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144 Year, CXUV 2 ? o « cents Friday, February 10,1989 ” a _ i a .

D iocese prepares for Feb. 13 ordination Bishop Bishop Donald W. Ceremonies scheduled Feb. 13, Priest ready W uerl discusses the ap­ pointment of Bishop- cable stations to televise event for new role elect W inter and states that his help will come By PATRICIA BARTOS as aux. bishop quickly and will be seen Bishop-elect W illiam J. W inter will be ordained as the fifth auxiliary throughout the diocese. bishop in the history of the diocese In ceremonies Monday, Feb. 13, at B y PATRICIA BARTOS 3 p.m . in St. Paul Cathedral. Oakland. PITTSBURGH — As he ...... P a g e 4 for the ordination will be Bishop Donald W . W uerl. with prepares for ordination as the Aux. Bishop John B. McDowell and Greensburg Bishop Anthony diocese's next on Bosco (a former auxiliary bishop in Pittsburgh) as co-conaecrators. Feb. 13. Father W illiam W inter is Bishop McDowell Is general chairm an for the ordination. gradually becoming comfortable Philadelphia Archbishop (and former Pittsburgh bishop) Anthony with the reality of his new role. Bevilacqua will preside. In the presence of Archbishop Pio Laghl, "I've sort of come from a feeling apostolic pro-nuncio to the U.S. of just being stunned to a state Am ong the church leaders In attendance for the Mass will be New where I can feel comfortable with York Cardinal John O ’Connor and at least 25 bishops, plus hundreds the new position. And that's of priests, seminarians and deacons, who will form the entrance largely due to the reception I've procession. received from the priests." Fr. Among the bishops will be retired Pittsburgh Bishop Vincent W inter said. Leonard, retired Greensburg Bishop William G. Connare. Byzantine Area priests have been Archbishop Stephen Kocisko and his auxiliary. Bishop John Bilock. generous with their good wishes Bishop Adam Maida of Green Bay. Wise., (a former classmate of since they learned the former Bishop Winter), many of the Pennsylvania bishops and Gary. Ind. assistant chancellor of the diocese Bishop Norbert Gaughan, former auxiliary in Greensburg. St. Vincent m had been named by Pope John Archabbot Paul Maher also will attend. Paul II as Pittsburgh's new aux­ In addition, clergy representatives of Protestant. Orthodox and iliary, Fr. W inter said. Jewish faiths will attend, as will leaders of Catholic colleges and "Through letters, phone calls hospitals, civic and government leaders. Including Pittsburgh Mayor and personal contacts at meetings Sophie MaslofT and U.S. Rep. W illiam Coyne, among others. and other gatherings, they’ve Am ong the 1.800 Invitations sent out were those to every been extremely supportive and council president In the diocese, every major superior of a religious helpful," he explained. order here, and classmates of Bishop W inter and friends. Fr. W inter. 58. will continue as The Mass will be televised live on Pittsburgh Cable system ’s channel pastor of St. Philip in Crafton Lent 9. This channel Is available only to residents in the city of Pittsburgh. following his ordination on Mon­ Commentator for the production will be Father Ronald Lengwin, Father Roger Karban day. Feb. 13. director of the diocese's office of communications. (above) states in this He also w ill assume new duties. The program will be repeated at 9 p.m . that same evening. week’s scripture col­ The bishop-elect has already been Viewers In the suburbs and outlying areas who are served by TC I of um n for the first Sunday assigned to officiate at 24 parish Pennsylvania are urged to watch the company's Metrodata Channel in Lent that we could Confirmation ceremonies this spr­ for Information on the ordination. more easily see our ing and Bishop Wuerl will name Music for the ordination Mass will be provided by the Diocesan whole life being joined him Jtoihe College of Deans. In ad­ Choir, the Assumption Bell Choir, the Carnegie Brass Quintet, with to the Lord if we could dition. he will continue with the Kenneth Danchlk at the organ and John Romerl directing. come to some many diocesan committee posts The ordination ritual begins following the Liturgy of the W ord, as understanding about he already fills. Bishop-elect W inter Is presented to the ordaining prelate. Bishop temptation. His ordination Mass comes Just W uerl. Archbishop Plo Laghl will then read the letter of appointment ...... P a g e 4 (Continued on page 2) Bishop-elect W illiam J. W inter (Continued on page 2) Friends, relatives give description* CCD McKeesport resident B ishop-elect called ‘pastoral, talented, h u m b le’ Anne McCann (bottom), former diocesan CCD Bishop-elect W inter served director who retired in By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK don't If he'll have the time for unassuming. He didn't thrust "He's the last person who non-consecutive assignments 1988. gives her "Multi-talented," "hum ble" I t . " himself Into leadership on stu­ would have assumed that he as parochial vicar and as thoughts and views on and "pastoral" are some the "Let me tell you something dent council or in school would become a bishop." Fr. pastor, said the bishop-elect religious education on adjectives that the friends and else about m y brother: He loves p la y s ." Feeney said. "He's humble, never forgot the people of this week’s Catholic Life family members of Bishop- amusement parks...He loves to The Millvale Franciscan said never putting on airs. S h e ra d e n . p a g e . elect W illiam J. W inter used to ride the roller coasters. I'll ride she remembers that the future "He's a self-starter, not describe the diocese's newest the regular ones, but he likes bishop attended 6:30 a.m. manipulative. He's the last per­ "W e knew he'd make a good pastor." he said. "We know . P a g e 7 auxiliary bishop. the ones you stand up on and Mass at the Passionlst son to strive to get ahead for Fam ily members and friends the ones with the loops. Monastery every morning h im s e lf. that he’ll make a good bishop." further relate that the new James Winter said that his before going to class. Another sem inary Valicenti told the Pittsburgh Catholic that Bishop-elect bishop Is handy with a toolbox. oldest brother was influenced “He's a person of character." classmate. Father Hugh Glon- Is a pretty good golfer and en­ by a number of persons. In­ she said, "he's not the type you inger. pastor of St. Sylvester W inter is a hard worker and Is joys riding roller coasters. cluding their parents; the spin tales about." Parish In Brentwood, called the good with his hands. Bishop-elect W inter's Sisters of St. Joseph who "He was the best third new bishop "pastoral." "One of the things that stick brothers said that they were taught at St. Catherine School baseman on our baseball "He’s multi-talented," Fr. In m y mind is his willingness surprised at first when they In Beechvlew, where the team," recalls Msgr. Joseph Glontnger said. "He was to work with everyone. were told of their brother's new bishop-elect received his Knorr. pastor of Nativity Parish recognized as the bright light Valicenti said. "H e started our p o s itio n . elementary education; and on the North Side, who has of the class. Monday Night Work Group. "It was a surprise the night Father Ralph Haber, pastor at known the bishop-elect since "He loves parish work." the These are men who do small he called and told m e," said St. Catherine Parish when the 1948. "In addition, he was priest said. "H e has served In a Jobs around the parish com­ James W inter of Baldwin, the W inter fam ily were great In volleyball and touch variety of adm inistrative posts, plex so the parish can save middle son of the late W illiam parishioners in the 1930s and fo o tb a ll. but he Is a pastor at heart. He's m o n e y . "He used to help us. I still and Margaret Winter. 1 9 4 0 s . “He did everything at Its pro­ also a spiritual m an and that Is "I was surprised at first, but I "W hen he was a student at per time," the monslgnor important for a bishop." can see him painting the trim always thought that he'd go St. Catherine's, he said he s ta te d . The Brentwood pastor noted on the convent building and further than a parish priest." wanted to be a priest like Fr. Msgr. Knorr said that while that Bishop-elect W inter enjoys shoveling snow around the said Bishop-elect W inter's H a b e r ." the future bishop was in­ music and theatre, attending complex. W e used to tease him youngest brother, Laurence. Even after more than 40 telligent and capable, he didn't performances of St. Vincent about shoveling snow, but he Inside "You felt that he would go years. Sister Judith Abels. flaunt his abilities. Continuing. Sum m er Theatre and the Pitt­ said ‘It Improves my golf someplace." OSF. still remembers Bishop- Msgr. Knorr said. "Rudyard sburgh Symphony's "Pop" g a m e .' E d i t o r i a l s ...... P a g e 4 Laurence said that the elect W inter as a sophomore at Kipling wrote ‘if you can walk s e rie s. "W hen he was transferred to Letters Page 5 bishop-elect always visited St. Michael High School on the with kings without losing the As for the blshop-elect's golf St. Philip (Parish. Crafton). the Entertainment.. Page 6 their late father, w ho died three South Side. common touch...' That's how game. Fr. Glontnger said "H e is Monday night men gave him a Catholic Life Page 7 years ago. at least once a week. “They don't come any bet­ I'd describe Bishop W inter." a good golfer. He likes being toolbox filled with basic tools C l a s s if i e d ...... P a g e 8 In addition, the Pleasant ter," Sister said of the student Echoing similar comments out in the fresh air. He's not a — hammers, saws, pliers, etc. Around Diocese ...... Hills resident said that his to whom she taught German, was Father Robert Feeney, fanatic, but he enjoys playing We told him that we didn't ...... P a g e s 9 - 1 0 brother Is a big sports fan who Latin and world history. pastor of St. Florlan Parish In th e g a m e ." want him to get rusty and that S c h o o ls ...... P a g e 1 2 enjoys baseball, football and "There's not another student United. Westmoreland County, Sam Valicenti. a 30-year he could use them if he wanted g o lf. who was as good... who Is also a classmate of member of Holy Innocents to start a work group at St. “He's a fair golfer, but now I "He was quiet, shy and Bishop-elect W inter. Parish in Sheraden where P h ilip ’s ."

Part 4 in 6-part series Diocese spends $4.9 million to operate schools

EDITORS NOTE - Part four of secretariat, the $4.9 million million for 1988-89 out of total lng/development. For district th e s i x -p a r t series on diocesan breaks down to encompass: $2.6 diocesan expenditures of $14.8 high schools In the Pittsburgh schools takes a look at finances million given as grants to district million. The projected gross Diocese, he said 65 percent of and expenses. high schools: $711,000 given as school total represents 32.4 per­ their income comes from tuition grants to schools in Inner city cent of the diocesan expenditures. payments; 25 percent comes from Whether one is talking about neighborhoods: $529,000 for the Also during the 1988-89 fiscal diocesan subsidy; and 10 percent the cost of a Catholic education on diocesan Schools Office and its year, $4.8 million In projected comes from fundraising/ the diocesan level or In the parish programs; $371.000 to ad­ gross school related costs repre­ development. Former classmates school, it takes a lot of money to minister St. Anthony School for sent 53 percent of the total Parish On the elementary level, operate the 152 schools In the Pit­ Exceptional Children In Oak- Share Parish Share revenues of schools received 57 percent of the Bishop-elect William Winter (left) (s pictured with two of his tsburgh Diocese. mont; $327.000 given as grants almost $9.1 million. Income from parish subsidy; 29 classmates, the late Msgr. James Shanahan (center) and Father On the diocesan level, the for elementary schools; and According to Father Douglas percent from tuition; 11 percent Robert Feeney (right), now a priest of the Greensburg Diocese, at a Diocese of Pittsburgh spent $310.000 given as grants to Nowlcki, OSB. diocesan secretary from fundraising and other party In his honor at St. Vincent College, Latrobe. The photograph almost $4.9 million during the parish and academy high schools. for education, funding for In­ sources; and three percent from was taken In August 1952 by Father Hugh Olonlnger. also a 1987-88 fiscal year for Its schools In the fiscal year that ends on dividual schools comes from three diocesan subsidy. classmate, at a farew ell party fo r the future bishop before he left to program. According to figures June 30. projected gross school sources: parish and diocesan sub­ It was noted that parishes with study In Rome the next month. supplied by the education related costs will total $4.8 sidies. tuition and fundrals- (Continued on page 2) — P h o to c o u r t e s y of Fr. Hugh Glontnger p m * 2 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, February 10, 1989 Diocesan/world news

Priest ready Ceremonies scheduled Feb. 13, for new role cable stations to televise event as aux. bishop (Continued from page o n e ) from Pope John Paul II and Bishop Wuerl will speak. (Continued from page one) According to Father M . Eric Diskin. director of the diocesan office for one year after Bishop Wuerl was evangelization and RCIA. he will then conduct the ancient custom of installed as head of the diocese. "Exam ination of the Candidate." questioning Bishop-elect W inter on Bishop-elect Winter reports that his resolve to discharge his new duties and to uphold and teach the Bishop Wuerl has been helpful fa ith . during this period of preparation The litany of saints then is said, followed by the laying on of hands for his ordination. Fr. W inter ex­ by Bishops W uerl. Bosco. McDowell and the other bishops present. plained he has received "very The prayer of consecration is then said, completing the ordination general projections" in the rite. During this prayer, two deacons w ill hold the Gospels open above several advisory talks he has had Bishop-elect W inter’s head, signifying submission to the power of the with the bishop since his Gospel. Chrism is used to anoint the head of the new bishop, the appointment. Gospels are presented to him and he is then invested w ith the ring, the Bishop Wuerl presented his m itre and staff, symbols of the office of bishop. new auxiliary bishop with a pec­ Monroeville deanery ‘games’ Bishop W inter will then be led to a seat among the other bishops, toral cross, symbolic of Fr. who will greet him with the kiss of peace. Catechtsts participating In th e d a y o f reflection are: Tom Rtddlebaugh. Josie Mooney. George Winter's new role. And his The Offertory procession will be made up of Bishop Winter's sponsored last Sunday b y the North Central McHale. Dee Argali. Elaine Underwood. Bobbie crazier, or pastoral staff, was a gift brothers and their wives. Jam es and Marie ne of Baldwin and Laurence Deanery Join in a Mardi Gras mystery play game Bossert. Mercedes Haubach and Joe Markowskl. from classmates. and Patricia of Pleasant Hills: the president of the parish council at St. as part of the day's activities. The program te a s The new bishop recalls always Philip in Crafton (where Bishop W inter is pastor). Joseph Meehan and held at S t Bernadette in Monroeville. From left — Photo by John C. Keenan wanting to be a priest — a parish his wife Gloria.- and representatives of the Jam es P. W all Hom e for the priest. The key influences on his Aged, operated on the North Side by the Little Sisters of the Poor. concept of the priesthood. Fr. Bishop W inter's father lived at the home for nine years before his W inter said, were the late Father Pope says abortion threatens nations d e a th . Ralph Haber, his boyhood pastor Following Com munion, as the ancient "Te Deum " hym n, blended at St. Catherine of Siena in By JOHN T HA VIS of abortion in Italy, where life th a t is i l l o r w e a k o r in d e c lin e , with "Holy God We Praise Th y Nam e" is played. Bishop W inter will be Beechview. and the late Father VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope Catholic leaders are pushing for a is an absolute and inviolable led through the aisles of St. Paul Cathedral to bless the congregation. Edwrin Heyl. a former assistant John Paul n said abortion was more strict application of the ex­ good." he said. Bishop Winter will then offer remarks from the altar. Archbishop th e re . "one of the most dramatic pro­ isting law in order to limit the About 4.000 people led by Car­ Bevllacqua will speak and Bishop W uerl will give the blessing. Both. Fr. Winter explained, blems of our age" which, combin­ n u m b e r o f a b o rtio n s . dinal Ugo Poletti. vicar of Rome, A reception will follow in Cathedral High School. were "very priestly men. They ed with declining births and an The pope said the future of marched through downtown were real examples of what a kid aging of the population, threatens hum anity "is threatened In some Rome to the Vatican, where they Collection schedule changed would think a priest should be." the very future of some nations. nations by the drop in births, by were joined by about 10.000 When his father suggested to The pope spoke in St. Peter’s demographic aging, by the others, pilgrims and tourists. The P ITTSBUR G H — The schedule of second collections in the Diocese the young boy that joining a Square Feb. 5 to several thousand widespread recourse to abortion pope said the march was an ex­ of Pittsburgh has been changed to allow for the Collection for Retired religious order m ight be a better banner-waving Italians, who had and by the thousand forms of ample of what he had in m ind in Religious being taken in the fall of the year. idea, w ith possibilities for mission marched through Rome to e g o is m ." his recent document on the laity. The annual collection for the Campaign for Hum an Development work or teaching, the youngster celebrate the Italian Right to Life "A new culture of solidarity is In w hich he asked lay Catholics to and the Home Missions will be taken this year on Sunday. Feb. 12. was firm. "Not me. I want parish Day. His remarks came during needed. Th e life of everyone, even make the Church's position on This appeal will not be scheduled again until February 1990. w ork." he recalled telling his dad. renewed debate over the practice the life asking to be born, even the abortion "concrete" and effective. Father Nicholas Dattilo. general secretary and vicar general, said With a smile, he refers to his the collection for the Campaign for Human Development and the years as assistant chancellor as Hom e Missions is most important and effective. “Through this nation­ Catechism expected the time he got "sidetracked into Lenten regulations abstinence begins at the age of wide effort, countless individuals find the support and encouragement they need to improve the quality of their lives and thus share in the the chancery" and administrative The following Lenten regula­ 14. The law of fasting obliges VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope duties. He said Mass regularly blessings of Alm ighty God." tions have been released for the all between the ages of 18-59. John Paul II reaffirmed his during those years at the former Because of the change of scheduling, not all parishioners in the faithful in the Pittsburgh • Pastors and parents are deadline of 1990 for completing a St. Wenceslaus. North Side, and Diocese have received envelopes for this appeal. D io ce s e : to see to it that m inors though universal catechism now being at Holy Angels in Hays. • Ash Wednesday and not bound by the law of fast drafted, and said its preparation Vatican prepares docum ent on racism He is pleased that he will be I Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence are educated in will include consultation with the world's bishops. able to continue as pastor of St. I and abstinence. The law of the authentic sense of penance VATICAN CITY (NC) — The Vatican has prepared a document on Philip following the ordination. 1 fasting allows one full meal and and encouraged to do acts of racism that reviews Catholic teaching on the issue and encourages He told the commission prepar­ The new bishop has one associate two smaller ones. The law of penance suitable to their age. local churches to take steps to address the problem , a Vatican official pastor. Father Francis Murham- I abstinence forbids the eating of • All members of the Chris­ ing the catechism that "the s a id . mer. and one priest in residence. J m e a t. tian faithful are encouraged to Church feels the necessity and, Father Thomas Tobin. • The Fridays of Lent are do acts of penance and charity the urgency of a concise and clear j The parish will host a reception j days of abstinence in the during the Lenten season exposition of the essential and for the new bishop on Sunday. United States. beyond what is prescribed by fundamental contents of the faith CALL AN EXPERT Feb. 19. following his ordination, j • The obligation of th e la w . and of Catholic m orality." A t gm tr Menifee Diocese spends $4.9 million to operate schools

