healthier populations of other seed con- tored over time in Peru have shown that sumers, such as spiny rats. other rodents, and tapirs in particular, are Some levels of seasonal hunting pres- responsible for the mortality of a large sure often accompany Brazil nut gath- portion of Brazil nut seedlings, mainly ering. I have visited several Brazil nut during the dry season. If conditions allow, areas in both Bolivia and Peru where large it may take several years, or even decades, monkeys and other medium-sized animals for a seedling to capitalize on the creation are now rare or absent due to hunting of a forest gap and grow to reach the pressure. Hunting is often promoted by canopy. Chances are high that an estab- patrones who refuse to provide animal lished sapling will become a mature Brazil protein to their workers. Interestingly, in nut tree. Once an adult, the main causes of all of these areas, agoutis are one of the Brazil nut mortality in natural forests are few animals that have resisted low, strong winds after heavy rains (or unusu- medium and moderately high levels of ally rainy seasons that loosen soil and

68 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) facilitate windthrow), fungal infections forests under seasonal and exclusive use and lightning. In 1991, this author wit- by nut harvesters are not much different nessed a massive blow-down (caused by from other pristine forests. It could be hurricane-like winds following several expected that – given a slightly increased days of rain), that felled close to 400 Brazil habitat heterogeneity – they may be even nut trees in an area of several hundred richer in populations of some types of hectares where B. excelsa alone accounted organisms, although this latter point is for more than half of all fallen trees. speculative and awaits further evaluation. Apart from the species closely linked Mammal, tree and Scarabeid to the Brazil nut tree described above, species richness have been evaluated in there are several other animals that in one Brazil nut-rich forests in Peru, comparing way or another depend upon this tree sites with different levels of use intensity. species for their survival. In fact, there are Sites managed under seasonal and exclu- several species that are exclusively found sive use for nut harvesting showed high in association with B. excelsa. For ex- diversity levels, similar to what would ample, there is a poison arrow frog be found in pristine forests. Areas with (Dendrobates castaneoticus) and a toad greater disturbance levels due to associ- (Bufo castaneoticus) that breed almost ated logging and year-round hunting exclusively in empty, rain-filled Brazil nut showed a noticeable difference in species shells that have been opened by agoutis. richness and abundance. Interestingly, the No one has ever looked at the soil micro- low-disturbance Brazil nut forests har- organisms associated with this tree boured several endangered species rarely species, a field that undoubtedly will yield seen in any other areas, such as short- surprises. For the reasons mentioned eared bush dogs and big cats (J Mena; K above, it is perhaps appropriate to distin- Kirkby; T Larsen, unpublished reports). guish Brazil nut-rich forests as a distinct Thus, Brazil nut forest management has forest type. Ongoing studies are showing the potential to help keep species richness that biodiversity levels found in Brazil nut levels high.

Land-use impacts

As seen in the previous section, land-use Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Although the intensity affects biodiversity levels and, law, as written, has been respected to potentially, nut yields. However, this is a some extent, it has been totally ineffective minor problem when compared to what is in protecting its target. Large prime Brazil happening to Brazil nut areas at a larger nut areas, on the order of hundreds of scale. Although Brazil nut tree logging is thousands of hectares, have been cleared illegal in all producing countries, poten- for cattle ranching, leaving only standing tially productive Brazil nut forest areas Brazil nut trees. It is common in areas are increasingly being reduced, mainly such as those between Cobija in Bolivia through forest degradation caused by and Rio Branco in Brazil to see kilometre opening areas for cattle ranching, agricul- after kilometre of lone, white, bone-look- ture and intensive logging. ing, dead Brazil nut trees standing in Felling a standing Brazil nut tree is solitude amid great extensions of decay- punishable by prison and heavy fines in ing pasture. Studies carried out in Acre,

69 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Brazil, have shown that 20 years after ranch fences. Once a tree dies, it is legal to grassland establishment, 80 per cent of obtain permission to use its wood, a pro- the standing Brazil nut trees were dead vision that may encourage the killing of and no regeneration was present (Viana et Brazil nut trees. al, 1998). In other areas, landless peasants As reported above, traditional Brazil with no Brazil nut-related traditions have nut harvesting does not appear to be migrated to Brazil nut stands to establish harmful to the forest, even when inten- ephemeral agricultural plots, with similar sively practised. However, other forest results. More recently, some levels of log- uses that could accompany harvesting ging are being permitted in Brazil nut-rich might be detrimental to forest health. For extractive reserves in Brazil. Although example, palm fruit harvesting is often low-intensity/selective logging may not accomplished by felling palm trees; hunt- necessarily be pernicious to Brazil nut ing pressures that accompany Brazil nut forests, it opens them up to other non-sus- harvest may be intensive enough to wipe tainable uses. The total area of Brazil nut out mammal and birds that are important forests is still very large, and recent events to ecological processes, and logging and taking place in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru are thinning may affect forest characteristics promising for their future protection. necessary for Brazil nut seedling regenera- Prime Brazil nut areas are being recog- tion. Brazil forest management should nized, zoned and protected for exclusive incorporate current knowledge about the traditional use. Brazil nut forest manage- structure and functioning of Brazil nut ment is also increasingly being considered forests in order to assure its continuity. and implemented in some areas, as well. Brazil nut forest certification may play an Although Brazil nut wood is not important role as a driver for the applica- attractive for logging due to its hardness, tion of sound management techniques. it is widely used for construction and

Brazil nut management and best practices

Native populations have managed Brazil developments arising from biological nut forests for thousands of years. research on Bertholletia. One issue that Deliberate planting and protection of researchers had to solve was that there seedlings, together with low-impact har- were several variants on methodologies vesting practices (narrow trails and other carried out by indigenous peoples and practices for non-commercial use), have caboclos (rural peasant farmers of mixed probably resulted in the ‘rich’ castañales descent), and that those techniques dif- that are still found today. However, Brazil fered substantially, although one of them nut commercialization has driven produc- had to be more efficient. For example, in ers to seek greater efficiency and better Peru and parts of Bolivia, fruits are gath- yields (in quality and quantities). ‘There ered from the ground by bare hand, while are many ways to harvest a Brazil nut in Brazil harvesters use a basket and a tree,’ it could be said, and indeed there are. grabbing stick. Practitioners of both tech- Current management techniques are, niques claim their collection method is to a great extent, the application of tradi- faster and easier. When compared, fruit- tional methodologies together with new picking time proved to be twice as

70 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) effective and safer with the use of baskets. tion can be improved through forest Other techniques have to be developed enrichment techniques, where genetically from scratch. selected seeds are planted after careful As for management techniques, this identification of sites with the best light- chapter includes those practices that take ing, soil and other competitive conditions place in the field with an aim of improving (generally in natural gaps), followed by productivity of Brazil nut stands and yield some level of care provided for the per tree. These are practices that reduce planted seedlings. Studies are showing the negative impacts of harvesting and that it is a better investment of time and improve harvesting techniques, thereby money to place efforts on forest enrich- increasing efficiency, quality and cost ment than on the care of naturally effectiveness. Several of the techniques regenerating seedlings. Liberation thin- mentioned here have been systematically ning techniques have been shown to be quantified and evaluated for their cost efficient in helping the growth of medium- benefits, while other practices are cur- sized saplings, especially in cases where rently under evaluation but are showing competition with other plants and vines promising results. It has to be kept in prevents their development. Overall, how- mind that some of these techniques may ever, it is important to note that probably only make economic sense in some areas the most effective way to maintain the and may not apply to other regions. productivity of a Brazil nut stand is to Brazil nut stand productivity may be keep the surrounding forest as healthy enhanced in the short term, as well as in as possible and allow the ecological the long term. In the shorter term, the processes of pollination and regeneration elaboration of a map base that identifies to occur without negatively affecting their individual trees and their production pat- biological vectors. terns could enhance productivity. Such a Fruit yields per tree could be map helps to redesign and maintain a improved by agroforestry techniques that more functional harvesting trail system include liberation thinning, mainly in that emphasizes harvesting efforts in more juvenile and young trees where competi- productive sections of a castañal, and at tion from other trees may limit their the same time reduces walking distances, growth and production. Along the same thus making the harvest more efficient and lines, removal of and vines that economic. These maps also help hired har- compete with Brazil nut trees in the vesters (who are often unfamiliar with an canopy for light and increase branch area) locate trees and facilitate the plan- weight (which may provoke branch ning of systematic searches for new trees breakage) is believed to increase fruit within a concession (in general, almost a yield. Quantitative evaluation of the ben- third of the Brazil nut trees within an area efits of removal is still unproven, may not be known to exist). although research is underway. Some Current evaluations of double-har- researchers suggest the use of fertilizers vesting regimes (ie early and late in the (also useful for seedling growth), but their harvesting season) are showing that more effectiveness has yet to be tested. fruits may be gathered overall, due to Apart from the use of baskets for reductions in losses of fruits taken by picking fruits and the improved trail sys- agoutis as well as increases in untaken tem (examples mentioned earlier), there fruits that fall after the regular harvesting are other techniques that may help to dates. In the longer term, stand produc- improve the efficiency of Brazil nut har-

71 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America vesting. The use of oxen for transporta- Internationally, nuts are commercial- tion of Brazil nut sacks in the forest ized under three modalities: in-shell, (making harvesting less physically dem- unshelled or as a processed part or anding) and clearing of the undergrowth derivate. In-shell nuts are sold mainly to under the Brazil nut tree canopy have the US and UK and have become part of been described as cost effective in some the traditional Christmas feast. The main areas of Brazil and Peru. Overall, quality use of unshelled nuts is in nut mixes, but of seed production – lately a more impor- they are also consumed raw, roasted, tant issue due to the hardening of salted or used as ingredients in ice creams exportation standards – may be enhanced and desserts. Brazil nut oils, due to their by double-harvesting regimes and by pro- chemical properties, are increasingly being tecting unopened fruits from excessive used in the personal care industry. humidity. For example, nuts may be Products such as Brazil nut soaps, sham- covered with palm leaves or placed in poo and skin care lotions can be easily appropriate, predetermined collection found in any organic goods shop. Brazil sites after gathering. Cleaning and drying nut pods are now being exported as con- of nuts in harvesting camps have also tainers for aromatic candles. A variety of been reported as cost effective. Related to medicinal properties have been attributed this, it is important to build appropriate to Bertholletia. For example, rubber tap- infrastructures at harvesting camps that pers in Brazil use it for treating diarrhoea, will help to reduce losses to rodents (such while in Peru it is used to treat leishmani- losses account for 20 per cent of all asis. It is also recommended for treating nuts in some production areas; Empresa patients with certain types of cancer (eg Hecker Hermanos, S A, 1998). prostate cancer) due to its high selenium Environmental damages from activi- content (Ip and Lisk, 1994). ties related to Brazil nut harvesting can At a local level, Brazil nuts are mainly also be reduced under specific manage- used raw as a food source, but also have a ment regimes or through the introduction number of other uses. For example, the of appropriate technologies. For example, nuts may be smashed and consumed as where hunting is difficult to eliminate, vegetal milk, converted into flour for bak- controlled culling of certain species may ing bread or mixed with other products be a solution. Tree-injuring bark extrac- such as cassava. Brazil nuts also have an tion (for raw materials used to fashion extensive variety of local uses that are straps for carrying loads of nuts) may be often restricted to certain areas. For halted by introducing synthetic belts, as is example, in Puerto Maldonado, Brazil nut successfully done by some harvesters in hot sauce and Brazil nut bread are local Peru. delicacies. Similarly, residual or broken Brazil nuts are often pressed for oil that is Use and applications widely used for cooking, soap, as a hair care product, as lamp fuel and as feed for Brazil nut trees are widely known because domestic animals. of their nuts. However, for traditional Brazil nut wood is used for the con- dwellers in Brazil nut forests (indigenous struction of houses and fences as well people and colonos/caboclos), nut con- as for boat-building. Processed bark is sumption is not the only use of this tree, as employed by indigenous peoples to fabri- virtually all the accessible parts of the cate rudimentary clothing. Gum exudates species have a local application. from the trunk are used for boat repairs.

72 Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

Empty Brazil nut capsules are used as mul- the world’s leading Brazil nut-producing tipurpose containers (eg tappers use it for country. The industry has flourished in collecting rubber), made into handicrafts, towns such as Cobija and Riberalta, burned as fuel and, more recently, are where most of the Brazil nut production is being investigated for their use as an being processed and sent ready for expor- abrasive as well as for activated carbon (for tation. Total export volumes of Brazil nuts international markets). Nut-processing fac- fluctuate according to the year and tories produce large amounts of husks. demand, ranging from 30 to 60 metric This residual material has special thermal tons with exportation values around properties that render it a good burning US$40 to US$70 million (Clay, 1997b). material in ovens used to dry nuts prior to Thorough analysis of the price dynamics packing in some areas. In towns such as and the market potential for Brazil nuts Riberalta in Bolivia, Brazil nut husks are (see LaFleur, 1992; Clay, 1997b) has con- used as fuel to provide electricity for the cluded that the characteristics of the Brazil city (until a few years ago, half of the nut supply and marketplace (high degree town’s electricity was produced this way). of product substitution and the relative The US, UK, Germany, Italy and other scarcity, respectively) offer opportunities European nations are the main importers to expand market share by increasing pro- of Brazil nuts, accounting for close to 90 duction without a proportional decrease in per cent of the total volumes processed by price. Effective protection and man- exporting companies, with probably less agement of existing Brazil nut stands, com- than 5 per cent consumed in producing bined with innovative approaches such as countries (LaFleur, 1992). During the last certification, could help to provide a sus- decade, lower production costs and an tainable future for large forested areas as aggressive marketing strategy have given well as for a large population of people, Bolivia a competitive economic advantage who depend upon them. over neighbouring Brazil, making Bolivia

Certification potential

Brazil nuts provide a good fit for the core forests. Brazil nut utilization (through con- subject areas of certification programmes. cessions) ‘unintentionally’ protects several Environmentally, they are traditionally har- million hectares throughout Amazonia, a vested mainly from primary tropical forests territory larger than the size of all formally and not from plantations. Brazil nut trees protected areas taken together in the probably live in the most biologically rich region. Brazil nut harvest promotes conser- areas of the world, coexisting with popula- vation because the species requires a tions of a number of endangered species in healthy forest ecosystem in order to thrive certain areas. As far as studies have deter- and be productive. Brazil nuts are gathered mined, traditional harvesting does not from the forest floor, and as such are com- negatively affect regeneration, nor does it pletely organic and require no fertilizers or degrade the forest ecosystem, unduly genetic manipulation. threaten biodiversity or diminish many From a socio-economic perspective, ecological processes associated with such Brazil nut harvest often represents a highly

73 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America significant, if not the primary, source of Brazil nut certification should ensure yearly income for close to half of the that nuts come from natural forests and human population in Brazil nut areas that their harvest is not affecting the eco- (numbering several hundred thousand logical viability of the forest. Certification individuals). The benefits of the Brazil nut should not only protect the continuity of industry are spread across a wider social Brazil nut tree populations but also main- base than most other activities. Brazil tain other species and biological processes nuts offer an empowering mechanism for within the Brazil nut forest. Moreover, women: apart from those who are directly certification can ensure that no other involved in the harvesting (30 per cent of unsustainable activities are taking place in concessions in Peru are owned by women), the same forest. In cases where other uses women are the primary workforce in of the forests are taking place, these Brazil nut factories, in semi-urban areas should also be required to meet certifica- where processing takes place(60–80 per tion criteria (eg logging). Land tenure cent of the total; Agreda, 1999; Assies issues that benefit producers should be 1997). Such employment often represents required in order to promote sound man- the only source of family income. Brazil agement, as well as to support a better nut harvest plays a number of roles in the and more equitable sharing of profits. ‘dynamics’ of families living in rural areas Labour conditions should be in com- (for example, due to their long storage pliance with international conventions capacity, Brazil nuts serve as instant cash and promote greater benefit-sharing with for emergencies; Ortiz, 1995). rural producers. The low prices paid to Although the above information is producers, in combination with estab- true for traditional harvesting of Brazil lished middlemen systems, act to the nuts, not all of the elements intersect in all detriment of this objective. In addition to areas or cases. In some areas, forest degra- forest management and forest-gathering dation is rampant; Bertholletia stands are activities, attention should be given to becoming patchier due to habitat conver- other parts of the Brazil nut produc- sion; fauna is being depleted due to tion chain, such as processing factories, excessive hunting; and a number of other where labour conditions are often poor. unsustainable activities are taking place. However, some flexibility should be In large areas in Brazil and Bolivia, Brazil allowed, according to regional conditions nut concessions are controlled by land- and traditions (eg supervised under-age lords or patrones who enslave workers labour). In summary, the principles laid through advances of supplies or the habil- out by the Forest Stewardship Council ito system. In most areas, prices are unjust (FSC) could be met and readily verified. when compared to the work and the risks Under the FSC umbrella, efforts to involved in the harvesting activity (as typ- develop national and regional standards ical of many rural production systems). for Brazil nut certification in the three Factories often do not provide basic main producing countries are currently labour rights and safe conditions for their taking place. By the beginning of the 21st employees. However, ideal Brazil nut-use century, the world should be able to enjoy conditions (where environmental and certified Brazil nuts (or Amazonian nuts), basic socio-economic conditions can be and at the same time protect large tracts met) do exist, and obstacles to certifica- of tropical forests and the traditional tion are not insurmountable – there are a activities of the people who depend upon few examples of good operations. those forests.

74 Chapter 6 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.)

Dennis Johnson


Commercial palm heart and Central America and production in South E. edulis is found along America from the wild Brazil’s Atlantic coast involves exploitation of and inland. three major species: açaí As many as nine (Euterpe oleracea) asai South American coun- (E. precatoria var. preca- tries have palm heart toria) and juçara (E. industries with raw mate- edulis), in approximate rial derived from wild order of their current eco- Euterpe palms. The nomic importance (see country of Brazil and E. Table 6.1). Details about oleracea production in the other non-commer- particular predominate in cial Euterpe species are Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva the industry at large. In given in Table 6.2. Palm heart (Euterpe oleracea) most countries, palmito The three commer- production is largely for cial species of Euterpe export markets in Europe differ in growth form and in habitat. E. and the United States, although Brazil has oleracea is a clustering palm that occurs in significant domestic consumption. periodically flooded open forest areas in Harvesting, transporting and process- dense stands. E. precatoria and E. edulis ing wild palm hearts is labour intensive are solitary palms found in more elevated, and provides employment in typically better-drained closed forests not subject to remote areas where job opportunities are flooding. E. precatoria has a scattered dis- limited. In large measure, the commer- tribution in the forest, whereas E. edulis cialization of palm hearts is profitable may form large stands. The geographic because the wild resource is nearly free range of E. oleracea is in north-eastern and and the labour costs are low. north-western South America. E. precato- The Euterpe palm species is also a ria occurs in the Western Amazon Basin local source of other commercial and sub- NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America sistence products. In the Lower Amazon, Palmito is one of the traditional non- fruits of E. oleracea are gathered and used timber forest products of the Latin to make a beverage and to flavour ice American region. Palm hearts are being cream. The palms are likewise sources of investigated as one of several products leaves for thatching and to make various that could support the establishment of objects such as baskets and brooms. The extractive reserves, the aims of which are palm stems can be used to make house to maintain forest cover and to discourage frames and flooring. Roots of E. precato- more deforestation. Thus, palm heart har- ria have reputed medicinal properties. The vest can play an important conservation palms are also popular as ornamental role and has the potential to contribute to trees because of their graceful leaves and both economic and biological sustainabil- overall attractive appearance. ity of select forest management units in the tropics.


In most instances, there is insufficient ated vegetation. Population surveys of six knowledge concerning the ecology of indi- sites of E. oleracea in the Amazon Basin vidual Latin American palm species. found averages of 775 juvenile and 267 The genus Euterpe is in a somewhat adult palms per hectare. A study of species favourable position because of the recent richness, density and vertical distribution monograph by Henderson and Galeano of palms in a 0.4 hectare plot in the (1996) and because E. precatoria and E. Peruvian Amazon found E. precatoria to oleracea were among the palms included be the second most common palm, after by Kahn and de Granville (1992) in their Astrocaryum carnosum. A total of 244 E. study of palm ecology in Amazonia. The precatoria were enumerated in this study, following information on Euterpe ecology with tree height classes as follows: 176 is based on the two foregoing sources. individuals in the 0–1m size class; 67 in Euterpe edulis is a solitary rainforest the 1–10m size class; and 1 in the >10m palm of well-drained soils occurring from size class. Results of other research in 0–1000 metres (m) and may form large Acre, Brazil, determined that there were stands. It can colonize areas of forest dis- 40 adult E. precatoria palms per hectare. turbance. Euterpe oleracea is a clustering Little information exists on the repro- rainforest palm of low elevations in areas ductive biology of Euterpe palms. Natural of periodic flooding and occurs in large, reproduction of all three commercialized high-density stands. It too is an aggressive species is by seed. In addition, E. oleracea colonizer of disturbed areas of swamp produces basal shoots to maintain a clus- forest. Euterpe precatoria is a solitary ter of stems of different ages and heights. rainforest palm of the well-drained and Euterpe palms are monoecious and inflo- periodically flooded lowlands. rescences are intrafoliar. The age of sexual The density and distribution patterns maturity of Euterpe palms is not known of Euterpe palms cannot be easily general- precisely and may vary considerably ized because they appear to be influenced depending upon soil conditions, growth by soil conditions, hydrology and associ- rate, competition and light availability.

76 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.)

Under ideal conditions, E. oleracea may of E. oleracea in Eastern and Central flower when only three years of age, Amazonia extends throughout the calen- although full fruit production may not be dar year, but fruit is most abundant in the achieved until five to six years of age. It drier season from July to December. has been observed that E. precatoria in Reportedly, E. oleracea fruits from Bolivia begins to flower when the tree February to April in the Orinoco Delta. reaches 12m in height, producing one to Fruiting of E. edulis in southern Brazil four . The average age of a occurs from April to November. Fruits of tree of that height is thought to be 10 to 15 these three commercial species are similar years, but this is anecdotal information. in size (1–2cm in diameter) and purple to Male and female flowers of Euterpe black when ripe. species are small, some 2–3 millimetres The fruit of E. oleracea is dispersed by (mm) in width. The male flowers of E. water during seasonal flooding, and fishes edulis and E. oleracea are purplish in are reported to eat the fleshy fruit and aid colour. Field studies of E. oleracea in its dispersal. Birds, rodents and mon- revealed that female flowers produce nec- keys consume the fruit of several species tar and that bees appear to be the major of Euterpe; birds are most often men- group of pollinators. In Peru, a study of a tioned, but that could be because they are population of E. precatoria showed that more readily observed. palms produced two to six inflorescences Seeds of E. oleracea and E. precatoria each year, flowering commencing with the have been tested and both germinate in dry season in May and fruits maturing about one month. Germination of E. over seven to eight months, during edulis seeds was found to occur in three December to January. The fruiting period weeks.

Impact of land-use changes

An estimated 90 per cent of all palms in disturbance and are able to regenerate and South America occur in forests, and this persist on cleared sites and in degraded includes all species of Euterpe. In general, areas of forest. Sufficient scientific infor- forest clearing for agriculture and pasture, mation is known about the three and degradation as a result of timber har- commercial species of Euterpe to place vest, represent the primary threats to palm them into this second group. conservation. Forest palm species fall into The clustering of E. oleracea occurs in two groups with regard to disturbance. seasonally inundated areas where it can be The largest group is composed of palms found in large stands of high density. In that are very sensitive to clearing and locations where forest disturbance has disturbance. These species almost immedi- taken place, E. oleracea can be an aggres- ately die off in impacted areas or their sive colonizing pioneer species. Partial numbers and distribution become severely forest clearing and degradation may reduced, putting their local survival in therefore actually be beneficial to the pop- peril. The second (smaller) group of palms ulations of E. oleracea. However, the E. appears to comprise pioneer species that oleracea habitat is suitable for the devel- are adapted, in varying degrees, to forest opment of rice cultivation and shrimp

77 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America farming, both of which result in elimina- Euterpe edulis, like E. precatoria, is a tion of the palm when developed. climax species that requires forest habitat Euterpe precatoria is a climax forest to survive. However, E. edulis is a smaller species and ecological studies have shown solitary palm that can form large stands that the palm is well represented in all and is described as being able to colonize height classes. This solitary palm is disturbed areas of forest. described as being a dominant palm species Harvesting of mature E. precatoria in some portions of its range – as, for and E. edulis for palmito poses a poten- example, in the Beni region of the Bolivian tial threat to the vigour and survival of Amazon. E. precatoria regeneration bene- the populations of these species if the fits from minor natural disturbances that harvest practices and cycles significantly allow a greater amount of light to penetrate reduce seed sources for natural regenera- through the forest canopy. However, it tion. But no matter how intensive the appears that E. precatoria seedlings require harvesting, it would not lead to extinc- a shaded environment in their early growth tion of either E. precatoria or E. edulis stages. Hence, major disturbance would because palmito harvest would become adversely affect germination and seedling self-limiting when the population density growth and result in a decline of the palm of harvestable trees was reduced to low population over time in a given area if the levels. This is exemplified by the shift of degraded forest conditions persist. Clearly, Brazil’s palmito industry in the 1960s E. precatoria needs a forest habitat in from reliance on E. edulis in the Atlantic which to survive naturally. E. precatoria Forest to E. oleracea in the Amazon, a appears to be compatible with logging, move which relieved most of the com- although logging activities destroy palms mercial harvesting pressures on the wild when timber trees are felled and skidded populations of E. edulis. Forest clearing and when logging roads are constructed. E. represents the greatest threat to both E. precatoria populations would not be edulis and E. precatoria. impacted by gathering other forest prod- ucts, such as latex and Brazil nuts.


Examples of traditional/indigenous man- Over the approximately 50 years that agement systems of E. oleracea for palm palm hearts have been commercialized, heart and fruit production are found in the industry has operated by following the Lower Amazon. This management what may be referred to as ‘extractive probably derives originally from leaving practices’, with little if any regard for the palms in place when clearing a shifting direct management of the wild resource. cultivation plot, and likely eventually led One regulation that is codified for the to the palm’s cultivation. It could be industry (but not always followed) is the argued that this represents a form of agro- minimum diameter size of the palm heart forestry. Other Euterpe species of palms that will be purchased from harvesters. are not cultivated except for their occa- Experienced cutters are able to select trees sional ornamental use. for felling that will yield legal-sized

78 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.) processed palmito (ie 2cm in diameter in also an option, using either direct seeding Brazil). Brazil has legislation that requires or the transplanting of seedlings, coupled the planting of three E. edulis for each cut, with the above-mentioned silvicultural and the planting of one E. oleracea for treatments. Euterpe palms could be culti- each individual harvested. Whether these vated within an agroforestry system, or regulations are being followed is difficult such a system could be implemented in to tell, but they probably are not. areas of natural palm stands. Concession agreements for palm heart Management of wild palm heart harvesting have been modelled after tim- resources for sustainable production poses ber harvesting concessions so that the way several challenges. Most prominent is the in which the industry has operated is not lack of sufficient detailed botanical and a surprise. When a palm heart factory ecological information about the palms becomes unprofitable because local raw exploited and the longer-term results of material resources have been depleted, the harvesting on the palm species and on the practice has been to move to another area surrounding forest. Thus, any adopted and begin anew. management practices must be monitored The annual allowable cutting of palms closely and refined through information and harvest rotation cycles are difficult to gleaned from data collection and field determine in the absence of reliable regen- observation. Of equal importance is mon- eration data. Cutting cycles discussed itoring the general health of the forest range from as short as three to four years itself from which the palms are harvested. for E. oleracea, to as many as 30 years or At the same time, it is essential that test more for E. precatoria. The correlation plots are established to provide scientific between the minimum diameter at breast baseline data about subjects such as height (dbh) of the peeled palm heart and growth rate, age of sexual maturity, nat- the dbh of the stem has been calculated. A ural regeneration and soil and habitat 2cm palm heart is equivalent to a stem variations. Results of test plot studies also with a dbh of 8.5cm. must be incorporated into refinement of Various management techniques have the management plan. been suggested to sustain palm heart pro- Another challenge is that a different duction from the wild, most of them set of general management practices must aimed at enhancing regeneration. Recom- be developed for solitary palms and clus- mended silvicultural treatments include tering palms. Moreover, all management weeding around naturally occurring seed- practices must be site-specific to particu- lings to reduce light and nutrient lar forest management units. Inventory competition. Enrichment plantings are data on palms by age class is essential.


Eating fresh palm hearts is mentioned in In traditional, largely subsistence food the anthropological literature as a practice systems, palmito simply represents an of various cultural groups in Latin occasional food from the forest, often America, but it is not a staple food since it obtained in association with felling a palm is a poor source of calories and nutrients. for another purpose, such as its stem

79 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America wood. Fresh palm heart spoils quickly in tainability of their raw material supplies, the tropics; unpeeled, it deteriorates in except for some form of sequential har- just a few days. Palm hearts only became a vesting of blocks within their forest commercial product when canning indus- concession. tries were developed to preserve the Felling palms, transporting palm palmito. Currently, in almost every loca- hearts to the factory and processing and tion where palm hearts are com- canning the finished product provides mercialized, only the canned product is employment in remote areas where oppor- obtainable. The exception is Iquitos, Peru, tunities for earning a cash wage are where there is a tradition of consuming generally limited. The industry is labour fresh palm heart salad. intensive, including the factories. The fac- Euterpe palms are a source of several tories are quite simple in their operations other products in addition to palmito. and machine use is typically limited to Fruit is the most important and is itself closing tins and heating the contents. commercialized in the Lower Amazon to Capital investment in processing facilities make a sweet beverage and to flavour ice is minimal. Men typically work at felling cream. Euterpe leaves are used for thatch- trees and transporting the palm hearts, ing and to make woven objects such as while women mainly work in the fac- baskets, while its stem wood is used for tories. framing thatched houses and as flooring. Palm heart industries that rely upon The roots of E. precatoria are used in tra- wild species of Euterpe are known to ditional medicine. The trees are occa- operate in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, sionally planted as ornamentals, especially Colombia, Ecuador, , Peru, E. oleracea. Venezuela and, if still active, in French Palm heart harvest kills the tree of a Guyana. Paraguay also has an industry solitary species, or the stem of the cluster- that exploits another palm, the caranday ing E. oleracea. When the tree is cut down (Copernicia alba). and the heart extracted, the trunk, leaves Overall production in Latin America and fruit could potentially be used, but of wild-collected palmito is difficult to they are not worth transporting any dis- ascertain because reporting varies from tance. Hence, only the palm heart leaves country to country, and in some cases wild the forest. Apart from diminishing its and cultivated products are aggregated. population numbers and reducing species The following production and export data diversity to a degree, cutting palm hearts are from official national sources. Brazil has little impact on a mature forest. Small has the best statistical data on palmito. A gaps may be opened up, but these will total of 20,653 tonnes of canned palm rapidly be filled in by other species in the heart were reportedly produced in 1995, case of harvesting E. precatoria. with the states of Pará and Amapá Factories, most often located in the accounting for nearly all production. forest, are established and continue to Canned palm heart is produced primarily operate until the stands of accessible wild for the international market, although in palms are depleted. Typically, harvesting Brazil the highest grade is canned for and processing are separate activities. export while medium grade is canned for The factory purchases cut palm hearts, domestic sale. Bolivia valued its exports of sometimes through a middleman, from palm heart at US$12,355,420 in 1997. harvesters who are paid per stem. Factory Paraguayan exports of palm heart in 1993 operators pay little attention to the sus- were valued at US$2,914,000. The quan-

80 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.) tities represented by these monetary together accounting for about 90 per cent amounts are not available. France and the of all palm heart entering international US are the two major importing nations, commerce.

Certification potential

There is potential for certification of wild diameter stems are being cut. Factories sources of palm heart, but at least three have the means to rectify this situation by obstacles need to be overcome. One obsta- refusing to purchase palm hearts that are cle is sustainability in terms of replenishing not of minimum legal size. the standing stock of the resource through In conjunction with attempts to certify natural means or through silvicultural wild-collected palm hearts, there should be treatments to enhance regeneration. This a parallel effort to do the same for culti- issue is most problematic with solitary vated palm hearts as a ‘green’ product. In palms because sustainable harvesting Latin America, the pejibaye palm (Bactris cycles may be so lengthy as to be uneco- gasipaes) is a source of cultivated palm nomic. There is general consensus that E. hearts, which have been traded in interna- oleracea has the greater biological poten- tional markets since the late 1970s. Costa tial for sustainable management and Rica currently is the major producer, but certification. this could change dramatically if cultiva- A second obstacle relates to the adop- tion of the palm in Brazil and elsewhere is tion of, and adherence to, management successful and able to compete commer- plans. Under general harvesting practices in cially with wild palm hearts. In 1995, the place, palm cutters function as independent Brazilian state of Espírito Santo reportedly contractors who are paid by the piece; their had 200 hectares of palms under cultiva- incentive, therefore, is to maximize pro- tion for palmito production; what species duction. Field supervision of harvesting by this represents is not certain, but it is likely factory personnel would probably be pro- to be Bactris gasipaes. hibitively expensive, so some other means Bactris gasipaes has a comparative of ensuring proper harvest must be sought. advantage over the Euterpe species for One option would be for the palm cutters cultivated palm hearts because it is a fully to become direct factory employees paid on domesticated palm and its biology, ecol- the basis of their following good manage- ogy and agronomy are known in detail. ment practices rather than simply the There are at least three good reasons to number of palm hearts harvested. Full ver- pursue certification of wild and cultivated tical integration of the industry would sources of palm heart. Firstly, it is likely certainly have advantages for the har- that cultivated sources will replace wild vesters in terms of employee benefits. sources in the early decades of the 21st The third obstacle relates to comp- century. Secondly, the entire palm heart liance with regulations regarding the industry of the region, wild and culti- minimum diameter of palm hearts. In vated, could potentially be certified. recent years in the Lower Amazon, an Thirdly, there is the opportunity for a use- increasing percentage of processed palm ful exchange of ideas and information hearts are below the legal diameter limit, a between the parallel efforts. clear indication that smaller and smaller

81 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Table 6.1 Commercialized Euterpe species

Species, synonyms and Description and Natural distribution Habitat common names reported other uses E. edulis Solitary or rarely Atlantic coast of Rainforest on steep slopes, (E. espiritosantensis) clustering and then Brazil and adjacent rarely in inundated areas, Argentina: yayih;with few stems; usually areas (Alagoas, at 0–1000m. Can form large Brazil: coco de palmito, grey with lichens, with Bahia, Distrito stands on ridges and valley coco de jissara, coco de a dense cone of Federal, Espírito slopes, especially on usara, ensarova, içara, reddish-brown roots Santo, Goiás, Minas quartzite and sandy soils; inçara, iuçara, jiçara, at base; 5–12m tall; Gerais, Paraíba, also colonizes areas of jocara, jucoara, juçara, 10–15cm dbh. Paraná, Pernambuco, forest disturbance. juçara vermelho, Other uses: stems in Rio de Janeiro, Rio juçara branca, junça, construction, leaves Grande do Norte, palmiteiro, palmeteiro for thatching and Rio Grande do Sul, branco, palmeteiro fruits made into a Santa Catarina, São encapado, palmeteiro drink. Paulo, Sergipe); macho, palmeteiro Argentina (Misiones); vermelho, palmeteiro Paraguay (Alto doce, palmito, Paraná). palmito doce, palmito juçara, palmito amarelo, palmito vermelho, ripa, ripeira; Paraguay: palmito, yayi.

E. oleracea Clustering with up to (San Blas); Occurs in large stands of (E. badiocarpa, 25 stems or occasionally Colombia (Cauca, high density in low-lying E. beardii, solitary with shoots at Chocó, Córdoba, tidal areas near the sea and E. cuatrecasana) base; 3–20m tall; Nariño, Valle and in wet places near rivers, Brazil: açaí, açaí branco, 7–18cm dbh; usually some areas of Río seldom occurring inland açaí do Pará, açaizeiro; grey with lichens, with Sinú and middle and then in wet places near Colombia: chapil, cone of red basal roots Magdalena valley in streams or rivers. In Eastern maquenque, murrapo, and pneumatophores. Antioquia, Córdoba, Amazon Basin it replaces E. naidí, palmicha; Other uses: fruit Santander); precatoria in these Ecuador: bambil, mesocarp made into a Trinidad;habitats. In Pacific coastal palmiche; drink and as ice cream Venezuela (Bolívar, region of Colombia and French Guyana: pinot;flavour, stems used in Delta Amacuro, Ecuador, the two species Surinam: baboenpina, construction and Sucre); are sympatric, but with E. kiskis, pina, manaka, palm grown as an Guyanas; oleracea in inundated pina, prasara, wapoe, ornamental. Brazil (Amapá, places and E. precatoria on wapu, wasei;Maranhão, Pará, non-inundated soils. E. Trinidad: manac.Tocantins). oleracea can be an aggressive colonizer of disturbed swampy areas.

E. precatoria var. Solitary; 3–20m tall, Colombia (Amazonas, Lowland rainforest, precatoria grey with cone of Caquetá, Guainía, commonly along rivers in (E. confertiflora, roots visible at base Guaviare, Meta, periodically inundated E. jatapuensis, and pneumatophores; Norte de Santander, areas, below 350m, E. stenophylla)4–23cm dbh. Putumayo, Vaupés, occasionally reaching 600m Bolivia: asai; Other uses: fruits used Vichada); in Andes and Guyana Brazil: açaí, açaí da to make a drink, stems Venezuela Highlands. mata, açaí de terra for house construction, (Amazonas, firme, juçara;roots for medicine, Anzoátegui, Apure,

82 Palm heart (Euterpe spp.)

Colombia: asaí, guasai, leaves to make brooms Bolívar, Monagas); guypani, manaca; and as temporary Trinidad; Ecuador: palmito; thatching. Guyanas; Guyana: manicole; Ecuador (Morona Peru: huasai; Santiago, Napo); Surinam: nomkie Peru (Amazonas, muruku pina;Cuzco, Loreto, Venezuela: manaca, Madres de Dios, mapora, palmito manaca; Pasco, San Martín); Trinidad: manac. Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia); Bolivia (Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz).

Source: Henderson and Galeano, 1996

Table 6.2 Non-commercialized Euterpe species

Species, synonyms and Description and Natural distribution Habitat common names reported other uses

E. broadwayi Clustering with two to Lesser Antilles Exposed, windswept Dominica: manicol; three stems or seldom (Dominica, Grenada, St places on forested Lesser Antilles: solitary; 8–20m tall; Vincent); mountain ridges or mountain cabbage, 20–25cm dbh; grey with . steep river valleys, at palmiste; root cone at base. 600–1000m. Trinidad: manac. Uses: palm heart eaten.

E. catinga var. catinga Clustering with a few Western Amazonia in Open or dwarf forest in Brazil: açaizinho, açaí stems, or only one stem Colombia (Amazonas, wet, poorly drained da caatinga, açaí developed with basal Caquetá, Guainía, areas on white-sand soil chumbinho, açaí shoots, or solitary; Guaviare, Vaupés); and black-water cubinha; 5–16m tall; 3.5–9cm Venezuela (Amazonas, drainage areas below Colombia: asaí de dbh. Bolívar); 350m; also in similar sabana, asaí paso, Uses: stems used in Peru (Loreto); habitats in south- guasaí pequeño; house construction, Brazil (Amazonas). western Guyana Peru: huasaí de varillal; leaves for thatching Highlands of Venezuela Venezuela: manaca. temporary shelters, and (Amazonas, Bolívar), in mature fruits open-cloud forest at occasionally used to 1100–1500m. make a drink.

E. catinga var. roraimae Solitary or clustering Venezuela (Amazonas, White-sand soils in wet Venezuela: manaca. with two to six (up to Bolívar); or swampy areas in low ten) stems per clump; Guyana; forest, cloud forest or 4–15m tall; 7–15cm dbh. Ecuador (Pastaza); dwarf forest on tepui Uses: palm heart Brazil (Amazonas). summits in Guyana occasionally eaten and Highlands (or rarely on fruits made into a drink. Andean slopes), at 900–2100m. In some areas forms large domi- nant stands. Andean population is geograph- ically isolated and occurs on different soils.

83 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Table 6.2 continued

Species, synonyms and Description and Natural distribution Habitat common names reported other uses

E. longibracteata Solitary or occasionally Venezuela (Amazonas, Lowland rainforest, Brazil: açaí chumbo, clustering, with cone of Bolívar, Delta Amacuro); usually on terra firme açaí da mata, assay da orange or red roots at Guyana; but also in inundated terra firme. base; 5–15m tall (up to Brazil (Amazonas, Mato areas, at low elevations. 20m); 5–8cm dbh. Grosso, Pará). Uses: none reported.

E. luminosa Clustering but generally Peru (Pasco). Understorey of moist Peru: guayaquil, palma only one developed cloud forest bordering palanca. with suckers at base; pajonal vegetation, 5–11m tall; 5–7cm dbh; characterized by its greyish. shrubby, xeromorphic Uses: stems used as compositions, at poles. 2000–2500m.

E. precatoria var. Solitary or clustering; Central America in Forested areas on longevaginata 3–20m tall, grey with Belize, Costa Rica, mountain slopes and Belize: mountain cone of roots visible at Guatemala, Nicaragua, ridges or in lowland cabbage; base; 4–23cm dbh. Panama; areas, at 0–2000m. Colombia: hicara, Uses: palm heart Colombia (Antioquia, manaca, palmicho; occasionally eaten. Boyaca, Chocó, La Costa Rica: caña lucia; Guajira, Santander del Ecuador: palmbil; Sur, Tolima, Valle); Panama: palmita. Venezuela (Barinas, Carobobo, Falcón, Lara, Miranda, Monagas, Táchira, Yaracuy, Zulia); Ecuador (El Oro, Esmeraldas, Zamora- Chinchipe); Peru (Amazonas, Huánuco, Madre de Dios, San Martín); Brazil (Acre); Bolivia (Cochabamba, La Paz).

Source: Henderson and Galeano, 1996

84 Chapter 7 Pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.)

M Constanza von der Pahlen


Pau d’arco, meaning the international herbal ‘bow stick’, was tradi- markets, although not tionally used by abor- exclusively; nor are they iginal communities of the only ones of med- the Amazon to make icinal value. These are hunting bows, as well as Tabebuia impetiginosa for the treatment of var- (Martius ex DC) Stand- ious ailments. Today, ley, T. serratifolia (Vahl) various species of pau Nicholson and T. hepta- d’arco are widely used as phylla (Vellozo) Toledo. ornamental trees and are Tabebuia is the highly prized for their largest neo-tropical genus, beautiful and hardy tim- comprising at least 100 ber, as well as for the species. It ranges from medicinal properties of northern Mexico to the bark. south-western Argentina, Pau d’arco is the with its highest diversity common name of at least Illustration by Bee Gunn concentrated in Cuba six different species of Pau d’arco and Hispaniola (Gentry, the genus Tabebuia, most (Tabebuia impetiginosa) 1992). T. impetiginosa of which are closely and T. heptaphylla have related and have similar showy purple flowers, medicinal properties. Some of these while T. serratifolia has yellow ones. include Tabebuia impetiginosa (Martius These trees can reach heights of up to 30 ex DC) Standley, T. barbata (E Meyer) metres (m) and are widely dispersed in Sandwith, T. capitata, T. heptaphylla both dry and wet forest communities (Vellozo) Toledo, T. incana A Gentry, T. (Gentry, 1992). selachidentata A Gentry and T. serratifolia These trees are considered among (Vahl) Nichols. The ones addressed here the most beautiful flowering ornamental are among the most commonly used in trees. Several countries have nominated NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America regional Tabebuia species as their national appealing contrast of the dark heartwood tree, including T. serratifolia in Brazil, T. against the light sapwood (Gentry, rosea in El Salvador, T. Chrysantha in 1992a). Ecuador, T. heptaphylla in Paraguay and The inner bark of several Tabebuia T. billgergii in Venezuela (Gentry, 1992a). species has been widely used by aboriginal Furthermore, they are found in streets and communities and local populations in arboretums all around the world. South and Central America for the treat- The timber of various Tabebuia ment of various conditions, including species is greatly valued for construction cancer, candidiasis-type fungal infections, because it is one of the hardest, heaviest pain, leukaemia, diabetes, allergies, dys- and most durable woods. During World entery, malaria, herpes, overall health, War II, the US Navy experimented with baldness and acne. Recently, teas made Tabebuia species for the construction of from the bark of pau d’arco, and pau ball bearings (Sheldon et al, 1997). It is d’arco medicinal capsules, can be found also valued for the production of furniture on the shelves of health food stores, drug- and crafts, such as bowls, spoons and stores, co-ops and supermarkets in Europe carved statues, due to the aesthetically and the United States.


The three pau d’arco species addressed Tabebuia impetiginosa here, Tabebuia serratifolia, T. imp- Tabebuia impetiginosa (Martius ex DC) etiginosa and T. heptaphylla, from the Standley is commonly known as pau Bignoniaceae family, share several d’arco, ipê-roxo, lapacho and tayi. It is common characteristics. They all have also referred to as Tabebuia avellanedae dehiscent fruits perpendicular to the sep- (Lorentz ex Grisebach), T. nicaraguensis, tum and wind-dispersed seeds. Several Tecoma ipe and T. palmieri, among others Tabebuia species are pollinated by small- (Gentry, 1992). It reaches 30m in height (Trigona) and medium-sized bees (Apis) and 70 centimetres (cm) diameter at that can be frequently observed visiting breast height (dbh). It has a straight trunk, the flowers of these trees (Piña-Rodrigues, with smooth grey bark and a dark dense pers comm). Tabebuia species are gener- inner bark, containing a yellow powder ally considered slow-growing, secondary- (lapachol) in the vessels. The pink-purple forest community trees. Some Tabebuia tubular flowers are 4–7.5cm long (Gentry, species growing in floodplain areas are 1992), flowering between July and capable of producing root sprouts; how- October (IPEF, 1999). In Argentina there ever, vegetative propagation of most is a white-flowered variety, called var. tropical trees is poorly understood (Piña- alba, which Gentry (1992) believes to be Rodrigues, pers comm). an occasional variant of the purple-flow- T. impetiginosa and T. heptaphylla are ered T. impetiginosa. The dark green closely related, often confused and are leaves are palmately 5 (–7) foliate, ovate used interchangeably. However, they are to elliptic and irregularly serrate in the usually distributed in ecologically differ- upper half. They are 5–19cm long. The ent areas.

86 Pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.) fruits are elongate cylindrical, 12–56cm in more or less seasonal forests with long, with thin wind-dispersed seeds well-drained lateritic soils. However, in (Gentry, 1992), and ripen between August sub-Amazonian regions it also occurs in and November (IPEF, 1999). richer or sandy soils, between sea level T. impetiginosa is widely spread from and 1200m in elevation (Gentry, 1992). In north-western Mexico to north-western the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) region, T. Argentina, between sea level and 1400m, serratifolia is fairly common, with a den- a distribution which explains the numer- sity of 250–300 trees per hectare and ous common names given to it. In Brazil it an average distance of 15m between occurs in the Amazon, in the Atlantic neighbouring trees (Piña-Rodrigues, pers Forest, in the riverine forests of the comm). West–Central Amazon regions and also in the mountainous areas of the north-east. Tabebuia heptaphylla T. impetiginosa is mainly found in dry, rocky areas (Gentry, 1992). Tabebuia heptaphylla (Vellozo) Toledo, known as pau d’arco, ipê-roxo, lapacho Tabebuia serratifolia negro/morado, ipe and taiiy zaiyú, is also known as Bignonia heptaphylla, Tecoma Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson is ipe, T. exilia, T. curialis and Tabebuia imp- commonly known as pau d’arco amarelo, etiginosa var. paulensis/lepidota (Gentry, ipê amarelo, ipê do cerrado, piúva 1992). It is a deciduous tree up to 30m tall amarela, vero, flor amarillo and and with a 65–90cm dbh. The straight araguaney pui. It is also referred to as trunk has a broad canopy and deeply fur- Bignonia serratifolia, Tecoma serratifolia, rowed bark. The leaves are palmately five Tecoma araliaceae and Tabebuia arali- to seven foliolate, lanceolate ovate. Flowers aceae. This deciduous tree is best known are tubular rose purple, 4–6.5cm long, and for its bright tubular yellow flowers, they flower between May and September 8–12cm long, flowering between August (IPEF, 1999) when the tree is bare of leaves. and November while completely bare of The black fruits, up to 50cm long, ripen in leaves. It has a straight trunk, with dark September and October and contain rough bark, and can reach 30m in height numerous winged seeds (Gentry, 1992). and 90cm dbh. The leaves have five T. heptaphylla is found in moist areas, oblong to lanceolate or ovate serrated below 1000m elevation, along the leaflets. The fruits are (8–) 12–60cm long, Brazilian coast, in the Atlantic Forest, more or less glabrate, maturing in from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul, in the October and December. Its rectangular Pantanal, along the Paraná and Paraguay seeds are winged and wind dispersed rivers, in Paraguay and Argentina, and (Gentry, 1992). also in Peru (Gentry, 1992). It is usually T. serratifolia is found between found scattered in primary forests in the Colombia and Bolivia, and from the Atlantic Forest region, but also in open Guyanas to south-eastern Brazil. It grows areas and secondary forests (May, pers in ecologically diverse areas, except in the comm). Amazon, where it occurs most frequently

87 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America


Tabebuia species are popularly used as demand for pau d’arco bark for the global ornamental trees, for construction, furni- phytochemical industry has grown sub- ture and crafts, and as a medicinal. stantially. The utilization of Pau d’arco for med- Popular literature credits the inner icinal purposes is widespread throughout bark of pau d’arco with potent anti- Central and South America, and more inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-allergic, recently the US and Europe. The use of its anti-fungal, anti-cancer, diuretic and bark and leaves as a medicinal goes back astringent activities. It is also used in the to indigenous populations, including the treatment of malaria, syphilis, Hodgkins Campas in Peru, the Incas and the disease, leukaemia, dysentery, ulcers, Guaraní and Tupí tribes (Raintree, 1999). warts, wounds, pain, herpes, rabies, acne In Argentinian gaucho folklore, the and baldness. However, not all of these Lapacho (Tabebuia avellanedae, T. imp- treatments apply to every Tabebuia etiginosa) is considered the tea of horse species. In the US and Europe, where the tamers, since it is extensively used in cuts use of pau d’arco bark as a herbal medi- and fissures when gauchos fall off of their cine is growing in popularity, preferred horses (Alonso, 1988). Indigenous popu- barks include the bark of Tabebuia lations in the Amazon extensively use the impetiginosa (also known as T. avel- bark of this tree to treat internal inflam- lanedae), T. heptaphylla and T. serratifolia. mations, tumours, cancer, skin ailments Medical research has determined that and to alleviate pain. lapachol, alpha- and beta-lapachone, and In Argentina, a tincture made with the other naphthoquinones found in the leaves and bark of T. avellanedae is bark of several Tabebuia species (T. used as an antiseptic for external ulcers avellanedae/impetiginosa, T. barbata, T. (Alonso, 1998). Indigenous populations cassinoides, T. chrysantha, T. caraiba, T. in Brazil also used the leaves to treat heptaphylla, T. rosea, T. serratifolia and T. scabies. A dye made from the bark of T. incana) have anti-tumour properties (Rao avellanedae has been used to add a yel- and Kingston, 1982; Grazziotin et al, low-reddish colouration to clothes and 1992), anti-microbial properties (T. leather (Alonso, 1988). In addition to its impetiginosa; Anesini and Perez, 1993; use as a popular treatment for various ail- Lewis and Elvin-Lewis, 1977), diuretic ments (Bianco, 1983), the bark of T. and astringent properties (T. impetiginosa; heptaphylla is also used to add coloura- Ueda et al, 1994) and immuno-stimulat- tion to cotton and silk (IPEF, 1999). ing properties when applied in small doses Pau d’arco is growing in importance (T. avellanedae; Arnason et al, 1994). as a herbal medicine in both Europe and Effectiveness against Brucella and the US. IBAMA (Instituto Brasileiro do Candida has been attributed to xyloid- Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais one, another component in the bark of Renováveis), the Brazilian environmental Tabebuia avellanedae (Lewis and Elvin- agency, calculated that one major airport Lewis, 1977). Other components found in in São Paulo was exporting 80 tonnes of pau d’arco include tannins, resins, cal- pau d’arco in 1993 alone (Danusa, pers cium, iron, cobalt and additional minerals comm). During the ensuing six years, the and vitamins.

88 Pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.)

While some research has indicated well as its use as a mouth wash. However, that the potential use of pau d’arco in further studies are needed to understand treating cancer is promising, there is a the medicinal value of pau d’arco bark in need to further evaluate its mechanisms of crude extracts, to determine the specific action and toxicity. In 1974, the National effects of lapachol and to prevent toxic Cancer Institute (NCI) in the US con- side effects from lapachol ingestion. ducted tests on pau d’arco for anti- Herbal companies and consumers tumoural properties and toxicity. NCI need to be wary of ascribing all the soon dropped the research due to high lev- claimed medicinal values for pau d’arco to els of toxicity found in the treatment; any one species. While most Tabebuia when given in sufficiently high doses for species contain the active ingredient lapa- the active ingredient lapachol to have any chol, they can still differ in their medicinal anti-tumoural benefit, side effects properties. For instance, T. impetiginosa included nausea, vomiting, anaemia and has anti-microbial properties, while T. internal bleeding (Raintree, 1999). heptaphylla does not (Anesini and Perez, Already during the 1960s, Osvaldo 1993). Riveiro de Lima from the Intituto de Pau d’arco is widely available for sale Antibióticos do Recife (Antibiotics in local health-food stores, large super- Institute of Recife) in Brazil reached the markets and directly from companies by conclusion that lapachol was improper for phone and through the internet. Its most human consumption (Mara Danusa, popular form in the US is as a tea, but it is pers comm). Recently, the American also found as loose powder, capsules and Pharmaceutical Association (APHA) pub- as a tincture (alcohol extract). It is both lished the Practical Guide to Natural taken orally and applied locally. Medicines, which specifically warns Quality control is still an issue in the against taking pau d’arco because of its marketing of pau d’arco. The reliability of toxic side effects (Peirce, 1999). Less con- the resource seems to be questionable. In servative recommendations indicate that 1987, a lab analysis of 12 commercial pau pregnant women and children should d’arco products found only one to have abstain from taking pau d’arco. measurable amounts of lapachol in the While its use in cancer treatment may bark. This was attributed to the active prove toxic, other uses that do not require ingredient being lost during transporta- such high doses may prove effective for a tion and processing, or due to the number of conditions. External use of pau substitution of another similar-looking d’arco for inflammations on the skin, bark for pau d’arco (Raintree, 1999). ears, vagina or uterus may be harmless, as

Impact of land-use change and management

The popular use of pau d’arco bark as a Sheldon et al, 1997; Kinghorn, 1993). folklore medicine and the use of Tabebuia Because of the high timber value of wood in construction has led to the Tabebuia species, loggers have often been overharvesting of these trees in several willing to travel farther to harvest this Latin American countries (Gentry, 1980; species. In Brazil, the wood of pau d’arco

89 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America is sold for US$300 per cubic metre (m3) ically cleared and mowed showed less suc- cut (Barreto, pers comm). Pau d’arco bark cessful re-establishment by trees. is frequently collected in sawmills for Enrichment planting experiments in herbal markets, as a by-product of the southern Brazil showed that several timber industry. The majority of pau Tabebuia species grew best under medium d’arco bark is claimed to be harvested light conditions (50–60 per cent full sun). from live trees in the forest, because Those planted in open areas contracted a freshly harvested bark is most highly disease that caused leaf fall. However, prized by herbalists. However, due to trees recovered after a period of precipita- declining abundance and overharvesting tion (Piña-Rodrigues, pers comm). T. for timber, it is increasingly difficult to serratifolia has been planted in Rio de find pau d’arco in the wild or in Brazilian Janeiro, Brazil, intermixed with more sawmills. rapidly growing pioneer species for the Due to this increasing scarcity, pau restoration of degraded areas (Correia d’arco bark has frequently been substi- Lopez et al, 1994). tuted with bark from unrelated trees Seed collection and preparation for with similar colour characteristics. In cultivation has been studied for all three Argentina, bark from Piptadenia trees, Tabebuia species mentioned in this chap- from the Leguminosae family, has been ter. The seeds of Tabebuia species are sold as pau d’arco in markets. In Peru, short lived and require initial sowing in a pau d’arco has been swapped with bark nursery environment, followed by trans- from Cariniana trees, from the Lecythid- planting (Piña-Rodrigues, pers comm). aceae family (Sheldon et al, 1997), while To create seedling stock, the fruits of in Brazil, mahogany sawdust (Swietania Tabebuia impetiginosa must be collected macrophylla, from the Meliaceae family) from the tree before falling, when the has been collected in sawmills and sold as fruits are turning dark, and allowed to dry pau d’arco in herbal markets. in the sun (May, pers comm). The seeds It is not clear how the ecology and must be placed in small bags, where they sustainability of the various Tabebuia take 10 to 12 days to germinate. They species is affected by the ongoing land-use reach approximately 3m in two years. changes in Central and South American When the seeds are stored in a dry or cold countries. In the Amazon region, the prin- chamber, they remain viable for up to nine cipal agents of land conversion are fires, months (IPEF, 1999). logging, ranching and agriculture. None The seeds of Tabebuia heptaphylla of these factors are easily isolated from can be collected from the tree when the each other, nor are there sufficient studies fruits open spontaneously (May, pers to evaluate species regeneration after each comm), or when the fruits are still green, of these very different land conversion but turning black, to avoid losing any events. Uhl et al (1998) studied succession seeds (IPEF, 1999). To produce seedling on abandoned pastures in the Amazon stock, the seeds can be germinated imme- and found that within eight years of aban- diately after collection or left in a dry or donment, T. serratifolia regenerated well cold chamber for up to 15 months (IPEF, in pastures that had been logged, burned 1999). They reach 2–3m in two years every two to three years, seeded and (May, pers comm). weeded with machetes. However, there Cultivated at a spacing of 4m x 4m, was a loss in species diversity, and more the maximum production obtained for heavily used areas that were also mechan- both T. impetiginosa and T. heptaphylla

90 Pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.) was 6.6m3 per hectare per year, with an able management strategies for the species 85 per cent survival rate (IPEF, 1999). and/or the feasibility of agroforestry plan- Information on seed collection, storage tations that would permit a sustainable and germination for Tabebuia serratifolia long-term yield of desired products. can be obtained from the Companhia Vale Otherwise, current international and do Rio Doce (CVRD) Linhares Reserve, in national market demand could decimate Espíritu Santo, Brazil. the preferred Tabebuia species of the med- Due to the increasing international icinal and timber trades and limit access demand for Tabebuia products, the to a traditional medicine used by indige- species is under severe pressure. Thus, nous peoples of South America for there is a clear need to better understand centuries. Tabebuia ecology as well as the sustain-

Certification potential

Today, the harvesting of Tabebuia for the management that guarantee sustainable timber and herbal industries may be harvesting of Tabebuia species, potentially threatening the sustainability of this through green-certified sawmills. At pre- species in the wild. There is a need to sent, there is a very small amount of bring together ecological, management certified Tabebuia that is marketed from and marketing information regarding the one Brazilian forest operation as a timber various Tabebuia species. species. A European buyer expressed There are medical, quality-control and interest in obtaining certified pau d’arco resource-management issues that need bark as a by-product of the forest opera- to be resolved before pau d’arco can be tion. However, the amount of bark recommended for certification. From a requested was far in excess of what the medical point of view, there is a need operation could sustainably produce to further research specific medicinal (Rezende, pers comm, 1999). properties, mechanisms of action and tox- Forests managed for multiple pur- icity. Furthermore, the chain-of-custody poses, including for non-timber forest process for pau d’arco would need to products, could benefit from the sustain- assure consumers that the bark used able extraction of pau d’arco bark for does, indeed, come from certified, well- medicinal markets. However, the eco- managed forests and that it has not been nomic and ecological viability of this still adulterated with other ingredients. needs to be evaluated. Intensive cultiva- Scrupulous members of the herbal indus- tion of Tabebuia is still questionable, try would also need to have the forest although plantations established for management operation identify the spe- restoration purposes, intermixed with pio- cific species of Tabebuia provided, with neer species, have shown excellent tree accompanying samples, in order to inform survival rates. Successful cultivation and consumers about the active ingredients in, certification of pau d’arco plantations or and proper use of, their products. agroforestry systems could theoretically From a conservation standpoint, there alleviate some pressures on natural forest is a need to find cases of sustainable forest sources of Tabebuia species.

91 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

One interesting possibility may be to icinal effectiveness, age of trees when harvest pau d’arco bark from branches, active components are effective, and the rather than cutting the entire tree. response of the various pau d’arco species According to Ueda et al (1994), trees must to pruning. Finally, another potential be at least 20 years old before harvesting non-timber forest product value is the their bark for medicinal purposes. This marketing of pau d’arco seeds, collected would require a better understanding of in natural forests, for ornamental pur- the content of lapachol and other naph- poses. thoquinones in the branches, their med-

92 Chapter 8 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa)

Miguel N Alexiades*


Uña de gato (cat’s claw) cial supply of cat’s claw is a widely used medici- comes from Peru nal plant native to much (Hughes and Worth, of tropical Central and 1999). The fame and South America. This demand for Peruvian climbing, twining woody Uncaria is at least in part vine belongs to the genus related to the particular Uncaria, a member of historical circumstances the madder family (Rub- through which this medi- iaceae), which includes cinal captured the such important economic attention of researchers, species as quinine (Cin- entrepreneurs, the media chona), ipecac (Ceph- and the international aelis ipecacuanha (Brot.) alternative health com- Tussac) and coffee munity. (Coffea arabica L.). Des- Though uña de gato pite its broad dist- Illustration by Bee Gunn has ‘traditionally’ been ribution, extending as far used as a medicinal by Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) north as Belize, south to certain ethnic groups, Paraguay and east to the plant’s medicinal uses Marañao, Brazil, as a commercial medici- were unknown to many rural Ama- nal, uña de gato is almost exclusively zonians, who nonetheless were familiar associated with Peru. Although some of with the species as a swidden weed and as these other countries are now showing a source of potable stem water. Uña de interest in the plant, most of the commer- gato began to be more widely known and

* Kerry Hughes and Wil de Jong provided valuable comments on earlier drafts of this chapter and assistance in locating some of the references on cat’s claw. The author is also grateful to Joaquina Albán Castillo, Miguel Pinedo-Vásquez and Didier Lacaze for providing additional assistance with the literature. NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America used in Peru a few decades ago, and may drug efforts, which seek to identify eco- be an interesting example of a plant nomic alternatives for coca growers (eg Efe whose local ethnobotanical importance News Services Inc, 1999a). By 1997 there followed from its commercialization – a were 12 manufacturing laboratories in the curious inversion of the usual sequence of US processing uña de gato, and these prod- events. By the 1980s, uña de gato was a ucts were distributed inside the country by popular medicinal in the local markets over 39 companies (de Jong et al, 2000). of such Amazonian urban centres as The international market for Uncaria has and Iquitos. Media reports, spread from the US to Europe, Latin including articles in the Peruvian national America and, more recently, Asia. In 1999, newspaper El Comercio, helped focus for example, an agreement was reached national attention on the plant. By the between Liofilizadora del Pacífico, the early 1990s, uña de gato was widely com- maker of one of Peru’s best-selling cat’s mercialized within Peru, but still largely claw capsules, and the largest Chinese unknown internationally. In 1993, for manufacturer of herbal products to form a example, only 0.2 (metric tonnes) were consortium and sell cat’s claw in China exported from Peru, and then only to (Efe News Services Inc, 23 October 1999). the US (de Jong et al, 1999). Exports A recent change in cat’s claw importation increased to over 20 tonnes and eight and medical status in Spain has been read countries in the following year, sky-rock- by some industry analysts as a sign of an eting to over 726 tonnes in 24 countries in impending growth in demand among other 1995. The ‘free on board’ (FOB) value of member states of the European Union (EU) exports that year was US$3.3 million (de (Efe News Services Inc, 16 January 1999). Jong et al, 1999). In the following years, Despite the promising future of the exports levelled off at about 300 tonnes international cat’s claw market, as with per year (Hughes and Worth, 1999), other herbal supplements, the demand though according to one source, 1999 is ultimately uncertain (K Hughes, pers exports reached 800 tonnes (Lama, 2000). comm, 16 November 1999). The unpre- A number of factors contributed to dictability of the cat’s claw market is the sudden ‘discovery’ of Uncaria by exemplified by the 1995 spike in exports, the international community. Austrian, interpreted by some as an attempt to German, Italian and Peruvian researchers stockpile Uncaria following rumours of began studying the plant in the 1950s, and an export ban, and/or a contraction of the many of these studies included clinical tri- market due to poor or variable bark qual- als and experimental treatment patients – ity (de Jong et al, 2000). This may particularly patients with cancer. The year particularly be the case given concerns 1994 saw two widely publicized cases that ‘the marketing of [uña de gato] is involving Latin American public personal- ahead of science’ (Mark Blumenthal, cited ities who claimed rapid recovery from in Romell, 1996). Other medicinal plant cancer following their use of Uncaria. experts, including James Duke and Varro That same year the World Health Tyler, have likewise cautioned in the past Organization (WHO) sponsored the first that the scientific evidence for the efficacy international conference on uña de gato in of uña de gato does not support many of Peru, where the vine received official the statements made by some of the recognition as a medicinal plant. companies that commercialize the plant The Peruvian government’s interest in (Mark Blumenthal, cited in Romell, uña de gato is encouraged by ongoing anti- 1996).

94 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa)

The importance of uña de gato to the essment of the pharmacological value, local economy varies. In most cases, it ecological status and potential of Uncaria provides complementary income to local as a sustainable income source is ham- farmers and other local producers who pered by the severe lack of baseline data. participate in local extractive industries, This limitation has recently begun to be and who up to now are the major sup- redressed by a number of monographs pliers of commercial cat’s claw bark. The presenting known aspects of the plant’s price paid by middlemen for the bark in biology, pharmacology, ecology and Pucallpa ranges between US$0.50 and management (eg de Jong et al, 2000; US$1 per kilogram (kg) (D Lacaze, pers Domínguez, 1997; Hughes and Worth, comm, May 1999). Middlemen, in turn, 1999; Obregón, 1997; Ocampo, 1994; receive about US$1.5 per kg from export Zavala and Zevallos, 1996). Study and companies, while the price of the finished, management of uña de gato is compli- processed product is around US$6.60 per cated by the fact that this name is used kg (de Jong et al, 1999, p8). Retail prices interchangeably for two species: Uncaria for uña de gato vary; but in 1999 in the guianensis (Aublet) Gmelin, and U. US, bark sold for about US$50 per kg, tomentosa (Willdenow ex Roemer and capsules for about US$200 per kg, con- Schultes) DC. Though these species have centrated tablets for about US$500 per largely overlapping distributions and are kg, and extracts for about US$600 per often used interchangeably as herbal med- litre. icines, they do differ in their habit, The sudden and high demand for ecology and chemistry (see ‘Use’ later in Uncaria has raised concerns relating to this chapter and Table 8.1). These differ- the ecological viability of the species, also ences have important and unique highlighting many of the biological, social implications for the commercialization, and ethical issues associated with the management and conservation each commercial development of non-timber species and for the resource as a whole.1 forest products (NTFPs). A realistic ass-

Biology and distribution

Uncaria species are all coarse, scandent found in the neo-tropics, they have a very shrubs or lianas that climb through and wide distribution: their range extends over other vegetation by means of charac- between Panama to the north, Paraguay teristic accrescent 1–3 centimetre (cm) to the south, Trinidad and Tobago, clasping hooks or spines (hence the plant’s Guyana and north-eastern Brazil to the name cat’s claw). These paired, recurved east, and the lower foothills of the Andes spines, which emerge from the nodes to the west (Domínguez, 1997; de Jong et beneath the leaves, are the most diagnos- al, 1999). tic characteristic for the genus. Though While both species overlap in their the genus, which totals about 60 species, habitat range – tropical forest at altitudes is pan-tropical, it is mostly centred in ranging from 100 metres (m) to about South-East Asia. Although U. tomentosa 1000m above sea level – U. tomentosa and U. guianensis are the only species prefers the moister, more elevated regions,

95 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Table 8.1 Differences between U. tomentosa and U. guianensis

U. tomentosa U. guianensis Habit Tends to grow as climber, liana Tends to grow as creeper, liana diameter 20–30cm diameter 4–15cm Leaves Oblong shaped; 7.5–17cm long, Ovate or elliptic shaped;. 8–19cm 5–12cm wide long, 6–9.5cm wide Leaf-secondary veins Eight to ten pairs Six to seven pairs Pubescence Characteristic white pubescence in No pubescence leaf undersides, particularly along veins Spines Spines generally more recurved, Spines generally straighter, shorter slimmer and with sharper tips and stouter Inner bark Yellowish Reddish Inflorescence 10–20cm long and 1.5–4cm wide 1.5–3.5cm long and 0.1–0.15cm wide Flowers Sessile (no flower stalks) yellowish Pedicellate (flower stalks present) reddish Capsules (fruits) 6–17mm long 12–25mm long Seeds 2–4mm long 5–8mm long Elevation Most abundant at circa 400–800m Most abundant at circa 200m Climate Prefers moister regions with smaller Greater resistance to dry conditions seasonal temperature and rainfall and to greater fluctuations in changes temperature and rainfall Soil More common on well-drained hills More common on lower, flatter and with high organic soil content poorly drained regions Habitat More common in closed, mature forest More common in open, disturbed vegetation or secondary forest Phenology Flowers February–June; fruits Flowers September–November; April–August fruits in September–January

Sources: Albán, 1996; Andersson and Taylor, 1994; de Jong et al, 1999; Domínguez, 1997; MacBride, 1936; Quevedo, 1995; Zavala and Zevallos, 1996 while U. guianensis is more abundant at found mostly in fallows, other secondary lower altitudes.2 The minimum and max- forests, river margins and/or intensely dis- imum mean annual temperatures for U. turbed areas (Quevedo, 1995; Zavala and tomentosa in Peru are 17° Celsius (C) and Zevallos, 1996). Both species favour Ortic 25.7° C, with minimum and maximum Acrisols, District Cambisols and Fluvisols. rainfall of 1200 millimetres (mm) and In open areas, Uncaria grows as a 6000mm respectively. U. guianensis has scandent shrub, forming a dense tangle of smaller minimum figures. Both species leaves and thin stems. In old secondary occur in tropical, pre-montane tropical forests, it develops into a thick liana that and sub-tropical forests. U. tomentosa climbs 20m or more into the canopy favours hilly, well-drained conditions with before branching into leaf-bearing stems. rich soils, as well as interfluvial levees and Again, there appear to be differences terra firme. U. guianensis, on the other between species. Uncaria tomentosa hand, is associated with flatter terrain, grows taller, has thicker stems and devel- várzea, poor drainage and more acidic or ops more as a climber, whereas U. depleted soils. Consequently, U. tomen- guianensis, whose spines are shorter, is tosa is more commonly found in mature more of a scandent creeper. Adult lianas forest, associated with light disturbances of U. tomentosa are between 10–30m or forest gaps, while U. guianensis is long, reaching a base diameter of 5–40cm,

96 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) in contrast with U. guianensis, which has the marketplace, the notion that U. tomen- a base diameter range of 4–15cm and tosa has a more favourable alkaloid profile reaches lengths of 4–10m (Quevedo, than U. guianensis is not backed up by 1995). experimental data (Hughes and Worth, The plant’s primary root can be sev- 1999). According to Keplinger and his eral metres long, ranging in thickness associates, U. guianensis from Peru from about 2 to 10cm. Root bark is exhibits alkaloid patterns that are quite selected over stalk bark by a number of different from U. tomentosa (Keplinger et treatment or herbal specialists, although al, 1999). These and other differences lead as Cabieses (undated) points out, the folk the authors to suspect that the two species definition of root often encompasses parts are not closely related. There is consider- of the stem. able intra-specific variation in chemical The variability and flexibility of composition, as well. In addition, quanti- Uncaria growth habit has important impli- tative and/or qualitative differences occur cations for its management. Although seasonally between different populations, more abundant in fallows and young sec- between different plant tissues and possi- ondary vegetation, Uncaria biomass in bly between different stages of these environments consists mostly of leaf development and age of the plant (Jones, matter or thin stems, with relatively little 1995; Kam et al, 1992; Laus et al, 1997; harvestable stalk and root bark. In con- Keplinger et al, 1999). trast, the larger vines found in closed Two chemotypes of U. tomentosa forests, though scarcer and less easily have been identified (Reinhard, 1999). accessible, have more bark and hence are One of these contains pentacyclic, the the targets of most commercial harvesting. other tetracyclic indole and oxindole alka- Over 50 secondary compounds have loids (Laus et al, 1997). Tetracyclic been identified in U. tomentosa, including alkaloids are immunosuppressing while indole and oxindole alkaloids, quinovic pentacyclic alkaloids are immunopotenti- acid glycosides, triterpines, polyphenols, ating (Hughes and Worth, 1999). The fact proanthocyanidins and sterols (Hughes that tetracyclic alkaloids act antagonisti- and Worth, 1999). There appear to be cally to pentacyclic alkaloids has critical qualitative and quantitative differences in implications for the use and manage- the chemical composition of both species, ment of different Uncaria chemotypes though much research still needs to be (Keplinger et al, 1999). The existence of done. Some have suggested that U. guia- these chemotypes is ignored in industry nensis has lower levels of alkaloids than U. sourcing, not least because there are no tomentosa, to the extent that its bark and known means to distinguish chemotypes leaves occasionally lack these altogether on the basis of appearance (Hughes and (Cáceres, 1995). Though widespread in Worth, 1999).


Both species of Uncaria are heliophytes, sis is more restricted to secondary growth though U. tomentosa is associated with and disturbed areas such as swidden fal- gaps in mature forests, while U. guianen- lows. In young secondary forests, Uncaria

97 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America is often found in dense clumps. In these hectare based on inventories from dif- areas it is difficult to inventory individual ferent sites. Differences in population den- plants, as the stems frequently send out sities may reflect bioedaphic variations or roots when they touch the ground. In different intensities of destructive harvest- these areas, Uncaria is commonly associ- ing. Densities in natural forest are lower, ated with such species as Cecropia, Ficus, from two to eight individuals per hectare, Heliocarpus, Ochroma, Vernonia, Inga than in managed forests (Hughes and and Himathantus (Domínguez, 1997). In Worth, 1999). Moreover, some sites do more mature forests, Uncaria is found as have patches of adult lianas (manchales) individual lianas, although even here dis- where densities are obviously higher, but tribution may be patchy. In closed forests, these are not very common. Uncaria is commonly associated with A five-year-old liana will have a base Cedrela, Chorisia, Iryanthera, Swietania, diameter (dbh) of about 5cm, though Terminalia, Cedrelinga, Callicophyllum growth rates depend upon bioedaphic and Pouteria. conditions. There are no data on growth Under the right conditions Uncaria rates for bark, though different field esti- may grow rather aggressively. In Central mates suggest periods ranging between America, for example, it is reported as a five and ten years before harvestable stalk weed in banana plantations (Standley, bark is produced (Quevedo, 1995; Zavala 1930, p1379), and farmers in Amazonian and Zevallos, 1996). The required growth Peru are familiar with the plant as a swid- period for root bark may be longer, while den weed. Moreover, the plant is very that for leaves is obviously much shorter. resistant to fire and other disturbances, Carrasco (1996, cited in Domínguez, growing back after forest is cleared and 1997, p34) estimates that about 0.5kg of burned for agriculture. The aggressive the bark may be harvested per metre from growth and rapid recovery of Uncaria fol- a 10cm-wide liana. Destructive harvesting lowing burning is partly enabled by the of such an individual would thus yield capacity of stems to root whenever they about 30kg of dry bark. Other estimates touch the ground. Though opportunistic of 8–10kg for a 5cm-wide liana roughly and quite resistant, however, Uncaria agree with this figure (D Lacaze, pers prefers richer soils. comm, May 1999). Based on these figures, There is very little baseline data on Carrasco estimates an approximate har- the population biology and ecology of vest rate of 60kg of dry bark per hectare Uncaria. One study conducted on 60 in mature forests, or 17 hectares for 1 hectares of forest in a native community tonne, based on an average of two lianas on the Palcazu estimated about 17 per hectare. In the case study in Palcazu, Uncaria individuals per hectare (Arce, Arce (1996, p35) estimates a yield of 1996, cited in Domínguez, 1997, p35). 306kg of dry bark per hectare, based on Data from another survey in Ucayali indi- 17 lianas per hectare. cates densities ranging from 2 to 15 Uncaria regenerates both by seed and individuals per hectare (Quevedo, 1995). by sprouting. Very little is known about Cabieses (undated, p113) mentions an the reproductive biology of Uncaria. The unidentified source reporting up to 80 presence of yellow and red blossoms and a plants per hectare in secondary forests in sweet odour suggest pollination by bees, Manu, though such figures, if correct, are though red colours are often associated by no means usual. Domínguez (1997, with pollination by hummingbirds, as p34) estimates about two adult plants per well. The presence of winged seed testa

98 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) suggests wind dispersal. Phenological between June and October (early to late observations in Ucayali, Peru, report a dry season). In contrast, U. tomentosa longer reproductive period for U. guia- phenology is later and much shorter: nensis, with flowering taking place flowering takes place from September between February and June (mid-rainy to November, fruiting from October to season to early dry season), fruiting January and dispersal from January between April and August (end of rainy to March (Domínguez, 1997; Quevedo, season to mid dry-season), and dispersal 1995).

Impact of land-use change, trade and legislative initiatives

As a heliophyte and secondary growth Often, collectors simply cut down the species, the distribution of Uncaria is whole tree, the fall of which frequently clearly related to patterns of anthro- downs several others growing around it pogenic disturbance. While cat’s claw has (Kerry Hughes, pers comm, 19 November not been subject to intentional manage- 1999). The environmental impact of ment as a medicinal, at least until recently, destructive harvesting is thus not limited to it is definitely a plant whose distribution the vine itself. 1m-long sections are then and abundance is related to patterns of cut off and pounded, allowing the outer human management and disturbance. The bark to be easily peeled away. The reddish plant’s aggressive growth, its ability to inner bark is stripped away from the stem sprout from stem sections and to recover and tied into 40–50kg bundles. Leaves and after cutting and burning, and its close branches are usually wasted, given the lim- association with anthropogenic land- ited demand for these materials. Bark scapes all indicate a high potential for bundles are carried back to a camp or vil- management. lage, where the bark strips are laid out to Past use of Uncaria is not likely to dry on a tarp in the sun. In the dry season, have created much of an impact on its the bark dries in three to five days, longer population ecology given the relatively in the rainy season. small amounts harvested and the species’ Smallholders, farmers and native peo- relative abundance. Moreover, this type ple, who sell the bark to middlemen, carry of extraction is not always destructive:3 out most commercial extraction. There is people may also strip off pieces of bark often a chain of intermediaries between from the living liana. As long as the liana the harvester and the buyer. Middlemen is not girdled, many individuals are likely pay between US$0.50 and US$1 per kg. to regrow bark and survive. De Jong et al (1999) calculate that 1995’s Commercial harvesting, on the other exports from Peru required 24,000 labour hand, is almost always destructive and days of work. For intermediaries, profit frequently involves ‘natural’ populations margins are ultimately determined by the from closed forests. The plant is usually international price. High export prices in cut at the base, pulling down as much 1995 and 1996 made trading of uña de of the vine as possible. At times this gato profitable; but a drop in prices after may require climbing up a tree trunk 1996 drastically cut into profits (de Jong and pulling down tangled upper sections. et al, 2000). A number of Peruvian inter-

99 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America mediaries interviewed in 1997 had left- Contamana and Rioja, in the departments over stock that they could not sell of Loreto and San Martin, Peru, respec- profitably (de Jong et al, 2000). Accord- tively (Efe News Service Inc, October ing to another study in Peru, in 1996 it 1999). Likewise, the Centro de Datos was more profitable for collectors to be para la Conservación (CDC) categorizes it hired by intermediaries than to collect as ‘N2’, suggesting it is under threat and independently and sell directly to buyers that, though fairly abundant, the viability (Carrasco, 1996, cited in de Jong et al, of its natural populations is not guaran- 2000). teed (Zavala, 1996). Moreover, although In Peru, commercial extraction is sub- technically not illegal, the Instituto ject to certain legal restrictions and Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INRENA) procedures. In theory, harvesters require a does not issue permits for the harvesting permit (contrato de extracción), which of roots, in an attempt to curtail a type of allows the extraction of a predetermined harvesting seen to be more ecologically amount of Uncaria from a delimited area damaging than that involving bark (de over a specific period of time, ranging Jong et al, 2000). from one to ten years (de Jong et al, Environmental concerns were part 2000). In practice, such permits are of the motivation that prompted the obtained by middlemen who sub-contract Peruvian government to issue a pres- to a number of different harvesters. As a idential decree (Decreto Supremo) in result, Uncaria is often harvested from 1999, which prohibits the export of areas not included in the permit. unprocesssed or mechanically processed Uña de gato has been commercially cat’s claw unless it is obtained from man- available within Peru for several decades aged natural stocks or plantations (de at least, and this demand has always Jong et al, 2000). The rationale behind been satisfied by destructively harvesting this ban is that it will increase profits mature individuals in closed forest. The accrued by Peruvians and assist in the sudden increase in international demand conservation of the species. If Uncaria for uña de gato in recent years has placed populations continue to be destructively an entirely new level of pressure on this harvested, the species may also end up resource, particularly in Peru, the main listed under the Convention on commercial source country. In 1995, Peru International Trade in Endangered Species exported over 700 tonnes of bark, mostly of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), further from the regions of Ucayali, Huánuco, complicating its commercialization. Pasco and Junín. Based on estimates of As de Jong et al (2000) note, the yields and productivity derived from social, economic and ecological effects of Uncaria in mature forests, Domínguez such legislative initiatives are complex, (1997) extrapolates that exports for 1995 ambivalent and potentially counterpro- alone entailed destructive harvesting of ductive to the cat’s claw industry in Peru, Uncaria in 20,000 hectares of forest. and particularly to the small producers Uncaria is officially considered to be who are evident stakeholders in the mar- ‘vulnerable’ in some parts of its range. ket. While current levels of commercial One source indicates that wild stocks of extraction are clearly having an impact on cat’s claw have been almost eradicated Uncaria, particularly on more accessible from parts of Huánuco and Tingo María populations and/or on species demo- due to overharvesting, and that collectors graphics, the level or significance of this are currently targeting areas such as impact is not fully understood. De Jong et

100 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) al (2000) suggest that current trends, the means to process cat’s claw, develop though poorly documented, indicate that ‘formal’ management programmes and there is little threat to the species as a plantations, and deal with central bur- whole at current exploitation levels. eaucratic agencies. There are powerful Ultimately, concerns that the species is historical precedents that suggest that as threatened might be exaggerated, particu- non-timber forests become significant larly given Uncaria’s abundance, growth commodities, economically and politically habit and distribution. This does not more powerful actors take control over mean that continued increasing demands the production process, displacing local on Uncaria could not pose additional stakeholders (eg Dove, 1996; Homma, threats to the species but, rather, that the 1992). Frequently, this shift entails a presidential decree may be, at the very geographical as well as socio-economic least, premature (de Jong et al, 2000). transfer in the production of the commer- Likewise, de Jong et al (2000) suggest cial resource, as the plants are grown in that the practice of discouraging harvest- different regions or countries. One danger ing of root bark should be more closely of legislative, as well as certification examined, given the lack of ecological evi- efforts, is that they will thus assist in this dence to show the effect of such practices. process, to the detriment of the very local If, as some have argued, root bark con- stakeholders who traditionally managed tains higher alkaloid content, an argument the resource, and perhaps even to national could be made to support the use of root stakeholders as well. bark as a less destructive process (de Jong Moreover, a shift towards commercial et al, 2000). plantations or alternative modes of pro- Though intended to favour the cat’s duction, and away from local farmers, claw industry, the ongoing Peruvian legis- could undermine cat’s claw’s potential to lation may ultimately harm it, particularly support economically viable uses of sec- if it encourages buyers to seek alternative ondary forests and promote socially and sources. In addition, such legislation ecologically viable tropical forest manage- could favour large producers who have ment strategies.


Besides its effect on legislation, concern applied rather loosely, as in cases where over the status and future of Uncaria has stalk bark, as opposed to root bark, is also had an effect on the marketing, harvested. While harvesting stalk bark is research and development of cat’s claw as less destructive than harvesting root bark, an economic resource, and these efforts such practice offers no guarantee of eco- are important factors in determining both logical sustainability. There are also some supply and demand. reports of techniques that minimize A number of Euro-American suppliers damage or individual mortality. One com- of Uncaria, addressing an ecologically mercial firm, for example, maintains that conscious market, claim that their sup- it has developed a means of harvesting the plies are harvested ‘in a sustainable, root without disrupting the growth of the ecological friendly manner’. In many vine, removing a portion of the main root cases, however, the label of ‘sustainable’ is and allowing the rest to grow (Jones,

101 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

1995, p105). of the plants at the time of harvesting’ A few programmes have sought to (Jones, 1995, p105). Other farmers have work closely with local communities to spontaneously started planting it in their develop controlled or managed harvesting swiddens and fallows. Studies in Peru sug- practices. The Peruvian non-governmental gest that Uncaria can successfully be organization (NGO) Pro-Naturaleza, for intercropped with other secondary-forest example, has developed a cat’s claw man- economic species, such as Croton (see agement project with a Yanesha com- Chapter 13), or with such cultigens as munity. The community has set aside 170 plantains, beans, manioc, papaya, pine- hectares of forest for harvesting of non- apples, sweet potatoes, watermelons and timber forest products (NTFPs). Only 60 fruit trees (Quevedo, 1995). Government- per cent of uña de gato individuals are sponsored reforestation committees in harvested from this area, on a ten-year Iquitos and Pucallpa have encouraged the rotation basis. Thus, 40 per cent of the planting of thousands of uña de gato Uncaria stock is left to regenerate natu- seedlings (de Jong et al, 2000). rally. Individuals are cut 1m from the base One potential problem of such refor- in order to increase their chances of sur- estation and management initiatives is vival, and competing vines are removed at that their success will ultimately depend regular intervals to assist regrowth (de upon a mid- and long-term commitment, Jong et al, 1997; Domínguez, 1997). both in terms of financial support and Another project involves the Ash- follow-up, that ensures the plants are áninka of the Ene River Valley and the being adequately managed and success- NGO Asociación para la Conservación fully articulated with market demands. del Patrimonio Cutiriveni (ACPC). Vines For example, uña de gato planted in open are harvested about 20cm above ground, areas is unlikely to produce much mar- in order to allow the stem to grow back. ketable bark, instead spreading as tangled Two 20-cm sections are cut from each shrubs, which may ultimately also com- harvested vine; one for replanting and one pete with other crops. Hence, the problem for analysis. Harvesting is conducted dur- is not so much cultivating Uncaria, but ing the dry season. Technicians also cultivating it in such a way as to produce supervise and advise the Asháninka on bark. Indeed, Uncaria gambir (Hunter) processing of the harvested bark. Uncaria Roxb. is cultivated in South-East Asia as a reportedly provides an important source commercial source of tannin, an appropri- of income for this group (Domínguez, ate management regime given that it is the 1997). The Peruvian company leaves that are used. Liofilizadora del Pacífico/Omniagro has Efforts at propagating Uncaria have an agreement with a community in the been most successful with seeds. Though Ucayali to conduct controlled harvesting preliminary, there are some studies on ger- of natural Uncaria populations (de Jong et mination and propagation techniques for al, 1999). planting and cultivating Uncaria (eg Many other efforts are also underway Flores, 1995, cited in Domínguez, 1997, for cultivating Uncaria. One major com- p130). Like many rubiaceous species, mercial supplier of Uncaria has reportedly Uncaria may have intermittent dispersal, been cultivating the vine for ten years. meaning that not all seeds mature (or ‘Cultivars are contracted out to Ash- capsules open) simultaneously. Seeds ger- áninka Indians who raise them and are minate in 5 to 20 days and may be paid for their service through the purchase transplanted 6 months to 2 years later

102 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa)

(Didier Lacaze, pers comm, May 1999; alkaloid content, this form of propagation Quevedo, 1995). Highest germination is most promising, once plants with desir- rates are obtained in the first month, a able qualities are identified. Vegetative large percentage of seeds losing their via- propagation techniques require improve- bility within months (Domínguez, 1997). ment since appropriate protocols need to Overall germination rates of 65–84 per be defined for identifying donor plants, cent are reported for U. tomentosa selecting sections of stems, determining the (Flores, 1995, cited in Domínguez, 1997). type of cut, timing the collection and Lower germination rates may be due to selecting an ideal substrate for rooting (see the seed’s vulnerability to fungal attack Cuéllar, 1996; Quevedo, 1995). (Quevedo, 1995).4 Researchers at the Universidad Quevedo (1995) reports that natural Nacional Agraria ‘La Molina’ have pro- regeneration can be managed by opening duced in-vitro Uncaria seedlings from belt clearings 1m wide, 5m long, spaced at leaves and buds. Another group of every 4m, around fruiting vines. Seedlings researchers at the chemistry department at may then be transplanted to other areas. the Pontificia Universidad Católica del While feasible, techniques for vegetative Peru is looking at in-vitro culturing of reproduction are not as effective as those roots. Such technology holds some pro- involving seeds. Even so, Quevedo (1995) mise in producing clones with desirable reports 98 per cent and 80 per cent success and standardized qualities. In-vitro tech- rates with U. guianensis and U. tomen- nologies also allow the use of genetic tosa, respectively. Under appropriate material from older individuals, which conditions, U. guianensis roots in 9 days, often lose their regenerative capacity, per- while U. tomentosa takes 15 to 20 days mitting the selection of favourable genetic (Piñán, 1995, cited in Domínguez, 1997, traits faster and more economically than p117). Stakes that are 20–30cm long, through traditional means. If effective and 3–5cm wide, should be cut from side economically viable, such technology branches and not the main stem, as these could have a dramatic impact on the cat’s have more vigorous buds (Quevedo, claw industry and the management of 1995). The most favourable time for plant- wild populations. For one thing, such ing is October to December, so that the technology could, in principle, allow three-month rooting period coincides with international buyers to move their opera- the rainy season. Because vegetative prop- tions away from source regions and agation eliminates genetic variability in countries.


During the 1930s, a Bavarian by the name began experimenting with Uncaria as a of Arthur Brell travelled to the German medicinal and cancer cure, treating many community of Pozuzo in Chanchamayo, people with his own herbal formula and Peru, to work as a schoolteacher. His eventually opening a small clinic north- interest in medicinal plants led him to east of Lima (Jones, 1995). Uncaria, which was used as a medicinal One of the cancer patients success- and a female contraceptive by the native fully treated by Brell with Uncaria was population of the region. Over time, Brell Peruvian–German Luis Schuler, who

103 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America recovered in the late 1960s from what was nomic profile of the plant’s consumers has diagnosed as advanced lung cancer.5 Word undergone a dramatic change. Once used of this incident reached Austrian journ- almost exclusively by the economic under- alist and self-taught ethnologist Klaus class, uña de gato and other medicinals Keplinger, who had a personal interest in have begun to be widely sought after and ethnobotany and cancer. Keplinger trav- used by middle and upper classes, who elled to Oxapampa in 1979 and 1981, clearly have a much greater purchasing collecting samples of Uncaria tomentosa power and who can afford more highly and initiating a long series of activity stud- processed preparations, with higher added ies based on root material collected in the values. Chanchamayo region. Keplinger worked While uña de gato, or garabato, as it is closely with Asháninka informants, even- more commonly known in parts of Peru tually writing on different aspects of (Quevedo, 1995), is reported as a tradi- Asháninka folklore and culture (Jones, tional medicinal among several indig- 1995). Both Schuler’s descendents and enous groups, including the Aguaruna, Keplinger developed Uncaria commer- Asháninka, Bora, Cashibo, Conibo, cially, the former as suppliers of capsules Ka’apor, Shipibo and Yánesha (Balée, and the latter as director of the Immodel 1994; Oregón, 1997), it is quite clear that laboratory in Austria. Immodel has devel- the publicity generated during recent oped the pharmaceutical ‘Krallendorn’, decades and its demand by urban con- based on an extract of the root of Uncaria sumers have increased its ethnobotanical tomentosa, filing two patents for the importance among many local communi- extraction process. ties. Its use among several indigenous The early work of Brell, Schuler and groups in Madre de Dios, for example, is Keplinger profoundly shaped popular per- clearly the result of the explosion in its ceptions of cat’s claw, including the popularity in urban areas. current association between uña de gato, Irrespective of how Uncaria acquired Peru, the Selva Central and the its ethnobotanical salience and popularity, Asháninka. It is quite remarkable that a the fact is that today the tea of the stem, plant as widely distributed and utilized as stem bark, root bark and leaves are widely Uncaria is so strongly associated with one used throughout Latin America in the particular region. International attention treatment of numerous ailments, includ- to Peruvian Uncaria was also fostered by ing fever, rheumatism, arthritis, wounds, the popular writer and ethnobotanist haemorrhages, peptic ulcers, diverse Nicole Maxwell (1990), who reported gastro-intestinal ailments (diarrhoea, dys- that the National Cancer Institute (NCI) entery, parasites), prostate problems, had obtained encouraging preliminary kidney problems, urinary tract infections results in the use of Uncaria as a tumour- and tumours. The tea is also used in the inhibiting agent. recovery from chemotherapy side effects, Over the last few decades, uña de gato as an anti-infective, as a tonic, an has become an increasingly popular folk aphrodisiac, a female contraceptive, in remedy in urban areas in Amazonia, as post-partum recovery, for disease preven- well as in the Andes and Pacific coast. In tion and as a panacea. Peru, uña de gato, together with copaíba The medicinal value of uña de gato is and sangre de drago, are the most popular confirmed by reports of use for other Amazonian medicinal plants sold by street Uncaria species worldwide. The Chinese vendors. In recent years the socio-eco- species U. hirsuta and U. rhynchophylla,

104 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) for example, are used as anti-inflamma- vitro anti-mutagenic effects (Rizzi et al, tories and for liver ailments, while in 1993), as well as anti-viral (Aquino et al, Taiwan U. formosana is used as an anti- 1989), anti-inflammatory (Aquino et al, hypertensive and U. kawakamii is used 1991) and anti-leukaemic activity (Kep- for kidney stones. Uncaria gambir (Bengal linger et al, 1999). Though promising, gambir) is used for diarrhoea (Lewis and most of these results come from pharma- Elvin-Lewis, 1977) and for urinary tract cological and in-vitro tests. Controlled problems, and U. africana is used to treat clinical studies are being undertaken in coughs, stomach pains and syphilis Europe with a number of proprietary (Phillips, 1991). The flavonoids in some extracts for the treatment of leukaemia, Uncaria species are already in use by the rheumatoid arthritis, allergic respiratory pharmaceutical industry. Rutin and its diseases, ulcers, gastritis and viral diseases derivatives from U. elliptica R.Br. ex G including AIDS and herpes; however, the Don, for example, have been marketed as results of these studies remain largely the drugs VenorutonTM and ParovenTM unpublished and/or unfinished (Jones, for the treatment of vascular disease, as 1995). The results of these and other trials well as the drugs CatergenTM and will have an important effect in shaping Cianindol-3TM (Law and Das, 1990). future demands for Uncaria. Uña de gato is also touted as bolster- The presence of numerous bioactive ing the immune system, helping in the compounds (some of which appear to treatment of AIDS, allergies, bursitis, interact synergistically, others antagonisti- cancer, candidiasis, colitis, conjunctivitis, cally), together with observed variations diabetes, diverticulitis, flu, gastritis, in levels and presence of different com- haemorrhoids, herpes, hypertension, men- pounds between different species, plant strual irregularities, lupus and for post- parts and seasons, complicate attempts to partum care. Uncaria sales in Euro- formally evaluate the benefits and activity American markets are largely based on its of Uncaria. This chapter has already out- purported immune-supporting, anti- lined the existence of two chemotypes of inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, U. tomentosa, the roots of which contain anti-mutagenic, anti-oxidant, diuretic and alkaloids with different and antagonistic hypotensive properties. A New Jersey- effects (Reinhard, 1999). In addition, based company, MW International, for while Keplinger and associates attribute example, launched a product called C- cat’s claw’s properties to its indole alka- MED-100TM containing a proprietary loids, other industry-backed research extract of cat’s claw bark that is used to suggests that other compounds, including maintain a responsive immune system carboxy alkyl esters, may also be involved (Anonymous, 1999). Another company, (Kerry Hughes, pers comm, 19 November Rexal Sundown, has a product for 1999). Alzheimer’s disease that includes cat’s While root and, more commonly, claw (Kerry Hughes, pers comm, 16 stalk bark have been the most common November 1999). locally utilized plant parts, many medici- Its wide range of uses originates from nal recipes use leaves and whole stems, its immuno-stimulant properties. Pharma- too. The commercial market for Uncaria cological testing certainly suggests specific is almost entirely based on stem bark, immuno-stimulant effects (Cabieses, even though many of the evaluations of undated; Jones, 1995, p38). In addition, pharmacological activity have been con- extracts of U. tomentosa have shown in- ducted with root-bark extracts. It is

105 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America widely believed that there is a greater internal and external treatments, using demand for U. tomentosa and that the US decoction of the stems, bark roots or imports mostly U. tomentosa, while the leaves or an infusion of leaves. The pow- European market favours U. guianensis dered bark or leaves are also used in (eg Duke and Vásquez, 1994). Some some external applications. Nationally industry analysts have questioned both of and internationally, uña de gato is com- these statements, indicating that the latter mercialized as milled bark, tea bags from species is already playing an important pulverized bark, extracts and tinctures, role in satisfying the international, includ- capsules, pills and creams. In Europe and ing US, demand for cat’s claw (Kerry the US a number of techniques is also used Hughes, pers comm, 16 November 1999). to enhance or standardize alkaloid con- In any event, there are very likely addi- tent or activity, such as removing phenolic tional, as yet undeveloped, markets for tannins and standardizing alkaloid con- other plant parts and/or for U. guianensis. tent. In addition to its medicinal use, there Locally, Uncaria is most commonly is local commercial demand for the liana commercialized as chopped, shredded or in Peru as a raw material for furni- ground bark, powdered leaves, or as a ture manufacturers (Hughes and Worth, beverage made with the bark steeped in 1999). spirits. Local applications involve both

Certification potential

A number of factors favour a certification • Uña de gato is ideally suited to the programme for Uncaria: swidden cultivation systems practised by Amazonian farmers, who are cur- • Uncaria has a significant international rently also the principal harvesters of market, some of which is sensitive this forest product. Uña de gato could to social and ecological issues. The serve as an additional resource to publicity and high profile of this med- increase the value of such forests and icinal, together with its association promote their important role in biodi- with tropical forests, would all help to versity conservation. encourage certification as a marketing • The fact that most harvesters of the strategy in the US and Europe. bark are local inhabitants would also Moreover, many manufacturers are favour a certification programme, given concerned about the viability, reliabil- their extensive background knowledge ity and quality of supplies, issues that and vested interest in the sustainability certification could address. of the resources in the region. • There are a number of biological and ecological features that render On the other hand, the following limita- Uncaria amenable to management. tions and difficulties confront a cert- It is a heliophyte, rapidly growing, ification programme: easily propagated and a common species, associated with natural and • There is a lack of ecological baseline anthropomorphic disturbances. data to develop suitable guidelines,

106 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa)

particularly for mature forests (see • Ecotypic, genotypic and seasonal below). variability in chemical composition • Future international demand, upon complicate the selection, management which economic and management and quality standardization of the expectations are largely based, is species, particularly among natural uncertain. Important factors that may populations. The identification of two determine the direction and character- chemotypes of U. tomentosa with istics of the market include results of quite different pharmacological prop- pharmacological and clinical testing erties is particularly significant, as are of such experimental technology as variations in chemical composition tissue culture, and national and inter- between different tissues, and between national legislation. the same tissues at different stages • Supply levels are also uncertain. As of development. Chemical variations de Jong et al (2000) point out, cult- need to be understood and integrated ivation of cat’s claw could lead into the management of the species. to overproduction and a decrease in prices. Other countries are now Certification could, and perhaps even embarking on cat’s claw production should, encompass a number of legisla- and marketing, and this may also lead tive, political, socio-economic, ecological, to an increase in supply. marketing, sourcing and quality aspects • Like legislative measures, certification relating to cat’s claw production. initiatives may inadvertently help strong economic and political actors Marketing, product development to wrestle control of cat’s claw pro- and quality control duction away from local stakeholders, ultimately undermining their purpose. A certification programme could be tied Certification efforts need to be estab- to a programme that develops new mar- lished with a clear understanding of kets for Uncaria. Leaves of U. tomentosa the social, political and economic appear to be quite rich in certain alka- ramifications of external interven- loids, for example. A market for Uncaria tions. leaves would open many alternative pos- • Carrasco (1996, cited in de Jong et al, sibilities for managing Uncaria as a 1999) estimates that for collectors it is sustainable NTFP and integrating it more profitable to work for interme- within agroforestry systems. Production diaries than to collect independently. of leaves, and particularly young leaves, The role of intermediaries and the creates management options, limitations legal protocols that regulate extrac- and requirements that are very different to tion of forest products need to be the production of inner bark. While this incorporated and assessed in a certifi- makes management and certification a cation programme. more complex process, it also increases •The two species of Uncaria have dif- the number of possibilities and options, ferent characteristics in terms of their and thus constitutes an asset as well as a ecology, management, pharmacology problem. and market potential. U. tomentosa is Factors relating to variability in clearly in an advantageous position chemical composition are particularly and is presumably under much greater important for the marketing of raw plant pressure from harvesting. material. A manufacturer of extracts

107 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America seeking to target certain compounds can certification as a marketing tool to reach utilize tissues with lower levels of com- socially and ecologically aware con- pounds as long as these are easier or more sumers. The IPR issue will be facilitated economical to obtain. by ongoing legislative initiatives in coun- Aside from the importance of product tries who signed the Cartagena agree- development, market expansion and qual- ments and the Convention on Biological ity control – factors that ultimately shape Diversity (CBD). demand – there are also important factors As acts of intervention, legislative and that determine supply and its economic certification initiatives raise troubling impact. Increases in supply relative to questions regarding their effects on power demand could lead to price decreases, relations between different stakeholders. which would have detrimental effects on As Miguel Pinedo-Vásquez has noted the industry as a whole, particularly for (pers comm, May 1999), ‘uña de gato is a local stakeholders and low-level interme- political, and not only a commercial or diaries whose profit margins are already pharmacological resource’, a factor that small. Such increases in supply could be needs to be carefully taken into account, effected through an increase in the num- particularly given the historical precedents ber of producers, nationally and inter- involving other commercial non-timber nationally, and in the increased produc- forest products. tion of cat’s claw following cultivation and reforestation (de Jong et al, 2000). Ecological issues

Legislative and ethical issues A certification programme would need to differentiate between different types of Another important issue concerns the managed environments, as each raises dif- question of intellectual property rights ferent issues: (IPRs). Patents for oxindole alkaloids of U. tomentosa were filed in the US during Mature or closed forest 1989 and 1994 (Blumenthal, 1995). There These environments are important ele- is at least one other patent involving a ments of a certification programme given standardized extract with high levels of that they are the primary targets for on- carboxyl alkyl esters (Hughes and Worth, going commercial harvest operations. 1999). Some of the researchers who filed Closed forests support older Uncaria patents for Uncaria tomentosa have plants, which have the largest amount of explicitly acknowledged the contribution bark. Equally important, mature forests of Asháninka medical specialists in these are important repositories of Uncaria discoveries (Keplinger et al, 1999).6 Even germplasm, the conservation of which though the patents apply to the extraction would have important implications for process, as opposed to the substances propagating Uncaria in more intensely themselves, it is interesting that the managed environments. Uncaria patents have not drawn the pub- Following the model established lic attention surrounding other similar among Yanesha and Asháninka commu- patents, such as that of Croton (Chapter nities, a certification programme might 13). Questions of compensation and con- establish criteria to limit the type and inten- troversies relating to commercialization of sity of use pressure. The effectiveness and uña de gato are very likely to emerge in viability of different management practices, the future, particularly if a producer seeks

108 Cat’s claw (Uncaria guianensis and U. tomentosa) such as harvesting the lianas at heights of for fallows, into which Uncaria could eas- 1m or eliminating competing vines, need to ily be integrated. The growth period of six be evaluated and modified accordingly. to ten years for Uncaria is quite compat- Lack of long-term ecological data support- ible with the fallow periods used by ing the merit of these management regimes farmers in many regions. Cultivation of is problematic. Propagating and managing Uncaria in secondary forests and the inte- Uncaria in closed forest are technically gration of such practices into traditional complex activities. swidden fallow management practices seem to be the most promising options for Secondary forests and fallows the medium- to long-term management of this medicinal. Uncaria has a very high, and unfortu- nately rather unrealized, potential for Swiddens and cultivated fields management in secondary forests. Firstly, secondary vegetation does not present Intensive cultivation of Uncaria appears the technical challenges of closed mature problematic for many different reasons, forest as far as propagating Uncaria is most of which have already been dis- concerned. Secondly, productivity is much cussed: technical problems in obtaining higher than in closed forests. Thirdly, bark tissue, pest problems and unpre- many local farmers already have sophisti- dictable markets in relation to labour cated and flexible management systems investment all require evaluation.


