Gaude, Maria Virgo, cunctas hæreses sola interemisti. (Tractus Missæ Salve Sancta Parens) FLASH mardi 20 novembre 2007 Ce message peut être téléchargé au format PDF sur notre site

L’abbé apostat Ratzinger finit par promouvoir « Cardinal », le Franc-maçon ∴, 73 ans, inscrit dès le lundi 27 juillet 1970 sur le registre maçonnique d’Italie1, sous le nom de code LAGI et sous le matricule 2/1397

F :.M :. LAGI 2/1397 (source ‘Courrier de Rome’ - FSSPX)

Le faux « traditionnel », l’abbé apostat super-moderniste Ratzinger, renforce la maçonnerie au Vatican 2 L’Opération Rampolla de subversion cléricale continue

Il n’y a décidément que ceux qui veulent être trompés, pour ne pas voir combien l’illusionniste antichrist Ratzinger essaie d’abuser le milieu traditionaliste. En effet, il se préoccupe de renforcer actuellement la maçonnerie au Vatican.

1 Selon les informations précises figurant sur la liste de 121 prélats de la Curie de Rome inscrits sur le registre de la maçonnerie telle qu’elle fut publiée le 2 septembre 1978 par l’Osservatore Politico dans l’article « La Grande Loge vaticane » du journaliste italien Mino Pecorelli, liste reproduite dans l’ouvrage de Carlo Alberto Agnoli, La maçonnerie à la conquête de l’Eglise, paru en 2001 (deuxième édition avec les listes). Cet ouvrage édité par le Courrier de Rome est diffusé par l’abbé du Chalard et mis en vente dans les chapelles de la FSSPX. Cf. 2 1

Parmi 22 autres prélats conciliaires, dont « Mgr » Vingt-trois, il vient d’élever le franc-maçon Giovanni Lajolo au pseudo-cardinalat conciliaire. La cérémonie officielle aura lieu le Samedi 24 novembre 2007 au Vatican.

L’abbé apostat super-moderniste Joseph Ratzinger aura déjà ainsi, en deux consistoires, créé, depuis sa pseudo-« élection », par 115 « électeurs » dont seulement 4 véritables évêques, au Conclave d’avril 2005 sous le nom de Benoît XVI, 38 nouveaux soi-disant « cardinaux » conciliaires, portant à 121 le nombre actuel des soi-disant « électeurs », soumis à la limite d’âge de 80 ans, du Conclave habilité à élire le Pontife romain.

“L’Archevêque Giovanni Lajolo, exerce en ce moment les fonctions de Président du Gouvernorat de la Cité du Vatican, après avoir exercé celle de Secrétaire des Relations avec les Etats.

L’Archevêque Giovanni Lajolo a, à plusieurs reprises, admonesté les Nations Unies à propos de la nécessité de reconnaître la sainteté de la vie humaine. C’est en 2006 qu’il a souligné que, "la reconnaissance croissante du caractère sacré de la vie, dont témoigne aussi le rejet croissant de la peine de mort, doit être satisfaite par une protection totale de la vie humaine précisément là où elle est la plus faible, c'est-à-dire à son tout début comme à sa fin naturelle." (Source:”

Ainsi que le lecteur pourra le constater, en se référant en fin d’annexes à la trajectoire concilaire de ce faux évêque catholique, véritable Franc-maçon, l’abbé apostat et franc-maçon Giovanni Lajolo∴ est totalement démuni de la plénitude du véritable Sacerdoce catholique sacramentellement valide (cf. ).

• Né le 03 janvier 1935, Giovanni Lajolo est aujourd’hui proche de ses 73 ans. • Il est validement ordonné prêtre catholique le vendredi 29 avril 1960, dans sa 25ème année, dans le diocèse de Novara en Italie, sous le Pontificat de Roncalli-JeanXXIII, par l’évêque catholique , décédé aujourd’hui, que Montini-PaulVI créera ’Cardinal’ le vendredi 30 mars 1973, alors que cet évêque catholique etait inscrit sur le registre de la maçonnerie3 d’Italie depuis le lundi 17 février 1969 sous le nom de code UPO sous le numéro matricule 32/1425. • Il est Franc-maçon3 dès 1970, à 35 ans, sous le Pontificat de Montini-PaulVI, puisqu’il est inscrit dès le lundi 27 juillet 1970 sous le nom de code LAGI et le numéro matricule 2/1397 du registre de la maçonnerie d’Italie, publié le 2 septembre 1978 par l’Osservatore Politico dans l’article « La Grande Loge vaticane » du journaliste italien Mino Pecorelli, lequel ne tardera pas à payer de sa vie son audace en étant abattu quelques mois plus tard à Rome en pleine rue et en plein jour. On peut penser du reste que c’est précisément UPO, l’évêque catholique apostat Ugo Poletti qui l’a ordonné prêtre catholique le vendredi 29 avril 1960, lui-même récemment inscrit en maçonnerie depuis le lundi 17 février 1969 qui l’aura introduit à son tour en maçonnerie et fait inscrire à la secte lundi 27 juillet 1970. • Franc-maçon depuis au moins 19 ans, ce prêtre catholique apostat Giovanni Lajolo∴ est néanmoins « consacré » « évêque » conciliaire le vendredi 06 janvier 1989 par l’évêque apostat Wojtyla-Jean-Paul II, selon le nouveau rite de la consécration épiscopale sacramentellement INVALIDE du 18 juin 1968, entièrement inventée par Bugnini∴-DomBotte-Lécuyer- MontiniPaulVI (cf.