SEWING ACCOUNTING (Continued from page one) charge tuition, most do. Only one clusion." he said. "We didn't that amount is cash, he said, but the schools used 49 percent of will have free tuition next year. want to turn people off or start a includes equipment, etc. That j their income to cover the costs to Even parishes that have tradi­ grand exodus out of the amount, he said, was raised SEWING INCOME TAX SERVICE Prompt Service and operate their schools. In parishes tionally never charged tuition for school...It's a guessing game, but through the alumni and by DOSI— , ERBEL ft ASSOCIATES without schools, the average con­ the parish schools have begun to we re not expecting a great loss. " special fundraising events. MACHINE 200 DINSMORE AVENUE. PfTTSBURGH, PA 15206 tribution to subsidize Catholic do so in the recent past or are Sensible Prices Completa Automated Accounting A T u While the amount of tuition to Asked about grants from cor-1 a j elementary education is three planning to do so in the near porations and foundations, the I Sarvica. Catering to both * be charged has yet to be announc­ REPAIR Individual and business««, a s l ' i v l d percent of parish income. f u tu re . Serra development director said ed. Father said that parents were Since 1920 Concerning tuition in the Pitt­ In Upper St. Clair Township. St. Catholic schools haven't seriously informed more than a year ago sburgh Diocese. Fr. Nowicki said Louise de Mariliac began charg­ scratched the surface of that A.L.M0RR0NE about the likelihood of the in­ that the average secondary school ing tuition in the 1987-88 aspect of fundraising. SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS troduction of tuition. 5 6 3 - 2 5 1 5 tuition is $ 1.660 and the average academic year. Father Robert "Development In Catholic elementary school tuition is 8450. Reardon, pastor of St. Louise de "W e couldn't continue as we schools is in its infancy." Tokar­ Nationally, he said those figures Mariliac parish, said of the deci­ were without going into debt.” he ski said. "Like an Infant, school I N C O M E T A X MISCELLANEOUS are $ 1.875 for Catholic secondary sion to institute tuition charges: said. "U p until the last few years, development needs to be nur­ schools and 8700 for Catholic "It has worked out surprisingly we were able to do so. However, tured and to have its immediate elementary schools. well. It has stabilized the financial increasing costs for teachers' needs m et." INCOME TAXES INCOME TAX L S I j . m u i In terms of per pupil costs, the situation, rather than continue to salaries, educational materials Ted White, development direc­ Patricia E Wilburn S E R V I C E diocesan elem entary school figure depend on the subsidy from the ELECTRIC and supplies, school tor at Seton-La Salle High School Certified SOUTH HILLS is 81123 compared to 81154 na­ p a r is h ." maintenance, would have even­ in Mount Lebanon, said that Public Accountant Years of experience. tionally. whUe the secondary The parish subsidy for the tually placed us in a deficit grantsmanship is a difficult task. Smell businesses a For an Estimate specialty. For Appt. figures are 82393 locally and school in the last tuition-free year situation." "It’s extremely difficult to do." he Cell 242-2423 call 8442921 766-1433 81690 nationally. was 8400.000. Under the present Discussing the role of fundrais­ said about approaching "Resources used for Catholic program, tuition is 8500 for the ing/development in individual foundations. education are resources well us­ first child in a family attending schools. John Tokarski. Jr.. TREE SERVICES ed." Fr. Nowicki said. "Catholic the school: and 8825 for two or development director at Serra "You need to read up on foun­ schools prove a great benefit for more children enrolled. High School in McKeesport said dations." he explained. "Not all foundations will give to private or ALLEGHENY TREE REMOVAL l i a w a k l the and the local In the North Hills. St. Sebastian "it’s immeasurable." community... parochial education. Others w on't TREE SERVICE AND TRIMMING Tree Service School in Ross Township will in­ "Like business, creative financ­ Removal, Tranming. Removal, trimming "The success of Catholic ing is important for Catholic give for scholarships but will give EMEMSICY!ST0Mt stitute tuition in the 1989-90 DAMAGE W0AK hedges, landscaping, schools is unequalled. The for equipment. You have to put Free Estimâtes, academic year. schools." Tokarski said. “In Insured! spraying, stump grin­ out a lot of effort. The m ore grants FREE ESTIMATES achievement of Catholic school operating Catholic schools, tui­ Sr Citizen Discount ding. Chipper service. "From the time I came here 27 FULLY INSURED students at both the elementary tion and the diocesan subsidy no you write, the more you become 781-6367 years ago. I told m y parishioners 3684774 34344» and secondary levels far exceeds longer meet the bottom line. That known. Persistence can pay off.” 'Someone provided a Catholic the level of achievements of bottom line must be supplied by Since becoming development education for you and now it's PLUMBING students in other schools. At the fundraising, known as director at Seton-La Salle High your turn to provide." said elementary school level, students development." S c h o o l i n White said that Father Roy Getty, pastor of St. 1986. in Catholic schools achieve at a Development. Tokarski said, his program started from zero and M . M c V a y t h e omgm*L 6 » S e b a s tia n . ft * * - -tf-- rate of one to one-and-one-half isn't solely limited to raising is now up to 835.000. In addition Plumbing, Meeting B U E R K L E riH nBg a narang years ahead of their counterparts Fr. Getty said that it has been a money. It can include, he said, to foundations, he said that General Construction Plumbing Co. Inc. New & Repair Worte Gas, Water, Sewer Lines Reason ebie Rates in other schools. At the secondary long process to institute tuition at strengthening the school's total money was raised from soliciting Water Beaters 24 Hour Service level. Catholic school graduates the school. He said that financial image with the community and the school’s alumni, especially Installation-Services 561-5339 continue their education at a rate experts examined the school with alumni. those whose employers have mat­ BATHROOMS G AS UNES nearly double the national 274-7752 626-7212 * W O SAMS OtAAED 343-2032 budget and the tuition policies of Tokarski said that in four years, ching grant programs; and from ANMCB-SOOM a v e ra g e . ' other schools. development efforts at Serra have special event fundraisers, such as flwotiry B. Coot TOM KICINSKI W hile two parish schools didn't “ It is difficult to come to a con­ gone from zero to 830.000: not all the semi-annual golf outing. tag. tostar number PLASTERING 66347140 865-5464 Complete Plumbing ONE GAUL CAN 00 ALL' ¡♦pain m o B.M. BAILEY V I S I T Plastering Co. 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0 Friday, February 10, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 3 Diocesan/W orld News News In Brief Confirmations scheduled in diocese PITTSBURGH — Bishop An­ F e b . 2 5 A p r i l 4 F e b . 2 4 AIDS policy in Tenn. diocese drew J. McDonald of the Diocese 1 0 :3 0 a .m — Holy Trinity. 4 p.m . — St. Alexis, McCandless 4 p.m. — Holy Family. of Little Rock. Ark., and retired M o o n R u n T o w n s h ip C r e ig h t o n NASHVILLE, Tenn. (NC) — A new AIDS policy Issued by the Bishop William G. Connare of 1 p . m — St. Malachy, 7:30 p.m. — St. John 7:30 p.m. — St. Edward. Diocese of Nashville gives church employees with AIDS Job Greensburg will assist the K e n m a w r Neumann. Franklin Park B la w n o x security and allows children with the diseasr to attend bishops from the Pittsburgh M a r c h 4 A p r i l 1 2 F e b 2 5 Catholic schools. Diocese during spring confirma­ 10:30 a.m — St. PhUomena. 4 p.m . — S t Margaret. Green Tree 10:30 p.m. — St. Mary. The policy. Issued by Bishop James D. Niedergeses of tions. The schedule will be as Beaver Falls 7:30 p.m. — Holy Innocents. G le n s h a w Nashville In m id-January, also calls for extensive pastoral fo llo w s : 1 p.m. — SS. Peter and Paul. Sheridan St. Martin. West End 2 p.m. — Transfiguration. m inistry to be directed at adults with AIDS, their friends and B e a v e r A p r i l 1 9 Russeilton families, and a comprehensive AIDS education program to be Bishop Donald W . Wuerl M a r c h 1 1 4 p.m. — St. Catherine. F e b . 2 6 conducted w ithin all church institutions. M a r c h 3 0 10:30 a.m. — St. Bartholomew. B e e c h v le w (In clu d e s S t P lu s X . 4 p.m. — S t Athanasius. West 7 p.m. — St. Anthony. Bessemer Penn Hills B ro o k lin e ) V i e w (Includes Nativity. North A p r i l 3 1 p.m. — St. Bernadette. 7:30 p.m. — Resurrection. S id e ) Catholic school gives guarantee 7 p.m. — St Clement Taren- Monroeville B r o o k lin e 7:30 p.m. — S t Sebastian. Ross M ODESTO. Calif. (NC) — Central Catholic High School In t u m . f Includes S t Mathias. M a r c h 1 8 A p r i l 2 4 T o w n s h ip Modesto is putting Its reputation on the bottom line — by offer­ N a tro n a ) 10:30 a.m. — St Therese. 4 p.m. — St. Alphonsus. F e b . 2 7 ing a money-back guarantee. A p r i l 1 0 M u n h a ll W e x f o r d 4 p.m . — St. Joseph. Bloomfield The guarantee made by the Stockton diocesan high school, 7 p.m . — St. Dominic. Donora. 1 p.m . — Homestead Consolida­ 7:30 p.m. — St. Ferdinand. 7:30 p.m . — St. Francis Xavier. which has an enrollment of about 325 students, will become IIncludes S t Charles. Holy Name tion at St. Mary Magdalene Cranberry Township North Side official school policy next fall. o f M a ry . S t PhlUp Neri. all In (includes St. Anthony. A p r i l 2 7 F e b . 2 8 "If you. as a parent or student, decide the teachers, course D o n o ra H om e s te a d . S t Mary Magdalene. 4 p.m. — St. Louis. West Sun- 4 p.m. — St. Joseph. Duquesoe work, religious instruction, extracurricular activities or any M a y 1 Homestead. SS. Peter and Paul b u r y (Includes St. Paschal. 7:30 p.m . — St. Robert Bellar- part of the school does not fit your needs, we'll refund your tui­ 7 p.m. — Our Lady of Joy. Holi­ Homestead. St. Margaret. A rg e n tin e ) mine. East McKeesport tion payments in full." says the new policy. d a y P a r k M u n h a ll S t Michael Munhall 7 :3 0 p .m . — S t Michael Butler M a r c h 1 The offer applies to all students enrolling for the first time M a y 3 and S t Rita. Whitaker) (Includes S t Peter. Butler. S t An­ 4 p.m. — St Winifred. Mount next fall and gives them 30 days to sample the school’s 7 p.m. — St. Titus. Aliquippa. A p r i l 8 drew. Center Township) L e b a n o n o ffe rin g s . (Includes S t Frances Cabrtnt 10:30 a.m. — St Vitus. New M a y 1 7:30 p.m . — St. Bernard. Mount Center Township) C a s tle 4 p.m. — Blessed Sacrament L e b a n o n M a y 4 1 p.m . — St. Mary. New Castle Natrona Heights M a r c h 2 Record lists mayor as father 7 p.m. — St Paul. Butler A p r i l 1 1 7:30 p.m. — Sacred Heart - S t 4 p.m. — SS. Cyril and D ETR O IT (NC) — The Archdiocese of Detroit has confirmed (includes St. John, and St. 4 p.m. — St. Scholastics. Peter. Tarentum Methodius. (Includes Mother of that Detroit Mayor Colem an Young is listed as the father on the Stanislaus, both In Lyndora) A s p in w a ll (Includes S t Joseph, M a y 1 0 Sorrows. Charleroi) baptismal certificate of a child whose mother is suing the M a y 8 O'Hara Township) 4 p.m. — St. Joseph the 7:30 p.m . — St. Joseph. Roscoe m ayor for child support. 7 p.m. — St. Anselm. Swissvale 7 p.m . — St. Teresa. Perrysvtlle Worker. New Castle (In clu d e s SS. Ann. Waynesburg. A n archdiocesan official said the certificate should not be us­ (Includes St. Barnabas. A p r i l 1 5 Philip and James. New Castle) 7:30 p.m. — Nativity. South ed to establish paternity. Swissvale. Madonna del 11 a.m . — St. Rosalia. Greenfield 7:30 p.m. — St. Agatha. P a r k Costello. Swissvale. Visitation of The mother. Annivory Calvert, said that on the baptismal A p r i l 2 4 Ell wood City (Includes Purifica­ the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rankin) certificate the child’s name is listed as Coleman Young Jr. 4 p.m . — St. Louise de Marillac. tion of the BVM. Ellwood City) Bishops W uerl, Leonard. Neither the archdiocese nor the parish where the baptism was M a y l O Upper St. Clair M a y 1 1 M c D o w e l l performed would confirm that. 7 p.m . — St. Marv of the Mount. 7 p.m. — St. Thomas More. 7:30 p.m. — St. Albert the W inter and Connare The lawsuit, filed by Ms. Calvert Jan. 27 In Wayne County Mount Washington (Includes S t Bethel Park Great Baldwin Circuit Court, asks for unspecified monies to pay for child sup­ George. Allentown. St. Justin. A p r i l 2 9 M a y 1 5 Confirm ations at Cathedral port and for expenses Incurred during the pregnancy and the Mount Washington) 10:30 a.m. — Sacred Heart 7:30 p.m. — St. Gregory. Oct. 18. 1982. birth of the boy. M a y 1 5 S h a d y s id e Zelienople M a y 1 4 7 p.m. — St. Raphael. Mom- M a y 6 Bishop Andrew J. McDonald 7:30 p.m . — St. Paul Cathedral. in g s id e . (Includes Mother o f Good 10:30 a.m. — St. Joan of Arc. F e b . 2 0 St. Leo. North Side. Our Lady of Delegation sent to funeral Counsel Homewood) L i b r a r y 4 p.m. — Our Lady of the Perpetual Help. North Side. Holy VATICAN C ITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II is sending a two- M a y 1 6 M a y 1 0 Miraculous Medal. Meadowlands Souls. Carnegie. SS. CyriC & 7 p.m . — Immaculate Conception. 7 p.m. — S t Caiman. Turtle 7:30 p.m. — St Genevieve. m an delegation to the funeral of Japanese Em peror Hirohito. Methodius. New Brighton. St. W a s h in g t o n C r e e k (includes S t Helen, East Canonsburg the Vatican announced. Joseph. New Brighton. St. Fran­ Pittsburgh. St William. East F e b . 2 1 Cardinal Silvio Oddi. retired prefect of the Congregation for cis. HarmarvUie. St. Timothy. Clergy, and Archbishop W illiam Carew. apostolic nuncio to Bishop Vincent M. Leonard Pittsburgh) 4 p.m . — St. Agnes. West Mifflin In d ia n o la Japan, will attend the services Feb. 24. the Vatican said. M a y 1 3 7:30 p.m. — St. Elizabeth. Plea­ A p r i l 1 3 The emperor, who reigned for more than six decades, died 10:30 a.m. — St. Gabriel. sant Hills M a y 2 1 7:30 p.m. — South Side Con­ Jan. 6 after a lengthy illness. W h it e h a ll F e b . 2 2 7:30 p.m. — Annunciation. solidation at S t Michael. South M a y 1 8 4 p.m. — S t Joseph. Cabot Pleasant Valley. Good Shepherd. S id e (Includes S t Adalbert S t 4 p.m. — St. Valentine. Bethel 7:30 p.m . — St. Peter. Slippery Braddock. St. Barbara. George. S t John the Evangelist Pope calls for perfect harmony P a r k R o c k (Includes St Anthony. Bridgeville. St. Bonaventure. St Josaphat St Matthew. S t 7 p.m. — St. Anne. Castle ForestvlUeJ Glenshaw. St. James. Sewickley. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II asked the M ich a e l. S t P e ter, a l l o n th e S h a n n o n F e b . 2 3 St. Felix. Freedom. St. Teresa. Vatican's top doctrinal and ecumenical officials to work South Side) Bishop W illiam J. W inter 4 p.m . — St. Joseph. Coraopolis Koppel. Holy Cross. West Pitt­ together in ’’perfect harm ony” when tackling interfalth issues A p r i l 2 7 M a r c h 2 7:30 p.m. — Assumption. sburgh. St. Monica. W am pum . St. that overlap their areas of competence. 7:30 p.m. — St. Marv. Cedi 4 p.m. —- Christ the King. B e lle v u e Ann. Waynesburg. The pope said careful consultation between the two groups M a y 4 A m b r i d g e of experts was especially needed now that various ecumenical 7:30 p.m. — St. Patrick. 7:30 p.m. — Our Lady off dialogues are attem pting to resolve specific differences of faith. Noblestown Fatima. Hopewell Township He spoke Feb. 1 to a Joint m eeting of the Congregation for the M a y 1 1 M a r c h 8 MONROEVILLE-NORTH HILLS-DOWNTOWN Doctrine of the Faith and the Secretariat for Promoting Chris­ 7:30 p.m. — St. Luke Carnegie 4 p.m . — S t Ladlslaus. Natrona j \o appointment necessary. Walk in trade welcome. Oitices open Mon. thru. Fri. j tian Unity. (includes S t Joseph. Carnegie) (Includes S t Joseph and Natrona M a y 1 8 ONLY ^ Our Lady o f Perpetual Help, both 7:30 p.m. — St. Agatha. Anglican talks of dialogue In Natrona) *495°° Bridgeville. vacem 7:30 p.m . — St. Irenaeus. Oak-1 LONDON (NC) — A leading Anglican ecumenist has said the m o n t (includes S t Susanna. PRESIDENTIAL CANAL Vatican's doctrinal congregation misunderstands the nature of Bishop John B. McDowell Penn Hills) l Ä ecumenical dialogue. SMALL LKEATNY F e b . 2 1 M a r c h 1 4 Bishop Mark Santer of Birmingham . England. Anglican co- BUTTON-MADE TO 4 p.m. — St. Angela Merici. 4 p.m. — SS. Simon & Jude, j chairman of the Second Anglican-Roman Catholic Interna­ HELP NEHVE DEAFNESS W h it e O a k (includes S t Joseph. Scott Township tional Com mission, said members of the Vatican Congregation P o r t V u e ) 7:30 p.m . — Our Lady of Grace. for the Doctrine of the Faith "do not appear to have understood 7:30 p.m. — McKeesport Con­ Scott Township the nature of ecumenical method and of ecumenical doctrinal ■EASING AIDS - MO BATTERIES TO BUT solidation at Sacred Heart M a r c h 2 9 statements." eUeastemeSrechcn esfclicall »ToW y «utwwSc # Ne votos» control (Includes S t Mary Czestochowa. 4 p.m. — St. Gerard Majella. The Anglican bishop took issue with observations — St Plus V. Sacred Heart St V e r o n a IN OFFICE PERSONALIZED REPAIR•19.95 published by the congregation in November — about an AR- Stephen, all In McKeesport) 7:30 p.m . — St. Joseph. Veronal •aCMUTONE *RADtO-EAfl eAUDIOYOX eFfflBJTY •ACOUSÌICOM •CLECTONI C1C II agreed statement on Justification by faith. •MR*CL£-CAJt «tONOTOMi «B E L T O « «TELEX «OT1COM «LANG • ZENTH e S « ME MS «STAAKT*

Cathedral H .S. to m ark jubilee w ith dinner PITTSBURGH HEARING AID CENTER Warning issued in Philippines O AKLAN D — As a part of its 75th anniversary celebration. St. Paul TAG AYTAY. Philippines (NC) — The Philippine bishops, Cathedral High School will hold a dinner on Sunday. April 2 beginning concerned about a rise in religious fundamentalism, have at 6 p.m. in the St. Nicholas Cathedral Recreation Hall. 419 South warned Catholics to stay away from fundamentalist-organized Dithridge St.. Oakland. gatherings. Tickets are 922 per person. School alumnae and former staff m ay In a pastoral letter Issued Jan. 27. the bishops also said they make reservations by calling 682-0942. Deadline for reservations Is are challenged to keep Catholics from Joining fundamentalist Wednesday, March 1. c h u r c h e s . Gifts for First Communion The bishops said fundamentalists, “with their aggressive and sometimes vicious attacks on the Catholic Church, do not practice an ecumenism which we can trustingly reciprocate."

°We Á re l^ememBered Marian Missal Sets, White or Black, shown above .$15.95 ¿M inistry Sets also available with: First Steps to Jesus, Holy Trinity Childrens Missal or St. Joseph Childrens Missal from *6.75 ANNUAL VICTIMS MASS Prayer Books and Rosaries are also sold separately Communion Accessories Bishop Donald Wuerl will celebrate the 6th annual victims Communion VoM MIS JU S Mass on Wednesday, March 29, 1969 at 7:30 PM in St. Paul Communion VeH#904______$6-25 Communion Crown Veil 1825— Cathedral. This Mass remembers all those who have experienc­ F o r B o y s : For Girls: ______$14.40 infant thru 20 infant thru 14 ed a tragic death. Victims names can be placed in the Easter Boys Ties, White Blue.— . $3,65 Edition of the Pittsburgh Catholic by printing the following and Huskys. and Young Jrs. Children's Bible. $tfiJ5 information: O tfm Communion veils eve lia ble Many other Gift Selections (PLEASE PRINT) available: Bibles, Communion napkins, Medals end Charms, All Winter Clothina and Greeting Cents. Inquire about our quantity NAME OF DECEASED orders for discount for CCD (only deceased's name will be published) Outerwear for Chudi clssses

F R E E Delivery on All First Communion Orders Y O U R N A M E :______Inquire about our gifts for confirm ation and graduation. ADDRESS: ______Z1P._ ORDER BY PHONE 261 *2326 MASTER CHARGE OR VISA ACCEPTED P H O N E : ______RELATIONSHIP TO DECEASED Owned and Operated by the Rank A timer Fseay MAIL TO: We Are Remembered Ministry P.O. Box 1S151 |5 «N FORBES AVENUE SOURREL MXL| « 1 5000 | YOUTH CENTEP 219 FOURTH AVE. MON THRU SAT 930 TO 5:30 TUES AND THURS TIL 900 Pittsburgh, Pa. 1S237 PITTSBURGH. PA Donations, while not required, are deeply appreciated. 1S222 MAJOR CRE DIT CARD6 • NEWMANS CHARGE • LAYAWAY PLAN DEADLIN E: M A R C H 3, 1989 Page 4 PITTSBURGH CATHOUC Friday, February 10, 1989 Bishop’s Colum n/editorials ______

"Bishop-elect W inter to provide ‘m uch needed help’

Most Rev. Donald W . Wuerl In addition to all he does. Bishop McDowell also brings the great of the responsibilities that follow on being shepherd of so large and Bishop of Pittsburgh wisdom of experience and the understanding that comes from his active a Church as is the Church at Pittsburgh. O ur Holy Father. Pope John Paul II. has blessed the Diocese of Pit­ intim ate knowledge of the diocese. But even at that, a diocese of six One of the first appointments that Bishop-elect W inter w ill receive tsburgh with an auxiliary bishop in the person of the Very Reverend counties and 334 parishes and missions is. by anyone's accounting, will be that of chairm an of the College of Deans of the diocese. As W illiam J. W inter. I expect that various people greet his appoint­ big. And when I look at Bishop-elect W illiam W inter, although 1 see a you probably know, the diocese is divided into 16 deaneries or sub­ m ent in different ways. He himself has pointed out that he is hum bl­ dedicated, respected, experienced and beloved pastor. I also see. divisions. each one of which Is headed by a dean who is a represen­ ed by the appointment and sees his Job as implementing the objec­ writ very large. — HELP! 1 shall look to him for m uch help. tative and spokesperson for the bishop. Th is is the traditional w ay iq tives outlined in m y Pastoral Letter. ''Th y Kingdom Com e." that From the first days of the Church, bishops appointed by or suc­ the Church in the United States of sharing responsibility and the was published some m onths ago. I expect that Bishop-elect W inter's ceeding to the Apostles were recognized as shepherds who rightly governance of the diocese. W e speak of the principle of subsidiarity family sees this appointment as a great honor for one whom they governed and guarded the Church In the name of Christ. Thus. Pope — that is. letting lower levels in administration handle the situation respect and love. St. Clement of Rome, writing around the year 96 A JJ.. says that the before m oving it up a notch. The priests of the diocese tend Apostles themselves, "laid down a rule once for all to this effect: The dean, particularly now that we are re-emphasizing the func­ to see this appointment as an af­ when these men die. other approved men shall succeed to their tion of the deans, will have a m ajor role in the routine adm inistra- firmation of their own service and sacred m inistry" (Letter to the Corinthians. N. 44). Loyalty to Christ non of the life of this diocese. Bishop-elect W inter, as chairm an of ministry in the Church since the was visibly expressed by loyalty to the bishop. the College of Deans, will be the one to coordinate and back up the Holy Father has chosen from our St. Ignatius of Antioch, in a letter written in or about 106 A.D.. efforts of individual deans. M y hope is that this w ill help to alleviate own pastors to fill this office. And praises the Church at Philadelphia in Asia as "a source of the present tendency to address all problems, great or sm all, to "the down the line we could go finding everlasting Joy. especially when the members are at one with the C h a n c e r y " . various descriptions of Bishop- bishop and his assistants, the presbyters and deacons, that have The most visible form of help that Bishop-elect W inter will offer Elect Winter and what this ap­ been appointed in accordance with the wish of Jesus Christ, and will come quickly and be seen throughout the diocese. As we enter pointment means. Since this is whom He has. by His own will, through the operation of the Holy the Spring Confirmation season, we have over 100 parishes asking m y column. I would like to share Spirit, confirmed in loyalty" (Letter to the Philadelphians. Preface). for the Sacrament of Confirmation to be administered. We are with you m y immediate reaction. The presents the hierarchy as a speaking of thousands of young women and men to be received into Bishop-elect Winter is welcome “diakonia". a m inistry of service. "Those ministers who are endow­ full membership in the Catholic Church. As Bishop-elect Winter and m uch needed help! ed with sacred power are servants of their brethren, so that all who makes his rounds, he will not only be helping me. but he will also be There is no bishop I know who is better served by the col­ are of the People of God. and therefore enjoy a true Christian dignity, providing m any of you an opportunity to meet him firsthand. laborators who form the central administration of the diocese begin­ and work towards a common goal freely and in an orderly way" I am profoundly grateful for Bishop-elect W inter as a person and ning most evidently with Bishop John McDowell. I am always im ­ (Lumen Gentium. 18). for the help he represents. I know that you will welcome him into pressed by the seemingly endless hours in and out of the office that Bishops today — diocesan bishops and auxiliary bishops — are to your parishes and cooperate with him so that all of us can benefit those who work in what we refer to as "the Chancery" spend at the the Church now in our day what the Apostles were to the first Chris­ from and appreciate his m inistry, his dedication, his service. — and service of this local Church. tian faith communities. Hence Bishop W inter will share with me all h i s h e lp .