1 In addition to referring to two species of Uncaria, the name uña de gato is also used in different parts of Latin America for at least 20 taxonomically and often ethnobotanically unrelated plants, including Macfadyena, Caesalpinia, Bytneria, Mimosa, Piptadenia and Zanthoxylum (Albán, 1996), from a total of 12 different plant families (Duke, 1994). This creates additional sourcing and quality problems, especially for uña de gato sold in local markets in Latin America. 2 According to one source, however, U. guianensis grows up to 1000m, while U. tomentosa only reaches 500m (Quevedo, 1995). 3 The term ‘destructive harvesting’ needs to be qualified since some individuals are able to recover as long as the base and roots are left largely intact. 4 See Quevedo (1995) for guidelines on propagating Uncaria by seed. 5 An alternative or parallel version offered by descendents of the Schuler family is that Schuler was also treated by an Asháninka shaman with Uncaria. Cabieses (undated) suggests this version seems to weaken Brell’s contribution, given Schuler’s vested economic interests in Uncaria. This raises an important point – namely, that knowledge of these commodities, whether historical or pharmacological, is frequently produced by actors with vested financial interests, raising potential conflicts of interest. 6 Keplinger et al (1999, p31) not only acknowledge the ethnobotanical importance of Uncaria among the Asháninka, but also indicate that their specialists are able to distinguish between the two chemotypes, suggesting that the Asháninka have a body of highly specialized technical knowledge of the species.

109 Chapter 9 Breu resin (Protium spp.)

Campbell Plowden


Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva Breu (Protium spp.)

The tropical plant family Burseraceae has sequently accumulates and dries on the several genera and hundreds of species tree’s trunk. Indigenous people collect and whose bark contains resin-producing cells. use such exuded lumps of breu resins for a These resins exude from the tree naturally variety of purposes. There is a fairly robust or in response to various types of wounds. local market for various breu resins as a In some species of the genus Protium, commercial wooden-boat caulking mater- insect attack provokes resin flow that sub- ial, incense and folk medicine. Breu resin (Protium spp.)


The family Burseraceae is pan-tropical, and breu amescla (Trattinnickia spp.) but most species are found in the neo- species are more common in drier terra tropics. The family has characteristic firme forest, although the amescla type is pinnately compound leaves, which are inherently rare. The sarara (Protium spp.) often aromatic. The three main genera group of breu species (according to Tembé that produce harvestable resins in the neo- Indian designation) is more common in tropics include Protium, Tetragastris and wetter forest areas. The density of these Trattinnickia. Gentry (1993) provides harvestable species was much lower in more detailed taxonomic descriptions of areas that had been affected by a forest these groups. Balée (1994) found 20 fire 18 year before. species from these genera in his study Protium fruits are generally red with areas in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. In one or two seeds covered with a white a study area in the Tembé Indian Reserve, succulent aril (Gentry, 1993). This scent- our research team found that in relatively rich fruit is very attractive to a wide undisturbed forest areas, the combined variety of forest wildlife, including density of species that produce har- agoutis, pacas, peccaries and land turtles vestable resin reaches ten trees (>10 (Balée, 1994). It may, therefore, be centimetres’ (cm) diameter at breast assumed that these animals all play some height – dbh) per hectare; but the average role in dispersing breu seeds throughout density at a larger scale is about one tree the forest. The popularity of its fruit to per hectare. Larger trees have a greater game animals makes breu one of the types likelihood of having resin on them. The of trees that Indians are fond of using as a white (P. heptaphyllum and Protium spp.) stakeout point for night-time hunting.

Resin formation

The two major classes of breu are distin- In the case of ‘white’ and sarara breu, guished by their different origins of resin the principal resin-stimulating agent is formation. While many species in the a bark-boring beetle in the genus Burseraceae family produce aromatic Sternocoelus (formerly Coelosternus), of resins in their leaves, twigs and trunk, the weevil (Curculionidae) family. It is not only a limited number produces enough unusual for a few species of specialized resin to permit its collection. In some insect pests to evolve ways of overcoming cases, the material exudes from a wound potent chemical defences in their plant made by a tree fall or a man-made incision hosts. But in spite of frequent attacks of (Mors and Rizzini, 1966). In the eastern the Sitka spruce by the white pine weevil, Brazilian Amazon, however, those species the spruce resin is still toxic to weevil that are attacked by several types of bark- eggs and larvae (Tomlin et al, 1996). The boring insects produce the largest breu beetle has gone several steps farther. quantities of breu resin. Not only has the weevil overcome any

111 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America detrimental effects from chemicals con- receive chemical or nutritional benefits. tained in the resin, its larvae have Once the young adult weevils leave the apparently become dependent upon stimu- resin lumps, their association with the lation of resin chunks for development. An breu trees seems to continue since large adult female beetle apparently deposits her adults have been found in the bark of rot- eggs in the bark of a susceptible breu tree. ting sections of these trees. Research so far indicates that these ‘pests’ There are several other invertebrates do not attack very young breu trees. that profit from the resin-producing Beyond this age-size threshold, there is no efforts of the breu beetle. At least one type close relationship between tree size and of ant raises its larvae in the cavities of degree of infestation, although a few old dried resin lumps vacated by the . and rotting trees do have large amounts of Several species of stingless bees collect accumulated resin on their trunks. fresh resin on their legs and carry it back As a larva develops, it uses its own to their nests, where it is presumably used sharp mandible to chew into the bark to as a construction material or as a source tap the resin ducts. As the larva grows of scent (Plowden, unpublished data). over the succeeding months, it digs deeper In sarara breu, the larvae from at least into the same hole and eventually bores two species of flies are also often found in new holes until many thin layers have the resin. Since their hard parts in front formed a large lump of semi-hard resin are more like hooks than the sharp-edged around it. Inside, the larva has carved out mandibles of the beetles, it seems highly a little cavern, which gives it room to unlikely that the fly larvae contribute to move until it is ready to pupate. When this resin flow. Another difference between fly phase is complete, it bores its way out. and beetle larvae use of resin is that resin Preliminary studies indicate that several lumps with flies can have dozens of tiny hundred grams of resin accumulate during juveniles, whereas a resin lump will rarely the developmental process for each single contain more than one beetle larva. larva that reaches maturity. Such lumps Beetle-stimulated resin tends to retain its are often found alone on a trunk; but mul- original white or off-white colour and tiple generations of larvae also leave their dries to show a series of layers laid down mark on a trunk, leading to the formation over time. Fly-manipulated resin is very of breu lumps that weigh several kilo- distinct since these larvae transform it into grams. The resin lumps clearly provide a brown, caramel-like consistency. When protection for the larvae. It is not yet it hardens, a myriad of tiny tunnels is left known if the larvae ingest the resin to behind.


Indigenous people in the eastern Brazilian who encounters some resin on a breu tree Amazon harvest breu for both personal while he is out in the forest hunting or col- and commercial purposes. If someone is lecting other forest products will simply going to use a small amount of breu pick a few chunks off a tree by hand or around the village, it is usually harvested with a machete and wrap them in leaves opportunistically. In other words, a man for transport home. When someone is

112 Breu resin (Protium spp.) seeking to collect breu for sale, he will yielding enough resin to fill an entire sack. generally go to an area of forest farther Most resin is easily collected within 2 from the village where breu has not been metres (m) of the ground. Occasionally, intensively harvested, bringing along a large chunks of resin form higher up on machete and a sturdy sack (usually the the trunk; these can often be dislodged type used to carry sugar or farinha). He with prodding from a long, sharpened may spend several days devoted solely to pole. When the resin is brought back to gathering an entire sack full of breu that the village, it is laid out on bags in the sun weighs 30 kilograms (kg). Since most trees to dry. The ‘drying’ process is not so much yield well under 1kg of resin, filling a sack a process of driving off water as driving usually requires many hours of walking. off volatile chemicals. Depending upon If he is lucky, the breu collector will how long it has been drying in the forest, encounter a tree that has not been har- the resin loses about 20 per cent of its ini- vested for many years and is capable of tial weight after a week in the sun.


Indigenous people and other Brazilians plant material. The liquefied resin is then have used the resins of Protium and other mixed with another oil, usually linseed or Burseraceae genera for many centuries. diesel. When cotton or other fibers have The principal functional use is for caulk- been wedged into the spaces between ing wooden boats. Indians use it for boards on the sides of the vessel, the caulking both dugout canoes and motor breu mixture is pasted on top of it. This launches. The resin is burned on torches provides effective waterproofing of the as a direct source of illumination, and craft as well as protection from attack by simmering chunks can start a wood or wood-boring parasites. Preparing a charcoal cooking fire. Many breu vari- medium-sized boat consumes 20–40kg of eties are popular as incense in both breu resin, so quite a few tonnes of the churches and Indian shaman ceremonies. material are likely traded each year. Since Indians from the Colombian Amazon other synthetic materials are used for the have used ‘white’ breu resin to flavour same purpose, however, the price for breu coca powder. Breu resin is also used as a is relatively low. Indians typically receive medicine for treating a variety of ail- well under US$1 per kg for dried resin. ments, including external infections, skin Beyond the use of this sticky balsam- parasites, nasal congestion, hernias and type breu, boat caulkers also use an amber poor vision (Mors and Rizzini, 1966; translucent material, which dries to a very Reitz, 1981; Plowman, 1984; van den brittle state. It is variously referred to as Berg, 1984; Schultes and Raffauf, 1990; breu amescla, breu americano, pes and Balée, 1994; Boom, 1996). jutaicica. It has not yet been verified The main commercial use of breu whether this material comes from one or resin is for caulking wooden boats, more varieties of true breu trees (possibly including tugboats, launches and fishing Trattinnickia burserifolia) or is the hard- boats. The dried breu is first heated up ened exudate of the jatobá (Hymenea and sieved to remove dirt, wood and other courbaril) tree.

113 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

The chemistry of breu resins has only Breu timber is used to a certain extent been sparsely studied (Schultes and in civil construction and other applica- Raffauf, 1990; Zoghbi et al, 1994). Its tions, presumably because its high resin aromatic features, however, make it a nat- content gives it good resistance against ural candidate for commercial applications various insects and pathogens. It does such as perfume. A plant chemist research- not command a high price, however, so ing Amazonian plant’s essential oils has pressure by the logging industry on the begun to explore this potential more various breu species is only considered closely. If this work produces promising moderate (Reitz, 1981; Martini et al, results, it is possible that a new market for 1994). breu resin could develop in the future.

Certification potential

One would be tempted to assume that col- resin. It is not known whether this is lecting a resin that has accumulated on the because species such as ‘white’ breu have outside of a tree’s bark poses no risk to the inherently greater resin-producing capac- health of the target population, thus mak- ity or whether certain insects that attack ing the task of determining sustainability them have simply been more successful in a relatively simple one. Attempting to adapting to their defensive chemistry than evaluate the impact of resin harvesting on other species. The closely related ‘red’ breu trees and the forest, however, may breu (Protium decandrum), for example, not be such a straightforward task. is apparently uninfested and produces no In the case of Protium species, the collectable resin. Within the main resin- amount of resin that can be harvested sus- producing species, there are undoubtedly tainably will depend upon: genetic differences and possibly environ- mental site differences from tree to tree • the susceptibility of the individual tree that make them more or less attractive to to attack by specific bark-boring the resin-flow-inducing insects. beetles and flies; It appears to take at least eight • the amount of resin produced during months, and possibly a year, for a breu the maturation of these organisms; bark-boring beetle to develop within a and resin lump on the side of a breu tree. Once • the rate of reinfestation by these the larva reaches the pupa stage, it stops organisms following resin harvest. boring into the trunk so that no more exu- date is added onto its resinous cocoon. Learning more about these breu–insect Some trees have only one resin lump; oth- interactions is fundamental to a better sys- ers have 50 or more such lumps at tematic management of breu harvest since different stages of development. While it our research demonstrates that experi- is not known whether beetles that emerge mental drilling is an ineffective means of from resin lumps remain in the vicinity of stimulating appreciable flows of resin. their nursery tree, it does appear that It is clear that different species of breu already infested trees attract greater num- trees produce vastly different amounts of bers of beetles than uninfested trees. Since

114 Breu resin (Protium spp.) standard resin harvesting removes all in the process of resin harvest. With at resin from a tree, the practice removes least one other variety of ant, resin cavi- dried resin lumps that have been vacated ties are occupied for tending their young. by beetles, as well as lumps that are still Several types of stingless bees and a expanding due to larval activity. Our Reduviidae bug routinely gather fresh experiments in the eastern Brazilian Ama- resin for their own purposes. While the zon have shown that the rate of breu trees might arguably benefit from reinfestation of harvested trees is very resin harvesting by removal of at least two uneven. It therefore seems worth investi- ‘pest’ species, it is not far-fetched to imag- gating whether or not leaving some resin ine that one or more of the creatures that (and their developing larvae) on the tree use its ‘pest’-induced resin play an impor- might reduce the time required between tant role as pollinators to the breu or harvesting events on particular trees. some other tree in the forest. Clearly, Looking at harvesting impact from a too little is known about the ecology of broader perspective, one must also ask breu to determine sustainable harvesting whether or not overly aggressive breu- regimes needed for the purposes of certifi- resin harvesting would threaten pop- cation. Although fully evaluating these ulations of bark-boring beetles and other relationships is beyond the scope of a invertebrates that utilize the resin in vari- conventional certification process, an eco- ous ways. In the case of the main species logical approach demands that these of beetle and fly, their progeny are killed questions be considered.

115 Chapter 10 Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.)

Campbell Plowden


Titica is a hemi-epi- declining due to phytic vine from the reduced supply genus Heteropsis (Troy and Harte, (family ) 1998), presumably that grows in the a result of Ama- Brazilian Amazon. zonian deforest- This type of plant ation and overhar- germinates on the vesting. forest floor and Unfortunately, seedlings climb a little is known host tree into the about the regenera- lower canopy. Once tion of this vine. the stem is estab- Many Amazonian lished, aerial roots Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva indigenous groups descend, and even- Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.) believe that titica tually mature and and the roots of spread out in the related vines de- ground (Hoffman, 1997). scend the trunk of a tree through the Indigenous people have traditionally extension of the legs of certain dead ants used the strong and flexible roots of this (Lenko and Papavero, 1996). Learning vine as a lashing material in house con- more about this plant, developing effective struction and for weaving baskets and hats management schemes and improving (Bown, 1988; Balée, 1994). In recent enforcement of forestry laws that govern decades, large amounts of titica have been its harvest are all necessary to preserve harvested in northern Brazil as a raw an important subsistence and economic material for making wicker furniture. resource for many forest peoples through- However, its commercial importance is out the Amazon. Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.)


The genus Heteropsis contains 12 or 13 flowering (Bown, 1988; Gentry, 1993). species. All are herbaceous hemi-epiphytic The exposed spadix is apparently polli- vines that are found in South American nated by bees and Hemipteran bugs. tropical forests. The common names titica Berries hang at the end of stems. In at least and junco refer primarily to the species H. one species (H. integerrima), these give off spruceana Schott, H. flexuosa (Kunth) a fermenting smell common to other fruits Bunting, H. jenmani Oliver (synonym for consumed by bats (Bown, 1988). H. flexuosa) and H. longispathacea Engl Titica vines are found almost exclu- that are used and sold by forest peoples sively in intact primary forests. Their in the Brazilian Amazon (Bown, 1988; preferred habitat seems to be drier terra Gentry, 1993; Balée, 1994; Troy and firme forest rather than areas subject to Harte, 1988). Plants have slender, rather flooding. Titica does not appear to have woody stems and adventitious roots. preferred host trees. It is, however, appar- Titica vines have alternate elliptic leaves ently sensitive to high-light conditions. In that are sub-sessile on short petioles. The a study area in the eastern Brazilian leaves have parallel secondary veins with Amazon, titica was absent from forest a strong marginal collecting vein. Fertile patches that had burned almost 20 years plants contain a uniform spadix and a before, even though it was common in caducous spathe, which drops off during adjacent unburned areas (Plowden, 2001).


The most common method of harvesting tree. Marketable roots must be mature and titica roots is for the collector to pull hard thick (minimum of about 0.4 millimetres on one root at a time until it breaks. Each (mm) in diameter). Mature roots have gen- root originates from the bottom of a erally been rooted in the ground for a time. branch off of the main vegetative stem, With roots of questionable age, indigenous commonly called the mae (mother). The collectors scrape their fingernail across the mae is attached to the trunk of the host bark to test its toughness. Roots that are tree anywhere from several metres above still green are not extracted since they are the ground on up to the full height of the not considered strong enough for most tree. These roots bifurcate as they descend weaving and construction applications. from their attachment point; but usually Likewise, dead roots are not collected one side atrophies, leaving a hard node because they also break too easily. Harvest behind. When a root is pulled, it generally of root sections with many closely spaced breaks off near one of these nodes. Pulling nodes is also avoided. While the number of on a root will occasionally dislodge part harvestable stems per tree can be as high as of the mae from the trunk or pull it all the 40, the average is about 3. Our study in way down. eastern Amazonia indicates that about 28 Collectors generally harvest all com- per cent of roots were harvestable for com- mercially viable titica roots from a host mercial purposes (Plowden, 2001).

117 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Extracting roots is hard, dirty work. range of 351 harvestable stems per hectare When a vine breaks the long root whips with a raw weight of 46kg. The actual down toward the collector, accompanied amount of vines pulled by one harvester by a shower of grit, leaves, bugs and per unit area of forest is less, however, branches dislodged from the host tree. since he cruises the forest quite rapidly. Once titica roots are pulled down, the col- Once the nodes and bark are removed and lector breaks or cuts the root into sections the stems have lost most of their water, that have no more than one node at an only 20 per cent of the initial weight end. Nodes are eliminated since pieces remains as saleable vines (Plowden, 2001). with nodes in the middle are weaker, lack When vines are brought back to a col- flexibility and, therefore, cannot be sold. lector’s camp or village, the next stage of The spacing of nodes throughout roots is processing involves removal of the bark quite variable. One section may have (cortex) from the roots. Among Indian many nodes per metre (m) while another groups, both collectors and their families may have 6m free of them. Generally, carry out this activity. Fingernails, knives saleable sections must be at least 1m long, and machetes are used to strip or scrape although shorter pieces are often included off the root bark to expose the inner in batches sold to dealers. Each collector whitish, woody stems. This is also hard carries his vine sections from one tree to work, taking much if not more time the next, tying them together in small than the initial harvesting of the vines. bundles every five trees or so. Collectors Debarked vines are then retied in bundles generally enter the forest in the morning of approximately 30kg each in prepara- and work until they have a bundle of mar- tion for transport to a buyer. ketable vines weighing 25 to 35 kilograms The principal questions concerning (kg). Collecting this quantity of vine management of this species are the rate of involves substantial meandering through regrowth under current harvesting tech- the forest, harvesting vines from 30 to 50 niques and whether or not alternative trees. harvesting techniques can reduce the wait- If they are gathering the product for ing time between successive harvests. Two personal use, vine collectors usually oper- experiments conducted in Brazil and ate alone. Titica gathering for commercial Guyana showed that 17–33 per cent of purposes, however, is usually done in mature titica roots started growing again teams. A group of 6 to 30 people will set 6–7 months after they were cut in simu- up a base camp near an area of forest that lated harvest, while 17–63 per cent of the has not been harvested for at least several roots had died. More favourable results years (Troy and Harte, 1998; Plowden, were found in Guyana where an average 2001). Collecting trips generally last two of 25 per cent of a plant’s roots were cut, to seven days. Each day, team members compared to the Brazil study where 50– will split up and harvest vines in a differ- 100 per cent of roots were cut (Hoffman, ent section of forest. While collectors 1997; Plowden, 2001). Hoffman esti- usually work alone, sometimes two or mated that harvested plants that survived three men will join efforts. would take 20–50 years to grow back to Studies of titica vines in the eastern harvestable condition. Brazilian Amazon revealed that medium to Given its slow regrowth, there is a lightly used sites had an average of 369 clear need to explore other means to host trees per hectare with aerial roots enhance titica production. The major reaching the ground. These vines had a material used for wicker furniture manu-

118 Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.) facture in southern Brazil is vime (Salix belief that titica roots are created via the viminalis), which is very successfully culti- extension of the legs of certain ants that vated. Some effort has been devoted to die on the tree (Lenko and Papavero, cultivating titica, but no results have yet 1996), concerted effort needs to be been published (Troy and Harte, 1998). directed at this problem before titica can Given the lack of scientific understanding be cultivated or intensively managed. of titica reproduction and the regional


Indigenous and other forest peoples in the when a large job is landed. All stores have Amazon use sections of titica with the cor- ready-made items for sale, but most of the tex intact as a lashing material in various businesses seem to depend upon custom contexts such as connecting poles, mend- orders. Clients typically provide a draw- ing tools and attaching leaves to cross ing or photo of a design they like, and the pieces in thatch roofs. Stripped vines are shop copies it for them. also used for making durable baskets, The mainstay of these businesses is brooms and hats (Bown, 1988; Balée, making vine furniture; but to varying 1994). In Amazonia, Heteropsis spp. form extents all of the shops also make wooden an indispensable part of rural peoples’ or metal furniture where vines are either a livelihoods. Since there are few forest sub- marginal component or absent. Titica vine stitutes with the resilience and flexibility is the principal vine used in these enter- of titica, it is the preferred forest fiber uti- prises and is the dominant material in lized in almost every aspect of life. Thus, many types of chairs and sofas. A small to the most numerous consumers of titica are medium chair consumes 3–4kg of titica, the millions of Amazonians who construct with a large one using 5–8kg. One kilo- their homes, build their fences and carry gram of titica is used to make a large their game, forest and agricultural pro- basket while leftover vines are used to duce home each day in containers made of make small baskets. Most of these items titica. Tembé peoples also commonly use use whole titica and are commonly sold in aerial roots of timbo-açu (Evodianthus their natural colour. This vine is also used guiansis), another hemi-epiphytic vine, as in wrapping joints in furniture made with a lashing material in house construction other principal materials. Titica can be and to construct crude baskets. split and soaked in caustic soda to make it While it is widely used throughout extra pliable. It is also sometimes painted Amazonia in the support of local liveli- or stained (Plowden, unpublished data). hoods, the main commercial use of titica Most of the furniture-makers buy tit- is for making wicker furniture. Half a ica from three or four regular suppliers dozen wicker furniture shops are located who come by with the material in hand, in one neighbourhood in the city of since deals are rarely brokered in advance. Belém. In the smallest shop, the owner These suppliers come from both Pará does most of the work. The largest enter- and the adjoining state of Amapá. A prise has 5 regular employees, but up to few purchase material directly from 60 people are hired on a temporary basis Indian collectors. The smallest shops use

119 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

50–100kg of titica per month; the larger or outside Brazil (US, Japan, France and ones use 100–200kg per month. A few Belgium). One large Belém dealer buy only a month’s supply at a time, while lamented that business was not as good as others lay in a stock of 500–1000kg. Shop it had been in the past. He used to have 20 owners typically pay US$0.80 to US$3.00 to 25 regular employees and now only has per kilogram of debarked titica (Plowden, 5. Because it takes several years to learn 2001). Dealers in cities outside of Belém, the craft well, the owner has discontinued such as Fortaleza and São Paulo, pay up training (Plowden, 2001). to US$5.00 per kilogram for this material Considering the high markup between (Troy and Harte, 1998). the cost of the raw material and the fin- Other types of wild-harvested vines ished product, it is tempting to con- used in these shops are graxama template the potential advantages for (Aribadeae spp.; also called guela de jacu some collectors such as Indians to make from várzea forests), apui or cebolão and sell titica-based furniture themselves, (Clusia grandiflora), timbo-í (Derris flori- since they possess a natural aptitude for bunda), timbo-açu (Evodianthus working with this material. There are sev- guiansis), umbe, murure and berrega. eral challenges, however, that could make Vime and rattan are cultivated plants pur- this a problematic venture. Firstly, it is chased from Paraná and other parts of much easier to transport large batches of southern Brazil. Some bamboo is also straight vines than bulky furniture from bought from Goias and São Paulo (Troy remote areas that are frequently only and Harte, 1998; Plowden, unpublished accessible by small boats or poor roads. data). Vime is a functionally similar mat- Secondly, the furniture dealers in Belém erial to titica, but the latter is used more only buy vines – not finished product. The commonly around Belém because vime Indians would need to make a consider- costs about US$3 per kilogram to buy able investment in order to acquire a from the south. space suitable for displaying such materi- Making vine furniture is a labour- als for sale. Since much of the local intensive enterprise. A large chair gen- business is based on custom orders, there erally takes an experienced person one would also need to be an effective means and a half to two days to complete; a com- to link customers with artisans to discuss plicated piece may take three days. Since customer needs. Current communication Brazilian workers are paid about two systems based upon ‘ham’ radio commu- minimum salaries (US$12 per day), the nication do not favour this. One option cost inputs for a large chair are about for expanding the profitability of Indian US$10 for material and US$24 for labour, sale of vines is to explore titica markets in for a total of US$34. A regular large chair more distant cities where furniture-mak- usually sells for US$100 to US$180. ing is prominent. It is possible that the A fancy piece may fetch US$500 to higher prices paid for delivery of debarked US$1000, but such sales are rare. Belém vines to these cities would justify the extra dealers sell all or most of their products to cost and logistics of transporting them local customers. Larger dealers do some beyond Belém. business with buyers in São Paulo

120 Titica vine (Heteropsis spp.)

Certification potential

As is the case with many locally and • definition and security of resource regionally used species, a ‘green seal’ is an ownership in titica-rich areas; unknown and unnecessary concept to •creating mechanisms to track the flow most consumers of titica. Lack of rele- of vines from forest collectors to fur- vance to, or knowledge of, certification for niture-makers; and the majority of producers and consumers •effective enforcement of laws that is thus a fundamental flaw in considering prohibit unauthorized collection of certification for titica. However, in the case forest products from protected areas. of titica, as with many non-timber forest products (NTFPs), the process leading to Given the rapid rate at which the social certification – that of identifying ecological and ecological landscape has changed, requirements and sustainable management management strategies have not yet been regimes – could be extremely beneficial. developed to counter the deleterious This is especially the case due to the effects of fire, logging and overexploita- vulnerable status of titica. As ranching, tion. As discussed above, current harv- logging, fire and colonization steadily esting practices involve pulling down all degrade primary forest in the eastern commercially viable vines from a tree. Brazilian Amazon, indigenous areas are However, vines may regenerate faster if being increasingly invaded by non-Indian some portion of a large vine is left to con- collectors for timber as well as forest tinue transporting the flow of water and products such as titica. In the case of tit- nutrients from the ground to the upper ica depletion, environmental and social vegetative parts of the vine. If this is the degradation are inextricably linked. case, it will be important to disseminate Resource theft has a direct economic con- this information to vine collectors. sequence on tribes in ‘protected’ areas Likewise, information regarding the effect since, in some regions, titica is a principal of different harvesting cycles on vine pro- source of cash income. ductivity in a given area should be made In addition to considerable social and widely available to collectors. economic obstacles to certification, there Even if such information becomes exists a fundamental gap in knowledge available, however, it is unlikely that regarding the ecology and management of people who lack secure ownership and Heteropsis spp. that needs to be filled in control over potential titica-harvesting order to determine sustainable harvesting areas will implement any management and management strategies. Key technical protocols that recommend more re- challenges regarding management of titica strained harvest. This is especially true of include: collectors who invade indigenous areas in clandestine hit-and-run collecting trips. • research and education concerning the Even legitimate resource owners such as effect of different harvesting regimes Indians, however, would be unlikely to on individual plants; modify their methods if they sense that • setting norms for how often individ- what is not harvested today will be ual plants or titica-rich areas can be extracted by someone else tomorrow. harvested; Even among Indians, though, there is a

121 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America need to regulate titica harvest, area by that their products came from an area. Reserves with intact forest may be approved management area. While such large, but the areas of accessible forest documentation is subject to considerable away from navigable rivers or roads are fraud, it provides at least some measure of limited. Even strong collectors can only control against improper extraction. Little carry 30kg bundles of vines so far. to no implementation of such laws occurs Harvesting in prime and accessible areas, for NTFPs in Eastern Amazonia. In spite therefore, should ideally be apportioned of repeated invasion of the Alto Rio among villages on a sustainable and equi- Guamá Indigenous Reserve in the Eastern table basis. Amazon by non-Indian vine collectors, Assuming best-practice management IBAMA has issued only one citation for schemes could be implemented at the local illegal extraction of titica in the past sev- level, there would be a need to track the eral years. flow of vines to the market. Tracking is Theoretically, certification could serve important so that certifiable collecting as a positive incentive for communities operations and their buyers can be prop- who control forest resources to manage erly identified and compensated. In titica harvests well. Vine resources will addition to management criteria, certifica- soon be exhausted, however, unless there tion of communities must also include is some effective means to curb the activi- quality control over the products they sell. ties of harvesters who have no intention of Dealers justifiably complain that vine sell- being guided by any criteria other than the ers often try to increase the weight of their fastest possible harvest and sale of the product by including unusable pieces of vines. Three important steps to shifting vines, rocks and other debris in the midst the extraction of titica vine toward sus- of their vine bundles (Troy and Harte, tainability would be encouraging gov- 1998; Plowden, unpublished data). ernment authorities to conduct more The Brazilian environmental agency stringent enforcement activities; recogniz- responsible for enforcement of forestry ing the significant domestic economic laws, the Instituto Brasileiro do Meio benefit of titica to subsistence livelihoods; Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais and educating the public about ecological Renováveis (IBAMA), requires that log- and social concerns related to their pur- ging trucks carry documentation showing chase of wicker furniture.

122 Chapter 11 Amapá (Parahancornia spp. and Brosimum spp.)

Campbell Plowden


There are two America. The groups of Amazon- species whose latex ian trees with non- has been collected elastic edible latex for medicinal pur- whose common poses by indigenous name is amapá. One people in the Ama- group includes sev- zon region include eral species in the P. amapa, P. family Apocynaceae. krukovii and P. fas- The most common ciculata (Schultes species is Parahan- and Raffauf, 1990; cornia amapa. Some Balée, 1994). In eastern Amazonian outdoor markets of indigenous groups Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva Belém, the thick also refer to the Amapá (Parahancornia spp.) white latex is stored latex-producing tree and sold in recycled Couma guianensis glass bottles. Lacking (also Apocynaceae) as another variety of additional botanical material such as amapá. This chapter focuses on the latex leaves, flowers or fruit, it is not possible to of these trees, which is often called amapá identify the source of the latex to genus or amargosa. Two species in the genus species. However, it is widely claimed that Brosimum (family Moraceae), which pro- P. amapa is the species most often com- duce a sweeter latex, are often called mercialized in places such as the amapá doce (Mors and Rizzini, 1966). Ver-o-Peso public market in Belém, Brazil The Parahancornia genus has eight (van den Berg, 1984). species of trees native to tropical South NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America


Amapá trees are most commonly found mation has been quantified concerning on poor soils in seasonally flooded amapá’s ecology and associated harvest- (igapó)-type forests, but they also occur in ing practices. The only scientific papers drier upland forests. Trees often reach published to date on the species concern heights of 30 metres (m) and can grow as the consumption and infection of fallen high as 50m. Leaves are obovate-oblong; fruit by drosophilid flies and Candida fruits are large, with a thick skin and yeast (Morais et al, 1995a; 1995b). While two indehiscent mericarps. Monkeys many members of the Apocynaceae family and other animals that live in the forest contain a great diversity of alkaloids canopy consume the fruits (Gentry, 1993; (Goutarel, 1964; Raffauf, 1970), the Morais et al, 1995a). chemistry of the Parahancornia genus Like many Amazonian species of non- remains unknown (Schultes and Raffauf, timber forest products (NTFPs) that are 1990). commonly used and sold, very little infor-


In spite of scant study, many Amazonians ting one or two diagonal furrows in the have used amapá latex for centuries and bark with a machete and then collecting continue to swear by it as a potent tonic the latex that drips out in a cup or other for weakness, to soothe respiratory dis- vessel. Indigenous women may drink the eases, as an anti-emetic, cicatrizant and latex directly, but the bitter variety is poultice (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990; often diluted with water or mixed into Balée, 1994). Among Indian tribes in east- coffee. Both Tembé Indian women and ern Amazonia, the product is most often Ver-o-Peso vendors warn against collect- gathered and used by women (this is qual- ing the latex from fruiting trees during the ified by the fact that in the author’s region dry season in July, since it is widely it was collected and used by men). The claimed to be poisonous at such times. most common method of harvest is cut-


A study of amapá production in the east- to 200 millilitres (ml) for an adult tree. ern Amazon shows that regular tapping Latex flow progressively declines with has different effects on the two species successive cuts, most often made above that produce the bitter latex. With amapá the first wound several days later. preta (black – Couma guianensis), the first Production increases temporarily when a cut produces the most latex: frequently 50 new series of cuts is made on the opposite

124 Amapá (Parahancornia spp. and Brosimum spp.) side of the trunk. By contrast, latex flow the eastern Brazilian Amazon had an aver- for amapá branca and vermelha (white age density of three mature trees per and red – Parahancornia amapa) is ini- hectare in undisturbed (or intact) forest tially less than the black variety, but and one tree per hectare in burned forest. successive cuts appear to stimulate slightly At these densities, a pair of collectors can higher latex flow. Short-term variation in tap from 20 to 30 trees per day. A tapping rainfall does not affect latex production; regime of two visits to each tree per week but, thus far, this has only been examined can yield 2–3 litres of latex. Since the during one rainy season. Contrary to average price received by producers is Indian speculation, latex production over approximately US$2 per litre, collection a six-week period did not appear to shift of amapá does not appear particularly in relation to changing phases of the lucrative. However, in certain areas of moon. flooded forest, amapá trees are reportedly The most important variable affecting much more abundant. Therefore, com- the economic viability of amapá appears mercial harvest of amapá would likely be to be the tree’s density. The study area in more viable in such areas.


Like copaíba (see Chapter 12), amapá is infected with a wide range of chronic an example of a regionally and locally health ailments, local forest pharmaceuti- valuable non-timber forest species that is cals are often the only option to improve also highly valued and readily extracted health. Because it is an important subsis- by the timber industry (Martini et al, tence, trade and medicinal resource for 1994). However, due to paltry logging many rural and urban Amazonians, fees currently offered in the region, an efforts are needed to protect the various entire tree often yields less than US$2, species of amapá trees from overharvest- hardly compensation for the loss of a ing. While amapá latex will not likely valuable forest medicinal. warrant certification on its own, this The cultural, social and medical locally valued forest resource could be importance of amapá to urban and rural conserved if timber certification teams Amazonians is not easily measured in dol- implement standards that specifically rec- lars. Distant from any health clinic, ognize and protect amapá populations. lacking transportation and commonly

125 Chapter 12 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.)

Campbell Plowden


Among the wide range duced a reduction in of non-timber forest copaíba populations products (NTFPs) that in some areas because are routinely har- the most common vested in the Amazon harvesting method region, few are as well was to cut a large known and as little hole into the tree’s understood as cop- heartwood to reach aíba. Copaíba not the oleoresin. Today only is the common most copaíba oil is name of the tree but obtained by drilling also refers to oleo- into the trunk and resin that flows in then plugging the tiny vessels and some- hole for reharvest times accumulates in about one year later. large cavities in the It continues to be a middle of this large very popular ‘nat- tropical forest tree. Its Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva ural’ medicine in medicinal value has Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) Brazil and is ex- long been recognized ported to a limited by indigenous societ- extent as an ingredi- ies of the region. Westerners, beginning ent in cosmetics. While the chemistry of its with the first Portuguese who came to volatile oils has been documented, the Brazil, were quick to learn that this mate- mechanism that leads some trees to yield rial’s potent chemicals could aid in the buckets full of oil and others to produce treatment of conditions as diverse as ven- no more than a trickle remains a mystery. ereal disease, bronchitis and a whole host This unpredictability regarding collection of inflammations. of its precious liquid had led to popular In the early part of this century, lore that warns any would-be harvester to demand for the product probably in- avoid looking up in the canopy of a tree Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) before attempting to collect the oil. known to be oleoresin producers. The Scientists have yet to come up with any main commercialized species are C. guia- more academic recommendations for nensis Desf., C. langsdorfii Desf., C. martii improving a harvester’s chances of success. Hayne, C. multijuga Hayne, C. officinalis Copaíba trees belong to the genus L. and C. reticulata Ducke (Clay and Copaifera. It is a member of the Clement, 1993). Caesalpinoideae sub-family of the Fab- Depending upon the species, the tree aceae (Leguminosae). The genus name is can grow from 20 to 35 metres (m) in derived from a combination of the Tupi height. The leaves are simply pinnate with Indian word for the resin from the copaíba one to many pairs of leaflets that are more tree, copai, and the Latin verb fero, mean- or less falcate, commonly glabrous, reticu- ing ‘to bear or produce’ (Allen and Allen, late, frequently punctate, and short- 1981). There are at least 30 species in this petiolulate. The inflorescence is a terminal genus in the neo-tropics and another four or sub-terminal panicle of multiflowered to five in Africa (Dwyer, 1951). Most spikes. The flowers are small, apetalous species are found in wet tropical forests; a and yellow or white. The legume is short few are also found in drier cerrado areas. and somewhat oblique. It has one large Some 16 species from South America are arillate seed.


In South America, one or more varieties of Copaifera species apparently do not pos- copaíba are found in almost every tropical sess this capability, yet still persist in country. C. langsdorfii primarily occurs in nutrient-poor soils (Figliuolo et al, 1987). woodland habitats of southern Brazil and Like many rainforest trees, Copaifera northern Argentina. It may be found in tends to have rather sparse distribution climate zones classified as sub-tropical even in areas where it is most common. dry, tropical dry and wet forest zones. Various published surveys in the Brazilian (Figliuolo et al, 1987; Duke and Cellier, Amazon indicate natural abundances of 1993). Farther to the north, C. officinalis C. multijuga that range from one to two and C. multijuga likewise tolerate a var- trees per hectare in size classes that ranged iety of dry and wet conditions. C. from minimum diameters of 20 to 35 cen- multijuga can be found in terra firme timetres (cm) (Clay and Clement, 1993). (non-flooded rainforest), várzea (flooded In eastern Pará State, densities can be well forests), sandy margins near lakes and below one tree per hectare over a large streams and even the cerrado (savanna) of tract of forest; but clumped distribution central Brazil (Clay and Clement, 1993). does create small areas where three to It is most often found, however, on four trees can be found in relative prox- extremely nutrient-poor soils (Figliuolo et imity (Plowden, unpublished data). al, 1987). While sometimes found in Adult trees do not tolerate shade, so flooded areas, C. reticulata does better in survivors generally occupy the upper more upland forests on firm, preferably canopy and may be emergent (Clay and sandy, soils. Although some members of Clement, 1993; Duke and Cellier, 1993). the are known for their ability Copaíba seedlings appear to perform best to fix nitrogen through root nodules, in forest gaps with abundant light

127 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

(Alencar, 1981; 1984; Plowden, unpub- fruiting between March and August (Clay lished data). The tree produces sprouts, and Clement, 1993; Plowden, unpub- but regeneration seems to occur primarily lished data). Prominent seed dispersers through production and dispersal of appear to be toucans, who consume the seeds. In the northern Amazon, flowering pulpy aril and pass the seeds through occurs during the local rainy season (usu- unharmed (Plowden, unpublished data). ally between January and April) and

Formation and chemistry of the oleoresin

Phenolic compounds are often considered the top of the trees. In Copaifera, these important defences against plant preda- canals are located in concentric circles in tors, but plants may produce other classes the secondary wood (Langenheim, 1973). of chemicals that may also be important In addition to its presence in these in protecting their leaf tissues (Figliuolo et ducts, the oleoresin accumulates in lysige- al, 1987). Many species in Copaifera and nous cavities formed by the breakdown of the closely related genus Hymenaea pro- secretory cells. In the main trunk these duce a similar array of sesquiterpene cavities may enlarge to the point where hydrocarbons that can be found in their they can contain several litres of oleoresin. trunk, stems and leaves. The compounds Pockets of resin are also found in the pith are constituents of oleoresins that are syn- of young stems, bark and parenchyma thesized in parenchyma cells that line cells of leaves and flower buds (Youngken, elongated canals, rounded pockets or 1943; Osol and Farrar, 1947; Poucher, cysts. The resin is secreted into these 1950; Langenheim, 1973). The oleoresin spaces, which are formed by schizogeny consists of large but varying amounts of and/or lysigeny. Schizogeny leads to the volatile oils that are primarily composed separation of cells, which increases their of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, resinous intercellular space to create thin capillar- substances and small quantities of acids. ies that may extend from the bottom to

Impact of land-use change

As with most rainforest trees, deforesta- Apart from escalating deforestation, tion has a heavy impact on copaíba trees. there is also considerable pressure on the While it is a light-loving tree, it does not species from the logging industry. The regenerate as rapidly as typical pioneer timber has heavy wood with a grain and species. In areas where forest fires have texture similar to cedar (the Latin burned but not killed the tree, one can see American variety Cedrella odorata, fully leafed and seed-producing trees that Meliaceae). Like the oil, the wood emits nonetheless no longer yield oil from the the odour of coumarin when cut. The trunk because fire damage has permitted wood of the major oleoresin-producing the destruction of the heartwood by ter- species is fairly similar with some timber mites and various pathogens (Plowden, being heavier than others. The timber is unpublished data). processed for both plywood and sawn-

128 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) wood to be used in carpentry and con- A serious drawback to increased com- struction (Le Cointe, 1947; Duke and mercialization of copaíba and other Vásquez, 1994). low-density species is that logging in the Heavier types of Copaifera wood may Amazon Basin is virtually unregulated. be rough cut into railway sleepers. The The most highly sought-after species are lighter woods may be peeled to make simply extracted until no more can be medium-quality veneer; heavier woods found, with no regard to population den- may be sliced to make higher-quality sities or regeneration rates. One study veneer sheets. Most of the timber is con- examining the vulnerability of individual sumed domestically. A negligible amount tree species to logging based on their eco- of sawnwood is exported, and only a small logical characteristics found the most amount of peeled veneers are sold abroad. heavily harvested Copaifera species in The International Tropical Timber Pará (C. reticulata) to be moderately vul- Organization (ITTO), however, included nerable (Martini et al, 1994). copaíba in its Tropical Timber Atlas of Apart from commercial logging, Latin America (Chichignoud et al, 1990) copaíba trees are also lost in the wake of and a collection of brochures on lesser- creating farm and pastureland from pri- known species. ITTO’s publications add to mary forest. This occurs with colonist as efforts of the past that have attempted to well as indigenous populations. Even boost the foreign market for this and other though the copaíba trees may be valued as tropical timber species (eg Record and a source of medicinal oil, trees are either Mell, 1924; Le Cointe, 1947; Chichignoud felled intentionally or unguarded against et al, 1990; Clay and Clement, 1993). fires used in the process of creating fields to grow manioc and other crops.


The oleoresin in copaíba generally stays at one time – perhaps from 45 to 53 litres inside the tree. However, oil occasionally (Duke and Cellier, 1993; Poucher, 1950). collects in large cavities where sufficient While several harvests are possible with pressure can build and cause the oil to this technique, it commonly has the effect burst out of the trunk. While it may be of killing the tree (Pittier, 1926). Even inferred that the first people to use where trees survive axe harvesting, such copaíba took advantage of naturally trees tend to become hollow following exuded oil, all accounts of its use refer- infestation by termites and pathogens, ence two principal types of methods to which renders them unusable for future harvest the oleoresin. The first technique oleoresin harvests. generally involves chopping a large hole The second, more common, method near the base of the tree with an axe. This of harvesting copaíba is to drill a hole creates a drainage reservoir into which the towards the centre of the tree and then use oleoresin ducts will eventually drain their a bottle, can or other container to collect fluid (Duke and Cellier, 1993; Furnemore, the resin that flows out. Once a session of 1926). This method has the advantage of tapping is concluded, the hole is tightly yielding a relatively large amount of resin plugged with a piece of wood. Duke and

129 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Cellier (1993) report that trees yield the did not yield any oil during the first col- most oleoresin if tapped during the dry lection, and very few produced more than season and may be tapped more than once a few litres. By the time of the fifth collec- during this time. tion, the yield had dropped to a low Harvesters sometimes bore two holes average of 34 millilitres (ml) per tree. into the trunk – one less than 1m above These results may be modest because they the ground and the second hole placed were obtained from younger trees planted 3–7m higher. In place of a plug, a bamboo in dense concentration in an experimental tube with a stopcock may be driven into plantation. A study of some 50 older the lower hole (Duke and Cellier, 1993). copaíba trees of three different species in Another alternative method of harvesting eastern Pará State, however, had similarly the resin involves use of a pump (Pittier, poor results, with the most prolific tree 1926). A complement to the drilling tech- yielding 1 or 2 litres per year, but most nique involves breaking off a large branch tapped trees producing little or no oil from the tree. This seems to break the (Plowden, unpublished data). pressure tension of the oleoresin in canals, It seems possible that C. reticulata is a allowing gravity to carry the resin down more prolific oleoresin producer either due toward the collection point. to its nature or growing conditions, since In parts of Brazil, the prime season for Duke (1986) reports that an average tree harvesting oleoresin from C. officinalis is yields 17 to 18 kilograms (kg) per year. between July and November. If a tree has It is assumed this yield is associated with not been tapped for several years, the ini- tapping a tree. Assuming that 4 litres of tial copaíba gathered is thin and clear. If it copaíba weighs approximately 3.5kg is retapped in the same season, subsequent (based on 0.9 specific gravity at 30° oleoresin becomes thicker and yellowish. Celsius), a rough calculation would indi- If the resin is not flowing, a fire is some- cate that a one-time harvest of 45–53 litres times built at the base of the tree to make from a good tree using the hole-chopping the oil flow more easily due to the higher methods would yield 40–47kg of oleo- temperature. In Venezuela, the dry sum- resin. mer season occurs between December and Uncertainty surrounding the harvest- April. Here, the first liquid to emerge ing of copaíba oil has led to a variety of from C. langsdorfii is thick and dark, the forest peoples’ beliefs connected with the second one is clearer, and the third is thin, practice. The most common edict is that a red and translucent. It is not clear from harvester should not look up into the this case, however, whether the author is canopy before drilling or chopping into a referring to different consistencies of oil tree. If he does, the oil will supposedly be obtained during one round of tapping or sucked up into the canopy. The second a progression of types obtained over a sea- stipulation is that a harvester (presumably son (Pittier, 1926). a man) should not have sexual relations A systematic study of oleoresin yield with his wife for several days before set- from C. multijuga was conducted by ting out to collect copaíba oil. Local lore Alencar (1982) near Manaus, Brazil (Clay also suggests that oil will not leave the tree and Clement, 1993). In this case, two if a pregnant woman is present beneath it holes were drilled on opposite sides of a (Shanley et al, 1998). Presumed violations tree. The oleoresin was collected at differ- of these prohibitions is the most common ent intervals and during different seasons explanation for a harvester’s failure to to quantify these variables. Many trees obtain large quantities of oil.

130 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.)


Given the chemical potency of the exudate 15,400kg of copaíba was exported from from copaíba trees throughout the Venezuela per year. Trade disruptions Amazon, it is not surprising that indige- associated with World War I may have nous peoples of the region were the first reduced exports from this country to people to discover its value as a medicine. around 10,000kg per year (Pittier, 1926). Medicinal uses have been noted for the However, Furnemore (1926) reported that Puinaves and the Makunas of the Vaupés copaíba exports to the US from (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990). As men- Maracaibo alone were 28,122 pounds tioned earlier, the prefix of the name (lbs) (12,783kg) in 1919 and 50,154lbs Copaifera was derived from the Tupi (22,797kg) in 1920. During the years pre- Indian word copai for the tree’s resin ceding the beginning of World War II, US (Allen and Allen, 1981). Beyond medici- imports of copaíba rose considerably. nal use, native peoples also rubbed the oil Between 1938 and 1940, the US annu- on their bodies and hair (Record and ally bought an average of 204,130lbs Mell, 1924). (92,787kg) of copaíba worth some The first Western record of trees yield- US$33,409 per year (with the price ing copaíba comes from a report written increasing from US$0.07 per kilogram to by Petrus Martys to Pope Leo X, pub- US$0.08 per kilogram during the period; lished in 1534, where they are referred to Duke and Cellier, 1993). By 1945, the US as copei. A Portuguese monk writing import of copaíba from South America about the natural products of Brazil in had dropped to 145,412lbs (Osol and 1625 mentioned a drug called cupayba. A Farrar, 1947). tree yielding the substance was first In more recent times, combined US described and illustrated in 1648. The imports of all natural ‘balsams’ (including London Pharmacopoeia listed the drug in copaíba, Peru and tolu) were about 1677, and it was included in the United 250,000kg, worth US$1.5 million in 1984 States Pharmacopoeia during 1820–1940, (average price of US$6 per kilogram). The and then admitted to the National amount imported dropped to just over Formulary (Youngken, 1943). 100,000kg in 1990, but the average price As the value of the commodity grew in had risen to almost US$17 per kilogram. foreign markets, Brazil and Venezuela Of the three major ‘balsams’, copaíba’s became the major exporters. Particular price was the lowest at US$5.50 per kilo- varieties of the oleoresin took on the gram (Duke, pers comm, 1999). Although names of the ports from which they origi- the term balsam is often used in reference nated. Some of these varieties, which had to copaíba oil, it should be noted that this different ranges of volatile oil content, oleoresin does not strictly fit the chemical specific gravity, optical rotation and definition of a balsam. refractive indices, could be reasonably If the lowest point of combined pro- linked to the product from particular duction in Brazil and Venezuela was species. 20,000kg of copaíba per year, a rough Early data on production in Brazil is estimate would indicate that either 500 not currently available, but one report trees were cut open or 1200 trees were cited that prior to 1883, an average of tapped to produce this amount. During

131 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America the highest known production years, circa having the strongest effects in treating 1938, it is possible that some 5000 trees tough urinary tract, pulmonary and skin were axe harvested or 12,000 trees were ailments, however, are C. langsdorffii, C. tapped each year to meet the demand for officinalis and C. reticulata. These trees copaíba exports to the US. Clearly, preva- produce oleoresins that are thicker than lent use of the chopping method could other Copaifera species and have a deep take a drastic toll on the population of yellow or brownish colour, a disagreeable copaíba trees. Pires (1993), a Brazilian smell and an acrid, bitter taste (Le Cointe, anthropologist, discussed a mid-century 1947; Uphof, 1968; Clay and Clement, research report indicating that the 1993). To cut the bitter taste in internal destructive axe harvesting of copaíba oil preparations, it is sometimes mixed with had led to a reduction of these trees in var- andiroba oil (from Carapa guianensis ious parts of the Amazon. Aubl.), honey, santal oil and cubebs Before its use in cosmetics and various (Viera, 1992). industrial products, copaíba was used pri- Even while the US was still importing marily as a medicine in both internal and considerable amounts of copaíba just after external applications. Copaíba was tradi- World War II, however, the efficacy of tionally used in the Amazon region and copaíba as a medicine was being ques- abroad as a cicatrizant, applied to sores tioned in some quarters. The 1947 edition and used in treating psoriasis and chronic of The Dispensatory of the United States gonorrhoea (Uphof, 1968; Schultes and of America (Osol and Farrar, 1947) cited Raffauf, 1990). Other external uses of a Norwegian literature survey and stated: the oil are on wounds as an anti-inflam- matory and on sores caused by herpes. ‘...the drug has no place in human Internal uses include treatment for a therapy; in gonorrheal urethritis it variety of ailments involving mucous has little or no curative effect, but membranes, such as sore throats, respira- its administration is associated tory tract disorders, ulcers and various with severe symptoms such as conditions of the genito-urinary tract cutaneous eruptions, gastroin- (including gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea, testinal attacks, and renal lesions. syphilis and urinary incontinence). It is In excessive doses it may cause also used as an anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, vomiting, painful purgation, anti-bacterial, diuretic, expectorant, hypo- strangury, bloody urine, and a tensive agent, laxative, purgative, ver- general state of fever. Much more mifuge and vulnerary (Youngken, 1943; effective drugs are now available Berg, 1982; Duke, 1986; Basile et al, for whatever use has been made of 1988; Duke and Vásquez, 1994; Viera, copaiba.’ 1992). The potential value of copaíba as a These views then came to typify the medicine stimulated its use in Europe sev- Western scientific view that copaíba oil eral centuries ago for treating chronic lacked utility as a medicine and the cystitis and bronchitis. It was also used in post-war export market for it virtually treating haemorrhoids and chronic diar- disappeared. In 1987, however, a group of rhoea (Leung, 1980). Both C. coriacea Brazilian researchers from the pharmacy and C. multijuga have all been noted for department at the University of São Paulo various medicinal properties. The species conducted experiments with copaíba oleo- that are mentioned most consistently for resin and confirmed the folk medicine

132 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) claim that it could be useful as an anti- Duke, 1986). Both copaíba oleoresin inflammatory drug. They were conducting (referred to in the trade as copaíba bal- follow-up studies to see if the copalic acid sam) and copaíba oil are currently being or specific sesquiterpenes in the resin used by drug and cosmetic manufacturers; could be identified as the active anti- 11 different companies were listed as sup- inflammatory agent (Basile et al, 1988). A plying these products in a 1992 industry study of medicinal plants in Surinam trade journal directory of raw materials. included a test of oleoresin from C. guia- All of these companies were located in nensis for its anti-microbial powers. New Jersey or the New York City metro- Results indicated that the substance had politan area (DCI, 1992). some activity in combating the bacteria Copals, rosin, damars and spirit-sol- Bacillus subtilis. Today, copaíba oil is still uble resins are four types of natural resins commonly sold in folk medicine markets produced in trees that are important in the such as Ver-o-Peso in Belém. It is also sold paint and varnish industry. It is tempting in various commercial preparations such to infer that copal and copai (the root of as gel caps and included in several Copaifera) have the same origin since Brazilian brands of ‘natural’ cough syrup. both words are attributed to New World There is reportedly a small but growing indigenous names for a resin that exudes market for the oil as a ‘natural’ medicine from a tree. The apparent similarity may in Japan. be a coincidence, however, since copal The range of products in which oleo- was supposedly derived from a group resin of copaíba and its distilled oil have in Mexico, while copai was a South been used is quite extensive. While American indigenous word (Allen and copaíba was first introduced to Europe as Allen, 1981). a medicine, its combination of essential While the resin and wood from oils and resinous compounds eventually copaíba can easily be burned as a simple made it useful in the preparation of vari- source of fuel in fires, one of the most ous cosmetics, massage oils, lacquer, intriguing uses of the oleoresin is as an paints, varnishes and tracing paper (Young- alternative fuel source in diesel engines. ken, 1943; Balsam and Sagarin, 1974; Various reports indicate that the liquid Leung, 1980; Duke, 1986). can be poured directly into the fuel tank The first category of cosmetic prepa- of a diesel-powered car, and the vehicle rations includes soaps, detergents, creams, will run normally with a bluish exhaust lotions, massage oils and perfumes. smoke being the only noticeable difference Copaíba acts as an odour fixative in scent- (Duke, 1986; Clay and Clement, 1993). ing soaps. One author stated that its Experimental plantations were estab- ‘fresh, somewhat peppery odour blends lished in Brazil with C. multijuga to see well with geranium, cinnamon, clove, and if placing two taps in the trees could cassia’ (Poucher, 1950). Other favourable increase the yield of oleoresin. It was combinations are cedar wood oil and hoped that an acre (0.4 hectares) of 100 ionones. While reportedly used less exten- mature trees could produce 25 barrels of sively in perfumery, copaíba oil may be fuel per year (Maugh, 1979). However, added to perfumes as a fixative and/or a modest yields of the oleoresin from these fragrance component. The resin portion trials (Alencar, 1982) hold little promise of copaíba has the primary fixative role in that a plantation strategy will produce a perfumes, while the essential oils provide viable alternative energy source (Clay and the scent (Poucher, 1950; Leung, 1980; Clement, 1993). Recent studies in Acre,

133 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Brazil, demonstrate highly variable pro- per tree, with one out of four tress pro- duction from less than 1 litre to over 30 ductive (Leite et al, 2002). litres per tree, with an average of 4 litres

Certification potential

For the purpose of conserving a valuable, plantation was created to produce enough low-density mature forest species with oil as an alternative to fossil fuels in diesel wide local and regional application, as engines. While production potential fell well as international sales, certification far short of the amounts needed to justify could play a role. In timber certification investment in the plantations for energy assessments, it would be a species for purposes, an increase in demand for teams to identify as vulnerable to overhar- copaíba as a medicinal or cosmetic sub- vest and as having an economic worth for stance might make the endeavour viable. its oil that supersedes its timber value. For the time being, however, copaíba cer- However, in terms of certifying the oil, tification should be limited to intact forest local consumers have little to no interest areas where control of the land rights are in how, or from where, copaíba is secure and the benefits of copaíba oil sale sourced; rather, they care most about accrue to the owners. A further provision whether it is pure and unadulterated. concerning land stewardship in an area Therefore, issues that would need to be where copaíba oil production is consid- addressed regarding certification are its ered important is the protection of relevance to consumers, the forest of ori- productive trees from fire. Moderate gin, the method of harvest and the quality burns can lead to infestations that will of the product. seriously impair the tree’s oil productive The first question to be answered capacity. regarding the source of the oil would be Evaluation of oil harvesting methods whether or not it was obtained from trees will pose a dilemma. It is obvious that that are still part of a forest. In theory, the making one or two holes in a tree with a species could be managed in natural drill is much less destructive than chop- stands or in plantations for oil production ping a large hole with an axe. It is also until economics dictated it was appropri- apparent, however, that the yield from ate to fell the tree for its timber. In current drilling varies tremendously from tree to practice, however, such integration does tree, species to species and perhaps area to not occur. It is rare that the person or area (Leite et al, 2002). Drilling trees may group harvesting oil from copaíba trees is not produce enough oil for the operation also the party responsible for timber har- to be financially viable. If a group of for- vesting. Therefore, unless the logging est peoples are interested in maintaining a operation responsible for cutting copaíba modest ongoing source of copaíba oil for trees is itself well enough managed to be their own use, however, restricting har- certified, it seems inappropriate to con- vesting to drilling is a more sensible sider that oil obtained from trees in option. For commercial purposes, axe logging areas might be sustainably pro- harvesting may be more lucrative in the duced. One experimental copaíba tree short and long term if not too many trees

134 Copaíba (Copaifera spp.) are treated in this way. Given the natural chemistry of the oil is paramount. One low density of these trees, the potential to Canadian-based supplier to the cosmetics wipe out local populations in a short time industry analyses samples of large lots is very high. If this method were used, the prior to purchase. If a sample does not operation would need to be evaluated like contain a minimum percentage of a par- a logging operation, since the risk of tree ticular sesquiterpene, sale is refused. Such mortality in one harvesting event is so testing may work for particular applica- high. Even if a tree does not die, it is vir- tions, but evaluating oil purity for tually certain that the tree will not medicinal purposes will require more produce any more harvestable oil. Use of thorough chemical screening. techniques such as breaking off major It is possible that certification could branches to augment oil production provide some incentive to conserve should also be evaluated very critically, Copaifera spp. in cases where production since this increases the risk of accelerating is targeted at international markets. It is the onset of heartwood rot. The type and unlikely, however, that domestic con- quality of plugs used in drill holes is also sumers would pay a premium for a worthy of attention. Plugs that are not sustainably harvested product. While axe shaved carefully enough to fully fill tap harvesting of trees for the oleoresin is holes, or which are made from a type of clearly unsustainable, little ecological or wood that rots within six months, allow production information exists to indicate for leakage and leave the tree more vul- what level of sustainable harvesting is nerable to infestation by termites and possible by tapping. pathogens. For industries that require a particular Quality control of copaíba oil pre- quality of oil, certification could play a sents another certification challenge. role in standardizing supply. Among all Among the various species of oleoresin- consumers, there is justifiable concern in producing trees, there is tremendous the marketplace about the quality of a variety in the colour, viscosity and odour chemically potent material taken intern- of copaíba oil. The material is routinely ally. In these cases, certification could diluted when sold in folk markets. Even in increase consumer confidence about the packaged goods, the listing of particular purity of copaíba oil for sale. species of copaíba is highly suspect. Most Direct certification of copaíba may be of the oil comes into the market via mid- unrealistic because there is a paucity of dlemen who travel around the Amazon ecological information needed to create buying small amounts from people living guidelines for best management practices in the forest. It would take a lot of leg- and little interest in certification by work to sort through these informal copaíba consumers or producers. The marketing channels to have any confi- main value of certification for Copaifera dence in the type and purity of copaíba oil spp. may not lie in its direct certification purchased. One cooperative based in as an NTFP, but rather in the application Rondonia, Brazil, however, was able to of strict forestry certification guidelines carry out its harvesting and marketing of that require logging concessions to copaíba oil in an organized fashion, and become more knowledgeable and sensitive some communities in Acre are forming to locally valuable NTFPs. Copaíba pro- links with industries to guarantee them a vides a telling example of a species whose managed source for a quality product. domestic, cultural and social capital far With respect to foreign markets, the exceed its value as sawnwood.

135 Chapter 13 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri, Euphorbiaceae)

Miguel N Alexiades*


Sangre de drago – recent emergence and also known as sangre widened popularity de dragón, sangre de of uña de gato, san- grado or dragon’s gre de drago was blood – are neo-tropi- probably the most cal trees of the genus well known Amazon- Croton, named after ian medicinal in Latin their striking red American cities, par- latex.1 The use of ticularly in Peru. sangre de drago to Although not to the treat a wide range of extent of uña de gato health conditions is (see Chapter 8), san- well established in gre de drago has much of tropical Am- experienced a recent erica. Users include increase in media, not only the rural public and govern- inhabitants who live ment attention. and directly interact Illustration by Jamison Ervin Like uña de gato, with the living res- Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) though at a much ource, but also urban smaller scale, sangre dwellers within and de drago also became beyond the tropical forests where it an international commodity during the grows. For many years, sangre de drago 1990s. According to official records, has been commercialized by an extensive, Croton latex exports to the US in 1990 and until recently largely informal, net- amounted to 320 kilograms (kg), increas- work of suppliers and vendors. Until the ing to about 1 tonne annually over the

* The author is very grateful to Beto Borges and to Steven King for providing copies of a multitude of unpublished reports and Croton-related literature, and for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this chapter. Daniela Peluso helped with the compilation of literature. Kerry Hughes, Brian Smith and Manuel Ruiz provided additional, and very valuable, comments. Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) next two years. Between 1993 and 1996, tific, media and government interest in annual exports varied between less than 1 sangre de drago has led to its ‘legitimiza- tonne to over 4 tonnes. Exports tripled tion’ among middle- and upper-class between 1996 and 1997, and doubled consumers. The upward social mobility of again in 1998, reaching over 26 tonnes sangre de drago as a medicinal resource that year. Beginning in 1996, other coun- has been accompanied by a concomitant tries, including Chile, Italy, Lithuania, the ‘professionalization’ in how it is managed Ukraine, Russia and Spain, started import- as an ecological resource. Government and ing small amounts of latex – about 600kg private initiatives involving foresters, up to 1998. Of these countries, Spain has extensionists and other professionals are, been the main importer, accounting for in effect, helping to shape how Amazonian about 500kg (INRENA, undated). swidden farmers interact with and manage In the last decade, sangre de drago has Croton as an ecological and economic undergone profound changes in terms of resource. This ‘professionalization’ of how it is perceived, produced, managed, Croton can also be seen in the plant’s role commercialized and consumed. The as commodity. Once commercialized in an publicity generated by Shaman Pharma- unprocessed form and by agents operating ceuticals’ involvement with Croton has within the informal economy, Croton latex undoubtedly helped to popularize sangre is increasingly processed, packaged and de drago and its use in source countries, distributed in more technologically sophis- and particularly in Peru, as well as inter- ticated ways, with higher added values, nationally. and by actors who operate within formal As with uña de gato, corporate, scien- economic structures.

Shaman Pharmaceuticals, ShamanBotanicals.com and Croton

The popularization of Croton and its Shaman Pharmaceuticals filed a patent emergence as an international commodity in 1992 for the production of SP-303, a is clearly related to the well-publicized large proanthocyanidin oligomer, obtained interest and activities of Shaman from the latex of Croton lechleri Müll. Pharmaceuticals and, more recently, Arg.,4 with demonstrated effect as an anti- ShamanBotanicals.com.2 Shaman Pharma- diarrhoeal and broad activity against a ceuticals, a US company launched in variety of DNA and RNA viruses. During 1989, specializes in the development of that time, Shaman Pharmaceuticals began drugs from tropical plants with a history developing two drugs based on Croton of human use. A small company by ind- lechleri latex, ProvirTM and VirendTM, used ustry standards, Shaman sought to to treat diarrhoea and herpes, respectively. demonstrate the effectiveness of the eth- Clinical trials for Virend were subsequently nobotanical route for drug development. suspended during Food and Drug Moreover, the company has sought to Administration (FDA) level I and II trials in devise and implement a series of mecha- 1998 (Wall Street Journal, 2 February nisms whereby material benefits accrued 1998), but Provir underwent level I, II and from drug development can be shared III clinical testing for the FDA. with participating communities and local Later that year, and following a peoples (King and Tempesta, 1994).3 request by the FDA for additional clinical

137 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America trials, Shaman Pharmaceuticals reorga- encouraging the cultivation and manage- nized, putting Provir and its drug ment of Croton in parts of Colombia, development programmes on hold, and Ecuador and Peru (Borges, pers comm, 21 moving its assets and operations into the December, 1999). These efforts have more loosely regulated nutritional supple- numerous socio-economic and ecological ment and herb industry. The privately implications, both realized and antici- held division ShamanBotanicals.com was pated. launched in order to develop and market Over the past ten years, Shaman has clinically tested botanical dietary and developed a series of contractual agree- herbal supplements (Pollack, 1999). The ments with harvesters, either directly or, first product released by Shaman- more commonly, through individuals, Botanicals.com, SB-Normal StoolTM, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) entered the market in 1999. The product and private companies acting as inter- is being marketed for treatment of mediaries (eg Meza, 1998a; 1998c). In travellers’ diarrhoea, HIV-associated diar- addition, a broad range of private and rhoea (Koch et al, 1999) and, in the near governmental agencies have been con- future, for diarrhoea in infants and tod- tacted in an attempt to identify latex dlers (Borges, pers comm, February sources and encourage interest in sangre 2000). Shaman also announced its hopes de drago (eg Meza, 1998b; 1998d). to release another Croton-based product, Officials in most regions of the Peruvian a salve to treat herpes, in the near future Amazon, for example, received written (Abate, 1999). notice and follow-up visits in the 1990s to Shaman’s influence over Croton communicate expected demands, and extends well beyond its role as a patent encourage harvesting and reforestation of owner, commercial buyer of latex and Croton (eg Meza, 1998d; 1998e).6 The developer of Croton-derived pharmacody- response by some regional reforestation namic commodities. Shaman has also committees to include sangre de drago in been the primary force for developing the species distributed for reforestation, baseline studies on Croton. As a result, for example, may reflect these efforts (eg the majority of ecological and market Oficina de Planificación Agraria, 1998). studies on Croton have either been con- Clearly, these activities have influ- ducted by Shaman associates or funded by enced the actions, perceptions and ex- Shaman (eg Aguirre et al, 1999; Ayala, pectations of such stakeholder groups as 1993; Castanel et al, 1995; Catpo, 1998; swidden farmers, public officials, legisla- Zak, 1991).5 While leading to several tors and conservation groups with regard important academic publications (eg to Croton. Shaman’s projected demands Forero, 2000; Meza, 1999a) and a com- for latex generated a considerable amount munity manual (Meza et al, 1998), the of excitement and expectations – expecta- bulk of these studies and data, particu- tions which, following the company’s larly with regard to Croton’s management reorganization, have not been met. In any and ecology, remains unpublished and event, Shaman has been, and will continue hence largely inaccessible. to be, a critical factor in shaping Croton’s In an attempt to guarantee the viabil- role as an ecological, social and market ity of the species and of its own supplies of resource, locally, regionally and even latex, Shaman has also been actively internationally.

138 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri)


The genus Croton, which includes about partial taxonomic revision of the genus 800 tropical and temperate species, Croton will hopefully address many of (Mabberley, 1987), is part of the large and these problems (Smith, 1997, cited in diverse Euphorbiaceae family, a family Meza, 1999c; Webster, 1993). that includes such economically important Croton lechleri and related species plants as manioc (Manihot esculenta are fast-growing pioneer trees, typically Crantz.), rubber (Hevea brasiliensis (A between 3 and 25 metres (m) tall, with Juss.) Muell. Arg.) and many other pois- diameters normally ranging between 15 to onous medicinal plants. Of the 800 55 centimetres (cm) and an estimated life species of Croton, only a handful have red cycle of 5 to 20 years (Forero et al, latex, mostly in the section Cyclostigma of 2000).8 The bark is smooth, about 1cm the genus. Clear-resin species of Croton, thick, with thicker barks reported for some of which are found growing trees exposed to higher amounts of solar together with the red latex-bearing radiation (Meza, 1999b). A slash in the species, are not referred to or used as san- trunk produces a reddish latex, whose gre de drago. tone and viscosity varies with age and There is as yet an undetermined num- according to the degree of water stress ber of red latex-bearing Croton species.7 suffered by the plant. The latex tends to Species include C. lechleri, C. palanos- be watery and reddish brown in younger tigma Klotzsch, C. perspeciosus Croizat, trees, or right after periods of rain, C. rimbachii Croizat, C. sampatik Müll. becoming more viscous and deeper in Arg., and C. erythrochilus Müll. Arg. colour as individuals age or at times of native to parts of Amazonia; C. sordidus greater water shortage (Jordan, 1996). Benth. and C. gossypifolius Vahl from the The leaves – quite variable in size – range Andes; C. urucurana Baill. from Brazil from 5–25cm long and 3–19cm wide and and Paraguay; and C. draco Schltdl. and are simple, alternate and heart shaped C. xalapensis Kunth from Mexico and (Forero et al, 2000). Central America (Borges et al, 2000; Minute unisexual cream-yellow flow- Ubillas et al, 1994). Croton lechleri is by ers are arranged along a terminal bisexual far the most common species in western inflorescence, 22–72cm long. The fruits, 7 South America, and is certainly the most millimetres (mm) long and 5mm wide, are widely used and studied. C. urucurana, on schizocarps, which explode when mature, the other hand, is most common in Brazil forcibly releasing three small seeds (Brian Smith, pers comm, March 2000). (Forero et al, 2000). In this way the seeds, While C. lechleri is by far the most about 3mm long (Jordan, 1996), are scat- common sangre de drago species, at least tered around the tree. The seeds are also at the lower and middle portions of its ele- eaten by several species of birds, and these vation range (Meza, 1999c; Meza and may be involved in their dispersal, as are Pariona, 1999), there are other species gusts of wind and possibly streams and that grow within and outside of the range rivers as well (Meza, 1992a). Ant disper- of C. lechleri and that have been mistak- sal, suggested by the presence of seed enly identified as C. lechleri (Brian Smith, elaiosomes and directly documented in pers comm, February 2000). An ongoing Croton priscus Croizat (Passos and

139 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Ferreira, 1996), is most likely an impor- closed canopies, where the ground is tant dispersal method. shaded. In these cases, reproduction is Germination takes anywhere between entirely contingent on seeds being dis- 8 to 22 days, most often 15 days (Aguirre persed to natural clearings or disturbed et al, 1999; Meza et al, 1998). Natural areas. Only in trees growing in open areas regeneration is minimal in closed canopies are seedlings found at the base of the tree and even in secondary forests with fairly (Meza, 1992a; 1995, p9).


Habitat and distribution Croton lechleri and related species are all pioneer, light-demanding species (King Croton lechleri grows in the Western et al, 1997). Croton is commonly associ- Amazonian forest region in low- and mid- ated with non-flooded riparian habitats – elevation forests, between 100 to about in particular, with lower alluvial terraces – 1800m, within temperature ranges of 18° as well as with secondary vegetation in Celsius (C) to 30° C and annual rainfall human-disturbed areas, both in várzea between 2000 and 4000mm, with a min- (floodplain) and terra firme (non-flooded imum of 1000mm (Forero et al, 2000). land). Though present, Croton is found According to Meza (1999c), some related at much lower densities in mature forest species, including C. perspeciosus and and is associated with natural gaps (eg C. rimbachii, share the upper-elevation Pariona, 1997, cited in Meza, 1999c). range of C. lechleri, extending beyond it Although the species cannot withstand to over 2000m. Others, such as C. sam- waterlogged conditions, it grows in sandy patik, share the low- and mid-elevation riverbanks, in close association with range with C. lechleri (Meza, 1999c). Tessaria, Gynerium and Cecropia. In There is some data to suggest that sangre fallows and other disturbed areas, it de drago is more abundant at elevations is commonly associated with Cecropia, between 700 and 1600m (Forero et al, Inga, Ochroma and Jacaranda. Though 2000; Meza, 1991). Such correlations growing in both sandy and clay soils, may be spurious to the extent that they Croton prefers deeper, darker and moist, reflect differences in the rates of anthro- albeit well-drained, soils with a pH above pogenic disturbance. In this case, the 5.0 (Aguirre et al, 1999; Meza and reported lower densities in the lowlands Valencia, 1999). The preference for well- could be due to the higher proportions of drained yet moist conditions may explain closed canopy forest in these areas, as why Croton prefers areas with a slight opposed to the more deforested and inclination close to streams and rivers intensely used piedmont region (Brian (Aguirre et al, 1999, p83). Smith, pers comm, February 2000). In Mycorrhizae are commonly associ- contrast to South American sangre de ated with the C. lechleri root system, a drago species, Central American species fact that might partly explain Croton’s appear to be more widely associated with requirement for moist, well-aerated soils, moist tropical and sub-tropical forests, conditions associated with mycorrhizal and those in Paraguay and southern development. The fact that the same con- Brazil with the drier cerrado vegetation.

140 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) ditions favouring mycorrhizal develop- range, in a sample involving 10-hectare ment in Croton also favour high SP-303 plots in alluvial floodplain soils in the levels in Croton latex may indicate a pos- Putumayo, Colombia. Surveys in other sible role for mycorrhizae in metabolic areas reveal much lower densities, how- synthesis of biodynamic compounds ever. For example, in an inventory of close (Meza and Calderón, 1999). No Croton- to 60,000 hectares in the Sucumbiós specific animal–plant interactions or region of Ecuador, only about 10 per cent specialized pollinators have been reported of the Croton population was estimated to date. to be of commercial size. According to Croton’s distribution tends to be this data set, the overall density of mature patchy, both regionally and locally. For Croton individuals amounts to about to 1 example, Meza (1992a; 1999c) found that tree per 5 hectares (INEFAN/GTZ, 1997, in over half of visited sites from surveys in cited in Borges et al, 2000). Another sur- Alto Napo, Loreto and Puerto Bermudez, vey in Oxapampa, Peru, revealed that Peru, Croton was not present. Its absence only 4 per cent of inventoried Croton has also been observed in other parts plants were over 30cm dbh (Meza, within its growing range in areas of 1999c). In Madre de Dios, Peru, a census Ecuador and Colombia (eg Aguirre et al, of 139 hectares along four different rivers 1999, p122; Kircher and Meier, 1997). likewise revealed about 0.3–0.5 trees per Meza (1999c) suggests that this localized hectare in the dbh range of 30cm + distribution may reflect edaphic differ- (Catpo, 1998, p35). These data sets sug- ences or may be due to dispersal patterns. gest that Croton’s distribution is localized, Trees above 10cm in diameter (dbh) have yet when found it is often common. The been observed at densities ranging from apparent lack of commercially viable trees less than 1 tree per hectare, as in parts of within some of these sites may reflect con- Madre de Dios, Peru, to over 190 trees per siderable pressure from harvesters (eg hectare, as in Napo, Ecuador (Catpo, Catpo, 1998; Meza, 1992a). 1998; Espinosa and Paspuel, 1993). Densities of 15 to 80 individuals per Growth rates hectare in the 10cm-and-over dbh range are quite common (King et al, 1997). In Typical of pioneer species, Croton has fast the Colombian Putumayo, for example, vertical and diameter growth rates. A study Aguirre et al (1999) report densities rang- conducted in 40 sites by Shaman associates ing from 13 to 76 trees over 10cm dbh in suggests a vertical growth rate of 25cm per plots where the species was encountered. month during the first year (King et al, Under appropriate conditions, seedling 1997). Aguirre et al (1999) report a growth densities can also be very high: 3200 and rate of 2.5m per year. According to one 7000 per hectare in two 1 hectare plots in estimate, trees achieve a diameter of about Peru, for example (Meza, pers comm, 30cm after 7 to 8 years, at which time latex May 2000). production is estimated to be commercially Individuals in the larger, commercially viable (Aguirre et al, 1999, p132). Other viable, size classes are reported to occur at estimates are more conservative, suggesting natural densities ranging between 3 to 10 8 to 12 years for a tree to attain commer- individuals per hectare (Borges et al, cially ideal sizes of 30cm and over, and 2000). Forero (1992), for example, heights above 20m (Phillips, 1991, in reports an average of about 15 trees per Gudiño et al, 1991; Meza, 1999c). Latex hectare in the 30–40cm diameter size production at this time is reportedly linked

141 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America to the increased number and size of lati- Yields cifers, the specialized latex-producing cells Measured yields vary according to the (Meza, 1999c, p103). Possibly, growth harvesting technique employed. Tapping rates vary regionally, and perhaps locally as is much less efficient than felling, both in well, in response to genotypic or environ- terms of rate of flow and total latex har- mental variations. vested. Tapping live trees yields only 12 per cent of the individuals’ latex, 0.3 litres Reproductive biology on average, as opposed to 80 per cent obtained through destructive harvesting Although flowering and fruiting season is (Jordan, 1996; Zak, 1991). not as clearly delimited in Croton as in Felling also yields more latex than that other species, flowering tends to take obtained by repeated tapping of the same place during the rainy season. Flowering tree over time. Indeed, tapped trees do not has been reported to occur between yield as much latex as untapped trees October to February in Colombia, when subsequently felled, even under the Ecuador and Peru, with some regional best environmental conditions (Meza, variations within and between countries 1999b). The susceptibility of Croton to (Aguirre et al, 1999; Flores and Revelo, tapping is due to the morphology of its 1993; Meza et al, 1998). In some areas latex-producing cells, the laticifers. Unlike there is another flowering peak around those of its relative, the rubber tree (Hevea May and June (Meza 1992a; Meza et al, brasiliensis), Croton’s laticifers are rami- 1998). Trees at higher elevations may fied, non-articulated, linked to a single cell flower a little later than those at lower ele- and incapable of regenerating (Medina vations (Flores and Revelo, 1993). and Meza, 1999). This means that tapping Typical of pioneer species, Croton in Croton, in contrast to such regularly achieves reproductive maturity early in its tapped species as Hevea, irreversibly dam- development, after four years (Meza et al, ages the plant’s latex-producing tissues. undated). The seeds, which are ant, bird A monitoring study involving 77 trees and wind dispersed, are minute and are suggests that tapping trees increases mor- produced in massive quantities, up to tality rates dramatically, exposing Croton 600,000 per individual mature tree (King to disease and fungal infections. In this et al, 1997). Though natural regeneration study, 44 per cent of tapped trees report- is through seeds, some individuals claim edly died within a year after tapping 300 that Croton has the ability to sprout from cubic centimetres (cm3) (Medina and cut stumps (Gudiño et al, 1991, p14). Meza, 1999; Zak, 1991).9 It is possible The light-demanding nature of Croton that if very small amounts of latex are means that natural regeneration is tapped for subsistence use (ie if damage is restricted to open areas, either in natural relatively small), mortality is also less. The or anthropogenic clearings. While older presence of Croton trees with multiple fallows may have large trees, these have scars in Amazonian home gardens pro- no seedlings growing below them. Large vides some anecdotal evidence to support numbers of seedlings under mature trees this possibility. In any case, it appears that are mostly found in open, more intensely latex production is irreversibly limited by used environments (Catpo, 1998). This tapping (King et al, 1997). has implications in terms of managing the Latex yields through felling vary species, particularly for the collection and according to the size of the tree, ranging transplanting of ‘wild’ seedlings.

142 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) from about 2 litres in a 20cm tree to 5 have an effect on the chemical composi- litres in a 60cm tree, with an average of 2 tion of the latex. For example, higher litres per tree (Aguirre et al, 1999; Zak, SP-303 levels in latex are found in plants 1991). Other estimates are higher. Reports growing in Ilder (Aquic dystropepts), from Peru, for example, report yields of 3 Shivitashari (Typic distropepts) and to 4 litres of latex under optimal condi- Trocha (Typic distropepts) soils (Meza tions for 30cm trees (Meza, 1999). and Valencia, 1999). Some trees, particularly old or diseased In addition, there are daily and sea- ones, produce little or no latex (Meza, sonal variations in the yields and con- 1999b). Some apparently healthy trees may sistency of latex. There is some data to also yield little or no latex. Some harvesters suggest that more latex, perhaps as much refer to these latex-yielding and non-yield- as 30 per cent, is collected during the wax- ing trees as lecheros and no-lecheros, ing, as opposed to waning, stages of the respectively (literally ‘milk-producing’ and lunar cycle (Zak, 1991). Interviews con- ‘non-milk-producing’), linking these traits ducted by Meza (1992b) among several to certain physiognomic and ecological fea- indigenous groups in Peru further support tures, such as bark colour (Meza, 1999b). the notion that greater yields are har- If genetically determined, these differences vested during the full moon. In areas with have important implications for manage- seasonal variations in rainfall, tapping ment, particularly in terms of selecting wild may yield less latex in the midst of the dry germplasm for cultivation. season, when plants are undergoing water Latex yields are also influenced by a stress (Meza, 1999b). Similarly, the latex number of environmental variables, most flows less easily as ambient temperature notably solar radiation and water avail- increases during the day. As a result, har- ability. Trees exposed to higher solar vesting is preferably carried out in the radiation, either through aspect or morning. Rainy days, on the other hand, because they are growing in open areas, produce a more watery and commercially tend to have lower yields. The importance less desirable latex (de Jong, 1992, cited in of solar radiation may be related to its Borges, 2000). Some suggest that the day effect on moisture availability, which is after rain is ideal for tapping, however known to affect latex quantity and viscos- (Meza, 1999b). From these reports, then, ity. Access to moisture increases not only it seems that a number of environmental yields but also the speed of latex flow factors have qualitative and quantitative (Meza, 1999b). As a result, trees growing effects on latex yields, and these environ- close to water or among closed vegetation mental factors vary both spatially and tend to produce more latex and at higher temporally. flow rates than trees in high, drier ground, Though not as important as latex, or in recently disturbed vegetation (Meza, Croton bark is also harvested for subsis- 1999b; Zak, 1991). Again, this has some tence and commercial use. Shaman, which implications for management, as Croton used to import bark early on during its planted in agricultural systems will have operations, ceased doing so in 1994 and lower yields than those planted in agro- now imports only latex (Borges, pers forestry systems. These differences may be comm, February 2000). Trees in the 30cm offset by the higher planting densities used dbh size range yield 10 to 15 kilograms in crop associations, however. (kg) of dry bark (Gudiño et al, 1991; There is also some evidence (eg Meza Phillips, 1991, cited in Espinoza and and Valencia, 1999) that soil conditions Paspuel, 1993; Meza, 1999).

143 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

Impact of land-use change, harvest pressure and demand

Although there is very little quantitative lations are being intensely targeted and data, field observations suggest that high perhaps overharvested. collection pressures have had a consider- Demand for Croton appears to be able impact on this resource in the more increasing. Almost half of all Peruvian accessible areas (eg Catpo, 1998; Meza, latex exports for the period of 1991– 1992a; Zak, 1991) and among larger trees 1998, for example, were for the last year. (Meza, 1993a).10 One preliminary census Imports from Shaman alone, the main in Ecuador found fewer individuals in the international buyer, increased from a little seedling size class than in the intermediate under 17,000 litres in 1997 to almost size class, a pattern which runs contrary 74,000 litres in 1998, and over 103,000 to the norm and which might be indicative litres in 1999 (Borges, pers comm, 4 of overharvesting (Peters, 1994). January 2000). Though much lower than A rough estimate of the impact on the Provir-based estimates, Shaman still naturally growing Croton may be indi- expects significant demand increases as rectly calculated from available export ShamanBotanicals.com expands the mar- figures for latex, at least for Peru. kets for SB-Normal Stool formula and According to official records, a little over develops other Croton products (Borges, 56 metric tonnes of latex were exported pers comm, 4 January 2000). Domestic between 1991 and 1998 (INRENA, markets are also expanding (Borges et al, undated). Assuming an average of about 2000), even though the importance of 3kg of latex harvested per tree, this is these buyers, both in economic and eco- equivalent to about 20,000 trees. The logical terms, is poorly known (see the actual number of trees harvested is very sub-section ‘Levels of use’ in the section much higher, given that these figures do ‘Use’ later in the chapter). not include latex exported without per- Until now, almost the entire demand mits or latex harvested for national for Croton has been met by naturally consumption. growing Croton. Shaman obtains 95 per Harvesting pressure is not distributed cent of its latex from non-cultivated trees, equally throughout Croton’s distribution though the company aims to decrease this range. More accessible areas and areas figure to 75 per cent over the next 7 years closest to the largest markets are clearly (Borges, pers comm, February 2000). being targeted more intensely. Official, Commercial harvesting is thus having a though very likely incomplete, harvest fig- clear ecological impact on Croton, a fact ures from Peru for 1992–1993 show the that has been a source of concern for con- departments of Junin, Loreto and Pasco servation groups and government agencies bearing the highest rates of harvesting (eg Meza, 1998b, p14; 1998d). (INRENA 1995, cited in Meza and Lara, 1997). On the other hand, large-scale The management of Croton as an conversion of Amazonian forest to agri- ecological and economic resource cultural land is clearly favouring Croton. One possibility, then, is that overall, The abundance and distribution of Croton’s distribution has increased, but Croton as a resource is strongly influ- that within that expansion, certain popu- enced by patterns of human management.

144 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri)

Swidden fallow agriculture, as a manage- On the basis of ecological assessment ment technique, favours the Croton studies, Shaman has established a mini- resource while excessive commercial har- mum ratio of 3:1, and an ideal ratio of vesting threatens it. The successional 5:1, for replanting versus harvesting cycle associated with swidden agriculture (Borges et al, 2000). This 3:1 planting- is particularly well suited for pioneer to-harvesting ratio is included in the con- species such as Croton. Abandoned swid- tractual agreement with harvesters. dens are ideal environments for the Moreover, a value is added to the price of establishment of Croton seedlings, which the purchased price of latex to ensure that are frequently allowed to grow to, and the practice is followed (Borges, pers past, reproductive maturity in fallows comm, February 2000). Although not before being cut down in order to plant stipulated in the contract, suppliers are a new swidden. The overabundance of encouraged to plant Croton in fallows, Croton in relation to its subsistence use swiddens or pastures. Monocultures are means that, traditionally, Croton was not strongly discouraged due to potential pest particularly valued or tended, except and environmental problems, particularly perhaps in home gardens. Rather, as a given the potential volumes involved pioneer species, farmers typically treated (Borges, pers comm, 21 December 1999). Croton as a weed. To date, Shaman has reforested with The increased commercialization of more than 300,000 trees in Peru and Croton is changing how this resource is 50,000 trees in Colombia (Borges, pers managed and perceived. While swidden comm, 21 December 1999). In Colombia, agriculture continues to create environ- indigenous communities in the Putumayo ments suitable for Croton, increased and Cauca began reforesting with C. lech- harvesting is affecting its distribution and leri in 1993, merely in anticipation of demographics. At the same time, Croton the demand for the latex. Between 1993 is increasingly perceived as a commer- and 1997, 711 hectares were reforested cially valuable resource, both by farmers with 44,500 trees, in four communities and policy-makers. As a result, manage- (Aguirre et al, 1999, p136). A Croton ment regimes have been implemented management plan drafted by Shaman for specifically to propagate and manage the Putumayo was recently approved Croton. Croton, in sum, is becoming more by the Colombian Ministry of the intensely managed, both in terms of har- Environment. vesting and propagation. Encouraging Croton latex production The changing role of Croton in has also entailed training and transferring Amazonian agroforestry systems is management practices. Shaman recently accompanied by a concomitant ‘profes- released a community manual to help sionalization’ of its management, as farmers cultivate Croton in their swid- private companies, NGOs, conservation dens, pastures and fallows (Meza et al, groups and government agencies imple- 1998). Extension work has been con- ment programmes to propagate its ducted in the form of technical workshops management and reforestation (Ayala, (eg Meza, 1996). One example of a 1993). Croton’s role as a pioneer species Croton management programme is with and its association with secondary the Ashaninka in Peru, where women in forests make it an ideal candidate for one community have set up a cooperative increasing economic returns from fallow to grow and sell seedlings (Borges, pers management. comm, January 2000).

145 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America

In order to mobilize the necessary ple, has put in place a reforestation pro- labour, Shaman has developed agreements gramme with Croton and other with intermediary suppliers and, occa- medicinals that has included the distribu- sionally, with producers (see the sub- tion of seedlings and the publication of section ‘The socio-economics of Croton written guides (eg Oficina de Planificación harvesting’ in the following section on Agraria, 1998). Government officials dis- ‘Management’). Negotiations and prelim- tributed over 9000 seedlings in Madre de inary contractual agreements were Dios and 200,000 seedlings in the Ucyali, established with such national indigenous Peru, between 1996 and 1998 (Lazarte, federations as the Asociación Interétnica 1998; Meza, 1997a). The central govern- de Desarollo de la Selva Peruvana ment in Peru has established an official (AIDESEP) and with regional indigenous goal of planting two million Croton trees, federations, such as the Consejo Aguaruna- of which 400,000 are to be planted in Huambisa (Meza, 1998a), Federación de Loreto, Peru (Aguirre et al, 1999, p3). Comunidades Nativas Yaneshas (FECO- While encouraging, the success of NAYA) (Meza, 1998c) and Apatayawaca such initiatives will depend upon subse- Nampitzi Ashaninka Pichis (ANAP) quent adequate management of reforested (Meza, 1992a). Indigenous groups app- plants and, ultimately, upon the market roached by Shaman have included and the price of latex. An emphasis on Yanesha, Ashaninka, Aguaruna Hua- numbers planted can conceal lack of fol- mbisa and Cacataibo in Peru (Meza, low-up and post-planting management. It 1992a; 1992b; 1993a; 1995; 1998d; is not clear how many of the Croton 1998f), Quichua and Shuar in Ecuador, as seedlings distributed by government agen- well as other groups in the Putumayo, cies were actually planted by farmers, Colombia, and Beni and Pando, Bolivia how many have survived and how they (Borges, pers comm, February 2000). are being managed. More importantly, Increased national and international there is practically no information on the attention on Croton has also helped to economic and social impact of Croton and attract interest from government, interna- of Croton management programmes on, tional organizations such as the for example, income amounts and distrib- International Tropical Timber Organiz- ution, community dynamics and social ation (ITTO) and conservation org- structure, land tenure and resource rights anizations (Meza, undated). The Ministry (but see Meza, 1994; undated). of Agriculture in Loreto, Peru, for exam-


Harvesting methods While most farmers use a machete to make their incisions, more specialized Croton latex is harvested in a number of harvesters use a rasqueta, a knife with a ways. The simplest method involves tap- curve at the tip used for tapping rubber ping the living tree by making straight or, (Meza, 1999b). Because tapping only more commonly, V-shaped incisions on yields relatively small amounts of latex – the bark, the size and number depending up to 1 litre in large trees, much less in upon the amounts of latex to be collected.

