List of declassified files of the

Ministry of External Affairs from 1903‐1972


Compiled by IDSA Library

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

Progs., Nos. Travelling allowance concessions to British Trade 26 36(29)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Agent, Kabul and his Staff. 1937 Proposed grant of the family of the Late of K.B. Sirdar Muhd. Asraf Khan, M.B.E., special charas Progs., Nos. 27 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 officer, Leh, of Financial assistance from the 7(16)-E, 1937 companionate fund. Amendments to the Regulations framed by the Progs., Nos. Secretary of State for in Council under Rule 28 35(28)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 12 of the Devolution Rules to Safeguard the rights 1937 of Indian Medical Services officers in Civil Employ. Progs., Nos. 29 Tour of His Majesty`s Minister, in Nepal. 36(14)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Opening of a passage account in the name of the Progs., Nos. 30 daughter of captain G.A. Cole, I.A., of the Indian 20(29)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Political Service. 1937 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Re-solution in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Progs., Nos. Brojendra Narayan Chowdhry, M.L.A. and others 31 27(14)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 regarding the appointment of Indians to higher 1937 posts in the External Affairs Department. Progs., Nos. Continuance of the temporary post of Assistant to 32 11(66)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the Residence in Waziristan. 1937 Extension of the joining time of warrant officer Progs., Nos. 33 G.M.Muller, I.M.D., on his assumption of charge as ESTABLISHMENT 1937 15(2)-E, 1937 assistant surgeon, . Extension of terms of employment of Lt.-Col. F.M. Progs., Nos. 34 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Baily, C.I.E. H.M Minister in Nepal. 4(31)-E, 1937 Progs., Nos. 35 Amendments to the Study Leave Rules. 35(23)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Commutation of pension of Foot Constable Progs., Nos. 36 Mohammad Ashraf late of the Quetta Pishin and ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(60)-E, 1937 Sibi police Force. Regularisation of the irregular payments made to Progs., Nos. 37 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 ex-Trumper Shadman Khan and ex-Daffadar Syed 22(74)-E(A),

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Ahmed Shah, re-employed military pensioners in 1937 the Civil Departments at Aden. Grant of travelling allowance to the first Pilgrimage clerk who accompanied the Indian vice consul Progs., Nos. 38 Jedda on his visit to Mecca. Review of travelling ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(77)-E, 1937 allowance admissible to the staff at Jedda and the procedure for drawing them. Additional Staff and Equipment requaired for Civil Progs., Nos. 39 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Hospital Landikotal, North West Frontier Provience. 8(109)-E, 1940 Progs., Nos. 40 Amendments to the Superior Civil Services Rules. 31(6)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. Postings in the North West Frontier Province during 41 24(3)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the year 1937. 1937 Grant of leave on average pay combined with study leave to Captain E.A.O` Connor, I.M.S. Medical Officer, Meshed, and appointment of Major Progs., Nos. 42 B.M.Rao, I.M.S., vice Captain E.A.O` Connor. 16(78)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 I.M.S. Debit of the expenditure involved on 1937(Part I) account of the study leave to Captain E.A.O`Connor, ------Grant of compensatory allowance to the Municipal Progs., Nos. 43 staff Temporarily employed in the Relief officers ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(56)-E, 1937 and the Govt Office at Quetta after Earthquake/ Grant of leave to Mr. R.E.L. Wingate of the Indian Political Service and reversion of Lt.Col. A.E.B. Progs., Nos. 44 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Parsoons as Agent to the Governor General, 16(76)-E, 1937 Resident and Chief Commissioner in Baluchistan. Counting of the previous of constable Sher Mohd. Progs., Nos. 45 of the Zhob Loralai Police Force towards civil ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(32)-E, 1937 Pension. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. K. Progs., Nos. 46 Santhanam M.L.A. regarding Indianisation of 27(17)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 higher posts in the Deptts. of the Govt. of India. 1937 Officers under the Extenal Affairs Department to Progs., Nos. 47 Whome Section 262(3) of the Govt. of India Act- ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(47)-E, 1937 1935 applies. Progs., Nos. Grant of travelling and compensatory allowances to 48 36(40)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the Indian Trade Agent Kabul. 1937

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Progs., Nos. 49 Dismissals from Govt. service. 11(91)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Proposal for the appointment of Mr. K.P.S. Menon Progs., Nos. 50 of the Indian Political service as Agent to the Govt. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 4(74)-E, 1937 of Indian, in Burma, Rejected.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Raising of the primary School at Shallozau in the Kurram Agency to Progs., Nos. 51 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the State of an anglo 41(38)-E, 1937 Vernacular Middle School. Grant of leave to Major E.H. Gastrell, O.B.E., of the Indian Political Service and posting of Major C.G.N. Edwards as Progs., Nos. 52 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Political Agent, Kalat and 16(84)-E, 1937 Political Agent in-charge of the Bolan Pass, vice Major E.H. Gastrell, O.B.E., Passage concessions for officers in temporary Progs., Nos. civil or military employ 103 20(19)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 under part I of Appendix 1937 AA, Passage Regulations, India. Selection of Mr. Abdul Wassey, a clerk in the External Affairs Department for the post of Confidential Clerk, Progs., Nos. Kashgar Consulate 104 36(28)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 General, vice Mr. C. S. 1937 Jacobs. Grant of travelling allowance to Mr. C. S. Jacobs for his Journey from Kashgar to Simla.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Continuance of family pension to Mad Mir Progs., Nos. 105 Father of the deceased ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(48)-E, 1937 Naik Khan Khel of the . Continuance of the post Progs., Nos. of confidential clerk 106 11(61)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 British Legation Nepal on 1937 a permanent basis. Medical attendence on Progs., Nos. 107 officers of the Superior 19(11)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Civil Service in India. 1937 Continuance of the appointment of Assistant Political Agent and Progs., Nos. 108 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Colonisation Officer 11(133)-E, 1937 Nasirabad upto the end of Fenurary 1940. Central civil services Progs., Nos. 109 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Rules 1936. 22(1)-E, 1937 Regularisation of daily allowance drawn by the Trade Agent and Accountant Gartok Trade Agency during their stay Progs., Nos. 110 at Gartok in 1936 at the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(53)-E, 1937 rates admissible to them prior to the amendment of the Punjab travelling allowance rules in June 1936. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for the grant of a special pay of the Rs. 12 p.m. to the camp Progs., Nos. 111 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 clerk of the Asst. 21(59)-E, 1937 political Kurrum Withdrawn. Creation of the Progs., Nos. temporary posts of 112 11(85)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 additional Assistant 1937(A) Political Agents North

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and South Waziristan and appointment thereto of Captains R.P. Taylor 3/17the and A.M.S...... Continuance of special pay of Rs. 100 p.m.each Progs., Nos. 113 to the political agent and ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(22)-E, 1937 assistant political agent Kalat. Amendments to the Progs., Nos. Revised Leave Rules 114 35(21)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1933 and the New State 1937 Railway Leave Rules. Recovery of the overpayment made to Honorary Captain Khan Progs., Nos. 115 Sahile Abdur Razzak, 38(5)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 I.M.D. 2. Rules for no 1937 recoveries from pensions. Medical examination of Khan Bahadur Saiyid Progs., Nos. 116 Siddiq Hasan H.M`s ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(26)-E, 1937 Consul Kandahar For the Grant of Pension to him. Retention of the saervices of Major M.C. Sinclair of the Indian Political Service as Civil Secy. Aden upto 1940. Progs., Nos. 117 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Grant of leave to Major 11(54)-E, 1937 M.C. sinclave and appointment of Captain J. Hickim bothams as civil Secretary. Reorganisation of the posts borne on the cadre of the Indian Political Progs., Nos. 118 Service in Baluchistan ESTABLISHMENT 1937 11(37)-E, 1937 and the revision of special pays attached to these posts.

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Claim of Dr. W.St. A.Hendricks I.M.D., civil Progs., Nos. 119 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 surgeon Gangtok for 21(29)-E, 1937 arrears of Bay Continuance of the educational allowance of Syed Faiyaz Hussain son Progs., Nos. 120 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of the late M.Irshad 21(57)-E, 1937 Hussain Mir Munshi Kabul Legation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Certificates of eligibility in respect of Progs., Nos. 121 passages by air and by sea and air 20(15)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 combined. 1937 Fixation of pension of Lt. Col. Sir Bernard Reilly Chief commissioner Aden, after his Progs., Nos. 122 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 retirement from the Army with effect from 22(17)-E, 1937 the Ist April 1937. Fixation of additional emoluments of Progs., Nos. 123 asstt.surgeon Dr. R.Ea.Sey, I.M.D. while ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(68)-E, 1937 officiating as Resildency Surgeon Bushire. Supply of Jedda establishment returns to the Accoutant General, Central Revenues, Progs., Nos. 124 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 annually. Classification of certain posts at 14(9)-E, 1937 Jedda as ``Inferior``. Government of India Secretariat, Organisation and Procedure, Maxwell Report. External affairs department. Posts Progs., Nos. of assistant Secretary who abolished. 125 28(6)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Question of finding Suitable avenues of 1937 promotion for Secretariat assistant to compensation them for loss of assistant Secretary Ships. Grant of permission for M.E.S. officers, Captain A.E. Armstrong and Captain A. Progs., Nos. 126 Weston to visit Kabul for inspecting 37(8)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 legation buildings and testing electrical 1937 plant in the Power House. Grant of special pay to capt. J.J.Franklin Progs., Nos. 127 Evans a military I.M.S officer for holding ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(48)-E, 1937 collateral civil Military Charge of Drooh.

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Procedure for Looking of Tourisk Class Progs., Nos. 128 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Passages. 41(20)-E, 1937 Appointment of Mr. Perrier of the Military Progs., Nos. 129 Finance, Dept. as 4th clerk in the British ESTABLISHMENT 1937 4(73)-E, 1937 Legation, Kabul. Grant of leave to Mr. B.M.Bacon of the Indian Political Service. Appointment of Mr. C.G.V. Knighto the Indian Political Progs., Nos. 130 Service as Officer on Special Duty in the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(41)-E, 1937 silver District and subsequently as Assistant Political Agent and Colonization Officer, Nasirabad. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Sanction of the temporary post of Progs., Nos. Additional Assistant Political Agent South 131 11(67)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Waziristan and its continuance upro the 1937(A) end of June 1939...... Question of appointment of two libanese in Progs., Nos. 132 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the State or in the Frontier. 4(30)-E, 1937 Visit of His Majesty`s Consuls, Jalalabad Progs., Nos. 133 and Kandahar to Kabul for the 37(18)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Independence Celebrations. 1937 Appointment of Mr. J.L. Wilson, M.A., Vice- Progs., Nos. 134 Principal, Central Training College, Lahore, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 4(34)-E, 1937 as Supdt. of Education , Baluchistan. Entertainment of additional medical Progs., Nos. 135 establishment for the Haj Pilgrimage- ESTABLISHMENT 1937 14(4)-E, 1937 1938. Procedure for the acceptance of fees for Progs., Nos. 136 expert evidence by the I.M.S. officers in ESTABLISHMENT 1937 12(9a)-E, 1937 civil employ. Grant of leave to Khan Sahib Jemadar Progs., Nos. 137 Fazal Haque, I.M.D., H.M`s Vice-Consul at ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(35)-E, 1937 Birjand and consequential arrangements. Investigation and Payment of claims to Progs., Nos. 138 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 arrears of Cay allowance or increaments. 41(49)-E, 1937 Progs., Nos. Modification of the concession of privilege 139 36(22)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 passes to the Railway Police. 1937 Revised rates of pay for the new entrants Progs., Nos. 140 to the Baluchistan Educational Service. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(74)-E, 1937 Creation of new Posts of district inspectors

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of Schools Baluchistan. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Sanction of an additional amount to Dr. Emaduddin Ahmed for His Journey Progs., Nos. 141 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 between Mecca and Jedda due to increase 10(6)-E, 1940 in Actual travelling Expenses. Rates of payment of honraria etc., to Progs., Nos. 142 Goivt. Servants who broadcast from the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 12(10)-E, 1937 stations of All-India Radio. 3) Fixation of Malakand as the ``Fixed point`` for Mr. Gillett`s journey to India Progs., Nos. and the travelling allowance etc. 143 16(105)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 admissible to him. 4) Question of the 1937(Part II) appointment of a Chinese Consular Officer as Vice Consul, Kashgar. Progs., Nos. 144 for Khorasan, Vice-Mr. C.W. Hart M.B.E. 4(49)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 (B) Proposed appointment of Mr. A.G.T. Wilson of the External Affairs, Dept. as officiating Extra Assistant to the Consul General for Progs., Nos. 145 Khorasan. 2. Appointment of Mr. I.J. 4(49)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Broughton of the Political Dept., as (A) officiting Extra Asstt. to the Consul General...... Proposed grant of a dependents pensions to the mother of late Capt. J.A.Keogh 1- Progs., Nos. 146 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 12th Frontier force regiment attached to 22(19)-E, 1937 the South Waziristan Militia. Progs., Nos. Budget Provision for the training of 147 25(31)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Political probationers. (External side.) 1937 Foreign Office Circular regarding (I) Fiding Progs., Nos. 148 Guarantees for the Consular Employe ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(57)-E, 1937 (II)Consular Accounts. Progs., Nos. Rebate on fares of air journeys performed 149 20(28)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 by Govt. servants. 1937 Proposals regarding consular Progs., Nos. arrangements in East . Proposed 150 11(131)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 removal of the post of vice-consul Kabul , 1937(A) from the Indian Political service cadre and

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appointment of a Provincial Civil Service officer to the post-Not materialised. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1) Refusal of medical officers in Aden in continue to serve there on foreign service Progs., Nos. under the Colonial Office after the transfer 151 18(3)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of Aden to His Majesty`s Government. 1937 Question of compelling these officers to remain in Aden. Grant of leave to Mr.B.J. Goud, CMG., CIE., and appointment of Mr.H.E.Richardson, British Trade Agent, Gyantse, to officiate as Political Officer in Progs., Nos. 152 Sikkim, in addition to his own duties. 2) 16(83)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Fixation of the headquarters of the Political 1937(Part I) Officer in Sikkim at Gyantse for the period during which Mr.H.E. Richardson,------Extension of the appointment of Khan Progs., Nos. 153 Sahib Mir Mumtaz Hussian, Deputy, Supdt. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1(6)-E, 1937 of Police, C.I.D. and City, Ajmer. Appointment of Mr. J. Croning, M.B.E., Confidential Assistant to the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf as under Progs., Nos. 154 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Secy. to the Poitical in the Persian Gulf 4(61)-E, 1937 and his emoluments for the period he officiated as such. Commutation of pension of Mohd. Abirud Progs., Nos. 155 Din Late Head Clerk of the Office of the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(30)-E, 1937 Political Agent Gilgit. Retention of the services of Messers V. Narahari Rao, C.I.E., and G.K.S. Sarma of Progs., Nos. 156 the Indian Audit & Accounts Service int he ESTABLISHMENT 1937 11(120)-E, 1937 Political Deptt. for a further period of one year in 1938-39. Inclusion of the posts of Secretary, Home Deptt. North West Frontier Province, and Secretary to His Excellency the Governor, Progs., Nos. 157 North West Frontier Province, in the list of 25(10)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 posts regarded as equivalent to the posts 1937 of Secretaries to 1st Class Residents for the purpose of acquir Secretariat

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


experience. Pension case of Munshi Abir Ud Din late Progs., Nos. 158 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 head clerk Gilgit agency office. 22(21)-E, 1937 Grant of compassionate gratuity to the Progs., Nos. 159 family of the late ali Mardan of the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 7(10)-E, 1937 Kurram Militia. Extension of the temporary post of Executive Engineer, Quetta upto the 17th March 1939, and appointment of Mr. J.M. Macintyre to it upto the 7th May 1938and the fixation of his pay and allowances. Progs., Nos. Temporary appointment of Mr. K.A. Kalani 160 11(112)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Asstt. Municipal Engineer, Quetta as 1937 Executive Engineer Quetta in addition to his own duties pending the arriaval of Mr. K.L.H. Wadley I.S.E., and the grant of special pay to Mr. K.A. Kalani for holding the dual charges. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Recruitment to civil services and Post during war time. 2.Proposed grant of certain concessions in the Matter of Progs., Nos. 161 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Securing Civil appointments under 8(107)-E, 1940 Government to those who render service with the Prosecution of the Present War. Delegation of Power to officer Subordinate to the Governor General-in Council for the Progs., Nos. 162 making appointments to and framing ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(19a)-E, 1937 rules, Prescribing conditions of Service for the civil Posts Under the Crown. Particulars of Persons entitled to religious Progs., Nos. 163 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 ministrations. 41(32)-E, 1937 Determination of domicile. Decision that Progs., Nos. the Federal Public Service Commission 164 20(25)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 should be consulted in all cases relating to 1937 the determination of domicile. Grant of leave pending retirement to Khan Bahadur Abdul Haiy Elhashmi, Indian Progs., Nos. 165 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Assistant, Bahrain, and appointment to Dr. 16(70)-E, 1937 S.M. Siddiq, M.A., Ph.D., as his successor. Grant of leave to Ajab Din, Progs., Nos. 166 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Intelligence Agent, Kashgar. 16(91)-E, 1937

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Provision of funds in the budget for 1938- Progs., Nos. 39 for trhe colonication and Usta Seed 167 11(81)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Farm establishment in the Nasirabad Sub- 1937 division Baluchistan. Progs., Nos. 168 Only Slip is available. 11(72)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Grant of leave to Sir Aurbrey Metcalfe, K.C.I.E., C.S.I. M.V.O. and appointment of Lieut, Col A.E.B. Parsons, C.B.E., D.S.O., Progs., Nos. 169 A.G.G., Baluchistan, as Secretary to the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(31)-E, 1937 Govt. of India in the External Affairs Deptt. and consequent arrangements in Baluchistan. Standardisation of form H. D. 27 & Instructions for filling the Statements Progs., Nos. 170 prescribed in para 9 of the Memorandum 40(4)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of Supplementary instructions regarding 1937 communal representation in the Services. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Acceptance of fees by Indian Medical Progs., Nos. 171 services officers for rendering services ESTABLISHMENT 1937 12(11)-E, 1937 other than professional in Indian States. Rate of contribution towards leave salary in respect of inferior establishment Progs., Nos. 172 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 engaged on behalf of other Government 16(10)-E, 1937 departments or publich bodies. Sanction to the entertainment of certain Police establishment for the Gilgit Agency Progs., Nos. 173 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 during the period from 1st August 1935 to 11(129)-E, 1937 the 30th September 1936. Progs., Nos. Visit of Lt. Col. F. M. Bailey, C.I.E., 174 37(31)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Minister, Nepal, to Delhi in October 1937. 1937 Declaration that Rai Bahadur Norbhu Dhondhup worked against substantively post on the Indian Political Service cadre, Progs., Nos. while. Counting towards pension the 175 22(66)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 officiating Service of Babu Gyaltsen 1937 Tsering, Tour Clerk, Sikkim Agency Office, as Personal Assistant to the Political Officer in Sikkim, while Rai Bahadur Norbhu

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Dhondhup was officiating as British Trade Agent, Yatung. Enquiry wheather the wife of any Progs., Nos. 176 Government Servant stood for election to ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(33)-E, 1937 the Provincial Legislature. Extension of the tenure of Jamadar Barkat Progs., Nos. 177 Ali, Sub-Assistant Surgeon British Legation ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1(1)-E, 1937 Kabul. Grant of travelling allowance to Mr. M. Progs., Nos. Worth, Counsellor, British Legation, Kabul, 178 36(21)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 for the Journey performed by him from 1937 Abbottabad to in July/37. post on the same or different rate of pay is Progs., Nos. 179 the same post if the duties remain the 11(111)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 same. 1937(B) Agreements for Indian Order of the Kabul Progs., Nos. 180 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Legation. 41(50)-E, 1937 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year The Govt. of India Secretariat Organisation and Procedure Report - 1937 (Maxwell Progs., Nos. 181 Report) Organisation of the `` Superior`` 28(6)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Staff, their pay, tenure and leave. External 1937 Affairs Deptt. Grant of leave to Mr.E.A. Tanner, Registrar & Treasury officer, Bushire, and officialing appointment of Mr.M.H. Khan, Treasury Officer, Muscat and officiating Assistant Progs., Nos. 182 Registrar, Bushire vice Mr.E.A. Tanner. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(93)-E, 1937 Resumption of the duties of the appointment of Registrar and Treasury Officer, Bushire, by Mr. E.A. Tanner on the expiry of his leave. Progs., Nos. Babington 4/12th F.F. Regiment 183 11(85)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 respectively and their pay and allowance. 1937(B) Proposal to allow the granted officers of the British Legation, Jedda to Draw at their Progs., Nos. 184 Option a part of their Pay in India under ESTABLISHMENT 1937 10(3)-E, 1940 Provision in Note 2 to Article 56 of civil Account code Vol-I -Not materlised. Proposal with regard to the employments Progs., Nos. 185 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of certain additional establishment and 11(74)-E(A),

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other charges for the civil Hospital 1937 Landikotal. Continuance of the temporary Progs., Nos. establishment for additional worl in 186 11(55)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 connection with the opening of the Tandav 1937 Road in the Mohmand country. Progs., Nos. 187 Only Slip is Available. 35(8)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Grant pf extension of service of foot Progs., Nos. 188 constable Faqir Mohammad of the Zhob 11(108)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Loralai Police Force. 1937 Grant of leave to Mr. K.P.S. Menon, of the Indian Political Service. Posting of Mr. K.P.S. Menon of the Indian Political Service Progs., Nos. 189 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 as Political Agent, Zhob, and extention of 15(4)-E, 1937 two joining time on the occasion of his transfer. 1.Grant of Leave to Mr. Abbas Ali Shah, Dispenswer Jedda Vice-Consulate. 2. Two Progs., Nos. 190 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Years Extension of the Tenure of His Post 10(1)-E, 1940 in Jedda. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for the creation of a post of Progs., Nos. Additional Asstt. Mir Munshi in the British 191 11(94)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Legation Kabul from the April 1938- 1937 Rejected. Progs., Nos. Amendments to the Pay and Cadre 192 35(29)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Schedules of Central Services. 1937 Grant of compassionate gratuity to the Progs., Nos. 193 family of the late Foot Constable Bhola ESTABLISHMENT 1937 7(13)-E, 1937 Ram of the Quetta Police Force. Grant of travelling Allowance at Special Progs., Nos. rates to the Extra Assistant Commissioner 194 36(7)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 moving to Ziarat during the Summer 1937 months. Passage concessions for officers in Progs., Nos. temporary civil or military employ under 195 2018)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 part I of Appendix AA, Passage 1937 Regulations, India. 196 Confirmation of Shaikh Mohd. Ayub Ansari Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1937

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as Trade Agent, Zahidan. Keeping in 11(65)-E(A), abesyance the ost of Rebate Officer 1937 Zahidan and consequential arrangements. Proposal for an increase in the permanent Progs., Nos. 197 travelling allowance of the Civil 36(41)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Administrator, Kamaran. 1937 Recess of the Political Agent, Kuwait, in Palestine or the Lebanon. Question of the Progs., Nos. 198 recess of the Political Officers on the Arab 29(2)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 side of the Persian Gulf in Palestine. (Case 1937 to be considered on their merits.) Progs., Nos. 199 Only Slip is Available. 25(27)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Proposal for the reversion of Dispenser Progs., Nos. Mohd. Yusuf from Jedda. Arangements for 200 11(104)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 holding the promotion examination of 1937 Mohd. Yusuf at Jedda. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Mr. G.F. Squire I.C.S. of Progs., Nos. 201 the Indian Political service as H.M. Consul ESTABLISHMENT 1937 4(63)-E, 1937 General for Khorasan Selection of Mr. Muhd. Haroon for the post Progs., Nos. 202 of senior clerk to the Indian Trade Agent ESTABLISHMENT 1937 4(76)-E, 1937 at Kabul and his pay and allowances. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Progs., Nos. Mr. S. Satyamurti, M.L.A. regarding 203 27(12)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Indianisation in certain Departments of the 1937 Govt. of India. Opening of passage accounts for the wife Progs., Nos. 204 of Major A.E.H. Maccan, I.A., Counsellor, 20(9)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 British Leagation, Kabul. 1937 Arrangements for medical attendence on Progs., Nos. 205 and treatment of contral Govt. employees 19(13)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 in Bombay City and Poona. 1937 1. Furnishing the Establishment Officer to the Govt. of India with copies of orders regarding appointment , Extension , Leave Progs., Nos. 206 transfer or revision etc. of Officers ESTABLISHMENT 1937 8(108)-E, 1940 employed at headquaters or outside the Secretariat , with whom the Selection Board , the Establishment Committee or

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the Establishment Officer is conserned. Progs., Nos. Fixation of the emoluments of the various 207 11(67)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 incumbents of the post. 1937(B) Proposal for the re-imbursement of the Hospital Fees of Rs. 340/- paid by Dr. Progs., Nos. 208 W.St. A. Hendricks, I.M.D. Civil Surgeon, 19(9)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Gangtok, in connection with his treatment 1937 in Calcutta. Progs., Nos. Advance copies of correction slips to the 209 32(8)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Fundamental and Supplementray Rules. 1937 Progs., Nos. Grant of a returning pension to Subadar 210 22(69)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Gul Dad of the Khyber Khassadar Force. 1937 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of travelling allowance to Mr. M. C. Progs., Nos. 211 Gillett for his Journey to Kashgar while on 36(18)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 transfer. 1937 Proposal for the grant to Mr. I. J. Broughton of travelling allowance at 2nd Progs., Nos. class rates for his journey to take up his 212 36(31)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 appointment as Extra Assistant to 1937 H.B.M.`s Consul General for Khorasan.- Rejected. Compensatory allowances drawn by Progs., Nos. 213 Central Govt`s servants in Bombay and ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(18)-E, 1937 Calcutta. Grant of leave to Captain Gaury, Political Agent, Kuwait, and appointment of Captain A.C. Stewart, to officiale for Progs., Nos. him. Extension of joining time admissible 214 16(106)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 to captain Gaury on resumption 1937 by him of the duties of the appointment of Political Agent, Kuwait, on return from his deputation in England. Progs., Nos. Termination of the post of Resident in 215 11(103)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Waziristan from the 1st April 1938. 1937 Amendments to the rules governing the Progs., Nos. 216 pay of officers of a Provincial Police 35(18)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Service or Genral Central Service Class II 1937

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the Indian Police or to officiate in the cadre ports of that Service. Progs., Nos. 217 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(29)-E, 1937 Foreign office circular letter calling for Progs., Nos. 218 reports on the Personal aspist of Life at ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(29)-E, 1937 Consular Fort. Grant of gratuity from the compassionate Progs., Nos. 219 fund to the family of the late Moharrir Raj ESTABLISHMENT 1937 7(12)-E, 1937 Mir of Frontier constabulary, Tank. Grant of special pay to asstt. Surgeon A.L.Greenway I.M.D.for officiating as Progs., Nos. 220 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 political agent Kuwait in addition to his 21(85)-E, 1937 own duties. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Regulations of payment made as compassionate gratuity to the family of the Progs., Nos. 221 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Yaqub Khan, Orderly to the Assistant 7(17)-E, 1937 Political Agent, . Mr. O.K. Caroe, CIE to hand over charge Progs., Nos. to Lt. Col. Sir Trenchard and Fowle at 222 16(92)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Bahraim. Annual visit to England of the 1937(Part II) Political Resident in the Persian Gulf. 1) Grant of leave to Major K.C.Packman and appointment of Major H.H. Johnson as Consul General, Kashgar. 2) Officiating Progs., Nos. 223 appointment of Mr. M.C. Gillett, Vice 16(105)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Consul, Kashgar, as Consul General till the 1937(Part I) arrival of Major H.H. Johnson in Kashgar, and grant of leave to the former. Progs., Nos. The address of Political agent, muscat,on 224 29(9)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 recess at Karachi. 1937 Continuance of the Ration compensation allowance to the subordinate Progs., Nos. 225 establishments in the Gilgit Agency. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(61p)-E, 1937 Discontinuance of the Allowance in respect of Gazetted officers. Procedure to be observed in regard, to the confidential reports on the work of offices Progs., Nos. 226 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 lent to the Govt. of India and employed in 7(11)-E, 1937 posts below the rank of Secy. or additional

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Secy. Grant of travelling allowance to the vice- Consul, Kashgar, on mileage basis in lieu Progs., Nos. of a fixed monthly travelling allowance of 227 36(25)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Rs. 175/- per mensem, to be shared 1937 equally by the Home and Indian Governments. Proposed grant of a compassionate gratuity to the family of the late Nur Muhd. Progs., Nos. 228 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Jemadar of son, office of the Revenue 7(6)-E, 1937 Commissioner, Baluchistan. Proposal for Counting previous military services of Constable Jamal Din of the Progs., Nos. 229 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Quetta Pishin Police Force towards Civil 22(36)-E, 1937 Pension Rejected. Supply of Information to the Home Department regarding number etc. of officers in the Government of India Progs., Nos. 230 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Secretariat and attached Offices who have 41(62)-E, 1937 been allowed Extensions of Service after attaining the Superannuation Age. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposed grant of travelling allowance to Progs., Nos. the Policemen transferred to the Punjab on 231 36(34)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the re-organisation of Police in 1937 Baluchistan. Increase in the clerical staff of the offices Progs., Nos. 232 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of the Supdt. of Police Baluchistan 11(52)-E, 1937 Question in the Council of State by the Hon`ble Mr. P. N. Sapru, regarding Progs., Nos. number of (i) Indians, (ii) Europeans 233 27(18)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 holding superior appointments carrying a 1937 salary of Rs. 1,000 from and over in the Govt. of India in 1921, 1929 and 1937. Progs., Nos. 234 Superior Civil Services Rules 1936 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(8)-E, 1937 Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Sham Lal, M.L.A. regarding reservation Progs., Nos. of the post of Inspector General of Civil 235 27(13)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Hospitals and Prisons, N.W.F.P. for 1937 European Officers of the Indian Medical Service.

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Progs., Nos. 236 Only Slip is Available. 25(11)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Provision of funds in the budget for 1938- 39 for the additional posts of Under Progs., Nos. 237 Secretaries in the External Affairs Deptt. in ESTABLISHMENT 1937 11(51)-E, 1937 connection with Maxwell Report of the Re- organisation of the Secretariat. Proposal for the combination of the Vice consulate at Zahidan with Kabul and Meshed with Brijand. Tour of captain Progs., Nos. 238 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 L.A.C. Fry, Vice Consul General Khorasan 11(132)-E, 1937 in his work. Question of the transfer of Captain L.A.C. Fry as Vice Consul Meshed. Review of expenditure in connection with Progs., Nos. 239 the temporary staff employed for the Haj ESTABLISHMENT 1937 14(8)-E, 1937 Season. Revision of the pay of Indian Civil Service Progs., Nos. 240 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 under secretary to Govt of India. 21(28)-E, 1937 S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Deputation of Capt. G.S.H. De Gaury in England, and appointment of Dr. A.L. Greenway, Quarantine Medical officer, Progs., Nos. 241 Kuwait, as Political Agent, Kuwait, in ESTABLISHMENT 1937 7(3)-E, 1937 addition to his own duties Capt. A.C. Stewart previously appointed to officiate via Capt. G.S.H. de Gawry. Inclusion of the post of under secretary in Progs., Nos. 242 the Esternal Affairs Deptt. in the cadre of 11(101)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the Indian Political Service. 1937 Progs., Nos. Employment of conservancy staff in the 243 11(107)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Nepal Legation. 1937 Regiment and his pay and allowances. Progs., Nos. Grant of lofging allowance to Captain R.P. 244 11(63)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Taylor 1st Additional Assistant Political 1937(B) Agent North Waziristan. Reversion of Dispenser Ghulam Sarwar of the Indian Medical Dispensary, Jedda. Progs., Nos. 245 Appointment of Compounder Abbas Ali ESTABLISHMENT 1937 14(5)-E, 1937 Shah and Dispenser Ahmed Ali as Head and 2nd Dispenser respectively at the

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Indian Medical Dispensary, Jedda. Proposed grant of extra ordinary pension to Malkhan widow of late No. 167 Progs., Nos. 246 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Constable Alam Khan of Quetta Peshin and 22(49)-E, 1937 Sibi Police Force. Question of the extension of the appointment of Lt. Col. F.M. Bailley as Progs., Nos. 247 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Minister Nepal, for a further period of the 4(90)-E, 1937 year from Feb. 1938. Foreign Office Circular Letter regarding Progs., Nos. 248 certain Scholarships for sons of member of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(43)-E, 1937 His majestys Diplomatic Service. Progs., Nos. Continuance of the temporary posts of two 249 11(93)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 wireless operations at Kashagarh. 1937 Question of the regularisation of the appointment of Capt. H.D. Rushton by the Progs., Nos. 250 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Indian the Indian Political service, as 4(80)-E, 1937 Additional Distt. Judge, Peshawar. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. Amendments to the Fundamental and 251 32(7)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Supplementary Rules. 1937 Commutation of pensions of personnel of Progs., Nos. 252 the old Central Departments in Burma who 22(64)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 retired before 1st April 1937. 1937 Creation of one additional post of a peon Progs., Nos. 253 for the office of the Indian vice consul at 11(96)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 . 1937 Medical examination of Khan Bahadur Progs., Nos. 254 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Saiyid Siddiq 22(26)-E, 1937 Change of Designation of the Progs., Nos. 255 Superitendent British Legation, Nepal to ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(25)-E, 1937 Archvist. Sanction to the payment of the arrears of the Pension of the late Khan Bahadur Progs., Nos. 256 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Nawab Sir Shams Shah K.C.I.E., I.S.O. to 22(53)-E, 1937 his heirs. Proposal for the increase of pay of the post Progs., Nos. 257 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 of Indian pigrims officer Bagdad. 21(26)-E, 1937 258 Instruction regarding the verification by Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1937

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the appointment authorities of the real 40(8)-E(A), nationality of an Anglo Indian at the time 1937 of his appointment. Decision that higher officiating pay is not permissible in cases where different posts Progs., Nos. 259 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 on different scales of pay have been 21(67)-E, 1937 merged into a single revised scale. Proposal for the grant of ration allowance to Dr. G.M.Muller I.M.D. Assistant Surgeon Gilgit Rejected. Pay and Allowance of Dr. Progs., Nos. 260 G.M.Muller , I.M.D., While holding the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(46)-E, 1937 appointment of Asstt. surgeon Gilgit and terms of Appoitment for future incumbents of the Post. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of the Scale of pay of the post of Progs., Nos. 261 Mir Munshi H.B.M.`s consulate General ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(9)-E, 1937 Kashgar. Progs., Nos. Creation of the post of a chaukidar for the 262 11(82)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 civil hospital at Parachinar. 1937 Continuance of the appointment of Mr. Progs., Nos. 263 B.G. Gould C.M.G., C.I.E., as Political 11(97)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Officer Sikkim. 1937 Grant of horse allowance to Jamadar Mehr Progs., Nos. 264 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Chand Veterinary Asstt. Surgeon Gilgit. 21(79)-E, 1937 Appeal from Fazbul Hussain, ex. Progs., Nos. 265 forwarding clerk & the British Legation, 17(4)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Kabul, & or re-instatement. 1937 Ineligibility of Women for appointment to Progs., Nos. 266 the Indian Police and the Indian Civil ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(55)-E, 1937 Service. Desirability of associating an independent authority with a departmental officer Progs., Nos. 267 conducting an enquiry under rule 55 of the 33(3)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Civil Service (Classification, Control and 1937 Appwal) Rules. Permanent establishment for the Public Progs., Nos. 268 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Works Deptt. Gilgit. 11(127)-E, 1937 Progs., Nos. Permission to the Consul General, Kashgar 269 37(23)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 to visit the hills during August 1937. 1937

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Grant of leave to Captain J.E.A. Bazalgette of the Indian Political Service, and posting Progs., Nos. 270 of captain A.C.Stewart of the Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1937 16(74)-E, 1937 Political Service as H.B.M`s Vice Consul, Khorramshahr.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Federal Public Service Commission. Instruction that Wheather the commission are consulated in Progs., Nos. 41(39)-E, 271 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 connection with 1937 Promotion to a part for which no recruitment rules exist, they should be informed of Qualification requaired. Applciation of Mr. Mohd. Afzal Khan Formarly a head clerk in the Office of the Progs., Nos. 22(33)-E, 272 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Resident in Waziristan 1937 for the commutation of a portion of his pension. Discontinuance of the pension irregularly granted to Abdur Progs., Nos. 22(77)- 273 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Rahim, Mail of Deputy E(A), 1937 commissioner`s bungalow, Peshawar. Permanent travelling allowance sanctioned for Foresters employed in , & Chitral Progs., Nos. 36(35)- 274 Agency in Appx. 16 to ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Fundamental and Supplementary Rules. Question of Modification of...... 275 Grant of travelling Progs., Nos. 36(42)- ESTABLISHMENT 1937

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allowance under E(A), 1937 Supplementary Rule 121 to Police Constables on transfer. Appointment of Mr. Abdur Rahman, Assistant Mir Munshi Kabul, vice Mr. Ghulam Progs., Nos. 4(50)-E, 276 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Sarwar granted leave 1937 prior to his reversion to the External Affairs Dept. Amendments to the New Leave Rules for Progs., Nos. 35(26)- 277 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 employees of State E(A), 1937 Railways. Arrangements in Baluchistan for the Census Operations.2. Appointment of Khan Sahib Maulvi Munie Progs., Nos. 41(63)-E, 278 Ahmod Khan, E.A. C. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 as Census Superitendent, Baluchistan ona consolidated Pay of Rs. 1350/- PM. Grant of leave pending retirement to Major Progs., Nos. 16(97)- 279 C.H. Lincoln, O.B.E., ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 I.M.D., His Majesty`s Consul, Kerman. Administrative report of the Public Works Progs., Nos. 28(11)- 280 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Department, Gilgit, for E(A), 1937 the year 1936-37. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments in the Progs., Nos. 24(22)-E, 281 reserved Posts Rules, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 1938. Grant of an Progs., Nos. 22(61)- 282 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 anticipatory pension to E(A), 1937

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Khan Sahib Mian Mahmud Gul Khan, late Trade Assistant, Zahidan. Appointment of Mr. J. Letbridge, Secy. Quarantine Section, Kamaran, to act as Progs., Nos. 4(53)-E, 283 Civil Administration ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 and Director of the Quarantine Section, Kamran, in addition to his own Duties, Staff for the office of Progs., Nos. 1(16)-E, 284 the Political Resident ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 on the N.W.F. 1. Superior Civil Services (Extraodinary Pension) Rules, 1936. 2. Proposal to frame rules regulating wound and extraordinary Progs., Nos. 31(4)-E(A), 285 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 pension applicable to 1937 members of Services under the rule-making control of the Governor-General-in- Council. Extension of the tenure of Mr. Sinclair 2md clerk British Legation Progs., Nos. 11(121)-E, 286 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Kabul and the fixation 1937 of the tenure of the Kabul ministerial posts. The Federal Public Progs., Nos. 35(17)- 287 Service Commission ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Regulations. Revision of the pay and allowance and increase in the strength of the Progs., Nos. 21(41)-E, 288 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 staff of the Anglo 1937 Vernacular Middle School Gilgit. Proposed

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appointment of Mr. Sher Mohd. Tirmazi B.A., B.T. of the Punjab Provincial Educational to inspect the school in the Gilgit agency Dropped Grant of permission to Lt. Col. A.E.B. Parsons, C.B.E., D.S. Baluchistan in lieu of Progs., Nos. 36(39)- 289 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 travelling allowance E(A), 1937 from Quetta to Kalka External Affairs Department. I.M.S. to the Khorasan consulate budget. Sanction to the Progs., Nos. 16(78)-E, 290 overland journey of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937(Part II) Captain E.A.O`Connor, I.M.S. from Khorasan to England.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of permission for recess to H.B.M.`s 291 Progs., Nos. 29(11)-E(A), 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Consul General in the French Est. in India. Grant of a comfassionali allowance to the dependents of the late S. S. Sardar Sunder Singh, Extra assistant 292 Progs., Nos. 22(67)-E(A), 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Commissioner, Baluchistan, whose death was directly due to the earth quake of the 31st May 1935. Combination of vacations with leave 293 governed by Progs., Nos. 16(63)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Supplementary Rule 285 or the Model Leave

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Terms. Sanction to the appointment of captain R.N. Bacon, O.B.E., Indian Political Service on special duty in South 294 Progs., Nos. 11(122)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Waziristan for the period from the 9yh to the 13th December 1937 and his emoluments. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Abdul Quaiyum 295 regarding the post of Progs., Nos. 27(7)-E(A), 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the Political Resident in the North West Frontier Provice. Extension of joining time admissible to Mr. 296 Abdul Latif, interpreter, Progs., Nos. 15(1)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Political Agency, muscat. Re-grantof family pension, under Art. 924(b), C.S.R., to the 297 two sons of the late Progs., Nos. 22(79)-E(A), 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Chaudhri Sher Ali, Work Munshi, M.E.S., Waziristan District. Travelling allowance of Captain D. Thompson, 298 Progs., Nos. 36(16)-E(A), 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Civil Adminstration, Kamaran. Adjustment of bills in respect of certain advances of pay and 299 travelling allowance Progs., Nos. 14(6)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 paid to Dr. Ghulam Hussain by the British Legation, Jedda. appointment of Political 300 Progs., Nos. 16(83)-E, 1937(Part IV) ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Officer in Sikkim to Mr.

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B.J. Gould at New Delhi by telegram.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that the period of special leave granted to officers detailed to attend the Coronation should be treated as duty and should count for 301 Progs., Nos. 16(56)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 leave, and that the special leave of officers attending the Coronation voluntarily should not be debited to their leave account. Revision of the judicial and revenue establishment and the pay and Progs., Nos. 11(99)-E(A), 302 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 allowance of certain posts on the 1937 Gilgit Agency establishment. Emoluments of Lt. Col. B.R.Reilly C.I.E., O.B.E. while officiating as 303 Progs., Nos. 21(83)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Resident at Aden from the 26th March to the 17th April 1931. British Trade Agent, Gyantse, officiated as Political Officer in Sikkim, in addition to his own duties. 3) Permission granted to Mr. B.J. Gould to make over charge of Progs., Nos. 16(83)-E, 304 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the part of P.O., Sikkim to Mr. 1937(Part II) Richardson by telegram from Calcutta, for administrative reasons. 4) Emoluments of Mr. H.E. Richardson, ------Maxwell Report on the Government of India Secreatariat Organisation and Procedure. Political Department. Abolision of posts of Assistant Progs., Nos. 28(6)-E(A), 305 Secretary in future. Question of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 (Part-C) fixing suitable avenues of Promotion for Secretary Assistants to compensate them for loss of Assistant Secretaryship. Amendments to the Travelling Progs., Nos. 35(30)-E(A), 306 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Allowance rules of the Madras Govt. 1937 307 Proposed removal of the post of Progs., Nos. 11(131)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937

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medical officer Meshed from the 1937(B) Agency surgeons cadre and appointment of an I.M.D. officer thereto not materialsised Posting of Mahor B.M.Rao. I.M.S. as Medical officer meshed. Passage concessions for the staff of 308 Progs., Nos. 14(7)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the Indian Vice-Consulate, Jedda. Constitution of the Finance and 309 Progs., Nos. 8(106)-E, 1940 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Commerce Department Cadre. Extension of the appointment of Shaikh Abdur Rahman of the Punjab 310 Progs., Nos. 11(44)-E, 1937 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Civil Service as Sub-Judge in Baluchistan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 21(62)-E, 311 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Revision of Travelling Allowance Rules. 2. Reduction of Travelling Progs., Nos. 36(6)- 312 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Allowance rates in E(A), 1937 Baluchistan and Rajputana. Grant of outfit allowance to Mr. Richard Progs., Nos. 21(71)-E, 313 Huntington Wards H.M.`s ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Consul in the Portuguese Possessions in India. Proposal for the establishment of a civil Progs., Nos. 11(73)- 314 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 hospital at Ladha in E(A), 1937 South Waziristan. Question of the grant of non-superior passage concessions no Mr. Progs., Nos. 20(20)- 315 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E.Q.Killier, Deputy E(A), 1937 Superintendent of Police, Baluchistan. Reversion of Lt. Col. R.L. Progs., Nos. 11(58)- 316 Vance, I.M.S., Legation ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Surgeon Nepal to Military

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duty, with effect from 1st November 1937. Appointment of Lt. Col. J.Rodger O.B.E., M.C., I.M.S. as Legation Surgeon Nepal with eddect from 1st November 1937. Proposed appointment of Mr. R.C.HOme E.A.Deptt.temporarily as Progs., Nos. 21(63)-E, 317 2nd Clerk of the British ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Legation at Kabul. Question of his pay and Allowance. Interpretation of Article 455 read with Article 827 & Civil Service Regulations as regards the date of retirement. Progs., Nos. 33(5)- 318 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Decision that retirement E(A), 1937 should take effect from the date of the Medical Board`s report in all such cases. Grant of family pension and Children allowance to the father and Progs., Nos. 22(41)-E, 319 daughter respectively of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 the deceased Lance Naik Mohd. Ali of the Frontier Constabulary Drazinda. Death of Major B.P. Ross Progs., Nos. 43(3)-E, 320 Hurst of the Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937(Secret) Political Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments to the Progs., Nos. 35(22)- 321 Revised Rates of Pay ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Rules. Opening of a Civil Progs., Nos. 18(7)- 322 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Veterinary Hospital at E(A), 1937

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Thana, . Proposal for temporary increase of establishment in the office of the Gilgit Progs., Nos. 11(79)- 323 Agency for the purpose of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 weding indexing etc. of the old records of the Agency. Grant of leave to 1st class Assistant Surgeon A.L. Greenway and temporary appointment of 3rd class Assistant Surgeon Progs., Nos. 16(11)-E, 324 C.E.Watts as Medical ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Officer, Kuwait. Resumption of the duties of Medical Officer, Kuwait by 1st class Assistant Surgeon A.L.Greenway. Proposed grant of ex gratia payment to Chunni Progs., Nos. 22(14)-E, 325 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Sweeper Political Agency 1937 Kuwait. Grant of One 1st class fare to Mr. Abdur Rahim Khan, Second Pilgrimage Clerk, Jedda for the Progs., Nos. 10(2)-E, 326 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Journey Performed by 1940 Him from Karachi to Jedda in November - December 1938. Decision to publish the list of Indian Political Service Progs., Nos. 25(11)- 327 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 half-yearly instead of E(A), 1937 quarterly. Decision that Whenever an order reducing the pension of an officer under the rule ,making Progs., Nos. 22(43)-E, 328 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 control the Govr. Genl. in 1937 Coucil is passed the officer affected shall have a right of appeal to the

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authority to whom an appeal from an order of dismissal or removal lies. Creation ofa Temporary Post of Additional Political Progs., Nos. 8(113)-E, 329 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Agent, Kurram Agency 1940 and His Staff. Authorisation of Audit Officers to issue passage certificates for presentation to Steamship Companies, to Progs., Nos. 20(26)- 330 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 officers provided with E(A), 1937 passage under the Law Commission Scheme at any time the officers ask for them.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Conversion of Mardan into a seperate sub-Division and Progs., Nos. 21(8)- 331 the grant of a special pay to ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937 the Deputy Commissioner in Charge. 2. Practice to ascertain through the Establishment Officer the Wishes of Provincial Govts. before sounding an officer in the Progs., Nos. 332 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Govt. of India Secretariat 8(108)-E, 1940(II) regarding, his willingness to accept a post Under the Govt. of India Outside the Secretariat. Amendments to rule regulating the grant of Quarantine leave to a Govt. Progs., Nos. 333 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Servant due to the 35(19)-E(A), 1937 preasence of inpections disease in the family. Ammendments to the Civil Progs., Nos. 33(6)- 334 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Service Regulations. E(A), 1937

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Payment of the arrears of Compassionate and educational allowance of Jagdesh Chander, minor son of the late Rai Sahib L. Progs., Nos. 335 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Sunder Dass, E.A.C., and 22(63)-E(A), 1937 Financial Assistant to the Agent to the Governor General in Baluchistan, to his guardian. Counting towards pension or gratuity of the previous Progs., Nos. 22(5)- 336 service in the regular army ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937 by Followers in the Frontier Irregular Corps. Resolution in the Council of State by the Honourable Mr. P. N. Sapru regarding the Progs., Nos. 337 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 recruitment of Indian I.C.S. 27(11)-E(A), 1937 Officers in the Imperial Secretariat. Proposed appointment of an Progs., Nos. 338 Indian Asstt. to the consul ESTABLISHMENT 1937 11(53)-E(A), 1937 General Pondicherry. Application of the Contributory provident fund Progs., Nos. 339 Rules to the Teachers ESTABLISHMENT 1937 22(29)-E, 1937 working in the School in the tribal areas of the N.W.F.P., Revision of the scale of pay Progs., Nos. 340 of the clerk to the Pilgrims ESTABLISHMENT 1937 21(50)-E, 1937 Officer Bagdad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Disability Gratuaties and pensions of Military Officers in Civil Employ. Question of applicability of Progs., Nos. 22(15)-E, 341 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Army instruction No. 57 of 1937 1934 to all military officers of the Indian Political service and submission of

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the Undertaking accepting the decision contained in the Instruction. Travelling allowance claim of Ex-Despenser, Fazal Progs., Nos. 36(19)- 342 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Ilahi Shah, Indian E(A), 1937 Despensary, Jodda. Proposal for provision of a Europeon doctor with an Progs., Nos. 18(5)-E, 343 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 adequately equipped 1937 hospital in Kashgar. Proposed grant of gratuity from the compassionate fund to the family of the Progs., Nos. 7(15)-E, 344 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 late M. Atta Mohd. Sub- 1937 Ins. of Police, in the Quetta Police, Force. Rebate on fares of air Progs., Nos. 20(28)- 345 journeys performed by ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Govt. servants. Proposal to report to the temporary arrangements the post of Assistant Supdt. of Police, in Progs., Nos. 1(2)-E, 346 Baluchistan be held in ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 obeyance and its duties performed by the temporary Supdt. of Police. Appointment of Captain W.G. Raw as Officer on Progs., Nos. 8(115)-E, 347 Special Duty in the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1940 External Affairs Department. Increase in the ate of mileage allowance Progs., Nos. 36(23)- 348 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 admissibale to the E(A), 1937 Residency Agent, Sharjah. Grant of leave to Colonel C.E.T. Erskince, C.I.E., Progs., Nos. 16(30)-E, 349 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 D.S.O., M.C., Inspecting 1937 Officer and Secretary,

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Frontier Corps, N.W.F.P., Question whether the appointment of Inspecting Officer is a regular Colonel`s appointment or not in connection with the grant of leave. Pay of Colonel R.H.Wilson, M.C. while officiating as Inspecting Officer, , N.W.F.P. Revised rates of pay for new entrants Enquiry from the Finance Deptt. regarding and request for copies of orders fixing for Progs., Nos. 21(36)-E, 350 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 all Sub-Ordinate and 1937 inferior Service under the External affairs deptt. not Included in the revised rates of pay rules. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Permanent retention of ferry establishment and Progs., Nos. 1(14)-E, 351 creation of two posts of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 ferrymen for Danyor ferry in Gilgit Agency. Selecation of a candidate for the post of Indian Medical Officer attached to His Majesty`s Legation, Jedda. Appointment of Dr. Progs., Nos. 14(3)-E, 352 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Mirza Ghulam Rasul, 1937 M.B.B.S., D.P.H., (London), D.T.M.& H. (Cambridge), P.M.S. (Punjab) to the post. Powers of the N.W.F.P. Govt. to create new posts and six the conditions, of Progs., Nos. 4(81)-E, 353 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 service of those posts 1937 under the Govt. of India, Act, 1935.

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Continuance of the Police establishment of the Gilgit Progs., Nos. 11(128)- 354 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Agency for a further period E, 1937 of one year. Grant of leave to Lt. Col. Sir Txenchard Fowla, KCIE. CBE of the Indian Political Service and officiating appointment of Mr. O.K.Caroe, CIE as Political Resident in the Progs., Nos. 16(92)-E, 355 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Persian Gulf. Resumption 1937(Part I) of the duties of the appointment of Political Resident in the Persian Guef by Lt. Co. Sir Trenchard Fowle and permission to------Free transport for the Progs., Nos. 36(9)- 356 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Kabul Legation Staff. E(A), 1937 Visit of Mr. G. F. Squire, H. M.`s Consul General for Khorasan, to Delhi, during Progs., Nos. 37(21)- 357 December 1937, and the ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 treatment of the visit as casual leave and not on duty. Visit of Minister, Nepal, to the Headquarters of the Progs., Nos. 37(6)- 358 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Governments of the United E(A), 1937 Provinces and Bihar. Pay of the technical staff Progs., Nos. 21(80)-E, 359 of the public works deptt. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Gilgit. Proposed appointment of Commander, Wazirastan Progs., Nos. 8(111)-E, 360 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Scouts and His Staff 1940 Dropped.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Recommendation of Mr. Progs., Nos. 4(28)-E, 361 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Boris Derozhinsky by Sir 1937

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Horace Willamson for employment under the E.A. and Political Dept. Directions from His majestys Government with regard to the acceptance Progs., Nos. 41(56)-E, 362 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 to the Business 1937 appointments by Officers of the Crown Services. Progs., Nos. 32(6)- 363 Only Slip is Available. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Selection of a candidate for the post of Indian Vice Consul at Jedda. Progs., Nos. 11(48)-E, 364 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Appointment of Mr. S. Lal 1937 Shah Bukhari, M.H. P.C.S. to the Post. Quarterly list of the Indian Political Service corrected Progs., Nos. 25(9)- 365 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 upto the 2nd January E(A), 1937 1938. Temporary appointment of Capt. O.H. Mitchell, 2nd - inCommand and Right Wing Commander, Kurrum Progs., Nos. 4(45)-E, 366 Militia as Political Agent, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 Kurrum, a post on the cadre of the Indian Poitical Service and his emlouments. Transfer of work relating to the Superior Civil Service Rules, the Premature Ratirement Progs., Nos. 35(24)- 367 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Rules & the Revised Rates E(A), 1937 of Pay Rules form the Home Deptt. to the Finance Deptt. Treatment of the leave granted under Progs., Nos. 16(66)-E, 368 Supplementary Rule 233 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 (a) and the third sentence of the note below Article

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827 A, Civil Service Regulations as leave on medical certificate. Grant of special pay and compensatory allowance to Rai Sahib Dr. G.S.Chawla Progs., Nos. 21(76)-E, 369 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 asst.surgeon Sibi while 1937 officiating as civil Surgeon Sibi Loralai. Grant of leave to Major G. Krikbride of the Indian Political Service and Progs., Nos. 16(13)-E, 370 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 posting of Major 1937 I.W.Galbraith as Political Agent, Gilgit.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Panage accounts of Mr. David Jerome, third child of Progs., Nos. 20(13)- 371 Capt. G.H. Cooke, J.A., ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Amitant Political Agent, Gilgit. Discontinuance of the Arrangement where by Mr. C.W.Hart M.B.E. extra asstt. to the Consul general Progs., Nos. 21(70)- 372 Khorasan also acted as vice ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937 Consul Meshed. Appointment of Mr. C.W.Hart, M.B.E. as vice consul Meshed only and his emoluments. Proposed relaxation of the provision of para 135 of the M.E.S. Regulations in a favour of the establishment employed for the Progs., Nos. 16(39)- 373 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 maintenance of Residency E, 1937 gardens in Baluchistan so as to make them eligible for leave under the Fundamental Rules. 374 Question in the Council of Progs., Nos. 27(9)- ESTABLISHMENT 1937

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State by the Hon`ble Mr. E(A), 1937 Hossain Imam asking the Number and Names of officers both of the Superior have been allowed extension of service after attaining the super-annuation age during the last five years, and the present age of those in service. Special pays attached to the posts for Indian Medical Progs., Nos. 21(78)- 375 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Service Officers in the North E, 1937 West Frontier Province. Question whether for purposes of Fudamental Progs., Nos. Rules 22 and 23 a temporary 376 11(111)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 post on a certain rate of pay 1937(A) whemn converted into a permanent ...... Continuance of the posts of Progs., Nos. 11(71)- 377 Indian Trade Agent Kabul ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 and his staff. Proposal with regard to certain travelling concessions to the Minister, Nepal. Sanction to the requisition of a railway Inspection Carriage by the Minister, Nepal, on official visits to the headquarters of the Central Govt. Proposal Progs., Nos. 36(26)- 378 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 for the grant of permission E(A), 1937 to the Minister, Nepal, to requisition a Railway Inspection Carriage while visitng the headquarters of the Govts. of Bengal, Bihar and U.P. and when travelling on duty to portions of Nepal- Rejected. Question in the Legislative Progs., Nos. 27(16)- 379 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Assembly by Mr. Badri Dutt E(A), 1937

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Pande, M.L.A. regarding the Indianisation of higher posts in the Departments of the Government of India. Travelling allowance of Government servants in respect of Journeys Progs., Nos. 36(15)- 380 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 performed on transfer to E(A), 1937 Foreign Service and reversion there from.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Exemption from Duty on Progs., Nos. 41(58)- 381 Baggage belonging to High ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937 Government Officials. Application of Mr. Syed Raza Clerk to the Pilgrims Progs., Nos. 4(51)-E, 382 officer, Bagdad, for transfer ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1937 to any clerical post in Iran under the Govt. of India. List of Indian Medical Service Officers who are Progs., Nos. 41(36)- 383 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Permanently employed in E, 1937 the Civil Department. Grant of leave to Major H.W.Farell, Indian Medical Service Extension of 2 months leave to Captain W.J. Moody, I.M.S. Appointment of Captain Progs., Nos. 16(104)- 384 W.J.Moody, I.M.S., as ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Legation Surgeon, Kabul, on return from his leave. Grant of travelling allowance to Captain W.J.Moody, I.M.S., for his visit to Simla. Conversion of Women`s Hospitals at Fort Sandeman Progs., Nos. 18(12)- 385 and Sibi into Government ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Hospitals, and re- organisation of

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establishments of Women`s Hospitals at Loralai, Chaman, Fort Sandeman and Sibi. Fixation of the contribution from the Bazrar Fund towards the maintence of the Hospitals at Fort Sandeman & Sibi. Classification of the Assistant Engineer, Independent Persian Gulf Progs., Nos. 36(30)- 386 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Subdivision, as a first class E(A), 1937 officer for purposes of Travelling Allowance. Employment ofa Messanger on Rs. 15/- per Mensum in connection with the Progs., Nos. 10(4)-E, 387 Payment of Pensions to ESTABLISHMENT 1937 1940 Government of India Pensioners Living at Medina. Retirement of Khan Bahadur Munshi Ihsanullah M.B.E. Indian Vice Consul Progs., Nos. 22(50)- 388 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Jedda and Counting of his E, 1937 Former temporary service towards pension. Claims for the Carriage of personal effects of Superior Progs., Nos. 36(32)- 389 Service Officers on transfer ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 Under Supplementary Rule 116(a) I (iii). British Trade Agent, Gyantse, for holding additional charge of the appointment of Political Officer in Sikkim. 5) Progs., Nos. 16(83)- 390 Resumption by Mr. B.J. ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937(Part III) Gould, CMG, CIE., of the charge of his duties as Political Officer in Sikkim, on return from leave, and permission granted to Mr.