Editorials Who deserves the blame? Automatic pay increases and hefty pen­ People are walking around homeless and sion funds for federal and state legislators standing in line at food banks. Financial have caused much controversy among institutions are closing. Struggling citizens in recent weeks. But who really is families cannot afford health care and in­ at fault? surance. Public education is in a Cartoon character Pogo gave the cor­ shambles and parents in some areas rect answer over two decades ago. "W e worry if their children will come home have met the enemy, and he is us." alive. That's right. Greedy politicians make A day o f reckoning will be forthcoming taws where they can receive more money and politicians will be forced into accoun­ and have no accountability and it is the tability. Just let us pray the nation citizens that let it happen. survives. Politicians build up huge pension funds Such behavior by lawmakers whose and it is the taxpayers who pay for it. And main objective is to fill their own pockets what do the citizens do about it? They have led to the downfall of mighty and elect these same officials over and over powerful leaders and nations. But for the again... either they vote without studying present. American citizens have only the candidates' record or they simply themselves to blame. don't vote at all. Pressure on elected legislators can And how easily voters forget. Within prove effective, as citizens recently two months, everybody puts controver­ demonstrated in the issue of the congres­ sial issues in the back of their minds and sional pay raise. go merrily on their way. And chances are If you're not lobbying, writing good that the incumbents will win the legislators, voting intelligently and work­ next election, just like they did before. ing for a solution, then you are part of the Meanwhile, the nation has a huge problem. And this nation cannot take too budget deficit with no relief in sight. many additional problems if it is going to Citizens are told to tighten their belts. survive. ÿ Bishop’s Schedule jj[

Bishop Wuerl 's public schedule for the week of sburgh. Cenacle Retreat House. Oakland. Feb. 12 is os follows: Saturday. Feb. 18 Incarceration of youth Sunday. Feb. 13 10:15 a.m. — Address the Men's Club The National Association of Private 3 p.m . — Rite of Election. St Paul Cathedral. Brotherhood Sabbath Services at the Congrega­ remarriage, migration and careers as an O a k la n d . tion Beth Shalom. Squirrel Hill. Psychiatric Hospitals claims 12 percent excuse for being too busy or too Monday. Feb. 13 2 p.m . — Address the annual Catholic Library of children under 18 need mental health distracted to deal with adolescent 3 p.m . — Ordination of the Most Rev. William Association Luncheon. Westin William Penn services. That's roughly eight million children. The easy solution is simply to J. Winter. Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh. St. Ballroom. Pittsburgh. young people! have them incarcerated, a stigma that re­ Paul Cathedral. Oakland. 5 p.m. — Mass and homily. Diocesan Elemen­ The figure seems ridiculously high. But mains with a person for a lifetime. Tuesday. Feb. 14 tary School Principals' Workshop. Green Tree 2 p.m . — Installation of the Most Rev. Francis Marriott. Green Tree. consider that the National Center for Drug therapy, isolation and various Schulte as Archbishop of the Archdiocese of New Sunday. Feb. 19 Health Statistics reports that young peo­ treatments can harm these youngsters Orleans. Louisiana. 1 p.m. — Mass and homily. World Marriage ple between the ages of 10-19 increased permanently as they attempt to over­ Thursday. Feb. 16 Day. St Paul Cathedral. Oakland. 47 percent in seven vears. totalling to come adolescent adjustment problems, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. — Lenten Clergy Quiet Day 4 p.m . — Address the "International Holiday 180.000 in 1987. chemical dependency or depression. for the Priests of the Episcopal Diocese of Pttt- Mount Olive Baptist Church. Rankin. PA. The Wall Street Journal prints that There seldom are easy solutions in life private psychiatric facilities are making but God gives us the ability to meet to­ Scripture huge profits and raises the question on day's challenges. Religion and Church whether their young patients are mental­ teachings instill moral values and a car­ ly ill or just going through a stage in life. ing attitude that help keep the family unit Feb. 12: firs t Sunday in Len t Too often, parents cannot cope with well. Now every Jew suffers under and does brings life ... even his ex­ children going through adolescence and Deuteronomy 26:4-10 Quick fix solutions such as incarcera­ Romans 10:8-13 Egyptian oppression, tramps perience with the devil in the Ju ­ dean wilderness have their sons and daughters tion of troubled youth only aggravates the L u k e 4 :1 -3 through the wilderness, and institutionalized. Joyfully enters the Promised Many Christians think tempta­ problem and cannot provide a permanent By FR. ROGER KARBAN Some of these parents use divorce. solution. Land. These events stop being tions are a sign of weakness. If We Throughout Scripture we find history: they actually become the really have strong faith we not on­ not only the desire to remember experiences of everyone who ly could avoid sin. we would not the important events of our salva­ gives himself or herself to even have to worry about being E D ITO R IA LS — Editorials are the views expressed by the editor and his assistants at the Pitt­ tion. but also the wish to actually Y a h w e h tempted to sin. Sometimes this sburgh Catholic. Readers are welcom e to respond In the Letters to the Editor colum n. A ll letters be part of those essential acts surfaces in the sacrament of m ust be signed and contain the writer's address, phone num ber and kept to a m axim um length Paul, being a good Jew . knows around which our faith revolves. reconcUiation when penitents o f w o r d s . the same things happen for Jesus' 300 mention temptations in the same Rituals and liturgies were formed followers. He himself never per­ to help make us one with those breath as actual sins: thinking sonally knew the historical Lord. who originally experienced the that Just the enticement to evil is Yet such an association is not Lord's presence in such special itself evil. necessary. His faith Joins him to ways. Nowhere is this process Luke dearly states Jesus was someone who lived almost a tempted by the devil for 40 days more clearly stated than in to­ generation before. day's Deuteronomy pcricope. So the three specific temptations This belief underlies the Apos­ Notice how the narrative he mentions in his narrative seem tle's statement to the Romans: "If changes from the third person to to have been things the Lord your Ups confess that Jesus Is S t r i c t to* Wocaaa o/ n m t o i A Allsqhsnj , Dssrer, l uMor. Groom. Lowrooco and Washington counWss. the first. "My father was a struggled with ior quite some Lord and If you believe in your Establish«! In 1 (4 4 by RL Rot. M e M O’Connor. D.O. wandering Aramean." Moses re­ tim e . heart that God raised him from «ntmal Subscription Rats *10.00 In U S . and *11 In Foreign Counlrlaa counts. "He went down Into in each case Jesus overconies the dead, then you w ill be saved." Second-Class Postage P aid at Pittsburgh, PA Egypt to find refuge there, few in an enticem ent to do the wrong numbers: but there he became a The things which Jesus did to thing Just to get people's atten­ * # # nation, great, m ighty and strong. save us still happen in the lives of tion. or gain power for himself, Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates The Egyptians ill-treated us. they those who share faith in him . And the same temptations which his Most Re*. Donald W. Wusrt, S .TJ), D.D. President Fr. Ronald P. Lsngwfn, Director, Office for Communications gave us no peace and inflicted because these events become part followers face day by day ... tem p­ '«Willa p. Finds!. Editor Carmada Wil— antii. ComptroUar harsh slavery on us But we called of every believer's Ufc. there are tations we will have as long as we PM Taylor, Assistant E ditor Peggy 7am , Circulation Uanagar on the Lord the God of our fathers no longer any lim its of time, place live on this earth. Patricia Banos. Reporter Ja c k Lao. Adtartising Manager or nationality. Even Gentiles can We could more easily see our Stopfcon K ord ncko*. ftaportar Stephen Hurson. Com positor Those offering their gifts begin experience things which original­ whole life being Joined to the Lord L E Antonucci. Compositor Path Ambrose, Receptionist recounting salvation history In a ly happened only to Jews in if we could come to some John C. Keenan, Photographer very factual way. But before they Is ra e l understanding about temptation Published Every Friday Deadline - Noon Every Monday get more than two sentences into Luke holds the unique theology Instead of ignoring it as unworthy N W n l " * t id irid rr Send address cnaagss la tW il a » Cadiafc. tea Wood Strwt M M 500 W iilr ip , FA 15222 the story, historical events that Jesus saves by his entire life, of a real disciple, we should ap­ anon X sails Mr cksaga at address become very personal. They are not Just by the things which hap­ preciate that since it is part of Qte Pittsburgh Cathode

i crkUy, February 10, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOUC P ige 5 Opinions/com m ents Celibacy once fix for clergy dynasties

By MSGR. CHARLES O. RICE Into the clergy and episcopacy These vagrant thoughts ocdir- Ludwig von Pastor, the incom­ and you would have clerical red to me recently when reading parable historian of the papacy, castes and dynasties. and seeing about some Protestant L e t t e r s reflected on clerical celibacy and Nepotism was an attempt to get attempts at founding clerical how it developed to the Catholic around celibacy and keep power dynasties. That which is sought C h u r c h . to families by passing it on to be monopolized Is not My late priest brother. Patrick, through nephews. sacramental power. Protestants read von Pastor extensively and St. Bernard of Clairvaux con­ simply haven't our view of the Editorial ‘most cavalier’ admired him hugely. On our trips tributed to the Norman invasion sacraments. To put it simply, to Rome be would seek out the and conquest of Ireland by bad they believe to the power of the To the Editor. bust of his hero and muse about mouthing the Irish Church. His word, the Bible itself or the gift an The "You're to, you're out Mass editorial (Pittsburgh Catholic. his insights on the Church’s past Irish friend. St. Malachy. had told individual m ay receive from the Jan. 27) is most cavalier. You state self-righteousiy that those of and on the papacy. Ludwig von P him that the Irish clan system Holy Spirit to expound the word. us who appreciate a fast-paced service are anxious to watch a he received from someone who was corrupting the Church. The would have been fascinated by Am ong our separated brethren football game or participate to some other secular activity. our modern popes and the way was able to hand it on. The chain clans had found a way of the passing of ministerial posts W hy must the Mass include an entire theatrical production they have preserved the lustre of of this spiritual power goes back monopolizing sacramental power or calls, down a hereditary chain w ith musicians, ministers, etc.. in order to experience a prayerful to Christ and the Apostles. I am and controlling its transmission. the papacy to times as difficult for has not seemed to cause trouble celebration? The Worship Commission does not represent those not getting into whether we There were de facto hereditary her as any she has seen. There have not been preaching of us who still prefer a simple, sedate, yet Inspirational service, Pat often said that from his Catholics are right or wrong, or bishoprics and abbacies This dynasties to amount to much. and who can enjoy a sense of com m unity without the evangelical studies of von Pastor and others whether we should admit women allegation appears to be one of the But now to this later day there th e a tric s . fully into the chain of sacramental reasons Pope Adrian IV. an he gleaned a reason why. at cer­ is a power to be passed on or. let Thankfully, there are still a few churches that offer what was p o w e r. Englishman, issued the Bull. tain crucial moments, clerical us put it this way. worth attemp­ once described as a Low Mass: however, the recently issued Von Pastor learned that at Laudabiliter. which endorsed celibacy was insisted upon. This ting to pass on — the m ultlm illion guidelines by the Worship Commission will bring those Masses times to the long life of the Henry 0’s invasion of Ireland. reason — which we don't hear dollar Television m inistry. Into conformity with the excruciatingly slow-paced Masses that much about — has to do with Church there was concern lest the We have no authentic text of seemingly represent the norm these days. dynasties, castes and power. sacramental power be. as it were, the Bull, by the way. but have to Your normal Protestant Ease up on us simple folk who are content to praise God to a The Catholic Church is a monopolized. You are tempted, rely, if we want to. on a rendition clergym an is not Involved, but the quiet and unpretentious manner. sacramental church, believing perhaps, to say that it Is already from m em ory by Gerald of Wales, TV hucksters sure are. These that the sacraments are the out­ monopolized — by the clergy. who liked neither the invading gentlemen are grooming their DENIS A. BURKE ward signs of toward grace and Yes. to a way. but that is a tran­ king nor the invaded Irish but en­ sons, tf they have them , to step to Ross Township that they, except for Baptism, re­ sient monopoly. The concern von joyed the invasion. Good Irish and keep a good thing in the fami­ quire for their effectiveness, a Pastor descried was over the papists don't like to think that ly. To name a few: Oral Roberts. minister, an agent, who has been possibility of a hereditary any pope, even a limey, could Pat Robertson. Jim m y Swaggart Retreat endorsement welcome rightfully ordained. monopoly. Sons of priests and have sicced the Normans on and the one with the glass To the Editor: This minister has power, which bishops would follow their fathers Ir e la n d . c a th e d ra l. In a recent article. Bishop W uerl (Pittsburgh Catholic. Jan. 27) shared some personal experiences from his annual retreat to Philadelphia. The bishop describes the retreat as stepping out of Washington letter the fast lane in order to give more quality time to God. As someone actively engaged in the retreat ministry, it was gratifying to receive such an endorsement from the shepherd of our diocese. I wish more priests would witness to the power and Homelessness and national policies peace which God bestows upon us when we spend prime time w i t h h im . By LIZ SCHEVTCHUK families increased by 18 percent. Americans, the federal govern­ The laity have the same call to holiness as the priests and WASHINGTON INC) — When • An average of 23 percent of m ent has provided tax benefits to religious, and they are becoming more involved in spiritual Barbara Bush went to a shelter for homeless families' requests could middle- and upper-income ministry. How do they become spiritually recharged? This is the homeless Jan. 31 to make not be met. Americans, such as the home where retreat centers come to the rescue by days,1 evenings of sandwiches and to read stories to • Officials to nearly all the mortgage interest deduction reflection and weekend retreats. If a bishop feels the need to get the children, she called attention cities surveyed expect requests According to the Congressional away from his busy schedule for five days each year to order to to a problem camped on the na­ from homeless individuals and Budget Office, two tax law pxgvi­ slow down and listen more intently to God. shouldn't the laity tion's doorway. families for shelter to increase fur­ sions alone — deductibility,, of consider similar options? In his inaugural address Jan. ther to 1989. mortgage interest and property 20. her husband did not overlook • One of every four homeless taxes — "are estimated to ac­ FR MICHAEL SALVAGNA. C.P. the homeless either. persons to the 27 cities is a child. count for more than $38 billion to • Every city surveyed cited foregone revenue." money that S o u t h S id e "M y friends." President Bush lack of affordable housing for low- would otherwise go to the federal said, "we have work to do. There income people as one of the government to tax payments. are the homeless, lost and roam­ Nearly 3 million people to prim ary causes of homelessness. Meanwhile, homelessness as an Rainbows for protesters ing: there are the children who America are homeless, according issue has returned to Capitol Hill, To the Editor: have nothing, no love, no to data from the National Coali­ • All cities surveyed used where several bills dealing w ith it n o r m a lc y . * ’ tion for the Homeless. federal government funds, and There were approximately 125.000 people (I asked a were introduced to the opening policeman) at the pro-life m arch in Washington. D .C. on Jan. 23. Church groups, public officials "What we're looking for (to almost all used state and local days of the 101st Congress. They were protesting 16 years of legalized abortion -on demand and non-profit groups have claim ­ reduce those ranks) is a national funds to provide shelter for the One would provide supplemen­ As we stopped to front of the Supreme Court building, people ed for years that to addition to partnership" involving federal homeless. But with the decline to and com m unity cooperation, said tal funding under the Stewart B. were looking skyward. Someone yelled. "Hey! Look at the rain­ voluntary efforts, such as those federal housing assistance, none McKinney Homeless Assistance bow!” And I saw one — or the middle of one. It had not been rain­ demonstrated by Mrs. Bush, solv­ Mayor Raymond L. Flynn of expected to meet the needs of its Act. a law passed to the previous ing. in fact it had been a very sunny, drv day. ing the homelessness problem Boston, a Catholic layman who low-income citizens in the Congress to provide various forms I was amazed to see this, but then the Creator would be on the will require a rejuvenated federal headed a U.S. Conference of foreseeable future. of assistance to the homeless. pro-life side. role as well. M ayors' task force on Housing advocates and local Others seek to promote expansion "The church is proud of its ef­ homelessness and hunger. government officials also note and preservation of affordable forts to feed and shelter the poor "There is no excuse whatsoever D. GIGLIOTTI that the federal budget for bous­ housing and provide funds for S c o tt T w p . with some dignity." Bishop why people are sleeping to the ing assistance was cut by approx­ states to provide emergency Jam es W. Malone of Youngstown. streets." Flynn told a news con­ imately 80 percent during the shelters for families. Ohio, testified to a House subcom ­ ference in Washington in eight years of President Ronald "Housing is being seriously Rice column triggers response mittee to June 1988. "But society J a n u a r y . Reagan's administration. neglected as a national priority." cannot pretend that soup kit­ Releasing a report based on the To the Editor: Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M chens and shelters are a humane problems of homelessness and According to the U.S. Catholic In response to Monsignor Rice's colum n (Pittsburgh Catholic. Sullivan of Brooklyn told a con­ response to poverty and hunger to 27 cities. Flynn added Conference. Congress to 1980 Jan. 27] "Drawing the Line at Moving Statues." Monsignor. help gressional panel last year. homelessness.'' that “the people who always get during President Jim m y Carter's is on the way! M y mother has a hotline to St. Anthony. "The quality of justice is best And while "it is appropriate and hurt the most are those least able adm inistration appropriated O ur fam ily has a three-foot statue of the good saint that doesn 't $30 8 billion for housing: Carter measured by how the poor and necessary" for Congress to ap­ to suffer. They don’t have the move or shake but is sometimes raised four inches off its base by sought $33.5 billion For 1987. most vulnerable of society are prove emergency funds for agen­ political clout.” the am ount of petitions placed underneath him . Congress appropriated $7.8 treated." added the bishop, chair­ cies serving the homeless, “this The mayors' survey revealed: man of the USCC Committee on There has been some conjecture and difference of opinion as to cannot, will not. and should not • In 1988. requests for billion: Reagan sought $2.3 Domestic Policy. "By this stan­ how we came by him. We do know that some 35-40 veais ago. substitute for federal action to emergency shelter increased by b illio n . dard. we are failing — and failing this tonsured, brown-clothed, displaced saint arrived on our door help provide permanent, affor­ an average of 13 percent, and re­ While it has cut back on hous­ ing assistance for Iower-tacome badlv — to the area of housing step. W e gave him a home and responsibility. He has never let us dable housing." he emphasized. quests for shelter by homeless down since.