146 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) smaller trees (see Zak, 1991, p16) – its vester to cut concentric rings at 15cm use is generally restricted to subsistence, intervals along the trunk, again leading to or small-scale, opportunistic commercial a more efficient collection of latex (Meza, harvesters.11 1999b). Subsistence tapping is usually carried The latex is gathered in a number of out whenever the need arises, though small vessels placed under each concentric some farmers store the latex in a bottle. ring or, alternatively, a canal is fashioned This author’s field observations in Peru from one of several locally available suggest two different types of subsistence plants and used to direct the dripping use, each employing slightly different latex to one larger vessel (see Meza, management techniques. When small 1999b). A timed observation involving amounts of the latex are needed and/or harvest of two trees suggests investments when the latex is needed immediately – as of five and eight man-hours per tree in in the spot treatment of a cut, for example open areas and secondary forests, respec- – the person may tap a small amount of tively. While trees harvested in secondary latex from a nearby tree, not uncommonly forest demand higher investments of time, one in his or her garden. Indeed, the sight they also yield larger amounts of latex, of a Croton tree covered in scars is a perhaps as much as double (Meza, 1997). common sight in Amazonian back- Bark is also harvested destructively. yards. Subsistence uses that require larger The tree is cut down and sections of the amounts of latex and/or which involve bark are cut and stripped off, an opera- more lengthy preparation may involve less tion facilitated by the bark’s tendency to accessible trees and more destructive har- peel off easily (Gudiño, 1991). Due to the vesting (ie felling or stripping the bark as ease with which bark becomes contami- opposed to tapping). nated with fungi, harvesting is more Most commercial harvesters fell the appropriately conducted during the dry tree, collecting the latex and/or stripping season (Meza, 1992a). Close to 14kg of the bark, which in turn is sold in rolls, dry bark are needed to extract 1 litre dried or soaked in alcohol to extract the of latex (Espinosa and Paspuel, 1993, latex. Harvesting by felling requires sub- Appendix 9). Aside from the use of bark stantially more work than tapping but to extract latex, there is also a market for also yields considerably larger amounts of the bark itself, which is used in a number latex. Tree size becomes more important of medicinal preparations. when larger amounts of latex are sought. Though some harvesters fell trees as small The socio-economics of as 15cm dbh, only trees with diameters Croton harvesting greater than 30cm produce optimal returns of latex (Meza et al, 1998). The Though some latex is harvested oppor- felled tree often brings down with it other tunistically, as in the clearing of fallows to neighbouring trees. In order to maximize prepare new swiddens, most latex is the collection of latex, some harvesters collected after surveying an area for har- build a support for the felled tree trunk, vestable trees (Meza, 1999). One study directing the fall of the tree towards the among 13 communities in the Ecuadorian support, so that the crown of the tree lowlands suggests that about 10 per cent remains lower than the base. Elevating the of farmers exploit Croton as a resource bole above ground level also facilitates with some regularity (Alarcón et al, collection of latex and allows the har- 1994). This author’s observations in Peru

147 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America and Bolivia likewise suggest that Croton the Ministry of Agriculture (contrato de harvesting is frequently practised by a extracción). Listed in this contract are the small, yet significant, percentage of sub- areas and amounts to be harvested. In sistence and local farmers who derive practice, however, many harvesters avoid additional income from extractivism. the costs and time that obtaining such per- Opportunistic harvesters typically sell mits entails, and/or collect from areas or or trade the latex, by the gallon or even by in amounts not covered by the contract. the bottle, to travelling river merchants or to regatones: buyers who frequent the Propagation methods ports of Amazonian cities. Some interme- diaries specialize in purchasing Croton Croton can be readily propagated by seed and other medicinal plants, often employ- or by transplanting seedlings. Moreover, ing a network of harvesters or other Croton has the ability to resprout from intermediaries. Not uncommonly, there cut stumps, adding another option for its are several small intermediaries between management (Flores and Revelo, 1993). harvesters and large buyers in the cities. Propagation by seed follows standard pro- One study in Ecuador suggests that the tocols. Viable seeds are planted in plastic majority of local intermediaries had over bags at 1cm depth, using a mix of forest ten years’ experience in the business, soil, sand and manure, grown to a height maintaining profit margins of about 33 of 25–35cm and transplanted. When per cent (Jordan, 1996). transplanted to pastures, seedlings are left About 90 per cent of the latex con- to grow for a year, due to their suscepti- sumed by Shaman is bought from a bility to trampling and to pests associated handful of its own intermediaries – small with grasslands (Meza et al, 1998). local enterprises run by professionals. Seedlings may also be gathered from These intermediaries, in turn, seek out underneath mature trees and transplanted and make the necessary contractual directly after growing to 5–15cm. arrangements with harvesters, also assist- King et al (1997) report rates of 90 ing in the transfer of technology from per cent seedling germination. Slightly Shaman to communities. In the past, lower germination rates (80 per cent) are Shaman also purchased latex directly reported by others in Ecuador and from indigenous federations, and it con- Colombia (Castanel et al, 1995; Gudiño, tinues to purchase latex directly from 1991; Pasapuel, 1998). Disinfecting seeds producers such as landowners, individual and soil increases germination rates to farmers and communities (Borges, pers 95 per cent (Flores and Revelo, 1993). comm, December 1999; pers comm However, seeds rapidly lose their viability February 2000; Shaman Pharmaceuticals, over time and through refrigeration 1998). Two sets of contracts thus mediate (Castanel et al, 1995; Flores and Revelo, the flow of latex from harvesters to 1993). Shaman: one between producers and Germination takes place anywhere intermediaries and another between inter- between 12 to 26 days, depending upon mediaries and Shaman. In its contract the site (Flores and Revelo, 1993, p71). with intermediaries, Shaman stipulates Meza and Calderón (1999) recommend certain conditions for contracts with har- inoculating Croton seedlings with mycor- vesters, such as a minimum price. rhizae and keeping seedlings shaded as a In Peru, at least, harvesters are theo- way of encouraging healthy growth and retically supposed to obtain a permit from development. The presence of mycor-

148 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) rhizae in Croton has additional impli- the associated species. Here, Croton was cations for subsequent management – planted in association with coffee, cocoa, notably, avoiding the use of insecticides, naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.), fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers with manioc, and in pastures. Different combi- soluble nitrogen and phosphorus, all nations yielded different growth rates for of which can damage mycorrhizal devel- Croton (Castanel et al, 1995). In some of opment (Meza and Calderón, 1999). these agroforestry systems, Croton may be Instead, these authors speculate that the used as a shade species (Meza et al, 1998). use of a natural mineral phosphate fertil- In one community in Pasco, Peru, for izer may help Croton growth and latex example, Croton was spaced at 4m and production (Meza and Calderón, 1999). 5m intervals with manioc, rice and corn, Alternatively, Croton can be planted and at 5m intervals in belts 15m apart, together with nitrogen-fixing leguminous among several timber trees, including species (Meza et al, undated). Cedrela and Swietania (Meza, 1997, p10). Gudiño et al (1991) and Hurtado Planted Croton trees need to be (1998) report that vegetative propagation weeded during the first months and the through the use of stakes or stem cuttings side branches pruned during the first three is not possible. However, Flores and years to ensure a straight bole. King et al Revelo (1993) report a success rate with (1997) mention the presence of pests in these of 53 per cent. All of these authors commercial plantations, but no details are report very high success rates when prop- given as to the scale of the problem and agating Croton with false stakes.12 possible management strategies (Gudiño Short-term survival following planting is et al, 1991, p19). Meza (1992a) notes the high – 97 per cent in one study (Flores and sensitivity of Croton to ants, particularly Revelo, 1993). Preliminary data from two in the seedling stage. Young saplings are other localities also suggest high survival vulnerable to being trampled by cattle and rates over time, about 70–80 per cent for may be susceptible to attack by grasshop- trees up to nine years old (Shaman- pers. Adequate control of these pests has Botanicals.com, unpublished data). been reportedly obtained by using chick- One reforestation trial in the Napo ens (Borges, pers comm, 21 December region, Ecuador, reports spacing intervals 1999). ranging from 5 to 10m, depending upon


Parts utilized burns, fractures, skin fungal infections, rheumatism and as a feminine douche for Croton’s most widely recognized use the treatment of venereal disease. There involves its wound-healing properties. are also reports of its use as an anti- The latex is also widely used in the treat- tumour agent (Marcelo and Meza, 1999; ment of mouth sores, and drunk in the Zak, 1991). treatment of a wide range of digestive and Most pharmacological studies have respiratory disorders. Other reports note been performed with C. lechleri, and so its use as a haemostat, an analgesic for little is known on the chemistry of related toothache, tooth-decay preventative, for

149 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America species. SP-303 has been found in the against the use of latex with high taspine latex of the other Peruvian species and so, content (Marcelo and Meza, 1999). from Shaman’s standpoint, these are Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing potential candidates for use and commer- properties have also been attributed to the cialization (Meza, 1999c). Again, with the lignan 3',4-0-dimethylcedrusin (Chen et al, exception of studies with SP-303, there is 1994). The presence of tannins in the latex little data on intra-species chemical varia- may also account for the latex’s astringent tion (Meza and Valencia, 1999). properties. The latex of Croton lechleri has been In cell culture, SP-303 exhibits potent subjected to detailed chemical study, rev- activity against isolates and laboratory ealing a large number of secondary meta- strains of respiratory syncytial virus, some bolites, including polyphenols, simple influenza and para-influenza viruses and phenols and their derivatives, three herpes viruses. Acitivity has also been steroids and one alkaloid (Chen et al, observed against some hepatitis viruses 1994). Marcelo and Meza (1999) report a (Ubillas et al, 1994). Laboratory testing study in which not one but two, an iso- with mice suggests a broad-spectrum quinoline and a phenanthrene alkaloid, anti-diarrhoeal effect for Croton latex, were extracted from Croton bark. indicating its possible use for secretory The phenanthrene alkaloid taspine diarrhoea, which includes cholera (Gab- may be responsible for some of the rep- riel et al, 1999). orted anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory and Croton bark is also utilized and com- wound-healing properties of the latex mercialized for local, regional and int- (Chen et al, 1994; Desmarchelier et al, ernational consumption (see Lazarte, 1997). Polyphenols such as proanthocyani- 1998). Croton bark is locally commercial- din, catechin, epicatechin, gallocatechin ized dry, in rolls or steeped in alcohol. The and epigallocatechin account for up to 90 steeped bark is effectively used as a source per cent of dry weight of sangre de drago of latex. The dry bark is used in a number latex. Pharmacological studies have shown of herbal preparations, either alone or that these substances play an important mixed with other plants. Dry bark can role in the wound-healing properties of the also be processed industrially in order to latex, probably due to their oxygen free- extract the dry latex. radical scavenging activity (Chen et al, Both the latex and bark can be stored 1994; Desmarchelier et al, 1997). The for long periods of time. Shaman reports wound-healing effects of Croton latex are extracting normal amounts of SP-303 supported by laboratory tests (eg Pieters et from latex that is two and a half years old, al, 1995). Croton latex has also a marked with latex as old as ten years producing anti-bacterial effect (Marcelo and Meza, good concentrations of SP-303 (Borges, 1999). The anti-oxidant properties of pers comm, February 2000). These obser- Croton polyphenols may also be related to vations contradict other reports sug- the latex’s reputed anti-inflammatory and gesting much shorter shelf lives for latex anti-carcinogenic properties (Marcelo and (eg Jordan, 1996). Meza, 1999). Taspine has an effect against The soft Croton wood is used in certain viruses associated with cancer. Ecuador for making fruit crates, tooth- Moreover, at low levels, taspine appears to picks, cellulose and firewood (Jordan, act as an immuno-stimulant (Marcelo and 1996). These products can potentially Meza, 1999). At higher levels, this alka- increase the commercial value of Croton, loid is cytotoxic, and some have cautioned particularly if suitable markets are found.

150 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri)

Levels of use are usually small, family-run businesses, operating largely within the informal sec- Beyond its use by Amazonians, Croton tor of the economy and with little, if any, has been known and utilized for many quality control. In some cases, these street years by rural immigrants and the urban merchants adulterate latex with water or lower-middle to lower class in the Andes with red exudates, such as that from and along the Pacific coast as a household Iryanthera or Pterocarpus. In recent treatment for gastric ulcers and other ail- years, and following the increased legit- ments. Sangre de drago is also one of the imization of sangre de drago and the Amazonian medicinals most widely used expansion of its market, a number of by Andean and coastal healers, or curan- larger firms with greater quality control deros, in Peru. Its use in urban areas and have begun selling sangre de drago in such the presence of an important regional and outlets as pharmacies, airports, vegetarian national market thus goes back 30 years restaurants and natural products stores or more. (Meza and Lara, 1997). Meza estimated Beginning in the early 1990s, the use the annual demand of sangre de drago in and popularity of sangre de drago, as that Lima, Peru, to be about 1400 litres in of other medicinal plants, began to 1992, a figure that has now been clearly increase among socially and economically superseded (Meza, 1992c). More recently, more privileged consumers, many of Ayala (1997, p13) estimated the annual whom had previously scorned such plants local demand in Iquitos to be close to as treatments of the underclass. Over the 3000 litres. That same year Ayala (1997) past ten years, sangre de drago has con- reported exports of about 9000 litres tinued to experience a rise in social status. annually from the Marañón River alone In a survey carried out in Lima, Peru, to markets on the coast of Peru. Annual Meza and Lara (1997) found that about demand for Ecuador was estimated at half of all respondents across income lev- around 25,000 litres in the mid-1990s els were familiar with Croton and had (Jordan, 1996). Probably underestimated had previous experience with the plant, at the time, this figure is likely to be much although knowledge and use of sangre de greater today, given the rise in popularity drago was more prevalent among lower- of sangre de drago. income respondents. During 1991 to 1997, latex was The growth in demand and the expan- exported from Peru to six different coun- sion of the market have resulted in a tries the US, France, Russia, Italy, diversification of companies and entities Lithuania and Chile – with an export commercializing the latex. Between 1992 value amounting to just over US$140,000 and 1997, for example, the number of (Meza and Lara, 1997). Official harvest companies that sold bottled latex in Lima estimates for 1996 (about 1042 litres of alone increased from 6 to 16 (Meza and latex and 1820kg of bark) seem to be very Lara, 1997). The number of Croton-based much below actual harvest rates. Indeed, products has also grown. Beyond the export figures for that year from Iquitos bottled latex and dry bark that were cus- alone are about 1060 litres of latex tomarily available, it is now possible to (Lazarte, 1998)!13 Unfortunately, precise purchase tinctures and extracts, creams, export figures are difficult to obtain soaps and shampoos. because export figures are cumulative for Companies selling Croton latex on all plant products used as perfumes and small street stands and in popular markets medicinals. Moreover, much harvesting is

151 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America conducted by small farmers who sell the regions. In Iquitos, for example, latex bark to intermediaries and who do not prices ranged from US$3 to over US$7 per obtain the necessary permits, or who litre. The lowest prices that year were con- exceed the quotas established by the per- sistently paid in Iquitos and Pucallpa, on mit. As a result, it is hard to evaluate the average US$6 per litre – perhaps because scale of supply. the supply there is greater. Latex in According to an official publication Tarapoto and Puerto Maldonado, on the of the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture other hand, ranged around US$9 per litre, (Oficina de Planificación Agraria, 1998), reaching as much as US$15 in Tarapoto the expected demand for Croton latex in (Lazarte, 1998). The highest prices were the year 2002 is 400,000 gallons (1.8 mil- paid in Lima, with a more or less steady lion litres), increasing by 50,000 gallons price of US$17 per kilogram (Lazarte, (227,000 litres) over the next year and 1998). Meza and Lara (1997) report a 100,000 gallons (454,000 litres) there- much lower wholesale price in Lima, after. This estimate, however, was calc- about US$8 per litre. Current market ulated at a time when Shaman Pharma- prices range from US$4 to US$14 per ceuticals was still planning to market litre, with US$7.50 per litre being the Croton-based drugs such as Provir. usual maximum for commercial sale Projected demands for SB-Normal Stool (Borges, pers comm, 21 December 1999). formula are much lower, although they Shaman intermediaries pay harvesters are as yet unspecified (Borges, pers comm, between US$2.60 and US$3.20 per litre. February 2000). Shaman, in turn, purchases the latex from intermediaries at US$7.90 to US$10.60 Prices per litre (Borges, pers comm, 21 December 1999). Prices for latex are quite variable and Retail prices for bottled latex in Lima depend upon quality, the number of inter- ranges from US$14 to US$15 per litre. mediaries between producer and con- Latex sold in capsules in Lima has a much sumer, and the buyer. Moreover, prices higher retail price: about US$5–US$10 for frequently fluctuate throughout the year, 100 capsules containing a total of 50 probably in response to shifts in supply grams of latex (Meza and Lara, 1997). and demand. Internet companies sell Croton latex at The 1990 price for Croton in one about US$12 for a 62-gram bottle of region of Amazonian Ecuador ranged latex, while a 20-count bottle of SB- from between US$7 and US$10 per litre Normal Stool containing 350 milligrams (Zak, 1991, p36). Local prices in Peru (mg) of latex extract sells over the internet in 1997 varied seasonally and between for about US$20.

Certification potential

Biodiversity legislation and the and more specifically genetic resources, commercialization of Croton are viewed in today’s global economy. By providing a broad legal framework to The signing of the Convention on Biolog- structure access and benefit-sharing (ABS) ical Diversity (CBD) in 1992 marked a agreements, the CBD sought to address a milestone in how biological resources,

152 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri) central paradox in the early 21st century: have been on hold since 1994 and the the simultaneous commodification and company is waiting for the government to destruction of the Earth’s genetic finalize its legislature before resuming its resources. activities there. Biodiversity legislation Implementing the CBD raises difficult may turn out to be an important factor in questions, as nation states seek to define shaping the medicinal plant industry, not genetic resources, establish proprietary only in terms of encouraging certain rights over these resources, and develop practices, but also by inadvertently legal and institutional frameworks to encouraging companies to seek nations articulate these proprietary rights. One and regions offering more favourable con- concrete example of such a challenge is ditions for purchasing plant products. the need to label different plants and plant At the time of writing the Peruvian products as either biological products or government was drafting a bill addressing as genetic resources. While some plants – some of the environmental, access and timber species, for example – are viewed benefit issues raised by the CBD, effec- as biological resources and may continue tively attempting to put into place to be traded like any other natural mechanisms that will certify the com- resources, plants considered to be genetic mercial extraction and utilization of med- resources are subject to entirely different icinal plants such as Croton. There is also legislative constraints. a possibility that a presidential decree, Moreover, the CBD agenda has come such as that issued for uña de gato in Peru, into conflict with the intellectual property will be issued for Croton (Chapter 8 dis- regimes espoused by the World Trade cusses some of the complexities and risks Organization (WTO) and its Agreement that such legislative initiatives entail, par- on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual ticularly for local stakeholders). Certainly, Property Rights (TRIPS) and which the US any international certification effort will has tried to implement through a number have to take into account this interna- of bilateral agreements with countries tional and national legislative framework, such as Ecuador (eg Wateringen, 1997). possibly even working directly with some These conflicts have become exacerbated of the institutions set up by national gov- and are epitomized by the strong outcry ernments in order to regulate the that cases such as the Ayahuasca patent medicinal plant industry. elicited among Andean countries and indigenous peoples (see Box 27.2 in Croton and certification Chapter 27). The complex legal and polit- ical backdrop against which plants such There are a number of ecological and as sangre de drago are commercialized socio-economic aspects to Croton that may create considerable difficulties for would favour both its management and its companies, particularly if these have high inclusion in a certification programme. At public profiles. the same time, a certification programme Clearly, how the CBD is implemented would have to address a number of prob- nationally and regionally is critical to the lems and challenges, some of which have development and certification of plants already been outlined. such as Croton, whose status as a biolog- While not imminently threatened, san- ical or genetic resource is open to debate. gre de grado is clearly being subjected to Borges et al (2000), for example, note that fairly intense collection pressures in some Shaman’s Croton imports from Ecuador areas, pressures that will continue to

153 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Latin America mount in the likely event that the market other buyers, obtains most of its latex for latex continues to grow. With few from intermediaries, who in the end are exceptions, demand for Croton among the ones who need to conform to certifica- buyers is not being met with any ecologi- tion. Thus, certification would involve cal accountability, even though several interfacing and incorporating multiple internet companies advertise that their levels and actors involved in Croton pro- latex is ‘sustainably’ gathered. Moreover, duction and commercialization. Croton has a high public profile and has It is uncertain how much interest a successfully captured media attention, certification programme could elicit from characteristics that can be successfully minor commercial buyers, though several harnessed by a certification programme do profess a commitment to ‘sustainable’ and awareness-raising initiatives. The harvesting (eg rain-tree.com). Clearly, this same high media exposure and public pro- will depend, among other things, upon the file make certification a more sensitive direction the market takes and the number and complex process, however. and scale of commercial stakeholder Croton’s role as an ecological pioneer investments in the Croton industry. In and its close association to disturbed env- terms of the national market, a certifi- ironments makes it an ideal candidate for cation programme might be able to management in secondary forests and successfully capitalize on the interest by agroforestry systems as a shade plant, or source country governments and/or the planted in association with other timber, host country conservation community to non-timber or agricultural species. Large- implement guidelines and protocols for scale clearing of tropical forests clearly domestic Croton buyers. favours Croton and other pioneer species. The uncertainty and unpredictability of As a result, even if harvesting pressures the international market, a common prob- have increased, the total resource base lem among many other medicinal plants, is may also be increasing. particularly noteworthy in Croton. The Borges et al (2000) note that Croton international demand for Croton latex is has a higher per-kilogram commercial largely driven by Shaman, whose future, if value than other non-timber forest prod- promising, is nonetheless uncertain. Thus, ucts (NTFPs), including tagua and chicle, while demand for latex is potentially con- and a comparable value to Brazil nuts. siderable, its uncertainty poses risks to However, a valuation of Croton in terms those committing themselves to produc- of returns on investment may be a more tion. This is particularly problematic given accurate way of establishing its value in that trees take anywhere from seven to ten relation to other extractive activities. years to become productive. This, in turn, points to a broader issue: the Aside from ecological, social, economic economics of Croton, in terms of subsis- and legal components, a certification pro- tence and economic strategies by different gramme would have to address sourcing stakeholders, needs to be understood and and quality problems, as well as product- integrated within the certification process. tracking from forest or fallow to market. As the most important single buyer Again, these are concerns of some host of Croton and a key player in the present country government agencies, and certifi- and future Croton market, Shaman- cation initiatives might be able to interface Botanicals.com is an ideal candidate and with these, where they exist. stakeholder in the certification process (see Chapter 28). However, Shaman, as well as

154 Sangre de drago (Croton lechleri)


1 The names sangre de drago and dragon’s blood are also used for other plants with red exudates, including Jatropha dioica Sessé ex Cerv. (Euphorbiaceae) from Mexico, Pterocarpus spp. (Fabaceae) from the East Indies and South America, Dracaena spp. (Agavaceae) from the Canary Islands and Daemonorops spp. () from South-East Asia. With the exception of Jatropha, these other dragon’s blood species are taxonomically unrelated to Croton, yet have similar ethnomedical uses, such as wound healing and treating diarrhoea. Several of the Old World dragon’s blood species are also used in the manufacture of varnishes (Ubillas et al, 1994). This chapter is limited to those neo-tropical Croton species known as sangre de drago. Throughout the chapter, the names sangre de drago and Croton are used interchangeably. 2 For convenience, the abbreviation ‘Shaman’, in lieu of ‘Shaman Pharmaceuticals’ and/or its division, ‘ShamanBotanicals.com’ is used. 3 In the period between writing this chapter and early 2002, Shaman Pharmaceuticals underwent Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A new private company, PS Pharmaceuticals, is currently raising funds to put SP-303 back into Phase III pharmaceutical trials for HIV/AIDS diarrhoea and for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) diarrhoea, as these are considered to be the largest markets for this product. PS Pharmaceuticals purchased all the plants, database, patents and all other materials related to PS-303. ShamanBotanicals.com, on the other hand, continues to sell dietary supplements through the internet and retailers. 4 Aside from Shaman’s patent, another three US patents have been filed on Croton. The first two, filed during the 1970s and already expired, pertain to the anti-inflammatory effects of taspine and the use of Croton lechleri latex to treat cuts and abrasions. A third patent, relating to the use of several compounds as cicatrizants, was filed in 1990 by Walter Lewis and associates. All four Croton patents refer to specific procedures used to obtain particular compounds or desired effects, and not to the compounds themselves (Meza and Marcelo, 1999). 5 Most of these publications are in the form of unpublished manuscripts. The author is very grateful to ShamanBotanicals.com, and in particular to Beto Borges and Steven King, for providing copies of these valuable materials. 6 The amounts indicated in these estimates were based on the amounts needed to produce commercial amounts of Provir. The temporary shelving of Provir and subsequent release of SB-Normal Stool mean that these original figures are overestimates. 7 One Croton specialist estimates that there are at least 15 to 20 species. An exact number is particularly hard to obtain given that many collectors do not note latex colour (Brian Smith, pers comm, March 2000). 8 There are reports of larger Croton lechleri individuals, with heights of 35m and diameters close to 70cm (eg Aguirre et al, 1999). However, these individuals are rare and definitely represent the extreme upper size range. 9 This study was conducted at the upper range of Croton’s altitudinal distribution, between 1700 and 2200m. Croton’s response to tapping may possibly be different within its optimal elevation range. 10 Restricting harvesting to trees above 30cm dbh would presumably minimize the impact on Croton’s reproductive ecology, leaving individuals several years of reproductive life before being felled. Unfortunately, however, this is frequently not the case, except perhaps among Shaman harvesters, reportedly required to limit harvests to trees above this size class. 11 In one study among local commercial harvesters in Ecuador, almost 30 per cent of respondents claimed that they harvested the latex by tapping (Alarcón et al, 1994). 12 False stakes are seedlings whose leaves are stripped off before transplanting in order to cut transpirational loss. 13 Original figures are cited in kilograms. However, for the purpose of consistency, the author uses litres to refer to amounts of latex. There is approximately a 1:1 ratio of volume to weight for Croton latex (Borges, pers comm, February 2000).

155 Chapter 14 Fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia struthiopteris)

Alan R Pierce


Each April, day-glo known as a fiddle- placards appear in the head because of its windows of a handful semblance to the of shops and petrol neck-end of a violin. stations slung out Although the fern is along the western found in northern reaches of Vermont’s Europe and across Winooski River Valley. the upper latitudes ‘Wanted,’ they read, of North America, it ‘fiddlehead greens’. is primarily collected The signs divulge an as a seasonal edible offered price (recently green only in north- US$0.50 to US$0.60 ern New England per pound), desired and the eastern pro- condition of goods vinces of Canada. (‘fresh, dry, tightly Von Aderkas (1984) curled, no more than notes that elsewhere one inch stems’), road- Illustration by Jamison Ervin across its range, side purchase loca- Fiddlehead fern ostrich fern has been tion, suitable hours (Matteucia struthiopteris) little used, save as an for delivery and a ingredient for fern telephone number. As beer or as goat feed sure as the sight of a chirping robin or a in Norway, and as a vermifuge in Russia. spring-beauty blossom, the posters Native Americans, including the announcing the commencement of fiddle- Abenaki and Maliseet, used fiddleheads as heading season are a northern New a food source and a tonic. Among the England harbinger of spring. Maliseet of New Brunswick, the fern’s The young, curled growth or cro- name and pictorial representation con- zier of the ostrich fern’s (Matteucia veyed magical associations. European struthiopteris) sterile, vegetative fronds is colonists first encountered the fern as a Fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia struthiopteris) starvation food in the spring, likely learn- delicacy developed among the colonists ing of the plant’s palatability from the that has persisted to the present day. indigenous populations. A regionally restricted taste for the fern as a seasonal

Biology and ecology

The ostrich fern is found in a number of distinctively grooved rachis. The fertile, wooded and non-wooded habitats, in full spore-heavy frond often persists through or partial shade, occasionally in full sun. the winter into the succeeding year. The The fern competes best in bottomlands sterile leaflets are deeply cut into forward- and on rich alluvial soils bordering water- pointing, rounded, oblong, near-opposite ways such as Canada’s St John, sub-leaflets. The fern’s spores are wind Miramichi, Restigouche and Matapedia dispersed. In addition to sexual propaga- rivers and, in the US, the Connecticut, tion, the fern also spreads clonally by Penobscot, Kennebec and Winooski means of runners (rhizomes). ‘It is con- rivers. In riverside forests, ostrich fern ceivable that the plants of a large stand may dominate the understorey in pure may all have developed from a single carpets. Among densely populated stands plant’, writes von Aderkas (1984). on Gilbert Island in the St John River, the The fern’s young croziers overwinter fern may yield up to 1400 pounds (lbs) in a dormant state. The croziers are cov- per acre (approximately 1570 kilogram ered with brown papery scales and per hectare) (von Aderkas, 1984). surrounded by trichomes in the tough, Ostrich fern fronds are annual and fibrous root crown. The first croziers to dimorphic. The fern produces a stiff, appear in April and May are the ones har- erect, brown, fertile frond, approximately vested for consumption. As the fern leaves 0.5 metres (m) tall in mid-summer (June unfurl and mature, they amass silicon, to July). Sterile vegetative fronds surround making them unpalatable (for further the fertile frond, growing to heights of 1m information on silicon accumulation in or more and occasionally exceeding 1.5m. ostrich fern, see von Aderkas et al, 1986). Both the fertile and sterile fronds exhibit a

Commercialization, markets and use

Over 400,000 kilograms (kg) of fiddle- Belle of Maine brand (von Aderkas, heads are gathered from the wild each 1984). Roughly one third of the com- year in eastern North America (Dykeman pany’s raw material originates from and Cumming, 1985). In the US, the lead- Vermont, bought by representatives who ing commercial distributor of fiddleheads advertise with the aforementioned posters is the W S Wells and Son Company in in the Winooski and Connnecticut River Maine, which produces 12 to 15 tonnes of Valleys, and in Vermont’s North-East canned fiddleheads per annum under the Kingdom. The remainder of the Belle of

157 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Maine fiddlehead crop is harvested in the greens, citing a Canadian study that Maine. So ingrained is the consumption of estimates a potential harvest of one mil- fiddleheads to the citizenry of Maine that lion kilograms of ferns in New Brunswick Blake (1942) hyperbolically described the alone. Curiously, other regions possessing green as all but indispensable: ostrich fern have not attempted to supply the eastern North American market with ‘The outer world knew not of this fiddleheads or, for that matter, to encour- delectable vegetable, and the age new markets for the fern within their native sons of Aroostook who own borders. Several company start-ups wandered far from its borders in Maine (Blake, 1942) and Vermont (per- grew thin and hollow-cheeked for sonal observation) to increase supply of want of their favorite provender, the greens in the north-east during the until in despair they abandoned past century have notably failed. Recently, lucrative positions elsewhere and several small canneries have begun to returned to the potato fields of offer pickled fiddlehead ferns as a Aroostook and the there obtain- Vermont gourmet product, and a Vermont able fiddleheads.’ company now offers high-priced buffalo milk mozzarella and fiddlehead fern piz- In Canada, the McCain Company of New zas for sale each spring (primarily aimed Brunswick is the largest commercial dis- at buyers in Boston and New York). tributor of fiddleheads, selling 50 to 100 The taste of the fiddlehead fern has tonnes of frozen fiddleheads per year (von been described as having ‘the delicate Aderkas, 1984). New Brunswick is the qualities of asparagus and the artichoke, centre of fiddlehead consumption, and the with an overtone of broccoli’s brute passion for the fern within the province is strength’ (Paddleford, reported in Blake, rampant. So central is this wild edible to 1942). Fiddleheads are most often boiled New Brunwick’s identity that it has been and served as a side dish green, with the featured on the province’s official coat of addition of lemon and butter. Additional arms since 1984. The recent Canadian recipes include their use in pasta dishes, postal service’s ‘Scenic Highways’ series of soups and quiches. A number of recipes stamps also prominently features fiddle- are available on the internet. Unlike head fern croziers on the New Brunswick bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum), Province commemorative in the set. ostrich fern is reportedly not carcinogenic. Von Aderkas (1984) and Dykeman However, some reports of food poisoning, and Cumming (1985) note that demand perhaps due to poor preparation (eg insuf- for fiddlehead greens exceeds annual sup- ficient boiling), have been attributed to ply. The major market for the ferns is ostrich fern (Morgan et al, 1994; Health confined to north-eastern North America. Canada, 1997). The effects of water pol- Von Aderkas (1984) notes that access to lution on the edibility of the fern may fiddleheads and a shortage of seasonal need to be studied further. labour account for the limited supply of

158 Fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia struthiopteris)

Harvest and management

Fiddlehead ferns were traditionally gath- gatherers for their seasonal supply of ered by Native Americans as a seasonal fiddleheads. Overall, the marketing of fid- cash crop for trade with early settlers (von dleheads still remains a ‘haphazard affair’ Aderkas, 1984). Over time, people of as described by von Aderkas (1984) over a English and French ancestry have joined decade and a half ago. in the seasonal gathering of ferns. Today, Fiddleheads are treated as common according to von Aderkas (1984), the property resources by gatherers. Within gathering of fiddleheads is largely a the boundaries of their reservation, the ‘family occasion’. For many, gathering fid- Passamoquoddy Indians of Maine control dleheads is a rite of spring, a chance to get licensing of gatherers along the Penobscot outdoors after a long winter, and an River (von Aderkas, 1984). Across the opportunity to gather food for personal rest of the US north-east and Canada, consumption or as a gift for neighbours gatherers access the fern on private, state and family. Other individuals and family or federal land seemingly at will, with groups gather fiddleheads as part of little to no restrictions or regulations. The a livelihood strategy, working an area number of fiddlehead gatherers in the intensively for a week, or following the region is unknown. fiddleheads’ emergence north with the Ostrich ferns are wild, unmanaged advancing spring. resources. Harvesting pressure may ad- Harvesting fiddleheads requires fre- versely impact the viability of ostrich fern quent stooping, and often leads to a very individuals and populations. Von Aderkas sore back after a day’s labour. Von (1984) relates that overharvesting in the Aderkas (1984) reports that harvesters St John River Valley has led to a decline in may gather more than 54 kilograms (kg) the size and tenderness of harvested ferns. (120 pounds) of ferns per person per day Repeated overharvesting of ostrich fern during the height of the season, making croziers in test plots in Maine caused as much as US$60 each after expenses. eventual plant mortality (study reported However, as the season progresses, the in von Aderkas, 1984). Dykeman (1985) daily return can drop to as low as US$25 studied the effects of crozier removal on per day. Harvesters may make greater ostrich fern growth over four cycles and profits by selling their harvest directly to found that the fern ‘showed a remarkable speciality restaurants, local health-food ability to adapt to regular harvesting’. stores or at roadside stands of their own Dykeman (1985) found considerable vari- construction. In the early 1990s, this ability in response to harvesting within his author was able to obtain US$2 to US$4 test populations. He concluded that a per pound for fiddleheads from local chefs removal rate of six croziers per crown and health-food stores, roughly four to would likely result in no loss to the viabil- eight times the amount of money that ity or vigour of the plant. On the other would have been earned selling the harvest hand, removal of 12 croziers per crown to local representatives of a large canning per cycle substantially reduced plant company in Maine. Several restaurants vigour (ie decreased the number of were found that already maintained long- croziers produced, the size of croziers and term relationships with individual local the mean fresh weight of the harvest;

159 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Dykeman, 1985). Personal observations removal of three or fewer croziers per of harvest areas in the Winooski River crown to complete stripping of all emer- Valley of Vermont reveal a wide range of gent croziers on a single fern. harvesting practices, varying from

Impact of land-use change

Ostrich fern is quite common in eastern and erosion control services of riverside North America. However, some prime forests (Long, 1995). Dairy operations ostrich fern habitat has been converted often clear riverine forests, allowing cows for housing and agriculture, particularly to graze to the edge of a river as well as along rivers. Nevertheless, many areas to enter the river for refreshment. where the ferns grow are free from con- Phosphorus loading, erosion, sedimenta- version pressures because they occupy tion/siltation and other water pollution designated floodplain areas, small islands problems associated with dairy farm or wetlands and bottomlands that are runoff have been identified as threats to either protected by local zoning or conser- water quality and aquatic diversity in the vation laws or are considered undesirable region. Conservation groups have begun for development. restoring streamside forests in north-east- Local environmentalists and sport ern North America and may begin to put fisherman are increasingly recognizing the increasing pressure on farms to fence importance of maintaining healthy river- cattle away from river edges. Such ine forests. For example, brook and restoration measures could theoretically brown trout (Salvelinus frontinalis and promote the return of riverside forests and Salmo trutta, respectively) are prized river their associated flora, including fiddle- fish that serve as good indicator species of head ferns, to areas where such forests healthy rivers, requiring the cooling shade have disappeared.

Certification potential

The potential for certification of ostrich timber and non-timber resources within fern is likely to be limited. Overstorey tree such forests. Nevertheless, the retention associates of prime ostrich fern habitat and proper management of such forests tend to be low-quality timber species with is paramount, as they provide valuable limited markets, such as red maple (Acer habitat for fish, birds, mammals and rubrum), silver maple (Acer saccharinum) amphibians. If ecosystem benefits rather and black willow (Salix nigra). Unless than economics spur the acquisition of such riverine forests are part of a larger certification for such forests, then ostrich holding seeking certification, it is unlikely fern populations may derive some benefit that certification alone will be financially from certification standards. justifiable or will provide an economic Controlling access to the fern and incentive for better management of the monitoring its harvest over the long term

160 Fiddlehead ferns (Matteucia struthiopteris) will present difficult challenges. Gatherers after year, then fiddlehead certification are accustomed to open-access conditions may have the potential to become widely and operate freely without the fetters adopted. Likewise, if many gatherers of of licences or harvesting regulations. fiddleheads become concerned about the Modifying or curtailing access to fiddle- long-term viability of the resource, the heading areas may meet with social concept of certification may also be resistance or outright hostility. Involve- embraced. For now, the haphazard nature ment of gatherers in creating harvest of the fiddlehead market, the relatively guidelines and access criteria will be criti- low value of the product and the abun- cal for social acceptance. Tracking dance of the species in the region may fiddleheads through the informal market- make certification an unattractive nuis- place may also pose novel chain- ance for harvesters and buyers alike. of-custody challenges for certifiers. However, if movements toward embrac- It is unclear how the large producers ing regional cuisine made from fresh, of fiddleheads – Belle of Maine brand in local, seasonal produce and unique food the US and McCain’s in Canada – would products – as espoused by the burgeoning view certification. If the largest buyers of Slow Food movement (see Orecklin, the ferns in the region are concerned 1999) – continue to gain momentum, new about resource availability, harvest prac- niche markets for conscientiously gath- tices and the size and tenderness of ferns ered wild edibles may well emerge. harvested from heavily used areas year

161 Chapter 15 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum)

Alan R Pierce

‘A sap-run is the sweet good-by of winter. It is the fruit of the equal marriage of the sun and frost’ John Burroughs (Signs and Seasons, 1886).


The singular beauty of The principal tree autumn in north-east- species responsible ern North America for eastern North must be seen first America’s riotous hand to be appreci- foliage extravaganza, ated. As temperatures the lead actor in each drop and the hours of year’s colourful pag- daylight decrease, the eant, is the sugar green forest canopy maple (Acer saccha- erupts into incendiary rum). yellows, oranges, reds Nearly half a and purples. The year after foliage sea- colours appear first son, while the north- on the highest moun- eastern North Amer- tains and hilltops and ican landscape still descend – wavelike, Illustration by Jamison Ervin lies dormant in the ineluctable as the Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) final grips of winter, coming winter itself – there occurs within into the vales and hol- sugar maples a phe- lows and onto the lowest valley floors. nomenon as remarkable as its foliage Unlike many natural wonders that appear display, although it is all but invisible to singly or in small groups – an exquisite the eye. As temperatures rise above freez- single flower or a herd of animals – the ing on sunny days in February and March, dazzling autumnal foliage spectacle occurs the sugar maple’s sap begins to run due on a landscape-wide scale visible from to a complex suite of factors involving space. It is a brief eruption of fire signal- freezing, thawing and trapped gasses in ling the approach of a long season of ice. sap-transporting vessels – a process still Maple syrup (Acer saccharum) not fully explained by plant physiologists. the first colonists of the Americas. The sap of the sugar maple is slightly Benjamin Rush, in a letter written to sweet, as its Latin name saccharum im- Thomas Jefferson in 1791, proclaimed: plies, and the very sugars present in the ‘In contemplating the present opening tree’s sap help to create the characteristic prospects in human affairs, I am led to fiery hues of its leaves each autumn. When expect that a material part of the general the sap of the sugar maple is extracted happiness which heaven seems to have from the tree in early spring and concen- prepared for mankind will be derived trated through boiling, it produces a syrup from the manufacture and general use or sugar known worldwide for its unique of Maple Sugar’ (Nearing and Nearing, flavour. 1950). Jefferson, the third US president, Maple syrup may be made from a fervently embraced maple sugaring, going variety of Acer species, including red so far as to plant a maple orchard at maple (Acer rubrum) and silver maple his home in Virginia (unfortunately for (Acer saccharinum). However, the sweet- Jefferson, a climate too warm for produc- ness and quality of those saps does not ing consistent runs of sap). In an 1808 compare to that of the sugar maple. Black letter, Jefferson wrote, ‘I have never seen a maple (Acer nigrum) also produces fine- reason why every farmer should not have quality maple sap, although there is some a sugar orchard, as well as an apple debate about whether it is a distinct orchard. The supply of sugar for his fam- species or merely a variety of sugar maple. ily would require as little ground, and the For the purposes of this chapter, black process of making it as easy as that of maple will be considered analogous to cider’ (Nearing and Nearing, 1950). sugar maple. In time, maple sugaring came to be The sugar maple is a noble tree. It viewed as an American means of self- is the official state tree of New York, sufficiency and independence from the Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin, European-dominated sugar trade. By the and its leaf is known worldwide as the beginning of the 19th century, abolition- symbol of Canada. In open fields, the ists argued for the moral imperative of tree develops a pleasing, many-branched, consuming maple sugar rather than cane ovoid silhouette, while in dense forest sugar produced through slave labour. sugar maple forms tall, straight boles that Almanacs of the time encouraged readers are highly prized in the wood trade, espe- to ‘prepare for making maple sugar, which cially among furniture-makers. Sugar is more pleasant and patriotic than that maple wood is strong and durable, earn- ground by the hand of slavery, and boiled ing it the common nicknames ‘hard down by the heat of misery’ (Nearing and maple’ and ‘rock maple’. Indeed, Peattie Nearing, 1950). Centuries later, the art of (1948) reports that ‘a marble floor in a maple sugaring remains a symbol of inde- Philadelphia store wore out before a Hard pendence and an icon of rural life in Maple flooring laid there at the same north-eastern North America. The social time’. and cultural trappings associated with While its wood has always been sugaring have become part of the very prized, it was the tree’s ability to produce warp and woof of the rural north-eastern sugar that gave it fame and respect among landscape and its people.

163 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Biology and ecology

Acer saccharum is native to North sionally later (Godman et al, 1990). The America, ranging from south-eastern long-pedicelled (up to 6.5 centimetres Manitoba east to Nova Scotia, south to (cm) long) yellow flowers appear in the Georgia, Louisiana and parts of Texas, spring, from late March to mid-May, and west as far as Iowa and eastern depending upon location. The flowers are Kansas. Within its range, weather condi- wind pollinated and bee pollinated tions permitting, reliable collections of (Godman et al, 1990; Gabriel, pers comm, sugar are generally found from Penn- 2000). The wishbone-shaped winged sylvania and Ohio northwards. The tree is fruits are schizocarps, commonly referred found in 23 US forest cover types and is a to as samaras or double samaras. The major component in 6 (Harlow, Harrar papery wings of the fruits (each about 7–9 and White, 1979). In Vermont, sugar millimetres (mm) long) facilitate wind maple accounts for 23 per cent of the dispersal of seeds and fall in September growing stock (Frieswyk and Malley, and October just prior to the shedding 1985), while in New York, maple com- of foliage. The tree is prolific. Harlow, prises 16 per cent of the tree cover on Harrar and White (1979) report that commercial forestlands (Lawrence and maple ‘seed traps indicate a fall of eight Martin, 1993). Across the US, sugar million per acre under some old-growth maple grows on 9 per cent of all hard- stands’. wood-dominated lands, representing an Marks and Gardescu (1998) studied estimated net volume of 130 million cubic sugar maple seedlings in forest understor- metres (m3), or 6 per cent of the sawtim- ies over 24 years and found that seedlings ber volume in the US (Godman et al, less than 1m in height could survive for 1990). decades (up to 30 years) and still retain Sugar maple is slow growing and the ability to grow rapidly to fill forest shade tolerant. It is a climax forest species gaps once light availability increased. that may live up to 400 years or longer. It Their findings led Marks and Gardescu is found in rich mesic woods, but also tol- (1998) to classify sugar maple as a ‘forest erates drier uplands. The tree achieves its seedling bank species’, as distinct from best growth on well-drained, fertile soils soil seed-bank species such as pin cherry with a relatively high (for its range) pH (Prunus pennsylvanica) or fire-adapted (from 5.5 to 7.5). Its bark is variable, canopy seed-bank species with serotinous ranging in colour from light grey to cones such as Jack pine (Pinus banksiana). brown, becoming deeply furrowed with Marks and Gardescu (1998) hypothesize age. Sugar maple grows up to 750m in the that the persistence of sugar maple northern reaches of its range, and as seedlings in the forest understorey allows high as 1650m at the southern edges of the species to survive despite periodic its range in the Appalachian Mountains poor seed crop years and to compete well (Godman et al, 1990). within the small gap disturbance regime Sugar-maple flowering commences typical of north-eastern American forests. after 22 years of growth, though occa-

164 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum)

Syrup production

Many sources (eg Nearing and Nearing, thus, careful tapping techniques are 1950; Willits, 1965; Koelling and imperative. A properly administered tap Heiligmann, 1996) credit the discovery of should heal within two to three years. maple sap extraction and syrup produc- After a taphole is drilled, the sugar- tion to Native Americans. European maker inserts a metal or plastic spile that colonists subsequently learned the art of directs sap into waiting buckets or, in sugaring from the continent’s original the case of most large-scale modern inhabitants. Some authors, however – operations, a network of tubing. Sap notably Mason (1987) – dispute this claim is conducted by gravity-fed or vacuum- (also see Lawrence and Martin, 1993, for pumped tubing, or otherwise collected a further discussion of the issue). and transported, to a sugaring shed for Historically, sap was gathered each processing. Inside the shed, a flat-pan spring by creating a V-shaped gash in the evaporator resting over a wood-fired box, bark of a sugar maple with a hatchet and or arch, is used to concentrate the sap into collecting the runoff, via a crude lip or maple syrup. Recently, oil-fired sugaring spout, in birch-bark containers or wooden ‘rigs’ (evaporating systems) are common buckets. The sap was then boiled down to as well. Despite technological improve- syrup, or more often in bygone days to ments, such as better evaporator design, granulated sugar, in large iron kettles set improved tubing systems and the intro- over open wood fires. While methods and duction of steam-aways and reverse equipment have greatly improved over the osmosis machinery (technologies that years, the general concept of sap collec- remove some of the water from the sap on tion and evaporation remains as it has its journey to the evaporator pan), sugar- been for hundreds of years. ing remains an extremely labour-intensive Today, sugar-makers tap trees with process. special drill bits, 7/16 of an inch (1.1 cen- At the height of the sugaring season, it timetres (cm)) in diameter, to a depth of is not uncommon for farmers to work all approximately 2–3 inches (5–7.6cm), at a evening boiling sap, tending the fire and slightly upright angle. Newer, ‘small monitoring their evaporator pans. The diameter’ spouts, measuring 5/16 of an length and intensity of each sugaring sea- inch (0.8cm), have recently been intro- son is weather dependent, but usually duced. These taps appear to cause less lasts about three weeks. Sap runs are damage than traditional spouts, heal more sporadic during sap season, but when quickly than 7/16-inch tap holes and pro- large runs occur, sugar-makers must race duce nearly as much sap as 7/16-inch tap to boil and package as much sap as possi- holes. Once maples reach 10–12 inches ble to preserve the flavour and freshness (25.4–30.5cm) in diameter at breast of the product. Federal and state laws and height (dbh), they can be tapped yearly regulations mandate a number of stan- until the tree senesces and is removed or dards for syrup density, colour-grading, dies. Overtapping hastens tree decline; packing and labelling.

165 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Maple management

Maple sugar orchards, or ‘sugarbushes’, Approximately 40 gallons (180 litres) of are managed as modified natural forest or sap are needed to produce a single gallon as a kind of plantation. Species other than (4.5 litres) of syrup. The sweetness of indi- sugar maples are generally culled from vidual trees varies greatly, and certain a prospective sugarbush. Saplings and trees produce sap with a sugar content of understorey brush may be removed to 5 per cent or more. Therefore, it is in the allow unfettered movement within the sugar-maker’s interest to thin his or her sugarbush. The management of a sugar- sugarbush not only with a view toward an bush, in many ways, is antithetical to individual tree’s vigour, but also with a management for timber. In general, the mind toward considering the sweetness of amount of maple sap produced by a tree is its sap. A tool called a refractometer now positively correlated with the amount of allows sugar-makers to test the sweetness foliage it bears. To maximize sap produc- of the sap from individual trees, thereby tion, sugar-makers thin sugarbushes to assisting decision-making processes for encourage widely spaced, large-crowned retaining or culling trees. trees – trees the exact opposite in growth Trees less than 10 inches (25.4cm) form from the tall, straight boles prized by dbh should not be tapped, because of the the timber industry. A sugarbush’s basal potential harm to long-term tree health area may be 30–40 square feet per acre and vigour (Willits, 1965; Lawrence and (3–4 m2 per hectare) lower than recom- Martin, 1993; Beattie, Thompson and mended stocking levels for timber Levine, 1993). However, maple specialists management, although some managers differ in their opinions about when to add choose to retain higher levels of stocking, a second, third or fourth tap, if at all. managing their stands for timber and sap Traditional guidelines (eg Willits, 1965) production (though at a lower-than-opti- recommend adding a second tap for trees mal level of efficiency for both). Tapping between 15 and 19 inches (38–48cm) dbh, also causes defects in maple wood, thus a third tap for trees ranging from 20 to 24 lowering its potential value as a sawtim- inches (51–61cm) in diameter and a ber tree. And because sugaring is fourth bucket on trees 25 inches (64cm) conducted during the spring thaw, opera- dbh and larger. Some new guidelines rec- tions that use tractors or heavy equipment ommend commencement of tapping at 12 to haul sap may experience rutting and inches (30cm) dbh with the addition of a some degree of road degradation. second tap only after a tree has reached 18 According to Beattie, Thompson and inches (46cm) dbh. The new conservative Levine (1993), ‘a well-managed sugarbush guidelines also caution sugar-makers to has between 70 and 90 taps per acre (0.4 never drill more than two taps in a tree hectares), which annually produce from per season, regardless of the tree’s size (see 600 to 800 gallons (2730–3640 litres) of Koelling and Heiligmann, 1990). Caution sap, or about 20 gallons (91 litres) of may be warranted, as a single sugarbush, syrup’. The average sugar concentration if well managed, can be used for the ben- of sugar maple sap is about 2.2 per cent. efit of multiple generations.

166 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum)

Land-use change and other threats

Maple syrup has been produced on small- Other forces have actually served to scale farms in north-eastern North promote establishment of sugar maple in America for centuries. The sugaring sea- various parts of the country. Selective har- son comes at the end of winter, during a vesting and high-grading (forest harvests time when farmers have few other projects that ‘take the best and leave the rest’) to occupy their time. Sugaring provides a are common forestry practices in North temporal fit with the agricultural rhythms America. Sugar maple is favoured by such of farm life and provides a source of sup- harvesting practices because it is a shade- plemental income. Over time, sugaring tolerant tree that can withstand the partial came to be viewed as a cherished socio- to full shade left after selective harvests. cultural event. Sugaring is a time of High-grading, fire suppression and succes- visiting and a time to celebrate the coming sion to tolerant species have caused a of spring. Side discussions during town- decline in species diversity and a rise in the meeting day often turn to sugaring, and predominance of sugar maple in Great local sugaring festivals help brighten the Lake states’ stands, often at levels as high last dreary days of winter for hardy New as 70–90 per cent (Niese and Strong, Englanders and Quebecois. 1992). Fire suppression, in particular, is As the 21st century dawns, few north- credited with the replacement of oak-dom- eastern farmers can afford to compete inated sites by sugar maple and other economically with large-scale agriculture mesophytic species throughout the Amer- and dairy operations found in other ican Midwest. Iverson (1989, in Fralish et regions of the globe. The farms of New al, 1991) reports that ‘In Illinois, from England and Quebec are smaller and less 1962 to 1985, there was a 4119 per cent fertile than their competitors, and costs increase in the area occupied by the beech- for operating farms in the region are high. maple cover type’. Fralish et al (1991) Farm jobs are some of the poorest-paying speculate that oak forests and their com- jobs within the region, and today many plement of animals and understorey plants farmers cannot afford to hire additional may be classified as a rare ecosystem in labour to help milk cows or to sugar. parts of the Midwest within the next 100 Rural land prices have risen dramatically years. as urban residents from Montreal, Boston, There are some large-scale threats to New York and other eastern metropolises sugar maple that lie beyond the ability of seek sites for second homes. As a result, individual landowners, or certification, to the values and tax burdens of farms have address. For years, scientists have been risen. Many farmers have sold all or a concerned about observed maple decline in portion of their land to developers, cash- eastern North America. A variety of stud- ing in on the new real-estate boom. In ies have not produced clear answers, but combination, these complex economic arguments can be made that airborne factors are endangering the mix of agri- heavy metals and acidic pollutants, in culture, light industry and forestry that combination with global warming and has sustained a working landscape in the intermittent stresses of drought and pest region for hundreds of years. outbreaks, are responsible for maple

167 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America decline, which is manifested by crown die- Exotic pests may also pose a threat to back. For example, Likens et al (1996) the long-term survival of sugar maple. Of estimated that calcium levels (a critical particular concern to entomologists is plant nutrient) in forest soils might have the Asian (Anoplophora shrunk by nearly 50 per cent over the last glabripennis), a voracious maple-boring 45 years as a result of acid deposition- insect recently found in the suburbs of induced leaching. DeHayes et al (1999) New York and Chicago. Some entomolo- have provided evidence linking red spruce gists worry that this insect could decimate (Picea rubens) freezing injury and decline the sugar maple, turning it into another in eastern North America to acid rain- sad ghost of the eastern forest, much like induced alteration of foliar calcium pools the sorely missed chestnut (Castanea at the cellular level. DeHayes et al (1999) dentata), elm (Ulmus americana) and further note that while acid-induced foliar butternut (Juglans cinerea) – trees all but calcium leaching has been demonstrated in extirpated by introduced pests and other US trees, including sugar maple, diseases. definitive studies have yet to be conducted.

Syrup markets and economics

‘Pure maple sugar will always 20,000. For most producers, sugaring command a market abroad, if we provides supplemental income, not a liv- choose to part with the article’ ing. Many operations do not even meet Walton’s Vermont Register and minimum wage rates when the hours of Farmer’s Almanac (1847). chopping wood, hauling sap, monitoring and cleaning equipment, and packaging During the 1800s, cane sugar was consid- and selling syrup are calculated. Still, for ered a luxury commodity in much of many farmers who are land and labour North America. Maple syrup and maple rich (when the work of the entire family is sugar were subsistence goods, a type of calculated), but cash poor, sugaring offers poor man’s substitute for refined cane an important source of legal tender. As sugar (Koelling and Heiligmann, 1996). Lawrence and Martin (1993) relate, sug- Today, the situation is reversed. Cane aring provides ‘money to buy seed, to pay sugar is a plentiful, inexpensive, industrial the taxes, to square the accounts at the commodity while maple syrup is consid- feed store. Many who grew up on farms ered a luxury product. remember that sugaring meant a new pair Agriculture Canada estimates that of boots or shoes for Easter.’ over 12,000 Canadians currently produce Maple syrup is one of the few temper- maple syrup. The state of Vermont esti- ate non-timber forest products (NTFPs) mates that over 2000 of its citizens sugar acknowledged to compete with, and even each year. Estimates for the remaining exceed, the value of timber on a hectare- number of sugar-makers across maple per-hectare basis. ‘The exception to the syrup country have not been published, economic advantage of timber production but the total number of sugar-makers over other forest uses may be sugarbush worldwide probably does not exceed production, which is likely to yield more

168 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum)

Table 15.1 Canadian and US production of maple syrup, 1997 and 1998

Canada (1000s of litres) US (1000s of litres) World (1000s of litres) 1997 22,603 4,913 27,516 1998 20,618 4,387 25,005

Sources: Agriculture Canada (2000), US Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2000), Quebec Maple Federation (2000) net income per acre than timber. This nomic case study is its value as a tourist holds true only if sugarbush management attraction. Indeed, revenue generated by began early in the life of the stand, and if foliage tourists is thought to be the tree’s the stand is of commercial size’ (emphasis greatest economic asset. by authors Beattie, Thompson and Levine, While maple syrup markets are fairly 1993). robust, some experts worry that the prod- Maple syrup commands a strong mar- uct may become irrelevant in the modern ket in Canada and the US, and has small marketplace. Former Vermont Senator but respectable markets abroad in Europe George Aiken’s famous quip, ‘You can and Asia. The province of Quebec leads bribe anyone in Washington with a quart all regions in the production of maple of maple syrup’, may no longer hold. A syrup, producing nearly 70 per cent of the marketing specialist warned a recent con- world’s total annual crop. Statistics for ference of sugar-makers that they could the 1997 and 1998 seasons are given in no longer expect easy sales of maple syrup Table 15.1. in today’s marketplace: The value of the Canadian maple syrup crop in 1998 was about Cdn$115 ‘What we are selling is Americana million, down from an estimated 1997 or Canadiana. We are selling farmgate value of Cdn$133.4 million hand-made. We are selling nostal- (Agriculture Canada, 2000; Quebec gia… We are selling romance… Maple Federation, 2000). The value of US Many of the people who grew up maple syrup production was estimated at with maple syrup are getting older about US$32 million in 1998, down about and consuming less and less. We 10 per cent from the 1997 value of are selling a product that many approximately US$35 million (USDA, people think of only as pancake 2000). topping. Not many people eat The total value of the maple industry pancakes for breakfast every day, as a sector has not been well documented. or even every week, anymore. The state of Vermont, which produces There is absolutely no way that one-third of the US’s maple crop each we expect pancakes to maintain year, estimates that the maple syrup indus- or increase the market for maple try (the value of all syrup produced plus syrup’ (cited in Lawrence and the sales of the sugaring equipment-manu- Martin, 1993). facturing industry, and maple-associated trucking, packing and mail-order busi- Maple syrup may have some marketing nesses) contributes more than US$100 hurdles ahead in its future if it is to million per annum to the local economy maintain respectable, strong sales as a (Chase, 1996). What makes the sugar ‘gourmet’ product. Already, product sub- maple even more interesting as an eco- stitution by cheaper corn syrup-based

169 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America syrups has reduced its market share as a product and to develop new products that pancake topping. Sugar-makers may need maintain market share and justify the rel- assistance in the future to market their atively high costs of syrup production.

Certification potential

Maple sugarbushes pose interesting ques- habitat for songbirds, fungi, insects, lich- tions for certification assessment teams. ens and understorey plants? For example, should a sugarbush be eval- Another important consideration uated as a plantation or as a natural involves scale. How does the size of forest? Some sugarbush management a sugarbush influence its ability to meet practices run contrary to best manage- certification standards? Most New ment practices for timber. Because England sugarbushes, even good-sized certification guidelines are geared primar- commercial operations, are less than 40 ily toward timber production, a method hectares in size. Globally, such a forest is of fairly evaluating a forest’s usage for small in size, although regionally it may non-timber goals needs to be weighed be significant. The sugarbush’s position against the wisdom of the prevailing tim- in the surrounding landscape may also ber-oriented criteria and indicators. This be critical. Does the sugarbush straddle does not mean that assessment teams important animal corridors or feeding should overlook deficiencies or problems areas? How is the sugarbush incorporated with sugarbush management. For exam- into the larger landholding if it is only ple, sugarbushes are acknowledged to be part of a large estate? If the sugarbush is incompatible with wildlife habitat goals one of many in a region, is there a nega- (Beattie, Thompson and Levine, 1993). tive impact on floral and faunal diversity The removal of non-maple species reduces from the agglomeration of so many available mast for wildlife and may make maple-dominated stands? sugarbushes more susceptible to pest Certifiers must ensure that overtap- infestations. Excessive cleaning of sap- ping is not occurring and that managers lings and understorey brush may retard are reducing the intensity of tapping when development of a secondary canopy and faced with signs of decline, disease or pest have other negative impacts. outbreaks. Rapid tap-hole closure (within Certifiers must determine if some of two to three years of drilling) may serve as the negative scores given to a sugaring one easy-to-observe field indicator of tree operation for reductions in biodiversity vigour during assessments. and forest structure are mitigated or offset In general, assessing a sugarbush is by the positive hydrological and aesthetic much simpler than assessing management benefits provided by sugarbushes. Should of small, portable NTFPs such as herbs or sugarbushes be given positive points for mushrooms. Tenure issues relating to encouraging older-aged stands in a region ownership of and access to trees are easy of the country where almost all old- to determine and inspect. The threats of growth forests have been cleared? Do theft or unmonitored access that make sugarbushes, by their age and relative mushroom harvesting so complex are stability over time, serve as important absent from an operation involving tell-

170 Maple syrup (Acer saccharum) tale buckets, taps and sugaring sheds. the expense and intrusion of regulations Maple trees, unlike understorey NTFPs, that go beyond already strict state and are included in traditional forest manage- federation codes governing quality and ment plans, inventories and monitoring colour-grading of maple syrup. systems that are familiar to foresters. If the organic movement has failed to Chain-of-custody issues are also relatively muster support for certification of syrup simple for syrup because containers can among sugar-makers or the public, is it be easily labelled, inventoried and tracked likely that the issue of forest management to sale at the farm gate or at local stores. certification will have any greater reso- It is worth noting that many sugar- nance within the sugar-making industry makers have not taken advantage of or among the public? The certification organic certification programmes long movement may need to show indepen- available to them. It appears that sugar- dent-minded sugar-makers proof of new makers see little marketing advantage in markets or market access to gain accep- organic certification, and are opposed to tance. Perhaps if markets for syrup as a incurring any additional costs in what pancake topping are drying up, certifica- is already acknowledged as a margin- tion could be used to develop a new ally profitable venture. Many operations marketing image for syrup, an image that could achieve organic certification criteria vaunts forest stewardship as a means of with relative ease as few aspects of syrup perpetuating the working rural landscape production run contrary to existing regu- and its attendant culture. lations. Sugar-makers apparently resent

171 Chapter 16 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

Alan R Pierce


It is a Saturday morn- covers, rabbit, coyote ing at Bethel High skins that stare with School in central hollow eyes, fisher, Vermont and the fox and even a few gymnasium is in use. skunks lay tagged But the usual cries and bunched by lot. of youths engaged in The staccato voice of athletics and the an auctioneer barks odours of teen per- through a cheap spiration are absent. public address sys- Instead, the air of the tem, announcing room is thick with the each trapper’s har- feral scent of animals. vest and eliciting bids The heavy, musky from seven seated overtone of castor buyers. permeates the gym, In the school’s blending with the cafeteria, trappers, rank odours of blood, farmers, rural blue- dried skin and gamey collar families, cur- fur. ious onlookers and The pelts of many Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva state officials sip cof- north-eastern furbear- fee and eat snacks. ing mammals lie in American ginseng On several of the (Panax quinquefolius) long rows upon dining hall tables, brown paper spread more bounty from across the basketball court, paper that Vermont’s wildlands is on display. Large, becomes grease-spotted from the furs by clear plastic bags of dried, gnarled, yel- morning’s end. Muskrat, otter, the round lowish roots are arranged for dis- shapes of beaver stretched tight like drum criminating inspection and eventual auc- American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) tion to two hardened buyers. The bags tinues in small part to the present day, contain American ginseng (Panax quin- although the furriers’ dominance in the quefolius) roots, and the event this early trade has waned considerably. December weekend is the annual Vermont Ginseng has occupied an exalted posi- fur and ginseng auction. The auction tion in traditional Chinese medicine for draws an increasingly uncommon breed of millennia. According to Chinese legend, rural Vermonters – old-timers, rough-and- ginseng was cultivated in heaven by the tumble young men and rural families who gods and brought to earth to ease human live off the land and harvest the land- suffering (Steffey, 1984). It is claimed that scape’s unique riches for sale to distant ginseng increases performance during markets. Most of the furs bought this day periods of fatigue, reduces stress, moistens will make their way to Canada, while the the skin, lowers blood pressure, stimulates ginseng will travel a long route to East the central nervous and immune systems, Asia. acts as an aphrodisiac and ameliorates ail- A Jesuit priest, Father Lafitau, is cred- ments such as anaemia, cancer, nausea, ited with establishing the ginseng trade tuberculosis and rheumatism (Harriman, between eastern North America and East 1975; Duke, 1989; Persons, 1994a). Asia over a quarter of a millennium ago. The presumed pharmacological con- Lafitau was exposed to the writings of one stituents in ginseng are referred to as Father Jartoux, a Jesuit missionary work- ginsenosides, which are thought to act as ing in China, who chronicled the Chinese adaptogens. Adaptogens have been identi- reverence for, and medicinal use of, Asiatic fied as substances that rectify human ginseng (Panax ginseng). Noting the physiological imbalances (Proctor and reported similarity of floral genera Bailey, 1987) and increase ‘the capacity of between East Asia and eastern North the body to adapt to a wide range of bio- America, Lafitau searched for a New logical, chemical and physical stresses’ World ginseng and ultimately found Panax (Halstead and Hood, 1984, in Duke, quinquefolius growing in eastern Canada 1989). A round-table discussion on the near the city of Montreal. Samples of the pharmacological and medicinal uses of roots were subsequently sent to China ginseng appears in Bailey et al (1995). where they were received with enthusiasm, Western medicine has yet to substantiate and a lively, lucrative, foreign-currency- any of the miraculous properties attrib- generating trade for settlers in Canada and uted to ginseng by Eastern scientists and the United States commenced. herbalists, although standardized testing At first, colonists paid Native of the root is ongoing. Foster (1991) Americans to collect ginseng. Over time, points out that Eastern researchers cultur- ginseng collection came to be the province ally accept ginseng as a medicinal and of individuals who spent a great deal of focus on how the plant’s compounds work time in the wilds – namely, trappers and in the human body, while Western frontiersmen. Early notable figures in the researchers focus on determining if the ginseng trade include frontiersman Daniel plant provides medicinal benefits. Boone and furrier tycoon John Jacob Ginseng is perhaps the most cele- Astor. Ginseng provided trappers with an brated medicinal herb on the planet, and additional income source to scout while a wide body of literature and lore about traversing the land and setting traps, and the root, both popular and scientific in the confluence of the ginseng and fur nature, exists. However, the quality of the trades, cemented in the early 1700s, con- ginseng literature is variable and many

173 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America half-truths, contradictory statements and ers to individual states. States typically outright errors are continually perpetu- require ginseng diggers to: ated. Descriptions below will reveal some of the variations and gaps present in • obtain harvesting permits; the ginseng literature. Controversy even • seek written or verbal permission lingers over the Latin binomial of the from landowners when harvesting on plant. Many authors insist on using the land other than their own; original neuter adjective quinquefolium, • limit harvesting to a specified season given by Linnaeus, rather than the now (usually late August to October); officially recognized masculine adjective • harvest only mature, seed-bearing quinquefolius (for a brief overview of the plants; and nomenclature debate, see Foster (1991), • plant all seeds from harvested individ- Tucker et al (1989) and Lewis and Zenger uals on site in an attempt to ensure (1982)). continuation of the population. Because it is increasingly uncommon in the wild, American ginseng is now State officials must weigh, inspect and listed as a species of special concern under certify the origin (usually recorded by Appendix II of the Convention on county) of all wild ginseng roots before International Trade in Endangered Species they can be legally sold for export out of of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Export state. Additional licences and regulations of both wild and cultivated ginseng apply to ginseng dealers. Some wild gin- requires US government approval. The seng trade goes unrecorded each year, federal government delegates control and though the magnitude of such illegal trade regulation of ginseng harvesters and deal- is unknown.

Biology and ecology

Ginseng (Panax spp.), family Araliaceae, many temperate forest herbs, American is a disjunct genus made up of six species ginseng is a k-selected species of stable (Mabberley, 1987), found in eastern habitats characterized by low but steady North America and East Asia. Panax recruitment, a vulnerable juvenile period quinquefolius is a leafy perennial herba- and a stable, long-lived adult stage ceous plant with a fleshy, tuber-like root, (Charron and Gagnon, 1991; Bierzychu- native to the eastern hardwood deciduous dek 1982). forests of North America. The genus Ginseng grows to a height of less than name, Panax, is derived from the Greek 0.5 metres (m) and appears in April or panakeia, or panacea, meaning universal early May when the forest canopy is par- cure. Quinquefolius refers to the palm- tially to fully developed. The plant ately compound structure of the plant’s produces a single aerial stem from a leaflets. The natural range of Panax quin- gnarled rhizome attached to a taproot. quefolius extends from southern Quebec Annual abscission of the aerial stem pro- and southern Manitoba to Georgia, duces a scar on the rhizome. Many count Alabama, Arkansas and eastern the number of scars on the rhizome to Oklahoma (Anderson et al, 1993). Like estimate a plant’s age. However, Anderson

174 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) et al (1993) warn that ‘although methods fleshy nature of the exocarp suggests ani- used to age plants range from counting mal dispersal (Lewis and Zenger, 1982). rings of wrinkles on the root to stem scars Reported herbivores of ginseng seeds, and on the rhizome, no morphological study thus potential ginseng dispersers, include has confirmed the accuracy of these tech- white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgini- niques.’ Some plants have been thought to anus), ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus), live more than 60 years. turkey (Meleagris gallopavo), chipmunks First-year ginseng seedlings have a (Tamias striatus), squirrels (Sciurus spp.), single, trifoliate compound leaf that songbirds and small forest rodents resembles a strawberry leaf. The plant (Steffey, 1984; Duke, 1989). later produces two, three and occasionally Seed dormancy is long, taking four or more whorls, or ‘prongs’, of approximately 20 months from seed fall leaves, palmately compound in structure. to germination (Lewis and Zenger, 1982; Ginseng produces a solitary umbel of Charron and Gagnon, 1991). Natural small white flowers in early summer. fecundity of P. quinquefolius has been Reports concerning the commencement of characterized as low (Hu et al, 1980; wild ginseng reproduction vary in the lit- Lewis and Zenger, 1982; Schlessman, erature from three years (Charron and 1985). Lewis and Zenger (1982) reported Gagnon, 1991), to four years (Anderson a recruitment success of only 0.55 per cent et al, 1993), to a high of eight years in a wild Missouri population, albeit after (Carpenter and Cottam, 1982). a period of drought; however, once estab- Ginseng reproduction is mainly ef- lished, ginseng survivorship climbed to as fected by sexual means; reports of asexual high as 97 per cent. Similarly, Charron reproduction from root or rhizome frag- and Gagnon (1991) found a mortality rate mentation are rare (Lewis and Zenger, of 69–92 per cent among small plants, 1982). Ginseng flowers are self-compati- while mortality rates among adult ginseng ble, so solitary plants are capable of plants were less than 10 per cent. reproducing. When cross-pollination oc- Interestingly, Anderson et al (1993) report curs, it is thought to be performed by that 66 per cent of all seeds planted from a generalists such as halictids of the genera natural population of ginseng in Illinois Dialictus (Lewis and Zenger, 1983; produced seedlings. While wild ginseng Schlessman, 1985; Duke, 1989) and fecundity is low, Anderson et al’s (1993) Erylaeus (Lewis and Zenger, 1983), and findings suggest that survivorship of gin- syrphids of the genera Toxomerus (Lewis seng seeds can be significantly improved and Zenger, 1983; Duke, 1989), Meso- on good sites through human manipula- grapta (Schlessman, 1985) and Melano- tion (ie direct sowing of seeds). Indeed, stomen (Schlessman, 1985). many old-time ginseng diggers have ‘wild- Ginseng flowers appear in late May or tended’ ginseng patches for years, June. Fruit set occurs during June and July maintaining and even increasing recruit- and ripened fruits fall from the plant in ment by replanting seeds on site. late August or early September. Fruits are Ginseng requires dense shade (70–80 bright-red pyrenes appearing in ball-like per cent or greater). The plant may be clumps on mature plants. Seeds fall in found in a variety of forest types, including close proximity to the parent, although northern hardwoods, oak–hickory woods, spring thaws may move seeds downslope Appalachian cove forests, and occasionally from progenitors. The bright-red colour even under conifers such as eastern white of the seed, the seed size and the moist pine (Pinus strobus) and northern white

175 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America cedar (Thuja occidentalis). Ginseng thrives (Quercus spp.) and hickories (Carya spp.). in enriched hardwood coves and on Commonly recorded understorey com benches where weathered material and panion plants include maidenhair fern organic matter collect. Ideal site conditions (Adiantum pedatum), wild ginger (Asarum for ginseng are moist, well-drained, cal- canadense), Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema cium-rich, moderately high pH (between triphyllum), bloodroot (Sanguinaria cana- 5.0 and 6.0), loamy soils beneath mature densis), trillium (Trillium spp.), blue hardwoods on gentle north- or east-facing cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides), bane- slopes. Typical overstorey species associ- berry (Actaea spp.), rattlesnake fern ates are sugar maple (Acer saccharum), (Botrychium virginianum), bellworts (Uvu- white ash (Fraxinus americana), basswood laria spp.) and sweet Cicely (Osmorhiza (Tilia americana), hophornbeam (Ostrya claytoni) (Hu et al, 1980; Roberts and virginiana), American beech (Fagus gran- Richardson, 1980; Lewis and Zenger, difolia), butternut (Juglans cinerea), 1982; Fountain, 1986; Anderson et al, tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera), oaks 1993; Pierce, 1997).

Production and management

There are four distinct classes of ginseng dug beneath natural canopy, sometimes roots: wild, simulated wild, woods grown with the use of tractors or rototillers. and artificial-shade cultivated. Wild gin- Harvest takes place between five and eight seng is collected from natural forests by years. Artificial shade-grown ginseng is rural inhabitants and commands the high- the most labour- and capital-intensive est prices. Wild populations of P. ginseng method of ginseng cultivation and yields have been hunted to near extinction in the lowest prices in the market. Because China and Korea, while American ginseng such ginseng is grown as an agricultural is becoming increasingly rare or threat- crop in fields, it will not be treated further ened throughout much of its range. in this section on forest management. Simulated-wild ginseng is raised beneath Prices paid for high-quality wild and natural forest canopy from seed or simulated-wild ginseng roots can exceed seedlings. Simulated-wild ginseng is US$500 per pound (per 0.45 kilograms) planted at low densities to avoid risks of dry weight (Persons, 1996; Raver, 1996; fungal disease and root rot, and is given Robbins, 1997). By contrast, artificial little to no tending or chemical inputs in shade-grown roots currently sell for as order to approximate the condition and little as US$20 per pound (Persons, 1996). appearance of wild ginseng. Simulated- The physical differences between a culti- wild roots are harvested after seven, or vated ginseng root and a wild ginseng preferably more, years of growth and root are readily apparent to ginseng fetch prices close to those offered for wild cognoscenti. Asian consumers believe wild roots. Woods-grown ginseng is more ginseng roots contain greater curative densely planted than simulated-wild properties and accordingly pay much roots, and requires usage of herbicides, higher prices for such roots. Ginseng thus fungicides and fertilizers. In the woods- provides a very interesting case of a non- grown method, labour-intensive beds are timber forest product (NTFP) that is more

176 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) highly valued from the wild than from groups in a population. Nantel et al (1996) cultivated stocks, thereby challenging the found that the maximum rate of annual paradigm that most NTFPs face ultimate harvest under stochastic environmental replacement by agricultural systems. conditions would be only a little more However, wild ginseng is increasingly than 5 per cent. Nantel et al (1996) report: uncommon, and woods cultivation tech- ‘extinction thresholds, the minimum num- niques may need to be promoted as an ber of plants required to rebuild a pop- alternative to the plant’s ultimate extinc- ulation, varied from 30 to 90 plants, and tion in the wild. the minimum viable population size was Most of the research on American gin- estimated at 170 plants.’ This research seng cultivation has concentrated on the poses troubling prospects for the continua- artificial-shade management technique, tion of the species in the wild, as many although the body of literature on woods- surveyed wild-ginseng populations in grown ginseng and simulated-wild Canada and the US do not exceed 170 ginseng is increasing. Much of the data individuals, much less 90 individuals. about the latter two techniques is emp- Long-term wild collection of the plant irical, and the need for scientific trials by rural gatherers may be threatened. of these cultivation methods is sorely Recently, ginseng collection has been sus- needed, as is technology transfer of exist- pended in several state and federal forests ing information to interested forest in the US midwest and south due to con- owners. cerns over declining populations and Wild-ginseng gatherers typically work rapacious harvesting practices. individually or in family units. The actual Forest managers who cultivate woods- number that obtains permission from grown or simulated-wild ginseng need not landowners to harvest plants is likely worry as much about population dy- small. Harvesters range from scrupulous namics because they are sowing large to unscrupulous; while one will conscien- quantities of seeds purchased from com- tiously wild-tend patches of ginseng for mercial ginseng seed suppliers for one- years, others will harvest all available time harvest. Management issues for plants with no regard for a population’s woods-grown and simulated-wild ginseng survival. Because of its high value and cultivation involve monitoring the crop easy portability, theft of ginseng is a seri- for signs of root and fungal diseases, as ous issue for any individual who grows or well as evidence of nutrient deficiencies. wild-tends ginseng. Ginseng cultivators may need to apply Despite Lewis’s (1988) observation of herbicides, fungicides or fertilizers to save a ginseng population recovery after deci- their crops. Small woodland rodents have mation by collectors (a phenomenon he been known to feed upon ginseng roots, attributed to the presence of a ginseng seed necessitating trapping, poisoning or the bank), evidence appears to indicate that erection of physical barriers around gin- ginseng is extremely sensitive to harvesting seng populations. pressure. Charron and Gagnon (1991) Ginseng provides forest managers estimated that the maximum allowable with the potential to diversify manage- annual harvest of ginseng ranged from 0 ment goals and economic outputs. Pros of (during a poor growing season) to 16 per forest ginseng cultivation include: cent (during a good growing season, assuming a favourable and unchanging • compatibility with multiple-use for- environment) of individuals from all age estry;

177 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

• suitability as a management option on Potential negative aspects of forest gin- small forest parcels (<40 hectares) tra- seng cultivation include: ditionally overlooked by many foresters; • too long a time frame for profitability; • diversification of income sources; •a high degree of risk and uncertainty • maintenance of future forest options due to threats of theft, fungal diseases (particularly with wild and simulated- or limited site capabilities; wild crops); • negative impacts on populations of • potential synergy with maple sugaring other understorey species removed as and recreational uses of forests; and a result of ginseng cultivation; • compatibility with maintaining soil, • ginseng market volatility; and hydrological, aesthetic and carbon- • introduction of non-native seed stock sink functions of forests. and potential contamination of the local genotype.

Land-use changes

Although once common throughout east- People residing in locations for short peri- ern North America (Harding, 1908, re- ods of time tend not to build attachments issued in 1972; Lewis and Zenger, 1982), to land that ultimately breeds a steward- P. quinquefolius is now considered vulner- ship ethic. The unfortunate, short-sighted, able, threatened, rare or endangered economically oriented trend to harvest across much of its natural range (Lewis, timber before selling land to new owners 1984; Schlessman, 1985; Charron and has become a standard practice. As it Gagnon, 1991; Nantel et al, 1996). requires deep shade, ginseng does not Causes of the growing rarity of the herb compete well in landscapes where frequent include overcollection by gatherers, logging and subdivision are the norm. destruction of habitat through logging Ginseng is increasingly found on sites and forest conversion for agricultural or inhospitable to development or logging development purposes. In Canada, gin- such as rocky cobbles and steep hollows. seng occurs in the most densely populated Individual populations of ginseng are and developed areas of southern Quebec vulnerable to natural disturbances such as and Ontario. Nantel et al (1996) report fire and windthrow. Maintaining canopy that recent calculations estimate a 14 per cover is a critical issue for ginseng cultiva- cent disappearance of known ginseng tors. Atmospheric pollution poses a more populations in Quebec. Nantel et al problematic macro-scale threat to ginseng (1996) add that ‘fragmentation of mature survivorship. Federer et al (1989) estimated forests has probably increased the vulner- that anthropogenically caused leaching (via ability and accessibility of these plants.’ acid precipitation) of soil calcium reserves, Increasing land prices across American combined with intensive timber harvesting, ginseng’s range promotes further subdiv- may reduce total soil and biomass calcium ision of forest holdings, logging and by 20–60 per cent over only 120 years in construction. Rapid land turnover rates eastern US forests. Such predictions bode ill characteristic of today’s highly mobile for calcium-requiring, rich woods (biodi- society also threaten ginseng habitat. verse woods) species such as ginseng.

178 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius)

Markets and economic competition

Wild American ginseng has been exported American ginseng exports have fluctu- to Asia for over 275 years. During this ated; but the past three decades show a time, the price of wild ginseng has risen marked increase in the quantity of roots from US$0.07 per pound (per 0.45 kilo- shipped abroad. Ginseng exports increased grams), paid in 1717 (Persons, 1994b), to by 200 per cent in quantity and 400 per more than US$500 per pound (Persons, cent in revenue between the years 1968 1996; Raver, 1996). Early-1990s prices and 1978 (Patty, 1979), and recent export for woods-grown roots ranged from data (US Department of Commerce, 1995) US$65–US$135 per pound, while simu- reveal an increase of nearly 500 per cent in lated-wild root prices varied from quantity and 200 per cent in revenue US$65–US$300 per pound (Persons, above 1970s figures. Wild ginseng exports 1994b). In 1994, the US exported fluctuated moderately between 1983 and 973,160 kilograms (kg) of cultivated gin- 1994 (likely due to the vagaries of col- seng worth an estimated US$49,969,100 lection), but appear to demonstrate an and 104,329kg of wild ginseng worth average of roughly 65,000kg per year. approximately US$25,706,700 (US Dep- Average prices for wild ginseng show an artment of Commerce, 1995). upward trend, and increased by more than The majority (>90 per cent) of ginseng 15 per cent between 1983 and 1994. produced in the US is shipped abroad, However, recent economic downturns in mostly to Hong Kong, where it enters the Asia have depressed prices. island duty free (Carlson, 1986; Persons, Foreign demand for wild and simu- 1994b). Ginseng ranked third in value lated-wild ginseng in Asia can still be among all US exports to Hong Kong in characterized as steady. As China experi- 1975 (Carlson, 1986). It is interesting to ences greater prosperity and levels of note that American and Asian ginsengs disposable income rise, demand for wild are viewed by Chinese consumers as dis- ginseng may grow. However, it is tinct medicinal products, and as such do unknown if younger, more Westernized, not directly compete against each other in generations will continue to honour and the Asian marketplace (Hsu, 1982; Guo et use ginseng. al, 1995). Ginseng is sold at auction mar- Historically the major market for gin- kets in Hong Kong where roots are seng has been the Far East, but new separated into 40 or more different classes markets for ginseng in Europe and based on a complex grading system that America may be emerging. Recent interest differentiates roots according to their size, among Americans in alternative medicine shape, colour and wrinkles (Persons, (see Eisenberg et al, 1993), including 1994b). Further discussion of ginseng herbal remedies, has sparked a boom grading and desired root qualities in the in domestic sales of herbs. In 1990, Asian market is presented in Guo et al Americans spent a total of US$13.7 billion (1995) and But et al (1995). Much of the on ‘unconventional therapy’ treatments, ginseng is re-exported from Hong Kong including herbal remedies (Eisenberg et al, after the auctions, mainly to China, 1993). According to a recent account, sales Taiwan, Singapore, Macao, Indonesia and of ginseng products now top US$350 mil- Malaysia (Carlson, 1986). lion per year, making it the second most

179 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America popular herbal remedy in the US behind folius in Chinese forests, thereby directly garlic (Foreman, 1997). It is unknown competing with American woods-grown what percentage of the above-mentioned and simulated-wild ginsengs. Xin (1995) figure is represented by American ginseng makes this threat clear: ‘Scientific cultiva- (versus Asian ginseng or Eleutherococcus – tion techniques and production practices see below). in the past 20 years have allowed the pro- Ginseng is also a commonly pur- duction of American ginseng in China to chased herb in Europe. Laird (1999) develop into a thriving new industry. reports that the second top-selling herbal Gone are the days when China relied on remedy in Europe in 1996 was a ginseng imports for its supply of American gin- product, with sales in excess of US$50 seng.’ million. Ginseng now appears in Western American ginseng’s greatest domestic markets in tinctures, in capsules, as whole competition may come from a Far East- roots, and as an ingredient in chewing ern herb known as ‘Siberian ginseng’ gums, shampoos, teas and a plethora of (Eleutherococcus senticosus). Eleuthero- other products. It remains to be seen coccus senticosus is not a true ginseng, whether US and European consumers will but is a member of the same family be able to appreciate the subtle distinc- (Araliaceae) as American ginseng and tions between wild and cultivated ginseng Asian ginseng. The ‘Siberian ginseng’ to such a degree that they would be will- reputedly contains some of the same adap- ing to pay US$300–US$500 per pound togenic properties found in true ginsengs. (per 0.45 kilograms) for wild or simu- The plant is an extremely common, lated-wild American ginseng roots. thorny shrub native to Siberia, and is eas- In the US and European markets, ily grown and propagated (Duke, 1989). American ginseng’s greatest competition Many consumers are unaware of the dif- comes from Asian ginseng supplied by ferences between the plants, and ‘Siberian South Korea. Mainland China has begun ginseng’ is currently inexpensive to source to cultivate its own supply of P. quinque- in comparison with wild or woods-grown folius under artificial shade from im- ginseng (Persons, 1994b). Some marketers ported seed (Patty, 1982; Proctor et al, distinguish ‘Siberian ginseng’ from Panax 1988; Xin, 1995). The Chinese are also spp. on product claims, while others do experimenting with cultivation of P. gin- not. The American Botanical Council is seng under natural forest canopy (Wang et currently testing most of the ginseng prod- al, 1995). It may be only a matter of time ucts sold in the US to determine if these before China attempts to raise woods- products contain bona fide ginseng grown and simulated-wild P. quinque- (Blumenthal et al, 1995).

Certification potential

Certification of wild ginseng will be chal- collect the plant for the sheer enjoyment lenging. Ginseng diggers tend to be of being outdoors and the thrill of discov- independent-minded, self-reliant rural ery, not unlike the thrill afforded by people with a healthy scepticism for rules hunting or fishing. The adjectives used to and regulations. Many ginseng gatherers describe ginseng collection convey an air

180 American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) of animation usually not attributed to tion eats into much, if not all, of a year’s plants: ‘stalking ginseng’, ‘hunting gin- profits. Pressure from middlemen and seng’ and ‘ginseng poaching’ are just a few end-consumers might provide some lever- examples. In many areas, ‘sanging’ or age to change attitudes, but it is doubtful ‘senging’ (digging ginseng) is considered a that a sea change will come soon to the God-given rite of autumn to be enjoyed. ginseng industry. Chain of custody would Ginseng is often viewed as a common currently work best for operations pro- property resource. Ginseng gatherers dig ducing woods-grown and simulated-wild the herb to earn supplemental, tax-free ginseng, where established tenure and income to be used for Christmas gifts, car documented baseline data already exist. payments or general expenses. Hufford’s Certification may help to re-enforce (1997) interview with one Appalachian ginseng CITES regulations by formalizing ginseng digger reveals the value of the access rights between forest management plant to rural residents: ‘We would dig operations and responsible gatherers with ginseng to buy our school clothes and buy usufruct rights. Scrupulous harvesters our books so we could go back to school may find such an arrangement preferable in the fall.’ Ginseng collection provides a to competing with unscrupulous diggers connection to the landscape, a social iden- in the commons. If forest managers can- tity, and a continuation of rural livelihood not reach agreements with gatherers, patterns in much of Appalachia. One gin- safeguarding wild ginseng or simulated- seng collector, in a petition to document wild/woods-grown ginseng populations the cultural value of the mixed meso- will be difficult. Near-Draconian access phytic forest of Appalachia, wrote: ‘I measures would need to be enforced, and work in construction, but really I consider any certified management plan for ginseng myself a ginsenger’ (Hufford, 1997). In production could be damaged by the Appalachia and across its range, ginseng silent incursion of one pilfering collector. is viewed as a natural bounty to inhabi- Ecological concerns with ginseng cul- tants, a symbol of the wilds and a physical tivation in woodland settings relate connection to place and identity. ‘Wild primarily to the impact of increased gin- ginseng, in fact, would seem to merit seng numbers on the populations of other federal protection not because it is endan- understorey plants. Ginseng, as men- gered but because within its limited range tioned, grows in mature, stable, enriched it is integral to the venerable social insti- habitats that tend to support other tution of the commons’, writes Hufford rare, threatened or endangered herbs. (1997). Managers who dedicate enriched sites to Chain-of-custody verification will pre- ginseng cultivation will reduce or exclude sent novel challenges. Many gatherers will other herbs, thereby reducing or elim- begrudge any oversight of their activities. inating important habitat for other Ginseng gathering, in many ways, is an uncommon herbs on the forest property. arcane activity that harvesters enjoy Enriched habitats also tend to support the because of its very secretive nature. best development of important timber Management plans for wild ginseng are species such as sugar maple and white ash rare, tenure is problematic, and monitor- (Leak, 1980), making the temporal inte- ing and security is extremely challenging. gration of ginseng and timber harvesting Ginseng diggers may not perceive the paramount. The environmental impact of rigours of certification to be worth their any herbicides and fungicides used to pro- while, particularly if the cost of certifica- tect ginseng crops would also need to be

181 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America evaluated. The scale and intensity of gin- ing countries, and the willingness of such seng cultivation will likewise warrant countries to embrace certification remains critical examination, as will the proven- unclear. At present, physical appearance, ance of seed sources and their potential rather than environmental attributes, impact on local genetic diversity. determines price. Widescale education As most woods-cultivated and wild will be needed, or support from major ginseng is primarily consumed in Asia, the ginseng import–export houses obtained, receptivity of ginseng certification among before a serious push for wild- and Asian consumers should be thoroughly woods-cultivated ginseng certification can researched. Currently, knowledge of certi- be made. Since ginseng is ingested as a fication is low to non-existent among the medicinal, linking forest certification with general public in major ginseng-consum- organic certification may be prudent.

182 Chapter 17 Mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus), cork oak (Quercus suber), argan (Argania spinosa), pine nut (Pinus pinea), pine resin (various spp.) and chestnut (Castanea sativa)

Yorgos Moussouris and Pedro Regato

The Mediterranean eco-region

The Mediterranean The climate is eco-region is one of the main factor that 233 such regions with shapes the physical outstanding biodiver- environment in the sity at a global scale. Mediterranean. Yearly Located in the rainfall varies from Northern hemisphere 100 millimetres (mm) sub-tropical zone, to more than 2500 between 28 and 45 mm, while the aver- degrees, the Medi- age temperature ran- terranean eco-region ges from 5° Celsius extends from the (C) to 20° C. The Atlantic coast to the existence of an in- Caspian Sea and from tense summer drought the mountain ranges period is the preva- Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva of the Alps to the lent feature of Medi- Saharan desert. This Mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus) terranean climates at eco-region covers the a global scale. The lands surrounding the rich biodiversity of Mediterranean Sea, on the three continents the Mediterranean flora results from a of Africa, Europe and Asia, and constitutes suite of adaptations to regional climatic a unique mosaic of terrestrial, freshwater conditions and, particularly, to the char- and marine ecosystems. The rich natural acteristic water shortage conditions landscape of the Mediterranean is a result during the dry summer period. The of a distinct regional climate imprinted on Mediterranean flora is extremely rich, a dynamic topography. with nearly 25,000 species, NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America half of which are endemic to the region ing of timber resources by ancient and (Regato, 1996). modern civilizations, mining and smelt- In general, Mediterranean forest ing, and periodic settlement and aban- ecosystems constitute mosaic-like land- donment of rural areas all precipitated scapes that reflect the complex climatic periods of higher and lower human and geomorphological conditions of impacts on Mediterranean forests. The regional landforms. Human influence high levels of diversity that are found in over the last 10,000 years has also inten- today’s Mediterranean forests, woodlands sively modified the natural structure and and maquis (evergreen short-tree and distribution of Mediterranean forest eco- shrub communities) habitat types are a systems. The advent of agriculture, the direct result of the interaction between introduction of domesticated animals and humans and the natural environment. pasture management, episodic plunder-

Mediterranean traditional woodland management systems

Many of the traditional management sys- dotted the landscape, yielding products tems of Mediterranean forests did not that were worshipped as divine. The ‘Song have a severe impact on ecosystem stabil- of Solomon’ compares the beauty of love ity and have partly contributed to the to the bounty of the forest’s gifts. The maintenance of biodiversity. The tradi- Greek philosopher Theophrastus, born tional and familiar Mediterranean land- around 370 BC, describes multiple-forest scape of woodlands alternating with pas- management practices that produced tures and cultivated lands is a result of this NTFPs; many of the practices described type of sustainable rural management. have survived to post-industrial times. His Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are detailed accounts of cork extraction, pine- one of the outputs of these management nut harvesting, aromatic plant gathering systems. Such traditional management and resin extraction could easily apply to systems portray the delicate balance contemporary Mediterranean rural soci- between human presence and forest well- eties (Theophrastus, 1998a; 1998b). being and are worth preserving (Padulosi, The following species profiles provide 1999). a brief introduction to several of the NTFPs have played an important role diverse traditional Mediterranean forest- in the economies of Mediterranean cul- management systems that are associated tures since prehistoric times. Preserved with NTFPs: mastic gum from maquis myth and lore reveal a reverence for woodlands, cork and argan oil from silvo- forests, a tradition that still continues pastoral systems, pine nuts and pine resin among many Mediterranean rural com- from lowland coniferous forests and munities. In antiquity, sacred groves chestnuts from mountain woodlands.

184 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut

Mastic gum production from maquis woodlands

Mastic gum is a natural resin extracted gum. After that, the second cut is inflicted, from a variety of Pistacia lentiscus grow- and the ‘tears’ are collected once again. ing on the Greek island of Chios. Pistacia Mastic gum production regulation req- lentiscus is one of the most characteristic uires all collection activities to terminate evergreen species of the Mediterranean after 15 October. After collection, the maquis. Although Pistacia lentiscus is a gum is sieved and then given to a cooper- common species of the region, mastic ative for quality control. The cooperative resins are only secreted from trees on the sends the product to the Union of Mastic island of Chios, where large-scale mastic Producers, where final processing takes production takes place. place. Many ancient writers, such as Theo- There are many products of mastic phrastus, Pliny the Elder, Galenos and gum. Drops of the gum have a unique, Dioscorides, referred to mastic gum, pleasant flavour and are sold as chewing which was considered a panacea for many gum, and confectionary from mastic has maladies. Information dating back to the been processed, packed and marketed since middle of the 14th century reveals the 1995. Other products include mastic oil importance of the gum production to and rosin, which are derived from mastic Chios, which had peaks and lows as a gum distillation. Another mastic product, result of political and socio-economic moscholivano, is a solid essence that, when vicissitudes, including periods when pro- burned, releases a pleasant odour. Mastic duction was completely abandoned. gum is a culinary ingredient in Medi- Production has fluctuated from 7000 kilo- terranean cuisine and patisserie and is also grams (kg) to 390,000kg per year with an used to flavour ouzo (a sweet, aniseed- average of 250,000kg during the first half flavoured Greek spirit). Mastic by- of the 20th century (Perikos, 1990). products are used in varnishes and coatings Pistacia lentiscus var. chia is a slow- and in a type of cement called asphalt mas- growing, cold-sensitive tree that grows in tic. Mastic is considered an astringent. limestone soil. It reaches full size at 40 to Currently, there is extensive research to test 50 years and is able to produce gum after all the medicinal properties attributed to only the fifth or sixth year, but full pro- mastic gum since ancient times. duction potential is reached between 12 Mastic from Chios is exported to 50 and 15 years. Production averages 100 countries. Saudi Arabia is the largest grams per year but sometimes can reach importer. The trade delivers US$14.4 mil- 650 grams. lion per year to 21 villages located in the Mastic gum production takes place southern part of Chios. Since 1938, the between June and mid-October. Tapping village producers have held a monopoly preparations begin with cleaning of the on mastic gum collection and distribution. tree, followed by sweeping and levelling The future for the producers looks bright, the ground beneath the tree. Subsequently, especially now that current testing to the first vertical and horizontal cuts are identify additional medical properties in made on the bark twice a week, for a the gum has yielded positive results. period of five to six weeks. Collection fol- During a press conference held in lows crystallization of the first secreted Athens in December 1999, a team of

185 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America experts from the University Hospital of treatment of ulcers has been based on the Nottingham announced that there is use of relatively expensive pharmaceuti- strong evidence linking the consumption cals that kill (with a 90 per cent success of mastic gum with a reduction in the inci- rate) ulcers causing Heliobacter pylori dence and recurrence of stomach ulcers. bacteria, formally recognized in 1994 by Their study indicates that daily digestion the World Health Organization (WHO) as of 1 gram of raw mastic gum per day for one of the chief causes of stomach cancer. two weeks can help cure peptic and duo- Recent tests have shown that mastic gum denal ulcers. Tens of millions of people killed all Heliobacter pylori strains exam- around the world suffer from duodenal ined, thus expanding the commercial and ulcers, and mastic gum presents an oppor- medicinal potential of this ancient NTFP tunity for the development of a single, (Koromilas, 1999). cheap and effective drug. To date, the

Cork production from silvo-pastoral woodlands

Cork is the name given and resistant to heat and to the thick outer bark fire. Cork extraction of the evergreen Medi- begins when the tree is terranean oak Quercus 15–20 years’ old. Cork is suber. The largest cork harvested by making oak forests are found horizontal and vertical in Portugal, where the cuts through the outer species occupies an area bark. Removal is made of 660,000 hectares. In with great care so as not Spain, there are 500,000 to cause any harm to the of pure cork oak stands living inner bark. Cork is and 121,000 hectares of extracted from the stem mixed stands. In Algeria, and sometimes from the there are around 480,000 main branches of hectares; in Morocco, Illustration by Bee Gunn Quercus suber. 348,000 hectares; in In Spain, regulation Italy, 100,000 hectares; Cork oak (Quercus suber) dictates that bark extrac- in Tunisia, 45,000 hec- tion should never exceed tares; and in France, around 43,000 a height greater than three times the hectares. Cork oak reaches 20 metres (m) length of the tree’s circumference at breast in height, with an average height of 9m. height (measured at 1.3m above ground). Cork oak is a typical Mediterranean The first extraction takes place when the species, whose establishment outside its girth at breast height (gbh) reaches 60 natural range has not been successful in centimetres (cm) (Portuguese law stipu- terms of cork production. lates 70cm as the minimum gbh for first Cork is an elastic, light, durable, stripping). The length of the first stripping homogeneous mass of flattened dead cells, cannot exceed 1.20m. Generally, in each including a fatty substance that makes it producing region, quantifiable relations almost impermeable to water and gases exist for the determination of stripping

186 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut height. Optimum barking rotation exposed stems are very vulnerable. depends upon the physiological effects Understorey cleaning results in partial or that harvesting has on the tree, the quality total elimination of underbrush in cork of cork demanded by industry and cli- oak forests. Some experts believe that matic conditions. Extraction takes place understorey cleaning protects cork trees every 10 years in south-western Spain and from exposure to fungal infection, while every 14 years in Catalonia. In Catalonia, others suggest that there is no evidence the exposed stem is sprayed with anti-fun- that the activity improves cork quality. gal medicine after barking to prevent Partial cleaning around individual trees infection of the tree. is also applied in south-western Spain. The bark is seasoned and boiled fol- Understorey corridors are occasionally lowing harvest, a process that removes cleaned to facilitate worker movement tannic acid and makes the cork pliable. between trees. Cleaning takes place one to The outer bark regenerates after each two years before barking to allow tree stripping. The first stripping gives a adjustment to new micro-environmental coarse-textured cork, called ‘virgin cork’, conditions, such as micro-climate, wind, that is combined with cork production steeper temperature gradients, etc. residues in the manufacture of agglomer- One worrisome development in cork ate cork. Subsequent stripping at intervals extraction concerns the availability of of ten years renders a better-quality prod- skilled labour. The traditional cork strip- uct. Cork produced from the second pers are disappearing. Although there is stripping and afterwards is termed ‘repro- more internal and external immigration of duction cork’, and is mainly used in the cork workers, many people who seek manufacture of cork stoppers. An individ- employment in cork woodlands and ual tree can produce cork for a period of the cork industry have no experience in 150 years or longer. traditional management and production Thinning promotes vigorous growth practices. Because cork extraction offers in cork oak stands. Determination of the occupation for only four months out of ideal density for cork production relates the year, many people have shown a pref- to many parameters depending upon erence for more permanent employment management objectives, and can in- positions in less labour-intensive, secure clude hunting, grazing and agroforestry. and profitable jobs, such as tourism Pruning is also applied, depending upon offers. Lack of skilled labour may hold which oak product is in demand from a long-term ecological consequences for the particular system (acorns, cork, shade, cork resource. pasture, cereal crop, etc). However, ex- The properties of cork have been cessive pruning is occasionally applied. known since antiquity, but it was not gen- Quantified relations between outputs do erally used until some centuries ago, when exist, and the type and intensity of man- cork stoppers were manufactured for the agement depends upon which of the many newly introduced glass bottles. Extensive activities in a cork-producing woodland use of cork was initiated following the dis- system need to be optimized. covery of champagne during the 17th Additional management activities century by the Benedectine monk Dom accommodate barking. Understorey clean- Perignon. Since then, cork production has ing improves the efficiency of extraction maintained strong ties with the wine operations and reduces fire hazard during industry. About 25 billion cork stoppers the extraction year when trees with are used worldwide every year. Cork is

187 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America also used in construction (insulation and tory recently patented a synthetic cork for floors), the naval industry (extensive use stoppers made from ethyl vinyl acetate. for lifebelts), transport, the textile indus- In 1990, more than 900 cork manu- try, the chemo-pharmaceutical industries, facturing factories were in operation in the shoe industry (sole manufacturing), Portugal, occupying about 14,000 em- and for packing and linoleum. ployees. The Corticeira Armorim, a family More than 80 per cent of the global firm, currently controls around one-third supply of cork is produced in Algeria, of Portugal’s cork manufacturing. Its case Portugal and Spain. Portuguese produc- presents an example of the economies of tion reaches 175,000 tonnes per year scale for NTFP production and distri- (about 55 per cent of the global output), bution, with production consolidation with a value of US$200 million. The from small cooperatives to a single pro- greatest importer of cork products is the ducer. The firm grew to its current sales of European Union (EU), which in 1989 US$340 million because it established fac- imported 56 per cent of the total quantity tories that use the remains from stopper and 57 per cent of the total value. Virgin manufacturing for other products, con- cork production has decreased sharply trary to the traditional way, with most over the past few decades and is presently cork going to cottage industries that about 35,000 tonnes per year. The reason produced only stoppers. As a result, behind the drop is not a reduction in cork Corticeira Armorim became dominant oak woodland but rather a reflection of in cork markets, making 70 per cent of the the rising cost of labour for cork extrac- world’s cork flooring and almost 95 per tion. In addition, synthetics are now used cent of the cork-based gaskets that as a cork substitute for insulation and in Portugal produces for engine joints (FAO, other products that were originally manu- 1997; Varela, 1995; Anonymous, 1996; factured from cork. Spirit manufacturers, Baldini, 1993; Direccao Geral das Flor- such as gin- and whisky-makers, stopped estas, 1990; Regato, pers comm, 1998). using cork in the 1960s. A Norwegian fac-

The argan silvo-pastoral woodlands of Morocco

Argan (Argania spinosa) is a spiny ever- tres per year; at times, rainfall is even green tree, endemic to Morocco. It is a lower than 120mm per year. Tertiary relic species and is the only mem- The species was probably known to ber of the tropical Sapotaceae to occur the Phoenicians. A 13th-century medical north of the Sahara on the African main- book describes methods for oil extraction land. Argan’s ecological and social values from its fruit. Argan oil was imported into make it one of the most important tree Europe during the 18th century, but failed species in North Africa. Argan woodlands to maintain a market presence due to its cover an area of about 820,000 hectares strong flavour and competition from olive in south-western Morocco (about 7 per oil. cent of the total forest cover of Morocco). Argania spinosa plays a crucial role in The woodlands exist in a region where the stabilization of environmental condi- rainfall rarely exceeds 200–300 millime- tions. It prevents soil erosion, especially in

188 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut overgrazed lands where it is one of the most the water absorption important essential fatty capacity of the soil is acids in the human diet. diminished. Its shade Argan is a traditional protects pasture grasses staple for many Mor- from the extreme evapo- occans. A recent study transpiration that would reports that argan oil is result from direct ex- bought by Moroccan im- posure to sunlight. It migrants in Israel, who facilitates water infil- number more than tration and aquifer 600,000, at prices of up replenishment. Finally, to US$43 per litre – a in areas of the extreme sum ten times greater south of their range, than the cost of olive oil argan woodlands form a (Mizrahi and Nerd, green belt against desert 1996). advancement. Argan oil production The argan tree is takes place at the family managed for oil pro- level and women under- duction, pasture and Illustration by Jamison Ervin take the entire task. The fuelwood, commodities Argan (Argania spinosa) dried flesh of the fruit is that ensure the subsis- separated from the nut, tence of two million and the oil in the seeds people in rural Morocco. It has great is extracted. Next, the seeds are lightly potential to contribute to the economic roasted, ground and mixed with warm development of rural populations and pre- water. The floating oil is separated by vent rural emigration toward the large rinsing and may be further purified by urban centres of the country. An indicator either emulsion with water or the addition of argan’s importance is the number of of bread. Approximately 100kg of seed working days per year that argan manage- yields 1–2kg of oil and 2kg of pressed ment demands from Moroccan rural ‘cake’ (a pasty oil production by-product), people. Specifically, there are estimations as well as 25kg of dried husk. of 800,000 working days per year for In addition to cooking, the oil is used fuelwood collection and 20,000,000 for lighting and soap manufacturing. The working days per year for oil extraction sun-dried cake residue is fed to livestock (the production of 1 litre of oil requires (although this reduces the quality of dairy one and a half days of work) respectively. cattle milk). The fruit and foliage are a The plum-sized argan fruit contains valuable fodder source for livestock. The one to three kernels with a high oil content hard, heavy and durable argan timber (over 50 per cent). The oil has a distinct gives good charcoal and argan brushwood flavour, resembling that of walnut oil. The is used for fencing. The tree also provides ratio of total unsaturated to total saturated valuable shade for humans and livestock fatty acids is around 4 to 5, similar to that during hot days. of olive oil. Argan oil contains about 80 Despite the granting of protection sta- per cent polyunsaturated fatty acids, of tus – which, since 1925, regulates the which 30 per cent is linoleic acid. This rights of use by local people – argan gives the oil a high nutritional value, since woodlands suffer continuing degradation.