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H.E. Richardson to hand over charge of the ------

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that the two coronation holding should be Progs., Nos. 391 treated as paid holidays P & ESTABLISHMENT 1937 41(18a)-E, 1937 T Department and central Public Works Department. Dismissal of Captain H.B.S. Progs., Nos. 41(70)- 392 Brar of the Political ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E, 1937(Secret) Department. Indian Medical Service, Medical examination of Progs., Nos. 18(9)- 393 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Lieutenant Colonels & E(A), 1937 Colonels in Civil employ. Grant of conveyance allowance to assistant and Progs., Nos. 21(7)-E, 394 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 deputy Supdt. of Police 1937 Quetta Pishin. Authority to the Assistant to the Civil Surgeon, Poona, to Progs., Nos. 18(10)- 395 issue medical certificates of ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 physical fitness for Government service. Enquiry from the Chief Commissioner. Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 25(22)- 396 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 regarding posting of Lt. I. S. E(A), 1937 Chopra for training. Creation of a temporarty post of 2nd Additional Assistant Political Agent North Waziristan ad Progs., Nos. 11(63)- 397 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 appointment thereto of E(A), 1937(A) Captain N.K. G. Jones of the 2/16th attached to 10/16th Punjab ...... Supply of information to the Home Department regarding Progs., Nos. 27(15)- 398 the progress of Indianisation ESTABLISHMENT 1937 E(A), 1937 in the higher posts in the External Affairs Department

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and its attached officer. Continuance of the Veterinary Hospital at Sadda Progs., Nos. 18(8)- 399 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 (Kurrum Agency) on a E(A), 1937 permanent basis. Statements showing (i) the Communal Composition of the Services in the various consulates, legations etc. (ii) the vaccances filled during 1936. 2. Decision Progs., Nos. 40(6)- 400 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 that the Consulates, E(A), 1937 Legation, etc. have are exempt from the Communal Representation Rules and they need not submit annual returns in Future.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of proportion of nursing Progs., Nos. charges for non-superior staff of the 401 19(16)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Central Govt. for medical treatment 1937 in hospitals. Progs., Nos. Joining time to Capt. A.C.Fry on his 402 15(3)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 transfer to Zabul. 1937 Foreign Office Circular Letter Progs., Nos. 403 regarding certain Scholarship for 41(34)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 sons of Consular Officers. 1937 Progs., Nos. Grant of gratuity to the Khassadars, 404 7(11)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 and Levies in the Malakand Agency. 1937 Proposal for the Grant of an Enchanced Scale of Pay to Mr. Shah Progs., Nos. 405 Jahan Kalir , First Pilgrimage Clerk 10(7)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Jedda on his Reaching the maximum 1940 of the Present Scale. Rejected. Amendments to the Civil Services Progs., Nos. 406 (Classification, Control & Appears) 34(7)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Rules. 1937 Rules for premature retirement on Progs., Nos. 407 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 proportionate Pension. 22(37)-E,

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1937 Counting of the period spent on Progs., Nos. 408 leave towards increment by officer ESTABLISHMENT 1937 13-E, 1937 holding an administrative post. Sanction to the retention of the services of Mr. J. Robert Electrical Progs., Nos. and Mechanical Assistant 409 11(114)- ESTABLISHMENT 1937 Independent Persian Gulf Subfivision E(A), 1937 for a further period of one year from the 1st March 1938. Application of Captain A.S.B. Shah Progs., Nos. 410 of the Indian Political Service for 16(99)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1937 leave- Withdrawn. 1937

Sanction to the Application of north West frontier Provinces Hill Progs., Nos. Allowance and Hill journey rules to 411 21(75)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the political Resident on the North 1937 West frontier and his external establishment. Grant of gratuity from the compassionate fund to the family of the late Hayat Khan, a Daffadar in Progs., Nos. 412 ESTABLISHMENT 1937 the office of H.M. Consul General in 7(4)-E, 1937 the French establishments in Indian, Pondicherry. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Classified of Junior Salutri in the Progs., Nos. 53 Zhob Militia as Naik for purposes of 21(18)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Pension. 1938 Conversion of Leave to Lt. Col. J. Jogger, I.M.S. on half average pay Progs., Nos. 54 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 from the 16th July 1932 to the 11th 16(8)-E, 1938 October 1932 into study leave. Grant of Leave to Dr. S.M. Siddiq , Indian Assistant Bahrain & appointment of Khan Sahib Mirza Progs., Nos. Ismile Barduli to officiate for him. 55 16(21)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Resumption of the duties of the 1938 appointment of Indian Assistant , Bahrain by DrS.M. Sidding on return from Leave.

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Progs., Nos. Death report of Capt. A.A.M.Best 56 32(1)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 city Magistrate Peshawar. 1938 Attachment of pay of Govt. servants. Treatment of payment towards postal life Inourance Progs., Nos. 57 policies pension schemes annuity 20(39)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 funds etc. for the purpose of 1938 Calculating that portion of salary which is attachable. Cretion of a temporary post of an officer on Special Duty at Karachi under the External Affairs Deptt. on the time scale of the Indian Political Service with a special pay of Rs. 10 p.m. in connection with the training Progs., Nos. 58 of Afghan Air Force personnel in 9(22)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 India and appointment there to of 1938(A) Lt. J.B. Howes of the Indian Political Services. Reappropriation of funds on account of the pay and allowance of Lt. J.B. Howes for the period he ...... Question of the Transfer of the service of Mr. R.C. Brew of the Lighthouses Deptt. to the Police Progs., Nos. 59 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Deptt. in Aden. Questrion whether 9(47)-E, 1938 Mr. R.C. Brew should be trated as on foreign Service in Aden. Grant of Leave to Mr. H.J. Macdonald , Superitendent, British Legation , Kabul and date of His reversion to the Army Headquater. Extension of the tenure of the appointment of mr. H.J. Mackdonald Progs., Nos. 60 for four days from the 9th to the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(2)-E, 1938 12th February 1938. Appointment of Mr. W.S. Sinclair , 2nd Clerk , British Legation , Kabul , Vice Mr. H.J. Macdonald and of Mr. M.R. Gallyot of the N.W.F.P. Government as 2nd Clerk vice Mr. W.S. Sinclair. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Reversion of Jamadar Asfaq Hassan Progs., Nos. 61 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Khan,I.M.D. 9(75)-E 1938 Europeans and their exclusion from the ordinary cadre of the Deptt. for Progs., Nos. 62 purposes of recruitment under Rules 9(23)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(a) and 21(d) of the Recruitment 1938(B) Rules. Grant of leave to Major R.G.E.W. Alban of the Indian Political Service. Progs., Nos. Appointment of Major D.R. Smith , 63 16(17)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Indian Political Service as Political 1938 Agent and Deputy Commissioner, Sibbi. Amendments to the Consolidtd statements showing staff employed in the Government of India Progs., Nos. 64 Secretariat etc. wholly excluded ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(71)-E 1938 from the scope of the Civil Service Rules by the Substantive part of rule 3 thereof. Assumption of the charge of the appointment of Medical Officer, Meshed, by Major B.M. Rao , I.M.S. Permission to H.M.s Consul General Progs., Nos. 65 , Khorasan to grant casual leave 16(15)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 outside India to officers under 1938 administrative Control.(Case of Major B.M. Rao , I.M.S., Medical Officer Meshed.) Budget Estimates of Indian Trade Progs., Nos. 66 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Agency, Kabul for 1939-1940. 14(1)-E, 1938 Advance copies of correction slips to Progs., Nos. 67 Fundamental and Supplementary ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(8)-E, 1938 Rules. Special Pay to the Assistant Progs., Nos. 68 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Engineer, Persian Gulf Division. 20(7)-E, 1938 Continuance of the additional police Progs., Nos. 69 for the Labour camp at Quetta ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(67)-E 1938 Contonment up to the 29 Feb1940 Proposal for the permanent Progs., Nos. 70 retention of post of Niab Tashildar ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(65)-E 1938 Gilgit and his establishment

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Rejected. Continuance of the port of Naib Tahsildar Gilgit up to the 31st Oct. 1939. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Leave Pending retirement to Mr. R.A.K. Hill Assistant Secretary Progs., Nos. 71 , External Affiairs Department and 16(14)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 appointment of Mr. I.S. Gonsalves 1938 as his Successor. Grant of Leave to Mr. J. Crining , Condolence Assistant to the Progs., Nos. Hon`able the Political Resident in 72 16(24)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Persian Gulf & Officiating 1938 appointment of Mr. N. Lester, Cyper Clerk, Bushire in his Place. Rejection of the Proposal to grant the rank of Major to capt. Progs., Nos. Gaury M.G.Political Agent Kuwait. 73 29(9)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Decision that he should drop his 1938 military title and style himself as Mr. In future. Decision that if any Dept. of the Govt. of India asks the Federal Public Service Commission to advertise and recommend suitable cndidates for a particualr post Progs., Nos. 74 during the period of the currency of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(83)-E 1938 the Finance Deptt. Retrenchment orders of the 15th Sept. 1938 the forwarding requistion should state Whether the Govt. of India have sanctioned recruitment to the post. Enquiry from E.H. & L. Department regarding Medical attendance and Treatment and Anti Rabic treatment Progs., Nos. 75 concessions admissible to 18(13)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 apprenties Under E.A. Department , 1938 with a view to Introduce Uniformly in Such Concessions. Creation of the Temporary the post os one Qanungo and two patwris in Progs., Nos. 76 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Peshur Tashil for a period of one 9(74)-E 1938 year from the 1st March 1939.

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Sanction of daily allowance to the Political Officer in Sikkim and His Progs., Nos. 77 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Staff for the Period of their halt at 20(2)-E, 1938 Lhasa in 1938. Fixation of the pay of military Progs., Nos. pensioners Man Bahadur Thapa and 78 20(38)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Jaman Singh while employed in the 1938 British Legation Nepal as Peons. Medical arrangements on the Trucial Coast. Agreement of H.M.s Progs., Nos. Government to share the cost. 79 18(10)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Appointment ofa Medical Officer and 1938 a Dresser on the Trucial Coast. Their pay and allowance. Sanction to the retention on a permanent basis of certain Progs., Nos. 80 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 subordinate educational posts in 9(35)-E, 1938 Baluchistan. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Confidential report on Major Progs., Nos., 81 A.S.Lancaster, Military Attache, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 6(2)-E 1938 Kabul. Confirment of Khan Sahib Mian Afraz Gul as Tahsildar Gilgit Sub- Progs., Nos. 82 Division and recovery of a portion of 28(2)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 special gratuity paid to him under 1938 the Retrenchment orders. Claim of Mr. Ahmed Husain Khokkar for the grant to him of half the Progs., Nos. 83 revenue assignment allowed to the 21(32)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 late Khan Bahadur Sher Mohd. 1938 Native Assistant, Gilgit. Calcutation of gratuiteres in respect of inferior srvice rendered by Progs., Nos., 84 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 persons susbequesntly admitted into 5(11)-E 1938 superior service. Appointment of Major A.Boyes Progs., Nos., 85 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Cooper as Military Attack Kabul. 2(6)-E 1938 Grant of travelling allowance at tour Progs., Nos. rates to majors K.C.Packman and 86 26(13)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 H.H. Johnson C.I.E. for their 1938 journeys to Simla on duty. Proposal

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to fix the Heartquarters of the Govt. of India as the Fixed point for the journeys on reversion of consuls General Kashgar. Officiating appointment of Lt. Col.J.K.Donglas R. secretary P.W.D. in Baluchistan Via Brigadier Progs., Nos., 87 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E.F.S. Dawson, M.C. Procedure for 2(13)-E 1938 the issue of notification relating to British Baluchistan. Classification of the Lump sum payment to H.B.M.`s Consul in the Progs., Nos. 88 Portugues Possessions in India as 20(37)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Allowance and its increase from Rs. 1938 400 to Rs. 500 Per Mensem. Charge report of Captain A.C.G.Galloway, as Secretary to the Progs., Nos., 89 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Hon`ble the Political Resident in the 3(3)-E 1938 Persian Gulf. Overland journey of Lt. J.R.Cotton between Bushire and the United Kingdom and the grant to him of Progs., Nos. passage concessions under the 90 30(5)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Suprior civil service rules on his 1938 proceeding on leave after his confirmation in the Indian Political service. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Permission to Lt. Col. W.K.Fraser Progs., Nos. 91 Tytler C.M.G., M.C. Minister Kabul to 27(2)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Visit Delhi in February-March 1938. 1938 Grant of gratuity from the Compassinate Fund to the widow of Progs., Nos., 92 the late Head Constable Khazana ESTABLISHMENT 1938 5(1)-E 1938 Ram of the Zhobn and Loralai Police Force. Grant of an extra or diwary pension to Mr. D. D. Dewar of the late Progs., Nos. 93 Captain I.B.D. Dewar, 2/17th 21(26)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Dogras, attached to the South 1938 Wagiristan Scouts. 94 was employed as an officer on Progs., Nos.ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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special Duty at Karachi during 1938- 9(22)-E, 39 in connection with the training of 1938(B) the Afghan Air Foorce personnel. Progs., Nos. Officiating pay admissible under 95 20(42)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Fundamental rules 30-31. 1938 Extension of the temporary post of Executive Enginer Quetta upto the 17th March 1940 and appointment of thereto of Mr. K.L.H. Wadley, I.S.F. of th Central Public Works Progs., Nos. 96 Department. 2. Appoint of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(76)-E 1938 Mr.Merrington to succeed Mr.Wadley. 3. Grant of a special pay of Rs. 100 to Mr.K.A.Khlain while officiating as Excutive Engineer, Quetta, during Mr. Wadley`s Leave. Status of the Indian Trade Agent at Progs., Nos. 97 Kabul (his pay and allowance, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(28)-E, 1938 classification cadre etc.). Progs., Nos. 98 Bombay Civil Services Rules 1937. 25(14)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 1938 Medical attendance. Central Govt. Progs., Nos. 99 Staff Stationed in Central Provience 18(12)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 & Berar. 1938 chief commissioner in Baluchistan. Creation of an appointment of Progs., Nos. officer-on special duty the Quetta 100 9(19)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Agency and appointment threts of 1938(B) Capt. A.S.B. Shah of the Indian Political Service. Principles regulating the grant of Progs., Nos. 101 personal pay under Fundamental 20(32)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 rule 9(23) (6) 1938 1.Payment to Sayid Lal Bukhari a s special case, of Rs. 41/14 as transport charges of his motor car Progs., Nos. 102 from kasuli to Lahore, on the 12(16)-E ESTABLISHMENT 1938 occasion of his transfer to Jedda as 1938 Indian vice-Consul. 2. Decision under S.R.116 that a motor car can

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be treated as part of personal effects in cases where an officr is not entitled to its fre transport in additional to personal effects. Visit of Mr. G.F.Squire Consul General Khorasan to Tehran and Progs., Nos. 413 Pahlevi in April 1938 and 27(5)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Consequential Change in his tour 1938 programme . Continuance of the pensionary right enjoyed by Nine Patwaris of the Progs., Nos. Govt. during the period of 414 21(43)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 their Subsequent Service on 1938 permanent transfer to the Govt. of India in the Gilgit Agency. Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 415 Jemadar Sher Khan of the khyber 21(13)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Khassadar Force. 1938 Progs., Nos. Passage concessions to Kamaran 416 30(10)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Quarantine station. 1938 Question of the Conversion of the Progs., Nos. 417 post of Pilgrims Office Baghdad into ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(91)-E 1938 that of Indian Vice Consul. Amendments to the Regulations framed by the Secretary of state for Progs., Nos. India in council under rule 12 of the 418 25(16)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 devolution rules to Safeguard the 1938 right of India Medical Service Officers in Civil employ. Exemption of the allowance payable to officers in India subject to the Progs., Nos. 419 Army and Air Force Acts from 20(48)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Attachment in execution of decree 1938 of a civil Courts in India. Progs., Nos. Amendments to the Quarantive 420 25(25)-E(A), ESTABLISHMENT 1938 leave Rules. 1938

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Increase in the rates for the Progs., Nos. 421 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 carriage of personal effects 26(15)-E(A), 1938

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between the Mintaka Pass and Kashgar. Enquiry by the A.G.C.R., regarding travelling allowance claims and refund of Pilgrim Progs., Nos. 422 pass-port fees and launch hire ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(11)-E 1938 of S.Abbas Ali, Ahmed Ali Mohd. Ali, Dispensers, Indian Medicne. Dispensary Jedda. Proposal to reduce the tenure of the appointment of Asstt. Surgeon Gilgit from 4 to 2 years ------Dropped. Grant of Progs., Nos. 9(25)- 423 leave to Asstt. Surgeon G.M. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938(A) Muller and officiating arrangements. Question of pay admissible to officiating ...... Proposed creation of the post of a Chadkdar for the civil Progs., Nos. 9(53)- 424 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 dispensary Jharwar E 1938 Baluchistan. Fixation of the pay of Mr. C.G.N.Naidu accountant Progs., Nos. 425 Pilgrims office Bagdad. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(41)-E(A), 1938 Waiving of the recovery of pay overdrawn by him. Extension of the concession of Quetta compensatory allowance tothe police Drill Progs., Nos. 426 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Instructers and recruits posted 20(23)-E(A), 1938 to Quetta for the six months recruits course. Pay and Cadre Schedules of Central Services and Progs., Nos. 25(7)- 427 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 amendments thereto, during E, 1938 the year 1938. Confidential report on Major Jr. Compbell R.I.A.S.C. who Progs., Nos., 6(5)- 428 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 was appointes Vice-Consul E 1938 Zabidan East Iran. 429 Claim of foot constable No.454 Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Paind Khan of the Baluchistan 20(49)-E(A), 1938 police for the arrears of his pay and allowance during the period of his suspension since the 29th October 1934. Proposal for the Grant of an allowance to Captain R.K. Battye , Assistant Political Agent, Gilgit for Performing Progs., Nos. 20(9)- 430 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the additional Duties of E, 1938 Excutive Engineer, Public Works Department, Gilgit - Rejected.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Recruitment of Staff for the British Legation Kabul. Creation of six appointmemnts of Asstt. in the External Affairs Deptt. Secretariat to fill the clerical apptt. at the British Progs., Nos. 9(23)- 431 Legation Kabul and fixation of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938(A) pay and allowances, etc., of the incumbents of the posts. Reservation of six newly created Asstt. appointment in the External Affairs Deptt. for Anglo-Indians and ...... Amendments to the model Progs., Nos. 432 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 forms of Agreement. 25(20)-E(A), 1938 1. Instruction regarding the filling up of permanent and temporary Vancies upto 1st April 1940 in posts the Cost of which Central Revenues. 2. Progs., Nos. 9(77)- 433 Delegation made to Assam ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Baluchastan and North West Frontier Province Administration to relex the insturction in certain categries of appointment. Grant of leave to K.S. Mofd. Progs., Nos. 9(20)- 434 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Nasir Khan Mir Munshi E, 1938(A)

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Kashgar Consular General. Appointment of Mr. Maqbul-ur- Rahman Mir Munshi Khyber vice X-Mohd. Nasir Khan Mir Munshi Kashgar. Abolition of the posts of Mir Munshi & Confidential clerk, Kashgar consulate General and the creation of the post of First clerk...... Amendments to the Superior Services Rules regarding new Progs., Nos. 435 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 rates of pay for Indian medical 20(24)-E(A), 1938 service. Procedure for the consultation of the federal public service Progs., Nos. 436 commission regard to ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(15)-E(A), 1938 recruitement of persons from the U.K. Proposal for the grant of a gratuity from the Compassionate fund to the Progs., Nos., 5(7)- 437 widow of the late Khwajar ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Mohad. Ramzan Headmaster Minto Govt. High School. Parachinar Rejected. Grant of compassionate gratuity to the widow of the Progs., Nos., 5(6)- 438 late Lana Head Constable Allah ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Dad od the Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police Force. Grant of Compassionte gratuity to the widow of the late compounder Kidar Singh of Central Jaio Mach. Progs., Nos., 5(9)- 439 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Application of Mst. Hansdai E 1938 Widow of the take compunder Kidar Singh, for the grant of a family pension to her. Extension of tenure of the appointment of Mr. Abdur Progs., Nos. 9(15)- 440 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Rahman as Asstt. Mir Munshi E, 1938 Kabul.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Leave to 1st Class Military Assistant Surgeon R. Easy, I.M.D. of the Residency Progs., Nos. 441 Hospital, Bushire and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(10)-E, 1938 resumption by him of the duties of his appointment on return from Leave. Resolution in the Legislative Assembly by Seth Govind Das, M.L.A., regarding Indianisation Progs., Nos. 22(4)- 442 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of Superior Services in the E, 1938 various Departments of the Government of India. Declaration of the British Trade Agent Yatingt as controlling officer for himself Progs., Nos. 26(6)- 443 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 and establishment under his E(A), 1938 control for the purpose of travelling allowance. Govt Servant Conduct rules Disciplinary action against Progs., Nos. 29(1)- 444 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Govt. Servants for E(A), 1938 indebtdness. Grant of leave on average pay for 7 montsh effect from the 4-3-1939 to Mr.C.W.Hait M.B.E. extra Asstant H.M`s Consul general for Khaiasan. 2. Appointment of Progs., Nos., 445 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Mr.I.JBroughton an Assitant 2(11)-E 1938 the Political Department as officiating. 2. Question of the abolition of the post of the Extra Asses to the Consul General for Klorasan. Retirement of Sir Norman Progs., Nos. 446 Cater K.C.I.E. of the Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(21)-E(A), 1938 Political Service. Procedure for the assessment Progs., Nos. 447 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 to British Income tax of the 20(17)-E(A), 1938

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emoluments of officers going to great Britain or Northern on leave from India. Visit of the Political Resident in Progs., Nos. 27(5)- 448 the Persian Gulf to Basra on ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E(A), 1938 duty Sanctioned. Application of Khan Sahib Jamadar Fagat Haq I.M.D. ex- Progs., Nos., 1(9)- 449 via Consul Birjiand for ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 appointment as Sub Asst Swgion Kabul or Kandahar. Extension of the appointmentr of Mr. W. Sinclair Supdt. British Legation Kabul for a Progs., Nos. 9(29)- 450 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 further period of one Tear with E, 1938 effect from the 10th October 1938.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Mr.Sher Zaman Progs., Nos., 1(2)- 451 Khan for a Post in a foreign ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Country. Enquiry from Mr.Mohd Ghayar of the E.A.Department rgarding terms of appointment of Accountant Kabul Legation and observance of the practia Progs., Nos. 9(58)- 452 of Circulating in the Deptt. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 particulars of appointments Vacant it Kabul kasgar etc. with a view to giving preference to Depatmental Cndidates. Extension of the tenure of employment of Mr. Mohd Progs., Nos. 9(81)- 453 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Haroon as Seniro Clerk to the E 1938 Indian Trade Agent Kabul. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Manu Progs., Nos. 22(8)- 454 Subedar, M.L.A., regarding ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 Salary and Qualifications of the Doctor incharge of the

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Hospital at Miranshah, & the Number of Patiants treated in the Hospital. Grant of Leave to Mr. G.K.S. Sharma , Under Secretary , External Affairs Department. Keeping in abeyance of the Post of Under Secretary and creationof the Post of an Assistant Secretary in the E.A. Department for the Period of Progs., Nos. 16(7)- 455 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Leave of Mr. G.K.S. Sarma E, 1938 and appointment of Rao Sahib B.R. Subramaniam to the Latter Post. Resumption of the duties of the appointment of Under Secretary in the E.A. Department , by Mr. G.K.S. Sarma on return from Leave. Grant of Leave to Mr. E.A. Tanner, Registrar and Treasury Officer , Bushire and Progs., Nos. 456 appointment of Mr. S.R. Iyer ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(25)-E, 1938 Assistant Registrar , to officiate for him in addition to his Own Duties. Amendments to he Railway Progs., Nos. 457 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 services Rules. 25(28)-E(A), 1938 Expenses incurred by Mr. B.J. Gould, C.M.G., C.I.E. , Political Progs., Nos. 458 Officer in Sikkim in connection ESTABLISHMENT 1938 18(11)-E, 1938 with in connection with his Medical treatment in Calcutta. Decision that Khan Sahib Mahmud Gul Trade Agent Zahidan Should be allowed to Progs., Nos. 21(6)- 459 count towards his pension so ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E(A), 1938 much of his temporary service as would bring his total qualifying service to 25 years. Abolition by the post of Vice- Progs., Nos., 460 Consul Birjand and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(7)Part A-E 1938 consequential Consular

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arrangements in best in Esat . 2. Reversion of Khan Sahib Jamadar Fazal Haque, on the abolition of the post of vice Consul Birjand.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of pesionary status to Progs., Nos. 461 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Gilgit Corps of Scouts. 21(22)-E(A), 1938 Proposal for the creation of one additonal post of a Juinor Progs., Nos. 9(52)- 462 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Assistant in th office of the E 1938 Civil Surgeon Quetta Rejected. Retention of the temporary post of Tahsidar in South Progs., Nos., 463 Waziristan for a further period 9(9)(Part-A)-E ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of one year from the 1st 1938 March 1938. Transfer of the post of Jial Progs., Nos. 9(68)- 464 Clerk to the Gilgit Agency ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Office. Grant of gratuity from the Compassionate Fund to the monor son of the late Foot Progs., Nos., 5(8)- 465 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Constable Ghulam Jaffar no E 1938 303. of the Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police Force. Instruction regarding Progs., Nos. 29(7)- 466 communal representation in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E(A), 1938 services. Fixation of rates for the transport of personal effects of Progs., Nos. 467 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the establishment of the trade 26(16)-E(A), 1938 agent. Question of the grant of IInd Class travelling allowance to Military Sub-Assistant Progs., Nos. 468 Surgeons in civil employ case ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(19)-E(A), 1938 of Warrant officer Gulwant Singh I.M.D. Medical Officers Civil Hospital . 469 Non-obserwance of the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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instructions contained in 20(28)-E(A), 1938 supplementary rule 6-A regarding the grant of compensatory allowance by the Baluchistan administration in certain cases. Charge report of Mr.N.Lester as Confidential Assistant to Progs., Nos., 3(6)- 470 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Political Resident in the E 1938 Persian Gulf.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments to the Study Progs., Nos. 25(3)- 471 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 leave Rules. E, 1938 Reciprocal arrangement in regard to Medical treatment of Progs., Nos. 18(3)- 472 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Central and Proviential E, 1938 Government Employees. Schedule of subordinates and Progs., Nos. 9(45)- 473 inferior establishment and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 special posts under E.A. Deptt. Cost of transporting personal effects on transfer under Progs., Nos. 26(2)- 474 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 supplementary rule 116 (a) I E(A), 1938 (iii) Amendments to the Superior Progs., Nos. 25(9)- 475 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Civil Services Rules. E, 1938 Fixation of the pay of the retired viceroy`s commissioned officer who may Progs., Nos. 476 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 be recruited for filling the post 20(54)-E(A), 1938 of veterinary asstt. Surgeon Gilgit. Decision that travelling allowance of Govt. Servants for Journey between India and Progs., Nos. 477 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Burma or Aden should be 20(10)-E, 1938 regulated by the Supplimentary Rules. Grnat of a gratuity from the Progs., Nos., 5(4)- 478 compassinate fund to the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 widow of the late Foot

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Consutable Mirid Khan of the Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police Force. Retention of the temporary post of third Dispenser Jedda upto the end of February 1940 Progs., Nos. 9(27)- 479 and appointment thereto of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 Dispenser Dashir Ahmed vice Dispenser Mohd. Yusuf reverted to India. Continuance of family pension to Mst. Jumaka, mother of the Progs., Nos. 480 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 late Sepoy Khewa Khan of the 21(47)-E, 1938 South Waziristan Scouts.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of maximum rate of pay sanctioned for the posts of Overseer and Sub-Overseer, Progs., Nos. 9(30)- 481 Gilgit to Messers Kanwal Singh ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 and Amar Nath Overseer and Sub-Overseer respectively in the Public works Deptt. Gilgit. Determination of domicile Decision that so far as the personal of the Defence services is concerned only Progs., Nos. 482 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 cases in which there is a doubt 29(18)-E(A), 1938 about a persons domicile need be referred to the Federal Public Service Commission. Extension of the tenure of Abdul Aziz Khan Additional clerk of the Progs., Nos. 9(46)- 483 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Kandahar consulate for a E, 1938 further period of one year upto the 29th July 1939. Question of the appointment of Captain F.R. Cawthorn, Progs., Nos. 13(4)- 484 I.M.S. as officer on Special ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 Duty during the Joining tiome admissible to Him Under S.R.

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302(b), while on transfer as Agency Surgeon , Kurrum and Medical officer, Kurrum Militia. Travelling allowance admissible to Dipsensary Mohd Progs., Nos. 485 for this Journery from Simla to ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(10)-E 1938 Jeffa while our Transfer to Jedda ad 3rd Dispenser. Confirmation of Mr.Sayed Ghulam Murtaza, A.M.I.Sturct E., A.M.S.E. Sind Service of Progs., Nos., 9(5)- 486 Enginers in the post of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Assistant Engineer Independent Persian Gulf Division Bushire. Grant of Leave to Captain J. Guthrie , I.M.S. , Agency Surgeon South Wazirastan and Medical Officer, South Progs., Nos. 487 Wazirastan Scouts and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(12)-E, 1938 appointment of Civil Assistant Surgeon Anoop Chand , M.B.B.S. to officiate vice , Captain J. Guthrie, I.M.S. Grant of Leave to Mr. J. Croning , Confidental Assistant to the Honourable the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf Progs., Nos. 16(3)- 488 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 and officiating appointment of E, 1938 mr. W. Laporte, officiating Cyper Clerk, Vice Mr. J. Croning. Declaration of the post of asstt. political agent Loralai as substantively vacant for the purpose of counting towards his super annuation pension Progs., Nos. 21(4)- 489 the period for which Khan ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E(A), 1938 Bahadur Maulvi Abdur Rashid Extra astt. Commissioner & asstt. Revenue commissioner in Baluchistan Officiated as Asstt. Political agent Loralai.

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Sanction to the continued employment of Mr.Sher Mohd. Progs., Nos. 9(61)- 490 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 As Assistant Eng. Giligit up to E 1938 the 1st July 1938.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Constitution of a medical board at Bangalore for the examination of penisoned Progs., Nos. 21(2)- 491 Govt. servants of the central ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E(A), 1938 Govt. and the Crown Representative applying for commutation of pension. Incidence of the cost of the return passage from London to Karachi granted in August Progs., Nos. 30(3)- 492 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 1936 to Mrs. Newington widow E(A), 1938 of Inspector Newington of the Baluchistan police Force. Decision that Superior Civil Service Officer Serving the administrative Control Contrst of the Governor General in council receiving medical Progs., Nos. 18(2)- 493 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 attendance at the Willingdon E, 1938 Nursing House Near Delhi, will not be entitled to be refund of the Medical Surgical and Nursing Charges. Incidence of arrears of pay admissible to certain police Progs., Nos. 494 officers in the North West ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(45)-E(A), 1938 frontier Province under the special Regulations in 1919. Proposed creation of a temporary post of an officer on special duty in South Waziristan and appointment Progs., Nos. 9(49)- 495 thereto of Captain Abdul ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 Rahim of the Indian Political service before teking his appointment as Political Agent South Waziristan. Deopped in

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favour of the proposal for the extension of the joining time. Extension of the Servies of Khan Bahadur Sikandar Khan as Oriental Secretary, Kabul, for a further period of one Progs., Nos., 9(8)- 496 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 year from the 1st July 1938, E 1938 and the question of grant of six months`s Leave to him from the 30th June 1939. Appointment of Mr.E.G.Hillier Deputy Supdt. of Police Baluchistan to officiate in the Indian Istan, Vice Progs., Nos., 2(7)- 497 Mr.W.St.Hodder, I.P.Grantted ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 leave. Question of he appointment of Mr.R.C.Hallows, Police vice Mr.W.St.Hodder. I.P. Revision of the scale of pay of the post of Jailor Jalis Deptt. Gilgit from the date of taking Progs., Nos. 9(24)- 498 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 over charges of the E, 1938 appointment by Mr. Sultan Hamid Khan. at Srinagar and to proceed to Kashgar along with him. Progs., Nos. 9(17)- 499 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Emoluments of Major H.H. E, 1938(B) Johnson and Fazl-i-Maula. Confidential report on Sub- Assitant Surgeion Ghulam Progs., Nos. 12(5)- 500 Husain recriuted temporarily ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 to be in charge of the Govt of India Deipensary Mecca. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Financil Adviser and Assistant Financial Adviser to the Governor of the Progs., Nos., 2(8)- 501 N.W.F. Province when acting ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 as Agent to the Governor and the staff appointed to assist them.

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Desire of Mr.S.R.Ahmed for employment in a Consulate or Progs., Nos., 1(7)- 502 Legation under the External ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Affairs Affaris Department preferably Jedda. Annual return showing the emoluments drawn by the Progs., Nos. 23(1)- 503 Staff of the Khorasan ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 Consulate General, including Zahidan, Sistan, and Birjand. Annual establishment returns Progs., Nos. 504 of the Jedda establishment ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(13)-E 1938 Jedda. Progs., Nos. 505 Only slip is Available. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 31(31)-E(A), 1938 Joining time admissible to Compounder Gauri Singh while Progs., Nos. 13(6)- 506 on reservation from Gilgit to ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E, 1938 the Kashmir Government Service in 1936. Grant of a horse allowance of Rs. 20 p.m. and travelling Progs., Nos. 507 allowance under ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(20)-E(A), 1938 supplementary rules to the sub inspector of Police Gilgit. Cost of transport of luggage of Mr. O.K.Caroe C.I.E.from London to Bahrein on his Progs., Nos. 508 Compulsary recall from leave ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(10)-E(A), 1938 in 1937 for appointment as political resident in the Persian Gulf. Report on the Personal Aspect Progs., Nos. 509 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of life in Khorasan. 29(14)-E(A), 1938 Question of the selection of an officer for the post of Consul General for the French Estblishment in India in Progs., Nos., 2(1)- 510 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Sucession to Major C.C.L.Ryan E 1938 granted leave on mdeical grounds. Recal of Lt.Col.R.C.F. Schomberg from leave on his

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appointment as Consul General for the French Estabilshment in India. Temporary appointmnet of Mr.T.Roger, Vice-Consul, as Consul General for the French Establishments in India on a pay of Rs.300 P.M. pending the arrival of Lt. Col. R.C.F. Schomberg.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal regading 1. the Certain of three post of Cleark 2. the increase in the pay of the Nazir and 3. the reduction two post of Police constable in the Gilgit Agency-Rejected. 2. Progs., Nos. 511 Santion to the continuned ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(55)-E 1938 employment of certain sub- ordince and inferior estabishment in the Gilgit sub Division for a further period of one year from the 1st March 1939. Grant of ration allowance to Tahsil Chaprasis and Process servers in Gilgit in lien of Progs., Nos. 512 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 travelling allowance when on 20(46)-E(A), 1938 duty of a miscellanceous nature outside Gilgit. Extension of the Tenure of appointment of Rai Sahib Sukh Dyal as Financial Assistant to the Hon`ble the A.G.G.Resident & Chief Progs., Nos. 513 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Commissioner in Baluchistan 9(86)-E 1938 together with extension of his period of employment in Governmenat service beyond the age of 55 year. Decision that no outfit Progs., Nos. 514 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 allowance for the full dress 20(53)-E(A), 1938

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uniform will be admissible to officers appointed as military attache Kabul. Services rendered by Afgha Mir Syed Prior to his appointment Progs., Nos. 515 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 as Offg. Junior Clerk in the 9(59)-E 1938 Punjab Civil Secretariat. Finance Deptt. instructions regarding officiating Progs., Nos. 516 appointment for short periods. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(13)-E, 1938 Filling of short term vacancies undesirable. Report on the Personal Aspect Progs., Nos. 517 of life at Bushire by Mr. W. H. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 23(2)-E, 1938 Young, British Vice-Consul. Counting of the previous military service of head Progs., Nos. 518 Constable Ali Shan of the Zhob ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(10)-E(A), 1938 Loralai Police Force towards civil Pension. Enquiry from the Unemployment advisor to the Govt of Bengal regarding Progs., Nos. 519 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 methods of recruitment etc. for 29(19)-E(A), 1938 posts under the External affairs deptt. Review of the compensatory allowances drawn by officers of Progs., Nos. 520 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the central Govt. in Places 20(36)-E(A), 1938 other than Calcutta or Bombay.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Method of determining the date of birth of a Govt. servant Progs., Nos. 521 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 whose age only is known at the 25(18)-E(A), 1938 time of appointment. Question of the adminssibility of water allowance of $ 27/- Progs., Nos. 522 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 per annum to the Indian 12(1)-E 1938 medical officer Jedda. Appointment of Fazl-i-Manula Progs., Nos. 523 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 as Computer at Kashgar vice 9(17)-E, 1938(A)

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Compounder Maqsud Shah reverted to the N.W.F.P. Instructions to Mr. Maqbul-ur- Rahman and Fagal-i-Maula selected as Mir Munshi and compounder respectively to report themselves on duty to Major H.H. Johnson consul General designate Kashgar ...... reimbursement of Expenses incurred by Major C.CC.L. Ryan late Consul General for the Progs., Nos. 524 French Establishment in India ESTABLISHMENT 1938 18(7)-E, 1938 Pondichery, in connection with his Medical treatment at Calcutta in January 1938. Staff for theChancery of the Progs., Nos. 525 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 British Legation, Kabul. 9(93)-E 1938 Appointment of Captain A.L.A.Dredge of the Indian Progs., Nos., 2(2)- 526 Political Service as His ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Majesty`s Vice Consul at Zahidan. Enquiry from the Persian Gulf Residency regarding the Progs., Nos. 527 interpretation of correction Slip ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(55)-E(A), 1938 No. 239 dated 28-10-38 to Fundamental rule 49. Amendments to the Progs., Nos. 528 Fundamental and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(5)-E, 1938 Supplementary Rules. Amendments to the Revised Progs., Nos. 529 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Rates of pay Rules. 25(2)-E, 1938 Application of Mrs. M.Howson widow of the late Mr. W.R.Howson O.B.E., H.B.M.`s Progs., Nos. 530 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 consul Bandar Abbas for the 21(23)-E, 1938 grant of a pension to her rejected.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Conditions of Service of Progs., Nos. 531 compounders employed in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 18(6)-E, 1938 Gilgit. Extension of the appointmenta of Lt.R.Holines, I.M.D., Inchage of Victoria Memorial Hospital Progs., Nos., 532 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Bahrain for a further period of 9(10)-E 1938 two years from the 8th August 1938. Medical attangementsin the Hedjaz for the Haj Season 1939. Temporary employment Progs., Nos. 533 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of a Bengali-knowing docter & 9(37)-E, 1938 a dispenser in thew Meeca Dispensary. Fixation of the pay of Mr. Sher Progs., Nos. 534 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Mohd. Asstt. Engineer Gilgit 20(22)-E(A), 1938 Grnat of house rent allowance Progs., Nos. 535 to the First Pilgirmage Clerk, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(2)-E 1938 British Legation, Jedda. Grant of Leave to Major P.P. Watts , Political Agent, Muscat Progs., Nos. 536 and resumption by him of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(5)-E, 1938 duties of his appointment on return from Leave. Resolution of the South Indian Shorthand writers Conference re. appointment of Indian Progs., Nos., 4(1)- 537 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Shorthand writers for future E 1938 Royal Commission land Commities in Indian Grant of special pay to Mr. J.H.Fletcher M.C., I.S.E. on his appointment as joint secy. Progs., Nos. 538 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 P.W.D. in Baluchistan vice Mr. 20(21)-E(A), 1938 H.W.Oddin Taylor granted leave. Extension for period of own year of the tenure of Progs., Nos. 539 employment of secound Calss ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(80)-E 1938 Assistant Surgeion A.J Selvey I.M.D., as Assistant Surgeou

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Consulate General Kashgar. Proposed appointment of a Progs., Nos., 9(9)- 540 Medical Officer in Bandar ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Abbas.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Aden - Pay, pensions and conditions of Service of Progs., Nos. 541 personnel in Aden after the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(35)-E, 1938 transfer of Aden to His Majesty`s Government. Continuance of the Police establishment of the Gilgit Progs., Nos. 542 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Agency up to the 29th 9(43)-E, 1938 February 1940. Continuance of the post of Personel Assistant to the Progs., Nos. 543 Political Resident in the Persian ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(39)-E, 1938 Gulf for a further period of two tears from the January 1938. Enquiry from Captain G.A. Falconer consul Kerwar asking Progs., Nos. 544 the name and addess of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(60)-E 1938 authority which Indian Army for Civil Employment. Amendments to the Revised Progs., Nos. 545 leave Rules, 1933 & the New ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(6)-E, 1938 State Railway leave Rules. Grant of an Extension of Joining time to Captain G.C.L. Progs., Nos. 546 Crichton on the Occasion of His ESTABLISHMENT 1938 13(3)-E, 1938 transfer from Peshwar to Simla. Exemption from 15% cut of the Progs., Nos. 547 pay of nine religous teachers in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(35)-E(A), 1938 the Noth Waziristan Agency. Travelling allowance admissible to Mr. Sher Mohd. for his Progs., Nos. 548 journey by air from Risalpur to ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(17)-E(A), 1938 Gilgit while on transfer to the P.W.D. Gilgit. 549 Payment of I.C.S., Provident Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Fund to Mr. R.E.L. Wingate, 21(39)-E, 1938 C.I.E., I.C.S., of the Indian Political Service on leave preparatory to retirement. Proposal for the creation of the post of Vernacular Assitant for th officers of the Extra Progs., Nos. 550 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Assistant Commissioners in the 9(63)-E 1938 Loralai District, Baluchistan. Rejected. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Overland journey to the United Progs., Nos. 551 Kingdom of Major F.W.Farell ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(11)-E(A), 1938 I.M.S.Legatin surgeon Kabul. Proposal for an increase in the emoluments of Shaikh Abdur Progs., Nos. 552 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Rahman district and Sessions 20(50)-E(A), 1938 judge Baluchistan Rejected. Annual increment of pay of Mr.C.G.Franks and Mr.E.H. Progs., Nos. 553 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Corridon Wireless Operation 11(1)-E 1938 Kashgar. Extention of the tenure of appointment of Jamadar Barkat Progs., Nos. 554 Ali M.D.Sub Assistant Surgeion ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(89)-E 1938 Kabul for a further period of one year. Progs., Nos. 555 Visit of M.E.S.Officers to Kabul. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 27(1)-E(A), 1938 Decision that it is not Necessary for B.J. Gould C.M.G., C.I.E. , Political Officer Progs., Nos. 556 in Sikkim to apply for Leave for ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(11)-E, 1938 the Period he was under Medical treatment in Calcutta during March 1938. grant of leave to Captain J.E.A., Bazalgette of the Indian Political Service and his Progs., Nos. 557 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Preference with regard to his 16(18)-E, 1938 posting on return from Leave. Appointment of Captain A.

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Napier, as His Majestys Vice Consul, Khorramshahr. Grant of travelling allowance for his return journey at tour rates under supplementary Progs., Nos. 558 rules 151 and 153 to Mr.Amar ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(8)-E(A), 1938 Nath late Sub-overseet public works department Gilgit on his discharge from Service.q Retention of the Services of Lt. Col. F.M. Bailey C.I.E., as Progs., Nos. 559 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Minister Nepal after retirement 9(33)-E, 1938 from Military service. Issue of declarations under Sub-sections 1 and 2 of serction 262 of the Govt of India Act 1935 in favour of officers who were appointed by Progs., Nos. 560 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Secy. of the state in 29(11)-E(A), 1938 Council before the Ist April 1937 to services to which the Secy. of state no longer makes appointments.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of initial pay of Sardar Sahib S.Jit Singh Prosecuting Progs., Nos. 561 inspector of police Quetta while ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(30)-E(A), 1938 officiating as Dy. Supdt. of police Zhob in Baluchistan. Medical attendance. Central Govt. Employees Under the Progs., Nos. 562 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 administrative Control of the 18(8)-E, 1938 Govt. of Bombay. Amendments to the Travelling Progs., Nos. 563 Allowance rules of Madras ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(12)-E, 1938 Govt. Sanction to the Payment to the Sind Government of Progs., Nos. 564 contribution at Specified rates ESTABLISHMENT 1938 18(1)-E, 1938 with effect from 01/04/36 for Medico. Legal work made by

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them for the Baluchistan Administration & Provision of Funds in the 1939-40 Budget. Recovey of certain overpayment of travelling Progs., Nos. 565 allowance made to Captain ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(20)-E(A), 1938 D.Thompson civil Administrator Kamaran. Amendments to the Civil Progs., Nos. 566 Service (Classification, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(1)-E, 1938 Contrast & Appeal) Rules. Proposal for the sale of the Nepal Legation car and its replacement and re- Progs., Nos. 567 imbursement of transport ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(18)-E(A), 1938 Charges for the conveyance to Nepal of a motor car for Lt.Col. G.L.Betham Minister Nepal. Provision of funds in the budget for 1939 -40 in respect Progs., Nos. 568 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of the post of Sixth Clerk Kabul 9(88)-E 1938 Legation. Correction in the Quarterly list in respect of date of Progs., Nos. 569 commencement of service of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 31(1)-E(A), 1938 Mr. I.D.Scott for purposes of increment. Cost of Journey by the overland route of the Daughter Progs., Nos. 570 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of Mr. G.F.Squire H.M.`s 30(6)-E(A), 1938 Consul Genl. For khorasan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Division of the family pension and Children`s allowance granted to the Senior widow of the late Jamadar Mohd. Aslam Progs., Nos. 571 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Khan of the Frontier 21(49)-E, 1938 Constabulary, N.W.F.P. between the two widows and their children. 572 Increase in the customs Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Compensation allowance 20(14)-E(A), 1938 admissible to the astt. registrar Bushire Residency. Period of Pay during Joining Time of Indian Service Progs., Nos. 573 Personnal reverting from the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(6)-E, 1938 Service of the Government of Aden. Appointment of a Nurse at Progs., Nos., 2(9)- 574 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Kamaran. E 1938 Grant of an invalid pension to Captain G. V. Wikham, late Progs., Nos. 575 Civil Administration, Kamaran, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(51)-E, 1938 from the Kamaran Quarantine Station Fund. Question of finding employment for K.S. Mohd. Progs., Nos. 576 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Nasir Kharies of retiring him on 9(20)-E, 1938(B) compensation penson. Charge reports of Mr. O.K. Caroe, C.I.E., as a II class Resident and Revenue and Judicial Commissioner in Baluchistan. Lt. Col. C.E. U. Bremner, M.C. as Political Agent and Deputy Progs., Nos. 577 commissioner Quetta-Pishin, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(19)-E, 1938(A) Capt. A.S.B. Shah as Assistant Political Commissioner in Quetta-Pishin, & Lt. D.H. Biscie as under secretary and personal Asstt. to the Honble the A.G.G. resident and ...... Enquiry from the finance deptt. regarding posts or services which have been specially Progs., Nos. 578 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 classified for the purpose of 20(11)-E(A), 1938 travelling allowance in the first or the second grade. Creation of a temporary post of Progs., Nos. 579 officer on special duty in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(12)-E, 1938 Baluchistan to examine the

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financial position of the Kirtar Branch and appointment thereto of Mr. C.N. Sharples, I.C.S., Grant of special pay to Mr. C.N. Sharples for holding the appointment. Sanction to the entertainment of a senior Assistant and a peon to the attached to Mr. C.N. Sharples. Proposal for the grant of a special pay of Rs. 400 p.m., to Lt. Col. J.Rodger O.B.E., M.C., Progs., Nos. 580 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 I.M.S., legation surgeon Nepal 20(26)-E(A), 1938 for the period he officiated as Minister Nepal Rejected.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of an extra-ordinary pension to the widow of the late B.Ralla Ram a senior asstt. in the office of the Revenue Progs., Nos. 581 and judicial commissioner in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(14)-E(A), 1938 Baluchistan Under article 747 Civil service Regulations and Section 241(5) of the Govt of India Act 1935. Extension of the tenure of appointment of Military Assistant Surgeon R. Easey Medical Officer Muscat for a further period of two years Progs., Nos. 582 from the 6th October 1938. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(34)-E, 1938 Decision that his tenure commenced from the 6th October 1934, the date from which he was struck off from Military duty. Sanction ot the entertainment of certain temporary clercial Progs., Nos. 583 establishment in Baluchistn in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(57)-E 1938 connection with the Administration of Justice. 584 Question in the Legilative Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Assembly by Babu Kailash 22(6)-E, 1938 Behari Lal, M.L.A. regarding the number of Indians in the Indian Political Service. Application of Mr.Chandra Singh Kutiyal for appointment Progs., Nos., 1(3)- 585 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 in one of the Trade Agency in E 1938 Tibet. Appeal from Mr.J.Ramanus late Accounts Clerk, public Works Progs., Nos. 586 Branch of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(56)-E 1938 Bushire against his removal from service Rejected. Grant of invalid pension to Khan Bahadur Saiyed Siddiq Progs., Nos. 587 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Hasan late H.M.`s consul 21(9)-E(A), 1938 Kandahar. Extension of the non superior passage concessions to Mrs. Progs., Nos. 588 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Y.E.Mould Inspector of police 30(4)-E(A), 1938 Baluchistan. Resumption of the duties of the appointment of Assistant Progs., Nos., 3(2)- 589 Rregistrar Bushire by ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Mr.S.R.Iyer from Mr.M.H.Khan. Grant of leave to Mr.M.H.Khan. Counting of temporary service rendered in the Munitions Progs., Nos. 590 board and the Board of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(24)-E, 1938 industries and munitions under Act 370 C.S.R.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for the grant of compensation to Buljan Khalassi of the Gilgit agency Progs., Nos. 591 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 for the loss of private property 20(15)-E(A), 1938 while travelling on duty rejected. Proposal for the Provision of a Progs., Nos., 592 career for Mr.K.C Radha ESTABLISHMENT 1938 1(10)-E 1938 Krishan late Assistant

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superintendet of Police Madras Presidency. Creation of two temporary clerical appointments in the Progs., Nos. 593 office of the Political Resident ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(32)-E, 1938 on the North West Frontier Peshawar. Continuance of the cash assignment of Rs. 150/- per Progs., Nos. 594 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 annum to Mohammad Zakir s/o 21(46)-E, 1938 the late Mohd. Khan. Grant of family pension to the dependents of the late Khan Progs., Nos. 595 Sahib Sarbuland Khan, an ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(27)-E, 1938 Extra Assistant Commissioner in Baluchistan. Reservation of first class Progs., Nos. 596 Railway Compartment for high ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(9)-E(A), 1938 officials of Govt. Enquiry from the Home Deptt. regarding services and posts under the External affairs Progs., Nos. 597 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 deptt. to which recruitment is 29(15)-E(A), 1938 not made through the Federal Public services commission. Proposal Continuance of the educational allowance to Mr. Progs., Nos. 598 Thakur Lal, s/o the late Rai ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(37)-E, 1938 Sahib Seth Kishen Chand, E.A.C., Quetta. Extension of the provisions of para 948 of the Pension Regulations for the Army in India (Regarding grant, continuance & transfer of Progs., Nos. 599 family pension to a widow who ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(34)-E, 1938 re-marries her deceased husband`s brother) to the Frontier Irregular Corps, including the Zhob Militia, with effect from 18-4-1936. 600 Procedure to be adopted in the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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matter of the signing travelling 26(1)-E(A), 1938 allowance bills of members of committees and commissions.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Joining time admissible to Progs., Nos. 601 I.C.S., recruits coming to India ESTABLISHMENT 1938 13(8)-E, 1938 by the Overland route. Procedure to be followed with regard to the issue of notice Progs., Nos., 9(7)- 602 debarring persons from ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 employment in Govt.Service. Dismissals from Govt service. Question by Mr. Mohan Lal Saksena in the Legislative Assembly relating to the Progs., Nos. 603 number of Foreigners in the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 22(1)-E, 1938 employ of the Central Government as Experts or Special officers. Application of Mr.A.C.Banerji for the post of Trade Agent or Progs., Nos., 1(1)- 604 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Custom officer under the E 1938 Esternal Affiars Department. Grant of leave to Mr. S.G. Murtaza , A.M.S.E.(London) , Asst Engineer, Independent Persian Gulf Sub Division , Progs., Nos. 605 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Bushire and resumption by him 16(9)-E, 1938 of the Duties of His appointment on return from leave. Grant of superannuation pension to the Khan Sahib Progs., Nos. 606 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Mahmud Gul Late Trade Asstt. 21(15)-E(A), 1938 Zahidan. Half Yearly list of the Indian Progs., Nos. 607 Political services corrected upto ESTABLISHMENT 1938 31(2)-E(A), 1938 the Ist July 1938. Question of replacing the Progs., Nos. 608 service of Mr.D.F.P. Reid ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(90)-E 1938 Commissioner of Police Aden at

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the disposal of the Bomaby Government. Grant of leave on reversion, to Mr.C.G.Franks, Wireless Operater Kashgr and appointment and of Mr.P.J.Robbins as his successor. 2. Grant of traveling Progs., Nos., 609 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 allowance to Mr.P.J.Robins for 2(10)-E 1938 the circuitous route Via Balkot and Babusar and the grant to him passenger train, instead of by goods train, on the occasion of his transfer to Kashgar. Grant of Leave to Captain A.B.S. Shah of the Indian Political Service and Posting of Progs., Nos. 610 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Lt. E.W.M. Magor as Assistant 16(16)-E, 1938 Political Agent and Assistant Commissioner, Quetta Pishin.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for the grant of ration Progs., Nos. 611 allowance to the Resident ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(51)-E(A), 1938 engineer Gilgit Rejected. Question in the Council of State by the Hon`ble Haji Mohd. Husain, regarding the Progs., Nos. 612 number of European, Christian, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 22(5)-E, 1938 Hindu and Muslim officers in certain Departments of the Government of India. Grant of penionary status to Progs., Nos. 613 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Gilgit of Scouts. 21(22)-E, 1938 Instructions regarding the completion of confdential Progs., Nos., 6(6)- 614 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 report forms for British Service E 1938 officers. Determination of domicile of Mr. D.A.H.Williams European Progs., Nos. 615 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Sergeant Baluchistan Police 29(12)-E(A), 1938 Force.

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New pension rules for Military Progs., Nos. 616 Officers of the Indian Political ESTABLISHMENT 1938 22(31)-E, 1938 Service. Payment to captain D.J.Grant. I.M.S., Civil surgeon Zhob Progs., Nos. 617 Loralai the cost of transporting ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(19)-E(A), 1938 his motor car from Karachi to Hernai. Payment of marriage allowance to the family of a British soldier in the U.K. Decision that A.G.C.R. should furnish the India Office with a statement Progs., Nos. 618 with regard to the British ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(52)-E(A), 1938 soldiers borne on the effective strength of the Army whoare in receipt of Special rates of pay in the civil deptt. under his audit control. Charge report of Mr.Maqbul Husain Khan on resumption by Progs., Nos., 3(7)- 619 him of the Charge of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 appointment of Treasury Officer, Muscat. Grant of a compensation allowance of Rs. 7/- p.m. to the first peon in the pilgrims Progs., Nos. 620 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 office Bagdad for a period of 20(16)-E(A), 1938 two years to be absorbed in future increments. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Observance of the established convention that in cases of appointments to be made by selection the advice of the Progs., Nos. 621 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Federal Public Service 9(14)-E, 1938 Commission should be accepted save in exceptional circumstances. Reorgainsation of Judicial Establishment in N.W.F.P., Progs., Nos. 622 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Additional of 4 Superior and 1 9(48)-E, 1938 Inferior post to the from that

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cadre for service in N.W.F.P. Question of raising the pay of the Judicial Coimmissioner. Fixation of Havelian as fixed point for purposes of F.R.107 (C) in respect of the journey Progs., Nos. 623 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 performed by Mr. M.H.Misra 20(33)-E(A), 1938 Vaterinary asstt.surgeon Gilgit on his Transfer from Calcutta. Claim of Mr.M.C.Gillett for the payment to him the arrears of special pay attached to the Progs., Nos. 624 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 post of the vice consul Kashgar 20(44)-E(A), 1938 during the period of his joining time in 1936 accepted. Grant of pension in addition to pay to certain Indian officers re-employed in the Frontier Constabulary reserve Platoons. Proposal to incorporate the Progs., Nos. 625 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 provision of para 199 of the 21(17)-E(A), 1938 pension regulations for the Army in India in the Pension regulations for the Frontier irregular corps dropped., Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Ghulam Bhik Nairang, M.L.A. regarding the Progs., Nos. 626 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 number of Muslim Gazetted 22(3)-E, 1938 officers and assistants in the External affairs Deptt. Inclusion of the date of birth of Mr. K.P.S. Menon of the Political service in the History Progs., Nos. 627 of Services of Gazetted and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 29(4)-E(A), 1938 other officers in the civil deptt. serving in the Madras Presidency. to him under Supplemantry Progs., Nos. 628 rule 144 (Fixation of Malakand ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(18)-E, 1938(B) as the fixed point in his case). Proposals regarding Progs., Nos. 629 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Reorganisation of Medical 18(9)-E, 1938

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arrangements for Zhob Militia .Rajected. Pay and allowances of Secretary , Kabul Legation and Progs., Nos. 630 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Consuls, Jalalabad and 20(5)-E, 1938 Kandhar. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continuance of the temporary Progs., Nos., 9(3)- 631 post of Sub-Overease at ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Gyantse and Yatung. Proposal for the grant of a gratuity from the compassionate fund to the Progs., Nos., 5(3)- 632 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 widow the late Jabar Dasm E 1938 Jamadar of the British Trade Agency Gartok. Rejected. Provision of funds in the budget for 1939-40 for the colonisation and Usta Seed Progs., Nos. 633 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Farms establishments int he 9(50)-E, 1938 Nasirabad Sub Division Baluchistan. Reversion to India of Messers. C.G. Franks and C.C. Johnson wireless operators Kashgar and grant of leave to them. Progs., Nos. 634 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Extension of joining time 9(18)-E, 1938(A) admissible to Mr. C.C. Johnson for his journey to India & Grant of travelling allowance ...... Grnat of travelling allowance to Deipenser Taj Moh. on his reversion from Jedda. Corrections in his service book Progs., Nos. 635 Payment of leave and ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(4)-E 1938 Provident Fund Contirbutions to the Distt. Board Layallpur for the period of Dispenser Taj Mohd`s in Jedda. Suggestions made by the local Progs., Nos. 636 authorities for amendment of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(22)-E(A), 1938 the Revised Rates of pay Rules.

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Appointment of Mr.Abdur Rahim Khan as 2nd Pilgrimage Clerk British Legation Jedda. 2. Request of Mr. Iqual Dein late clerk at Jedda that instead of Progs., Nos. 637 his substative post in the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(9)-E 1938 N.W.F.P. he may he transfered to some sutiable post either in Iraq Iran a Afganistan.3. Pay of the post of 2nd pilgrime Clerk Jedda. Extension of the Joining time admissible under S.R. 249-A, to Mr. Maqbul Husim Khan, Progs., Nos. 638 Treasury Officer, Muscat on the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 13(7)-E, 1938 Ocasion of his Bushire to Karachi while Proceeding on leave in 1938. Extension of the application of Paragraph 247 of the Pension Regulations for the Army in India as reconstructed by Correction Slips Nos. 38 and 39 of November 1936, prescribing the conditions for considering Progs., Nos. 639 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the claims for the grant of 21(28)-E, 1938 family pensions or children`s allowance submitted after disqualification of the individual concerned, to the personnel of the Frontier Irregular Corps and the Zhob Militia. Joining time and travelling allowance terms for Govt. servants serving in the Gilgit Progs., Nos. 640 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Agency and when 26(12)-E(A), 1938 proceeding to or returning from leave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Length of service for Progs., Nos. 641 determining the rates of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(25)-E, 1938 foreign service contribution on

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account of pension in the case of officers mentioned in Art 404-A civil service regulations Exemption of L.Khan Chand Accombant office of the Progs., Nos. 642 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Political agent Khyber from 20(25)-E(A), 1938 15% in pay. Sanction to the remission of recovery of the leave and pension contributions payable by the Kashmir Govt. in Progs., Nos. 643 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 respect of the Services 28(3)-E(A), 1938 rendered by Certain in clerks in the Gilgit Agency prior to the Ist April 1925. Pension Rules in respect of Progs., Nos. 644 certain Sub-ordinate (Inferior) ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(48)-E, 1938 personnal in Aden. Proposal to count towards pension the War Service rendered by Havildar Naubat Shah of the South Waziristan Scouts Prior to his joining the Scouts-Rejected. Decision that Progs., Nos. 645 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 service rendered in the Malay 21(40)-E, 1938 States Guides Pack Battery does not count for pension in the Indian Army, and therefore not in the South Waziristan Scouts. Continuance of certain temporary establishment required for additional work in Progs., Nos. 646 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 connection with the opening of 9(38)-E, 1938 the Gandab Road the Mohmand country. Replacement of Contributory Provident Fund System by Pension in the Educational Progs., Nos. 647 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 establishments of Agencies in 21(33)-E, 1938 the North West Frontier Province. 648 Grant of II class fares to Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Mr.Ghulam Sarwar, late Head 12(15)-E 1938 Dispaenser Jedda for his Journeys between Karachi & Jedda. Application of Mr.C.A.Robertson, of the Legislative Assembly Progs., Nos., 1(4)- 649 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Department for an E 1938 appointment for an appointment at Kabul. Fares for pesons travelling with Progs., Nos. 650 a high official in reserved ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(7)-E(A), 1938 accomodation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of retiring pensions to Progs., Nos. 651 remnants of the late Khyber ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(11)-E(A), 1938 Rifles. Decision that all persons who enter service under the central Govt on or after the Ist October 1938 or who having Progs., Nos. 652 entered service earlier did not ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(26)-E(A), 1938 hold a lien or a suspended him on a permanent post before that date will be governed by the Revised pension Rules. Continuance of the post of Progs., Nos., 9(6)- 653 Assitant Political Agnet, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Bhriam. Grant of gratuity from the compassionate fund to the Progs., Nos., 654 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 widow of the late Havildar Awal 5(10)-E 1938 Shah of he Zohob Militia. Progs., Nos. 655 Only Slip. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(51)-E 1938 Rebate on fares of air journeys Progs., Nos. 656 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 performed by Govt. Servants 30(2)-E(A), 1938 Permission to Mr. G.F. Squire , H.M.s Consul General for Progs., Nos. 657 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Khorasan , Meshed to take 16(19)-E, 1938 camel leave to go the Khanikin

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to see daughter at the end of her Summer holidays , early in September 1938. Grant of Leave to the Officer of Progs., Nos. 658 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the British Legation , Kabul. 16(20)-E, 1938 Decisiopn that no mention should be made ina contract or from agreement entered into Progs., Nos. 659 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 with a Person of any 20(1)-E, 1938 Compensatory allowance that may be admissible. Grant of a family pension to Mst. Tuni step mother of the Progs., Nos. 660 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 late sepoy Hazrat Gul of the 21(1)-E(A), 1938 Frontier Constabulary Tank.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Incidence of fees charged for the Medical Examination of Progs., Nos. 661 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 central Govt. Employees for 18(5)-E, 1938 the Purpose of Leave etc. Payment of charges on accounts of supplementary for Progs., Nos. 662 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 superior accommodation from 30(9)-E(A), 1938 personal pass age accounts. Appointment of Capt. R.M.Power R.E., as Resident Engineer Gilgit ,& Journey to Gilgit via Kagan for the inspection of th road between Balusaar & Giligit Question of the pay and allownce to be sanctioned. Grant of there Progs., Nos., 9(8)- 663 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 weeks leave to capt. Powers E 1938 with effect for 2-12-1938. Decision that Capt. Powers should be received of his civil of he is required by Military authorityes on mobilisation ever his tensure in not Completed. 664 Visit of Syed Lal Shah Bukhair Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Indian Vice, consul Jedda to 12(7)-E 1938 meina and Sanction ot he travelling expenses etc incureed in that connection. Travelling allowance admissible to Govt. servants travelling by road between stations connected by rail on accounts Progs., Nos. 665 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of the absence of the proper 26(3)-E(A), 1938 class of accommodation in the train Intermidiate class travelling allowance. Sanction of establishment for Progs., Nos. 666 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Resident in Waziristan. 9(40)-E, 1938 Application of Mr. E.A. Tanner, Registrar & Treasury Officer British Resifency Bushire for Progs., Nos. 667 the post of treasury & Income ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(21)-E, 1938 Tax Officer and Financial Adviser to the Resident in Mysore. Grant of conveyance allowance Progs., Nos. 668 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 to the medical officer Kuwait. 20(12)-E(A), 1938 Grant of Leave to Captain I.A. Progs., Nos. 669 C. Fry of the Indian Political ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(1)-E, 1938 Service. Restrictions on substantive Progs., Nos. 670 appointments against ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(21)-E(A), 1938 temporary posts.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Charge report of Mr.Nasirul Progs., Nos., 3(1)- 671 Haq as officating Treasury ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 officer Muscat. Amendments to the Federal Progs., Nos. 672 Public Service commission ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(11)-E, 1938 Regulation. Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 673 Naik Shahbeg, late of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(30)-E, 1938 Khyber Khassadar Force. Grant of Special Pay to Captain Progs., Nos. 674 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 G.A. Falconer, H.B.M.s Consul , 20(8)-E, 1938

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Karman, while officiating as H.B.M.s Vice consul , Bander Abbas, in addition to His own Duties. Pension Rules application to Govt. servants under the Progs., Nos. 675 control of Provincial Govts. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(50)-E, 1938 employed on `Agency functions` of the Central Govt. Proposal for the institution of a Provident Fund for the Staff of Progs., Nos. 676 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Kamaran Civil 21(38)-E, 1938 Administration Dropped. Despatch of copies of judgement to Military Pension Disbursing authorities in cases Progs., Nos. 677 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 in which Indian Military 21(31)-E, 1938 Pensioners are convicted in criminal cases. Request from En-Sepoy Alam Khan for permission to draw Military pension in addition to Progs., Nos. 678 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the disability pension granted 21(42)-E, 1938 to him for Servia in the South Waziristan Scouts- Rejected. Question of the retention of the services of Mr. Boddie in the Public Works Deptt. Progs., Nos. 679 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Naluchistan after the 9(44)-E, 1938 termination of his contract in November 1938. Candiature of Mr.Mohd. Ahmed Ansari, B.A., LL.B., for an Progs., Nos., 1(6)- 680 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 appointment under the E 1938 E.A.Deptt. outside India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposed creation of the post of a Nazir and a Reader in the Progs., Nos. 681 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 court of the Political Agent 9(62)-E 1938 Kurram. 682 Old and new raio of special Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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pay. Question of the 20(13)-E(A), 1938 introduction of new rates of special pay from the next change of incumbent of posts to which different rates of special pay are fixed for Old and new entrants. Application of Captain T. Hichinbotham of the Indian Progs., Nos. 683 Political Service for Study ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(4)-E, 1938 Leave combined with Leave on average Pay. officer during the currency of the leave on average pay of Progs., Nos. 684 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the permanent incumbent 9(25)-E, 1938(B) under military rules. Addition of the post of Accountant P.W.D. Gilgit to the Punjab P.W.D. Divisional Progs., Nos. 685 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Accountants cadre and revision 9(31)-E, 1938 rate of pay for Divisional Accountants. Proposal for certain permanent establishment in connection Progs., Nos. 686 with the maintenance of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(26)-E, 1938 effective relations with the Gadunntribe Rejected. Adjunstment of the excess expenditure incurred in the Progs., Nos. 687 1937-38 on the maintenance of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(64)-E 1938 the Bunji and Thalichi freeies in the Gilgit Agency. Amendements to the Civil Progs., Nos. 688 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Service Regulations. 25(10)-E, 1938 Revised proceedure for the identification of Military Progs., Nos. 689 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 pensioners paid from the Nepal 21(44)-E, 1938 Treasury. Amendments to the Progs., Nos. 690 Contributory Provident Fund ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(4)-E, 1938 Rules (India).