Some theories on how we may have come by him: • We had two religious nuns to the family. Sr. Jam es Mary, who is deceased, and Sister Mary Hildegarde of the Divine Pro­ Cross inseparable from Jesus vidence Com m unity, who is alive and well. • Another theory is that someone must have felt m y mom. or ask for it If we refuse to forgive B y FR. JOHN CATOIR need Lent- Barbara Cvetic. who taught for the Pittsburgh Catholic diocese we are the ones who suffer Director. The Christophers Lent is a time to commit your for um pteen years was a good candidate for caring for displaced psychologically life to Jesus Christ and to take up sacramentais. Does TV work against your Negative personality traits are the cross with renewed convic­ • Thirdly, that to dispose of this large blessed statue to accor­ spiritual progress? Think about often the natural outgrowth of tion. It is a time of grace and dance to church regulations, at the time, would have required the it. It is important to realize that bottled-up resentment. Even growth to holiness. During Lent I rite of Christian burial. Jesus Christ and the cross are in­ when a person is emotionally recommend daily Mass and Com ­ Yes. we gave him a job to do. Over the years the lost items that separable. To meet Jesus is to healthy there can be areas of munion if possible. A radical would qualify for the top ten petitions are: glasses, scissors, car meet the cross. darkness. To break free of all this reduction to TV viewing wouldn't keys. dogs. cats, charge cards, library books, jobs, wallets and excess baggage Jesus asks us to The cross was His destiny. hurt either. lastly m y m other's sense of humor. forgive "seven times seventy.” When you experience your own You may not be able to deal M y mother. God bless her. had seven of us. You can imagine particular cross it is Jesus whom when something got lost to our bouse it uws lost. We gave the directly with the one who has you meet. The infirmities you poor saint a workout, be earned his keep. hurt you. He or she may be dead, bear, the sufferings you endure Some people are going through W e’ve all left our parent's home, but our devotion to St. An­ a kind of hell to their private lives or long gone from your life.' ■ or and the humiliations you ex­ th e w a y . simply unapproachable. But .you thony is still strong. It's become a thing to call m y m other and say p e rie n c e u n it e y o u w it h J e s u s a n d right now and they express this can approach the "memory" of "O h by the way I lost this or that and 1 can't find it anyw here" H i s C ro s s . Why Lent? Among other inner pain to ways that cause that person which has been lock­ We know that she ll intercede for us. Knowledge of her praying reasons try this one. After one them further embarrassment and for others has gotten out and she has become somewhat of a To understand the connection ed away to your subconscious hour of television the average per­ pain. They don't quite know how “religious bookie." placing her slips underneath him . between your heartbreak, your perhaps for years. Go to thtm jin son has watched more than 30 to cope with their mixed-up feel­ The furthest someone has called her is from Europe to tell her sorrow your frailty and the cross your imagination and forgive stick commercials all of which im ­ ings of hurt and anger. As a result of Jesus is to grow to the mystical them unconditionally. It could oe that their luggage was lost. ply that you need instant relief they fail to live to peace with The most humorous Incident concerning the saint occurred knowledge that the cross is good. your parents for not being all you from all your discomforts and you those closest to them. several years ago. I was working with an older man who hadn't Tfiree things are needed to gain needed them to be when you w4re If your pain is self-inflicted, the should satisfy every appetite. worn his teeth for several days. Being the way I am . I had to ask peace of heart. Each of us has to growing up. It could be a brother result of self-indulgence, him w hy. He told me that be had lost his dentures. We called m y become aware that we have been or sister Ask the Lord for the carelessness or weakness. Jesus How does that square with the mother right away, be went home and within an hour be found hurt to the past (perhaps going grace to forgive. comes to free you from your pain. concept that the cross is good? them. Remarkable, yes. humorous, yes. but definitely interces­ back to childhood), and where After you've done that, imagine W hen things seem darkest. God's What happens when your wifi is sion through the positive power of prayer. there is hurt there is a wound, and the person accepting you fully love is more evident. Nothing hap­ to conflict with God's will? In to­ where there is a wound, there is Even if you were the victim , your I'll tell you a secret, m y creeping senility requires that I in­ pens without His permission. He day's culture Christ's words are resentment and anger towards subconscious mind needs to be tercede daily. Sometimes I dicker with St. Anthony — "if you give allows you to suffer for a reason: drowned out and made to seem the one who inflicted the wound liberated too. Ask forgiveness of me this then I'D promise to do this," I tell him. sometimes to purify your soul, unreal, even foolish. Lent is knowingly or unknowingly. them for your anger and for your Another thing is that I feel that you should pay-as-you-go. Re­ sometimes to enable you to win necessary for reflection and re- Sometimes we don't actually spirit of revenge and resentment. quests accumulate and you know what they say about payback. graces for those you love. evaluation. maybe even for the know the cause of our pain which Imagine them giving ft. I make regular deposits. survival of the Christian message. only makes it more aggravating. The Lord sees your pain. "The So Monsignor. if you are ever at a loss, even for words, call m y If you suffer today because of your own decision to follow the Lent is regarded by m any as a We need to be aware that the whole head is sick, and the whole mother. Better yet. make a pilgramage to our shrine and m y path of virtue and holiness. Jesus pious season for old-fashioned wound and the resentment will heart faint. From the sole a t th e m om 's kitchen — the soup simmering on the back burner could comes to you to help you. When Christians who still use the in­ stay there — even grow — and foot even to the head, there is not save anyone's soul. He said. "Deny yourself and take stitutional church as a crutch make life miserable unless and soundness to ft. but bruises and If nothing else this writing has to reassure you that there are up your cross" you didn't realize until we learn how to treat I t sores and bleeding «rounds ... not those out there that do read and enjoy your colum n. But everyone of us who is living what the cost would be. But now and breathing and working to to­ Jesus taught us that uncondi­ pressed out or bound up or soften­ you do. Persevere. Renounce self day's world knows we need the tional forgiveness is the remedy ed with oil." (b. 1:5-6) Uncondi­ MARYANN TUMOLO will and accept your cross with church. We need prayer, the even if the person or persons in­ tional forgiveness is the oil that V e r o n a love Jesus will comfort you along sacraments, penance, and we volved do not deserve forgiveness softens a troubled soul. Friday, February 10, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page fi Entertainm ent Movie ratings

The classification for the moral Scrooged. A-IV suitability of film s is determin­ Tequilla Sunrise. A-ni e d b y t h e United S t a t e s Three Fugitives. A-III Catholic Conference’s Depart­ Tucker. A-fl ment of Communications. Twins. A-III Who Framed Roger Rabbit?. The Accidental Tourist. A-IIl A -n Beaches. A-III W orking Girl. A-IV Child's Play. O • A-I. General Patronage. Cocktail. A-II • A-II. Adults a n d Cocoon II: The Return. A-Il Adolescents. Crossing Delaney. A-III • A-III. Adults. Deepstar Six. O • A-IV. Adults with reserva­ Dirtv, Rotten Scoundrels. A- tions. An A-IV classification 01 designates certain films that, Hellhound: Hellraiser 0. O while not morally offensive in I'm Gonna Git You Suka. O themselves, require caution The January Man. O and some analysis and explana­ The Land Before Tim e. A-I tion as a protection against Mississippi Burning. A-IV w rong interpretations and false My Stepmother Is An Alien. O conclusions. The Naked Gun. A-III • O. Morally Offensive Oliver and Company. A-l The word ''Recommended" Physical Evidence. A-ffl appears after the title of those Rain Man. A-III film s that m erit such Salaam Bombay. A ll designation. HNS sponsoring broadcasts PITTSBURGH — The Pittsburgh and Greensburg Diocesan Unions of Holy Name Societies are sponsoring radio broadcasts of the "W ay of the Cross" on Fridays during Lent. The broadcasts will air at 11 a.m . on W E DO. 810 AM . as a service for those unable to at­ tend Lenten services in their own parishes.

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F r e d Rogers watches as Olympian Suzie McConnell demonstrates Rogers' Neighborhood. The Brookline resident to o n a gold medal for Tlie Clancy how to spin a basketball during her appearance on his show. Mister her efforts as a m em ber o f the 1988 U.S. basketball team. Brothers witk

Suzie McConnell on Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood O Lonnei

PITTSBURGH — Gold medal Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, in­ said. 'Yes I'd do it.' as soon as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. She Olym pian Suzie McConnell is the vited Suzie to appear on his they asked. I really wanted to see is a native of Pittsburgh, where latest guest to appear on Mister Emmy-winning children's pro­ how this show is made. Also. I the program is taped. Rogers' Neighborhood. McCon­ gram "because she exemplifies realized bow important it is to The segment featuring McCon­ nell was the shortest player (5'4"1 the discipline it takes to do young kids. I've got two nephews nell premieres Feb. 23. The on the U.S. basketball team that something really well." and a niece and they're thrilled athlete's visit is part of a week won a gold medal in Seoul. For her part. McConnell was a b o u t i t .” spec u e s t Fred Rogers, creator and host of thrilled with Rogers' invitation. "I McConnell. 22. grew up with about "Fun and Games.” Nortlle a s t

Jesuits m ark 50 years of broadcast m inistry

T O R O N T O (NC) — A Jesuit wide variety of believers and non­ dication. Programming in Canada highlights from "Lift Your Heart” March 1 0 0 0 broadcast m inistry celebrated 50 believers w ith Christ's message of began in 1943. documentaries. ir»v ■k-o ÖÖÖO love and hope.” said Jesuit Father Power said the program orc*up 6930 years of operation, including 46 in "Pathways.” a daily program C a n a d a . Father Frederick Power, director started with m ainly Catholic sub­ itei offered in thought-for-the-day nx K a u f m a n n d the Sacred Heart Program, syn­ of Sacred Heart Program Inc. in jects but since then has broaden­ , is in a 90-second format. It BENEDU tedum LCOtCf T o r o n t o . ed. "We air tim ely, issue-oriented dicated from studios in St. Louis, was designed to provide motiva­ CENTER B o x 3 ft airs programs on 800 radio sta­ "Our consistent theme is the programs that probe social con­ tional and inspirational messages tions in the United States. Canada role of Christ and the work of the cerns and investigate personal on a wide range of topics. and overseas. It also has a televi­ Catholic Church in today's socie­ growth and spiritual values.” he sion program, shown on cable ty.” he said. s a id . A 15-minute television show, outlets and the Eternal Word Its programs have received "Lift Your Heart.” a weekly pro­ also called "Lift Your Heart." Television Network, and plans for more than 50 national and inter­ gram available in versions of 24 features discussions of a wide another program this year. national awards. and 15 minutes, features inter­ range of religious and social Sacred Heart Program Inc., views and commentary on cur­ issues. A new TV series. "The FEBRUARY In Canada. 17 stations from founded by Jesuit Father Eugene rent religious and social Issues, as Jesuit Journal." will begin airing Newfoundland to British Colum ­ Murphy, began broadcasting In well as inspirational music t h is y e a r. Vt REUPHOLSTERINGif? bia air the programs. 1939. Father Power said the pro­ s e g m e n ts . Father Power said Sacred Heart > V », “Our goal is to educate and to grams proved so popular that the ■'Contact." a weekly five- Program does not solicit funds on inspire not only Catholics, but a broadcasters sought national syn­ minute broadcast, includes t h e a ir. Devotional program on cable MEET ONE OF OUR ADVERTISERS On selective fine fabric with the same A Lenten devotional program. "Catholics — W ay of the Cross." Not here. At his place of business. He just placed a nice ad in the Catholic inviting you will be presented 28 times over two weeks on Christian Associates to come by. Not, he's waiting. But he has a problem. He won't recognize you when you workmanship that we are known for. cable channel 9. available to subscribers of Pittsburgh Telecom­ come in. Tell him you sew his ad in the Catholic. He’ll welcome you by saying so and munications. serving city residents. he'll know how to get in touch with you next time! The schedule for the program, which features Rev. Ronald P. Lengwin. director of com m unications for the Diocese of Pittsburgh, is: Feb. 13-16 — 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Feb. 17— 11-30 pan. Feb. 18 and 19 — 3:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. St. Winifred’s Travel Club Feb. 20-23 — 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. invites Pittsburgh Catholic readers and their friends Feb. 24— 11:30 p.m. Feb. 25 and 26 — 3:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on a fabulous 7-night cruise aboard the Royal Carib­ bean “ Song of Am erica” to the exotic islands of the C a r i b b e a n .

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Friday, February 10, 1989 Life Page 7 Former CCD director McKeesport resident devotes career to teaching religion By STEPHEN KARUNCHAK watch her father while she directed the center's McKEESPORT — Anne McCann originally p ro g r a m . sought to teach catechism classes to blind Then Sister Josefa of the diocesan CCD office children. Although she never got around to asked Miss McCann to serve as a methods instruc­ catechizing blind children, she did serve in a varie­ tor for the catechetical training program. ty of religious education positions in the Pitt­ After completing a summer course. Miss Mc­ sburgh Diocese, including director of the diocesan Cann became a methods Instructor of the C C D office catechetical training program. Miss McCann said that she began her volunteer Before Joining the diocesan adm inistration. Miss work with blind persons through her sorority at M cCann served as director of public relations and Duquesne University. After graduation, she con­ personnel at McKeesport Hospital. She was con­ tinued to volunteer her time with blind people, sidering returning to school for a master’s degree such as keeping score for a blind bowlers' league. in hospital administration when she sent an ap­ She was among those volunteers attending a plication for em ploym ent to the diocese. dinner where she met Father (now Msgr.J Paul “Then Bishop (John) W right called one day.” L a c k n e r . she continued. "He said he wanted me to start "Father was explaining how he taught religious s o o n ." education classes to blind children." Miss Cann Miss McCann Joined the diocesan staff in 1968 recalled. "He said he let the children touch the as a CCD program coordinator. She later became vessels so they could get a feel of the item s used in assistant CCD director for the diocese and. in th e M a s s . 1974. she was named director of the diocesan C C D "Then I thought 'I'd rather do that than keep office. She retired from the post in 1988. s c o r e .'" She was one of the few women and one of the W hile she had teacher education classes at Du­ few members of the laity to hold a major quesne. Miss McCann said that she didn't know ministerial position in the diocese. how to teach religion education classes. A friend The McKeesport resident said the department suggested that she enroll for courses at Duquesne. had several accomplishments. which she did. "One accomplishment was the adoption of Through another friend. Miss McCann learned modem catechetical methods to the grassroots that catechists were needed at the then-newly- level.” she said. "There was a movement away establisbed St. Denis Parish in nearby Versailles from emphasizing information to emphasizing for­ Borough. She volunteered to teach catechism mation. Our aim was to teach the message, to Anne McCann, form er director of the diocesan classes there and later at her own parish. St. Pius build com m unity, worship and service." sum m er after serving for 20 years as a religious C C D o ffice, lo o k s over one o f the catalogues that V in McKeesport. The former diocesan C C D director also noted the educator on th e diocesan level her office published for its Continuing Christian In the 1950s and 1960s. Miss McCann said inauguration of the Com m unicating the Christian Development program. Miss McCann retired last — P h o to b y J o h n C . K e e n a n catechetical activity in the diocese was undergo­ Message program (CCM ) as an achievement. The ing great change. The Missionary Confraternity of CCM program integrates doctrine and Christian Doctrine (M CCD) had been established methodology to train catechists. Like most Catholics who came of age before the "W hen these adults had the opportunity to learn in 1905 to offer catechetical classes in outlying Another achievement that she noted was the ad­ Second Vatican Council, she said that she learned more about their faith, they blossomed." areas of the diocese: out of the efforts of the M CCD. dition of more catechetical centers as the CCM pro­ about the Catholic faith by means of the Baltimore Looking to tbe future. Miss McCann said that some 30 parishes were eventually established. gram gained an enhanced reputation and as more Catechism. However, after Vatican n, new texts she expects that there will be a movement toward However by the late 1950s and 1960s. the scope clergy offered to teach in their areas of expertise. were published. family education. She cautioned that tbe social of the CCD activity had shifted from offering In addition, she also cited tbe development of picture is one that if a child isn't going to get sup­ religious activity in rural areas of the diocese to of­ One source of satisfaction that went with her coordinators and directors of religious education port in participating in the religious education pro­ fering religious formation for the laity in all areas as full time parish employees: the establishment Job. she said, came from tbe closeness of her staff. Another source of satisfaction came from working grams. the programs aren't going to get support. of the diocese. of the diocesan Learning Media Center as a with adults through sacramental preparation '"With a decline in the num ber of Religious and When a district CCD center was established in catechetical resource: and an increase in the p ro g r a m s . priests, a great responsibtity falls upon lay peo­ McKeesport. Miss M cCann volunteered to serve as num ber and types of participants in catechetical ple." Miss McCann continued. "If they accept the center secretary. Later, when asked to serve as p ro g r a m s . "Most Catholics ended their religious education responsibility of their baptism — the call to spread center chairperson, she was ready to turn down Over the years. Miss McCann witnessed much at the end of the eighth grade." Miss McCann the Faith — and i f they are accepted and the appointment citing the illness of her father. change in catechesls. One change, she said, was in stated. "Their religious education was truncated. respected, then the zeal of the M CCD of the early However, two friends stepped in and offered to the development of new catechetical textbooks. They didn't learn m uch about Scripture. part of this century can be rekindled. "

Black Catholics continue to bring sense of soul to U.S. Church

(First o f two parts.) God was using him to lead not on­ character rather than the color of central to the life of black people. that we can all work together to By Sr. MARY FIDELIA CHMIEL ly Negroes, but the entire world his skin." That haunting voice The cultural elements most make this world a better place for C.S.S.F. into a saner path. had been finally stilled by a white developed within the Black everyone whether black, white, During February, which is In the historical and cultural assassin's bullet which tore open Church were music and red. yellow or "one of the Black History Month, it would be background which shaped him his throat on April 4. 1968. preaching for "one cannot have beautiful amalgams in between." wise to reflect upon what Black and against which the drama of In retrospect we realize that fire in the pews if you have ice in b e t w e e n ." Catholics continue to bring to the his life played itself out. he em erg­ great leaders, especially if they the pulpit." This teacher at heart w ith a doc­ Church in tbe United States. In ed as an incomparably brave become saints always give us Here an outstanding example is torate in English language and the words of Father George Stall­ human being and an inspiring hope of things as they ought to be a remarkable woman known as literature emanates the Good ings. president of the National leader for our time — proven rather than as they are. Ultim ate­ "A Woman Wrapped in Courage" News of faith, hope and Joy as she Black Catholic Clergy Caucus. triumphantly right by history. ly. leaders, even more religious who received the Franciscan of shares the richness and beauty of Black Catholics bring "a sense of What sets him apart is his leaders, are Judged not by how far the Year Award. She is Thea her black heritage. Her profound soul to the Roman Catholic courage, his enduring vision, and they have advanced, but how far Bowman, a 50-year-old member Church in America." Moreover, commitment to genuine multi­ his willingness to lose everything they have fallen short of what of the Franciscan Sisters of cultural living and her special ap­ they allow all senses to be affected even his life, for the sake of that they asked from the people of Perpetual Adortion For years she preciation of her own black as they praise God with their vision. He illustrated that creative would have included whites as their time. has been "mesmerizing" au­ culture makes her an ideal role minds, hearts, emotions and redemptive suffering can release well as blacks, w ith no barriers of Fortunately in our Catholic diences around the country and model. In a tradition where for s o u ls . a creative hum an force capable of race, religion or class." tradition 13 prominent black beyond it with her joyous Very im portantly. Black generations the church was cen­ changing society and bringing Despite gigantic obstacles. King bishops are emerging as powerful preaching, singing, teaching and Catholics bring a deep personal tral. the black preacher was the rip p le s o f h o p e . was determined to preach the leaders creating a sense of performing. relationship to the Lord and the pillar for the black community Since Abraham Lincoln, no gospel of non-violence more loud­ authority, excitement, and hope Although cancer wracks her Bible has always been Important with a knowledge of politics, man has done more to advance ly than ever. Very often he affirm­ among the people they are body and she preaches from a to them especially during slavery. economics, education and the cause of the Am erican Negro, ed his commitment “We will le a d in g wheel chair, this granddaughter One of the best examples of psychology as well as religion. but his achievement is greater return good for evil, we w ill love In 1988 another milestone was of a slave, continues to do what leadership emerging out of a than that. In Six Modern Martyrs. our enemies. Christ showed us reached within the Catholic she does best — preach the gospel There is tremendous hope that church tradition is Martin Luther Mary Craig demonstrates that the way and Gandhi showed us it Church with the appointment of of Good News from memories of a new day is dawning as our lov­ King Jr. Acutely aware of the "he showed the world that its ten­ could work. He never ceased Archbishop Eugene A. Marino. her hometown of rural Canton. ing God continues to lead His crucial issues of racism, bigotry, sions can be overcome without dreaming that brotherhood could 53. as first black Catholic ar­ M iss . children to true freedom and prejudice and hatred of his time. violence, that a creative non- become a reality. chbishop in the United States to She emphasizes that every brotherhood. Prof. Giles Con will King was driven to take a stand violent approach to long festering With enduring faith he con­ head the Atlanta Archdiocese. child is special and everyone is from Morehouse College in Atlan­ because he had "abiding faith in problems can heal them He tinued to carve "a tunnel of hope Although being a black Catholic made in the image of God. Keenly ta m ay be correct in rem inding us America and an audacious faith wanted to Im prove not just the lot from the m ountain of despair hop­ often means being a minority aware of the plight of her people that Black Catholics "are tbe sand in mankind" which he matched of the Negro, but to lead him away ing that one day every one will be within a minority, the Church is and what is happening to the in the oyster that agitates until with his sense of mission, that from hatred: and his ideal society judged by the content of his again becoming an institution blacks in Africa she radiates hope the pearl is found. ” Questions for Fr. Bober

W ould you please explain the term ‘titu la r’ bishop?