189 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Fuelwood collection applies extreme pres- systems. Factors that lead to argan wood- sure to the tree and unsustainable fruit land degradation include intense plowing gathering and grazing magnify existing and the development of irrigated agricul- natural regeneration problems. Prior to ture, wood removal and overgrazing. the beginning of the 20th century, there Argan woodland conservation issues was a balance between grazing pressure are typical of the plight of forest resources and natural regeneration. This balance in Northern Africa. Among the priorities, has been disturbed by continuously the sound management (and survival) of increasing use of argan woodlands. At argan forests is most important, as their present, argan woodland regression is loss will not only lead to the extinction estimated at 600 hectares per year at a of an important relic species but will minimum. The principal problem comes also have adverse effects on the millions from increasing demographic pressures, of people who rely on its resources expressed as usage intensification of argan (Benzyane Mohamed, undated).

Pine-nut production in lowland pine forests

Stone pine, Pinus pinea, terms of soil, hydro- is endemic to the Medi- logical and climatic con- terranean. The total area ditions make the tree covered by stone pine sensitive to environ- woodlands is 380,000 mental disturbance and hectares (75 per cent in difficult to regenerate. Spain; 9 per cent in The distinct spherical Portugal; 9 per cent in shape of the crown Turkey; 5 per cent in allows the tree to ach- Italy; and lower percent- ieve maximum benefits ages in Greece, Lebanon from solar radiation. and France). Stone pine The tree starts producing woodlands are impor- seeds after 12 to 18 tant in terms of their years, depending upon biodiversity (eg Doñana Illustration by Bee Gunn its occurrence in isola- National Park in Spain), tion or in stands. Cones and their management Stone pine (Pinus pinea) take three years to reach yields a variety of prod- maturity, at which stage ucts such as nuts, timber, they are 10–15cm in firewood, resins, bark and honey, as well length and 6–10cm in width. as pastures for livestock and hunting. Stone pine kernels are used in the Stone pine can reach 15–25m in Mediterranean as a culinary delicacy and height and thrives on coastal sandy areas have a protein value two-thirds that of with a moist but well-drained ground, lean steak. In addition to their nutritional characterized by small temperature varia- value, stone pine nuts have been consid- tions and a shallow water table. The ered as an aphrodisiac all around the special requirements of stone pine in Mediterranean since ancient times. The

190 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut


The Strofilia forest in south-western Greece provides a rather typical example of a rural community that is failing to reap the full benefits of products from an adjacent forest area. The Strofilia (strofilia is the Greek word for ‘stone pine’) forest constitutes the only remaining woodland of Pinus pinea in Greece that can still be characterized as a ‘forest’ and represents 80 per cent of the total stone pine forest in the country. Located in the western Peloponnese, the forest covers a north–south coastal strip with a length of 15km and an average width of 1.5km. Pinus halepensis and Quercus aegilops are also important tree species in the Strofilia forest. The forest belongs to a wider system of coastal dunes and wetlands that are included in the Ramsar Convention (an international convention on wetlands, signed in Ramsar, Iran, in 1971). In 1993, a Common Ministerial Decision gave special protection status to the whole ecosystem. Pine-nut gathering is a popular activity in the Strofilia forest; but it does not take place in any organized way that could provide valuable income to adjacent communities. In addition, it is believed that this form of unsustainable gathering imposes a threat to the integrity of the forest because it may hinder stone pine regeneration. The lack of orga- nized gathering is only one of the many threats to the Strofilia forest. Another existing problem is overgrazing, which disturbs the understorey and has a negative impact on maintenance of soil fertility. A recent study has shown that the grazing capacity of the whole area is only 7200 grazing units, much lower than the current 53,670 units that bur- den the forest. Moreover, habitat deterioration is compounded by unplanned tourist growth and the disturbance of soil and hydrologic conditions caused by intensification of agricultural activities, illegal road construction and sand mining. The overall result is a diminishment of the Pinus pinea population and, in many cases, the expansion of other less sensitive species, such as Pinus halepensis. Illegal hunting presents a threat to the wildlife of the forest. Recently, the killing of hundreds of tortoises (Testudo hermanni and Testudo marginata) and the consumption of tortoise eggs have been reported. The lack of serious management in the forest may be detrimental to the forest’s future welfare. In March 1998, a severe windstorm destroyed many stone pine trees (esti- mated at 10 to 20 per cent of the total population). Subsequently, the forest service allowed heavy vehicles to enter the forest area and remove the dead wood as part of an effort to reduce a potential fire hazard. However, only the trunks were removed (appar- ently to be used as firewood), while dead crowns were left in the forest and thousand of saplings were destroyed by the impact of the activities. There is an urgent need for the implementation of a serious management plan that will protect the Strofilia forest and regulate human activities within it. A permanent Presidential Decree will implement the provisions of the management plan, including guidelines for the sustainable gathering of pine nuts. The guidelines should be based upon a stone pine-regeneration study and be accompanied by yield studies. Such research will provide a reliable measure of forest productivity in terms of pine nuts and define a sustainable harvest level. In parallel, socio-economic studies should indicate the most appropriate and efficient method to organize pine-nut production for the benefit of adja- cent communities (cooperatives, enterprises, etc). A marketing plan will also be needed to promote the product to consumers (along with other existing forest products, such as honey), and could be accompanied by the potential benefits of eco-labelling. The Strofilia forest is an example of a unique ecosystem that could benefit from seri- ous protection efforts to ensure that its full potential to contribute to the economic well-being of rural communities who neighbour the forest is realized in a systematic and sustainable way. Source: Kannelis, 1998

191 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Roman poet Ovid (born in the 1st century tries. The production varies in cycles of BC), in his ‘Ars amatoria – the Art of two to six years. The number of pine cones Love’, a poem that challenged the serious per tree is a function of tree diameter, and moral reform efforts of Augustus, pro- the average yield is about 15–22kg of pine vides a list of aphrodisiacs, including ‘the nuts per 100kg of cones. Collection takes nuts that the sharp-leafed pine brings place by men who climb the trees and forth’. The Greek physician Galenos, of gather the cones by hand or with a special the 2nd century AD, suggests that a mix- tool. Each worker can collect about 400– ture of pine seeds, honey and almonds 600 cones per day. The collection period is taken before bedtime for three consecutive from November to February. Extraction of evenings can increase sexual potency. the nut takes place by drying the cones in Apicius, a Roman celebrity who loved the sun. Empty cones can also be used as good food and whose recipes (such as fuel for fires. Before reaching the market, walnut-stuffed dormouse) were used until the external hard cover of the pine seeds the Middle Ages, recommends a mixture is removed by the use of special machines, of pine nuts, cooked onions, white mus- a process that adds extra cost to the tard and pepper to achieve increased product. sexual appetite. Finally, the Arab text The average annual production of Perfumed Garden, referring to Galenos’s pine nuts in Spain is about 6250 tonnes writings, advises that in order to achieve per year, representing 40 to 60 per cent of sexual vigour a man should eat 20 the world’s production (including nuts almonds and 100 pine nuts, accompanied coming from other pine species). Most by a glassful of thick honey, for three of the production is exported, mainly to nights before bedtime. the US through Italy (Eutichidis, 1998; Spain has the most organized pine-nut Regato, pers comm, 1998). production among Mediterranean coun-

Pine-resin production

Resins are plant chemicals produced the opening, preventing sap loss and by several plant taxa in the order exposure to pathogenic micro-organisms. Coniferales. The term embraces a group To obtain resin commercially, a tapping of sticky, liquid, organic substances that cut is made in the pine bark and the resin usually harden into brittle, amorphous, drops are collected into buckets or bags. solid substances when exposed to air. The principal products of pine resin are Natural resins are classified according rosin and turpentine oil. The most signifi- to their physical and chemical properties cant hard resin, from a commercial point into hard resins, oleoresins and gum of view, is rosin, which is obtained by dis- resins. tillation of pine resin. Rosin is used in Turpentine is a semi-fluid, yellow or paper glue and soap manufacturing, as a brownish resin (oleoresin) secreted by constituent of varnishes and paints, and pine trees. When a wound is inflicted, pine for coating strings of musical instruments. resin flows on the external surface of a Oil of turpentine is also produced by pine- tree to form a protective coat that seals resin distillation and is used for thinning

192 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut and dissolving paint and resin per year). varnish, as well as for Moreover, it has been shoe polish and the man- observed that forests ufacture of sealing wax. that have active resin Pine resin also has med- production have a lower ical properties and can incidence of forest fires. be used as a stimulant, This results from the fact anti-spasmodic, astrin- that adjacent commu- gent, diuretic and anti- nities have an active pathogenic. In the past, interest in preserving the crude pine resin was integrity of such forest used in sailing vessels as ecosystems. packing material and for The low income and waterproofing. low market value of Resin collection act- resin have reduced resin ivities in Mediterranean production in the Medi- countries have always terranean, although played a significant role Illustration by Jamison Ervin world production of resin in the welfare of forest Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) has remained almost con- communities, some of stant since 1961 (despite whom lived marginally the many changes that at the edge of subsistence. In some low- have occurred in the resin industry). What income areas, resin collection was (and has occurred is a geographical displace- continues to be) the only reliable source of ment of resin production to developing labour. In addition, many of the resin-pro- countries, mainly due to the cost of ducing forests are community forests, and labour. The data from the Mediterranean– production benefits go to resin commu- Western European countries who produce nity cooperatives. Another important pine resin is very informative and gives a aspect of these forests is that multiple-pur- clear picture of a declining trend. This pose forestry is applied and activities trend is depicted in Table 17.1. other than resin collection coexist. These The case of France is characteristic; include apiculture (usually honey produc- although the country has extensive poten- tion is undertaken individually and not by tial stands for resin production, French cooperatives), herbaceous plant-gathering resin-tapping and production ceased in (from the understorey), animal husbandry 1991. Italian production ceased in 1980. and employment in recreation. The Consider the following: preservation of resin production and the associated forest structure, along with • The European deficit in resin is several accompanying activities, are bene- 128,000 tonnes per year. ficial to both forest conservation and the • The deficit will increase. economic viability of dependent rural • The total installed resin production communities in the Mediterranean. capacity (in Portugal, Greece, Spain, Income from the wood of a Pinus France and Italy) is 290,000 tonnes halepensis tree, for example, is only 2 per per year. cent of the income generated from resin •Mediterranean resin products are con- throughout the lifetime of the tree (an sidered to be of top quality. average-sized tree can produce 3–4kg of

193 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

Table 17.1 Annual resin production in Southern Europe, 1982 and 1997

1982 (tonnes) 1997 (tonnes) Portugal 120,000 25,000 Greece 42,000 6000 Spain 60,000 3000 France 40,000 – Italy – –

Source: Chozas Bermudez, 1997

It is thus obvious that resin production considered are the abandonment of rural needs to be enhanced in all Mediterranean areas in Southern European countries and countries. Currently, resin deficits are sup- the high cost of production, which could plemented by importing lower-quality make resin collection a non-viable activ- products from abroad, particularly from ity. Furthermore, competition from pet- China. However, the situation is compli- roleum-based synthetic resins presents an cated and innovative solutions need to be additional problem (Chozas Bermudez, developed. The problems that must be 1997).

Chestnut production in mountain woodlands

The Parnon mountain Three sites in Parnon range at the eastern have been characterised part of Peloponnese in as Natura 2000 network southern Greece spans a sites, in accordance with length of 70km, with its the European Union highest peak reaching (EU) Habitats Directive. 1936 metres (m). Forests At the national level, mainly of Greek fir the Juniperus drupacea (Abies cephalonica) and stands and the chestnut black pine (Pinus nigra) woodland of Castanitsa cover the range. A relic have been declared nat- juniper species, Juniper- ural monuments, while us drupacea, has its only Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva three Parnon villages European occurrence in Chestnut (Castanea sativa) have been characterized Parnon. Chestnut (Cast- as cultural heritage sites. anea sativa) woodlands Future plans for Parnon occur naturally in Parnon, but are also concentrate on the establishment of a planted by local populations. Parnon region-wide Parnon National Park, which forests have rich associated bird and rep- will include the coastal wetland of tile fauna. In addition, more than 80 Moustos, one of the most important wet- threatened, rare and protected floral lands along the eastern shores of the species occur in the Parnon, 12 of which Greek peninsula. Representatives of local are endemic. communities supported the initiative for

194 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut the establishment of the protected area. A about eight chestnut trees per stremma management plan for the park has already (1000m2). This density encourages crown been produced. development and does not allow the pro- Parnon has three main chestnut wood- duction of good-quality timber. land areas: Castanitsa, Aghios Petros and There are two main problems in the Cosmas. The woodlands of Castanitsa Castanitsa (and generally the Parnon) cover an area of 450 hectares with about chestnut tree woodlands: chestnut blight 35,000 trees. The woodlands are consid- and age structure. Chestnut blight is a ered secondary or semi-natural forest and fungal infection caused by Cryptonectria come from trees that were planted more (Endothia) parasitica that inflicts severe than 150 years ago. For the chestnut tree damage to chestnut trees. In order to deal woodlands of Castanitsa and Cosmas, the with the chestnut blight problem, two Greek Forest Service defines the forest studies were undertaken. A four-year pro- management operations, while the Greek gramme of biological ‘treatment’ based Bureau of Agriculture is responsible for upon these studies is ready to be imple- fruit production. The two woodlands are mented. The treatment centres upon the subject to management plans produced by introduction of weakened fungus, infected the Forest Service on a 10-year basis. The by a particular virus, in the hope of replac- woodlands of Aghios Petros have a planta- ing the tree-damaging healthy fungus. To tion structure, with trees interspersed deal with the second problem, age struc- among cultivated fields and terraces. In ture, suggestions have been made to assist terms of land tenure, the woodland of regeneration by planting the more produc- Castanitsa has a community property sta- tive maron variety (which is already tus; it belongs to the dwellers of adjacent grafted on Parnon chestnut trees). There is rural communities as a whole. The wood- a need for a strategic study on chestnut lands of Cosmas cover an area of 260 woodland management. This study should hectares, while the plantations of Aghios take an integrated approach to chestnut Petros cover about 300 hectares. Overall, woodland issues, including age structure. Parnon chestnut woodlands and planta- In order to preserve the woodland struc- tions cover an area of about 1000 hectares. ture, young fir trees that grow among Fruit production starts when the tree chestnut trees, threatening to eventually reaches five years of age. Local varieties replace the chestnut canopy, are cut and are edible, but fruit morphology limita- sold for Christmas trees. Recently, a fir tions do not allow high competitiveness in tree nursery was also established. the market (compared to Italian or French There is no management plan for varieties), as Parnon chestnuts are more chestnut harvesting. The fruit is harvested difficult to process. Local farmers in directly from the tree, or from the ground Parnon often graft chestnut trees with the after the tree is shaken, causing the fruit to maron variety, which has better confec- fall. The strategic study needs to incorp- tionary properties. About one-third of the orate issues such as yield, sustainable woodland has been certified under organic harvest levels, regeneration/replacement standards. Chestnut producers have orga- strategies and other issues. However, nized themselves into a cooperative. organized production will take place at Average chestnut production is about 250 the processing stage and no major intensi- tonnes per year. fication of harvesting is expected. No fires Trees are not timbered. The chestnut have occurred within the chestnut wood- tree woodland has a thin structure, lands for more than 30 years (since 1966).

195 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

This is attributed to the fact that a con- tive to coordinate chestnut producers. The tinued human presence within the cooperative needs to lead the way in woodlands, with activities such as chest- formulating appropriate management nut harvesting, results in good fire man- practices through all stages of production agement of the forest. and needs to develop a dynamic strategy There is a need to develop activities that will promote chestnuts within the that target the sustainable management market. Finally, an issue that requires and production of chestnuts in the area, as more attention is the importation and use well as activities that raise awareness at all of foreign grafts, since they may threaten levels about the importance of chestnut the local variety (Marinos, pers comm, production for the conservation and 1998; Stefanos, pers comm, 1998; Papa- development of the region. A positive step georgiou, pers comm, 1998). is the recent establishment of a coopera-

Overview of Mediterranean forest conservation issues

The conservation issues related to they face severe fire problems as a result Mediterranean forests reflect the different of a disruption in traditional fire manage- socio-economic conditions prevailing in ment methods and the higher frequency the northern, southern and eastern shores of fire occurrence resulting from social of the basin. In the north, rural abandon- pressure (such as the increasing demand ment has resulted in the collapse of many among urban dwellers for holiday homes). traditional sustainable forest-management Another example is the negative conse- activities. In the south, high birth rates quences of rural abandonment, in com- result in overexploitation of forest res- bination with other factors (such as the ources and in forest depletion. introduction of intensive agriculture The total area (cover) and biomass of methods), on the quality of silvo-pastoral Mediterranean forests have increased in systems. Southern Europe as a direct result of rural Additional problems include over- depopulation. In many cases, dense shrub grazing (which hinders forest regenera- communities have invaded land previously tion), unplanned tourism development, occupied by marginal agricultural activi- especially in coastal forest areas, and mas- ties. In certain locations, an increase in sive afforestation initiatives that use wildlife population densities has taken exotic species, such as the extensive euca- place, which means that rural abandon- lyptus plantations in Spain and Portugal. ment was beneficial to forest integrity. In recent years, increases in non-local and However, in many cases, regenerated foreign market demand have resulted in forests are of poor quality and of low the unsustainable gathering of many biodiversity; this is because sustainable NTFPs, mainly medicinal plants, herbs, management methods that had been bulbs, wild greens and other produce such applied for centuries to woodlands were as pine nuts. abandoned. Forests in southern Mediterranean An example of these negative effects countries face conservation problems of a is the impact of forest fires. Although different character: traditional forest man- Mediterranean forests are fire adapted, agement methods have become intensive

196 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut as a result of rapid population growth. East is somewhat between the situations The situation in Turkey and the Middle in the north and the south.

Socio-economic benefits from NTFP commercialization in the Mediterranean

There are great economic incentives for However, emerging trends may help to countries in the Mediterranean to develop revert past biases. These trends can be the NTFP production potential of their summarized as follows: forests and to generate positive socio-eco- nomic benefits for rural populations that • Deteriorating socio-economic condi- are compatible with conservation values. tions in the southern and eastern However, in order to deliver this potential Mediterranean are instilling a new, there is a need to modify current eco- sometimes subsistence, reliance on nomic notions that govern Mediterranean local natural resources. forest management. This modification • There is increasing awareness of the will take place vis-à-vis conservation positive role that NTFPs can play in efforts and, in many cases, restoration of socio-economic development and in woodland resources. The entire process the conservation of natural resources. should be based on the verified belief that •Green consumerism is growing, creat- stable Mediterranean woodland ecosys- ing a demand for natural products. tems allow the production of a large • There is an increasing demand for tra- number of NTFPs. Currently, with the ditional products. possible exception of resins and cork, • There is increasing awareness and the production of NTFPs in the Medi- demand for new biochemicals and terranean is highly neglected. pharmaceuticals. There are many factors that hinder the reintroduction of traditional NTFP pro- Among the three groups involved in NTFP duction systems in the Mediterranean. production and consumption (rural popu- Because NTFPs are often used locally for lations, traders and urban consumers), the subsistence or trade in rural markets, they numbers of traders and urban consum- have been excluded from official forestry ers are increasing, providing marketing and agriculture statistics. The division of opportunities. However, beyond any mea- official governmental agencies between surable economic benefits that may derive forestry and agriculture creates some from revitalizing NTFP production sys- practical inconvenience for the considera- tems, it is important to consider the tion of NTFP commodities that fall within cultural and religious significance of a grey area of production for many NTFPs to rural societies. Preservation of experts. Finally, the mainstream forestry traditional forest management methods view that the value of a forest is clearly will not only maintain environmental and reflected by its timber production capacity socio-economic integrity, but will also has resulted in only incidental and frag- enhance cultural continuity. mented consideration of NTFPs.

197 NTFP species profiles from around the world: eastern North America

NTFP certification issues in the Mediterranean

Certification may hold promise for some • Subsistence issues, resource rights and Mediterranean NTFPs. However, several access issues will be complex in some issues will need to be tackled so that areas of the Mediterranean. NTFP certification can proceed in the Mediterranean: Certification could sensitize the ‘green consumer’ to issues of sound forest man- • Local or regional forest standards that agement and, especially in the case of incorporate the uniqueness and com- Parnon, sound management of protected plexity of Mediterranean forest sys- areas. Thus, eco-labelling, apart from tems will need to be agreed upon. ensuring that NTFPs are produced in the •Mediterranean forest certification most ‘environmentally acceptable’ way, standards will need to encompass could contribute to awareness about the agroforestry and silvo-pastoral sys- importance of the human interface with tems. forest areas and protected areas in the • Involvement of local experts who Mediterranean, where widespread human have knowledge of anthropogenically influence has been present for thousands manipulated systems will be central to of years. creating standards for Mediterranean Because demand for locally traded ecosystems. NTFPs is inelastic, the cost of certification • The issue of grazing (timing and may interfere with rural consumers’ abil- intensity) needs to be addressed, par- ity to pay. Thus, the best candidates for ticularly for silvo-pastoral woodland testing NTFP certification would be inter- systems where regeneration may be a nationally traded NTFPs, such as nuts or critical issue. cork. Any certification initiative, espe- • The treatment of fire – either its sup- cially for medicinal plants, should be done pression or controlled use – will be an in collaboration with other initiatives, important issue. such as TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade mon- • The issue of certification costs will itoring programme of WWF and the need to be examined. Large units that World Conservation Union (IUCN). are cooperatively managed may be Overall, there are many cases where able to afford certification, but the the prospect of NTFP certification could cost of certification for small proper- be positive, such as the development of ties that produce NTFPs could be ‘gourmet’ markets, which might enhance burdensome. the livelihoods of rural Mediterranean • Regeneration studies, yield data and people and bolster conservation efforts other basic biological and ecological in their regions. However, certification information are still required to inform efforts should proceed with caution management of argan, pine and other because many of these populations rely on Mediterranean NTFP-producing wood- NTFPs (eg argan oil) and any increase lands and agroforestry systems. in demand for the product outside local •Tenure and forest security issues pose markets could negatively interfere with potential problems for the certifica- sensitive subsistence patterns. An impor- tion of many Mediterranean NTFPs. tant positive aspect of any certification

198 Mastic gum, cork oak, argan, pine nut, pine resin and chestnut initiative is that it could increase the north, where abandonment has resulted in awareness of landscape ecology in the a decline of original management methods region. Finally, putting an emphasis on and left only migration as an option for NTFP certification will be a way of realis- rural populations, reconsidering the value tically evaluating the worth of non- of NTFPs could create small poles of eco- timber-producing Mediterranean wood- nomic attraction in the countryside. The lands that, in the past, have been situation is even more urgent in the south, neglected or given only cursory attention. where intensification of human use has Managing woodlands for NTFPs can disrupted the natural balance and has contribute to maintaining the health, led experts to push for the adoption beauty and permanence of Mediterranean of imported land-management methods landscapes. To do so, investments need to based upon monocultural models. It is locate and capitalize on existing knowl- time to act and to establish small- to edge about forest management for medium-scale operations that would orga- multiple outputs. Any aid given to intro- nize forest management for NTFPs, ducing new economic activities should address the ecological and social needs of follow a piecemeal approach and be based rural populations and preserve the rich, on the existing potential of Mediterranean centuries-old natural and cultural land- woodland resources. This applies equally scape of the region. to all Mediterranean countries. In the

199 Chapter 18 Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia)

Kodzo Gbewonyo


Illustration by Bee Gunn Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia)

Extracts from the seeds of a little-known extract 5-HTP appears to encapsulate the African shrub recently became embroiled growing pains of the newly deregulated in an intense controversy between friends US dietary supplement industry and its and critics of the dietary supplement impact on suppliers in source countries. industry. The story of griffonia plant Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia)

The species

Griffonia simplicifolia is a tropical shrub wotowoto (Ewe); kagya (Twi)). The belonging to the botanical family potent medicinal properties of griffonia Caesalpiniaceae found in abundance in the have been long identified by local people. coastal and secondary forests of West Traditionally, various parts of the plant Africa. The plant grows as a woody are used to treat a variety of ailments, climber and flowers from August to including vomiting, diarrhoea and pelvic November, producing 5-centimetre (cm) congestion. The plant is also used as a pods. The pods explode with a loud noise purgative, antiseptic for wounds and when ripe, releasing flat, disc-shaped seeds aphrodisiac. The twigs are used as chew- that are 1–2 millimetres (mm) in size, ing sticks while the leaves are fed to sheep which are harvested and dried for export. and goats to stimulate reproduction, in The characteristic explosive noise of addition to insecticide applications to the pods at harvest gave the plant its local ward off lice from poultry (Ayensu, 1978). names (ie totolimo, gbogboto (Ga);

Active constituents

Modern research has revealed that the rier, boosting serotonin release from the seeds of Griffonia simplicifolia are brain. Documented studies have demon- deficient in a key enzyme (5-HTP decar- strated clinical effectiveness of 5-HTP for boxylase), required for tryptophan depression (Nardini et al, 1983), attention metabolism (Fellows and Bell, 1970). This deficit disorder (Kahn and Westenberg, deficiency leads to an accumulation of 1985), migraine headache (Titus et al, unusually high levels of the intermediate 1986), insomnia (Caruso et al, 1990; 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) in the Puttini and Caruso, 1992) and appetite mature seeds. Levels of 5-HTP in the suppression (Cangiano et al, 1992). range of 10–18 per cent on a dry weight Besides the accumulation of high lev- basis have been reported by high perfor- els of 5-HTP, griffonia seeds also provide mance liquid chromatography (HPLC) the source of a well-known plant lectin analysis (Adosraku, pers comm, 1998). (glycoprotein GSL II) with strong anti- 5-HTP is the direct precursor of genic properties for N-acetyl-glucosamine the ubiquitous hormone serotonin (5- residues, which is useful as an immuno- hydroxy-tryptamine: 5-HT), which serves reagent in blood-group typing as well as an important function as the brain’s chem- an affinity-labelling reagent in biochemi- ical messenger (neurotransmitter) in the cal research (Hayes and Goldstein, 1974). human body. Thus administration of 5- Reagent grade preparations from griffonia HTP can lead to increased serotonin seed extracts can be found listed in scien- synthesis, resulting in beneficial effects, tific research catalogues from well-known especially in cases of serotonin deficiency. distributors such as Sigma-Aldrich Furthermore, orally administered 5-HTP (Sigma-Aldrich, 1999). is believed to cross the blood–brain bar-

201 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Exploding international markets

Demand for griffonia as a source of 5-HTP health, wellness and nutrition. Consumer has brought this multifunctional medicinal preferences for natural foods and rem- plant species recent fame and notoriety. For edies grew as synthetic drugs acquired years, griffonia has been sourced annually negative associations. Record growth in relatively modest quantities as an item of rates reaching 20 per cent annually have medicinal plant trade from West Africa to been reported for the industry in recent Europe, along with Voacanga africana, years, with estimated total annual sales Pygeum africanum and Pausinystalia exceeding US$12 billion. The herbal prod- yohimbe, to name a few. European ex- ucts category alone accounts for US$4.2 tractors, notably Kadem (Germany) and billion of this total (Brevoort, 1998). Nuova Linnea (Switzerland), have supplied Liberalization of the sector from strin- 5-HTP extracts from griffonia seeds to gent US Food and Drug Administra- worldwide markets. tion (FDA) regulation by enactment of the It was not until 1997 that the medici- Dietary Supplement and Health nal properties of 5-HTP came to the Education Act (DSHEA) in 1994 (US attention of the rapidly growing US FDA, 1995) gave rise to the boom in the dietary supplement industry. Rumours natural product industry. Several new started circulating in industry circles companies sprang up to play various roles about the potential of 5-HTP as the next as suppliers, manufacturers and distri- ‘hot herb’ to capture market attention butors. The research and development after the overwhelming popularity of St capacity of these companies is still limited; John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) and as a result, they tend to borrow product kava kava (Piper methysticum). ideas from the older and more established The interest in griffonia also coincided European herbal industry – particularly with the period immediately following the the German industry. debacle of the popular weight-loss drugs Besides sporadic adventures into nat- Redux and ‘Fen/phen’, which were pulled ive cultures for new product ideas (as off the market following reports of serious typified by kava kava), the product portfo- adverse effects on heart valves in some lios of the US dietary supplement industry patients. Dietary supplement manufact- consist largely of imitation products from urers did not miss out on the strategic Europe. Nevertheless, interesting trends opportunities presented by the sudden are emerging, such as niche product lines vacuum in the lucrative weight-loss prod- based on traditional Chinese medicine uct market. As such, 5-HTP, by virtue of (TCM) and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. its documented evidence as an appetite There is, however, very little systematic suppressant, was high on the list of sub- effort to tap into the rich culture of herbal stitute products of interest to supplement medicines from Africa. The few products suppliers. of African origin that are now gaining a It is worthwhile viewing this period foothold – such as Yohimbe and Pygeum – within the wider context of the resurgence were initially promoted by the European of the US dietary supplement industry as a natural product industry. Similarly 5-HTP whole. The industry has been enjoying was well known in European industry unprecedented growth, fuelled by greater circles for over two decades before aware- public awareness of the linkages between ness was aroused in the US.

202 Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia)


By the spring of 1997, 5-HTP was at the erial in order to negotiate an accept- top of the ‘most wanted list’ of the US nat- able purchase price with the supplier. ural product industry. Manufacturers were Cocoa-purchasing centres equipped with busy trying to identify sources and avail- weighing scales and produce storage ability of griffonia seeds. Attention was spaces are typically used for griffonia in focused on the West African country of some localities since its harvest does not Ghana as the key source. Unfortunately, unduly overlap with the cocoa harvest the 1996–1997 harvest season had just season. When enough seeds are accumu- ended and there were no more seeds avail- lated, transport is arranged to move the able for export. Pent-up demand for seeds to warehouses closer to the point of griffonia skyrocketed throughout the off- export. season as desperate inquiries were Major local buyers and exporters in repeatedly received by medicinal plant Ghana for the 1997–1998 griffonia season exporters in Ghana. included Bioresources, Getrade, Cashpro, Meanwhile, advance orders and ex- Vicdoris and Madame Catherine, each of port contracts were put in place between which had significant orders from their buyers and sellers in anticipation of the respective foreign customers. Non-govern- opening of the next griffonia harvest sea- mental organizations (NGOs) such as son. The 1997–1998 griffonia harvest Technoserve (Ghana) Ltd also played season turned out to be a bumper crop, facilitating roles in organizing village com- partly due to the El Niño effect, which munities to undertake griffonia collection brought considerable rain that year. as part of their rural development policies Griffonia grows in the wild, throughout (Hicks, pers comm, 1998). the southern regions of Ghana, as a climb- Business was brisk as several brokers ing plant in the shade of large trees. from Europe, the US and Asia made their Collection and post-harvest processing of way to Accra, the capital city of Ghana, the seeds are carried out in farm villages in search of griffonia seeds. The lobby of as a seasonal occupation to provide sup- the plush Golden Tulip Hotel in Accra plementary income. became the scene of intense negotiations During the harvest season the collec- and bargaining over truckloads of griffo- tion effort is organized through a network nia from the hinterland. of purchasing agents who scout regions to Prices on the first crop of the season assess availability and maturity of the started at US$6 per kilogram (kg) (twice seeds. As the mature seeds are released the export price of the previous season). from the pods, village communities, By mid-season the spot price rose to US$9 including women and children, comb per kg, eventually reaching as high as through the fields to hand pick the seeds US$14 per kg by the end of the harvest in a very labour-intensive operation. Seeds season as demand continued to grow are then laid out on sacks to dry in the sun while supply dwindled. It is estimated that for several days. between 300 and 500 tonnes of griffonia The dried seeds are then carted to des- seeds were exported from Ghana during ignated purchase centres where an agent the 1997–1998 harvest season (Acquaye, inspects the quality and weighs the mat- pers comm, 1998).

203 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Due to the urgency of 5-HTP demand, India for extraction to 5-HTP by contract large quantities of griffonia were air manufacturers before trans-shipment to freighted to extractors at additional cost the US. This circuitous intercontinental (US$2–US$3 per kg for bulk air-freight business network was designed to take rate). Besides Europe and the US, most of advantage of lower extraction costs in the griffonia was shipped to China and Asia.

Processing and products

Proprietary protocols are used by various product. Suppliers and distributors of 5- manufacturers to extract 5-HTP from HTP had the leverage on the market, griffonia seeds. In general, processes entering into cut-throat contracts with involve grinding the seeds into powder end-users. and repeatedly extracting with hot or cold Meanwhile, dosage formulations of 5- mixtures of alcohol and water. The alco- HTP as 50 milligram (mg) and 100mg holic extracts are eventually concentrated tablets began to appear in natural food to crystallize out the 5-HTP in solid form, stores. Products were packaged under with recovery yields of 8–12 per cent from major supplement labels, including the seeds. The purity of 5-HTP in the Nature’s Way, Natural Balance, Solgar product is generally specified above 95 and TwinLabs, and prominently displayed per cent by most manufacturers. The at natural food outlets such as general residual impurity profile will eventually nutrition centres (GNCs) and the Vitamin prove to be the undoing of the 5-HTP Shoppe, as well as in pharmacies and food market. store aisles. Internet websites displayed 5- The price of purified 5-HTP rose HTP products under provocative titles steadily from US$1200 per kg at the such as ‘Forget Prozac’. Typically, a pack beginning of 1998 to US$1600 per kg by of 60–100 tablets of 5-HTP sold for about mid-year at the peak of interest in the US$30.

Media interest feeds demand

News about the product spread among A new book was released in May health food adherents by word of mouth. 1998 entitled 5-HTP: The Natural Way Bulge-conscious ladies shedding off winter to Overcome Depression, Obesity and coats in the spring began to hear of 5-HTP Insomnia, written by Michael Murray, a from vendors in health-food stores. Since well-known naturopath and strong advo- DSHEA severely constrains the use of cate for the diet supplement industry clinically unproven claims in labelling and (Murray, 1998). Public awareness came to advertising of dietary supplements, it is a head in June when the ABC television often difficult to disseminate information news programme PrimeTime Live broad- and create public awareness of new prod- cast a lead story on 5-HTP as a promising ucts in the industry. supplement for weight control and insom-

204 Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia) nia. The programme featured an attractive sion, headache and insomnia. Sales rode New York model who attested to using 5- high on the media frenzy. HTP to keep in shape and stay com- Manufacturers rushed into produc- petitive as a fashion model, as well as a tion only to find limited supplies of middle-aged woman who used 5-HTP to purified 5-HTP at exorbitant prices. The get relief from insomnia (ABC News, ripple effect spilled over to raw material 1998). suppliers in Ghana, and residual griffonia This nationwide TV broadcast inventories remaining from the harvest sparked a stampede for 5-HTP and within season were quickly raided from ware- days shelves were completely empty of houses at outrageous prices. Those few 5-HTP products. Stores were having diffi- weeks of the summer of 1998 were the culty replenishing stock and the limited high point for 5-HTP and griffonia. There supplies available were kept behind check- was anxiety over whether available sup- out counters and sold on demand to plies of 5-HTP could sustain market preferred customers. The media pro- demand until the next griffonia harvest claimed 5-HTP a miracle drug with mul- season (Health Supplement Industry tiple effects to alleviate obesity, depres- Insider, 1998).

Concerns raised and media backlash

However, the 5-HTP honeymoon was des- outbreak of EMS in 1989 involving 1500 tined to be short lived. The bombshell cases, including 38 fatalities. This later came in a short note published in the EMS outbreak was traced to a contami- ‘Letters to the Editor’ column in the nated batch of L-tryptophan produced by September 1998 issue of the medical fermentation from the Japanese company journal Nature Medicine. A group of Showa Denko. As a result of this out- researchers from the Mayo Clinic in break, the FDA banned the sale of Rochester, Minnesota (Williamson et al, L-tryptophan from the US market. The 1998), reported the presence of a contam- Mayo report concluded that the presence inant code-named ‘peak X’ in samples of of ‘peak X’ in 5-HTP products rep- 5-HTP products from six different manu- resented ‘another accident [epidemic] facturers bought from health-food stores. waiting to happen’. The researchers noted that the contami- The mass media, including the San nant ‘peak X’ was implicated in an earlier Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles adverse incident in 1991 involving a 28- Times, quickly picked up the Mayo Clinic year-old woman who became ill with the report. To counteract the impact of bad blood disease eosinophilia myalgia syn- press on 5-HTP and natural products as a drome (EMS) (Michelson et al, 1994). The whole, the leading industry association, authors also cited another reported inci- National Nutritional Foods Association dent in 1980 associating EMS with 5-HTP (NNFA), went on the offensive to control (Sternberg et al, 1980). the damage. NNFA issued a press release Furthermore, the Mayo researchers challenging the motivation of the Mayo alluded to similarities between the conta- Clinic researchers, calling parts of the minant and the probable cause of an report ‘speculative science’ due to unsub-

205 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa stantiated claims associating the alleged during this period, the media scare was contaminant of 5-HTP ‘peak X’ with the sufficient to erode public confidence in 5- L-tryptophan incident (Health Food HTP. Product sales plummeted despite the Business, 1998). efforts of a number of suppliers who However, the FDA subsequently claimed to provide ‘peak X-free’ 5-HTP. released its own independent evaluation As interest waned, most suppliers moved confirming the presence of ‘peak X’ in on in pursuit of the next ‘hot new herb’. samples of 5-HTP on the market. The Uninformed collectors and suppliers in agency further indicated that since there Ghana and other source countries were are uncertainties in establishing the cause disappointed as inventories of the of the 1989 EMS outbreak with regard 1998–1999 griffonia harvest accumulated to L-tryptophan and its contaminants, in warehouses while buyers and orders the 5-HTP situation ‘warrants careful sur- failed to materialize. veillance’ (Centre for Food Safety and A long-awaited NBC Dateline pro- Applied Nutrition, 1998). Nevertheless gramme on 5-HTP and the ‘peak X’ the FDA did not find it necessary to issue controversy was finally aired in March, a product recall on 5-HTP. Instead it rec- 1999, declaring that the jury is still out on ommended that 5-HTP manufacturers whether or not 5-HTP and/or its associ- upgrade their processes to eliminate impur- ated contaminants pose any real public ities in 5-HTP, provide mechanisms for health threat (NBC News, 1999). Experts the public to report any adverse events on both sides of the issue presented and notify the FDA, and undertake fur- opposing views as the programme con- ther research to address concerns about cluded that additional unbiased scientific 5-HTP. evidence is needed to resolve the issues. Although no cases of adverse events Until then, the world has yet to hear the related to 5-HTP use actually materialized last word on the griffonia extract 5-HTP.

Lessons learned with relevance to marketing of NTFPs and certification

There are very important lessons to be Botanical medicine markets in the US learned by the natural products industry are particularly fickle, but all will from the griffonia experience, with rel- respond strongly to scientific data evance to marketing and certification emerging on products new to the mar- schemes, especially for players along the ket; products may ride a rollercoaster supply chain and in source countries: during their initial years. • This volatile situation can be changed •As constituted today, natural products by building a solid foundation of good represent a highly volatile market. science to validate claims relating to Fortunes can be made quickly based the effectiveness and safety of prod- on media hype, and likewise the media ucts. It is highly important to main- rumour mill can readily unmake prod- tain quality and purity of herbs and ucts. Producers in source countries are their extracts to maximize efficacy often unaware of the volatility and and minimize adverse side effects. trend-driven nature of these markets. Universally accepted standards and

206 Griffonia (Griffonia simplicifolia)

specifications for herbs and extracts extraction will streamline logistics established by a reputable body, such and eliminate high freight costs for as the US Pharmacopoeia, will gener- bulk material. As demonstrated in the ate greater public confidence in herbal pricing structure of 5-HTP extracts, products. These standards might be source countries can increase their incorporated within a certification returns as much as tenfold by supply- programme, with ecological and ing extracts. By moving up the supply social certifiers collaborating with chain, source countries can also pro- industry quality-control and stan- duce products for local and regional dards-setting bodies. markets. The major gains to be made • Source countries such as Ghana can from botanical medicine markets are derive greater benefits from the for- higher up the supply chain, and certi- tunes of the industry by moving up the fication should seek to promote supply chain from their current role as greater source-country processing and bulk raw-material suppliers. Local manufacturing of products.

207 Chapter 19 Baobab bark (Adansonia digitata)

Claudia Romero, Isla Grundy, Bruce Campbell and Anthony B Cunningham


The genus Adansonia photosynthetic layer (Bombacaceae) occurs immediately under the in most countries of surface of the outer Africa south of the bark. The wood is Sahara (one species), characterized by an western Madagascar abundance of water- (seven species) and storing tissue and Australia (one species), high moisture contents at low altitudes in hot, (about 300 per cent of dry woodlands (Wick- dry weight; de Villiers, ens, 1981). Baobab 1951). Baobab trees trees (Adansonia digi- reportedly start to tata) in Zimbabwe are flower at 25 years. The found in the valleys of flowers are large, open the Zambezi River and only for a period of 24 its major tributaries, hours and are polli- Illustration by Bee Gunn and in the Save-Lim- nated by bats, though popo lowveld. The Baobab (Adansonia digitata) they are also visited species apparently prefers by a range of other deep, well-drained soils animals (eg moths, at elevations of between 450 and 600 wasps and bush-babies; Wickens, 1981). metres (m) and grows in areas that receive Flowering occurs at the start of the rainy 180 to 1000 millimetres (mm) of precip- season. The fruits are a preferred food for itation per year, with extreme annual monkeys, baboons, elephants and impala variation. (Peters and O’Brien, 1980). In areas The baobab is a deciduous species where there is little wildlife, fruits hang on that grows to 6m and more in diameter the trees for several months. but rarely reaches heights greater than The baobab has been known as the 20m. Baobab bark is smooth, reddish- ‘mammoth of the lowveld’ (Pardy, 1953) brown or greyish-brown, with a thin and ‘the upside down tree’ (Wickens, Baobab bark (Adansonia digitata)

1981). Handicrafts made of baobab bark Odzi Valley, in south-eastern Zimbabwe fibers represent one of the sources of (Luckert et al, 2001). income for rural inhabitants of the Save-


Baobab densities range from 3 to 21 trees diameter at breast height (dbh) – were per hectare in the lowveld of eastern recorded (Romero et al, 2001). Zimbabwe. Regeneration (individuals Game and livestock cause extensive < 2m tall) is completely lacking in most damage to baobab stems, especially in communal areas. Deficiency of regenera- times of drought (de Villiers, 1951). tion is apparently not due to lack of seeds Among the more subtle impacts of ele- or low seed viability; viability of baobab phants on baobabs is the failure of seeds is generally high (97 per cent; damaged trees to produce mature pods Mudavhanu, 1998). Monkeys, baboons (Swanepoel, 1993). Where elephants are (Peters and O’Brien, 1980) and particu- abundant, baobab trees are often gouged larly cattle and goats eat young seedlings. out, far into the xylem, which suggests In areas where baobab is not commer- that more than just inner bark is eaten. cially used (eg Sengwa Wildlife Research Baobab stem growth rates are posi- Area), as is the case in protected areas, tively correlated with rainfall (Piearce et baobab seedlings were very rarely found al, 1994) and are extremely variable. (Putz and Romero, pers comm). Mean annual increment in dbh of 9 trees Baobab trees reportedly die during of known age (12–72 years) in three loca- severe droughts and less frequently are tions in Harare (Zimbabwe) was 2.01cm killed by lightning (de Villiers, 1951). per year. Growth rate data from Messina Elephants are also known to kill baobabs and Hwange ranged from 0.30 to 1.50cm and to be killed when the baobab trees per year, respectively (Barnes, 1980). A whose stems they are gouging topple source of error in using dbh as a metric to over. Annual mortalities ranged from 1.1 assess growth is seasonal shrinking and per cent (Mana Pools National Park; swelling of the trees. Swanepoel, 1993) to 7.3 per cent Coates-Palgrave (1983) stated that (Luangwa Valley in Zambia; Caughley, baobabs of 8m dbh would be more than 1976). In the Save-Odzi Valley (eastern 3000 years old. A carbon-14 dating per- Zimbabwe), mortality rates of 0.33 trees formed by Swart (1963) indicated that a per hectare per annum, with a mean tree baobab with a dbh of 4.5m found in density of 8.44 trees per hectare – no trees Kariba, in the Zambezi Valley, was 1010 with circumferences < 20 centimetres (cm) (+/– 100) years old.


Baobab trees provide a variety of products to make rugs, doormats, blankets, hats, that traditionally have been used through- handbags, baskets, tablemats, sandals, out Africa. Fibers from its bark are used dolls, sewing thread, rope and whips. The

209 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa inner bark is reportedly chewed as a cure high water content, are sought after by for colds and made into a concoction for children and herders. Bathing babies in stomach-ache (Nkana and Iddi, 1991). water in which young baobab roots have The outer bark is boiled and used to ease been soaked is believed to ensure their toothaches. The woody exocarp of the plumpness and health. Slices of roots fruit can be used as a cooking pot, ground boiled in water are also eaten. Baobab and used for snuff, or used as a household leaves can be eaten as a vegetable (locally . The seeds are embedded in a known as gusha) and provide a substitute powdery sarcotesta that is widely con- to other vegetables during dry periods. sumed by humans and has a high con- Dead baobabs decompose relatively centration of vitamin C (Sidibe et al, quickly and are used as compost (Mud- 1996). Seeds can be ground into a butter, avanhu, 1998). Finally, hollow baobabs or roasted and ground to make a hot bev- can be used as water storage reservoirs, erage sometimes consumed by people who tombs or temporary shelters (Mullin, cannot afford coffee (Kwaramba, 1995). 1997). Young roots, with their sweet taste and

Impact of bark harvesting and other stresses

Denudation of the baobab does not lead harvested at least once. More than 50 per to land-use change; rather, it would mean cent of the trees had been harvested to that an element of the woodlands, and a heights of about 2m and above through very charismatic element at that, would the use of harvesting platforms set next to eventually disappear. An important con- the trees. sideration in assessing the impact of bark Although local people reported that harvesting on the future sustainability of bark from the same portion of the stem baobab populations is whether and how could be reharvested after a recovery the tree regenerates bark, and at what period of two years, or three years when a rate. Unlike most trees that regenerate drought occurred, the study by Romero et bark slowly from the vascular cambium al suggests a much longer recovery period. on the margins of a wound, baobab bark Experimentally harvested patches on is produced from parenchyma cells under- baobab trunks recover their pre-harvest- neath the surface of the exposed xylem. ing bark thickness after six years. The This peculiar mechanism of baobab bark mean rate of bark regeneration was regeneration was apparently first des- 0.67cm per year (n = 10 trees per year) cribed by Fisher (1981). and did not vary over the four-year period Baobabs of a wide range of sizes of the study. The proportion of baobab (25–330cm dbh) in villages in the Save- bark fiber useful for handicrafts also Odzi Valley were harvested for bark increased with increasing recovery period. (Romero et al, 2001). This study reported Based on the results of their experimental that harvesting was more prevalent dur- study, Romero et al (2001) established ing the dry season when people had that the proportion (31.4 per cent) of available time due to reduced agricultural usable bark from previously unharvested activities. Bark from 97.4 per cent of the trees would be attained approximately ten baobab trees in the study area had been years after the initial harvest.

210 Baobab bark (Adansonia digitata)

Baobabs are susceptible to infection by in an area and the degree of infestation of a sooty mould of the Antennulariella type the baobab (Mudavhanu, 1998). If such a (Matose and Clarke, 1991; Maulka et al, relationship exists, it is unclear whether 1995). Bark of infected trees becomes the high infection rate of harvested trees is blackened or burned in appearance (hence due to harvesters spreading the disease the term ‘sooty’). Other symptoms of from tree to tree, or whether trees are ren- infection include gum-sweating and crown dered more susceptible to the disease die-back (Sharp, 1993). Sooty mould dis- because of bark loss. The mean propor- ease seems to be particularly prevalent tion of trees infected by the sooty disease during and soon after drought years. It has in eastern Zimbabwe was 47.3 per cent been suggested that the disease generally (Romero et al, 2001). Because bark from affects trees under environmental stress. all of the infected trees had been harvested Piearce et al (1994) hypothesized that in their plots, it was not possible for the drought causes physical contraction of the researchers to establish a cause-and-effect bark, leading to sap extrusion through relationship. The only tree they encoun- weak points (ie cracks and wrinkles) tered in the sampling area from which where sooty moulds can colonize. bark had apparently never been harvested There appears to be a relationship was completely infected by the mould between the intensity of bark harvesting disease.


In the past, rules governing natural- tives. Village heads (kraalheads) tried to resource management used to be dictated encourage harvesters not to strip bark and enforced by local traditional leaders from entire trees; but this advice was sel- (Mukamuri and Kozanayi, 2000). Among dom adhered to and kraalheads reported the traditional rules governing natural- that they did not have the time to enforce resource use in eastern Zimbabwe that their rules. Individuals who were thought still seems to be respected is the prohibi- to be overexploiting the resource could be tion of felling fruit trees, including baobab fined a goat or asked to brew beer for the (Romero et al, 2001). There are also tra- village; but elders generally found it ditional bans against completely stripping increasingly difficult to enforce the rules the boles of baobab trees and, specifically, as harvesting pressure increased. Rep- against harvesting bark from trees ortedly in the past, people stripped bark infested by sooty mould disease (Matose from one side of the tree at a time. Now and Clarke, 1991; Mukamuri and they often remove bark from the whole Kozanayi, 2000). circumference of trees, in two to three Villagers reported that in the study tiers, and sometimes de-bark the entire area there is no formal or informal control trunk. In this case study, harvesters were over baobab harvesting, except for the aware of the problem of overharvesting, protection of some sacred trees. Although but felt impelled to do so in order to pre- outsiders were technically not allowed to vent other people from de-barking the harvest bark in a village area, they could same trees – particularly if the trees pro- gain access to the resource through rela- duced bark of desirable quality (Romero

211 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa et al, 2001). More recently, traditional harvesting, some harvesters had to walk leaders tried to discourage the use of to neighbouring villages to find trees from baobab roots because it was thought to which they could collect bark. result in the death of trees (Mukamuri and Although the marketing of baobab Kozanayi, 2000). products reportedly increased during the Despite traditional taboos on selling early 1990s (Braedt and Standa-Gunda, baobab fruit, this widespread practice 1997), commercialization of baobab bark continues in many rural areas of products seems to have been stable for the Zimbabwe. This activity is likely to last four years (Veeman et al, 2001). The reduce the number of seeds available for full concerns of commercialization of regeneration and thus decreases the baobab bark products for the resource base recruitment potential of the species. Given have not yet been completely investigated. that extensive marketing of baobab fruits The implications of commercialization only began in the early 1990s and that could be biophysical or institutional. One Romero et al (2001) found no trees in direct consequence is an increase in con- their study area < 25cm dbh, seed avail- flicts among traditional and governmental ability was apparently not the major institutions over baobab management. factor limiting baobab recruitment. Using Problems with managing baobab bark the mean annual dbh increment rates esti- are currently being exacerbated by weak mated by the research team, a 25cm dbh institutions and by poverty. Taking aside tree would, on average, be at least 18 consideration of the baobab trees’ years old, which is twice as long as the longevity, which is very atypical for a tree, period during which the baobab fruits it is evident that the bark industry could have been extensively marketed. eventually go into an economic boom-and- The baobab craft industry is an bust cycle, such as has been well described important source of rural employment for other non-timber forest products in the Save-Odzi Valley in eastern (NTFPs) (eg Dove, 1993; Coomes, 1995). Zimbabwe, especially among women and When a renewable natural resource is over- young people (Kwaramba, 1995; Luckert exploited, the deleterious impacts tend to et al, 2001). Up to 43 per cent of existing be suffered mostly by the rural poor, who households in this area, mostly the poor- depend upon the resource the most (Arnold est, were involved in bark harvesting and and Perez, 1998). This appears to be the processing. Nevertheless, baobab bark case for baobabs in Zimbabwe. Therefore, harvesting was not uniformly practised in addition to environmental concerns throughout the study area; there were vil- about the destruction of the baobab lages where just one or two members were resource, there are reasons relating to involved (Luckert et al, 2001). Some social welfare that impel an understanding villages were more endowed with the of the impacts of current harvesting prac- resource than others; and because of over- tices on this locally important NTFP.

Certification potential

Baobab trees in the Save-Odzi Valley in traditions concerning baobab trees and Zimbabwe are utilized as a common prop- their use, there are many apparent failures erty resource (CPR). Despite long-standing in the capacities of local institutions to

212 Baobab bark (Adansonia digitata) control the use of this resource in the face evaluation of the benefits of certification of poverty and high harvesting pressures. for community timber operations in Most clearly, there is a frequent lack of Melanesia showed that although certifica- enforcement of established rules by local tion might imply access to international communities (Mukamuri and Kozanayi, markets, restraints for small landholders 2000). were mostly related to the high cost of the Considering baobab bark in the con- certification process. In addition, the cer- text of the Save-Odzi Valley as a CPR, the tification process increased work related responsibility of its management should to extra activities such as administration, go to the local communities and their book-keeping, monitoring and internal institutions, with the additional collabo- organization of local communities (Tofts, ration of appropriate governmental 1998). agencies (eg the Zimbabwe Forestry Lack of natural-resource manage- Commission). Given the paucity of rel- ment, especially in response to expanding iable information about baobab ecology, markets, often leads to biological and, it seems appropriate that management ultimately, economic impoverishment (Nep- should be carried out within the frame- stad et al, 1992). Active management pro- work of an adaptive management system grammes may help to counter this trend (Walters and Holling, 1990) that can be and rescue natural resources from being readily changed when new information undervalued and thus overexploited becomes available or conditions change. (Panayotou and Ashton, 1993). Clar-ifica- The reallocation of the right to man- tion of the connection between harvesters age the baobab bark resource to local and the market for baobab bark products communities needs to be accompanied by is critical given the increasing demand for communities’ acknowledgement of their baobab products. Perhaps this demand responsibilities, as well. Several authors will cause an increase in prices, which have identified this empowerment as a may augment harvesting pressure and lead condition of obtaining effective commit- to overexploitation and the potential col- ment from local stakeholders to lapse of the resource base. conservation and sustainable manage- The maximum sustainable rate of ment, particularly in those situations baobab bark harvesting needs to be estab- where there is insecurity of tenure lished for the Save-Odzi Valley. From the (Neumann, 1996). Collective manage- existing information, it seems that bark ment efforts are only likely to be extraction rates are exceeding bark regen- successful when specific conditions are eration rates; this needs to be confirmed met. Among these conditions are the right with evaluations at the population level. to self-organize; the clear recognition of Given that baobab trees are not regenerat- resource boundaries (ie harvesting areas ing in the study area, the sustainability of for each village); the existence of rules bark resource use over the long term that are clear and dynamic; the effective could be in severe doubt, particularly con- enforcement of rules; and the establish- sidering the unclear relationship between ment of mechanisms for conflict reso- harvesting and sooty disease. lution (McKean and Orstom, 1995). In addition to the informal nature of These conditions are necessary pre- markets for baobab products (Veeman et conditions for certification. Obviously, al, 2001), demand for certification of their compliance does not necessarily baobab products in local markets is non- mean that certification is possible. An existent. Certification may not be the

213 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa most effective short-term tool to educate potential in eastern Zimbabwe. With consumers or conserve the resource. This more ecological information and the chapter concludes that under present con- emergence of local institutions that are ditions, the potential for certification of committed to sustainability, certification baobab bark products is low. It is hoped of baobab products could contribute to that further ecological and socio-eco- the future survival of this species, as well nomic research will clarify the future of as the people and organisms who depend baobab management and its certification upon it.


The authors would like to thank the people of the Save-Odzi Valley (eastern Zimbabwe) who facilitated the work. They also thank the institutions that funded the workshop at which most of the information presented was collected: the People and Plants initiative of the WWF; the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) through the Agroforestry: Southern African Project of the Institute of Environmental Studies (IES), University of Zimbabwe; and the Department of Rural Economy, University of Alberta.

214 Chapter 20 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe)

Terry C H Sunderland, Marie-Laure Ngo-Mpeck, Zacharie Tchoundjeu and Sarah A Laird


Pausinystalia johimbe (Raponda-Walker and is a tree native to Sillans, 1961; Obama, the coastal forests of pers comm; authors’ Central Africa and is personal observation), distributed from south- a hallucinogen (Tyler, east Nigeria to the 1993), a treatment Congolese mayombe for angina (Lawrence (Vivien and Faure, Review of Natural 1985). Its bark contains Products, 1990), a up to 6 per cent of a hypertensive (Oliver- mixture of alkaloids, Beyer, 1986; Lawrence the principal one be- Review of Natural ing yohimbine (Tyler, Products, 1990), a gen- 1993), which is also eral tonic (Ainslie, known as aphrodine, 1937), a performance quebrachine or cory- enhancer for athletes, a Illustration by Bee Gunn nine (Lawrence Review remedy to increase the of Natural Products, Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) clarity of the voices of 1990). P. johimbe is singers during long fes- used extensively as part tivals (Motte, 1980), an of traditional health-care systems. Its ichthytoxicant, and as a tonic to increase many recorded uses vary from being the resilience of hunting dogs (Raponda- employed directly as an aphrodisiac (Small Walker and Sillans, 1961). and Adams, 1922; Greenish, 1929; In addition to the widespread local Ainslie, 1937; Dalziel, 1937; Raponda- use, the species has been long exported to Walker and Sillans, 1961; Motte, 1980; Europe for Western medicine in both pre- Farnsworth, 1990; Oliver-Beyer, 1986; scription and herbal markets. The most Tyler, 1993) to that of a local anaesthetic common use of yohimbine-based prescrip- (Greenish, 1929; Oliver Beyer, 1986), a tion drugs today is in the treatment of mild stimulant to prevent drowsiness diabetes-related male organic impotence NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

(Lawrence Review of Natural Products, fashionable as one of the ‘herbal highs’ 1990; Vaughan, pers comm). Sexual-stim- reported in the British press (Castle, ulant products available over the counter 1997), and yohimbe-based products have often contain yohimbine. In the UK, long been a common sight in sex shops in yohimbine-containing drugs have become Europe (Tyler, 1993).


Natural distribution and of overexploitation of the larger size-class population structure individuals. P. johimbe has been referred to as P. johimbe is found within the forest type being ‘common’ (Raponda-Walker and classified by Letouzey (1985) as Atlantic Sillans, 1960). However, it would seem Biafran evergreen forest in association that the species, while not rare, is far from with Caesalpiniaceae, an extensive forest regarded as common. Recent inventory formation extending from south-east data from Cameroon and Equatorial Nigeria through Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea suggests that there are, on aver- Guinea, Gabon and Congo Brazzaville. P. age, 15 trees > 1cm dbh per hectare, with johimbe is a fast-growing tree, but does only 4 trees > 10cm dbh per hectare that not reach a great diameter at breast height are potentially harvestable (Sunderland et (dbh); it has a recorded maximum of circa al, 1997). With this number of trees per 50 centimetres (cm) dbh (Letouzey, 1985). hectare, the authors could not support the This seems to be a natural feature of the premise that the species is common. genus and is not regarded as a direct result

Reproductive ecology

The light winged seeds of P. johimbe are Although the species occurs mainly wind dispersed and their lightness and in closed-canopy forest, light is needed winged structure mean that they can for seed germination and seedling dev- travel long distances. Consequently, regen- elopment. Few seedlings survive in eration is not commonly found close to closed-canopy forest except in areas of the mother tree and, in fact, in recent field light to moderate disturbance, and the surveys, the closest recruit found was 25 survival rate of seedlings under a closed metres (m) from the parent (Sunderland et canopy is extremely low, suggesting that al, 1997). More commonly – in fact, P. johimbe is a light-demanding species in almost exclusively – seedlings were found the early stages of regeneration. Similar without the presence of parent trees, con- observations have recently been made firming this long-distance dispersal with Lovoa trichilioides, an important (Sunderland et al, 1997). commercial timber species (Tchoundjeu et al, 1999a; 1999b).

216 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe)


Current commercial P. johimbe Prices paid per kilogram (kg) of bark bark exploitation practices in by Plantecam range from 125–280 African Cameroon Financial Community francs (CFA) per kilogram, depending upon the moisture All P. johimbe bark is currently exploited content, with higher prices being paid for from wild populations. This exploitation dried bark. However, the price paid at takes place exclusively in Cameroon, roadside to local collectors varies from 75 although interest also extends to Equa- CFA (paid to pygmies, who supply fresh torial Guinea and Gabon. Interestingly, bark along the Kribi–Campo road) to 150 much of the exploitation of P. johimbe is CFA (to Bulu suppliers at Bivoumba, who related to timber prospecting, with indi- dry the bark over meat-drying racks). vidual stems of the species being identified Recently, the president of the North-West during the inventories preceding exploita- Traditional Healers Association, Chief tion. After the timber-harvesting activities Fomentum, was asked to supply large are completed, the yohimbe trees are then quantities of bark to a contractor, to sell also felled and stripped, often by the log- on to Plantecam, for 50 CFA per kilogram ging company employees. for P. johimbe and 75 CFA per kilogram Currently, Plantecam is the sole sup- for Prunus africana. Clearly, the profit plier of P. johimbe bark to Europe, and margin for the contractors is high and supplies around 100 tonnes annually (120 local people do not receive a fair price for tonnes in 1996; Simons, 1997). Unlike their work. However, none of the local the situation where Plantecam has its collectors interviewed was aware of the own collection teams providing Prunus true price of the bark and thought it africana bark (up to 33 per cent of the worthwhile to collect bark to supply the total) to its factory, all of the P. johimbe contractors. bark is exploited by outside contractors. P. johimbe bark exploitation is a sea- These contractors are registered local sonal activity, as the yohimbine levels are businesses who have licences to exploit highest during the rainy season (Paris and medicinal plants. These licences are pro- Letouzey, 1960). During the months of vided by the Cameroon Forestry Dep- May to September, contractors travel into artment, and Plantecam states that it will areas where P. johimbe is known to occur, not accept plant material from companies contacting villagers in order to exploit the or individuals without these licences bark directly and promising to return sub- (Nkuinkeu, pers comm). sequently with transport and payment in In actual fact, however, the majority of two to three weeks. Most contractors bark is collected by local people who are have been operating in the same regions paid at the roadside for the delivery of for a number of years and use the same bark. These local people do not have any local exploiters. permits or authorization to exploit P. The principles guiding the so-called johimbe and, unknown to Plantecam (who sustainable exploitation of bark that claim to be following the letter of the law), have been applied to Prunus africana (ie are supplying bark illegally to the contrac- removal of opposite two quarters of bark tors. Thus Plantecam, in turn, may be and then subsequent removal, years later, supplied by illegally exploited bark.

217 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa of the other two quarters) have not been inactive alkaloid yohimbinine, which led applied to P. johimbe. The exploited bark to P. macroceras being named ‘false is often collected from the main stem only yohimbe’ (Small and Adams, 1922). (except when the bark is harvested by Yohimbine is present in P. macroceras, pygmy exploiters) and not from the although in very small quantities. branches. This is surprising, given that For most bark harvesters, these two yohimbine occurs not only in both the species of Pausinystalia are reputedly branches and young stems, but also in the distinguished through slash characters. leaves. Often, in order to increase outputs, Yohimbine becomes yellow-orange- the trees are felled, and Plantecam them- brown on exposure to light. P. johimbe is selves admit that during exploitation ‘98 said to oxidize red-brown very slowly, per cent of the trees exploited are pro- with P. macroceras oxidizing rapidly. bably felled’ (Nkuinkeu, pers comm). However, from the authors’ observations, According to the majority of informants it is clear that this character is unreliable. interviewed, the trees can be harvested With the bark and bole characteristics of when they are around 10cm dbh. both species also being similar, the two Although individuals all stated that it was species are almost impossible to tell apart easier and more ergonomic to harvest using slash characters. This confusion from larger diameter trees, these species between the species is not helped by the were less common. fact that the two species appear to be In the field, it was explained that whil highly allopatric, meaning that direct the P. johimbe trees callus well after a comparison in the field is often impos- small amount of bark removal,1 removal sible. However, the leaves of both species of large quantities of bark leads to an are highly distinctive, with P. johimbe attack by an (as yet unidentified) stem- having sessile, obovate leaves 15–25cm borer that penetrates the unprotected long, often in whorls of three with dis- stem, killing the tree. That is why many tinctive cordate leaf bases, while P. harvesters prefer to fell the tree because macroceras has petiolate, ovoid leaves ‘the tree would die anyway’ (Bivina, 6–15cm long. pers comm). Bakola (pygmy) harvesters, More subtle differences between the who are commonly employed to harvest two species include the fact that the bark yohimbe all along the Edea–Campo road, of P. johimbe is extremely bitter to the not only fell the trees but also cross-cut taste and is easy to peel, while P. macro- them into portable pieces. The bark is ceras bark is less bitter and is extremely removed from the cut logs, carried to the difficult to peel, often needing beating roadside and sold. All the bark from the first to loosen the cambial layer from the tree is removed, including that of the sapwood. branches. The remaining logs are then Plantecam states that all P. johimbe used for fuelwood (Mana, pers comm). bark needs to be beaten before being removed; and, given that some bark sup- Confusion between P. johimbe plied to Plantecam is known to have an and P. macroceras extremely low yohimbine content, there can be no doubt that a good proportion Henry (1939), in a study of P. johimbe (circa 60–70 per cent) of the bark received and related species, concluded that P. by Plantecam is that of P. macroceras, macroceras contains a number of alka- which is known to have very low levels of, loids, especially large quantities of the and very poor-quality, yohimbine. The

218 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) early markets for yohimbe-based products Impacts of exploitation were also aware of this confusion and Despite current levels of exploitation, P. adulteration, which led to a series of johimbe presently has a healthy recruit- guidelines being produced to distinguish ment and there does not seem to be a between the bark of the two species (see problem with regeneration. However, Table 20.1). data can be deceiving. Although the cur- With a simple field guide prepared for rent regenerative capacity of the species is collectors, it would be a simple task to not yet compromised, removal through ensure that all bark received for processing felling of reproductive individuals – espe- is P. johimbe. This would both conserve cially at current rates of exploitation in the resource and avoid the unnecessary certain areas – will ultimately affect future felling of individual trees of P. macroceras, regenerative potential (ie fewer seed trees while ensuring profitability. = fewer seedlings = reduced recruitment = fewer future harvestable trees).

Sustainable management

Potential for domestication longer exist when the products reach maturity. In contrast, one could decide Due to the destructive harvesting methods that the volatile nature of such markets employed and the rapidly growing market makes the investment prone to risk and for aphrodisiac remedies, the Inter- that no action should be taken, inevitably national Centre for Research in Agro- leading to the extirpation of the species. In forestry (ICRAF) has begun a research the case of P. johimbe, as for Prunus programme to investigate the potential of africana, along with the obvious biologi- P. johimbe for domestication and inclu- cal urgency, the market seems secure sion within its agroforestry systems enough in the short to medium term to programme. warrant the development of cultivated One of the greatest dilemmas with ini- systems. If the market no longer exists in tiating a domestication programme for the long term, the species can be used any forest product is whether to begin for other purposes, such as fuelwood, work that could provide material for a aside from serving a valuable ecological hypothetical future market that will no function.

In-situ management

While it is, of course, important to initiate garious, light-demanding) suggests that, a domestication programme for a pot- with further work on the potential sustain- entially threatened species such as P. ability of bark harvesting from standing johimbe, it is also essential that this is trees, a reasonable assessment could be implemented alongside a rational forest made regarding the quantities that could management regime. The ecology of P. be harvested from standing forest. johimbe (fast growing, reproductively gre-

219 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Table 20.1 Diagnostic bark characters of P. johimbe and P. macroceras

P. johimbe P. macroceras Macroscopic characteristics: Thickness 4–20mm 2–5mm Outer surface Colour Grey to reddish-brown Light or dark brown Surface Longitudinal furrows; many Often scraped; longitudinal furrows transverse cracks, 1–2cm and ridges; few or curved transverse apart cracks Lichens Grey or white; few or many Grey, usually numerous Cork Thin or thick, often easily Thin, adhering closely detached Inner surface Colour Reddish-brown Dark brown or reddish-brown Surface Finely striated and ridged Ridged and wrinkled Fracture Short, fibrous, sometimes Same as P. johimbe splintery on inside; surfaces soft, velvety Microscopic characteristics: Cork Width of cork one-twentieth to one-third one-quarter to two-thirds Width of cortex (number of cells) 3–30 2–40 Colour Grey to dark brown Dark brown Phelloderm Number of cells wide 2–12 4–20 Colour Yellowish-grey to reddish-brown Same as P. johimbe Cortex Width of cortex one-sixteenth to 1 one sixth to 1 Colour Yellowish-brown to reddish-brown Same as P. johimbe Medullary rays TS inner bast width 1–4 cells 1–3 cells Regularity Straight Straight TS outer bast width 1–3 cells 1–3 cells Regularity Diverging, cells elongate Curving irregularly, cells elongate tangentially tangentially Ends Straight or curved Often distorted, curved LS tangential width 1–3 cells 1–3 cells Depth 6–35 cells 5–20 cells Shape Narrow spindle or rectangular Somewhat rectangular with slightly tapering ends LS radial depth 8–30 cells 5–20 cells Bast fibers Grouping Usually in one-cell-wide rows; 1–3 Radial rows 2–3 cells wide, common occur ‘beaded’; no ‘twinning’ in but not ‘beaded’; ‘twinning’ in outer bast outer bast Diameter 22–29µ 22–23µ Length 0.7–1.6mm 0.6–1.9mm Shape TS Rectangular Rectangular Shape LS Long spindle, pointed ends Spindle with sharply pointed ends Lumen Punctiform or sometimes linear Linear or sometimes punctiform Wall Thick, not striated Thick, not striated

Note: TS = transverse section; LS = longitudinal section; µ = micron Source: adapted from Small and Adams, 1922

220 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe)

In addition, it is also essential that aging such resources not only benefit from local communities benefit from the expl- their exploitation but also are paid a fair oitation of a resource such as yohimbe. In price for the resource. This is not the case Cameroon, and soon in Gabon and today. P. johimbe could undoubtedly pro- Equatorial Guinea, the moves towards vide a good case study for the equitable community management of forest res- and sustainable management of such high- ources, with a view to sustainability, value forest products. should ensure that the communities man-

International markets

Interest in yohimbe outside of Africa was dence and the potential for adverse side first recorded in Germany, where it effects, such as tremors, sleeplessness, was used as an aphrodisiac, as well as high blood pressure and rapid heartbeat for treating painful menstruation and (Tyler, 1999). prostate inflammation with bladder Yohimbe bark contains up to 6 per complaints; it also served as a local anaes- cent of a mixture of alkaloids, the princi- thesia for eye, ear and nose operations. pal one being yohimbine (Tyler, 1993). Increasing use of yohimbe in the US Yohimbine was first isolated from herbal medicine market came about dur- yohimbe in 1896. The US FDA approved ing the 1970s (Foster, 1999). Prior to the the use of yohimbine as a treatment for launch of Viagra, yohimbe was the medi- impotence, and the compound is now cine of choice for impotency for millions available in 11 prescription drugs, includ- of men around the world. Markets for ing Aphrodyne, Erex, Yocon, Yohimex products that treat erectile dysfunction and Yovital. A synthesized yohimbe phar- are substantial – it is estimated that 50 per maceutical drug containing yohimbine cent of men between the ages of 40 and hydrochloride has been available for 70 suffer from some degree of erectile decades. Yohimbine affects the autonomic dysfunction (unpublished Massachusetts nervous system and helps with male erec- Male Aging Study 1987–89, conducted tion by increasing blood flow to the penis by New England Research Institutes, (Foster, 1999). Yohimbe tree bark has also Watertown, MA). been reported to increase energy and Under US law, yohimbe is regulated as endurance, while building both strength a dietary supplement, and yohimbine and muscle mass by raising testosterone hydrochloride is a US Food and Drug production. It is also used for weight loss. Administration (FDA) approved phar- However, there is not sufficient medical maceutical drug for impotence. The evidence to prove these claims. American Urological Association’s clinical In 1995, the US FDA sponsored guidelines panel on erectile dysfunction a study of 26 over-the-counter (OTC) classifies yohimbine as a second-line treat- yohimbe products and found only trace ment for organic erectile dysfunction amounts of yohimbine in the products (Pure World Botanicals, 1999). Germany’s tested, ranging from 0.1 to 489 parts per Commission E monograph (Blomenthal et million (ppm), probably not enough to al, 1998) does not recommend yohimbe have much effect, and much less than the for impotence, citing mixed clinical evi- average yohimbine content of yohimbe

221 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa bark (7089 ppm). As Varro Tyler reports: ciated with yohimbe’s safety have had a ‘There is almost a 100 per cent chance dampening effect on its widespread accep- that the yohimbe product you purchase tance. Although yohimbe is the only over the counter will be worthless’ botanical sex aid to be listed in the (Milman, 1999). Physicians Desk Reference, and has been More importantly, yohimbe has been scientifically proven to improve sexual linked to serious health problems, and function, its side effects are considered as steps are being taken in the US to regu- serious as those associated with Viagra – if late yohimbe products more effectively. not more so. Those individuals with Included in the FDA ‘Unsafe List’, hypertension, prostate problems or heart yohimbe can cause anxiety, sleeplessness disease – in effect, those most likely to and may react dangerously with a sub- consume it – are warned against using stance found in wine and cheeses, causing yohimbe (EN, 1999). Ginkgo, garlic, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting ginseng, oatstraw (Avena sativa), muira (Milman, 1999). The 1997 FDA safety puama, damiana and other botanicals rules for ephedra-containing products tend to be promoted in the botanical included advising against the use of medicine literature for widespread use ephedra products mixed with caffeine or over yohimbe, although for specialists, yohimbe (Nutrition Science News, 1997). yohimbe appears to be holding its own (eg Health Canada and the Health Protection Haynes, 1998; Brody, 1998; Natural Way, Branch of the federal government banned 1998). In sum, yohimbe is considered a the sale of yohimbe, along with dozens of useful medicine, but one to be taken seri- other botanical products, due to safety ously and under the advice of a specialist. concerns (Lake, 1998). It should not be purchased from the wide- As a result, although the media atten- spread, self-medicating botanicals market. tion on Viagra helped to create interest in botanical impotence drugs, concerns asso-

Yohimbe products

Yohimbe is sold as both a pharmaceutical Men, Inca Warrior Potent Male Formula, drug, containing synthesized yohimbine Yohimbe Backdraft, Men’s X-Action hydrochloride, and as botanical medicine Male-Performance Supplement, Super (as bark extracts or ground-up bark). Man, Hot Stuff and Yohimbe Yohimbe dietary supplement products are Concentrate. In addition to the botanical usually sold as capsules or tablets, but liq- and pharmaceutical industries, yohimbe is uid extracts are also available. Yohimbe also featured increasingly in nutraceutical products are sold both for impotency and products designed to boost energy. For as a fat-burner/muscle-builder for men. example, SoBe Beverages recently Prescription drugs (today usually 5.4 mil- launched the Energy drink, with guarana, ligrams (mg) per tablet) include Aphro- yohimbe and arginine. In one advertising dyne, Erex, Yocon (Palisades Pharma- spot launched in 1999 by SoBe (South ceuticals), Yohimex and Yovital, as well as Beach Beverage, Norwalk, Connecticut), over-the-counter botanical preparations the benefits of herbal ingredients, or such as Yohimbe Power, Vigor Fit for ‘functional beverages’, is made explicit,

222 Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) including the sustained energy contribu- yohimbe products include Univeral Labs, tion of yohimbe to the SoBe Energy drink Twinlab, Ultimate Nutrition, HerbPharm, (guarana provides instant energy; arginine ActionLab, Only Natural, Vitol, Solaray enhances physical performance) (Kher- and HerbPharm. The quality of capsulated mouch, 1999). powder and the concentration of liquid Botanicals are playing an increasing extracts vary greatly. Suppliers of yohimbe role in nutraceuticals, particularly sports raw materials to manufacturers include nutrition. Key botanicals used to increase AIDP, ATZ, Pure World Botanicals and endurance and energy include yohimbe, Stryka Botanics Co (US); Nuova Linnea ephedra, ma huang, guarana, kola nut (Switzerland); Extractos Natra (Spain); and ginseng. Nutraceutical, or functional and Schweizer Hall (Nigeria). Noga-Wills foods, include added ingredients that (Nigeria) Ltd specializes in the ‘supply impart health benefits, and are growing of tropical rainforest products used in rapidly in the mass market (Laird, 1999; pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries Shugarman, 1999). Companies marketing internationally.’

Certification potential

1 Demand for yohimbe is significant additional factor influencing future and – despite concerns associated with yohimbe demand. product safety – is projected to grow 2 Yohimbe bark is currently collected in the coming years. However, from 100 per cent wild sources, is dis- yohimbe is fed into two significantly persed across a number of national different markets: the pharmaceutical borders and often takes place in and the botanical medicine market. remote areas. Chain of custody – the The former is not a likely candidate tracking of bark from source to the for certified raw material, with the end-user – could prove extremely exception of raw material of certified challenging in this case. quality and active constituents. The 3 The ecology of yohimbe species is botanical medicine industry is a more poorly understood, and a great deal of likely candidate for certified raw work is required to adequately dev- material, and already some products elop sustainable management plans carry claims of sustainability. In the that will act as the basis for certifica- US, HerbPharm markets an extract tion. While yohimbe species are fast from the bark of trees ‘custom wild- growing and occur in relatively higher crafted’, ‘especially for use in their densities than many tropical forest native habitat in Cameroon, Africa’. trees, sustainable systems of wild har- Given health concerns associated with vest have not been developed to date, yohimbe in the botanical medicine and there is little understanding of the industry, however, a certifier should impact of current harvesting practices collaborate with groups who also cer- on populations. However, research tify quality and active constituents. underway to domesticate the species Availability of substitute products (and thereby supplement wild supplies should also be kept in mind as an of raw material) and ecological stud-

223 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

ies on wild populations will yield data tools such as certification, on a local critical to the development of sustain- or national level; this would need able sources. more investigation. 4 Existing collection, trade networks, 6 Yohimbe is often harvested by emp- processing and commercialization act- loyees of logging companies, fol- ivities do not appear to significantly lowing the felling of timber in a given benefit local communities and those area. In some cases, therefore, certifi- living in proximity to wild yohimbe. cation of yohimbe might be conducted Wild harvesters earn less than half of in conjunction with timber certifica- the price paid at the gates of the pro- tion. In any case, the role of timber cessing company (Plantecam) within and road-building in creating access Cameroon, and prices paid for raw to yohimbe populations must be materials supplied by Plantecam are, incorporated within assessments of in turn, a fraction of the final product yohimbe sources. sales. Certification would need to 7 Chain-of-custody, social and sustain- avoid encouraging existing inequity able-management issues would prove that is associated with the collection challenging to the process of certifying and trade system, and should seek to yohimbe. However, yohimbe’s rela- promote greater benefits for local tively high value, consistent inter- communities. national demand and relatively good 5 It is unclear whether the legal and pol- potential for sustainable management icy context supports the sustainable argue for a consideration of this management of yohimbe, or supports approach. increased benefit-sharing from market


The authors would like to thank Anacletus Koufani, Augustin Njiamnshi, Crisantos Obama and Dinga Njingum Franklin for their diligent contributions to the study of P. johimbe in the field.


1 A sample of this bark was collected to determine the amount and quality of yohimbine, the results of which have implications for potential sustainable management of wild populations.

224 Chapter 21 Rattan (various spp.)

Terry C H Sunderland and John Dransfield


Rattans are climbing cane, is often over- palms exploited for shadowed by the their flexible stems more publicized con- that form the basis of cerns of the rattan a significant market industry itself. In for cane and cane many areas, the sus- products. The thriv- tainable exploitation ing international and of the rattan resource domestic trade in is hindered by the rattan and rattan lack of a sound taxo- products has led to nomic base in order substantial overex- that meaningful inven- ploitation of the wild tories and studies of rattan resource. This population dynamics exploitation, coupled can be carried out. In with the loss of forest addition, lack of Illustration by Bee Gunn cover through log- resource tenure also ging and subsequent Rattan ( ornatus var. precludes any att- agricultural activities, philippinensis) empts at long-term is threatening the and sustainable har- long-term survival of vesting; the fact that the rattan industry, particularly in South- rattan is considered an ‘open-access’ East Asia (Dransfield, 1988). The det- resource throughout much of its range rimental impact of the decline of wild rat- hinders any effective attempts at long- tan resources on local rattan collectors, term management of rattan in the wild. who harvest the majority of the traded NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

What are rattans?

The word rattan is derived from the As well as forming the basis of a thriv- Malay ‘rotan’, the generic name for climb- ing export market, rattans contribute ing palms. Rattans are spiny palms found significantly to the subsistence economies in the lowland tropical forests of the Old of forest-based communities throughout World and are the source of cane for the their range. Many of these people utilize well-developed rattan industry, currently the cane resource as a means of direct cash worth some US$6.5 billion per annum income, especially during periods when (ITTO, 1997). Most of the cane entering other products are seasonally unavailable. the world trade originates from South- Rattan harvesting is often a secondary East Asia and is collected, in the main, activity for many farmers, who rely on the from wild populations, although consider- cash sale of rattan canes to invest in devel- able efforts have recently been focussed oping their agricultural base or during on the future provision of raw cane from times when immediate cash is needed for cultivated sources (Dransfield and Mano- household support, such as the payment karan, 1992). of school fees or medical expenses.

Rattan taxonomy and distribution

Rattans are climbing palms belonging to reduced, reflexed thorn-like organs the palm family (Palmae or Arecaceae). termed acanthophylls. Although some There are around 650 different species of species within these genera are utilized rattan belonging to 13 genera and these locally and form the base of a thriving cot- are concentrated solely in the Old World tage industry, they have not, until recently, tropics; there are no true rattans in the attracted much attention from com- New World.1 Rattans belong to the mercial concerns (Dransfield, 1992b; , a large sub-family of palms. Sunderland, 1999). All of the species within the Calamoideae The largest rattan genus is Calamus, are characterized by overlapping reflexed with circa 370 species. It is represented in scales on the fruit, and all of these Africa by one very variable species, C. climbing palms are spiny, a necessary pre- deërratus; however, Calamus is predomi- adaptation to the climbing habit nantly an Asian genus and ranges from (Dransfield, 1992b). the Indian sub-continent and south China Of the 13 genera of rattan, three southwards and east through the are endemic to Africa: Laccosperma, Malesian region (Malay Peninsula, (syn. Ancistrophyllum), Eremospatha and Borneo and surrounding islands) to Fiji, Oncocalamus. These taxa climb with the Vanuatu and tropical and sub-tropical aid of a whip-like organ, a cirrus, that in parts of eastern Australia. Most of the the African genera represents a marked best commercial species of rattan are extension of the rachis between the dis- members of this genus. The remaining rat- tal leaflets. These leaflets are present as tan genera, Daemonorops, Ceratolobus,

226 Rattan (various spp.)

Table 21.1 The rattan genera: number of species and their distribution

Genus Number of species Distribution Calamus L. circa 370–400 Tropical Africa, India and Sri Lanka, China, south and east to Fiji, Vanuatu and eastern Australia Calospatha Becc. 1 Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia Ceratolobus Bl. 6 Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java Daemonorops Bl. circa 115 India and China to westernmost New Guinea Eremospatha (Mann and Wendl.) Wendl. 10 Humid tropical Africa Korthalsia Bl. circa 26 Indo-China and Burma to New Guinea Laccosperma (Mann and Wendl.) Drude 5 Humid tropical Africa Myrialepis Becc. 1 Indo-China, Thailand, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra Oncocalamus (Wendl.) Wendl. 4 Humid tropical Africa Plectocomia Mart. circa 16 Himalayas and south China to western Malesia Plectocomiopsis Becc. circa 5 Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Sumatra Pogonotium J. Dransf. 3 Two species endemic to Borneo, one species in both Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo Retispatha J. Dransf. 1 Endemic to Borneo

Source: adapted from Uhl and Dransfield, 1987

Korthalsia, Plectocomia, Plectocomiopsis, tainable development objectives much Myrialepis, Calospatha, Pogonotium and advocated for rattans. It is essential that Retispatha, are centred in South-East Asia species delimitation is clearly understood; and have outliers further eastwards and we need to know which species are of northwards (Uhl and Dransfield, 1987; commercial importance and how they Dransfield, 1992a). may be distinguished from other species. Despite the commercial importance of This knowledge is essential in order to rattan, basic knowledge of the resource is undertake meaningful inventories of com- somewhat limited and the rattan flora of mercially important taxa and to be able to Africa and much of South-East Asia and assess the silvicultural potential of each Malesia remains poorly known. Tax- species, based on sound ecological know- onomic work of this sort is not purely an ledge. Reference to a structured systematic academic exercise; it is an essential basis framework also ensures that any experi- for the development of the rattan resource mental work undertaken is replicable. and underpins the conservation and sus-

227 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Table 21.2 Available rattan floras by region to date

Region Reference Peninsular Malaysia Dransfield, 1979 Sabah Dransfield, 1984 Sarawak Dransfield, 1992a Brunei Dransfield, 1998 Sri Lanka de Zoysa and Vivekanandan, 1994 India (general) Basu, 1992 India (Western Ghats) Renuka, 1992 India (south) Lakshmana, 1993 Andaman and Nicobar Islands Renuka, 1995 Bangladesh Alam, 1990 Papua New Guinea Johns and Taurereko, 1989a; 1989b (preliminary notes only); Baker and Dransfield, in preparation Papua (Indonesia) Currently under study at Kew (Baker and Dransfield), in preparation Indonesia Dransfield and Mogea, in preparation; more field work needed Laos Evans, 2001 Thailand Hodel, 1998 Africa Sunderland and Profizi, 2001

The uses of rattan

The most important product of rattan 1966; Dransfield, 1992d; Sunderland, palms is cane; this is the rattan stem 1998). The range of indigenous uses of stripped of its leaf sheaths and stem epi- rattan canes is vast; from bridges to bas- dermis (although this is also often utilized kets; from fish traps to furniture; from for weaving). This inner stem is solid, crossbow strings to yam ties. strong and uniform, yet highly flexible. Despite these many uses, there is a The canes are used either in whole or common misconception that all rattans round form, especially for furniture are useful, and therefore all have potential frames, or are split, peeled or cored for commercial applications. However, while matting and basketry. there may indeed be substantial sponta- Other plant parts of some species of neous use for many species (Dransfield rattan are also utilized and contribute to and Manokaran, 1994; Johnson, 1997; the indigenous survival strategies of many Sunderland, 1998), it is estimated that forest-based communities. A summary of only 20 per cent of the known rattan these uses is listed in Table 21.3. species are of any commercial value However, it is for their cane that rat- (Dransfield and Manokaran, 1994). The tans are most utilized. Rattan canes are remaining species are not utilized because used extensively across their range by of their inflexibility and because they are local communities and play an important prone to breakage, because they possess role in the subsistence strategies of many other poor mechanical properties, or due rural populations (Burkill, 1935; Corner, to biological rarity.

228 Rattan (various spp.)

Table 21.3 Some traditional uses of rattans, excluding cane

Product/Use Species Fruit eaten Calamus conirostris; C. dongnaiensis; C. longisetus; C. manillensis; C. merrillii; C. ornatus; C. paspalanthus; C. rhabdocladus; C. subinermis; C. viminalis; Calospatha scortechinii; Daemonorops hystrix; D. ingens; D. periacantha; D. ruptilis Palm heart eaten Calamus deerratus; C. egregius; C. javensis; C. muricatus; C. paspalanthus; C. rhabdocladus; C. simplicifolius; C. subinermis; Daemonorops fissa; D. jenkinsiana; D. longispatha; D. melanochaetes; D. periacantha; D. scapigera; D. sparsiflora; Laccosperma secundiflorum; Plectocomiopsis geminiflora Seeds chewed Calamus walkeri Fruit used in traditional medicine Calamus castaneus; C. longispathus; Daemonorops didymophylla Palm heart used in traditional Calamus exilis; C. javensis; C. ornatus; Daemonorops grandis; medicine Korthalsia rigida Fruit used as source of red dye Daemonorops didymophylla; D. draco; D. maculata; D. micracantha; D. propinqua; D. rubra Leaves used for thatching Calamus andamanicus; C. castaneus; C. dilaceratus; C. longisetus; Daemonorops calicarpa; D. elongata; D. grandis; D. ingens; D. manii Leaflet used as cigarette paper Calamus longispathus; Daemonorops leptopus Leaves chewed as vermifuge Laccosperma secundiflorum Roots used as treatment for syphilis Eremospatha macrocarpa Leaf sheath used as toothbrush Eremospatha wendlandiana; Oncocalamus spp. Leaf sheath/petiole used as grater Calamus burckianus; C. insignis Rachis used as fishing pole Daemonorops grandis; Laccosperma secundiflorum

A word about local classification

The development of extensive indigenous Some species that have no use are classification systems for rattans often often classified according to their ‘rela- reflects the social significance of rattan, tionship’ to those that are utilized. These and these taxonomies have developed to are often along kinship lines and species reflect rattan as it grows in the forest, as may be referred to as ‘uncle of’ or ‘small well as to reflect how it is used. For exam- brother of’, reflecting their perceived rela- ple, a widespread species may be referred tionship and similarity to species that are to by many names, since its range encom- widely utilized. In the past, serious confu- passes a number of dialectic groups. sion has arisen from the uncritical use of Often, one species can be given many vernacular names and has contributed to names, reflecting the different uses of the the misconception that all species are of plant or the various stages of development commercial potential. Local names should (from juvenile to adult with very distinct be used in conjunction with classical morphological differences between the Linnean taxonomic methods and not on a two). Commonly, blanket names for mutually exclusive basis. ‘cane’ are given to a wide range of species.

229 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Table 21.4 The major commercial species of rattan as identified for Asia by Dransfield and Manokaran (1994), and for Africa by Tuley (1995) and Sunderland (1999)

Species Distribution Conservation status Calamus caesius Bl. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, the Unknown Philippines and Thailand; also introduced to China and south Pacific for planting Calamus egregius Burr. Endemic to Hainan Island, China, but introduced Unknown to southern China for cultivation Calamus exilis Griffith Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra Not threatened Calamus javensis Bl. Widespread in South-East Asia Not threatened Calamus manan Miq. Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Thailand and Threatened Borneo and Sumatra Calamus merrillii Becc. The Philippines Threatened Calamus mindorensis Becc. The Philippines Unknown Calamus optimus Becc. Borneo, and Sumatra; cultivated in Kalimantan Unknown Calamus ornatus Bl. Thailand, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, to Unknown the Philippines Calamus ovoideus Thwaites Western Sri Lanka Threatened ex Trimen Calamus palustris Griffith Burma, southern China, to Malaysia and the Unknown Andaman Islands Calamus pogonacanthus Borneo Unknown Becc. ex Winkler Calamus poilanei Thailand, Laos and Vietnam Threatened Calamus scipionum Loureiro Burma, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Unknown Borneo to Palawan Calamus simplicifolius Wei Endemic to Hainan Island, China, but introduced Unknown to southern China for cultivation Calamus subinermis Sabah, Sarawak, East Kalimamtan and Palawan Unknown H. Wendl. ex Becc. Calamus tetradactylus Hance Southern China; introduced to Malaysia Unknown Calamus trachycoleus Becc. South and Central Kalimantan; introduced to Not threatened Malaysia for cultivation Calamus tumidus Furtado Peninsular Malaysia and Sumatra Unknown Calamus wailong Pei Southern China Unknown and Chen Calamus zollingeri Becc. Sulawesi and the Moluccas Unknown Daemonorops jenkinsiana India to south China Unknown (Hance) Becc. Daemonorops robusta Warb. Indonesia, Sulawesi and the Moluccas Unknown Daemonorops sabut Becc. Peninsula Malaysia and Borneo Unknown Eremospatha macrocarpa Tropical Africa, from Sierra Leone to Angola Not threatened (Mann and Wendl.) Mann and Wendl. Eremospatha haullevilleana Congo Basin to East Africa De Wild. Laccosperma robustum Cameroon to Congo Basin (Burr.) J. Dransf. Laccosperma secundiflorum Tropical Africa, from Sierra Leone to Angola Not threatened (P. Beauv.) Mann and Wendl.

230 Rattan (various spp.)

The commercial rattan trade

The international trade in rattan dates ucts that, after conversion, was worth from the mid 19th century (Corner, 1996), over US$68 million in export value. By and this trade is now currently worth comparison, Indonesia’s share of the some $US6.5 billion a year (ITTO, 1997). trade, mainly of unprocessed canes, was a A conservative estimate of the domestic mere US$15 million (Dransfield and markets of South-East Asia by Manokaran, 1994). Manokaran (1984) suggested a net worth During the last 20 years, the interna- of US$2.5 billion. This latter market tional trade in rattan and rattan products includes the value of goods in urban mar- has undergone rapid expansion. The kets and rural trade, as well as the value of increases in the value of exports from the the rural usage of the material and prod- major producing countries are indeed ucts. Dransfield and Manokaran (1994) staggering; 250-fold for Indonesia over 17 estimate that 0.7 billion of the world’s years; 75-fold in the Philippines over 15 population use, or are involved in, the years; 23-fold over 9 years in Thailand; trade of rattan and rattan products. and 12-fold over 8 years in Malaysia. By the late 1980s, the combined value of South-East Asia exports of these four countries alone had risen to an annual figure of almost The majority of the international rattan US$400 million, with Indonesia account- trade is dominated by countries of South- ing for 50 per cent of this trade. The net East Asia. By the early 20th century, revenues derived from the sale of rattan Singapore, despite having a very small rat- goods by Taiwan and Hong Kong, where tan resource itself, became the clearing raw and partially finished products were house for nearly the whole of South-East imported and then processed, together Asia and the western Pacific. Between totalled around US$200 million per 1922 and 1927, up to 27,500 tonnes of annum by the late 1980s. cane and cane products were exported, During this same period, Thailand, mainly to Hong Kong, the United States the Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia and France. During this same period, banned the export of rattan, except as fin- exports from Kalimantan and Sulawesi ished products. These bans were imposed increased dramatically; from 9400 to in order to stimulate the development of 19,300 tonnes and from 10,300 to 21,800 rattan-based industries in each country tonnes respectively, with much of this also and to ensure that the value of the raw being re-exported through Singapore product was increased, (theoretically) pro- (Dransfield and Manokaran, 1994). tecting the wild resource. Recently, By the 1970s, Indonesia had become however, given the recession that has hit the supplier of about 90 per cent of the many countries in South-East Asia, world’s cane, with the majority of this Indonesia has lifted the ban on the export going to Singapore for processing and of raw cane and is currently flooding the conversion (from which Singapore earned market with relatively cheap supplies of more than US$21 million per annum). cane, negatively impacting the cultivation Thus, in 1977, Hong Kong imported some industry of Malaysia, in particular $US26 million of rattan and rattans prod- (Sunderland and Nkefor, 1999a).

231 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Africa and Gabon supplied France and its colonies (Hedin, 1929), and Ghana (for- The restrictions in the trade of raw cane by merly the Gold Coast) supplied a some of the larger supply countries out- significant proportion of the large UK lined above have encouraged some rattan market during the inter-war period (Anon, dealers and gross users to investigate non- 1934). The export industry was not traditional sources of rattans, restricted to raw cane, and in 1928 alone predominantly Indo-China, Papua New over 25,000 French francs (FF) worth of Guinea and, more recently, Africa. Some finished cane furniture was exported from raw cane has recently been exported from Cameroon to Senegal for the expatriate Ghana and Nigeria to South-East Asia and community there (Hedin, 1929). More there is a flourishing export trade of fin- recently, an initiative promoted by the ished rattan products from Nigeria to United Nations Industrial Development Korea (Morakinyo pers comm). In addi- Organization (UNIDO) in Senegal tion, trade within and between countries is exploited wild cane for large-scale pro- reported to be growing significantly across duction and export (Douglas, 1974), West and Central Africa (Falconer, 1994; although this enterprise folded not long Morakinyo, 1995; Sunderland 1999). after its establishment due to problems Historically, there has been a signifi- securing a regular supply of raw material. cant trade in African rattans. Cameroon

Rattan ecology and natural history

The large number of rattan species, and major gap in the knowledge of rattans, their wide geographic range, is matched even of the commercial species, is an by great ecological diversity. The majority understanding of population dynamics of, admittedly crude, ecological prefer- and demography. The knowledge of the ences for rattan species have been population structure, distribution, rate of generally made during taxonomic inven- regeneration, the number of harvestable tory work; yet these broad ecological stems per hectare, etc of each species is summaries are invaluable as a basis for essential and forms the basis of an under- establishing cultivation procedures. A standing of potential sustainability.

Forest type and light requirements

Throughout their natural range, rattan very well to canopy manipulation, partic- species are found in a variety of forest and ularly that caused by selective logging. soil types. Some species are common com- Some species grow in swamps and season- ponents of the forest understorey, while ally inundated forest, while others are others rely on good light penetration for more common on dry ridge tops. their development; hence, many species Despite this wide range of ecological are found in gap vegetation and respond conditions, the majority of rattans need

232 Rattan (various spp.) adequate light for their development. Flowering Cultivation trials on many of the South- Another ecological feature of palms that is East Asia species, as well as recent extremely important in terms of manage- germination trials of the African taxa, ment is that rattans display two main have indicated that seeds will germinate modes of flowering: hapaxanthy and pleo- under a wide range of light conditions. nanthy. In hapaxanthy, a period of The resultant seedlings will remain for vegetative growth is followed by the simul- long periods on the forest floor, waiting taneous production of inflorescence units for light conditions to improve, such as from the axils of the uppermost leaves. through a tree fall. This seedling bank is Although often described as a ‘terminal a common feature of the regeneration of inflorescence’, which it undoubtedly most species and is a well-recognized resembles, morphologically this is not the component of forests where rattans case. Flowering and fruiting is followed by occur. the death of the stem itself. In single- stemmed palm species, the whole organism Life form dies after the reproductive event. However, in clustering species of rattan, the organ- Rattans can be clustering (clump forming) ism continues to regenerate from the base or are solitary; some species, such as and it is only the individual stem that dies. Calamus subinermis, can be both. Other In pleonanthic species, axillary inflores- species are acaulescent, having no discern- cences are produced continually and able stem at all. Clustering species flowering and fruiting does not result in sometimes posses up to 50 stems of vary- the death of the stem. All of the species of ing ages in each clump and produce Korthalsia, Laccosperma, Plectocomia, suckers that continually replace those Plectocomiopsis and Myrialepis, and a few stems lost through natural senescence, or species of Daemonorops, are hapaxanthic. through harvesting. Some clumps can be All other rattan species are pleonanthic. In harvested many times on a defined cycle if terms of silviculture, the mode of flower- the light conditions are conducive to the ing will affect the cutting regime and stem remaining suckers being able to develop selection for harvest, particularly if the cul- and elongate. Ensuring that stem removal tivated resource is to supply seed for through harvesting does not exceed that further trials. Furthermore, in many of stem replacement is the crux of rattan hapaxanthic species, stems tend to be of sustainability. low quality due to the presence of a soft An even more crucial component of pith that results in poor bending proper- sustainability is the monitoring of the ties. These stems are also more prone to exploitation of solitary species. Calamus subsequent insect attack due to increased manan, one of the most commonly starch deposition. exploited rattan species, is single- stemmed; thus, the impacts of harvesting this species are much greater than harvest- Fruit and seed ing from clustering rattans. Sustainability Rattan fruits are usually brightly coloured of such species relies on recruitment (yellow, orange or red) and the sarcotesta through sexual means, rather than is also attractive to birds and mammals. through vegetative means. Hornbills and primates are the main dis- persers of rattan seeds in both South-East

233 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Asia and Africa, with primates and ele- Physical seed treatments, such as scarifica- phants also sharing a preference for the tion or chitting, are somewhat effective ripe fruit. Fruits are often ingested whole, means of reducing the germination times where they pass through the intestinal for some of the species; but soaking the tract of the agent concerned, or are sucked seeds in water for at least 24 hours prior and spat out, with the seed intact. to sowing is probably the most effective In the Asian taxa, the seed is often means of inducing early germination covered with a sarcotesta. Incomplete (Sunderland and Nkefor, 1999b). removal of this sarcotesta often results in delayed germination, suggesting that it Rattan–ant relationships contains some chemical germination inhibitors. However, once this outer layer Several species of rattan (Laccosperma, is fully removed, the germination of com- Eremospatha, Korthalsia, Calamus and mercial species, such as Calamus manan Daemonorops) have developed morpho- and C. caesius, is both rapid and uniform. logical adaptations that provide nesting In contrast, propagation trials on the sites for ants. These adaptations include commercially important species in Africa the hollowing out of acanthophylls, inter- have noted a physically induced dormancy locking spines that form galleries or resulting from the presence of a relatively recurved proximal leaflets that tightly robust seed coat surrounding the clasp the stem, or inflated leaf sheath endosperm. Experiments have shown extensions (ocreas). This relationship is that, because of the barrier to imbibition, extremely complex and has yet to be fully the germination times of some African rat- investigated. The ‘farming’ of scale insects tan species can be prolonged, and it may by ants is also a common relationship. The take 9–12 months before germination scale insects feed on the rattan phloem commences. This physical dormancy has cells, secreting a sweet honeydew that the caused difficulty in cultivating some ants then feed on; the ants, in turn, protect species, and numerous trials have been the rattan from other predators (unfortu- undertaken to reduce these germination nately, this also includes rattan harvesters times (Sunderland and Nkefor, 1999b). and unwitting botanists).