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply to the Consul General for Iran in India of the Details Progs., Nos. 691 of previous appointments held ESTABLISHMENT 1938 29(13)-E(A), 1938 by Capt. A.Napier Vice Consul Designate Khorramshahr. Question of the grant of extension of leave to Mr. C.C. Progs., Nos. 692 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Johnson Wireless operator 9(18)-E, 1938 Kashgar. Question of the recovery by the Aden Colony of the leaves and pension Contributions in respect of Mr. Hasan Ali Progs., Nos. 693 Bayooni from the Kamaran ESTABLISHMENT 1938 28(1)-E(A), 1938 Quarantine station fund for the Period of his foreign service under the Kamaran Administration. Procedure for the sanction of pensions decision that the procedure prescribed by Note 2 Progs., Nos. 694 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 under article 918 civil service 21(5)-E(A), 1938 regulations should be followed as for as possible. Amendments to the civil Progs., Nos. 695 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Pensions rules. 21(8)-E(A), 1938 Fixation of Mastung as the fixed point for Stations in Mekran for the Purpose of Joining time under F.R. 105(b) 2. Reduction in the Period of Joining time between Mastung Progs., Nos. 696 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 and Mekran. 3. Restriction in 13(9)-E, 1938 respect of the grant of Joining time and Travelling allowance once in Four Years made applicable to all Government Servants in the Mekran area. Extension of the period of employment of additional Progs., Nos., 9(4)- 697 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Police for Labour Chaman by E 1938 one year.

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Proposal regarding recovery of losses from Pensions and the Commuted value of pensions of Progs., Nos. 698 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 persons under the rule making 21(20)-E(A), 1938 control of the Govr Genl. in Council Dropped. Sanction of house-rent trvelling allowance to the First Progs., Nos. 699 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Pilgrimage Clerk Jedda during 12(6)-E 1938 1937. Delegation of Powers to the Recruiting Officer Rawalpindi and Peshwar to sign contracts Progs., Nos. 700 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 on Affairs with the Orderlies , 14(2)-E, 1938 Ferriers etc. of the British Legation, Kabul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Khan Sahib Jamadar Fazal Haque, Progs., Nos., 1(5)- 701 I.M.D.,ex-Vice Consul, Birjand, ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 for an appointment under the External Affairs Department. Sanction to the continuance fo the grant of land revenue made to the late Rai Sahib Progs., Nos. 702 Lachman Das senior Sub Asst. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(3)-E(A), 1938 Surgeon Loralai for 3 years on condition of its reduction by one half on each succession. Grnat of permision to Mr.R.C.Homer Archivist British Legation Nepal to uner take Progs., Nos. 703 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 survey work on behalf of 10(3)-E 1938 Messrs Gladstone Wyllie & Co, Calcutta. Extension of the Period of Appointment of Mr. Richard as Progs., Nos. 704 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Garage Superitendent , British 14(3)-E, 1938 Legation, Kabul. Disbursement of the pay of non Progs., Nos. 705 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 gazetted establishments & 20(34)-E(A), 1938

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pensions of Rs. 100 or less to Central Govt. servants for Sept. 1938 before the 15Oct. 1938 due to Durga Puja Holiday Enquiry by Lt. Col. W.K. Fraser-Tytler C.M.G., M.C., Progs., Nos. 706 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 regarding temure of the 9(36)-E, 1938 appointment of Minister Kabul. Proposal for the grant of the First Class Accommodation to deputy supdt. of police Progs., Nos. 707 Baluchistan who under the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(14)-E(A), 1938 Supplementary rules are antitled to 2nd Class accommodation & its rejection. Grant of Leave to K.S. Zianddin Ahmed and officiating appointment of Mr. Fazal Haq, Progs., Nos. 708 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Head clerk , Bushire Residency 16(22)-E, 1938 as attache to His Majestys consul General for Khorasaw. Title to Compensatory Progs., Nos. 709 allowance under ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(4)-E, 1938 Supplementary Rule 6(a). Admission of Govt servants to Progs., Nos. 710 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the Auxaliary Force. 29(16)-E(A), 1938

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continuance of the post of Drawing Master A.V.Middle School Gilgit, upto 29-2-1940. Proposal for the entertainment of tow elementary Masters for the A.V.Middle School, Gilgit Progs., Nos. 711 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 and a third for the 9(54)-E 1938 Primary School- Rejected. Proposal regarding deputation of an Educational Officer for the inspection of educaional institutrions in Gilgit Rejected. 712 Increase in the fee drawn by Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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the Superintendent, Nepal 10(1)-E 1938 Legation Chancery, from the Nepal Govt.for work done in connection with goods entering Nepal. Exemption of the incresed fee from the operation of Supplementary Rules 12 no portion being credited to Government. Grant of a gratuityy from the Compassionate fund to the Widow of the late Mr.I.Ibrahim Progs., Nos., 5(5)- 713 Khan, Sub-Fund to the window ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 of the late Mr.Ibrahim Khan, Sub Inspector of the Zhob and Loralai Police Force. Fixation of the Headquarters of Progs., Nos. 714 the Consulate general ESTABLISHMENT 1938 29(8)-E(A), 1938 Khorasan at Meshed. Eligibility of non-superior officers for passage Progs., Nos. 715 concessions consequent on ESTABLISHMENT 1938 30(8)-E(A), 1938 change of domicile after first Appointment. Decision that the entire cost of the retiring as well as the Special additional pension Progs., Nos. 716 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 granted to Sir Bernard Railly, 21(45)-E, 1938 Chief Commissioner, Aden, will be met from Indian Ravenuas. Re-distribution of work relating to certain rules & regulations Progs., Nos. 717 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 between the Finance & Home 25(23)-E(A), 1938 Departments. Proposed appointment of a representative of the British Legation Jedda at Median Mir Progs., Nos. 718 Mushtaq Ahmed retired Supdt. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(12)-E 1938 Financae Deptt. for disbursing pensions to pensioners in Medina. Request from the Balichistan Progs., Nos. 719 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Administration for permission 9(72)-E 1938

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to fill up certain temporary & permanent Vacancies. Decision that all cases in which it is proposed to grant compensation to civil officers for the accidental loss of their Progs., Nos. 720 property should be referred to ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(19)-E(A), 1938 the Govt. of India Finance Deptt. through the administrative deptt. concerned.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question by Maulvi Mohd. Abdul Ghani M.L.A., in the Legislative Assembly regarding Progs., Nos. 721 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 grant of extension of Service to 22(2)-E, 1938 Assistant Secretaries in the Govt. of India. Grant of 2.5 months Leave to Hon`able Lt. Col. Sir Trenchar Fowle , K.C.I.E. , C.B.E., Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and Sir Trenchard Fowle, Progs., Nos. 722 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 K.C.I.E., C.B.E., with 16(13)-E, 1938 headquaters at Bahrein Performance of the Consular Duties at Bushire by Captain A.C. Gallowa. Grant of special pay to Lt. D.Y.Thornburgh asstt. for Progs., Nos. 723 Mekran to the political agent in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(31)-E(A), 1938 Kalat & ex-officer commandant asstt. political agent Mekran. Intorduction of pensioners photographs as an additional means of identification for the pupose of payment of pension. Progs., Nos. 724 Exemption of the local ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(19)-E(A), 1938 personnel of the Mekran Levy corps from furnishing photographs in Support of their pension papers.

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Determination of domicile of Mr. R.Farrell Euorpean Progs., Nos. 725 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 sergeant Baluchistan police 29(10)-E(A), 1938 Force. Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 726 Amir Khan late Havildar of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(29)-E, 1938 Khyber Khassadar Force. Arrangements for medical attendance on central Govt. Progs., Nos. 727 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Servant sanctioned at Karachi 18(4)-E, 1938 or in Sind. Grant of Leave to Major C.C.L. Ryan on Medical grounds and Temporary appointment of Mr. T. Rogers, Vice consul , Progs., Nos. 728 Pondichery as consul General ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(6)-E, 1938 for the French Establishments in India , Pending the arrival of Lt. Col. R.C.F. , Schomberg, C.I.E., D.S.O. Extension of the tensure of appointment of Sub-Assistant Progs., Nos., 9(2)- 729 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Surgeon Ashfaq Hasan Khan of E 1938 the Kandhar Consulate.` Application for the grant of Leave to Mr. C.W. Hart, M.B.E., Progs., Nos. 730 Vice Consul ,Meshed and Extra ESTABLISHMENT 1938 16(23)-E, 1938 Assistant to the Consul General for Kharasan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Powers of Provincial Governmnets in regard to the Progs., Nos., 8(4)- 731 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 transfer of Government servant E 1938 out of India or in Indian States. Progs., Nos. 732 Only Slip. ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(66)-E 1938 Continuance of the Quetta Compensatory allowance for Progs., Nos. 733 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 non-Gazetted Officers in 20(3)-E, 1938 Baluchistan. 734 Grant of daily allowance to the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1938

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Political officer in Sikkim & his 20(47)-E(A), 1938 staff for the period of their half at Lhasa during 1938-39. Appointment of Haji Arab Ahmed Ali Jan of the N.W.F.P. Civil Service as His Majesty`s Progs., Nos., 2(5)- 735 Consul Jalabad, in succession ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 to Risaldar Major Sher Ali Khan, I.D.S.M., and the rate of pay admissible to the former. Reduced fare concessions provided by certain railway and Progs., Nos. 736 steamship companies for ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(4)-E(A), 1938 journey in the U.K.of Army Personal on leave on furlough. Grnat of an increased scale of Pay to Seyd Lal Shah Bukhari Progs., Nos. 737 M.A.Indian Vice Consul Jedda ESTABLISHMENT 1938 12(3)-E 1938 to be treated as personal to him. Grnat of a horse allowance to Progs., Nos. 738 the Tahsildar of the Gilgit Sub- ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(40)-E(A), 1938 Division. Postings in the North-West Progs., Nos., 2(3)- 739 Forntier Province, during the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 year 1938. Sanction to the Continaunce upto the 3st March 1939 of appointment of an Accountant created by the North West Frontier Provinces Government in the offices of the Extra Progs., Nos., 9(1)- 740 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Assistant Director E 1938 ofAgriculture, Kurrum, to keep the accounts connected with the scheme of Agri- Horticulturea operations in Kurrum.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Compassionate Progs., Nos., 5(2)- 741 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 gratuity to the dependents of E 1938

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the late constable mohd Khan of the Quetta Police. Grant of advance of Pay fora month and travelling allowance Progs., Nos. 742 to Major H.H. Johnson , M.M., ESTABLISHMENT 1938 13(5)-E, 1938 I.A. on his appointment as Consul General, Kashagar. Extension of the appointment of Under Secretary the Indian Progs., Nos. 743 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Audit Accounts services upto 9(78)-E 1938 the end of Feb. 1940. Disability gratuities and Progs., Nos. 744 pension of British Service ESTABLISHMENT 1938 21(41)-E, 1938 officers in Civil employ. Regularisation of the retention in Servia of Mulla Qa bar from the 1st April 1936 to the 31st Progs., Nos. 745 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 March 1937 of Mulla Qambar, 21(36)-E, 1938 late head peon of the British Consulate Bander Abbas. Exclusion of fire post of sbu- Assistant Surgeono in Baluchistan form the Purview Progs., Nos. 746 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 of Finance Department orders 9(69)-E 1938 placing embargo on filling of permanent post. Rules for making of first Progs., Nos. 747 appointments and for discipline ESTABLISHMENT 1938 25(24)-E(A), 1938 and rights of appeal. Posting of Captain G.A.Cole, of Progs., Nos., 3(5)- 748 the Indian Political Service as ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Political Agent in Chagai. Medico-Legal examination Progs., Nos. 749 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Fees. 10(2)-E 1938 Commutation of pension of Foot Constable Mohd. Ashraf Progs., Nos. 750 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Late of the Quetta Pishin and 21(12)-E(A), 1938 Sibi Police force.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Allotment of personal numbers Progs., Nos. 751 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 to I.M.D. officers in Civil 9(79)-E 1938

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employment under Army Order No. 552 of 1930 for use on mobilisation. Additional establishment for Progs., Nos. 752 passport work in the Bengal ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(11)-E, 1938 Secretariat. Resolution in the Council of State by the Honourable Raja Yuveraj Dutta Singh regarding Progs., Nos. 753 recruitment of a Substantial ESTABLISHMENT 1938 22(9)-E, 1938 mumber of Indians to the Indian Political Service- disallowed. Appointment of Lt.Col.R.C.f. Schombear, C.I.E., D.S.O., as Consul General for the French Establishments in India and the terms of his appointment .Permission to Mr.T.Rogers to Progs., Nos., 2(4)- 754 hand over charge of the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 appointment of Consul General for the French Establishment in India tao Lt. Col. R.C.F.Schomberg, C.I.E.,D.S.O., in Delhi Telegram. Grant of military pension in addition to the reserve pay to Progs., Nos. 755 Indian Military pensioners re- ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(43)-E(A), 1938 entisted in the reserve of the Frontier Constabulary. Proposed allotments of 18 posts of selection grade foot Progs., Nos. 756 constables to the additional ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(41)-E, 1938 police employed at the Labour Camp, Quetta. Grant of travelling allowance as a special case to Messrs. E.H. Corridon and Abdul Wassey of Progs., Nos. 757 the Kashgar Consulate general ESTABLISHMENT 1938 26(5)-E(A), 1938 in respect of the Carriage of personal effects by passenger instead of goods train for their

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journey from Karachi to Rawalpindi and Simla to Rawalpindi respectively proceeding to Kashgar to join their appointment. Recmmendation for acelerated promotion to Janedar Barkat Progs., Nos., 758 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 Ali Sub-Assistant Surgeon 2(12)-E 1938 Kabul Rejected. Reversion of Military Sub Progs., Nos., 8(1)- 759 Assistant Surgeons in ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 Baluchistan to Military duty. Application of Mr.Mohd.Isamail Khan for a clerical Progs., Nos., 1(8)- 760 Apppointment under the ESTABLISHMENT 1938 E 1938 External Affairs Depptt. in Iraq, Iran or the Persian Gulf.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Instruction with regard to description qualification in Progs., Nos. 761 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 advertisement for technical 29(17)-E(A), 1938 posts under Govt. Continuance of the Progs., Nos. 762 appointment of assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(85)-E 1938 Political Agent Bahrain. Rates of contribution for pension & leave salary for Progs., Nos. 763 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 officers other than Military 25(27)-E(A), 1938 officers in foreign service. Passage by air of Lt. Col. Progs., Nos. 764 G.L.Betham C.I.E., M.C.,H.M.`s ESTABLISHMENT 1938 30(7)-E(A), 1938 minister Nepal. Pay and travellign allowance tills of Sub Asstt. Surgeon Progs., Nos. 765 Ghulam Hussain Dispenser ESTABLISHMENT 1938 20(27)-E(A), 1938 Mohd Ali in respect of their deputation for service in Jedda. Grant of Extension of Joining time to Mr. E.H. Corridon on Progs., Nos. 766 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 the occasion of His transfer to 13(1)-E, 1938 Kashagar as Wireless Operator.

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Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. Abdul Qaiyum Progs., Nos. 767 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 regarding the post of the 22(7)-E, 1938 Resident in Waziristan. Appointment of Mr.J.T.Chu as Chinese Writer Kshgar, in succession to Mr.Y.S.Au. Abolition of the post of Vice- Consul Kashgar and the creation of a post Assistant Chines Writer Kashgar and the appointment theroto of Mr. Thomsa Wai. Grant of daily allowance to Messrs. Abdul Aziz Progs., Nos. 768 ESTABLISHMENT 1938 and Limbuwlla, for the period 9(92)-E 1938 of thier enforced halts during their Journey to Kashgar actual number of days they took to rech Kashgar. Sanction to the drawal in India currency by Mr.Y.S.Au. Chinese Writer to the Grnat to him of daily allowance for the entire period of his halts at Urmchi. Question of finding employment for demobilised short service Indian medical service officers. Decision that Progs., Nos. 769 future vacancies in the posts of ESTABLISHMENT 1938 9(16)-E, 1938 assistant surgeons in Baluchistan should be filled in consultation with the Director General Indian Medical Service. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Extension of the temporary post of auditor and Inspector to the Quetta Municipality & Progs., Nos. 1 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the Grant of Conveyance 18(24)-E, 1939 allowance to Mr. C. S. Misra incumbent of the post. The Reserved Posts (Other Progs., Nos. 2 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Services) Rules-1938. 24(6)-E, 1939 3 Payment by Government of Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1939

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house rent to the dispensers in 10(10)-E, 1939 Jedda in excess of five per cent of their pay. Decision that no recovery should be effected from the Civil estimates on account of the propostionate share of Service pensions of Military Progs., Nos. 4 personnel of the Road ESTABLISHMENT 1939 21(3)-E, 1939 Construction Battalions of military personnel of the Road Constructions raised in connection with the Waziristan operations, 1937. Grant of increased horse allowance of Rs. 20/- per Progs., Nos. 5 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 mensem to Girdawar, Gilgit 18(18)-E, 1939 Sub Division. Fixation of pay in Foreign Progs., Nos. 6 Service and on appointment to ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(37)-E, 1939 temporary Government posts. Grant of t.a. to Mr. Maqsud Shah, Compounder, Kashgar Consulate General and fixation Progs., Nos. 7 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 of Havelian as the fixed point 13(3)-E, 1939 for his journey to India on reversion from Kashgar. Retention on a permanent bsis of the post of a clerk for deling Progs., Nos. 8 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 with the Frontier Cirmes 8(85)-E 1939 Regultion Cases. Proposal for an increase in the Scale of Pay Sanctioned for Progs., Nos. 9 Khan Sahib Tahir Hussain ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(41)-E, 1939 Quzaishi, Indian vice-Consul, Baghdad Dropped. Intimation to the Home Department, in connection with a question in the Legislative Progs., Nos. 10 Assembly, that no Ceylonese or ESTABLISHMENT 1939 20(4)-E, 1939 Malayans are employed in any of the offices with which the External Affairs Department is

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concerned. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year New Life Certificate required of Progs., Nos. 11 His Majesty`s Salaried ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(36)-E 1939 Consular Officer Liability of Certain categories of Progs., Nos. 12 pay and allowance to Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(12)-E, 1939 Income Tax. Application of Mr. E.A.Tanner registrar and Treasury Officer Progs., Nos. 13 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Bushire for some post of 1(11)-E, 1939 similar status in India. Grant of pension to Khan Bahadur Mr. Mohamad Mosih Progs., Nos. 14 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Pal, Indian assistant to the 19(26)-E, 1939 Political Agent, Gilgit. Admissibility of passage concessions to Children Progs., Nos. 15 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 adopted under the adoption of 17(2)-E, 1939 Children Act., 1926. Extension of joining time admissible to K. S. Mohamad Nasir Khan, Mir Munshi, Kashgar, for the Journey from Kashgar to Dargai and the Progs., Nos. 16 fixation of Malakand as the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 11(1)-E, 1939 fixed point in respect of the journey performed by him. Grant to him of daily allowance for the period of his enforced stay during the journey. Medical arrangemnets of Zhob Militia & the Proposal Progs., Nos. 17 appointment of one Sub- ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(45)-E 1939 Assistnt Surgeion & There Compounders Therefor. The Travelling Allowances Progs., Nos. 18 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Rules 1939. 25(3)-E 1939 Temporary retrechment of one post of Junior Assitant & two Progs., Nos. 19 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 post of Clerk in the Bombay 8(69)-E 1939 Passporat establishment

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Political Dept. 2. Subsequent revivial for four mongh one the ports of clerks retrenched. Amendments to the Travelling Progs., Nos. 20 Allowance Rules of the Madras ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(15)-E 1939 Govt. 1. Grant of a Superannuation pension to Khan Bahadur Ihsanullah, M.B.E., lately Progs., Nos. 21 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Indian vice Consul at Jeddah. 19(28)-E, 1939 2. Commutation of a portion of the Khan Bahadur`s pension. Proposal of the Home Deptt. for laying down certain principles in regard to Progs., Nos, 22 promotions in services under ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(32)-E, 1939 the the central Govt. with a view to secure proper communal representation. Procedure for the payment of pensions. 2. Decision that the System of obtaining pensioners Photographs as a means of Progs., Nos. 23 identification pensions granted ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(7)-E, 1939 should not apply to family pensions granted under the Wound and Extraordinary Pension Rules. Grant of a Compassionate gratuity to Must. Ram Piari widow of the late B.Ghera Progs., Nos. 24 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Singh a compounder in the civil 4(11)-E, 1939 Veterinary deptt. in Baluchistan. Extension of the tenure of Progs., Nos. 25 Khan Sahile sher Zman Khan ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(83)-E 1939 His Majesy`s Consul Kandhar. Permission given to Emoluments of Bahadur Mohamad Nawaz Khan, Attachi Progs., Nos. 788 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 in the External Affairs 18(47)-E, 1939 Department to Draw his pension in addition to the

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pension in addition to the pay as attachi. 1. Revised Scale of pay for the post of the Indian Medical Progs., Nos. 789 officer, Jedda. 2. Fixation of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(6)-E, 1939 the pay of Dr. Ghulam Rasul, Indian Medical Officer, Jedda. Grant of a compassionate gratuity to Must. Hayat Aisha widow of the late Sultan Khan Progs., Nos. 790 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Foot Contable No. 412 of the 4(10)-E, 1939 Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police Force. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Mr. Shah Jehan Kalri First Pilgrimage Clerk Progs., Nos. 1(5)- 791 Jedda Legation for ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 appointment under the Govt of Bengal Registered. Penal Recovery from Pension Progs., Nos. 792 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 under article 470 C.S.R. 20(2)-E, 1939 Grant of leave to Captain D. Thompson, Civil Administrator, Karran, and appointment in his place of Mr. Lethbridge, Progs., Nos. 793 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Secretary, Quarantine Station 14(2)-E, 1939 Kamaran, in addition to his own duties. 2.Recall of Captain D. Thompson from leave. Question of curtailing the period of joining time admissible under S. R. 294-A Progs., Nos. 794 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 between Bushire & Basza to 11(2)-E, 1939 Government Sewant when proceeding on leave by an. Sanction for the Grant of ration compensatory allowance to Progs., Nos. 795 Captain Power, R.E., Resident ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(19)-E, 1939 Engineer, Gilgit for five months only. Grant of concession to civil Progs., Nos. 796 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 officers to allot a portion of 18(38)-E, 1939

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their pay to their dependents in the United Kingdom during the emergency. Proposed revision of Article 475-A C.S.R.of the Schedule Progs., Nos. 797 appended Thereto in the Case ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(44)-E 1939 of officers who entered Govt. service on or after 1-10-1938. Sanction to the Continuance of the temporary Establishment of the Court of Treasry officer Progs., Nos. 798 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Quetta and that of the Bench 8(67)-E 1939 of Horozry Majaistates during 1940-41. Creation of the post of Medical Officer Bunder Abba and Progs., Nos, 799 appointment thereto of Mr. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(35)-E, 1939 E.J.Frederick I.M.D. 4th Class Asstt. Surgeon. The Railway Service (Non Progs., Nos. 800 Superior Offices) Passage Rules ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(33)-E 1939 1939.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of a compassionate gratuity to the widow of the late Progs., Nos. 4(3)- 801 Foot Constable Allah Dad of the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police Force. Application from Bibi Sakina Khanum 2nd Widow of the late Progs., Nos. 4(8)- 802 Khan Bahadur Abdul Alim ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 H.M.Consul Kandahar for the Grant of Compensation gratuity. Question of Provision for the staff required for the proposed settlements of the Sibi and Progs., Nos. 803 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 other Tehils in the Baluchistan 27(28)-E 1939 Agency Budget 1940-41 Dropped. Employment of Mr. Frank Progs., Nos. 804 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Haicourt Johanson Manager the 1(13)-E, 1939

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Imperial Bank of Iran Khorramshahr in Persian Gulf in Case of Necessity. Audit objection to & the write off. of the advance of travelling allowance paid to Mohamad Progs., Nos. 805 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Saeed, lately Second Dispenser, 10(9)-E, 1939 Jedda, on his resignation from Government services. Interpretation of orders regarding counting of military service of Indian ex-soldiers Progs., Nos. 806 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 and non-combatants towards 18(30)-E, 1939 periodical increments in pay in Baluchistan Police Force. Decision that Military pensions should not be admissible in additin to pay, to pensioners of Progs., Nos. 807 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the regular Army while re- 19(4)-E, 1939 employed in the Gilgit Corps of Scouts. Deputation of officers to the Progs., Nos. 7(2)- 808 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Imperial Defence College. E, 1939 Further instruction in regard to Progs., Nos, 8(9)- 809 Govt. of India Secretary ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Reorganisation. Grant of a compassionate gratuity to Sh. Basant Kaur Widow of the late Thakar Singh Progs., Nos. 4(7)- 810 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Chowkidar office of the Senior E, 1939 Superintendent of Police Baluchistan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of a Lady Typist Progs., Nos. 811 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 for Military Attack Tehran. 8(76)-E 1939 Grant of personal allowance to ward Servant Khan Bibi, Progs., Nos. 812 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 attached to the Female 18(14)-E, 1939 Hospital, Fort Sandeman. Establishment for the Veterinary Progs., Nos. 813 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Dispensary at Batkhela North 8(63)-E 1939

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West Frontier Province. Amendments to the 1. Leave rules made under 7 Rules 2 to regulate the leave of permanent Govt. servants employed in the Railway Deptartment and (2) leave rules made under Rules Progs., Nos. 814 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 101 and 103 to regulate the 24(41)-E 1939 leave of govt. servant in the Railway Deptt. in Temporary and officiating service of in Service remunerated by the payment of daily wages. Application from messrs R.A.Qurraishid and Mohammad Progs., Nos, 815 Ahmad Ansari for the post of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(11)-E, 1939 Astt Mir Munshi British Legation Kabul. Cretion of a post of a tempory clerk on Rs. 25/- per measures for the office of His Britannic Progs., Nos., 816 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Majesty`s Consul in the 8(86)-E 1939 Portuguese Possession in India, Marmagao. The Secretary of States Progs., Nos. 817 Services (Medical Attendance) ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(12)-E 1939 Rules 1938. Information to be furnished to the Home Deptt. regarding the services under the Control of Progs., Nos. 818 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the E. A. Deptt. in which 20(6)-E, 1939 Provcial quotas for recruitment have been fixed -NIL. Attachment by courts in India of the leave salary of Government Progs., Nos. 819 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 and Railway servants who are 27(40)-E 1939 on leave in the united Kingdom. Charge report of Mr. N.Lester as Progs., Nos. 2(1)- 820 Confidential astt. to the Political ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 resident in the Persian Gulf.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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1. Grant of leave to Col. Wilson and the Appointment of Major G. F. Taylor, Commandant Kurram Militia to be in additional Charge of the duties Progs., Nos. 821 of Secretary and Inspecting ESTABLISHMENT 1939 14(2)(A)-E, 1939 officer Frontier Corps. 2. Ruling as to the Competent authority for sanctioning leave to the Inspecting officer and Secretary, Frontier Corps. Revised terms and conditions of serviceof Indian ex-service Progs., Nos, 822 personal of units to be raised in ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(30)-E, 1939 an emergency or on mobilization. Permission granted to Sir Aubrey Metclfe K.C.I.E., C.S.I. Progs., Nos. 823 M.V.O. to use a standard gange ESTABLISHMENT 1939 25(5)-E 1939 saloon for his journey on transfer. Lien to Military reservists in Progs., Nos. 824 their Civil appointments in the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(38)-E 1939 events of their recalled on duty. Proposed grant of Khassadar Command allowance to Lt. S. I. Hasan, while holding the appointment of additional assistant Political Agent, South Progs., Nos. 825 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Waziristan. Continuance of the 18(8)-E, 1939 temporary port of additional A.P.A. South waziristan pending final decision in regent to the N.W.F.P. Continuance of Certain temporary establishment required for additionallk work in Progs., Nos. 826 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 connection with opening of the 8(52)-E 1939 Gandab road in the Mohmand Country. Grant of consul leave to officers Progs., Nos. 827 under the control of the British ESTABLISHMENT 1939 12(1)-E, 1939 Legation, Kabul.

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Volantary offer of Rev. Burrough for employment in the Progs., Nos. 828 time of war on the score of his ESTABLISHMENT 1939 1(16)-E, 1939 Knowledge of the Tibetan Language. Revision of pay of Agency Progs., Nos. 829 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Surgeon`s Clerk Malakand. 18(36)-E, 1939 JEDDA. Medical arrangement in the Hejaz for the Haj Season 1940. 2. Application with medical arrangements in the Progs., Nos. 830 Hedjaz. 3. Appointment of Sub- ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(7)-E, 1939 Assistant Surgeon Emaduddin Ahmed of Bengal to be in- Charge of the Mecca Dispensary.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of a retiring pension of Rs. 4/- per mensem to non- Progs., Nos. 831 Commissioned officers of the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(22)-E, 1939 Frontier Irregular Corps on completion of 15 years service. Rules for the Counting of Service for leave & penstion of Progs., Nos. 832 the re-employed personnel of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(4)-E, 1939 the Experimental Accounts & Audit office. The Reserved Posts (Indian Progs., Nos. 833 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Police) Rules 1938. 24(7)-E, 1939 Grant of compassionate gratuity to Must. Dipa widow of the late Progs., Nos. 834 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Nursing Orderly Nain Singh of 4(13)-E, 1939 the Civil Hospital Sibi. Fixation of the Scale of Pay of Progs., Nos. 835 the post of Mir Munshi, British ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(28)-E, 1939 Consulate General, Kashgar. Extension of the appointment of Assitant Surgeon A.L.Greenwary Progs., Nos. 836 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 I.M.D. AS medical Officers 8(75)-E 1939 Kuwait. 837 Division between Government Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1939

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and medical officers of fees for 16(3)-E, 1939 medical and Surgical attendance realised from paying patients treated in Government or state aided hospitals in centrally administered areas. Rentention on a permanent basis of the port of financial Adviser to the Governor of the Progs., Nos. 838 North-West Frontier Province ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(56)-E 1939 acting as Agent to the Governor General in Central matters and the connected establishment. The Central Service Pasage Rules 1939 2.Procedure relating Progs., Nos. 839 to the grant of passage benefits ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(31)-E 1939 under the Central service Passage Rules 1939. Abolition of the grade of Assittant Seretary in all the departments of the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 840 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 India except the External Affairs 8(49)-E 1939 & Legation Dept. and one Post in th Defence Deptt. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application for the grant of two months leave to Sayed Lal Progs., Nos. 841 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Shah, India Vice Consul Jedda 14(5)-E, 1939 Legation- perferred. Filling up of the post of Jail Progs., Nos, 8(8)- 842 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Clerk in the Gilgit agency office. E, 1939 Request for certain recommedations with regard to lease of land for maintenance of Progs., Nos. 843 the family of late Mr.Inamal ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(10)-E 1939 Huk in Pahagunk Delhi, & it subsquent exchange exchange with a plot of land in New Delhi. Recruitment and condition of appointment of temporary Govt. Progs., Nos, 844 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 servant. Moodel form of letter 8(21)-E, 1939 offering temporary appointment

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under Govt. Payment of Honoraria etc. to Progs., Nos. 9(1)- 845 officials who broadcast from the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Stations of all India Radio. Charges in the names and addresses of nominees of th Progs., Nos. 846 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 officers entitled to sterling 27(20)-E 1939 overeas pay. Further advancement of Khan Progs., Nos. 1(3)- 847 Sahib Zia ud Din Attache to the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Consul Genl. Khorasa. Revision of the procedure for the payment of pensions to mily Progs., Nos. 848 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 pensioners paid from the 19(8)-E, 1939 Khatmandu Legation Treasury. Exemption from payment of Progs., Nos. 849 fees for examination of Sputa of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 16(6)-E, 1939 Tuberculosis patients. 1. Retirement under the Premature Retirement Rules.2. Progs., Nos. 850 Procedure to be observed when ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(14)-E, 1939 the service of an officer is not regarded as `approved`.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of daily allowance to the Progs., Nos. 851 Political officer in Sikkim and his ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(43)-E, 1939 Staff while at Lhasa. Grnat of Trvelling allowane to Mr.P.N.Naidu Officiating Progs., Nos. 852 Accountant, Baghadad ESTABLISHMENT 1939 25(6)-E 1939 consulate & family between India & Iraq. Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 853 Hamesh Gul, late Jemadar of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(6)-E, 1939 the Khyber Khassadar Force. Method of Calculation of leave in the Case of officers placed on Progs., Nos. 854 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 deputation while on leave out of 14(1)-E, 1939 India. Extension of the Period of Progs., Nos. 8(5)- 855 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 employment of R.B.Dr. Kanshi E, 1939

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Ram in Govt. Service Beyond the age of 55 years. Adjastments of Pensionary Charges in respect of the Service rendered in Persia by Progs., Nos. 856 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Subedar & Hony. Lt. Fazal 19(29)-E, 1939 Shah, 2nd Battery R.A.T.C., Muttra. Restoration of Compensatory allowance to certain classes of Progs., Nos. 857 officers of the Central ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(30)-E 1939 Government Stationed in Calcutta and Bombay. Decision that patwaris and others officiasl, who were transferred permanently for the service of Kashmir Government to the Gilgit Agency, Rules 1933. 2. Leave Rules for patwar is recuited directly to Progs., Nos. 858 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Government Service after the 24(30)-E 1939 transfer of the administration of Gilgit to the Government of Indian. 3. Rules governing the retirement of and the grant of Gratuties to Patwarris in the Gilgit Sub-Division. Decision of the Secretary of State in regard to sanction and reduction etc. of compensatory Progs., Nos. 859 allowances in respect of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(32)-E, 1939 Government sewants with reference to the Government of India Act. 1935. Compassionate and educational allowances to the surviving son Progs., Nos. 860 of the late Khan Sahib Sardar ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(10)-E, 1939 Mohd Jaffar Khan, E.A.C. Baluchistan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 861 1. Counting of service rendered Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1939

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by Sepoy Jodha Ram, as 19(30)-E, 1939 officiating Munshi in the Zhob Militia, towards Irregular Corps pension. 2. Decision that Art. 924 (b), C.S.R. applies to the personnel of the Frontier Irregular Corps. Decision that only those Arts. in the Civil Service Regulations apply to the Frontier Irregular Corps as have specifically been extended to them. Increase in the rate of pay of Mohamad Ali Abdul Samad, Progs., Nos. 862 Second Messenger in the Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(8)-E, 1939 Section of British Legation, Jedda. Fixation of pay and allowances of Military pensioners in Civil Progs., Nos. 863 employ in accordance with ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(31)-E, 1939 Article 526 (a) of the Civil Services Regulations. Deputation of Sheikh Abdur Progs., Nos. 7(1)- 864 Rahman Subordinate Judge ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Punjab to Baluchistan. Question of the emloments of Progs., Nos. 865 Dr. L.A.B. Arathews, I.M.D., ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(35)-E, 1939 assistant Surgeon, Quetta. Proposed for the Creation of a Progs., Nos. 866 permanment Post of Clerk in ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(70)-E 1939 the Khyber Agency Rejected. Contianance of the post of the Persoanl assistant to the Progs., Nos. 867 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Political Residnet in the Persian 8(81)-E 1939 Gulf. Reduction in the rates of travelling allowances applicable Progs., Nos. 868 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 to Officers in the Service of the 25(4)-E 1939 Central Govt. Question of the continuation of Progs., Nos. 869 proparations for the census of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(17)-E 1939 1941 Baluchistan. Delegation of

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powers so Govt. for certain of temporation connection with cencus operations. Water allowance for Khassadars Progs., Nos. 870 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 in North Waziristan, N.W.F.P. 18(22)-E, 1939

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Return from leave of Mr.C.W.Hart, M.B.E.Extra Assistant to H.B.M`s Consul General for Khorasan and resumtion by him of the Progs., Nos. 871 capacity, of H.B.M.`s Vice- ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(27)-E 1939 Consul, Meshed. 2. Reversion to the Political Department Secretariat of Mr.I.J.Broughton, officiating Extra Assistant to the Consul General. Revised rates of pay for the Baluchistan Subordinate Progs., Nos. 872 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 (Inferior) educational 18(3)-E, 1939 Establishment. 1. Revision of the pay of Civil Administrator, Kamaran, 2. Fixation of pay of Major D. Thompson, Civil Administration Kamaran, 3. Decision that the Progs., Nos. 873 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 pay of the Civil Administration, 18(45)-E, 1939 Kamaran, need not be should equally between the Quarantine and Civil Administration Budgets of the Kamaran Island. Proposed entertainments of one additional Junior Assistant for Progs., Nos. 874 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the Officer of the Curl Surgein 8(41)-E 1939 Quetta Sibi. Grant of Conveyance allowance by the Sikkim Durbar to R. S. Progs., Nos. 875 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Faquir Chand, Assitant Engineer 18(5)-E, 1939 Sikkim. Progs., Nos. 876 Visit of M.E.S.officers to Kabul. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 26(1)-E 1939

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1.Pay Bill Foms for the Gilgit the Crops of Scouts the Preparation Progs., Nos. 877 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 of the Annual Establishment 27(21)-E 1939 returns. Amendments to schedules of Subordinate and inferior establishments and special post Progs., Nos. 878 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 in zerfed of pay for the port of 8(77)-E 1939 Jemadar & peon in the office of the Policial Agent Debra Dan. Procedure for consulting the Federal Public Service commission in Cases relating to Progs., Nos. 879 the payment of compensation ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(34)-E 1939 to officers affected by the abolition of post & in certain other cases. Progs., Nos. 880 Central Civil services Rules. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(29)-E 1939

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Budget Estimats of the Indian Progs., Nos. 881 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Trade Agent Kabul for 1940-41. 27(25)-E 1939 Continuance of the Addidional Police for the Labon Camp at Progs., Nos. 882 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Quetta Contonment during 8(50)-E 1939 1940-41 1.Additional Staff for propaganda works in Progs., Nos. 883 Baluchistan 2. Classification of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(78)-E 1939 expenditure connection with the propganda work. Continuance of the extra- ordinary pension grant to Mr. D. D. Dewar, father of the late Progs., Nos. 884 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Captain I. B. D. Dewar, 2/17th 19(23)-E, 1939 Dogras, attached to the South Waziristan Scouts. Grant of restricted travelling allowance to Government Progs., Nos. 885 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 servants serving in the Gilgit 18(29)-E, 1939 agency when Journeying by Air.

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Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 886 Havildar Dur Jan, Late of the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(10)-E, 1939 Khyber Khassadar Force. Major Boyes Looper`s application for 35days leave & Progs., Nos. 887 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the question of his Homeward 14(6)-E, 1939 Journey by air via moscon. Amendments to the Civil Progs., Nos. 888 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Pensions Rules. 24(17)-E 1939 Amendment of the correction Sup No. 376, S.R. to the Progs., Nos. 889 Fundamental Rules regarding ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(27)-E 1939 Travelling allowance Admiraible in Afghanistan. Amendments to the pay and Progs., Nos. 890 Cadre Schedules during the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(39)-E 1939 year 1939.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continuance of Education allowance to Sayed Ejaz Progs., Nos. 891 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Hussain s/o late M. Irshad 18(39)-E, 1939 Hussain, mir Munshi, Kabul. Employment of on Head Constable and five foot Progs., Nos. 892 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Constables for the quarter 8(61)-E 1939 gruard at the Sibi Police Lives. Instructions regarding counting of Military Service (including Progs., Nos. 893 service undered during the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(2)-E, 1939 Great War) towards Civil Pension. Continuance of the temporary post of a typist in the Sind Progs., Nos. 8(6)- 894 Passport office for a further ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 period of one year from 1.3.1939. Request the Assistant Political agent in Mekran for supply of to Progs., Nos. 895 him a copy of the pension ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(34)-E 1939 Regulations of the Frontier Irregualr Crops.

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Verification of the services of L.Kanhaya Lut. Lal late Kabul Progs., Nos. 896 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Division for the period from 16 27(32)-E 1939 March 1923 to April 1923. Progs., Nos. 897 Passage for Miss Stranger. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 17(5)-E, 1939 Investigation and payment of Progs., Nos. 898 Claims to arrears of Pay, ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(11)-E, 1939 allowances or increments. Attachment of the pay and Progs., Nos. 899 allowance of persons in Military ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(27)-E, 1939 Service. Reterntion of the Services of Mola Ongay Chap of the Sikkim Progs., Nos. 900 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Agency office after Attaining the 8(82)-E 1939 age of 65 years.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Abolition of the post of Legation Surgeion Nepal and Creation of the of I.M.D Assistant Surgion. 2. Creation of the post of First Progs., Nos. 901 Sect. to H.M.`s Minister 3. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(44)-E 1939 Question of rent fire accomodation for the 1st Secretary and Asst. 4. Question of charge allowance to Asstant. Proposal for the grant of revenue assignment or additional pension to K. B. Progs., Nos. 902 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Mohamal Masih Pal, Indian 19(18)-E, 1939 Assistant to the Political agent, Gilgit-Rejected. Commutation of one-fourth of the Superannuation pension of Progs., Nos. 903 Khan Bahadur Mohamad Masih ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(27)-E, 1939 Pal late Indian Assistant to the Political Agent, Gilgit. Countings of increment which falls due during the first four Progs., Nos. 904 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 months of leave on avarage pay 19(1)-E, 1939 towards pension in case of

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inferior Govt. Servants. Procedure for the Calculation of gratuity pension admissible to inferior Servants under the Central Sub ordinali (Inferior) Services (Gratuity Pension and Retirement) Rules 1936. Appoitment of Jemadar Bhula Progs., Nos, 905 Singh sub-Treasury ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(20)-E, 1939 officer Chilas. Supply of copies of judgement to the Deputy Controller of Military Accounts (Pensions), Progs., Nos. 906 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Lahore, in cases in which Indian 19(17)-E, 1939 Military pensioners ar convicted in criminal courts. Emloyment of Consewancy Staff Progs., Nos., 907 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 in the Nepal British Legation. 8(89)-E 1939 Grnat of local rank of Major to Progs., Nos. 908 Captain D.Thompson, Civil ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(33)-E 1939 Administration Kamran. Application of Khan Bahadur Abdul Haiy Elhashmye, late Indian Assistant, Bahrain, for Progs., Nos. 909 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the grant of educational 18(13)-E, 1939 allowances to his sons- Rejected. Allocation of Pensionary charges of Mr. R. H. Williamson, I.C.S., Progs., Nos. 910 for the period from 20-9-18 to ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(19)-E, 1939 31-5-19, while employed under the Civil commissioner Bagdad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Counting for pension of the previous Service of followers Progs., Nos. 911 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 employed in the Hospitals of the 19(13)-E, 1939 frontier Irregular Corps. Grant of leave to Rao Sahib S. R. Anger, Assistant Registar, Progs., Nos. 912 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Bushire, and appointment of Mr. 14(4)-E, 1939 E. A. Turner Registrar &

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Treasury officers, Bushire, to be in additional charge of the duties of assistant Registrar, Bushire. Amendments to the Civil Progs., Nos. 913 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Service Regulations. 24(3)-E, 1939 Amendments to the Revised Progs., Nos. 914 leave Rules 1933 and the New ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(5)-E, 1939 State Railways leave Rules. Question of the appointment of Mr. Ghulam Sarwar of the Progs., Nos, 915 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E.A.Deptt. as an Executive 8(23)-E, 1939 officer in some Cantonment Rules for the regulation of complusory discharge or retirement of Governmenta Progs., Nos. 916 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 swrvants under the 24(32)-E 1939 administrative Control of the Chief Commissioner Coorg. Grnt of trevelling allowance to Progs., Nos. 917 Palwaris in the Gilqit Agency in ESTABLISHMENT 1939 25(7)-E 1939 Certain Curmstances. Proposed addition to Progs., Nos., 918 theMinisteral estt. of the Nepal ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(91)-E 1939 Legation. Permanent retention of the post Progs., Nos, 919 of Naib Tahsildar Gilgit and his ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(33)-E, 1939 establishment. Instructions regarding the pasition of Government servnts employment under provinical Progs., Nos. 920 Govt. etc who are member of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(18)-E 1939 the army of India Reserve of officer on being called to army Service.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Employment of Mr.P.C.Banford Progs., Nos. 921 C.I.E., I.P., Lately deputy ESTABLISHMENT 1939 1(12)-E, 1939 Director Intelligence Bureau. Grant of travelling allowance at Progs., Nos. 922 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 transfer rats Mr.C.N. Sharples, 25(2)-E 1939

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I.C.S., for his journey from Karchi to Quetta via Delhi in March 1938. Incorporation of the orders relating to the Zhob Militia in Progs., Nos. 923 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the Pension Regulation for the 19(25)-E, 1939 Frontier Irregular Corps. Appeal of Khan Sahibe Mohammad Yakub, Extra Assistant Commissioner, Progs., Nos. 924 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Baluchistan, against his alleged 15(1)-E, 1939 dismissed from Government service. Discontinuance of the submission of annual returns Progs., Nos, 925 showing the communal ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(18)-E, 1939 composition of the staff of the British Trade Agency Gartok. Payment flights by service aricraft for certain offiicials of the North West Frontier and Progs., Nos. 926 Baluchistan & the decision ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(2)-E 1939 about the budget heads to which the expenditure involved is debrtaible. Usta Seed Fram and Revenue establishments required in Progs., Nos. 927 connection with the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(55)-E 1939 Colonistation of the Nasiabad Division in Baluchistan. Grant of a house rent allowance Progs., Nos. 928 to the Second Pilgrimage, Clerk, ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(5)-E, 1939 British Legation, Jedda. Amendments to the Revised Progs., Nos. 929 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Rates of Pay Rules. 24(9)-E, 1939 1. Appointment of a Compounder for the Levies statined at Loe Afgra. 2. Progs., Nos. 930 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Question of the Completence of 8(62)-E 1939 the N.W.F.P Administration to sanction this appointment.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments to the Rules Progs., Nos. 4(6)- 931 regulating the Compasssionate ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Fund of the Govt of India. Regualarization of certain payments made to Dr. Abdul Hamid, Ex-Indian Medical Progs., Nos. 932 officer, Jedda. 2. Continuance of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(4)-E, 1939 the increased contingency and water allowance to the Jedda Dispensary. Emoluments attached to the posts carrying different rates Progs., Nos. 933 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 merged into a single revised 24(38)-E 1939 scale and the rules governing it. Interpretation of the words initial period in provis to Fundamental Rule 91(2) Progs., Nos. 934 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Calculation of the maximum 24(20)-E 1939 Period of form month prescribed in Fundamental Rules. Rates of Contibution for pension in respect of military commissioned officers other than Indian & Viceroy`s Commissioned officers in Progs., Nos. 935 permanent Civil employ, who ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(16)-E, 1939 are transferred to Foreign in or out of India on or after the 1st April 1939 or who are already in Such Foreign Service on that date. Amendments to the Superior Progs., Nos. 936 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Civil Services Rules. 24(16)-E 1939 Rate of monthly contribution for leave salary payable during active foreign service in respect Progs., Nos. 937 of all calsses of Government ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(23)-E 1939 servants transferred to such service, who are subject to the Revised Leave Rules 1933. 938 Grant of permission to the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1939

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Senior Superintendent of Police 27(12)-E 1939 in Baluchistan to recess in Zirat for two periods of not more than fifteen days each during summer and to take with him a camp office of one stenographer or clerk, reder and one orderly. 2. Grnat of travelling allowance and dialy allowance the establishment accompanying him. Amendments to the Supplementary Rule 294-A Progs., Nos. 939 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Joining time between Karachi & 24(24)-E 1939 Bahrein & Buhsire. Extension of Service of Din Mohd. Lately a Foot Constable Progs., Nos. 940 in the Quetta Pishai and Sibi ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(71)-E 1939 Police Forc after attaining the age of fifity five years.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of the pay of Lala Bodh Progs., Nos. 941 Raj Accountant, Public Works ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(6)-E, 1939 Department Gilgit. Desire of Mr. Attaullah Khan son of Abdul Hakim for service Progs., Nos. 942 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 under the Govt. of India in 1(17)-E, 1939 Central Asia. Medical attendance on non- Gazetted employees of the Progs., Nos. 943 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Central Government Stationed 16(2)-E, 1939 at Bombay & Poona. Increase in the pay of Afghan menial establishment of the Progs., Nos. 944 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Kabul legation paid from 18(33)-E, 1939 ``Contingencies``. Proposal for the grant of Gilgit Spcial Pay to Public Works Progs., Nos. 945 Department Clerks of the Gilgit ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(26)-E, 1939 Agency recruited from outside Gilgit.

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Permission to the Hon`ble Lieutenant-Colonel C.G.Prior, Progs., Nos. 946 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Political Resident Persian Gulf to 25(8)-E 1939 travel by air. Claim of Khan Bahadur Mohamad Kawaz Khan attachi Progs., Nos. 947 External Affairs Department for ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(23)-E 1939 transportation Charge of his Car from Quetta to Delhi Rejected. Advance copies of correction Progs., Nos. 948 slips to Fundamental and ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(11)-E 1939 Supplementary Rules. Grant of a compassionate gratuity to Mst. Mirzan widow of Progs., Nos. 4(5)- 949 the late Mehr Dad Constable ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 No. 927 Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police. Delegation to the Political Officer in Sikkim of powers to Grant exemption, under Articles 945 of the Civil Services Progs., Nos. 950 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Regulation, to Government 19(15)-E, 1939 pensioners residing in the Bhutan State from attending in person to draw their pensions.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Refund of Charge on accounts of Iranian via fees incurred by Progs., Nos. 951 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the staff of the Khorassan 27(14)-E 1939 consulate General. House rent allowance for the Progs., Nos. 952 firsh Pilgrimage Clerks, British ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(1)-E, 1939 Legation, Jedda. Amendments to the Civil Progs., Nos. 953 Services (Classification Control ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(10)-E, 1939 and Appeal) Rules. Grant of old Scale of pay to the present incumbent of the post Progs., Nos. 954 of stenographer to the assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(1)-E, 1939 Political officer, Mohmands (to be treated as perssonal to him).

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Period of joining time admissibel between Zehidan and Quetta and other places Progs., Nos. 955 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 mentioned at items 24 to 26 in 24(26)-E 1939 the table below supplementary Rule 294-A. Division among the heirs of Honorary Subedar Major Ziao Ali Shah, late of the Frontier Progs., Nos. 956 Constabulary, North West ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(31)-E, 1939 Frontier Province of the family pension, I.O.M. allowance and Children allowances. Investigation of the claim of L. Daulat Ram, officiating Senior Assistant, Quetta Treasury, Progs., Nos. 957 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 regarding the grant of an 18(4)-E, 1939 increment to him with effect from the 6th April 1935. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Mr. C. N. Muthuranga Muduliar M.L.A. Progs., Nos. 958 regarding employement of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 21(1)-E, 1939 experts in the Government of India Secretariat & its Attached offices. Question of the recovery of money owed by Mr. C. S. Jacob`s, formerly a Clerk in the Progs., Nos. 959 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Kashgar Consulate General, to 20(1)-E, 1939 Messrs. Murchison Dave & Co., Sialkot. Pension and Commulations Progs., Nos. 960 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 rules of Assam Rifles. 19(5)-E, 1939

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Reservation of Vacancies for Anglo-Indians in certain branches of the public services Progs., Nos, 8(7)- 961 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 e.g., Railways posts and E, 1939 Telegraphs and Customs and the fixation of the minimum

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remmeration for them these services. Annual return showing the emoluments drawn by the staff Progs., Nos. 962 of the Kharasan Consulate ESTABLISHMENT 1939 22(1)-E, 1939 General including Zahidan, Sistan and Birjand. Sanction of establishment for sorting of records salvaged from Progs., Nos, 963 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the district Board room at 8(15)-E, 1939 Quetta. Additional establishment for the Progs., Nos. 964 administration of the marris and ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(60)-E 1939 Bagti Territories in Baluchistan. Amendments to the Fedural Progs., Nos. 965 Public Service Commission ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(18)-E 1939 Regulations. Amendment of the Preamble proposed of model agreement Progs., Nos. 966 forms in conformily with the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(22)-E 1939 provisions of the India Act of 1935. The Reserved Posts (Indian Civil Progs., Nos. 967 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Service) Rules- 1938. 24(8)-E, 1939 Request from Mr. Shah Jehan Kabir, First pilgrimage Clerk, Jedda, on leave in India, for instructions, on his not being Progs., Nos. 968 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 able to secure passage for 17(3)-E, 1939 jedda and arrangements for him. 2. Regulation of Mr. Kabirs overstay of leave in India. Continuance of the two post of Vernacular Assistant for the Progs., Nos. 969 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Courts of Naib Tehsildars 8(68)-E 1939 Barshor and Kahanozai. Extension of the appointment of Mr.Ghulam Ahmad Junior Clerk Progs., Nos., 970 to the Trade Agent 2. Question ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(90)-E 1939 of the pay of Mr.Ghulam Mohamad.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant fo a gratuity from the Compassionate Fund to the widow of the late head Progs., Nos. 4(1)- 971 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Constable no. 561 Ghulam E, 1939 Mohammad of the Quetta Pishin and Sibi police Force. Addition to the ministrial establishment of the Nepal Progs., Nos., 972 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Legation for pension Persion 8(91)-E 1939 Payment works. Grant to Mr. Bashir Ahmad Dispenser, British legation Progs., Nos. 973 Jedda, of an extension of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 11(3)-E, 1939 joining time for 13 days for his journey from lahore to jedda. Continuance till the end of February 1941 the post of two Progs., Nos, 974 Junior Asstt. for the senior sub ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(40)-E, 1939 judge in Baluchistan Quetta and the city Magistrate Quetta. Grant of a retiring pension to Progs., Nos. 975 Havildar Mir Hassan of the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(11)-E, 1939 Khyber Khassadar Force. Grant a gratuity from the fund Compassionate to the depedents of the late Bija Singh Progs., Nos. 976 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 a Foot Constable in the Quetta 4(15)-E, 1939 Pishin and Sibi Police Force Baluchistan. Amendments to the Fundamental & Supplementary Progs., Nos. 977 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Rules suggested by the consul 24(13)-E 1939 General for Khorasar. Revised pension rules for prsons Progs., Nos. 978 entering Govt service on or ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(40)-E 1939 after 1st Oct. 1938. Amendments to the rules in the Progs., Nos. 979 curl Service Regulations relating ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(28)-E 1939 to Payment of Pensions. Increase in the rates of mileage Progs., Nos. 980 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 allowance admissible to the 18(20)-E, 1939

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menial Staff of the British Trads Agency, Gartok.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Vesting of authotity in the secy. Frontier Corps N.W.F.P. to presume the assent of the Progs., Nos, 981 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Financial Advisse in regard to 8(24)-E, 1939 specified kinds of cases with financial implications. Appointment of messrs. Limbuwalla and Abdul Aziz as Wireless operator and Account Progs., Nos. 982 Kashgar Consulate General ESTABLISHMENT 1939 13(1)-E, 1939 respectively Vice Messrs. E. H. Corridon and Shanq Mohamad reverted. Continuance of the Post of Progs., Nos. 8(4)- 983 Tahsildar at Jandola and a Naib ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Tahsildar at Tajori. List of appointment under the External Affaris Department Progs., Nos. 984 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 which be within the patrongage 27(11)-E 1939 of theGovernar General. Grant of Special pay to certain Police officials in connection Progs., Nos. 985 with the intelligence work ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(34)-E, 1939 perfomed in Zhob nad Loralai Area. Officiating appointment of Mr. Mohd. Haroon, Senior Clerk, Indian Tr. Agency, Kabul, as Trade Agent, Kabul, in addition Progs., Nos. 986 to his own duite consequent on ESTABLISHMENT 1939 12(3)-E, 1939 the revrsion of Mr. Md. Aslam Khattak and the fixation of to pay of Mr. Mohd Haroon while holding the appointment. Amendments to the Model Progs., Nos. 987 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Agreements Forms. 24(19)-E 1939 Emoluments of officers on the Progs., Nos. 988 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Special unemployment List, 18(7)-E, 1939

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when re-employed by Government. Fixation of emoluments of direct recruit to the ports of overseers in the Gilgit Agency. 2. Proposal for the grant of travelling Progs., Nos. 989 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 allowance at transfer rates to 18(44)-E, 1939 Mr. Hyder on his Just appointment as Oversear, Gilgit-Rejected. Sanitary arrangments for Civil Progs., Nos. 990 Arreas in the Khyber Agency & ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(29)-E 1939 the Staff Therefor.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Acceptance of employment under the Corwa by officers of Progs., Nos. 991 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Indian Services during leave 27(16)-E 1939 preparatory to retirments. The Reserved Post (North West Progs., Nos. 992 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Frontier Province) Rules 1939. 27(24)-E 1939 Instruction for filling the annual communal Composition statements. Enquiry from the secretary soldiers of the cross Progs., Nos, 993 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 central Association regarding 8(13)-E, 1939 communal composition of establish under the external affairs Deptt. Payment of the remaining instalments of the compassionate gratuity to Mst. Progs., Nos. 4(4)- 994 Mohammad Begum Syed ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Asghar Ali Upper Division clerk British consulate sistan and Kain. Application from Sub Lt. I.K.Puri Progs., Nos. 1(6)- 995 for an appointment in any ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 foreign Country. Question of the stoppage of the Progs., Nos. 996 move of th Consul General ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(1)-E 1939 Khorasan to Zabul during the

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winter months. Continuance of the post of third Progs., Nos. 997 dispenser in Govt. of India ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(58)-E 1939 Dispensary Jedda. Proposed grant of a Pension to Progs., Nos. 998 Ponnan, Watchman, ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(9)-E, 1939 Pondicherry Consulate General. Division into equal shares of the family pension granted to the Father of the late Sepoy Said Progs., Nos. 999 Khan of the South Waziristan ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(3)-E, 1939 Scouts, between Nissri Jan, the widow and Niaz-Coul the father of the deceased. Proposed grant of a stipend for Bachelor of Training Class for Progs., Nos. 1000 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 training candidates from the 18(48)-E, 1939 Tribal Areas.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of a compassionate gratuity to Mst. Parmeshwri Progs., Nos. 4(2)- 1001 Devi widow of the late Head ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Constable Lekh Raj of the Zhob and Loralai Police Force. Provision of funds in the N.W.F.P. Budget estimates of Progs., Nos. 1002 1940-41 for the grant of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(42)-E, 1939 Khassadar Command allowance to A. P. Officer, Mohmani. Statement showing the establishment at the head Progs., Nos, 1003 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 quarters of the Persian Gulf 8(25)-E, 1939 Residency. Grant of a compassionate gratuity to Must. Haliman widow Progs., Nos. 1004 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 of the late Sher Mohammad a 4(12)-E, 1939 peon in the Chagai District. Abolition of the post of Munshi Progs., Nos, 1005 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 at Charbar. 8(16)-E, 1939 Debarring from Govt service of Progs., Nos, 1006 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 messrs. Abdus Samad Latifee 8(12)-E, 1939

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and Sardar Singh candidates for the federal public service Commission`s Ministerial service examination 1938 Addition of the post of permanent Lower Division clerk Progs., Nos. 1007 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the Clerical establishment of the 8(80)-E 1939 Political Agent, Kuwet. Interpretation of rules 2 and 3 of the Model Leave Terms contained in Appendix 10 to the Progs., Nos. 1008 Post and Telegraphs Complation ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(35)-E 1939 of the Fundamental and Supplementary Rules, Volume II. Confirmation of Haji Arbale Progs., Nos. 1009 Ahmad Ali Jam a Conul ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(73)-E 1939 Jalalbad. Designations of the posts of Progs., Nos, 1010 attache and extra Astt. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(26)-E, 1939 Khorasan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Special War Measures in the Persian Gulf on the Qutbrak of Progs., Nos. 1011 War and additional Staff ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(8)-E 1939 sanctioned of Cope with the work included Extention of the tenure of employment of second class Progs., Nos, 1012 asstt. surgeon A.J.Selvey I.M.D. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(39)-E, 1939 as asstt. surgeon ConsulateGeneral Kashgar. Application of Mr. Duleep Singh Kochar Son of Dr. Harbans Progs., Nos. 1-E, 1013 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Singh Kochar for the Post of a 1939 Naib Tahsildar in the Punjab. Application of Mr. Obaid Ibne Mohamad Arab for employment Progs., Nos. 1014 as Arabic Interpreter in Jedda ESTABLISHMENT 1939 1(10)-E, 1939 Persian Gulf Yamen a Iraq Registered.