B y F t . C H A R L E S B O B E R a local church. Each local church, Church, be is not th e b is h o p o f ist in those cities. The names of A complete list of all "titular" difference of opinion as to however, can have but one bishop the local church in which he will these archdioceses and dioceses, whether a bishop received the QUESTION dioceses and their bishops is who acts as its chief pastor and exercise his episcopal m inistry. In however, remain. published each year by the sacrament of when In r e c e n t reports about our shepherd (the "residential" order to be faithful to the principle Vatican In the Annuario "consecrated" or if he Just receiv­ new auxiliary blshop, we saw When auxiliary bishops are b is h o p ). outlined above, auxiliary bishops Pontificio. ed added powers and jurisdiction. the term "titular" bishop. Would named they are given the "title" are given the title (hence, y ou p le a s e e x p la in s o m e th in g of one of these ancient dioceses. W hen a bishop of a local church "titular") of another diocese. That QUESTION The Second Vatican Council a b o u t th is i n a future column? They have no rights or obligations determines that tbe needs of tbe diocese is one that is peculiarly In times peat we used to speak taught that the "fullness" of the to that local area since there are diocese require the assistance of a linked to history. of the "consecration" o fa bishop, sacrament of holy orders is receiv­ A N S W E R few if any Catholics there. cleric who has been ordained a but today we more often hear ed by the bishop who is tbe chief A "titular" bishop differs from a In the earliest centuries o f th e However, being associated with bishop, he petitions the Pope to about a bishop being "ordain­ shepherd of a local church. In "residential" bishop and the church. Christian communities the m em ory of that former Chris­ appoint one or more auxiliary ed." Would you please explain (act. thea. a bishop does receive distinction is related to ancient flourished in Northern Africa and tian com m unity fulfills in theory b is h o p s . the change In terms? the sacrament of holy orders and principles in Catholic life. There moat of Asia Minor. Because of in­ at least the principle of "every A N S W E R therefore the ceremony is proper­ are no "wandering" bishops: While this auxiliary bishop is a vasions and persecution most of bishop — a local church” but Before the Second Vatican ly called an ordination and not a every bishop must be attached to true bishop of the Catholic these communities no longer ex­ "one local church, one bishop." Council, there was considerable consecration. Pag« S PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, February 10, 198< C lassified ads/diocesan new s

ACCEPT ANCE-of an adver­ 500 SERVICES 1 2 0 T O U R S 200 HELP WANTED tisement in the Pittsburgh OFFERED Northside Lenten series Catholic, while based on an PITTSBURGH — Northside Common Ministries will host Its se­ assumption o f integrity on the BABYSITTER-Wanted ma part o f the advertiser, does Amity Travel Century Travel I ture woman for infant in my FURNITURE cond Interfaith Lenten series at area churches. not imply endorsement o f a St. George* Church Mt. Labanon home. Approx REPAIRS Programs are slated for Wednesdays at 7 :30 p.m . at: Buena Vista DEBOLT Airline Tickets. 3 days per week. Own trans­ product or service. p n a o n t a Done in your home, specializing in United Methodist Church. 1400 Buena Vista St.. Feb. 15: Trinity Cruise Specialists, portation/references, 343 retying, rewebbing, springs, Sofa- CLASSIFIED ADS-ordered Lutheran. 616 W. North Ave.. Feb. 22: McNaugher Memorial Business Travel 9 MMfrkl' 0316. Chairs. Foam rubber cushions killed after tgeing set but prior U n l i m i t e d Waikiki, Maui A epiacal Experienced Reesonabe Presbyterian. 432 Catoma St.. March I; O ur Lady Queen of Peace. to publication will be billed at Orlando, Florida GOVERNMENT JOBS- San Francisco S16.040 - S59,230/yr. Now 963-7665 Middle & Sulsmon Sts.. March 8 (7 p.m .): and Providence United half rate. Classified “ kills'* 823 East Ssrswth Aw Fab. 26-Mar. 5 fO Afi Hiring. Call (1) 805-687-6000 Presbyterian. Davis & California Aves.. March 15. cannot be accepted after I! Homestead PA 15120-158$ Mar. 12-Mar. 19 Apr. 4-18 1989 A M Mon. for current week' Ext. R-4033 fo r current 510 ENTERTAINMENT FULL SERVICE TRAVE AGENCY pp.no. federal list. issue. Washington D.C. $1250 1989 WEDDING SPECIAL- West View Lenten programs 001 PERSONALS 461-0128 or Cheny lloaeom Includes: 5 nights MATURE EXPERIENCED- Waikiki, 4 nights Maui, 4 Person to care for infant in Pittsburgh's most requested PITTSBURGH — The Martina Spiritual Renewal Center at 5244 talented Disc Jockey. Radio 800-4-DEBOLT Apr 7-9 * 1 7 9 nights San Francisco. my home. Five days weekly. Clarwln Ave.. West View, will host three Lenten programs. Personality/Emcee since PREGNANT? Limited seating. Deadline Beginning in Spring. Salary Cruise on the 1973. Oldies collection/ top Included are: An evening for high school students Wednesday, And you didn't moan to bo? Feb., 28. negotiable. 241-5446. MOTORCOACH Celehretioo 40. Sonny Russman 241-2212. Feb. 15. from 7:30-9:30 p.m. conducted by Father Tim Whalen on For a free pregnancy test and Call Lisa at NURSERY SCHOOL A1DE- confidential support. May 27-Jane 3 "W hat's Good About Catholic?”: Tuesday. March 7. for married TOURS 653-7160 Five mornings. 19 hours. S4 AAA-FINEST-Entertain- Call BIRTHRIGHT ment-MATT OLIVER (Ac couples. 7:30-10 p.m . by Father Ben Vaghetto on "Can Loneliness ATLANTIC CITY » . * 1 1 1 5 an hour. St. Philomena Pittsburgh 821-1988 School, Squirrel Hill. Call cordion-Organ) Hourly and Aloneness Lead to Spiritual Growth?": Thursday. March 9. for Rates-Big Band Sound-Sc- Sawickley 741-3491 ONE DAY EXCURSIONS Call for 1991 Brochare» 521-2300. separated and divorced persons. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. conducted by St. Hilary nior's Discount. 921-8278 REGISTERED NURSE-fuU Fab t n n CALL AMITY TOURS Travel Club Father Lawrence DiNardo on "Don't W orry. Be Happy. God Loves or part-time. Elder Crest Nur­ ACCORDION AND/OR-DJ Trump Plaza...... OO I t 51 Pleasant Hitts Y o u . " ALO R S ft PREGMAJVT 320 Henderson Ave sing Home E.O.E. Call specializing in WEDDINGS, For reservations call Sister Mary Richard. 931-9766. I Ifth a t a confidential MULTIPLE DAY TOURS Across From Eat*N Park Washington. PA 15301 462-8002. Parties, and Banquets! Light caring friend. Free show available. Reasonable pregnancy test. Mar. 12-14 882-2707 Catskills 385 WANTED TO BUY rates. 884-3145. Call Pgh m a m Royal Inn... W e Arrange Group *96 Mar 27 31 $225 CARL STOCKER ORCHES- Lenten series in Mars Beaver (ZCw m Bomm Tours and Cruises. Antiques wanted TRA-Muuc for all occasious. Butler isa-isoo Mar. 14-16 o j ^ * Gatlinburg/Nashville M ARS — St. Kiltan parish In Mars will host a bible study series. Cranberry 7 7 a-a sao We will buv any­ Vocals, Oldies, Polkas, Stan­ Trump Plaza 1 1 D May 29-June 4 1385 "The Parables of St. Luke." Wednesdays beginning Feb. 15 at 7 Connellsv I t M I I » thing over 40 years dards. Call Carl 833-1050 or Mon Valley Cam Boms 16 Can MBIBUSES IRELAND old; one item or com­ Rich 429-0931. p.m. in the church hall. Cherry & Clark Sts. Conducting the series Mar. 19-20 $ 7 0 plete household. Fur­ will be Sister Marian Senich of the Transfiguration House of Prayer A T L A N T I C July 9-21 $1299 FLASHBACK-fFormaliy Trump Plaza...... f £ niture, (baby dolls) old in Saxonburg. All arc welcome. Abortion can bo a Ocean City. MD toys, dishes, trains, Celebrity) For your Wedding CwncBoMttCM CITY or Special Occasion-Wide traumatic experience. Sept. 11-15 $285 hand painted china, variety of music. Paul It you need help la putting WEEKDAYS cut glass, music Atlantic City Via US Air 823-4975. your Ma back in foci«-. Pickups Downtown Pittsburgh boxes, china cabi­ ‘Living stations’ in Cranberry Mon Thur Departures from For information and nets, clocks, coins, Cad C.A.R.E. Feb. 15-17 FOR POLISH POLKAS- CRANBERRY TW P. — The Youth Group of St. Ferdinand parish Feb. 21-23 itinerary on all trips call bed sets, dining sets, Standards and a bit o f Our Sarvtcaa Are *79 fancy carved furniture, in Cranberry Tw p. will present living stations of the Cross, in the Free and Confidantlal Mar. 15-17 Fr. O’Neil everything. Music for all oc­ S179.00 oil paintings, oriental casions and places. Call Len­ form of prayer, m usic, dram atic readings and tableaux at eight loca­ Mar. 20-22 2 2 2 -4 0 8 7 ruge.High Prices Paid (412) 572-5009 7284606 ny. 276-3850. tions during Lent. During February Mar. 22-24 4 4 5 -8 0 9 0 GOOD ENTERTAINMENT*ls Dates and locations are: Friday. Feb. 10. 8 p.m ., St. Ferdinand: Includes Round trip air­ WEEKENDS important to your wedding Sunday. Feb. 12. 7:30 p.m .. Sherwood Oaks. Cranberry: Sunday, 7 W EEK LENTEN SERIES- fare Accommodations at Z O N A T O U R S Richland reception. 1 know this is a Feb. 19. 8 p.m .. Dutihl U.M . Church. Cranberry: Sunday. Feb. 26.8 that will help you find new Trump Plaza Transfers in Ellwood City Transit Inc. Antiques special day for you and I want Mar. 31-Apr. 2 p.m.. Most Holy Name. Troy Hill. life with God and strengthen Atlantic City. Taxes and i *119 to make it perfect with the your faith. St. Joseph’ s 1989 T O U R S B o n u s . AMERICAN FLYER-Lio- Music-U-Like! I offer the Sunday, March 5. 8 p.m .. St. Michael. New Castle: Sunday. March School Hall, Garfield Street, 4 Day Special Atlantic City nel T o y Trains and ac­ finest in entertainment. For 12. 8 p.m .. St. George, Allentown: Sunday. March 19. 8 p.m.. St. Natrona. Every Wednesday Mar. 7-10 cessories. By collector. Any your convenience call Dan beginning February 15 GROUP LEADERS One day tour Athanasius. West View: Friday, March 24. 8 p.m .. St. Ferdinand. iisr i21» ting age or condition. Pay up to Davis at 881-6246. through March 29. Time 6:30 Travel with DeBolt Unlimited Mar 28-31 * Feb. 25 $33 $10,000. 276-5325. PARTY TYME BAND- p.m. For more information •Group Discounts (One Casino Bonus) 2 Dap Special WANTED-American Flyer, Music for all occasions. Wed­ ‘Fundamentalism’ is Forum topic call 224-3825. Overnight tour • Special Pickups Ives and Lionel Toy Trains. dings a specialty. Call 344- FREE-Encouraging spiritual PITTSBUR G H — Msgr. Eugene Clark, director of the Institute of Mar 18-20 *65 Mar. 19-20 $79 Notre Dame Alumnus will 4027 for booking. messages and prayers to lift e Customized Group Planning (Two Casino Bonuses) pay up to $20,000 any condi­ Advanced Studies in Catholic Doctrine at St. John University in your faith. Write-Catholic SCHENLEY STRING QL AR- 'A ll Atlaatic City tion, anywhere. Collector. New York City, will speak on "Catholicism and Fundamentalism" Action. R.D. 4, Box 410, fkl-Exquisite music for wed­ Trips lâchés Trsas., MULTIPLE DAY TOURS Drew Bauer, 683-4457, 682- Tarentum, PA 15084. dings, receptions, special Wednesday. Feb. 15. at 8 p.m . in Synod Hall. Oakland. 6637. Lodgiag. Doable Ca­ FLORIDA events, classical, and light The talk is part of the lecture series sponsored HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY- sias Booms. Laager WANTED TO BUY-Any- music. Strolling violin avail­ T o My Wife Ann: Your love, “Winter-Get-A-Way” by the Catholic Forum of Pittsburgh. Admission thing Old. One piece or able. 461-8664 booking faithfulness and dedication| Stays Available. February 24-March 10.1969 is free and open to ail. estate, antiques, furniture, information. make you the most special $595.00 Msgr. Clark holds degrees from St. Joseph MULTI DAT TOORS dolls, bears, toys, etc. Collec­ WEEKEND EDITION-Ex- person in my life. Love, Bill. Savanna)!, Georgia - Daytona tions. Cash paid. 366-6844. perienced Group-Music for Seminary. Ford ham University and a Ph.D. in MANY THANK$*to the Sacred Cabia ferer Reliever ■ St Petersburg - Ottaado Weddings, Parties, Etc., Key­ European history from Notre Dame. He was or­ Heart. Blessed Mother. St. Phutkeaef tbs Oyen TRIP INCLUDES: Antiques Wanted boards, Brass, Vocals. Music dained for the New York Archdiocese in 1951 Jude, Holy Spirit for favors Breakfast, 1 Dinner at Duffs, for All Age Groups. Reason­ and has served as a judge on the matrimonial received. E.J.P. 1989 T O U R S Mar. 7-8 *M 1 Cook out Boatride and din­ Dining Rooms, Kitchen Sets able. 745-7262. 745-1283. M A Y THE-Sacred Heart of ner. Baseball and Boardwalk. Fancy Carved Furniture tribunal, as personal secretary to Cardinal Fran­ Multi Day Tours Las Vegaa/US Air Paw ted Dishes, Glassware Jesus be loved, adored, Tour of Savannah. 1 Italian cis Spellman and Cardinal Terrance Cooke and Tiffany-type Lampa glorified and preserved Mar. 28-Apr. 1 » ♦ « « Orlando Oetaway Dinner, Citrus Tower. Busch Stained Glass as director of communications for the , throughout the world now a s Feb 2Mtar 5 Cherry Gardens, Flea Market Dog Gold Jewelry WEDDING INVTTATIONS- archdiocese. Ms*r CUrk and forever. Oh Sacred Heart Mat 121« t t t i Races. Disneyworid (optional- Sterling FUtware Simulatcd Engraved. Tradi­ . o f Jesus, pray for us. St. Vashiagtaa b B tltesn He has served on the board of directors at St. John University and Mat 26Apr 2 * * 9 *** not mciuded) Dolls, Wind-up Toys tional and Christ centered. Jude, helper o f the hopeless, the Pregnancy Care Centers in Westchester County, as Knight Com­ Aug. 13-20 Apr. 7-9 'IM Banks, Doorstops $20 per 100 Includes double pray for us. R.S. I Dog Race/Dinner/ Oriental Rugs envelopes and delivery. Mary mander of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre, as chairman of Alter­ Dmm frenateci paouge oçücnai Jamboree Mirrors, Clocks PRAYERS*And Méditations! Xasbrllle/lertagtaa Margaret 241-3512. natives to Abortion International, as director of the information of­ Collection o f Rarely Heard! St. Petersburg, Florido *39.00 Quilts, Dailies Mast Old Things WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY- fice for the Vatican Museum. In addition to other positions. Prayers for Special Inten­ May 17-22 *418 Mar. 4 Bill Anderson And Video Recording. A ll Msgr. Clark is currently pastor of St. Agnes Church in New York tions. S3.00 to CM C, P.O. Apr 16-25 Mar. 25 MM Tlllis Cujrjnftt J Honesty Box 446-PC, Carnegie, P A I Highest Price Paid professional. 14 years o f wed­ C i t y . T o r o n t o Apr. 15 Boxcar Willi, ding experience. 784-8454. 15106. Washington DC Apr. 22 Wiyton JenNfiga DOROTHY or PALL C harry Blossom May 23-27 *848 SEARCHING FOR-Decend- May 6 Ranis Mllsep 242-0451 ants o f Frank McCann, of Lenten retreat in Whitehall Apr » *259 tea Richmond PUststioa May 20 Charley Pride M a m o r l * * Pittsburgh, to expand my May 27 Tammy WynsMe May 24-28 'SID GLASSWARE WANTED W H ITEH A LL — A Lenten retreat for women will be held Sunday. family history. Frank died 23 Bayou Browsing June 3 Mickey GIHey t o R o l i v o Sept. 1901. age 43, and was • Clear & Colored Stemware & Feb. 19. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in St. Francis Convent. Grove & June 10 Marts Osmond Glassware from The Depres­ buried in St. Mary’s Cemet­ Apr. 19-28 * 5 7 9 » . Csasdia« Rockies July 1 John Conlee • W E D D I N G S McRoberts Rds.. W hitehall. The day will open with Mass. To register ery. He left wife Mary, and sion Era July 5-31 'ISOS July 8 Porter Wagoner • B A N Q U E T S at $12 by Feb. 15 call 771-7791. seven children — William, T a x a * Tour • Pottery Marked Newcomb, Includes: RT Transporta­ • RECEPTIONS Rose, Edna, John, Margaret, ONE DAY EXCURSIONS Rookwood, Majolica Grueby • R E U N IO N S Frank and Lawrence. If you NrM id *939 tea tion. 26 Breakfasts. 26 Din­ ners. Admissions. Baggage Easter at Kraynake • Glass Shade Lamps. Handel, • PROFESSIONAL Family planning in New Brighton have information about this! Galla Daum, Pairpomt. family, please contact Gene Kentucky Derby Handling Lodging. Mar. 18 *28 CEREMONIAL NEW BRIGHTON — The Beaver County Family Life Center at 525 Murphy, 3611 West 5th May 4-7 3 7 9 x x Gettysburg, PA CARRIE’S GLASS Street. Anacortes, W A 98221. ORB DAT TOUR VIDEO Seventh Ave., New Brighton (the library at St. Joseph Church), will Mar. 25 *4« 563*3603 In return, I may be able to fill Alaska Travel Show PRODUCTIONS host a free course In natural methods of fam ily planning on Friday. in some gaps for you. Valentines Day Washington, DC P. Sutor G. Rullo Feb. 17. at 7:30 p.m . Instruction will be given by trained instructor 390 MISCELLANEOUS 771-7062 771-6253 ST. JUDE NOVENA-May Sweet Treat* Apr. 1 *50 couples. Engaged and married couples of all faiths may call the the Sacred Heart o f Jesus be Feb. 14 «SS ITALIAN DESSERTS A center at 846-1948 to register. adored, glorified, loved and Alaska Air Tour Maple Sugar Festival PASTRIES COOKBOOK preserved throughout the Apr. 8 *30 Authentic recipes used for world now and forever. Clevelud n e v e r Sbao Juns2-13 * 2 7 9 8 XX weddings and social events. Pre-marriage series set Sacred Heart o f Jesus, pray! Feb. 25 'B7 Falllngwater and Spiral bound, $8.95 postpaid. CARPENTER-W ood Steps, for us. St. Jude, worker o f AigiW *2898 »SD Sevan Springs (Great gift item!) Recipe Decks, Porches. Custom NEW BRIGHTON — The Beaver County Family Life Center will miracles, pray for us. St. Irish Spring Fling Enterprise, Box 235, Brier Shelving and Closets. Senior sponsor a six-week marriage preparation course for couples plann­ Jude, helper o f the hopeless, Alaska Bus Tour May 6 >33 Citizen Discount. 621-1749. Mar. 17 *88 Hill. P A 15415. ing spring or summer marriages. The instructions will be held on pray for us. Say this prayer 9] Tara Mansion SENIOR CmZENS-Have times a day for 18 days. St. Sundays beginning Feb. 12 at 3 p.m . at the Fam ily Life Center. St. June 4-30 * 2 6 7 9 . . your walls washed or painted Jude, please answer my! Sad* and Dad* May 13 ‘ 32 Joseph school hall. 525 Seventh Ave. For Information call the center at prices you can afford. prayer. Love. B.R. C aliforn ia Mar. 29 *83 Bhiartdgs Shopping Oedst 241-5953. at 846-1948. ST. JUDE'S NOVENA-May I ALL HAUUNG-and trash * 1 8 8 5 ¡ May 20 *2S removal. Fast, reliable and the Sacred Heart o f Jesus be July 1-23 Cherry Blo**oai 809 APARTMENTS reasonable! Also demolition loved, adored, glorified and T O R E N T Pacific Noflhwast A p r. 1 * 3 0 Carousal Dinner Theatre work. CaD Walt 687-6928 Mt. St. Macrina slates programs ; preserved throughout the «Canadian Rocklas May 27 '38 world now and forever. Oh I ALL TYPES FURNITURE- FOREST HILLS-New 1 BR UNIONTOW N — Mt. St. Macrina Retreat Center In Unlontown has Sacred Heart o f Jesus, pray Sea tf Hearn Repairs, reupholstering, cus­ Luxury Rental. W /W, free slated five programs for the com ing weeks. July 7-26 * 1 7 6 9 Tangier Supper Club for us. St. Jude, Helper of the Imparili Arts si tom slipcovers. Registered local transportation, A/C, T h e y a re : May 24 ‘ 37 Hopeless, pray for us. Say upholsterers, low prices' balcony. Adult/Elderly Liv­ 2 P a y T o u r s China Exhibit A 10-week course on "Bible Study: Reflection on the Acts of the this prayer nine times a day Since 1966. Lou A John. G o ing. $498. 882-4990. Apr. 29 *39 Lake Erta Island Cruise for 18 days. L.D.O. Cin c innati, Ohio anywhere. 361-8101. FRIENDSHIP-Fumished. 1 Apostles by Sister Ann Fedyszak on Thursdays beginning Feb. 16. Ju n e 17 *38 7 -9 p .m . THANKSGIVING-for favor Room Efficiency with Bath. Apr 27 21 1 2 9 tea A'S HAULING. MOVING- received. St. Jude and Sacred AJI Mufti Day foure piices tes­ Hershey Park Clean up attics, garages, Utilities included. O ff Street A four-part series on "Body Praise." com bining prayer, exercise eti on per person Pontile Parking. 371-4872. Heart. A.N .______Nloggra Falls Ju n e 24 *30 estates. Fair prices. Move and meditation Mondays and Fridays beginning Feb. 20 from 9-10 occupancy anything. 782-4492. THANK YOU-Dear Jesus, Pr ogressiv Dbm or SHADYSIDE/E. LIBERTY- a.m . and led by Sister Carol Petrasovich. MULTIPLE DAY TOURS New completely furnished St. Jude and Blessed Mother CARPENTER-and all phases A four-part discussion of "Iconography: A Tradition" by Slater May « * 1 0 9 O08B CHARTER BUSES third floor Apt. Bath- for favors granted and please Baltimore o f Residential Work. W ood­ Ann Fedyszak Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. beginning Feb. 21. keep on helping. D.J.C. en steps, decks and porches Kitchen-Dining Area-Living- O ns Day Tour« AVAILABLE May 5-6-7 *189 References. Reasonable. 824- room-Bedroom. Local trans­ A two-week series on "Lent: A Journey to Wholeness and T H A N K YOU-Most Sacred 3681. portation. 661-5038. Holiness by Fr. George Appleyard. focusing on the search for heal­ Heart o f Jesus and St. Jude. N la g o r a FaMs GROUPLEADERS! Catskills ing and forgiveness. Sundays, March 5 and 12. from 12:45 to 6 p.m.. Helper o f the Hopeless for| Incentives and Dia­ May 15-19 *243 CARPET INSTALLATION prayers answered. P.S. Mar 5 *50. conats for Groups. And Sales-Stair shifts, carpet -nrxmmumr concluding with supper. Nashville T H A N K YOU-Sacred Heart Wsshnghcuss Casks A s k far a w repair. 30 years experience A day of quiet prayer and reflection, "Precious in God's Sight." by Reasonable rates. Discount to Housing for tho and St. Jude for favors June 7-11 *299 Fr. Francis Rohlf on Thursday, March 16. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Senior Citizens. 884-0859 ELDERLY granted. B.A. Mar 14 » 2 « . . For reservations call 438-7149 or write: Mt. St. Macrina Retreat CaD Tull Free W ildwood Im M * CMMX) MM, Vt 1400498-8884 EXPERT ROOF REPAIR Center. 510 W. Main St.. Box 878. Unlontown. Pa. 15401. 1 2 0 T O U R S Bock Slogs at Juno 11-16 *248 Repair work our specialty qgqori»«— tf a Tha Isnsdum MBI TOURS Downspouts, gutters, chim­ Apartments Extended Now England ney work. Free estimates; all attention tor elderly Leetsdale Station and handicapped. Ac­ Advantage Travel Club Mar 30 * 2 5 June 18-23 *461 work guaranteed! 431-7636 Looking for people who 99 Ohio River Blvd. comodates Senior Cisssiftod Ratos CaM to r 4BBB Leetsdale. Pa. 15056 HANDYMAN-AI1 types Citizens who need a Minimum Charge enjoy 1st Class Trassi W rits or C sll home repairs: Plumbing, little extra care yet do fo u r h o e h m o o CARIBBEAN CRL ISE-Junc SEASHORE PROPERTY- Conuortcal Rates al a Modérais Price. 2 6 6 -3 1 1 1 heating, carpentry, painting not need the medical ZONA TOURS 18, 1989. Sail to Antigua, For Sale. Ocean City, 20 Words...$$-00 For more infoimation caft Lenzner Tours and electrical. Very attention of a nursing IMHONGnUE MAO Barbados, Matinique, St. Maryland/Delaware. FREE reasonable-prompt service, horns. Monthly Rant 561-6298. 2 0 0 HELP WANTED DUOUESNE VILLAGE SHOP. CHI Maarten and St. Thomas copy o f J/R’i BEST BUYS, 20 WonSa...*4 50 761-7000 621-0176. *746 Includes meals, aboard N C L 's Starward. CaD 1 -800-437-7600 ext .6503 Each esattomi «oto ti eW AIRLINES NOW HIRING- I. MFFUL N 15122 laundry, housekeep­ An Additional 81.28 For WOOD FLOOR SPECIAL* Prices begin at $1082. Coo- or write Jerry "J/R ” Rivkin 1-800-342-2349 Flight Attendants, Travel ing and planned social 4 6 9 -3 9 0 2 IST-Old and new floors sand­ services. Medical ser­ tact: S.A.L. TR A V E L in Realtor, Moore. Warfield A Ml Nebo Road Agents, Mechanics, Customer SUPPORT OUR iflM uy« McMurray at 412-941-5232. Gtick. Inc., 12003 Coastal Service. Listings. Salaries to ed and refurnished. Installa­ vices provided by Mer­ Sewickley Pa 15143 tion and sales o f all styles o f cy Hospital are avail­ MYRTLE BEACH-Roomy Highway. Ocean City. MD ADVERTISERS S10SK. Entry level positions 7 5 2 * 9 7 0 1 (Blemod Cityl 21842. Call (1) 805-687-6000 Ext. wood floors. Call for free able on premises. Ocean view Condo, Minutes BM VM i RwMtof LmM estimate 793-8017. Resident managers on Al Adi Must Be Prepaid A -403 3. to beach, 2 bedrooms, 2 901 HOUSE FOR SALE site, 24 hours per day. baths, sleeper sofa, indoor/ Located at: DISPLAY RATES ALWAYS SPIC-N-SPAN outdoor pools, jacuzzi. MONASTERY AREA-South Available on Requeel CLEANING-Desperately 200 HELP WANTED 21« Leila Street 653-4250, 655-1026. 18; seven rooms, two baths. seeking commercial A resi­ SHOWER 8 WEDDING (Mt Washington) New furnace and hot water OCEAN CITY, MD-Vaca- Deadline dential cleaners. Hours BABYSfTTER-For delightful FAVORS A INVITATIONS Pittsburgh, Pa. heater. Good condition. tion on our dean beaches. 11 AM . Monday available from 9:00 am - 3:00 baby in our SqHill home. end DECO RADONS Cell 361-3966 ter $14.900. 821-3339. 821-8141. PARTY KING Oceanfront for four persons pm Monday-Friday. Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Wednes­ nartlculan ______9:00 am - 1.00 pm. Depen day 8-5:30. Experienced, non- Btftftdfry Favors, ale. starting at $500 a week. Call 471-1252 dabie, hardworking people smoker, own transportation. MIKE FBNIERG CO. ac Shoreline Properties for free PRAY FOR n a l M o p M * fta P a s AVENUE. PGH. PA 1SB brochure. 1-800-492-5832. needed immediately. Call 471-7887 days, 621-7887 Pray For Peace 100 Wood SL, Suite 500 361-6272.______|evenings. 471-2922 VOCATIONS Pgh. PA 15222

