'Man Philosophies of Judaism" Theme of Sunday Supper
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'MAN IN SEARCH OF GOD: THREE MODERN PHILOSOPHIES OF JUDAISM" THEME OF SUNDAY SUPPER LECTURE SERIES This year, Kehilath Jeshurun con¬ The topic selected RABBI AND this year is one PRESIDENT GO SOUTH tinues for its 9th consecutive season of primary concern to every thinking its program of Sunday Supper Lectures. Jew. Our a "re¬ Horace Greeley's advice to generation has seen young This series established under the turn to men was to "go west." However, spon¬ religion" and this has stimu¬ sorship of our Men's Club has become lated Rabbi Lookstein and our Theological thinking. The three president, one of our most Max J. Etra, will be important activities. major trends in modern Jewish think¬ going south for The lectures will the next few weeks. again be given by ing are Existentialism, Mysticism and Rabbi H. Lookstein and the Rabbi Joseph Halachaism. These three philosophies and Mrs. Lookstein are off general theme this year is Man In have made a for a short vacation in great impact on the Florida, and we Search of God: Three Modern Philoso¬ American Jewish extend our community, and we best wishes to them for a phies of Judaism." feel it is the pleasant and responsibility of every relaxing stay and a safe The the return. subjects and dates of indiv¬ positive Jew to find out more about idual lectures are: them. We can Our assure you that the way president is making his on 1. trip Sunday, March 4th — "The behalf of Yeshiva Leap they will be handled by Rabbi Look¬ University and his to Faith" — Jewish Existentialism of stein will provide a most enlightening itinerary calls for stops in Montreal, Franz Rosenzweig and Martin Buber. and rewarding evening. Augusta, Ga., and finally Florida. Mr. 2. March — "Man is The Etra will be Sunday, 18th subscription is $8.00 for the called upon to make num¬ Not Alone" — The entire series of erous Neo-Mysticism of three lectures and appearances for the cause of Abraham Heschel. $3.00 a Yeshiva for single lecture. The lecture University and the Albert Ein¬ 3. stein Sunday, April 8th — "The Re¬ programs will begin with supper College of Medicine. We wish be¬ turn to Halacha" — The "Halachic ing served at 6:30 P.M. him success in his important work. Personality" of Joseph B. Soloveichik. The Annual Lecture Series was in¬ stituted in 1947, and was incorporated into the larger body adult '56 YEAR BOOK DRIVE GAINING of studies MOMENTUM in the Kehilath Jeshurun Institute. In Buvitt, Coan, Goodman, Grossman and Weisman Join Ad-Getters past years, the lectures were on: the Zionist With the advent of 1956 our History of the Movement; Re¬ Year the committee members alone. The Book form, Conservative and Orthodox campaign has gained added mo¬ Jewish education of young children mentum from the Judaism; Hassidism, Rationalism and work of our es¬ is a mitzvah that concerns each and Rabbinism; teemed members: Jack Buvitt, Major Books of the Bible; Jerry every one of us, and is not to be Four Classics of Coan, Mrs. Frank Isidore Judaism; Prophets of Goodman, relegated to only a handful of inter¬ Jewish Grossman and Ira Survival; Four Cardinal Princi¬ F. Weissman, who ested workers. have ples of Judaism; and, last brought in substantial sums for year, In e Search of the Good our Year Book W cannot too Life. project. In addition we impress strongly The lecture are happy to report that Al Feiner upon our readers the urgency of the series reservation forms drive this year. More more we are brought in ads in excess of $900, and being mailed this week. In this are called while Samuel Frank, Samuel upon to provide Jewish connection, may we call two important Goldberg, matters Richard Kolb and Oscar training in our Ramaz school and our to your attention in advance: Perlberger are afternoon coming close to the $500 mark. Religious School for an ever- first, reservations, to be honored, must increasing number of boys and girls. be accompanied by check. Second, the Many other active supporters are Only through the medium of this Fund deadline for reservations is working hard for this Friday, worthy cause, will we be able to meet the in demands. February 24th. but spite of the efforts of our Year In our We urge the entire Book "team" we are still far from our previous Bulletin we included congregational an ad blank family to take lec¬ quota. We say "our" because the for each reader. If every advantage of these tures. We extend a cordial invitation beneficiary of the Year Book, the Ed¬ member got but one ad we would be to the members of the ucational well over our Men's Club, the Scholarship Fund, Is the re¬ goal. So don't delay — Sisterhood, the parents of Ramaz sponsibility of all of us, and not of get your ad in today. School, as well as the residents of the neighborhood at large to avail them¬ Rabbi Roth will preach this Sabbath at 11:00 a.m. selves of this unique opportunity to spend an evening of delightful social 'THE SOUND OF CLAMOR AND THE FURY OF DISCONTENT' and intellectual activity. KEHILATH JESHURUN 2 BULLETIN HAPPY DAY FUND IN CELEBRATION OF JEWISH MUSIC MONTH fitting life's experiences into rigid cat¬ We acknowledge with thanks con¬ Is there such a thing as "Jewish Music?" If so, does this mean music egories. What we do believe however, tributions to our Happy Day Fund from is that there is music of importance to written by Jews or for Jews? Is there Mrs. William Lebowitz and Mr. and the Jewish people. such a thing as "Jewish Art," and if Mrs. For this reason we as a congrega¬ Elgin Shulsky. so, would this include Rembrandt's Members are urged to share their portrait of a Dutch Rabbi and Chagall's tion, intend to take part in the National Jewish Music Month celebration for joyous occasions with others by mak¬ painting of a church exterior? 1956. This celebration begins Saturday, There are those who say that what ing a gift to the Happy Day Fund. Con¬ is called Jewish music in reality is no January 28, with the reading of the tributions may be sent to our Happy Bible more than Slavic or Balkan or German portion Beshalach, the Sedrah of Day Fund Chairman, Mrs. the Song of Moses. Samuel or French or Spanish music. While ad¬ Gross, 311 East 72nd Street. mitting that there may have been a From their very beginning, the Jews Hebrew music some two thousand have felt a need to translate their ex¬ periences into song. From AUDITORIUM REDECORATED years ago, these detractors assert that the time of the story of the Jewish people in the Moses until today music has been a We are very happy to report that two millenia of the common era has great means of expression for the been a music-less story. Jews. The survival of such music has the Auditorium of our Synagogue These are issues that have been helped the Jew of today to understand House has been redecorated under the bandied back and forth for quite a and participate in the experiences of direction of our hard working House his ancestors. long time. We feel that it is unimpor¬ Committee, consisting of Aaron J. Si¬ tant whether or not there is such a The character of Jewish music has varied with the character of the music mon, chairman, Hyman I. Cohen and category as "Jewish Music." The of the Alexander Gross. Rabbis relate that one of the sins of community in which the Jew the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah was has lived. Yet, whether Synagogue We would like here to express our that each stranger who came to the music, folk music or the art song it special thanks and appreciation to Mr. city was laid on a bed and either grew out of the experience of the Jew¬ ish Gross for making possible the paint¬ stretched or shortened in order to fit people. in it. We feel one cannot go around Music of importance to the Jewish ing of the auditorium. people is still very much alive today, and prospering. We, at Kehilath Jesh- urun, in sponsoring a Jewish Music Festival hope to encourage this music by providing first rate talent in per¬ formance and by giving our commun¬ ity an opportunity to listen to outstand¬ ing selections. Cheapness, falsity, ban¬ ality — all these have been driven off. By so doing we believe that the high¬ est traditions of Jewish learning and art will be furthered. WITHIN OJ2 FAMILY Birthdays — Many happy returns of the day to Joseph N. Friedman, Morton Kamer- man, Mrs. Emory Klein, Mrs. David W. Petego' sky, Isidor Reinhard and Isidore Silver. Anniversaries — Warmest greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon E. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schoenfeid. Speedy Recovery — Sisterhood leaders and guests at successful Donor Luncheon. Seated (I. to r.); Rabbi Joseph We extend best wishes for a speedy H. Lookstein, Mrs. Hyman Abrams, Mrs. Alexander Gross, Mrs. Lookstein and Max J. Etra. recovery to our esteemed member, Standing (I. to r.); Mrs. Edgar Trautman, Mrs. Hyman I. Cohen, Dr. Robert Wallach, Mrs. Mrs. Samson Eichler. Oscar Perlberger and Mrs. Richard Kolb. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN 3 MEN'S CLUB 17th ANNIVERSARY DINNER OUTSTANDING SUCCESS SCOUTS OFFER ACTIVE PROGRAM Inside Story on Life Article Presented Troop 640, the Scout Troop spon¬ sored by the Men's Club of our Syna¬ A of large representation Men's gogue, offers a Scouting program of Club members turned out last fun and Tuesday the learning of new skills.