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Progs., Nos. 1015 Revised P.& O Passage Rules. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(26)-E 1939 Continuance of the post of one Kanungo and two Patwries to be Progs., Nos. 1016 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 employed on rectangulating 8(54)-E 1939 certain areas in Peshin. Creation of a tmeporary post of a lady personal Assistant to the Progs., Nos. 1017 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Agent to the Governor General 8(72)-E 1939 Baluchistan. Question whether the incomes of officers under the adminstrative control of the External Affairs Department who are serviing in foreing Progs., Nos. 1018 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 countires and draw salaries 27(3)-E 1939 from Idian Revenues are liable to incoe-tax under the provisions of the Indian-tax Act. 1938. Selection of Mr. K. Bumstead to Progs., Nos. 1019 Succed Mr. Gillett as Vice- ESTABLISHMENT 1939 13(2)-E, 1939 Consul, Kashgar. Sanction to the Retention of the Services of Mr. J.Roberts electrical and Mechanical Asstt. Progs., Nos. 8(3)- 1020 independent Persian Gulf Sub ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Division for a further period of one year from the Ist March 1939.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Commutation, as a special case, of the total Superannuation pension of Iabar Ali, formerly a Fool-Constable in the Quetta- Progs., Nos. 1021 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Pishin & Sibi Polic Force, on the 19(20)-E, 1939 analsgy of para-260, Pension Regulations for the Army in India. Travelling allowance admissible Progs., Nos. 1022 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 to Govt. Sewants retiring from 18(21)-E, 1939

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Stations in remote localities. Extension of the temporary appointment of Exentive,upto the end of Febuary 1941 and the Continued employment therein of H.F. Merrugton Continued employmnet therein Progs., Nos., 1023 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 of M.r. H.F.Merrungton I.S.E. 2. 8(88)-E 1939 The question of an increase of an increase in the Contrubution by the Quetta Municipality towards the Cost of the Proposal. Grant of leave to Mr. Shahjehan Progs., Nos. 1024 Kabir Chief Pilgrimage Clerk, ESTABLISHMENT 1939 10(3)-E, 1939 Jedda. Extension to the tenure of Raja Abdul Aziz Khan Asstt. Mir Progs., Nos, 1025 Munshi British Legation Kabul ESTABLISHMENT 1939 8(34)-E, 1939 for a further period of one year upto the 29th July 1940. Creation of a tamporary post of a Personal Assistant to the Progs., Nos. 1026 minister, Kabul, and the ESTABLISHMENT 1939 12(6)-E, 1939 appointment thereto of miss Esme williams. Advance copy of an Indian Army order regarding re- opening of Furlough and leave for officers, other ranks, and all Progs., Nos. 1027 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 othrs personnel paid from the 24(42)-E 1939 Defence Service estimates in accordance with the leave rules ordinarily appicable to them. Application of Charles Noebhu son of Rai Bahadur Naebhu Progs., Nos. 1028 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Dhandup O.B.E. British Trade 1(15)-E, 1939 Agent Yatung for employment. Application of Mr.Abdul Hamid Brother of Mr. Ibrahim Khalil Progs., Nos. 1029 Asstt. secretary to Govt. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 1(18)-E, 1939 N.W.F.P. for employment under the E.Affairs. deptt. Registered.

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Additions in the Questionaires in Appx.5B to the Posts and Telegraphs Compilations of the Fundamental Rules 2. Determination of domicile for Progs., Nos. 1030 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 purpose of passage 27(5)-E 1939 concessions. 3. Consulation with the Federal Public Service Commission on the Question of domicile.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Deputation of Shaikh Muhammad Zafar Qureshi to Progs., Nos. 7(3)- 1031 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the Post of Senior Sub Judge E, 1939 Baluchistan. Charge in the disigation of Rao Shaib J.M. Paomayen Mudalian Head Clerk Consulate General Progs., Nos. 1032 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Pondichery, from Head Clerk 8(46)-E 1939 and Pro-Consul to Pro-Consul only. Question in the Legislative Assembly by Dr. Sir Zianddin Progs., Nos. 1033 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Ahmed regarding appointment 21(3)-E, 1939 and entry of Mushins in Nepal. Increase in the wages of the Progs., Nos. 1034 launch Driver Jedda, from ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(17)-E, 1939 4Pounds p.m. to 6Pounds p.m. Amendments to the Progs., Nos. 1035 Fundamental and Supplemetary ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(2)-E, 1939 Rules. Provisional decision regarding the adjustment of transit pay an alloance of Military Officiers ent to Civil department and Vice Versa. Date of appointment and Progs., Nos. 1036 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 reversion of such offiicers. 2. 27(9)-E 1939 List of Military Officers who proceeded on leave on the completion of their tenure of appointments with the Assam

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Rifles. Proposed increase in the rate of recruitment of members of the Progs., Nos. 1037 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 depressed classes in the Central 27(6)-E 1939 Service. Proposal for the appointment of Lala Bodh Raj AccountantGilgit Progs., Nos. 1038 P.W.D. to the Cadre of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(39)-E 1939 Divisional Accountants Punjab Rejected. Application of Mr.Ghulam Rasul Indian Medical Officer Jedda to Progs., Nos. 1(8)- 1039 be enrolled in a suitable Branch ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 of the Indian Fighting services in the event of War Rejected. 1. Return from leave of Khan Sahib Zia-ud-Din Ahmad, B.A., and resumption by him of the Charge of his appointment of Attache to H. M.`s consul General for Khorasan. 2. Reversion of Mr. Fazal Haq to Progs., Nos. 1040 his non-Gazetted appointment ESTABLISHMENT 1939 14(3)-E, 1939 of officiating Superintendent to H. M.`s Consul General for Kherasan. 3. Extension by five days, from the 12th April to the 16 April `39, of the joining time admissible to Khan Sahib Zia- ud-Din ahmad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 1041 Only Slip is Available. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(15)-E, 1939 Rules for the acceptance of application for retirments & Progs., Nos. 1042 resignation from officers ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(21)-E 1939 appointed by the Secretary of State. Proposal for the Establishment Progs., Nos. 1043 of a Curl Dispensaryy at Kot ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(37)-E 1939 Bannu District request.

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Free medical attandance for members of the British Legation, Kabul and the Consulate Staff at Jalalabad and Kandahar. 2. Supply to the Kabul Legation of a copy of Progs., Nos. 1044 orders relating to occupation by ESTABLISHMENT 1939 12(4)-E, 1939 the members of the British Legations, Kabul and the Consulate staff at Jalalabad and Kandahar of the Legation and Consulates buildings respectively free of rent. Fees for the medical examination of Central Progs., Nos. 1045 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Government employees in the 16(4)-E, 1939 U. P. for Purpose of leave. 1. Counting of a period of four years of the Former war service rendered by Jemadar Ali Asghar of the Zhob Militia in the late 43rd Mule Corps towards pension at local Corps rate, on the anology of Art. 357-A, Progs., Nos. 1046 C.S.R. 2. Decision that the word ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(21)-E, 1939 ``Service`` used in clause (2) of Art. 357 of the C.S.R. refers to the service in a civil capacity in which a man in re-employed and not to his service rendered in a militan capacity reckonable under that Art. Application of Nawabzada Ali Ahmad Khan M.B.B.S. for the Progs., Nos. 1(7)- 1047 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 post of an Astt. Surgeon in the E, 1939 Baluchistan Medical Deptt. Supply of diet to Patients and free rations to private Progs., Nos. 1048 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 attendants in the Gilgit Civil 16(5)-E, 1939 Hospital. Hill allowance to the Sweeper Progs., Nos. 1049 attached to the Police Station at ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(40)-E, 1939 Ziazat.

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Question of the Revision of the rates of gratuity and pension Progs., Nos. 1050 admissible to the followers of ESTABLISHMENT 1939 19(12)-E, 1939 the Frontier Irregular Corps- Dropped.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Reversion of Dispenses Mohamad Yusuf from Edda and Progs., Nos. 1051 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the travelling allowance 10(2)-E, 1939 admissible to him. Proposal for the appintment of Progs., Nos. 1052 Mr.Croning to post with better ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(41)-E 1939 Proposal. Contuanance of the estabishment for the Residnet Progs., Nos., 1053 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 in Waznistan for a period of one 8(87)-E 1939 year from the 1st Jan.1940. Counting towards pension of the previons military service of Sepoy (Armonser) allah Ditta, Progs., Nos. 1054 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 late of the Kurram Militia, under 19(32)-E, 1939 Article 356 of the Civil Service Regulations. Progs., Nos. 8(1)- 1055 Dismissals from Govt. Service. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 Cut motions in the Legislative Assembly regarding : - (i) Retrenchment of Staff in the upper grade and making of un- Progs., Nos. 1056 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 ussers ary appointments in the 21(2)-E, 1939 upper Services, and (ii) Pancity of mushins in Central Services, other than Railways. Grant of Specail pay to the Sub- Assistant Surgeon in Charge, X- Progs., Nos. 1057 Ray Apparatus, in the Civil ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(9)-E, 1939 Hospital MiranShah, for X-Ray Work. Grant of a gratuity to Qadi Progs., Nos. 1058 Suleman Ali of Kamaran Civil ESTABLISHMENT 1939 4(14)-E, 1939 Adminsitration. Proposal to

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delegate enhanced powers to the Govt. of Aden to Sanction individual items of expenditure relating to the civil administration Kamaran rejected. Desire of Dr. H.J.Katzenstein a Progs., Nos. 1(2)- 1059 German for an appointment in ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 British India or in a Indian State 1.Prohibtion from particular of inferior servants in Political movements whether in British Progs., Nos. 1060 India or in Indian States. 2. Non ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(15)-E 1939 applicability of Government Servants Conduct Rules to Inferior Servants.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Permanent retention of the temporary establishment for the Progs., Nos. 1061 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 collection of in the Khyyber 8(74)-E 1939 Agency. Consession of free conveyance for members of the British Legation, Kabul, and the Progs., Nos. 1062 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Consulate staff at Jalalabad and 12(5)-E, 1939 Kandahar when proceeding on or returning from Casual leave. Grant of compassionate gratuity to Must. Begum Bi widow of late Progs., Nos. 4(9)- 1063 daraz Khan Foot Constable No. ESTABLISHMENT 1939 E, 1939 453 of the Quetta Pishin and Sibi Police force. The Reservation of Posts Progs., Nos. 1064 (officers in His Majesty`s ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(1)-E, 1939 Forces) Rules, 1938. Transportation of cars of Central Govt. officers under Progs., Nos. 1065 Supplementary Rules 116(a) I ESTABLISHMENT 1939 25(1)-E 1939 (IV) while on transfer from and to Simla. 1066 Re-organisation of the British Progs., Nos, ESTABLISHMENT 1939

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Legation Nepal. 8(31)-E, 1939 Grant of winter allowance to the Progs., Nos. 1067 menial staff & the rail consiers ESTABLISHMENT 1939 18(46)-E, 1939 of the Kashgar Consulate. Excution of agreements in the case of officers of the Home Curl Service lent to India to Progs., Nos. 1068 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 whom the analogy of Art. 542-C 24(25)-E 1939 of the Civil Service Regulations is applied. Rules applicable to officer Progs., Nos. 1069 recalled from leave ons of India ESTABLISHMENT 1939 27(35)-E 1939 on the outbreak of war. Passage benefits of superior Progs., Nos. 1070 officers on contacts on thier in ESTABLISHMENT 1939 24(37)-E 1939 permanent Govt. Services.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continanuance of the post of Assistance Political Agent and Progs., Nos. 1071 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 Colonzation officer Nasudbad 8(84)-E 1939 upto the end of February 1941. Services questions which on the intorduction of Part II of the Govt of India Act, 1935, will Progs., Nos. 1072 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 require to be dispose of by 27(13)-E 1939 theG.overnor-General in his individual Judgments. Grnat Appeal P.R.H.Skrine, D.S.O., for grant of transfer travelling allowance grauted. 2. Decision that intimation regarding the recall of such officers to military duty before Progs., Nos. 1073 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 the expiry of their tenure need 25(9)-E 1939 not be insisted upon that Transit Charges of Military officrs should be by the Civil Estimates until the Exumption by them of military duty Provision of Additional Progs., Nos. 1074 ESTABLISHMENT 1939 equipment staff etc. for the Civil 8(64)-E 1939

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Hospital Landikotal. Date of reversion of Military duty of Major C.M. Lane, M.C., Progs., Nos. 770 2/15th Punjab Regiment, late ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(15)-E, 1940 Assistant Commandant, Assam Rifles. Proposed for grant ofa gratuity from the Compassionate Fund to the Family of the Late Sheikh Progs., Nos. 771 Rahmatullah, Senior Oriental ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(14), 1940 Teacher Anglo Vernacular Middle School, N.W.F.P., Rejected. Improvements of the pensionery prospects of the Progs., Nos. 772 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 clerical establishment of the 19(11)-E, 1940 Persian Gulf Residency. Appointment of Mr. .P.R. Porter Deputy Supdt. of Police Sibi, to Progs., Nos. 773 officiate as Assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(75)-E, 1940 Superintendent of Police Zhob and Loralai in Baluchistan. Proposed visit of an Educational service officer to Gilgit to inspect and report upon the Progs., Nos. 774 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 educational institution in Gilgit. 8(70)-E, 1940 Additional staff for Anglo- Vernacular Middle School, Gilgit. Continuance of the post of Political Naib Tahsildar Hassan Khel for one Tear from the 1st Progs., Nos. 775 March 1941. Revision of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(83)-E, 1940 rate of horse allowance of the Political Naib Tahsildar from Rs. 15/- p.m. to Rs. 25/- p.m. Provision of funds to meet the Progs., Nos. 776 cost pay and allowances of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(40)-E, 1940 post of Vice-Consul, Bushire. Grant of old scale of pay to Mr. Ghaus Mohd., stenographer to Progs., Nos. 777 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the Assistant Political Officer, 18(32)-E, 1940 Mohmands (North West Frontier

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Province). Grant of daily allowance to the Progs., Nos. 778 Political Officers in Sikkim and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(54)-E, 1940 his staff while at Lhasa. grant of an allowance of Rs. 8/- P.M. from Military Estimates to Progs., Nos. 779 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Civil Veternary Assistant 18(3), 1940 Surgeon, Gyantse. Grant of Joining time, pay and Travelling allowance to Mr. R. Progs., Nos. 780 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 MacMillan Smith, Clerk , British 12(1), 1940 Legation, Kabul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Mr. Abdul Hamid, Brother of Khan Bahadur Ibrahim Khalil Khan, Assistant Progs., Nos. 781 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Secy. N.W.F.P. Secretariat for 1(16)-E, 1940 employment under the external affairs Dept. Continuance of family pension to Mussammat Wawa Jan, mother Progs., Nos. 782 of the late Sowar Tajamal ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(21)-E, 1940 Hussain of the South Wzairistan Scouts. Additional establishment for the Progs., Nos. 783 Civil Hospital Parachinar(Kurram ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(105)-E, 1940 Agency). Census of live-stock, analysis of the Baluchistan tribes and Progs., Nos. 784 revision and printing of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(32)-E, 1940 District Gazetteers, B. Volumes of Baluchistan. Extension of the tenure of Mr. W.S. Sinclairl Supdt. of the office of the British Legation Kabul. 2. Termination of Mr. Progs., Nos. 785 W.s. Sinclair lien on his ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(17)-E, 1940 substantive post in the N.W.F.P. 3. pay of Mr. J.H. Milnes, officiating Supdt. British legation, Kabul.

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Appointment of an Agency Munshi in the Gilgit Agency in Progs., Nos. 786 connection with the work to be ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(36)-E, 1940 done by the Assistants Political Agent Hunza & Nagin. Creation of a temporary post of Additional Assistant political Agent North Waziristan and Progs., Nos. 787 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 appointment of Mr. M. Ahmed 8(32)-E, 1940(A) I.G.S. to that post. Proposed grant of Khassadar ...... Classification of half of the local allowance of Mr. Mohd. Ziaul Progs., Nos. 1075 Hassan, Deputy Assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(51)-E, 1940 Engineer, Wireless, Miranshah as special pay. Proposal for the restoration of the emergency cut in the trans- frontier allowances drawn by the Progs., Nos. 1076 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Railway staff in North West 18(28)-E, 1940 Frontier Province and Baluchistan- Rejected. Reversion of Capt. D.m.B., Progs., Nos. 1077 Smart late of the Gilgit Scouts, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(2)-E, 1940 to Military Duty. Proposed revised terms for Civil Progs., Nos. 1078 Government Servants employed ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(10), 1940 with the Army during the War. Establishment of a Railway Police Post at Mohd. in Progs., Nos. 1079 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Baluchistan the Staff sanctioned 8(9)-E, 1940 therefor. Entertainment of 3 sweepers and 2 bhishts for the Miranshah Progs., Nos. 1080 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Serai in the North West frontier 8(74)-E, 1940 Province. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of emoluments of officers of the Secretary of Progs., Nos. 1081 State`s Services appointed to ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(38)-E, 1940 posts covered by Sections 265, 296 & 305 of the Government of

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India Act, 1935, with reference to Section 247 thereof. Extention of service to Mr. Oddin Taylor C.B.E., I.S.E., Progs., Nos. 1082 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 superintending Engineer for 8(60)-E, 1940 Irrigation in Baluchistan. Kit Money to Indian Officers of the Gilgit Scouts on their Progs., Nos. 1083 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Promotion to commissioned 18(8), 1940 rank. Grant of Leave to Mr. Pundlik Balakrishna Desai, Subordinate Medical Officer, Miscat, Perior to Progs., Nos. 1084 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 His reversion to India and the 14(18), 1940 appointment of Mr. A.H. Taqui , S.M.S. as his Successor. Re-employment in the Tehran Progs., Nos. 1085 Legation of Mr. R. Ellis an Indian ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(10)-E, 1940 pensioners. Modifications in the Existing arrangements in Matter of Progs., Nos. 1086 medical attendance between the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(7), 1940 Government of India and the Government of Madras. Calculation of Leave on avrage Progs., Nos. 1087 pay admissible to Government ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(6), 1940 Servants to the Special Rules. Amendments to the Superior Progs., Nos. 1088 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Civil Service Rules. 24(10)-E, 1940 Pay and allowances of Indian Commissioned officers employed with the Frontier Irregular Corps Progs., Nos. 1089 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and the question of the grant to 18(27)-E, 1940 them of rent free accommodation. 1.Grant of Leave to Dr. Ghulam Rasul, Indian Medical Officer, Jedda and appointment of S.A.S. Progs., Nos. 1090 Emaduddin Ahmed during the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(17), 1940 Leave Vacancy. 2. Grant of Leave to S.A.S. Emaduddin Ahmed Prior to His reversion to

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Bengal Government Service. 3. Confidential report on S.A.S. Emaduddin Ahmed. command allowances to the Additional Assistant Political Progs., Nos. 094 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Agent Notrh Waziristan 8(32)-E, 1940(B) Rejected. Grant of compassionate gratuirty to the dependents of the late Progs., Nos. 1095 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 sweeper Sunder of District Jails 4(10)-E, 1940 Sibi. Procedure regarding the promotion of officer of the Progs., Nos. 1096 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Indian Army upto and including 27(4)-E, 1940 the rank of Major. Fixation of initial pay of officers Progs., Nos. 1097 of the Indian Police appointed to ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(21)-E, 1940 the Indian Political Service. Grant of compassionate gratuities to the dependents of Progs., Nos. 1098 the late Syed Saif Ali Shah, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(4)-E, 1940 Vernacular Assistant, I of the Loralai Agency. Continuance of the increase in the custom establishment of the British Legation at Khatmandu Progs., Nos. 1099 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 by one clerk and two stamp 8(101)-E, 1940 Impressors for a further period of one year. Application of Syed Ahmad Shah, Compounder, for Progs., Nos. 1100 appointment in Legations, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(13)-E, 1940 Consulates, etc, under the External affairs Dept.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Enquiry made by H.E. the Viceroy as to whether the Progs., Nos. 1101 decision to make the post of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(6)-E, 1940 Secy. a tenure post has been formally placed on record. 1102 Continuance of the additional Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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staff in the Persian Gulf 8(90)-E, 1940 employed in connection with the war. Application of Capt. G.L>S. Vaughan, 1/6th Gurkah Rifles Progs., Nos. 1103 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 for appointment to the Gilgit 27(8)-E, 1940 Corps of Scouts. Continuance of the family pension of Rs. 8/- per mensum Progs., Nos. 1104 to Mustt. Zarila, mother of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(15)-E, 1940 late Sepoy Khan Main of the Tochi Scouts. Continuance of the post of sa vernacular Assistant II for the Progs., Nos. 1105 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 office of the Political Agent 8(54)-E, 1940 Zhob. Revised procedure for the Progs., Nos. 1106 appointment of British officers to ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(5)-E, 1940 the Assasm Rifles. Exemption from compulasory military service of European Progs., Nos. 1107 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 officials on leave from India in 27(36)-E, 1940 the U.K. Provision of the necessary staff required to work the five Progs., Nos. 1108 wireless Transmitting sets for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(82)-E, 1940 the Frontier Constabularu in the Ahuadzai Salient. Arrangement for journeys by air of Capt. Vaughan, and a nurse Progs., Nos. 1109 to Gilgit and Major Taylor, Major ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(44)-E, 1940 Johnson and his party from Gilgit to India. Continuance of the post of Progs., Nos. 1110 Political Naib Tahsildar Tajori ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(81)-E, 1940 North West Frontier Province.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Mr. Terence Khushal Singh, Headmater, Progs., Nos. 1111 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 C.M.S. High Schools, Narowal, 1(9)-E, 1940 District Siaklot offering his

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services for employment in Iran or Baluchistan or in any other part of the world. Proposal for an additional male Progs., Nos. 1112 compounder for the civil Hospital ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(56)-E, 1940 Parachinar N.W. F.P. Continuance of the compassionte and education allowance to L. Jaghish Chander, son of the late R.S. Lala Sundar Progs., Nos. 1113 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Dass, Extra Assistant 4(9)-E, 1940 Commissioner and financial assistant to the A.G.G. Baluchistan earthquake of 1935. Baluchistan continuance of the temporary post of Auditor and Progs., Nos. 1114 Inspector to the Quetta ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(62)-E, 1940 Municipality for a further period of one Tear. Instructions regarding the preparation of the Annual Progs., Nos. 1115 Establishment Returns for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 20(3)-E, 1940 submission to the Accountant General, Central Revenues. Abolition of the postof Attache Progs., Nos. 1116 and his staff in the External ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(26)-E, 1940 Affairs Deptt. Extension Upto 26th October 1941 of Tenure of Assistant Surgeon A.J. Selvey, I.M.D., in the kashagar Consulate General. Progs., Nos. 1117 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 2. Selection ofa Successor on 13(5), 1940 Expire of the Above Extension.3. Confidential Reports on Assistant Surgeon Selvey. Employment of a temporary clerk on Rs. 25/- p.m. in the Progs., Nos. 1118 office of H.B. Ms. Consul in the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(37)-E, 1940 Portugese Possession in India. Marmagao. Grant of a compassionate Progs., Nos. 1119 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 gratuity ot Must. Badrun Nisa 4(2)-E, 1940

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widow of late Moharrir Ghulam Nabi Shah of the Frontier constabulary, Bannu. Grant of Travelling allowances to Dispenser Ahmed Ali of the Progs., Nos. 1120 Government of India Dispensary ESTABLISHMENT 1940 10(13)-E, 1940 at Jedda on his leave Journey to end from India in 1939.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Casual Leave to Officers Progs., Nos. 1121 under the control of the British ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(3), 1940 Legation, Kabul. Amendments to the Progs., Nos. 1122 Fundamental and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(4)-E, 1940 Supplementary Rules. Continuance of the post of Progs., Nos. 1123 Assistant Political Agent, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(11)-E, 1940 Bahrain. Amendments to the Federal Public Service Commission Progs., Nos. 1124 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 (Consultation by the Governor 24(6)-E, 1940 General) Regulations. Progs., Nos. to be done in the execution of 1125 27(43)-E, 1940 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 his duties. (B) Grant of Good Conduct and Good Service Pay to the Progs., Nos. 1126 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 personnel of Zhob Militia and 18(29)-E, 1940 Mekran Levy Corps. Reversion of Capt. E.V.W. Whitehead, I.A., Assistant Progs., Nos. 1127 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Commandant, Assam Rifles, to 7(4)-E, 1940 Military Duty. Claim of Khan Bahadur Mohammad Jahangri Khan for a special additional pension in Progs., Nos. 1128 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 connection with his services as 19(3)-E, 1940 His Majesty`s to consul at Jalalabad. - Rejected. Grant of commassionate Progs., Nos. 1129 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 allowance under Article 353, 24(12)-E, 1940

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Civil Service Regulations. Grant of monetary allaowance, in lieu of field service scale of Progs., Nos. 1130 rations, to certain personnel of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(45)-E, 1940 the Tochi Scouts, serving in the present Waziristan Operations.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Re-Employment of Havildar Sant Progs., Nos. 1131 Ram Sahni late Nepal Escort ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(40)-E, 1940 clerk. Creation of the post of a reader and a confidential clerk in the Progs., Nos. 1132 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 office of the Political Agent 8(65)-E, 1940 Malakand. Grant of leave to Lt. G.m. Progs., Nos. 1133 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Stover, Gilgit Scourts. 27(4)-E, 1940 Grant of 1 months leave on average pay to Mr. E.A. Tanner, Registrar and Treasury officer, Bushire. 2. Appointment of Rao Sahib S.R. Aiyer, Assistant Progs., Nos. 1134 Registrar, Bushire as registrar ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(1)-E, 1940 (A) and Treasury officer, Bushire Vice Mr. E.A. Tanner on leave. 3. Appointment of Mr. D.J. Stephens Head Clerk, British Residency...... Procedure to be adopted for the recriutment of genuine Sikihs to Progs., Nos. 1135 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the appointment resewed for 27(1)-E, 1940 bona fide Sikhs. Appeal from Fazal Hussain, Ex- forwarding clerk to the British Progs., Nos. 1136 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Legation, Kabul for re- 12(4), 1940 instatement. Emoluments of Officers on the Special Unemployed List when re-employed by Government. 2. Progs., Nos. 1137 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Payment of Subscription to the 18(1), 1940 Indian Military Service Family Pension Fund and Indian Military

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Widow and Orphans Fund. Selection of a candidate for the post of Sub-Editor on the staff of Progs., Nos. 1138 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the All India Radion for Persian 8(33)-E, 1940 and Pushtu news bulletins. Language examination for Progs., Nos. 1139 servince or posts under the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(13)-E, 1940 External affairs Dept. Application of Mr. C.H. Chen for re-employment as Chinese Progs., Nos. 1140 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Writer to H.Ms Consul General, 13(3), 1940 Kashagar.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Temporary post of Interpretewr Progs., Nos. 1141 on Rs. 25/- p.m. for the British ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(24)-E, 1940 Trade Agency Gartok. Appointment of Mr. E. . Progs., Nos. 1142 Frederick, I.M.D. as Medical ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(7)-E, 1940 Officer, Bundar Abbas. Grant of leave to Mr. V.B. Arte, an Under Secy. in the External affairs, Dept. Emoluments of Mr. S.G. Maynard, Assistant Secy. Political Dept. while officiating as Progs., Nos. 1143 an Under Secy. in the External ESTABLISHMENT 1940 25(9)-E, 1940 Affairs Dept. vice- Mr. B. Arte Granted leave. 3. Travelling allowance of Mr. S.G. maynard for his journey from Delhi to Simla and return. Amendments to the Revised Progs., Nos. 1144 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Rates of Pay Rules. 24(1)-E, 1940 Proposed creation of a post of Junior Assistant in the office of Progs., Nos. 1145 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Asstt. Supdt. of Police 8(39)-E, 1940 Zhob/Loralai. Pay, Civil leave, pension and increments of Civil pay of the Progs., Nos. 1146 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Royal Indian Fleet when called 27(7)-E, 1940 up for periodical training. 1147 Proposed grant of a gratuity Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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from the compassionate funds to 4(3)-E, 1940 must Kishen Kaur W/o the late constable Gijjar Singh of the Quetta Pishni and Sibi Police force Rejected. Further retention in the Service of Khan Bahadur Sikander Khan, Progs., Nos. 1148 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 as Oriental Secretary, British 12(5), 1940 Legation, Kabul. Application of Mr H.D. Johns, a Progs., Nos. 1149 resident of Tokyo, for a teaching ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(17)-E, 1940 post in India. Appointment of Major J.G. Hurrell, as Assistant Progs., Nos. 1150 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Commandant in the Assam 1(5)-E, 1940 Rifles.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Conversion of certain post of Naib Tahsildars into those of Progs., Nos. 1151 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Tahsildars for specified period in 8(20)-E, 1940 Waziristan. Dates of demitting and reassuming of military duty by Military officers lent to Civil Dept. and vice-versa. 2. Progs., Nos. 1152 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Allocation of transit pay and 27(21)-E, 1940 allowances and leave salary between lending and borrowing Govt. Grant ofa horse allowance of Rs. Progs., Nos. 1153 20/- per mensum to the naib ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(6), 1940 Tahsildar, Gilgit. Revival of the posts of Sub- Assistant Surgeon and a Ward orderly for the Jalalabad Progs., Nos. 1154 Consulate dispensary. Provision 8(80)-E., ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of rent free accommodation for 1940(Confidential the family of the Sub-Assistant surgeon. Grant of leave to Dr. S.M. Siddiq Progs., Nos. 1155 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and the appointment of Khan 14(16), 1940

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Sahib Mirza Ismile Barduli to officiate as Indian Assistant, Political Agency, Bahrain. Procedure for the payment of grants from the Compassionate Progs., Nos. 1156 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Fund of the Government of 24(16)-E, 1940 India. Retention on a permanent basis Progs., Nos. 1157 of the post of a compounder for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(4)-E, 1940 the Loe Agra Levies, N.W.F.P. Grant of daily allowance to the Railway Police Officers in Progs., Nos. 1158 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Baluchistan when travelling by 18(22)-E, 1940 Saloon on tour. Employment of Military officers Progs., Nos. 1159 with the Frontier Irregular Coprs ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(16)-E, 1940 N.W.F.P. Question in the Legislative Assembly by B hai Parama Nand about the number of Indian Progs., Nos. 1160 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Officers in the Departments of 20(1)-E, 1940 Government India and the Attached Officer.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fees of be charged for the services rendered by the Consulting Surveyor to the Govt. of Bombay when called upon as Progs., Nos. 1161 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 an expert to undertake work on 27(33)-E, 1940 behalf of the Got. of India, an Indian state Railway, Company, Local body or private party. Delegation of powers to the Chief Commissioner, Panth- Piploda, to Make Civil regulating the conditions of service of all Progs., Nos. 1162 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 persons subordinate to the said 24(26)-E, 1940 Chief Commissioner and serving in the connection with the affairs of the said province. 1163 restoration of the Cut in the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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Travelling allowances bill of Mr. 18(7), 1940 C.G. Franks , Formerly Wireless operator , Keshagar for Journey from Kashagar to India. Extension of appt. of Lt. R. Homes M.B.E., I.M.D. as medical Progs., Nos. 1164 officer in charge of Victoria ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(38)-E, 1940 Memorial and Quarantine Medical Officer Bahrain. Delegation of powers to Chief Commissioner to preseribe the Progs., Nos. 1165 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 pay and conditions of service of 27(35)-E, 1940 Police rank. Increase of pay of Patwaris in the N.W.F.P. by Rs. 2/- p.m. and to grants of a house rent Progs., Nos. 1166 allowance of Rs. 2/- p.m. to ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(24)-E, 1940 those who have not beem provided with Government Patwar Khanas. Grant of Monetary compensation to the Personal of the Frontier Progs., Nos. 1167 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Constabulary N.W.F.P. in Lieu of 18(19), 1940 Field Service rations. Entertainment of a sweeper for the cleanliness of the lorry stand at Parachinar and payment of an Progs., Nos. 1168 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 allowance to a clerk of the 8(68)-E, 1940 Parachinar Baran Fund for traffic work. Appointment of a Temporary Orderly (Foot Messenger) in the Progs., Nos. 1169 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 British Legation, Kabul for One 12(9), 1940 Year on account of the War. Grant of leave and Reversion of Mr. P.J. Rahbins, Wireless operator, kashgar and the Progs., Nos. 1170 selection of his successor. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(2)-E, 1940 Continuance of the two temporary ports of wireless operators at Kashgar.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of equating the rules framed by the Chief Commissioners under Clause (d) of Rule 44 of the Civil Services Progs., Nos. 1171 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 (Classification, Control and 24(13)-E, 1940 Appeal) Rules, with the rules framed by the Governor General in Council. Claim of Mr. Akhtar of Attaches Branch for the Pay of the Post of Progs., Nos. 1172 Translator and Travelling ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(12), 1940 allowance from a date Prior to 20th October 1939, Rejected. Verification of the Service of Khan Sahib Saiyed Hasan, Progs., Nos. 1173 M.B.E. of the United Provience ESTABLISHMENT 1940 10(14)-E, 1940 Police , who was deputed to Jedda during the last Great War. Pay and allowance of the Progs., Nos. 1174 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Consular Clerk, Bushire. 18(15), 1940 Question whether military officers of Escorts, serving Tibet Progs., Nos. 1175 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 should not be exempt from 27(30)-E, 1940 payment, of Income Tax. Rates of lodging and Frontier allowances admissible to officers Progs., Nos. 1176 of the Indian Army employed in ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(41)-E, 1940 the Frontier Irregular Corps on their promotion to higher ranks. Treatment of pay drawn in provisional permanent Progs., Nos. 1177 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 appointment for purposes of 24(2)-E, 1940 fixation of pay. Recovory of Passages Progs., Nos. 1178 contribution in respect of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 17(3), 1940 Officers in Foreign Service. Recruitment of the Indian Civil Progs., Nos. 1179 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Service in 1940. 27(39)-E, 1940 Retirement of Rai Sahib Lala Progs., Nos. 1180 Sukh Dyal Financial Assistant to ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(53)-E, 1940 the Honble the Agent to the

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Governor General Resident and chief commissioner in Baluchistan and the appointment of Mr. Des Raj Khosla Assistant Accounts officer of the office of the Accountant General Central Reventue as successor.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Establishment etc for the Resetlement Operations in Baluchistan. Pay and allowance Progs., Nos. 1181 of the staff recruited and the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(98)-E, 1940 grant of special pays to settlement Kannugos and Patwaris. Revision of Lt. F.J.O.K. Kelly, Assistant Commandant of Assam Rifles to Military Dept. Proposed reversion of Lt. L.R. Wainwright, Assistant Commandant Assam Progs., Nos. 1182 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Rifles, to Military Duty. 3. 29(12)-E, 1940 appointment of 2nd Lt. W.E. Read, and Lt. J.L. Harvey as Assistant Commandants, Assam Rifles. Registration of the name of Mr. K.I. Akhtar for employment in Progs., Nos. 1183 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Agencies, Residencies etc., 1(6)-E, 1940 under hte External Affairs Dept. Travellings allowance and last pay certificate of Mr. Maqbul-ur- Progs., Nos. 1184 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Rahman, Persian Translator, all 25(1)-E, 1940 India Radio. Provision in the budget for 1941-42 on account of - 1) Additional platoons of South Waziristan Scouts. 2) Additional Progs., Nos. 1185 platoons of Tochi scouts. 3) ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(89)-E, 1940 Guard consisting of one N.C.O. and Four men over the store of arms and ammunition at Mastaj of the two companies of the

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Chitral Scouts recruited from the Mastuj and Laspur Districts. 4) Additional platoons of the Karram Militia. 5) Medical Establishment for 1, 2, and 4. Revision of the rates of pay and allowances of the inferior Progs., Nos. 1186 servants employed under the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(50)-E, 1940 Central Government in Bombay City. Application o Mr. Syed Ijar Hussain son of late Mr. Irshad Hussain, Mir Lushi, British Progs., Nos. 1187 legation, Kabul, for appointment ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(15)-E, 1940 in India or abroad on the civil side for in connection with the war. Continuance of additional police force including ministerial and Progs., Nos. 1188 menial establishments in the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(67)-E, 1940 Quetta Cantonment during 1941-42. Incidence of expenses incurred in connection with the Progs., Nos. 1189 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 reservation, of accommodation 27(20)-E, 1940 by Govt. Officials. Procedure for the recovery of the amount of pay on leave Progs., Nos. 1190 salary attached by a court in ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(3)-E, 1940 India from a Railway Govt. servant on leave in the U.K.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of two trained Anglo-Indian nurses to the Progs., Nos. 1191 female ward of the Gilgir 8(100)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Hospital and fixation of their pay 1940(A) and allowances...... Incidence of fees charged for the Medical examination of central Progs., Nos. 1192 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Government Servants on return 14(14), 1940 from Leave on Medical

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certificate. Reversion of Mr. C.H. Burke, I.M.D. Military Assistant Progs., Nos. 1193 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Surgeon, Aden, to Milit any 7(5)-E, 1940 duty. Extension of the temporary post of Executive Engineer Quett, for one more year. Appointment of Progs., Nos. 1194 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Mr. J.M. Maintyre to succeed Mr. 8(87)-E, 1940 Merring as executive Ebgineer Quetta. Extension of the term of deputation of Sheikh Abdur Rahman, Subordinate Judge, Punjab to Baluchistan. 2. Progs., Nos. 1195 Appointment of Mr. P.E. Miall as ESTABLISHMENT 1940 7(6)-E, 1940 additional District and sessions Judge, Baluchistan and proposal for the grant to him of a special pay. Grant of compassionate gratuity to the widow other dependents Progs., Nos. 1196 of the late Rahim Dad Foot ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(17)-E, 1940 constable No. 315 of the Baluchistan Railway Police. Grant of concession of return tickets on payment of single fares to the pensioners of the Progs., Nos. 1197 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Zhob Militia on the North 19(19)-E, 1940 Western Railways to attend Regimental or Corps re-unione. Petition from help and Employment from Hajaj Usman Progs., Nos. 1198 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of Nawshera , North West 15(1), 1940 Frontier Provience. Extension of the tenures of the appointment of five out of seven Sub-Assistant Surgeons of the Progs., Nos. 1199 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 I.M.D. Employed in the Gilgit 8(6)-E, 1940 Agency and reversion of the remaining two to Military duty. 1200 Extension of Leave by the High Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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Commissioner for India to Mr. 14(15), 1940 E.H. Rushton, Superintendent , Baluchistan Secretariat and Mr. G.B.S. Prance , District Officer, Frontier Constabular, North West Frontier Provience. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Strength of the Indian Civil Service as fixed under section Progs., Nos. 1201 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 244(3) of the Govt. of India Act, 27(14)-E, 1940 1935. Reversion of Mr. Mohammad Haroon Senior clerk to the Indian Trade Agent Kabul to his substantive post in the posts Progs., Nos. 1202 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and Telegraphs Departments 8(66)-E, 1940(A) and appointment of Mr. Ghulam Ahmad as Senior clerk to the Indian Trade Agency. Proposal for giving the honorary rank of Jemadar in the Indian Progs., Nos. 1203 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Army to the Jemadar orderly of 27(9)-E, 1940 the Nepal Legation Rejected. Appointment of a British Commercial attache at Kabul and His Staff. 2. Appointment Progs., Nos. 1204 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 ofa confidential Clerk to the 12(14), 1940 Consular, British Legation, Kabul for Commercial Work. Grant of advance of pay and travelling allowance to Govt. Progs., Nos. 1205 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 servants proceeding on leave 25(4)-E, 1940 from Gilgit Agency. Administration of the Bugti Tuman during the minority of the Tumandar. 2. Transfer of Progs., Nos. 1206 one junior Assistant and one ESTABLISHMENT 1940 30(1)-E, 1940 Vernacular Assistant to foreign service in the Bugti Tuman Baluchistan. Appointment of Lt. G.W.J. Progs., Nos. 1207 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Smith, I.P. Assistant Supdt. of 29(3)-E, 1940

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Police, as an Assistant Commandant of the 4th Battalion, Assam Rifles and his pay and allowance in that post. Commutation, as a special case, of the total invalid pension of Mohammad Khan, late a Foot Progs., Nos. 1208 constable in the Quetta Pishin ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(12)-E, 1940 Police Force, on the anology of para. 260, Pension Regulations for the Army in India. Travelling allowance Bill of Mr. Y.S. Au , Late Chinese Writer Progs., Nos. 1209 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 British Consulate General, 13(1), 1940 Kashagar. Continuance of the temporary Progs., Nos. 1210 posts of the Sub-Overseers at ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(49)-E, 1940 Gyantse and Tayung in Tibet.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year and Consulate General Bushire Progs., Nos. 1211 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 as Assistant Registrar, Bushire. 8(1)-E, 1940 (B) Amendements to the travelling Progs., Nos. 1212 allowance Rules of the Madras ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(25)-E, 1940 Govt. Method of preparation and Progs., Nos. 1213 Communication of Confidential ESTABLISHMENT 1940 5(1)-E, 1940 reports on officers. Forms prescribed under rule 40 of the Superior Civil Services Progs., Nos. 1214 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 24(3)-E, 1940 1936. Registration of the name of Mr. Progs., Nos. 1215 J.A.N. Carrau for appointment ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(8)-E, 1940 under the External Affairs Dept. Continuance of the family pension of Rs. 8/- p.m. to Mst. Progs., Nos. 1216 Bakht Nera, mother of the late ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(14)-E, 1940 Lance Naik Ali Mardan of the Kurram Militia. Provision of fund in the budget Progs., Nos. 1217 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 estimates for 1941-42 for the 8(78)-E, 1940

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post of A.P.A. Hunze and Nagir and his Munshi. Grant of compensatory allowance to Agency Munshi Hunza & Nagir. Grant of leave to, and reversion to Military duty of Capt. A.K. Crookshank, Third Scourts Progs., Nos. 1218 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 officer, Gilgit Corps of Scouts 27(13)-E, 1940 and Selection of Lt. R.C. Murphy as his successor. Draft Central (classification, control and Appeal) Rules Progs., Nos. 1219 prepared with reference to the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(17)-E, 1940 provisions of the Government of India Act 1935. Entertainment of outsiders in leave vacancies in the Progs., Nos. 1220 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 establishment of the consulate 8(104)-E, 1940 General Pondicherry.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Customs compensatory allowance to the Special Progs., Nos. 1221 establishment sanctioned for the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(13), 1940 Duration of War Serving at the Bushire Residency. Question in the Council of State regarding the scales of salaries Progs., Nos. 1222 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and allowances of Consular 20(2)-E, 1940 Services. Appointment of Qazi Ghulam Sarwar of the North West Frontier Provience Government Progs., Nos. 1223 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 to the Port of accountant, 13(4), 1940 ashager in Place of Mr. Abdul Aziz Tajik. Progs., Nos. Appointment of the Publicity 8(97)-E., 1224 officer for the Persian Gulf and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1940(Confidential his staff. ) Training time , Joining time Pay Progs., Nos. 1225 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and Travelling allowance of 11(1)-E, 1940

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Government Servants who talk up employment under central Government after resignation or termination of their employment Under a Proviential Government. Exemption of certain allowances payable to Central Government servants, or any servant of a Federal Railway or of a Progs., Nos. 1226 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Cantonment authority or of the 18(53)-E, 1940 port authority of a major port, from attachment by order of a Court. Amendments to the Civil Service Progs., Nos. 1227 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Regulations. 24(9)-E, 1940 Investigation of the claim of Mr.Sarfraz Khan, Draftsman, Progs., Nos. 1228 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Gilgit Agency, for the arrears of 18(26)-E, 1940 pay. Pay and allowance of Indian Progs., Nos. 1229 Commissioned serving with the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(11)-E, 1940 Frontier Irregualr Coprs. Interpretation of Fundamental Progs., Nos. 1230 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Rules 93-A and 77. 24(8)-E, 1940

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Customs Accompensatory Progs., Nos. 1231 allowance Staff of Kashgar ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(5), 1940 Consulaate General. Grant of travelling allowance to Govt. servants serving in the Gilgit Agency and Chilas, when proceeding on or returning from Progs., Nos. 1232 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 leave grant of travelling 25(11)-E, 1940 allowance to Mr. Kanwal Singh for his single Journey from Chilas to Delhi. Progs., Nos. 1233 Central Civil Services Rules. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(24)-E, 1940 Commutation of pensions of Progs., Nos. 1234 persons in receipt of pensions ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(25)-E, 1940 divisible between the Central

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Government and the Madras Government. Proposed increase in the grant of a compensation pension to Progs., Nos. 1235 Mr.J.C.Bond, formerly Curator of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(24)-E, 1940 the Quetta Museum, in excess of that admissible under the rules. Applicatiuon of Major H.N Irwin, Progs., Nos. 1236 1/10th Gurkha Rifles, for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(9)-E, 1940 appointment to the Asam Rifles. Travelling allowance bills of the Progs., Nos. 1237 Civil Surgeon, Gangtok Paid by ESTABLISHMENT 1940 25(5)-E, 1940 the Sikkim Durbar. Necessity to show to the Secy. to the Governor before submission for the other of the H.E. the Governor General, all Progs., Nos. 1238 cases relating to the Institution 27(43)-E, 1940 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of Civil or criminal proceedings (A) against a Govt. srevant in respect of any act done or purporting...... Grant of a special pay of Rs. 20/- p.m. each to the Sub- Assistant Surgeons incharge Civil Hospitals Jamrud and Progs., Nos. 1239 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Landikotel for controling the 8(57)-E, 1940 Sanitary staff of Qafila serais in Khyber Agency and supervising the santation of the Agency. Continuance of the Temporary Progs., Nos. 1240 Post of Personal Assistant to His ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(10), 1940 Majestys Minister, Kabul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointmentof a sweeper for the office of the Asstt. Political Agent Progs., Nos. 1241 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Gilgit and its Subordinate 8(22)-E, 1940 offices. Extension of tenure of Progs., Nos. 1242 appointment of 1st Class ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(45)-E, 1940 assistant Surgeon C.E. Hynes

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I.M.D. in the Persian Gulf for a further period of one year with effect from the 20th January 1941. Regularisation of the Overstayal of Leave Ex-India by Captain Progs., Nos. 1243 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 L.B.H. Reford on account of War 14(5), 1940 conditions. Medical Examination for Purpose Progs., Nos. 1244 of Leave , etc. of Central ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(2), 1940 Government employees in Sind. Question of Filling up leave vacancies in the ports of Progs., Nos. 1245 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Assistant surgeons under the 8(30)-E, 1940 Baluchistan Administration. Reversion to Military duty of major G.F.X. Bulfied and Major J.H.D. Gordener Commandants Progs., Nos. 1246 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Assam Rifles. 2) Appointments 8(55)-E, 1940(A) of Major W.D. Joyce and R. Booth as commandants ...... Division between Government and Medical Officers of Fees for Medical and Surgical Attendance Progs., Nos. 1247 realised from paying patients ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(6), 1940 treated in Government or State aided hospitals in centrally administered areas. Grant to Talib, eldest surviving son of the late Naik Dilwar Shah Progs., Nos. 1248 of the Gilgit Scouts of a family ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(5)-E, 1940 pension under the civil service Regulations. Revision of the pay of the post of Sub-Ispector of Police, Gilgit Sub-Division, with effect from the 1st October 1941. 2) Creation of an additional Progs., Nos. 1249 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 temporary post of Sub- 18(43)-E, 1940 Inspector, Police, Gilgit, with effect from the 1st Feburary 1941 to 30th September 1941 and appointment thereto of Mr.

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Sultan Hamid, Jailor, Gilgiog for police training prior to his taking over as sub-inspector of Police, Gilgit sub. Amendment in the reserved Progs., Nos. 1250 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 posts Rules, 1938. 24(22)-E, 1940

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Budget provision for the post of a Sub-Editor on the staff of the Progs., Nos. 1251 All India Radio for Persian and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(71)-E, 1940 Pushtu news bulletins during 1941-42. Grant of Leave to Khan Sahib Progs., Nos. 1252 Maghul Hussain Khan , Treasury ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(4), 1940 Officer, Muscat. Increase in the number of leave reserve posts for the clerical Progs., Nos. 1253 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 establishments in the Persian 8(50)-E, 1940 Gulf. Appointment of Mr. G. Kinner as Progs., Nos. 1254 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Wireless Operator, Gilgit. 1(11)-E, 1940 Grant of compensatory allowance to members of the Progs., Nos. 1255 British Legation Kabul whose ESTABLISHMENT 1940 25(8)-E, 1940 families have been evacuated from Kabul to India. Proposal for the grant ofa gratuity from the Compassionate Fund of the Government of India Progs., Nos. 1256 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 to the Mother of Late Mulakh 4(13), 1940 Raj, Foot Constable No.314 of the Baluchistan Railway Police. Increase in the rates of Income- tax and super-tax by a Progs., Nos. 1257 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 surcharge amounting to one 27(25)-E, 1940 twelfth of each such rate. Appointment of Assistant Commandants in the Assam Progs., Nos. 1258 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Rifles 2. Application of Lt. R.V. 29(1)-E, 1940 Haisker. 1259 Fixation of the pay of overage Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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candidates appointed to the 18(3)-E, 1940 Indian Political service. Fees for the Medical Examination of Central Govt. employees in Progs., Nos. 1260 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the United Provience for 16(4), 1940 Purposis of Leave.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Mr. Abdul Haim Shaikh, Lecturer, Ghazi College Progs., Nos. 1261 Kabul, for employment under ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(14)-E, 1940 the Govt. of India in Propaganda work. Increase in the Employments of the First and Second Peons in Progs., Nos. 1262 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the Office of the Indian Vice 18(10), 1940 Consul , Bagdad. Terms of service of Civil Govt. servants who are granted Progs., Nos. 1263 emergency commission in H.M. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(40)-E, 1940 land forces and his Majesty Indian Land Forces. Progs., Nos. 1264 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(80)-E, 1940 Write off of the overpayment of pay drawn an a 1st Grade against the post of the Second Grade Veterinary Assistant in Progs., Nos. 1265 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the Kurram Militia. 2) Proposed 18(34)-E, 1940 revision of pay of the Veterinary Assistant in the Kurram Militia, North West Frontier Province. Voluntary training for reseve Progs., Nos. 1266 class of the Auxiliary. force, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(46)-E, 1940 India. Transfer of one post of Superintendent from the office Progs., Nos. 1267 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of the Kalat Agency to the 8(47)-E, 1940 Chagai Agency office. Employment for Mr. Duleep Progs., Nos. 1268 Singh Sochar, Son of Dr. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(4)-E, 1940 Harbans Singh Kochar,

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Veterinary officer to the Iraq Levies. Extension of the appointment of Addistant Surgeon A.L. Progs., Nos. 1269 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Greenway I.M.D., as Medical 8(59)-E, 1940 Kuwait. Proposed commutation of the total invalid pension of Hassan Ali, formerly no. 162 Foot constable of the Quetta-Pishin Progs., Nos. 1270 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and Sibi Police Force, on the 19(8)-E, 1940 analogy of para. 260 of the Pension Regulations for the Agency.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposed grant of gratuity from the Compassionate funds to the family of the late S. Haider Ali, Shah, Munshi to the Assistant Progs., Nos. 1271 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Political Officer, Chakdara. 4(8)-E, 1940 Proposed distribution o an award between the two window of the deceased. Rates of pay admissible to officer of the Indian Army Progs., Nos. 1272 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 serving with the Frontier 27(7)-E, 1940 Irregular Corps. Grant of gratuity from the compassionate funds of the Govt. of India to the dependents Progs., Nos. 1273 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of late Sub-Ins Ahmad Din of the 4(5)-E, 1940 quetta Pishin and Sibi Police forces. Travelling allowance claim of Mr. H.J. Macdonald , on his Progs., Nos. 1274 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 reversion from British Legation, 12(19), 1940 Kabul. Kashgar Consulate General Reliefs and the question of their Progs., Nos. 1275 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 pay and and allowance 2. 8(3)-E, 1940 Reversion of Mr. Abdul Wassey,

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First Clerk, Kashgar, and the selection, of Mr. Rasa Ali as his successor. Travelling allowance to K.B. Mohd. Nawaz Khan attacke, Progs., Nos. 1276 external Affairs Dept. on his ESTABLISHMENT 1940 25(6)-E, 1940 return journey from Delhi to Quetta Rejected. Report by Mr. Frack D. Souza on the working of the rules and orders relating to the Progs., Nos. 1277 representation of minority ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(37)-E, 1940 communities in the servinces of the four state managed Railways. grant of Compassionate gratuity to Must. Sucha Widow of M. Progs., Nos. 1278 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Minhaj Khan Late Jemadar 4(12), 1940 Malakand Levies, in the N.W.F.P. Decision that the approval of H.E the Governor General Should be obtained in cases of Progs., Nos. 1279 appointment to new temporary ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(5)-E, 1940 superior posts, created in connection with war are within his patronage. Travelling allowance of the members of the British Legation, Progs., Nos. 1280 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Nepal for their journeys in 25(10)-E, 1940 territories outside Nepal.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Leave of absence during War- Progs., Nos. 1281 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 time. 14(9), 1940 Transfer to the Kabul Legation of Progs., Nos. 1282 the Radio Set Purchased for the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(17), 1940 External Affairs Department. Extension for a further year in Progs., Nos. 1283 service for Rai Bahadur Kanshi ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(23)-E, 1940 Ram British Trade Agent Gartok. Question whether the family Progs., Nos. 1284 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 allowance is admissible to 18(46)-E, 1940

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officers of the Gilgit Corps of Scouts and other Frontier Irregular Corps. 1.Creation of a Port of Assistant Accountant for the Kabul Progs., Nos. 1285 Legation. 2. Appointment of two ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(13), 1940 Temporary Order lies for the Kabul Legation. Revision of the scales of pay of the vernacular section of the Progs., Nos. 1286 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Persian Gulf ministerial 18(30)-E, 1940 establishment. Counting of military service of No.137 Foot Constable Damodar Progs., Nos. 1287 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Ram of the Zhob and Loralai 19(22)-E, 1940 Police towards civil pension. Amalgamation of the two posts of Lady Doctor Kamran Quarantine Station and of Lady Progs., Nos. 1288 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Doctor and the appointment of a 8(102)-E, 1940 Lady Doctor for the combined cuties on revised terms. Increase in the rates of P. and Progs., Nos. 1289 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 O. Fares. 27(2)-E, 1940 Grant of gratuity from the Compassionate fund to Must. Progs., Nos. 1290 Zulma, widow of the late Sepoy ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(16)-E, 1940 Sarfraz, Bhangi Khel, Kattak, of the Tochi Scouts.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of a compassionate gratuity to the family of the late Progs., Nos. 1291 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 nursing orderly Ali Mohd. of the 4(1)-E, 1940 Civil Hospital Sibi. Question of the continuance of the Khassadar Command Progs., Nos. 1292 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 allowance to the Assistant 18(55)-E, 1940 Political Agents, in Waziristan. Grant of honorary rank of Capt. Progs., Nos. 1293 to Sardar Bahadur Subadar ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(28)-E, 1940 Major Nainsingh Mall, O.B.I.,

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I.D.S.M., of the 2nd Battalion, Assam Rifles. Progs., Nos. 1294 Only Slip available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(11), 1940 Rules applicable to officers Progs., Nos. 1295 recalled from leave out of India ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(22)-E, 1940 on the outbreak of War. Proposal for the extension of the concession of Railway privilege passes to the Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 1296 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Railway Police personnel 27(19)-E, 1940 employed on the Ist April 1939. Rejected. Grant to Capt. G.P.V. Sanders, Tochi Scouts, of travelling allowance in connection with his journey to appear before a Progs., Nos. 1297 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 medical board for the purpose of 25(3)-E, 1940 the to him of an injury pension under the superior Civil service Rules, 1936. Pensions and gratuities admissible to Indian Officers and men in the Frontier Progs., Nos. 1298 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Constabulary, militia and scouts 19(20)-E, 1940 in Baluchistan, Gilgit and N.W.F.P. Compensatory (Cost of living) allowances drawn by officers of Progs., Nos. 1299 the Central Government in ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(23)-E, 1940 places other than Calcutta and Bombay. Decision that the Civil of Major D.L.O. Woods, O.B.E. to the refund of the Cost of passage consequents on hs compulsory recall from leave ex-India and Progs., Nos. 1300 other Similar cases should be ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(6)-E, 1940 regulated in accordance with the military leave rules and subsidiary Instructions, issued thereunder in army Instructions, No. 84 of 1940 and the charge

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debited to the Civil estimates.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Extension of Joining time to Progs., Nos. 1301 Khan Sahib Main Afraz Gul Khan ESTABLISHMENT 1940 11(2)-E, 1940 Tahsildar, Gilgit. Grant of a pension of 24/- per annum and educational allowance of 37/- per annum to Progs., Nos. 1302 the son of the late Mr. A.C.Fryer, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(9)-E, 1940 I.P., District Officer, Frontier Constabulary, North West Frontier Province. Marriage allowance for officers Progs., Nos. 1303 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of the Gilgit Scouts. 18(25)-E, 1940 1) Grant of grain compansation allowance to inferior staff of the Nepal Legation for dearness of provisions. 2) Application of the provisions of the Provincial Progs., Nos. 1304 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Covernment`s Schemes of grain 18(37)-E, 1940 compensation allowances to the Central Government Servants employed in respective provinces. Reversion of Capt. J. Lindsay Smith , I.A. Assistant Progs., Nos. 1305 Commandant, of the 4th ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(2)-E, 1940 Battation, Assam Rifls, to Military duty. Reversion of Major A.L. Fell, and other, Military officer from Progs., Nos. 1306 appointment as commandants ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(4)-E, 1940 and Assistant Commandants, Assam Rifles, to Military duty. Refund of the cost of Passages to Colonel R.H. Wilson, C.I.E., M.C. consequent on his Progs., Nos. 1307 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 compulsory recall from Leave 17(2), 1940 Ex-India on the Outbreak of War. 1308 Application of Kazi Abdul Ghani, Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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P.C.S. for employment under 1(1)-E, 1940 E.A. Dept. or in an Indian State. Grant of a Cis-Frontier allowance at 15% of pay instead of the Trans-Frontier allowance at 25% of pay to the Khassadar, clerk, Progs., Nos. 1309 Dera Ismail Khan District. Write ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(23)-E, 1940 off by the N.W.F. Provinces Administration of Rs. 177/2/- overdrawn by serveral incumbents of the post. Decision that the route via Samasata and Delhi between Quetta and Indore shall be held Progs., Nos. 1310 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 to be the shortest route for the 27(24)-E, 1940 purposes supplementary Rule. 30(B)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 1311 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(42)-E, 1940 Medical attendance on the Employees of the Government of India Stationed in or passing Progs., Nos. 1312 through Mufassil Town in the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(1), 1940 Proviences of Bengal, Sind and Bombay and Scales of Fees Prescribes for the Purpose. Application of the provision contained in Section 247-248 Progs., Nos. 1313 and 249 of the Govt. of India, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(23)-E, 1940 Act, 1935 to military officer in Civil Employment. Continuance of the temporary post of Under Secretary common Progs., Nos. 1314 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 to both the External Affairs and 8(64)-E, 1940 Political Deptt during 1941-42. Delay in the submission of annual Income-Tax return for Progs., Nos. 1315 1939-40 by the Political Agent, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(34)-E, 1940 Kalat and Chagai, and Agency Surgeon, Jandola.