Harvest and management

Growth rates long-term studies have been undertaken in cultivation. Rattans are vigorous climbers with rela- tively high growth rates, and are thus able to be harvested on a short cycle. For the Management and harvesting majority of rattans, stem production from Examples of long-term in-situ manage- the rosette stage (and the seedling bank) is ment of rattans in the wild are rare initiated by exposure to adequate light. (Belcher, 1999). However, based on exper- Stem elongation is also affected by light imental work in South-East Asia, four and, while continuous, varies – usually on production systems of rattan exploitation a seasonal basis. While no data on the can be identified: growth rates of rattans in the wild exists,

234 Rattan (various spp.)

Table 21.5 The growth rates of some commercial rattans in cultivation

Species Growth rates (metres per year) Calamus caesius 2.9–5.6 Calamus egregius 0.8 Calamus hainanensis 3.5 Calamus manan 1.2 Calamus scipionum 1.0 Calamus tetradactylus 2.3 Calamus trachycoleus (5.0)* Daemonorops jenkinsiana (2.0–2.5)*

* Bracketed figures are estimates Source: adapted from Dransfield and Manokaran, 1994

• Natural regeneration in high forest. • Rattan cultivation as part of shifting This level of management requires the cultivation or in formal agroforestry development and implementation of systems. The incorporation of rattan management plans based upon sound within traditional swidden fallow sys- inventory data and an understanding tems in some areas of South-East Asia of the population dynamics of the is well known (Connelly, 1985; species concerned. This is particularly Siebert and Belsky, 1985; Peluso, appropriate for forest reserves, com- 1992; Weinstock, 1983; Kiew, 1991). munity forests and other low-level The general principle is that, on har- protected areas. These ‘extractive- vesting ephemeral or annual crops, reserve’ models are highly appropriate rattan is planted and the land is then for rattan: a high-value, high-yielding left fallow. When the rotation is product that relies on the forest milieu repeated, usually on a 7- to 15-year for its survival. cycle, the farmer first harvests the rat- • Enhanced natural regeneration, tan and then clears the plot again to through enrichment planting and plant food crops. The income gener- canopy manipulation, in natural forest. ated from the harvesting of rattan in This is especially appropriate where this way is significant. forest has been selectively logged. • Silvicultural trials have concentrated Management inputs are fairly high, on the incorporation of rattan within with the clearance of competing under- tree-based plantation-type systems. growth vegetation and subsequent The need for a framework for the rat- selective felling to create ‘artificial’ tan to grow on is imperative and the gaps. This has been practised in India, planting of rattan in association with with some success for the rattan tree cash crops was begun in the resource. Rattan planting in forest in 1980s. In particular, planting under East Kalimantan has also proved suc- rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) and other cessful. The Forest Research Institute fast-growing tree crops has proven of Malaysia suggests that enrichment relatively successful, and both silvicul- planting is perhaps the most beneficial tural trials and commercial operations form of cultivation, both in terms of are commonly encountered through- productivity and the maintenance of out South-East Asia. ecological integrity (Supardi, pers comm).

235 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

The harvesting techniques employed in • know the species concerned (collect the extraction of rattan have an impact on herbarium specimens when in doubt); potential sustainability, particularly for •measure the correct parameters; these clustering species. The mature stems include number of stems per clump selected for harvesting are those without (for clustering species); number of lower leaves (ie where the leaf sheaths clumps per hectare or, for solitary have sloughed off) and usually only the canes, stems per hectare; total stem basal 10–20 metres (m) is harvested. The length; and harvestable stem length upper ‘green’ part of the cane is too soft (the lower stem portion with the and inflexible for transformation and is leaves sloughed off); often left in the canopy. In many • establish a protocol for measuring instances, all of the stems in a clustering over time in order to determine species may be cut in order to obtain growth rates and recruitment; this will access to the mature stems, even those determine the potential harvest and that are not yet mature enough for hence sustainable extraction rates. exploitation and sale. This is particularly relevant when resource tenure is weak. Land tenure and In general, two simple interventions socio-economic issues can be implemented in order to improve rattan-harvesting practices. Rattan management of whatever kind will For clustering species, younger stems, only be successful if those involved have often indiscriminately cut during harvest- clear access to the forest, and/or long and ing, should be left to regenerate and easily renewable resource rights on it (de provide future sources of cane. Rotational Fretas, 1992). Currently, rattan collectors harvesting systems could be increased if rationally maximize their income by har- this was the case. However, better ‘stool vesting the best and most accessible canes management’ relies on adequate resource because they are paid on a per item basis. tenure. Larger canes bring the best prices and it is For all species, harvest intensity and also important to minimize the opportu- rotation should be based on long-terms nity costs of collection (ie the rattans assessments of growth rates and recruit- closer to the community will be harvested ment. first, and probably more intensively). Traditionally, many communities in Inventory South-East Asia and Africa have bene- fited from the harvesting of their rattan Rattan inventory has proved to be a some- resource. Many of these groups are what imperfect science. Initial attempts to dependent upon high-value forest prod- determine stocking and yield have often ucts, such as rattan, for access to the cash been thwarted by a poor taxonomic base economy. However, local scarcity caused from which to begin; it is essential to by uncontrolled harvesting is denying know which species are being enumer- many local people access to this tradi- ated. Furthermore, inadequately sampling tional means of income, let alone access the correct parameters has led to much to the resource for their own subsistence inventory information being discarded. needs. When planning a rattan inventory, it is essential to:

236 Rattan (various spp.)

Cultivation cultivated sources of cane are owned and managed by sovereign forestry depart- Many examples exist of rattans being cul- ments or private companies. Hence, the tivated in agroforestry systems in forest revenue accrued does not often find its lands controlled by local communities way to local communities as it would if (Weinstock, 1983; Connelly, 1985; Siebert individuals were harvesting directly from and Belsky, 1985; Peluso, 1992), and a their own agroforestry systems. In many small proportion of cane from such sys- ways, commercial cultivation leads to the tems supplies the formal markets. When it removal of a resource from the informal first became clear, during the period post forest economy and into the formal World War II, in particular, that rattans forestry sector; a system renowned for its were becoming scarce (with the associated inequity in terms of ensuring that benefits market implications: scarcity = price accrue to local people (Belcher, 1999). increases), considerable attempts were However, as discussed above, the attrac- made to include rattans within commer- tiveness of these intensive cultivation cial-scale cultivation and silvicultural systems has now been questioned, and systems. Across South-East Asia, many many are systems being converted to oil plantations and trials were established. palm plantations. However, many of these plantations and

Table 21.6 Commercial-scale rattan trials and plantations

Country Cultivation Bangladesh Trials of Daemonorops jenkinsiana established in early 1980s Cameroon 1ha trial plot of Laccosperma secundiflorum under obsolete rubber near Limbe China 1970s: 30,000ha of enrichment planting of forest on Hainan Island with Calamus tetradactylus and Daemonorops jenkinsiana; Plantations of C. egregius and C. simplicifolius in Guangdong Province; Cultivation trials of many species have been initiated since 1985 Indonesia Trials of C. manan begun during the 1980s in Java; 1988–1993: several thousand hectares of C. caesius and, to a lesser extent, C. trachycoleus planted by Forestry Department in Java and East Kalimantan Kenya Trial plot C. latifolius under Gmelina arborea near Lake Victoria Malaysia 1960: C. manan planted in Ulu Langat Forest Reserve; 1972: Cultivation trial of C. manan initiated in Pehang; 1975: Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) cultivation trials of C. scipionum and C. caesius planted under rubber: 1100ha in total; 1980–1981: Sandakan area – 4000ha plantation in logged forest planted with C. caesius and C. trachycoleus, as well as 2000ha of abandoned rubber, Acacia mangium, and logged forest planted with C. manan, C. caesius and C. merrillii; 1982–1983: Two trial plots of C. optimus established in Sarawak; 1990: large-scale planting in Sarawak with C. manan, C. caesius, C. optimus and C. trachycoleus The 1977: Cultivation trials of C. merrillii and C. ornatus var. philippinensis established Philippines in Quezon; 5000ha plantation of C. merrillii established in Mindanao; Early 1990: 500ha of C. merrillii and C. ornatus var. philippinensis planted under Endospermum peltatum (matchwood tree plantation) in Mindanao Sri Lanka C. ovoideus and C. thwaitesii trials established in recent years Thailand 213ha of C. caesius in Narathiwat Province, established by 1978; C. caesius trials established in 1979 in Ranong, Surathani and Chuporn Provinces; 1980–1987: C. caesius and C. manan trials established – 930ha in Narathiwat Province

Source: adapted from Dransfield and Manokaran, 1994

237 NTFP species profiles from around the world: sub-Saharan Africa

Certification potential

The ecology and nature of rattans make dle men. In areas where rattan is more them one of the few products that can be intensively managed by communities, sustainably harvested, given the availabil- such as in East Kalimantan, however, the ity of crucial baseline information, the chain of custody of material should be implementation of an appropriate man- more straightforward because there are agement regime and adequate land and very clear, long-established links between resource tenure. Rattan exploitation, these communities and the markets they whether in natural forest or in agro- supply. forestry systems, relies on an intricate and Managed high forest and/or agro- multilayered ecological balance between forestry systems also offer potentially the rattan resource and the trees that rat- great social rewards. By re-enforcing tra- tan needs to support it. Rattan cannot be ditional tenure and management systems, grown outside of this system and there- certification can promote rights over fore its management lends itself to the resources and lands not commonly held ecological and management criteria for by communities who manage rattan. sustainability set by certifiers (Viana et al, However, technical issues remain impor- 1996). tant, and there are currently few Rattan is relatively fast growing and documented traditional cultivation mod- high yielding and can be harvested on rel- els for rattan. Little research has also been atively short rotations. This allows for undertaken on the small-scale cultivation relatively short- to medium-scale returns of rattans. for those involved in its management, Commercial rattan plantations, albeit whether local communities or companies. under a parent crop, do not usually reflect However, limited ecological data on the diversity and complexity of traditional growth rates and estimates of recruitment managed crops. In addition, the fact that that are necessary to set harvesting levels the majority of commercial plantations and quotas will continue to hinder field are government or privately owned means assessments of sustainability. More basic that such systems offer only limited bene- ecological and applied research is urgently fits to communities (de Fretas, 1992). needed before management regimes for However, when designed and maintained species of commercial interest can be efficiently, commercial plantations can be drawn up and implemented. In this both productive and highly profitable and respect, it should be noted that managed should not necessarily be excluded from high forest and/or agroforestry systems potential certification. are more easily monitored for ecological On a final note, and most importantly, sustainability than are intensively man- the vigorous international and domestic aged natural-forest systems. markets for cane and cane products sug- Chain-of-custody (or ‘production-to gest that the additional costs incurred consumption’) issues are complex for rat- from certification, including better man- tans harvested from the wild (Belcher, agement practices and the equitable 1999). In many areas, collectors are small distribution of benefits, could readily be scale and widely dispersed, meaning that absorbed by consumers who pay a ‘green the trade is dominated by a series of mid- premium’ for certified products.

238 Rattan (various spp.)


1 Two other groups of palms confined to the New World have climbing representatives and are often mistaken as being closely related to true rattans. Chamaedorea (sub-family Ceroxyloxideae; tribe Hyophorbeae) and Desmoncus (sub-family Arecoideae; tribe Cocoeae) climb through the means of reflexed terminal leaflets. Indeed, Desmoncus is often exploited for its cane-like qualities and is used in the same way as the true rattans (Henderson and Chávez, 1993). In addition, a climbing palm (Dypsis scandens) has been discovered in Madagascar; it also is not related to the true rattans.

239 Chapter 22 Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)

Ganesan Balachander


Phyllanthus emblica is Indian take on the a small- to moderate- Western refrain ‘an sized tree, common in apple a day keeps the mixed deciduous doctor away’. forests throughout the The fruits are one greater part of tropical of the three con- and sub-tropical India, stituents of the and ascending the well-known Indian Himalayas to circa ayurvedic preparation 1350 metres (m). It is Triphala, the other two not found in arid being Terminalia bel- regions. Its trade name lerica and Terminalia emblica is based on its chebula. Triphala is old scientific name used as a laxative and

Emblica officinalis Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva is considered to be Gaertner. Its vernacu- especially useful in the lar names include Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) treatment of jaundice amla, in Hindi, and and stomach disorders, nelli, in Tamil. The among other ailments. main part used is the fruit, which is a very Phyllanthus is derived from two rich source of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Greek words: phullon, meaning a ‘leaf’, An alkaloid phyllembin and several tan- and anthos, a ‘flower’. The whole mean- nins are also reported. ‘An emblica fruit a ing is a ‘leaf flower’ and apparently refers day keeps the doctor at bay’ is a rural to the bearing of flowers on the leaves. Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)


P. emblica is commonly found in savanna canopy cover and stunted growth and low and moist deciduous forests, while a stature, amla trees with a dbh of between related species, P. indofischerii, is rela- 5–10cm fruit quite frequently, but their tively rare and restricted in distribution to productivity is limited. Table 22.1 pre- dry deciduous forests. However, the lat- sents an ‘indicative’ production from a ter’s fruits are bigger in size and less south Indian forest. acidic. Its leaflets, too, are bigger but in fewer numbers. P. emblica has a clumped Leaf-shedding, flowering and distribution in the forest. It has feathery, fruiting light green foliage and small, narrow lin- ear leaves. The leaves are 10–13 Leaves begin to fall in November and the millimetres (mm) long and 2–3mm broad, trees are leafless from about February to very closely set in a pinnate fashion. The March or April, when new shoots appear. male and female flowers are borne on the The tree has a peculiarity of shedding its same tree. Flowers are pale green/yellow, twigs along with its attached leaves. The usually in small dense clusters. Female small yellow/pale green flowers, approxi- flowers are found in the lower axils, but mately 3mm across, appear from March mixed with the males, and with shorter until May, and are visited by swarms of pedicels. Fruits are 1.5–2.5 centimetres bees. In addition to pollination by Trigona (cm) in diameter, fleshy, round and indis- bees, the flowers are perhaps also wind tinctly marked into six lobes, which are pollinated. pale green in colour. The fruits from culti- The fruits, which ripen from vated farms are larger than those collected November to February, have a six-ridged from the wild. Most of the trade from bony endocarp, containing about four to fruits grown in the south is from extrac- six dark brown, smooth seeds of which tion, whereas in the north the trade is about 1800–1900 weigh approximately largely from cultivation. 30 grams. The seeds may be extracted by The density of amla trees in the forest placing the ripe fruits in the sun until the varies by forest type and is highest in hard putamen dehisces and the seeds deciduous forests – mean observed diam- escape. Various tests have shown that the eter at breast height (dbh) is 16cm. The percentage of fertility is comparatively dbh of trees is positively correlated with low and that the seed does not retain its fruit productivity, with larger trees yield- vitality long. Seeds kept for a year fail to ing greater amounts of fruits. In the scrub germinate. forest, by contrast, with its reduced

Table 22.1 Estimated fruit production of amla from a south Indian forest.

Vegetation type Area (ha) Density per ha Fruit/tree (kg) Fruit per ha (kg) Evergreen 3510 1.8 19.6 35.3 Deciduous 33,264 20.5 20.2 414.1 Scrub 15,228 2.5 14.4 36.0

Source: Shankar et al, 1996

241 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia

Impact of land-use change

The structure and composition of the P. emblica in forests may also result from Indian forests have been shaped by cen- fire and grazing (both linked to livestock turies of human use. Although shifting management). Fires occur with relatively cultivation has been discontinued in high frequency in most of the Indian recent decades, the collection of non-tim- forests, most set to promote a flush of ber forest products (NTFPs) on a grass with the onset of monsoon for cattle commercial scale, such as the fruits of grazing. Phyllanthus emblica, continues. There is Comparison of population stocks of evidence from a number of sites that amla trees within deciduous forests in the extraction levels have increased over time. Biligiri Rangan Hills (1931 Forestry Although there has been no commer- Department survey and 1992 census) indi- cial logging for several years, the forests, cates that the density of trees with a dbh in general, have not yet recovered from greater than or equal to 45cm in 1992 was past fellings. Weed infestation by species less than one half that in 1931. This indi- such as Lantana camara is rampant, pre- cates a radical shift of population sumably affecting regeneration of many structure to smaller size classes due to indigenous species. Poor recruitment of human impacts.


Germination the seed is not high and also because of the sensitivity of the seedling in its early Under natural conditions, the fruits fall stages; the seedling is also vulnerable to during the latter part of the cold season insect attacks. and during a portion of the hot season. They lie on the ground until the fleshy covering dries up and the hard fruit stones Silvicultural characters split open, which they do with some force, Amla is a decided light-demanding species the seeds thus escaping. Germination and is sensitive to both frost and drought. takes place early in the rainy season. Deer, In severe frosts, the fruit becomes whitish, which eat the fruits, disgorge the hard with the appearance of having been stones during rumination, which then boiled. The trees coppice well and pollard dehisce on the ground especially during moderately well, with the coppice shoots, summer showers. Light and temperature in particular, growing vigorously. In culti- conditions are then favourable for germi- vated areas, amla is commonly nation. Predators include porcupines. propagated from seed. Regeneration also occurs through suckers, which take approximately ten years to mature. Natural reproduction is seldom The seedling found in any great abundance. This is Under favourable conditions, the growth partly due to the fact that the fertility of of the seedling is rapid. In the north at an

242 Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) altitude of 1200m, seedlings on wooded probably slower. The young plant is intol- but unwatered ground attained a maxi- erant of shade or suppression of any kind, mum height in the first four years of 0.8m, and when several young plants grow 2.1m, 2.88m and 4.95m. The basal girth together, one or two vigorous specimens at the end of the fourth year was 0.18m. quickly tend to take the lead and to sup- Weeding greatly stimulates development, press the rest. During the first few while the presence of weeds retards it; months, the seedlings are somewhat deli- however, after the seedlings have out- cate; they are sensitive to drought, are apt grown the weeds, their growth is rapid. In to be washed away or beaten down by unweeded plots the growth is 0.13m, heavy rains and are subject to the attack 1.1m and 2.95m during the first three of insects, rats or squirrels. years. Under natural conditions, growth is

Use and markets

The economic value of amla fruits (includ- indicator of its importance is its frequency ing formulations and extracts) is of occurrence in herbal formulations. Out estimated at between 200 and 250 million of 1650 herbal formulations, Triphala rupees (Rs) (US$5–US$6.25 million) dur- (equal parts of the fruits of P. emblica, T. ing 1996. The market potential is, chebula and T. bellerica) occurs in 219. however, several times higher. Another

Table 22.2 The many uses of Phyllanthus emblica

Use Use group Specific uses Food Leaves; Green vegetables; fruits; condiments; pickles infructescences Food additives Wood Water clarifier Juice Fruits Tannins/shampoo Fuelwood Wood Fuel Medicine Fruits Treatment of jaundice and stomach ailment


The extraction of amla fruits in the south then split into families. Usually, the male begins around mid November and contin- member climbs the tree and lops off ues for about three months. The harvest is branches bearing fruits. Other family a highly organized activity, given the need members beat the branches on the ground for large quantities to reach the processing to separate the fruits. During a day’s har- industries within a short time in order to vest, as many as five to ten amla trees may avoid deterioration of quality. Harvesters be exploited, resulting in a collection on arrive at specified sites for collection as average of 70 kilograms (kg) at a forest determined by field surveys. The groups site in the Western Ghats of south India.

243 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia

The collected fruits are pooled at the local home, as well as in large-scale factories, cooperative society, where traders pur- into popular pickles. As mentioned, chase fruit for transport to processing another major use of amla fruits is in centres. The main use locally is as a fresh Ayurvedic medicine for the preparation of or dry fruit. It is also processed in the Triphala.

Certification potential

Most of the amla fruits in today’s trade class in India who is willing to vote with come from forested areas, which are state its pocket book, there is cautious opti- properties. Local indigenous communities mism that the past misuses can be have the right to harvest these NTFPs. reversed. In this regard, certification could These are largely marketed by quasi-gov- act as an incentive for sustainable man- ernment cooperatives, such as large-scale agement, if twinned with projects that Adivasi multipurpose societies (LAMPS), promote local resource management, which were set up during the 1970s to tenure and micro-enterprise. By the same stop the exploitation of forest collectors token, there is a huge population who is by forest contractors (see Figure 22.1). very price conscious; if certification Local communities, however, do not have entails a significant premium, then certi- management responsibility. In some fied products are likely to capture only a states, the tide seems to be turning as gov- narrow niche in the market. ernments see the wisdom of granting local Involving local communities in communities joint management responsi- resource monitoring and natural resource bility alongside the Forestry Department. management, and setting up locally man- In the absence of resource governance and aged micro-enterprises for greater local security of land tenure, the result is non- value, would be the first key steps in the sustainable resource use. Lack of secure process of certification. In the longer land tenure and resource rights would term, and on a larger scale, the demands prove a major obstacle to effective field of the market, especially for those prod- assessments and certification pro- ucts that are in international demand, will grammes. force the Ayurvedic herbal manufacturers Given that the forest fruits are ‘natu- to adopt ‘best practices’ – practices that rally grown’ or ‘organically grown’, there are ecologically sustainable and socially is no concern with soil contamination or equitable – if they are to survive. pesticide use, making this product de Ayurvedic medicine has attracted increas- facto organic and thereby overcoming one ing interest overseas, and consumers are potential obstacle to certification. As a likely to seek out confirmation that result of greater awareness by forest com- sources are high quality and sustainable. munities of the state of the resource, a Certification could play a valuable role in greater willingness on the part of govern- assisting community-based projects that ments to involve local communities in market sustainable amla to sell their prod- natural resource management, and a size- ucts at a premium to aware consumers. able environmentally conscious consumer

244 Amla (Phyllanthus emblica)

A forest site in the Western Ghats, India

Fruits in the Product to Marketing forest consumer (?) (0.00) 36.00 ?

Forest Processing department industry Waste (0.25) (8.00) 0.25 ?

Extractor Lamps agent Lamps Contractor (1.50) (0.50) (1.00) ? 1.75 2.25 3.25

All values are in rupees (Rs per kg US$1 = Rs40)

Figure 22.1 A value chain of amla fruits: from forest fruits to pickles

245 Chapter 23 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.)

Esther Katz, Carmen García and Marina Goloubinoff1


Over 2000 years ago, incense, perfume and three very precious medicine. Between its goods — gold, myrrh place of origin and its and frankincense — destination, the resin were offered to Jesus was mixed, trans- by the three wise men. formed and adult- In the Middle Ages, erated. After thousands sailing traders from of years of long-dis- China, India and the tance secretive trade, Middle East brought to end-users rarely have their countries a new any idea of what the precious resin, ‘ben- original product zoin’, named in looked like. Certific- European languages ation of internationally after the Arabic Luban traded benzoin could Jawi, or ‘frankincense be one way of revitaliz- Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva of Sumatra’. As with ing this ancient myrrh and frankin- Benzoin (Styrax paralleloneurum) product. cense, it was used as

The species

Benzoin is the resin of various species of was used as incense since antiquity. In Styrax trees (the Styracaceae family). The northern Laos and Vietnam, Styrax tonk- genus Styrax is distributed over Asia, inensis (Pierre) Craib ex Hartwiss and Europe and America. Several species are Styrax benzoides Craib, erroneously exploited for their resin. In the called ‘Siam benzoin’, are tapped for resin Mediterranean, storax (Styrax officinalis) (Burkill, 1966; Svengsukas and Vidal, Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.)

1992; Pinyopusarerk, 1994). Several haminjon in Batak Toba. Sumatra benzoin species of benzoin are found in Malaysia has been traded for centuries – perhaps and Indonesia, and at least two species are even longer than ‘Siam benzoin’ exploited commercially on the Indonesian (Wheatley, 1959),3 but is less valued on island of Sumatra: Styrax benzoin Dryand the international market. and Styrax paralleloneurum Perk. Styrax The main producing areas were his- benzoin also grows in Cambodia, Laos torically located near the city of and Vietnam but is not tapped there Palembang, in South Sumatra, and in the (Svengsukas and Vidal, 1992).2 province of North Sumatra, particularly The information contained in this in the districts of North Tapanuli and chapter is based on research conducted in Dairi. Although commercial production North Sumatra since 1996. This profile of benzoin from Palembang disappeared, focuses on Sumatra benzoin, produced according to recent estimations, about from Styrax benzoin and Styrax pararel- 3000 tonnes annually are still produced in loneurum, called kemenyan in Malay and the highlands of North Sumatra.4

Botanical description

Styrax trees are evergreen and medium in primary forest, rarely in secondary forest size. The leaves are simple, alternate, (old clearings), mostly on slopes, some- exstipulate, and entire or finely toothed. times on ridges (Van Steenis, 1949; Putz Flowers are bisexual, regular and in pan- and Ng, 1978). iculate to racemose inflorescences. The Today, Styrax paralleloneurum is the fruit is a berry sitting on a persistent species more commonly grown in the calyx. Each fruit usually contains a single highlands of North Sumatra. Its resin is seed, with a basal or sub-basal scar. more valuable than other local Styrax Peculiar bark galls are found on Styrax species. It is usually planted in the forest, trees, caused by specially adapted aphids on slopes; yet according to some farmers, (Van Steenis, 1949; Putz and Ng, 1978). it also used to be planted in fallows. Its Styrax paralleloneurum Perk. (syn- most common name in Batak Toba is onymous with S. paralleloneurus, S. haminjon toba, also mentionned by most sumatranum J.J. Smith and S. sumatrana) botanists (Heyne, 1927; Burkill, 1966; is a medium tree up to 27 metres (m) tall Watanabe et al, 1996). and 60 centimetres (cm) in diameter. The Styrax benzoin Dryand grows up to leaves of Styrax paralleloneurum differ 34m tall and 100cm in diameter, occa- from S. benzoin and have stellate hairs on sionally with buttresses. The bark is the leaf undersurface, flattened into scales smooth to vertically cracked or finely fis- with arms radiating in one plane. The sured. Leaves are ovate to elliptic. Flowers mature fruits are oblong-globose to ellip- appear in or panicles, and are ter- soid, 2.5–3cm in diameter. Flowering minal and axial. The maturing fruit is occurs mostly from March to July, while depressed-globose to globose, 2– 3.8cm fruiting lasts from July to November. It is diameter and indehiscent. Swine and deer found, in Sumatra and the Malay eat the fruit. Flowering and fruiting are Peninsula, on mountains up to 1700m in not periodic and occur from January to

247 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia

December. In Sumatra, the Malay valued. Curiously, in older European Peninsula and West Java (rare), it is found pharmacopoeia (Hérail, 1927) and compi- in the lowlands up to 800m (rarely lations on gums and resins (Jacob de 1000m) in primary and disturbed forest, Cordemoy, 1900; Howes, 1949), Styrax mostly on fertile soils (Van Steenis, 1949; benzoin is mentioned while Styrax paral- Putz and Ng, 1978). leloneurum is ignored. This suggests that Styrax benzoin was historically culti- its production was perhaps more impor- vated in Palembang (de Vonck, 1891; tant than Styrax paralleloneurum during Heyne, 1927) and is still cultivated in the beginning of the 20th century. North Sumatra below 1000m. It is usually Two varieties are recognized: Styrax planted on dry rice fallows. Its most com- benzoin var. benzoin, with depressed-glo- mon local Toba name is haminjon durame bose fruits and seeds with small scars, and (‘rice straw benzoin’), also mentionned by S. benzoin var. hiliferum Steenis, with glo- most botanists (Heyne, 1927; Watanabe bose fruits and seeds with large scars (Van et al, 1996). Styrax benzoin has a contin- Steenis, 1949; Putz and Ng, 1978), occa- uous flow of fairly liquid resin. It takes sionally called haminjon bulu (Watanabe longer to dry and is said to be less fragrant et al, 1992). than haminjon toba. Today, it is also less


There is little information available about This is in keeping with farmers’ the ecology of both Styrax species. S. par- knowledge on establishment requirements alleloneurum prefers primary forest on for both species. Farmers explain that rich, clayey soils, or old secondary forest. they plant S. paralleloneurum seeds or It is a shade-tolerant species in the first seedlings under forest cover to provide stages, though it does not grow beneath shade during the early stages of growth. dense primary or secondary forest cover. Later they girdle other tree species in the S. benzoin is a light-demanding species garden as benzoin trees become shade during its first stages. Its cultivation is intolerant. Farmers also report that this related to swidden agriculture cycles in species grows well on very irregular ter- North Sumatra. It is established prefer- rain but later requires more time for ably in flat areas with good drainage. S. tapping and harvesting the resin. By con- paralleloneurum is found at altitudes of trast, farmers report that S. benzoin is 800–1700m, with a mean rainfall of planted preferably in dry rice fields and on 2050–2750 millimetres (mm), whereas S. flatter lands because the species does not benzoin is found between 100–700m and grow well on slopes. receives even higher amounts of rainfall.

Impact of land-use changes

Benzoin resin has been extracted for cen- a small part of today’s production still turies from wild trees. In North Sumatra, comes from this source. In Laos, benzoin

248 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.) trees are not cultivated; they are only Indonesian independence (1945), in order managed in fallow lands where they grow to secure forest lands from being seized spontaneously (Savathvong et al, 1997). and declared national lands (Michon and Sumatra is thus the only place where ben- Saragih, 1999). In a few places, benzoin zoin has been cultivated for at least 200 gardens were replaced by coffee or cinna- years (Marsden, 1986), with a possible mon plantations – these cash crops intensification of production during the became profitable from the late 1970s 19th century.5 onwards. During the beginning of the 20th cen- During the 1970s, benzoin farmers tury, larger extensions of Styrax benzoin were much richer than other Batak farm- gardens existed; most were originally ers and would have been ashamed of planted in dry rice fields (de Vonck, 1891; cultivating annual plants. Today, however, van Vuuren, 1908; de Braam, 1917; younger farmers prefer to cultivate Schnepper, 1923; Heyne, 1927). Today, S. peanuts, corn or chili peppers, which are a benzoin has disappeared from the low- quicker source of income. Nowadays, lands (below 600m) and is common only many farmers say that they are not moti- at intermediate altitudes (600–900m) in a vated to plant new benzoin gardens or small part of the production area. A few S. even to tend their old gardens because the benzoin trees occasionally grow in S. par- price of benzoin has declined over the last alleloneurum gardens. S. paralleloneurum few decades and theft of resin has risen. is now the dominant species; most gardens Some farmers have abandoned part or all are located at higher altitudes of their benzoin gardens, allowing them to (800–1500m) and were established on revert to forest. A few farmers have con- forest lands 50–60 years ago. verted them into coffee gardens, although Many benzoin gardens were planted most farmers prefer not to cut the trees, as shortly after the Dutch achieved total con- they still attach strong cultural values to trol of the Batak region in 1907 (Braam, them. 1917), resulting in a surge of production In some villages, large tracts of forest in 1920, in spite of declining prices and even some benzoin gardens have been (Boomgard, 1994). In the meantime, low- logged by Indorayon, a large regional land production of Styrax benzoin in pulp and paper company.6 Today, local North Sumatra and Palembang was aban- forests are affected by illegal logging. In doned in favour of rubber production, some areas, benzoin gardens provide the which boomed during the 1920s. At inter- only remaining forest cover. According to mediate altitudes, mixed benzoin and Indonesian law, forests are owned by the rubber gardens are now still common. state. Farmers are no longer allowed to Populations of Styrax benzoin trees use forests for slash-and-burn agriculture planted on flat lands that were previously or to plant benzoin trees. However, the under shifting cultivation cycles progres- authors recently observed that some sively decreased as these lands were young farmers with limited land are reju- converted to irrigated rice fields. This venating their gardens, tending wildlings process reached a peak under Japanese or actually planting seedlings (Michon occupation during World War II. Benzoin and Saragih, 1999). Future production of gardens not only provided income but benzoin will depend not only upon farm- were also a sign of land appropriation in ers’ motivation, but also upon widespread fallows and in forests. Many of today’s political and socio-economic changes at gardens were planted soon after the regional and national levels.

249 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia


For Styrax paralleloneurum, farmers usu- tudes).8 Farmers also commonly plant ally plant benzoin seeds, or preferably food plants around the hut in the forest seedlings, inside forests in areas already where they stay overnight for part of the colonized by benzoin trees.7 The farmer week. When the garden is abandoned or selects a plot to establish the benzoin ‘gar- managed less intensively, the population den’, normally no larger than 3 hectares structure shifts to include species with (ha) and no smaller than 0.5 hectares. very different life strategies, from early Before planting the seedlings, the farmer pioneers to primary tree species. clears the garden of small- and medium- Colonization of the site by new species sized trees and shrubs, an activity that takes place as a result of the long recruit- takes approximately ten days. Seedlings ment period of seeds in the soil, as well as from the best resin-producing trees in other the persistence of some species that repro- gardens are gathered and transplanted in duce vegetatively. the new garden. Two years after planting Tapping generally occurs from June to the seedlings, farmers progressively girdle September for the trees that have already the big trees left in the garden, which adds changed their foliage. Firstly, the farmers nutrients to the soil from the additional leaf assess the colour of the leaves and the litter and allows light to reach the young flowering stage of the tree to determine if benzoin trees. Commencement of tapping it is ready for tapping. Trees considered begins after eight years. If done properly, ready for tapping have ‘mature’ leaves resin may be extracted for nearly 60 years, and young flowers. If trees have lost their although yields decrease after 30 years. leaves, they are tapped after changing When abandoned, the site is left to revert to foliage, between January and March. secondary forest. Farmers clean competing vegetation Management of the gardens involves from around the trunks of trees selected annual selective clearing of woody species for tapping, up to a radius of 0.5–1m. around the benzoin stands with a Next, the tapping area is cleaned of any machete. Species with vegetative repro- dead bark, lichens or mosses for a length duction capabilities usually survive this of 5–6m up and down the trunk, scraping treatment. Studies conducted in benzoin the bole down to a smooth red colour. The gardens show that management activities scraping preparation prevents resin from impact upon tree species composition, mixing with impurities as it flows out of structure and diversity. A garden under the tree. According to farmers, the cleaned intensive management exhibits low diver- bark also allows the sun to shine directly sity and a very homogeneous structure, on the tree trunk, warming it. similar to a forest plantation. Besides the Farmers use a type of chisel to make a benzoin trees, farmers allow only those 2–3cm long wound in the bark. The chisel species with subsistence or economic is inserted beneath the bark and pried value to grow within the garden sites (for upwards; the bark is then pounded with instance, petai at higher altitudes, and the chisel handle, which is shaped like a occasionally coffee or cinnamon; rubber, hammer. Usually five or six holes are durian, sugar palm, areca nut palm, made on one side of the tree, with an addi- jengkol and langsat at intermediate alti- tional five to six holes tapped on the

250 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.) opposite side of the trunk, alternately vest, the land was temporarily abandoned spaced. Spacing between taps is 30–35cm, or occasionally weeded. The trees were and tapping commences from the bottom tapped after seven years, and tapping con- of the tree upward, beginning at a height tinued for another ten years. Batak 5–10cm above ground. If the bark of a farmers mention that, in the past, swid- benzoin tree does not respond properly to dens could bare two to three rice crops tapping, the farmer leaves it for later. (sometimes associated with manioc) Trees undergoing a first tapping before being left fallow or being converted receive only 10–12 taps. After two years to benzoin and rubber gardens. In many of tapping, farmers will make tapping cases, the gardens remained productive pockets throughout the length of the tree for 60–70 years. bole, to a height of 5–6m, but never The tapping and harvesting tech- exceeding 30 wounds per tree in order to niques are roughly the same for S. benzoin avoid overexploitation of the resource. and S. paralleloneurum,9 but it is more Special ropes of sugar palm fiber are used appropriate to collect S. benzoin resin to climb the tree’s bole to reach higher after four or five months because it takes tapping pockets. longer to dry. The first flow of resin is col- The first flow of resin (considered the lected with the bark, but less S. benzoin best quality) can be harvested three or resin accumulates under the bark. The four months after tapping. Most of the outside resin flows all along the trunk, so resin (of a white colour) accumulates it tends to be collected with more impuri- between the bark and the cambium; some ties, as the farmer gathers it up with a resin (of a yellowish colour) flows outside knife along the trunk. It is often collected of the tapping wound. The farmer uses a into a cone made out of bark. The last small, blunt, broad-bladed knife to pry flow of resin is harvested while tapping. away the bark to which the resin is Haminjon bulu resin does not accumulate attached and collects it in a basket. More under the bark at all; it is only collected resin continues to flow out of the wound from the trunk, hence its lower price. for some time. Some farmers collect the Over the centuries, Batak farmers resin a second time, two or three months developed a very specific indigenous later, by scraping it from the tree with the knowledge concerning benzoin. Benzoin same type of knife. Part of this resin is has a strong cultural meaning to Batak white and part is dark brown, as it has farmers. Origin myths are told throughout oxydized and mixed with impurities from the producing region about a poor, young the trunk. Many farmers skip this harvest and beautiful girl who turned into a ben- and collect all the leftover resin during the zoin tree. Benzoin is perceived as a subsequent tapping season. The last resin nourishing tree and inspires respect. Its is dark, sometimes slightly reddish, and if resin brought wealth to farmers and gave it is not collected, the tapping wound does life to their villages. The farmers feel for not properly heal. their benzoin trees; they even sing a love Styrax benzoin was commonly song to the tree when cleaning its bark, planted in rice swiddens. De Vonck (1891) preparing it (by caressing and warming it) described Styrax seeds being sown before for a sexual act (the tapping), which will the rice, so that the seedlings would grow ‘give birth’ to resin, often described as in the shade of the paddy. After rice har- milk.

251 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia


Resin is the principal product of the Benzoin is smoked with tobacco in a Styrax tree.10 Across the world, benzoin few places in Sumatra. In Central Java, it resin is used as incense, perfume, medicine is still smoked by older men in a type of and as a flavouring agent. cigarette, either homemade or produced Batak and other people of Sumatra by small local industries, called klembak use benzoin as a medicine.11 It is particu- menyan (Goloubinoff, 1998). Benzoin is larly important to traditional healers, who also a flavouring agent for some brands of burn benzoin incense as they enter posses- kretek clove cigarettes, also produced in sion trances during curing rituals. In Java. Kretek represents an important Sumatra and Java (above all, in Central national market, since production reached Java, where benzoin consumption is the a level of 140 billion cigarettes in 1993 highest), benzoin is widely used in differ- (Tarmidi, 1996). Benzoin is also used as a ent types of traditional rituals: protection tobacco flavouring agent in other coun- from bad spirits, rice-harvesting cere- tries (Coppen, 1997). monies, rain rituals, and offerings to the Benzoin has been used for a long time dead, house spirits and saints. It is burned in Chinese, Arabic, Indian and European in most Central Javanese sanctuaries. The pharmacopoeias and perfume industries incense is used in Christian, Muslim, (Pradal, 1895; Wheatley, 1959; Aubaile- Hindu and Buddhist ceremonies. After Sallenave, 1997; Hew-Kian-Chong, 1998; Java, the main consumers are Arabic Le Guérer, 1998). Some European coun- countries, where benzoin is widely used in tries such as France consider ‘Siam homes and mosques for religious and benzoin’ superior to ‘Sumatra benzoin’, household rituals, and reputedly is also while others such as the UK prefer to use used to chase away bad spirits (Aubaile- ‘Sumatra benzoin’. Such national predilec- Sallenave, 1997; El Alaoui, 1998). India is tions can be linked to traditional the third largest consumer of benzoin.12 marketing channels (eg France and Benzoin incense is rarely pure because Indochina, UK and Singapore). Today, the product would be too expensive for benzoin is employed only in a few Western most incense customers to buy and medicines, since synthetic products have because combustion of pure benzoin is replaced many natural substances (Hew- too rapid for incense purposes. Factories Kian-Chong, 1998). The same in Java, Sumatra and Singapore mix ben- substitution effect has occurred within the zoin with damar resin (from Shorea spp.) perfume industry. Benzoin used to be an and other ingredients in order to make important ingredient in Western per- incense blocks. Damar is also fragrant and fumes, but is now employed only in small has the advantage of burning more slowly quantities (Vial-Debas, 1999). (it was traditionally used as a flammable agent in torches).

252 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.)

Processing and marketing

Three-quarters of all Sumatra benzoin The structure of this trade allows for production is consumed by the Indonesian wider profit sharing and avoids creation national market, while the remaining of a monopoly. quarter is exported to the rest of the world The benzoin market is considered to via Singapore. Incense is the main outlet be quite stable. However, it has experi- for both domestic and international mar- enced volatility over the last 150 years or kets (see Figure 23.1). No accurate trade so, often as a result of national and/or statistics are available. Export figures international political situations. At the from Indonesia to Singapore do not corre- end of the 19th century, prices declined spond to import statistics from Indonesia (de Vonck, 1891); yet production to Singapore (see statistics in Coppen, increased after the Dutch managed to 1997). In customs statistics of other coun- pacify the region in 1907. The 1929 finan- tries, benzoin is included under the cial crisis, World War II and the Japanese general ‘gums and resins’ category. occupation of Sumatra had a negative Sumatra benzoin trade remains quite impact upon benzoin production and/or ‘traditional’ in its structure and behaviour, trade. On the other hand, both farmers inside and outside Indonesia. It relies and traders remember the 1970s as a upon trading networks and relationships ‘golden age’. During this time, trees established over several generations, as planted in the 1950s, after independence, well as upon a specific professional were reaching optimal production. knowledge. In Indonesia, several stake- Demand from the national market was holder groups participate in the benzoin high, especially within the cigarette sector trade network: farmers, village collectors, (Tarmidi, 1996). Thanks to income from regional traders, inter-island traders and benzoin production and its trade, children exporters. At each level, benzoin resin is attended schools and universities. Many dried and sorted. When fresh, the resin is Batak lawyers, teachers, army officers and quite soft (toffee-like) and sticky. Firstly, civil servants, who today play an impor- the resin is dried for two weeks so that the tant role in national life, are ‘benzoin bark and the dust can be removed. children’. Secondly, the resin is sorted according to Benzoin prices have progressively size, colour and consistency. Because ben- dropped in real terms since the peak pro- zoin melts during transport if not dried duction days of the 1970s, while nominal properly, traders allow three months to prices increased only slightly with the pass before shipping the resin from North 1997–1998 South-East Asian monetary Sumatra. At each step, intermediaries crisis. However, benzoin still provides a resort the resin. Sorting at each step is source of income for at least 100,000 peo- meant to adapt the product to the buyers’ ple in North Sumatra, and benzoin money needs, but it is also a way of making addi- continues to contribute to school tional profit. For each intermediary, the expenses. Yet, the incentives to continue profit margin is quite small (less than 20 cultivating benzoin are quite low. per cent); thus, to gain a little more, inter- Plantations are growing older, farmers are mediaries often add some fairly good ageing, the number of people willing to second-grade resin to the first-grade resin. spend several days in the forest tending

253 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia

National market for benzoin Export market for benzoin (72% of total production) (28% of total production) Per cent Per cent 50 25

40 20

30 15

20 10

10 5

0 0 Incense Traditional Various Kretek Resinoids Perfumery, Incense cigarettes industries cigarettes and others pharmacopeia

Sources: adapted from Goloubinoff, 1997; 1999 Figure 23.1 National and export markets for benzoin benzoin gardens is diminishing, and those shortage, they could turn to other prod- who do harvest benzoin tend not to culti- ucts (in the case of incense) or to synthetic vate all of their trees. Every year substitutes (in the case of perfumery and production drops. Farmer migration and pharmacopoeia). The recent monetary cri- the introduction of more lucrative cash sis could still reverse the momentum, as crops contribute to the continuing decline some migrants are returning to the coun- of benzoin production. If too few people tryside from urban centres. Increasing replace the old trees, regional production farmers’ confidence in their production could drop significantly within the next methods could have an even greater decade, while demand is likely to remain effect.13 stable. If end-users face a future benzoin

Certification potential

From a forestry perspective, Styrax man- abandoned, the biodiversity of the resul- agement may need to be treated as either tant secondary forest is similar to that of a plantation (when occurring in rice swid- a primary forest, which seems to indicate dens) or as a simplified natural forest in a high resilience of forests formed under upland areas. While forest simplification benzoin management practices. In some goes against many forest certification cri- areas where forest concessions have been teria, the small size and scale of benzoin granted to logging companies, benzoin gardens may mitigate their overall impact gardens provide the only remaining forest on forest integrity. Once the gardens are cover. Tenure issues may also pose some

254 Sumatra benzoin (Styrax spp.) problems, particularly in cases where gins and different species. Little reliable there are conflicting land claims. published data is available on benzoin Best tapping practices may need to be product quality. For instance, pharma- further investigated and elucidated before copoeia books are based on second-hand field criteria could be tested for the certi- data, presenting Sumatra benzoin as fication of this species. Yet, experiments blocks (ie it may not be pure benzoin). on tapping techniques conducted by a Furthermore, most published chemical Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) analyses were conducted at the beginning team in Laos hold promise; the team of the century.15 Certifying the chain of found that local indigenous tapping tech- custody for benzoin may be difficult niques were the most efficient ones (M because: Fischer, pers comm, 1999). In Sumatra, farmers have managed to tap benzoin • Record-keeping is inconsistent or trees for well over 60 years, thus indicat- non-existent. ing that their techniques are likely • There are many intermediaries in the sustainable.14 benzoin trade. Any higher prices that certification • Mixing resins of different origin is may bring to benzoin producers may common practice. encourage production of this traditional product. However, a certain number of While lower-quality resins are quite traders and end-users will likely not be appropriate for incense, it may be worth- keen to fulfill very strict criteria that while to promote certification for the would involve additional work or added best-quality resins used by specific end- costs, just as customs services have little users, such as perfume makers, both at motivation to separate benzoin from the national and international levels. The general ‘gums-and-resins’ trade category. national market still has great potential Although most end-users would not be because the population is large (Indonesia willing to pay more to get a certified prod- is the fourth most populated country in uct, those interested in higher quality the world, with over 220 millions inhabi- products might. tants). A higher-quality incense market is On the international market, Sumatra being developed in Europe. Marketing benzoin has the reputation of being a strategies for benzoin could capitalize on much lower-quality product than Laos growing consumer interest in authentic benzoin. Most consumers and end-users natural products. After all, Sumatra ben- only know Sumatra benzoin in a zoin is organically grown, as Batak processed form, and only lower qualities farmers do not use fertilizers or pesticides of pure resin are most commonly traded in their benzoin plantations. Other niche on the world market. The best-quality markets may also be found. Certification resins are rarely known outside of could potentially help inform consumers Indonesia. At a local level, traders know about the origins of benzoin and its that resin from certain villages is more fra- production methods, raising awareness grant than resins from other villages, but of, and appreciation for, this ancient but they habitually mix resins of different ori- little-known product.

255 NTFP species profiles from around the world: Africa and Asia


1 The authors participated in two projects funded respectively by CIFOR and by the EU programme INCO III (Forresasia). 2 Fragrant trees of the genus Liquidambar (Hamamelidaceae) from Central America and the Middle-East are com- monly called ‘styrax’, but they are very different from benzoin. 3 According to Wheatley (1959), Sumatra benzoin was exported to China since the 8th century (9th century according to a personal communication of F Obringer); a new source of benzoin was later discovered by the Chinese in continental South-East Asia. 4 According to official statistics, production equaled 5000 tonnes per year during 1993–1994 and 4000 tonnes per year in 1998. Marina Goloubinoff made an estimation from the sales of the largest traders of the region and Mardan Saragih (Forresasia project) from the production figures of individual villages. Both estimates totaled about 3000 tonnes. In comparison, Laos production of benzoin was only 50 tonnes per year and Vietnam 10 tonnes per year (Coppen, 1995). 5 In many villages, Batak farmers (who have a long genealogical memory) say that benzoin gardens were planted four to eight generations ago. 6 Indorayon operations were temporarily suspended after the 1998 political change, under pressure from local people; but the company’s impact on the forests of North Sumatra Province during the previous ten years was devastating. 7 At the beginning of the 20th century, Heyne (1927) reported this cultivation method. 8 Respectively: Parkia speciosa Hassk., Coffea canephora Pierre var. robusta Cheval., Cinnamomum burmanii Blume, Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., Durio zibethinus Murr., Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr., Areca catechu L., Pithecellobium jiringa Prain, Lansium domesticum Corr. 9 But De Vonck (1891) and Van Vuuren (1908) describe other types of harvesting techniques. 10 Sumatra farmers also occasionally use dead benzoin trees as firewood and sell (at a low price) the slightly fragrant bark attached to the resin, which is subsequently ground and mixed into benzoin incense blocks. In Vietnam, in recent years, Styrax tonkinensis has been planted for use by the pulp and paper industry (Pinyopusarerk, 1994). 11 Curiously, in Laos, farmers extract benzoin resin for trade but do not use it themselves (A Hubert, pers comm, 1996; Chagnaud, 1996). 12 Data on exports to Arabic countries and India come from Singapore exporters. 13 In Lampung, damar farmers have gained much pride since scientists began studying the management of their gardens. In a North Sumatra village visited by our team between 1996 and 2000, some young farmers told us recently that they were more motivated to work in their benzoin gardens because scientists had begun taking an interest in benzoin. 14 Many farmers who do not work their garden prefer not to rent it out because careless or inexperienced workers might damage their trees. It takes several months or years to acquire the proper tapping techniques. Tapping is supposed to be a most delicate operation. 15 Private perfume or medicine companies lead their own research but rarely publish their results.

256 Chapter 24 Sustainable harvesting of epiphytic bromeliads in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico: a pilot study

Jan H D Wolf and Cornelis J F Konings

One factor exacer- For example, the bating worldwide highland indigenous forest decline and people of Mayan degradation is an des-cent use the economic system flowers of Tilland- that rewards over- sia eizii L.B. Smith exploitation of res- for ceremonies (Br- ources and agricul- eedlove and Lauglin, tural uses for short- 1993). Current har- term benefits, but vesting of these economically under- flowers appears to values natural habit- be unsustainable. ats (WRI et al, Commonly used 1992). Illustration by Antonio Rodríguez species have nearly Harvesting epi- disappeared from Bromeliad (Tillandsia vicentina) phytic bromeliads the most accessible from natural popu- mature forests. How- lations may augment the direct economic ever, the most severe threat to these species value of forests for local communities is probably the loss of mature forests. through the application of the concept of Between 1974 and 1994, the area of dense canopy farming© for bromeliads (the term forest in the central Chiapas highlands canopy farming is copyrighted by Dr R A decreased by 42 per cent (Ochoa-Gaona A Oldeman). Canopy farming has been and González-Espinosa, 2000). advanced as a way to access the potential Bromeliads from Chiapas may provide of the forest canopy for sustainable pro- a commercially viable canopy product duction. Because canopy farming leaves because many similar plants are already the natural canopy habitat largely intact, exported to floral markets from neigh- it shows potential as a forest conservation bouring countries, such as Guatemala tool (Neugebauer et al, 1996). (Jenkins and Oldfield, 1992; Rauh, 1992). In the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico, Between 1993 and 1995, Guatemala alone certain bromeliads have traditional uses. exported circa 14.5 million Tillandsias NTFP species profiles from around the world: other initiatives annually (Véliz-Pérez, 1997). According to In this pilot study (Wolf and Konings, Rauh (1992), information from WWF in 2001), one epiphytic bromeliad, Germany suggests that in the first three Tillandsia vicentina Standley, was identi- months of 1988 alone, 150 tonnes of these fied that met the criteria. This species does ‘airplants’ (circa six million plants) were not have a current local use. The species is exported from Guatemala. Rauh (1992) sold as a houseplant in the US and in estimates that at least 75 per cent of the Europe. The authors prefer targeting plants in Tillandsia farms are collected export markets before developing a from the wild. national market for the plants, which may Since harvesting of bromeliads may be be difficult to control against competitors regarded as a means of forest conserva- who operate unsustainably. The authors tion, the question of sustainability is of estimate that it is possible to harvest mayor importance. In a pilot study in dis- sustainably nearly 700 rosettes of turbed pine-oak forest, the authors T. vicentina per hectare per year from the focused on the sustainability of offtake, understorey and forest floor of the study omitting ecological and socio-economic site. Implementation of a monitoring pro- aspects. Because Tillandsia species are gramme to evaluate this arbitrary, yet ecologically different, sustainability of strict, set of criteria is recommended. offtake should be contemplated at the Bromeliads have a ready market as species level. By means of demographic or ornamental plants in many Northern genetic studies and modelling, one may countries. While many of the bromeliads attempt to establish the minimum viable entering international trade are cultivated, population size and to propose manage- significant numbers of plants are still har- ment interventions accordingly. Such vested from the wild. This project seeks to studies, however, require observations produce income for local communities over a long period of time. and to create incentives for forest conser- For the immediately threatened vation by offering sustainably sourced bromeliads, the authors propose a more bromeliads for sale to international mar- empirical approach using the arbitrary, kets. Certification could bolster initiatives but generally accepted, definition of the such as the bromeliad pilot project by strictest criteria for sustainable harvest- creating market differentiation for sus- ing: tainably harvested wild bromeliads, and by raising awareness of forest conserva- • high population density; tion issues for Northern consumers of • individuals evenly distributed in ornamental houseplants. space; and •minimum impact on reproductive capacity.

258 Chapter 25 Reducing the ecological footprint of the ‘wooden rhino’: the case for certification of Kenyan woodcarvings1

Susanne F Schmitt and Anthony B Cunningham

The success of the Kenyan woodcarving industry and the realization of the size of the footprint

Illustration by Jamison Ervin Wooden rhino

The Kenyan woodcarving industry is a half of which is exported to North rural development economic success, but it America, with most of the remainder to now faces the collapse of locally available Europe and Japan. This developmental hardwood stocks for commercial carving success owes much to the high carving and production. Focused mainly upon exports, business skills of the WaKamba people, this industry has grown significantly over who started and still dominate the trade. A the last 80 years. The annual value of total of about 60,000 carvers (with some exports has expanded from UK£75,000 (at 300,000 dependants) work in Kenya 1950s rates) to US$20 million today, over (Obunga, 1996). NTFP species profiles from around the world: other initiatives

The increasing demand of the market, destroyed) and degradation of the Kenyan coupled with the fact that many of the coastal forests. The latter, with their many species used are slow-growing hard- endemic species, are internationally recog- woods, has led to the depletion of some of nized for their importance in biodiversity the favoured species. Surveys conducted conservation. Today, only isolated coastal under a People and Plants Initiative pro- forest fragments remain. These face many ject (Obunga and Sigu, 1996) have pressures, one of which is exploitation of documented this decline, particularly in valuable hardwoods for woodcarving. the case of mpingo, or ‘ebony’ (Dalbergia Based on counts of logs bought by Kenyan melanoxylon), and muhugu, or woodcarver cooperatives, Simon Choge of ‘mahogany’ (Brachylaena huillensis). the Kenya Forestry Research Institute Many of the carvers are aware of the (KEFRI) has shown that over 40,000 trees problem of hardwood supply and the are felled each year for the carving indus- threat this poses to their future liveli- try, most of which are forest species. hoods. Some carvers have sought Research by the East African Wildlife alternatives through cultivation or by test- Society, funded by People and Plants, has ing other tree species for the suitability of shown that almost half of muhugu logs carving. All of the most suitable alterna- that are used by carvers at Mombasa and tive species identified are exotics (eg Malindi are hollow. Destruction of these neem, jacaranda, grevillea, mango), one of hollow trees poses a threat to biodiversity which, neem (Azadirachta indica), has conservation in the Kenyan coastal forests become invasive in coastal forest areas. because of the importance of these hol- Apart from sustainability of the wood lows as nest sites or shelter for small base, further conservation issues include mammals, birds and , several of possible genetic erosion of the species (as which are endemic to this globally threat- some populations are decimated or ened forest habitat.

Initiatives to reduce the size of the footprint

It is clear to all stakeholders involved that 1997, a 20-year vision of necessary steps the Kenyan woodcarving industry needs was developed jointly by all stakeholders to be placed on a sustainable footing. (Cunningham, 1998). One of these steps There are two main reasons for this: concerned the use of a marketing initiative involving certification of ‘Good Woods’ as 1 to secure the livelihoods of thousands a tool to switch demand away from slow- of carvers and their dependants; and growing hardwoods to fast-growing 2 to conserve globally important biodi- exotics. As a follow-up, a course on certi- versity in forests in Kenya and in other fication of Kenyan woodcarving was held East African countries. in Kenya in March 1999, and agreement was reached to develop a certification sys- There is no doubt that bringing such a tem (Cunningham, 1999). large woodcarving industry onto a sus- Certification is considered a poten- tainable basis will be a challenging tially powerful tool in providing an process, involving a multitude of interven- economic incentive for a shift away from tions. At a workshop held in December ecologically damaging and unsustainable

260 Reducing the ecological footprint of the ‘wooden rhino’ exploitation of East African coastal has been working with the Forest forests for carving. Certification of wood- Stewardship Council (FSC)-approved cer- carving also has the potential to be the tifiers SmartWood and, subsequently, the entry point for wider adoption of timber Soil Association Woodmark Programme certification for plantation and natural to develop a suitable certification system forests in East Africa in the medium to for Kenyan woodcarvings. long term. The People and Plants initiative The certification approach: piloting FSC certification for woodcarvings

Certification, in the context of the Kenyan neem. This is largely due to tem- woodcarving industry, will firstly aim at porary shortages of hardwoods distinguishing carvings made from slow- and, in particular, to the absence growing and increasingly depleted of large diameter logs for large hardwoods from carvings made from fast- carvings. growing ‘Good Wood’ species. At the • The FSC has recently started to course held in March 1999, participants adapt its site-based certification agreed that developing a form of certifica- requirements, which are based on tion is the right way forward. Arguments proving sustainable forest man- for using this approach included the fol- agement of a forest operation. lowing: Now, for example, group certifi- cation of small woodland owners, 1 Many preconditions for certification or even certification of wood from are fulfilled: street tree cuttings, is possible. • Large stocks of alternative ‘Good This gives hope that certification Woods’ are available. All are can be applied in this case, effec- introduced species to Kenya that tively centred around exotic are acceptable to, and already carving species that come from used by, Kenyan carvers. ‘Good diffuse sources (municipal land, Woods’ are locally available along small holdings, private land, plan- the coast – in particular, neem tations, etc) within, for example, a (Azadirachta indica) and old district or sub-district. mango trees (Mangifera indica); in • Examples of ethical sourcing central Kenya – mostly grevillea already exist. For example, the (Grevillea robusta) and jacaranda Mennonite Central Committee (Jacaranda mimosifolia). All are (MCC), who buy approximately multipurpose trees, which should US$250,000 worth of carving ensure their replacement because exports each year from Kenya, of the many benefits that can be have pledged to increase the derived from them. amount of ‘Good Wood’ carvings • Several large cooperatives have by 10 per cent each year and to already taken steps in using ‘Good return 3 per cent of the value of Wood’ alternatives by increasing carvings purchased to support the proportion of carvings made nurseries for carving wood pro- from ‘Good Woods’, such as duction.

261 NTFP species profiles from around the world: other initiatives

• Five major woodcarving coopera- sustainably produced wood and those tives already have a detailed that are not. system of record-keeping of logs 3 When combined with an effective bought and carving items sold. campaign, certification – as a market- Thus, chain-of-custody monitor- ing tool – has the potential to result in ing of ‘Good Wood’ logs bought a switch in consumer demand to certi- and carvings sold should only fied carvings made from ‘Good Wood’ require simple modifications. species. Such a campaign will be • Experience in raising ‘Good aimed at North America, Europe and Wood’, as well as hardwood Kenya respectively, with the main tar- species, already exists in some of get audience being importers and the cooperatives. The oldest nurs- tourists. The intention is to create ery, owned by the Makindu consumer-led demand that will pro- Carvers Cooperative, has been vide the right incentives for carvers to running for ten years. switch to alternative ‘Good Wood’ • Carvers are well aware of the species or, in the long term, sustain- resource scarcity situation, and a ably produced hardwoods. 20-year vision was developed jointly by the carvers and other The goal is to achieve FSC certification of interest groups in December 1997. woodcarving timber produced through This was followed up by a ‘Good agroforestry systems on-farm, in planta- Wood’ labelling and certification tions or potentially with savanna species course, held in March 1999. such as ebony (Dalbergia melanoxylon), Furthermore, awareness-raising produced through coppice rotation in amongst carvers, tourists and managed savanna. In the short to medium importers through drama, produc- term, certification in Kenya will have to be tion of a poster, videos, a slide restricted to ‘Good Wood’ species; hard- pack, exhibitions and the estab- wood stocks are very depleted and lishment of ‘Green Corners’ recovery is gradual due to very slow displaying only ‘Good Wood’ growth rates. Furthermore, plantation and carvings in the cooperatives’ show- natural forest management will require rooms has already taken place. major improvements in order to achieve • Kenya Airways has agreed to certification. Great interest in certification, screen a short (ten-minute) video shown by the new director of the Kenya as part of in-flight awareness-rais- Forestry Department (who was one of the ing for people visiting Kenya. participants in the People and Plants certi- •A new director of the Kenya fication course in March 1999), provides Forestry Department was some hope that a more favourable, institu- appointed who is favourably tional environment for sustainable forest inclined towards certification and management in Kenya is developing. supports stricter enforcement of The attempt to develop an FSC- logging bans of hardwoods and approved certification system for Kenyan the protection of forest reserves. ‘Good Wood’ carvings represents a pilot 2 Availability of certified ‘Good Wood’ case and will require flexibility in FSC carvings provides consumers with an policy, or amendments to existing FSC ethical choice by allowing them to dis- policies. However, the FSC is becoming tinguish between carvings made from more favourably inclined towards certify-

262 Reducing the ecological footprint of the ‘wooden rhino’ ing non-timber forest products (NTFPs) (Azadirachta indica) has become an and atypical timber operations. For exam- invasive species and now poses a ple, the FSC is exploring pragmatic ways problem in natural forests. Removing to improve access to certification for it from these areas and elsewhere will, smallholder farmers (Scrase, 1999). In the in fact, be a benefit for conservation. woodcarving case, FSC certification will On farms and in municipal areas, the have to be extended to on-farm produc- replacement of neem trees can be tion of carving trees and the harvesting of encouraged by nurturing wildlings. ‘Good Wood’ species from existing stocks • The existing stock of trees is large and on public, private or communal land. This trees often have to be removed for would mean that the supply of ‘Good building purposes, safety (eg in the Wood’ will often not be from a clearly case of Jacaranda street trees) and defined source area, where management restocking to improve yields (eg old practices are clearly documented and pre- mango trees with a small yield). scribed. However, the argument is that • Maintenance of ‘Good Wood’ stock management and securing replacement of can also be ensured through simple harvested trees are of no major concern in agreements made with farmers and the case of ‘Good Woods’ for several rea- landowners to ensure the replacement sons: of cut trees.

•All favoured species are exotic, multi- Increasingly, the FSC label is becoming the purpose trees that people already plant standard for certified wood products. and are therefore likely to replace, Increased publicity and awareness among especially given the added incentive of the general public will help to make certi- being able to sell the wood when the fication of ‘Good Woods’ a powerful tool tree has reached sufficient size. in the ongoing efforts to reduce the eco- • In the humid coastal zone, neem logical footprint of the ‘wooden rhino’.

Additional information

Two videos about the woodcarving pro- exporters of carvings and at tourists. ject are available: Both videos are available from: • Saving the wooden rhino: ethnobotan- ical methods and the Kenya • NHBS (National Histroy Book Service woodcarving industry (1998); camera Ltd) and direction: Anthony B Cunning- 2–3 Wills Road ham; editing: Nick Chevalier Prod- Totnes uctions. This is a methods and train- Devon ing video (25-minutes long). TQ9 5XN • Carvers, conservation and consumers UK (1998); camera and direction: Tel: +44 (0)1803 865 913 Anthony B Cunningham; editing: Fax: +44 (0)1803 865 280 Nick Chevalier Productions. This is a Email: [email protected] shorter (ten-minute) awareness-rais- Web: www.nhbs.com ing video aimed at importers and

263 NTFP species profiles from around the world: other initiatives


1 The information contained in this chapter is based partly on the unpublished work of Raymond Obunga, Gordon Sigu and Simon Choge, with support from the Kenya Crafts Cooperative Union, Kenya Forest Research Institute, National Museums of Kenya and TRAFFIC. Much of the information regarding eco-labelling and certification was gathered, with the help of all participants, at a People and Plants Initiative course on certifica- tion, held in Kenya in March 1999. The course was attended by all relevant stakeholders and was organized jointly by WWF International and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). A representative from a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-accredited certifier, SmartWood, provided insights into certification and eco-labelling. Funding has been made available by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the UK National Lottery Charities Board (NLCB) and WWF-UK.

264 Section III


Alan R Pierce and Patricia Shanley


Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva Bacuri (Platonia insignis)

To manage non-timber forest products species harvested, harvest impacts and the (NTFPs) properly, it is imperative to have importance of trained harvesters. The a basic understanding of the biology and chapter will also focus on specific ecolog- ecology of the target species, the site ical issues brought to light by the capabilities of the forest under manage- certification field trials and will outline ment and the response of the target additional environmental issues that man- species to harvesting and other human agers and certifiers alike need to consider and natural disturbances. This chapter when evaluating NTFP operations. will explore ecological issues relating to Ecological elements touching on certifica- NTFP harvest, including knowledge of tion are also covered in the NTFP The core elements of NTFP certification guidelines (see Appendix I) and the tech- reported in the maple syrup (Acer saccha- nical elements discussion presented in rum) and benzoin (Styrax spp.) species Chapter 30. profiles in Chapters 15 and 23, intensive In general, when non-timber forest production of these exudates may also products are properly managed, they pro- lead to forest simplification and loss of tect many forest services (eg hydrological diversity. Yet, in comparison to other land functions, aesthetics, soil retention and uses, NTFP management can play a posi- carbon sequestration) and cause less tive role in forest conservation. From the biotic impoverishment than other land Dayak forest fruit gardens (tembawangs – uses (Peters, 1994; Nepstad et al, 1992). see de Jong, 1995) of Kalimantan, This observation, however, must be tem- Indonesia, to the silvopastoral (dehesas) pered by the sheer variety of non-timber systems of the Mediterranean (see the forest products and NTFP production sys- Mediterranean species profiles in Chapter tems. Some intensively managed NTFP 17), NTFP management supports the production systems result in localized loss maintenance of forests and many of their of biodiversity. Thiollay (1995) found that attendant ecosystem services. While some avian species richness, diversity and equi- might not consider silvopastoral systems tability was significantly lower in as ‘true forests’, such systems do provide Sumatran agroforestry systems producing important ecological services, help main- rubber (Hevea brasiliensis), damar tain biodiversity and are perceived as (Shorea javanica) and durian (Durio stable ecological systems by local environ- zibethinus) than in primary forests. As mentalists (Moussouris, 1999).

Ecological knowledge

Lack of information concerning species that make up the majority of NTFPs, lack ecology was anticipated as an obstacle to of ecological understanding of species sustainable management and certification growth requirements, regeneration niche, of the species reviewed in the field tests on production/yield and appropriate harvest- palm heart (Euterpe oleracea), chicle ing techniques could be a tremendous (Manilkara zapota) and Brazil nut barrier to the adequate assessment of (Bertholletia excelsa); but this was actually species’ ecological requirements for sus- found not to be one of the most problem- tainable extraction (Peters, 1994). Even atic aspects of the trial assessments. In the species that have been widely used for cases of chicle, palm heart and Brazil nut, centuries, such as benzoin, copaíba all species had been managed for lengthy (Copaifera spp.) and pine nuts (various periods of time and traditional manage- spp.), are lacking in definitive studies elu- ment techniques had been empirically cidating particular aspects of their developed. Scientific understanding of population ecology. For instance, the ecol- these species was also advanced, and ogy, response to harvest and growth though admittedly incomplete, was requirements of marapuama (see Box believed to be sufficient to determine 26.1) are so little known that even the whether or not the species were managed most basic information needs for certifica- according to best known practices. tion or sustainable management are In the cases of poorly studied species unavailable today.

268 Ecological issues


Maria Constanza von der Pahlen and Patricia Shanley

Marapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is a primary forest species endemic to Brazil that grows as a bush or small tree. Its roots have been harvested for medicinal purposes for many years. Complete harvest of the root results in the death of the plant. In east- ern Amazonia, severed sections of the root are sold in open-air markets, medicinal plant shops and in makeshift booths along sidewalks. Marapuama is costlier than other medicinals, but demand for the root is high, even by individuals of modest means. The strong demand for marapuama indicates that, in the public’s mind, the root is unique and without substitutes. In Amazonia, where pharmaceutical preparations are not available to a majority of the general public for financial reasons, the plant is an important remedy. Marapuama is principally used for diseases of the nervous system and impotence. Phytochemical and pharmacological research has indicated that an alcohol infusion prepared with the roots produced effects on the nervous system, potentially by interacting with the dopaminergic and/or noradrenergic systems (Elisabetsky et al, 1986). Historically, the root has been exported to Europe. In England, marapuama is used to combat impotence and infertility. In Germany, it is primarily employed as a tonic. In France, the root has gained popularity as an aphrodisiac (von der Pahlen, 1999). More recently, interest has escalated in the US, due in part to Internet advertising promul- gating marapuama as the Amazonian natural equivalent of Viagra. Serious problems exist with such Internet marketing schemes. Firstly, the density, distribution, germination, growth rate, regeneration niche and production of P. ola- coides are all unknown. Secondly, as recently as a decade ago, species identification of the plant was still being questioned. Thirdly, interviews with collectors in eastern Amazonia make it clear that marapuama is increasingly difficult to find in the wild, even to meet local demand. With little to nothing known about its ecology, and uncer- tainty regarding species identification, export of this destructively harvested primary forest root is a cause for concern.

Setting harvest levels, modelling and the importance of technological transfer

Determining sustainable harvest levels for ies and monitoring, and readjusted over NTFPs is difficult. Some technical tools time in response to new information. Most are available, as described by Cunningham operations applying for NTFP certification (2001), Peters (1996; 1994; 1990) and rely upon the principle of adaptive man- Hall and Bawa (1990). In most cases, agement and set harvest levels based upon NTFP harvest prescriptions have been observation and experience, supplemented arrived at through years and years of field by information gained from monitoring observation and experimentation. Harvest the impact of harvesting over time – what levels, whether set by computer models or Peters (1996) terms ‘successive approxi- practical experience, must be supported by mation’. Few operations have the technical data gleaned from inventories, yield stud- expertise, equipment, time and finances to

269 The core elements of NTFP certification perform more indepth scientific analyses used to predict changes in population and (eg matrix models). Matrix models, as ecosystem structure, thus adding rigour to Peters (1996) relates, are useful because the formulation of NTFP management ‘overexploitation occurs first in [the] com- plans. In sum, transference of technologi- puter simulation, not 50 or 60 years later cal support and knowledge to NTFP in the field when it may already be too late operations is critical. Non-governmental to remedy the situation’. Transition matri- organization (NGOs) and donor agencies ces can also give important insight into the can facilitate the transfer of technology to influence of stochastic events on long-term NTFP producers, thereby supporting best population viability, as shown by Nantel et management practices and, in cases, rein- al (1996) in the case of ginseng. More forcing certification eligibility of complex mechanistic modelling, according operations. to Boot and Gullison (1995), may also be

Harvest impact

The impact of harvest regimes on NTFP bark or single-stemmed palms resources will vary according to harvest (Euterpe precatoria) – necessitates a intensity, resource density, site productiv- firm understanding of the species’ ity, harvester training and the plant part reproduction strategies, population harvested. While a firm knowledge of structure, density and distribution. NTFP biology and ecology is necessary • Harvest of other vegetative structures for management, the plant part harvested that do not necessarily cause mortal- often determines the focus of management ity, such as xate leaves (Chamaedorea actions, monitoring activities and certifi- spp.) for the floral industry, baobab cation assessments. A firm grasp of (Adansonia digitata) bark for crafts general functional ecology is also and oak bark for cork (Quercus extremely important for resource man- suber), requires a grasp of species’ agers, particularly in cases where baseline recovery rates, physiological impacts knowledge and data may be limited or of harvesting (eg on photosynthesis lacking. and reproduction) and harvesting techniques. •With reproductive propagules, atten- • Collection of exudates, such as chicle, tion to the target species’ ability to amapá (Parahancornia spp. and regenerate and the impacts of man- Brosimum spp.), pine resin (various agement actions on wildlife (animals spp.), mastic gum (Pistacia lentiscus), that depend upon the resource or that benzoin and maple sap, requires eval- act as pollinators or seed dispersal uation of tapping procedures, extent agents) will be the primary ecological of tapping injury, recovery rates, concerns (unless sprouting is a major understanding of the physiological means of reproduction). impacts of tapping and assessment of • Harvest of vegetative structures that harvester skills and techniques. In can result in the death of a plant – eg addition, evaluation of the secondary ginseng roots (Panax spp.), mara- impacts of tapping on species growth, puama, pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.) reproduction, resistance to disease

270 Ecological issues

and insect attack and potential loss of rhizal fungi), management will need nutrients is important. to review the population biology of • In cases of species with complex inter- the interlinked species and any envi- relations (specific pollinators, sym- ronmental factors that may upset such biotic relationships such as mycor- ecological balances.

Ecological importance of trained harvesters

The knowledge and skill of the harvester indicators of sustainable management is central to minimizing environmental were not first documented through scien- damage associated with NTFP collection. tific study; rather, they were documented Cork oak harvesters must be skilled in by collectors who had observed the stripping trees in order to avoid causing response of the resource over time under damage to the living inner bark (the bast many different harvest regimes. It is thus and cambium) of Quercus suber. critical to respect and record the ecologi- Overharvesting of fiddlehead ferns can cal knowledge and harvesting techniques precipitate a decline in the number, size, found within traditional harvest regimes. flavour and tenderness of ferns from fre- Harvesters often have a wealth of quently collected sites (von Aderkas, empirically gained knowledge that can 1984). The placement, depth, periodicity provide practical lessons for NTFP man- and number of taps made by rubber (Ficus agers. For example, in the case of açai elastica), maple, benzoin, croton (Croton (Euterpe oleracea), some harvesters had lechleri) and chicle harvesters carry criti- managed the resource for a greater num- cal consequences for tree vigour and ber of years than others, thus offering a long-term survival. Even ginseng and test of their techniques. Their experience other destructively collected herbs depend served to demonstrate that sustainable upon knowledgeable gatherers to care- management of açai for palm heart also fully select mature individuals for harvest served to extend the harvest season of its and to replant all viable seeds in order to highly valued fruit (Johnson, 1999). ensure continuance of the population. Families managing açai for successive Mushroom harvesters who allow a por- years were enjoying its fruits throughout tion of the fruiting bodies they encounter the entire year, instead of only during the to mature and release their spores likewise six- to eight-month season when the assist resource recovery. species generally produces fruit. Highly Reliable indicators of sustainable beneficial for subsistence consumption by NTFP management for many species are the family, the extra harvest also serves to often unrecorded in the scientific litera- meet the heavy demand for açai during ture. With many species, such as chicle, the off-season, when the fruit commands maple, ginseng, rattan and palm heart, exceptionally high sale prices.

271 The core elements of NTFP certification

Fitting traditional ecological knowledge and practices with certification

Ecological requirements of certification hold a number of benefits for community guidelines proved problematic in cases forest management, some of which where harvesters were not accustomed to became evident during field assessments. documenting their management tech- Because both of the community forest niques and observations on paper. Many operations assessed (in Mexico and Brazil) extractivists conduct frequent visual had received significant support for inventories of their resources, monitoring resource management, each had the harvest, regeneration and growth, as well opportunity to develop formal manage- as conducting post-harvest assessments. ment plans, to conduct inventories and to The majority of wild plant harvesters, decide upon sustainable harvest regimes. however, do not necessarily record these The process of formalizing what had pre- in a systematic fashion. In addition, unless viously been informal served a number of a community has received outside support useful functions. Most importantly, the regarding forest management, it may not process encouraged gatherers to openly have a formally documented management share their different management tech- plan or forest inventory. Such factors do niques, to compare and evaluate them, not signify that a community does not and to determine which aspects were most understand and manage its resource base beneficial to resource management. – only that its knowledge and manipula- Although informal exchanges occur tion of the resource is not recorded in the between gatherers, the process of register- way stipulated by certification pro- ing their management techniques served grammes. as an impetus to discuss them among a Although cumbersome and foreign to wider range of harvesters, in a more pro- most small landholders, formalization of found manner than might have occurred inventories and management plans can informally.

External support to meet ecological requirements of certification agencies

While uncomfortable with certain aspects ing, most are unfamiliar with how to com- of the documentation necessary for certifi- pose a forest management plan – a core cation, harvesters found that discussions requisite of sustainable forest manage- during the assessments helped them to ment for certifiers and outside agencies. realize the added benefits of conducting Furthermore, documentation may be regular inventories and documenting their detrimental to many gatherers. Clearly, findings. Realistically, however, communi- ginseng and fiddlehead fern (Matteucia ties without external support are unlikely struthiopteris) gatherers in Vermont to meet requirements delineated by certi- would not benefit from mapping out a fication guidelines. Although harvesters resource or designing a forest manage- may be highly knowledgeable about forest ment plan for goods that they gather composition and structure, without train- surreptitiously from other people’s prop-

272 Ecological issues


Georges Schnyder (Agroindustrial Ita, Belém, Brazil)

A forward-thinking palm heart industry leader in Brazil envisioned that the wild stands of açai he was harvesting might not prove sufficient to meet the growing demand for palm heart projected for the future. Researching the use of Bactris gasipaes as a culti- vated alternative, the owner invested funds in planting an experimental area with B. gasipaes in the Atlantic Forest in the state of São Paulo. He and the workers responsible for maintaining the area patiently waited the few years necessary for the palms to establish themselves and reach harvesting age. However, as soon as the plants became established, capivaras (capybaras: large Amazonian rodents) entered the area, consuming the young palm trees. Frustrated, the company sought help from specialists and was told that lights would repel the maraud- ing wildlife. The company followed this advice, installing lights and fencing around the periphery of the site. These measures did not deter the wildlife from consuming the palms. Next, the owner decided to hunt the capivaras, thus lowering the population. He was informed by the Brazilian environmental protection agency IBAMA that hunting capivaras in this area would be legal only for Indians using bows and arrows. As a result, the owner employed Indians to cull the herd. The Indians arrived with bows and arrows. However, it had been quite some time since they had wielded bows and arrows and they were unsuccessful in the hunt. Returning to IBAMA, the owner was informed that if the area was fenced and designated as a wildlife farm for capivaras, as opposed to a palm heart plantation, it would be permissible to shoot the animals.

erty. Likewise, non-literate, indigenous Onerous documentary requirements tribes in Brazil are highly unlikely to see inherent in certification, and the added the benefits of designing forest manage- costs of certification, combine to make the ment plans for breu (Protium spp.), titica process a challenge for many, especially (Heteropsis spp.) and amapá, when they small producers. Firstly, many producers collect and sell relatively small quantities and industries must already comply with of each for scant prices (see Chapters strict governmental requirements for land 9–12). use and management (see the Croton pro- Cat’s claw (Uncaria spp.) gatherers in file in Chapter 10). The fetters of Peru, rattan collectors in Indonesia, gath- sometimes-arbitrary government require- erers of yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) ments may even inhibit certain environ- in Cameroon and harvesters of açai fruit mental activities, as illustrated in Box in Brazil and Bolivia – although they hail 26.2. Since narrow niche markets com- from different corners of the globe – share pose much of the interest in sustainably two things in common: they generally managed non-timber forest products, receive scant cash for hard labour. additional requirements to procure certifi- Documenting the ecological impacts of cation may gain little to no marketing harvest is not a priority with such har- advantage, and therefore may prove coun- vesters. terproductive.

273 The core elements of NTFP certification

Setting ecological indicators for assessment

One of the benefits of investigating man- thus provides an example of an easy-to- agement regimes and developing implement field indicator for certification indicators and verifiers of sustainable evaluators. management is that the process can help The field trials in Latin America per- elucidate simple, elegant and effective mitted the testing and refining of the keys to determine sustainable harvesting generic NTFP guidelines presented in and management techniques. In the case Appendix I. The field trials demonstrated of maple trees tapped for syrup, minimum that for some collectors of internationally diameter at breast height (dbh) for tap- marketed species, the process of certifica- ping, depth of tap hole and number of tap tion might prove useful regardless of holes per tree are widely cited as manage- whether or not certification is attained. In ment indicators. Promptness of tap-hole the following section, some of the ecolog- closure may be viewed as an additional ical concerns and benefits regarding each manifestation of responsible tapping. of the field assessment species are According to experienced tappers, rapid described. More indepth descriptions of tap-hole closure indicates good tree the ecology of each species are provided in vigour and a well-drilled tap (see the species profiles in Chapters 4, 5 and 6. Appendix II). Rate of tap-hole closure

Ecological aspects of the three field assessments

Palm heart southern Brazil. Only during the late 1960s and 1970s did the industry become In eastern Amazonia, two sites of palm established in eastern Amazonia, where E. heart extraction were assessed: a compara- oleracea was also extracted. At the time, tively small community forest operation collection was predatory. By 1980, ram- (approximately 300 hectares) and one of pant clear-cutting of the açaí stands left the largest industrial producers of palm the resource base in a degraded state, seri- heart in the region (approximately 3000 ously threatening açaí fruit supply (the hectaresa). In both cases, the multistemmed principal use of the palm throughout the palm, E. oleracea (which produces basal region). Regionally, there is no custom of shoots and reproduces by seed) was har- consuming the palm heart (the whitish, vested. Because forest management of açaí tender immature leaves of the palm, found palms represents an atypical forest certifi- just above the growing point on each cation challenge, it is useful to place açaí in stem). However, the fruit of the açaí palm an environmental context (Johnson, 1999). is widely appreciated, representing one of Originally, palm heart extraction (of the most important subsistence and mar- single-stemmed E. precatoria – which gen- ket items throughout the eastern Amazon. erally takes longer to reach reproductive Açaí can make up to 50 per cent of the age than E. oleracea and reproduces from caloric intake of families living in várzea seed) took place in the Atlantic Forest of forests. In Belém, the fruit is so highly

274 Ecological issues appreciated that during the fruit season, as ucuúba (Virola surinamensis), andiroba sales of US$30 million each month are (Carapa guianensis), sumaúma (Ceiba projected (Clay, 1997a). pentandra) and esponja (Parkia pendula) occurred in the family management units, Management they were protected and managed. The community discovered that managing for Forest management of açai palm (Euterpe palm heart inadvertently increased the oleracea) has evolved through trial and length of time throughout the year during error by local inhabitants and can entail which açaí produces fruit, thus offering various techniques. Some of the most substantial subsistence and market bene- common management practices include: fits directly to the families. thinning competing understorey vegeta- In the areas managed by industry, tion, girdling economically unimportant management regimes are less clear and species to open the canopy, direct seeding, contracted labour is employed to extract enrichment planting and extracting only palm hearts. Because they are paid by the select shoots in each cluster while leaving piece (ie by volume) of palm heart they the remainder for a subsequent harvest or extract, there is a strong tendency for har- fruit production (Anderson and Jardim, vesters to cut every palm they come upon. 1989; Anderson, 1991; Jardim, 1992). Such destructive harvesting impacts upon The canopy is opened to allow growth of the population by not leaving any stems Euterpe oleracea. The effect is to maintain for future growth, and by extracting stems the várzea forest association at a slightly of small diameter. earlier stage of succession, when the açaí The community forest establishment palm occurs in greater numbers. Açaí had significantly better management occurs naturally in densities of 230 to 600 regimes than those practiced by the large clumps per hectare, considering only industry due to the relatively small land stems higher than 2 metres (m) (Anderson areas involved, direct involvement of and Jardim, 1989; Clay, 1997a). In one of property owners in land management, the the field assessment sites, the management presence of a strong, local organization, plan envisioned maintaining a density of and intimate know-how of management 800–1000 açaí palm clusters per hectare. techniques. Inventories, assessment of In the community site, harvesting regeneration dynamics, enrichment plant- regimes were widely practiced and set at ings, careful thinnings and silvicultural reducing the total number of stems to six. treatments to promote, enhance and This comprised two stems of medium increase populations of açaí palms are height (2–10 centimetres (cm) in diame- part of the regular routine for the small ter), two small stems (up to 2m) and two landholders. By comparison, the large basal suckers. Harvestable stems were palm heart operation encountered serious defined as having a dbh of 10cm or difficulties in açaí management because greater. One of the community’s plans harvesters did not own much of the land called for harvesting one third of all com- and traditional management regimes were mercial stems in each of three consecutive lacking. years. Each participating family pledged The following is a summary of some to manage an area of at least 1 hectare for ecological lessons from the palm heart the primary purpose of providing palm assessment: hearts for processing in the community factory. Where economic tree species such

275 The core elements of NTFP certification

• NTFP management may be appropri- Management ate in várzea forests because such The techniques utilized to extract the latex areas have been disturbed, have natu- have been employed for centuries by rally high densities of palm hearts and Indians and mestizos. The current tech- are in a naturally arrested state of suc- niques have changed little since the earliest cession. days and are evidenced by the diagonal •Traditional management practices slash marks found along the trunks of may inform ecologically sensitive mature M. zapota trees. Based on centuries management planning. of management and local understanding • Management can increase yields of on the part of chicleros (chicle harvesters), palm hearts and palm heart fruit over Mexican law (Norma oficial NUM-009- time. RENAT, 1996) established norms to • Setting harvest prescriptions by vol- regulate various aspects of chicle harvest ume can cause destructive harvesting (minimum diameter, rest periods between and ecological damage. harvest, depth of incisions, etc). • Harvester ownership and involvement At the assessment site, it is general have positive ecological ramifications. practice to harvest from trees with a min- • Operations that produce important imum height of 20cm from the base of the subsistence NTFPs such as açaí fruits tree, at an inclination of approximately need to account for local consumption 45–60 degrees with respect to the trunk. in their planning. The cut is a zig-zag that should occupy • Functional ecology can and should less than half the circumference of the guide development of NTFP guide- tree. Key factors determining sustainabil- lines and selection of species for ity of harvest of chicle include minimum management (in the case of palms, E. diameter, harvesting intensity and rest oleracea has many advantages over E. period. The harvest levels of a tree with a precatoria). dbh of 25–34cm are noted to be approxi- mately 0.59 kilograms (kg) per tree, and Chicle for larger trees of 75cm dbh and above, 2.4kg per tree. At the site visited, the Chicle trees have been widely used since annual projected production was 25 the Mayan civilization. The sticky white tonnes. latex exuded from fissures in the bark is Factors affecting tree recovery include used in the manufacture of gum, and his- the time elapsed since last tapping and the torically served for construction purposes. healing condition of the tree. If properly Like palm heart, however, chicle is not tapped, trees suffer no damage to the vas- currently utilized locally, but extracted cular cambium. Tree injury occurs when solely for commercial ends. Trees are fire the cambium is mistakenly cut or trees are resistant and occur in high densities. excessively tapped. Damage can be evalu- Favoured by locals for centuries, it is the ated through visual appraisal of tapping most abundant tree species, along with scars. Bark peeling and/or the formation Brosimum alicastrum (ramon), in the Noh of knots indicate poor healing. When Bec ejido (indigenous forest community). overtapped, trees often die. The tree is also currently in demand as a The following is a summary of some timber species. of the ecological findings from the Mexican field trial:

276 Ecological issues

•Traditional ecological knowledge and produce about 36 litres or 20kg of raw management practices are the basis nuts. A year of high production is gener- for national chicle extraction laws and ally followed by a year of low production; local management plans. this alternative-year bearing is common in • Knowledgeable tappers are essential to non-domesticated species (Rosengarten, the proper harvesting of the resource. 1984; Clay, 1997b; Clement, 1993). • Cultural preference for particular resources, combined with natural dis- Management turbance such as fire, has created a The present density and distribution of change in the species composition of Brazil nuts is thought to be anthropogeni- the Quintana Roo forests over the cally influenced, resulting from the centuries. management techniques of indigenous • Although manipulated by human dis- Amazonians. Thus, present harvests are, turbance, the forests are complex and in part, a result of past management. In support great diversity. addition to planting by indigenous popu- •New markets for M. zapota timber lations, the seeds are dispersed by agoutis have potential positive and negative (Dasyprocta spp.) and squirrels (Mori and ecological and social consequences. Prance, 1990). However, in the field Removal of chicle trees may promote assessment site, besides the trail network the growth of shade-intolerant trees created to collect the nuts, little active that are currently decreasing in abun- management of the species (ie planting dance throughout the forest. How- seeds, transplanting seedlings, enrichment ever, the chicle resource base may be plantings) currently takes place. Though threatened if markets for M. zapota not pristine, the large forest holding is of wood prove more lucrative than chicle significant conservation value because of gum markets (which are now low). its size, biodiversity and the lack of roads and heavy human disturbance. However, Brazil nut hunting by harvesters is taking a toll on animal populations in the region. Brazil nut trees are a keystone species in Although Brazil nuts have been har- Amazonian forests occurring in upland, vested and utilized for centuries, it is dry terra firme forests. Characteristically, unclear if current levels of nut harvest will canopy emergent trees attain heights of be sustainable without additional active 30–50m and are 1–2.5m in diameter management to maintain populations. For (Mori and Prance, 1990). Historically, example, studies in some regions indicate Brazil nut and rubber have been the that the density of Brazil nut seedlings is largest extractive income generators in very low, with scant regeneration (Lisboa Amazonia. et al, 1990; Nepstand et al, 1992; Boot Brazil nut trees grow slowly and take and Gullison, 1995). The lack of saplings several decades to produce fruit. In tree- and seedlings indicates that the species is fall gaps or forest openings, trees begin not replenishing itself and that current bearing fruit at 12 years, reaching com- levels of harvest may not be sustainable mercial production at 16 years. Seedlings for the future. are gap dependent, needing canopy open- The relationship identified between ings to reach reproductive size (Meyers et gap size and regeneration of Brazil nuts al, 2000; Kainer et al, 1998; Clay, 1997b). may indicate that Brazil nut trees could Production varies widely. One tree may

277 The core elements of NTFP certification benefit from silvicultural interventions, • Indigenous management of Brazil nuts such as liberation thinning, specifically probably influenced the present den- the single-tree selection system (Meyers et sity and distribution of the species in al, 2000). Such silvicultural interventions many forests. depend upon the presence of advance • NTFPs such as rubber and Brazil nut, regeneration as well as sufficient light not timber, have traditionally pro- availability to facilitate growth (Uhl et al, vided income in most parts of the 1988). In areas with scant regeneration, region. enrichment plantings may be considered. • Management for NTFPs has helped to However, in some regions of Brazil, maintain many of the ecological and the most serious threat to Brazil nut trees conservation values of the forest, is not a lack of regeneration but defor- which would clearly not be the case estation. The research of Viana et al with other land uses. (1994) discovered high mortality in areas • Hunting by NTFP harvesters has neg- of pasture where all trees but the Brazil ative ecological impacts on wildlife, nut (which is protected by Brazilian law) particularly endangered species and were removed. Their study reported high important seed-disperser populations. Brazil nut mortality, no regeneration in • Brazil nut does not thrive in pastures pastures, and little to no fruit production. and heavily disturbed areas; rather, it The Brazilian case provides a warning for requires a complex forest setting for other regions. its survival. A summary of some of the ecological • Where Brazil nut regeneration is lessons learned from the Bolivian field sparse, silvicultural treatments such as trial follows: liberation thinning and enrichment planting may be required to manage the resource sustainably.

Other ecological observations

A number of other ecological lessons are their forest management activities do not worth pointing out for the benefit of destroy critical habitats (nesting, breed- NTFP managers, NTFP certifiers and pol- ing, feeding areas) of pollinators and icy-makers. dispersers such as birds, bats, mammals and insects. For example, durian (Durio Managing forest ecosystems is zibethinus), an economically valuable complex and information is fruit in South-East Asia, is exclusively pol- incomplete linated by Eonycteris bats who depend upon the flowers of Sonneratia alba, a Tropical trees receive critical pollination coastal mangrove tree (Peters, 1994). services from a number of creatures that Eonycteris bats, on their journeys to range in size from midges to large bats. coastal mangrove stands, only incidentally Mammals and birds play significant roles pollinate durian trees. Durian survival is in dispersing seeds from tropical trees. thus contingent upon the maintainence of Tropical forest managers must ensure that healthy populations of Eonycteris bats

278 Ecological issues


Jean Allan

Over a decade ago, a project mounted with an indigenous community in Bolivia sought markets for string (sisal: Agave sisalana) bags. Women of the tribe collected the sisal wild from the forest, processed it laboriously by hand and then wove it into bags. Located far from the city, the tribe had relatively few opportunities for income gener- ation. The project was successful in finding markets in Europe and assistance from an air- line to move the bags at low cost from Bolivia. The women began making bags and their enterprise proceeded smoothly. However, as time went by and money came in, the women experienced more purchasing power than they had ever had, and sisal col- lection and bag production began to increase exponentially. Soon, the women found it more rewarding to make bags than to work in the fields. Furthermore, the women began harvesting increasing quantities of raw material until sisal populations became depleted in areas surrounding their village. Thus, by virtue of its economic success, the project contributed not only to depletion of the sisal resource but to social disruption. Fortunately, the focus of the project was realigned, thereby enabling the resource to regenerate and the community to regain its social equilibrium. However, the commu- nity and project leaders learned to beware of the successful marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). If a resource has not been adequately inventoried or sustain- ably managed, overenthusiasm for marketing can prove both socially and environmentally destructive. and mangrove stands that lie outside the Assessment of sustainability may be borders of durian management areas. less difficult for species that occur in abundance and about which management Commercialization of NTFPs, practices are widely known. However, as access to markets or proximity to is demonstrated in the example from markets have ecological Bolivia (see Box 26.3), overenthusiastic consequences harvesting can deplete local stands of even commonly occurring plants and can jeop- Echinacea (E. purpurea, E. angustifolia ardize the long-term viability of the and E. pallida), golden seal (Hydrastis population. canadensis) and ginseng are examples of Bovi and de Castro (in Clay and widely used medicinal species whose Clement, 1993) report that the markets of native populations have declined due to the Brazilian city of Belém consume more habitat destruction/degradation and over- than 50,000 litres of açaí fruits per day harvesting to fulfill market demand. during the palm’s fruiting season. Such Widespread commercialization can exac- fruits are highly perishable and spoil after erbate factors affecting vulnerable plant 24 hours. Areas within 24 hours’ reach of species, and may potentially imperil wild Belém are managed for this highly valued populations of plants, particularly pri- and marketable fruit. Outside the 24-hour mary forest species that occur in low transportation radius, report Bovi and de densities (see Cunningham, 1993). Castro (in Clay and Clement, 1993), açaí

279 The core elements of NTFP certification stands are largely decimated and sold as Peters, 1989). Therefore, it is increasingly palm hearts. Thus, proximity to markets, important for certifiers of timber opera- especially for perishable products, has tions to take into account species that great ecological and management implica- offer important fruit, game-attracting tions. and/or medicinal properties to regional populations. NTFPs with waning markets Some ecological factors are and desirable timber can be heavily beyond a manager’s control exploited, leading to a cessation of any future NTFP potential, as is shown by the Occasionally, ecological vectors beyond case of Borneo camphor (see Box 26.4). the control of a forest manager precipitate Pau d’arco is another example of a a loss of biodiversity or forest decline. For primary forest species that occurs in low example, atmospheric pollution in Europe densities and is in danger of overexploita- is thought to be causing forest decline and tion (see Chapter 7). Its bark is extensively attendant declines in mushroom yields used by local populations for basic health (Molina et al, 1993). More recent studies care, including internal inflammations, by DeHayes et al (1999) have provided tumours and skin diseases (von der evidence linking red spruce (Picea rubens) Pahlen, 1999). Among populations with freezing injury and decline in eastern scant access to costly pharmaceuticals, the North America to the effects of acid rain. bark of the tree provides critical health Landscape ecology issues can also be needs for both rural and urban citizens. A difficult for individual landowners to valuable timber species, pau d’arco is address under certification, particularly highly sought after by the timber industry, for small-sized parcels. Because certifica- thus posing a potential threat to its future tion focuses on individual land sustainability and to the health care of management units, it has inherent limita- millions of Brazilians who rely upon its tions with respect to maintaining many healing properties. Similarly, amapá ecosystem functions and structures that (Parahancornia spp.), piquiá (Caryocar are considered cornerstones of landscape villosum), maçaranduba (Manilkara spp.), ecology principles (Pierce and Ervin, chicle (Manilkara spp.), Shorea spp. and 1999). hundreds of other non-timber species are extracted by timber companies, thereby Detrimental effects of timber lessening the potential economic benefits harvest on NTFPs from non-timber forest products as well as the actual subsistence benefits to local Rising world demand for timber has expo- populations. nentially increased the number of species extracted by the timber industry. While Some NTFPs require complex advantages exist to using lesser-known forest environments timber species, some of these species serve important ecological and subsistence The fate of many NTFPs, argue some, is functions in forest ecosystems. In addi- domestication under plantation systems tion, especially in some geographical or substitution (see Homma, 1992). regions in which diminutive fees are However, some NTFPs, such as chicle and offered for timber, fruit and medicinal Brazil nut, defy domestication efforts. species can offer a market value far in Such products require complex forest excess of their wood value (Shanley, 2000; environments to thrive. The same is true

280 Ecological issues


Esther Katz

Borneo camphor (Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. f.), or Barus camphor (in Malay, kapur Barus), was one of the oldest and most valuable non-timber forest products (NTFPs) traded from Sumatra (Barus harbour), Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. Due to its rarity, it was extremely expenisve. It was considered a miracle medicine and used as a stimulant, diaphoretic and poultice, as well as ingested for the treatment of stomach and bowel complaints. It was used not only for medicinal applications but also for embalming purposes (China and Sumatra) and as incense (China and India). Dryobalanops wood is insect resistant, making it a favourite material for the construc- tion of chests in China and natural history cases in Europe. In Borneo, local people still make canoes out of its wood and walls and floors out of its bark. Although the exploitation of Dryobalanops trees has been sustainable for more than ten centuries, the future of this narrowly distributed gregarious Dipterocarpaceae may be threatened. Since the beginning of the 20th century, its extraction for timber has eclipsed its collection for camphor. As the suite of timber species extracted for ply- wood has expanded, Dryobalanops is commonly logged, both legally and illegally. As smaller size-class diameters of D. aromatica are harvested, potential future stands of camphor are extirpated. Moreover, in many of the areas where Borneo camphor is endemic, forests have been converted into oil-palm and fast-growing tree plantations. Camphor is a white aromatic substance found inside the trunk of particular, large- diameter aged trees. It crystallizes out of an oil (umbil in Malay), and is still used locally for its medicinal properties. It is traditionally collected by felling the tree. Some exter- nal signs give indications about the possible occurrence of camphor, but they are not sufficient to ensure its presence. In Malaysia, shamans took charge of finding camphor- containing trees through divination. Only a secret language could be used when cutting the tree. According to an old Punan informant in Borneo, whose father looked for camphor in the days when the country was still a Dutch colony, the finding of cam- phor was announced through premonitory dreams. Historical records indicate that trade in Borneo camphor occurred as early as the eighth century, and likely earlier. The product was exported to China, India and as far as the Middle East. In the 16th century, Chinese camphor, produced at low cost and in large quantities from chips of Cinnamomum camphora and leaves of Blumea balsam- ifera, started competing with the expensive Borneo camphor. However, the chemical properties and medicinal uses of the two camphors differed, and Chinese camphor was less valued. The peak of the international demand for camphor occurred in the 19th century, when it was utilized for medicine and, in the case of Chinese camphor, in the manufacture of celluloid. Export was principally to China and Europe. Prices were high and volumes were generally small, totaling about 500kg per year from Borneo at the close of the 19th century. With the invention of synthetic camphor and plastic (replac- ing celluloid) after World War II and the growing interest for camphor timber, the Borneo camphor trade declined. Today, it is generally collected by loggers and may be traded illegally to Singapore. True Borneo camphor can no longer be found on the open market (Baillon, 1884; van Breda de Haan et al, 1906; van Vuuren, 1908; Oever, 1911; Heyne, 1927; Wheatley, 1959; Burkill, 1966; Grieve, 1973; Marsden, 1986; Goloubinoff, 1997; Guillot, 1998).