I i Friday, February 10, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 9 Around the diocese Teaching as Jesus Golden Jubilarians L i f e is becom ing...in a ll w ays, in a ll seasons ***■ AMD M RS. BERNARD PODOR

(Part of a series on the themes of and finitude of hum an existence. seasons passed through a crisis McKEESPORT — Bernard J. C a te c h e tica l C o n g ress '88.1 He passed through a confusing experience which marked their and Mary Fodor of Versailles By Sr. ANNA MAE KUZMA. transition period of psychological transition through a life of Boro. McKeesport, will O.S.F. wanderings and disbelief in the spiritual questing and then to celebrate their 50th wedding Consultant for Elementary goals and values for his life during spiritual ded: ration. anniversary Friday, Feb. 10. at School Catechesis which time he became more sen­ Each mile in our life journey of­ an 8:30 a.m. Mass in St. Denis Life is a process of becoming. sitive to the pain hum ans suffered fers opportunities to embrace dai­ Church. Versailles Boro. Of­ The creative and spiritual dimen­ due to plague-like illnesses. Fran­ ly experiences in carrying out our ficiating will be Fr. F.B. sions of life work together to open cis reached a point of no return personal callings. What takes Lachowicz. pastor. us to God’s am azing grace. when he could no longer hold on place is not usually something on "Th is is what I am ." is a crippl­ The couple also took a trip to to his old practices and beliefs which we can plan or deliberately ing conclusion because it holds Seven Springs. while he had as yet no new ones. seek. These unplanned "extras" me in m y past. A whollstic alter­ Mr. Fodor and the former Retreating to a cave in prayer a re p a rt o f life. native approach is to regard life as Mary Gasdick were married he expressed his depressed and In his adm onitions Francis said. an ongoing process. Ask instead, Feb. 11. 1939 in St. Stephen confused condition until one day "Be conscious of the wondrous “where is m y life going?” “Who his doubts and searchings came state in which the Lord God has Church, McKeesport, with Fr. Mrs. Fodor served as a cook at do I desire to become?" "What together in an inner experience placed you. for he created you and John Rethy officiating. St. Peter. St. Pius and St. Denis . in, a£T seasons does m y life require of m e?” I am that became the transforming formed you to the image of his convents and also worked for Mr. Fodor worked for 46 years "created in the image and predictable in certain directions event of his life. Things then beloved Son according to the two years at the Fr. Junipero at U.S. Steel National Works as likeness of God." (Gen. 1:24). and degrees and then become began to crystaltze at a deeper S p i r i t ." Serra Mission in Monterey. a diesel barge craneman. The call here is to realize that I totally unpredictable. One exam­ level of his consciousness. To be creative and spiritual is C a lif. am “Uke" God and to respond out ple is a thirteenth century mer­ Alone in a broken-down chapel always to know that what 1 now of the spirit of that realization. It chant's son. Francis of Assisi, the Lord spoke to his heart. am is not complete. My life ex­ is not only a question of whether I whose youthful years were given "Francis repair m y church." We perience needs to be enriched and ¡Health institutions merge have the potentiality of freedom to the license of sensual have the advantage today of look­ b ro a d e n e d . and creativity to do so. but pleasures, to adventures of the ing back to recognize the effect Lent is a marvelous opportunity j PITTSBUR G H — The Pittsburgh Mercy Health System (PMHS) an­ whether I sufficiently practice the military and to flamboyant self- Francis' response had through to develop disciplines and take on nounced today that Spectra Health Corporation, owner of St. John's discipline that develops m y inner confidence. Yet. a series of ex­ eight centuries. Something of the challenge to accept the gift of Health and Hospital Center, will become a subsidiary of PMHS. capacity for spiritual creativity in periences brought about a signifi­ great value has been affirmed, what I do not already possess — According to Sister Joanne Marie Andiorio. president and chief ex­ those personal experiences which cant shift in his early 20s. nam ely freedom and the reality of indeed to know that the creative ecutive officer of PMHS. discussions with Spectra have been held are expressions of m y freedom. Francis' encounter .with im­ creativity. and spiritual are ultimately two over the past several months and formal agreement of the two Many persons manifest in their prisonment and severe illness O ur church calendar lists many sides of a single process of my bystems was approved. The two health care providers will now lives a sequence of events that are made him aware of the mortality models who in all ways and in all b e c o m in g . move forward with legal and administrative matters required to con­ summate the agreement. Ethnic food fest in Etna According to Harold D. Sanders, president and chief executive of­ Braddock hosts guest priests ETN A — The annual Ethnic Food Fair at All Saints Church in Et­ ficer of Spectra, the affiliation with M ercy was a significant step in its BRADDOCK — Good Shepherd parish in Braddock will feature na will be held Sunday. Feb. 19. from 1-5 p.m. in the Activities evolution as a health care provider. Masses each W ednesday of Lent at 7 p.m .. w ith form er pastors of the I "The affiliaUon with Mercy will allow us to continue our tradition Building, Wilson St. parish as celebrants. Included will be foods of Germ an. Irish. Eastern-European. Italian. and historic mission of delivering accessible comprehensive ser­ Dates and guest priests will be: Feb. 15. Fr. W illiam Hutnik: Feb. Greek and Jewish nationalities and a salad bar. All are welcome. vices. By com bining the quality and strength of a respected health 22. Fr. Francis Plantes: March 1. Fr. Robert Duch: March 8. Fr. system with the specialty services and diversified network that St. Richard Ragni; March 15. Fr. Michael Polak: and March 22. Fr. {John's has developed, we will be able to support this com m unity's St. Vincent alumni lunch W illiam Rutledge. All are welcome to attend. health care needs in a vital and stable financial environm ent." PITTSBURGH — The monthly alumni luncheon of St. Vincent 1 About the affiliation Sr. Joanne Marie said. "During our discus- College and Seminary in Latrobe will be held Tuesday. Feb. 14. at lions with Spectra, it became apparent that our two organizations Beaver Falls renewal week noon in Tam belllni's. 7th St.. Downtown. Graduates who attended have a sameness of purpose and a m utual respect. We are excited the school are welcome. For reservations call 242-0945. BEAVER FALLS — Holy Trinity parish. 906 Sixth Ave.. Beaver bout the possibilities this brings to all parties involved and we are Falls will host a renewal week conducted by Fr. Angelus ¡rateful to our hospital com m unity for their support and expertise Shaughnessy. OFM Cap. Saturday through Wednesday. Feb. 18-22. Es these negotiations proceed." Author luncheon slated Feb. 18 Daily Mass on Monday. Tuesday and W ednesday will be offered at PITTSBURGH — Christopher Catholic Accent in Greensburg. 9 a.m. and 7 p.m .. with confessions heard before and after Masses. ^Encounter With Silence’ retreats Award winner Dr. Edward Brett Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be available Sunday from 1 and wife Donna will be among the The Southwestern Penn­ to 7 p.m .. followed by a talk and devotions. PITTSBURGH — The week-long "Encounter With Silence" 30 authors, writers and jour­ sylvania Chapter of the Catholic Fr. Angelus's topics will be: "God Talks to His Children." Satur­ retreats offered here for m any decades by the late Fr. John Hugo will nalists featured during a lun­ Library Association comprises day: "Lord. Make Me a Channel of Your Peace." Sunday; "Con­ be offered five times this year. cheon at the Westin W illiam Penn the Dioceses of Pittsburgh. fidence in God." Monday; “What Now. Lord?". Tuesday; and "If Dates and times for the silent retreats, which are based on Scrip­ Hotel on Saturday, Feb. 18 from 9 Greensburg and Altoona- God Is So Good. Why Is There So Much Evil in the World?". ture and focus on silence and prayer, are: a.m. to noon. Bishop Donald W. J o h n s t o w n . W e d n e s d a y . I May 14-21 at Mt. Nazareth Center. Bellevue, with Fr. Frank Erdel- Wuerl will be the keynote jac. parochial vicar at St. Jam es in W ilkinsburg. as retreat master. s p e a k e r. | July 23-30 at Cardinal Wright Center. Glbsonia. with Msgr. Dr. Brett will receive the {Joseph Meenan. pastor of St. Mary in Aleppo Tw p. Christopher Award for his work. CALL THE EXPERTS [ Sept. 24-Oct. 1. Mt. Nazareth Center, with Fr. Erdeljac. Murdered in Central America, I Oct. 22-29 at Cardinal W right Center with Msgr. Meenan. published by Orb Is Books under j Also, a retreat w ill be offered Ju ly 23-30 at Sacred Heart Renewal the Best Book of a General penter, Victorville, Calif., by Fr. Erdeljac. Religious Topic. The author U em tftful M a (S u t ò e The "Encounter W ith Silence” retreats, described as six days of teaches history and political silence, meditation and prayer.” were offered by Fr. Hugo from science at LaRoche College in 940 until his death in 1985. They were cited by Dorothy Day as a Pittsburgh. PAINTING REMODELING ey Influence on her life and her development as a Catholic and she There also will be exhibitors, ttended m any of the retreats during her life, demonstrations and workshops at D $ R PAINTING MOSES REMODELING f To register for the retreats, contact Sister Jeannette. Mt. Nazareth PAINTING the event, sponsored by the • Porches • Any Kind of Carpenter Work Interior * Exterior PAINTING Center. 285 Bellevue Rd., Pittsburgh. 15229. phone 931-4775; Catholic Library Association. • Concrete Sidewalks • Wdmanized Decks & Steps DRY WALL piane Gasbarro. Cardinal W right Center. 10745 Babcock Blvd.. Gib- Southwestern Pennsylvania Nome Remodeling 25 yean Experience • Concrete Driveways • Roofing & Chimneys ionia. 15044. phone 961-6884: or Gavonna Kaliher. 1446 Greer. Free Estimates — insured FREE ESTIMATES VEKT REASONABLE • Any Kind of Walts • Flat Roofs t Gutters Chapter. Cost will be $20 • Block Wort • SoffS I Fascia 1 Downspouts Insured Free Estimates Glendora. Calif. 91740. phone (818) 335-1465. Fee is $150 for the (Including lunch) for individuals DON HAZLETT DANIEL BARR • StooeWork • Ahm 1 Ymyi Siding retreat, with a deposit of $20 required. Scholarships are also or $100 for a table of six. Reserva­ $55-0551 82 1-4 644 673-5163 • Concrete or Wood Steps • Ceiüngs 1 Floors a v a ila b le . • Fireplaces - Additions •Painting hi à Out tions are requested by Feb. 6. • Railings 1 Hauling • Bstnroomi S Hie Work i For general information on the "Encounter With Silence” E * E PAINTING 3-Star Painting Checks can be made payable to THIS • Game Rooms I insulation • Bbdi 1 Bnck Horen retreats, contact Bob Corcoran. 382-7812. Interior Interior/Exterior & cm — Obese* CLASPC Luncheon, c/o R a y M a r ­ SPACE CALL 884-4336 tin. chairman. Central Catholic Our Speciality •C 2 U 0 «V«rag* l*“°' room FREE ESTIMATES High School. 4720 Fifth Ave.. Pitt­ Free Estimates/Insured FOR SALE {Tammies slate bowling event Insured 10 ye« experience sburgh. PA 15213. Sr. Cidzee Discount WHpqxrïrç *8.94 J.P. Remodeling ¡DUQUESNE — The parents of the Junior Tamburitzans of Du- For further information, call 5 6 3 - 3 4 3 0 c a l l doti 884-0837 Complete Home Remodeling A W E E K quesne will host their first annual "Bowling Jamboree" Sunday. 2 7 6 -4 6 7 7 . Q u a lity W ork mt UmbmmtmbSm M c m March 5. at the Duquesne Village Lanes at the shopping center in Am ong the writers will be Msgr. REMOOEUNG Bathrooms Oar Specialty West Mifflin. Divisions w ill include men. women and juniors (to age Charles Owen Rice, labor priest WHhoart Incoavenieace p 8 ). and columnist for the Pittsburgh D A V E G IEL 384-4364 678-0335 Entry fee for Junior teams will be $40. and $60 for adult teams. For Catholic; Dr. Samuel Hazo. CABINET REFINISHING Samuel Billante BY BILL BONURA entry information call Daniel Puhala. after 6 p.m .. at 673-1742 or founder of the International Garage Doors I GENERAL CONTRACTOS e KITCHEN CABINETS Susan Stafura. 466-1072. Poetry Forum and author of Auto. Door Openers Guaranteed Low— e PEFER1GERAT0RS D iscover the Catholic M arket! Prie— on Top Quattty A social will follow at the Duquesne Annex fire hall. 1620 Penn­ "Silence Spoken Here" and the Salas 6 Service e OFFICE FURNITURE Tharmolizad Win­ Interested in reaching a potential audience Installation included • f u r n it u r e sylvania Ave.. West Mifflin, with music by the Lole Tamburitza just released “The Pittsburgh dows and Doors. of 121,000 household for a small investment? with purchase FOR ESTIMATE CALL O rc h e s tra . That Starts W ithin You." Then consider the Catholic Market of FREE ESTIMATES ™ M 7 9 0 279-7789 Southwestern Pennsylvania. This market is Also on hand will be Father WORK GUARANTEED reached via the pages of the Pittsburgh Demetrius Dunun. OSB. professor Catholic. For rates call 471-1252, ext. 11 Assumption plans for anniversary of New Testament at St. Vincent C H U 1 A X Patrick B ELLEV U E — Assumption School will celebrate its 75th anniver­ Seminary and author of "Flowers 487-7295 Massung sary during Catholic Schools Week, March 5-10. in the Desert: a Spirituality of the BOWERS Construction I The anniversary planners are looking for persons who have pic­ B ib le ." HEATING ft Biick Pointing tures. programs, stories, newspaper clippings or other memorabilia The event will feature several WE DO IT ALL FURNACE SALE Brick Cleaning REMODELING nt>m the school. Anyone who has such items is asked to mark newspaper editors, including Small or Large jobs GAS BILLS TO HIGH? Chimney Work a Roofing# Windows them with their name, address and telephone num ber and to send W illiam Fodiak and Phil Taylor of Roof Work a Siding t Porch— CATHOLIC FAMILY I C O U P O N i the Pittsburgh Catholic; Alice them to Assumption School. 35 North Jackson Ave.. Bellevue, Pa.. Gutters & • AJr-CondMonini Honest Dependiblt IIS YOUR FURNACE | Laurich and Carol Kallch of the Downspouts 1 5 2 0 2 . • Soffit 4 Fascia Vary ReaaooaMe SA FE? Senior Citizen Discount AMY HOME MRBOVPttMT SAFETY CHECK t------Free Estimates De, 6 7 2 -1 3 7 0 Financing Available FURNACE A N D C LEA N “FINE WOOD FINISHING” 531-7914 431-7350 Financing 271-624« . 8 2 3 -7 4 5 1 INSTALLATION Starting At t M *24 ** “FOR YOUR MOST IMPORTANT PLACES” DRTWXU CHUCK WILLIS CO. • HOME • CHURCH • OFFICE Installed A Fbushred ROOFING Patch Plastering Custom Painting Koforonco* apon roq oost WELTE ROOFING CO. 9 assonatila Ratos 3 6 6 HEAT 882-0873 Chapel Finishing 697-9144 931 -2 2 00 5648 BUTLER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. 15201 F re o I F u lly E stim a to * Insu red ■ ou may already be familiar CHIMNEY REPAIR WINDOWS with our fine work. We are proud Rooting, Siding to have been selected to restore Brick Pointing Serving the Community Since 1946 Water Proofing REPLACEMENT the original wooden pews in St. THERMO WINDOWS Paul’s Cathedral,and many others. CALL DON Commercial & j ALMOST*VI«. This same quality workmanship is 4 3 1 - 1 5 7 0 MSTALUN6 «MOONS VINYL available for your residence or of­ Residential i LOWEST FbCES 204b T O 50»» fice in refinishing Dining Room |fAii*T¥iZi------OFF LIST Sets, Bedroom Sets, Kitchen THIS 510 S. Main St. 50% OFF Cabinets, Office Furniture. Pgh., Pa. 15220 921-8252 ANDERSON » BAYS Kitchen Cabinet Retinishing our SPACE 3 5 * O F F * BOWS specialty. ■MTAUaOM » GARDENS FOR SALE * Shlngls* * Tils * Slats GUARANTEES Free Pickup and Delivery * Guttsra 6 Downspouts * Siding *8.94 FREE 0 & D WINDOWS 241-8080 For • free estimate call * Soffit • Fatela ESTIMATES 781-3355 A W E E K Friday, February 10, 1989 Page 10 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Around the diocese