2 • Par conséquent, Giovanni Lajolo∴, aujourd’hui créé soi-disant « cardinal » par l’abbé apostat super-moderniste Joseph Ratzinger, « évêque » conciliaire invalide depuis plus de 18 ans, franc- maçon depuis plus de 37 ans, et prêtre catholique depuis plus de 47 ans, n’est qu’un pauvre prêtre catholique apostat franc-maçon antichrist entièrement démuni de la plénitude du Sacerdoce catholique et des pouvoirs spirituels d’un véritable évêque catholique.

Nous avions, dans nos précédents messages VM4, décrit les atermoiements de l’abbé apostat Ratzinger, qui savait devoir, aussitôt après son « élection » d’avril 2005, envoyer sans tarder, par une promotion de l’« évêque » franc-maçon conciliaire invalide Giovanni Lajolo∴, le signal public aux initiés francs- maçons religieux conciliaires, qui pullulent aujourd’hui, de son remerciement public de plus de 35 années de services fidèles rendus à la maçonnerie dans l’église conciliaire par ce vieux serviteur de la maçonnerie.

Le 7 juin 2006, en effet, une agence italienne annonçait la promotion de Lajolo, en même temps que Kasper au sein de la curie romaine5. La promotion de Kasper et de Lajolo par l’abbé Ratzinger ROME, 7 juin 2006 – la nouvelle curie de Benoît XVI n’est pas seulement constituée de promus et de démis. Elle est formée aussi d’archevêques et cardinaux qui ont fait fermement leurs, dans leur domaine de compétence, les nouveaux axes promus par le pape joseph Ratzinger pour la direction de l’Eglise. L’un d’entre eux n’est autre que l’archevêque Giovanni Lajolo, secrétaire aux relations avec les états, qui constitue le ministère des affaires étrangères. On en trouve un autre, le cardinal (cf. photo), président du conseil pontifical pour l’unité des chrétiens.

Puis, pour des raisons dont nous ignorons tout, quelques jours plus tard, le 15 septembre 2006, l’abbé apostat Ratzinger limoge Lajolo6 : Lajolo vient d’être remercié par le même Raztinger dans un communiqué du 15 septembre 2006. Il est « promu » dans ce qui s’apparente à un placard, le poste de gouverneur de la Cité du Vatican. Et il est remplacé par Mamberti. « CASTEL GANDOLFO (Italie), 15 sept 2006 (AFP) - Le pape Benoît XVI a choisi vendredi un Français, Mgr , pour remplacer l'Italien Giovanni Lajolo au poste de "ministre des affaires étrangères" du Saint-Siège, a-t-il annoncé lui-même à la hiérarchie catholique. »

Décidément, avec l’abbé apostat super-moderniste Joseph Ratzinger, le Vatican se transforme rapidement en un lieu de plus en plus mal famé !

Continuons le bon combat

Abbé Marchiset

Messages de VM où est reportée l’appartenance de Lajolo à la maçonnerie avec ses précisions :


5 6 3

Extraits de presse au sujet de la promotion de Lajolo

Pope to elevate 23 new cardinals

It is the second time Benedict XVI has named new cardinals

Pope Benedict XVI has appointed 23 new cardinals, 18 of whom will fill vacancies in the ranks of churchmen who will one day elect his successor.

Five of the new cardinals will not be eligible to enter the elite conclave which votes in the next Pope because they are over 80 years of age.

The new nominations bring the total number of so-called electors to 121.

The pontiff made the announcement during his weekly audience in St Peter's Square, Rome.

He said he would elevate the at a Vatican ceremony on 24 November.

The cardinal electors come from , Argentina, the United States, , Poland, Spain, Ireland, France, Senegal, , Mexico, Brazil and .