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Progs., Nos. 1316 Only Slip is Available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(7)-E, 1940 Relaxation, for the Period of the war of the Prescribed Procedure for applying for Passages in respect of Journeys from a port Progs., Nos. 1317 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 outside Asia and for making 17(4), 1940 Payment for Such Passages in the case of officers entitled to Passages concessions. Grant of compensalory allowance to the Accountant & Progs., Nos. 1318 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Pilgrim clerk of the India vice- 18(31)-E, 1940 consulate, Beghdad. Exemption of service and ports from the scope of the orders Progs., Nos. 1319 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 regarding communal 27(41)-E, 1940 representation. Amendments to the Premature Progs., Nos. 1320 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Retirement Rules. 24(18)-E, 1940

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of the rates of pay and allowances of the inferior Progs., Nos. 1321 servants employed under the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(48)-E, 1940 Central Government in the United Provinces. Proposed establishment of a dispensary at Dera Bygti- Rejected. Additional staff and Progs., Nos. 1322 Miscellaneous expenditure for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(77)-E, 1940 certain hospitals and dispensaries in the . Continuance of the services of Progs., Nos. 1323 Rai Sahib A.K. Dass in the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(14)-E, 1940 British Embassy, Baghdad. Conversion of the post of General Assistant in the office of Progs., Nos. 1324 the Resident in Waziristan into ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(35)-E, 1940 that of Accountant on higher scale of pay.

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Deduction of the Bengal Employment tax from salaris of Progs., Nos. 1325 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 officers of the Central Govt. 27(8)-E, 1940 liable to pay the tax. Proposed exemption from 15% cut of the pay of seven religous Progs., Nos. 1326 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 teachers of the Kurram Agency- 18(36)-E, 1940 Rejected. Retention on a permanent basis of the two post of Junior Progs., Nos. 1327 Assistant stenographers for the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(55)(A)-E, 1940 Senior Sub-Judge in Baluchistan and city Magistrate Quetta. Date of employment of Lt. L.R. Progs., Nos. 1328 Wainwright with the Assam ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(8)-E, 1940 Rifles. Application of Mr. S.K. Roy for a Progs., Nos. 1329 clerical appointment in the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(7)-E, 1940 British Legation, Nepal. Proposed grant of compassionate gratuity to the Progs., Nos. 1330 Family of the Late Umer Khitab , ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(11), 1940 Orderly to the Political Agent, Malakand.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of compassionate gratuity to the dependents of the late Progs., Nos. 1331 Mirza Mohd Nasir, officiating ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(7)-E, 1940 extra Assistant Commissioner in Baluchistan. 1) Fixation of pay of persons formerly in Military employ who are entertained in Civil Departments under Article 526 Progs., Nos. 1332 Civil Service Regulations. 2) ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(11)-E, 1940 Decision with reference to the re-servicemen re-employed in the Assam Civil Office and the Assam Rifles. Continuance of the post of Progs., Nos. 1333 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Assistant Political Agent and 8(85)-E, 1940

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colnization officer Nasirabad (Baluchistan). Abolition of one of the posts of motor drivers in the scale of Rs. 100-10-150 and dreation of two Progs., Nos. 1334 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 similar porets in the scale of Rs. 8(31)-E, 1940 75-5-100 by his Majestys Minister Kabul. Amendments to the Pay and Progs., Nos. 1335 Cadre Schedules during the year ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(5)-E, 1940 1940. Extension of the Leave rules of the Gilgit Crops of Scouts to the Progs., Nos. 1336 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 enrolled followers of the Gilgit 14(7), 1940 Scouts. Employment of Orderliess in the Progs., Nos. 1337 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 British Legation, Nepal. 8(72)-E, 1940 Deputation of Khan Bahadur M. Fateh-ud-Din, M.B.E. I.A.S>, Deputy Directer of Agriculture, Punjab, as agriculturist experts to Bahrain, 2. Waiving of Progs., Nos. 1338 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 recovery from the Bahrain Govt. 7(2)-E, 1940 of the leave and pension contribution of Khan Bahadur M. Fateh-Ud-Din charges for the aualysis of rail samples. Grant of Leave to S. Lal Bukhari, Progs., Nos. 1339 Indian Vice Consul and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(3), 1940 Pilgrimage Officer, Jedda. Revised statement showing concessions rebate allowed by Various Air Transport Companies Progs., Nos. 1340 in regard to air fares in respect ESTABLISHMENT 1940 17(5), 1940 of Journey Performed on their Services by Government Servants.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Application of Major W.D. Joyce, Progs., Nos. 1341 Commanding No. 12 Garrison ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(10)-E, 1940 Company, for appointment to

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the Assam Rifles. Extension of the appointment of Mr. Ghulam Ahmed as Junior Progs., Nos. 1342 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Clerk to the Indian Trade Agent, 12(8), 1940 Kabul. Revised rates of the compensatory and house rent Progs., Nos. 1343 allowances admissible to Central ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(39)-E, 1940 Government Officers stationed at Bombay and Calcutta. Ex post facts sanction to the commutation of Persion of Progs., Nos. 1344 Messrs. Mohammad Shafi and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(4)-E, 1940 Gyan Singh retired clerks of the Gilgit Agency Office. Grant of ``Emergency Allowance`` to Indian Progs., Nos. 1345 Commissioned Officers, during ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(52)-E, 1940 their tenure of appointment with the Frontier Corps. Statement of Europeans Military Pensioners who have been in re- employment in a non-gazetted Progs., Nos. 1346 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 post under the Central Govt. 27(17)-E, 1940 during any period from the Ist Oct. 1935 to 31st March 1940. Grant of pecuniary benefit of the privilege leave or leave in average pay due under civil Progs., Nos. 1347 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 rules to Indian Army resevists 27(18)-E, 1940 empoyed in Govg. Dept. on their being recalled to the colours. Counting of embodied service towards pension by Frontier Progs., Nos. 1348 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Constabulary Reservists in the 19(26)-E, 1940 North West Frontier Province. Temporary Modification of the rules relating to Joining time(1) Progs., Nos. 1349 Between Khorramshahr and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 11(3), 1940 karachi and (2) Between Bahrain and Karachi. 1350 Deputation to Muscat State of Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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(a) a Mohammadan Indian Army 7(1)-E, 1940 Signalling instruction for the period of 3 months and B. A Mohammadan Indian Army Vickers Machine Gun Instuctor for the period of 5 months.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of members to the selection Board for recruitment Progs., Nos. 1351 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 of officers under the Central 8(19)-E, 1940 Govt. Continuance of the special pension of 106/- to Mr. D.D.Dewan, father of the late Progs., Nos. 1352 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 captain I.B.D.Dewan, 2/17th 19(16)-E, 1940 Dogras, attached to the South Waziristan Scouts. Premature reversion to Military duty of Major Fitz-Maurice, Progs., Nos. 1353 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Officer, Commanding, Tochi 27(14)-E, 1940 Scouts. Creation of the Post of an Progs., Nos. 1354 additional Driver in the M.E.S. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(15), 1940 Staff of the Kabul Legation. Grant of Leave to Mr. S.G. Murtaza, A.M.I. Struct E. Progs., Nos. 1355 A.M.S.E. (London), Assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(2), 1940 Engineer, Independent Persian Gulf Sub-Division, Bushire. Investigation of the claims of Messrs. Chuni Lal and Rab Progs., Nos. 1356 Nawaz of Baluchistan, for the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(47)-E, 1940 arear of pay, allowances or increments. Appointment of Capt. Byron and Progs., Nos. 1357 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Lt. Cummins to Assam Rifles. 29(13)-E, 1940 Division of family persion granted to the heirs of Sepoy Progs., Nos. 1358 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Lachi Khan, late of the Sonth 19(2)-E, 1940 Waziristan Scouts. 1359 Grant of Hill allowance to the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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Ministerial and Inferior 18(17), 1940 establishments of the Office of the Resident in Wazirastan when on Duty at Ranmark during the Summer months. Medical Leave Under the Revised Progs., Nos. 1360 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Leave Rules, 1933. 14(8), 1940

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Deputatin of European Police Progs., Nos. 1361 Sergegants to Bahrain for anti- ESTABLISHMENT 1940 7(9)-E, 1940 sabotage control duty. Assam Rifles. Appointment of Progs., Nos. 1362 Major H.N. Irwin as Assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(55)-E, 1940(B) Commandant Assam Rifles. Grant of Free Medical Treatment Progs., Nos. 1363 to Government Officers and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(3), 1940 Establishments. Continuance of a temporary typist on the establishment for Progs., Nos. 1364 passport work under the Sind ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(8)-E, 1940 Govt. for a period fo one year from the Ist March 1940. Retention of the services of Mr. J. Roberts Electrical and Progs., Nos. 1365 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Mechanical Asstt. Independent 8(41)-E, 1940 Persian Gulf Sub-Division. Cntinuance of the Post of the additional British officer for the Progs., Nos. 1366 Kurram Militia for a further ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(88)-E, 1940 period of one yera from the 1st April 1941. Extension of the tenure of the temporary appointment of an Progs., Nos. 1367 extra Asstt. Commissioner and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(86)-E, 1940 Stipendiary Magisterial Quetta Baluchistan. Progs., Nos. 1368 Rations for scouts at Misgar. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(1)-E, 1940 Incidence of Civil pay of Govt. Progs., Nos. 1369 servants, who are members of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(45)-E, 1940 the Royal Indian Naval Volunteer

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Reserve of the Royal Indian Naval Reserve when called up for training. Visit of Lt.-Col. Gilpin and Major Dally, M.E.S. Officers to Kabul Progs., Nos. 1370 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 for inspection of legation 26(1)-E, 1940 buildings.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year grant of Outfit allowance to Mr. Progs., Nos. 1371 R. Rees Gaiage Superitendent , ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(2), 1940 Kabul Legation. Additional establishment for the Progs., Nos. 1372 Passport office of the Govt. of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(10)-E, 1940 Bengal. Creation of a post of treasury Progs., Nos. 1373 clerk in the office of the Political ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(84)-E, 1940 Agent Malakand (M.W.F.P.) Question in the Legislative Assembly by Khan Bhadur Shaikh Fazl-I-Haq Piracha Progs., Nos. 1374 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 regarding the duties and 20(3)-E, 1940 emoluments of Civil Administrator, Kamaran. Instruction in respect of delivery Progs., Nos. 1375 of broad cast talks by Govt. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(11)-E, 1940 servants. Question of the reimbursement of the fees charged by the Civil Surgeon, Jhelum for Examiniing Progs., Nos. 1376 a Jemadar Peon of the Khorasan ESTABLISHMENT 1940 16(5), 1940 Consulate General. 2. Question of General arrangement with the Government of the Punjab. Continuance for another year of one of the two temporary posts Progs., Nos. 1377 of clerks and creation of a ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(95)-E, 1940 temporary post of accountant in the Gilgit Sub-Division. Amendments to clause 17 of Progs., Nos. 1378 Model Agreement from, No. I. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(27)-E, 1940 and the corresponding clause of

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Model Agreements Forms, No. II and III. Advance copies of correction Progs., Nos. 1379 slips to Fundamental and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(7)-E, 1940 Supplementary Rules. Sanction of an additioal post of junior Assistant in connection with the Colonisation Scheme, Nasirabad Sub-Division. Progs., Nos. 1380 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Provision for establishment 8(16)-E, 1940 required in connection with the Colonisation of Nasirabad sub division in Baluchistan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Extension of the tenure of appointment of Jemadar Barkat Progs., Nos. 1381 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Ali, Sub Assistant Surgeon 8(5)-E, 1940 British Legation, Kabul. Proposal for the creation of a temporary post of officer on special Duty to investigate the Progs., Nos. 1382 working of Municipal ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(29)-E, 1940 Administration Quetta and suggist a scheme of reorganisation if necessary. Training of wireless signallers for Progs., Nos. 1383 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the Gilgit scouts. 27(12)-E, 1940 Rate of pay admissible to officers of the Indian Army Progs., Nos. 1384 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 serving with the Gilgit Corps of 27(9)-E, 1940 Scouts. Terms and conditions of Civil servants commissioned enlisted enrolled in the Royal Air Force Progs., Nos. 1385 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Volunteer Reserve, Royal Air 27(38)-E, 1940 Force, and Indian Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Proposed grant of a deputation allowance of Rs. 200/- in Progs., Nos. 1386 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 addition to be authorised T.A.X. 25(2)-E, 1940 Col. Sehomberg, Consul General

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for the French establishment in India, while visitng Portuguese India Rejected. grant of Leave to First Class Military Assistant Surgeon R. Progs., Nos. 1387 Easey , I.M.D. Medical Officer in ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(12), 1940 Sub charge of the Residence Hospital, Bushire. Extesion of the tenure of appointment of Mr. R. Easy Military Assistant Surgeon Progs., Nos. 1388 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Persian Gulf for a further period 8(21)-E, 1940 of one year with effect from the 6yh October 1940. Grant of certain leave concession to Mr. P.G.N. Naidu, Progs., Nos. 1389 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 employed temporarily at Bagdad 14(13), 1940 Consulate. Employment of Mr. Mushtaq Progs., Nos. 1390 Ahmed as Junior Clerk for the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(66)-E, 1940(B) Indian Trade Agency at Kabul.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposed amendments and Progs., Nos. 1391 additional to the pay nad Cadre ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(28)-E, 1940 Schedules. Creation of a post of Moharrir for Progs., Nos. 1392 the Court of the Extrsa Assistant ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(76)-E, 1940 commissioner Sheranis Darban. Policy relating to the release of Progs., Nos. 1393 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Civil Officers for Military service. 27(42)-E, 1940 Grant of the concession of rule of Art, 404-A of the C.S.R. to Mr. D.C.Metha, a retired Judge Progs., Nos. 1394 of the court of the Judicial ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(18)-E, 1940 Commissioner of Sind Interpretation of Article 404 A of the C.S.R. Application of Mr. E.D. Maiden Progs., Nos. 1395 for appointment in or under the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(2)-E, 1940 external affairs Dept. 1396 Revision of the Grade Pay of the Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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Sardar Kaumgo, Kurrum 18(4), 1940 Agency. Expenditure on annual disbursements in gratuities to the Swat Levies worked out per Progs., Nos. 1397 head according to the strength ESTABLISHMENT 1940 4(15)-E, 1940 and the relation that this expenditure bears to other expenditure on the Levies Arrangements for the travel of certain Staff from India to Jedda Progs., Nos. 1398 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 due to Suspension of Sailings to 10(10)-E, 1940 the Red Sea Ports. Revival of the post of Indian Assistant Chitral, pay and Progs., Nos. 1399 allowance attached to the Post ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(12)-E, 1940 2. Abolition of the post of charas Officer, Chitral. Payment of arrears of the Political Persian of the late Khan Progs., Nos. 1400 Bahadur Nawab Sir Mir Shans ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(1)-E, 1940 Shah, K.C.I.E., I.S.O., to his legal heir.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of Havelian as an alternative to Srinagar as the Progs., Nos. 1401 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Specified station for journeys 27(29)-E, 1940 from Gilgit, Chilas and Kashgar. Grant to Sub-Assistant Surgeon Syed Alinoor of the Actual cost of one Second class Steamer Progs., Nos. 1402 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 fare paid by him from Karachi to 10(11)-E, 1940 Jedda and two Extra Fares at the rate of Deck class fares. Retention of the services of Dat Ram Jemadar of peons in the office of the Chief Medical Officer Progs., Nos. 1403 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 and Inspector General of Prisons 8(93)-E, 1940 in Baluchistan after attaining the age of 60 years. 1404 Compensatory (Cost of Living) Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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allowance drawn by Non- 18(20), 1940 Gazzeted Personal of the Central Government in Places other than Calcutta and Bombay. Revsersion of Capt. J.C.F. Stone, Progs., Nos. 1405 I.A., Assistant, Commandant, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 29(6)-E, 1940 Assam Rifles, to Military Duty. Grant of leave in India to Khan Sahib Tahir Hussain Quereshi Progs., Nos. 1406 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 the British (Indian) Vice Consul , 14(19), 1940 Bagdad. Increased rate of Horse Progs., Nos. 1407 allowance to the Mail couriers of ESTABLISHMENT 1940 13(2), 1940 the Kashagar Consulate. Payment of the remaining instalments of the compassionate gratuity to Must. Mohd. Begum, on behalf of the Progs., Nos. 1408 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 minor children of the late Syed 4(6)-E, 1940 Asghar Ali, upper division clerk, British Consulate, Sistan and Kain. Provision of funds for Secret Progs., Nos. 1409 Service in the External Affairs ESTABLISHMENT 1940 27(26)-E, 1940 Dept. for the year 1941-42. Replacement of a Khassadar by a trained driver for the escort Progs., Nos. 1410 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 lorry of the Asstt. Political Agent 8(43)-E, 1940 North Waziristan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments in the Central Subordinate (Inferior) Services Progs., Nos. 1411 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 (Gratuity, Pension and 24(14)-E, 1940 Retirement) Rules, 1936. Question of the transfer of the I.M.d. Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Progs., Nos. 1412 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Nepal, for permanant service on 8(18)-E, 1940 the Civil Side. Reduction in the Staff of the Progs., Nos. 1413 Medical Deptt. Gilgit consequent 8(100)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1940 on the creation of the above two 1940(B)

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posts. Deputation of constable Raj Bali Ram of the United Province Progs., Nos. 1414 Police for appointment as ESTABLISHMENT 1940 7(3)-E, 1940 customs clerk in the police of H.M.M. Nepal. Grant of Leave to Shikh Mohammad Ayub Ansari, Trade Progs., Nos. 1415 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Assistant & Rehate Officer, 14(1), 1940 Lahidan. Continuance of the Post of Third Dispenser in the Jedda Legation Progs., Nos. 1416 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Beyond February 1941 ona 10(12)-E, 1940 Permanent Basis. Continuance on a temporary basis of the five additional posts Progs., Nos. 1417 for the office of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(99)-E, 1940 Superintendent of Education Baluchistan. Amendments to the reseved Progs., Nos. 1418 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 posts rules. 27(5)-E, 1940 Grant of leave to Military Assistant Surgeon A.L. Progs., Nos. 1419 Greenway, M.B.E. , I.M.D. , ESTABLISHMENT 1940 14(11), 1940 Medical and Quarantine Officer, Kuwait. Continuance of the existing temporary staff of the Resident Progs., Nos. 1420 in Waziristan for a further periof ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(92)-E, 1940 of one tear with effect from the 1st January 1941. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Progs., Nos. 1421 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(35)-E, 1940 Annual return showing the official enroluments drawn by the staff of the Khorasan Progs., Nos. 1422 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Consulate General including 20(2)-E, 1940 Zahidan, Zabul and Birjand as on 1st January 1940. Proposal to increase the Progs., Nos. 1423 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 emoluments of Khan Sahib Tahir 8(51)-E, 1940

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Hussain Querashi Indian Vice- consul Baghdad Rejected. Reversion of Bashir Ahmad, 3rd Dispenser, Jedda, and the Progs., Nos. 1424 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 appointment of Mohd. Yunis as 7(7)-E, 1940 his successor. Claim of Mr.G.E. Mould, inspector of Police, Baluchistan, to the refund of 3/10/- charged from him as surcharge on the three return passanges. _ Progs., Nos. 1425 Rejected. 2) All return passage ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(15)-E, 1940 tickets issued prior to the date on which the P.& O. Steam Navigation Company introduced their revised rates of fares still hodl good. Charge report of Mr. E. Thomas, as confidential Assistant to Progs., Nos. 1426 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Political Resident in the Persian 2(1)-E, 1940 Gulf. Retention of a permanent basis of the two posts of vernacular Progs., Nos. 1427 Assistance for the courts of Naib ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(44)-E, 1940 Tahsildars Barshore and Khanozai in Baluchistan. Progs., Nos. 1428 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(56)-E, 1940 Continuance of the posts of one Kanungo and two Patwaris in the Progs., Nos. 1429 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 Pishin Tahsil Baluchistan for the 8(58)-E, 1940 collection of revenue. Progs., Nos. 1430 Only Slip Available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 12(16), 1940

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendment to the Civil Services Progs., Nos. 1431 (classification, Control and ESTABLISHMENT 1940 24(20)-E, 1940 appeal) Rules. Proposed grant of a laboratory Progs., Nos. 1432 allowance to the sweeper of the ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(49)-E, 1940 Civil Hospital, Gilgit.- Rejected.

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Grant of an injury pension to Captain G.P.V. Sanders of the Progs., Nos. 1433 Tochi Scouts, under the Superior ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(10)-E, 1940 Civil Services (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, 1936. Proposed counting towards pension under Art. 361-A, C.S.R., a portion of non- Progs., Nos. 1434 qualifying service of Khan ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(23)-E, 1940 Bahadur Sardar Nur Ahmed Khan, an Extra Assistant Commissioner in Baluchistan. Progs., Nos. 1435 Only slip is available. ESTABLISHMENT 1940 19(13)-E, 1940 Application from Syed Sajjad Hussain, son of the late Syed Irshad Hussain, Mir-Munshi, Progs., Nos. 1436 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 British Legation, Kabul, for the 18(44)-E, 1940 continuance to him of the Educational allowance- Rejected. Extension of the tenure of Khan Sahib Sher Zaman Khan as His Progs., Nos. 1437 Majestys Consul Kandahar for a ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(25)-E, 1940 further period of one year upto the 2nd December 1941. Repayment of advance of Pay and Excess travelling allowance Progs., Nos. 1438 by Dispenser Mohammed Yusuf ESTABLISHMENT 1940 10(8)-E, 1940 on his reversion from the British Legation, Jedda. Creation of the post of a Sub- editor on the Staff of the All Progs., Nos. 1439 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 India Radis for Persian and 8(28)-E, 1940 Pushtu news bulletins. Compensatory (Cort of Living) allowances drawn by Non Progs., Nos. 1440 Gazetted Personal of Central ESTABLISHMENT 1940 18(16), 1940 Government stationed at Calcutta and Bombay.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1441 Outfit allowance to Subedar Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1940

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major and Honorary Lt. Rai 18(14), 1940 Sahib Bashi Ram, I.M.D. Bufget provision for temporary Progs., Nos. 1442 platoons for Frontier ESTABLISHMENT 1940 8(79)-E, 1940 Constabulary. Medical arrangements in Hejaz Progs., Nos. 1443 (Jedda) for the Haj Season ESTABLISHMENT 1940 10(9)-E, 1940 1940-1941. Grant of actual travelling expenses to Capt. R.J.F.A. Progs., Nos. 1444 Lawder, Ist Kumaon Rifls for ESTABLISHMENT 1940 25(7)-E, 1940 journeys on the occasion of his transfer from Chital Hongkong. Reversion of Capt. J.H. Edleman, 3/7th Rajput Regiment attached Progs., Nos. 1445 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 to Chitral Scouts, to Military 7(12)-E, 1940 duty. Necessity to Consult the Federal Public service commission, prior to making appointments, in accordance with the provision Progs., Nos. 1446 ESTABLISHMENT 1940 contained in Section, 266(3) of 27(31)-E, 1940 the Govt. of India Act and the Public service Commission Regulations. Re-exployment of Mr. Sarkis Progs., Nos. 1447 Martin, an Indian Pensioner, in ESTABLISHMENT 1940 1(12)-E, 1940 the Tehran Legation. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Visit of the Indian Vice-Consul, Jedda, to Medina for the purpose of inspecting and reporting upon Progs., Nos. 1091 the Indian Community in that ESTABLISHMENT 1941 10(17)-E, 1941 town and sanction to the travelling expenses etc. in that connection. War establishment in the Persian Gulf. Continuance of the temporary war establishment Progs., Nos. 1092 ESTABLISHMENT 1941 during the year 1942-43 and the 8(22)-E, 1941 year 1943-44. 2) Relaxation of Rule 10 (a) of the Revised Leave

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Rules, 1933, in the case of the temporary staff in the Persian Gulf. 4) Provision of funds for the Progs., Nos. Information Officer with the 1093 18(60)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1941 Agent General for India in the 1941(Part II) U.S.A. Appointment of Mohammad Aslam Khan Khattack as Special Officer in the Information Office Progs., Nos. 1448 ESTABLISHMENT 1941 (Foreign) (now designed as 8(27)-E, 1941 publicity office, External Affairs Department. Employment of five additional platoons of Frontier constabulary Progs., Nos. 1449 ESTABLISHMENT 1941 to replace regular troops on the 8(79)-E, 1941 Samana range. Question of Seconding officers from Army to political advisory Progs., Nos. 1450 staff with a view to their joining ESTABLISHMENT 1941 27(78)-E, 1941 Iraqi service at the end of the war. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of the pay of overage Progs., Nos. 1451 candidates appointed to the ESTABLISHMENT 1941 18(3)-E, 1941 Indian Political Service. Proposal to amend the Foreign Service Rules so as to empower the Govt. of India to send any civilian officer on foreign service to any country and to fix his pay Progs., Nos. 1452 ESTABLISHMENT 1941 without his consent. 2) Question 30(3)-E, 1941 as to whether Indian Political Officers can be required to serve abroad under His Majesty`s Govt. without their consent. Advance of pay to the Hon`ble Sir G.S.Bajpai and Mr. Progs., Nos. T.B.Creagh Coen. 2) Provision of 1453 18(60)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1941 funds for Agent General for India 1941(Part I) in the United States of America and his staff for 1941-42 and

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1942-43. 3) Procedure of providing funds to the Agent General through British Embassy, Washington, U.S.A.------Corrections for the 2nd July 1942 issue of the Half-yearly list Progs., Nos. 1454 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 of the Indian Political Service 26(3)-E, 1942 (External Side). Exclusion from Govt. Service of Progs., Nos. 1455 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 certain persons. 27(8)-E, 1942 Appointment of Sir Mohammad Zafrullah Khan, K.C.S.I., as Progs., Nos. 1456 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Agent General for India in China 8(161)-E, 1942 and his Pay and allowances. Proposed scheme for the replacement of British military personnel employed in Offices in Egypt (Steno-Typists`& Progs., Nos. 1457 typists``, telephone operators, ESTABLISHMENT 1942 27(6)-E, 1942 clerks & store-keepers, messengers & orderlies & motor drivers) by civilian staff from India. Complaint against Dr. C.L. Fabri, Journalist in Publicity Officer (Foreign), Bombay Branch regarding objectionable letter Progs., Nos. 1458 written by him & published in ESTABLISHMENT 1942 27(25)-E, 1942 the Times of India, criticizing measures taken by authorities of Prince of Wales Museum against enemy action. Chungking. 3) Fixation of pay and allowances of the locally recurited staff for the Indian Agency Ggeneral, Chungking. 4) Progs., Nos. Appointment of Capt. A.N. 1459 8(46)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Mehta, Second Secretary to the 1942(Part II) Agent General for India in China, Chungking; vice Major Nazir Ahmed & his pay and allaowances. ------

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-- 5) Decision that the post of second secretary to the Agent general for Ind in China should be held by an officer of the rank of Captain. Promotion of Lieut. A.N. Mehta to the rank of Progs., Nos. Captain. 6) Creation of the post 1460 8(46)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1942 of a massenger for the Indian 1942(Part III) Agency General, Chungking. 7) Appointment of locally recreited personnel of the Indian Agency General Chungking. 8) Fixation of pay of Interpreter Indian Agency General, Chungking.

Establishment of a Research and Publicity Organisation under the control of the External Affairs Progs., Nos. 1461 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Department, and appointment of 8(47)-E, 1942. necessary staff. 2) Appointment of Mr.G.Wint as Secretary. Chinese Seaman Wartime Service Progs., Nos. 1462 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Corps. 8(4)-E, 1942 Transfer of the headquarters of the Medical Officer in the Khoresan Agency fro Meshed to Zahidan and his appointment there as ex-office Vice-Consul, Zahidan. Selection of Progs., Nos. 1463 Asst. Surgeon D.J.Upshon, F.M.D. ESTABLISHMENT 1942 8(64)-E, 1942 (Br. Cadre) for that post. 2) Reversion of Asst. Surgeon D.J.Upshon to Military duty and appointment of Capt. Harrison in his place. Indian Commercial representation in Tehran. Proposed to appoint of Major A.S.B. Shah. 2) Appointment Progs., Nos. 1464 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 of Major C.A.G. Savidge as Director 8(162)-E, 1942 of Public Relations Burrau, Tehran vice Mr. Childs. Proposed to appoint a chinese Progs., Nos. 1465 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Translation in the China Section of 8(166)-E, 1942

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the E.A.Deptt. 2) Question of appointing Mr. Pan Isi Lu to His post-dropped. Resettlement Operations in the Pishin & Quetta Tehsils in Baluchistan. Continuance during 1943-44 of the Establishment required in the connection. 2) Ex Progs., Nos. 1466 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 post facts sanction to the 8(72)-E, 1942 expenditure incurres on the purchase of stationary from prwate firms and dealers for Settlement Operations. Formation of Chitral Staff Scouts. 2) Determination of pay and allowances and other conditions of Progs., Nos. 1467 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Service of the Officers and the 27(22)-E, 1942 personnel of the Chitral State Scouts. Re-organization of the staff of the Progs., Nos. 1468 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 British Trade Agency at Gartok. 8(40)-E, 1942 Creation of the temporary post of officer on special duty in N.W.F.P, for Sir norths to Survey post-war reconstruction problems in the Province and N.W.F. tribal areas Progs., Nos. 1469 and the appointment of Mr. I.G. ESTABLISHMENT 1942 8(102)-E, 1942 Hcheson C.I.E. There to. Sanction of Establishment for the same. 2) Rate of T.A. admissible to Mr. Acheson while holding the above post. Staff for the Agent General for India in China, Chungking. 1) Creation of two posts of 1st & 2nd Secretaries to the Agent General Progs., Nos. for India in China, Chungking and 1470 8(46)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1942 the rates of pay and allowances 1942(Part I) attached to each. 2) Pay and allowances of T/Major Nazir Ahmad, Second Secretary to the Agent General for India,------

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Creation of a temporary post of Progs., Nos. 1471 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 Kashgar clerk at Gilgit. 8(109)-E, 1942 Application of Mr. M.O. Mathai for Progs., Nos. 1472 some post under External Affairs ESTABLISHMENT 1942 1(14)-E, 1942 Department. Question of maximum concerssions to personnel of essential services in the case of an Progs., Nos. 1473 ESTABLISHMENT 1942 emergency in order that they may 27(20)-E, 1942 remain at their posts. 2) Case of Baluchistan. Revenue re-organistation in Gilgit 2) Training of two conditions from Progs., Nos. 1474 the Gilgit Agency under the ESTABLISHMENT 1942 8(61)-E, 1942 supervision of Settlement Officer, Azana, in revenue work. Revival of the post of Asst. Secretary in Baluchistan Secretariat and appointment thereto of Mr. O` Meally, a superrindendent in E.A. Deptt., Progs., Nos. 1475 keeping the post of under ESTABLISHMENT 1942 8(157)-E, 1942 Secretary in abeyance. 2) Abolition of the post of Asst. Secretary in the Baluchistan Secretariat and revival of the post of under Secretary. 2) Information furnished regarding the no. of vacancies in Central Service under External Affairs Department reserved for War Service candidates. 3) Eligibility of Progs., Nos. 1476 ex-service personnel discharged 27(43)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1943 prior to the Armistice for 1943(Part II) appointment in Government service. 4) Method of recruitment after the war to vacancies in ------Reservation of post for members of scheduled castes in Central & Progs., Nos. 1477 ESTABLISHMENT 1943 subordinate Services under the 27(47)-E, 1943 Govt. of India. 2) Question as to

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who is a member of Scheduled Caste, Decision that a person should be considered to be a member of Scheduled caste if he belongs to a caste which is declared as a schedule caste for the area in which be on his family ordinarily resides. Strengthening of Civil Services for maintaining efficient administration during the war and Progs., Nos. 1478 ESTABLISHMENT 1943 for a period of some years 27(99)-E, 1943 thereafter. Release of personnel from the Army for civil employ. Civil Services which have been reserved for `war service` candidates. 5) Procedure for selection of temporary employees for appointment to the quote of Progs., Nos. 1479 the 30% of reserved vacancies set 27(43)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1943 apart for them. 6) Preparation of a 1943(Part III) pamphlet in respect of vacancies reserved for war service candidates in Central Civil Services including Central------1) Reservation of definite of vacancies occuring under the Central Government, but not filled on a permanent basis, for war service candidates and candidates Progs., Nos. 1480 with temporary service. (a) 27(43)-E, ESTABLISHMENT 1943 Permission given to the Hon`ble 1943(Part I) the Political Resident in the Persian Gulf to make permanent appointments during the war. ------

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Supply food stuffs to the famillies of in Bengal of certain Govt. Progs., Nos. 1481 ESTABLISHMENT 1943 Servants serving under H.M`s 27(65)-E, 1943 Ambassador, Baghdad. 1482 subordinate and inferior services. Progs., Nos. ESTABLISHMENT 1943

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7) Question whether separate 27(43)-E, communal rosters should be 1943(Part IV) maintained for the recreitment of war service candidates and tamporary employees to reserved permanent and quasi-permanent vacancies. Particiapation of pensions in the Progs., Nos. 1483 ESTABLISHMENT 1943 Congress Movement of 1942. 27(51)-E, 1943 Request of Professor Ahmed Shah Chairman of the National Service Lahour Tribiunal in Cawnpore and a member of the National Progs., Nos., 1484 ESTABLISHMENT 1944 Defence Council that his name 30(17)-E 1944 should be considered for the post of Washington when Sir G.S.Bajpai vacate it. 1. Engineering staff for the North East Frontier Agency Assam 2. Creation of the post of an Excutive Engineer and appointment thereto of Capt.G.E.barton. Fixation of his pay, allowance and travelling allowance. 3. Transfer to the Progs., Nos., 1485 ESTABLISHMENT 1944 Central Public Works Department 14(4)-E 1944 of th Government of India of new roads in the Lohit Valley in the Tribal Arreas Assam and appointment of R.B.Faquir chand Jali in place of Capt. Barton. Grant of special pay of Rs. 300/- p.m. to R.B.Jali. Consular Staff Salaries and House rend allowance admissile to Progs., Nos., 1486 officers of H.M.`s Consular ESTABLISHMENT 1944 9(17)-E 1944 Service. Scale of pay of A Branch of the Foreign Service. Grant of an Sumptuary allowance of Rs. 250/- p.m. to the Progs., Nos., 1487 ESTABLISHMENT 1944 Secretary to the Govt of India in 9(19)-E 1944 the External Affairs Department. 1488 Appointment of Major Progs., Nos., ESTABLISHMENT 1944

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C.A.G.Savidge as 23(4)-E 1944 Additionalcounsellor, British Embassy, Tehran on death Lt.Col. A.E.H.Maann. 2. Appointment of Lt.Col. E.H.Gastrell s Addl. Counsellor in Succession to Major Savings. 3. Fixation of th pay and allownce of Messrs. Savings and Gastrell while hoding the post of Addl.counsellor, British Embassy, Tehran. 4. Cointinuance of the post of Addl. Counsellor, British Embassy, Tehran, during 1945- 46. Extension of tenure of appointment of Lt.Col.J.D.Ogilvy First Secy. British Legation, Progs., Nos., 1489 ESTABLISHMENT 1944 Nepal, up to 23rd March 1945. 2. 25(2)-E 1944 Question of Selection of successor. 1.Employment of the staff in connection with the Reserach and Publicity organistion under the Progs., Nos., Control of the External Affairs 1490 1(27)-E(secret) ESTABLISHMENT 1944 Department. 2. Continuance 1944 during 1945-46 of Research and Publicity organistation under the External Affaris Department. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grnt of increased rate of milage and daily allowance to for their official journey in the N.E.F.Agency Assam & Tribal Area of the Triap Frontier Tract. Progs., Nos., 1491 2. Continuance of the increase ESTABLISHMENT 1944 14(10)-E 1944 rate of daily alloance for 2nd & 3rd the increase rate of daily allowance for 2nd & 3rd grade Governmenat Servents Toursing in the N.E.F. Agency. Employment of additional staff Progs., Nos., 1492 for developement of fruit industry ESTABLISHMENT 1944 24(4)-E 1944 at Wana 2.Revision of Pay of

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Poltical mali at Wana South Wazinistan Agency N.W.F.P. 3. Charge of the disignation of Political mali to Jemadar Mali. Progs., Nos., 1493 Only slip. ESTABLISHMENT 1944 27(17)-E 1944 1.Explation of the Baluchistan Irrigation Deptt. Appointment of Mr.M.Y.A.K.Moghal officiating executaive Engineer in the C.P.W.D. as Exeutive Engineer for Irragation, Baluchistan.3. Progs., Nos., 1494 Creation of a temporary post of ESTABLISHMENT 1944 16(90)-E 1944 Architect in the P.W.D. in Baluchistn and appointment Capt. Headerson the officers of the Royal Enginers released from Army Service His Pay and allowance. Proposed setting of a poltical Agency in the Trucil Coast- Progs., Nos., 1495 Dropped. 2. Continuance of 27(31)- ESTABLISHMENT 1945 Medical arragements on the E(secret) 1945 Truncial Coast during 47-48. India`s Representatives on the Commissions appointed under Progs., Nos., 1496 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 the United Nations Ecomomic and 37(7)-E 1945 Social council-terms for. Creation of the post of Priviate Secrretary to the Hon`ble pandit Nehruy Member in Charge of E.A. Department, and appointment thereto of Mr. I.C.S., Progs., Nos., 1497 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 2. Appointment of Mr.H.M.Patel, 1(40)-E 1945 C.I.E., I.C.S., Joint Secy. to the Cabinet as ex-office princiapl Private Secretary to the Hon`ble Pandit Nehru. 1.Reduction temporary post and expenditure a sanctioned by war Progs., Nos., 1498 conditions by the various ESTABLISHMENT 1945 46(71)-E 1945 Agencies under the administrative Control of the

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External Affaris Deptt. 2. Statement showing items of temporary expenditure 3. Jreatment of duration of duration of war expendiure sanction. 4. Review of Wartine sanction for expenditure. Continuance of the Consular office at Yezed Kerman District upto the end of feb. 1947. 2. Reversion of Mr.Maghul -ur- Progs., Nos., 1499 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 Rehman Clerk in the Consul office 27(56)-E 1945 at yezed at to his Substantive appointment in the office of the Political Agency Khyber. Appointment of Mr.Jigme Palden Dorji in Place of Rajan Sonam Tobgy Dorji, Assistant for Bhutan to the Political officer in Sikkim. Progs., Nos., 1500 Fixation of his pay and allowance. ESTABLISHMENT 1945 29(6)-E 1945 2.Conferment of gazetted status of Jigme Palden Dorji, Assistnat for Bhutan to the Political Officer in Sikkim.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Indian in Shanghai 2.Appointment of Mr.Bahadur Singh as Indian Attack to the British Consul General Shagai and the Grant of a local of Consul. 3. Creation of staff for the office of the Indian Attack at Shanghai 4. Progs., Nos., 1501 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 Estmate of Expenditure on the 17(11)-E 1945 officer of the Indian Attack Shaghai for the year 1946-47. 5. Fiscat in of the pay of Stenographer for the office of the Indian the Indian Attack at Shanghai. Continuance of Temporary War Progs., Nos., 1502 estiblishment in the pension Gulf. ESTABLISHMENT 1945 17(22)-E 1945 2. Budget estimates for 1947-48,

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under charge for tempy. Establishments in the Persian Gulf. 3. Continuuance of increase in the pay of the clerk to the Residency Agent, Sharjah, Turcial coast. Formation of Combined ministerial cade for theSecretarit of the External Affaris Deppt. and Progs., Nos., 1503 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 its outports with a view to 46(76)-E 1945 providing for interchangebility of Staff. Arrangements for the closing of the China Relations officer Calcutta. 2. Reversion of Major A.N.Metha, A.C.R.O. Calcutta to Military duty 3. Application from Progs., Nos., 1504 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 major A.N.Mehta for a perment 19(16)-E 1945 commission in the India Army. 4. Appreciation of th services of his staff including Major Mehtay China relations officers Calcutta. Report on the Organisation of the Foreign Service of the United States of America 2. Act to Progs., Nos., 1505 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 inprove strengthin and expand 30(16)-E 1945 the Foreign Service of the United State of Amrica. 1.Reversion of Major G.A.Sherif from the post of Additional Assistant to the Poltical officer Sikkim and Incharge Mission at Lhasa 2.Appointment of Mr.Lobsang as Additional Assitant to the Poltical officer Sikkim. 3. Progs., Nos., 1506 Grant of speicial pay and ESTABLISHMENT 1945 29(5)-E 1945 sumptuary allowance to Major Guthrie for performing aditional Poltical duties.4. Creation of the post of a Secound Additional Assitant to Poltical officer Sikkim at Gangtok and appointment of Major Sherif. 5. Postings

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arragements in Sikkim during the absence of Major Sherif. Forest establishment in the Progs., Nos., 1507 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 Malakand Agency. 24(31)-E 1945 Creation of the post of the Indian Progs., Nos., 1508 Vice-Consul Basra Staff for the ESTABLISHMENT 1945 15(2)-E 1945 Indian Vice-Consulate Bara. 1.Transfer of the adminstration an financial Control of the Consular Attache for Indian Affairs Jehran and his staff to the External afairs Department 2. Revision of the emoluments of Major G.A.Nagvi consular Attache for Indian Affairs Jehar. 3. Progs., Nos., 1509 Continance of the post of ESTABLISHMENT 1945 23(9)-E 1945 Consular Attack for Indian Affaris Tehran an hism staff cluring 1945-46 and 1946-47. 4. Alteration of the desination of the post of Consular Attache for Indian Affaris Jehra to that opf Additional Consul for Indian Affairs Tehran. Certain of a post of an office on special duty in the External Affaris Department to look after the Tibet Mission while in Delhi and coordination of arrangemnt Progs., Nos., 1510 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 their tour appointment thereto of 46(11)-E 1945 Mr.F.Ludlow 2. Grant of an honorium at the rate of Rs. 1,000/- p.m. and travelling allowance at first class to him. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Expenses incured on Mr.Krishna Menon`s visit to Paris and back to Progs., Nos., 1511 met the Soviet Foreign Minister in ESTABLISHMENT 1945 37(12)-E 1945 Connection with Indian representation at Moscow. Procdure for making Progs., Nos., 1512 appointments in the patronage of ESTABLISHMENT 1945 43(74)-E 1945 His Excellency the Governor

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General. Question in the Legislative Progs., Nos., 1513 Asembly regarding the formation ESTABLISHMENT 1945 42(4)-E 1945 of a report Indian Forign Service. Enquiry from the home Department regarding the Status and function of the Varous Progs., Nos., 1514 ESTABLISHMENT 1945 agencies under the administrative 46(70)-E 1945 control of the External Affairs Deptt. Request from the Sultan of Muscat to secure for him the services of Dr.G.B.Yamkhamardi formerly Assitant Medical Officer Progs., Nos., 1515 Muscat in place of Mr.P.B.Desai. ESTABLISHMENT 1945 27(74)-E 1945 2. Loan of the Service of Dr.Yakanmard S.M.S. Bombay to the Sultan of Muscat Fiscation of his pay an allowances. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Creation of the post of 3rd Secretary Appointment of Shri Mantilal Dalal, I.F.S. as Third Progs., Nos. 1516 Secretary. 2. Reduction in the ESTABLISHMENT 1950 7(5)-Eur, 1950 terms of the post of Agent at Kandy and appointment of Shri K.S. Menon Against that post. 1. Creation of the post of 3rd Secretary Appointment of Shri Mantilal Dalal, I.F.S. as Third Progs., Nos. 1517 Secretary. 2. Reduction in the ESTABLISHMENT 1950 7(5)-Eur, 1950 terms of the post of Agent at Kandy and appointment of Shri K.S. Menon Against that post.

Proposal to transfer the Progs., Nos. 148-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 2 administration of Sewar Camp to 1942 1942 - (1) Indians overseas Department. Proposal to transfer the Progs., Nos. 148-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 3 administration of Sewar Camp to 1942 1942 - (1) Indians overseas Department. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Refugee Evacuation from Burma- Recommendations of Names of Progs., Nos. 1320(a)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1 1943 refugee workers for inclusion in 1943 - (1) the Speical list of Honours. Refugee Evacuation from Burma- Recommendations of Names of Progs., Nos. 1320(a)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 4 1943 refugee workers for inclusion in 1943 - (1) the Speical list of Honours. History of the War- Preparation of memorandum in respect of ESTABLISHMENT 5 Progs., Nos. 85-EI, 1944 1944 headings concerning Evacuation I - (1) Section. History of the War- Preparation of memorandum in respect of ESTABLISHMENT 6 Progs., Nos. 85-EI, 1944 1944 headings concerning Evacuation I - (1) Section. Malaya- Late Mr. S. C. Goho- Former Agent of the Govt. of India Return air passage to India from Progs., Nos. 4(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 7 1946 Singapore for reporting personally 1946 - (1) on certain matters- Arrangements. Malaya- Late Mr. S. C. Goho- Former Agent of the Govt. of India Return air passage to India from Progs., Nos. 4(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 8 1946 Singapore for reporting personally 1946 - (1) on certain matters- Arrangements. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Budget Estimates for 1948-49 and Revised Estimates for 1947-48 (for the period from the 15th Progs., Nos. 14(33)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 11 August 447 to the 31st March 1947 1947 - (1) 1948) under Account II- Other Charges- North East Frontier Agency Staff. Establishment of an Embassy of Progs., Nos. 21(31)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 12 India at Kabul- Recruitments of 1947 1947 (Secret) - (1) officers and State therefor. Pass criticisms of the Salaries of Progs., Nos. 27(77)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 13 His Excellency the Governor- 1947 1947 - (1) General and Indian Ambassadors

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abroad. Appointment of Mr. I. N. Driver, Professor of Agricultural Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 14 Economics, College of Agriculture, 1947 1947 - (1) Poona as Indian Consul in the Portuguese in India, Nova Goa. Creation of a post of stenographer Progs., Nos. 25(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 15 to his Majesty`s Ambassador of 1947 1947 (Confidential) - (1) India in Nepal. Final option of Ex-Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 43(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 16 1947 employees. 1947 (Confidential) - (1) Pass criticisms of the Salaries of His Excellency the Governor- Progs., Nos. 27(77)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 17 1947 General and Indian Ambassadors 1947 - (1) abroad. Establishment of an Embassy of Progs., Nos. 21(31)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 18 India at Kabul- Recruitments of 1947 1947 (Secret) - (1) officers and State therefor. Embassy of India in Czecholovakia Progs., Nos. 31(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 19 at Praque- Offices and Staff and 1947 1947 - (1) their emoluments. Final option of Ex-Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 43(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 20 1947 employees. 1947 (Confidential) - (1)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Opening of a Consulate at Progs., Nos. 16(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 21 1947 Jalalabad. 1947 - (1) Embassy of India in Progs., Nos. 31(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 22 Czecholovakia at Praque- Offices 1947 1947 - (1) and Staff and their emoluments. Opening of a Consulate at Progs., Nos. 16(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 23 1947 Jalalabad. 1947 - (1) Creation of a post of Progs., Nos. 25(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 24 stenographer to his Majesty`s 1947 1947 (Confidential) - (1) Ambassador of India in Nepal. Appointment of Mr. I. N. Driver, Professor of Agricultural Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 25 Economics, College of Agriculture, 1947 1947 - (1) Poona as Indian Consul in the Portuguese in India, Nova Goa. 26 Budget Estimates for 1948-49 Progs., Nos. 14(33)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1947

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and Revised Estimates for 1947- 1947 - (1) 48 (for the period from the 15th August 447 to the 31st March 1948) under Account II- Other Charges- North East Frontier Agency Staff. Establishment of the Embassy of India in Italy at Rome. 2. Progs., Nos. 33(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 9 1948 Appointment of Mr. R. S. Navi, 1948 - (1) I.C.S., as Charge d`Affaire. Establishment of the Embassy of India in Italy at Rome. 2. Progs., Nos. 33(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 10 1948 Appointment of Mr. R. S. Navi, 1948 - (1) I.C.S., as Charge d`Affaire. Proposed establishment of an Embassy of India in Holland at Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 31 1948 the Hague- Officers & Staff and 1948 - (1) their emoluments. Proposed establishment of an Embassy of India in Holland at Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 32 1948 the Hague- Officers & Staff and 1948 - (1) their emoluments. Correspondence. Contribution payable to the Govt. of Bombay for doing passport work on behalf Progs., Nos. 9(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 27 of the Govt. of India Delay in 1949 1949 - (1) Disbursement of pay of Special Police Force attached to passport. Section. Appointment of Sardar H. S. Malik, I.C.S., as Ambassador of Progs., Nos. 19(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 28 1949 India in France, Peris formerly 1949 (Secret) - (1) High Commr. for India- Conade. 1. Opening of a new Sub- Division at Laimakari- Abor Hills District- Staff therefor. 2. Inclusion of Progs., Nos. 13(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 29 Laimakuri out post in the list of 1949 1949 - (1) Please to be treated as in Tribal Areas for the purpose of Compansatory allowance. Revision of the Scales of pay of Progs., Nos. 9(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 30 1949 the personnel employment in the 1949 - (1)

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Frontier corps and of the post of head fresher clerk, Kurram Agency and Khassadar Accountant in the South Wazisistan Agency. Appointment of Mr. N. B. Menon Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 33 as Private Secretary to the 1949 1949 - (1) Ambassador of India in Halland. Creation of post of Progs., Nos. 1(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 34 Private/Personel/ Secretaries in 1949 1949 - (1) certain Mission abroad. 1. Fixation of terms for Mr. S. V. S. Charry as Second Secretary Embassy of India at the Hague, Halland--- Proposal dropped. 2. Progs., Nos. 32(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 35 1949 Fixation of terms of Mr. S. Sen as 1949 (A) - (1) Frist Secretary in the Embassy of India at the Hague--- appointment cancelled.--- Amendments to the Federal Public Service Commission (Consultation by the Governor General) Regulations and F.P.S.C. (Condition of Service) Regulations. 2. Instructions as Progs., Nos. 12(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 36 regards matters on which 1949 1949 - (1) consultation with the Federal Public Service Commission is necessary or otherwise, and procedure to be followed in the matter of consultation with the Commission. Appointment of Charge of Affairs- Progs., Nos. 27(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 37 Regulation of then pay and 1949 1949 - (1) allowances while So appointed. Demand No 40- External Affairs Progs., Nos. 32(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 38 opening of an Indian Embassy in 1949 1949 - (1) Holland as the Hague. Continuance and Creation of certain temporary posts in the Progs., Nos. 17(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 39 Embassy of India- Nepal at 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Kathmandu. Conversion of the 3 posts of Senior clerks in the

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Indian Embassy, Nepal into those of 3 Assts. in the Sectt. Scale of pay- Appointment of Mr. R. N. Shukla against one of these posts. 1. Fixation of terms for Mr. S. V. S. Charry as Second Secretary Embassy of India at the Hague, Halland--- Proposal dropped. 2. Progs., Nos. 32(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 40 1949 Fixation of terms of Mr. S. Sen as 1949 (A) - (1) Frist Secretary in the Embassy of India at the Hague--- appointment cancelled.--- S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Correspondence. Contribution payable to the Govt. of Bombay for doing passport work on behalf Progs., Nos. 9(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 41 of the Govt. of India Delay in 1949 1949 - (1) Disbursement of pay of Special Police Force attached to passport. Section. Opening of an Embassy of India Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 42 in Holland at the Hague- Officers 1949 1949 - (1) & Staff & their emoluments. Recommendation from Mr. Krishna Menon, over High Commissioner in London, Progs., Nos. 19(16)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 43 regarding Dr. Shambu, a 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Practitioner in Paris, for considering a position for him on the Indian embassy, Paris. 1. Opening of a new Sub- Division at Laimakari- Abor Hills District- Staff therefor. 2. Inclusion of Progs., Nos. 13(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 44 Laimakuri out post in the list of 1949 1949 - (1) Please to be treated as in Tribal Areas for the purpose of Compansatory allowance. Amendments to the Central Civil Progs., Nos. 12(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 45 Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 1949 1949 - (1) 1947. 46 Messrs J. N. Hanl of G. N. Dhar, Progs., Nos. 19(13)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1949

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clerks of the Gilgit agency- Grant 1949 (Secret) - (1) of I a. joining time to- 3. Upgrading the post of Second Secy. to that of First Secy. and appointment of Mr. P. L. Progs., Nos. 32(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 47 Bhandari, in the Embassy of India 1949 1949 (B) - (1) the Hague, thereto. 4. Increase of the Foreign Allowance of Mr. Bhandari, First Secy. Liability to pay Indian Income Tax by Government Servants serving Progs., Nos. 27(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 48 1949 in the Indian Servants serving in 1949 - (1) the Indian Missions abroad. Establishment of an Embassy of India in Holland at the Hague- Selection of Staff therefor- Progs., Nos. 32(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 49 Medical examination and 1949 1949 - (1) verification of Character and antecedents in respect of the Staff. 3. Upgrading the post of Second Secy. to that of First Secy. and appointment of Mr. P. L. Progs., Nos. 32(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 50 Bhandari, in the Embassy of India 1949 1949 (B) - (1) the Hague, thereto. 4. Increase of the Foreign Allowance of Mr. Bhandari, First Secy. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question regarding supply of furniture to the locally recruited Staff in the Embassy of India, Nepal. 2. Decision that locally recruited Indian Staff in the Indian Embassy in Nepal who have not settled down or do not Progs., Nos. 17(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 51 intend settling down in Nepal may 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) be treated as India based and that they may be allowed to draw Foreign allowance and have other concessions e.g. free accommodation plainly furnished etc. like other India-based staff in Indian Missions abroad.

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Appointment of Mr. Raghu Nath Progs., Nos. 16(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 52 Malhotra as Attache in the India 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Embassy at Kabul. Question regarding supply of furniture to the locally recruited Staff in the Embassy of India, Nepal. 2. Decision that locally recruited Indian Staff in the Indian Embassy in Nepal who have not settled down or do not Progs., Nos. 17(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 53 intend settling down in Nepal may 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) be treated as India based and that they may be allowed to draw Foreign allowance and have other concessions e.g. free accommodation plainly furnished etc. like other India-based staff in Indian Missions abroad. Upgrading of the post of Consul at Goa to that of a Consul General and appointment of Shri A. N. Mehta thereto. 2. Grant of Mr. A. Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 54 N. Mehta of the balance of the 1949 1949 (A) - (1) outfit allowance of Rs. 1250/-. 3. Travelling allowance claim of Mr. A. N. Mehta from Bombay to Goa.--- Appointment of Mr. N. B. Menon Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 55 as Private Secretary to the 1949 1949 - (1) Ambassador of India in Halland. Complaints against the working of some our Embassies abroad- Case of (i) Indian Embassy, Paris. (ii) Indian Embassy, Cairo Progs., Nos. 15(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 56 1949 (Complaint against Mr. P. N. 1949 - (1) Sharma, Cypher Supdt. And Mr. R. M. Chopra, General Asstt. in the Embassy). Acceptance of employments under Foreign Government by Progs., Nos. 12(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 57 retired Govt. Servant- Necessary 1949 1949 - (1) amendments to Civil Service Regulations.

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Question of exemption of Low Progs., Nos. 13(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 58 paid Govt. Servants under M.E.F. 1949 1949 - (1) Agency from paying house-rent. Continuance and Creation of certain temporary posts in the Embassy of India- Nepal at Kathmandu. Conversion of the 3 posts of Senior clerks in the Progs., Nos. 17(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 59 1949 Indian Embassy, Nepal into those 1949 (Secret) - (1) of 3 Assts. in the Sectt. Scale of pay- Appointment of Mr. R. N. Shukla against one of these posts. Revision of the Scales of pay of the personnel employment in the Frontier corps and of the post of Progs., Nos. 9(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 60 head fresher clerk, Kurram 1949 1949 - (1) Agency and Khassadar Accountant in the South Wazisistan Agency. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Amendments to the Central Civil Progs., Nos. 12(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 61 Services (Revision of pay) Rules, 1949 1949 - (1) 1947. Proceedings of the meetings of the ad hoc committee appointed Progs., Nos. 27(25)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 62 by the Foreign Secretary for 1949 1949 - (1) Selecting non-Gazetted Staff for Foreign posts. Amendments to the Federal Public Service Commission (Consultation by the Governor General) Regulations and F.P.S.C. (Condition of Service) Regulations. 2. Instructions as Progs., Nos. 12(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 63 regards matters on which 1949 1949 - (1) consultation with the Federal Public Service Commission is necessary or otherwise, and procedure to be followed in the matter of consultation with the Commission. 64 Acceptance of employments Progs., Nos. 12(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1949

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under Foreign Government by 1949 - (1) retired Govt. Servant- Necessary amendments to Civil Service Regulations. Liability to pay Indian Income Tax by Government Servants serving Progs., Nos. 27(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 65 1949 in the Indian Servants serving in 1949 - (1) the Indian Missions abroad. Opening of a Consulate General of India in Phillipines at Manila and Progs., Nos. 36(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 66 appointment thereto of Dr. T. G. 1949 1949 - (1) Menon as Consul General--- terms of his appointment. 1. Continuance of the appointment of Mr. Gridhari Lal Puri as Cultural Relations Officer in the Embassy of India, Kabul upto 31st Augues, 1949 (without consultation with the F.P.S.C.) 2. Proposal for additional staff for Progs., Nos. 16(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 67 1949 the office of C.R.O. in Embassy of 1949 (Secret) - (1) India, Kabul. (Report by the Ambassador on Afghanistan on her Cultural Sphere, necessiating the continuance of Mr. G. L. Puri as C.R.O. in the Embassy of India, Kabul.) Foreign Secretary`s Circular Letter to Head of Missions Progs., Nos. 9(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 68 regarding the use of Frais de 1949 1949 - (1) representation by them and also the use of Staff Cars. Messrs J. N. Hanl of G. N. Dhar, Progs., Nos. 19(13)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 69 clerks of the Gilgit agency- Grant 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) of I a. joining time to- Question of exemption of Low Progs., Nos. 13(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 70 paid Govt. Servants under M.E.F. 1949 1949 - (1) Agency from paying house-rent. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Continuance of the Progs., Nos. 16(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 71 appointment of Mr. Gridhari Lal 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Puri as Cultural Relations Officer

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in the Embassy of India, Kabul upto 31st Augues, 1949 (without consultation with the F.P.S.C.) 2. Proposal for additional staff for the office of C.R.O. in Embassy of India, Kabul. (Report by the Ambassador on Afghanistan on her Cultural Sphere, necessiating the continuance of Mr. G. L. Puri as C.R.O. in the Embassy of India, Kabul.) Complaints against the working of some our Embassies abroad- Case of (i) Indian Embassy, Paris. (ii) Indian Embassy, Cairo Progs., Nos. 15(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 72 1949 (Complaint against Mr. P. N. 1949 - (1) Sharma, Cypher Supdt. And Mr. R. M. Chopra, General Asstt. in the Embassy). 4. Grant of Air passage from Patna to New Delhi to Mr. A. N. Mehta in connection with the Journey performed by him as a Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 73 1949 representative of the Ministry of 1949 (B) - (1) External Affairs to see His High Highness the Maharaja of Nepal off at Raxaul. Establishment of an Embassy of India in Holland at the Hague- Selection of Staff therefor- Progs., Nos. 32(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 74 Medical examination and 1949 1949 - (1) verification of Character and antecedents in respect of the Staff. Demand No 40- External Affairs Progs., Nos. 32(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 96 opening of an Indian Embassy in 1949 1949 - (1) Holland as the Hague. Opening of an Embassy of India Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 97 in Holland at the Hague- Officers 1949 1949 - (1) & Staff & their emoluments. 4. Grant of Air passage from Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 98 Patna to New Delhi to Mr. A. N. 1949 1949 (B) - (1) Mehta in connection with the

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Journey performed by him as a representative of the Ministry of External Affairs to see His High Highness the Maharaja of Nepal off at Raxaul. Medical Examination in U.K. of the Candidates for appointment to Govt. Service in India- Decision Progs., Nos. 27(97)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 99 to forward Medical Board`s 1949 1949 - (1) proceedings to the Ministry of India or Provincial Govt. Concerned. Options excercised by the Frontier Constabulary Department. Revision of the Scales of pay of the India-opted Personnel of the Progs., Nos. 9(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 100 1949 Frontier constabulary 1949 - (1) Department, North West Frontier Province---- Case of Mr. B. R. Sharama. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Mr. Raghu Nath Progs., Nos. 16(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 101 Malhotra as Attache in the India 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Embassy at Kabul. Opening of a Consulate General of India in Phillipines at Manila and Progs., Nos. 36(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 102 appointment thereto of Dr. T. G. 1949 1949 - (1) Menon as Consul General--- terms of his appointment. Creation of post of Progs., Nos. 1(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 103 Private/Personel/ Secretaries in 1949 1949 - (1) certain Mission abroad. Proceedings of the meetings of the ad hoc committee appointed Progs., Nos. 27(25)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 104 by the Foreign Secretary for 1949 1949 - (1) Selecting non-Gazetted Staff for Foreign posts. Medical Examination in U.K. of the Candidates for appointment Progs., Nos. 27(97)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 105 to Govt. Service in India- Decision 1949 1949 - (1) to forward Medical Board`s proceedings to the Ministry of

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India or Provincial Govt. Concerned. Appointment of Sardar H. S. Malik, I.C.S., as Ambassador of Progs., Nos. 19(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 106 1949 India in France, Peris formerly 1949 (Secret) - (1) High Commr. for India- Conade. Appointment of Charge of Affairs- Progs., Nos. 27(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 107 Regulation of then pay and 1949 1949 - (1) allowances while So appointed. Options excercised by the Frontier Constabulary Department. Revision of the Scales of pay of the India-opted Personnel of the Progs., Nos. 9(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 108 1949 Frontier constabulary 1949 - (1) Department, North West Frontier Province---- Case of Mr. B. R. Sharama. Recommendation from Mr. Krishna Menon, over High Commissioner in London, Progs., Nos. 19(16)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 109 regarding Dr. Shambu, a 1949 1949 (Secret) - (1) Practitioner in Paris, for considering a position for him on the Indian embassy, Paris. Foreign Secretary`s Circular Letter to Head of Missions Progs., Nos. 9(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 110 regarding the use of Frais de 1949 1949 - (1) representation by them and also the use of Staff Cars.