Fish dinners at St. Basil’s RENEW in West Mifflin Oakland Lenten series PITTSBURGH — A six-week series of Lenten talks on "Myth.! CARR1CK — Boy Scout Troop 224 will sponsor Fish Dinners on W EST MIFFLIN — As a part of Its RENEW program. Holy Spirit Death and Resurrection" sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy will bel Fridays in Lent beginning on February 10. Dinners will be served In Parish will present a slide presentation of the "Inspirational Stations held on Mondays beginning Feb. 13. 7 to 9 p.m. at the order's! St. Basil's Church Hall. 1735 Brownsville Road from 4-8 p.m.. of the Cross" on Tuesday. Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. The slide format is motherhouse, 3333 Fifth Ave.. Oakland. The series will focus on the! Dinners include 2 fish filets, cole slaw and french fries. The cost designed to help Individuals meditate on the theme of the week. T V series "The Power of M yth" and current theological thought. Feel for the dinner Is $4.00 for adults. 02.50 for children and 01.50 for "The Reality of Sin." Is 05 per talk or 025 for the series. For information call Slsterj children under 12 years of age. Sm all groups will also meet during the week to discuss this theme as expressed in the Sunday readings. Patricia McCann. 578-6190. Lithuanians to mark jubilee All are welcome to attend. Fellowship and hospitality will be pro­ vided following all sessions. PITTSBURGH — Lithuanians of the area will mark the 71st an­ Gibsonia weekend retreat niversary of their country's Independence Saturday. Feb. 18. at the Cranberry Twp. Mass set GIBSONIA — Sister Anna Mae Kuzm a will lead a Lenten weekend* Lithuanian Citizens Hall. 1725 Jane St.. South Side. A program will retreat Feb. 24-26 at the Cardinal W right Center in Gibsonia. Fee is] begin at 5:30 p.m.. consisting of Lithuanian songs and short CRANBERRY TW P. — A Mass for chartsmatlcs will be offered at 0 5 0 . speeches, followed by a buffet dinner and ethnic foods. For tickets St. Ferdinand Church. Cranberry Twp.. Thursday. Feb. 16. at 8 For reservations by Feb. 17 write: Cardinal W right Center. 10745] call Agatha Bender. 563-6074. p.m . Officiating will be Fr. Ken Otdenskl. All are welcome. Babcock Blvd.. Gibsonia. 15044. Parish honors late pastor PITTSBURGH — To honor the memory of Father James Kelly, former pastor of St. Norbert in Overbrook, the parish will conduct O b it u a r ie s Mass and devotions on the first Saturday of each m onth at 8:30 a.m . The observances will conclude June 3. the date Fr. Kelly would have Thelma Riazzi Sister Ida Marie McCarthy celebrated his 50th anniversary of ordination. All are welcome to join in the series. A Mass of Christian Burial was offered on Feb. 6 in the chapel oft A Mass of Christian Burial was offered in Holy Trinity Church. Fr. Kelly died on December 2. Assum ption Hall. Seton Hill. Greensburg for Sister Ida Marie M cCar-j McKeesport, on Feb. 4 for Thelm a Riazzi. thy. a form er teacher in diocesan schools. Mrs. Riazzi. 58. died Feb. 1 in McKeesport Hospital. Sister Ida Marie. 80. died Feb. 3 in the Assum ption Hall infirm ary' A McKeesport resident, she was a member of Holy Trinity Parish at Seton Hill. and its Christian Mothers. Bom on Dec. 1908 In Swissvale. she was the daughter of the late Calendar o f Events Bom in McKeesport on Sept. 6. 1930, she was the daughter of the Jeremiah and Margaret Loftus McCarthy. On Sept. 8. 1926. she SATURDAY. FEB. 11 late Michael and Mary (Cutson) Sandusky. entered the Seton Hill Sisters of Charity. She is survived by her husband. Larry: three sons. Fr. Joseph AM I Cl Singles Group, St. Albert the Great. Baldwin Borough — Sr. Ida Marie earned a bachelor of education degree from Du-i Valentine's dance. 8 p.m .. parish hall. Also Refreshments, music by Feltz. parochial vicar at St. Anne Parish In Castle Shannon. Vincent quesne University and taught the prim ary grades in schools of the disc jockey. Ages 21 and older. For tickets at $6 call Jaci. 233-4136. (Bud) Feltz of McKeesport, and Dennis Feltz of Evans City: one Pittsburgh and Greensburg Dioceses. In addition, she served as an] or Annie. 885-2008. sister. Evelyn Bricker of Monroeville: and four grandchildren. In ad­ elementary school principal in the Archdiocese of W ashington. D .C .J dition to her parents, she was preceded in death by one brother. as well as Mother of Sorrows School in M urry sville and at Holy Cross] SUNDAY. FEB. 12 R ic h a r d . School in Youngwood. both in Westmoreland County. Christian Mothers. St. Felix. Freedom — Card party and social. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Port Vue. In 1974. Sister began performing home visitations with the elder-; 2 p.m .. parish center. 13th St. Also refreshments. Donation. $2.50. ly at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral Parish in Greensburg and at Im -j Marian Movement of Priests — Cenacle. 2 p.m.. St. Stephen. maculate Conception Parish in Irwin. She retired to Assumption] McKeesport. Mary Coughlin Hall in 1984. PTG . St. Michael. Elizabeth Tw p. — Social. 7:30 p.m.. Archangel Hall. MeLay Dr. Also refreshments. Early bird. 7 p.m. Funeral Mass for Mary Coughlin was offered Saturday. Feb. 4. in She is survived by two brothers. Jam es of Allendale, Va., and] St. Vincent Basilica. Latrobe. Burial followed In St. Vincent Justin of Eagle Pass. Tex.: and two sisters. Kathleen Neum ont and] MONDAY. FEB. 13 C e m e t e r y . Marie M urray, both of Pittsburgh. Mrs. Coughlin died Thursday. Feb. 2. in her Braddock home Queen of Peace Marian Prayer Group. Consolata Mission Burial was in the Sisters' Cemetery at Seton Hill. House. Point Breeze — Devotions, following format of St. James following an illness. She was 87. Church in Medjugorje. 7 p.m .. 7110 Thom as Blvd. Prayers, rosary. Mrs. Coughlin was a member of O ur Lady Queen of Peace parish. Mass. All welcome. North Side. Necrology Court Bellevue 655, CDA — Luncheon, noon, K of C Hall. For She was preceded In death by her husband Peter: son. Fr. Jude F e b . 13 reservations at 03 call Rosemarie Faller. 931-4328. Coughlin. OSB. former associate pastor of O ur Lady Queen of Peace: Fr. Peter C. Danner ...... 1 9 3 9 ] Theos (for widowed), St. Albert the Great. Baldwin Borough — and brother. Fr. Bruno Sivak. OSB. F r . H e n r y J . D u v a l...... 1 9 4 2 ] Meeting. 7:30 p.m.. library Speaker. Lynn Abram on "Overcom ing Surviving are nieces and nephews. Fr. Bernard J. McCabe ...... 1 9 5 9 Grief." All welcome. For information call Norm . 882-5569. Fr. Joseph F. McCarthy ...... 1 9 7 1 j F e b . 14 TUESDAY. FEB. 14 Sister M. Celeste Carraher M s g r . F e r r is J . G u a y ...... 1 9 5 8 ; Ladies Auxiliary, Sacred Heart, Em sworth — Covered dish lun­ Fr. Michael J. Faidel...... 1 9 6 2 ; cheon. 12:30 p.m .. church auditorium. Cards and social to follow. Sister Marie Celeste (the former Romalne Carraher). a m em ber of Fr. Cornelius J. Flnneran ...... 1 9 7 8 ' Cost. $2 with dish: 04 without dish. All welcome. the Sisters of the Hum ility of Mary in Villa Marta. Pa., for 59 years, F e b . 1 6 Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — Evening for married couples. died Thursday. Feb. 2. in the Villa Marla Com m unity Center. She Fr. Joseph D. Hagan ...... 1 9 4 7 ! 6-10 p.m .. including candlelight dinner. Mass. renewal of marriage w a s 7 8 . Fr. Walter A. O'Hara ...... 1 9 7 8 ! vows. For reservations call 681-6180. A native of East Liverpool, Ohio. Sister entered the order In 1929 F e b . 17 Marian Movement of Priests — Cenacle. 2 p.m.. St. Stephen. and graduated from SL John College in Cleveland. She taught In M s g r . J a m e s F . K e m a n ...... 1 9 8 1 McKeesport. schools of the Cleveland and Youngstown Dioceses before teaching F e b . 18 Ladies Guild and Christian Mothers, St. John Fisher, Churchill for 12 years at O ur Lady of Grace parish in Scott Tw p . Sister also did Fr. Edward A. O'Neill ...... 1 9 5 7 ] — Meeting, noon. Beaufort Hall. Also talk by Janice Baunack of Mer­ pastoral care work at Kane Hospital. Fr. Ronald L. Kneram ...... 1 9 8 0 cy Hospital nutrition program. Surviving is one brother in Ohio. F e b . 19 Funeral Mass was offered Saturday. Feb. 4. in Villa Maria chapel. Fr. Jeremiah J. Brennan ...... 1 9 4 8 ] THURSDAY. FEB. 16 Separated and Divorced Support Group. St. Vitus. New Castle — Stations of the Cross. 7 p.m .. in the church. 915 E. Jefferson St. PITTSBURGH Christian Mothers and Guild. St. Henry. M t. Oliver — Valentine luncheon and card party. 12:30 p.m .. church hall. Donation. 04.50. FAMILY FOOT CARE All welcome. ' COONS 0 CALLOUSES 1 BUNIONS ’ HEEL PAIN • PLANTERS WARTS FRIDAY. FEB. 17 Friendships develop and grow at • HAMMER TOES ' LASER SURQERY Christian Mothers Guild. St. Michael. Munhali — Lenten kit­ chen. 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m .. church hall. 8th Ave. & Library St. DIABETIC I ARTHRITIC FOOT CARE Fish and shrimp dinners, soups, sandwiches, halushky and pirohy. 0RTH0TKS AND CUSTOM SHOES other foods. Also every Friday in Lent. K C B a iP M W B St. Michael, Elizabeth Tw p. — Fish fry. 4-7 p.m .. Archangel Hall. 7IANEGt£r,7tBMQU.NDPAtiK71CMUQNS8UflS£ik 101 McLay Dr. Dinners. 04.75. Also halushki. plerogi. other foods. NO HAWITON 7UIQMJUQJUMNOX LANDMARK MANOR ttt t P6H.MJUNS8AG For take-outs call 751-0663. On Fridays in Lent. Otftc* hours by appointment Women's Guild, Resurrection, Brookline — Fish dinners. 4-7 Moot insurance accepted Offering dignified retirement living for the elderly p.m .. Garden Room. Cost. $5 for adults. 02.50 for children under 10. Also pierogts. sandwiches. On Fridays in Lent. St. Angela Merici. W hite Oak — Baked or fried fish. 4 to 7 p.m. Adults. 04.50: children. 02.50. For take-outs call 672-9913. On SUPPORT Fridays in Lent. OUR St. Anne. Castle Shannon — Fish fry. 4-7 p.m .. school cafeteria. ADVERTISERS • 1 4040 W illow Ave. Fish or shrim p dinners. 03.75. Also other foods. 1 * For take-outs call 561-9765. On Fridays in Lent. I f j y St. Gerard Majella. Penn Hills — Fish dinners, sandwiches, p? ' . shrimp dinners, baskets, other foods. 4-7 p.m .. 121 Dawn Dr. For HEARING AID VHP?- - take-outs call 793-9868. On Fridays in Lent. St. Paul Retreat House, South Side — Weekend retreat for men. WITHOUT For reservations call 381-7676. Parents W ithout Partners — Mardi Gras dance, 9 p.m.. Green k ■ Y • Tree Holiday Inn ballroom. Admission. 05. Also Saturday. For Infor­ BATTERIES mation call Evelyn. 348-8377. or Jean. 884-5366. TINY RECHARGEABLE POWER CELL FITS Cenacle Retreat House. Oakland — Effective Living Seminar ENTIRELY IN EAR weekend conducted by Sister Sadie Nesser. For reservations call PGH, PA.— If you can hear people talk 6 8 1 -6 1 8 0 . and can’t make out the words clearly, St. Luke School, Carnegie — Fish fry. 3 to 6:30 p.m.. 316 Third then this may be your answer. An ex­ Ave. Featuring fish dinners, shrim p and sandwiches. For take-outs tremely small hearing aid that fits en­ tirely in one ear has been perfected. call 276-9979. Also every Friday in Lent. With this tiny aid, even a whisper may SL M ary, Freeport — Lenten day of recollection, lO a.m. to 3 be crystal clear. The main part of the p.m.. 604 High St. Conducted by Fr. Angelus Shaughnessy. OFM hearing aid, an 8 transistor silcon chip the size of a match head, is manufac­ Cap. To register at $10 call 295-3090. tured by a group o f Westinghouse r $ engineers who crested a Micro Ì * SATURDAY. FEB. 18 Amplifier Company especially for Hear­ Christian Mothers. St. Francis Xavier, North Side — Dance. ing Aida. 8:30 p.m .. recreation center. 3250 California Ave. Music by W ally NERVE DEAFNESS CAN Merriman Trio. For reservations at 05 call Fran. 761-6049. or Yolan­ NOW BE HELPED V " f A non-operating model of a tiny hear­ da. 761-3815. ing aid that President Reagan hides in Freespirit Singles Group o f Mon Valley — Dance. 8 p.m.. St. his ear canal will be sent absolutely Located at Route 8 and McNeal Road Hyacinth. Monesaen. For tickets at 06 call Jim . 684-3294. or Mick. free to those answering this advertise­ ment. This non-working model will let 2 5 8 -7 0 2 6 . you see how tiny help can be. Many in suburban Hampton Township hear more clearly again and unders­ SUNDAY, FEB. 19 tand better with this style aid. Moving into a retirement community need not mean isolation and loneliness. W PXI-TV, Channel 11 — Mass for shut-ins. 6 a.m. Mass inter­ These models are yours to wear free Recently opened Landmark Manor provides a warm and comfortable at­ preted for the deaf. and are yours to keep free. Wear—test in the privacy of your own home. This mosphere for its residents. It was designed that way. Attractively furnished Cenacle Retreat House, Oakland — Afternoon for separated and model is just slipped in your ear.. We divorced. 2-5 p.m . For reservations call 681-6180. suggest you send for yours today! single and double occupancy units are spacious and bright. Bach unit features Lay Carmelites, St. Leo. North Side — Meeting. 2 p.m.. 3113 Supply is limited. Act now. private bath and individually controlled heat. Personal care services and ac­ Brighton Rd. Novices. 1 p.m . Fr. Robert Flaherty, chaplain. For in­ CUP THIS COUPON NOW comodations for those with mobility problems are offered, if needed. Three formation call 761-0413. BEFORE YOU FORGET! meals a day, fresh bed linens and towels are provided at no added charge. Auxiliary. St. Joseph Nursing and Health Care Center. Garfield WMtem Ps. Hoofing AM Sortie* — Spaghetti dinner. 2-6 p.m .. 5324 Penn Ave. Adults. 05: children Special features include lounges, doctor’s office, ice cream parlor, hair 17$ 0iMflfm Retd, Pgh. PA 15220 under 12. 02.50. For information call 521-7427 or 921-3086. styling shop, convenience store and laundromat. Pleeee Send Free Model To: SL Lawrence O'Toole, Garfield — Program in honor of Mary. 2 p.m.. Penn Ave. & N. Atlantic. Also including rosary, hymns, N am e...... ■ratal baglas at *600 par month. benediction, talk by Rita Klaus. Parking available. Address ...... North Hills K of C, Millvale — Baked ham dinner. 3 to 6 p.m.. C ity______council hall. 1246 Evergreen Ave. Cost. 05.50 for adults. 02.75 for CALL TOLL FREE Phone ...... __...... children. All welcome. FREE MODEL-NO OBLIGATION St. Michael. South Side — "Veronica’s Veil." 2 p.m.. Pius St. Per Infe. Call ToH Free Reservations required by calling 431-5550. Cost, adults. 06: 1.000-445-7074 1-800-292-AGED students. 02. Friday, February 10, 1989 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Page 11 Around the diocese/schools

Youth ministry course for adults Correction - W ASH IN G TO N — The diocesan Office for Youth Ministry will offer Organist its "Training In Youth Ministry — Part 1," on Monday from 7-9:30 Contents revealed in TEC time capsule p.m.. beginning Feb. 20, at Immaculate Conception Parish. to be honored Chestnut Street. EDITOR'S NOTE — The talk on cassette, and the Wall fo llo w e d . PITTSBURGH — Paul Koch, The 12-week training course is designed for adult volunteers in­ following TEC story was ac­ of W heat that w ill be offered for "W hile TE C in its beginnings who retired Jan. 1 after 40 years terested in parish youth m inistry; and provides participants w ith an cidently omitted from page 11 the next 100 T E C retreats to be was a retreat for teens only, to­ as organist and choirmaster at St. understanding of adolescents, problematic issues affecting teens In last week's Issue. held in Pittsburgh. day we have broadened our vi­ Paul Cathedral in Oakland, will be and contemporary m inistry models. CORAOPOLIS — Teens En­ The program began with a sion and our mission to include honored at a special Mass Sun­ Participants who complete the 30-hour course will receive a “Cer­ counter Christ celebrated its prayer service followed by a young adults as well." said day. Feb. 26. at 11:30 a.m . in the tificate of Achievement in Youth Ministry.” 100th ministry retreat pro­ candlelight procession to the Barbara Stokes. TE C director c a th e d ra l. The schedule of topics is as follows: "Introduction to Youth gram for youth of the Catholic statue of the Blessed Virgin Youth Ministry Executive A plaque will be presented to M inistry." to be presented by Ron Ragan on Feb. 20; "Challenge of faith at Gilm ary Retreat Center Mary. Following burial of the Director Ron Ragan explained him . later displayed In the sanc­ Adolescent Catechesis." to be presented by Sister Louise Olsofka on and the event was highlighted time capsule, a slide presenta­ that young people who par­ tuary and finally installed in the Feb. 27: "Adolescent Spiritual Development." to be presented by by the burying of a time cap­ tion of TE C through the years ticipate as candidates, as well choir loft. A reception will follow Father Tim Whalen on March 6: and "Teen Suicide and Death." to sule on Jan. 28. was presented by Pittsburgh as young adults who help and in the high school from 1-3 p.m. be presented by Dr. John Trainor on March 13. T h e t im e c a p s u le c o n ta in e d a Catholic cartoonist Chip direct weekends, "have found All are welcome. "The Dev.-'oping Teenager." to be presented by a representative cross from the first TE C retreat Kelsch and Brian Hildebrant. TEC to be an exciting and Koch studied in Leipzig. Ger­ of the South wood Psychiatric Hospital on March 20; "Chemical and one from the 100th retreat. Afterwards, a dance was held dynam ic vehicle to enter into a many with organist Gunther Dependency." to be presented by a representative of Hickory Ridge TEC Director Barbara Stokes in the gymnasium. deeper and more loving rela­ Ramin and in Paris with Marcel Chemical Dependency Services, on March 27; "Teenage Music and stated the capsule also contain­ The TEC proram was a two- tionship with Jesus Christ and Dupre. Locally, he was city Youth M inistry." to be presented by Father Richard Seller, on April ed a video of reflections, songs part celebration. On the the Christian com m unity." organist for 20 years, director of 3: and "Organizing Youth Ministry Programs.” to be presented by of special events, a candle and previous weekend. 250 youths He added that the TEC music at Mellon Institute and Sister Louise on April 10. banner from the TEC National attended a Mass celebrated by retreat weekend proclaims the organlst-ln-charge at Carnegie In­ "Cults and Fundam entalism ." to be presented by a representative Convention which Pittsburgh Bishop McDowell, assisted by central message of the Gospel stitute. He has also played of Cult Awareness on April 17;— "Teenage Sexuality." to be hosted in 1987. the candidate past TEC spiritual directors of Christ: the Paschal Mystery numerous recitals and conducted presented by Linda Bigelow. RN. Ph.D. on April 24: "A Parish Youth list and picture from TE C 100. Fathers Edward Schleicher. o f d y i n g a n d ris in g . workshops throughout the Ministry Model." to be presented by Sister M ary Jo Mattes. OSF. on the program from Sunday's Donald Breler. Regis Farmer The TEC program has in­ c o u n t r y . May 1: and "Youth Ministry Resources." to be presented on May 8. Reunion Mass with Bishop and Richard Seiler. Singing volved over 3.000 young peo­ The cathedral's Beckerath Th e non-refundable registration fee is $45. Registration is limited. McDowell's homily, witness and a meditation of witness ple over the past 12 years. organ was designed and built For registration information, telephone 225-0382. under Koch's direction. Talk set on Philippines Exhibit for black artists Italian Hall of Fame dinner set ALLISON PARK — Sister Leticia Briones. CDP, a native of the PITTSBUR G H — The Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Italian HILL DISTRICT — The Ozanam Cultural Center. 1833 Wylie Philippines, will present a talk on the island republic. Including a Am erican Sports Hall of Fame will hold its third annual scholarship Ave.. will host a celebration featuring contemporary black in­ slide show, on Sunday. Feb. 19 from 2-3:30 p.m . at the Divine Pro­ and awards dinner on Sunday. March 5 at the Vista International fluences on art. m usic, literature and story telling on Saturday. Feb. vidence provincial house. 9000 Babcock Blvd (next to North Hills H o te l. 25 from 1-5 p.m. Passavant Hospital). To be inducted this year Into the hall of fame will be Sam Angott Black artists who wish to have their work displayed should con­ Sr. Leticia has served as a religious education director in the Pitt­ (posthum ously) for boxing; Larry Bruno for football; Charles Cost for tact Keith at 281-4046. sburgh Diocese. Recently, she returned to the Philippines to re- football, basketball and baseball: Augle Donatelli for baseball: Chip experience the culture of her people and to volunteer her services to Ganassi, for auto racing; Ton y Llscio for football: Larry Lucchino for the com m unity of people in which she served. Meeting for separated/divorced basketball: and Carmen Notch for boxing. The talk is a part of a series sponsored by the Social Justice Com ­ MUNHALL — The Support Group for Separated and Divorced mittee of the Sisters of Divine Providence. The congregation has Those to be honored with awards include: Pennsylvania Supreme which meets at St. Therese Parish in Munhall will next meet on sponsored several of its members to go abroad to experience the Court Judge Stephen Zappala. the Man of the Year Award: San Wednesday. Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the parish Club Room. All are culture and to become more aware of the needs of the respective Francisco 49er football player Joe Montana. Professional Athlete of welcome to attend. people in the Soviet Union. Nicaragua, the Philippines, etc. the Year: Indiana University baseball player and a member of the The public is welcome. 1988 U.S. Olympic Baseball Team Mickey Morandinl. Collegiate Series on St. Francis Athlete of the Year; John Dasta. a wrestler at Penn Hills High Bellevue night for women School. Male High School Athlete of the Year: Cathy Torchia. a BELLEVUE — The School Sisters of St. Francis will sponsor a basketball player at St. Francis Academ y In Whitehall. Female High BELLEVUE — The Christian Mothers and Women's Guild of series of three presentations on St. Francis of Assisi on Wednesdays School Athlete of the Year; Rudy Marisa. basketball coach at Assumption parish in Bellevue will hold an evening of recollection in March at 7 p.m . at the Mount Assisi Center. Waynesburg College. Collegiate Coach of the year: and Don Wednesday. Feb. 22. at 7 p.m . in the church. Fr. Robert Boyle will Each presentation w ill illustrate a particular aspect of St. Francis' Yanessa. football coach at Aliqulppa High School. High School officiate at Mass. followed by a program in McGovern Hall. For reser­ spirituality as it is understood today. Opening the series on March 1 Coach of the Year. In addition. Suzie McConnell, a member of the vations (no charge) call Pat. 761-5025. or Kathy. 766-2663. will be Sister Joanne Brazinskl. a m em ber of the Sisters of St. Fran­ 1988 U.S. Olympic Women's Basketball Team, will receive the cis of Whitehall. who will present “ Francis and Penance." On March Dom inic Roppa Special Recognition Award. 8. Sister Anna Mae Kuzm a will present "Francis and Prayer." The Benedictine women’s retreats Tickets are $75 per person or $750 for a table of 10. Tickets m ay series will close on March 15 with Sister Patricia Marie Buranosky. be purchased by contacting John Chistofer. Terra Enterprises. PITTSBURG H — The Benedictine Sisters will hold three retreat The fee for each session is $3: or $8 for each session. To pre­ weekends for women in the coming months at their Perrysvllle Three Gateway Center. 21st Floor. Pittsburgh. Pa.. 15222: or register. telephone 766-0758. monastery. They are set for: Feb. 25-26. March 11-12 and April telephone 391-0333. 29-30. For Information call Sister Susanne Chenot. 931-2844. Advertisements in the banquet program may be purchased by contacting Dan Marino. Sr.. 3261 Parkview Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Greensburg programs Holocaust center receives grant 15213 or telephone 682-5992. GREENSBURG — The National Catholic Center for Holocaust GREENSBURG — The Sisters of Charity at Seton Hill in Education at Seton Hill College has been awarded a $2,000 grant Greensburg will host a mid-week Sabbath series on four from the United States Institute of Peace. Wednesdays at Doran Hall Retreat and Renewal Center. The pro­ The grant will be used to fund publication of a booklet and gram s are set for: Feb. 22. March 15. April 19 and May 24 from 9:30 bibliography sum m arizing the Holocaust Scholars' Conference, to IN HONOR OF MARY a.m. to 4 p.m. be held April 6 and 7 at Seton Hill. The two-day conference, entitled Hymns* Rosary, Benediction, The Sisters will also conduct a weekend retreat March 31-April 2 "Peace/Shalom After Atrocity." will bring scholars from throughout based on the life of Elizabeth Seton. For information or reservations Testimony of Healing by Rita the U.S. to the campus in an effort to develop undergraduate cur­ on the programs call Sister Eileen Johnston or Sister Susan Jenny. Klaus. riculum materials on the Holocaust that could be incorporated at in­ 8 6 3 -5 3 2 0 . dependent colleges and at Catholic institutions. St. Lawrence O'Toole The National Catholic Center for Holocaust Education was established last year at Seton Hill to increase understanding of the Church Holocaust by educators at the undergraduate level. In addition to CORNER OF PENN AVENUE AND N. ATLANTIC the Scholars' Conference, the Holocaust Center will co-sponsor a free public lecture by Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel on April 6 at 8 SUN. FEB. 19 2 PM p.m . in Cecilian Hall on the campus. For more information about the Scholars’ Conference, contact Ample Parking Sister Noel, director, at 834-2200. Lecture series in East Liberty PITTSBURGH — The Epiphany Association will conduct a four- part lecture series at the Kelly House. 1145 Beechwood Blvd.. East Liberty, beginning Feb. 19. The sessions will be held on Sundays at 7 :3 0 p .m . Start The N ew Year W ith Speakers and topics are: Rev. W illiam and Melanie Beachy on "Spiritual Friendship: A Facilitating Condition for Transcendent Emergence." Feb. 19: James and Margaret Gregory on "Marital Spirituality." March 5; Burlan Sizemore on "Conviction in the Life Knights of Columbus to recruit of Faith and Formation," March 19; and Rev. James Martin on G O O D "Decision-Making and Com m itm ent." April 30. Donations will be The second year of the "Share the Spirit" membership recruit­ a c c e p te d . m ent campaign of the Knights of Columbus was la u n c h e d re ce n tly The association will also present a talk on St. John of the Cross In Chicago at a meeting of t h e Knights' state deputies and general Wednesday. Feb. 22, at 7 p.m . by Fr. Eugene Bettinger. Another talk NEWS agents. From left at the event are: Larry Boch, Robert Gargtulo. is set for April 12 by Marie Baird. Fee for both programs is $18, or Michael O'Reilly. S t a t e Deputy Albert BenedettL Virgil Dechant $10 for one. To register for any of the programs, or for information, supreme knight Geoffrey Szoke, Frank SI erm ine, supreme direc­ contact Dr. Susan Muto or Marilyn Russell. Kelly House. 1145 Subscribe Today To The tor, John Nlckolas and W illiam Noone. Beechwood Blvd.. Pittsburgh, 15206-4517. phone 661-5678. HTTSBURGH*! *|