281 The core elements of NTFP certification of rubber (Ficus elastica) within its native Intensive management of NTFPs is range in South America (the rubber plan- not necessarily negative tations of South-East Asia have been able The silvopastoral and agroforestry sys- to flourish only due to the absence of a tems of the Mediterranean region provide South American leaf blight that makes examples of anthropogenic systems that creation of rubber plantations in the New (although they originally created reduc- World impossible). Other NTFPs are tions in biodiversity) are today considered more valued from wild systems than plan- sound, productive multiple-use forest sys- tations. For example, wild ginseng tems. Várzea forests are also highly receives substantially higher prices in the disturbed and in a state of arrested suc- marketplace than cultivated ginseng (see cession, making them well suited for Chapter 16). Many timber and non-tim- intensive NTFP management in some ber species require the maintenance of areas. The setting of an NTFP operation complex, diverse forested ecosystems, and and the history of land use within the NTFP management can occasionally play region where the NTFP is managed thus a supportive role in bolstering the ratio- tempers perceptions about the ecological nale for forest conservation in many trade-offs involved in NTFP management. regions.


Timber and non-timber forest product In some cases, documentation of prac- management is occurring in forests tices and rationale may be weak or throughout the world, based upon an unrecorded, particularly for those opera- imperfect understanding of forest ecology tions based upon traditional practices. and the consequences of human distur- Most NTFP operations will require assis- bance. There is an urgent need to improve tance to obtain certification. Certification, forest management in many parts of the however, should not be viewed as an end globe. Certification may provide a tool for in itself. Rather, it is a tool that can help recognizing good forest practices and may explore, through practical, field-based improve those operations over time. analysis, issues of ecological sustainability Management planning, inventory meth- and provide a process for instilling best ods, yield studies and monitoring systems management practices over time. are all required to obtain certification.

282 Chapter 27 Social issues

Alan R Pierce


‘All forestry’, wrote cultural norms. This Westoby (1989), ‘should chapter will examine be social’. Yet practis- how certification can ing forestry that is address particular truly inclusive of social socio-cultural aspects issues is exceedingly of NTFP management, difficult. Of forest cer- harvest, use and mar- tification’s three under- keting on a case-by lying tenets – ecologi- -case basis. The chapter cal integrity, social covers tenure and equity and economic resource access as well viability – evaluating as worker rights and the social aspects of community benefits, forest operations, and drawing upon informa- particularly non-tim- tion from the three Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva ber forest product field trials, the species (NTFP) operations, is Buriti (Mauritia flexuosa) profiles and the NTFP the most challenging. literature. The theme It would be fool of subsistence usage of hardy to suggest that one mere initiative, NTFPs, an area not well covered under such as certification, could rectify the certification, was deemed so important complex and myriad social issues present that it is treated separately in Chapter 28 in many NTFP operations. Certification is through the presentation of one study a relatively narrow policy tool that has lit- from the North (US) and one from the tle influence over macroscopic political, South (Brazil). social and economic trends and prevailing The core elements of NTFP certification


Timber-oriented forestry programmes typ- and local communities. ical of most academic, government and NTFP markets are widely scattered research institutions have given scant and difficult to quantify. Researchers attention to non-timber forest products. often refer to trade in NTFPs as ‘invisible The very terms used to describe the field economies’. NTFP harvesters themselves of study encompassing forest fruits, nuts, are often ‘invisible’ to society and policy- resins, exudates, medicinal plants and makers, eking out livelihoods at the fungi are illustrative: minor, secondary, margins of mainstream economic and special, alternative and non-timber/non- social systems. Yet, NTFPs are far from wood forest products all convey a trivial resources. Hundreds of millions of dismissive tone. people worldwide depend upon them for Non-timber forest product research food, shelter and subsistence income. touches upon the fields of forestry, geog- Nearly 80 per cent of rural populations in raphy, anthropology, economics, socio- developing countries rely upon traditional logy, natural resource management and a medicines, many derived from forests, for host of other disciplines, yet claims none. primary health care (Farnsworth, 1988; The fragmented nature of NTFP research, WWF, 1988). NTFPs have been over- combined with the political powerlessness looked by traditional resource- of most NTFP gatherers, has effectively management scientists and economists in marginalized the issue from academic and the past, but are beginning to garner political circles. Furthermore, the weighty attention from policy-makers and envi- cultural and social complexities and idio- ronmental organizations. It is clear that syncrasies inherent in NTFP gathering and any new policy aimed at NTFPs, certifica- use make the subject difficult for policy- tion included, needs to be applied with makers to address. Government policies extreme prudence because the outcome around the globe, still dominated and dri- will affect some of society’s poorest and ven by commodity-production paradigms, most politically powerless people. often overlook NTFP-dependent people

Applying the market metaphor to NTFPs

The spread of capitalism and global com- that such initiatives often produce nega- merce has been linked with a tive social impacts and provide benefits concommitant rise in social fragmenta- for few local people. However, in some tion, the dissolution of social and cases, certification may have the potential emotional links between people, place and to validate, re-enforce and reward good community and ecological destruction NTFP management, provide a small (Landy and Plotkin, 1982). Gray (1990) buffer between communities and the inter- and Dove (1994) have been particularly national market, and strengthen social critical of applying green marketing initia- and cultural norms involving NTFP har- tives to tropical forest products, noting vest and sale.

284 Social issues

One of the aims of certification is to from NTFP-gathering. incorporate the true social and environ- Certification is a market-based tool mental costs of producing goods, thereby based upon traditional economic assump- internalizing formerly externalized costs. tions, and as such it may reveal certain The trend to incorporate formerly exter- limitations when applied to the full array nalized environmental and societal costs of social and cultural aspects of NTFP of production is laudable and necessary if harvest and sale. The introduction of the bonds between people and place that international market mechanisms may make conservation possible are to be pre- create negative social impacts in certain served. However, the current economic situations, particularly in subsistence and market is indifferent to the loss of a lan- traditional economies (see Box 26.3 in guage or a culture, and is ill equipped to Chapter 26). The central question at measure the intrinsic value of NTFPs. hand, then, is whether certification – a Neo-classical economics cannot ade- market-driven tool of an economic system quately value the identity NTFPs confer to that is acknowledged to cause ecological individuals and communities, the spiritual and social degradation – can help to main- value of plants and forests, the social tain NTFP-dependent communities and value of bonds forged over NTFP gift-giv- provide a measure of improvement in ing, or the personal satisfaction gained NTFP management and, if appropriate, from wearing new clothes or carrying new NTFP marketing. school books bought with money gleaned

Social issues

Hussain (1999) identifies several social Land tenure, forest resource issues that affect sustainable resource use, rights and access including literacy, population growth, ‘Land is our physical life and our urbanization, economic structures and social life; it is marriage; it is sta- institutions, links with international trade, tus; it is security; it is politics; in political ideology and tenure. Certification fact, it is our only world. We have is limited in its scope to affect most of the little or no experience of social macroscopic-level issues listed above. survival detached from the land. Certification must instead concentrate on For us to be completely land-less issues that directly influence resource use is a nightmare that no dollar in the within forest management units such pocket or dollar in the bank will as land tenure, resource and access rights, allay; we are threatened people’ rights to control use of traditional knowl- (Dove, Miriung and Togolo, edge, workers’ safety, workers’ living 1974, quoted in Kula, 1999). conditions, workers’ compensation and community participation and respons- In general, long-term resource utilization ibility. is only possible in areas characterized by social stability, where clear rights and responsibilities governing land, resources and traditional knowledge are outlined

285 The core elements of NTFP certification and respected. Of the many social issues and McDermott, 1996; Oglethorpe, intrinsic to forest management, several 1999). authors have identified tenure and forest Colonization, the replacement of com- access rights as central to long-term munal tenure with private property and resource sustainability (Poffenberger, state property, the rise of industrialism, 1990; Perl et al, 1991; Johnston, 1994; the imposition of the ‘nature-as-commod- Oglethorpe, 1999). Understanding of ity’ paradigm and the introduction of ‘tenure’ varies considerably from region global commerce weakended or effectively to region and continent to continent, and dismantled many local customs and insti- the number of traditional tenure systems tutions that once facilitated sustainable is myriad. resource management across the globe For the purposes of this discussion, (Poffenberger, 1990; Clay, 1994; tenure refers to ownership or use rights to Oglethorpe, 1999). Newly formed gov- land, and the attendant ‘bundle of rights’ ernments alienated people from the land and duties that follow from recognition of through privatization, issuance of logging land title or usufruct rights (see or mining concessions to industries or Oglethorpe, 1999; Fortmann and Bruce, imposition of state ownership, while lack- 1988). A ‘bundle of rights’ refers to the ing the means to enforce and monitor ‘rights to use land, trees and their prod- edicts due to corruption and/or lack of ucts in certain ways and sometimes to human and financial resources. exclude others from use’ (Fortmann and The erosion of traditional rights and Bruce, 1988). ‘Such rights’, continue the exclusion of local communities from Fortmann and Bruce (1988), ‘can be held involvement in resource management by individuals, communities or the state, decisions often led to environmental and it is not at all unusual for a village to degradation and, occasionally, civil have a certain tenure over a piece of land unrest. Government attempts to under- while an individual or family has another mine the authority of local communities tenure over part of the same land, and the and wrest control of forest resources are state asserts a residual title to the same cited as contributing factors to insurrec- land.’ Box 27.1 provides a brief introduc- tions in the Philippines, northern tion to issues relating to access and Thailand, Indonesia and Burma knowledge. (Poffenberger, 1990), as well as in Pre-colonial societies across the globe Mexico, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, maintained relatively sustainable relation- Brazil and Guatemala (Vargas, 1999). ships with their environment through A World Conservation Union (IUCN)- local tenure systems based upon the famil- sponsored conference on tenure and ial, communal and tribal unit and sustainable natural resource use con- enforced by geography, customs, rituals, cluded that ‘replacement of customary pacts, taboos and belief systems. tenure systems with government manage- Relatively low population levels enhanced ment regimes has operated largely to the resource conservation. The link between detriment of conservation of biological traditional societies and natural resources diversity’ (Oglethorpe, 1999). The report was, and remains in some areas of the further suggests: ‘where well-defined world today, a powerful force that shaped tenure and access rights have been identity, culture and functional resource devolved to the local level (ie landholders management norms (see Poffenberger, and communities who live with, know or 1990; Chandrasekharan, 1998; DeBeer use the resources), sustainability of

286 Social issues


Sarah A Laird

The marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) takes place within the context of international and national law and policy, and the customary laws of local communi- ties. The equity of marketing relationships is dependent upon established rights for indigenous peoples and local communities, including the right to self-determination, autonomy and territory, as well as basic human and cultural rights. If these rights are not established, the intended objectives of certification – sustainable use, conservation and benefit-sharing – will not be realized. As the International Alliance of Indigenous-Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests and the International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA, 1996) state:

‘…partnership and participation can only take place between equals and in conditions where our fundamental rights remain intact. We are rights holders, not stakeholders. No activity should take place on our territories without our free and informed consent...our consent is a prerequisite for any access agree- ment or commercial contract. Whereas we support benefit-sharing, this must be based on principles of fair trade, with a priority focused on empowering our diverse local economies and markets.’

In some cases, NTFPs marketed to consumers through labels certifying environmental, organic or social standards are based upon long histories of traditional use and knowl- edge. For example, most of the botanical medicines in trade – including cat’s claw, pau d’arco, yohimbe and croton – grow from traditional medical systems. The management, formulation and processing of products are also often based upon traditional knowl- edge and expertise developed over many years. It is critical, therefore, that certification systems for NTFPs address community rights to control access to not only resources and land, but also knowledge. In fact, benefit-sharing and prior informed consent (PIC) of communities is required under a range of international policy instruments today. These include binding conventions such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 169 Concerning Indigenous Peoples, and non-binding instruments such as the Rio Declaration, Agenda 21, the Forest Principles, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Demands for control over access to lands and resources, knowledge and require- ments for benefit-sharing also come from indigenous peoples’ groups through a number of statements, such as the 1993 Mataatua Declaration on Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the 1994 Statement from the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)–United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Meeting on Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity (‘The Santa Cruz Declaration’), and the Leticia Statement of 1996. It behoves certifiers and projects to become aware of these documents, and the concerns of communities as articulated by groups established to represent their inter- ests (see links at www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants/manuals). A central aspect of social standards for the certification of NTFPs, therefore, will involve respect for a ‘bundle’ of traditional resource rights with emerging and strengthening legal status (Posey and Dutfield, 1996). Without these rights built into the marketing and certification process, local communities are unlikely to benefit sig- nificantly from commercial activities over time.

287 The core elements of NTFP certification resource use has been significantly laws and conventions govern workers’ enhanced’. The report concludes that rights, workers’ safety issues, fair com- ‘tenure, per se, does not necessarily have a pensation and the right to organize, positive influence on sustainability. particularly the edicts of the International Rather, tenure can provide an incentive, Labour Organization (ILO). However, which, in turn, can be used to promote enforcement of national and international sustainability and accountability of the labour laws is haphazard, particularly in users’ (Oglethorpe, 1999). the NTFP sector. Entire families often The fight for recognition of tenure work in NTFP collection or processing, and resource access rights has gained and while families might consider their international attention during the past children’s work to be an asset to house- decade, particularly in Brazil and Borneo. hold income, the practice is often in A number of treaties covering indigenous violation of international laws governing peoples’ rights to tenure, resource access, child labour. benefit-sharing and intellectual property NTFP harvesters are often seasonal rights have been recently drafted (see Box employees. Wages and working conditions 27.1), and have strong implications for vary tremendously across the globe. For certifiers working in territories populated many NTFP harvesters working in remote by indigenous peoples. While certification areas, access to adequate health care and itself does not actively promote tenure legal advice is limited or non-existent. transfer or recognition of resource access Safety conditions differ according to the rights, it may bolster institutions and poli- product harvested and the associated jobs. cies that promote recognition of For example, work such as palm heart traditional tenure rights or usufruct harvesting involves potential injury from resource rights. NTFP certification will the use of sharp tools such as machetes, thus require flexibility in application if it while jobs in NTFP canning factories have is to respect and reinforce different tenure associated machine-related accidents. arrangements and resource-access expec- Wages, living conditions, sanitary condi- tations from region to region. tions and medical care likewise vary, with With respect to tenure and access, cer- regular employees often receiving more tification requires: benefits and better working and living conditions than seasonal employees. • clear evidence of rights to land or With respect to working conditions resources (legal title, customary rights and worker welfare, certification requires or lease agreements); that: •free and informed consent in cases where communities devolve their legal • Local communities are given opportu- or customary tenure or rights to other nities for employment, training and agencies, other services. • clear and fair mechanisms for disputes • There is adequate (at or above the over tenure and use rights; industry norm) reimbursement for • fair compensation for the application labour. of any traditional knowledge. • Safe working (and, if applicable, liv- ing) conditions are provided. Working conditions • Social services exist, such as adequate health care and access to medical A number of international and national attention.

288 Social issues

• Employee training programmes are agers also can benefit from community provided. participation in management planning •Workers have the right to organize and decision-making. Involved employees and collectively negotiate. have a greater sense of ownership and • There is adherence to national and pride in operations and are likely to per- international labour laws. form their jobs with greater care than disenfranchised workers. Involved For some NTFP operations, these require- employees who have input in manage- ments pose idealized situations that may ment planning and understand and not fit the current realities of NTFP har- support the goals of management are vest. Such requirements may deny likely to be better trained and more effec- certification to small family operations, as tive workers. Systems-based certification well as large NTFP operations that rely on programmes, such as the International brigades of seasonal employees. Indeed, Organization for Standardization (ISO) individual and family operations, which 9000 series programme, have proven that make up the majority of the NTFP sector goals such as total product quality man- worldwide, operate under entirely different agement can be achieved through direct situations that are largely ill suited to certi- employee participation. fication. Many such operations would not Certifiers seek to gauge a company’s be able to afford the direct or indirect costs ‘good neighbour’ policy when conducting of certification, and could not comply with an assessment. They interview company the minimum safety and health standards, employees and members of local commu- labour laws and other formal-sector norms nities. They review worker training governing working conditions. programmes, accident rates, company hiring practices and company commit- Community relations and ments to its workers and local participation community. For forestry operations, it is critical that field employees are well Community relations and employee partic- trained and understand the goals of man- ipation are important components in agement planning. Without such ensuring long-term resource viability. In expertise, understanding and involvement one sense, community involvement touches in management and implementation of upon the themes of benefit-sharing and best forest practices are unlikely. Security respect for intellectual property rights dis- of the NTFP management areas from ille- cussed previously. Community particip- gal logging or NTFP collection is also ation in management also implies a work- heavily dependent upon the goodwill of ing relationship between forest manage- employees and local communities. ment and local stakeholders. This requires With respect to community benefits forest managers to pursue ‘good neigh- and community participation, certifica- bour’ policies with local communities and tion evaluates: affected stakeholders, offering employment opportunities to local people and sharing • the ‘good neighbour’ policies of forest benefits with the local populace. operations, including community con- Building positive relations with local sultation; communities can yield long-term gains • the operation’s sensitivity to local for forest management, particularly in the needs for benefits, employment, train- form of a loyal workforce. Forest man- ing and participation;

289 The core elements of NTFP certification

• the operation’s sensitivity to local where much of the world’s NTFP gather- usage of NTFPs and other forest ing and marketing takes place, resources; participation is not an issue. Rather, for • degree of employee participation in individuals and families engaged in NTFP management planning and execution; collection, adherence to tacit or formal • avenues for democratic decision- rules spelling out rights and responsibili- making; ties to resources is more of a critical issue, •efficacy of mechanisms for resolution particularly in societies with traditional of employee or community grievances. tenure systems. It is probably unavoidable that the bulk of certifications will apply to These conditions apply mostly to NTFP more formal, organized NTFP operations operations that operate within the formal – hence, the emphasis in this section on economy. In such instances, participation working conditions and participation vis is an issue. In the largely informal sector à vis larger NTFP companies.

Observations of social issues from the field trials

Three field trials were conducted in Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. The forest Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil to test NTFP operation under consideration, Noh Bec, certification criteria and the general feasi- is a community forestry operation orga- bility of NTFP certification. Tenure is a nized as an ejido. The ejido system of key social issue in Latin America, where communal land tenure was born in the the majority of land is held by govern- Mexican Revolution, codified into the ments or under legal ownership by a Mexican Constitution of 1917 and has small, elite upper class. The NTFP certifi- been formally recognized and enacted by cation field trials in Latin America the Mexican government since 1942. The provided a good opportunity to examine ejido system grants land and usufruct the interaction between certification and rights over natural resources to communi- land tenure issues in three different set- ties, who in turn collectively manage tings. In addition, the field trials afforded resources for use by and among their a chance to examine certification issues members, known as ejidatarios. relating to working conditions, workers’ In 1954, timber concessions in the rights and community relations and com- ejidos of Quintana Roo were granted to munity consultation at different NTFP the state-owned enterprise Maderas operations. The following summarizes the Industriales de Quintana Roo (MIQRO). observations of social issues from the field Rapacious harvesting practices by trials. MIQRO and other socio-economic and political factors led ejidatarios to refuse Mexico renewal of logging contracts with MIQRO in 1983. Political and technical The first NTFP certification field trial, support led to the formation of a new evaluating chicle gum extracted from the organization, the Plan Piloto Forestal, sapodilla (Manilkara zapota) tree, was which gave greater empowerment, and conducted in Quintana Roo State, on the even more direct control over forest

290 Social issues extraction activities, to ejidatarios. The eventually certified under the Forest Plan Piloto Forestal was built from the Stewardship Council. Fair Trade eV and a ‘bottom up’, relatively free from govern- US organic certifier also endorsed Noh ment intervention, giving high importance Bec’s chicle operation. This triple certifi- to building local decision-making and cation is a testament to the strength of the negotiation capacities (Kiernan and democratic processes within the ejido. Freese, 1997). In the Noh Bec community The success of the Plan Piloto Forestal today, the ejido holds regular general has brought the participating ejidos assemblies to discuss forest management domestic and international recognition planning, forest product marketing, distri- and the project is now seen as a model for bution of forest-generated revenues and other states in southern Mexico. other issues relating to forest usage. Each Certification has also ‘helped to reinforce ejidatario has a voice, a vote and the progress to date toward achieving sustain- power to propose amendments or addi- ability (Kiernan and Freese, 1997).’ tions to existing community resource- However, authors (Vargas, 1999; Kiernan management policies at such assemblies. and Freese, 1997) warn that looming Working conditions within the ejido technical, social and economic forces may were found to be safe and salaries are con- challenge the ejido’s structure and sistent with, and at times higher than, the processes. For now, the Noh Bec ejido regional average. ejido members carry out experience provides a hopeful lesson, the majority of jobs related to timber and proving that secure tenure and open, chicle extraction. In addition, profits for democratic participation of community timber sales are equally shared among the members in management planning and community, as well as a portion of the chi- benefit-sharing can lay the groundwork cle revenues (although those members necessary for long-term resource conser- registered as chicleros retain a greater per- vation. centage of the chicle income earned). Training programmes assist ejido mem- Bolivia bers in implementing forest management plans and forest product harvesting. Local The second NTFP certification field trial, processing of chicle and timber products evaluating Brazil nut (Bertholletia excelsa) adds value to the community’s forest and palm heart (Euterpe precatoria) har- products and earns additional income for vest in a sub-tropical humid forest located the ejido and its members. in north-eastern Bolivia, represents a Unlike many other areas of Latin more typical Latin American tenure America, tenure is secure within the Noh arrangement, as described in Vargas Bec ejido. Vargas (1999) cites secure (1999). The large forest holding (more tenure as the cornerstone of the Plan than 250,000 hectares) has been owned Piloto Forestal’s success, a point echoed by a single entity for many years. In the by Kiernan and Freese (1997). early half of the 20th century, rubber from Community vigilance committees periodi- the siringa tree (Hevea brasiliensis) was cally monitor the communal forestlands the principal product of the forest, attract- for signs of settler encroachment, illegal ing a stream of workers to the remote timber and non-timber harvesting, illicit forest area. After the decline of the rubber hunting and forest fires. The Noh Bec boom, brought about by the introduction chicle harvesting cooperative received of synthetic rubber, some rubber extrac- exemplary scores for social issues and was tors settled in the forest. Three

291 The core elements of NTFP certification generations later, a number of families – tee proper implementation of best har- descendants of the original rubber tappers vesting practices or good worker morale. – live on in the forest, working as Brazil Working conditions in the forest are nut harvesters in the rainy season and extremely hard. Harvesters work in palm heart gatherers in the dry season. remote areas for days at a time, in bad Several hundred additional migrant work- weather, sleeping in crude shelters. ers descend upon the forest during Brazil Because of the remoteness of the area, nut and palm heart harvest seasons. safety and medical conditions were far The resident families of the forest from exemplary. While local medical care have no recognized rights or tenure to the was available, workers often had to be land where they live, despite a residency transported long distances from the forest of three generations. The families are to receive care, and serious injuries completely dependent upon the company required evacuation to larger cities. Safety for housing, jobs and wages, education, conditions in the NTFP processing facto- medical attention, supplies (there is a ries, while far from deplorable, did not company store where the families are meet all national and international laws. given running tabs for goods that are sub- Children also worked in the forest, help- sequently deducted from wages) and other ing their families to earn income, although basic necessities. All leases and contracts this situation also runs against national between the forest residents and the com- and international laws. Wages were con- pany are tenuous, since they are only sidered consistent with, or above, many verbal in nature. Seasonal workers have other similar NTFP operations in the no tenure rights, lack verbal contracts region, although payment of wages had with the company and are dependent become tardy in recent years. upon intermediary labour foremans for The company’s land owning is large their wages and other needs. and its conservation significance is great. The loose arrangements between the While not pristine, the area is intact and company and the forest residents and sea- home to numerous endangered species, in sonal workers did not strengthen and part because it has been used for NTFP clarify tenure rights, roles and responsibil- extraction and has not been sub-divided, ities for all interested parties. Rather, logged or cleared. The field trial found forest residents and seasonal workers are significant problems with the manage- tacitly allowed to gather forest resources ment of the forest, mostly in relation to for their own consumption or sale, in social issues. Yet, the social conditions addition to the Brazil nut and palm heart found during the field visit are not unique harvesting activities. For example, forest when compared to many large-scale residents and seasonal workers regularly NTFP operations in South America. In hunt game, including certain endangered fact, the company is considered to be one species, with bullets supplied by the com- of the more progressive NTFP operations pany store. The company does not in the region. Browder (1992) has been formally recognize the resident commu- critical of the social conditions prevalent nity and its use of the forest resource, fails in many extractive communities. If incen- to include the NTFP harvesters in man- tives can be found to raise the social agement planning and provides no standards of NTFP operations while con- guarantee that housing leases or job serving the forest, the import could be opportunities will be renewed from year significant. The task may be too great for to year. Such a situation does not guaran- certification alone to address. However,

292 Social issues certification may be a useful mechanism steps remain to be completed in the final- to increase profit-sharing from Brazil nut ization of tenure recognition for sales to forest workers and forest compa- association members. The issue of nies, thereby supporting the additional usufruct rights over terra firme forest investments in social infrastructure and areas, located inland from the river, the management needed to encourage remains an outstanding issue in the valley, viable long-term use of this forested area. as access to this forest area is not fully legalized and recognized for other forest Brazil users, many of whom may be potential future association members. The creation The third NTFP certification field trial, of the palm harvester association has conducted in the riverine (várzea) forests given its members greater political voice of the Lower Amazon in Brazil, involved and power than previously held at the two different operations harvesting palm individual family level, and has improved heart (Euterpe oleracea). The first opera- access to legal counsel and political stand- tion was community managed, while the ing in disputes with local patrons. second operation was larger and was com- While the association has made posi- pany run. tive steps towards empowering its The community forest area has been membership and securing legal and politi- managed for palm heart for decades and, cal recognition, several outstanding until recently, was controlled by several tenure-related issues must still be individual landowners, or patrons, who addressed. The importance of legitimizing claimed rights over most of the river val- land tenure and recognizing usufruct ley and historically hired brigades of palm rights to forest resources in this forest heart harvesters to cut the resource. community is paramount. In the past, Within the past ten years, the community, overharvesting of palm hearts had a nega- with financial and political support from tive impact on families who relied upon oversees donors and a local non-govern- nutritious açaí fruits for subsistence use. mental organization (NGO), organized Furthermore, the collection of game is not itself into an association of palm har- covered in the association’s management vesters. The association is composed of plan, nor is harvest of economically valu- individual family units, each with their able trees. Such loopholes do not secure own family plots for growing palm hearts. the long-term forest resource against Families work on their individual proper- incremental degradation because they per- ties and in common as harvesting brigades petuate open-access attitudes towards on properties held by project participants. game and timber by association members Each family tends its own plot but people and non-members. band together to harvest palm heart. The association of palm harvesters The insecurity of tenure has been has provided a good vehicle for families to noted as a major social and ecological have direct involvement in forest manage- problem in Amazonia (Ianni, 1978; ment, palm harvesting and distribution of Nugent, 1993; Pace, 1998). Brazilian laws income derived from palm heart and palm that cover tenure acquisition are also fruit sales. Processes are democratic and exceedingly complex. At present, most involve open meetings and the election of members of the palm heart harvesting association representatives to conduct association have secured provisional title negotiations with outside entities. Despite to their individual family plots. However, women’s involvement in the production of

293 The core elements of NTFP certification palm fruit wine and forest jams, the pany to devise a formal mechanism to assessment did note that female participa- resolve future grievances and disputes. tion in decision-making processes was Lastly, neighbouring properties were to be weak. Training videos for proper harvest formally identified, in order to avoid and processing of açaí are available to future property disputes. workers in the community. Nevertheless, Control of, and access to, forest formal community agreements on forest resources within the company ownership uses and benefits are needed in order to were unclear and required formalization reach collective understanding of rights, with clear delineation of roles and respon- duties, enforcement measures and moni- sibilities. For example, hunting, fuelwood toring needs. Such community agreements gathering, illegal logging and NTFP har- and resolution of tenure and use-rights vesting were all found to occur on issues will be necessary before certifica- company land, yet no guidance docu- tion can be granted. ments or agreements spelled out if and Social scientists conducting the evalu- how such activities were to be under- ation of the community also noted a taken. The level of community danger of ‘cultural capital depletion’ (ero- dependence upon the company land’s sion of traditional food bases, activities, resources was great, but not quantified. intercommunity ties, etc), brought about The lack of agreement on alternate forest by reliance upon a single product and the uses seriously compromised forest security market economy. Decline in varieties of and long-term resource viability. There cultivated crops, amount of game cap- was no system for monitoring forest secu- tured and reliance upon currency and rity or community vigilance groups to river traders who charge exorbitant prices enforce forest security. for goods were just some of the negative Worker participation in forest man- results brought about by the community’s agement and NTFP processing was decision to concentrate time, labour and minimal, and communication between the capital on palm heart extraction. The company and workers was poor. Gender question of whether certification can bol- inequity was also noted and highlighted as ster retention of cultural capital remains an issue to be resolved. The company also to be seen. lacked training courses to improve The company-owned palm heart har- employees’ knowledge of environmental, vesting operation had more problematic safety and technical issues. social conditions than the community- Emergency medical equipment for based operation. Primary among the workers in the field was found to be in social issues requiring resolution was the need of improvement. In general, health issue of tenure and forest use rights. The security was minimal for field and factory company claimed land that was previ- workers, particularly for workers in small ously inhabited or claimed by local factories outside company lands who sup- residents, embittering many locals. The ply the company with processed palm certification team determined that a trans- heart. As in Bolivia, agreements with sea- parent resolution process was necessary in sonal workers were lacking and seasonal order to resolve land ownership issues. workers generally had fewer rights and The assessment team also asked the com- benefits than did regular employees.

294 Social issues

Additional social issues

Common property resources ecosystems and a sense of place. NTFPs are unique, particular to certain regions or Communities treat many NTFPs as com- forest types, with distinctive tastes, mon property resources (CPRs). They odours, textures, curative properties, and often protect CPRs from overexploitation building, manufacturing or weaving char- through taboos, rules or regulations, many acteristics. In many regions, NTFPs are times arrived at through participatory imbued with cultural and spiritual signifi- processes. Government land title claims cance and are linked to a sense of and socio-economic pressures sometimes personal, communal or cultural identity. diminish the strength and application of Seasons become associated with the gath- norms to protect CPRs. Community stew- ering and partaking of particular greens ardship of CPRs also can go unnoticed and and fruits. Seasonal celebrations and ritu- unrecognized by government and other als have evolved around individual plants institutions. Yet, to view such resources as or products, such as maple syrup festivals ‘open-access’ goods (resources that har- in New England, durian (Durio zibethi- vesters view as ‘free for the taking’) that nus) festivals in South-East Asia and piqui require strict regulation or privatization (Caryocar brasilensis) and açaí (Euterpe would threaten local communities and the oleracea) festivals in Amazonia. The forest long-term viability of the resource itself. itself comes to be viewed as medicine cab- Certification needs to be sensitive to the inet, larder, provider and protector. complexities of CPRs and the bundle of NTFP use can be an integral part of rights that communities and community many cultural and spiritual traditions. members may hold over particular NTFP use also builds ecological literacy resources. Certification’s formal recogni- between people and the plants and ani- tion of CPRs and their attendant NTFPs mals of particular ecosystems – a literacy may permit the concentration of harvested that is declining steadily the world over. products, a result that could facilitate sales Certification requires that forest opera- negotiations, political representation and tions respect sites of cultural or religious profit-sharing. significance, such as sacred groves. This provision may need to be extended to Open access cover the protection of individual NTFPs used for cultural and religious purposes. True situations of open access, on the However, the cultural context of NTFP- other hand, pose some dilemmas for certi- dependent peoples is so complex that fication of NTFPs. If forest security certification itself will not be adequate to cannot be guaranteed, then NTFP popula- ensure preservation of local traditions, tions, particularly portable NTFPs, may customs and cultures. be jeopardized over the long term. During the last decade, the right of countries and indigenous peoples to main- Social, cultural and religious tain their resources against attempted significance of NTFPs biopiracy has arisen as a new economic, social, cultural and political issue. The NTFPs are palpable manifestations of the case of ayahuasca (see Box 27.2) provides intimate links people develop with plants,

295 The core elements of NTFP certification a troubling example of cultural contami- Access to certification nation and appropriation of resources. Certification is often dependent upon an Westerners seeking new experiences have operation’s access to finances, technology spurred the creation of a tourist trade and information. Many NTFP operations centred on psychoactive plants and the are small scale. It is incumbent that certi- shamanistic practices of indigenous peo- fication is available to small-scale and ples. Influxes of tourists can have negative large-scale NTFP producers. This implies repercussions for the social and cultural that NTFP certification will need to be integrity of local cultures. More troubling cost sensitive to smaller operations. If cer- still is the attempt to patent ayahuasca by tification cannot be tailored to fit a variety a US citizen. As the economic value of of operations, new inequities may be put certain plant resources comes to light, into play. For example, organic certifica- particularly in the medicinal sector, the tion of coffee has allowed cooperatives possibility of their attempted appropria- access to green markets and higher prices tion by outsiders, through legal and – market advantages denied to small, poor political means such as patents, grows. farmers who are default organic produc- ers but lack the funds necessary to become Application of social criteria certified (Rice and Ward, 1996). in the field It will be difficult or impossible for individual gatherers, family groups and NTFP certification is extremely contex- some communities to meet the technical tual by nature and depends upon very requirements of certification, particularly site-specific circumstances. Operations remote and semi-literate communities. located in the same region of a country Certification requires operations to have a producing the same NTFP may manifest management plan. One certification orga- widely varying social issues. Certification nization is experimenting with the use of criteria for social issues are arguably more video to record community members difficult to measure in the field than eco- explaining management planning and logical and economic criteria. Often, implementation, rather than requiring a social issues require long periods of obser- formal written document (Rezende, pers vation and interaction before a thorough comm, 1998). It remains to be seen if such analysis can be completed, a luxury not innovations as use of video will be practi- afforded by the relatively rapid time cal or acceptable. What this exercise does frames typical of most certification assess- point out is the need for maintaining the ments. Forest certification may benefit by rigour of certification audits while exper- exchanging information and experiences imenting with the flexibility of its with organizations (eg the Center for application in the field, particularly for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) small operations. Fair Trade and Tropenbos) that have developed and tested social criteria in the field. Assessments can also benefit by Potential limitations of NTFP exchanging information with local NGOs certification that have ongoing relationships with for- Certification focuses on forest activities est communities, forest-based industries within the boundaries of discrete manage- and governmental representatives. ment units. Many NTFP harvesters are landless or do not own the land upon

296 Social issues


Miguel N Alexiades

Ayahuasca is a tropical forest liana, most commonly Banisteriopsis caapi (Malpighiaceae), used for its psychoactive and medicinal properties in much of Amazonia, as well as in parts of the Orinoco Basin and along the Pacific Coast forests of Colombia and Panama (Dolmatoff, 1972; Schultes and Raffauf, 1990). Ayahuasca (in Quechua aya means ‘soul’ and ‘dead’, and huasca means ‘vine’) is typically combined with one or more, often psychoactive, admixtures to make a beverage known by the same name. Use of ayahuasca in shamanistic and other ritual contexts was once largely restricted to the health and religious practices of indigenous peoples, farmers and the urban lower and middle class. Recently, ayahuasca’s use as a religious, symbolic and psychoactive resource has undergone a socially upward movement, leading to its appropriation by mid- dle- and upper-class consumers in cities and industrialized nations. One of the expressions of this ‘globalization’ of ayahuasca is the emergence of a relatively small, localized but thriving ayahuasca tourism industry, particularly in Peru, Ecuador and Brazil (Grunwell, 1998). More than a dozen lodges in the area around the Amazonian city of Iquitos, Peru, alone now offer travellers ayahuasca sessions guided by local healers (Elton, 1999). A number of anthropologists have voiced concerns over the ethical and socio-cultural implications of ‘the selling of the shaman’ (Joralemon, 1990, p105) and of the emerging ‘drug tourism’ industry in Amazonia (Dobkin de Rios, 1994). These concerns are part of a broader set of questions regarding the effects of cultural and economic globalization on indigenous societies and cultures. Ayahuasca became the focal point of a bitter, well-publicized international dispute after an American citizen applied for, and received, a US patent for a putative variety of ayahuasca originally cultivated by an indigenous community of Ecuador. When indige- nous leaders – principally the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) – activists and environmental lawyers at the Centre for International Environmental Law (CIEL) learned of the patent, they mobilized an interna- tional campaign to repeal the patent. The coalition filed a request for re-examination with the US Patent Trade Office (PTO). The PTO eventually suspended the patent in November 1999. The suspension was made on the narrowest grounds possible, whereby issuance of a patent is prohibited when the invention has been patented or described in a printed publication more than one year prior to the date of patent application (Ho, 1999; Wiser, 1999). The image of an individual claiming as private property a plant considered by thou- sands of indigenous peoples as their sacred heritage has been interpreted by many as a powerful reminder that private property has expanded too far into the public domain. As such, the ayahuasca patent case resonated with growing concerns among environmental and indigenous activists that bioprospecting and international patent law favour the mis- appropriation of genetic resources and cultural knowledge, a concern most vocally articulated by the concept of biopiracy (Shiva, 1999). Indeed, at the same time that the ayahuasca patent was being challenged, the government of India was challenging several US patents on a number of traditionally utilized Indian plants (Srinivas, 1999). As ayahuasca becomes increasingly well known and its use continues to spread away from geographically, politically and economically marginal areas into centres of economic and political power, it is likely that its use will become more contested. Widening use of ayahuasca adds a particularly complex cultural, social and political dimension to this extra- ordinary plant and its future as a medical and religious non-timber forest resource.

297 The core elements of NTFP certification which they conduct their gathering activi- Lastly, certification requires confor- ties. Their rights to gather NTFPs may be mance to standards, oversight by an unresolved or unrecognized by legal outside body and formal record-keeping. landowners. Certification’s focus on the Many NTFP harvesters live on the periph- land base rather than the harvester may be ery of formal economic and social problematic for many NTFPs. In such systems. Many harvesters may resent any instances, more appropriate mechanisms type of oversight or perceived ‘red-tape’ to foster better NTFP stewardship, in regulations implied by certification and addition to (or as an alternative to) land- may interpret such intervention as an based certification, may include NTFP infringement or barrier to basic needs and harvester training or certification of freedoms. NTFP harvesters or associations of har- vesters.


Certification is not a tool that can be used strategic changes in local political, social to hand tenure over to worthy recipients. and economic policies and institutions if Nor is certification a labour and safety policies are to properly encourage NTFP regulatory instrument. Such roles remain conservation and local community par- the province of government institutions. ticipation, a viewpoint certification pro- However, certification can, in some cases, ponents would do well to keep in mind. bolster progressive management and pro- Clearly, many of the social issues dis- vide leverage for projects that seek to cussed in this chapter are beyond the enhance local acquisition of tenure, com- ability of certification to tackle alone. munity participation and implementation They will need to be addressed by a num- of safe working conditions. ber of policy instruments and government, Chandrasekharan (1998) and Ruiz- human rights and conservation groups if Pérez and Byron (1999) stress the need for they are to be successfully resolved.

298 Chapter 28 Subsistence issues

Alan R Pierce


Non-timber forest individuals and com- products (NTFPs) pro- munities in the North vide food, medicine, (US) and in the South shelter and income for (Brazil). While there are hundreds of millions of dramatic differences in people worldwide. In the cultural, environ- subsistence economies, mental and socio- NTFPs serve as barter economic settings of or gifts, and their these two studies, there exchange maintains are also striking simi- friendship and kinship larities in the reliance ties, enhances local tra- upon, and use of, ditions, enforces the NTFPs for basic needs. concepts of mutual aid The profile from the and respect and sup- Upper Peninsula of Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva ports other norms that Michigan, US, demon- stabilize and enrich Inajá (Maximiliana maripa) strates the importance community life. The of NTFPs in a region issue of subsistence use traditionally beset by of NTFPs is so complex and critical that it high unemployment rates and few job deserves special attention as a subject area opportunities. Largely failed by the for- within social issues that deal with forest mal market, rural residents of the Upper operations. Any forest policy or initiative, Peninsula utilize NTFPs for food, medi- certification included, seeking to fully cine, barter and income, cobbling together address social and equity issues requires a a living from year to year in a close rela- deep and respectful understanding of sub- tionship with the surrounding forest and sistence. the rhythms of the seasons. The following two sections describe The second profile details the wide cases of subsistence use of NTFPs by array of trees used by rural communities The core elements of NTFP certification in the Amazon Basin of Brazil. Recent log- revenues from NTFP permits on US Forest ging events in the area have resulted in Service lands from the US$3 million cur- dramatically negative impacts on NTFPs rently collected to more than US$12 used for subsistence. Shanley’s (2000) million dollars in the coming years (see research shows that NTFP contributions Rogers, 1999). Protecting resources on to annual family food needs fell drasti- federal lands is a laudable goal, but the cally in less than a decade as a result of proposed legislation appears to be more localized forest degradation. Shanley’s about increasing profits than ensuring Brazilian study presented in this chapter is resource security. The US$9 million in particularly instructive because it touches increased revenue that the law would cre- upon the importance of game (a critical ate is a paltry sum when compared to NTFP not treated elsewhere in this book) government accounts, as the government to protein-poor local diets. Shanley also loses such sums daily through corruption, demonstrates that harvesting lesser- misguided appropriations and wasteful, known timber species (LKS), a redundant or obsolete programmes. The conservation strategy often promoted for end result of such legislation has the improving utilization of standing tropical potential to be socially regressive, hurting forests, can produce negative conse- the poorest and least politically powerful quences for local communities who use who depend upon NTFPs from federal such species for medicinal, nutritional and lands and who can ill afford to purchase game-attracting qualities. costly permits or drive for hours to obtain To underscore the value of NTFPs to such permits. skeptical academics and policy-makers, The second case involves proposed researchers have stressed the economic legislation before the state of Florida that potential of such resources, particularly as would restrict collection of saw palmetto competitive alternatives to timber-gener- (Serenoa repens) berries. Under the pro- ated revenue on a hectare-per-hectare posed legislation, possession of more than basis (eg Peters et al, 1989, Grimes et al, 45 kilograms (kg) of saw palmetto berries 1994). While such studies have gained (used as a medicinal for prostate treat- some much-needed attention for NTFPs, ment) without proper documentation and there have been unintended negative con- permission from the landowner where the sequences. Some policy-makers have berries were harvested would be treated as simplified the lessons of the NTFP litera- a criminal offence. The legislation is sup- ture to the point where they believe ported by large private landowners in additional revenue is eluding capture from Florida who seek to legally control access forest systems. Such simplification results to palmetto berries on their lands and to in the introduction of new legislation capture profits from their trade. Saw pal- aimed at increasing taxes on NTFPs, rais- metto berry harvesters are traditionally ing fees for NTFP collection permits and poor migrant farm workers, many of limiting or curtailing access to NTFPs. Hispanic, Native American or African- In the US, two new legislative propos- American descent, who heavily depend als illustrate the problem of overinflating upon income from palmetto berry sales the potential profits to be made from during the agricultural off-season in mid NTFPs while ignoring the social ramifica- summer (see Coalition of Immokalee tions of such proposals, particularly upon Workers, 1999). subsistence users. In the first case, the fed- Forest managers and certification eral government is proposing to increase assessment teams must seriously consider

300 Subsistence issues the impacts of their actions and recom- •A rise in the price and/or a rise in the mendations on NTFPs used for demand for a particular NTFP subsistence if they are to avoid socially increase harvest intensity. regressive consequences. In some cases, •A decline in NTFP populations is turning a blind eye towards subsistence noted due to overharvesting or other use of forest resources may be warranted reasons. if such usage does not compromise resource integrity, does not interfere with If forest operations decide to commercial- forest operations and does not compro- ize NTFPs, managers and certifiers should mise local livelihood considerations. In guard against: other instances, conscientious retention of certain fruit trees or game-attracting trees •promoting commercialization of vul- by management may go a long way nerable or culturally/religiously towards improving relationships between significant NTFPs; management and local communities. Such • excluding local communities from good-faith efforts could build trust and work opportunities; ultimately benefit resource security by • depleting NTFP stocks so that com- involving and respecting local communi- munities no longer have access to ties’ use of the forest. Lastly, in cases of traditional resources; community forest management, manage- • dismissing local knowledge or gather- ment plans may need to balance the desire ing norms; for income from timber with the subsis- • rapid immersion in market economies tence needs of the community for (particularly in the case of indigenous nutrition, medicine and shelter provided groups or poor households). by NTFPs. Certain steps may lessen impacts on It is important that certifiers conduct NTFPs that are used for subsistence. thorough social work to ascertain which Managers and certification teams should gatherers have traditional or usufruct actively seek to: rights to NTFPs for subsistence use and to encourage forest managers to grant long- • consult with local communities to term access to traditional users over determine NTFPs important for sub- newer settlers or profit-seekers. However, sistence use; as Emery’s study demonstrates, social • identify traditional gatherers of sub- consultations, can be exceedingly difficult sistence NTFPs; and may be coopted by the interests of • monitor populations of commonly elite groups within communities. Of the used NTFPs. three subject areas certification covers – environmental, social and economic – Actions may need to be taken to secure consensus on social aspects is the most NTFP resources or perhaps limit access if difficult to achieve, and measuring and and when one or more of the following enforcing social criteria are extremely events take place: challenging activities. Certification may not be equipped to solve subsistence issues • An influx of new harvesters puts addi- fully, but it should always seek ways to tional pressure on traditional mitigate, and not contribute to, social resources. inequities in forest management and use.

301 The core elements of NTFP certification

Space outside the market: implications of NTFP certification for subsistence use (US)

by Marla R Emery1

‘Contrary to much contemporary policy wisdom, leaving social and environ- mental problems to the market may be better for the market than for the problems’ (Nepstad and Schwartzman, 1992). Introduction

Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)

Non-timber forest product (NTFP) certifi- the achievement of certification goals, cation is a market mechanism that is particularly those aimed at social equity advanced to attain the dual goals of pro- and the protection of subsistence uses. tecting global forests and promoting Critiques of market-based environ- economic development (Nepstad and ment and development initiatives identify Schwartzman, 1992; Pierce, 1999; Viana inherent contradictions. Schroeder (1995) et al, 1996). Certification criteria and describes how tree crop programmes indicators emphasize the rationalization introduced to promote environmental and control of each step of the NTFP restoration and stabilization in the process from forest to consumer. The cre- Gambia relied upon women’s work while ation of markets for items produced creating economic benefits for men. He through such systems is a central focus of notes that ‘commodification of nature can the strategy. There is a danger, however, lead to the imposition of new forms of that these very processes may undermine property claims and the introduction of

302 Subsistence issues inequitable labour relations’ (p337). power of local elites in Western Africa and Crook and Clapp (1998) analyse three led to the increased use of slave labour in market strategies for conserving global the region (Hanson, 1992). forests, including NTFPs. While they Based upon a Northern profile, this focus primarily on the potentially perverse case study examines the potential contra- environmental consequences of marketing dictions lurking in certification efforts to NTFPs, they also note the social hazards promote NTFPs as ‘green’ commodities of such an approach: ‘The introduction of while ensuring equitable access to their novel market mechanisms will not alter benefits, including protection of subsis- existing unequal power relations, but pro- tence uses. The case study draws upon an vide yet another field in which those ethnographic study conducted in the US inequalities are played out’ (p142). Upper Great Lakes region and the work of This contention is reinforced by the economic anthropologists and historians historical example of the 19th-century to explore the implications of certification gum arabic trade, which consolidated the projects for NTFP subsistence uses.

Subsistence and the market

Subsistence is defined by Webster’s dictio- omy. However, exchange-value uses may nary as ‘a source or means of obtaining be articulated along a continuum from the the necessities of life’ (Merriam-Webster, strictly informal economy to transactions 1999). Thus, subsistence refers to the with agents who transfer products to the acquisition or production of goods for formal market (see Figure 28.1). Studies direct consumption or for use as gifts.2 of the informal economy have identified Subsistence also includes limited use of distinctions between its primary motivat- NTFPs for their exchange values. This ing and regulating factors and those of the encompasses their barter or trade for formal economy (see Table 28.1). other items and their sale in raw or value- Transactions in the informal economy are added forms for small amounts of cash motivated primarily by the desire to sat- that are used to pay for basic necessities. isfy specific needs and are governed by Subsistence activities principally take social structures and networks. The logic place outside of the formal market econ- of the formal market economy emphasizes

Informal Formal market economy economy

barter/ sale to user/ sale to trade consumer* middle person**

* Often as a value-added craft or food stuff, usually within the local area. ** Most frequently in a raw form, often for consumption in a regional, national or international market. Figure 28.1 NTFP exchange-value continuum. NTFPs contribute to gatherer livelihoods through both use values and exchange values. Exchange values can be thought of as taking place along a continuum from transactions that occur strictly in the informal economy to those that are closely linked to the formal economy

303 The core elements of NTFP certification

Table 28.1 Motivational factors in informal and formal economies. The informal and formal economies are motivated and regulated by distinct factors

Motivators Regulators Informal economy Satisfaction of needs Social structures and networks Formal market economy Maximization of the utility of Market forces; the state scarce needs maximizing the utility of scarce resources tices. By contrast, the closer a transaction in a system where production, distribution tends towards the formal economy end, and consumption are driven by market the more likely it is that the NTFP will be forces and regulated by the state (Castells regarded as a commodity to be maximized and Portes, 1989; Gaughan and Ferman, in the near term. Once viewed as a com- 1987; Mingione, 1994; Roberts, 1994; modity, the likelihood of increased Smith, 1989). capitalization to secure and control the Extending these principles to terms of NTFP production, distribution exchange uses of NTFPs, the closer a use and consumption, using the state or state- takes place to the informal economy end like entities if possible, strongly increases. of the continuum, the more likely it is to As the following study suggests, these be motivated by the desire to satisfy a characteristics of the formal market are in finite, identified need and to be subject to potential conflict with subsistence uses of social norms regarding appropriate prac- NTFPs.

Gatherers and subsistence in the US Upper Great Lakes

The Upper Peninsula (UP) is located in the In addition to providing subsistence north-central United States. Bordered on resources for resident Native and three sides by Great Lakes – Lakes European Americans, the UP has been a Superior, Huron and Michigan – it is part source of furs, timber, copper and iron of the US state of Michigan, although its that fuelled political expansion and eco- only land link is with the state of nomic development elsewhere on the Wisconsin. Archaeological evidence sug- North American continent (Cronon, gests human occupation of the region 1991; Karamanski, 1989; Williams, since the ‘Woodland’ era (3000 BP to 300 1989). Its present-day population includes years BP) (Cleland, 1992). However, per- people of both European and indigenous manent year-round settlement appears to ancestry. Average human population den- be relatively recent, dating to the disloca- sity in 1990 was less than 18 individuals tion of the Ojibwa from their eastern per square mile (259 hectares) (US Census territories during the Iroquois War and Bureau, 1990b). Forest cover in 1993 was the efforts of European missionaries dur- 3,566,419 hectares (83.9 per cent total ing the 1600s to convert and settle the land base) of mixed hardwood and conif- region’s indigenous population (Cleland, erous species in largely second- and 1983). third-growth stands. Located between 47

304 Subsistence issues degrees and 45 degrees North latitude, sume them directly and they are often average annual growth is comparatively given as gifts, freshly picked or preserved slow at 4.25 million cubic metres during as jams and baked goods. Blueberries also the period of 1980–1992 (Schmidt, provide a modest source of cash income Spencer and Bertsch, 1997). for some gatherers. At the height of the From August 1995 to July 1996, the season, makeshift roadside stands display- author conducted ethnographic fieldwork ing small containers of the deep purple in the UP to learn what NTFPs residents berries are a common sight where wild might be gathering in the forests, the blueberries are plentiful. At least a dozen social and biophysical processes associ- individuals in the region make and sell ated with that gathering, and how this fits blueberry preserves, largely to the local into gatherers’ household livelihoods. At market. the conclusion of the year, 139 products Birch bark also furnishes both multi- were identified from over 100 botanical ple-product types and livelihood uses. Its species. These products can be categorized traditional medicinal applications include in two ways in order to help understand use as a treatment for blood diseases the subsistence role of NTFPS in the UP: (Meeker, Elias, and Heim, 1993; Moerman, 1998), with personal con- 1product types; and sumption and gift-giving being the only 2 livelihood uses. reported livelihood uses for birch bark in this product-type category.3 As a ceremo- Product-type categories emphasize the nial product, the bark is the primary direct material uses of NTFPs and include construction material for long houses, ceremonial/cultural, edible, floral/nurs- where rituals and other important social ery/craft and medicinal. Livelihood uses functions are performed by individuals distinguish between means by which trying to observe traditional Native NTFPs contribute to gatherers’ household American practices. Finally, birch bark is economies, with economics understood as used to make baskets and other crafts (flo- any strategy that provides the material ral/nursery/craft-product type) that are means for meeting human needs generally given as gifts or sold. (Gudeman, 1986; Halperin, 1988; Figure 28.2 shows patterns in the rela- Polanyi, 1977). In the case of UP NTFPs, tionship between the product types and these comprise personal consumption, livelihood strategies of UP NTFPs. Both gift-giving, sale in a raw form and sale in a edibles and floral/nursery/craft products processed form. contribute to gatherers’ domestic Table 28.2 extracts a sub-set of ten economies through all four livelihood products from the UP NTFP database strategies. However, the relative propor- (Emery, 1998) and illustrates the multiple tion of use values (personal consumption ways in which Upper Peninsula non-tim- and gift-giving) and exchange values (sale ber forest products are used. Blueberries in raw and processed forms) are virtual and birch bark provide especially good mirror images of each other: use values examples of the multiple products that account for 60 per cent of all mentions of may be derived from a single species and edibles while exchange values constitute the diverse livelihood resources that these 62 per cent of floral/nursery/craft men- may provide. Blueberries fall into just one tions. By contrast, UP gatherers employ product-type category – edibles – but all medicinals and ceremonials almost exclu- four livelihood uses. People pick and con- sively for their use values. From this

305 The core elements of NTFP certification

Table 28.2 Multiple uses of Michigan NTFPs. A single UP NTFP may provide multiple types of products and contribute to gatherers’ household livelihoods in one or more ways

Common name Botanical name Product types Livelihood uses MC E FPCGG SR SP Blueberries Vaccinium spp. ✘ ✘✘✘✘ Birch bark Betula papyrifera ✘✘ ✘✘✘ ✘ Cattail, corn Typha spp. ✘✘✘ Cattail, down* Typha spp. ✘✘ Cattail, shoots Typha spp. ✘✘ Cedar, boughs Thuja occidentalis ✘✘ ✘✘ ✘✘ Gold thread Coptis trifolia ✘✘✘ Sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella ✘✘ Sketaugen Inonutus obliquus ✘✘ Wild leek Allium tricoccum ✘✘✘

* ‘Down’ is the fluffy filament of mature seed heads. Key: Product types Livelihood uses M: medicinal PC: personal consumption C: ceremonial GG: gift-giving E: edible SR: sale in a raw form F: floral/nursery/craft SP: sale in a processed form breakdown of livelihood strategies it is cially profitable fur-bearing animal in the clear that edible, medicinal and ceremo- region (Catton, 1976). During the ten- nial products are especially important for year period preceding the fieldwork, their use values while floral/nursery/crafts annual unemployment rates (see Figure products are important sources of 28.3) and intra-annual unemployment exchange values, especially cash income. fluctuations were consistently higher (see There are also some differences in the pat- Figure 28.4) than those for the state of terns of various demographic groups. The Michigan or the US as a whole. women interviewed mentioned use values Furthermore, 31 per cent of UP house- for the NTFPs they gather 40 per cent holds had no formal earnings whatsoever more frequently than did the men. 80 per in 1989 (US Census Bureau, 1990a). cent of NTFP livelihood strategies of gath- Clearly, the market is not performing erers 60 years of age or over were use well for many in the UP. Given this values, compared to 58 per cent for peo- regional economic profile, it is not sur- ple between the ages of 20 and 60. prising that much of UP gatherers’ The UP economy and gatherers’ indi- livelihoods are derived outside the formal vidual and household livelihood strategies market. Of the 42 individuals included in shed light on NTFPs’ persistent subsis- the survey on income sources, fewer than tence role in this post-industrial setting. half (20) had formal employment and Like resource-based economies through- only 9 of these had full-time, year-round out the world, the UP has experienced jobs. 30 people mentioned informal or cycles of economic boom and bust. self-employment, 10 were on social secu- Between 1832 and 1834, John Jacob rity (government-administered retirement Astor’s American Fur Company virtually pensions) and 4 received disability pay- eliminated populations of every commer- ments from public or private sources.

306 Subsistence issues

Livelihood uses Per cent total gatherer mentions 70 Personal consumption Gift Sale – raw Sale – processed







0 Edibles Medicinals Ceremonials Craft/decoratives Product types Figure 28.2 Product types and livelihood uses of Michigan NTFPs. The relative importance of livelihood uses varies for each product type, with edibles, medicinals and ceremonials contributing most heavily to gatherers’ domestic economies through their use values (eg personal consumption and gift-giving). Floral/nursery/craft products are turned to most frequently for their exchange values (eg sale in raw and processed forms)

Additional household strategies shed fur- throughout the year. Livelihood strategies ther light on the flexibility and diversity of were diversified throughout the course of livelihoods in the region. 31 gatherers gatherers’ lifetimes as well. lived in households with one or more NTFPs were one element among many additional residents. These individuals in these diverse livelihood systems. Their contributed income from another 42 proportional contribution to a particular sources: 7 full-time, year-round and 2 full- gatherer’s material sustenance varied in time, seasonal jobs; 3 part-time jobs; 23 good part according to need and other informal or self-employment sources; 3 available income sources. The stories of social-security payments; and 4 other four gatherers and the role of NTFPs in types of government-transfer payments. In their livelihoods illustrate this diversity total, the 42 gatherer households drew and temporal flexibility. upon 108 income sources to meet at least some of their needs. The prevalence of Lorraine4 lives with her two grown sons. episodic, part-time and low fixed-income Their household income consists of her sources meant that people simultaneously social security pension (she worked for 22 or sequentially pursued a number of years in a factory making hood latches strategies in order to meet their needs and locks for cars) and one son’s disability

307 The core elements of NTFP certification

Rate 14 UP MI 12 US






0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Year Figure 28.3 1986–1995 average annual unemployment: Upper Peninsula (UP), Michigan (MI) and US rates payments. These funds are not enough to James went to work in a large manufac- support three adults, however, and they turing plant in the area. There were few rely heavily on gathering. Blueberries are alternative employment sources when he a source of both food and income. and 2000 other labourers lost their jobs. Lorraine and her sons pick enough to sell So James turned to the forests, cutting more than 300 quarts (600 pints), eat evergreen boughs for the seasonal floral plenty of fresh berries and can a few market for two years to help support him- dozen quarts for personal consumption self, his wife and daughter. At the time of every year. Lorraine also makes birch- interview, both he and his wife were bark baskets according to traditional employed and had adequate incomes to designs. Income from the sale of these bas- support themselves. James no longer gath- kets is the single most important ered. although he said that he missed the supplement to her livelihood. Lorraine time in the woods. indicates that the NTFPs are critical to her survival from month to month. Caroline has worked as a journalist, librarian and educator. When her hus- James grew up on a farm in the UP. As a band, a skilled labourer, suffered an child he gathered mushrooms, berries and on-the-job accident he was left perma- other NTFPs. In the family diet, these nently disabled and they abruptly lost complemented the vegetables and animals over 50 per cent of their household they raised and staples purchased with income. Working with her parents, they income from his father’s jobs as a trucker began harvesting birch bark, making bas- and iron dock worker. As a young man, kets, and selling the baskets at regional

308 Subsistence issues

Rate 14 UP MI 12 US






0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month Figure 28.4 1995 unemployment fluctuations: Upper Peninsula (UP), Michigan (MI) and US rates gatherings of Native Americans. The adult, he worked primarily as a logger but activity helped to keep Caroline’s hus- also did a bit of construction work and band’s mind off the chronic pain he was spent a couple of years working in a steel suffering, and the income allowed them to mill. At 76 years of age, he was living off pay their bills for several months until social security with his wife in a comfort- Caroline was able to find a higher-income able new mobile home on family land. job. When interviewed, Caroline and her With dozens of grandchildren and great- family were still making baskets, but on a grandchildren, Robert indicated that the much smaller scale than they had before. money he makes gathering and selling She indicated that it was important to princess pine during the years when his maintain the skill in case their economic health permits makes it possible to buy circumstances should take a dramatic Christmas presents. downturn again. For these individuals, in particular, and Robert remembers camping in blueberry for UP gatherers in general, NTFPs serve fields with his whole family, especially as a buffer and refuge from the vagaries of during the great economic depression of the formal market. This is a strategy that the 1930s. They lived out of a tent and can be pursued by workers who find picked from the time the berries ripened themselves between jobs and by individu- until the first hard frost of winter. He has als whose employment opportunities are also picked princess pine (Lycopodium chronically limited by age, gender and/or obscurum complex) almost every year disability. The independent nature of the since he was six or seven years’ old. As an activity also makes it suitable for people

309 The core elements of NTFP certification who do not fit comfortably with the forests require permits with fees to harvest demands of contemporary wage labour. the few products with developed markets. The primary requirements are knowledge Although these fees were modest at the of products, their uses and locations, and time of this case study research, even the the time, energy and mobility to access small expense and the requirement that them. permits are purchased in a central loca- Four characteristics of NTFP liveli- tion are prohibitive to some individuals. hood strategies make them especially The flexibility of NTFP livelihood valuable for subsistence in a place such as strategies also derives from the fact that the UP: their temporal flexibility, low-to- UP gatherers are largely in control of the no-capital entry costs, their status as de timing, duration and quantity of their har- facto common property resources, and the vesting activities. That this is the case for gatherer’s control over the terms of products that will be consumed directly, labour. Gatherers can turn to NTFP liveli- given as gifts, or used to make crafts and hood strategies when and as they need food stuffs for sale may be obvious. them. They may be deployed as part of a However, a similar level of control pre- suite of seasonal strategies and in the vails when a product is being harvested event of sudden or chronic shortfalls. This for bulk sale in a raw form. This level of is possible, in part, because gathering is an autonomy makes NTFP strategies com- activity that requires virtually no cash patible with other activities and investment. Harvesting equipment, where responsibilities, a characteristic that may this is needed, is generally confined to be especially important for women with inexpensive hand tools such as knives or children. clippers, which are often available as Several sources report that, as a rule, household implements. For gathering that gatherers who sell raw NTFPs are seeking cannot be done within walking distance of to meet a specific need or desire. home, petrol is frequently the greatest Frequently mentioned goals were money expense. Indeed, NTFP buyers report that for holiday celebrations, annual real- they occasionally loan a gatherer petrol estate taxes and vehicle expenses. Once money so that the individual can get to the gatherers arrive at their monetary goals product and bring it back to the buying they generally stop harvesting. A number location. of buyers reported that raising the price As a rule, gatherers in the region do paid for products resulted in their obtain- not have the means to own land, and ing less rather than more because loosely formalized usufruct rights facili- gatherers arrived at their goal sooner. In tate access to NTFPs for subsistence uses. cases where more than one buyer in the Where products are located on small pri- region purchases a product, gatherers’ sta- vate holdings, UP gatherer norms dictate tus as independent contractors also leaves that they obtain permission to enter onto them free to choose their buyers. the land and harvest.5 Often this involves Interestingly, more than one individual no more than an informal conversation indicated that price was not the sole deter- with a neighbour. Large industrial minant of their preferred buyer. Rather, landowners in the region seem largely they indicated that they sold to the buyer indifferent to NTFP harvesting provided who treated them with respect and/or gatherers stay out of active timber-cutting with whom they had a long-standing reci- areas. Michigan state and US national procal relationship.

310 Subsistence issues

Market logic, certification programmes and NTFP subsistence uses

As a market-based initiative, NTFP certi- introduction of market strategies to create fication relies upon formal economic logic demand and produce sustained revenues and structures to achieve its environmen- for both capital investors and the state can tal and social goals. Not surprisingly, be expected to engender efforts to control then, proposals for certification pro- the terms of labour in order to maximize grammes dedicate intensive efforts to profits. This process might well convert rationalizing and regulating NTFP pro- independent contractors into wage duction by identifying each step from labourers, reducing gatherers’ ability and forest to consumer and specifying measur- incentive to stop harvesting when they able ecological and market indicators of achieve their personal goals or feel that compliance. Emphasis is also placed on the resource necessitates it. It also raises developing sustained markets for prod- the specter of previously traditional prac- ucts, as well as guarantees of exclusive tices being converted into criminal access to them that will maximize returns offenses. Finally, NTFP certification docu- to producers over the long term and, pre- ments generally propose negotiations with sumably, create disincentives for local communities to set the terms of pro- unsustainable harvests in the short term. grammes in specific areas. Yet, criteria Numerous contradictions lurk in the and indicators for assessing local commu- characteristics of the formal market, nities and the internal dynamics of NTFP NTFP certification programmes and sub- use do not appear to be spelled out with sistence uses. The drive to specify who has anything approaching the detail devoted access to products in a given location is to ecological and economic issues, such as likely to privilege those who are identified chain of custody. As Neumann and others as gatherers at the time such terms are set have pointed out, communities are not and exclude those who are not, thus harmonious, egalitarian units and negoti- reducing the temporal flexibility of NTFP ations with outside entities are often subsistence uses. The designation of areas captured by local elites (Neumann, 1996; reserved for subsistence gathering may Peluso, 1992). Given that subsistence place the resources beyond the reach of gatherers are typically among the least individuals with limited mobility and/or powerful members of their communities, a concentrate previously extensive activities naive faith in undifferentiated community such that they become unsustainably participation is unlikely to protect their intensive (McLain and Jones, 1997). The interests.

Certification and subsistence use: conclusion

Even when it involves exchange uses, the that makes NTFPs a continuously viable most striking feature of NTFP subsistence resource for individuals who are let down practices is their location outside of the by the market. The return to their labour formal market. It is precisely this position has immediate survival benefits. Where

311 The core elements of NTFP certification products have not entered the intensive ing provisions to secure continued access commodity market, there is minimal com- for gatherers without formalized tenure, petition for the resource and little or no to reinforce gathering norms and to pre- investment is required beyond time and serve gatherers’ control over the terms of effort. Certification programmes intro- their labour. duced to such areas run a high risk of Realization of such benefits will introducing the contradictions between require certifiers to value and make space market processes and subsistence uses of for NTFP uses outside of the formal mar- NTFPs, to the detriment of the latter. The ket. At least one certification initiative introduction and/or strengthening of mar- (Fairtrade) stresses equity for forest work- ket processes can be reasonably expected ers in the distribution of NTFP benefits. to introduce or strengthen market forces, While this represents an encouraging such as the competition for scarce recognition of social values in relation to resources. The likely result is the displace- ecological and economic considerations, ment of people from spaces (both to the extent that it assumes standard geographic and economic) that they had labour–capital relationships, this empha- previously occupied. sis is unlikely to protect subsistence However, where NTFPs have been gatherers’ interests. Instead, certification heavily commoditized, market processes programmes should begin with social may already jeopardize subsistence uses, inventories that parallel ecological inven- and appropriately designed certification tories in the depth and vigour with which programmes might be used to provide they seek to document all existing NTFP some protection for them. There may be uses and users. Furthermore, they must opportunities for certification pro- specify criteria for monitoring and evalu- grammes to do so when focused upon ating the social results of certification products that have long-standing programmes with the same level of detail exchange value and do not have a tradi- currently dedicated to biophysical and tionally important use value where they market dynamics. With such additions, are harvested (eg many floral/ certification programmes might counter- nursery/craft items in the UP). In such act some of the inherent contradictions instances, programmes may provide some between market forces and subsistence use protection for subsistence use by includ- of NTFPs. Notes

1 The author wishes to thank the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Northern Global Change Programme for support of the research on which this case study is based. 2 Gifts have important survival benefits because they help to create and maintain social networks that may be called upon in times of need. 3 Native American gatherers trying to observe traditional practices were the only individuals who reported using birch bark for medicinal purposes. Their norms expressly prohibit the sale of medicines. Thus, their livelihood uses were intentionally confined to personal consumption and gift-giving. 4 Fictitious names are used to protect the identity of gatherers. 5 However, it is unlikely that this norm, or any norm, is observed at all times by all people.

312 Subsistence issues

The interface of timber and non-timber resources: declining resources for subsistence livelihoods (Brazil)

Patricia Shanley, Leda Luz and Margaret Cymerys1


For rural and urban 1980s and 1990s populations world- (Peters et al, 1989; wide, non-timber Balick and Mendel- forest resources meet sohn, 1992; Plotkin crucial subsistence and Famolare, 1992; needs and play vital Clay and Clement, roles in local and 1993; Wollenberg regional trade. Non- and Ingles, 1998). timber forest Studies of the poten- products (NTFPs) are tial economic value often gathered out of of non-timber forest necessity; they offer products offered hope sustenance in times of Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva that the harvest of food deficit, protec- non-wood resources Piquiá (Caryocar villosum) tion from agricultural from the forest could shortfalls, and oppor- present an economi- tunities for less advantaged groups such as cally promising alternative to logging. women and children (Arnold and Ruiz- While possibly beneficial in select scenar- Pérez, 1996). In spite of the essential role ios, market-based conservation incentives that NTFPs occupy in fulfilling the nutri- that promote NTFPs generally overlook tional and health needs of the rural and the inestimable worth of subsistence and urban poor, governmental agencies and local trade of NTFPs worldwide. policy-makers have customarily demon- For gatherers of non-timber forest strated scant interest in subsistence and resources who occupy marginal niches in local uses of non-timber forest products. society, the assumption that increased During the last decade, however, aid agen- trade in NTFPs to global markets is likely cies and environmental sectors have to be favourable may be erroneous. Many shown circumspect interest in non-timber gatherers face substantial difficulties forest products through their promotion accessing local, much less national or in national and international trade. international, markets. In terra firme The increased attention given to (upland dry) forests of Amazonia, for NTFPs is, in part, due to favourable pro- example, low resource density, unpre- jections of financial gain from the trade of dictable fruiting, inconsistent production, specific species documented during the lack of transportation, perishable prod-

313 The core elements of NTFP certification ucts and insufficient knowledge about Amazonians, sale of timber rights to log- market prices generally place gatherers at ging companies offers a singular means to a conspicuous disadvantage in the mar- acquire a lump sum of cash. In a cash- ketplace (Phillips, 1993; Pendelton, poor economy, the detrimental 1992). consequences of forest disturbance, such Furthermore, cultural and socio-eco- as decreased abundance of game, fruit, nomic characteristics of subsistence fibres and medicinals, accrue over time livelihoods render them inherently contra- and are rarely considered prior to sales. dictory to the formal market economy Given the importance of non-timber (Crook and Clapp, 1998; Emery, 1998; forest resources to subsistence livelihoods, Pierce, 1999). Whereas industries gener- the increased rate of logging in Amazonia, ally require large quantities of products of and the pronounced overlap of timber and a certain quality in a predetermined time non-timber species, it is important to eval- frame, forest users tend to collect uncer- uate the altered composition and tain volumes of highly variable quality abundance of NTFPs. In this changing during a flexible time frame. External sup- landscape, it is vital to understand which port may alter these livelihood patterns, species are widely utilized for their non- molding them to meet market demands timber value, which NTFP species are more effectively. However, if and when extracted for timber and what their com- external support vanishes, organizational parative timber and non-timber value is. To and socio-economic structures imposed by answer these questions, quantitative and the external system may also disappear. qualitative results of a seven-year study are For these reasons and more, in many provided on the use of plant and animal isolated rural communities, non-timber forest resources by 30 households residing forest resources are used directly or traded in an area of terra firme (upland dry) forest locally, but rarely sold to external undergoing selective logging. This case markets. study offers a better understanding of the By contrast, timber is easily sold. potential role of certification for locally Loggers show up with cash in hand, valued NTFPs, particularly the growing extract trees and haul them away. number of species that, at one time sourced Although the money offered might be primarily for medicines and fruits, are cur- meager, for a majority of rural rently felled for their timber.

Research site and methods

Trade in oils, pelts, latex and game thrived decline in the region’s national and inter- along Amazon River tributaries in the national trade of non-timber forest Brazilian state of Pará in eastern products. Within 150 kilometres (km) of Amazonia from the last half of the 19th sawmills, logs became the principal mar- century until the 1960s. During the 1970s ket commodity extracted from the and 1980s, the expansion of the region’s region’s forests. timber trade, increasing sale of agricul- Since the 1970s, many villages in tural produce and growing use of remote settings of Pará have been pre- substitute products brought about a sharp sented with a new forest-based income

314 Subsistence issues opportunity. Road networks constructed case study was conducted in three rural during the 1960s and 1970s have allowed communities, collectively occupying 3000 the timber and cattle industries to pene- hectares of selectively logged forest and trate formerly inaccessible areas. agricultural land along the Capim River. Although timber companies offer a frac- The communities are composed of caboc- tion of what processed wood is eventually los (rural peasant farmers of mixed sold for, this meager sum (US$2–US$15 descent) who have occupied the land for per tree) represents an enticing offer in a close to a century. cash-poor economy. Currently, in times of Results are derived from an ethnob- agricultural shortfall, resource deteriora- otanical forest inventory, marketing tion, illness or need, villagers in forested surveys, five year study of the produc- areas within the proximity of sawmills tion/yield of three fruit species and NTFP tend to market not NTFPs but trees. consumption studies. From 1993 to 1994, Today, in rural regions throughout the volumes of fruit, fibre and game used Pará, villagers persist in extracting game, by 30 households were counted and fruits, fibres and medicinals from forests weighed daily. From 1994 to 1999, during for subsistence use and derive income three consecutive logging episodes, partic- from the sale of agricultural produce, such ipant observation, studies of fruit as farinha (a non-perishable, cassava- production/yield and interviews were used based flour), bananas, corn, rice and to estimate levels of consumption of fruit, squash. Field research presented in this fibre and game.

Regionally important NTFPs

To understand the impact of the timber nis), jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) and industry on the subsistence use of non- sapucáia (Lecythis pisonis). The bright timber forest products, it is necessary, yellow, oily flesh of piquiá contains a sub- first, to examine which are the NTFPs of stantial amount of vitamin A, often greatest local value and to determine lacking in Amazonia diets. The sweet whether they occur in mature forest or fal- white pulp of bacuri is eaten straight from low. The composition of NTFPs, of the tree or used in the preparation of course, varies greatly by region; this sec- juices and desserts. The oily, grainy tex- tion describes those with a fairly wide ture and high caloric value of the pulp of distribution throughout eastern Amaz- the egg-shaped fruit of uxi is also highly onia, specifically in the terra firme forest, esteemed. In the city of Belém, uxi is one which makes up over 50 per cent of of the favourite popsicle flavours. The nut Amazonia. Notably, the species most val- of sapucáia (similar to Brazil nut) offers ued locally had received scant scientific protein to both humans and animals. study. While forest fruit is directly eaten and Within terra firme forests of the adds critical nutrition to diets, these forest region studied, the most highly valued fruit trees offer another enormous advan- fruits are sourced from mature forest and tage to subsistence livelihoods – they include piquiá, (Caryocar villosum), uxi attract game. For example, the pale yel- (Endopleura uchi), bacuri (Platonia insig- low, protein-rich flowers of piquiá ‘call’

315 The core elements of NTFP certification

Table 28.3 Medicinal tree species extracted as timber, Pará, Brazil

Species Common name Use Copaifera spp. Copaíba Deep wounds, ‘nature’s antibiotic’ Carapa guianensis Andiroba Sprains, rheumatism, insect repellent Dipteryx odorata Cumaru Rheumatism, muscular pains Himatanthus sucuuba Sucuúba Worms, herpes, uterine infection Hymenaea coubaril Jatobá Tonic, flu, expectorant Paraharcornia spp. Amapá Respiratory diseases, tonic Tabebuia spp. Pau d’arco Inflammations, tumors, ulcers Virola michelii Ucuuba Fever, hepatis, cicatrizant over three times more game than any used not only in hunting but also in nearly other species in the region. During the all aspects of everyday life, used to make three- to four-month fruiting season of brooms, baskets, sieves, backpacks, uxi, hunters place traps beneath the fences, lashing material, fasteners and branches of the tree in order to catch fishing traps. Principal fibres used in the game that arrive to feast on the oily fruit. region include titica (Heteropsis jenmanii) Some hunters are so successful they daily and timboaçu (Thoracocarpus bissecta), dine on armadillo, a tremendous contri- epiphytes harvested from mature forest. bution to the family diet. Game capture Due to long distances to reach health by one Amazonian community of 30 fam- care, lack of funds to expend on pharma- ilies over the course of one year ceutical products, and a long history of demonstrated the importance of primary plant-based knowledge, Amazonians forest as a source of game: approximately make use of a wide variety of medicinal 80 per cent of game came from mature or plants, many of which are now extracted logged forest, with the remaining 20 per by the timber industry (see Table 28.3). cent captured in fallow, fields, marshes Although many medicinals are sourced and river habitats. from fallows and gardens, the popular Hunters weave fibres into sling-like Amazonian medicinals listed above are carriers to carry game home from long sourced from forests. hunts. Fibres are a fundamental material

Direct impact of logging on NTFPs

Thirty years ago, the relationship between ing species that they relied upon for sub- villagers and loggers was a relatively sym- sistence use. In the late 1980s, as stocks of biotic one – a timber sale did not appear the most highly valued timber declined in to significantly damage a villager’s forest. the immediate vicinity of sawmills, loggers A handful of up to 20 high-value timber began to extract an ever-growing number species was selectively extracted from area of species at ever-greater distances. forests, pulled out by men and floated Currently, of the 15 most highly val- downstream. Villagers obtained cash and ued non-timber resources in the Capim a cleared soccer field, without loss of the region (ranked according to the methods fruits, fibres, medicinals and game-attract- of Prance et al, 1987), all are targeted by

316 Subsistence issues

Table 28.4 Fifteen of the most useful tree species (> 10cm dbh) to caboclos of the Capim River, Brazil, in a 1ha forest plot (200m x 50m)

Species Common name Use Caryocar villosum Piquiá A, B, E, G Platonia insignis Bacuri A, B, d, E, g Endopleura uchi Uxi A, b, E, G Copaifera spp. Copaíba b, D, E, G Lecythis pisonis Sapucaia a, b, d, E, G Hymenaea parvifolia Jutai a, d, E, G Brosimum acutifolium Mururé b, D, f, G Manilkara huberi Maçaranduba a, B, d, e, g Couratari guianensis Tauari c, E, f, G Manilkara amazonica Maparajuba a, B, e, g Eschweilera coriaceae Maturi b, c, d, e, g Manilkara paraensis Maçaranduba a, B, e, g Virola michelii Ucuúba b, D, E Dipteryx odorata Cumaru b, D, E Eschweilera grandiflora Mata mata ci b, d, e, G Licania heteromorpha Caraipé B, c, e, g

Note: Upper case indicates major use value; lower case indicates minor use value. A or a = food. B or b = construction. C or c = technology. D or d = remedy. E or e = commerce. F or f = other use. G or g = animal food. the timber industry (see Table 28.4). attracting and medicinal species used in These include each of the fruit and medic- the study region are sourced from mature inal species described above, as well as forest. species used for technological purposes In a longitudinal study of the volume (signifying items such as resins, gums, of extractive products consumed pre- and fibres, dyes and inner barks). Examination post-logging events in three eastern of the list reveals not only species directly Amazonian forest communities, results used as food, but also game-attracting demonstrated that in 1993, even after sev- species that indirectly contribute substan- eral logging events, households continued tially to rural diets (Shanley, 2000). to consume substantial volumes of game, To place these results in a wider fruit and fibre (Shanley, 2000). Six years regional perspective, during the last three later, in 1999, after three additional log- decades in eastern Amazonia, the number ging episodes and fire, average volumes of of species extracted by loggers has esca- game, fruit and fibre dropped drastically lated from a select few to over 300 (see (see Figure 28.6). Villagers accustomed to Figure 28.5). Of the 300 species currently consuming hundreds of forest fruits dur- logged in eastern Amazonia, one third are ing the four-month fruiting season in the also valued for food, medicines and/or early 1990s complained that they had not gums and resins (Martini et al, 1994). consumed wild fruit the entire year and Moreover, while secondary forest species that fibres for constructing fundamental offer substantial fruit, fibre and medici- household implements such as brooms nals in other regions of Latin America, and baskets were no longer accessible. many of the principal fruit, fibre, game- The findings underscore that there is a

317 The core elements of NTFP certification

Number of species 350







0 1970 1980 1990 Year Source: Veríssimo et al, 1992; Martini et al, 1994 Figure 28.5 Number of species extracted by the timber industry in eastern Amazonia, Pará, Brazil

Mean fruit consumption (kg/hh) 100 Timber extraction





0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Year

Source: Shanley, 2000 Figure 28.6 Fruit consumption in three Capin River communities, Pará, Brazil critical limit to the volume of timber that present and future harvests of non-timber can be extracted from forests, after which resources plummet.

318 Subsistence issues

Indirect impact of logging on NTFPs

Depending upon the equipment used and making harvest of perishable products the number of hectares of forest logged, particularly difficult. logging episodes in the Capim Basin lasted In addition to collateral damage, between two months and two years. selectively logged forests burn easily Today, logging roads penetrate forests, because timber extraction creates condi- trucks or bulldozers extract trees and 16- tions that favour fire by opening the wheelers or large barges carry logs to canopy to solar radiation, by drying slash nearby cities. Communities suffer not only and by increasing the fuel load on the for- because of the loss of the species upon est floor (Uhl and Kaufman, 1990; which they rely for their livelihoods, but Cochrane et al, 1999). For example, fol- also because of the substantial collateral lowing closely on the heels of a logging damage associated with predatory timber event in the Capim Basin, two accidental extraction. fires raged for close to one month, burn- In Amazonia, logging operations that ing an estimated one third of one aimed to extract one tree damaged 16 community’s forest. Fruit trees that had more trees that were > 10 centimetres been deliberately spared from logging (cm) diameter at breast height (dbh). caught fire, causing fruit to fall prema- During selective logging, tree felling per turely. The open nature of the logged, hectare damaged 124 trees (Johns et al, burned forest permitted winds to move 1996). Canopy cover can be reduced by swiftly through the landscape, blowing close to one half in such logging events down 100-year-old fruit trees. In addition (Uhl and Vieira, 1989). Collateral damage to such immediate effects of fire and log- associated with tree harvesting, such as ging, some valuable species do not seedling destruction, soil compaction, top- regenerate readily after fire; these include soil removal and soil erosion, directly the medicinal oil trees andiroba and affect present and future harvests of both copaíba, the game-attracting fruit tree timber and non-timber forest products uxi, and the most commonly utilized for- (Laird, 1995). est fibre, titica. After logging events, animal and plant In spite of the crucial significance of resources are not only less abundant, but floral non-timber resources, for many for- more distant and inconvenient to extract. est peoples, fauna is the non-wood Once collected within only 1 kilometre resource of greatest value. However, due (km) of their homes, residents of many to habitat loss, fire and overhunting, game regions must now search for fibres and populations in many regions are severely fruits at distances of 3–10km. Deep- depleted. Whereas a decade ago in the flooded tractor tracks, felled trees and Capim River Basin game was consumed thick secondary growth filling tree-fall weekly, for some households consumption gaps and logging roads obstruct passage is now as infrequent as a few times a year. through the forest and obscure vision,

319 The core elements of NTFP certification

Timber certification: its potential impact on regionally and locally important NTFPs

To understand the potential impact of from wild sources. Occurring in densities timber certification on non-timber forest of only 0.3–3.0 trees per ha in mature products, let us look at the products forests, its value as a timber species has described above in eastern Amazonia. Of precipitated its decline in particular the scores of products utilized within the regions. These and many other fruit and region, very few reach an international medicinal oil species are not only impor- market. Consumers of açaí wine, bacuri tant for the nutrition and health care of ice cream, marapuama root and andiroba the rural and urban poor, but may offer a oil have no need of, or interest in, a ‘green’ greater economic value standing than cut label. In fact, these products are often pur- (Shanley et al, 1998). chased in their crude form, bearing no But would a certification assessment label at all. The culture, health and dietary team entering a forest where andiroba and customs of eastern Amazonians habituate bacuri are being extracted know that them to consume forest products indepen- these and additional species (eg copaíba, dent of their source. For example, sucuúba, piquiá, uxi, amapa) hold impor- marketers state that the intestines of tant economic value locally and are Paraenses (Pará residents) require açaí; regionally in decline? Most likely, not. babies imbibe the palm fruit drink at six While NTFPs are mentioned in the Forest months of age, and by adulthood, con- Stewardship Council (FSC) principles, the sumption of 3 litres a day of the thick, concept is not elaborated upon. As with purple drink is not uncommon. any certification assessment, attention, or While certification of these products is lack thereof, to non-timber products unlikely to be useful within the region, would depend upon the make-up of the certification of the forests from where assessment team. Since few individuals they come (in the event of timber extrac- sufficiently understand the ecology or tion) most certainly could be. For socio-economics of non-timber forest example, andiroba oil (Carapa guianensis) products, chances are that these resources is one of the most popularly consumed would be inadequately represented during medicinals in urban and rural areas of an assessment. Although lack of attention Amazonia. Heavily logged, its numbers to non-timber forest products need not are in decline, prohibiting its use by many concern a Northern consumer who pur- rural villagers who previously depended chases ‘certified’ tropical timber to upon it as an insect repellant and remedy construct a garden bench, it can most cer- for bruises, sprains and rheumatism. Uxi tainly have lasting and detrimental effects (Endopeura uchi) is a tree bearing a dis- on local populations who rely upon forest tinctly flavoured fruit utilized in the ice products for rudimentary health care and cream and juice industries. Eluding nutrition. domestication, it is still largely gathered

320 Subsistence issues

Recognizing regionally and locally valued NTFPs

If regionally valuable NTFPs are identi- familiar not only with species listed in the fied and singled out for conservation, Convention on International Trade in would this not negatively impact overall Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and timber production? Perhaps, not. In fact, Flora (CITES), but with species used by in upland forests of Amazonia, due to the local populations to meet their subsistence low densities at which many non-timber and regional marketing needs. Integration forest products occur (less than one per of NTFPs into timber certification pro- ha), conservation of important NTFP grammes could have a geographically species need not significantly reduce tim- broad impact. In order to accomplish this, ber output. Within 1 hectare in the Capim harvesters and regional experts might region, for example, less than two to three work together to develop broad-based, trees per hectare might be singled out as region-specific lists of species that are particularly important game-attracting, widely utilized and may be vulnerable to fruit or medicinal oil trees in need of logging, overharvest or other land-use or active conservation. However, to date, market changes. If the certification move- negotiations between loggers and small- ment pursues these goals, it has an holders have been largely uninformed, opportunity to not only improve timber resulting in timber extraction methods certification processes, but to promote that neglect to consider the basic nutrition ecologically and socially sustainable man- and health-care needs of forest-based agement of forests. With such communities. A full assessment of the rel- improvements, certification will ative value and contribution of the forests’ strengthen its social mission, conserving timber and non-timber resources to the woodlands not only for the interests of region’s economic, nutritional and health Northern environmentalists, but for the status is needed. interests of rural people who, out of bare To conduct certification assessments necessity, daily depend upon the forests. more adequately, assessors need to be Notes

1 This study would not have been possible without the patient collaboration and hard work of over 30 Capim River families and research assistants Jurandir Galvão, Gloria Gaia and Gabriel Medina. The authors would like to thank the US Agency for International Development (USAID/GCC), the Educational Foundation of America, the Earth Love Fund and the International Center for Research on Women for support to conduct the research on which this case study was based. The research was begun with the Woods Hole Research Center and completed in collaboration with the Amazon Institute of People and Environment (IMAZON) and the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).

321 Chapter 29 Marketing issues

Sarah A Laird and Abraham Guillén


The focus of this chap- and the scale of trade ter is on the minority in individual products of non-timber forest varies significantly (see products (NTFPs) Table 29.1). For exam- found in international ple, the International trade. These include Tropical Timber Org- Brazil nut (Bertholl- anization (ITTO, 1997) etia excelsa), palm estimated the interna- heart (various spp.), tional rattan market at chicle (Manilkara zap- US$6.5 billion. The ota), rattan (various 1996 global trade in spp.) and a wide range more than 440,000 of medicinals. Earlier tonnes of medicinal chapters have made and aromatic plant clear that NTFPs are material to pharmaceu- Illustration by Bee Gunn most important in local tical, botanical med- and regional markets Yohimbe (Pausinystalia johimbe) icine, food and flav- and for subsistence use, ouring, cosmetic, clean- with communities who ing product, insecticide live in and around forests often relying and other industries was valued at US$1.3 upon a range of products with economic, billion (Lange, 1998). Worldwide sales of medical, nutritional and cultural value. commercial botanical medicine products, However, certification is a valuable tool dominated by European and Asian mar- only in cases where products are traded in kets, average around US$20 billion a year volume and to consumers receptive to the (Gruenwald, 1998; 1999). However, any objectives certifiers promote through single medicinal plant product is unlikely their labels, primarily those in developed to generate sales of more than a few hun- countries. dred million dollars, and most sell for less The types of industries into which than US$10 million per year. Most indi- NTFPs feed, the size of these industries vidual NTFPs have relatively small annual Marketing issues turnovers. Annual cork (Quercus suber) American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) sales come to around US$240 million (see sales in 1993 totalled US$25 million (see Chapter 17); palm heart (various spp.) Chapter 16); and maple syrup (Acer exports from Boliva in 1997 came to just sacharum) sales in the US in 1998 were over US$12 million (see Chapter 6); wild US$32 million (see Chapter 15).

Incorporating NTFPs into market-based conservation strategies

NTFPs are important for local livelihoods Morris and Laird, 1999). In other cases, and the harvest of many species has rela- companies have established direct partner- tively less impact on forest habitats than ships with community groups in order to other land uses such as logging and clear- ensure that a larger portion of raw mater- ing for agriculture. As a result, NTFP ial sourcing and processing benefits those marketing and management strategies are living in areas from which products derive. often incorporated within conservation In many cases, the aim was also to build and development programmes. These pro- higher-quality and more affordable grammes seek to develop sustainable sources of raw material. Nature’s Way livelihoods and alternative incomes for struggled for a number of years to strike local communities, thereby reducing pres- an agreement with groups in Vietnam to sure on forests – with mixed results over source a ‘new’ ginseng species, Panax viet- the years (Crook and Clapp, 1998). Some namensis (Laird and Burningham, 1999). projects work on a local level to develop Aveda Corporation collaborates with the sustainable management and local market- Yawanawa community of Acre, Brazil, to ing strategies for highly threatened and/or source Bixa orellana (annatto) – a natural valuable species. Others have focused on colourant used in lipsticks, shampoos and international markets for NTFPs, seeking other products (Waddington and Laird, to improve corporate relationships with 1999). The Body Shop has established raw material sources and to increase bene- partnerships to source raw materials such fits for local communities. as Brazil nut oil, shea butter and blue corn The ways in which international mar- with community groups around the world kets are incorporated within conservation as part of its Community Trade and development programmes vary, and Programme. local groups’ ability to benefit from com- In another approach, conservation and modification of NTFPs varies widely by social rights organizations have launched product and type of market (Arnold and certification and labelling schemes to pro- Ruiz-Pérez, 1996). For example, during mote sustainably and ethically sourced the late 1980s and 1990s, conservation forest products (Pierce, 1999). groups such as Cultural Survival (CS) and Certification and labelling of NTFPs com- Conservation International (CI) began to prise a viable strategy for only a few of the act as brokers between communities and ‘charismatic’ forest products with high international companies such as Ben and profiles and significant international mar- Jerry’s (ice cream) and Croda Inc (personal kets. These include, for example, Brazil care products and cosmetics) (Clay, 1992; nut, chicle, palm heart, rattan and medici-

323 The core elements of NTFP certification nal species such as pygeum (Prunus The World Conservation Union’s africana), yohimbe (Pausinystalia (IUCN’s) Species Survival Commission johimbe) and cat’s claw (Uncaria tomen- (SSC) Medicinal Plant Specialist Group, tosa and U. guianensis). Furthermore, and organizations such as the Rocky certification and labelling will be effective Mountain Herbalist Coalition and United only in cases where social and political Plant Savers in the US, are studying and conditions allow local communities to cap- developing guidelines for threatened med- ture the increased economic benefits icinal plant species in trade. A generated by certification. For those few multipronged strategy is required for species managed in appropriate social, those species most threatened, incorporat- ecological and political contexts, and with ing efforts to domesticate species and adequate international markets, however, develop standards for sustainable wild certification can help harness market harvest. Certification is a valuable tool in forces to serve sustainable and equitable these strategies, combining the creation management and trade. and implementation of standards for Certification can be used not only as a sound management practices, as well as tool to develop economic alternatives for consumer education about the manner in local communities – and thereby poten- which raw material is sourced, and tially help forest conservation indirectly – rewarding the conscientious producer and but also to ameliorate negative impacts of company. international trade on species’ survival. In While certified products provide an many cases, the wild harvest of NTFPs for important recourse for consumers who international markets is unsustainable. seek to purchase environmentally and This has proven most dramatically the socially sound products, certification pro- case for botanical medicine species such as grammes can also promote increased pygeum, devil’s claw (Harpagophytum awareness and accountability within procumbens), echinacea (Echinacea spp.), industry. In general, botanical medicine, golden seal (Hydrastis canadensis) and personal care and cosmetic, food and bev- pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.). Some of these erage, and other industries marketing species – such as golden seal and pygeum NTFPs are unaware of the conditions in – have made their way onto Appendix II which raw materials are sourced. A tradi- of the Convention on International Trade tion of cheap raw materials, traded as in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and bulk commodities, persists, leaving lim- Flora (CITES). Other species are victims ited room for exploring sustainable and of the boom-bust cycle created by media- equitable practices. However, sustainabil- driven sales, in which they are replaced in ity and equity in sourcing are within the the market by the next ‘hot’ herb just as scientific, financial and logistical reach of local producers come online with large most companies. Incentives can be created quantities of raw material (eg Griffonia and pressure brought to bear on interna- simplicifolia – see Chapter 18). If not tionally marketed products through a replaced, however, demand over time can combination of approaches that include significantly erode wild populations. consumer awareness campaigns, innova- Demand for pygeum, echinacea and tive brokering, technical assistance to golden seal, for example, has diminished domesticate or sustainably wildcraft wild populations over many years. species, and the certification and labelling Although cultivation is underway, threats of sustainable and fairtrade products. to wild populations continue.

324 Marketing issues

Marketing issues to consider before undertaking certification of NTFPs

There are a number of reasons why man- embarking upon a costly international agers choose to obtain certification. The marketing and certification scheme. Have decision to undergo a certification evalua- price and demand remained steady, tion requires strategic choices based upon decreased or increased over the past 5 best available information. Managers years, 10 years, 20 years? How elastic is should consider the following marketing demand? issues before engaging the services of a certifying agency. Know your market: the type of international markets into which products feed Information needed to evaluate existing markets International trade in NTFPs supplies a wide range of industries, each with its own Is the product already marketed? research, manufacturing, and marketing requirements. Pharmaceuticals, botanical ‘All things being equal, start with prod- medicines, cosmetics, and food and bever- ucts already being produced and that have age industries are just a few of the sectors markets’ (Clay, 1996). Launching new that widely use NTFPs. It is critical that products onto the market is a difficult and certification programmes incorporate the risky undertaking. Certification is most unique features of the industries into valuable as a tool to promote improved which they feed, and where possible assist management of existing products, thereby in diversifying markets for raw materials. reducing risks incurred by local groups. The botanical medicine industry today, for example, is often fickle and trend driven Marketing information (eg griffonia, pau d’arco and cat’s claw); and labels in the food industry would most Certification is a market-based tool. It is likely need to incorporate organic and therefore critical that market information quality-control concerns (eg chicle, palm flows to all involved stakeholders. For heart and Brazil nut). example, chicle producers in Quintana Roo, Mexico, certified by the SmartWood Relationship between markets and Project in 1999 work in partnership with local use one company – Wild Things – but need market outlets for their remaining chicle. What local, regional or international mar- The more market information that can be kets do products feed into, and what is the supplied to local groups through the certi- relationship between markets; how finely fication process (eg price, distribution is this balanced? Could certification of channels, product quality demands and products for international markets companies with potential interest), the increase demand in such a way that sup- better they can market their product. plies for local markets and subsistence use are significantly reduced? Recent history of market’s stability For example, in Brazil, marapuama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is an increas- It is important to understand the fluctua- ingly popular botanical medicine, used to tions in a product’s history before

325 The core elements of NTFP certification treat nervous disorders and impotence. Alternative sources of raw But marapuama is a low-density species material with an unknown ecology, and harvesting It is important to understand the nature of of the root is highly destructive. A surge in raw material sources against which certi- international demand for this species, in fied products and material will compete. part as a ‘natural Viagra’, may decrease NTFPs in trade take the form of both availability of marapuama in local mar- complete products (eg palm hearts, Brazil kets and threaten wild populations (see nuts, pine nuts (various spp.) and maple Box 26.1 in Chapter 26). syrup) and raw material that will act as ingredients or components of commercial Information needed to evaluate products (eg Bixa orellana as a colourant threats, challenges, barriers and for cosmetics). Many of these products competition are traded as bulk commodities today (eg Brazil nuts and medicinal plants). While a Availability of substitutes and significant portion continue to be har- alternatives vested from the forest, international demand for consistency in quality and In the early stages, certification schemes supply often leads to large-scale cultiva- incorporate a premium to cover the tion of high-value NTFP species. Large increased costs of sustainable manage- investments have been made in the search ment incurred by local groups. Groups for low-cost material, for example, in must be aware of pricing and other issues efforts to cultivate the pharmaceutical that inform the private sector and con- compound-yielding forest species sumer selection of products for purchase. Pilocarpus jaborandi and Taxus brevifo- If possible, certified products should not lia; the colourant Bixa orellana; botanical be priced out of the mainstream market. medicine species such as croton (Croton In any case, a product’s marketing niche lechleri), ginseng (Panax spp.), cat’s claw, and relationship to synthetic and alterna- devil’s claw, golden seal and echinacea; tive products should be well understood. and other species covered in this manual Natural chicle, for example, propelled such as rattan and palm heart. the modern chewing gum industry in the It is likely that increased commercial late 19th century, and by the mid 20th demand will create incentives for large- century chicle extraction was the most scale commercial agriculture to enter the important industry in the Yucatan market. If certification is successful, and Peninsula of Mexico and the Petén region larger quantities of materials are sought, of Guatemala. what are the chances that small producers By 1960, however, petroleum-based will be squeezed out by bigger competi- gum had replaced natural chicle, and tors? How can the role of smaller today only a limited demand for natural producers in such a case be bolstered? chicle exists (see Chapter 4). In addition, because prices for synthetic gum are a Logistical and infrastructure issues fraction of those for natural chicle, chicle Sustainable management of NTFPs in nat- must be marketed in alternative niche ural forests is only part of the certification markets. equation. NTFPs also raise a number of issues associated with transport, process-

326 Marketing issues ing, storage and associated infrastructure etitively priced and processed certified that should be incorporated within a cer- materials? tification programme. How perishable is • Is land tenure and access to resources the product, and do means exist to trans- by local groups secure? port it efficiently to intended markets? • Do price controls or distortions exist What potential exists to add value locally that could dampen returns to local to products? Can post-harvest losses be producers? reduced and, therefore, yields and income • Do mechanisms exist that allow local increased? What are the estimated costs, groups to benefit, ensuring that certi- time, equipment and infrastructure neces- fication improves both management sary to scale-up management and and local livelihoods? processing of products to serve expanded •Will increased income attract taxa- markets? Because NTFPs represent a tion, which might prove prohibitive? diverse range of products, these questions •Are incentives for other land uses too cannot be answered in a generalized fash- great to make NTFP management ion – as they might be, say, for timber. The profitable over time? many ways in which NTFPs can con- •Will international trade policies (eg tribute to local livelihoods, and the those set by the World Trade diverse roles local groups can play in Organization – WTO) create obstacles adding value and preparing products for to marketing products – or can they market, should be assessed and incorpo- aid in marketing? rated within a certification programme. • Does the legal environment recognize Producers must have the capacity and local rights to control the use of, and infrastructure in place to provide products benefit from, traditional knowledge? with consistent quality and reliable quan- tities over time (eg Brazil nuts with Additional opportunities, acceptable levels of aflatoxin). It is not challenges and strategies for only the product itself that must live up to utilizing certification market standards, but also the services attached to its development and delivery. This often creates a ‘Catch 22’ situation, Niche versus mainstream markets where the demands of large buyers for The intended market, potential buyers volume and high quality over time cannot and consumers of products should be be filled by smaller producers of sustain- clearly identified from the start. Selling able material. products to mainstream markets is proba- The legal and policy environment bly beyond most NTFP producers, and in most cases ‘green’ or ‘fairtrade’ niche Laws and policies often influence the suc- markets will be the most useful starting cess or failure of NTFP initiatives; point. By carefully identifying and target- therefore, an understanding of local, ing appropriate niche markets, and regional and international laws and poli- partner companies, producers of certified cies is paramount. Some questions that NTFPs may enjoy increased market should be answered include: access, market share and possible market premiums. In timber certification, an •Are local and national laws and poli- ongoing problem has been the mismatch cies conducive to creating comp- between supply and demand. Because no

327 The core elements of NTFP certification single NTFP producer can probably sup- Marketing channels and chain of ply the needs of even a small company in custody the US, cooperatives and other ways to Chain of custody is a major challenge in increase available volume should be inves- the certification of NTFPs. NTFPs are tigated, in order to increase opportunities often widely distributed, have decentral- in both niche and mainstream markets ized harvest and trade patterns, and (Clay 1996). involve a large number of intermediaries. Processing Chain-of-custody issues are central to marketing, as certified materials must be The potential to build local capacity followed through the entire marketing through increased processing, in ways that process – a potentially expensive under- meet international standards, should be taking for NTFPs (see Chapter 30). assessed. Whether through innovative In order to identify how certification partnerships between communities, coop- might operate most effectively, it is critical eratives or domestic companies, adding to understand the ways in which products value locally should be emphasized and make their way from the forest to mar- the provision of bulk raw material for kets. This would include the number and overseas markets de-emphasized as pro- nature of intermediaries or wholesale jects develop. traders, relationships between different For example, the Noh Bec ejido in parties, and the likely impact of certifica- Mexico is seeking to add value to their tion on the existing web of involved chicle by processing and producing ready- groups. Although intermediaries are often to-chew gum (see Chapter 3). Palm hearts portrayed negatively, they serve an impor- are processed locally at the field site in tant function and create opportunities for Brazil (see Chapter 3). Clay (1997c) marketing that would otherwise not be demonstrates the ways in which local pro- available. Certification should not re- ducers might gain from investments made enforce exploitative relationships, but in processing. While harvesters receive should also not seek to artificially replace US$0.03 per pound of Brazil nuts, by the those existing structures that fairly facili- time processors’ profits (and costs, waste tate trade. and spoilage) are factored in, the price per pound reaches US$0.70; taxes, customs Relationship to other land uses and handling in Brazil bring the free-on- and markets board (FOB) price to US$0.85 cents per Production of NTFPs for international pound. markets should take place within the con- Potential to market by-products text of other land uses, and other uses for species, and should seek to diversify – NTFPs often yield useful by-products that rather than dominate – local economies can be sold to local, regional or interna- and livelihoods. Certification and market- tional markets. It is important to ask at ing of an NTFP should complement other the onset of certification whether by- economic activities, rather than squeezing products from processing have value, and them out; a package of products and if they could be certified and marketed. It sources of income should be the objective. is also important to note if by-products In cases where certification of timber create environmental problems of their is the objective, certification of NTFPs own. can help to provide additional income

328 Marketing issues and incentives for sustainable forest man- mote and sell their products (eg Wild agement. For example, in the Noh Bec Things’ Jungle Gum), certified NTFPs will ejido, certification of chicle was seen as a be brought to the attention of consumers, valuable way to enhance income from the who might then demand that other com- forest, which otherwise might derive only panies in an industry provide from timber, resulting in overexploitation confirmation of the sustainability of their of species that local groups now feel can sources – thus creating a domino effect. be sustainably managed. It can also help But if producer groups request certifica- to offset pressure to fell chicle trees for tion – for example, Brazil nut producers in use as structural wood and flooring (see Boliva (see Chapter 3) – a commitment Chapter 3). Properly managed and mar- from certifiers or other collaborators may keted NTFPs can also out-compete more be needed to help ensure that markets and destructive uses of forests. For example, interested companies are in place to pur- maple syrup may have the potential to chase certified material, as well as to yield greater returns on a per-hectare catalyse the process. basis than timber in some areas (see In the case of timber certification, Chapter 15). buyers’ groups largely undertook the mar- In Pará state, Brazil, palm heart keting of the concept to consumers, led by estates supply the international palm large suppliers such as B&Q in the UK, heart market – for which certification is a who had committed to sell sustainably useful tool – as well as the more signifi- sourced timber. For certification to work, cant domestic market, which absorbs 85 a long chain of events must come together, per cent of production. Moreover, these and marketing is a significant element. If estates also supply local markets with crit- all the pieces are not assembled, certifica- ically important açaí fruits worth an tion is unlikely to help local groups estimated US$30 million per month in the promote sustainably managed NTFPs. city of Belém during fruiting season (see Given the diversity and range of products Chapter 3). Well-managed palm hearts grouped under NTFPs, and the relatively appear to be an ideal product for certifi- small volume of NTFP trade, marketing cation because there is a significant will prove more challenging for this group domestic market for the product, which than for timber. minimizes producers’ risks, as well as a There is also a great deal of national ‘secondary’ product, açaí, that has and regional variation in markets for certi- tremendous local economic and nutri- fied products that must be incorporated tional value. within certified NTFP marketing strategies. European consumers generally appear Can certification help promote more willing to pay more for fairtrade and products overseas? environmentally sound products, such as chewing gum, Brazil nuts and palm heart, If certifiers or other groups based in the while US consumers are more sensitive to home countries of potential consumers do price variation and are less willing to pay not shoulder some responsibility for mar- premiums for certified products. US con- keting certified products, then local sumers respond well to products that are producers will often be unable to sell the considered ‘healthier’ or ‘health enhanc- products they produce. In cases where ing’, however. NTFP marketing should commercial companies spur certification therefore be tailored to the concerns and of products, and use labels to help pro- priorities of end-consumers.