Upgrading of the post of Consul at Goa to that of a Consul General and appointment of Shri A. N. Mehta thereto. 2. Grant of Mr. A. Progs., Nos. 18(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 111 N. Mehta of the balance of the 1949 1949 (A) - (1) outfit allowance of Rs. 1250/-. 3. Travelling allowance claim of Mr. A. N. Mehta from Bombay to Goa.--- Question of finding employment Progs., Nos. 42(1)(5)-E ESTABLISHMENT 75 1950 for displaced Govt. Servants. I, 1950 - (1) 76 Appointment of Shri B.C. Bhuyan Progs., Nos. 25(32)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 1950

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as Political Officer, Abor Hills NEF 1950 - (1) Agency. Appointments to posts in the NEF Agency Assam- Question whether Progs., Nos. 25(29)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 77 it is necessary to consult the 1950 1950 - (1) Union Public Service Commission in regard to such appointments. Question of absorption of revenue Staff of Baluchistan Admn. Progs., Nos. 42(6)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 78 1950 rendered surplus due to 1950 - (1) retrenchment in Punjab. Selection of a substitute officers in place of M/S Rithwani and Basant Progs., Nos. 25(14)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 79 Singh S.E. & E.E. respectively in 1950 1950 - (1) the N.E.F. Agency appointment of M/s Ramchandani & Kalani. 6) Deputation of Police Staff from Progs., Nos. 44(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 80 1950 to Chandernagore. 1950(B) - (1)

Travelling Allowance of officers Progs., Nos. 25(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 116 and staff touring in the NEF 1950 1950 - (1) Agency - Enhanced rates. Revision of Pay and allowances of the Assam Rifle personnel - Scales Progs., Nos. 26(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 117 of clothing Introduction of clothing 1950 1950 - (1) allowances in lieu of free clothing in Assam Rifles Battalion. Revision of pay scales of Progs., Nos. 15(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 118 baluchistan personnel under 1950 1950 - (1) CCS(Revision of Pay) Rules, 1947. Travelling Allowance of officers Progs., Nos. 25(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 119 and staff touring in the NEF 1950 1950 - (1) Agency - Enhanced rates. Creation of the posts of Malaria Progs., Nos. 25(19)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 120 Inspection for the North East 1950 1950 - (1) Frontier Agency.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Branch B of the - Framing of rules Progs., Nos. 43(2)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 121 1950 Chapter 9 Residential 1950 - (1) accommodation and scale of

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furniture. organisation of the N.E.F. Agency Progs., Nos. 14(80)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 122 1950 and office of the I.G.A.R. 1950 - (1) Clarification of orderd regarding exactment of former non-muslims employees of Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 42(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 123 Aministration as Central 1950 1950 - (1) Government servants who opted for India for grant of certain benefits. Appointments to posts in the NEF Agency, Assam Question whether Progs., Nos. 25(29)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 124 it is necessary to consult the 1950 1950 - (1) Union Public servivce Commission in regard to such appointments. Creation of the posts of Malaria Progs., Nos. 25(19)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 125 Inspection for the North East 1950 1950 - (1) Frontier Agency. Joining time admissibles in the in the case of certain remote Progs., Nos. 25(6)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 126 1950 localities in the North East 1950 - (1) Frontier Agency. 6) Deputation of Police Staff from Progs., Nos. 44(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 127 1950 West Bengal to Chandernagore. 1950(B) - (1) Branch B of the Indian Foreign Service training of Rules chapter Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 128 1950 16 official Secreta & custody of 1950 - (1) official documents. Clarification of orderd regarding exactment of former non-muslims employees of Baluchistan Progs., Nos. 42(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 129 Aministration as Central 1950 1950 - (1) Government servants who opted for India for grant of certain benefits. Branch B of the Inian Foreign Progs., Nos. 43(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 130 Service- Framing of Rules Chapter 1950 1950 - (1) 4 - Grant of outfit allowance.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of Assiste Medical Progs., Nos. 13(2)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 131 1950 Attenance for India-based staff 1950 - (1)

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serving abroad. General Instructions. Appointments to posts in the NEF Agency, Assam Question whether Progs., Nos. 25(29)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 132 it is necessary to consult the 1950 1950 - (1) Union Public servivce Commission in regard to such appointments. Constitution of class B of the Inian Foreign Service. Proposal regarding the inclusion of trade Progs., Nos. 8(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 133 posts in the proposed Deputation 1950 1950 - (1) Care of the Central Secretariat Service for the Ministry of External Affairs. Branch B of the Indian Foreign Services training of Rules- Progs., Nos. 43(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 134 chapters 11 to 14 Discipline & 1950 1950 - (1) contol conduct Rules marriage and ivorce. Appointments to posts in the NEF Agency Assam- Question whether Progs., Nos. 25(29)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 135 it is necessary to consult the 1950 1950 - (1) Union Public Service Commission in regard to such appointments. Formation of leave issue for the Medical Establishment of the Progs., Nos. 25(15)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 136 1950 North East Frontier Agency 1950 - (1) Assam. Trandfer of Service records of the Govt. Servants who opted for Progs., Nos. 42(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 137 1950 service in or have migrated from 1950 - (1) to India and Vice Versa. Scheme of Assiste Medical Attenance for India-based staff Progs., Nos. 13(2)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 138 1950 serving abroad. General 1950 - (1) Instructions. Meical arrangements for the Progs., Nos. 13(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 139 personnel of the Embassy of India 1950 1950 - (1) at Kabul. organisation of the N.E.F. Agency Progs., Nos. 14(80)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 140 1950 and office of the I.G.A.R. 1950 - (1) S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Branch B of the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 43(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 141 Service- Framing of Rules. 1950 1950 - (1) Chapter 10 Language Allowances. Revision of scales of pay in respect of posts held by the ex- Baluchistan personnel prior to Progs., Nos. 15(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 142 zter migration to India- case of 1950 1950 - (1) Staff of Revenue Agoi & Fresh Deptt. in Baluchistan. Revision of the Pay of purchase Assistants. Question of introuction of Ayurvedic system of treatment in Progs., Nos. 25(22)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 143 the N.E.F. Agency Assam Proposal 1950 1950 - (1) byt he Adviser to the governor of Assam for Tribal Areas. Question of permanancy of the Progs., Nos. 26(8)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 144 staff of the office ofthe Inspector 1950 1950 - (1) general Assam Rifls Shillong. Appointment of Major R. Khatting Progs., Nos. 25(31)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 145 as Assistant Political Officer Trap 1950 1950 - (1) frontier Tract NEF Agency. Branch B of the Indian Foreign Progs., Nos. 43(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 146 Service- Framing of Rules. 1950 1950 - (1) Chapter 10 Language Allowances. Continuance of the Temporary Progs., Nos. 25(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 147 posts in the N.E.F. Agency 1950 1950 - (1) beyond the 28th Feb 1950. Creation of five posts of Progs., Nos. 25(13)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 148 Veterinary Field Assistants for the 1950 1950 - (1) N.E.F. Agency. Question of introuction of Ayurvedic system of treatment in Progs., Nos. 25(22)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 149 the N.E.F. Agency Assam Proposal 1950 1950 - (1) byt he Adviser to the governor of Assam for Tribal Areas. Question of permanancy of the Progs., Nos. 26(8)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 150 staff of the office ofthe Inspector 1950 1950 - (1) general Assam Rifls Shillong.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Branch B of the Inian Foreign Progs., Nos. 43(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 151 1950 Service- Framing of Rules Chapter 1950 - (1)

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4 - Grant of outfit allowance. Revision of the seats of pay an allowances of the Ministerial Staff of the offices of the Commandants Assam Rifles Progs., Nos. 26(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 152 1950 Battalions and the continuance of 1950 - (1) the concession of rent free accommodation to them.- rejected. Central civil leveries (temporary service) Rules 1949- appreciation Progs., Nos. 25(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 153 of the Rules to the temporary 1950 1950 - (1) staff in the NEF Agency & the officer of I.G.A.R. Shillong. Administration Report on the Progs., Nos. 31(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 154 Embassy of India at Cairo for the 1950 1950 - (1) year 1949. Formation of leave issue for the Medical Establishment of the Progs., Nos. 25(15)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 155 1950 North East Frontier Agency 1950 - (1) Assam. Special compensatory Allowances & House tent Allowance Indian Progs., Nos. 26(16)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 156 1950 Army officers serving with Assam 1950 - (1) Rifles. 1) De-Facto tranfer of Chanernagore. 2) Appointment of Mr. B.K. Banerjee as Indian Administratior. 3)Appointment of Mr. N.C. Putatunda as treasury Progs., Nos. 44(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 157 1950 officer. 4) Appointment of Mr. K. 1950(A) - (1) M. Roy as Sub- Divisional Magistrate and Munsiff. 5) Appointment of Mr. B.C. Sen as Commissioner of police...... Branch B of the Indian Foreign Services training of Rules- Progs., Nos. 43(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 158 chapters 11 to 14 Discipline & 1950 1950 - (1) contol conduct Rules marriage and ivorce. Revision of scales of pay in Progs., Nos. 15(12)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 159 1950 respect of posts held by the ex- 1950 - (1)

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Baluchistan personnel prior to zter migration to India- case of Staff of Revenue Agoi & Fresh Deptt. in Baluchistan. Revision of the Pay of purchase Assistants. Accounts of Pt. Hans Raj Sharma showing expenditure incurred on Progs., Nos. 27(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 160 repatriation of Indian refugees 1950 1950 - (1) who left Kabul in Jan. 1949 for India.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Meical arrangements for the Progs., Nos. 13(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 161 personnel of the Embassy of India 1950 1950 - (1) at Kabul. Creation of the posts of civil Addistant Surgeons(grade I) for Progs., Nos. 25(17)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 162 1950 Tirap tribal Arcos and Naga tribal 1950 - (1) Arcos in the NEF Agency. Appointment of Major R. Khatting Progs., Nos. 25(31)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 163 as Assistant Political Officer Trap 1950 1950 - (1) frontier Tract NEF Agency. Trandfer of Service records of the Govt. Servants who opted for Progs., Nos. 42(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 164 1950 service in or have migrated from 1950 - (1) Pakistan to India and Vice Versa. Revision of the seats of pay an allowances of the Ministerial Staff of the offices of the Commandants Assam Rifles Progs., Nos. 26(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 165 1950 Battalions and the continuance of 1950 - (1) the concession of rent free accommodation to them.- rejected. Continuance of the Temporary Progs., Nos. 25(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 166 posts in the N.E.F. Agency 1950 1950 - (1) beyond the 28th Feb 1950. Joining time admissibles in the in the case of certain remote Progs., Nos. 25(6)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 167 1950 localities in the North East 1950 - (1) Frontier Agency. 168 Opening of an officer in Belgrade Progs., Nos. 35(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 1950

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(Yogoslavia) Proposal to open 1950 - (1) Inian Missions in Austria & Syria-- - Dropped due to financial strigncy. Opening of an officer in Belgrade (Yogoslavia) Proposal to open Progs., Nos. 35(5)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 169 Inian Missions in Austria & Syria-- 1950 1950 - (1) - Dropped due to financial strigncy. Revision of pay scales of baluchistan personnel under Progs., Nos. 15(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 170 1950 CCS(Revision of Pay) Rules, 1950 - (1) 1947.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of absorption of revenue Staff of Baluchistan Admn. Progs., Nos. 42(6)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 171 1950 rendered surplus due to 1950 - (1) retrenchment in Punjab. Special compensatory Allowances & House tent Allowance Indian Progs., Nos. 26(16)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 172 1950 Army officers serving with Assam 1950 - (1) Rifles. Revision of Pay and allowances of the Assam Rifle personnel - Progs., Nos. 26(3)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 173 Scales of clothing Introduction of 1950 1950 - (1) clothing allowances in lieu of free clothing in Assam Rifles Battalion. Appointment of Shri B.C. Bhuyan Progs., Nos. 25(32)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 174 as Political Officer, Abor Hills NEF 1950 1950 - (1) Agency. Selection of a substitute officers in place of M/S Rithwani and Basant Singh S.E. & E.E. Progs., Nos. 25(14)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 175 1950 respectively in the N.E.F. Agency 1950 - (1) appointment of M/s Ramchandani & Kalani. Central civil leveries (temporary service) Rules 1949- appreciation Progs., Nos. 25(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 176 of the Rules to the temporary 1950 1950 - (1) staff in the NEF Agency & the officer of I.G.A.R. Shillong.

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Creation of the posts of civil Addistant Surgeons(grade I) for Progs., Nos. 25(17)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 177 1950 Tirap tribal Arcos and Naga tribal 1950 - (1) Arcos in the NEF Agency. Administration Report on the Progs., Nos. 31(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 178 Embassy of India at Cairo for the 1950 1950 - (1) year 1949. Question of finding employment Progs., Nos. 42(1)(5)-E ESTABLISHMENT 179 1950 for displaced Govt. Servants. I, 1950 - (1) Extension of contract with Mr. C.E. Dela noogende, Executive Progs., Nos. 25(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 180 1950 Engineer North East Frontier 1950 - (1) Agency.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Branch B of the Indian Foreign Service training of Rules chapter Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 181 1950 16 official Secreta & custody of 1950 - (1) official documents. Branch B of the Indian Foreign Service - Framing of rules Progs., Nos. 43(2)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 182 Chapter 9 Residential 1950 1950 - (1) accommodation and scale of furniture. Extension of contract with Mr. C.E. Dela noogende, Executive Progs., Nos. 25(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 183 1950 Engineer North East Frontier 1950 - (1) Agency. Accounts of Pt. Hans Raj Sharma showing expenditure incurred on Progs., Nos. 27(11)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 184 repatriation of Indian refugees 1950 1950 - (1) who left Kabul in Jan. 1949 for India. Creation of five posts of Progs., Nos. 25(13)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 185 Veterinary Field Assistants for the 1950 1950 - (1) N.E.F. Agency. Constitution of class B of the Inian Foreign Service. Proposal regarding the inclusion of trade Progs., Nos. 8(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 186 1950 posts in the proposed Deputation 1950 - (1) Care of the Central Secretariat Service for the Ministry of

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External Affairs. 1) De-Facto tranfer of Chanernagore. 2) Appointment of Mr. B.K. Banerjee as Indian Administratior. 3)Appointment of Mr. N.C. Putatunda as treasury Progs., Nos. 44(1)-E I, ESTABLISHMENT 187 1950 officer. 4) Appointment of Mr. K. 1950(A) - (1) M. Roy as Sub- Divisional Magistrate and Munsiff. 5) Appointment of Mr. B.C. Sen as Commissioner of police...... S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of pay scales of the Head Progs., Nos. 26(41)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 112 Interpreters and head political 1951 1951 - (1) Jemadar in N.E.F.Agency. Revision of pay scales of the Head Progs., Nos. 26(41)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 113 Interpreters and head political 1951 1951 - (1) Jemadar in N.E.F.Agency. Appointment of Mr. N.C.Putatunda as Collector Progs., Nos. 32(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 114 Chandernagore. Redesignation of 1951 1951(B) - (1) the post of Collector as Sub Deputy Collector. Terms and conditions of service of Progs., Nos. 27(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 115 Army officers posted to Assam 1951 1951 - (1) Rifles. Grant of an increase of 40% in Progs., Nos. 26(48)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 188 the Daily Allowance admissible to 1951 1951 - (1) the N.E.F. Agency, staff. Re-employment of Mr. N.C.Putatunda Treasury officer, Progs., Nos. 32(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 189 1951 Chandernagore, beyond the age 1951 - (1) of Superanuation. Appointment of Mr. N.C.Putatunda as Collector Progs., Nos. 32(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 190 Chandernagore. Redesignation of 1951 1951(B) - (1) the post of Collector as Sub Deputy Collector.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Certificate of the Physical fitness Progs., Nos. 15(53)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 191 1951 from the temporary staff 1951 - (1)

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recruited locally in the Mission abroad. Transfer of Civil Central Works in Assam from the Charge of the Assam P.W.D. to the Charge of Progs., Nos. 26(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 192 N.E.F.Agency Enginneering 1951 1951 Part II. - (1) Deptt.,-Creation of a 3rd Engineering Division for the N.E.F.Agency. Certificate of the Physical fitness from the temporary staff Progs., Nos. 15(53)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 193 1951 recruited locally in the Mission 1951 - (1) abroad. Transfer of Civil Central Works in Assam from the Charge of the Assam P.W.D. to the Charge of Progs., Nos. 26(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 194 N.E.F.Agency Enginneering 1951 1951 Part I. - (1) Deptt.,-Creation of a 3rd Engineering Division for the N.E.F.Agency. Grant of an increase of 40% in Progs., Nos. 26(48)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 195 the Daily Allowance admissible to 1951 1951 - (1) the N.E.F. Agency, staff. Transfer of Civil Central Works in Assam from the Charge of the Assam P.W.D. to the Charge of Progs., Nos. 26(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 196 N.E.F.Agency Enginneering 1951 1951 Part II. - (1) Deptt.,-Creation of a 3rd Engineering Division for the N.E.F.Agency. Re-employment of Mr. N.C.Putatunda Treasury officer, Progs., Nos. 32(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 197 1951 Chandernagore, beyond the age 1951 - (1) of Superanuation. Terms and conditions of service of Progs., Nos. 27(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 198 Army officers posted to Assam 1951 1951 - (1) Rifles. Transfer of Civil Central Works in Assam from the Charge of the Progs., Nos. 26(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 199 Assam P.W.D. to the Charge of 1951 1951 Part I. - (1) N.E.F.Agency Enginneering Deptt.,-Creation of a 3rd

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Engineering Division for the N.E.F.Agency. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of Pay Scale of Graduate Progs., Nos. 26(51)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 81 Teachers and Inspectors of 1952 1952 - (1) Schools N.E.F.Agency. Grant of leave to Mr. G.L.Tikku, Persian Translation in Kabul. Apptt., of Mr. R.A.K.Sherwani as Progs., Nos. 28(27)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 82 1952 Persian Translator in the publicity 1952 - (1) Section of the IndEmbassy, Kabul. Creation of the Posts of Cultural Progs., Nos. 26(53)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 83 Resurch Officer & Ancillary Staff 1952 1952 - (1) for the N.E.F. Agency. Creation of Two Additional Posts of Divisional Forest Officers for Progs., Nos. 26(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 84 1952 the Sadiya and Balipura Dividing 1952 - (1) in N.E.F. Agency. De Jure transfer of Chandernagore Reviw of posts which are to be retained or Progs., Nos. 33(15)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 85 1952 abolished consequent on the 1952 - (1) merger of Chandernagore with India. Outh of allegiance to the Progs., Nos. 15(78)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 86 1952 Constitution of India. 1952 - (1) Reimbursement of medical Progs., Nos. 35(37)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 87 charges to the Ambassador of 1952 1952 - (1) India in Nepal. language Rewards for army Progs., Nos. 27(19)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 88 Officers Serving as Commandants 1952 1952 - (1) in the Assam Rifles. Application of Libcralized Pension Progs., Nos. 27(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 89 1952 Rules to Assam Rifles Personal. 1952 - (1) Revision of Pay and allowances of the Ministerial Staff of the officers Progs., Nos. 27(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 90 1952 of Commandant of the Assam 1952 - (1) Rifles Battalions.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Creation of the Posts of Cultural Progs., Nos. 26(53)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 91 Resurch Officer & Ancillary Staff 1952 1952 - (1) for the N.E.F. Agency. Creation of an additional class I Progs., Nos. 26(58)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 92 Post for the N.E.F. Agency 1952 1952 - (1) Secretariat. Issue of Rinned Rations to Assam Progs., Nos. 27(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 93 1952 Rifles Personal. 1952 - (1) Remission of pay Scales of Progs., Nos. 6(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 94 Baluchistan Employees -Purchase 1952 1952 - (1) Assistant. Creation ofa Post of Phisologist Progs., Nos. 26(46)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 95 and ancillary staff for the North 1952 1952 - (1) East Frontier Agency. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Outfit Allowance for Military Progs., Nos. 47(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 200 1952 Attache/Adviser and his staff in a 1952 - (1) Mission abroad. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Shri R.N. Gidwani Progs., Nos. 26(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 201 as Development Commissioner, 1952 1952 - (1) NEF Agency Grant of Special Pay. Travelling Allowance for journey Progs., Nos. 44(37)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 202 1952 between Gyantse and India. 1952 - (1) Liberalisation of Assisted Medical Attendence Scheme on the Progs., Nos. 47(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 203 1952 recommendations of the 1952 - (1) Investigating Team. Wrighage allowed to Different Progs., Nos. 6(50)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 204 Catagoris of Personal of the 1952 1952 - (1) N.W.F.P. Govt. Servants-Oathe of Progs., Nos. 15(78)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 205 Allegimce to the Constituter of 1952 1952 - (1) Down. Grant of Leave to Locally Progs., Nos. 12(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 206 recruited Staff in the Indian 1952 1952 - (1) Missions abroad. General Report on the working of Progs., Nos. 44(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 207 the Indian Mission Lhasa for the 1952 1952 - (1) year 1951. 208 Audit objections on the accounts Progs., Nos. 28(46)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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of the Indian Embassy, Kabul for 1952 - (1) April and May, 1952. Proposal to Improve the Present unsatisfactory condition of the Progs., Nos. 35(65)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 209 1952 Hospital Attached to the Embassy 1952 - (1) of India Nepal. Inspection of Certain Indian Missions in Europe-Inspection Teams Report-Heating Progs., Nos. 47(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 210 1952 Concessions to Govt., of India 1952 - (1) staff serving in Indian Missions abroad. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Special Pay for holding Progs., Nos. 26(12)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 211 regular right classes by the 1952 1952 - (1) Teachers of the N.E.F. Agency. Grant of terms to Mr. K.L.Dawar, Stenographer, Embassy of India, Progs., Nos. 33(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 212 1952 Kathmandu, on his transfer to 1952 - (1) Headquarters. Absorption into C.P.W.D. Cader of Progs., Nos. 26(27)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 213 Engineers Woring in the N.E.F. 1952 1952 - (1) Engineering Department. Audit objections on the accounts Progs., Nos. 28(46)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 214 of the Indian Embassy, Kabul for 1952 1952 - (1) April and May, 1952. Inspection of Certain Indian Missions in Europe-Inspection Teams Report-Heating Progs., Nos. 47(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 215 1952 Concessions to Govt., of India 1952 - (1) staff serving in Indian Missions abroad. Free Movement by Airoplane of Assam Rifles Personnal , their Progs., Nos. 27(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 216 1952 Families Luggage between Silehar 1952 - (1) and . Creations of certain posts of Progs., Nos. 20(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 217 officers and staff in the Embassy 1952 1952 - (1) of India in Afghanistan Kabul. Reemployment of Displaced Progs., Nos. 6(48)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 218 Revine Affairs from Balu on their 1952 1952 - (1) attending the age of

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Superannuation. 2. Order of the Punjab Govt. to temporary Re- employ such Officers. Reciprocity between the Civil and Progs., Nos. 26(55)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 219 1952 Military Medical Services. 1952 - (1) General Report on the working of Progs., Nos. 44(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 220 the Indian Mission Lhasa for the 1952 1952 - (1) year 1951. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Proposal for grant of Special Pay to N.E.F. Agency Doctors for rendering Medical attendants to Progs., Nos. 26(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 221 1952 the Children staying in hostels 1952 - (1) attached to Schools in the N.E.F. Agency. Applicability or otherwise of the Provision of Central Governments medical Attendance Rules and orders to Assam Personal Progs., Nos. 27(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 222 1952 (Including Ministerial Staff of 1952 - (1) Inspector General of Assam Rifles and of the Assam Rifles Battalion Officers. Grant of Special Pay for holding Progs., Nos. 26(12)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 223 regular right classes by the 1952 1952 - (1) Teachers of the N.E.F. Agency. Investigating Team`s Report- Payment of Insurance Charges in respect of private Cars owned and Progs., Nos. 47(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 224 1952 maintained in foreign countries by 1952 - (1) officers and staff of India-based Indian Missions and posts abroad. Chandernagore employees taken neer by the Govt., of India on the Progs., Nos. 33(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 225 2nd May 1950. Applicability of the 1952 1952 - (1) French Indian Persian Rules vis-a- vis free city Pension Rules. Proposal for grant of Special Pay to N.E.F. Agency Doctors for Progs., Nos. 26(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 226 rendering Medical attendants to 1952 1952 - (1) the Children staying in hostels attached to Schools in the N.E.F.

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Agency. Assam Rifles -Eligibility for Grant Progs., Nos. 27(47)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 227 1952 from the Flag Day Fund. 1952 - (1) Retention in Service after Progs., Nos. 27(54)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 228 Invalidation case of Assam Rifles 1952 1952 - (1) Personnel. Free Air travel Between Sadiya Progs., Nos. 27(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 229 and Passighat by Assam Rifles 1952 1952 - (1) Personel. Investigating Team`s Report- Concessions to Heads of Missions Progs., Nos. 47(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 230 of Consul-General of India in the 1952 1952 - (1) matter of Govt., Cars provided for their use. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Compensatory Allowance Progs., Nos. 27(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 231 1952 to Midwires of the Assam Rifles. 1952 - (1) Invesgating Team`s Reports- Payment of Laguage Tuition fees Progs., Nos. 47(13)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 232 to Subordinate Staff for learning 1952 1952 - (1) certain specified foreign languages. Counting of Special Proficiency Progs., Nos. 27(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 233 Boy in Calculating Pension of A.R. 1952 1952 - (1) Personnel. Investigating Team`s Report- Concessions to Heads of Missions Progs., Nos. 47(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 234 of Consul-General of India in the 1952 1952 - (1) matter of Govt., Cars provided for their use. Proposal to Improve the Present unsatisfactory condition of the Progs., Nos. 35(65)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 235 1952 Hospital Attached to the Embassy 1952 - (1) of India Nepal. Govt. Servants-Oathe of Progs., Nos. 15(78)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 236 Allegimce to the Constituter of 1952 1952 - (1) Down. Chandernagore employees taken neer by the Govt., of India on the Progs., Nos. 33(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 237 2nd May 1950. Applicability of the 1952 1952 - (1) French Indian Persian Rules vis-a- vis free city Pension Rules.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Oath of Intelligence of the Progs., Nos. 15(78)(II)- ESTABLISHMENT 238 1952 Consttution of India. EIII, 1952 - (1) Advances for Towrneys on Tour to Progs., Nos. 26(56)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 239 N.E.F. Agency Staff(both gazetted 1952 1952 - (1) and Non-Gazetted). Grant of leave to Mr. G.L.Tikku, Persian Translation in Kabul. Apptt., of Mr. R.A.K.Sherwani as Progs., Nos. 28(27)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 240 1952 Persian Translator in the publicity 1952 - (1) Section of the IndEmbassy, Kabul. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Continuance of Temporary Govt. Progs., Nos. 26(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 241 in the N.E.F. Agency beyond Feb 1952 1952 - (1) 1952 i.e. for the Year 1952-53. Superintendent-I.G.A.R.s Office. Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 242 Conversion of post from Non- 1952 1952 - (1) Gazetted toa Gazetted One. Outh of allegiance to the Progs., Nos. 15(78)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 243 1952 Constitution of India. 1952 - (1) Application of Libcralized Pension Progs., Nos. 27(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 244 1952 Rules to Assam Rifles Personal. 1952 - (1) Superintendent-I.G.A.R.s Office. Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 245 Conversion of post from Non- 1952 1952 - (1) Gazetted toa Gazetted One. Creation of an additional class I Progs., Nos. 26(58)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 246 Post for the N.E.F. Agency 1952 1952 - (1) Secretariat. Proposal for the grant of India- Progs., Nos. 44(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 247 based status to the employees 1952 1952 - (1) serving in Tibet. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Payment of Laguage Tuition fees Progs., Nos. 47(13)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 248 to Subordinate Staff for learning 1952 1952 - (1) certain specified foreign languages. Creation ofa Post of Phisologist Progs., Nos. 26(46)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 249 and ancillary staff for the North 1952 1952 - (1) East Frontier Agency. Applicability or otherwise of the Progs., Nos. 27(44)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 250 Provision of Central Governments 1952 1952 - (1) medical Attendance Rules and

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


orders to Assam Personal (Including Ministerial Staff of Inspector General of Assam Rifles and of the Assam Rifles Battalion Officers. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Wrighage allowed to Different Progs., Nos. 6(50)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 251 Catagoris of Personal of the 1952 1952 - (1) N.W.F.P. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Progs., Nos. 47(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 252 Postal Privileges to the Head of 1952 1952 - (1) the Mission. Revision of Pay and allowances of the Ministerial Staff of the officers Progs., Nos. 27(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 253 1952 of Commandant of the Assam 1952 - (1) Rifles Battalions. Revisino of Foreign Allowances of Progs., Nos. 39(31)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 254 the staff of the Indian High 1952 1952 - (1) Commission in Canada. Proposal for the grant of India- Progs., Nos. 44(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 255 based status to the employees 1952 1952 - (1) serving in Tibet. Absorption of 56 men of 11 Gorha Rifles in the Assam Rifles - Progs., Nos. 27(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 256 Division of Expenditure on Pay 1952 1952 - (1) etc. Between Defence and the A.R. Budget. Drawal of Both -Special Duty Progs., Nos. 26(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 257 Compensatory Allowance by the 1952 1952 - (1) Medical Staff of N.E.F. Agency. Introduction of Clothing Progs., Nos. 27(13)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 258 Allowances to Assam Rifles 1952 1952 - (1) Personal in Lieu of Free Clothing. Nepal-Deputation of a Small Progs., Nos. 33(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 259 Mission to Nepal to Study their 1952 1952 - (1) requirements of Civil officers. Continuance of Temporary Posts Sanctioned upto the end of Progs., Nos. 27(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 260 February, 1952 Office of the 1952 1952 - (1) I.G.A.R. and Office of the Commandant of 6th Assam Rifles. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Fixation of Pay of Superannuant Persons re-employed in Govt. Progs., Nos. 27(27)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 261 1952 Service on Short term Tennuse in 1952 - (1) Assam Rifles. Grant of permission to the Registrar cum Treasury officer and certain members of the staff Progs., Nos. 35(42)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 262 1952 of the Embassy of India, 1952 - (1) Kathmandu to undertake customs work. Matter transport retablishment of Progs., Nos. 27(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 263 the Assam Rifles . Permanent & 1952 1952 - (1) Temporary Strength. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Exemption for the Head of the Mission from payment of local Progs., Nos. 47(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 264 Customs and Excise duties in 1952 1952 - (1) respect of all articles meant for consumption by himself and his family. N.E.F. Agency Engineering Department -Future Set up of Progs., Nos. 26(44)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 265 House Rent allowance to C.P. 1952 1952 - (1) W.D. Officers transffered to N.E.F. Agences. Travelling allowance rates in Tibet-Increse in -Proposal to grant daily allowance in addition Progs., Nos. 44(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 266 1952 to transport at Govt., expense 1952 - (1) instead of the present increased rates of mileage allowance. Re-Employment of Super - Progs., Nos. 26(45)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 267 ammuated Officers in the N.E.F. 1952 1952 - (1) Agency. Revision of Pay Scale of Graduate Progs., Nos. 26(51)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 268 Teachers and Inspectors of 1952 1952 - (1) Schools N.E.F.Agency. Investigating Team`s Report- Payment of Insurance Charges in Progs., Nos. 47(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 269 respect of private Cars owned and 1952 1952 - (1) maintained in foreign countries by officers and staff of India-based

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian Missions and posts abroad. Injury Pension claim of Riflemen Progs., Nos. 27(26)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 270 Baliram Ghatri -5 th B.N. , Assam 1952 1952 - (1) Rifles. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Selection of a U.P.police officer as Progs., Nos. 44(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 271 Supdt., Police, Sikkim State vice 1952 1952 - (1) Shri Sheoraj Singh. Diputation of civilian officers to Progs., Nos. 35(71)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 272 1952 Nepal under Colombo Plan. 1952 - (1) Question of increase of the emoluments of the Indian Staff if Progs., Nos. 46(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 273 1952 they become liable to pay Indian 1952 - (1) Income-Tax. Contribution payable to the various states on account of Progs., Nos. 40(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 274 1952 passport work done by them on 1952 - (1) behalf of Govt., of India. Proposal to Improve the present unsatisfactory condition of the Progs., Nos. 35(65)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 275 1952 Hospital Attached to the Embassy 1952(part II) - (1) of India, Nepal. Travelling Allowance for journey Progs., Nos. 44(37)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 276 1952 between Gyantse and India. 1952 - (1) Appeal from Shri D.N. Mukherjee ex-Principal of Chandernagore Progs., Nos. 33(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 277 College-His suspension from the 1952 1952 - (1) functions of educational officer at Chandernagore-Pension Case. Reimbursement of medical Progs., Nos. 35(37)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 278 charges to the Ambassador of 1952 1952 - (1) India in Nepal. Grant of terms to Mr. K.L.Dawar, Stenographer, Embassy of India, Progs., Nos. 33(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 279 1952 Kathmandu, on his transfer to 1952 - (1) Headquarters. Legal procedure for the payment of Gratuity to the nominee of Progs., Nos. 35(67)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 280 Jetha, permanent Chobdar of 1952 1952 - (1) Peons, Embassy of India, Kathmandu, who has died. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Continuance of Temporary Govt. Progs., Nos. 26(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 281 in the N.E.F. Agency beyond Feb 1952 1952 - (1) 1952 i.e. for the Year 1952-53. Grant of Compensatory Allowance Progs., Nos. 27(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 282 1952 to Midwires of the Assam Rifles. 1952 - (1) Reemployment of Displaced Revine Affairs from Balu on their attending the age of Progs., Nos. 6(48)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 283 1952 Superannuation. 2. Order of the 1952 - (1) Punjab Govt. to temporary Re- employ such Officers. Creation of Supernumerary Posts and regularisate of Post services of displaced central Government Progs., Nos. 6(142)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 284 1952 Servants from Baluchistan 1952 - (1) employed in Order the Ministry of Information & broadcasting. Re-Employment of Super - Progs., Nos. 26(45)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 285 ammuated Officers in the N.E.F. 1952 1952 - (1) Agency. Advances for Towrneys on Tour to Progs., Nos. 26(56)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 286 N.E.F. Agency Staff(both gazetted 1952 1952 - (1) and Non-Gazetted). N.E.F. Agency Engineering Department -Future Set up of Progs., Nos. 26(44)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 287 House Rent allowance to C.P. 1952 1952 - (1) W.D. Officers transffered to N.E.F. Agences. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Recommendations to stop Progs., Nos. 47(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 288 sending Low-paid officials to posts 1952 1952 - (1) abroad-Grant of additional pay to India-based clerks. Absorption of 56 men of 11 Gorha Rifles in the Assam Rifles - Progs., Nos. 27(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 289 Division of Expenditure on Pay 1952 1952 - (1) etc. Between Defence and the A.R. Budget. Reciprocity between the Civil and Progs., Nos. 26(55)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 290 1952 Military Medical Services. 1952 - (1) S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 291 Creation of 10 Posts of Orderlies Progs., Nos. 26(41)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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for the Assistant Engineer and 1952 - (1) S.D.O of N.E.F. Agency Engineering Department. Creations of certain posts of Progs., Nos. 20(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 292 officers and staff in the Embassy 1952 1952 - (1) of India in Afghanistan Kabul. Revisino of Foreign Allowances of Progs., Nos. 39(31)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 293 the staff of the Indian High 1952 1952 - (1) Commission in Canada. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Exemption for the Head of the Mission from payment of local Progs., Nos. 47(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 294 Customs and Excise duties in 1952 1952 - (1) respect of all articles meant for consumption by himself and his family. Nepal-Deputation of a Small Progs., Nos. 33(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 295 Mission to Nepal to Study their 1952 1952 - (1) requirements of Civil officers. Absorption into C.P.W.D. Cader of Progs., Nos. 26(27)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 296 Engineers Woring in the N.E.F. 1952 1952 - (1) Engineering Department. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Outfit Allowance for Military Progs., Nos. 47(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 297 1952 Attache/Adviser and his staff in a 1952 - (1) Mission abroad. Legal procedure for the payment of Gratuity to the nominee of Progs., Nos. 35(67)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 298 Jetha, permanent Chobdar of 1952 1952 - (1) Peons, Embassy of India, Kathmandu, who has died. Introduction of Clothing Progs., Nos. 27(13)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 299 Allowances to Assam Rifles 1952 1952 - (1) Personal in Lieu of Free Clothing. Selection of a U.P.police officer as Progs., Nos. 44(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 300 Supdt., Police, Sikkim State vice 1952 1952 - (1) Shri Sheoraj Singh. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of permission to the Registrar cum Treasury officer Progs., Nos. 35(42)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 301 1952 and certain members of the staff 1952 - (1) of the Embassy of India,

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Kathmandu to undertake customs work. Diputation of civilian officers to Progs., Nos. 35(71)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 302 1952 Nepal under Colombo Plan. 1952 - (1) Appeal from Shri D.N. Mukherjee ex-Principal of Chandernagore Progs., Nos. 33(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 303 College-His suspension from the 1952 1952 - (1) functions of educational officer at Chandernagore-Pension Case. Counting of Special Proficiency Progs., Nos. 27(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 304 Boy in Calculating Pension of A.R. 1952 1952 - (1) Personnel. Leave cum transfer of Mr. H.S.Gyani, Cypher cum General Astt., from the Consulate of Govt., of India. Appointment of Progs., Nos. 38(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 305 1952 Mr. G.B.Walker an cypher 1952 - (1) Assistant in the C.C.B. as Cypher Cum General Asstt., in the Consulate of India at Nova Goa. Continuance of Temporary Posts Sanctioned upto the end of Progs., Nos. 27(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 306 February, 1952 Office of the 1952 1952 - (1) I.G.A.R. and Office of the Commandant of 6th Assam Rifles. Appointment of Shri R.N. Gidwani Progs., Nos. 26(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 307 as Development Commissioner, 1952 1952 - (1) NEF Agency Grant of Special Pay. Assam Rifles -Eligibility for Grant Progs., Nos. 27(47)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 308 1952 from the Flag Day Fund. 1952 - (1) Invesgating Team`s Reports- Progs., Nos. 47(12)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 309 Postal Privileges to the Head of 1952 1952 - (1) the Mission. Creation of 10 Posts of Orderlies for the Assistant Engineer and Progs., Nos. 26(41)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 310 1952 S.D.O of N.E.F. Agency 1952 - (1) Engineering Department. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Medical Officer. Assam Rifles Progs., Nos. 27(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 311 1952 Hospital. 1952 - (1) Oath of Intelligence of the Progs., Nos. 15(78)(II)- ESTABLISHMENT 312 1952 Consttution of India. EIII, 1952 - (1)

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Contribution payable to the various states on account of Progs., Nos. 40(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 313 1952 passport work done by them on 1952 - (1) behalf of Govt., of India. Question of increase of the emoluments of the Indian Staff if Progs., Nos. 46(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 314 1952 they become liable to pay Indian 1952 - (1) Income-Tax. Issue of Rinned Rations to Assam Progs., Nos. 27(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 315 1952 Rifles Personal. 1952 - (1) Fixation of Pay of Superannuant Persons re-employed in Govt. Progs., Nos. 27(27)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 316 1952 Service on Short term Tennuse in 1952 - (1) Assam Rifles. Free Movement by Airoplane of Assam Rifles Personnal , their Progs., Nos. 27(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 317 1952 Families Luggage between Silehar 1952 - (1) and Agartala. Invesgating Team`s Reports- Recommendations to stop Progs., Nos. 47(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 318 sending Low-paid officials to posts 1952 1952 - (1) abroad-Grant of additional pay to India-based clerks. Travelling allowance rates in Tibet-Increse in -Proposal to grant daily allowance in addition Progs., Nos. 44(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 319 1952 to transport at Govt., expense 1952 - (1) instead of the present increased rates of mileage allowance. Liberalisation of Assisted Medical Attendence Scheme on the Progs., Nos. 47(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 320 1952 recommendations of the 1952 - (1) Investigating Team. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Matter transport retablishment of Progs., Nos. 27(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 321 the Assam Rifles . Permanent & 1952 1952 - (1) Temporary Strength. Proposal to Improve the present unsatisfactory condition of the Progs., Nos. 35(65)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 322 1952 Hospital Attached to the Embassy 1952(part II) - (1) of India, Nepal. 323 Leave cum transfer of Mr. Progs., Nos. 38(8)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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H.S.Gyani, Cypher cum General 1952 - (1) Astt., from the Consulate of Govt., of India. Appointment of Mr. G.B.Walker an cypher Assistant in the C.C.B. as Cypher Cum General Asstt., in the Consulate of India at Nova Goa. Remission of pay Scales of Progs., Nos. 6(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 324 Baluchistan Employees -Purchase 1952 1952 - (1) Assistant. Drawal of Both -Special Duty Progs., Nos. 26(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 325 Compensatory Allowance by the 1952 1952 - (1) Medical Staff of N.E.F. Agency. Grant of Leave to Locally Progs., Nos. 12(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 326 recruited Staff in the Indian 1952 1952 - (1) Missions abroad. De Jure transfer of Chandernagore Reviw of posts which are to be retained or Progs., Nos. 33(15)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 327 1952 abolished consequent on the 1952 - (1) merger of Chandernagore with India. language Rewards for army Progs., Nos. 27(19)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 328 Officers Serving as Commandants 1952 1952 - (1) in the Assam Rifles. Creation of Supernumerary Posts and regularisate of Post services of displaced central Government Progs., Nos. 6(142)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 329 1952 Servants from Baluchistan 1952 - (1) employed in Order the Ministry of Information & broadcasting. Creation of Two Additional Posts of Divisional Forest Officers for Progs., Nos. 26(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 330 1952 the Sadiya and Balipura Dividing 1952 - (1) in N.E.F. Agency. Free Air travel Between Sadiya Progs., Nos. 27(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 331 and Passighat by Assam Rifles 1952 1952 - (1) Personel. Medical Officer. Assam Rifles Progs., Nos. 27(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 332 1952 Hospital. 1952 - (1) Retention in Service after Progs., Nos. 27(54)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 333 1952 Invalidation case of Assam Rifles 1952 - (1)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Personnel. Injury Pension claim of Riflemen Progs., Nos. 27(26)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 334 Baliram Ghatri -5 th B.N. , Assam 1952 1952 - (1) Rifles. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Additional Staff for the Trade Registration posts in Sikkim Progs., Nos. 44(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 335 Sanction for 1953-54. The 1953 1953 - (1) Enumeration officers has been granted Gazetted staff. Conversion of the Chandernagore Treasury into a Sub-Treasury. Consequential arrangements-Re- designation of the posts of Progs., Nos.33(34)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 336 1953 Treasury Officer, Treasurer and 1953 - (1) Accountant as Sub-Treasury Officer, Sub-Treasurer and Sub- Accountant, respectively. Administrative Cadre for the N.E.F.Agency, and certain other Progs., Nos. 26(35)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 337 1953 questions.-Proceedings of 1953 - (1) meetings discussing these issues. Classification of Vienna as a Category 2 station for puposes of Progs., Nos. 18(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 338 1953 the grant of outfit allowance to 1953 - (1) members of the IFS `B`. Formation of a set of fresh rules conprising the terms of service Progs., Nos. 26(28)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 339 1953 conditions of the Agency service 1953 - (1) Corps N.E.F.Agency. Classification of Vienna as a Category 2 station for puposes of Progs., Nos. 18(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 340 1953 the grant of outfit allowance to 1953 - (1) members of the IFS `B`.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Conversion of temporary posts in Progs., Nos. 26(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 341 the N.E.F.Agency into permanent 1953 1953 - (1) ones-Scales of pay. Creation of a new Division and Progs., Nos. 26(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 342 Subdivisions in the N.E.F.A. 1953 1953 - (1) Engg.department.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Starred question No. 370 answered in the Council of states Progs., Nos. 19(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 343 on the 17th December, 1953 1953 1953 - (1) regarding-asked by Shri C.G.K. Reddy. Local recruits Split rates of daily allowane- Introduction of -for Govt., of Progs., Nos. 24(15)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 344 1953 India Officers in various 1953 - (1) countries. Classification of Buenos Aires as Progs., Nos. 25(25)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 345 1953 an `A` Station. 1953 - (1) Creation of the post of Head draftsmanin the office of the Progs., Nos. 26(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 346 1953 suprentending Engineer, NEF 1953 - (1) Agency. Classification of Rio de Janeiro as Progs., Nos. 32(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 347 an `A` Station. (i.e. a `Popular 1953 1953 - (1) Station`) Ministry of Finance Creation of supernumerary Posts for the Progs., Nos. 6(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 348 1953 Baluchistan displaced Govt., 1953 - (1) servants employed in the------Apointment to Class I & II posts Progs., Nos. 27(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 349 1953 in the Assam Rifles. 1953 - (1) Proposal that the Auditor General of India should be Consulate before the general orders which are litely to affect the service Progs., Nos. 15(73)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 350 auditions etc,of the Audit Staff 1953 1953 - (1) abroad, Encoring the India based officers staff and locally recruited Missions are issued by the Ministry of External Affairs. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Class of sea passages to which private servants of officers are Progs., Nos. 17(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 351 1953 entitled when being conveyed at 1953 - (1) Govt., expenses. Increased rates of subsistance allowance to the recruits of Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 352 1953 Assam Rifles and issue of rations 1953 - (1) in kind in lieu of ration money to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the soldier clerks and depot duty parties of Assam Rifles Stationed at Kunraghat and Ghoom. Question of grant of additional outfit allowance to I.F.S. `B` Progs., Nos. 18(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 353 officers appointed to Non- 1953 1953 - (1) Ministerial posts in Missions abroad. Joining time admissible in the Progs., Nos. 26(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 354 Care of certain remote localities 1953 1953 - (1) in the N.E.F.Agency. Ministry of Finance Creation of supernumerary Posts for the Progs., Nos. 6(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 355 1953 Baluchistan displaced Govt., 1953 - (1) servants employed in the------Classification of Rio de Janeiro as Progs., Nos. 32(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 356 an `A` Station. (i.e. a `Popular 1953 1953 - (1) Station`) Powers of the Ambassador of India in Nepal to authorise the staff under him to transit Indian Progs., Nos. 33(62)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 357 1953 territory while proceeding on tour 1953 - (1) from one station in Nepal to another. Parliament Question -Regarding the number of Foreigners employed under the Govt., of Progs., Nos. 19(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 358 1953 India as Permanent and 1953 - (1) temporary employees in Indian Missions & ports abroad. Powers of the Ambassador of India in Nepal to authorise the staff under him to transit Indian Progs., Nos. 33(62)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 359 1953 territory while proceeding on tour 1953 - (1) from one station in Nepal to another. Absorption of Bluchistan Revenue Progs., Nos. 6(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 360 1953 Officials. 1953 - (1)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Residence of the Ambassador of Progs., Nos. 32(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 361 1953 India at Rio------Provision of 2 1953 - (1)

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Gardeners and one Hnady-Man. Apointment to Class I & II posts Progs., Nos. 27(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 362 1953 in the Assam Rifles. 1953 - (1) Winter Allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 33(53)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 363 staff of the Embassy of India 1953 1953 - (1) Kathmandu. Training of Dr. S.R.K.Iyengar, C.A.S., Grade I, N.E.F.Agency, in Progs., Nos. 26(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 364 the U.S.A. for a fellowship in 1953 1953 - (1) Public Health, under the I.C.A. Fellowship Scheme. Increased rates of subsistance allowance to the recruits of Assam Rifles and issue of rations Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 365 in kind in lieu of ration money to 1953 1953 - (1) the soldier clerks and depot duty parties of Assam Rifles Stationed at Kunraghat and Ghoom. Re-organization of the Animal Progs., Nos. 27(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 366 1953 Transport of the Assam Rifles. 1953 - (1) Starred question No. 370 answered in the Council of states Progs., Nos. 19(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 367 on the 17th December, 1953 1953 1953 - (1) regarding-asked by Shri C.G.K. Reddy. Local recruits Establishment of an Office- Progs., Nos. 46(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 368 1953 Embassy -in Mexico. 1953 - (1) Re-organisation of Assam Rifles- Progs., Nos. 27(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 369 Sanction for 14 posts of Majors & 1953 1953 - (1) 5 posts of Captains AMC. Parliament Question -Regarding the number of Foreigners employed under the Govt., of Progs., Nos. 19(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 370 1953 India as Permanent and 1953 - (1) temporary employees in Indian Missions & ports abroad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Re-organisation of Assam Rifles- Progs., Nos. 27(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 371 Sanction for 14 posts of Majors & 1953 1953 - (1) 5 posts of Captains AMC. 372 Winter Allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 33(53)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


staff of the Embassy of India 1953 - (1) Kathmandu. Residence of the Ambassador of Progs., Nos. 32(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 373 India at Rio------Provision of 2 1953 1953 - (1) Gardeners and one Hnady-Man. Class of sea passages to which private servants of officers are Progs., Nos. 17(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 374 1953 entitled when being conveyed at 1953 - (1) Govt., expenses. Material for the Annual Report of the Commr., for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Progs., Nos. 15(56)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 375 the year 1953-Percentage of 1953 1953 - (1) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes serving under Govt., of India. Creation of supernumerary posts fordisplaced Central Govt., servants who were former Progs., Nos. 6(40)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 376 employed in Baluchistan and have 1953 1953 - (1) now been employed in Departmental of parliamentary Affairs. Continued appointment of Mr. Progs., Nos. 26(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 377 M.G.Menzies as political ofifcers, 1953 1953 - (1) North East Frontier Agency. Conversion of the Chandernagore Treasury into a Sub-Treasury. Consequential arrangements-Re- designation of the posts of Progs., Nos.33(34)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 378 1953 Treasury Officer, Treasurer and 1953 - (1) Accountant as Sub-Treasury Officer, Sub-Treasurer and Sub- Accountant, respectively. Joining time admissible in the Progs., Nos. 26(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 379 Care of certain remote localities 1953 1953 - (1) in the N.E.F.Agency. Proposal that the Auditor General of India should be Consulate Progs., Nos. 15(73)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 380 before the general orders which 1953 1953 - (1) are litely to affect the service auditions etc,of the Audit Staff

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


abroad, Encoring the India based officers staff and locally recruited Missions are issued by the Ministry of External Affairs.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Split rates of daily allowane- Introduction of -for Govt., of Progs., Nos. 24(15)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 381 1953 India Officers in various 1953 - (1) countries. Starred question No. 1983 in the House of the People tabled by Shri S.N.Das regarding the Progs., Nos. 19(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 382 1953 outcome of the recommendations 1953 - (1) of the Investigation Team and the formation of an Inspectorate. Request from prospective members of the IFS `B` for Progs., Nos. 15(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 383 1953 Govt,. sanction to their marrying 1953 - (1) non-Indinas. General Question of Indianising Progs., Nos. 15(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 384 ministerial posts in the Indian 1953 1953 - (1) Missions abroad. Creation of a new Division and Progs., Nos. 26(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 385 Subdivisions in the N.E.F.A. 1953 1953 - (1) Engg.department. Conversion of temporary posts in Progs., Nos. 26(19)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 386 the N.E.F.Agency into permanent 1953 1953 - (1) ones-Scales of pay. Trasfer of of cases relating to NEF Progs., Nos. 15(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 387 agency and Assam Rifles to NEF 1953 1953 - (1) Branch. Delegation of powers to sanction compensatory allowance Progs., Nos. 26(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 388 deputation allowance, special pay 1953 1953 - (1) etc., to the staff of North East Frontier Agency. Creation of supernumerary posts fordisplaced Central Govt., Progs., Nos. 6(40)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 389 servants who were former 1953 1953 - (1) employed in Baluchistan and have now been employed in

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Departmental of parliamentary Affairs. Establishment of an Office- Progs., Nos. 46(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 390 1953 Embassy -in Mexico. 1953 - (1)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Delegation of powers to sanction compensatory allowance Progs., Nos. 26(14)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 391 deputation allowance, special pay 1953 1953 - (1) etc., to the staff of North East Frontier Agency. Personal staff of Heads of Mission abroad-Fixation of strength of Progs., Nos. 15(32)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 392 1953 Private Personal Secys. /Personal 1953 - (1) Asstts., for Heads of Missions. Creation of the post of Head draftsmanin the office of the Progs., Nos. 26(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 393 1953 suprentending Engineer, NEF 1953 - (1) Agency. Appointment of Capt., L.R.Sailo Progs., Nos. 26(30)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 394 as Political Officer, Tuensang 1953 1953 - (1) Area, N.E.F.Agency. Trasfer of of cases relating to NEF Progs., Nos. 15(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 395 agency and Assam Rifles to NEF 1953 1953 - (1) Branch. Additional Staff for the Trade Registration posts in Sikkim Progs., Nos. 44(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 396 Sanction for 1953-54. The 1953 1953 - (1) Enumeration officers has been granted Gazetted staff. Absorption of Bluchistan Revenue Progs., Nos. 6(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 397 1953 Officials. 1953 - (1) Request from prospective members of the IFS `B` for Progs., Nos. 15(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 398 1953 Govt,. sanction to their marrying 1953 - (1) non-Indinas. Administrative Cadre for the N.E.F.Agency, and certain other Progs., Nos. 26(35)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 399 1953 questions.-Proceedings of 1953 - (1) meetings discussing these issues. Starred question No. 1983 in the Progs., Nos. 19(11)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 400 1953 House of the People tabled by 1953 - (1)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Shri S.N.Das regarding the outcome of the recommendations of the Investigation Team and the formation of an Inspectorate.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Personal staff of Heads of Mission abroad-Fixation of strength of Progs., Nos. 15(32)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 401 1953 Private Personal Secys. /Personal 1953 - (1) Asstts., for Heads of Missions. Training of Dr. S.R.K.Iyengar, C.A.S., Grade I, N.E.F.Agency, in Progs., Nos. 26(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 402 the U.S.A. for a fellowship in 1953 1953 - (1) Public Health, under the I.C.A. Fellowship Scheme. Continued appointment of Mr. Progs., Nos. 26(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 403 M.G.Menzies as political ofifcers, 1953 1953 - (1) North East Frontier Agency. Classification of Buenos Aires as Progs., Nos. 25(25)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 404 1953 an `A` Station. 1953 - (1) Material for the Annual Report of the Commr., for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for Progs., Nos. 15(56)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 405 the year 1953-Percentage of 1953 1953 - (1) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes serving under Govt., of India. Appointment of Capt., L.R.Sailo Progs., Nos. 26(30)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 406 as Political Officer, Tuensang 1953 1953 - (1) Area, N.E.F.Agency. Question of grant of additional outfit allowance to I.F.S. `B` Progs., Nos. 18(3)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 407 officers appointed to Non- 1953 1953 - (1) Ministerial posts in Missions abroad. General Question of Indianising Progs., Nos. 15(38)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 408 ministerial posts in the Indian 1953 1953 - (1) Missions abroad. Re-organization of the Animal Progs., Nos. 27(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 409 1953 Transport of the Assam Rifles. 1953 - (1) Formation of a set of fresh rules Progs., Nos. 26(28)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 410 1953 conprising the terms of service 1953 - (1)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


conditions of the Agency service Corps N.E.F.Agency.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of the Foreing allowance of Shri S. T. Kari, I.F.S., First Progs., Nos. 3(61)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 411 1954 Secretary, office of the Political 1954 - (1) officer in Sikkim, Gungtok. Admissibility of ECA on remittances made for purchases made by officers and Staff of Progs., Nos. 5(28)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 412 1954 Missions where E.C.A. is 1954 - (1) otherwise admissible from neighbouring countries. Rangoon- Revision of Foreign Allowance of the locally recruited Progs., Nos. 4(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 413 1954 Staff in the Embassy of India 1954 - (1) Rangoon. Definition of the terms ``Married officer`` and ``Unmarried Progs., Nos. 5(63)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 414 1954 officer`` for the Purpose or 1954 - (1) drawal of Foreign allowance. Re-fixation of pay Shri Mingyur Tempo- Assistant Political Officer Progs., Nos. 1(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 415 1954 ; Sikkim New Scale of Pay for 1954 - (1) A.P.O. Sikkim. ECA and Indian become Tax Progs., Nos. 9(22)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 416 regulations Reimbursement of IT 1954 1954 - (1) on Pay- etc. Fixation of Foreign allowance of Progs., Nos. 3(56)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 417 officers and Staff of consulate 1954 1954 - (1) General, Hondi. Service records of Chandernagore Progs., Nos. 33(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 418 1954 employes. 1954 - (1) ECA and Indian become Tax Progs., Nos. 9(22)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 419 regulations Reimbursement of IT 1954 1954 - (1) on Pay- etc. Singapore : Revision of Pay of Locally Recruited Staff of the Progs., Nos. 1(119)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 420 office of the Comissioners for the 1954 1954 - (1) Govt. of India in Singapore, and the Assistant Commissioner for

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the Govt. of India in Kuala Lumpur.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Tananarive- Madagascar- Foreign allowance. Proposal for the grant or exchange Compensation allowance for the India based Progs., Nos. 5(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 421 1954 Staff at Tananavive, Madagascar.- 1954 - (1) NA agreed to- 2. Revision of the Froeign allowance of the personnel. Payment of Exchange Compensation Allowance to Shri Progs., Nos. 5(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 422 1954 Y. D. Gundevia, ICS., on 1954 - (1) emolument earned in Moscow. Fixation of pay of Ex-Burma Govt. Progs., Nos. 1(77)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 423 Employees appointed in the 1954 1954 - (1) Embassy of India, Rangoon. Pay scales for post-1931 entrants Progs., Nos. 9(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 424 appointed to the Indian Foreign 1954 1954 - (1) Service. Leave Salary of Senior ICS/ IFS officers Grades (I-IV) during Progs., Nos. 9(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 425 1954 leave-cum- transfer Formposts 1954 - (1) aborad. Fixation of the Foreign allowance of Shri Y. D. Gundevia as Deputy Progs., Nos. 3(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 426 1954 High Commissioner of India, 1954 - (1) London. Admissibility of exchange compensation allowance on Progs., Nos. 5(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 427 remittance India of funds 1954 1954 - (1) transferred from India at the time of posting a mission abroad. Exchange Compensation Allowance to officers and Staff Service in Missions located in Progs., Nos. 5(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 428 1954 countries Affected by Devaluation 1954 - (1) of Pounds Sterling- Continuance of- 429 Admissibility of ECA on Progs., Nos. 5(28)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 1954

