School Officials Review Options No Lazy Summer Days for These Volunteers
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School officials No lazy summer days An update from review options for these volunteers our Monteria team Page 7 Page 19 Page 11 21 PAGES VOL LXI NO. 29 JULY 17, 1115 Colorado's Largest Weekly Circulation I0,803 25 CENTS Page 2 - The Denver Catholic Register. Wed .. July 17, 1985 Bishop Evans' treatments Bishop George R Evans. who reentered St .Jospeh Hospital July 9 after undergoing cane-er surgery early in .June. was listed m good cond1t1on as the Register went to press this week Anne-mane Zuc-c-arelh hospital spokesperson. said Bishop Evans was ··st1ll in some pain" and was sc-heduled to rec-e1ve the last in a series of c-hemotherapy treat ments July 15 Bishop Evans was operated on for ('anc-Pr of the colon June 5 Father Nitkowski dies Was liturgy office intern After servmg in the priesthood a little over one year. Father Frank Nitkowski died m Colorado Springs July 6 while returning to his parish in Walsenburg from a v1s11 with the Liturgy Office m the Denver Catholic Pastoral Jesuit Father John Burton, pastor of Christ on the Mountain Church in Green Mountain. Center. He died from a cerebral aneurysm. 'Liv Father Nitkowski was ordained to the priesthood for Fe the Diocese of Pueblo May 10. 1984 after completmg his J1mm) theological studies at St Thomas Seminary He was born Christ on the Mountain Paris starv1r in Buffalo, N V and did his college work at St Mary·s telev1s Seminary in Baltimore. Md. cause In addition to receiving the master of divinity degree Saturc upon graduation m 1984. Father :"i1tkowsk1 f'arnecl master or celebrates 10th anniversary had tc a rts degree m liturgy He also complPtf'd the intensive music Christ on the Mountam parishioners celebrated their On May 7D, 1979, Father Joseph Raffa joined the parish Spanish language program m Cuf'rnavara Mex1ro before in Afri c- hurch·s 10th anniversary at s pecial Masses as an assistant pastor. He was transferred in 1982 and at of us ordination. the same time Father Ung also left the parish. That sum In 1982 and 1983 then a sf'mmanan Frank Nitkowski July 13 and 14. calls c became a familiar figure tu many Oenver people while The Green Mountain area parish was canonically estab mer Jesuit Father John F. X. Burton assumed pastoral or pee completing a field education mternsh1p m the Oenver lished July 1, 1975. The first Mass was celebrated by the leadership of the parish, and Maree Laumann became the It ma~ Father Richard 8. Ling, Green archdiocese Liturgy Office. first pastor, in Mountain new youth director In December Kate Hmde Drier replaced Hour, High School July 19, 1975. Betsy Baumgarner as liturgist director of music- and the unl1m1 Mass of Christian Burial was held July 10. at St In September 1979, the parish purchased a house at director of the Rite of fnit1a t1on of Adults Mary's Church in Walsendurg. with Bishop Arthur F 12451 W Dakota Dr to serve as a combination rector) Mary Harvey became the parish secretary in 1982. gratul; Tafoya of Pueblo as principal celebrant the 1d1 and office unW September 1981. The house is now used as John Morgan replaced Maree as youth director in 1983. the staff office. A planning committee was formed to write their ti A memorial scholarship fund in Father N1Utowski's Paul Davidson replaced Diana Gonring as a constitution and by-laws by which the parish would be business ad- And c name has been established at St Thomas· Seminary Any ministrator. one wishing to make a contribution to the fund, which will governed. namel Father Burton, the pastor, said It is difficult to descan be used to assist needy students. may do so by sending gifL'I The decision to buy the property at 13922 W. Utah Ave. m ma, was made Sept. 14, 1979. tify "what Christ on the Mountain Parish is in terms of to· The Frank Paul Nitkowski Memorial Scholarship Fund. community. We pray together, we wort together, we have conce1 c o St Thomas Theological Seminary. 1300 S Steele St . Diana Gonring was hired in February 1979 and served fun together, and we dream together of a future in which Denver. CO 80210 the needs of the parish in counUess ways until December 1984, when she resigned from her position as parish admin we will all be part of the kingdom of God as His/ Her Soo so istrator. Loretto Sister Sheila McCormick bas been on the desires." Seminary offers parish staff as director of religious education since June 1976. Sister Camilla was hired in August of 1978 as a B pastoral associate. laity scholarship Formal religious education classes began Oct. 3, 1976 The Denver Catholic Register The Vincentian Scholarship Fund bas been established for a multi-use building for parishioners and members of to offer the St. Thomas' Seminary's service to commuter the community of Green Mountain. (USPS 557-030) tc The llloet lllew..