329 The core elements of NTFP certification

What is driving certification? panies, governments, lending agencies, etc – before initiating the programme. Companies, producer groups and others seek certification for a range of reasons, Combining information needs: the which should be clarified at the start. critical role of collaboration Companies, for example, usually seek to differentiate themselves in the market- Certification of some NTFPs may be place with eco-brands or certified achieved most effetively through a combi- products. If this is the case, will they ask, nation of social (fairtrade), organic and in return, for exclusivity? Will they help to ecological/forest conservation standards. link producers to other companies? The In addition, for medicinal products, infor- relationship between company and pro- mation on quality and active constituents ducer group should be clear from the – increasingly addressed on product labels start. – should be integrated within the Some producer groups seek a pre- labelling, and sometimes field assessment, mium in return for sustainable process. For food products, quality con- management, while other producers see trol is paramount. For example, European certification as a way to access markets import regulations strictly control the that they might otherwise lack the skills or aflatoxin (a mycotoxin) content of Brazil contacts to reach. Although in some cases nuts, which is threatening the industry’s certification alone will lead to a premium viability in South America. for local producers and companies, it has Representing these various issues will been most effectively used to date as a tool require collaboration among certifiers to better market value-added products – with expertise on different aspects of thereby increasing value, not volume. NTFP management and product develop- In some countries, local governments ment (as seen in the field assessments for and consumers require that only certified chicle, palm heart and Brazil nuts), or the sustainable and fairtrade material is creation of a new breed of certifier that locally used (eg city ordinances requiring reflects and combines a wide range of con- use of, or preference for, certified wood in cerns. Given the relatively low cost per municipal construction contracts). The volume of NTFPs, a series of relatively palm heart estate in Pará, Brazil (see costly field assessments is unlikely to Chapter 3), sought out certification in make sense (Scrase, 1999). Multi-discipli- order to secure a bank loan for which the nary collaboration and sharing of managers had to prove the production perspectives will be critical in developing system was environmentally sound. The a workable field methodology, and trans- myriad of motivations underlying certifi- mitting a coherent message to consumers. cation should be clarified by all involved parties – producer groups, certifiers, com-

Conclusions and recommendations

•Efforts to link international marketing for a small suite of internationally of NTFPs and conservation, including marketed products, and less valuable NTFP certification, are most useful for locally and regionally consumed

330 Marketing issues

products, which make up the majority • Certification of NTFPs destined for of NTFP use. This argues for comple- medicinal plant, food and other indus- mentary approaches to incorporate tries should incorporate not only NTFPs within conservation and devel- social (fairtrade), health (organic) and opment programmes in which biodiversity conservation criteria, but certification can act as one of a num- also quality control (eg International ber of ‘tools’ to achieve programme Organization for Standardization – objectives. ISO) and Good Manufacturing • In some domestic markets – for exam- Practices (GMP). Assessments can ple, in most developed countries and incorporate these issues for harvest, in the case of woodcarvings sold to cultivation, processing, storage, hand- tourists in East Africa (see Chapter ling and manufacture. 25) – labels can prove useful. In most • Marketing of certified products will developing countries, however, the only prove effective if consumers are market for certified products is likely sufficiently educated about the prob- to remain small, and markets will lems associated with existing sources. need to be sought overseas in devel- If consumer demand is not sufficient, oped countries, particularly in Europe the expense of certification will not be and North America. In some cases, warranted, and local producers could locally or regionally developed labels suffer from overly optimistic expecta- may be effective, such as those used by tions of future markets. Certifiers and the NeoSynthesis Research Institute in other groups should therefore ensure Sri Lanka and by cooperatives in the that their programmes include strong state of Acre, Brazil. consumer awareness campaigns. • Some species gain rapid popularity in •Trade in NTFPs takes place within international markets – eg mara- existing economic, marketing and puama, cat’s claw and kava (Piper political frameworks; if these are methysticum) – and certification exploitative, it is possible that certifica- efforts must take care not to exacer- tion could re-enforce existing practices bate existing problems associated that draw benefits away from local with sourcing shortages. Certification groups, and fail to create economic can educate consumers about the incentives for biodiversity conserva- social and environmental problems tion. Certifiers serving wider associated with unsustainable sourc- conservation and development objec- ing, and encourage the purchase of tives must ensure that projects do not sustainably managed products. perpetuate existing exploitative prac- tices.

331 The core elements of NTFP certification


Beto Borges and Steven R King

In principle, Shaman Botanicals views certification of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) very favourably. When the certification process as a whole is better defined and its requirements clearer, it is likely that Shaman will apply for certification of its supply of Croton lechleri latex – the raw material for our SB-Normal Stool Formula product – through a Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited organization or its equivalent. The challenge for the FSC is to make NTFP certification an attractive incentive for both producers and consumers. Obtaining certification may present important benefits to NTFP producers and industry alike. Perhaps the most important benefit of all, from a company’s perspec- tive, is the assurance of a minimal environmental impact on the target product and its associated species. Generally, responsible producers and industries are well aware of the need to manage their raw materials wisely. Wise management ensures that resources are not depleted and that harvesting does not cause environmental degra- dation, which would compromise future supply. However, few existing market mechanisms assist and support investments in sustainable sources. Shaman Botanicals conducted extensive scientific studies to obtain sound baseline data on the primary ecological and biological characteristics of Croton lechleri over ten years. Some of these studies were recently published in Desarrollando Nuestra Diversidad Biocultural: Sangre de Grado y el Reto de su Producción Sustentable en el Peru (Developing Our Biocultural Diversity: Sangre de Grado and the Challenge of its Sustainable Production in Peru) by Peruvian forester and scientist Elsa Meza (1999c). This book discusses indepth biological, ecological, anthropological and legal aspects of Croton lechleri. The need to acquire scientific knowledge on this NTFP and to learn how to manage it in an ecologically sound way has been a significant component of our research and development process for Croton lechleri. In addition to scientific research and publication, Shaman has been complying with all environmental regulations set forth by local governments, such as producing exten- sive and independent management plans and obtaining all necessary government permits. To further minimize environmental impacts, Shaman requires that producers replant three Croton lechleri trees for each one harvested. Shaman provides a finan- cial incentive for the replanting of Croton lechleri by paying a value-added price for latex collected by conscientious harvesters. Shaman has also produced and distributed 5000 copies of a field manual on the sustainable management and reforestation of Croton lechleri and sponsored several community workshops about the species. Evaluation of social impacts, operational accountability and benefit-sharing should be integral components of a good certification process. Shaman’s local staff conduct regular field visits to monitor the impact of harvesting, reforestation and sale of Croton lechleri latex on the communities we work with. Field assessors produce detailed written reports that are useful for measuring positive impacts and identifying remaining challenges that need to be overcome. In addition, Shaman commissions independent impact assessments and evaluations from respected professionals. Evaluation of reforestation efforts is also conducted by local government agencies on a routine basis. Shaman has made significant investments in compiling baseline data and imple- menting environmentally and socially sound sourcing of Croton lechleri latex. Shaman

332 Marketing issues

considers such long-term investments worthwhile and wise; but this perspective is not always shared by others in the private sector. However, as environmental protection becomes an increasingly important factor in consumers’ decision-making processes, certified products may offer a differential advantage that, at times, may supersede cheaper alternatives. Marketing certified products imparts a positive image for a com- pany as a whole, potentially resulting in a series of spin-off benefits, such as attracting environment-friendly investors. Certification can also serve as a tool to ensure quality control. Considering the cost of obtaining certification, it would be necessary, from an industry perspective, that the process maximizes quality control and quality assurance of the final product. Comprehensive certification processes may also provide additional opportunities for technological improvements in harvesting and manufacturing equipment, general know-how, forest management systems, and other aspects; this, in turn, may result in overall cost reduction and/or higher production efficiency. From Shaman’s perspective, the main challenge to obtaining certification is that the certification process for NTFPs is not yet finalized. We are therefore not sure what to expect in terms of meeting the necessary requirements. It is only natural to avoid entering a process that is still clear. Shaman believes that there are some specific con- cerns that need to be properly addressed before NTFP certification can be viewed as an attractive financial and philosophical venture. One obvious concern involves the organization that evaluates the NTFP production system. Does the certification agency have the necessary technical expertise and knowl- edge of the particular resource in question to perform a sound assessment? Knowledge of the ecological and biological characteristics of a plant species is key in determining its utilization. Fast appraisal studies without sound scientific reasoning may generate a great deal of conflict between the parties involved in the certification process. Chain of custody also presents difficult challenges. For example, who should be cer- tified in the chain of custody for a particular NTFP that has different kinds of producers, middlemen and companies that add further value to the product? Is it fair to expect indigenous collectors to comply with the same certifying requirements expected of community-based small enterprises? Are middlemen, who in many cases are necessary players in the chain of custody, to be certified as well? How can we ensure that the mid- dlemen are buying from certified collectors? Should a company that adds value to a certified NTFP be certified as well? These are not hypothetical questions; rather, they realistically reflect the realm of players whom a company such as Shaman deals with when sourcing Croton lechleri. Lastly, the cost of certification to both NTFP producers and the industries that transform raw materials into consumable goods is of prime importance. In general, commodity markets characterized by high demand easily absorb the value-added cost of certification. Such is the case with certified coffee, which may cost US$0.05–US$0.10 more per pound – a premium many consumers are willing to pay. To what extent will the cost of certification be prohibitive for products that do not have the same demand and consumer appeal? How will the cost of certified products and other certification requirements affect supply and demand? In spite of the challenges associated with the certification of NTFPs, it is clear that there are several potential benefits. As NTFP producers and industries come to under- stand what certification is and consider the benefits of becoming certified, they will have to evaluate what is potentially wrong (‘not certifiable’) with their production sys- tems and enact policies to change poor practices. At the very least, those who entail the risks of obtaining the certification prize will probably be better equipped to mini- mize the environmental impacts of their businesses, and that is a real positive change.

333 The core elements of NTFP certification International markets are significant. Consumers are increasingly aware of the need and local communities. Consumer awareness of links with rainforest Large market and international demand for likely candidates for ‘green’ certified products. receptive to certified sustainable chicle. markets, particularly in Europe, appear certified products. for certification European and US consumers of incense appear Consumer interest in certified cork material, particularly organic, could be developed. Chain of custody could prove challenging. Producer groups are experienced and in search volume needed. Ability for any one producer to produce International markets are dominated by of markets for sustainable chicle. Quality control (aflatoxins). Local capacity and infrastructure. historical lack of investment in sustainable sustainable. supplies. Markets for this product in the future are uncertain. It rose quickly to prominence in the 1990s, but might fall out of favour. need to overcome this tradition and industry’s need to overcome this tradition and industry’s to certify sources of raw material as purchase cork, so it might be difficult to purchase cork, so it might be difficult impact consumer purchasing choices. to influence the market for It is difficult industrial materials through certification, unless required by law. open to natural chicle. Social fairness of the commercial production cheaper synthetics, leaving only niche markets Consumers in niche green and fairtrade is still a serious challenge. Examples of marketing-based imitations Examples of marketing-based opportunities Botanical Botanical medicine raw material is traded as Food Fragrance; Three-quarters sold to domestic markets, Food Beverage Existence of cheaper synthetic materials. incense; cigarettesunreceptive to certified products. International consumers are in the Middle East, also not likely to be interested in flavouring; certified products. market sector to certification US$3.3 million in exports from medicinePeru in 1995 a bulk, cheap commodity – certification would in 1986 US$240 million material Consumers of beverages only indirectly Bolivia, Brazil and Peru: combined annual exports of US$40–70 million Chewing gum industry: US$1.5 billion able 29.1 Markets for selected NTFPs and examples of marketing limitations and opportunities afforded by certification T Species Existing markets International Benzoin L,R,I clawCat’s L,R,I Chicle L,R,I Cork oak L,R,I Brazil nut L,R, I*

334 Marketing issues (see Box 29.1). Increasing consumer awareness of the need to exists today. International markets are significant. Botanicals) in the US has a public commitment could help create standards for quality control and safety. Increasing consumer awareness of the need to pay attention to sustainable sourcing practices for botanical medicines. viability of management. syrup and organic labels could be paired with certification of sound forest management. established and has potential to grow. Well-established international markets. Well-established developed to serve a much larger market than to sustainably and equitably sourced materials Demand persists, and supplies exist that were fruit, açaí, thereby increasing the economic and is represented by a handful of companies. International market is emerging, if still small, spp., substitute pay attention to sustainable sourcing practices Panax Quality-control demands are significant. Scientific research is underway to validate use; unpredictable in this case. impact local use and markets, which are significant. Chain-of-custody issues might prove challenging. A major marketer of croton products (Shaman plans might prove problematic. It is not clear that producers need an certification. American ginseng unattractive to some consumers. would benefit from a premium from challenging. harvested sources in the near future. additional entry into the market, or that they Existing consumer interest in organic maple The industry is not well integrated, and chain International markets are significant. Alternative sources of of custody and adherence to management Consumer demand for sustainable palm heart is more expensive certified wild/woods-grown Cultivated sources will likely replace wild- Palm heart also provides an important local species or cultivated ginseng might make for botanical medicines. Botanical Chain-of-custody issues could prove Botanical There is a need to ensure that any increased Botanical Concerns associated with safety make already medicine volatile botanical medicine markets Food medicine demand from international markets does not Food consumption: US$8 million 1997 exports from Bolivia: US$12, 355,420 US 1997 1993 (US Department of Commerce, 1995) L,R,I L,R,I US sales: US$31.5 million in 1998 Canadian sales: Cdn$115 million in 1998 (American) US$25 million in medicine Croton Wild ginseng L,R,I Griffonia Maple syrup L,R,I Palm heart L,R,I

335 The core elements of NTFP certification f certification schemes certified sources exist to date. A diversity of end-products and markets would help to reduce risk involved in marketing certified material. for certification Efforts to sustainably manage rattan in the Efforts Demand and markets are significant, and have Consumers are already informed that raw Increasing use of Ayurvedic and Indian Increasing use of Ayurvedic been so for many years. medicinal species overseas. able 29.1 continued T principles is challenging for small producers. Significant international markets exist. sustainable supplies. for rattan harvested from smallholder forest. wild, and large-scale cultivation, could supply Chain of custody could prove extremely difficult. Existing trade networks, and legal and policy structure, do not create significant benefits Management could be integrated with timber material is ‘sustainable’, although no such for local communities or incentives for management. sustainable management. Botanical medicine raw material is traded as a bulk, cheap commodity – certification would need to overcome this tradition and historical lack of investment in industry’s Rattan management under certification volumes needed by international markets. Examples of marketing-based imitations Examples of marketing-based opportunities Pharmaceutical Little local infrastructure. Furniture Chain of custody could prove challenging Botanical Primarily a domestic and regional market, market sector to certification and botanical Concerns associated with product safety make medicine the botanical medicine market uncertain. US$6.5 billion in 1997 L,R, I US$5–US$6.25 million in 1996 medicine not generally receptive to certified products. ohimbe L,R,I Species Existing markets International Rattan L,R,I Y * L = significant local markets or subsistence use; R= regional markets; I = international commercial markets (primary target o Phyllanthus

336 Chapter 30 Technical issues

Abraham Guillén, Alan R Pierce and Richard Z Donovan


Non-timber forest prod- preceding chapters, it is ucts (NTFPs) are some clear that there are of the latest forest many outstanding issues resources to be proposed in need of further for inclusion under the research if knowledge Forest Stewardship and professionalism of Council (FSC) accredita- NTFP management is to tion system. Trad- advance. The greatest itionally, many NTFPs technical challenges to have been harvested NTFP certification from the wild without a involve management formal understanding of planning, setting sus- sustainable harvest lev- tainable harvest levels, els, without long-term monitoring, chain of forestry planning and custody, policies and Illustration by Jamison Ervin without being ade- regulations affecting quately incorporated Sangre de drago NTFP practices, and the within forest manage- (Croton lechleri) size and scale of opera- ment plans. From the tions.

Differences between timber assessments and NTFP assessments

An NTFP certification assessment follows ber assessment, particularly with respect the same general process, and addresses to social issues and management planning. the same general subject areas, as a timber An NTFP assessment will also involve dif- assessment. However, the focus of an ferent expertise from a timber assessment NTFP assessment may differ from a tim- – expertise in the specific species har- The core elements of NTFP certification vested, integrated forest management and the size and number of stumps left behind. social sciences relating to tenure, use By contrast, assessors visiting areas man- rights and harvester welfare. The timing aged for mushrooms or forest herbs may of certification audits may also be more not get an accurate picture of the critical for NTFPs than for timber. Areas resource, its abundance, worker condi- harvested for timber can be easily moni- tions (and related social issues) and the tored post-harvest by looking at basal harvesting practices employed unless the area, evaluating regeneration, assessing assessment visit occurs during or shortly residual stand damage, inspecting road after harvest. and skid-trail construction and viewing

Management planning

Management planning is the most basic listing, wild American ginseng is rarely and formidable requirement for achieving included in forest management plans. certification of an NTFP. Most existing FSC guidelines provide a framework guidance for forest management revolves for designing and implementing forest around timber objectives. There are few management plans that, with modifica- examples of good management plans for tion, can be tailored to address commercially harvested NTFPs, despite non-timber resources as one of many their long history of harvesting, although management goals to be addressed within increased efforts to develop effective and the bounds of a forest ownership. The affordable management regimes are maple syrup guidelines provide a good underway (Peters, 1996). NTFPs are not example of how to use the FSC frame- normally incorporated within long-term work to accommodate an NTFP (see timber management plans. Appendix II). For example, Brazil nuts have been In contrast to maple syrup, NTFPs harvested in Bolivia for over 30 years, but that fruit irregularly in space, time and the first Brazil nut management plan was abundance pose more serious challenges not designed until 1998, under the aus- to forest management planning and mar- pices of the US Agency for International keting. In the paleo-tropics, some trees Development (USAID) Bolivia Sustainable such as Shorea spp., which produce com- Forestry Management Project (BOLFOR). mercially important illipe nuts, fruit The Bolivian government issues permits irregularly during ‘masting years’ (Peters, for the harvest and export of Brazil nuts 1994; Salafsky et al, 1993). Estimating the despite a lack of sound technical informa- harvest intensity and yield of irregularly tion about the species. Many widely fruiting trees is a difficult management collected medicinal herbs have never been planning task. Furthermore, maintaining included in forest management plans, nor markets for fruits that appear with irregu- have sustainable harvesting regimes been larity is difficult, especially when such created for their collection. Despite 300 fruits are highly perishable (Salafsky et al, years of trade, and its current Convention 1993). on International Trade in Endangered In general, however, management Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) plans for NTFPs may evolve to include

338 Technical issues


Abraham Guillén, Alan R Pierce and Richard Z Donovan

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) requires certification applicants to have formal management plans with the following elements:

• description of management objectives; • description of forest resources under management, environmental limitations, land use and ownership status; description of adjoining properties; • maps of the forest resource base and delineation of management areas; • layout of access roads or trails; • description of the silvicultural and/or other management systems based upon site capabilities and information gathered through resource inventories; •a resource inventory system; • yield studies; • rationale for species selection and rate of harvest, with a description and justifica- tion of harvesting techniques and equipment used; •a monitoring system; •protection measures for rare, threatened and endangered species and special man- agement areas; • multiyear planning.

For non-timber forest management (NTFP) management, certifiers will specifically focus on the species ecology and biology, justification for harvest levels and monitoring systems. Because setting harvest levels for many NTFPs is complex, adequate monitor- ing (inventory systems, population surveys) with strong decision-making processes for adjusting harvest levels or modifying forest operations to enhance regrowth or regen- eration will be a certification necessity. some of the basic characteristics of man- 30.2 list the basic elements required of agement plans for timber, with the NTFP management plans, and provide a exception that many NTFPs require brief description of the decision-making greater monitoring, shorter spans for har- process involved in selecting NTFPs to vest readjustment and more adaptive manage. management than timber. Boxes 30.1 and

Integration of timber and non-timber resources

Timber and NTFPs are not normally inte- managers to develop sound integrated sys- grated in long-term forest management tems. However, little technical guidance planning. This situation presents an area on how to integrate both product types of opportunity for researchers and forest currently exists. Everson and Gremaud

339 The core elements of NTFP certification


Róger Villalobos and Daniel Marmillod

Initial species knowledge The first step includes researching the ethnobotany, biology, ecology and economics relating to the targeted species and its by-products. Managers will need to determine:

• variables to differentiate growth stages; • biological factors affecting these variables that will guide and inform development of the forest management system.

Developing tools to characterize population structure To estimate a product’s sustainable harvest over time, and the productive potential of the population as a function of its demographic structure, it is necessary to define:

•reasonable and sufficient description of age classes to characterize the population based upon available information; • observable or measurable biological characteristics to categorize individuals by age class and to determine if individuals are productive.

Developing tools to estimate allowable harvest The product’s allowable harvest within a particular management unit is determined through census or inventories. These tools are only technically and economically rea- sonable if reliable and precise information is available about the product requirements for harvest. This implies that managers determine:

• minimum sufficient variables, measurable in the field, that permit a precise esti- mation of the quantity of product to harvest from each individual; • the mathematical relation and degree of variability between data from field mea- surements and estimations of product quantity (eg from modelling exercises).

Developing the forest management system Definition of tools for an adequate characterization of the target population permits the establishment of optimal conditions for species growth and production, and the characterization of the population’s distribution relative to the main environmental gradients within the management unit. The main factors that determine the behaviour of a species selected for production in tropical forests include:

• species requirements for environmental resources, particularly light and water; • species phenology; • species response to forest management activities; • annual production of the species within the proposed forest management system; and • the optimal harvest system to obtain a sound product without diminishing the population’s productive capacity.

340 Technical issues

Designing a plan for sustainable income from the management unit This step is the most familiar for a forest engineer. Basic information usually exists that allows for an estimation of product quantity, productive growth and harvest possibili- ties. To create a financial plan for non-timber forest products (NTFPs), it is necessary to define:

• the position and extent of areas where the species is productive; • the quantity of product that may be feasibly harvested in each of these areas; • the total quantity of product that may be feasibly harvested over time; • the forest management interventions needed for each defined area.

(1995) have created an ecosystem/NTFPs nomic viability of caixeta management assessment handbook to quantify and (Rezende, pers comm, 1996). qualify plant communities in Oregon, US. In integrated operations, planning, Such a technical assessment tool is useful timing and implementation of harvest as an example for temperate Oregon, but operations and avoidance of collateral will require extensive modification to suit damage (from timber harvest to NTFPs complex tropical forest systems. Inventing and vice versa) become issues of para- more tools to assess the ecological (and mount importance. Some NTFP economic) potential of a forest for timber populations will require liberation thin- and non-timber values and benefits is a nings, followed by weeding, to regenerate research priority. Assessment tools will and take hold. Other species will require need to be technologically appropriate to disturbances, such as soil scarification or the scale and intensity of the management fire. Other species react poorly to distur- unit, as well as to the social context of the bance and require an intact canopy or production area. viable populations of a specific pollinator Integrated management for timber or seed disperser. In tropical systems, and non-timber resources cannot be easily knowledge of traditional management generalized due to the wide variety of for- systems for NTFPs may provide valuable est types and diverse classes of NTFPs lessons for creating and managing inte- with varying biological and ecological grated forest management regimes. Even requirements. In some cases, NTFP man- those operations primarily oriented agement may complement timber towards timber production have an oblig- management. For example, golden seal ation to local communities and (Hydrastis canadensis), American ginseng stakeholders to learn about widely used (Panax quinquefolius) and other shade- NTFPs, and to incorporate those NTFPs requiring valuable medicinals can be within management plans in order to grown beneath temperate hardwood avoid damaging locally important NTFPs stands awaiting maturation to veneer-size during harvesting operations. quality, thus providing managers with Integrating NTFPs within forest plan- income from several crops over time. In ning adds additional expenses to Brazil, sale of epiphytes from harvested management and monitoring budgets. caixeta trees (Tabebuia cassinoides) may Many timber certification plans are based offset current low prices paid for caixeta upon well-documented ecological infor- wood, thus improving the overall eco- mation and tested management systems

341 The core elements of NTFP certification for well-known species, facilitating evalu- field trials found that unless community- ation for certification purposes. With run or small-scale operations are NTFPs, the challenge will be to develop subsidized by supporting organizations, and implement plans that are conducive to they may have difficulties in obtaining good management and that are cost effec- certification. At present, internationally tive. When financially stable private or regionally traded NTFPs are the main companies manage NTFPs, planning and products justifying the investment neces- monitoring requirements are not always sary to develop sound forest management financially insurmountable, as demon- planning. Management of such products strated by the field trials. However, the is more likely because they have the costs of designing and implementing an potential to provide positive financial NTFP management plan may serve as a returns and because they are sufficiently major impediment to certification for well studied enough to enable formulation communities and small forest owners. The of sound management plans.


Determining sustainable harvest levels for labour in forests, and quickly leave the NTFPs is challenging. Some of the issues management area once the NTFP season involved in setting harvest levels are pre- is over, may not strictly follow best har- sented in Chapter 26, while more vesting practices unless companies thorough treatments of the subject can be provide training and incentives for consci- found in Cunningham (2001), Peters entious work. It is important that (1996; 1994; 1990) and Hall and Bawa certifiers carefully evaluate training pro- (1993). Simply put, the intricacies of set- grammes for harvesters, interview ting harvest levels for NTFPs are based seasonal workers and visit management upon the basic biological and ecological areas during or soon after harvest. data available for the species, and are Harvesting cycles for NTFPs, in gen- informed by monitoring the yield of prod- eral, are shorter than harvesting cycles for uct and the target species’ population timber. This characteristic makes NTFPs demographics. Data collected from moni- an interesting source of revenue for forest toring is then used to adjust harvest levels managers because they can expect income to reflect the actual response of the species in more immediate time frames than typi- to harvesting within its particular envi- cally offered by timber. If properly ronment. integrated within forest management, Harvest of many NTFPs is labour NTFPs may make forest operations more intensive and often takes place in remote economically viable by yielding differing forest areas. The competency of harvesters products with different markets at stag- to enact environmentally sensitive prac- gered time horizons. However, integrating tices presents a technical challenge for forest management for both NTFPs and managers and certifiers. Implementation timber requires intensive oversight and of established harvest levels is dependent monitoring because potentially negative upon a trained workforce. Seasonal ecological impacts can become pro- migrant workers who perform short-term nounced over a short time.

342 Technical issues


A further characteristic of NTFPs worth tenured properties alike, particularly if noting is that they are sometimes per- market conditions encourage their har- ceived as ‘free-access’ products in certain vest. Establishing a control system to countries, a situation that raises serious ensure respect for proper harvesting and security issues. Because the harvest of silvicultural practices is a basic certifica- many NTFPs can be done without the use tion requirement and presents a particular of heavy equipment, illicit harvest threat- challenge when applied to NTFPs, espe- ens the continuity of proper management cially for products gathered from public planning and carries unavoidable forest lands. The most promising models found security issues for certification assessors during the field trials were communities and managers alike. Roots, leaves and that were integrally involved in the plan- exudates may be overharvested when they ning and implementation of NTFP exist in open-access conditions and on management systems.


Monitoring is one of the most critical as roots and carries vastly different impli- components for a sustainable NTFP man- cations for management. agement system. NTFPs from tree species Monitoring must not only reflect pop- are simpler, in a way, to include within ulation demographics but a species’ management plans because some of the response to a particular harvest regime. data about the target population (eg size Yield studies complement inventory data and age-class distribution; density) are and provide a picture of a species’ pro- likely to be already reflected in continuous ductivity within a management unit. forest inventory (CFI) plots and other Monitoring inventory data and yield stud- data bases. Integrating understorey herbs ies over time informs the rationale for within CFI systems may pose more chal- harvest levels. Ideally, productivity should lenges to traditional forest managers and be randomly measured across the man- assessors. Certification does not require agement unit (to account for differences in that managers follow one particular sys- site and habitat) and across age or size tem of sampling (eg random or classes within the target population. Post- systematic). Rather, management must harvest recovery period is another demonstrate that the monitoring system is monitoring variable to consider with comprehensive for the species harvested respect to certain NTFPs, particularly in and is representative of the species’ popu- cases such as bark harvest (see the cork lation distribution across the management oak and baobab profiles in Chapters 17 unit (and, potentially, different habitats) and 19) or moss collection. and tailored to the plant part harvested. Many NTFP operations do not have The last point is critical – harvesting the expertise or funding to carry out state- reproductive propagules is quite different of-the-art monitoring. Some operations from harvesting vegetative structures such may base their harvest levels upon tradi-

343 The core elements of NTFP certification tional practices or empirical observation. systems, is critical. Monitoring changes in Certification may initially approve some wildlife diversity, pollinators, seed dis- operations that do not have state-of-the- persers, specific inter-relations between art monitoring practices – as long as such plants and animals, genetic diversity and monitoring practices are shown to be other issues is important, but rarely done effective. In such cases, certifiers may for either timber or non-timber operations impose recommendations or conditions due to a lack of clear indicators and a for improving the sophistication of the paucity of resources to conduct such monitoring system over time. exhaustive studies. Such monitoring is Most monitoring systems focus upon expensive and requires technological trans- gathering inventory data, studying yields fer. Further elucidation of streamlined, and detailing community structure and elegant and cost-effective monitoring pro- composition. Attention to other ecological cedures is clearly needed. functions, particularly in tropical forest

Chain of custody

Certification requires that forestry opera- • designing a clear production flow tions have tracking systems in order to chart and establishing control mecha- ensure that products offered for sale come nisms at every link where necessary; from well-managed forests, and that certi- • identifying the main risk points in the fied products are not mixed with production flow chart (where the mix- non-certified products on their way to ing of certified material with market. Large products (eg timber) com- non-certified material is more likely) ing from discrete certified forest areas are and setting specific controls, at a min- more easily traceable than small goods imum, at the highest risks points; (many NTFPs) that come from multiple • developing clear and simple paper sites. Products such as palm hearts and trails and physical control systems Brazil nuts, for example, are often har- that enable the personnel from the dif- vested from several different management ferent processing links to provide areas by a number of individuals, making accurate data input; them difficult to track and identify. • physically differentiating the certified Solutions to the problems posed by multi- products through use of paint, tags, ple management areas or multiple special containers, etc; numbers of harvesters include: • designating specific areas for storage of certified products; • designing the forestry plan to cover all • implementing training programmes areas harvested; for personnel (from harvesters to sup- • labelling of product at various check- pliers, manufacturers, warehouse points (eg blocks of chicle are workers, sales staff, management and embossed with marks denoting the accounting) in the proper handling harvester’s identity); and tracking of certified material. •creating centralized collection points for certified material;

344 Technical issues

When timber and NTFPs are to be har- tems using paper forms and record- vested within the same management unit, keeping); a ‘master’ or ‘integrated’ plan should be • using separate filing space for storage designed that details specific prescriptions of records relating to certified prod- and tracking mechanisms for each prod- ucts. uct. Once NTFPs have left the forest, In general, certifiers work with operations chain-of-custody challenges remain. For to utilize as many of the existing control example, products such as Brazil nuts are features within an operation as possible, traded in bulk as commodities, making it making additional adjustments when nec- virtually impossible to separate certified essary to ensure the reliability of the from non-certified nuts. Possible chain-of- tracking system, always with an eye custody solutions to this problem, in towards reducing unnecessary expenses. addition to some of the relevant points Organic, Fairtrade, FSC and conven- made above, include: tional agriculture systems have all demonstrated that product tracing and •creating physical and documentary product labelling are feasible for a num- controls at every stage in the process ber of goods. Supermarkets currently (input, manufacturing, assembling, stock conventionally grown nuts and packing, sales, etc); fruits that are individually labelled with • packaging nuts in small, clearly the producing company’s name. Organic marked units (bags or boxes); and Fairtrade coffee is packed in specially • certification of middlemen who specif- marked bags for export, and its volume ically deal in certified product; and shipping routes are carefully •creating direct contracts between the recorded. Greens are often bundled with certified operation and the end distinctive wrappers or shipped in clearly retailer; marked bags for sale at markets and • umbrella certification for operations florists. Such examples prove that track- or traders through an organization ing mechanisms and labelling such as a trade association; opportunities exist for a number of • clearing any processing units of non- NTFPs. certified material prior to processing Chain of custody requires documen- certified material; tary controls in addition to physical • pure ‘batch runs’ of 100 per cent cer- tracking systems. Typically, small opera- tified product at processing plants; tions do not document product flow from • using separate certification identifica- forest through processing to sales outlets tion codes that enable differentiation with great detail, nor do they maintain of products (for computerized sys- rigorous inventory control systems. Such tems); documentary requirements may be oner- • using seals or different coloured paper ous; but the certifiable systems need not to indicate the certified status of the necessarily be complex as long as they are product (for non-computerized sys- effective in capturing the requisite data.

345 The core elements of NTFP certification

Research, knowledge and access to technical assistance

Historically, timber has received the bulk and management expertise upon which to of attention from forest researchers, an draw. orientation facilitated through partial Funding for forestry issues has tradi- subsidization by governments and private tionally supported timber-oriented res- organizations. Throughout the field trials earch, and NTFP research has remained in Latin America, the recurrent technical seriously underfunded. Dissemination of questions for NTFP certification revolved information about new NTFP research around defining sustainable harvesting and technologies is minimal because most levels for NTFPs and understanding the research is done by university students or ecology of targeted species. Where com- is undertaken as a minor component of munities or small forest owners manage regional research projects that receive lim- NTFPs, there is a need to conduct ited coverage and distribution. A major research in conjunction with government, impediment to improving NTFP manage- private organizations and international ment practices is lack of technical assistance projects in order to offset oner- assistance to NTFP producers. Lack of ous costs and technical burdens. technical exchange is also a major imped- However, species with long histories iment to improving NTFP management of management by local communities tend and marketing. Access to research funds is to be well understood, and some local more justifiable for commercially traded groups have developed sustainable man- NTFPs, such as rattan, Brazil nut and agement regimes over the years (eg chicle). palm heart. Normally these types of prod- This does not necessarily mean that tradi- ucts are produced by an entire region, tional management systems can sustain which provides even greater economy of increased commercial demand for prod- scale. ucts, but it does offer a base of ecological

Government permitting, forest policies and regulations

Government permitting systems often set ular situations or operations. Laws may harvesting quotas, or otherwise regulate also discourage the sale of NTFPs by pro- the gathering of commercial NTFPs. hibiting the trade of products or Certifiers and forest managers must incor- mandating stringent conditions for the porate government regulations about transport or sale of NTFPs. management planning, land tenure, access In South America, most forestry con- rights and harvest levels into their field cessions are granted for timber, while operations because certification requires NTFPs are harvested without management compliance to all existing national and plans through short-term (one- to five- international laws. However, laws are year) permits and government mandated occasionally contradictory and require quotas. In other cases, given the poor resolution. Laws may indicate harvesting understanding of law-makers, NTFP man- levels that are not appropriate for partic- agement falls under agricultural legislation.

346 Technical issues

In order for NTFP producers to gain land policy arena is an area where international rights, many must designate NTFPs as agri- organizations have been, and could be, of cultural production systems because greater assistance to the improvement of forestry regulations only allow granting of NTFP legislation and guidance, given that concessions or long-term forestry permits forest managers and governments do not to operations that produce timber. Vast for- have sufficient funds or incentives to invest est regions where natural NTFPs are the in long-term research. Historically, there dominant species (eg palm hearts in has been little financial motivation for pol- Amazonian várzea forests) are simply not icy-makers to include NTFP management considered for long-term management due in legislative activities because such prod- to conflicting government policies. Many ucts generate small amounts of taxable forestry laws are also mere copies of neigh- income for state and national coffers. bouring countries’ forestry laws, a International pressures to protect forests, significant factor that impedes NTFP man- initiated by environmental and social orga- agement and reinforces a poorly conceived nizations, are bringing the importance of common approach towards NTFPs man- NTFPs to the attention of governments agement across regions. and international multilateral organiza- Because NTFPs regularly fall under the tions. Governments and multilateral oversight of different government min- organizations have begun to respond by istries, certifiers and managers may have to developing the legal framework for work with a variety of actors and agencies expanding forest management beyond tim- in order to produce certified NTFPs. Some ber. Certification may serve to catalyse laws actually discourage production of nascent efforts of governments and multi- NTFPs or subsume them under legislation lateral organizations that positively for timber or agriculture. The legal and reinforce NTFP projects and legislation.

Scale and demand for certified products

Currently, NTFP certification under the US uses 70 metric tonnes of nuts per eight- FSC umbrella is aimed at products derived hour production shift, equivalent to a principally from natural forests. Many year’s production of Brazil nuts from the commonly produced agricultural products Xapuri, Brazil, processing plant. (eg cocoa and coffee) were originally The size and scale of an operation may NTFPs that have been ‘domesticated’ determine its access to certification. Small- under plantation systems in response to scale operations may not be able to afford market demand. NTFP certification is assessment fees; documentation require- designed mainly for products that come ments of certifying agencies; added costs of from natural forests in order to distin- validating and monitoring NTFP harvest guish such goods as contributing to forest levels; research and development for creat- conservation and as being separate from ing management and marketing plans; and agricultural systems. Many NTFPs are not monitoring costs associated with ensuring well suited for competition in interna- quality control for international markets. tional markets. For example, Clay (1992) Possible solutions to the problem of reports that a large candy company in the making certification more accessible to

347 The core elements of NTFP certification small-scale producers may be found in aggregation of landowners to pool prop- existing FSC models for timber certifica- erties and resources, thereby lowering the tion of small parcels, particularly certified cost of certification. Similar innovative resource manager and group certification models need to be developed for NTFPs. models. The resource manager model Producer associations may be one poten- allows certified foresters to pool multiple tial avenue for lowering certification costs properties under a single management cer- (the chicle producers’ association in tificate, thus lowering certification costs Mexico provided technical expertise and to landowner clients using these services. marketing assistance to the Noh Bec Group certification similarly permits an ejido) or aggregating producers.

Combining different systems for NTFP certification

It may take a long time to clarify the role covered by the FSC system. For example, and scope of agricultural, forestry and the Bolivian field trial found levels of afla- agroforestry certification programmes. In toxin (a mycotoxin) contamination in the interim, it may be useful for edible harvested Brazil nuts that effectively ren- forest products falling under forest certifi- dered them unsaleable to the European cation programmes to also meet organic Union (EU). This sanitation and process- and, possibly, fairtrade standards. NTFPs ing issue was new to FSC certifiers but that meet forest certification, organic and quite familiar to organic certifiers. fairtrade standards will appeal to a Botanical products also present chal- broader consumer market and dissipate lenges, since species identification, confusion that might otherwise arise from percentage of active chemical constituents a single programme’s label and claims. For and quality control are of increasing example, consumers may incorrectly importance to manufacturers and con- assume that the FSC label, because it is an sumers. The integration of forest ‘ecological’ label, guarantees that a prod- certification, fairtrade and organic stan- uct meets organic standards – when, in dards will be critical if processing, fact, it may not. sanitation, benefit-sharing, social and Processing and quality-control issues worker welfare and chain-of-custody cri- areas that are typically addressed by teria are to be addressed in a harmonized organic certification systems are not well and cost-effective way.


Evaluating a forest for NTFP production ment, the target species managed, social is inherently different than for timber pro- sciences, and various certification systems duction. NTFP operations will require (organic, Fairtrade, International specialized personnel to conduct certifica- Organization for Standardization – ISO) tion assessments. Ideally, such personnel for issues relating to sanitation, product should be competent in NTFP manage- processing and product purity. Many

348 Technical issues

NTFP managers will also require special- trials demonstrated that certification may ized assistance and financial support or be applicable to a select group of NTFPs. incentives in order to achieve the technical However, certification has room to requirements of certification assessments. improve its technical assessment proce- The first field trials concentrated on dures for NTFPs. It remains to be seen well-known NTFPs from tree species. In a how certification will handle more chal- sense, these field trials began with ‘low- lenging products, such as epiphytes, hanging fruits’ – that is, products that had mushrooms and primary forest herbs, par- rich documentation, a history of manage- ticularly when such products are ment and international markets. The field harvested from public lands.

349 Section IV

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter 31 Conclusions and recommendations

Patricia Shanley, Sarah A Laird, Alan R Pierce and Abraham Guillén

NTFP certification: opportunities and challenges

Non-timber forest NTFPs themselves products (NTFPs) are are also poorly under- not inherently ideal stood. Little is known candidates for certifi- about the ecology of cation. They are most most species, their commonly consumed social and cultural role at a subsistence level, in communities is often are traded locally and complex, and many are regionally, and most harvested from areas are not featured in with uncertain tenure. markets open to At the same time, those ‘green’ or ‘fairtrade’ systems that do exist messages. Only in a for NTFP management few exceptional cases are usually oriented do NTFPs find their towards serving local Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva way into international needs or small markets, markets that may be Uxi (Endopleura uchi) and are not often receptive to eco- able to accommodate labelling – for instance, increased commercial the luxury food, medicinal herb and floral demand. trades. Many NTFPs are harvested from However, for some of the NTFP forest areas by individuals who live at the species in trade, certification offers a way margins of economic and political sys- to improve market access, to capture a tems. Such harvesters are loath to comply greater share of benefits at a local and with added regulations, not only because community level, and to promote wider the regulations are anathema in and of conservation objectives. Many of the most themselves, but also because such added valuable NTFPs are also those most oversight involves extra costs and moni- poorly managed, and certification offers toring that may lower or negate their consumers a chance to buy wisely and profits. responsibly, rewarding companies and Conclusions and recommendations producers who seek to purchase and pro- tested assumptions and teased out some of duce sustainable and fairly traded raw the themes central to NTFP certification. and processed materials. In cases where In addition to yielding important lessons, populations of valued NTFPs have been the book has highlighted some of the depleted, certification may not have much opportunities and challenges intrinsic to to offer as far as accessing markets; rather, NTFP certification. The following sec- certification could be used in concert with tions discuss some overarching lessons other initiatives to promote guidelines for learned by the NTFP certification project species recovery projects or sensitive and review potential opportunities and enrichment planting/cultivation efforts. challenges. The chapter concludes with The NTFP marketing and manage- some recommendations for ‘next steps’ in ment project, through the evaluation of developing and implementing effective guidelines in the field and the examination NTFP certification. of issues presented in species profiles,

Some lessons learned

• NTFP certification may be most use- fairtrade and – in the case of edibles ful for a limited number of products and medicinals – quality control stan- with international markets. Markets dards (eg International Organization for environmental and fairtrade-certi- for Standardization (ISO), Good fied products are primarily found in Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Europe and, to a lesser extent, in basic health and sanitation stan- North America. Developing country dards). The cost of conducting consumers do not typically prioritize assessments under each programme the concerns of Northern certifying would probably prove prohibitive for agencies. most forest products; certifiers, there- • Limitations in ecological knowledge fore, should collaborate and integrate are not always severe. The field trials approaches to field assessments, demonstrated that for a few widely chain-of-custody inspections and marketed species with long histories labelling. of management, such as chicle and • Generic guidelines help to provide a palm heart, sufficient information framework for issues that should be may be available to develop adequate addressed; but plant-class indicators guidelines. Maple syrup is a notable and verifiers, and species specific and example of a product with a long doc- area/region-specific guidelines, pro- umented history of harvesting vide the level of detail necessary to techniques, management regimes and most effectively certify NTFPs. marketing channels. Development of guidelines is best • NTFP certification should integrate accomplished in close collaboration elements of forest/ecosystem certifica- with both harvesters and scientific tion (eg Forest Stewardship Council – authorities. FSC), ‘responsible sourcing/ethical • NTFP certification is a market-based wild-crafting’ guidelines, organic, tool that requires a primed market

354 Conclusions and recommendations

and educated consumers. If consumers • Certification can bolster the positive are unaware of the issues raised by progress made to date by NTFP oper- NTFP sourcing, and demand is insuf- ations, raise morale and ensure the ficient, certified products might not incremental improvement of opera- achieve market differentiation, market tions through annual audits. access or market premiums. • Of the three underlying tenets of cer- • The practices required to meet certifi- tification – ecological integrity, social cation guidelines can assist producers equity and economic viability – evalu- in moving their operations towards ating and ensuring maintenance of the more sustainable management. socially beneficial aspects of NTFP Whether or not certification results, operations will be most challenging the process of developing and imple- for many assessments. menting standards for wise • Most NTFP harvesters will find certi- management can contribute to fication difficult or impossible to broader efforts at sustainable forest obtain due to financial, technical and management and accountability. organizational reasons. The majority • NTFPs should be more effectively of the world’s NTFPs are collected by integrated within timber certification individuals and families, many desper- efforts which, to date, have not ade- ately poor, who have little chance of quately addressed the inter- benefiting from certification unless it relationship between these types of is subsidized and applied with the forest products. Species-specific greatest sensitivity. Indeed, many appendices (see Appendix II) for certi- NTFP researchers argue that certain fication of NTFPs from forest areas NTFPs should continue to remain as where timber is the primary product is unregulated goods of the informal one approach. A more integrated sector, where they often serve as a approach to addressing NTFPs – safety net. many with important local uses are • Forest product certifiers who empha- not always recognized by loggers and size timber production will need to forest managers – is also required; this build capacity to address NTFPs. New would include accounting for NTFPs capacity must be built in order to in management plans and harvesting address the planning, harvest and activities. inventory of different vegetative struc- • Externally supported communities, tures and plant forms not normally particularly in Southern countries, are covered by traditional certification more likely to fulfill the requirements assessments. NTFPs will also require of NTFP certification than community new expertise on assessment teams to forest operations that lack outside cover the unique social and cultural fiscal, technical or infrastructural sup- aspects of NTFPs. Monitoring and port. Such subsidies are, however, chain-of-custody issues may raise double-edged swords; once they dis- additional technical and financial appear, many projects are likely to challenges as well. regress or fail if adequate provisions • Forest certification programmes will (eg training, good market links, strong need to extend the patents of their political and technical infrastructure) labelling trademarks to include non- are not in place to ensure their contin- wood products. Labelling claims ued success. covering products that use only a per-

355 Conclusions and recommendations

centage of certified NTFPs in their frameworks for NTFP certification to manufacture will also need to be provide clarity and consistency of reviewed. Lastly, the FSC and certi- application. fiers will need to strengthen

Opportunities in NTFP certification

NTFP certification can provide a range of Industry accountability opportunities for a number of species. The The growth in ‘green’ and fairtrade mar- following sub-sections provide a brief kets has been accompanied by increasing review of points that have emerged claims of environmental responsibility throughout the course of this project. from a number of companies. These claims engender wide publicity and imply Promoting sustainability an environmentally and socially responsi- ble image that is often misleading or Many NTFPs sold in international mar- untrue. As a result, companies that gen- kets are harvested unsustainably, with uinely seek to ‘do the right thing’ receive little benefit accruing to local communi- no reward in the marketplace, and con- ties. Consumers in developed nations are sumers remain ignorant of problems often unaware that the expensive herbal associated with sourcing. Third-party cer- medicine, chewing gum or wild edible that tification can separate responsible they consume is sourced for pennies, and companies from companies who engage in that such products are subsidized by low marketing hype, ensure accountability, payments to harvesters while the forest alleviate consumer confusion and reward resource base for many species is being sound management. Certification might rapidly degraded. Consumer awareness also assist in identifying dependable, sus- campaigns are important for drawing tainably managed and equitably produced attention to exploitative sourcing strate- sources of raw material for companies, an gies. However, it is also important to area of increasing concern in some corpo- provide positive alternatives – ‘conscien- rate circles. tious’ producers, processors and retailers whom consumers can turn to and support. Responsible business practices also help Integrating NTFPs into timber to ensure that, as a result of good inten- certification assessments tions, local harvesters are not denied even Increasing the attention given to non-tim- their minimal income from harvesting for- ber forest products heightens their est products through boycotts. visibility to forest product certifiers who Certification could thus provide compa- might otherwise focus solely upon timber. nies and consumers with a real alternative Heightened awareness of the role of to the exploitative use of resources and NTFPs in forest use and management local labour by highlighting the source could encourage timber certifiers to press and practices associated with the manu- for the retention of species more valuable facture of consumer goods. for their non-wood products than for their timber. Optimally, certifiers will rec-

356 Conclusions and recommendations ommend that NTFPs are factored into timber forest products will require a wide- harvest planning and felling operations, spread consumer education campaign. A silvicultural treatments and management result of this campaign will be greater plans. consumer awareness of the environmental and social conditions in which products Training certifiers and forest are harvested, and the need for sustain- managers in the ecology, use and able and fairtrade models of forest management of NTFPs product extraction.

Forest management is still largely defined Increasing the knowledge base by timber, and forest product certification about the ecology, traditional largely grows from traditional timber- harvesting practices and based approaches to forest management. management of NTFPs To effectively manage forests for use by local, regional and international stake- Developing effective certification guide- holders, however, greater attention must lines depends upon detailed, species- be paid to non-timber forest products. specific knowledge regarding the density, Training of forest managers and certifiers distribution, regeneration, harvesting and in the basics of NTFP ecology and use can management practices for particular be an important first step in moving forest species in particular areas, as well as the management practices towards a more plant part being harvested. Because so lit- holistic approach. tle information of this type has been recorded to date, the process of collecting Decreasing logging of valuable this information, as part of a wider effort non-timber forest species to develop management plans for certifi- cation, is extremely valuable. Collab- Increased harvest of lesser-known species orative partnerships with NTFP har- for timber may diminish populations of vesters can also yield valuable keys to species with important local and regional management strategies. use as medicines, fruits, fibers or game attractants. Because some of these species Providing market access and exist in low densities, widespread extrac- increased revenues tion can rapidly alter species composition and the value of forests as used for subsis- NTFP certification can provide market tence, local and regional marketing access and increased revenues for local purposes. NTFP certification can increase producers. This was evident in the cases of awareness of these important local and chicle and palm heart, where consumer regional values, generate commercial rev- interest in sustainable products led to enues, and slow logging of what are greater sales and earnings by local pro- otherwise considered ‘minor’ species. ducers.

Promoting consumer education on Supporting community forestry sustainable forestry and fairtrade Forests are not always exploited on an Because the issue of forest value and sus- industrial scale for timber; rather, they are tainable harvest is a complicated one, any managed by communities for numerous attempt to promote certification of non- outputs, including timber, fuelwood and

357 Conclusions and recommendations

NTFPs. To the extent that certification providing for local livelihoods in a consis- can elucidate best management practices tent manner over time. for NTFPs and develop easy-to-use field guidelines for assessing management effi- Certification should work with cacy, it may provide positive models for existing products managers, donors, companies and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) Certification can serve as a useful tool in working with community forestry opera- times of rapid transition within industries tions. (eg upheavals caused by new ‘hot’ prod- ucts – see Chapter 18 on griffonia), Managing long-term prospects allowing companies to identify well-man- aged sources of raw material. Whenever Managing for sustainability has the obvi- possible, however, certifiers should seek to ous benefit of ensuring a resource exists work with existing products, and existing for the long term, avoiding the boom-bust commercial demand, rather than try to phenomenon in resource extraction, and build markets from ‘scratch’.

Challenges of NTFP certification

Challenges in certifying NTFPs will vary agement plan and monitoring design. by product; however, there are some Communities organized into cooperatives recurring themes and these are reviewed – as in the case of the Noh Bec ejido in in the following sub-sections. Mexico – can effectively undertake certifi- cation, but will likely need a sponsor to do Inaccessibility of certification for so. Certifiers are addressing this issue for small producers small-scale timber producers, and there is much to be learned from their experi- Certification requires an administrative ences. However, the general absence of and institutional infrastructure, and has economies of scale in the NTFP sector built-in fixed costs that few small commu- might make organization into coopera- nity groups can muster. Management tives unavoidable – an option that will be plans, monitoring, unfamiliarity with unattractive to some harvesters, thus national laws, uncertain knowledge of reducing the applicability of certification market opportunities, and other factors to a wide range of situations. combine to make certification a difficult enterprise for the small producer. Few Uncertain tenure and access operations have the funds to cover the direct (eg assessment fees) and indirect (eg NTFPs are often harvested across large additional investments in management geographic areas and from marginal lands and marketing) costs of certification. As a over which legal tenure and access are result, certifiers need to consider ways of uncertain. In most cases, certification covering the initial start-up and auditing requires a level of legal certainty that is costs, assist with legal and marketing not possible to verify. Certification also expertise, and undertake training in man- focuses on land units, not harvesters.

358 Conclusions and recommendations

Many NTFP gatherers do not own the est inventory and monitoring techniques, land where they gather, are landless or do and potential declines in biodiversity due not have legal rights over resources. to increased densities of commercial Currently, certification does not cover species. those without formal land rights; there- fore, the rigorous regulations required by Capacity-building in the certification can be viewed as exclusion- forestry sector ary and will not provide a good fit for many NTFP situations. Assessment of NTFP operations poses new challenges to forest certification Lack of market knowledge organizations traditionally oriented and expertise towards timber production. New exper- tise, and new species-specific knowledge, Timber certifiers work within a well- will be required to undertake a thorough defined and bounded market, but NTFPs evaluation of candidate NTFP operations. are sold to a wide range of commercial Operations managing multiple NTFPs sectors. The scale of NTFP markets is present even greater challenges to both slight when compared with timber mar- forest managers and certification assessors kets, and investment in the sector is with regard to technical expertise. The minimal. Local producers and certifiers skills of trained individuals familiar with need to be well versed about the markets NTFP management and ecology will be into which certified NTFPs will feed. needed by forest operations and certifying Timber certification has benefited signifi- agencies alike. In addition, certifiers and cantly from the active involvement of the FSC itself will need to strengthen companies seeking sustainable sources, frameworks for NTFP certifications if the and NTFP certification might also be best field grows in order to provide clarity and driven by company demand for particular consistency of application. products. Otherwise, certifiers must undertake or partner with brokers to Chain of custody ensure that certified materials find their way to the marketplace – and, in some NTFPs are harvested from wide geo- cases, receive the premium that the market graphic areas and often occur in low will bear. In sum, NTFP certification may densities. Physical labelling of NTFPs is not thrive as a purely market-driven tool; more difficult than for timber, although rather, it might require assistance in the NTFPs might be tracked by volume (ie short as well as long term. using labelled bags or crates). The pro- cessing of NTFPs also creates the added Lack of ecological knowledge risk of ‘contamination’ – the mixing of for many species certified products with uncertified prod- ucts. Some NTFPs are sold mixed with Baseline ecological data on many NTFP raw material from a wide range of species is limited (ie density, distribution, sources. For example, cocoa manufactur- growth rate, regeneration niche, produc- ers blend beans from a wide range of tion/yield). Similarly, other areas critical countries and regions into a single candy to sustainable management remain poorly bar. In such cases, certification would understood. These include harvesting need to ensure pure ‘batch runs’ of 100 techniques, sustainable harvest levels, for- per cent certified NTFPs, or else target

359 Conclusions and recommendations niche markets with clear, certified supply quently found to be carcinogenic. chains. Demand for ‘natural’ Bixa orellana colourant (primarily from Brazil) has Narrow and unpredictable risen dramatically in recent years. It is markets found in niche markets that make use of the natural origins of the colourant in NTFPs are often sold in international marketing (eg Aveda’s cosmetics and markets as luxury goods, which are part shampoos), as well as in mainstream food of very elastic markets characterized by products that make no mention of the relatively inelastic supply and unpre- ‘naturalness’ of the colouring agent. dictable demand over time. This is not the NTFP producers do have difficulties case with raw materials for the pharma- meeting the volume and quality specifica- ceutical industry or some herbal medicine tions of the marketplace, however, and products. However, demand for wild small producers, in particular, have signif- foods, natural ingredients in cosmetics icant difficulties accessing international and chewing gum, and some botanical markets as a result. Moreover, some well- medicines will come and go with a rapid- established companies with well-defined ity that will shock unprepared producers. brand names and images may not consider In the case of NTFPs that are princi- it necessary or desirable to carry a certifi- pally traded in local markets, the majority cation label on their products. of consumers will likely be unable or Unpredictable and complex market unwilling to pay a premium for certified dynamics must be understood and moni- products. Many vendors and consumers tored by certifiers, small producers and of forest products have built-in, informal others who seek to make the link between systems of recognizing and indicating sustainability, fairtrade and the market- which goods are of premium quality, are place. well processed and/or unadulterated. Lastly, how a country implements the Considerations of where and under what Convention on International Trade in conditions the product was managed and Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and gathered are simply not of the utmost con- Flora (CITES) and other international cern to most consumers. treaties (eg the Convention on Biological In cases where NTFPs are staple prod- Diversity – CBD) determines how plant ucts, they are commonly replaced by collectors and industries are regulated at synthetics, although this fear is occasion- the local level (see Chapters 8 and 13). ally overstated. For example, Bixa Certification will need to conform to dif- orellana was used for years as a colourant ferent national laws and policies that in cosmetics and foods, only to be directly affect people, plants, management replaced by red dye #3, which was subse- systems and trade.


NTFP certification has the potential to certification agencies and the public. broaden the rubric of forest management NTFP certification requires prudent appli- options and raise awareness about these cation because the ecological knowledge critical resources among forest managers, base necessary for the management of

360 Conclusions and recommendations many species is limited. More impor- lowing recommendations are intended to tantly, the management, harvest and sale help spur the effective exploration and of NTFPs is loaded with weighty social implementation of NTFP certification implications that require great sensitivity when and where it is warranted. from certifiers and policy-makers. The fol-

Recommendations for NGOs

Educate consumers (Piper methysticum), pau d’arco (Tabebuia spp.) and golden seal While consumer awareness of destructive (Hydrastis canadensis), for example, logging has been heightened in recent could, in some cases, be potentially good years, few are concerned or even aware candidates for certification. Research is that harmful NTFP harvest occurs. In underway on sustainable harvesting fact, many consumers erroneously assume regimes and consumer awareness for a that NTFPs are inherently ‘green’ prod- few species has been raised; but no direct ucts that promote forest conservation. market link has been made between envi- NGOs, concerned governments, multilat- ronmentally and socially sound producers eral agencies and certifiers need to raise and the consumer. Species under signifi- public awareness about the ecological and cant threat should receive priority social importance of NTFPs, and highlight attention. The species mentioned above the vulnerability of many currently traded are also likely to be a great deal more dif- species. NTFPs play a part in numerous ficult to certify than Brazil nut, palm markets, and consumers are only partly heart, and chicle since less is known about informed of the many links between their their ecology. Local knowledge of tradi- consumption patterns and the viability of tional management practices will prove forest resources. Only with strong con- invaluable in these cases. sumer demand – of the kind generated in Europe through widespread campaigns – are companies likely to become proactive Partner with other efforts to in seeking out sustainable sources. promote sustainable NTFP management Identify the key species Certification is only one tool among many under threat in a kit that seeks to address resource management issues associated with The NTFP marketing and management NTFPs. Sustainable harvesting regimes, project began by focusing upon species in domestication, producer education and danger of poor management, but not training, policy revision, direct brokerage largely under threat. Other researchers and marketing, and other efforts will nec- might wish to target key species in high essarily complement certification. demand by the international market. Producer groups and NGOs might seek Botanical medicine species such as out certifiers at key points in their work to pygeum (Prunus africana), yohimbe better make use of the marketplace to (Pausinystalia yohimbe), devil’s claw effect change. Certifiers cannot provide (Harpagophytum procumbens), kava

361 Conclusions and recommendations

‘all in one’ services (ie technical expertise, NTFPs – a role well suited to NGOs. It is certification services and marketing assis- therefore important that NTFP certifica- tance) to communities due to obvious tion is viewed as a step in the process conflict-of-interest issues. Thus, many towards good management and is closely NTFP producers or producer associations integrated with a range of approaches and will require external technical support to actors. achieve sustainable management of

Recommendations for research institutions and forest managers

Support integrated studies of • How realistic are these expectations? timber and NTFPs •Will the benefits of certification out- weigh the costs? Universities and forest research institu- •Are the NTFPs that you produce well tions need to stress integrated forest documented in management plans, management and should produce new and are those plans integrated with methods and practical expertise necessary the overall plan for the entire prop- for managing timber and non-timber erty? resources together. Attention should be • What is the basis for setting NTFP given to the broad array of species utilized harvest rates? and traded at the local and regional level, • Is it validated by either scientific data in addition to internationally traded prod- or traditional management norms? ucts. Because so little is known about the •Are your harvesters well trained so ecology and management of many NTFPs, that their activities cause the least and since smallholders are repositories of amount of ecological damage? this knowledge, more research should • Have you read certifier criteria for focus on partnerships with local har- forest management certification and, vesters. in particular, NTFP certification? • Do you have a ready market for certi- Thoroughly research NTFP fied NTFPs or an already established certification before committing to market that may be sympathetic to a programme certified products? • What are the current social issues in Managers interested in obtaining NTFP your operation, and have you fairly certification should consider the following addressed workers’ rights, worker questions: safety, housing and wages, and any subsistence issues? • What expectations do you hold for •Are community relations positive, and NTFP certification: access to expert do workers and the community feel a advice, leverage for funding and vested interest in maintaining the access to resources, new markets, etc? resource?

362 Conclusions and recommendations

Recommendations for certifiers

Monitor early pilot projects and cation will remain a burden and a poten- expand the focus tial barrier to many NTFP producers, particularly poor, decentralized families It is difficult to predict the impact of and individuals. NTFP certification in the short term. It is likely that only well-supported commu- nity operations and producers of Training in NTFPs internationally traded products will ini- Certification programmes will need to tially seek NTFP certification. It will train a new cadre of NTFP professionals therefore be imperative to monitor the in certification procedures. Since few peo- successes or failures of the first NTFP cer- ple know specific NTFPs indepth, it is tifications and learn from the experiences imperative that certifiers seek out collabo- of these ‘early adopter’ producers. rations with knowledgeable international, The first field trials focused upon edi- regional and local experts. Such profes- ble NTFPs from trees and palms. More sionals will strengthen forest certification field trials will be necessary to better programmes and should be included in the understand the implications of certifica- planning and implementation of assess- tion for understorey herbs, medicinal ments and training exercises. plants, fungi and resins used for industrial applications. Markets for medicinal plants, industrial resins and edibles vary Collaboration is critical greatly from each other and have very dif- Discussions between forest certification, ferent quality-control needs. Likewise, the organic and fairtrade programmes should management, ecology and monitoring of continue, and should aim to make NTFP fungi and understorey herbs present certification comprehensive and cost greater management challenges than man- effective. NTFP certification will only aging NTFPs from trees. work if it incorporates a range of existing certifier priorities. Producers likewise Make certification accessible to need access to the widest array of market- small producers ing programmes and tools available in order to increase their competitive edge. Certifiers need to find ways of making Collaboration between certifiers and NTFP certification more affordable and research institutions could also strengthen accessible to small-scale producers and NTFP criteria used in the field. rural inhabitants. Group certification, cer- tification through NTFP producer organizations, a sliding fee-scale based Continue to evolve NTFP upon size of operation, and other innova- guidelines tions will be necessary to ensure equitable Species-specific guidelines will be neces- access to certification. Some experimental sary for the effective certification of many models for small producers have been cre- NTFPs. Social indicators and verifiers will ated, but widespread application is still also require further elaboration and test- slow and the procedures require further ing in order to assure that certification fine tuning. In the end, the cost of certifi-

363 Conclusions and recommendations causes the least amount of disruption to, NTFP certification protocols and models. and significantly benefits, traditional soci- A strong commitment to NTFPs would eties and rural communities. Market enable the organization to cover a wider access and fair and safe working condi- variety of forest operations and certifica- tions should also be established. tion applicants, particularly small forest owners and community forestry opera- Encourage further involvement tions. Such a commitment would require by the FSC flexibility on the part of the organization; but a proactive approach could go a long The FSC should consider finding addi- way towards ensuring that a proliferation tional funding sources to support NTFP of confusing, competing labels for NTFPs research and should work closely with does not occur. accredited certifiers in order to enrich

Recommendations for funders

Support locally and nationally fication should emphasize the catalysing relevant research role that certification can play in improv- ing forest management and social NTFP certification is relevant for only a practices. Small NTFP producers will select handful of widely traded products, require donor support to implement and is thus limited as a conservation tool. sound management practices and create If forest conservation initiatives and forest the political and social infrastructure nec- policies are to have a meaningful impact essary to maintain viable production upon forests and forest-based livelihoods, systems. Certifiers and NGOs likewise they must pay attention to the many need donor support to better train and species traded at the local and regional assist small producer groups. level. Due to rapid changes in forest cover worldwide, research is urgently needed on forest products that are vital to local and Support efforts to raise regional health care and nutrition, but consumer awareness which are vulnerable to continuing land- NTFP certification is likely to have a lim- use change or overexploitation. In ited impact unless widespread marketing addition, research that actively attempts campaigns and education programmes to fill in gaps regarding the ecology, use raise consumer awareness. Funders should and management of widely traded, but lit- support groups who specialize in con- tle known, species (eg many tree exudates, sumer education (not usually certifiers) in fibers and forest-based medicinals) will be order to ensure that the message about valuable domestically and internationally. non-timber forest products – their impor- tance to local livelihoods, and the social Support small producers and ecological damage wrought by exploitative harvesting practices – makes Although there is a drive to certify volume its way to a broad range of consumers. in timber certification circles, NTFP certi-

364 Conclusions and recommendations

Fund an NTFP management approach that, in part, also incorporates working group certification), a working group comprised of representatives from a range of disci- Scientists, certifiers, conservationists, and plines and backgrounds could be formed. others working on NTFPs do not often Ideally, this group would be an indepen- share the same literature and do not dent network, based at an existing attend the same conferences. In order to institution, but without institutional con- advance a more holistic approach to straints. NTFP management and marketing (an

Recommendations for companies

Educate consumers through your background who understand the issues sur- marketing; don’t mislead them rounding the responsible sourcing of materials or, at least, have access to NGOs, Corporate marketing can be useful for research institutions and individuals who sending messages to consumers about can assist your company with these issues? environmental and social responsibility. Companies need to ensure that their mes- sage is clear and honest. They should also Organize your industry through create a process for ensuring the sustain- associations and conferences ability of their sources of raw materials. Companies should raise issues of sustain- To do so, input will be required from ecol- able sourcing at industry meetings. They ogists and resource managers know- should request that their industry associa- ledgeable about the forest resource. Many tions explore issues associated with companies will not achieve 100 per cent sourcing. Lastly, industries should coordi- sustainable and fairtrade sourcing imme- nate trade association working groups to diately, but can make a commitment to do identify ways in which members can so within a realistically expedient time address these issues. frame.

Work with and assist Research your supply chain and small producers the existing options Companies can help build capacity within One of the first steps towards certification small producer groups to supply the vol- should involve a comprehensive examina- ume and quality required over time, and tion of a company’s supply chain. Where can help build the necessary infrastructure are your products coming from? What to undertake the certification of products. countries and, more specifically, which In the case of timber certification, some forests supply your suppliers? What is the industries have shouldered all or a portion social and environmental reputation of of the certification costs incurred by their your supplier(s)? Are there particularly suppliers. Companies might consider egregious sources of supply from endan- working cooperatively with suppliers to gered habitats and regions with poor phase-in certified lines of NTFPs as they human rights records; if so, what alterna- become available. tives exist? Does your company have staff members with a social or environmental

365 Appendix I Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

NTFP certification project team


Non-timber forest prod- nuts, foods, spices, ucts (NTFPs) are flowers, crafts, dyes, biological resources/ construction materials, products, other than rattan, bamboo, fish timber, that can be har- and game. This chapter vested from forests for will deal solely with subsistence and/or for plant products taken trade. NTFPs may come from a variety of life from primary and nat- forms and plant parts, ural forests, secondary including reproductive forests and forest plan- propagules, plant exu- tations or agroforestry dates and vegetative systems. NTFPs include a structure, such as roots wide range of products, and bark (drawn from including medicinal Peters, 1994; FSC, 1997). plants, fibers, resins, latex, oils, gums, fruits, Illustration by Antônio Valente da Silva Tucumã (Astrocaryum vulgare)

The hierarchical framework: principles, criteria and indicators

The main conceptual tools for guiding components; criteria add meaning and assessments are principles, criteria and indi- operationalize the principles; indicators cators. This hierarchical framework breaks add a performance value; and verifiers add down the goal of sustainable forest man- greater specificity to measure an indicator. agement and, in this case, sustainable NTFP Terms are defined as follows (definitions species management into levels and para- drawn from CIFOR, 1997; FSC, 1997; meters that can be assessed. Principles Lammerts van Bueren and Blom, 1997; and break the overall goal into more specific from field experience): Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

• Principle: a fundamental truth or law Thus, in the context of this appendix, an as the basis of reasoning or action; an indicator is assumed to include a perfor- essential rule or element. mance value and is therefore called a performance indicator. • Criterion: a means of judging whether or not a principle has been fulfilled. A • Verifier: describes the way an indicator criterion adds meaning and opera- is measured in the field (ie data points tionality to a principle without itself or information that enhance the speci- being a direct yardstick of perfor- ficity or the ease of assessment of an mance. indicator). The intention in this process is not to prescribe a minimum set of • Indicator: qualitative or quantitative verifiers, but to allow room for verifiers parameter that can be assessed in rela- that are specific to region, product, tion to a criterion. It describes in an class, operation size, etc. Verifiers add objectively verifiable way the features meaning, precision and usually also of the ecosystem or a related social sys- site-specificity to an indicator. tem. Minimum or maximum allowable Numerical parameters might be value of an indicator is known as thresh- assigned to a verifier on a case- and old value (ie a way of quantifying or site-specific basis. qualifying or measuring performance).

The generic NTFP guidelines

The following generic guidelines are Generic Guidelines for Assessing Natural designed for areas where NTFPs are the Forest Management so that, in theory and primary product being assessed for certifi- practice, if applied, an FSC-approved cation. For operations where timber is the SmartWood certification of NTFPs could main product being managed and there is occur. Based upon an already approved FSC NTFP utilization, an NTFP addendum has policy (memo to FSC members by Dr been designed for the existing SmartWood Timothy Synnott, 20 April 1998), some Generic Guidelines for Assessing Natural ‘commercial’ tests of the guidelines are Forest Management (2000) (see Appendix occurring during this pilot project, whereby II). These guidelines focus solely upon the actual FSC-approved NTFP certification plant kingdom and do not address game, could result. fish or invertebrates. Although these prod- In these guidelines, FSC principles form ucts are critically important NTFPs, the ‘subject areas’ and are followed by criteria development of guidelines for fauna will drawn from the FSC Principles and Criteria require additional research and experimen- for Forest Management (2000) and numer- tation. ous other standards and source materials. These generic NTFP guidelines are Class (plant part) ecological indicators and based upon the framework of Forest verifiers follow. Social and cultural issues Stewardship Council (FSC) principles and are covered in these generic NTFP guide- criteria, numbers 1–10, and draft principle lines; however, given the complexity of this number 11: non-timber forest products, aspect of NTFP use, management and mar- developed by the FSC–NTFP working keting, experience may dictate that group. These guidelines incorporate all additional social indicators and verifiers aspects of the FSC-approved SmartWood should be developed.

367 Tapping the Green Market

NTFP guidelines criteria

1.0 Commitment to FSC principles and legal requirements

Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) shall be managed in accordance with principles and criteria numbers 1–10 of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and (draft) prin- ciple number 11 (non-timber forest products) and its criteria. NTFP certification will also take place within the ethical and legal framework of international environ- mental and human rights law and policy, and national, state/provincial and local laws in the country where forest management takes place.

1.1 The forest management operation (FMO) clearly demonstrates a long-term commitment to adhere to the FSC principles and criteria. 1.2 The FMO meets national, state/provincial, and local environmental, labour and forestry laws. 1.3 The FMO is up to date in payment of local taxes, resource rights or leases, fees, royalties, etc. 1.4 The FMO is in accordance with local customary law governing exploitation of the resource. If local communities (landowners or administrators) are not actively involved in the forestry operation, prior informed consent for all forest management operations on their lands, or for exploitation of traditionally managed resources, must be granted. In most cases, prior informed consent (consent based upon understanding and agreement with the proposed plan) takes written form (agreements, memoranda of understanding, etc). 1.5 The FMO is in accordance with international environmental, human rights and labour conventions; field operations must meet the intent of such conventions. 1.6 Forest managers are willing to make available a public certification summary of forest management operations according to the certifier’s requirements.

2.0 Land tenure and use rights and responsibilities

NTFPs are often spread across great distances, and are managed according to tradi- tional systems that incorporate complex customary legal and management norms. The forest operation must respect and incorporate customary law with regard to tenure and forest and species stewardship. Clear land tenure – guaranteeing rights and access to resources – enables forest managers and communities to invest in long-term forest management strategies of the kind NTFP certification is intended to promote.

2.1 The rights to use the property and access to resources are secured for the long term. 2.2 Land is dedicated by owners to long-term forest management. 2.3 Local communities with legal or customary tenure or use rights maintain con- trol, to the (legally acceptable) extent that they are able to protect their rights

368 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

or resources over forest operations unless they delegate control with free and informed consent to other agencies. 2.4 Resource conflicts with adjoining landowners or other resource users are resolved or are addressed in a systematic and effective manner. 2.5 A monitoring system exists to maintain security over forest areas (eg protection from illegal logging, occupation, hunting, resource extraction, commercial agricultural development, ranching or land conversion to other uses).

3.0 Forest management planning and monitoring

A management plan – appropriate to the scale and intensity of the operations, mod- ified as necessary to reflect conditions on the ground, and resulting from consultations with relevant stakeholders – shall be written, implemented and kept up to date. The long-term objectives of management, and the means of achieving them, shall be clearly stated. Forest management and planning should be seen as a process and not just a doc- ument, although the value of a written plan is that it improves understanding of the management approach by staff and others involved, and facilitates consistency in the face of personnel and landholder changes, etc. Scale, location and intensity of harvests are important factors in determining expectations in terms of management planning. In diverse ecosystems, monitoring a suite of species is difficult; therefore, limited monitoring is the realistic expectation. However, vulnerable species can be anticipated based upon life form, plant part harvested, habitat, sprouting ability and harvest intensity; effective monitoring systems can be developed in response. Large operations will require a more systematic management plan with greater detail than plans for smallholders. Plans need to respond to the economic and social interests of local communities. Certified operations are expected to balance pro- duction with environmental and social objectives, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each forest management approach, and select techniques that maintain or restore ecosystems, while responding to social and economic realities. Internal monitoring systems are crucial in order to provide quality control for forest management operations, to identify sustainability and operational chal- lenges, and to report on the success or failure of management interventions to resolve problems.

3.1 A multiyear forest management plan is written and available for the whole area under management that integrates all commercialized NTFPs and timber products. 3.2 The forest management plan is comprehensive, site specific and detailed, appropriate to the scale and intensity of the forest operations, and should include the following elements: • clear statement of management objectives; • description of forest resources being managed (including NTFP and, if applicable, timber forest resources) environmental limitations and land use; • description of measures for protecting or enhancing regeneration; • description of actions taken to protect rare, threatened and endangered species and ecosystems; • description of, and rationale for, selected harvesting systems;

369 Tapping the Green Market

• maps that describe total forest management area, including the harvest areas, strict conservation and/or other protection areas, road system, build- ings; • plan for forest protection against encroachment, uncontrolled fires, etc; • sales plan; • description of local communities, including total population, number of participants in the activity, history of harvesting, form of organization, organizations involved; • plan for periodic monitoring, and a description of how results will be used to adjust the forest management plan. 3.3 Rationale behind harvesting prescriptions is documented (ie based upon regional or site-specific field data, local knowledge or published regional for- est research, as well as government requirements). 3.4 Allowable harvest has been set based upon conservative and documented esti- mates of growth, ensuring that the rate of harvest does not exceed sustainable levels (use attached indicators and verifiers). 3.5 Maps and work plans are available to indicate locations of extraction trails or roads, conservation areas and main infrastructure at a scale that is useful for supervision of management activities and to facilitate onsite monitoring. 3.6 Summary of the main elements of the management plan, or related annual operating or harvesting plans, are available to stakeholders. 3.7 The management plan is periodically revised (at least every five years) to incor- porate the results of field monitoring and new scientific or technical information, as well as to respond to changing environmental, social, cultural and economic conditions. 3.8 If timber products are harvested, they have been inventoried and their man- agement is incorporated within the management plan. 3.9 Monitoring is conducted appropriate to the scale and intensity of forest man- agement in order to assess the condition of the forest. Forest management includes systematic research and data collection needed to monitor the fol- lowing: • estimated production of forest products harvested; •regeneration and condition of the forest; • observed changes in flora and fauna; • environmental impacts of harvesting and related operations; • social impacts of harvesting and related operations. 3.10 Indicators and verifiers, as applicable, are addressed in the management plan (include indicators and verifiers (I&Vs) according to class as discussed in sub- section 10.0: ‘Performance indicators and verifiers).

4.0 Forest management practices

In many cases, the harvesting of NTFPs has proven destructive, either through poor technique, equipment or disregard for an individual’s long-term survival (such as girdling a tree, or felling it to collect fruits). In order to minimize the impact of NTFP harvesting on species populations, as well as overall forest structure and species diversity, proper harvesting techniques must be employed. For specific harvesting and management practices of NTFP classes, evaluate according to sub-section 10.0: ‘Performance indicators and verifiers’.

370 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

4.1 Allowable harvesting is complied with in the forest. 4.2 Harvesting prescriptions are adhered to. 4.3 Monitoring is implemented according to plan (see criterion 3.9) 4.4 Trail or road construction, maintenance and closure standards are imple- mented in the field, according to local standards or best practice, in order to minimize drainage problems, soil erosion, and/or sedimentation of water- courses. 4.5 Trees are not felled or uprooted in order to harvest NTFPs unless specified as necessary and acceptable in the management plan or other management doc- uments.

5.0 Environmental impacts and biological conservation

Certifiable NTFP management shall ensure long-term ecological viability of NTFP populations. NTFP harvesting and management generally have lower impacts on forest ecosystems than timber harvesting; but care must be taken that species are not overharvested, and appropriate protection must be provided for vulnerable species in residual stands.

5.1 Field assessments of the forest condition are completed prior to the com- mencement of activities (appropriate to the scale, intensity of forest management and the uniqueness of the affected resources) and are ade- quately integrated within management systems. Assessments include landscape-level considerations, as well rare, threatened and endangered species. 5.2 Non-timber and timber species on either local/or international endangered or threatened species lists (eg Appendix 1, national list, of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora – CITES) are not harvested. 5.3 Conservation zones and protected areas are established, appropriate to the scale and intensity of forest management and the uniqueness of the affected resources. 5.4 Conservation zones are preferably contiguous blocks, though they may be a series of smaller blocks linked by corridors. 5.5 Conservation zones are clearly demarcated on maps and in the field, and forest operations are carefully controlled in these areas. 5.6 Threatened (ie rare, endangered) species are protected. Harvesting of products in protected areas will account for ecological requirements of other species (eg food for frugivorous birds and mammals). 5.7 Desirable habitat features for wildlife are maintained (eg wildlife food, mast- producing species, downed logs, standing trees suitable for nesting, diverse cover of vegetation). 5.8 Ecological functions and values are maintained intact, enhanced or restored, including forest regeneration; genetic, species and ecosystem diversity; and natural cycles that affect the productivity of the forest ecosystem. 5.9 Change in species diversity and composition as a result of human intervention are maintained within critical limits, and emphasize the maintenance of nat- ural diversity patterns wherever possible.

371 Tapping the Green Market

5.10 The building of rails and/or roads avoids damage to residual forest, under- storey, non-target species, wildlife habitat and waterways. Canopy cover reduction through road-building is minimized. Use of trails or roads is restricted in inappropriate seasons. 5.11 Steps are taken to minimize damage to soils, including erosion and com- paction. 5.12 Synthetic chemical inputs and biological control agents are not used unless part of a well-designed, environmentally sensitive production system, and as articulated in the management plan. 5.13 Genetically modified organisms are not used. 5.14 Waste from processing is properly handled and disposed of. NTFP processing by-products may have a range of uses that should be investigated and poten- tially integrated within commercial activities. 5.15 Hunting is regulated and controlled. 5.16 Harvesting or collection of non-certified timber (eg firewood) or NTFPs that have not been certified are regulated and controlled. 5.17 Enrichment planting, if carried out, should use native species. 5.18 Introduction of exotic species is discouraged. However, naturalized NTFP species (exotic species that are reproducing on their own over a long time frame) may be certifiable, as long as known negative ecological impacts are controlled, since they may now form an integral part of local forests and the management of resources.

6.0 Social and cultural impacts

NTFPs are integral to local societies, economies and cultures, and as such contribute in a range of ways to how people perceive of, and manage, their forests. Certification must not create imbalance in existing traditional management systems, many of which are based upon complex histories of use and belief. NTFP certification should bolster local economies in culturally and socially appropriate ways. Certification should strive to avoid creating new dependency relationships that can disrupt cultural balance and integrity. NTFP certification efforts should attempt to minimize any potentially negative impacts of market forces on traditional local use and the management of forests and forest products. Forest management shall not threaten or diminish, either directly or indirectly, the resources or tenure rights of indigenous peoples or local communities. Forest management operations should not impinge upon local communities’ existing access to NTFPs or forest areas.

6.1 Forest management identifies and recognizes the value and use of forest func- tions and resources for the local community. 6.2 NTFP management or harvest for commercial purposes does not negatively impact upon subsistence utilization and traditional harvesting practices of the commercial species/products. Unless negotiated otherwise with local people, marketing should only be of surplus products, above subsistence needs. 6.3 Forest management respects the cultural and religious significance of NTFP species and forest areas. Harvest of NTFP species is not conducted in sacred forests, or sites of special cultural, ecological, economic or religious signifi- cance, unless with the explicit permission of local community stakeholder groups.

372 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

6.4 Forest management and the processing of NTFPs are conducted in accordance with cultural traditions and norms, where possible and when sustainable. 6.5 Detrimental social and cultural changes resulting from the influx of workers to harvest products are minimized.

7.0 Community and worker relations

NTFP certification is intended to increase and/or stabilize long-term local income from the forest resource. It is not only the owner(s) of the business who should receive a premium from the production of certified NTFPs – the wider community and workers should benefit as well, wherever possible. As much value as possible should be captured at the local level. The active involvement and ongoing partici- pation of individuals and groups from the local community will help to promote long-term sustainable forest management, a primary objective of NTFP certification.

Community relations 7.1 Communities within, or adjacent to, the forest management area are actively involved in forest management activities, including first rights to employment, training and other opportunities. 7.2 Local organizations or individuals directly affected by forest management activities are given an opportunity to participate in forest management plan- ning. 7.3 Ongoing communication with affected local communities and governing bod- ies is maintained during the implementation of forest management operations. 7.4 Appropriate and effective mechanisms are used to resolve grievances and to provide fair compensation in the case of loss or damage affecting the legal or customary rights, property, resources or livelihoods of local peoples. Measures are taken to avoid such loss or damage. 7.5. When feasible and locally desired, processing of products is conducted as close to harvesting locations as possible in order to maximize the benefits that accrue to communities living in the forest area.

Worker relations 7.6 Workers must be paid at least equivalent to the sector average, the union negotiated rate or the legal minimum wage. Men and women must receive equal pay for equal work. Other benefits (eg health, retirement, workers’ com- pensation, housing, food) for full-time staff and contractors must be consistent with (not lower than) prevailing standards. 7.7 Forest management must meet or exceed applicable laws and/or regulations covering the health and safety of employees and their families, and the rights of workers to organize and voluntarily negotiate with their employers. 7.8 Forest workers must receive adequate training and supervision to ensure proper implementation of the management plan. (ie orientation programmes, courses, written manuals and policies).

373 Tapping the Green Market

8.0 Benefits from the forest and economic viability

NTFPs can provide a range of social and economic benefits at local, regional and international levels. The intent of NTFP certification is to optimize the socio-eco- nomic potential of certain marketable species, in order to provide a larger economic return from a given forest area for local communities and forest managers, without negatively impacting local use of these or other NTFP species.

8.1 Mechanisms for sharing benefits are perceived as fair by local community groups, and will adapt to the changing economic conditions of these commu- nities. 8.2 If traditional knowledge is used to develop a marketable product, informed consent must be given by the traditional or local community prior to the mar- keting of any product. Mutually agreed upon terms must be reached regarding access to this knowledge and the equitable distribution of benefits arising from its use. 8.3 Indigenous and local communities receive fair and adequate benefits for any use of their name or image in marketing. 8.4 Based upon local experience and markets, payment for products or other rents that are paid to local landholders for uses or products derived from their forest property are at or above the norm (ie average), and are perceived by landhold- ers to be a positive incentive for encouraging long-term forest management. 8.5 The revenue received from forest operations should be sufficient to cover the costs of forest management activities in the long term, including conservation investments. 8.6 In the case of externally supported operations, a plan exists to reduce the level of dependency upon external support (technical, financial) to maximize the level of self-sufficiency and control. 8.7 Forest management strives to strengthen and diversify the local economy, avoiding – wherever possible – dependence upon a single forest product. 8.8 Forest management operations recognize, maintain and, where appropriate, enhance the value of forest services and resources, such as watersheds and fish- eries. 8.9 Forest management operations and processing centres minimize waste associ- ated with harvesting and processing activities and avoid damage to other natural resources. 8.10 Smallholders are able to participate in negotiating contracts for the sale of their products.

9.0 Chain of custody in the forest

Chain of custody (CoC) is a tracking system that enables certifiers to trace each for- est product from its origin through harvesting, processing, storage and sale. CoC ensures that certified products are not mixed with non-certified products (otherwise known as ‘contamination’). NTFP chain-of-custody issues can be highly problematic. NTFPs are often gathered from a wide geographic area, they can be channelled into bulk as well as specialty markets, processing facilities might be used for both certi- fied and non-certified products, and there might be extremely complicated internal

374 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs chains of custody. In some cases, the costs of resolving the chain-of-custody issues might outstrip the return that can be made from attempting to produce certified NTFPs. However, product inventory and handling up to the point of sale, or trans- port of the product to other parties outside of the forest (ie resolving its internal chain of custody), are critical to NTFP certification.

9.1 Volume and source data on raw materials are available (ie scaled, inventoried, measured) at intermediate storage facilities, processing and distribution centres. 9.2 Invoices, bills of lading, certificates of origin and other applicable documenta- tion related to shipping or transport specify the certified status of the products. 9.3 Certified forest products are clearly distinguished from non-certified products through marks or labels, separate documented storage, or accompanying invoices or bills of lading. Unique marking or identification of certified prod- ucts exists at all stages of processing and distribution up to the point of sale or transport either outside of the forest (ie up to the ‘forest gate’) or to a third party. 9.4 All marketing materials and public representation of certified forest products are consistent with certifier policy.

10.0 Performance indicators and verifiers

Depending upon many factors, including density, regeneration and pollination, an NTFP species may be more or less susceptible to exploitation than others. Parameters that will determine the impact of harvest include the intensity of collection, the ini- tial density or size of the population, the regeneration and growth requirements of the species, and the degree to which the plant depends upon animals for pollination and dispersal. Geographic and climatic variations, such as elevation and moisture, will influence production and desirable levels of harvest. The previous principles and criteria are a relatively unchanging foundation, while the following indicators and verifiers will be adapted based upon regional and site-specific considerations. A range of verifiers is supplied for the following indica- tors, not all of which will be used in each case. Certifiers will need to select those that are most effective in a given situation. The performance indicators and verifiers apply to following classes of NTFPs:

• exudates; • vegetative structures: apical bud, bark, root, leaves; •reproductive propagules: fruit, seed.

The broad category of NTFPs has been divided into classes that are based upon the product, or plant part, harvested. This will allow for more effective field assessments by providing the information necessary to determine sustainability. Species-specific performance indicators, verifiers and other guidance documents will also be devel- oped and employed in some field assessments – in particular, for internationally marketed species such as palm heart, Brazil nut, rattan and chicle. These indicators and verifiers are based upon the draft FSC principle and crite- rion number 11.2: management plans, operational activities and monitoring shall ensure long- term ecological viability of NTFP populations. Management systems should address

375 Tapping the Green Market

the ecological processes of, and implement activities to minimize the ecological impacts of harvesting upon, various types of NTFPs, including but not limited to, products that:

•require the removal of the individual; •affect the species’ growth or productivity; • when harvested, cause damage to trees or other forest products; •are critical to nutrient cycling; • have high wildlife value; • have very specific ecological interdependencies; •are harvested for subsistence use.

10.1 Exudates

Plants produce many useful exudates, including, latex, resin, oleoresin and gums. Harvest of exudates may entail tapping the tree or the creation of incisions within a tree’s bark. The impact of this type of harvest is determined by the maturity of the plant and the frequency and intensity of harvest. If properly conducted, tapping will not kill the exploited tree. However, in addition to felling a tree to collect exudates, excessive tapping can result in the death of the individual. Moderate tapping of a tree may weaken its vigour by diverting the energy needed to produce seeds to be used in the production of latex. When extracting exudates, the physiological demands on the tree to produce additional latex or oleoresin compete with the tree’s ecological necessity to produce seeds (Peters, 1994).

Management indicators and verifiers for exudates 1 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management/use of selected species exists. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 2 Indicator (diameter and/or age): minimum diameter or age of trees for com- mencement of tapping has been determined, which explicitly aims to reduce negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production. Verifiers: • Maximum number of taps/incisions per tree is specified. • Minimum diameter/age is established on a species- and site-specific basis. 3 Indicator (quantity): the quantity of exudate extracted that reduces negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production is determined. Verifiers: • Records of volumes extracted are documented. • Data (or recorded visual observations) on the relationships between vol- ume extracted and tree health are available. 4 Indicator (frequency): the frequency of harvest from an individual in a given time period has been determined in a way that reduces negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production.

376 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

Verifiers: • Frequency of harvest does not exceed stipulated frequency. •Frequencies are adjusted according to the diameter at breast height (dbh)/age of the harvestable tree. • Records of harvest frequency are documented. • Information on frequency is based upon the observations of a number of different sources. 5 Indicator (timing/seasonality/precipitation): harvesting is explicitly timed and designed to reduce stress during reproductive periods and to minimize impacts upon reproductive capacity. Verifiers: • Harvesting takes place according to a specified timing. • Information is available on the reproductive cycles. •Written instructions exist on periods to avoid and when to concentrate on harvesting. •There is clear evidence that collectors are avoiding harvests during repro- ductive periods. 6 Indicator (density/abundance): the percentage of individuals harvested from the entire population will allow for the retention of mature reproducing indi- viduals, and will reflect natural diversity in composition and structure. Verifiers: • The portion of mature reproducing individuals to retain is specified. •A portion of mature reproducing individuals is retained. • The number of individuals harvested is according to a pre-agreed density (trees per hectare). • Structural and genetic diversity is maintained. 7 Indicator (techniques): exudates will be collected according to best harvesting practices. Verifiers: •Trees will not be felled unless part of approved silvicultural operations. • Appropriate heights for taps/incisions are determined. •Taps/incisions are located at a specified height. • Appropriate depth of tap is determined. •Tap does not exceed specified depth. • Negative, indirect impacts of harvesting are minimized.

Monitoring indicators and verifiers for exudates 8 Indicator (growth rates and regeneration): growth rates and regeneration are regularly monitored using a well-designed inventory system. Verifiers: • Frequency of monitoring is specified. • Periodic regeneration surveys are conducted as specified. • Size-class distribution includes seedlings to large adults. • Seedling or sapling densities as recorded in a vegetation or regeneration survey remain equal to or above baseline values. • If, over time, seedling or sapling densities significantly decline, harvest adjustments are made by limiting the total area from which the resource can be harvested; regulating the number or size of the plants being har- vested; and/or enrichment-planting of harvested species.

377 Tapping the Green Market

9 Indicator (visual appraisal of health and vigour): regular visual appraisals of the behaviour and condition of harvestable plants/trees are conducted pre- and post-harvest. Verifiers: • Over a specified period of time, harvestable plants/trees do not display loss of vigour, disease, aborted fruit/ leaves or stunted growth. • If harvested individuals display a weakened condition, harvest volumes are reduced to allow for individual and population recovery. • If visual assessments and inventories indicate a decline in the density of non-targeted species in the area of harvest, adjustments are made in the management regime to recover density.

10.2 Vegetative structures

Vegetative structures signify a variety of different plant parts such as stem, leaf, root, bark and apical bud (the primary growing point at the tip of the stem). This vast array of NTFP products is regularly harvested for use as food, medicine, crafts and building materials. The impact of harvesting plant tissues will depend upon the plant growth form and the technique and intensity of harvest. Intense and uncontrolled harvest of vegetative structures may result in the death of the plant. However, with proper har- vesting techniques, plants may recover from damage due to the harvesting of leaves, sprouts and branches as they realize compensatory growth. This can result in a net higher biomass production compared to an undisturbed plant. The ability to produce a higher net biomass or to remain stable depends upon:

• harvesting techniques; • harvesting intensity; and •growth form of the plant (ros-Tonen et al, 1995; Peters, 1994).

Monitoring indicators and verifiers for all types of vegetative structures 1 Indicator (growth rates and regeneration): growth rates and regeneration are regularly monitored by a well-designed and documented inventory system. Verifiers: • Periodic regeneration surveys are conducted. • Size-class distribution includes seedlings to large adults. • Seedling or sapling densities as recorded in a vegetation or regeneration survey remain equal to or above baseline values. • If seedling or sapling densities decline, harvest adjustments are made by limiting the total area from which the resource can be harvested; regulat- ing the number or size of the plants being harvested; and/or enrichment-planting of harvested species. • Relationships between resource stock and resource yield are assessed. 2 Indicator (visual appraisal): regular visual appraisals of the behaviour and con- dition of harvestable plants/trees are conducted pre- and post- harvest. Verifiers: • Harvestable plants/trees do not display loss of vigour, disease, aborted fruit/ leaves or stunted growth.

378 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

• If harvested individuals display a weakened condition, acceptable harvest volumes will be reduced to allow for individual and population recovery. • If visual assessments and inventories indicate a decline in the density of non-targeted species in the area of harvest, adjustments will be made in the management regime to recover diversity.

Management indicators and verifiers for specific vegetative structures Apical bud 1 Indicator (species selection): multistemmed species that have the ability to resprout are harvested preferentially. Verifiers: • In areas where numerous species produce a similar product, multistemmed species and those with the ability to resprout are preferentially harvested (eg palm heart Euterpe oleracea in lieu of Euterpe precatoria), or provi- sions are made to enhance the preferred species. • Commercial harvesting of hapaxanthic palm is prohibited except in cases where it occurs across large areas, with strictly controlled rotation of a fast- growing species (ten years to maturity). 2 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency, and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management/use of selected species exists. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 3 Indicator (diameter and/or age): minimum age or height at which apical buds may be harvested has been determined in a manner that explicitly aims to reduce negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production. Verifiers: • Minimum age (mature and fruiting and flowering) and height for first and subsequent harvests are specified. • Individuals are harvested at or above the minimum dbh/age. 4 Indicator (quantity): the quantity of plant tissue removed minimizes negative impacts upon long-term vigour. Verifiers: •Volumes extracted are documented. • Data (or visual observations) on the relationships between volume extracted and plant health are available. 5 Indicator (frequency): the frequency of harvest from an individual in a given time period has been determined in a way that reduces negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production. Verifiers: • Frequency of harvest does not exceed stipulated frequency based upon the rate of replacement of an adult tree. • Frequencies are adjusted according to the age or height of the harvestable tree. • Records of harvest frequency are documented.