JIM DRONEY • MIKE (ILVESTRE SELL EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE ELDERLY LIVING Knowing Your Parish... DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITERS, c a t h o l i c CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES Here's What News Ton’ll Hand B a c h Week FAST OEUVERY DISCOUNT PRICES Keeping trade of parishioner skills, • Insightful Columns • Bi-Weekly Column From Bishop Wneri • Local NT. LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. occupations, parish activities, and e n t u n o n Artfdqs Prom Around the Diocese • Interesting restores • A Calendar of Events • International and National Church Reports • And Much Morel 1(17 l a i n l i M ., HtMksuh, h . 1111« special needs is no easy task. Catholic o m m o n s parishes are embracing new approaches Per Home Delivery Return the Coupon Below INSURED and technologies such as computers to help them manage information better. □ Hew Behsertptien □ Beaewal Frontier Systems Inc. provides a com­ NOW LEASING □ 4lew Gift BnfcnirtpHne □ Gift ish n riftlts Renewal puterized information system called Units as low as □ ONI TS A I (83 lasses) C TWO TEAKS (104 lames) the Parish Information Program (PIP). CD’S * 1 0 . 0 0 * 1 0 . 0 0 A free demonstration program is avail­ s398 Lock in these high able. See for yourself how easy and Nam e_ yields today. Act helpful PIP can be. (Requites MS- If you are tired of living alone in a home that is too 9.13% 9.28% now. Additional large or in an apartment where you are a number Address yields available. DOS compatible PC with 544K and a down the hall— Consider Living at Centurion 3 mos. • mos. hard drive.) Commons. City ___ State Zip Annual yield effective This facility managed by the Sisters of Mercy in the as of 02/07/89. YieWs la rla h heart of the Forest Hills Shopping District, next to GIFT SUBSCRIPTION I * S fFrsottn, and availabilities are ■ateirm alisa ^ St. Maurice Church. This is living that emphasizes 9.28% 9.33% subject to change. AM Sritems. Inc. CO s shown are FDtC re »r a m 7 your importance as a human being. 1. Nam e. 1 year 3 year Each unit at Centurion Commons has: or FSU C insured. V 802 Wernei Avenue > SuAe 3 • Fuity sgsippsd Meta«« with hasl-tm isMgwstot» Address PiUburyh, Pennsylvania 15216 a SMMsmMe swat, cmlnl dr nsdMening Tel. (412)531-0777 * UnA a SUN . U .IDMKII-----■ - itCUnlvS I - -:iui - - C it y ____ State Zip « Fiss Tniuewutlo« «RMS borough lor ihopprig. ctackoo I C o l e m a n F i n a n c i a l S e r v ic e s , in c . o Intercom loloriolo» tocarSy lyiN ni. noinosry col bultoss N O T X : A d d 'l.S S F e r Favaipa crip d s n «. Raymond Schutzman « Os Mo monogononi prnridsd by Mo SMon at dorcy RETURN TO: Pittsburgh Catholic, Circulation Dept. 412-884-1998 SUPPORT OUR Do youradlf a favor, cad for m oro Infor­ m ation by dialing 355-0300 m o «.« g to s 100 Wood Street, Suite 500. Securities, transaction* through Th« Planner's Sacurm m Oroup M ADVERTISERS Or 243-0677 all othar times broker aaauf Member NASO and SlPC ______Pittsburgh, PA 15222______Page 12 PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Friday, February 10, 1989 S c h o o l s

23 diocesan In terest in p olitics leads to in vita tion s c h o o l s i n

to B ush inaugural fo r Serra student M ath program

By MARIANA BEDETTI since. I have stayed at the na­ following the ceremony and Twenty-three diocesan Serra Catholic H.S. tional level." then it was off to one of the elementary schools are among McKEESPORT — Com­ His efforts have not gone various balls being held that the 47 schools participating in munication can break the unrewarded. Many of his let­ evening where Vice President Mathcounts. a competition to social barriers that exist In our ters were answered, most im­ Danforth Quayle made an be held on Saturday. Feb. 18 world and unite the human portantly by President Bush, appearance. from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the spirit. For a young man at who discussed his views on Eric’s present political career Benedum Engineering Serra Catholic this has proven issues influencing our lives Involves membership in the Auditorium at the University of tru e . to d a y . Republican National Com mit­ Pittsburgh. Eric Brancho has always had The newly installed Presi­ tee. A two-year member, he Mathcounts is a national pro­ an Interest in politics. His hope dent Bush never forgot Eric's primarily works with cam­ gram designed to respond to the is one day to pursue it as a impressive letters. So m uch so paign promotion. The previous problem of declining career. Deciding to broaden his that he personally invited Eric three years he had worked as a mathematics skills among pre­ political awareness through to last m onth's Presidential In­ county volunteer. college students. Seventh and letter writing, he contacted auguration ceremony in It is evident how serious eighth grade students will com ­ numerous senators, mayors, Washington D.C. Eric’s concern is in govern­ pete in written tests and in fast- First school wins computer and even form er Vice President It was an incredible moment ment and equally with im prov­ paced oral matches in such sub­ David Shaplra. president and chief executive officer of G i a n t E a g le George Bush. for the Serra student. Sitting in ing situations in the country. jects as statistics, linear Markets, congratulates Anthony Zellna. president of the student Brancho has written to them the second row. watching as Eric Brancho is a good example algebra, polynomials and of someone who knows what it c o u n c il a t S t Raphael School in Momlngstde. for the school's par­ on a variety of issues pertain­ the president solemnly took probability. ticipation in the supermcJcet chain's "Apples for Com puters" pro­ ing to foreign policy, the the oath of office, he realized is to experience the power of The local competition is being gram. The Momlngstde elementary school was the f ir s t school to homeless. U.S. immigration the height to which the power human communication sponsored by the National through the written word. re ce iv e a n Apple 1IGS system com puter by collecting cash register policy, pornography, and abor­ of communication could reach Society of Professional tapes from the supermarket chain. Participating also were sports tion. “I started In 1984 at the — to the White House itself. Brancho is a member of St. Engineers, the National Council broadcaster Lanny Frattare. who made the presentation, and local level with a mayor. As Alter the inauguration, the John's Greek Orthodox of Teachers of Mathematics and Sister Judith Kenaan. CSJ. school principal. 1985 came. I progressed to the celebrating wasn't quite over. Catholic Church in East the Pittsburgh Chapter of the state and federal level. Ever Eric viewed the lavish parade Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Society of Profes­ — Photo by John C. Keenan sional Engineers.

------School calendar Carlow hosts overnight for seniors Registration at St. Peter’s McKees Rocks collection O AKLAND — Carlow College will host an overnight stay for high NORTH SIDE — St. Peter School will conduct registration for M cKEES ROCKS — McKees Rocks Catholic School is participating school seniors on Sunday and Monday. Feb. 26 and 27. Sponsored kindergarten and first grade students through Friday. Feb. 10 at the in a campaign to collect Giant Eagle cash register receipts to earn each semester by the Carlow Key Club and the college's admissions school, located at 711 West Commons. Registration hours will be computer equipment for the school. For information call 331-0220 office, the overnights enable prospective students to experience the from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m . or send receipts to: McKees Rocks Catholic School. 115 Margaret St.. camaraderie of cam pus life first hand. Kindergarten and first grade students require birth and/or bap­ McKees Rocks. 15136. Sunday's agenda will feature an information orientation on tismal certificates and current im m unization records for registra­ Carlow's admissions process and academic offerings: a walking tour tion. Kindergarten students must be 5-years of age by Oct. 1. First High school band plans concerts of the cam pus and Oakland business district: and variety of resident grade students must be 6 years of age by Oct. 1. The kindergarten student activities, including a movie and the traditional pizza party. program at the school follows an all-day program. TROY HILL — The concert band of North Catholic High School On Monday, participants will attend class and network with facul­ will perform in two concerts during February. ty in their intended major: Carlow admissions and financial aid The band will perform at the North District Honors Band Concert counselors w ill be available for interviews and to answer questions. Black History Month at Carlow on Sunday. Feb. 12 at 3 p.m . in the auditorium of North Catholic The cost is $15 per person, which includes meals and a "Carlow in observance of February as Black History month. Carlow College High School. 1400 Tro y Hfl] Road. Students enrolled in the diocesan W om en of Spirit" tee shirt. For an additional $15, the students will in cooperation w ith United Black Students, has released its schedule elementary schools in northern Allegheny County will perform in receive a sleeping bag they can take home. of events for the celebration. the first part of the band concert, while the high school band will For more information, write the Office of Admissions. Carlow Col­ The United Black Students organization will hold a talent show on perform in the second. lege. 3333 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburgh. Pa.. 15213: or telephone 578-6059 Wednesday. Feb. 15 at 8 p.m . in the college's Kresge Theatre. The The concert band will also participate in an Invitational concert or toll-free 1-800-333-2275. program will feature performances by faculty, staff and students. band festival on Thursday. Feb. 23 at 8 p.m . at Quaker Valley High The public m ay also participate in the event which will showcase all School in Sewickley. PTG sponsoring skating party forms of talent. Persons interested in performing are urged to telephone the college at 578-6021 for a rehersal schedule. St. Aloysius taking registration M OUNT W ASHINGTON — The Parent-Teacher Guild of St. Mary Gospel Night will held on Saturday. Feb. 18 at 7 p.m . in the Kresge of the Mount Elem entary School will sponsor a skating party on Fri­ RESERVE TW P. — St. Aloysius School is conducting registration T h e a t r e . day. Feb. 24 at the South Park Ice Rink from 7-10 p.m. for kindergarten through the eighth grade for the 1989-90 academic The 1987 film. “Cry Freedom." which examines the apartheid y e a r. crisis in South Africa, w ill be screened on Friday. Feb. 24 at 7 p.m . Parents should have their children's birth, baptismal and im ­ in the Carlow College Student Union. Bethel Park seminars m unization certificates as well as the initial deposit toward tuition at A fashion show will be held on Wednesday. March 1 at 8 p.m . in B E TH E L PARK — A series of "Life in the Spirit" seminars is being the time of registration. the Kresge Theatre. Individuals and representatives wishing to conducted at St. Thom as More Church. Bethel Park. Mondays at 7 Open enrollment will continue Catholic Schools Week. March 6 to model should telephone the college at 578-6021 to pre-register. p.m .. through April 3. The interdenominational series is open to all. March 10. Parents wishing to tour the school will have the oppor­ The above events are free and open to the public. Prayer meetings follow at 7:30 p.m . For information call 833-8336 tunity at an open house scheduled for Thursday. March 9 from 7-9 Carlow’s celebration of Black History Month will conclude on or 833-5318. p.m. Academic demonstrations and displays and extra-curricular Wednesday. March 8 with a performance of the play. "10O1 Black activities w ill be featured. Inventions.” Curtain time will be at 8 p.m . in the Kresge Theatre. St. Aloysius School is located at 3614 Mount Troy Road. Workshops for students For more information about Black History Month at Carlow, telephone the Office of Adult and Minority Student Programs at VILLA MARIA — Villa Maria High School's "Horizons" program 5 7 8 -6 0 2 1 . will offer two workshops for students in grades six through eight. The workshops will take place on Saturdays. Feb. 18 through March I 13 DAYS JULY 9-21 11. from 9:30-11 a.m. Ellsworth registration To be offered are Computer Graphics and Personal Typing. The ELLSW O R TH — Ave Maria School in Ellsworth will hold registra­ former w ill introduce students to com puter design and writing their tion for kindergarten Wednesday. Feb. 22. Children m ust be five by & 1 2 Q Q per pe< double occup own BASIC programs in high and low resolution graphics using Ap­ Sept. 1. Parents should bring im m unization records, birth and bap­ R ple personal computers. The latter offers a personal program in tismal certificates. For information call the school at 239-2226. keyboarding allowing each student to work at his/her own pace. Visit Limerick, Galway, Donegal, Sligo, Bun­ There is a $15 fee. Series on sex education do ran, Knock Shrine, Dublin, Carlow, New For more information, contact Horizons Coordinator. Villa Maria E High School. Villa Maria. Pa.. 16155: or telephone 964-8886. Ross, Wexford, Waterford, Cork Blarney Castle, PLUM BOROUGH — The Parent-Teacher Guild of St. John the Villa Maria High School is located on Evergreen Road, off of Route Baptist School will sponsor a two-part series on sex education dur­ Blarney Woolen Mill, Ring of Kerry, Killarney. 422: 10 miles east of Youngstown and 11 miles west of New Castle. ing Feburary. Tour Includes: Round Trip Air from Pittsburgh, Dr. W illiam Uricchio. professor of biology at Cariow College, will L Hotels Deluxe Motor Coach throughout. Full Registration for kindergarten set speak to the parents of sixth, seventh and eighth grade students on "The Role of Parents in Sex Education" on Feb 21 at 7:30 p.m . His Irish Breakfast/ Dinners. S C O TT TW P. — Our Lady of Grace School will conduct registra­ presentation w ill address such topics as sexuality, moral and value tion and orientation for kindergarten and first grade students on formation, and communication. A Feb. 21 at 9 a.m . in the school library. On Feb. 23. Dr. Uricchio will speak to the sixth, seventh and C A L L N O W ! Parents should bring their children's birth certificate, im m uniza­ eighth grade students and their parents at 7:30 p.m . in the school tion records and baptismal certificate if their children weren't bap­ cafeteria. His presentation is designed to promote Christian values tized at O ur Lady of Grace Parish as well as a $25 non-refundable St. Hilary Travel Club and attitude formation. In addition to the presentation of facts, the N registration fee (applicable to tuition) to the registration. film “Then One Year" will be screened and there will be an oppor­ in addition, there will be a program discussing curriculum , expec­ tunity for questions. 279-3746 222-4087 tation. immunizations, transportation and tuition. The school's phone answers 24 hours philosophy and history will be explained in a slide presentation. A D Tls Ireland Tours visit to the kindergarten will conclude the session. Team places third in tournament Babysitting will be provided. UPPER S T. CLAIR TW P. — The forensics team from St. Louise de Marillac School placed third at the Christm as forensics tournament held recently at St. Elizabeth School in Pleasant Hills. “ A DIOCESAN PRIEST? ME? St. Mary of the Mount registration St. Louise students placing at the tourney were: Nicole Gallagher • Do you sense God's presence in within that community of belief? MOUNT W ASHINGTON — St. Mary of the Mount Elementary in the declamation contest; Elise Marszalek and Christine Your life and feet the desire to assist • Can you stimulate a “sense of School will hold registration for its pre-kindergarten program for Strathman. both in the poetry event; Debbie Hick and Joe DiLisi. others to know that presence? belonging“ within the community both in the dram a division; Jessica Kaiser. Michelle Fisher and Rich 4-year olds, kindergarten and grades one through sixth for the • Do you desire positive personal of belief and allow celibacy to bring 1969-90 academic year on Wednesday. Feb. 15. Registration w ill be Maloy. all in the prose competition; John Grimes. Michelle relationships? you most fully into the lives of conducted from 9-11 a.m . and from 1-2 p.m . in the school office. Gallagher and Joe Romano, all in the extemporaneous speaking • Do you desire to assist others to others? c a te g o ry . A registration session will also be held on Sunday. March 5 in con­ reach their full Christian potential? • Do you have a sense of “who you junction w ith an open house at the school. Registration that day will • Do you have the courage to make a are" and “what you stand for”? be conducted from 11:15 a.m . to 1:30 p.m . Christian commitment and challenge • Does your life have a sense of Students registering for the pre-kindergarten program must be 4 others to do so? direction towards which you can years of age by Dec. 31: students registering for kindergarten must • Are you tired of a "me-centered focus your energies? be 5 years of age by Dec. 31: and students registering for the first society” and want a life of • Are you a person who believes in grade must be 6 years of age Dec. 31. C A R P I T C A R t "other-centeredness”? completeness and looks for com­ Parents registering their children for pre-kindergarten or • Can you nourish realistic optimism pleteness...but accepts the unanswered? kindergarten should bring their children's birth and baptismal cer­ s t e a m UPHOLSTERY in the lives of others? tificates as well as Im m unization records. A $25 registration fee is CARPET CLEANING CLEANING • Will you dedicate yourself to the • Can you verbalize your faith exper­ church, even in times of difficulty ience for others? required of all registrations. St. Mary of the Mount School is located 115 Bigham St. $ 9 9 5 $ 4 0 9 5 SEMINARY WEEKEND Taize brothers to visit * Pre-Spotting included • Qiack Drying » We Move You* F urndurc • Dry Cleaning St. Paul Seminary PITTSBURGH — Duquesne University will host a visit by two • Furniture Protectors Available For 2900 Noblaelown Road members of the ecumenical com m unity of Taize. France, on Thurs­ Defecate Fabrics Crafton, Pa. 15205 day. Feb. 16. . * Whole House Special Brothers Hector and John, both of who reside in the Hell's Kitchen Ax • Armmm • $74.78 neighborhood of New York City, will attend an informal reception MARCH 10, 11, 12, 1989 "O u r C a r e Makes The Difference' This weekend is open to men 18 years o* age and older who would like to experience that evening at 8 p.m. in the Duquesne Union Ballroom. The film. seminary life. You will have a fine opportunity to meet with people your own age now " T a i z e : A Little Springtime ” »ill be shown and there will be a studying for the priesthood at the college and post college level. prayer service in the university chapel in the Taize style of worship. Register by March 5th by celling The Vacation Office at 9285836 • Monday thru Friday For more information, telephone the university's campus 900 a.m. to 5.00 p m. m inistry office at 434-6020. There is no charge for the seminary weekend.