-9'1d .,_ V. C-,, D.D., pubhaher students preparing for ministry within the Church. In March 1977, the idea of small communities was ,..,_ c.a. Woodricf\, executive edllor The Vincentian community, which operates the sem presented to parishioners. The plan was for the former .,_ IL l'tedl..-, editor inary, has established a scholarship program for students seven districts to be divided into four neighborhoods each, .Jlille L ...._, ueociete editor Unue Nonlaft, contrit>u1,og edI10r o1 meeting the eligibility requirements for the seminary's lay and each neighborhood into six communities of approx .Jit1'1 ....,_, t>u,I.,_ ma~ge, programs. imately six families. franll VecdlleNlll, advertlllng dtrectOf The program is open to all students regardless of race, ..ffltda HIilyer, reporter In the early years an outreach committee was formed 1111.,.._ Comtwt, ret)Orter color, national or ethnic origin, or religious affiliation to support those in need within the parish and also be a .,_ a-, staN pholographer However, the seminary will give priority to persons who means of sharing with the needy in the metropolitan area lorN K,......, cIrcui.11on Patr manifest the greatest need. The committee initially began by distributing five percent are tw Each year $9,000 will be available for the program, of the parish income, and each year that amount would be tennin which is applicable to tuition only Scholarships will be increased by one percent until a 10 percent total would be States awarded to first-time students in the amount of $150 per reached. termin quarter if the student 18 taking less than six hours, and $300 On June 19, 1977, the name of the parish was formally le.ave if the student is talting six or more bours. chosen to be Christ on the Mountain. Alzheil The To apply for the scholarship, the student must present Ground break.lng for the present parish center took a written request to the director of financial aid stating on the1 place Nov 13, 1977, and the first Mass was said in the new tie, W reasons for pursuing a program in the seminary and Facility Oct. 7, 1978. Edtl9clln OW-, Cclor- p,i,,-, - lye,toepl lMI_. c,10.C-,,bett>; tween reasons for applying for the scbolanhip The tithing and "sacrificial offering" program was in Sen-PublleNnoCo 8-ld-llC)elaOepelClatO-W-.ColOt.clo ~ by 1M Archdlooeee ol o.n- May ~ AppllcaUons must be made at least three weeks before itiated Nov 11, 1979. At that time the parish made a com Mass. the beginning of the fall quarter, which is Sept. 3. For more mitment to support itself through annual pledges from par infonnation call Lucille Ash McClure at 722-4687, Ext. 284. ishioners The F ''I h 1 thou1 people " TH£ CATHOLIC HOUR" victim THIS WEEK, recent JULY 21 a 25 membl • Fil MICHAU MANNING Mass. -GOOS FAITHFULNESS TO US Alzh • MOTHIII ANGILICA -THE FAITH OF ABkAHAM revers • ,11 KIN IIOHIITI more -CATHOLIC BELIEFS Sympt, ANO PRACTICES memo, tasks, orients The Denver Catholic Register Wed July 17 1985 Page 3 Consider older men for vocations, priest says Priesthood can be second career NC News Service "From 1967 to 1985 the number of priests has dropped Church emphasis on recruiting only young men for the to 50 percent of what it was," be said. And in an affluent priesthood is partly to blame for the rapid drop in the society where it is difficult to recruit young men for the number of priest, according to Father Francis J . Fajella, a priesthood, older men provide an alternate source of voca member of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles and direc tions, he added. tor of bis order's Second Career Vocation Project. But, be said, seminaries are not pursuing such voca " It's a mind-set that they (Church officials) can't tions energetically. break out of. They came into the Church at an early age, so " By the year 2000 there will be only 23,000 priests to it's difficult for them to perceive being anything but young accommodate some 61 million Catholics," he said. " Why to become a priest," said Father Fajella. are we excluding a whole sector of the population when we The Second Career Vocation Project is a campaign could draw on them?" aimed at recruiting men in their 40s, 50s and 60s for the " Back then the youth were considered an appendage of priesthood and is headquartered at Holy Apostles Seminary the Church, and they did pretty much what they were told in Cromsell, Conn.