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remittances made for purchases 1954 - (1) made by officers and Staff of Missions where E.C.A. is otherwise admissible from neighbouring countries. Representation from Shri A. N. Progs., Nos. 1(118)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 430 Mehta regarding the fixation of 1954 1954 - (1) his pay and seniority in the I.F.S.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year London- Ray Revision of locally recruited Staff in London- Junior Progs., Nos. 1(97)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 431 1954 Technical officers and 1954 - (1) Photoprinters. Payment of Exchange Compensation Allowance to Shri Progs., Nos. 5(2)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 432 1954 Y. D. Gundevia, ICS., on 1954 - (1) emolument earned in Moscow. Re-fixation of pay Shri Mingyur Tempo- Assistant Political Officer Progs., Nos. 1(9)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 433 1954 ; Sikkim New Scale of Pay for 1954 - (1) A.P.O. Sikkim. Liability to Indian income-tax of pay and allowances earned and drawn outside India- Difficulties Progs., Nos. 7(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 434 1954 experienced in administering the 1954 - (1) concessions of re-imbursement of income-tax. Leave Salary of Senior ICS/ IFS officers Grades (I-IV) during Progs., Nos. 9(24)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 435 1954 leave-cum- transfer Formposts 1954 - (1) aborad. Fixation of pay of Ex-Burma Govt. Progs., Nos. 1(77)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 436 Employees appointed in the 1954 1954 - (1) Embassy of India, Rangoon. Singapore : Revision of Pay of Locally Recruited Staff of the office of the Comissioners for the Progs., Nos. 1(119)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 437 Govt. of India in Singapore, and 1954 1954 - (1) the Assistant Commissioner for the Govt. of India in Kuala Lumpur.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question as whether grade II officers may be permitted to travel in Ist Class by Rail of the Progs., Nos. 16(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 438 Class to while they are enlist to 1954 1954 - (1) does note have Alipur accommodation- The case of Grade II officers in Iran. Exchange Compensation Allowance to officers and Staff Service in Missions located in Progs., Nos. 5(7)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 439 1954 countries Affected by Devaluation 1954 - (1) of Pounds Sterling- Continuance of- Representation from Shri A. N. Progs., Nos. 1(118)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 440 Mehta regarding the fixation of 1954 1954 - (1) his pay and seniority in the I.F.S.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of the foreign allowance Progs., Nos. 3(22)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 441 of Shri J. K. Garju, first Secretary, 1954 1954 - (1) Embassy of India, Mexice city. Revision of Pay and Foreign allowance of Raja Ramesh war Progs., Nos. 3(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 442 1954 Rao, Commission at Accross (Gold 1954 - (1) Coast). Fixation of the Foreign allowance Progs., Nos. 3(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 443 of Shri G. L. Puri, as Consul of 1954 1954 - (1) India, Muscat. Question as whether grade II officers may be permitted to travel in Ist Class by Rail of the Progs., Nos. 16(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 444 Class to while they are enlist to 1954 1954 - (1) does note have Alipur accommodation- The case of Grade II officers in Iran. Foreign Allowance- Shri M. K. Kidwai- Khartour Fixation of Foreign allowance to Shri M. K. Progs., Nos. 3(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 445 Kidwai Liaison Officer of India at 1954 1954 - (1) Khartoum- Grant of additional foreign allowance for holding charge of the post etc.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


London- Ray Revision of locally recruited Staff in London- Junior Progs., Nos. 1(97)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 446 1954 Technical officers and 1954 - (1) Photoprinters. Fixation of the Foreign allowance Progs., Nos. 3(21)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 447 of Shri G. L. Puri, as Consul of 1954 1954 - (1) India, Muscat. Fixation of the Foreing allowance of Shri S. T. Kari, I.F.S., First Progs., Nos. 3(61)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 448 1954 Secretary, office of the Political 1954 - (1) officer in Sikkim, Gungtok. Pay scales for post-1931 entrants Progs., Nos. 9(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 449 appointed to the Indian Foreign 1954 1954 - (1) Service. Liability to Indian income-tax of pay and allowances earned and drawn outside India- Difficulties Progs., Nos. 7(20)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 450 1954 experienced in administering the 1954 - (1) concessions of re-imbursement of income-tax.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Grant of Foreign allowance during leave taken in India on Medical grounds, to Shri Shri A. S. Mehta, formerly First Secretary, Embassy of India, Kathmandu. (ii) Decision Progs., Nos. 3(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 451 that the certificate to be furnished 1954 1954 - (1) by the Minsitry Under Rule 11(4) Section II (A) (a) of the I.F.S. Rules, 1954 should be emboilied in the signal order Sanctioning lease. Foreign Allowance- Shri M. K. Kidwai- Khartour Fixation of Foreign allowance to Shri M. K. Progs., Nos. 3(1)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 452 Kidwai Liaison Officer of India at 1954 1954 - (1) Khartoum- Grant of additional foreign allowance for holding charge of the post etc. Tananarive- Madagascar- Foreign Progs., Nos. 5(6)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 453 1954 allowance. Proposal for the grant 1954 - (1)

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or exchange Compensation allowance for the India based Staff at Tananavive, Madagascar.- NA agreed to- 2. Revision of the Froeign allowance of the personnel. Grant of Foreign allowance during leave taken in India on Medical grounds, to Shri Shri A. S. Mehta, formerly First Secretary, Embassy of India, Kathmandu. (ii) Decision Progs., Nos. 3(26)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 454 that the certificate to be furnished 1954 1954 - (1) by the Minsitry Under Rule 11(4) Section II (A) (a) of the I.F.S. Rules, 1954 should be emboilied in the signal order Sanctioning lease. Fixation of the foreign allowance Progs., Nos. 3(22)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 455 of Shri J. K. Garju, first Secretary, 1954 1954 - (1) Embassy of India, Mexice city. Definition of the terms ``Married officer`` and ``Unmarried Progs., Nos. 5(63)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 456 1954 officer`` for the Purpose or 1954 - (1) drawal of Foreign allowance. Service records of Chandernagore Progs., Nos. 33(18)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 457 1954 employes. 1954 - (1) Fixation of the Foreign allowance of Shri Y. D. Gundevia as Deputy Progs., Nos. 3(17)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 458 1954 High Commissioner of India, 1954 - (1) London. Foreign allowances of Commercial and Publicity officers aborad. Recommendation by Foreigne Progs., Nos. 5(35)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 459 Service Inspectors that Such 1954 1954 - (1) Officers Should not get more Foriegn allowance than Corresponding diplomatic officers. Fixation of Foreign allowance of Progs., Nos. 3(56)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 460 officers and Staff of consulate 1954 1954 - (1) General, Hondi.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Interpretation of the Indian Foreign Service Rules, 1954 as to Progs., Nos. 5(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 461 1954 Foreign allowance Rules 11(7) 1954 - (1) and 13(5). Interpretation of the Indian Foreign Service Rules, 1954 as to Progs., Nos. 5(29)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 462 1954 Foreign allowance Rules 11(7) 1954 - (1) and 13(5). Rangoon- Revision of Foreign Allowance of the locally recruited Progs., Nos. 4(5)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 463 1954 Staff in the Embassy of India 1954 - (1) Rangoon. Admissibility of exchange compensation allowance on Progs., Nos. 5(4)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 464 remittance India of funds 1954 1954 - (1) transferred from India at the time of posting a mission abroad. Revision of Pay and Foreign allowance of Raja Ramesh war Progs., Nos. 3(36)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 465 1954 Rao, Commission at Accross (Gold 1954 - (1) Coast). Foreign allowances of Commercial and Publicity officers aborad. Recommendation by Foreigne Progs., Nos. 5(35)-EI, ESTABLISHMENT 466 Service Inspectors that Such 1954 1954 - (1) Officers Should not get more Foriegn allowance than Corresponding diplomatic officers.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Mr. K.B.Rao as an Progs., Nos. 551(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 2 Assistant Controller purchase in 1942 1942 - (2) the Indian Stores Deptt. Appointment of Mr. K.B.Rao as an Progs., Nos. 551(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 3 Assistant Controller purchase in 1942 1942 - (2) the Indian Stores Deptt. Weekly Statements showing the war activities of the Deptt., for Progs., Nos. 196-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1 1943 the years 1941-43-Supply to the 1943 - (2) War Resources Committee. 4 Weekly Statements showing the Progs., Nos. 196-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1943

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


war activities of the Deptt., for 1943 - (2) the years 1941-43-Supply to the War Resources Committee.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Opening of an Indian Embassy in Iran-appointment of Mr. Ali Zaheer, Bar at Law, as Ambassador for India in Iran, Tehran. Sanction to transportation by air of three Progs., Nos. 30(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 5 1947 private servants from New Delhli 1947 - (2) to Tehran by H.E.S.Ali Zaheer. Sanction to the continuance of post Ambassador of India in Iran, Tehran and exixting terms upto end of February 1949. Appointment of Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as Ambassador Progs., Nos. 37(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 6 1947 for India in USSR and fixation of 1947 - (2) her pay and allowance. Creation of the posts of Indian Consul, Cypher Assistant and Progs., Nos. 41(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 7 Stenographer in the Indian 1947 1947 - (2) Military Berlin and their pay & allowance. Expenditure incurred in the connection with the Special duty of Mr. V.K.Krishna Menon in Progs., Nos. 14(22)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 8 1947 Europe. Rates of susbsistance 1947 - (2) allowances admissible in various places in Europe. Appointment of Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as Ambassador Progs., Nos. 37(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 9 1947 for India in USSR and fixation of 1947 - (2) her pay and allowance. India`s Delegation to the second session of the General Assembly Progs., Nos. 14(19)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 10 of the United Nations-Terms 1947 1947 - (2) sanctioned for members delegates.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Separation of Indian Progs., Nos. 30(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 11 Representation in Persia and the 1947 1947 - (2) Middle East. Separation of Indian & British reresentation in Persia future of Progs., Nos. 30(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 12 1947 the Ministerial personnel in 1947 - (2) Persia. Appointment of Mr. Khub Chand ICS as head of the Indian Military Mission, Berlin and fixation of his emolument Conversion of the Progs., Nos. 41(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 13 1947 post of Consular officer to that of 1947(B) - (2) Registrar in the Indian Military Mission Berlin and appointment thereto of Mr. Krishnaswamy. Creation of the post of Counsellor in the Embassy of India Moscow.Appointment of Mr. A.V.Pai, CIE, ICS to the above post with the personal rank of Minsiter. Grant of charge Progs., Nos. 37(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 14 allowance to Mr. A.V.Pai Minister 1947 1947 - (2) in the USSR, Moscow for holding charge during the Ambassador`s absence from the headquarter. Grant of joining time pay to Mr. A.V.Pai on reversion from the embassy of India Moscow. Staff for the weeding of records of the Sikkim Agency. Proposal to Progs., Nos. 36(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 15 1947 appoint R.S.Raja Ram as Weeding 1947 - (2) Officer for the Sikkim Agency. Creation of the post of Counsellor in the Embassy of India Progs., Nos. 37(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 16 Moscow.Appointment of Mr. 1947 1947 - (2) A.V.Pai, CIE, ICS to the above post with the personal rank of

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Minsiter. Grant of charge allowance to Mr. A.V.Pai Minister in the USSR, Moscow for holding charge during the Ambassador`s absence from the headquarter. Grant of joining time pay to Mr. A.V.Pai on reversion from the embassy of India Moscow. Opening of an Indian Embassy in Iran-appointment of Mr. Ali Zaheer, Bar at Law, as Ambassador for India in Iran, Tehran. Sanction to transportation by air of three Progs., Nos. 30(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 17 1947 private servants from New Delhli 1947 - (2) to Tehran by H.E.S.Ali Zaheer. Sanction to the continuance of post Ambassador of India in Iran, Tehran and exixting terms upto end of February 1949. Information required by finance Ministry regarding total number of sanctioned posts (Permanent & Progs., Nos. 19(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 18 1947 Temporary & in each grade) in 1947 - (2) each Ministry Offices attached sub ordinate there to. Scheme of assisted medical Progs., Nos. 38(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 19 attendance for India-based staff 1947 1947 - (2) in foreign locations. Appointment of Mr. Prem Krishan ICS, & Mr. T.N.Kaul, ICS as First Secretary and Private Secretary Respectively in the Indian Embassy in the USSR at Moscow and grant of advance of pay and Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 20 outfit allowance to them.Grant of 1947 1947(A) - (2) Joining time pay to Mr. Kaul and Prem Krishan. Sanction to the payment of actual expenses incurred at enforced halts of MRs. Prem Krishan and her Children on their way from ...... S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Transfer of administration of the Persian-Gulf of H.M.G. Deputation of Mr. Oza Electrical Supervisor Progs., Nos. 26(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 21 Muscat in Persian Gulf to H.M.`s 1947 1947 - (2) Govt. and his emoluments. Question of deputation of P.W.D. staff in Persian Gulf to H.M.G. Appointment of Mr. Khub Chand ICS as head of the Indian Military Mission, Berlin and fixation of his emolument Conversion of the Progs., Nos. 41(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 22 1947 post of Consular officer to that of 1947(B) - (2) Registrar in the Indian Military Mission Berlin and appointment thereto of Mr. Krishnaswamy. Delhi to Moscow. Transport of personal luggage of Mr. Kaul and Prem Krishan from New Delhi to Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 23 Moscow. Transport of personal 1947 1947(B) - (2) luggage of Mr. Kaul from now Delhi to Lucknow. Request of Mr. Kaul for grant of t.a. for...... Separation of Indian & British reresentation in Persia future of Progs., Nos. 30(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 24 1947 the Ministerial personnel in 1947 - (2) Persia. Separation of Indian Progs., Nos. 30(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 25 Representation in Persia and the 1947 1947 - (2) Middle East. Delhi to Moscow. Transport of personal luggage of Mr. Kaul and Prem Krishan from New Delhi to Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 26 Moscow. Transport of personal 1947 1947(B) - (2) luggage of Mr. Kaul from now Delhi to Lucknow. Request of Mr. Kaul for grant of t.a. for...... Staff for the weeding of records of the Sikkim Agency. Proposal to Progs., Nos. 36(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 27 1947 appoint R.S.Raja Ram as Weeding 1947 - (2) Officer for the Sikkim Agency. journeys from Delhi to Srinagar Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 28 and back-negatived. Question of 1947 1947(C) - (2) grant of additional war

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concessional leave to Shri Rajeshwar Dayal and Shri Kaul. journeys from Delhi to Srinagar and back-negatived. Question of Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 29 grant of additional war 1947 1947(C) - (2) concessional leave to Shri Rajeshwar Dayal and Shri Kaul. Appointment of Mr. Prem Krishan ICS, & Mr. T.N.Kaul, ICS as First Secretary and Private Secretary Respectively in the Indian Embassy in the USSR at Moscow and grant of advance of pay and Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 30 outfit allowance to them.Grant of 1947 1947(A) - (2) Joining time pay to Mr. Kaul and Prem Krishan. Sanction to the payment of actual expenses incurred at enforced halts of MRs. Prem Krishan and her Children on their way from ......

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of assisted medical Progs., Nos. 38(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 31 attendance for India-based staff 1947 1947 - (2) in foreign locations. Expenditure incurred in the connection with the Special duty of Mr. V.K.Krishna Menon in Progs., Nos. 14(22)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 32 1947 Europe. Rates of susbsistance 1947 - (2) allowances admissible in various places in Europe. Progs., Nos. 30(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 33 Only slip is Available. 1947 1947 - (2) Transfer of administration of the Persian-Gulf of H.M.G. Deputation of Mr. Oza Electrical Supervisor Progs., Nos. 26(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 34 Muscat in Persian Gulf to H.M.`s 1947 1947 - (2) Govt. and his emoluments. Question of deputation of P.W.D. staff in Persian Gulf to H.M.G. Progs., Nos. 30(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 35 Only slip is Available. 1947 1947 - (2)

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Information required by finance Ministry regarding total number of sanctioned posts (Permanent & Progs., Nos. 19(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 36 1947 Temporary & in each grade) in 1947 - (2) each Ministry Offices attached sub ordinate there to. India`s Delegation to the second session of the General Assembly Progs., Nos. 14(19)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 37 of the United Nations-Terms 1947 1947 - (2) sanctioned for members delegates. Creation of the posts of Indian Consul, Cypher Assistant and Progs., Nos. 41(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 38 Stenographer in the Indian 1947 1947 - (2) Military Berlin and their pay & allowance. Establishment of the Legation of India at Vatican Additional Staff in Progs., Nos. 39(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 40 1948 the Indian Legation at Berne to 1948 - (2) deal with Vatican Affairs. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year as a member of India`s Delegation to the U.N.Security Progs., Nos. 7-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 41 1948 Council Debate on Kashmir in 1948(B) - (2) 1948. Corresondence regarding dispute between Mr. Mani and G.D.Seth Progs., Nos. 35(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 42 as to who should represent the 1948 1948 - (2) Consulate in the absence of the Consulate General, Batavia. Question of provision of medical facilities to officer of the Govt., of India sent abroad on short deputations as members of ESTABLISHMENT 43 Progs., Nos. 7-EII, 1948 1948 official delegations to Internation - (2) Committee, Conference etc. Reimbursement to Sri M.K.Vellodi of Medical expenses incurred by Miss Rita from Delhi to Progs., Nos. 33(50)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 44 1948 Washington via Bombay. 1948(B) - (2) Establishment of the Legation of Progs., Nos. 39(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 45 1948 India at Vatican Additional Staff in 1948 - (2)

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the Indian Legation at Berne to deal with Vatican Affairs. Miss Rita from Delhi to Progs., Nos. 33(50)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 46 1948 Washington via Bombay. 1948(B) - (2) Appointment of Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as Ambassador in U.S.A. succession to Shri B.Rama Rau I.C.S. and fixation of her pay and allowances. Grant of Joining Progs., Nos. 33(50)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 47 1948 time to H.E., Shrimati Vijaya 1948(A) - (2) Lakshmi Ambassador of India in USA. Grant of free air passage to Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit and her daughter...... Miscellaneous Correspondence with the Legation of India, Berne regarding staffing of the Legation-Question of Local Progs., Nos. 39(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 48 1948 Recruitment. Decision regarding 1948 - (2) filling of posts in Missions abroad sanctioned on local rates of pay and allowances. Question of provision of medical facilities to officer of the Govt., of India sent abroad on short deputations as members of ESTABLISHMENT 49 Progs., Nos. 7-EII, 1948 1948 official delegations to Internation - (2) Committee, Conference etc. Reimbursement to Sri M.K.Vellodi of Medical expenses incurred by Appointment of Sardar K.M.Panikar as Ambassador of India in China, Nanking: Fixation of his pay, frais de representation Progs., Nos. 23(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 50 t.a. etc. Grant of free water, 1948 1948 - (2) electricity and fuel to India based staff of the Embassy of India, China and the Consulate General of India, Shanghai. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Appointment of Shrimati Vijaya Progs., Nos. 33(50)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 51 Lakshmi Pandit as Ambassador in 1948 1948(A) - (2) U.S.A. succession to Shri B.Rama

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Rau I.C.S. and fixation of her pay and allowances. Grant of Joining time to H.E., Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Ambassador of India in USA. Grant of free air passage to Shrimati Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit and her daughter...... Appointment of Sardar K.M.Panikar as Ambassador of India in China, Nanking: Fixation of his pay, frais de representation Progs., Nos. 23(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 52 t.a. etc. Grant of free water, 1948 1948 - (2) electricity and fuel to India based staff of the Embassy of India, China and the Consulate General of India, Shanghai. Corresondence regarding dispute between Mr. Mani and G.D.Seth Progs., Nos. 35(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 53 as to who should represent the 1948 1948 - (2) Consulate in the absence of the Consulate General, Batavia. as a member of India`s Delegation to the U.N.Security Progs., Nos. 7-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 54 1948 Council Debate on Kashmir in 1948(B) - (2) 1948. Miscellaneous Correspondence with the Legation of India, Berne regarding staffing of the Legation-Question of Local Progs., Nos. 39(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 55 1948 Recruitment. Decision regarding 1948 - (2) filling of posts in Missions abroad sanctioned on local rates of pay and allowances. Rate of mileage allowance for Progs., Nos. 10(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 39 jounary by road in certain 1949 1949 - (2) European Countries. Confirment of gazettd status on the post of Tibet Liasion, Officer, Kalimpong. 2. Continuance of the Progs., Nos. 31(30)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 56 post of tibet Liasion, Officer, 1949 1949 - (2) Kalimpong, upto the end of Feb. 1951. 3. Sanction for the retention of Dewan Shiv Saran

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Lal, Tibet Liasion Officer, Kalimpong, in Govt. service beyond the age of superannuation. Scheme of Assisted medical Attendance Amendments and modification, to issue of General Progs., Nos. 7(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 57 1949 Order. 2. Decision regarding 1949 - (2) treatement at resident of families of staff serving abroad. Opening of consulate at Bahrain and Muscat during financial year Progs., Nos. 29(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 58 1949-50 provision grants of Rs. 7 1949 1949 - (2) 1/4 laks for new representation overseas. Revision of the fair representation of the Ambassador of India, U.S.A. 2. Grant of advance of Progs., Nos. 33(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 59 3000 dollers to be recoverable in 1949 1949 - (2) five equally in statements, from the frais to the ambassador in U.S.A. Opening of an embassy of India ESTABLISHMENT 60 in the Republic of Argertive at Progs., Nos. 51-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Aires.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Proposal for the grant of full punished accommodation to the officers and Staff of the office of the Political officers, Sikkim. 2. Progs., Nos. 49(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 61 Grant of the concession of free 1949 1949 - (2) furnished accommodation to Dt. S. L. Chopra Civil Surgeon Gangtok in lieu of Compensatory allce. of Rs. 45/- p.m. Opening of an Indian Legation at Baghdad Creation of the post of Minister and Secy. 2. Progs., Nos. 22(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 62 1949 Appointment of Mr. S.K. 1949 - (2) Chowdhry as Second Secy. Indian Legation, Bagdad. 3. Grant of

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Haltina allowance to Mr Chowdhry for his stay at Bombay enroute to Bagdad. Sanction to the free medical attendance and treatment to Progs., Nos. 7(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 63 families in India, of Govt. of 1949 1949 - (2) India, staff serving in Foreign Locations. Proposal for opening of a ESTABLISHMENT 64 legatlion in Austria, Vienna. Progs., Nos. 54-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Postponed. Revision of the pay and allowance of Mr N. Sundaresan, Financial Counsellor, Embassy, of India, in U.S.A. Washington. 2. Progs., Nos. 33(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 65 appointment of Mr. B.K. Nehru, 1949 1949 - (2) I.C.S. as Financial in the Indian Embassy, Washington. 3. Refixation of the pay and allowance Mr. B.K. Nehru. Question of opening of the officer Progs., Nos. 29(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 66 of the Trade Agent, and selection 1949 1949 - (2) of staff cancelled. Appointment of Mr. Mohd. Yunus, Attache at jagjakarta as offg. Progs., Nos. 24(20)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 67 1949 Consul general, Meshed Fixation 1949 - (2) of terms. Appointment of Mr. A.K. Sen, of the Indian Foreign service as First Progs., Nos. 23(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 68 Secy. embassy of India, in China, 1949 1949 - (2) Nanking fixation of his and grant of a free an Passage. Selectionof Staff for the Indian Progs., Nos. 50(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 69 1949 Consulate Jedda. 1949 - (2) Proposals regarding economy in expenditure in the Indian Consulate, Jedda. 2. Conversion Progs., Nos. 50(35)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 70 of the post of female purse to 1949 1949 - (2) Male Purse attached to the India Consulate-General dispensary, Jedda.

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S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of Assisted medical Attendance Amendments and modification, to issue of General Progs., Nos. 7(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 71 1949 Order. 2. Decision regarding 1949 - (2) treatement at resident of families of staff serving abroad. Proposals regarding economy in expenditure in the Indian Consulate, Jedda. 2. Conversion Progs., Nos. 50(35)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 72 of the post of female purse to 1949 1949 - (2) Male Purse attached to the India Consulate-General dispensary, Jedda. Indian Representation in Iraq Opening of an Indan Legation at Baghdad and an Indian Consulate ESTABLISHMENT 73 in Basra 2. Note by Mr. S.K. Progs., Nos. 22-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Chawdhury, Second Secy. Ind. Legation Baghdad on the living condition in Baghdad Iraq. Revision of the pay and allowance of Mr N. Sundaresan, Financial Counsellor, Embassy, of India, in U.S.A. Washington. 2. Progs., Nos. 33(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 74 appointment of Mr. B.K. Nehru, 1949 1949 - (2) I.C.S. as Financial in the Indian Embassy, Washington. 3. Refixation of the pay and allowance Mr. B.K. Nehru. 1. Selection of Staff for the Indian Consulate Jedda. 2. Appointment Progs., Nos. 50(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 75 of S. Mazhar Hussain at Jedda. 3. 1949 1949 - (2) Reversion of Mr. Zafar Jamil, Stenographer at Jedda- Dropped. 1. Grant of compendatory allowance to the class IV staff of the Gartok Trade Agency. 2. Proposed to upgrade the post of Progs., Nos. 31(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 76 1949 Head peon at Yatung to that of 1949 - (2) Jemadar. 3. Decision to reduce the compensatory allowance of the class IV servants of Gyantse

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and yatung Trade Agencies from Rs. 15- to Rs. 2/-. Rates of milage allowance for Progs., Nos. 10(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 77 journey by road in Certain 1949 1949 - (2) european Countries. Decision that the Indian National, among the class IV staff of the legation of India, Bangkok Should Progs., Nos. 30(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 78 1949 be treated as India based for 1949 - (2) purpose of pay and allowance and other concessions. Selectionof Staff for the Indian Progs., Nos. 50(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 79 1949 Consulate Jedda. 1949 - (2) Rate of mileage allowance for Progs., Nos. 10(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 80 jounary by road in certain 1949 1949 - (2) European Countries.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1. Grant of compendatory allowance to the class IV staff of the Gartok Trade Agency. 2. Proposed to upgrade the post of Head peon at Yatung to that of Progs., Nos. 31(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 81 1949 Jemadar. 3. Decision to reduce 1949 - (2) the compensatory allowance of the class IV servants of Gyantse and yatung Trade Agencies from Rs. 15- to Rs. 2/-. Opening of consulate at Bahrain and Muscat during financial year Progs., Nos. 29(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 82 1949-50 provision grants of Rs. 7 1949 1949 - (2) 1/4 laks for new representation overseas. Sanction to the free medical attendance and treatment to Progs., Nos. 7(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 83 families in India, of Govt. of 1949 1949 - (2) India, staff serving in Foreign Locations. Proposal for opening of a ESTABLISHMENT 84 legatlion in Austria, Vienna. Progs., Nos. 54-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Postponed. 85 Proposal to up grade to consular Progs., Nos. 24(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1949

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agency at Indo-China into a vice- 1949 - (2) Consulate Dropped. Appointment of Mr. A.K. Sen, of the Indian Foreign service as First Progs., Nos. 23(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 86 Secy. embassy of India, in China, 1949 1949 - (2) Nanking fixation of his and grant of a free an Passage. Scheme of Exchange Progs., Nos. 50(26)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 87 Comensation for the members of 1949 1949 - (2) the Indian Consulate, Jedda. Appointment of Mr. Mohd. Yunus, Attache at jagjakarta as offg. Progs., Nos. 24(20)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 88 1949 Consul general, Meshed Fixation 1949 - (2) of terms. 1. Selection of Staff for the Indian Consulate Jedda. 2. Appointment Progs., Nos. 50(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 89 of S. Mazhar Hussain at Jedda. 3. 1949 1949 - (2) Reversion of Mr. Zafar Jamil, Stenographer at Jedda- Dropped. Revision of the fair representation of the Ambassador of India, U.S.A. 2. Grant of advance of Progs., Nos. 33(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 90 3000 dollers to be recoverable in 1949 1949 - (2) five equally in statements, from the frais to the ambassador in U.S.A.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question of opening of the officer Progs., Nos. 29(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 91 of the Trade Agent, and selection 1949 1949 - (2) of staff cancelled. Appointment of Mr. P.R.S Mani as Indian Consul at Jogjakorta with headquarter at Batavia and grant Progs., Nos. 35(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 92 1949 of air passage from India, to 1949 - (2) Batavia and fixation his pay and allces as Consul. Appointment of Mr. P.R.S Mani as Indian Consul at Jogjakorta with Progs., Nos. 35(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 93 headquarter at Batavia and grant 1949 1949 - (2) of air passage from India, to Batavia and fixation his pay and

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allces as Consul. Scheme of Exchange Progs., Nos. 50(26)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 94 Comensation for the members of 1949 1949 - (2) the Indian Consulate, Jedda. Indian Representation in Iraq Opening of an Indan Legation at Baghdad and an Indian Consulate ESTABLISHMENT 95 in Basra 2. Note by Mr. S.K. Progs., Nos. 22-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Chawdhury, Second Secy. Ind. Legation Baghdad on the living condition in Baghdad Iraq. Proposal to up grade to consular Progs., Nos. 24(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 96 agency at Indo-China into a vice- 1949 1949 - (2) Consulate Dropped. Confirment of gazettd status on the post of Tibet Liasion, Officer, Kalimpong. 2. Continuance of the post of tibet Liasion, Officer, Kalimpong, upto the end of Feb. Progs., Nos. 31(30)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 97 1951. 3. Sanction for the 1949 1949 - (2) retention of Dewan Shiv Saran Lal, Tibet Liasion Officer, Kalimpong, in Govt. service beyond the age of superannuation. Proposed for grant of fee medical Progs., Nos. 7(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 98 facilities to locally staff in 1949 1949 - (2) Embassies and Missions Abroad. Opening of an Indian Legation at Baghdad Creation of the post of Minister and Secy. 2. Appointment of Mr. S.K. Progs., Nos. 22(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 99 Chowdhry as Second Secy. Indian 1949 1949 - (2) Legation, Bagdad. 3. Grant of Haltina allowance to Mr Chowdhry for his stay at Bombay enroute to Bagdad. Rates of milage allowance for Progs., Nos. 10(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 100 journey by road in Certain 1949 1949 - (2) european Countries.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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Proposed for grant of fee medical Progs., Nos. 7(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 101 facilities to locally staff in 1949 1949 - (2) Embassies and Missions Abroad. Opening of an embassy of India ESTABLISHMENT 102 in the Republic of Argertive at Progs., Nos. 51-EII, 1949 1949 - (2) Aires. 1. Proposal for the grant of full punished accommodation to the officers and Staff of the office of the Political officers, Sikkim. 2. Progs., Nos. 49(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 103 Grant of the concession of free 1949 1949 - (2) furnished accommodation to Dt. S. L. Chopra Civil Surgeon Gangtok in lieu of Compensatory allce. of Rs. 45/- p.m. Decision that the Indian National, among the class IV staff of the legation of India, Bangkok Should Progs., Nos. 30(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 104 1949 be treated as India based for 1949 - (2) purpose of pay and allowance and other concessions. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance Proposal from the Indian Embassy, Moscow to Progs., Nos. 7(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 105 extend the Scheme to private 1950 1950 - (2) servants of Officers serving in Embassies and Missions abroad. - - Negatived. Declaration regarding- remittances to India Provident Fund Contribution etc. by staff in Progs., Nos. 9(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 106 1950 Mission abroad- Scheme of 1950 - (2) Exchange compensation Allowance. Minutes of the meeting held between officials of the Ministries of Finance and External Affairs to discus certain outstanding Progs., Nos. 7(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 107 1950 questions relating to the Scheme 1950 - (2) of Assisted Medical Attendance to India based personnel serving abroad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question of recovery of Exchange Compensation allowance drawn Progs., Nos. 9(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 108 by officers of deputation out of 1950 1950 - (2) India after the devaluation of the Indian rupee. (1) Appointment of Mr. D. Murugesan, Supdt. in the Ministry ESTABLISHMENT 109 of External Affairs as the Indian Progs., Nos. 37-EII, 1950 1950 - (2) Vice-Consul, Zahidan to Head quarter as Under Secretary. Continuance of Exchange ESTABLISHMENT 110 Compensation Allowance to the Progs., Nos. 9-EII, 1950 1950 - (2) India based staff abroad. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Change of headquarters of the Indian Trade Agent Gartok and Progs., Nos. 49(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 111 upgrading of the Indian Trade 1950 1950 - (2) Agent, and Accountant for purposes of travelling allowance. Proposal for the issue of general orders regarding the Grant of T.A. to Ministerial Staff in Missions abroad who are transferse from one Mission to an other or to Progs., Nos. 11(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 112 1950 Headquarters and who proceed to 1950 - (2) India on leave on the expiry of which Key are posted to head quarter or to an other Mission abroad. dropped. Continuance of Exchange Compensation Allowance to Progs., Nos. 9(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 113 1950 Indian bassed Staff abroad up to 1950 - (2) the end of Feb. 1951. Orders regarding appointment and posting of the staff in the Progs., Nos. 39(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 114 office of the Commercial 1950 1950 - (2) Secretary in the Legation of India, Baghdad. Decision that after 15th august, 1947 the Salaries received by Progs., Nos. 49(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 131 1950 officers and Staff in Sikkim is not 1950 - (2) taxable on `` accrnal`` basis but

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


it is taxable on the basis of `Residence` of the recipient. Proposed from the Embassy of India, Buenos- Arires for the Progs., Nos. 24(19)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 132 revision of Froeign allowance of 1950 1950 - (2) the Staff Serving in the Embassy of India Burnos- Aires. Proposals of the Head of the Progs., Nos. 32(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 133 Indian Military Mission Berlin re- 1950 1950 - (2) organation of the Mission. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance Treatment of diseases attributable to Intemperate habits Progs., Nos. 7(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 134 or conduct of the patient.- 1950 1950 - (2) Decision that expenditure in such treatment of will not be reinburrsed Scheme of Exchange Compensation allowance- Declarations regarding Progs., Nos. 9(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 135 1950 remittances to India etc, by Staff, 1950 - (2) fo the Embassy of India, Washington. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Question of the Medical examination of officials sent abroad and the regularisation of those who have Progs., Nos. 7(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 136 1950 since left without medical 1950 - (2) examination- Decision that they need not be examined unless and until they are transferred to another foreign post. Scheme of assisted Medical attendance for India- based staff Progs., Nos. 7(18)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 137 reserving abroad- General 1950 1950 - (2) instructions Submission of doctor`s bills etc. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Baghdad. Approval Progs., Nos. 39(20)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 138 of the panel of doctors and 1950 1950 - (2) hospitals for the Indian Legation, Baghdad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Deputation of Strimati Hannah Sen as Indian Representation to Progs., Nos. 14(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 139 the 4th Session of U.N. 1950 1950 - (2) Commission on States of Women. Sanction of terms of deputation. 5. Sanction of Soa passages to Shri B. Shva Rao between London and New York and expension on taxes and telegram charges. 6. Sanction of Air passage from Bombay to Madras, and actual Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 140 1950 expenses at enforced half at 1950 (C) - (2) Madras to Shrimati Lakshman Menon. 7. Sanction of rail passages in India and telegram charges etc. to Dr. G. S. Pathak. and Nawab Ali Yar Jung.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Question of reimbursement of expenses incurred on Medical treatment net Progs., Nos. 7(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 141 1950 covered by health insurance 1950 - (2) Schemes, and agreements entered into with Contract Doctors. Continuance of Exchange ESTABLISHMENT 142 Compensation Allowance to the Progs., Nos. 9-EII, 1950 1950 - (2) India based staff abroad. Legation of India in Switzerland- Progs., Nos. 46(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 143 Minister`s proposals for Re- 1950 1950 - (2) organisation of the Legation. (1) Appointment of Mr. D. Murugesan, Supdt. in the Ministry ESTABLISHMENT 144 of External Affairs as the Indian Progs., Nos. 37-EII, 1950 1950 - (2) Vice-Consul, Zahidan to Head quarter as Under Secretary. Question of recovery of Exchange Compensation allowance drawn Progs., Nos. 9(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 145 1950 by officers of deputation out of 1950 - (2) India after the devaluation of the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Indian rupee. Orders regarding appointment and posting of the staff in the Progs., Nos. 39(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 146 office of the Commercial 1950 1950 - (2) Secretary in the Legation of India, Baghdad. Declaration regarding- remittances to India Provident Fund Contribution etc. by staff in Progs., Nos. 9(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 147 1950 Mission abroad- Scheme of 1950 - (2) Exchange compensation Allowance. Minutes of the meeting held between officials of the Ministries of Finance and External Affairs to discus certain outstanding Progs., Nos. 7(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 148 1950 questions relating to the Scheme 1950 - (2) of Assisted Medical Attendance to India based personnel serving abroad. 3. Sanction of equipment allowance to official members in the Delegation and its Staff, Proceeding from India, in receipt of a pay of Rs. 1250/- p.m. or Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 149 below. 4. Sanction for 1950 1950 (B) - (2) empayment of certain staff before commencement of the Session and their continuned employment after the Session until the Delegation left New York.--- 1. Procedure for settlement of claims of India-based officialsof Indian Mission and posts abroad for payment of medical expenses incurred on the treatment of their families in India. 2. Clarification Progs., Nos. 7(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 150 1950 to the Indian Embassy at Rome of 1950 - (2) the position regarding payment of visiting fees to doctors. 3. Decision that charges for pathological examinations, tests, X-ray etc. are divisible under the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Assisted Medical Attendance Scheme.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Deputation of Strimati Hannah Sen as Indian Representation to Progs., Nos. 14(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 151 the 4th Session of U.N. 1950 1950 - (2) Commission on States of Women. Sanction of terms of deputation. Proposed from the Embassy of India, Buenos- Arires for the Progs., Nos. 24(19)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 152 revision of Froeign allowance of 1950 1950 - (2) the Staff Serving in the Embassy of India Burnos- Aires. 5. Sanction of Soa passages to Shri B. Shva Rao between London and New York and expension on taxes and telegram charges. 6. Sanction of Air passage from Bombay to Madras, and actual Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 153 1950 expenses at enforced half at 1950 (C) - (2) Madras to Shrimati Lakshman Menon. 7. Sanction of rail passages in India and telegram charges etc. to Dr. G. S. Pathak. and Nawab Ali Yar Jung. Question of admissibility of exchange Compensation Progs., Nos. 9(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 154 1950 allowance to officers and Staff on 1950 - (2) Short- term deputation. Scheme of Amritsar Medical Attendance- Grant of advances to Progs., Nos. 7(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 155 1950 Junior Staff in Mission abroad to 1950 - (2) meet New Medical Expenses. 1. Procedure for settlement of claims of India-based officialsof Indian Mission and posts abroad for payment of medical expenses Progs., Nos. 7(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 156 1950 incurred on the treatment of their 1950 - (2) families in India. 2. Clarification to the Indian Embassy at Rome of the position regarding payment of

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


visiting fees to doctors. 3. Decision that charges for pathological examinations, tests, X-ray etc. are divisible under the Assisted Medical Attendance Scheme. Question of admissibility of exchange Compensation Progs., Nos. 9(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 157 1950 allowance to officers and Staff on 1950 - (2) Short- term deputation. Proposals of the Head of the Progs., Nos. 32(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 158 Indian Military Mission Berlin re- 1950 1950 - (2) organation of the Mission. Grant the Gazetted States to Progs., Nos. 1(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 159 Cypher Supdts Serving in the 1950 1950 - (2) Indian Minister`s abroad. Grant the Gazetted States to Progs., Nos. 1(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 160 Cypher Supdts Serving in the 1950 1950 - (2) Indian Minister`s abroad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Change of headquarters of the Indian Trade Agent Gartok and Progs., Nos. 49(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 161 upgrading of the Indian Trade 1950 1950 - (2) Agent, and Accountant for purposes of travelling allowance. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Baghdad. Approval Progs., Nos. 39(20)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 162 of the panel of doctors and 1950 1950 - (2) hospitals for the Indian Legation, Baghdad. Continuance of Exchange Compensation Allowance to Progs., Nos. 9(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 163 1950 Indian bassed Staff abroad up to 1950 - (2) the end of Feb. 1951. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance Treatment of diseases attributable to Intemperate habits Progs., Nos. 7(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 164 or conduct of the patient.- 1950 1950 - (2) Decision that expenditure in such treatment of will not be reinburrsed

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Question of reimbursement of expenses incurred on Medical treatment net Progs., Nos. 7(17)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 165 1950 covered by health insurance 1950 - (2) Schemes, and agreements entered into with Contract Doctors. India`s Delegation to the Fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly held at Lake Success (New York) from the 19th September. 2. Grant of a Special entertainment allowance Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 166 of $ 300 to Dr. B. V. Kaskar Dy. 1950 1950 (A) - (2) Minister for External Affairs and a member of the Delegation.- Sanction for having of accommodation for him at New York at a cost of $ 18/- per diem. --- Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Question of the Medical examination of officials sent abroad and the regularisation of those who have Progs., Nos. 7(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 167 1950 since left without medical 1950 - (2) examination- Decision that they need not be examined unless and until they are transferred to another foreign post. (1) Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference in London in Progs., Nos. 14(40)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 168 January 1951. (2) Meeting of the 1950 1950 - (2) Heads of the Indian Missions in Europe with the H.P.M. in Paris. India`s Delegation to the Fifth Session of the United Nations General Assembly held at Lake Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 169 Success (New York) from the 1950 1950 (A) - (2) 19th September. 2. Grant of a Special entertainment allowance of $ 300 to Dr. B. V. Kaskar Dy.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Minister for External Affairs and a member of the Delegation.- Sanction for having of accommodation for him at New York at a cost of $ 18/- per diem. --- Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance Proposal from the Indian Embassy, Moscow to Progs., Nos. 7(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 170 extend the Scheme to private 1950 1950 - (2) servants of Officers serving in Embassies and Missions abroad. - - Negatived.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Scheme of assisted Medical attendance for India- based staff Progs., Nos. 7(18)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 171 reserving abroad- General 1950 1950 - (2) instructions Submission of doctor`s bills etc. Scheme of Amritsar Medical Attendance- Grant of advances to Progs., Nos. 7(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 172 1950 Junior Staff in Mission abroad to 1950 - (2) meet New Medical Expenses. Scheme of Assisted Medical Attendance- Question of Refund Progs., Nos. 7(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 173 1950 of expenditure a Dental 1950 - (2) Treatment. Legation of India in Switzerland- Progs., Nos. 46(14)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 174 Minister`s proposals for Re- 1950 1950 - (2) organisation of the Legation. Revival of the Question of the Revision of the rates of foreign Progs., Nos. 9(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 175 1950 allowances of our officers and 1950 - (2) Staff Serving abroad. 3. Sanction of equipment allowance to official members in the Delegation and its Staff, Progs., Nos. 14(36)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 176 Proceeding from India, in receipt 1950 1950 (B) - (2) of a pay of Rs. 1250/- p.m. or below. 4. Sanction for empayment of certain staff before

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commencement of the Session and their continuned employment after the Session until the Delegation left New York.--- Scheme of Exchange Compensation allowance- Declarations regarding Progs., Nos. 9(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 177 1950 remittances to India etc, by Staff, 1950 - (2) fo the Embassy of India, Washington. Proposal for the issue of general orders regarding the Grant of T.A. to Ministerial Staff in Missions abroad who are transferse from one Mission to an other or to Progs., Nos. 11(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 178 1950 Headquarters and who proceed to 1950 - (2) India on leave on the expiry of which Key are posted to head quarter or to an other Mission abroad. dropped. Revival of the Question of the Revision of the rates of foreign Progs., Nos. 9(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 179 1950 allowances of our officers and 1950 - (2) Staff Serving abroad. (1) Commonwealth Prime Ministers Conference in London in Progs., Nos. 14(40)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 180 January 1951. (2) Meeting of the 1950 1950 - (2) Heads of the Indian Missions in Europe with the H.P.M. in Paris.

Scheme of Assisted Medical Progs., Nos. 7(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 181 Attendance- Question of Refund of 1950 1950 - (2) expenditure a Dental Treatment. Decision that after 15th august, 1947 the Salaries received by officers and Staff in Sikkim is not Progs., Nos. 49(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 182 1950 taxable on `` accrnal`` basis but 1950 - (2) it is taxable on the basis of `Residence` of the recipient. Prague -Percentage increase in Progs., Nos. 17(16)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 115 Foreign allowance of India based 1951 1951 - (2) Officers and Staff -Question of

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


continuance of Beyond and the end of Fabruary 1952. Appointment of the raja of Tehri Garhwal as an Honorary Private Progs., Nos. 19(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 116 1951 Secretary to the Ambassador in 1951 - (2) Paris. Prague -Proposal to appoint Samuel David(Formerly Private Servant of Ambassador Shri N. Raghaban ) on Local rates of Pay as Security attended in the Embassy againest the Sanctioned Progs., Nos. 17(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 117 1951 Post of India based Security 1951 - (2) Attendant. 2. Sanction for the Return Passages to India to Samuel David and reconversion of the Local Post Held by Him into an India based Post. Question of Foreign allowance to be granted to Officials sent abroad Progs., Nos. 9(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 118 1951 who leave their families behind in 1951 - (2) India. Introduction of the Time Scale of Progs., Nos. 33(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 119 Pay of the Localy recriuted Staff of 1951 1951 - (2) the Embasy of India, Tehran. Annual Genral Report for the Year Progs., Nos. 21(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 120 1950. Indian Military Mission, 1951 1951 - (2) Berhin.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Rental Secretariat Service (Reorganization and Reinforcement) Scheme- Progs., Nos. 1(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 121 1951 Constitution of Regular 1951 - (2) Temporary Establishment of Assistance-Compilation of List A. Prague -Sanction of Free Heating concession to Officers and staff of Embassy during winters of 1950- Progs., Nos. 17(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 122 1951 51 and 1951-52. Charges for 1951 - (2) maintenance of central Heating System of Residental Flats

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Occupied by Officers and Staff. Charges for Annual Ash removal in respect of the central Heating System. Introduction of the Time Scale of Progs., Nos. 33(15)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 123 Pay of the Localy recriuted Staff 1951 1951 - (2) of the Embasy of India, Tehran. Question regarding the Date from which Supernumerary Posts should be created for Displaced Progs., Nos. 10(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 124 1951 Permanent Central Government 1951 - (2) Servants who have been Absorbed temporarily. Proposal for the re-appointment of raja Dinesh Singh as the Progs., Nos. 19(24)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 125 Private Secretary to the 1951 1951 - (2) Ambassador of India in France after his terminal Leave. Prague -Sanction of Free Heating concession to Officers and staff of Embassy during winters of 1950- 51 and 1951-52. Charges for maintenance of central Heating Progs., Nos. 17(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 126 1951 System of Residental Flats 1951 - (2) Occupied by Officers and Staff. Charges for Annual Ash removal in respect of the central Heating System. Central Secretariat Progs., Nos. 1(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 127 Service(Reorganisation & 1951 1951 - (2) Reinforcement) Scheme. Categorisation of Prague for Purpose of Home Leave Proposal from Embassy of India, Prague that India Based Officers and Progs., Nos. 17(40)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 128 1951 Staff may given to Neighbouring 1951 - (2) Missions after 18months of Duty in Prague -Accepted as a Guide Only. Question regarding the Date from which Supernumerary Posts Progs., Nos. 10(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 129 1951 should be created for Displaced 1951 - (2) Permanent Central Government

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Servants who have been Absorbed temporarily. Categorisation of Prague for Purpose of Home Leave Proposal from Embassy of India, Prague that India Based Officers and Progs., Nos. 17(40)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 130 1951 Staff may given to Neighbouring 1951 - (2) Missions after 18months of Duty in Prague -Accepted as a Guide Only.

Question of Foreign allowance to be granted to Officials sent abroad Progs., Nos. 9(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 183 1951 who leave their families behind in 1951 - (2) India. 1.Indian Cultural Deligation to China, Terius of Deputation of 2. Sanction of an advance of Rs. Progs., Nos. 14(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 184 425/- to Shri T.P. Nakesan 1951 1951 - (2) Stenographer Deputed with the Delegation, Towords Purchase of equipment. Rental Secretariat Service (Reorganization and Reinforcement) Scheme- Progs., Nos. 1(12)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 185 1951 Constitution of Regular Temporary 1951 - (2) Establishment of Assistance- Compilation of List A. Appointment of the raja of Tehri Garhwal as an Honorary Private Progs., Nos. 19(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 186 1951 Secretary to the Ambassador in 1951 - (2) Paris. Proposal for the re-appointment of raja Dinesh Singh as the Private Progs., Nos. 19(24)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 187 Secretary to the Ambassador of 1951 1951 - (2) India in France after his terminal Leave. Prague -Percentage increase in Foreign allowance of India based Progs., Nos. 17(16)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 188 Officers and Staff -Question of 1951 1951 - (2) continuance of Beyond and the end of Fabruary 1952.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Prague -Proposal to appoint Samuel David(Formerly Private Servant of Ambassador Shri N. Raghaban ) on Local rates of Pay as Security attended in the Embassy againest the Sanctioned Progs., Nos. 17(27)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 189 1951 Post of India based Security 1951 - (2) Attendant. 2. Sanction for the Return Passages to India to Samuel David and reconversion of the Local Post Held by Him into an India based Post. 1.Indian Cultural Deligation to China, Terius of Deputation of 2. Sanction of an advance of Rs. Progs., Nos. 14(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 190 425/- to Shri T.P. Nakesan 1951 1951 - (2) Stenographer Deputed with the Delegation, Towords Purchase of equipment.

Central Secretariat Progs., Nos. 1(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 191 Service(Reorganisation & 1951 1951 - (2) Reinforcement) Scheme. Annual Genral Report for the Year Progs., Nos. 21(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 192 1950. Indian Military Mission, 1951 1951 - (2) Berhin. Foreign Allowance granted to the Progs., Nos. 33(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 198 Staff of the Indian Legation, 1952 1952 - (2) Addis-Ababa Review of. Proposal for increase in the Progs., Nos. 35(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 199 Foreign Allowance of the Staff in 1952 1952 - (2) the Embassy of India, Cairo. Legation of India, Baghdad Progs., Nos. 36(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 200 General Administration 1952 1952 - (2) Report(1951).

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Report by Namlava Abdulla Misri, O.S.R. Indian Consulate -General Progs., Nos. 42(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 201 1952 Jedda on the Half Wor relating to 1952 - (2) Half Season 1951. 202 Opening of Legation of India in Progs., Nos. 40(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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Syrie, Damaseus. 1952 - (2) Nerification of Chaiachi and Antecedents of Locally recruited Progs., Nos. 37(34)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 203 1952 Indian Staff in the Embassy of 1952 - (2) India Tehran. Annual general Report on the Composition and Wor of the Progs., Nos. 33(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 204 1952 Legation of India in Addis Abalia 1952 - (2) for the Year 1951. Revision of the Pay Scales of the Locally recruited Staff in the Embassy of India, Cario. 2. Progs., Nos. 35(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 205 1952 UPgradingof the Post of 1952 - (2) Inspector, Embassy in India Cario into that of Arabic Secretary. Legation of India, Bonn 1. Conversion of One Local Post of Progs., Nos. 21(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 206 Messnger to That of India -based 1952 1952(A) - (2) Messenger and appointment of Shri Amar Singh Thereto. General Report of the Embassy of Progs., Nos. 35(23)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 207 1952 India , Cario for the Year 1951. 1952 - (2) Annual General report on the Progs., Nos. 22(28)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 208 work of the Indian Embassy, 1952 1952 - (2) Rome for the Year 1951-52. Annual general Report on the Composition and Wor of the Progs., Nos. 33(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 209 1952 Legation of India in Addis Abalia 1952 - (2) for the Year 1951. General Report of the Embassy of Progs., Nos. 35(23)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 210 1952 India , Cario for the Year 1951. 1952 - (2)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1.Audit Report s in Respect of the Embassy of India in Moscow. 2. Revision of Military allowance Progs., Nos. 30(26)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 211 1952 rules giving Official Journey of 1952 - (2) Indian Embassy Officials within Soviet Union. Opening of Legation of India in Progs., Nos. 40(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 212 1952 Syrie, Damaseus. 1952 - (2) 213 Report by Namlava Abdulla Misri, Progs., Nos. 42(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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O.S.R. Indian Consulate -General 1952 - (2) Jedda on the Half Wor relating to Half Season 1951. Audit Inspection report on the Accounts of the Embassy at the Hagues for the Period ending 31/02/52. Treatment of Period of Progs., Nos. 24(46)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 214 1952 Mr. T.D. Chowlas halt in Paris as 1952 - (2) extended Joining Ture enroute to the Hague on his transfer from Head Quarters in June 50. Annual General report on the Progs., Nos. 22(28)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 215 work of the Indian Embassy, 1952 1952 - (2) Rome for the Year 1951-52. Personal Secretary to the Ambassador of India in Iran. Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 216 Selection of Appointment of mr. 1952 1952 - (2) D.R. Sachdeva as interim Measme. Audit Inspection report on the Accounts of the Embassy at the Hagues for the Period ending 31/02/52. Treatment of Period of Progs., Nos. 24(46)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 217 1952 Mr. T.D. Chowlas halt in Paris as 1952 - (2) extended Joining Ture enroute to the Hague on his transfer from Head Quarters in June 50. Personal Secretary to the Ambassador of India in Iran. Progs., Nos. 37(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 218 Selection of Appointment of mr. 1952 1952 - (2) D.R. Sachdeva as interim Measme. Foreign Allowance granted to the Progs., Nos. 33(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 219 Staff of the Indian Legation, 1952 1952 - (2) Addis-Ababa Review of. 2. General Question regarding the Grant of T.A. & D.A. terms to be Progs., Nos. 21(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 220 Given to Indian Class IV servants 1952 1952(B) - (2) Deputed to Indian Missions and Posts abroad.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Revision of the Pay Scales of the Locally recruited Staff in the Embassy of India, Cario. 2. Progs., Nos. 35(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 221 1952 UPgradingof the Post of 1952 - (2) Inspector, Embassy in India Cario into that of Arabic Secretary. Creation of the additional Posts in the Legation of India Berma - Proposal from Mr. Raghavanthe Progs., Nos. 28(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 222 minister in Rome. The Creation of 1952 1952 - (2) two posts of Locally recruit Messanger & i post of Locally recruit Stenographer. Legation of India, Baghdad Progs., Nos. 36(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 223 General Administration 1952 1952 - (2) Report(1951). Legation of India, Bonn 1. Conversion of One Local Post of Progs., Nos. 21(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 224 Messnger to That of India -based 1952 1952(A) - (2) Messenger and appointment of Shri Amar Singh Thereto. 2. General Question regarding the Grant of T.A. & D.A. terms to be Progs., Nos. 21(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 225 Given to Indian Class IV servants 1952 1952(B) - (2) Deputed to Indian Missions and Posts abroad. Nerification of Chaiachi and Antecedents of Locally recruited Progs., Nos. 37(34)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 226 1952 Indian Staff in the Embassy of 1952 - (2) India Tehran. Creation of the additional Posts in the Legation of India Berma - Proposal from Mr. Raghavanthe Progs., Nos. 28(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 227 minister in Rome. The Creation of 1952 1952 - (2) two posts of Locally recruit Messanger & i post of Locally recruit Stenographer. 1.Audit Report s in Respect of the Embassy of India in Moscow. 2. Revision of Military allowance Progs., Nos. 30(26)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 228 1952 rules giving Official Journey of 1952 - (2) Indian Embassy Officials within Soviet Union.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Proposal for increase in the Progs., Nos. 35(13)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 229 Foreign Allowance of the Staff in 1952 1952 - (2) the Embassy of India, Cairo. Progs., Nos. 53(8161)- ESTABLISHMENT 193 Prime Minister`s note on dress. 1953 EII, 1953 - (2) Visit of a special mission consisting of Dr. Syed Mahmud and Shri A. K. Chanda to Iraq, Progs., Nos. 14(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 194 1953 and Iran during April-May 1953- 1953 - (2) Coronation of H.M. King Faisal II of Iraq. India`s part in the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission Progs., Nos. 14(49)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 195 1953 in Korea- Summery for the 1953 - (2) Cabinet. Deputation of Civilian Staff for Service in Korea- for Services in Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 196 1953 H. Q. Chairman N.N.R.C.- 1953 - (2) Consideration the terms of. Deputation Shri T. N. Kaul, Joint Secretary, & Dr. K. Gopalachari, Research officer, Ministry of External Affairs to Peking in Progs., Nos. 14(55)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 197 1953 Connection with Indo- China 1953 - (2) Talks on Tibet-. Deputation of Dr. K. Gopalachari to Rangoon on his way back to India. Deputation to the Neutral Nations` Repatriation Commission in Korea of various Progs., Nos. 14(43)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 230 1953 Class I Services borrowed from 1953 - (2) the State Government -Fixation of terms of - S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Registration of marriages by the Progs., Nos. 53(6221)- ESTABLISHMENT 231 1953 legation of Finland. EII, 1953 - (2) Indian Delegation to N.N.R.C., Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 232 1953 Korea. 1953 Part II - (2) Deputation on to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission Progs., Nos. 14(43)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 233 1953 in Korea of various Class I 1953 - (2) services, serving under the

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Government of India (Other than E.A. Ministry) and State Government - Fixation of terms of. Appointment of Non-Indian to Ministerial posts in Missions Progs., Nos. 37(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 234 abroad. Partculars of Staff 1953 1953 - (2) employed in the Indian Embassy at Tehran. Leave Rules Applicable to the Progs., Nos. 36(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 235 locally recruited Staff in the 1953 1953 - (2) Indian Embassy, Tehran. Closing of the Legation in Progs., Nos. 26(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 236 1953 Portugal, Lisbon. 1953 - (2) Deputation of Civilian officers to the H. Q. Chairman, Neutral Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 237 1953 Nations Repatriation Commission 1953 - (2) in Korea. Closing of the Legation in Progs., Nos. 26(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 238 1953 Portugal, Lisbon. 1953 - (2) Leave terms to locally- recruited Progs., Nos. 28(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 239 staff in the Legation of India, 1953 1953 - (2) Berne. Audit Objection- Accounts for the Financial Year 1948-49 for the C. Progs., Nos. 42(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 240 1953 G. of India Jeddah (Now 1953 - (2) Legation).