379 Tapping the Green Market

• Information on frequency is based upon the observations of a number of different sources. 6 Indicator (timing/seasonality): harvesting is explicitly timed and designed to reduce stress during reproductive periods and to minimize impacts upon repro- ductive capacity. Verifiers: • Harvesting takes place according to a specified timing. • Information is available on the reproductive cycles. •Written instructions exist on periods to avoid and when to concentrate harvesting. 7 Indicator (density/abundance): the percentage of individuals harvested from the entire population will allow for the retention of mature reproducing indi- viduals. Verifiers: • The portion of mature reproducing individuals to retain is specified. •A portion of mature reproducing individuals is retained. • The number of individuals harvested is according to a pre-agreed density (trees per hectare). • Structural and genetic diversity is maintained.

Bark 1 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management and use of selected species exist. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 2 Indicator (diameter and/or age): minimum dbh or age at which bark may be harvested has been determined in a manner that explicitly aims to reduce neg- ative impacts upon long-term vigour and production. Verifiers: • Minimum age and dbh for first harvest are specified. • Individuals are harvested at or above the minimum dbh/age. 3 Indicator (quantity): the quantity of bark removed will minimize negative impacts upon long-term vigour. Verifiers: •Volumes extracted are documented. • Data (or visual observations) on the relationships between volume extracted and plant health are available. 4 Indicator (frequency): the frequency of harvest from an individual in a given time period has been determined in a way that reduces negative impacts upon long-term vigour and production. Verifiers: • Frequency of harvest does not exceed stipulated frequency. • Frequencies are adjusted according to the dbh of the harvestable tree. • Records of harvest frequency are documented. • Information on frequency is based upon the observations of a number of different sources.

380 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

5 Indicator (timing/seasonality): harvesting is explicitly timed and designed to reduce stress during reproductive periods and to minimize impacts upon repro- ductive capacity. Verifiers: • Harvesting takes place according to specified timing/seasonality. • Information is available on the reproductive cycles. • Instructions exist on periods to avoid and when to concentrate harvesting. • There is clear evidence that collectors avoid harvests during reproductive periods. 6 Indicator (density/abundance): the percentage of individuals harvested from the entire population will allow for the retention of mature reproducing indi- viduals, and will reflect natural diversity in composition and structure. Verifiers: • The portion of mature reproducing individuals to retain is specified. •A portion of mature reproducing individuals is retained. • The number of individuals harvested is determined according to a pre- agreed density (trees per hectare). • Structural and genetic diversity is maintained. 7 Indicator (techniques): bark will be harvested according to specified tech- niques that minimize negative impacts upon vigour. Verifiers: •Trees will not be girdled. •Trees will not be felled in order to harvest bark unless part of a coppicing system. • Bark can be collected from trees felled as part of approved silvicultural operations. • Appropriate heights for bark harvest are determined. • Bark is harvested only at agreed-upon heights. • Bark is harvested only from an agreed-upon percentage of the diameter. • The stemwood will not be damaged. • Negative, indirect impacts of harvesting are minimized.

Root 1 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management/use of selected species exists. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 2 Indicator (diameter and/or age): root harvest is conducted at specified maturity that will not excessively affect the species population. Verifiers: • Minimum age for first harvest is specified. • Individuals are harvested at or above the minimum age. • Individuals are harvested following reproductive maturity. 3 Indicator (quantity): the quantity of root collected in a defined area will be in accordance with what is specified.

381 Tapping the Green Market

Verifiers: •Volumes extracted are documented. • Data (or visual observations) on the relationships between volume extracted and plant health are available. • Mortality does not exceed recruitment. 4 Indicator (frequency): the frequency of harvest from a population in a given time period has been determined and is conducted in a way that reduces neg- ative impacts upon population structure and production. Verifiers: • Frequency of harvest does not exceed stipulated frequency. • Frequencies are adjusted according to the age/size of the harvestable plant. • Frequencies are adjusted according to recruitment in the population. • Records of harvest frequency are documented. • Information on frequency is based upon the observations of a number of different sources. 5 Indicator (timing/seasonality): harvesting is explicitly timed and designed to reduce stress during reproductive periods and to minimize impacts upon repro- ductive capacity. Verifiers: • Harvesting takes place according to specified timing/seasonality. • Information is available on the reproductive cycles. • Root harvest is conducted after the fruit/seed of an individual plant has matured. • Instructions exist on periods to avoid and when to concentrate harvesting. •There is clear evidence that collectors are avoiding harvests during repro- ductive periods. 6 Indicator (density/abundance): the percentage of individuals harvested from the entire population will allow for the retention of mature reproducing indi- viduals. Verifiers: • The portion of mature reproducing individuals to retain is specified. •A portion of mature reproducing individuals is retained. • The number of individuals harvested is determined according to a pre- agreed density (trees per hectare). • Structural and genetic diversity is maintained. 7 Indicator (techniques): roots are harvested according to specified techniques. Verifiers: • The correct portion of the root, bulb or rootbark to be harvested is deter- mined. • Only the specified portion of the root, bulb or rootbark is harvested. • Harvest techniques will be in accordance with the species’ ability to sprout or to spread by root and/or seed. • If a plant is capable of recovery, only a portion of the root is harvested and a viable portion left to resprout. • Seed collected from a mature plant prior to harvest will be planted in the vicinity of the harvested individual in a habitat that is preferential to ger- mination (eg ginseng). • Negative, indirect impacts of harvesting are minimized.

382 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

Leaves 1 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management and use of selected species exist. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 2 Indicator (diameter and/or age): leaf harvest is conducted at specified dbh/age that will not excessively affect the species population. Verifiers: • Minimum age for first harvest is specified. • Individuals are harvested at or above the minimum age. 3 Indicator (quantity): the quantity of leaves harvested will be in accordance with what is specified. Verifiers: •Volumes extracted are documented. • Data (or visual observations) on the relationships between volume extracted and plant health are available. • The appropriate proportion of healthy leaves needed for photosynthesis is determined. •A sufficient proportion of healthy leaves remains on each individual to allow for photosynthesis. 4 Indicator (frequency): the frequency of harvest from an individual in a given time period has been determined and is conducted in a way that reduces neg- ative impacts upon vigour and production. Verifiers: • Frequency of harvest does not exceed stipulated frequency. • Frequencies are adjusted according to the age of the harvestable plant. • Sufficient time is allowed between successive harvests for plants to pro- duce new leaves (new leaves must be present on previously harvested individuals). • Records of harvest frequency are documented. • Information on frequency is based upon the observations of a number of different sources. 5 Indicator (timing/seasonality): harvesting is explicitly timed and designed to reduce stress during reproductive periods and to minimize impacts on repro- ductive capacity. Verifiers: • Harvesting takes place according to specified timing/seasonality. • Information is available on the reproductive cycles. • Instructions exist on periods to avoid and when to concentrate harvesting. 6 Indicator (density/abundance): the percentage of individuals from which leaves are harvested will be limited to specified levels in order to retain a vig- orous population. Verifiers: • The portion of mature reproducing individuals to be retained is specified. • Mature reproducing individuals are retained.

383 Tapping the Green Market

• The number of individuals from which leaves are harvested is determined according to a pre-agreed density (trees/plants per hectare). • Structural and genetic diversity is maintained. 7 Indicator (techniques): leaves will be harvested according to specified tech- niques that minimize negative impacts upon vigour. Verifiers: • Individual plants are not destroyed during harvest. •Trees/shrubs are not felled. • Reproductive structures and apical buds remain intact and do not show signs of post-harvest damage. • Branches are not removed for the picking of leaves. • Leaves are not collected from felled trees unless part of approved silvicul- tural operations.

10.3 Reproductive propagules: fruit/seed The reproductive propagules of a plant, its fruits, nuts and oil seeds, are frequently harvested for use as food, oil, crafts and medicines. Harvest of fruits and seeds from beneath the crown of a tree may, in the short term, represent the least amount of direct damage to any NTFP because a population produces more offspring (seeds) and immature individuals (seedlings, saplings, juveniles) than is necessary to main- tain its number of reproducing adults. The surplus of seeds is necessary to compensate for the extremely high risk of mortality in the juvenile phase. The continual removal of significant quantities of offspring, however, can directly affect the ability of a plant to reproduce. Over the long term, mortality may exceed recruitment. A shortfall in recruitment can cause a notable change in popu- lation structure, resulting in decreased plant densities and modified size-class structure. Continued harvest can also affect the genetic composition of the tree pop- ulation being exploited. In addition, in areas where commercial collectors diminish the quantities of fruits and seeds, frugivores that play a critical role in germination and seed dispersal may migrate to more isolated forest (Peters, 1994).

Management indicators and verifiers for reproductive propagules (fruit/seed) 1 Indicator (knowledge): rates of harvesting intensity, frequency and seasonality are defined based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local experience and knowledge. Verifiers: • Scientific information is available. • Local management and use of selected species exist. • Harvest rates are documented in writing. • Analysis of implications of different harvest rates is available. 2 Indicator (quantity): research, documentation or systematic observations of population dynamics have been used to develop growth and to yield predic- tions that determine the quantity of fruit or seed harvested. Verifiers: •Volumes extracted are documented. • The productive capacity of the species has been determined through weighing, counting or measuring the quantity of the resource produced by

384 Generic guidelines for assessing the management of NTFPs

different sample trees during the harvest season. • No more than a determined percentage of the harvestable yield is extracted. 3 Indicator (techniques): fruit will be harvested according to specified methods that minimize negative impacts upon populations. Verifiers: •Trees are not felled. • Fruit, seeds and nuts are harvested from the tree itself or directly from the ground after falling from the tree. •Trees are not damaged to induce premature fruiting. •A determined portion of fruits remains in the forest for wildlife (disperser) populations.

Monitoring indicators and verifiers for vegetation propagules 1 Indicator (growth rates and regeneration): growth rates and regeneration are monitored by a suitable inventory system. Verifiers: • Periodic regeneration surveys are conducted. • Size-class distribution demonstrates a population structure from seedlings to large adults. • Seedling or sapling densities as recorded in a vegetation or regeneration survey remain equal to or above baseline values. • If seedling or sapling densities decline, harvest adjustments are made by limiting the total area from which the resource can be harvested; regulat- ing the number of fruits harvested; and/or enrichment-planting of harvested species. 2 Indicator (visual appraisal): regular visual appraisals of the behaviour and con- dition of harvestable plants/trees are conducted pre- and post-harvest. Verifiers: • Harvestable plants/trees do not display loss of vigour, disease, aborted fruit/ leaves or stunted growth. • If harvested individuals display a weakened condition, acceptable harvest volumes will be reduced to allow for individual and population recovery. • If visual assessments and inventories indicate a decline in the density of non-targeted species in the area of harvest, adjustments will be made in the management regime to recover diversity. 3 Indicator (wildlife/dispersors): periodic assessments are conducted in order to evaluate populations of animals that disperse seeds and fruits. Verifiers: •Within the area of harvest, populations of animals that disperse fruits remain stable. • If populations of animals that disperse the seed decline, harvest adjust- ments are made (see above).

385 Appendix II Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup (to be used with SmartWood’s Generic Guidelines for Assessing Natural Forest Management)

Alan R Pierce


This appendix provides requirements for specific guidelines that NTFPs, this appendix must be used in every must be reviewed assessment of a com- alongside mercialized non-timber SmartWood’s Generic forest product (NTFP). Guidelines for Ass- These guidelines are essing Natural Forest NTFP-specific sub-crite- Management (2000). ria that are to be This appendix nested under the exist- also provides specific ing Rainforest Alliance guidance for the cer- SmartWood progr- tification of maple amme generic sub- sugaring operations. criteria for assessing Maple-specific guide- forest management. lines are listed below Thus, for a complete the generic NTFP picture of certification guidelines, in italics. Illustration by Jamison Ervin Sugar maple (Acer saccharum) Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup

Principle 1: compliance with laws and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) principles

Non-timber forest product harvest shall take place within the ethical and legal framework of international environmental and human rights law and policy, as well as national, state/provincial, and local laws in the country where forest management takes place. NTFP harvest and processing may involve laws and regulations not nor- mally covered under a typical SmartWood assessment. Laws concerning NTFP harvest and use may fall under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), national tenure and usufruct rights laws and national forest management legislation. Collection of some NTFPs requires legal permits or licences. Furthermore, for edible products, a variety of laws may govern quality control, transport, packaging and labelling requirements. Assessors must check with relevant government agencies and other stakeholders to verify that an operation is dealing with legal requirements for NTFP management, harvest, pro- cessing and sale in a responsible fashion.

Because maple syrup is an edible product, it is subject to a number of state and fed- eral laws regarding quality control, sanitation measures and labelling. SmartWood will not assess the actual legal compliance of the sugaring operation to the relevant laws because that is the mandated task of government institutions. However, SmartWood must be assured that operators have the proper tools and facilities to comply with all relevant laws governing maple syrup, and may check with govern- ment agencies and other stakeholders to verify that an operation adheres to legal requirements in a responsible fashion.

1.1 NTFP processing equipment, processing methods and transport meet all applic- able international, national and local laws governing licence fees, sanitation standards, quality control, and packaging and labelling requirements. The sugar-maker adheres to national and state laws governing acceptable syrup density, colour grading, packing and labelling regulations and other rel- evant laws. Verifiers: • The sugar-maker maintains an up-to-date colour kit and an accurate, peri- odically tested hydrometer. • Enrollment in an organic or state certification programme (eg Vermont’s Seal of Quality programme). • No formal complaints have been filed with the sugar-maker about product quality. 1.1 The forest management operation (FMO) or NTFP harvester(s) maintains up-to- date harvesting permits, collecting licences and collecting contracts or cultivation permits, and pays any fees, leases, royalties, etc in a timely manner. Any invoices for purchasing sap/syrup from other sugar-makers or lease fees to tap trees on land not directly owned by the sugar-maker are up-to-date in pay- ment. 1.5 Collection of NTFPs, firewood, timber, game and other forest resources by for- est workers and local communities is monitored and, if necessary, controlled.

387 Tapping the Green Market

Principle 2: tenure and use rights and responsibilities

Non-timber forest products are important resources for rural and even urban popu- lations worldwide. Clear land tenure – the guaranteeing of rights and access to resources – enables forest managers and communities to invest in long-term forest management strategies of the kind NTFP certification is intended to promote. Forest managers shall demonstrate sensitivity to the dependence of local individuals and communities on NTFPs, as long as such NTFP usage does not threaten forest integrity. Forest managers may take proactive steps to improve community relations by improving understanding of NTFP usage, permitting continued access to such resources and by being mindful of maintaining NTFP resources in management plan- ning. However, increased market demand, higher prices for particular NTFPs or new settlement may increase pressures on NTFPs. In such instances, management may need to restrict NTFP access to those with traditional rights or, in drastic cases, tem- porarily curtail access to protect resources.

Maple sugaring takes place in regions of North America that have strong private property traditions. Tenure to maple stands is usually very well defined, though in some regions outstanding resource claims may be encountered. Unlike NTFPs such as herbs or mushrooms, policing illegal harvest of maple sap is facilitated by the visi- bility of tapping equipment and the length of the harvest season. For sugar-makers who collect sap from properties not directly under their ownership or control, tap- ping leases or written permission is necessary.

2.1 When applicable, the rights of forest workers to use, occupy (and own) the property is secure. When land is not directly owned or controlled by the NTFP harvester, NTFP har- vest is undertaken with the permission of the landowner and is preferably outlined in writing (eg a lease contract or other agreement outlining harvest area, species collected, estimated volume extracted, etc). The sugar-maker secures written permission or a lease contract for tapping any trees on land not under his/her direct ownership or traditional control. 2.3 Commercialization and large-scale harvesting of NTFPs is described to affected communities in public meetings, mailings or other types of communications in advance, when harvest of such products has the potential to impact local sub- sistence use. Any conflicting claims over traditional access to sugaring stands are addressed in a systematic and effective manner.

Principle 3: indigenous peoples’ rights

The rights of indigenous peoples to use NTFPs for subsistence needs are to be pro- tected. NTFPs play central roles in cultural and religious ceremonies for local communities, and their protection may ensure cultural survival and positive relations with stakeholders. Certification should seek to minimize any potentially negative impacts of market forces upon the traditional local use and management of forests and forest products. Certification should also avoid creating dependency relation- ships that may disrupt cultural balance, integrity and belief systems.

388 Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup

North American settlers learned the art of making maple syrup from Native Americans. Settlers have manufactured maple syrup for over 200 years, embracing the product as their own and giving the product a special cultural status in rural areas. As far as is known, maple syrup commercialization does not disrupt any reli- gious or cultural significance to indigenous communities, and there are no outstanding indigenous claims for compensation due to the use of traditional knowledge. 3.2 The FMO or NTFP harvester(s) does not commercialize vulnerable NTFPs, par- ticularly NTFPs that are used for subsistence or have cultural or religious significance to local communities. 3.2 Plants and animal resources of cultural and religious significance are identified and protected. Collateral damage from harvesting timber and non-timber products to cultur- ally and religiously significant sites, groves, plants and animals is controlled. 3.2 Local communities receive fair and adequate benefits for any use of their name or image in the marketing of NTFPs. When local or indigenous knowledge forms the basis of an NTFP-related patent, informed consent is obtained and the affected community receives fair and adequate benefits.

Principle 4: community relations and workers’ rights

NTFP operations should follow a ‘good neighbour’ policy with their workers and with local communities. Certification of NTFPs should benefit not only forest man- agers, but also forest workers and the wider community. Active community involvement in forest management operations can strengthen long-term worker relations and sustainable forest management, which is the primary goal of certifi- cation. Working conditions in some remote NTFP operations may be below health and safety norms. However, to achieve certification, SmartWood expects candidate oper- ations to make every effort to ensure that working conditions are safe and well paid, with adequate amenities and benefits (compared to local norms). Workers from local communities are expected to have preferance when hiring. Where appro- priate, worker access to living quarters and forest resources such as timber, fibers, game and subsistence NTFPs should be agreed upon in some formal manner. In addi- tion, NTFP operations should make every effort to ensure that harvesting methods and processing methods and facilities are safe and sanitary for both workers and end-consumers.

Sugaring operations are often family run. However, additional help is sometimes needed for thinning, tapping or boiling the sap. When help is hired for sugarbush operations, wages are expected to be fair, and the operation should maintain insur- ance to cover any injuries that occur on the property. Lead contamination from old buckets, rusty storage tanks or lead-soldering on evaporator pans can be a problem for some sugaring operations. SmartWood expects candidate operations to have samples of their syrup tested for lead conta- mination by third-party facilities. Lead levels exceeding 250 parts per billion will require corrective steps to lower the lead content, either by replacing the most egre- gious equipment or blending with other certified syrup to achieve lower lead levels.

389 Tapping the Green Market

4.1 If sugar-makers require extra help with the sugaring operation, local commu- nities and residents are given first preference for jobs involving sugarbush thinning, tapping, processing, packing or sale of maple products. 4.2 Health, retirement, workers’ compensation, housing, food and other benefits for full-time staff and contractors involved with NTFP harvest are consistent with (not lower than) prevailing standards. Hired help for sugarbush management, tapping or work in the evaporating shed or sales area is fairly compensated in accordance with local laws and norms. Sugarbush and evaporator workers are insured for any injuries arising from accidents sustained on the job. For edible items, management undertakes proactive product quality-control actions to ensure that its products pose no health risks to the final consumer. If a defoamer is used in the sugaring shed, it meets organic certification stan- dards. Sugar-makers have their syrup independently tested for lead contamination over a period of at least three years. Verifiers: • Independently verified results of lead sampling are sent to SmartWood headquarters or are available for inspection during the site visit. • Enrollment in organic or state certification programmes (eg Vermont’s Seal of Quality programme). 4.4 Social impacts of NTFP harvest and commercialization on local communities are addressed and incorporated within management planning, particularly with respect to subsistence NTFP users. Consultations with local NTFP gatherers and users identify important NTFP species or habitats. Management shares information on harvesting objectives with affected stakeholders. Detrimental social and cultural change resulting from the influx of NTFP har- vesters or commercialization of NTFPs is minimized. 4.4 The FMO or NTFP harvester(s) maintains viable populations of NTFPs and other locally important forest resources, when and where possible.

Principle 5: benefits from the forest

NTFPs can provide a range of social and economic benefits at local, regional and international levels and have the potential to diversify income sources for forest operations. The intent of NTFP certification is to optimize the socio-economic poten- tial of certain marketable species, in order to provide a larger economic return from a given forest area for local communities and forest managers, without negatively impacting local use of these or other NTFP species. Some NTFPs may favourably com- pete with timber revenues on a hectare-per-hectare basis. Many other NTFPs do not compete well with timber revenues, but serve important local needs. Other NTFPs go through economic boom-and-bust cycles. Like timber extraction, NTFP commercial- ization should follow rational marketing plans and have sound financial investments to ensure long-term viability, forest conservation and the stability of local commu- nities.

390 Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup

Traditionally, maple syrup has provided income to labour-rich but cash-poor rural farmers and woodlot owners. Small operations may not be economically viable according to classical economic formulae; yet, people continue to produce the prod- uct out of tradition and a need for income. Sound investments are necessary to keep sugarbushes and sugaring operations viable, and include sugarbush thinning, build- ing maintenance and purchases of new equipment, such as tubing, evaporators and/or evaporator parts, packing materials and storage tanks. Maple syrup has a strong domestic market and a small but growing international market. While its use as a pancake topping has diminished, due to substitution by corn syrup-based ‘maple syrups’ and a diminishment in overall pancake consumption, its use in ‘lux- ury’ food items is very promising. Tapping results in direct injury to individual trees. Proper tapping can ensure the longevity and productivity of the sugarbush. Traditional tapping guidelines speci- fied tapping to commence at 10 inches (25.5cm) diameter at breast height (dbh), with a second tap being added at 15 inches (38cm) dbh, a third at 20 inches (51cm) dbh and a fourth on trees greater than 25 inches (64cm) dbh. Newer, more conserv- ative tapping guidelines now recommend commencement of tapping at 12 inches (30cm) dbh, and recommend that no more than two taps be used on any tree with a dbh greater than 18 inches (46cm). Introduction of the ‘narrow spout’ or ‘health spout’ may cause tapping guidelines to be modified yet again. SmartWood’s philosophy of forest management is in alignment with the newer, more conservative tapping guidelines. Rather than require prescriptive adherence to a particular set of tapping guidelines, SmartWood may allow variance from conser- vative guidelines (eg the addition of a third tap at 30+ inches – 76cm – dbh) if such tapping is well justified by the sugar-maker, the site is very productive and trees show rapid tap-hole closure (closure within two to three years). Tree vigour is enhanced by proper thinning, integrated pest management (IPM) and maintenance of soil fertility, and is manifested, in part, by rapid tap-hole closure. Tapping should be reduced in trees showing reduced vigour, die-back or damage. Tap-hole depth should optimally be less than 2.5 inches (6cm) in depth and should not exceed 3 inches (8cm) in depth. Tap holes should be distributed over as large an area as possible of the maple’s available tapping shell. Guidelines recommend placing new taps at least half a foot (0.15 metres) to the side and two feet (0.6m) above or below any old tap holes. ‘Cluster tapping’, the placement of many taps within a small area of the overall tapping band of the tree, is to be avoided because injuries from closely placed tap wounds can coalesce and hasten rot and decay. 5.1 Based upon local experience and markets, payments or fees paid to local landowners for the use of products derived from their forest property are at or above the norm (ie average), and are perceived by landowners to be a pos- itive incentive for encouraging long-term forest management. The FMO or NTFP harvester(s) keeps abreast of current NTFP harvest methods, harvesting equipment and processing equipment, and (within fiscal con- straints) makes every effort to invest in new tools and equipment that minimize ecological damage to NTFPs or improve the overall economic viability of the operation. Sugar-makers keep up to date on sugarbush management and syrup process- ing developments and technology. Verifier is: • Attendance at annual sugar-maker meetings, interaction with extension agents, subscriptions to, or purchase of, maple-oriented literature and maple research or technical papers, participation in the North American

391 Tapping the Green Market

Sugar Maple Decline Project, participation in maple-pest research projects or programmes experimenting with new tapping techniques. When it occurs, advance payment to NTFP supervisors and harvesters is timely, and cash-flow issues do not jeopardize the forest operation or worker relations. In the case of externally supported operations, a plan exists to reduce the level of dependency upon external support and to maximize levels of self-sufficiency and control. 5.1 Utilization of lesser-known species does not compromise local NTFP needs (eg for fruits, medicines, game-attracting species, etc) and does not negatively affect forest diversity. 5.3 The FMO or NTFP harvester(s) explores options to utilize or commercialize NTFP processing waste, when feasible and appropriate. 5.5 Interviews with communities and individuals indicate a positive or neutral impact upon NTFPs used for subsistence. 5.5 The intensity, frequency and seasonality of NTFP harvest, by area and volume, are based upon a combination of scientific study and/or long-term local expe- rience and knowledge and do not exceed sustainable levels. The area of the sugarbush is delineated on maps and the number of taps used within the area is prescribed. Minimum tapping diameter and the number of taps used per size class are doc- umented. Tapping is judicious and does not deliberately hasten a decline in tree health or vigour. Verifier is: • Two-year-old tap holes, of traditional 7/16-inch diameter, are completely closed or closing to such an extent that a standard number 2 pencil cannot be inserted into the tap wound.

NTFP harvest rates, cultural techniques and harvest methods are appropriate for the particular plant part used (exudate, reproductive propagule, vegetative structure), and management activities maintain viable populations of target NTFPs. Silvicultural treatments ensure proper spacing of trees and adequate regener- ation of sugar maple. Verifier is: • Thinning is based upon spacing and tree vigour. Retention of sugar trees may be supported by measuring sugar content of the trees (through use of a refractometer). Use of paraformaldehyde pellets in tap holes is prohibited. Allowable NTFP harvest rates are being followed in the forest. Verifiers: • Trees smaller than the minimum allowable tapping diameter are not tapped. • Number of taps used per size class follows management prescription. Appropriate NTFP harvest prescriptions are being implemented in the field. Verifiers: • Taps are immediately pulled from trees at the end of the sugaring season. • Tap holes are drilled with a slight upward angle and are not excessively deep (ie exceed 2.5 inches – 6cm – in depth). • ’Cluster tapping’ is not practised.

392 Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup

• Drop lines on tubing systems are of sufficient length to preclude cluster tapping (ie the drop line is long enough so that the tap can reach all sides of the tree and can be placed sufficiently above or below old tap holes). Population levels of targeted NTFPs are monitored and recorded. Sugarbush monitoring systems monitor and record size class, distribution, growth and regeneration of sugar maple.

Principle 6: environmental impact

NTFP management, if properly handled, may enhance overall forest integrity. However, NTFP management may result in forest simplification in some cases. Such simplification may be offset by the temporal or operational scale of the NTFP man- agement activity, or the relatively reduced destruction to forest integrity by NTFP harvest when compared to timber harvest. Nevertheless, harvest of many NTFPs can be destructive to forest resources due to poor technique, shoddy equipment or dis- regard for an individual plant’s long-term survival (eg felling a tree to collect its fruits). Proper harvest techniques, tailored to the individual target species and incor- porating the impact of NTFPs’ removal on population structure, can ensure long-term NTFP population viability. Producers of edible NTFPs should make every effort to meet organic standards because ecological labels on NTFPs may confuse consumers if they do not ensure that the product is pesticide free. Exudates, repro- ductive propagules and vegetative structures all entail differing harvest regimes and impacts, and management activities should reflect such differences.

Sugarbush management results in the simplification of natural forests. However, the size of many sugarbushes, even large operations, almost never exceeds 81 hectares, and is often quite smaller. The overall impact and placement of the sugarbush should be considered in management planning. Sugarbushes are generally thought to have negative wildlife impacts (due to the removal of mast species and the sim- plification of the forest); but conclusive studies on the wildlife impacts of sugarbushes have not been documented (including the wildlife impact of tubing sys- tems on animal movement). Wildlife, particularly squirrels, can cause great damage to tubing systems. Quite a few sugar-makers trap, poison or otherwise exclude squir- rels and other damaging wildlife. 6.1 The environmental assessment includes impacts of NTFP commercialization. Management considers the impact of the sugarbush upon diversity at the stand level, and upon wildlife at the watershed and landscape level. 6.1 NTFPs on either local and/or international endangered or threatened species lists (eg CITES Appendix 1, national lists, etc) are not harvested. 6.1 NTFP management minimizes impacts to forest composition and structure, as well as soil structure and fertility. Management encourages the retention of non-maple species in the sugarbush to promote diversity and, potentially, to promote the pest resistance of the stand. Management practices avoid heavy cleaning of the sugarbush understorey. Grazing is prohibited in the sugarbush. Access roads are kept to a minimum to avoid soil damage during spring snow melt.

393 Tapping the Green Market

Harvesting of NTFPs accounts for the ecological requirements of the target NTFP and other species (eg food for frugivorous birds and mammals, animal dispersal of seeds, maintenance of specific ecological interdependencies, etc). Sugaring takes place on sites well suited to sugar maple growth. NTFP management and harvest ensure the retention of mature, reproducing individuals of NTFP target populations, and maintain a natural diversity in the composition and structure of such populations. Adequate sugar maple regeneration is present. Enrichment planting of NTFPs minimizes impacts upon overstorey or under- storey diversity across the forest. 6.5 Construction, maintenance and closure standards for NTFP access trails and roads are implemented according to local standards or best practices in order to minimize forest resource damage, drainage problems soil erosion and/or sedimentation of watercourses. Sugarbush operations comply with or exceed current federal, state and munic- ipal laws and regulations, including best management practices (BMPs), and avoid rutting and off-site transport of soils (ie into streambeds). 6.5 Use of chemical pesticides in harvest areas for comestible NTFPs is prohibited, unless these chemicals are allowed under local, national or international organic standards. Any wildlife control measures (eg squirrel trapping or poisoning) are judicious. Verifiers: • Evidence of consultation with wildlife experts to determine best methods for wildlife control. 6.8 Use of biological control agents in NTFP harvesting areas meets local, national and international organic standards and is documented, minimized, monitored and strictly controlled. 6.9 Naturalized NTFP species (exotic species that reproduce on their own over a long time frame) do not demonstrate any known negative ecological impacts and are strictly controlled. 6.10 Severe forest simplification arising from NTFP management is allowed only when it is temporally or spatially bound; provides a limited impact upon the overall forest management unit; maintains high-conservation value forest attributes; or provides secure, outstanding conservation benefits to local com- munities or forest protection efforts.

Principle 7: management plan

Management plans should specifically incorporate NTFPs destined for commercial sale and should enumerate management objectives, harvest rates and harvest tech- niques for target NTFPs. Harvest levels and methods should be firmly rationalized through published literature, site-specific data and/or local knowledge. Poorly trained NTFP harvesters can cause great damage to forest resources. Forest worker training is central to realizing good management planning and implementation of proper harvesting techniques in the field.

Sugarbushes should be incorporated within the management plan, and specific objectives for management must be documented. Maps should depict, at least, the sugarbush area, sugaring access road and the sugaring shed. Tapping prescriptions,

394 Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup equipment used and other parameters relating to sap harvest should also be reflected in the management plan. Any hired help should be well trained in order to ensure proper implementation of ecologically sensitive tapping in the field. 7.1 The management plan or appendices to the plan specifically address and incor- porate commercially managed NTFPs. The sugarbush is incorporated within the management plan and is depicted on management maps; clear management objectives exist. Maps delineate the sugarbush area and indicate sugaring access roads and the sugaring shed. Silvicultural prescriptions for the sugarbush, whether under even-aged or uneven-aged management, are documented and followed. The management plan includes the rate and quantity of NTFPs to be harvested based upon plant part used (exudate, reproductive propagule, vegetative structure) and the established best management practices for each NTFP. The management plan states the number of taps used in the operation and future tapping targets. Numbers of taps used, volumes of sap extracted and volumes of syrup pro- duced per annum are recorded. The management plan includes a description of, and justification for, the amount of each NTFP harvested, the implemented harvesting technique and the equipment used. The number of allowable taps per size class, the depth of taps and the place- ment of taps on the tapping band are specified in the management plan. Rationale for the equipment used is justified. If prescribed tapping rates vary from well-established norms, compelling evi- dence justifies the deviation. The rationale behind NTFP management activities is well documented (ie based upon site-specific field data, local knowledge or published regional for- est research and government requirements). Tapping rates are justified by prompt tap-hole closure, published tapping guidelines and relevant site-specific data and observation. The NTFP management plan(s) is technically sound and sufficiently detailed, given the size, complexity and intensity of the forest operation. 7.1 NTFP management and harvesting practices are adjusted to incorporate new scientific or technical information. Use of ‘health spouts’ or ‘narrow spouts’ on small diameter trees (< 25.4cm dbh) is conservative until research shows such usage is ecologically and eco- nomically viable. 7.1 NTFP harvesters receive adequate training and supervision in order to ensure that ecologically sensitive harvesting techniques are being properly imple- mented in the field. Workers receive adequate instruction on proper tapping techniques and pro- cessing issues. Verifiers: • Cluster tapping is not observed in the field. •Tap holes are properly drilled (at a proper depth, with a new sharp drill bit, showing infrequent splitting of the bark from driving taps too deeply or into frozen tissue).

395 Tapping the Green Market

Principle 8: monitoring and assessment

Internal monitoring systems are crucial in order to provide quality control for forest management operations, to identify social, ecological, economic and operational challenges, and to report on the success or failure of management interventions to resolve problems. In some NTFP management operations, monitoring may be ade- quate but extremely informal. Assessors may need to move some operations towards more formal and documented monitoring systems, which in the end can serve to improve management quality and effectiveness.

Sugarbush monitoring should ideally follow guidelines for continuous forest inven- tories. Sugarbush monitoring should include the basal area, dbh and species mix present in the sugarbush. Recording growth rates of sugar maples is also important. Sugaring trees should exhibit enough growth of new sapwood (in excess of 1/8 inch – 0.3cm – per year) so that spacing of tap holes around the tree avoids the creation of large decaying areas through an agglomeration of tap wounds or tapping into dead brown wood of old compartmentalized tap wounds. The general condition of the trees in the sugarbush should be noted and recorded, and declines in health and vigour of trees should precipitate reduced levels of tapping. In addition, IPM should be incorporated as part of the sugarbush monitoring, with observations of pest pop- ulations recorded. Ideally, aspects such as tap-hole closure rates should be recorded. The sweetness of sap from trees, measured with a refractometer, is also useful infor- mation to obtain, particularly when making decisions to retain or remove trees during thinnings – however, this information needs to be properly interpreted (for example, stressed trees can contain very sweet sap). Lastly, the number of taps used per year, volume of sap collected and volumes and grades of syrup produced and sold should be documented. 8.1 Monitoring reports indicate how management prescriptions should be changed for NTFP management based upon results of new social information. Sugarbush monitoring is incorporated within the overall monitoring plan for the forest management operation. Sugarbush monitoring includes monitoring of pest populations and overall health of trees within the sugarbush. 8.2 The monitoring plan identifies and describes observed changes in conditions relating to: • NTFP populations (impact of harvest, growth rates, loss of vigour or decline, recruitment); • any outstanding environmental changes from NTFP management affecting flora, fauna, soil and water resources; • socio-economic aspects of NTFP use and harvest (changes in community and worker relations or conditions, changes in NTFP use or demand, etc). The sugarbush monitoring plan is technically sound and identifies/describes changes in the condition of: • sugar maple growth rates and regeneration; • sugar maple health ( decline, die-back or even poor tap hole closure rates); • presence of pests. The monitoring plan documents the number of taps used, volume of sap col- lected and volume and grades of syrup produced.

396 Species-specific NTFP certification guidelines for the production of maple syrup

8.2 Volume and source data on loads of NTFPs are available (ie scaled, inventoried, measured) in the forest, in transport, and at processing and distribution cen- tres controlled by the FMO or NTFP harvester(s). The volume and source of sap collected and the volume and grades of syrup produced are recorded for future tracing. Invoices of syrup or sap sales are documented and available for inspection. For operations with multiple (certified and non-certified) sources of sap, 100 per cent batch runs are devised for production of certified sap. Each batch of syrup is coded as packed for future tracking. Storage barrels are appropriately labelled, particularly in operations with mul- tiple (certified and non-certified) sources of sap. Invoices for certified syrup or sap sales are kept separate from non-certified syrup or sap sales, and certified syrup or sap is clearly distinguished from non- certified products through marks, bar codes, labels or other means. 8.2 NTFP harvest is adjusted when populations exhibit decline or weakened con- dition. Tapping is reduced or halted when trees exhibit decline, poor tap-hole closure or symptoms of severe stress, or after a heavy thinning of the stand. Thinnings do not take place after several defoliation events or stress events in the sugarbush (eg ice damage).

Principle 9: maintenance of high conservation-value forests

NTFP management may contribute to the maintenance of high conservation-value forests (HCVF). FSC definitions require consultation in order to determine the status of HCVFs, including social consultations. Current definitions allow forests to be con- sidered HCVFs if they provide basic needs for local communities, either for subsistence use or for the maintenance of cultural identity. In such cases, NTFPs may play a large role in determining if forests are to be considered HCVFs from a social perspective.

Sugarbushes may or may not contribute to the maintenance of high conservation- value forests, depending upon regional definitions and stakeholder interests. For example, simplifying a remnant old-growth Eastern forest into a sugarbush may not retain many HCVF values. However, existing old stands of sugar maples used for sug- aring may represent old seral stages in areas otherwise lacking in older growth stands. Old sugarbushes may provide stable habitats for unique understorey plant communities, or may provide habitat and refugia for species of mosses, lichens, fungi or animals requiring old den trees (eg pileated woodpeckers). 9.1 Consultations to determine the status of a HCVF specifically include NTFPs as an element of the social analysis section covering forest importance to local com- munities (as per definition ‘d’ of HCVF, provided by the FSC; for further information, see FSC, 1999). 9.3 NTFP management does not diminish attributes that cause a forest to be listed as a HCVF.

397 Tapping the Green Market

Principle 10: plantations

NTFPs may come from plantations or agroforestry systems as primary products or as by-products. For the production of some NTFPs, a long continuum from purely agri- cultural settings to forestry settings exists. The challenge for SmartWood assessors is to determine where in the continuum the NTFP fails. Regional forest standards and consultations with experts will help in determining when to treat certain NTFPs as forest or agricultural products. NTFP plantations may be created through sowing, planting, intensive silvicul- tural treatments or intensive understorey clearing in natural forests. NTFP plantations that exhibit few or none of the characteristics and key elements of native ecosystems, and are not established on lands committed to long-term forest cover, will normally be disqualified from certification. In addition, extensive cultiva- tion of exotic understorey plants not found in local ecosystems will normally be excluded from certification. Such crops may be better addressed by agroforestry, organic or fairtrade initiatives that primarily focus upon pesticide use, fair wages and working conditions, and actions that seek to mitigate biodiversity losses due to intensive agricultural production. In the case of forest gardens that retain some of the characteristics and key elements of native forests, SmartWood may work in tan- dem with other initiatives to provide certification on a case-by-case basis. NTFP production can balance management objectives and outputs for some plantation systems, and as such should be encouraged, particularly if production of the NTFP in question from natural forests is endangered or otherwise controversial. NTFPs potentially provide additional challenges to the plantation principle because many products are understorey plants that are not well covered by existing FSC cri- teria.

Sugar maple stands are occasionally established on abandoned pasture or otherwise open land. As long as the trees are well suited to the site, and the site is not an eco- logically important non-forest habitat (eg a remnant prairie fragment, a wetland, etc), the sugarbush can be certified as long as it meets the FSC and SmartWood cri- teria for plantation management. 10.1 The plantation management plan articulates objectives for NTFP production, whether as the primary product of the management plan or as a by-product of the timber plantation. 10.1 Intensive management or cultivation of understorey NTFPs in natural forests does not adversely impact the diversity of shrubs and herbs across the forest landscape. 10.6 Intensive management or cultivation of understorey NTFPs in natural forests does not cause erosion, reduce water quality or adversely impact soil structure or fertility. 10.6 Use of chemical pesticides in plantations of comestible NTFPs is prohibited unless such chemicals meet local, national or international organic standards. 10.6 Establishment of NTFP plantations does not adversely impact resources or the rights of local communities or local people.

398 Appendix III Resource directory

The NTFP certification project team found the following resources valuable to their work.


• African Timber Organization (ATO), Draft Principles for African Tropical Forests, 1996 • Amazon Cooperation Treaty A C, Tarapoto Proposal on Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability for the Amazon Forests, 1995 • ‘Bolivian Council for Voluntary Forest Certification Brazil Nut Standards’, second draft, (Estándares para la Certificación Forestal Voluntaria de Castaña (Bertholletia excelsa), ‘El Comitéde Estándares de Castaña, Consejo Boliviano para la Certificación Forestal Voluntaria’), 1998 • Canadian General Standards Board, Draft Standard for Organic Agriculture, 1997 • Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Testing C&I for Sustainable Management of Forests: Phase 1 Final Report, 1996 • CIFOR, A Basic C&I Knowledge Base for ‘CIMAT’(C&I Modification and Adaptation Tool), Project 4, 1998 • Crafter, S, J Awimbo and A Broekhoven, Non-timber Forest Products Value, Use and Management Issues in Africa, Including Examples from Latin America, IUCN, 1997 • Cunningham, A B, Applied Ethnobotany: People, Wild Plant Use and Conservation, Earthscan/WWF, 2001 • Cunningham, A B African Medicinal Plants: Setting Priorities at the Interface Between Conservation and Primary Healthcare, People and Plants Working Paper 1, UNESCO, 1993 • Cunningham, A B and F T Mbenkum, People and Plants Working Paper 2, Sustainability of Harvesting Prunus africana Bark in Cameroon: A Medicinal Plant in International Trade, UNESCO, 1993 • De Beer, J and M McDermott, The Economic Value of Non-Timber Forest Products in Southeast Asia, IUCN, 1996 (1989) • Deskundigenwerkgroep Duurzaam Bosbeheer, Evaluating Sustainable Forest Management, 1994 • Fairtrade Labelling Organizations (FLO), General Criteria for Awarding the Fairtrade Mark, 1998 • FLO, Banana Criteria, 1998 • Fairtrade Federation (FTF), Principles and Practices, undated • Fairtrade Foundation, Fairtrade Mark General Criteria, 1996 • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), More Than Wood: Special Options on Multiple Use of Forests, FAO Forestry Topics Report No 4 Tapping the Green Market

• Forest Garden Products, A Standards Manual, first draft, 1998 • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Principles and Criteria for Forest Management, 1996 • Freese, C Wild Species as Commodities, Island Press, 1998 • FSC, NTFP Working Group Draft Principle 11, 1997 • Goods & News, ‘Guidelines for Fairtrade Products’, 1998 • Institute for Sustainable Forestry (ISF), Pacific Certified Ecological Forest Products, 1995 • International Federation for Alternative Trade (IFAT), Code of Practice, 1995 • International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Basic Standards, third version, July 1998 • IFOAM Guidelines on Social Rights and Fair Trade, 1994 • International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), Criteria for the Measurement of Sustainable Tropical Forest Management, 1992 • Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (IMAFLORA), Draft Standards for Rubber and Brazil Nuts, 1995 • Laird, S A The Natural Management of Tropical Forests for Timber and NTFPs, Oxford Forestry Institute Occasional Paper, 1995 • ‘Max Havelaar Basic Principles’, undated • Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, European Criteria and Most Suitable Quantitative Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management, 1994 • Montreal Process, Criteria and Indicators for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Temperate and Boreal Forests, 1995 • Naturland-Verband fur Naturgemassen, Naturland Standards on Organic Forest Use, 1997 • Network of European World Shops (NEWS), Fair Trade Criteria, undated • Neumann, R and E Hirsch, Commercialization of Non-Timber Forest Products: Review and Analysis of Research, CIFOR, 2000 • North-East Organic Farmers Association (NOFA), Organic Maple Syrup Standards, undated •Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA), International Certification Standards, 1998 • Pierce, A, S A Laird and R Malleson, Annotated Collection of Guidelines, Standards, and Regulations for Trade in Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and Botanicals, Sustainable Botanicals Project, Rainforest Alliance, 2002 • Posey, D and G Dutfield, Beyond Intellectual Property: Toward Traditional Resource Rights for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, IDRC, 1996 • Rainforest Alliance (Laird et al), Introductory Handbook to Cocoa Certification, 1996 • Rainforest Alliance–ECO-OK, Principles of the Conservation Agriculture Network, 1998 • Shanley, P et al, Fruitiferas da Mata na Vida Amazonica, 1998 • Silva Forest Foundation, Silva Forest Foundation Summary of Standards for Ecologically Responsible Forest Use, 1998 • Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) Forest Conservation Programme, 1995 •SmartWood, Generic Guidelines for Assessing Natural Forest Management, SmartWood programme, Rainforest Alliance, 2000 • Societé General du Surveillance (SGS), Qualifor Forestry Programme Standards, 1996 • Soil Association, Standards for the Certified Products Scheme, 1993 • Soil Association, Responsible Forestry Programme, 1994 • State of Vermont, Regulations for Ginseng Harvest and Regulations Relating to the Certification of Ginseng, 1987 •Tropenbos (Ros-Tonen et al), Commercial and Sustainable Extraction of Non-Timber Forest Products, 1995

400 Resource directory

•Tropenbos (Lammerts van Bueren and Blom) Hierarchical Framework for the Formulation of Sustainable Forest Management Standards, 1997 • US Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/Washington BLM Handbook for Special Forest Products, 1997 •‘Windhorse Farm Standard for Restoration and Maintenance of the Natural Forest’, 1997 •Wollenberg, E and A Ingles, Incomes From the Forest, CIFOR, 1998 • WWF-US (Clay), Generating Income and Conserving Resources: Twenty Lessons from the Field, 1996 • WWF-US (Freese), The Commercial, Consumptive Use of Wild Species: Managing It for the Benefit of Biodiversity, 1996

Internet resources

• Amazon Conservation Association (Brazil nut project in Peru): www.amazonconserva- tion.org •Bromeliad research (from Wolf and Konings’s work): www.ecosur.mx/bromelias/brom.htm • Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR): www.cifor.org • Conservation International (CI) (Andean Network of Sustainable Alternative Products and other NTFP information ): www.conservation.org • Fairtrade information: www.fairtrade.net • Forest Garden Programme information: www.forestgarden.org • Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) information: www.fscoax.org • Forest, Tree and People Programme and Network: www-trees.slu.se • International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF): www.cgiar.org/icraf • International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) information: www.ifoam.org • International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR): www.inbar.org.cn • Institute for Culture and Ecology (IFCAE): www.ifcae.org • International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Non-Wood Forest Products Group: www.ersac.umn.edu/iufro/iufronet/d5/hp51100.htm • Jungle Gum (certified chicle): www.junglegum.com • Kenyan woodcarving project: www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants • Mediterranean NTFP information (from Moussouris and Regato’s work): www.fao.org/docrep/x5593e/x5593e00.htm • NTFP livelihoods research, Michigan, US (from Emery’s work): www.fs.fed.us/ne/burlington/nontimb/index.htm • People and Plants Initiative online: www.rbgkew.org.uk/peopleplants • Plant Resources o South-East Asia (PROSEA): www.prosea.nl •ProFound: www.ntfp.org • Rainforest Alliance information: www.rainforest-alliance.org • Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) information: www.scs1.com •SmartWood certification programme information: www.smartwood.org • Societé General du Surveillance (SGS), Qualifor programme information: www.sgs.co.uk • The Soil Association certification information: www.soilassociation.org • TRAFFIC: www.traffic.org •Tropenbos Foundation: www.tropenbos.nl

401 Tapping the Green Market

• United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): www.fao.org • United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northwest Research Station: www.fs.fed.us/pnw/proglk.htm •Virginia Tech special forest products site: www.sfp.forprod.vt.edu

402 Acronyms and abbreviations

ABS access and benefit-sharing ACPC Asociación para la Conservación del Patrimonio Cutiriveni AIDESEP Asociación Interétnica de Desarollo de la Selva Peruvana AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome ANAP Apatayawaca Nampitzi Ashaninka Pichis APHA American Pharmaceutical Association ATO African Timber Organization BMP best management practice BOLFOR Bolivia Sustainable Forestry Management Project (USAID) BOSCOSA Osa Peninsula Forest Conservation and Management Project (Costa Rica) BP before present C Celsius C&I criteria and indicators CATIE Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCMSS Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura Sostenible CDC Centro de Datos para la Conservación Cdn$ Canadian dollars CEIBA Certificación Integral de Bosques Americanos CFA African Financial Community franc (Communauté Financière Africaine) CFI continuous forest inventory CI Conservation International CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIEL Centre for International Environmental Law CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research CIMAR Centro de Investigacion y Manejo de Recursos Naturales Renovables CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora cm centimetres CoC chain of custody COICA Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin CPR common property resource CS Cultural Survival CVRD Companhia Vale do Rio Doce DBH diameter at breast height DFID Department for International Development (UK) DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

403 Tapping the Green Market

DSHEA Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (US) EMS eosinophilia myalgia syndrome EPA US Environmental Protection Agency EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FDA Food and Drug Administration (US) FECONAYA Federación de Comunidades Nativas Yaneshas FF French franc FLO Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International FMO forest management operation FOB free on board FRIM Forest Research Institute of Malaysia FSC Forest Stewardship Council FSC P&C Forest Stewardship Council Principles and Criteria for Forest Management FTF Fairtrade Federation gbh girth at breast height GMP Good Manufacturing Practice GNC general nutrition centre ha hectare HCVF high conservation-value forests HPLC high performance liquid chromatography 5-HT 5-hydroxy-tryptamine 5-HTP 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan IATP Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy IBAMA Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Brazilian environmental protection agency) ICRAF International Centre for Research in Agroforestry IDRC International Development Research Centre IES Institute of Environmental Studies IFAT International Federation for Alternative Trade IFCAE Institute for Culture and Ecology IFOAM International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements ILO International Labour Organization IMAFLORA Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola IMAZON Amazon Institute of People and Environment INBAR International Network for Bamboo and Rattan INRENA Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales IOAS International Organic Accreditation Service IPEF Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais IPM integrated pest management IPR intellectual property right IRB Institute of Research for Development (France) ISF Institute for Sustainable Forestry ISO International Organization for Standardization ITTA International Tropical Timber Agreement ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization

404 Acronyms and abbreviations

IUCN World Conservation Union I&V indicator and verifier IWGIA International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs KEFRI Kenya Forestry Research Institute kg kilogram km kilometre LAMPS large-scale Adivasi multipurpose societies lb pound LKS lesser-known timber species LS longitudinal section m3 cubic metre MCC Mennonite Central Committee mg milligram MIQRO Maderas Industriales de Quintana Roo ml millilitre mm millimetre MTE Menominee Tribal Enterprises n sample population size NCI National Cancer Institute (US) NEWS Network of European World Shops NGO non-governmental organization NLCB National Lottery Charities Board (UK) NOFA North-East Organic Farmers Association NNFA National Nutritional Foods Association NTFP non-timber forest product NYBG New York Botanical Garden ODI Overseas Development Institute (UK) OCIA Organic Crop Improvement Association OFI Oxford Forestry Institute OTC over the counter PIC prior informed consent ppm parts per million PTO US Patent Trade Office R&D research and development RBG Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew RNA ribonucleic acid Rs rupees SCS Scientific Certification Systems SGS Societé General du Surveillance SPEFQR Sociedad de Productores y Ejidos Forestales de Quintana Roo SSC Species Survival Commission TCM traditional Chinese medicine TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TS transverse section TVE Television Trust for the Environment UK United Kingdom UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

405 Tapping the Green Market

UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization UP Upper Peninsula (US) US United States USAID United States Agency for International Development USDA US Department of Agriculture WHO World Health Organization WRI World Resources Institute WTO World Trade Organization WWF formerly World Wide Fund For Nature (World Wildlife Fund in Canada and the US)

406 References

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439 Index

Page numbers in italics refer to figures, tables and boxes açaí see palm heart uses 123, 124, 125, 316 accreditation 9, 10, 11, 13, 332 Amazon region Acer saccharum see maple syrup amapá 123, 124, 125 ActionLab 223 ayahuasca 297 Adansonia digitata see baobab Brazil nuts 61, 62, 64, 65, 66–7, 73, 277 Africa 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 234, 236 breu resin 111 see also East Africa; Sub–Saharan Africa; cat’s claw 93, 94, 104, 106 West Africa copaíba 127, 128, 129, 132 Agave sisalana see sisal land-use change impacts 90, 129 Agenda 21 287 logging 314, 317–21 agriculture 9, 10–11, 12, 145, 235, 326, 345, marapuama 269 346–7 NTFP distribution 315 agroforestry palm hearts 37–8, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, Brazil nut production 71 82–4, 274–5 for NTFP production 23, 36, 48, 198, 282 pau d’arco 85, 87, 88 palm heart production 78 sangre de drago 138, 142, 144, 145, 147, rattan production 235, 237, 238 151 sangre de drago production 143, 145, 149, subsistence issues 299–300, 313–14 154 titica vine 116, 119 yohimbe production 219 Amazonian nut see Brazil nut AIDP 223 Amazonian Treaty 8 Aleppo pine see pine-resin Amazonian Viagra see marapuama Algeria 186, 188 Amburana cearensis see roble Allium tricoccum see wild leek American Chicle 52 alternative medicines see botanical medicines American ginseng 172 industry animal interaction 175 amapá 123 biology 174–5 animal interaction 124 certification 180–2, 335 biology 123, 124 competition 180 certification 125 cultivated 175, 176, 177–8, 180, 181–2, ecology 124 282 economic value 48, 125 ecology 174–6 habitat 124 economic value 4, 48, 176–7, 179, 323 harvesting/production 124–5, 270, 271 habitat 174, 175–6 and indigenous peoples 124 harvesting/production 174, 176, 177, management 124–5, 273 180–1, 270 medicinal properties 123, 124, 125, 316 and indigenous peoples 173 profile 47, 123–5 land-use change impacts 178 species compared 124–5 legal restrictions 174 threats to production 124 management 176–8, 181, 271, 272–3, 338, as timber product 125, 280 341 Index

medicinal properties 173–4, 176, 179–80 Asociación para la Conservación del organic certification 182 Patrimonio Cutiriveni (ACPC) 102 profile 48, 172–82 Astrocaryum vulgare see tucuã sustainability 174, 176, 177, 181, 270, 271 ATZ 223 threats to production 178 Australia 208, 226, 227 amla 240 Aveda Corporation 323, 360 biology 241, 242 ayahuasca 296, 297 certification 244, 336 Azadirachta indica see neem cultivated 241, 242, 243 distribution 240 Bactris gasipaes see pejibaye palm ecology 241 bacuri 267, 315, 317, 320 economic value 48, 243 Bangladesh 228, 237 habitat 48, 240, 241 Banisteriopsis spp. see ayahuasca harvesting/production 243–4 baobab 208 and indigenous peoples 244 animal interaction 208, 209 land tenure issues 244 bark 208, 209–14 land-use change impacts 242 biology 208, 209 management 242–3, 244 certification 212–14 medicinal properties 240, 243, 244 distribution 208 productivity 241 ecology 209 profile 48, 240–5 economic value 48, 212 regeneration 242 habitat 48, 208 species compared 241 harvesting/production 210, 211–12, 213, sustainability 244 343 as timber product 243 and indigenous peoples 209, 210, 211–13 uses 240, 243, 244, 336 management 211–12, 213 Ancistrophyllum spp. see rattans medicinal properties 210 Andaman Islands 228, 230 profile 48, 208–14 andiroba 316, 320 regeneration 209, 210, 212, 213 Angola 230 sustainability 210, 213–14 annatto 323, 326, 360 threats to production 209, 211 Apatayawaca Nampitzi Asháninka Pichis uses 209–10 (ANAP) 146 bark 47, 48, 343 argan 47, 189 baobab 208, 209–14 economic value 48, 189 birch 305, 306, 308 habitat 48, 188 Brazil nut 72 management 190, 198 cat’s claw 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106 profile 48, 188–90 pau d’arco 88, 90, 92, 280 sustainability 189–90 root bark 97, 98, 101, 105–6 as timber product 189 sangre de drago 143, 147, 150, 151 uses 188, 189 yohimbe 215, 217–19, 220, 221–2, 223 Argania spinosa see argan see also cork Argentina 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 90, 127 Belize 50, 51, 52, 54, 57, 84, 93 arginine 222, 223 Belle of Maine 157–8, 161 asai see palm heart Ben and Jerry’s 8, 16, 323 Asháninka Indians, Peru 102, 104, 108, 145, benzoin 246 146 biology 247–8 Asia 94, 179, 182, 203, 204, 322 certification 246, 254–5, 334 Asian ginseng 173, 176, 179, 180 cultivated 248, 249, 250 Asociación Interétnica de Desarollo de la distribution 246–7, 248 Selva Peruvana (AIDESEP) 146 ecology 248

441 Tapping the Green Market

economic value 48, 247, 248, 249, 253, 335, 336, 356, 360 255 species under threat 90, 91, 219, 324, 331, habitat 48, 247, 248 361 harvesting/production 250–1, 253–4, 255, see also pharmaceutical industry 268, 270, 271 B&Q 329 and indigenous peoples 251, 255 Brachylaena huillensis see muhugo land tenure issues 254–5 bracken fern 158 land-use change impacts 248–9 Brazil management 250–1, 254, 268 Brazil nuts 61, 62, 63–4, 67, 69, 70, 72, medicinal properties 252 334, 347 profile 47, 246–55 cat’s claw 93, 95 species compared 246–7, 248, 249, 250–1 copaíba 126, 127, 130, 131, 133–4, 135 sustainability 255 logging 69, 70 uses 246, 252, 334 marapuama 269, 325–6 Bertholletia excelsa see Brazil nut palm hearts Betula papyrifera see birch certification 6, 13, 20, 25, 28, 37–44 biodiversity loss 70, 170, 191, 254, 260, 268, production 75, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 84, 280, 282, 319 273 Bioresources 203 pau d’arco 86, 87, 88, 89–90 birch 305, 306, 308 sangre de drago 139, 140 Bixa orellana see annatto social issues 40–1, 43–4, 293–4, 300 blueberry 302, 305, 306, 308, 309 subsistence issues 299–300, 314–21 The Body Shop 8, 323 titica vine 116, 117, 118, 119–20 Bolivia see also Amazon region Brazil nuts Brazil nut 7, 28, 61 certification 6, 20, 28, 34–7, 278 aflatoxin contamination 36, 330, 348 harvesting/production 36, 63, 64, 70, animal interaction 36, 67, 68, 69, 70 338 biology of trees 61–2, 65–7, 68, 278 production 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 73, 334 certification 5, 10 logging 36, 69 challenges 35–7 palm hearts 40, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 84, 335 ecological issues 36, 65, 73, 323 pau d’arco 87 economic issues 36–7, 73–4 sangre de drago 146, 147–8 field trials 6, 20, 28, 34–7, 277–8, 291–3 sisal bag industry 279 and indigenous peoples 34–5, 37, 74 social issues 37, 291–3 land tenure issues 37, 74, 291–2 Bolivia Sustainable Forestry Management marketing issues 16, 36–7, 323, 328, Project (BOLFOR) 338 329, 334 Borneo 226, 227, 228, 230, 281 monitoring 36, 37 Borneo camphor 280, 281 opportunities 35, 65, 70, 74, 293–4, 334 botanical medicines industry social issues 37, 291–3 dietary supplements 179–80, 200, 202–7, technical issues 35–6 222–3 distribution of trees 62–3, 65 herbal remedies ecology of trees 61–2, 65–9, 277 amla 240, 243 economic value 3, 4, 48, 64, 72, 73, 322 cat’s claw 94, 95, 104, 106 habitat of trees 35, 48, 62, 65, 66 copaíba 131 harvesting/production 36, 63, 64, 67–8, marapuama 269 70–1, 72, 73–4, 277 pau d’arco 86, 88, 89, 324 and indigenous peoples 37, 63–4, 70–1, 72, sangre de drago 138, 144, 154 292 yohimbe 215, 221–2 land-use change impacts 36, 69–70 marketing issues 322, 324, 325, 326, 334, management 69, 70–2, 74, 268, 277–8, 338

442 Index

medicinal properties 62, 72 ginseng 177, 178 nutritional value 62 maple syrup 163, 164, 167, 335 productivity of trees 36, 64, 66, 71, 277 cane see rattans profile 48, 61–74 caraipé 317 regeneration of trees 71, 73, 277–8 caranday palm 80 sustainability 37, 69–70, 71, 73, 74, 277 Carapa guianensis see andiroba threats to production 36, 278, 330, 348 Caryocar brasilensis see piqui and timber production 69, 72 Caryocar villosum see piquiá uses 62, 69, 72–3 Cashpro 203 breu amescla 111, 113 castaña see Brazil nut breu resin 110 Castanea sativa see chestnut biology of plants 111 cat’s claw 93 certification 114 biology 95, 96–7, 98–9 distribution of plants 111 certification ecology of plants 111 challenges 106–9, 334 economic value 48, 112–13, 114 ecological issues 106–7, 108–9, 323–4 habitat of plants 111 ethical issues 108 harvesting/production 111, 112–13, marketing issues 107–8, 323–4, 331, 334 114–15 opportunities 106, 334 insect interaction 110, 111–12, 114, 115 commercialization 94–5, 99–100, 108 management 112–13, 273 cultivated 102–3, 106, 108–9 medicinal properties 110, 113 distribution 93, 95 profile 47, 110–15 ecology 97–9 species of plant compared 111, 112, 113, economic value 4, 48, 93–5, 99–100, 104, 114 106 sustainability 114, 115 habitat 95–6, 97–8, 108–9 and timber production 114 harvesting/production 98, 99–100, 101–2, uses 110, 113–14 106, 273 bromeliads 257 and indigenous peoples 93, 95, 99, 101, certification 258 102, 106, 109 economic value 48, 257, 258 land-use change impacts 99 harvesting 257, 258 legal restrictions 100–1, 108 profile 257–8 management 95, 101–3, 106, 108–9 sustainability 257, 258 medicinal properties 93, 94, 97, 103–6 uses 257, 258 patent rights 108 Brosimum acutifolium see mururé profile 48, 93–109 Brosimum alicastrum see ramon regeneration 98, 102 Brosimum spp. see amapá species compared 95, 96, 99, 103, 104–5, buriti 283 107 Burma 227, 230 sustainability 100–1, 331 as timber product 106 C-MED-100 105 uses 93, 94, 95, 97, 103–6, 334 caixeta 341 cattail 306 Calamus spp. see rattans cedar 35, 306 Calospatha spp. see rattans Cedrela spp. see cedar; Spanish cedar Cambodia 247 Center for International Forestry Research Cameroon 216, 217–18, 221, 223, 224, 230, (CIFOR) 21, 296 232, 237 Central America 51, 75, 82–4, 88, 90, 93, camphor see Borneo camphor 140 Canada 168, 169 Centre for International Environmental Law fiddlehead fern 156, 157, 158, 159, 161 (CIEL) 297

443 Tapping the Green Market

Centro de Datos para la Conservacíon (CDC) Chaemaedorea spp. see xate 100 chain-of-custody issues 23, 311, 328, 333, Centro de Investigación y Manejo de 344–5, 354, 359–60 Recursos Naturales Renovables (CIMAR) amla 244, 245 5, 21 benzoin 255 Ceratolobus spp. see rattans Brazil nuts 36–7, 344, 345 Certificación Integral de Bosques Americanos chicle 31, 32, 59, 334, 344 (CEIBA) 5 copaíba 135 certification (of NTFPs) fiddlehead ferns 161 challenges 5, 198, 273, 296, 298, 311, ginseng 181, 335 333–6, 353, 358–60 maple syrup 171 collaboration 9–13, 18–19, 21, 348, 354, palm hearts 39–40, 335, 344 361–2, 363, 365 pau d’arco 91 company involvement 15–18, 31, 38–41, rattans 238, 336 329–30, 332–3, 356, 359, 365 sangre de drago 335 costs 5, 24, 198, 273, 333, 353, 354, 358, timber 344, 345 363 titica vine 122 cultural issues 5, 22, 25 woodcarvings 262 ecological issues 4, 24, 26, 198–9, 280, yohimbe 223, 224, 336 323–4, 342, 359, 360–1 chestnut 194 economic issues 311, 355 certification 6 field tests 6, 20, 21, 24–7, 28, 349, 354–6, economic value 48, 196 363 habitat 194–5 and governments 18, 19, 122, 153, 154, harvesting/production 195–6 244, 346, 347, 360 and indigenous peoples 195, 196 guidelines 5–6, 20–7, 47, 354–6, 357, management 195 363–4 profile 48, 194–6 and indigenous peoples 4, 5, 23–4, 26, threats to production 195 283–90, 355 chewing gum 29, 30–1, 49, 52–3, 57, 58, land tenure issues 22, 24, 25, 198, 285–8, 326, 334, 356 298, 312, 327, 358–9 Chiapas, Mexico 257–8 marketing issues 4–5, 14–18, 22, 198, chicle 28, 49 311–12, 324–31, 332–6, 353–60 animal interaction 50–1 monitoring 342, 343–4, 363 biology 49, 50–1 and NGOs 18, 21, 296, 358, 361–2 certification 5, 10, 13, 29 and NTFP management 4, 16–17, 21, 122, challenges 32–4, 58–9, 334 198, 199, 282, 338–49, 355 ecological issues 31, 32–3, 58, 59, 276–7, opportunities 13–18, 332–3, 334–6, 353–4, 323 356–8 economic issues 31, 32, 33, 59 performance indicators/verifiers 21, 22, 24, field trials 6, 13, 20, 28, 29–34, 276–7, 47–8, 269–70, 274, 363–4 290–1 social issues 4, 22, 23–4, 25, 26, 198, and indigenous peoples 29, 30, 33–4, 285–98, 361, 363–4 59–60, 277, 290–1 subsistence issues 24, 37, 198, 299, 300–1, land tenure issues 290 302, 311–12, 321, 364 marketing issues 31–2, 33, 58–9, 323, technical issues 23, 337–49, 359–60 325, 328, 329, 334, 357 see also under individual NTFPs monitoring 32, 59 certification (of timber products) 4, 8, 16–18, opportunities 31–2, 58, 291, 334 30, 260–3, 337–8, 341–2 social issues 33–4, 290–1 NTFP involvement 14–18, 125, 134, 135, technical issues 32 224, 280, 320–1, 337–8, 355–6 distribution 50, 51

444 Index

ecology 49–51, 276 social responsibility 4, 5, 37, 332, 356, 365 economic value 3, 4, 48, 49–50, 51, 52–3, Congo 215, 216, 230 276, 322 Consejo Aguaruna-Huambisa 146 fairtrade certification 30, 31, 32 Consejo Civil Mexicano para la Silvicultura growth rates 51 Sostenible (CCMS) 5, 21, 29 habitat 29–30, 50 Conservation International (CI) 323 harvesting/production 29, 55, 56, 58, 59, consumers 4–5, 31, 331, 333–6, 348, 356, 270, 271, 276, 344 357, 361, 364, 365 land-use change impacts 53–4 see also green consumerism management 33, 57–8, 268, 271, 276–7, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 354 152–3, 287, 360 medicinal properties 33 Convention on International Trade in organic certification 31 Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and producers’ association 30, 57, 348 Flora (CITES) 100, 174, 181, 321, 324, productivity 29, 51, 58 338, 360 profile 29–30, 47, 49–60 Coordinating Body of Indigenous species compared 49 Organizations of the Amazon Basin sustainability 54, 56, 57, 58, 271, 276 (COICA) 287, 297 as timber product 33, 276, 277, 280 copaíba 126 uses 29, 33, 52, 276, 334 see also chewing biology 127, 128 gum certification 134–5 chicle, inferior 49 distribution 127 chicozapote see chicle ecology 127–8 Chile 27, 137, 151 economic value 48, 129, 131, 132, 133, China 135 camphor trade 281 habitat 127 cat’s claw trade 94 harvesting/production 126–7, 129–30, 133, ginseng trade 173, 179, 180 134–5 griffonia trade 204 and indigenous peoples 126–7, 130 pine-resin trade 194 land-use change impacts 128–9 rattans 226, 227, 230, 237 management 129–30, 134, 268 cigarette manufacture 252, 254, 334 medicinal properties 104, 126, 131, 132–3, Clarisia spp. see mururé 316, 317 cocoa 359 profile 47, 126–35 coffee 11, 12, 249, 296, 333, 345 species compared 127, 130 Collins Pine 15, 16, 17 sustainability 126, 129, 131–2, 134–5 Colombia as timber product 125, 128–9, 134 ayahuasca 297 uses 104, 125, 126, 128–9, 131–4, 316, Brazil nuts 62 317 breu resin 113 Copaifera spp. see copaíba palm hearts 80, 82, 83, 84 Copernicia alba see caranday palm pau d’arco 87 Coptis trifolia see gold thread sangre de drago 138, 141, 142, 145 cork 186, 187–8 see also Amazon region cork oak 186 companies certification 6, 334 and certification 15–18, 31, 38–41, distribution 186 329–30, 332–3, 356, 359, 365 economic value 48, 188, 323 environmental responsibility 4, 8, 16, 217, habitat 48 323, 332–3, 356, 365 harvesting/production 186–7, 270, 271, marketing issues 4–5, 14–18, 325, 329–30, 343 332, 333, 353–4, 360, 365 management 186, 187

445 Tapping the Green Market

profile 48, 186–8 Eschweilera spp. see mata mata ci; maturi regeneration 187 Europe Costa Rica 15–16, 81, 84 benzoin trade 252 Couma guianensis see amapá botanical medicines industry 88, 106, 180, Couratari guianensis see tauari 202, 215, 322 craft industry 48, 209, 210, 212, 305, 306, Brazil nut trade 72, 330, 348 307 bromeliad trade 258 Croda Inc 323 camphor trade 281 Croton spp. see sangre de drago cat’s claw trade 94, 105, 106 Cuba 85 certified product market 4, 32, 33, 40, 329, Cultural Survival (CS) 323 331, 354, 361 cumaru 316, 317 chewing gum market 32, 33 copaíba trade 132 Daemonorops spp. see rattans ginseng trade 179, 180 Dalbergia melanoxylon see mpingo griffonia trade 202, 203 damar 252, 268 palm heart trade 40, 75 deforestation 8, 30, 36, 76, 128, 278 pau d’arco trade 86, 88 devil’s claw 324 pine-resin production 193, 194 Dietary Supplement and Health Education sisal bag trade 279 Act (US, 1994) 203, 204 woodcarving trade 259, 262 dietary supplements industry see botanical yohimbe trade 215, 217 medicines industry European Union (EU) 94, 188, 194, 348 Dipteryx odorata see cumaru European Union (EU) Habitats Directive 194 Dominica 83 Euterpe spp. see palm heart dragon’s blood see sangre de drago Extractos Natra 223 Dryobalanops aromatica see Borneo camphor exudates 21, 47, 49, 72, 270–1, 343 durian 268, 278–9, 295 see also breu resin; latex; maple syrup; mas- Durio zibethinus see durian tic gum; oleoresin; pine–resin

East Africa 260, 261 Fair Trade eV 30, 31, 32, 291 East Asia 173 fairtrade certification 9, 11, 13, 14, 21, 312, ‘ebony’ see mpingo 348, 354 echinacea 324 Fairtrade Foundation 11, 21 ECO-OK programme 21 Fairtrade Labelling Organizations Ecuador International (FLO) 9, 11, 13, 14 palm hearts 80, 82, 83, 84 fairtrade products 4, 13, 329, 330, 345, 357 pau d’arco 86 FDA 203, 205, 206, 221–2 sangre de drago 138, 141, 142, 146, 148, Federación de Comunidades Nativas 149, 151, 152, 153 Yaneshas (FECONAYA) 146 see also Amazon region Ficus elastica see rubber ejido system, Mexico 29, 30, 32, 51, 290, fiddlehead fern 156 291, 328 biology 157 Eleutherococcus senticosus see Siberian certification 160–1 ginseng commercialization 157–8 emblica fruit see amla consumption 156–7, 158, 159, 161 Endopleura uchi see uxi distribution 156 ephedra 222, 223 ecology 157 epiphytes 341, 349 economic value 4, 48, 158, 159 epiphytic bromeliads see bromeliads habitat 48, 157 Equatorial Guinea 216, 217, 221 harvesting/production 158, 159–60, 161, Eremospatha spp. see rattans 271

446 Index

and indigenous peoples 156–7, 159 game 23, 35, 48, 293, 294, 300, 315, 316, land-use change impacts 160 319 management 159–60, 272–3 see also hunting profile 48, 156–61 garabato see cat’s claw sustainability 159–60, 161 Germany 64, 73, 202, 221, 269 Fiji 226, 227 Getrade 203 5-HTP 200, 201–6, 207 Ghana 203, 207, 232 Florida, US 300 Gibson Guitar 17 Florida Growers Association 31 ginseng see American ginseng; Asian ginseng Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) gold thread 306 255 golden seal 324, 341 Food and Drug Administration (US) see FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 331, food safety 36, 39, 58, 158, 205–6, 207, 222, 354 330 ‘Good Woods’ 260, 261, 262–3 forest management Goods & News 21 ecological issues 7–8, 21, 43, 181–2, 184, governments 196–7, 257, 357, 364 NTFP certification 18, 19, 122, 153, 154, by indigenous peoples 29, 30, 43, 122, 184, 244, 346, 347, 360 196–7, 290–1, 301, 357–8 NTFP management 39, 100–1, 102, 145, NTFP involvement 21, 184, 197–9, 301, 146, 244, 273, 284, 346 329–30, 338–49, 356–7, 360–4 NTFP regulation 122, 138, 153, 154, 174, socio-economic issues 4, 8, 24, 30, 43, 184, 300, 327, 346–7, 360 257, 283 Greece 6, 185, 190, 191, 193, 194–6 Forest Stewardship Council 9–10, 261, green consumerism 7, 33, 197, 198, 238, 244, 262–3, 291, 332, 338, 348, 356, 364 262, 329 Principles and Criteria 8, 10, 21 green premiums 15, 16, 238, 244, 355 forests grevillea 260, 261 canopy farming 257, 258 griffonia 200 enrichment planting 23, 71, 79, 90, 181, biology 201 235 certification 206–7, 335 fires 53, 128, 167, 191, 193, 196, 198, ecology 201 242, 319 economic value 48, 202–5, 207, 324 forest gardens 12, 48, 249, 250, 254 harvesting/production 203 habitats 48, 183–4 and indigenous peoples 201, 203 inventories 32, 217, 236, 272, 343 medicinal properties 201–2, 204–5 maquis 184, 185–6 profile 48, 200–7 silvicultural systems see plantations uses 200, 201–2, 204–5 silvo-pastoral systems 48, 184, 186–90, Griffonia simplicifolia see griffonia 198, 268, 282 guarana 222, 223 sustainability 4, 5, 7–8, 9, 12, 21, 196, Guatemala 50, 51, 52, 53–4, 56, 57, 58, 84, 260, 272 258 várzea forests 37, 38, 41, 120, 127, 275, gum, synthetic 29, 33, 53, 55, 56 282 gum arabic 303 see also forest management; logging gum latex see latex France 81, 151, 186, 190, 193, 194, 231, Guyanas 62, 80, 82, 83, 84, 87, 95, 118 252, 269 fuelwood 39, 48, 243, 294, 357 Harpagophytum procumbens see devil’s claw functional foods 222–3 heart of palm see palm heart herbal remedies see botanical medicines Gabon 216, 217, 221, 232 industry Gambia 302–3 HerbPharm 223

447 Tapping the Green Market

Heteropsis spp. see titica vine Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestral e Hevea brasiliensis see rubber Agrícola (IMAFLORA) 5, 21 Himatanthus sucuuba see sucuúba Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales Hispaniola 85 (INRENA) 100 Hong Kong 231 intellectual property rights 108, 137, 138, hunting 35, 36, 68, 74, 111, 278, 292, 294 153, 287, 288, 296, 297 see also game International Centre for Research in Hydrastis canadensis see golden seal Agroforestry (ICRAF) 219 Hymenaea courbaril see jatobá International Federation of Organic Hymenaea parvifolia see jutai Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) 9, Hypericum perforatum see St. John’s Wort 10–11, 12, 21 International Labour Organization (ILO) 23, illipe 338 287, 288 inajá 299 International Organization for incense 252, 253, 254, 255, 281 Standardization (ISO) 289, 331, 348, 354 India International Tropical Timber Agreement amla production 240, 241, 242, 243–4, (ITTA) 8, 23 245 International Tropical Timber Organization benzoin trade 252 (ITTO) 129, 146, 322 camphor 281 Italy 52, 73, 137, 151, 186, 190, 193, 194 griffonia trade 204 rattans 226, 227, 228, 230, 235 jacaranda 260, 261, 263 indigenous peoples Japan 31, 52, 56, 133, 259 access rights 225, 285–8, 294, 295, 297, jatobá 113, 315, 316 301, 310 Java 227, 230, 248, 252 community relations 43, 44, 289–90, 291, juçara see palm heart 293–4, 311, 358 junco vine see titica vine forest management 29, 30, 43, 122, 184, ‘Jungle Gum’ 31–2, 329 196–7, 290–1, 301, 357–8 juniper 194 land tenure issues 29, 30, 285–8, 290, 292, jutai 317 293, 294, 298, 312 and NTFP certification 4, 5, 23–4, 26, Kadem 202 283–90, 355 Kalimantan 230, 231, 235, 238, 268 NTFP management 122, 184, 267, 268, kava kava 4, 202, 331 270–1, 272–3, 289, 293, 346 Kayapó Indians, Brazil 62 social issues 23–4, 29, 30, 37, 40–1, 43, 44, Kenya 237, 259–63 198, 285–98 Korea 232 subsistence issues 3, 24, 37, 284, 299–301, Korthalsia spp. see rattans 304, 313–21 traditional knowledge 106, 267, 268, labelling 7, 11, 13, 323–4, 331, 344, 345, 271–2, 286, 287, 288, 294 354, 355–6 working conditions 37, 40–1, 288–9, 291, Laccosperma spp. see rattans 292, 294 land tenure issues see also under individual NTFPs and indigenous peoples 29, 30, 285–8, 290, Indonesia 22, 228, 230, 231, 237, 247, 249, 292, 293, 294, 298, 312 253, 255 in NTFP certification 22, 24, 25, 198, Indorayon 249 285–8, 298, 312, 327, 358–9 Inonutus obliquus see sketaugen in NTFP production 29, 30, 37, 236 Instituo Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos land-use impacts Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) of logging 54, 69–70, 78, 128–9, 178, 242, 120 249, 314, 319

448 Index

see also individual NTFPs biology of trees 164 Laos 228, 230, 246, 247, 248–9, 255 certification 10, 22, 170–1, 335 large-scale Adivasi multipurpose societies distribution of trees 164 (LAMPS) 244, 245 ecology of trees 164 latex economic value 3, 4, 48, 168–70, 323 amapá 123, 124–5 habitat of trees 48, 164 chicle 29, 31, 32, 33, 47, 49, 55–6 harvesting/production 165, 166, 167, 170, sangre de drago 136–9, 141–4, 145–8, 268, 270, 271, 274 149–50, 151–2, 154 and indigenous peoples 165, 167 Latin America land tenure issues 170 cat’s claw 94 land-use change impacts 167 land tenure issues 290, 291 management 166, 271, 274, 354 NTFP certification project 5, 20, 48, organic certification 171 274–8, 290–4, 346 profile 47, 162–71 palm hearts 79, 80, 81, 82–4 regeneration of trees 164, 166 sangre de drago 136 species of tree compared 163 see also Amazon region sustainability 271 Lebanon 190 threats to production 167–8, 170 Lecythis pisonis see sapucáia and timber production 163, 329 Lesser Antilles 83 marapuama 268, 269, 270, 320, 325–6, 331 Leticia Statement (1996) 287 mastic gum Licania heteromorpha see caraipé economic value 48, 185 Liofilizadora de Pacífico/Omniagro 94, 102 harvesting/production 185, 270 Lithuania 137, 151 medical properties 185, 186 local communities see indigenous peoples profile 47, 185–6 logging uses 185, 186 illegal 36, 249, 281, 294 mata mata ci 317 land-use issues 54, 69–70, 78, 128–9, 178, Mataatua Declaration on Cultural and 242, 249, 314, 319 Intellectual Property Rights of Indigenous NTFPs affected 114, 125, 278, 280, 281, Peoples (1993) 287 300, 314–15, 316–21, 357 Matteucia struthiopteris see fiddlehead fern Lycopodium obscurum see princess pine maturi 317 Mauritia flexuoso see buriti maçaranduba 280, 317 Max Havelaar Coffee 11, 21 Madagascar 208 Maximiliana maripa see inajá Madame Catherine 203 Mayan civilization 29, 30, 51, 53–4, 57 Maderas Industriales de Quintana Roo McCain’s 161 (MIQRO) 290 Mediterranean region 183–99, 246, 268, 282 mahogany 29, 54 Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) 261 ‘mahogany’ see muhugo Menominee Tribal Enterprises (MTE) 17 Makindu Carvers Cooperative 262 Mexico Malaysia 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 237, 247, bromeliads 257–8 248, 281 chicle mango trees 260, 261 certification 6, 13, 20, 28, 29–34, 276–7, mangroves 278, 279 290–1 Manilkara chicle see chicle, inferior production 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58 Manilkara spp. see maçaranduba; logging 29, 54, 290–1 maparajuba pau d’arco 85, 87 Manilkara zapota see chicle social issues 33–4, 290–1 maparajuba 317 Middle East 197 maple syrup 162 Montreal Process 8

449 Tapping the Green Market

Morocco 186, 188–90 costs 5, 24, 198, 273, 333, 353, 354, mpingo (‘ebony’) 260, 262 358, 363 muhugo (‘mahogany’) 260 cultural issues 5, 22, 25 mururé 34, 217 ecological issues 4, 24, 26, 198–9, 280, mushrooms 3, 4, 48, 170, 271, 280, 308, 323–4, 342, 359, 360–1 338, 349 economic issues 311, 355 Myrialepsis spp. see rattans field tests 6, 20, 21, 24–7, 28, 349, 354–6, 363 National Nutritional Foods Association and governments 18, 19, 122, 153, 154, (NNFA) 205–6 244, 346, 347, 360 Natura 2000 network 194 guidelines 5–6, 20–7, 47, 354–6, 357, Natural Balance 204 363–4 Nature’s Way 204, 323 and indigenous peoples 4, 5, 23–4, 26, Naturland 21 283–98, 355 neem 260, 261, 263 land tenure issues 22, 24, 25, 198, Neosynthesis Research Institute, Sri Lanka 285–8, 298, 312, 327, 358–9 27, 331 and management 4, 16–17, 21, 122, 198, Netherlands 64 199, 282, 338–49, 355 New Guinea 227 marketing issues 4–5, 14–18, 22, 198, NGOs 311–12, 324–31, 332–6, 353–60 NTFP certification 18, 21, 296, 358, 361–2 monitoring 342, 343–4, 363 NTFP management 102, 138, 145, 146, and NGOs 18, 21, 296, 358, 361–2 203, 270, 358 opportunities 13–18, 332–3, 334–6, Nicaragua 84 353–4, 356–8 Nigeria 215, 216, 223, 232 performance indicators/verifiers 21, 22, Noga-Wills (Nigeria) Ltd 223 24, 47–8, 269–70, 274, 363–4 non-governmental organizations see NGOs social issues 4, 22, 23–4, 25, 26, 198, non-timber forest products see NTFPs 285–98, 361, 363–4 North Africa 188, 190 subsistence issues 24, 37, 198, 299, North America 300–1, 302, 311–12, 321, 364 certified product market 22, 27, 331, 354 technical issues 23, 337–49, 359–60 fiddlehead fern 156, 157, 158, 160 commercialization 3, 4, 24, 197, 279, 287, ginseng 174, 178 301 maple syrup 22, 162, 163, 164 cultivation 23, 195, 196, 280, 282 woodcarving trade 259, 262 cultural issues 295–6, 297, 305, 306, 307 see also Canada; United States ecological issues 3, 267, 268, 270–1, Northeast Organic Farmers Association 21 278–80, 282, 323–4, 330–1 NTFP Exchange Programme, PROFOUND economic value 3, 284, 299, 300, 303–4, 27 313, 323 NTFPs exotic species 24, 25, 196 access rights 225, 285–8, 294, 295, 297, in forest management 21, 184, 197–9, 301, 301, 310, 343 329–30, 338–49, 356–7, 360–4 in barter systems 299, 303, 304, 311 government regulation 122, 138, 153, 154, biology 270, 271, 278, 340, 359 174, 300, 327, 346–7, 360 certification harvesting 267, 268, 269–71, 272, 289, challenges 5, 198, 273, 296, 298, 311, 301, 310, 338, 342–3 333–6, 353, 358–60 logging affects 114, 125, 278, 280, 281, collaboration 9–13, 18–19, 21, 348, 354, 300, 314–15, 316–21, 357 361–2, 363, 365 management company involvement 15–18, 31, 38–41, and certification 4, 16–17, 21, 122, 198, 329–30, 332–3, 356, 359, 365 199, 282, 338–49, 355

450 Index

by governments 39, 100–1, 102, 145, field trials 6, 13, 20, 22, 28, 34, 37–44, 146, 244, 273, 284, 346 274–6, 293–4 by indigenous peoples 122, 184, 267, and indigenous peoples 39, 40, 41–4, 268, 270–1, 272–3, 289, 293, 346 275, 293–4 NGO involvement 102, 138, 145, 146, land tenure issues 40, 43, 44, 293, 294 203, 270, 358 marketing issues 39, 40, 43, 323, 328, marketing issues 279–80, 284–5, 287, 329, 330, 335, 357 303–4, 311–12, 313–14, 322–4, 338, monitoring 39, 43 347–8 opportunities 38–9, 42, 81, 276, 335 medicinal uses 4, 48, 279, 281, 287, 305, social issues 40–1, 43–4, 288, 291–4 316, 317 technical issues 39–40, 43 nutritional value 315, 320 commercialized 37–41, 75, 78, 80–1, 82–3, overharvesting 4, 24, 196, 279, 281, 301, 274, 275 324, 343 cultivated 81 research 3, 21, 284, 332, 346, 362, 364 distribution of plants 75, 82–4 social issues 21, 22, 283, 284, 295–6 ecology of plants 76–7 species under threat 90, 91, 219, 324, 331, economic value 3, 4, 48, 75, 76, 80–1, 275, 361 322, 323 subsistence issues 3, 299–301, 303–10, in forest management initiatives 41–2 313–20 habitat of plants 38, 48, 75, 76, 77, 78, substitutes 90, 118–19, 120, 280, 326 82–4 sustainability 196, 269–71, 279, 324, 331, harvesting/production 36, 39, 78–9, 80, 81, 342, 356, 358, 361–2 270, 271, 273, 275–6 in timber certification 14–18, 125, 134, and indigenous peoples 40–1, 43, 44, 75, 135, 224, 280, 320–1, 337–8, 355–6 78, 80, 271 uses 4, 48, 281, 305–6, 307, 317 see also land-use change impacts 40, 77–8 medicinal uses above management 39, 42, 78–9, 81, 268, 271, wild-harvested 4, 11, 12, 48, 161, 324 273, 275–6, 354 see also individual NTFPs medicinal properties 76, 80, 82 Nuova Linnea 202, 223 non-commercialized 41–4, 75, 83–4 nutraceutical products 222–3 nutritional value 38, 41, 79, 274 organic certification 38–9 oleoresin 126–7, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, profile 42, 48, 75–84 135, 192 regeneration of plants 78, 79, 81 Oncocalamus spp. see rattans species of plants compared 75, 76, 77, 78, Only Natural 223 79, 80, 82–4 organic certification 9, 10–11, 12, 21, 296, sustainability 37, 42, 80, 81, 271, 275 348, 354 uses 38, 41, 75–6, 79–80, 82–4, 274, 320, Organic Crop Improvement Association 335 (OCIA) 21 palmito see palm heart organic products 4, 10, 11, 12, 21, 325, 330, Pan-European Criteria 8 334, 345 Panama 82, 84, 95, 297 ostrich fern see fiddlehead fern Panax ginseng see Asian ginseng Panax quinquefolius see American ginseng Palisades Pharmaceuticals 222 Papua New Guinea 228, 232 palm heart 28, 75 Pará, Brazil 314–21, 329, 330 biology of plants 76–7 Paraguay 80, 82, 86, 93, 95, 140 certification 5, 10, 13 Parahancornia spp. see amapá challenges 36, 39–41, 43–4, 81, 335 patent rights 108, 137, 138, 153, 287, 288, ecological issues 39, 40, 43, 274–6, 323 296, 297 economic issues 40, 43 Patent Trade Office (PTO) 297

451 Tapping the Green Market pau d’arco 85 Philippines 230, 231, 237 biology 85, 86–7, 87 Phyllanthus emblica see amla certification 91–2 Phyllanthus indofischerii see amla distribution 85, 86, 87 pine-nuts 190 ecology 86–7 distribution of trees 190 economic value 4, 85, 86, 89–90 economic value 48, 192 habitat 48, 86, 87 habitat of trees 190, 191 harvesting/production 89–90, 92, 270, 280 harvesting/production 191, 192 and indigenous peoples 86, 88 management 191, 192, 268 land-use change impacts 89–90 medicinal properties 190, 192 management 90–1 nutritional value 190 medicinal properties 85, 86, 88–9, 92, 280, profile 48, 190–2 316, 324 regeneration of trees 191 as ornamental tree 85–6, 88, 92 sustainability 191 profile 48, 85–92 pine-resin 193 regeneration 90–1 certification 5 species compared 85, 86–7, 89, 90–1 economic value 3, 5, 48, 193–4 substitutes 90 harvesting/production 192, 270 sustainability 90, 91, 324 and indigenous peoples 193 as timber product 85, 86, 88, 89–90, 280 management 198 uses 85–6, 88–90, 92, 280, 316 medicinal properties 193 Pausinystalia johimbe see yohimbe profile 47, 192–4 Pausinystalia macroceras see yohimbe, false and timber production 193 pejibaye palm 81, 273 uses 192–3 People and Plants Initiative 260, 261 Pinus halepensis see pine-resin perfume manufacture see personal care indus- Pinus pinea see pine-nuts try Piper methysticum see kava kava personal care industry 114, 133, 135, 252, piqui 295 254, 322, 323, 325, 360 piquiá 3, 280, 313, 315–16, 317 Peru Pistacia lentiscus see mastic gum Brazil nuts Plan Piloto Chicero, Mexico 30, 31, 32, 57 certification 37, 70 Plan Piloto Forestal, Mexico 290–1 harvesting/production 63, 64, 70, 72 plantations 23, 51, 170, 195, 196, 235, 237, production 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 262, 280 72, 334 Plantecam 217, 218, 224 cat’s claw 93–4, 98, 99–101, 102, 103–4, Platonia insignis see bacuri 334 Plectocomia spp. see rattans NTFP certification 27 Plectocomiopsis spp. see rattans palm hearts 40, 76, 77, 80, 83, 84 Pogonotium spp. see rattans pau d’arco 87, 90 pollution 167–8, 178, 280 sangre de drago Portico SA 15–16 harvesting/production 143, 144, 147–8 Portugal 186, 188, 190, 193, 194, 196 medicinal use 104, 136, 151 Pouteria reticulata see chicle, inferior production 138, 141, 142, 145, 146 princess pine 309 trade in 151–2, 153 Pro-Naturaleza 102 see also Amazon region Protium spp. see breu resin Petén Basin, Guatemala 50, 51, 53–4, 57, 58, Provir 137, 138, 144 326 Prunus africana see pygeum pharmaceutical industry 19, 105–6, 132–3, Pteridium aquilinum see bracken fern 137–8, 152, 322, 325, 336, 360 Ptychopetalum olacoides see marapuama see also botanical medicines industry Puerto Maldonado, Peru 64, 72

452 Index

Pure World Botanicals 223 Russia 137, 151 pygeum 217–18, 219, 323–4 Salix viminalis see vime Quercus suber see cork oak sangre de drago 136, 337 animal interaction 141 Rainforest Alliance 5, 20 biology 139–40, 142 ramon 27629 certification 153–4, 335 rattans 225 commercialization 136–8, 144, 145, 147, animal interaction 233–4 148, 151–2 biology 226, 233–4 distribution 139, 141 certification 22, 238, 323, 336 ecology 140–3, 145 commercialization 231–2, 234, 235, 237, economic value 4, 136–7, 143, 144, 148, 238 151–2, 154 cultivated 227, 234, 235, 237, 238 growth rates 141–2, 149 distribution 226–7, 230 habitat 140, 142, 143 ecology 232–4 harvesting/production 142–3, 144, 145, economic value 3, 4, 48, 226, 231, 236, 146–8, 151–2, 154, 271 238, 322 and indigenous peoples 136, 145, 146, 147, growth rates 234, 235, 238 148, 151–2 habitat 226, 232–3 land-use change impacts 140, 144 harvesting/production 226, 233, 236, 238, management 137, 143, 144–9, 154 273 medicinal properties 104, 136, 137–8, 143, and indigenous peoples 228, 229, 236, 238 149–50, 151 insect interaction 234 patent rights 108, 137, 138, 153 land tenure issues 238 productivity 142–3, 147 land-use impacts 225 profile 47, 136–54 management 234–7, 238, 271, 336 regeneration 142, 145–6, 148–9 profile 225–38 species compared 139, 140, 141 regeneration 235 sustainability 144, 153–4 species compared 226–7, 229, 230, 233, as timber product 150 234, 235, 237 uses 104, 136, 137–8, 149–52, 335 sustainability 225, 233, 237, 238, 271 Santa Cruz Declaration (UNDP) 287 uses 120, 225, 228, 229, 336 sap see maple syrup reforestation 138, 145, 146, 149, 196 sapucáia 315, 317 reproductive propagules 21, 47, 48, 271, 343 sarara see breu resin resin see benzoin; breu resin; mastic gum; ole- Saudi Arabia 185 oresin; pine-resin saw palmetto 300 Retispatha spp. see rattans SB-Normal Stool 138, 144, 152, 332 Rio Declaration 287 Schweizer Hall 223 roble 35 Scientific Certification Systems 21 Rocky Mountain Herbalist Coalition 324 Senegal 232 root bark 97, 98, 101, 105–6, 118 Serenoa repens see saw palmetto roots 47, 48, 343 Seven Islands 16 baobab 210, 212 SGS Silviconsult 21 cat’s claw 97, 98, 100, 101–2, 105 Shaman Group 137–8, 144, 145–6, 148, 152, palm hearts 76, 80 154, 332–3, 335 titica vine 116, 117–18 sheep sorrel 306 rosin 192 Shorea javanica see damar rubber 34, 52, 142, 235, 249, 268, 280, 282, Shorea spp. see illipe 291–2 Siberian ginseng 180 Rumex acetosella see sheep sorrel Sierra Leone 230

453 Tapping the Green Market

Singapore 231, 252, 253, 281 of forests 4, 5, 7–8, 9, 12, 21, 196, 260, sisal 279 272 sketaugen 306 of NTFPs 196, 269–71, 279, 324, 331, Slow Foods movement 161 342, 356, 358, 361–2 SmartWood 5, 10, 21, 29, 261, 325 of timber 7–8, 54, 260–3 SoBe Beverages 222–3 see also under individual NTFPs Sociedad de Productores y ejidos Forestales de Swietenia macrophylla see mahogany Quintana Roo (SPEFQR) 30 Switzerland 202, 223 Soil Association 21, 261 synthetic gum 29, 33, 53, 55, 56, 326 Solaray 223 Solgar 204 Tabebuia cassinoides see caixeta South America Tabebuia spp. see pau d’arco copaíba 127 Taiwan 231 NTFP regulation 122, 346 tauari 317 palm heart production 75, 77, 82–4, 93 Technoserve (Ghana) Ltd 203 pau d’arco production 88, 90 Thailand 227, 228, 230, 231, 237 sangre de drago 139, 140 Thoracocarpus bissecta see timboaçu South-East Asia 17, 27, 225, 226, 230, 231, Tillandsia spp. see bromeliads 233–5, 236, 278 timber South Korea 52, 180 certification 4, 8, 16–18, 30, 260–3, 337–8, South Pacific 230 341–2 SP-303 137, 143, 150 NTFP involvement 14–18, 125, 134, 135, Spain 224, 280, 320–1, 337–8, 355–6 cat’s claw trade 94 marketing issues 4, 15–16, 17–18, 314, cork production 6, 186, 187, 188 327–8, 329 forest conservation 196 sustainability 7–8, 54, 260–3, 329 pine-nut production 190, 192 in woodcarving industry 260–3 pine-resin production 193, 194 see also logging sangre de drago trade 137 timboaçu 120, 316 yohimbe trade 223 titica vine 116 Spanish cedar 29, 54 biology 116, 117 Species Survival Commission (SSC) Medicinal certification 121–2 Plant Specialist Group (IUCN) 324 distribution 117 Sri Lanka 27, 227, 228, 230, 237, 331 ecology 117 St. John’s Wort 200 economic value 48, 116, 120 stewardship 4, 10, 134, 178, 295 in forest management initiatives 122 stone pine see pine-nuts habitat 48, 116, 117 strofilia see pine-nuts harvesting/production 117–18 Stryka Botanics Co. 223 and indigenous peoples 116, 118, 119–20 Styrax spp. see benzoin land-use change impacts 121 Sub-Saharan Africa 200–24 management 118–19, 121–2 sucuúba 316 profile 48, 116–22 sugar 163, 164, 165, 166, 168 regeneration 118, 121 sugar maple see maple syrup species compared 117 sugarbushes see maple syrup substitutes 118–19, 120 Sulawesi 230, 231 sustainability 121–2 Sumatra 227, 230, 247–9, 251–3, 255, 268, uses 116, 119–20, 316 281 Tom’s of Maine 8 Sumatra benzoin see benzoin tourism 196, 262, 263, 296, 297 Surinam 82, 83 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property sustainability Rights (TRIPS) Agreement (WTO) 153

454 Index

TRAFFIC (WWF) 198 sangre de drago trade 136–7, 151 training 32, 36, 41, 289, 294, 298, 342, 344, subsistence issues 299, 304–10, 312 357, 363 woodcarving trade 261 Transfair Network 11 yohimbe trade 221–3 Trattinnickia spp. see breu amescla United States Agency for International Trinidad and Tobago 82, 83, 95 Development (USAID) 5, 20, 338 Triphala 240, 243, 244 Universal Declaration of Human Rights 287 Tropenbos Foundation 21 Universal Labs 223 tucuã 366 Upper Peninsula, Michigan, US 299, 301–10, Tunisia 186 312 Tupi Indians, Brazil 127, 131 US Food and Drug Administration see FDA Turkey 190, 197 uxi 20, 315, 317, 320, 353 turpentine 192–3 TwinLabs 204, 223 Vaccinium spp. see blueberry Typha spp. see cattail Vanuatu 226, 227 vegetative structures 21, 47, 48, 270, 343 ucuuba 316, 317 Venezuela 62, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 130, 131 Ukraine 137 Vicdoris 203 Ultimate Nutrition 223 Vietnam 230, 246, 247, 323 UN Industrial Development Organization vime 118–19, 120 (UNIDO) 232 Virend 137 uña de gato see cat’s claw Virola michelii see ucuuba Uncaria spp. see cat’s claw Vitamin Shoppe 204 UNCED Forest Principles 8, 287 Vitol 223 UNDP Regional Meeting on Intellectual Property Rights 287 Warner Lambert 52 United Kingdom 7, 64, 73, 216, 252, 269 Wells (W.S.) and Son Company 157–8, 161 United Plant Savers 324 West Africa 201, 202, 232, 303 United States ‘white’ breu see breu resin ayahuasca 296, 297 ‘wild’ foods 4, 11, 12, 48, 161, 360 botanical medicines industry wild leek 4, 306 dietary supplements 179–80, 200, 202–6, Wild Things 30, 31–2, 325, 329 222–3 woodcarving industry 48, 259–63, 331 herbal remedies 88, 89, 95, 106, 131, Woodmark Programme 261 202, 221–2, 269 World Conservation Union (IUCN) 198, 324 Brazil nut trade 63, 64, 73, 347 World Trade Organization (WTO) 153, 327 bromeliad trade 258 Wrigleys 52, 55 cat’s claw trade 94, 95, 105, 106 certified product market 7, 32, 33, 329 xate 270 chewing gum market 32, 33, 52–3 copaíba trade 131, 132, 133 Yanesha Indians, Peru 102, 104, 108, 146 fiddlehead fern 156–61 yohimbe 215, 322 ginseng 172–3, 175, 177, 178, 179, 181 biology 216 griffonia trade 200, 202–6 certification 223–4, 323–4, 336 maple syrup production 162–71 cultivated 219 marapuama trade 269 distribution 215, 216 NTFP regulation 300 ecology 216, 223–4 palm heart trade 75, 81, 335 economic value 4, 48, 217 pau d’arco trade 86, 88, 89 habitat 216 pine-nut trade 192 harvesting/production 217–18, 219, 223, rattan trade 231 224, 273

455 Tapping the Green Market

and indigenous peoples 217, 218, 221, 224 sustainability 217–19, 221, 223, 224, 336 management 219, 221, 224, 336 uses 215–16, 221, 222–3, 336 medicinal properties 215–16, 221–2 yohimbe, false 218–19, 220 nutritional value 222–3 Yucatan, Mexico 29, 30, 32, 51, 53–4, 57, products 221, 222–3 58, 326 profile 48, 215–24 regeneration 216, 219 Zimbabwe 208, 209–14 species compared 218–19, 220