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Korea- Deputation of India officials to Korea, - Terms Progs., Nos. 14(37)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 241 1953 Sanctioned for the Advance 1953 - (2) Party. Appointment of Non-Indian to Ministerial posts in Missions Progs., Nos. 37(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 242 abroad. Partculars of Staff 1953 1953 - (2) employed in the Indian Embassy at Tehran. Grant of winter and summer allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 36(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 243 1953 members of the Indian Legation 1953 - (2) at Baghdad.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Question regarding the Validity of the Treaties and Agreements Entered into by the government Progs., Nos. 53(6131)- ESTABLISHMENT 244 1953 of Greece and Government of EII, 1953 - (2) India in the Pre-Independence Period. Opening of an Embassy of India Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 245 1953 at Belgrade (Yogoslavia). 1953 - (2) 1. Appointment of Dr. K. V. Ramaswamy as Commercial Secretary at Budapest. 2. Progs., Nos. 46(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 246 Payment of Special pay of Rs. 1953 1953 - (2) 15/- p.m. and entertainment allowance of Rs. 3,000/- per annum. Security arrangements for the Progs., Nos. 19(41)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 247 Embassy and Chancery Building 1953 1953 - (2) (Paris) Representation of Havaldar Jagat Progs., Nos. 44(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 248 Singh, Embassy of India, Aukark 1953 1953 - (2) reg his allowances P. Ref. Leave Rules Applicable to the Progs., Nos. 36(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 249 locally recruited Staff in the 1953 1953 - (2) Indian Embassy, Tehran. Deputation of Civilian Staff for Service in Korea- for Services in Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 250 1953 H. Q. Chairman N.N.R.C.- 1953 - (2) Consideration the terms of. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Rates of road mileage allowance for Journeys in foreign countries Progs., Nos. 6(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 251 1953 by the Officers and staff of the 1953 - (2) Indian Missions abroad. India`s part in the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission Progs., Nos. 14(49)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 252 1953 in Korea- Summery for the 1953 - (2) Cabinet. Korea- Deputation of India officials to Korea, - Terms Progs., Nos. 14(37)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 253 1953 Sanctioned for the Advance 1953 - (2) Party. 254 Representation of Havaldar Jagat Progs., Nos. 44(8)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1953

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Singh, Embassy of India, Aukark 1953 - (2) reg his allowances P. Ref. Opening of an Embassy of India Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 255 1953 at Belgrade (Yogoslavia). 1953 - (2) India`s Delegation to the 16th Session of the Economic and Progs., Nos. 14(32)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 256 1953 Social Council to be held the 1953 - (2) Geneva in June- August, 1953. Indian Delegation to N.N.R.C., Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 257 1953 Korea. 1953 Part II - (2) Deputation on to the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission in Korea of various Class I services, serving under the Progs., Nos. 14(43)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 258 1953 Government of India (Other than 1953 - (2) E.A. Ministry) and State Government - Fixation of terms of. Leave terms to locally- recruited Progs., Nos. 28(10)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 259 staff in the Legation of India, 1953 1953 - (2) Berne. India`s Delegation to the 16th Session of the Economic and Progs., Nos. 14(32)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 260 1953 Social Council to be held the 1953 - (2) Geneva in June- August, 1953. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Opening of Consulate General at Progs., Nos. 47(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 261 Genwa and appointment of Shri 1953 1953 - (2) S. Sen as Consul General. Audit Objection- Accounts for the Financial Year 1948-49 for the C. Progs., Nos. 42(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 262 1953 G. of India Jeddah (Now 1953 - (2) Legation). Opening of Consulate General at Progs., Nos. 47(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 263 Genwa and appointment of Shri 1953 1953 - (2) S. Sen as Consul General. Deputation to the Neutral Nations` Repatriation Commission in Korea of various Progs., Nos. 14(43)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 264 1953 Class I Services borrowed from 1953 - (2) the State Government -Fixation of terms of -

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Rates of road mileage allowance for Journeys in foreign countries Progs., Nos. 6(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 265 1953 by the Officers and staff of the 1953 - (2) Indian Missions abroad. Registration of marriages by the Progs., Nos. 53(6221)- ESTABLISHMENT 266 1953 legation of Finland. EII, 1953 - (2) Deputation of Civilian officers to the H. Q. Chairman, Neutral Progs., Nos. 14(39)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 267 1953 Nations Repatriation Commission 1953 - (2) in Korea. Deputation Shri T. N. Kaul, Joint Secretary, & Dr. K. Gopalachari, Research officer, Ministry of External Affairs to Peking in Progs., Nos. 14(55)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 268 1953 Connection with Indo- China 1953 - (2) Talks on Tibet-. Deputation of Dr. K. Gopalachari to Rangoon on his way back to India. Visit of a special mission consisting of Dr. Syed Mahmud and Shri A. K. Chanda to Iraq, Progs., Nos. 14(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 269 1953 and Iran during April-May 1953- 1953 - (2) Coronation of H.M. King Faisal II of Iraq. Progs., Nos. 53(8161)- ESTABLISHMENT 270 Prime Minister`s note on dress. 1953 EII, 1953 - (2)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Question regarding the Validity of the Treaties and Agreements Entered into by the government Progs., Nos. 53(6131)- ESTABLISHMENT 271 1953 of Greece and Government of EII, 1953 - (2) India in the Pre-Independence Period. 1. Appointment of Dr. K. V. Ramaswamy as Commercial Secretary at Budapest. 2. Progs., Nos. 46(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 272 Payment of Special pay of Rs. 1953 1953 - (2) 15/- p.m. and entertainment allowance of Rs. 3,000/- per annum. 273 Security arrangements for the Progs., Nos. 19(41)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 1953

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Embassy and Chancery Building 1953 - (2) (Paris) Grant of winter and summer allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 36(11)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 274 1953 members of the Indian Legation 1953 - (2) at Baghdad. Transporation charges for Bored and cars at govt. expense case of Progs., Nos. 60(32)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 275 1954 Miss R. Kukmins I.F.S 1954 - (2) Amendment of I.F.S rule 19. Treaties and conventions, signed by Great Britain on behalf of Progs., Nos. 6131(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 276 1954 India, before India`s 1954 - (2) independence. Road mileage allowance in Indian Progs., Nos. 56(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 277 Mission and post abroad trips on 1954 EII(Vol-III), 1954 - (2) duty meaning of ... Short artice question No. 14 in the House of the People the Progs., Nos. 19761(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 278 1954 liberation of the French India, EII, 1954 - (2) Settlement, Mahe. Annual administration report of Progs., Nos. 30(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 279 the Embass of India, Moscow for 1954 1954 - (2) 1953. Healing concession grant of winter allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 78(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 280 staff of the embassy of India, 1954 1954 - (2) Khatmandu and other offices in Nepal. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Legation of India, Damascus Progs., Nos. 43(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 281 General Administration Report for 1954 1954 - (2) year 1953. Annual administration report of Progs., Nos. 30(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 282 the Embass of India, Moscow for 1954 1954 - (2) 1953. Note in East west relating to Progs., Nos. 1396(63)- ESTABLISHMENT 283 1954 Germany. EII, 1954 - (2) Amendment to I.F.S Rules, 1954 regarding transport of personal Progs., Nos. 51(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 284 1954 effects Addition of rates rule 18 of 1954 - (2) the rules on the analogy of notes

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S.r. 116 (A) I (III). Note in East west relating to Progs., Nos. 1396(63)- ESTABLISHMENT 285 1954 Germany. EII, 1954 - (2) Road mileage allowances in Progs., Nos. 56(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 286 1954 Mission abroad. 1954 - (2) Pension and Gratuity Rules in respect of Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 84(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 287 1954 Inspectors question of grant of 1954 - (2) Insurance premia (not accepted). Amendment to I.F.S Rules, 1954 regarding transport of personal Progs., Nos. 51(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 288 effects Addition of rates rule 18 of 1954 1954 - (2) the rules on the analogy of notes S.r. 116 (A) I (III). Healing concession, to officer and Progs., Nos. 35(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 289 1954 staff in Indian, Missions, abroad. 1954 - (2) Grant of an out fit worn cloting allowance to non India based Progs., Nos. 79(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 290 1954 Indian clerks of the embassy of 1954 - (2) India in Nepal.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Fixation of rates of road Mileage Progs., Nos. 56(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 291 allowance in Indian Mission 1954 EII(Vol II), 1954 - (2) Abroad. Scheme of assisted Medical Attendence Powers of Heads of Progs., Nos. 7(16)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 292 Missions, regarding 1954 1954 - (2) reimbursement of Medical expenses etc. Short artice question No. 14 in the House of the People the Progs., Nos. 19761(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 293 1954 liberation of the French India, EII, 1954 - (2) Settlement, Mahe. Visit of Shrimati Vijayalakshmi Pandit, President U.N. General Progs., Nos. 14(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 294 1954 Assembly, to various countries 1954 - (2) ceylon terms of deputation of ... Road mileage allowance in Indian Progs., Nos. 56(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 295 Mission and post abroad trips on 1954 EII(Vol-III), 1954 - (2) duty meaning of ...

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Transporation charges for Bored and cars at govt. expense case of Progs., Nos. 60(32)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 296 1954 Miss R. Kukmins I.F.S 1954 - (2) Amendment of I.F.S rule 19. Healing concession grant of winter allowance to officers and Progs., Nos. 78(4)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 297 staff of the embassy of India, 1954 1954 - (2) Khatmandu and other offices in Nepal. Fixation of rates of road Mileage Progs., Nos. 56(1)- ESTABLISHMENT 298 allowance in Indian Mission 1954 EII(Vol II), 1954 - (2) Abroad. Healing concession, to officer and Progs., Nos. 35(31)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 299 1954 staff in Indian, Missions, abroad. 1954 - (2) Scheme of assisted Medical Attendence Powers of Heads of Progs., Nos. 7(16)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 300 Missions, regarding 1954 1954 - (2) reimbursement of Medical expenses etc.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Pension and Gratuity Rules in respect of Foreign Service Progs., Nos. 84(7)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 301 1954 Inspectors question of grant of 1954 - (2) Insurance premia (not accepted). Proposal for grant of diplomatic status of Shri K.P.P. Pillai, Progs., Nos. 30(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 302 1954 personnal secy. Embassy of 1954 - (2) India, Mascow. Grant of an out fit worn cloting allowance to non India based Progs., Nos. 79(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 303 1954 Indian clerks of the embassy of 1954 - (2) India in Nepal. Opening of a Consulate in ESTABLISHMENT 304 Progs., Nos. 41-EII, 1954 1954 Muscat. - (2) Proposal for grant of diplomatic status of Shri K.P.P. Pillai, Progs., Nos. 30(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 305 1954 personnal secy. Embassy of 1954 - (2) India, Mascow. Grant of Night duty allowance to Progs., Nos. 81(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 306 Resident Clerk of miniter of 1954 1954 - (2) External Affairs.

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Visit of Shrimati Vijayalakshmi Pandit, President U.N. General Progs., Nos. 14(25)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 307 1954 Assembly, to various countries 1954 - (2) ceylon terms of deputation of ... Road mileage allowances in Progs., Nos. 56(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 308 1954 Mission abroad. 1954 - (2) Opening of a Consulate in ESTABLISHMENT 309 Progs., Nos. 41-EII, 1954 1954 Muscat. - (2) Drawal of leave salary by officers and staff proceeding, from one Progs., Nos. 9(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 310 1954 country abroad to another on 1954 - (2) short leave (Upto 2 months). S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Drawal of leave salary by officers and staff proceeding, from one Progs., Nos. 9(6)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 311 1954 country abroad to another on 1954 - (2) short leave (Upto 2 months). Question regarding the date from Which supernumerary posts should be created for displaced Progs., Nos. 10(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 312 1954 permanent Central Govt. servants 1954 - (2) who have been absorbed temporarily. Grant of Night duty allowance to Progs., Nos. 81(3)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 313 Resident Clerk of miniter of 1954 1954 - (2) External Affairs. Treaties and conventions, signed by Great Britain on behalf of Progs., Nos. 6131(1)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 314 1954 India, before India`s 1954 - (2) independence. Question regarding the date from Which supernumerary posts should be created for displaced Progs., Nos. 10(5)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 315 1954 permanent Central Govt. servants 1954 - (2) who have been absorbed temporarily. Legation of India, Damascus Progs., Nos. 43(2)-EII, ESTABLISHMENT 316 General Administration Report for 1954 1954 - (2) year 1953.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

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3.Creation of a temporary post of Officer on Speical Duty in the India Store Department, London, Progs., Nos. 51(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1 1947 and the appointment thereto of 1947 (B) - (3) Mr. W. F. West, who was Director General. 1. Appointment of Mr. P. G. Bhagat, Controller of Printing & Stationery, as Director General, India Store Department, London. 2. Creation of a temporary post of Progs., Nos. 51(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 2 officer on Special Duty in the 1947 1947 (A) - (3) India Store Department, London, and the appointment thereto of Mr. P. G. Bhagat, prior to taking over the post of Director General.------3.Creation of a temporary post of Officer on Speical Duty in the India Store Department, London, Progs., Nos. 51(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 3 1947 and the appointment thereto of 1947 (B) - (3) Mr. W. F. West, who was Director General. 1. Appointment of Mr. P. G. Bhagat, Controller of Printing & Stationery, as Director General, India Store Department, London. 2. Creation of a temporary post of Progs., Nos. 51(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 4 officer on Special Duty in the 1947 1947 (A) - (3) India Store Department, London, and the appointment thereto of Mr. P. G. Bhagat, prior to taking over the post of Director General.------Question of Granting of India based States Concessions to the Progs., Nos. 22(34)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 5 totally recruited Indian Staff in 1948 1948 - (3) Indian- Mission in Burma Ceylon Malaya. London- High Commissioner for India in Mr. D. E. Wills, Rationing Progs., Nos. 13(43)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 6 1948 officers, Governor General`s 1948 - (3) Estate- Appointment to a Military

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Port in - Question of Granting of India based States Concessions to the Progs., Nos. 22(34)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 7 totally recruited Indian Staff in 1948 1948 - (3) Indian- Mission in Burma Ceylon Malaya. Progs., Nos. 31(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 9 Subject is not Available. 1949 1949 - (3) Grant of exchange Compensation allowance to India-based officers Progs., Nos. 50(131)- ESTABLISHMENT 10 1949 and Staff serving incounting EIII, 1949 (Secret) - (3) affected by devaluation.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year BURMA- Embassy of India in - Opening of a Consulate in Mandalay (Burma) and creation of posts of Ministerial Staff thereto. Progs., Nos. 22(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 11 2. Creation of additional posts of 1949 1949 (A) - (3) Assistants and Clerks for the Consular Section and Continuance of Posts up to the end of February 1951.--- Foreign Allowance to India- based Progs., Nos. 50(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 12 Staff in Indian Embassies etc. 1949 1949 - (3) abroad- List of- Portugal- Legation of India In - Sanction for- (1) Creation of the posts of Minister and Secretary and Appointments thereto of Mr. P. A. Menon, ICS & Raja Bahadur Birendra Bahadur Singh of Khairagarh, respectively. (2) Creation of ministerial posts, (3) Progs., Nos. 57(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 13 1949 Creation of the post of Private 1949 - (3) Secretary to the Minister, (4) Sending of two class IV Servants from India to the Legation,(5) Creation of a post of Interpreter- Translator and to the appointment thereto of M. Mandos.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Portugal- Legation of India in - Progs., Nos. 57(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 14 1949 Establishment of . 1949 Part II - (3) Progs., Nos. 31(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 15 Subject is not Available. 1949 1949 - (3) U. K. Supernnuation Act. - London- High Comission of India Progs., Nos. 15(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 16 in Land Application of the 1949 1949 - (3) Provisions of the - to the former Secretary of State in Council- Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 17 Subject is not Available. 1949 1949 - (3) Portugal- Legation of India in - Progs., Nos. 57(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 18 1949 Establishment of . 1949 Part II - (3) Confirmation of I.S.D. andContracts D`tc Staff in Progs., Nos. 19(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 19 1949 Vacancies occuring in their 1949 - (3) respective cadre. Revision of Scales of Pay etc. of the locally recruited Staff in the officers of the Representation of Progs., Nos. 26(30)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 20 the Govt. of Indian in Singapor 1949 1949 - (3) and the Agent of the Govt. of India in Kuala Lumpur, respectively.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 3. Continuance of certain posts for the Registration Section up to the end of February 1951. 3. Continuance of Certain posts for Progs., Nos. 22(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 21 1949 the Registration Section up to the 1949 (B) - (3) end of February 1951. 4. Creation of posts for the Passport Section up to the end of Ferbuary 1951. Confirmation of I.S.D. andContracts D`tc Staff in Progs., Nos. 19(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 22 1949 Vacancies occuring in their 1949 - (3) respective cadre. Portugal- Legation of India In - Sanction for- (1) Creation of the Progs., Nos. 57(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 23 1949 posts of Minister and Secretary 1949 - (3) and Appointments thereto of Mr.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


P. A. Menon, ICS & Raja Bahadur Birendra Bahadur Singh of Khairagarh, respectively. (2) Creation of ministerial posts, (3) Creation of the post of Private Secretary to the Minister, (4) Sending of two class IV Servants from India to the Legation,(5) Creation of a post of Interpreter- Translator and to the appointment thereto of M. Mandos. Revision of Scales of Pay etc. of the locally recruited Staff in the officers of the Representation of Progs., Nos. 26(30)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 24 the Govt. of Indian in Singapor 1949 1949 - (3) and the Agent of the Govt. of India in Kuala Lumpur, respectively. Grant of exchange Compensation allowance to India-based officers Progs., Nos. 50(131)- ESTABLISHMENT 25 1949 and Staff serving incounting EIII, 1949 (Secret) - (3) affected by devaluation. BURMA- Embassy of India in - Opening of a Consulate in Mandalay (Burma) and creation of posts of Ministerial Staff thereto. Progs., Nos. 22(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 26 2. Creation of additional posts of 1949 1949 (A) - (3) Assistants and Clerks for the Consular Section and Continuance of Posts up to the end of February 1951.--- Foreign Allowance to India- based Progs., Nos. 50(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 27 Staff in Indian Embassies etc. 1949 1949 - (3) abroad- List of- Progs., Nos. 32(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 28 Subject is not Available. 1949 1949 - (3) U. K. Supernnuation Act. - London- High Comission of India Progs., Nos. 15(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 29 in Land Application of the 1949 1949 - (3) Provisions of the - to the former Secretary of State in Council- 30 3. Continuance of certain posts Progs., Nos. 22(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1949

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for the Registration Section up to 1949 (B) - (3) the end of February 1951. 3. Continuance of Certain posts for the Registration Section up to the end of February 1951. 4. Creation of posts for the Passport Section up to the end of Ferbuary 1951. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year British West India, Annual General Report of the Progs., Nos. 36(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 31 1950 Commission for the Govt. of India 1950 - (3) in.... Central Sec. service scheme Number of and temporary post of Progs., Nos. 37(21)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 32 Supdt. and Asstt. in charge in the 1950 1950 - (3) Secretariat and its attached officers of the E.A Minister. Indian High Commission 1. Grant of an advance of Rs. 135/- to Shri K.K. Singh to meet cost of sea Progs., Nos. 31(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 33 passage from India to London 1950 1950 - (3) sanction to 2. Grant of home sea passages to hte locally officers, staff in Proposal. Decision that the T.A. Claims of staff transferred to Indian Mission in Pak. Burma, Ceylon, Nepal, Progs., Nos. 37(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 34 1950 Pondicherry, Nova Goa etc, and 1950 - (3) vice versa should be regulated under the Draft I.F.S rules. Central Secy. Stenographer Progs., Nos. 37-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 35 services Confermation of 1950 1950 - (3) Stenographer. British West India, Annual General Report of the Progs., Nos. 36(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 36 1950 Commission for the Govt. of India 1950 - (3) in.... Ceylon India and Pak. Resident Progs., Nos. 7(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 37 Resident (Citizenship Act) 1950 1950 - (3) temporary Staff. Lahore Deputy Minister visit to Progs., Nos. 26(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 38 1950 Lahore During March 1950 Tour 1950 - (3)

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notes. Central Secretariate Progs., Nos. 37(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 39 Stenographers service scheme 1950 1950 - (3) Implementation of.... Lahore of fice of the Deputy High Comissioner, for India, in Pak. in Progs., Nos. 26(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 40 1950 Annual Report for the year 1950 1950 - (3) of the.. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Annual establishment return as on Ist April in respect of embassy Progs., Nos. 41(13)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 41 1950 of India, Djakarta, and consulate 1950 - (3) of India Medan. Home leave for India staff of the negative of India, Bargum 2. Transfer of Mr. R.K. Tiwari, clerk, Progs., Nos. 47(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 42 1950 legation, of India, Headquarter. 3. 1950 - (3) Transfer of Mr. Lal Chand legation of India. Karachi Mr. Hari Dutt Progs., Nos. 23(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 43 Appointment of as chanffeur 1950 1950 - (3) Personal file of... Burma Appointment of Class IV Servants in the Indian Embassy in Progs., Nos. 3(25)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 44 1950 on local rates of pay and 1950 - (3) allowances. Rangoon embassy of the Indian in Question regarding the terms to Progs., Nos. 3(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 45 1950 be given to persons, after 20th 1950 - (3) Sept. 1950. Classification of ports under the central Govt. as ministerial and Progs., Nos. 37(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 46 1950 non-ministerial for purposes of 1950 - (3) the aga. Indian High Commission 1. Grant of an advance of Rs. 135/- to Shri K.K. Singh to meet cost of sea Progs., Nos. 31(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 47 passage from India to London 1950 1950 - (3) sanction to 2. Grant of home sea passages to hte locally officers, staff in Proposal. 48 Home leave for India staff of the Progs., Nos. 47(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1950

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


negative of India, Bargum 2. 1950 - (3) Transfer of Mr. R.K. Tiwari, clerk, legation, of India, Headquarter. 3. Transfer of Mr. Lal Chand legation of India. Liberalisation of the pension rules Progs., Nos. 37(42)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 49 on the recommendation of the 1950 1950 - (3) Central pay commission. Scheme of the Foreign Service Class B Aborption of private Progs., Nos. 41(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 50 1950 Secretaries, Attaaches, etc, in 1950 - (3) the..

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Malaya Continued payment of dearness and and hosue rent allowance to the locally recruited Progs., Nos. 17(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 51 1950 staff in the offices of the R.G.I. 1950 - (3) and Agent in Malaya after 28.2.1951 Sanction to. Lahore Deputy Minister visit to Progs., Nos. 26(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 52 Lahore During March 1950 Tour 1950 1950 - (3) notes. Annual establishment return as on Ist April in respect of embassy Progs., Nos. 41(13)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 53 1950 of India, Djakarta, and consulate 1950 - (3) of India Medan. Grant of Exchange compensation Allowance to India based officers Progs., Nos. 37(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 54 1950 and stoff in Pak. and Canada due 1950 - (3) to devaluation of Indian Rupee. Madagascar opening of a Progs., Nos. 39(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 55 1950 Consulate Madagascar. 1950 - (3) Malaya Representation of the Govt. of India M/s Raghvan Nair and R. Kandaswamy locally clerks Progs., Nos. 17(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 56 1950 in Classification of India, for 1950 - (3) purpose of home leave 2. Travelling allowance. Liberalisation of the pension rules Progs., Nos. 37(42)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 57 on the recommendation of the 1950 1950 - (3) Central pay commission.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Scheme of the Foreign Service Class B Aborption of private Progs., Nos. 41(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 58 1950 Secretaries, Attaaches, etc, in 1950 - (3) the.. Karchi office of the High Commissioner, for Indian in Progs., Nos. 23(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 59 1950 Annual General Report for the 1950 - (3) year 1950 of the... Malaya Continued payment of dearness and and hosue rent allowance to the locally recruited Progs., Nos. 17(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 60 1950 staff in the offices of the R.G.I. 1950 - (3) and Agent in Malaya after 28.2.1951 Sanction to.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Malaya office of the Representative of the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 17(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 61 1950 India in Revision of pay of 1950 - (3) recruited staff car driver in.. Grant of Exchange compensation Allowance to India based officers Progs., Nos. 37(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 62 1950 and stoff in Pak. and Canada due 1950 - (3) to devaluation of Indian Rupee. Karachi Mr. Hari Dutt Progs., Nos. 23(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 63 Appointment of as chanffeur 1950 1950 - (3) Personal file of... Central Secretariate Progs., Nos. 37(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 64 Stenographers service scheme 1950 1950 - (3) Implementation of.... Lahore office of the Deputy High Commissioner, for India, in Progs., Nos. 25(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 65 1950 personnal file of Mr. B.N. Kaul, 1950 - (3) O.S.D., in. Pay and allowance of I.F.S post in London Grant of Foreign allowance, etc. to Mr. R.A. Narayanan. 2. Proposal to U.P.S.C Progs., Nos. 31(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 66 1950 to permit Mr. R.A. Narayanan as 1950 - (3) Assists Solicitor in London London Rejected. 3. Recruitment of a Suitable officer for post of Asst.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Solicitor in the H.C. office, London, Through UPSC. Central Secy. Stenographer Progs., Nos. 37-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 67 services Confermation of 1950 1950 - (3) Stenographer. Rules for the Maintenance of Motor Vehicles supplied at Govt. Progs., Nos. 66(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 68 expense to the Indian Mission and 1950 1950 - (3) consular officers in Foreign Countries. Madagascar opening of a Progs., Nos. 39(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 69 1950 Consulate Madagascar. 1950 - (3) Dacca of office of the Deputy High Commr. for India in Annual Progs., Nos. 27(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 70 General report on the composition 1950 1950 - (3) and work of the Deputy High Commission for 1950.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Karchi office of the High Commissioner, for Indian in Progs., Nos. 23(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 71 1950 Annual General Report for the 1950 - (3) year 1950 of the... Malaya office of the Representative of the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 17(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 72 1950 India in Revision of pay of 1950 - (3) recruited staff car driver in.. Policy governing the appointment Progs., Nos. 51(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 73 of non-Indian to Techincal post in 1950 1950 - (3) the India, Store, Dept. London. Dacca of office of the Deputy High Commr. for India in Annual Progs., Nos. 27(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 74 General report on the composition 1950 1950 - (3) and work of the Deputy High Commission for 1950. Classification of ports under the central Govt. as ministerial and Progs., Nos. 37(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 75 1950 non-ministerial for purposes of 1950 - (3) the aga. Ceylon India and Pak. Resident Progs., Nos. 7(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 76 Resident (Citizenship Act) 1950 1950 - (3) temporary Staff.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Policy governing the appointment Progs., Nos. 51(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 77 of non-Indian to Techincal post in 1950 1950 - (3) the India, Store, Dept. London. Regularies of the Appointment of officers adn staff who have been appointed without consultation Progs., Nos. 37(38)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 78 1950 with the UPSC. to posts for which 1950 - (3) consulatation with the UPSC is Necessary. Central Sec. service scheme Number of and temporary post of Progs., Nos. 37(21)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 79 Supdt. and Asstt. in charge in the 1950 1950 - (3) Secretariat and its attached officers of the E.A Minister. Lahore office of the Deputy High Commissioner, for India, in Progs., Nos. 25(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 80 1950 personnal file of Mr. B.N. Kaul, 1950 - (3) O.S.D., in.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Rangoon embassy of the Indian in Question regarding the terms to Progs., Nos. 3(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 81 1950 be given to persons, after 20th 1950 - (3) Sept. 1950. Rules for the Maintenance of Motor Vehicles supplied at Govt. Progs., Nos. 66(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 82 expense to the Indian Mission and 1950 1950 - (3) consular officers in Foreign Countries. Pay and allowance of I.F.S post in London Grant of Foreign allowance, etc. to Mr. R.A. Narayanan. 2. Proposal to U.P.S.C to permit Mr. R.A. Narayanan as Progs., Nos. 31(15)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 83 1950 Assists Solicitor in London London 1950 - (3) Rejected. 3. Recruitment of a Suitable officer for post of Asst. Solicitor in the H.C. office, London, Through UPSC. Decision that the T.A. Claims of Progs., Nos. 37(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 84 staff transferred to Indian Mission 1950 1950 - (3) in Pak. Burma, Ceylon, Nepal,

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Pondicherry, Nova Goa etc, and vice versa should be regulated under the Draft I.F.S rules. Regularies of the Appointment of officers adn staff who have been appointed without consultation Progs., Nos. 37(38)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 85 1950 with the UPSC. to posts for which 1950 - (3) consulatation with the UPSC is Necessary. Burma Appointment of Class IV Servants in the Indian Embassy in Progs., Nos. 3(25)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 86 1950 on local rates of pay and 1950 - (3) allowances. Malaya Representation of the Govt. of India M/s Raghvan Nair and R. Kandaswamy locally clerks Progs., Nos. 17(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 87 1950 in Classification of India, for 1950 - (3) purpose of home leave 2. Travelling allowance. Lahore of fice of the Deputy High Comissioner, for India, in Pak. in Progs., Nos. 26(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 88 1950 Annual Report for the year 1950 1950 - (3) of the.. South Africa Revision of Foreign Progs., Nos. 33(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 106 Allce adminible to India based 1952 1952 - (3) officer and staff. London Indian High Commission question whehter the emoluments Progs., Nos. 24(52)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 107 of the localley Indian Staff Should 1952 1952 - (3) be increased when they become to pay Indian Income-tax. Revision of Home Rent Allowance Progs., Nos. 31(34)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 108 paid to teh staff in the High 1952 1952 - (3) Commission of India, in London. Appointment of Mr. G.S. Bansal as Registrar in the office of the Progs., Nos. 1(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 109 1952 High Commissioner, for India, in 1952 - (3) Australia. Revision of Home Rent Allowance Progs., Nos. 31(34)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 110 paid to teh staff in the High 1952 1952 - (3) Commission of India, in London.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


S.No. Subject File No Branch Year South Africa indian High Commission in Rates of cost of Progs., Nos. 33-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 111 1952 living allowance admissbile to 1952 - (3) locally recruited staff in. South Africa office of the High Commissioner, for the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 33(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 112 1952 India, revision of pay sale of local 1952 - (3) recruits. Inspection report of Mr. D.D. Progs., Nos. 19(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 113 Bhatia on the office of the Agent 1952 1952 - (3) in Knala Lumpur. South Africa Revision of Foreign Progs., Nos. 33(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 114 Allce adminible to India based 1952 1952 - (3) officer and staff. Colombo Indian High Commission in Locally recruited chauffeur in Progs., Nos. 7(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 115 Revision of pay of Proposal 2. 1952 1952 - (3) Grant of a fixed overtime pay of Rs. 25/- p.m to proposal. Appointment of India, Based Chowkidars, Security Guard in the Progs., Nos. 23(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 116 Indian High Commission Karachi 1952 1952 - (3) T.A. Claim of Pandit Sunder Lal Bali, Secuirty Gurad at Karachi. General calculation of joining of Progs., Nos. 37(22)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 117 office and staf who are serving in 1952 1952 - (3) Indian mission abroad. Assisted medical Attendece Progs., Nos. 2(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 118 Sechem Panel of approved 1952 1952 - (3) doctors. Progs., Nos. 11(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 119 Nariobi East Africa. 1952 1952 - (3) London High Commission for Progs., Nos. 31(35)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 120 India, in Grnat of Heating 1952 1952 - (3) Allowance to the staff.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year South Africa office of the High Commissioner, for the Govt. of Progs., Nos. 33(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 121 1952 India, revision of pay sale of local 1952 - (3) recruits.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Employement private servants of Progs., Nos. 37(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 122 1952 officers in Govt. officer etc. 1952 - (3) Posting of Mr. A .Bhattacharjee as Progs., Nos. 3(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 123 Supdt. in the Embassy of India, 1952 1952 - (3) Rangoon. Complaint by Miss Mridula Sarabhai About the quality of Progs., Nos. 23(80)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 124 1952 staff in Indian pension at karachi 1952 - (3) and Lahore. Grant of India status t olocally Progs., Nos. 37(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 125 staff in Burma, Malaya and 1952 1952 - (3) Ceylon. Complaint by Miss Mridula Sarabhai About the quality of Progs., Nos. 23(80)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 126 1952 staff in Indian pension at karachi 1952 - (3) and Lahore. Lahore Withdrawal of Concession of free water and election of Progs., Nos. 25(18)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 127 1952 enjoyed by the staff of the 1952 - (3) Deputy High Commission. General calculation of joining of Progs., Nos. 37(22)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 128 office and staf who are serving in 1952 1952 - (3) Indian mission abroad. Offer of an appointment to Shri P.C Basa, Indian Customs Liasson Progs., Nos. 28(215)- ESTABLISHMENT 129 1952 Officer of Darsana Question of EIII, 1952 - (3) release. Appointment of India, Based Chowkidars, Security Guard in the Progs., Nos. 23(24)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 130 Indian High Commission Karachi 1952 1952 - (3) T.A. Claim of Pandit Sunder Lal Bali, Secuirty Gurad at Karachi.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year London Creation of the posts of Progs., Nos. 31(43)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 131 by Phs 2. Cyphe Assistance in the 1952 1952 - (3) High Commission of India. Offer of an appointment to Shri P.C Basa, Indian Customs Liasson Progs., Nos. 28(215)- ESTABLISHMENT 132 1952 Officer of Darsana Question of EIII, 1952 - (3) release. 133 London Creation of the posts of Progs., Nos. 31(43)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1952

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by Phs 2. Cyphe Assistance in the 1952 - (3) High Commission of India. Appointment of Gardenes at Progs., Nos. 17(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 134 Govt. expenses for residence of 1952 1952 - (3) the R.G.I. Malya. D.H.C Hnva Supdt. of Shri Kamla Progs., Nos. 27(138)- ESTABLISHMENT 135 1952 Kant Bhuyan as Clerk. EIII, 1952 - (3) Grant of leave to locally recruited Progs., Nos. 8(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 136 staff in Indian Missions, in Burma, 1952 1952 - (3) Malya, Ceylon. Lahore Withdrawal of Concession of free water and election of Progs., Nos. 25(18)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 137 1952 enjoyed by the staff of the 1952 - (3) Deputy High Commission. London Indian High Commission in Mr. Woolmugh High Progs., Nos. 31(28)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 138 Commissioner, Increase in pay of 1952 1952 - (3) the woolwough 2. Grant of pension benefits to.. South Africa indian High Commission in Rates of cost of Progs., Nos. 33-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 139 1952 living allowance admissbile to 1952 - (3) locally recruited staff in. Ceylon Post to one of certain Progs., Nos. 7(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 140 1952 locally recrutted staff. 1952 - (3) S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Burma Indian Embassy in Appoitment of Shri Krishna Rao Progs., Nos. 3(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 141 1952 as Lahour welfare officer cum vice 1952 - (3) Consul. Grant of leave to locally recruited Progs., Nos. 8(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 142 staff in Indian Missions, in Burma, 1952 1952 - (3) Malya, Ceylon. Assisted medical Attendece Progs., Nos. 2(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 143 Sechem Panel of approved 1952 1952 - (3) doctors. Grant of India status t olocally Progs., Nos. 37(9)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 144 staff in Burma, Malaya and 1952 1952 - (3) Ceylon. Appointment of Mr. G.S. Bansal Progs., Nos. 1(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 145 as Registrar in the office of the 1952 1952 - (3) High Commissioner, for India, in

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Australia. Malaya payment of and Home Rent allowance to hte locally Progs., Nos. 17(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 146 recevited staff in the office of the 1952 1952 - (3) Representation and Agent beyond 29.2.2 sanction to.. Burma Indian Embassy in Appoitment of Shri Krishna Rao Progs., Nos. 3(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 147 1952 as Lahour welfare officer cum vice 1952 - (3) Consul. London Indian High Commission in Mr. Woolmugh High Progs., Nos. 31(28)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 148 Commissioner, Increase in pay of 1952 1952 - (3) the woolwough 2. Grant of pension benefits to.. New filing system decision to Progs., Nos. 37(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 149 defence in establishment upto 1952 1952 - (3) 1953. London High Commission for Progs., Nos. 31(35)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 150 India, in Grnat of Heating 1952 1952 - (3) Allowance to the staff. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Ceylon Post to one of certain Progs., Nos. 7(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 151 1952 locally recrutted staff. 1952 - (3) Progs., Nos. 11(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 152 Nariobi East Africa. 1952 1952 - (3) Inspection report of Mr. D.D. Progs., Nos. 19(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 153 Bhatia on the office of the Agent 1952 1952 - (3) in Knala Lumpur. Grant of India, based status to Progs., Nos. 37(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 154 the U.P.S.C stenograph in Burma 1952 1952 - (3) and malaya. Malaya payment of and Home Rent allowance to hte locally Progs., Nos. 17(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 155 recevited staff in the office of the 1952 1952 - (3) Representation and Agent beyond 29.2.2 sanction to.. D.H.C Hnva Supdt. of Shri Kamla Progs., Nos. 27(138)- ESTABLISHMENT 156 1952 Kant Bhuyan as Clerk. EIII, 1952 - (3) Progs., Nos. 37(25)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 157 Central secy. service scheme IV. 1952 1952 - (3)

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Declaration of Shri madher Sudan Progs., Nos. 28(32)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 158 Chowdhury, a locally recuised 1952 1952 - (3) peon at Dacca, as India based. Appointment of Gardenes at Progs., Nos. 17(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 159 Govt. expenses for residence of 1952 1952 - (3) the R.G.I. Malya. Progs., Nos. 37(25)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 160 Central secy. service scheme IV. 1952 1952 - (3)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Nairobi Indian Commission in Progs., Nos. 11(23)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 161 leave rules applicable to the 1952 1952 - (3) locally Class IV servants in.. Declaration of Shri madher Sudan Progs., Nos. 28(32)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 162 Chowdhury, a locally recuised 1952 1952 - (3) peon at Dacca, as India based. London Daily allowance rates of Progs., Nos. 31(36)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 163 admissible to members of the 1952 1952 - (3) High Commission.q London Daily allowance rates of Progs., Nos. 31(36)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 164 admissible to members of the 1952 1952 - (3) High Commission.q London Pay increase of the locally Progs., Nos. 31(30)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 165 1952 staff is the High Commisson. 1952 - (3) Colombo Indian High Commission in Locally recruited chauffeur in Progs., Nos. 7(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 166 Revision of pay of Proposal 2. 1952 1952 - (3) Grant of a fixed overtime pay of Rs. 25/- p.m to proposal. Grant of India, based status to Progs., Nos. 37(17)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 167 the U.P.S.C stenograph in Burma 1952 1952 - (3) and malaya. Employement private servants of Progs., Nos. 37(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 168 1952 officers in Govt. officer etc. 1952 - (3) New filing system decision to Progs., Nos. 37(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 169 defence in establishment upto 1952 1952 - (3) 1953. London Pay increase of the locally Progs., Nos. 31(30)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 170 1952 staff is the High Commisson. 1952 - (3)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


Nairobi Indian Commission in Progs., Nos. 11(23)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 171 leave rules applicable to the 1952 1952 - (3) locally Class IV servants in.. London Indian High Commission question whehter the emoluments Progs., Nos. 24(52)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 172 of the localley Indian Staff Should 1952 1952 - (3) be increased when they become to pay Indian Income-tax. Posting of Mr. A .Bhattacharjee as Progs., Nos. 3(6)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 173 Supdt. in the Embassy of India, 1952 1952 - (3) Rangoon. Opening of the Office Assistant High Commissioner for India at Rajastan -Sanction for Additional Progs., Nos. 30(2)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 89 1953 staff and for the Introduction ofa 1953 - (3) Biweefly Courior Service Between Dacea and Rajshtan. Opening of a temporary Visa office at Conilla (East Pakistan) Progs., Nos. 28(43)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 90 1953 and transfer of Staff from Decca 1953 - (3) to Camilla. Report on the Importation of the Progs., Nos. 23(154)- ESTABLISHMENT 91 Office of the High Commissioner 1953 EIII, 1953 - (3) for India in Paistan, Karachi. Rivision of Pay of Messanger Progs., Nos. 31(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 92 1953 Chanppeans & Industrial Staff. 1953 - (3) Singapore-Grant of Home-Leave Concessions to the Locally Progs., Nos. 17(32)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 93 1953 Recruited Staff employed in the 1953 - (3) Office of the R.G.I. London-Delegation of Authority to Sanction Leave to India -based Progs., Nos. 31(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 94 1953 Officers in the High Commissioner 1953 - (3) for India in London. Ceylon -High Commissioner for India in Grant of India based Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 95 claims to the Locally 1953 1953 - (3) recruitedAssistants and Clerks in- . Dacca-Post of Indian Customs Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 96 tiaison officers grant of 1953 1953 - (3) Consolidated Foreign allowance to

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


the Icho in Lieu of Conveyance Compresatory & the allowances. London-Canteen Service in the Progs., Nos. 31(19)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 97 1953 High Commission of India. 1953 - (3) London-Canteen Service in the Progs., Nos. 31(19)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 98 1953 High Commission of India. 1953 - (3) Coulamance of Posts in the Visa Progs., Nos. 23(95)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 99 office Decca regarding Pakistan 1953 1953 - (3) visa Office at Bombay. Question in the House of the People by Shri Muniswamy About Progs., Nos. 38-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 100 1953 the Opening ofa Consular Office 1953 - (3) at Penang in Malay.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Singapore-Grant of Home- Leave Concessions to the Progs., Nos. 17(32)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 101 Locally Recruited Staff 1953 1953 - (3) employed in the Office of the R.G.I. London : High Commission for India in Proposal to free Progs., Nos. 31(42)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 102 1953 into account for Purposed of 1953 - (3) House Rent allowance. London -Indian High Commissioner in Procedure regarding verification of Progs., Nos. 32(4)(II)- ESTABLISHMENT 103 1953 Character and anlecedents of EIII, 1953 - (3) Candidates for Employment in the Office of Them. Dacca-Post of Indian Customs tiaison officers grant of Consolidated Foreign Progs., Nos. 27(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 104 1953 allowance to the Icho in Lieu 1953 - (3) of Conveyance Compresatory & the allowances. Setting up of Branch Offices Progs., Nos. 23(95)- ESTABLISHMENT 105 1953 at Hydrabad (Said) Rajshahi. EIII(II), 1953 - (3) Nairobi-Terms and Conditions-Local recruits in Progs., Nos. 11(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 174 1953 the Office of the 1953 - (3) Commissioner for the Govt.

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


of India in British East Africa. Nairobi-Terms and Conditions-Local recruits in Progs., Nos. 11(16)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 175 the Office of the 1953 1953 - (3) Commissioner for the Govt. of India in British East Africa. Setting up of Branch Offices Progs., Nos. 23(95)- ESTABLISHMENT 176 1953 at Hydrabad (Said) Rajshahi. EIII(II), 1953 - (3) London. Prior Consulation with the High Commissioner in regard to appointment of Progs., Nos. 31(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 177 1953 Officers and Staff in the 1953 - (3) Indian High Commission in London. Creation of the Post of an Officer on Special duty for Progs., Nos. 27(21)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 178 1953 Passport Liaison Work at 1953 - (3) Calcutta. London-Indian High Commission in India in - Representation of Character Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 179 1953 and Anbeectents of 1953 - (3) Candidates for Employment in the Office. 1. Approved routes for sea journey between India and Burma. 2. Declaration of Progs., Nos. 4(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 180 1953 Calcutta on the Supplied 1953 - (3) Station for various countries to the cost of India. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Classification of Shanghai as Progs., Nos. 47(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 181 1953 a C Class Station. 1953 - (3) Rivision of Pay of Messanger Progs., Nos. 31(8)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 182 Chanppeans & Industrial 1953 1953 - (3) Staff. Proposal for Conveession of the Local post s of Seasion Junior Clerks into court of Progs., Nos. 7(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 183 1953 India layed Amendments & 1953 - (3) Clers in beyend Amendments & Clers in The H.C. S. India

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


in Cylon. Grant of home Leave concessions to the Locally Progs., Nos. 4(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 184 remitted staff employed in 1953 1953 - (3) the Embassy of India, Rangoon. Classification of Shanghai as Progs., Nos. 47(20)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 185 1953 a C Class Station. 1953 - (3) Opening of a temporary Visa office at Conilla (East Progs., Nos. 28(43)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 186 1953 Pakistan) and transfer of 1953 - (3) Staff from Decca to Camilla. Grant of Home Leave Concession to Shri . Progs., Nos. 4-1-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 187 Raghavan , a Locally 1953 1953 - (3) recrimited assistant in the Embassy of India, Rangoon. London-Indian High Commission in India in - Representation of Character Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 188 1953 and Anbeectents of 1953 - (3) Candidates for Employment in the Office. London -Indian High Commissioner in Procedure regarding verification of Progs., Nos. 32(4)(II)- ESTABLISHMENT 189 1953 Character and anlecedents of EIII, 1953 - (3) Candidates for Employment in the Office of Them. Rangoon-Embassy of India in- grant of Local allowance Progs., Nos. 3(27)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 190 1953 instead of Foreign allowance 1953 - (3) to Locally recrimital Staff in.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Creation of the Post of an Officer Progs., Nos. 27(21)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 191 on Special duty for Passport 1953 1953 - (3) Liaison Work at Calcutta. Report on the Importation of the Progs., Nos. 23(154)- ESTABLISHMENT 192 Office of the High Commissioner 1953 EIII, 1953 - (3) for India in Paistan, Karachi. 193 Grant of Home Leave Concession Progs., Nos. 4-1-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1953

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


to Shri . Raghavan , a Locally 1953 - (3) recrimited assistant in the Embassy of India, Rangoon. Grant of home Leave concessions to the Locally remitted staff Progs., Nos. 4(1)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 194 1953 employed in the Embassy of 1953 - (3) India, Rangoon. Rangoon-Embassy of India in- grant of Local allowance instead Progs., Nos. 3(27)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 195 1953 of Foreign allowance to Locally 1953 - (3) recrimital Staff in. London-Delegation of Authority to Sanction Leave to India -based Progs., Nos. 31(47)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 196 1953 Officers in the High Commissioner 1953 - (3) for India in London. Ceylon -High Commissioner for India in Grant of India based Progs., Nos. 32(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 197 claims to the Locally 1953 1953 - (3) recruitedAssistants and Clerks in- . Coulamance of Posts in the Visa Progs., Nos. 23(95)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 198 office Decca regarding Pakistan 1953 1953 - (3) visa Office at Bombay. Question in the House of the People by Shri Muniswamy About Progs., Nos. 38-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 199 1953 the Opening ofa Consular Office 1953 - (3) at Penang in Malay. London : High Commission for India in Proposal to free into Progs., Nos. 31(42)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 200 1953 account for Purposed of House 1953 - (3) Rent allowance.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Opening of the Office Assistant High Commissioner for India at Rajastan -Sanction for Additional Progs., Nos. 30(2)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 201 1953 staff and for the Introduction ofa 1953 - (3) Biweefly Courior Service Between Dacea and Rajshtan. Proposal for Conveession of the Progs., Nos. 7(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 202 Local post s of Seasion Junior 1953 1953 - (3) Clerks into court of India layed

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Amendments & Clers in beyend Amendments & Clers in The H.C. S. India in Cylon. 1. Approved routes for sea journey between India and Burma. 2. Declaration of Calcutta Progs., Nos. 4(4)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 203 1953 on the Supplied Station for 1953 - (3) various countries to the cost of India. London. Prior Consulation with the High Commissioner in regard Progs., Nos. 31(11)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 204 to appointment of Officers and 1953 1953 - (3) Staff in the Indian High Commission in London. India-based Stations -Grant of to Progs., Nos. 37(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 205 the Locally recruited Indians in 1954 1954 - (3) Burma , Malaya and Cylon. Transfer of Establishment titles of the Consulate General Kashagar, Progs., Nos. 48(28)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 206 1954 to the Ministry of External 1954 - (3) Affairs(E-III Section). 1. Anouncement for the transportation of various supplies for eshagar Consult. (ii) Travel Progs., Nos. 48(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 207 1954 arrangements between India and 1954 - (3) ashagar for incomming and Outgoing Staff. 1.Notes on Living Conditions in Progs., Nos. 48(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 208 Kashgar. 2.A Genral note on 1954 1954 - (3) Sinking 3. The Leh Route. 1.Notes on Living Conditions in Progs., Nos. 48(7)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 209 Kashgar. 2.A Genral note on 1954 1954 - (3) Sinking 3. The Leh Route. Transfer of Establishment titles of the Consulate General Kashagar, Progs., Nos. 48(28)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 210 1954 to the Ministry of External 1954 - (3) Affairs(E-III Section). S.No. Subject File No Branch Year India-based Stations -Grant of to Progs., Nos. 37(5)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 211 the Locally recruited Indians in 1954 1954 - (3) Burma , Malaya and Cylon. 212 Hanoi-Consular Agency of India. Progs., Nos. 50(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 1954

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Grant of an emergency Increase 1954 - (3) of Rs. 200/- P>M. in the Foreign allowance of the 2 Assistant s due to Emergency existing at Hanoi- Sanctioned for three months in the First instance. Grant of India-based Stations of the Locally resnited Staff in Burma, Malaya & Cylon. Decision Progs., Nos. 5(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 213 1954 not to India-base Local remited 1954 - (3) class IV staff of Indian Missions abroad. Hanoi-Consular Agency of India. Grant of an emergency Increase of Rs. 200/- P>M. in the Foreign Progs., Nos. 50(3)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 214 allowance of the 2 Assistant s due 1954 1954 - (3) to Emergency existing at Hanoi- Sanctioned for three months in the First instance. Grant of India-based Stations of the Locally resnited Staff in Burma, Malaya & Cylon. Decision Progs., Nos. 5(54)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 215 1954 not to India-base Local remited 1954 - (3) class IV staff of Indian Missions abroad. 1. Anouncement for the transportation of various supplies for eshagar Consult. (ii) Travel Progs., Nos. 48(10)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 216 1954 arrangements between India and 1954 - (3) ashagar for incomming and Outgoing Staff. Maintenance of Gardens attached to the residences of Progs., Nos. 6(2)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 217 representational grades other 1956 1956 - (3) than Heads of Missions Postal abroad. Maintenance of Gardens attached to the residences of Progs., Nos. 6(2)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 218 representational grades other 1956 1956 - (3) than Heads of Missions Postal abroad. General -Foreign Allowance s Why Progs., Nos. 61(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 219 1957 not Presented in the Local 1957 - (3)

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Conveyence of the Foreign Country -Para 54-60 of P.A.C.s 15th Report. General -Foreign Allowance s Why not Presented in the Local Progs., Nos. 61(14)-EIII, ESTABLISHMENT 220 Conveyence of the Foreign 1957 1957 - (3) Country -Para 54-60 of P.A.C.s 15th Report. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Djakata- Embassy of India in- 1) Leave him transfer of Shri K.R. Progs., Nos. 43(9)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 221 Nair Personal Secretary to the 1969 1952 - (3) ambassder to H.,qrs. 2) Grant of travelling & jioining him. Bangkok Tevision of pay scales of Progs., Nos. 45(14)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 222 the locally recruited Ministerial 1969 1952 - (3) staff in in Bangkok. Tokyo- Regularisation of the charges on account of Water, gas and electricity paid by the Progs., Nos. 42(31)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 223 1969 Ambassador for the staff from 1952 - (3) Govt. funs for the period from April 1952 to August 1952. Continuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 224 Indian Liasion Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyond February 1952. Rates of daily allowance and milage allowance for the affairs Progs., Nos. 42(19)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 225 1969 and staff of the Embassy of india 1952 - (3) Tokyo. Employment of a fireman int he Progs., Nos. 46(6)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 226 Embassy House Peking during 1969 1952 - (3) winter. Madagascar- Proposed appointment of Shri B.N. Nair as Progs., Nos. 39(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 227 1969 Vice Consul, Indian Consulate 1952 - (3) General at Madagascar. Djakarta- Indian Embassy in - Payment of overtime duty Progs., Nos. 43(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 228 1969 allowance to Chancellers for duty 1952 - (3) on closed holidays. 229 Revision of Foreign Atten- Peking Progs., Nos. 46(16)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 1969

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and Shangher. 1952 - (3) Djakarta----- Revision of payscales of the locally Recruited Progs., Nos. 43(10)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 230 class IV servants in the Embassy 1969 1952 - (3) of India in...... and the Consulate of India in Medan.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Revision of Foreign Atten- Peking Progs., Nos. 46(16)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 231 1969 and Shangher. 1952 - (3) Question of revision of foreign allowance of staff in the Embassy Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 232 1969 of India Djakata or the Consulate 1952 - (3) of India Medan. Saigon- Leave to locally recruited Progs., Nos. 49(14)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 233 staff of our consulate general in 1969 1952 - (3) Indo-China Saigon. Djakarta----- Revision of payscales of the locally Recruited Progs., Nos. 43(10)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 234 class IV servants in the Embassy 1969 1952 - (3) of India in...... and the Consulate of India in Medan. Establishment of diplomatic relations between India and the Progs., Nos. 51(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 235 Philippines- Elevation of the 1969 1952 - (3) Consulate General for India in the Philippines at Legation level. West Africa- Decision to establish an Indian Commission in- ACCRA. 2) Sanction for staff for the Progs., Nos. 53(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 236 1969 commission 3) Fixation of the 1952 - (3) foreign allowance of the staff of the Commission. Bangkok Tevision of pay scales of Progs., Nos. 45(14)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 237 the locally recruited Ministerial 1969 1952 - (3) staff in in Bangkok. Vontinuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 238 Indian Liasion Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyound February 1952. Question of revision of foreign Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 239 Allowances of Staff in the 1969 1952 - (3) Embassy of India, Djakata & the

List complied from the website of the Ministry of External Affairs, Public Diplomacy division. For more details visit


consulate of India, Madras. C.S.S.S. Scheme Grade I & II- Progs., Nos. 37(26)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 240 1969 Tibat constitutions of -- 1952 - (3)

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Sanction to the payment of travelling allowance to Gyaltxen Progs., Nos. 48(24)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 241 Sherpa peon for his journey from 1969 1952 - (3) Kashgar to Leh and back performed in 1949. Tokyo- Request of the Embassy of India ret. the grant of heating Progs., Nos. 42(30)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 242 1969 allowance to the officers & staff at 1952 - (3) Tokyo. Employment of a fireman int he Progs., Nos. 46(6)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 243 Embassy House Peking during 1969 1952 - (3) winter. Honjong- opening of Indian Progs., Nos. 52(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 244 1969 Commission at- 1952 - (3) C.S.S.S. Scheme Grade I & II- Progs., Nos. 37(26)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 245 1969 Tibat constitutions of -- 1952 - (3) Tokyo- Regularisation of the charges on account of Water, gas and electricity paid by the Progs., Nos. 42(31)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 246 1969 Ambassador for the staff from 1952 - (3) Govt. funs for the period from April 1952 to August 1952. Delegation of Authotity to the Ambassador at Dyakate to traval Progs., Nos. 43(23)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 247 by air on tour & to allow any 1969 1952 - (3) member of the staff to perform journey by air on tour. Madagascar- Proposed appointment of Shri B.N. Nair as Progs., Nos. 39(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 248 1969 Vice Consul, Indian Consulate 1952 - (3) General at Madagascar. Grant of India bides states to weekly recruited Stenographer in Progs., Nos. 37(28)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 249 1969 Ceylon who have qualifies at the 1952 - (3) U.P.S.C. test. Djakata- Embassy of India in- 1) Progs., Nos. 43(9)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 250 1969 Leave him transfer of Shri K.R. 1952 - (3)

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Nair Personal Secretary to the ambassder to H.,qrs. 2) Grant of travelling & jioining him.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Vontinuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 251 Indian Liasion Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyound February 1952. Tokyo- Scheme of Assisted Meical Progs., Nos. 42(24)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 252 1969 Attendance. 1952 - (3) Rates of daily allowance and milage allowance for the affairs Progs., Nos. 42(19)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 253 1969 and staff of the Embassy of india 1952 - (3) Tokyo. Question of revision of foreign Allowances of Staff in the Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 254 1969 Embassy of India, Djakata & the 1952 - (3) consulate of India, Madras. Honjong- opening of Indian Progs., Nos. 52(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 255 1969 Commission at- 1952 - (3) Continuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 256 Indian Liaison Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyond February 1952. Tokyo- Request of the Embassy of India ret. the grant of heating Progs., Nos. 42(30)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 257 1969 allowance to the officers & staff at 1952 - (3) Tokyo. Grant of India bides states to weekly recruited Stenographer in Progs., Nos. 37(28)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 258 1969 Ceylon who have qualifies at the 1952 - (3) U.P.S.C. test. Djakarta- Indian Embassy in - Payment of overtime duty Progs., Nos. 43(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 259 1969 allowance to Chancellers for duty 1952 - (3) on closed holidays. Continuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 260 Indian Liasion Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyond February 1952.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 261 Question of revision of foreign Progs., Nos. 43(4)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 1969

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allowance of staff in the Embassy 1952 - (3) of India Djakata or the Consulate of India Medan. Delegation of Authotity to the Ambassador at Dyakate to traval Progs., Nos. 43(23)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 262 by air on tour & to allow any 1969 1952 - (3) member of the staff to perform journey by air on tour. West Africa- Decision to establish an Indian Commission in- ACCRA. 2) Sanction for staff for the Progs., Nos. 53(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 263 1969 commission 3) Fixation of the 1952 - (3) foreign allowance of the staff of the Commission. Tokyo- Scheme of Assisted Meical Progs., Nos. 42(24)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 264 1969 Attendance. 1952 - (3) Madagascar- Indian Consulate in- Staff for Sanction to Fixation of Progs., Nos. 39(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 265 1969 the rates of foreign allowance for 1952 - (3) -. Saigon- Leave to locally recruited Progs., Nos. 49(14)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 266 staff of our consulate general in 1969 1952 - (3) Indo-China Saigon. Dublin- Proposal to establish an Progs., Nos. 54(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 267 1969 India Embassy in Dublin. 1952 - (3) Dublin- Proposal to establish an Progs., Nos. 54(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 268 1969 India Embassy in Dublin. 1952 - (3) Sanction to the payment of travelling allowance to Gyaltxen Progs., Nos. 48(24)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 269 Sherpa peon for his journey from 1969 1952 - (3) Kashgar to Leh and back performed in 1949. Establishment of diplomatic relations between India and the Progs., Nos. 51(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 270 Philippines- Elevation of the 1969 1952 - (3) Consulate General for India in the Philippines at Legation level.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Madagascar- Indian Consulate in- Progs., Nos. 39(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 271 Staff for Sanction to Fixation of 1969 1952 - (3) the rates of foreign allowance for

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-. Continuance of posts in the Progs., Nos. 42(1)-E III, ESTABLISHMENT 272 Indian Liaison Mission Tokyo 1969 1952 - (3) beyond February 1952.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Creation of a temporary post of officer on Special uty (Fertiliser Project) in the India store Deptt, Progs., Nos. 51(53)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 1 Blackpool and the appointment 1947 1947 - (4) thereto of Mt. K.K. Nasta officer on special uty (Standarisation) in the Min. of I & S. Reorganisation of the India stores eptt. under the High Progs., Nos. 51(28)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 2 1947 Commissioner for 1947 - (4) London. Sanction for the continuance of temporary posts in the India Supply Mission in Washington Progs., Nos. 50(38)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 3 1947 (USA) beyond 29th February 1947 - (4) 1948 and creation of temporary posts for short periods. 1) Sale of the Premises of the India store deptt. at belvedre road lambeth in London to the London country council.2) Lease Progs., Nos. 51(15)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 4 1947 of a building at 32/44 at Egware 1947 - (4) Road in London to Accomodate the Inia store Ddeptt. on return from Blackpool. Creation of a temporary post of officer on Special uty (Fertiliser Project) in the India store Deptt, Progs., Nos. 51(53)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 5 Blackpool and the appointment 1947 1947 - (4) thereto of Mt. K.K. Nasta officer on special uty (Standarisation) in the Min. of I & S. Reorganisation of the India stores Progs., Nos. 51(28)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 6 1947 eptt. under the High 1947 - (4)

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Commissioner for London. 1) Sale of the Premises of the India store deptt. at belvedre road lambeth in London to the London country council.2) Lease Progs., Nos. 51(15)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 7 1947 of a building at 32/44 at Egware 1947 - (4) Road in London to Accomodate the Inia store Ddeptt. on return from Blackpool. Sanction for the continuance of temporary posts in the India Supply Mission in Washington Progs., Nos. 50(38)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 8 1947 (USA) beyond 29th February 1947 - (4) 1948 and creation of temporary posts for short periods. Creation of aitional Gazetted an non- Gazetted posts in the India Progs., Nos. 50(60)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 9 1948 Supply Mission uring the year 1948 - (4) 1948-49. Mission till the en of 1950 3) Creation of the post of one Progs., Nos. 62(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 10 1948 receptionist and three guards in 1948(B) - (4) the Mission. S.No. Subject File No Branch Year 1) Creation of 3 aditional posts one post of Finance Officer one post of Assistant Dirctor and Progs., Nos. 62(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 11 another of senior clerk in the Inia 1948 1948(A) - (4) supply Mission. Waghington. 2) Continuance of the existing posts in the India supply ...... Mission till the en of 1950 3) Creation of the post of one Progs., Nos. 62(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 12 1948 receptionist and three guards in 1948(B) - (4) the Mission. Creation of aitional Gazetted an non- Gazetted posts in the India Progs., Nos. 50(60)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 13 1948 Supply Mission uring the year 1948 - (4) 1948-49. Grant of a separate entertainment Progs., Nos. 51(53)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 14 1948 allotment of 1500 to the High 1948 - (4)

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Commissioner for India in London, to meet entertainment or hospitality expenses of Senior Officers (Director General Inia store Deptt.) Grant of a separate entertainment allotment of 1500 to the High Commissioner for India in Progs., Nos. 51(53)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 15 London, to meet entertainment or 1948 1948 - (4) hospitality expenses of Senior Officers (Director General Inia store Deptt.) 1) Creation of 3 aditional posts one post of Finance Officer one post of Assistant Dirctor and Progs., Nos. 62(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 16 another of senior clerk in the Inia 1948 1948(A) - (4) supply Mission. Waghington. 2) Continuance of the existing posts in the India supply ...... Report of Shri C.C. Desai, I.C.S., Progs., Nos. 51(21)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 18 on the organisation of the India 1950 1950 - (4) Store Deptt. Lonon. Office Accomodation for the Inia Progs., Nos. 57(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 19 1950 Store Deptt. London. 1950 - (4) 1) Termination of the services of Messrs. Rendal Palmer & Tritton Consulting an Inspecting Progs., Nos. 51(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 20 Engineers of the India store 1950 1950 - (4) Deptt. 2) Creation of posts for the Railway Inspection Section of the India Store Deptt.Lonson. 1) Termination of the services of Messrs. Rendal Palmer & Tritton Consulting an Inspecting Progs., Nos. 51(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 21 Engineers of the India store 1950 1950 - (4) Deptt. 2) Creation of posts for the Railway Inspection Section of the India Store Deptt.Lonson. Office Accomodation for the Inia Progs., Nos. 57(2)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 22 1950 Store Deptt. London. 1950 - (4) Report of Shri C.C. Desai, I.C.S., Progs., Nos. 51(21)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 23 1950 on the organisation of the India 1950 - (4)

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Store Deptt. Lonon. Leave rules applicable to the locally recruited staff in the Progs., Nos. 65(3)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 17 Indian Mission in the U.S.A.- 1951 1951 - (4) India Supply Mission, Washington. Creation of one post of senior Clerk and two posts of Typist in the Junior Scale in the Inia Progs., Nos. 61(14)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 24 1951 Supply Mission for work in 1951 - (4) connection with the shipment of food grains. 1) Relationship between the Supply Mission Washington and the Embassy of India in the U.S. Progs., Nos. 61(16)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 25 A. Wadhington. 2) Purchase 1951 1951 - (4) powers of the various officers in the India Supply Mission Washington. Construction of an office building in Washington to accommodate Progs., Nos. 66(15)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 26 1951 the India supply Mission and 1951 - (4) Audit Office. Leave rules applicable to the locally recruited staff in the Progs., Nos. 65(3)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 27 Indian Mission in the U.S.A.- 1951 1951 - (4) India Supply Mission, Washington. Construction of an office building in Washington to accommodate Progs., Nos. 66(15)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 28 1951 the India supply Mission and 1951 - (4) Audit Office. Creation of one post of senior Clerk and two posts of Typist in the Junior Scale in the Inia Progs., Nos. 61(14)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 29 1951 Supply Mission for work in 1951 - (4) connection with the shipment of food grains. 1) Relationship between the Supply Mission Washington and Progs., Nos. 61(16)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 30 1951 the Embassy of India in the U.S. 1951 - (4) A. Wadhington. 2) Purchase

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powers of the various officers in the India Supply Mission Washington.

S.No. Subject File No Branch Year Decision that India-based staff should be deputed to the India Progs., Nos. 51(10)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 31 1952 Store eptt. Londomn to fill 1952 - (4) supervisory and ministerial posts. Regularisation of appointments mae in the India stores Deptt. London and India supply Mission Progs., Nos. 51(5)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 32 1952 Washington by a reference to the 1952 - (4) Union Public Services Commission. Regularisation of appointments mae in the India stores Deptt. London and India supply Mission Progs., Nos. 51(5)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 33 1952 Washington by a reference to the 1952 - (4) Union Public Services Commission. Setting up of an Inspection Branch in the India Supply Progs., Nos. 61(12)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 34 Mission Washington an creation of 1952 1952 - (4) gazetted posts for that Branch upto the 28th February 1953. Setting up of an Inspection Branch in the India Supply Progs., Nos. 61(12)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 35 Mission Washington an creation of 1952 1952 - (4) gazetted posts for that Branch upto the 28th February 1953. Decision that India-based staff should be deputed to the India Progs., Nos. 51(10)-E IV, ESTABLISHMENT 36 1952 Store eptt. Londomn to fill 1952 - (4) supervisory and ministerial posts.

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