It was the second time since his election in April 2005 that the Pope named new cardinals. The first was in March last year when he installed 15.

Thursday October 18, 2007

Life and Family Stands of the New Cardinals Appointed by Pope Benedict

By Meg Jalsevac

ROME, Italy, October 18, 2007, ( - Pope Benedict has finally released his much anticipated list of appointees to receive the honor of being named a cardinal. The list includes 23 men total but 5 of them are over the age of 80 and thus would not qualify to participate in any future papal elections. The Pope also

4 revealed that he had intended to also confer the honor on Bishop Ignacy Jez of Koszalin-Kolobrzeg but that the bishop had died suddenly this past week.

Several of the recently appointed men have been outspoken defendants of the sanctity of life and the integrity of the family. has compiled a list of some of these statements to illustrate the faithfulness of these men.

The new Cardinals will be:

1. , who currently serves as of the Congregation for Eastern Churches.

2. Archbishop John Patrick Foley, served for 23 years as president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, but presently serves as grandmaster of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre. In 2002, Archbishop John Foley addressed the Second International Meeting of Catholic Obstetricians in Rome encouraging them to foster "an environment - especially a media environment - in which human life is respected at every stage of its development" and one "of sexual responsibility and, therefore, of sound family life." (Source:

3. Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo, currently serves as the president of the governorate after serving as the Secretary for Relations with States. Archbishop Lajolo has repeatedly addressed the United Nations regarding the necessity of recognizing the sanctity of human life. In 2006, he stressed that, "the increasing recognition of the sacredness of life, witnessed also by the growing rejection of the death penalty, needs to be matched by a thorough protection of human life precisely when it is at its weakest, that is, at its very beginning and at its natural end." (Source:

4. Archbishop , President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. After the release of Pope Benedict's Deus Caritas Est, Archbishop Cordes called for recognition of the need for charity to support the dignity of life in all nations of the world. "In our society there exists, fortunately, a widespread feeling of philanthropy... but this can give the faithful the idea that charity is not an essential part of the ecclesial mission. Without a solid theological foundation, the great ecclesial agencies could become ... disassociated from the Church." (Source: )

5. Archbishop acts as of St. Peter's basilica and vicar general for Vatican City. Providing meditation during the 2006 on Good Friday, Archbishop Comastri was quoted, "There is a move to reinvent mankind, to modify the very grammar of life as planned and willed by God. Surely God is deeply pained by the attack on the family. Today we seem to be witnessing a kind of anti-Genesis, a counter-plan, a diabolical pride aimed at eliminating the family." (Source:

6. Archbishop Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, In his roll as President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Archbishop Rylko is known for his words of encouragement to those living out the lay vocation. In such an address in Columbia in 2006, Rylko first warned his lay listeners to be wary. "The expanding process of secularization and an authentic "dictatorship of relativism" (Benedict XVI) have produced a tremendous absence of values in many of our contemporaries, which is accompanied by a joyful nihilism that ends in an alarming erosion of faith, a type of "silent apostasy" (John Paul II) and a "strange forgetfulness of God" (Benedict XVI)." He concluded his remarks by extolling his listeners to a greater involvement in evangelization efforts to combat these evils. (Source:

7. Archbishop , Vatican archivist.

8. Archbishop Agustin Garcia-Gasco Vicente of Valencia, Spain. On the occasion of Pope Benedict's 2006 visit to Spain, the Archbishop gave a sermon in which he condemned the control that the "gay empire" wielded over the Spanish government and referred to the traditional family as: "the construction 5 of a civilization of love and life against the culture of death."(Source:

9. Archbishop Sean Baptist Brady of Armagh, Ireland. At the Milwaukee Gaelic fest earlier this year, Archbishop Brady lamented the breakdown of social order in Ireland. He explained, "This comes from a cultural shift from emphasis on community and family to an emphasis on the happiness of the individual, particularly of the individual as a consumer. It is also tied up with a notion of freedom of the individual without reference to our responsibility to the common good that is so prevalent in Western culture at the moment." Brady said the solution must include "taking steps to build community and support for marriage and the family." (Source:

10. Archbishop Lluis Martinez Sistach of Barcelona, Spain, In a 2006 interview in which the archbishop laid out the responsibilities of parents to their children in the realm of education, he said that parents, "entrust the education of their children to the school and its teachers without renouncing their principal responsibility, which they have as a 'logical consequence of their fatherhood and motherhood." (Source:

11. Archbishop Andre Vingt-Trois of Paris, France. Archbishop Vingt-Trois condemned a French court's ruling that decided that Downs Syndrome children have the right to never be born and asserted, "I think with great sadness of all families who have welcomed Down's children, who have showered them with love and received great love in return. This ruling amounts to a declaration that such love was worthless." (Source:

12. Archbishop of Genoa, Italy; Archbishop Bagnasco has been repeatedly in the media light in recent months as an active leader against the homosexual agenda in Italy. He was the target of multiple death threats because of his outspoken stance. Bagnasco challenged proposed legislation that would have legalized homosexual unions saying, "Why say 'no' to forms of legally recognised co- habitation which create alternatives to the family? Why say 'no' to incest?" (Source:

13. Archbishop Theodore-Adrien Sarr of Dakar, Senegal,

14. Archbishop of Bombay, India, As a retired lawyer, Archbishop Gracias has been outspoken against Amnesty International's new policy advocating for abortion 'rights'. When asked to clarify the Church's teaching on abortion in the case of rape or incest or to save the life of the mother, the Archbishop said, "The believes that in the case of a rape and the incest, no doubt that human rights of the victim is violated but it does not take away the right of the unborn child.' He continued, "In the case of mother's life being in danger, the Church's position is that both the mother and the child have equal rights to live. Efforts should be made to save both the lives." (Source: In 2006, Archbishop Gracias condemned the abortion industry in India that specifically targets baby girls. He called on India to "creat[e] a culture not only of life, but also of respect for women and the vital role they play in the family, society and world." (Source:

15. Archbishop of Monterrey, Mexico.

16. Archbishop Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, US. On Archbishop DiNardo's diocesan webpage, there is published his address in honor of Respect Life month in which he says, "It is the responsibility and joy of all who preach that day to call attention to the unsurpassable dignity of each human person from conception to natural death, a dignity given by God, not conferred by the state or any other human institution. Our preaching and teaching, our witnessing and living the faith, all these are to seek to evangelize the world for life and to trust in the providence of God to oversee and direct our efforts at continual self-conversion to the dignity of human life and at sharing that message with others." (Source:

6 17. Archbishop Odilio Pedro Scherer of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Archbishop Scherer outspokenly condemned a Brazilian court's order to legalize abortion for deformed fetus' emphasizing the "ethical need to respect all human life." (Source:

18. Archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya. Archbishop Njue has been actively involved in combating corruption in Kenya and issued a 2006 statement in which he stated, "We must understand clearly that if we have no respect for the lives of other people, our community and nation will not progress. It will not even survive." "The deliberate murder of an innocent human being is against the law of God and human dignity itself. Human life is sacred - from the moment of conception to natural death. No person can claim the right to destroy another human being." (Source:

19. Father Umberto Betti, the former of the Pontifical Lateran University.

20. Archbishop Giovanni Coppa, a veteran Vatican diplomat,

21. Patriarch Emmanuel III Delly of Babylon, the head of Iraq's Chaldean Catholic Church.

22. Archbishop Estanislao Esteban Karlic, the former Archbishop of Parana, Argentina. In addressing the 5th General Conference of Latin American Bishops' Counsel, Archbishop Karlic explained that it is in truly encountering Christ that we realize that "the family is the sanctuary of love and of life" and that "the human community is destined for fraternity." (Source:

23. Father Urbano Navarete, the former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Father Navarette has been used by the Vatican as expert counsel in the scientific areas of transsexualism and hermaphroditism. He was said to be one of the main contributors to the Vatican's 2003 document which declared that a "sex-change" operation did not change the gender of the individual in the eyes of the Church. The document was crucial in explaining why a woman who underwent a sex change to become a male could not be validly ordained a Catholic priest. (Source: )

Trajectoire conciliaire de l’abbé apostat Giovanni Lajolo∴ (dit LAGI)

Giovanni LAJOLO

1 Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo

1.1.1 President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State

1.1.2 Titular Archbishop of

1.1.3 President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State

1.2 Events Date Age Event Title 3 Jan 1935 72.9 Born Novara, Italy

7 29 Apr1960 25.3 Ordained Priest Priest of Novara, Italy 3 Oct 1988 53.8 Appointed Titular Archbishop of Caesariana 3 Oct 1988 53.8 Appointed Secretary of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See 6 Jan 1989 54.0 Ordained Bishop Titular Archbishop of Caesariana 7 Dec 1995 60.9 Appointed Apostolic to Germany 7 Oct 2003 68.8 Appointed Secretary (Relations with States) of the Secretariat of State 15 Sep 2006 71.7 Appointed President of the Governatorate of Vatican City State 15 Sep 2006 71.7 Appointed President of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State 24 Nov 2007 72.9 Elevated to Cardinal

• Consistory - 2007: Created Cardinal

Please contact the Archbishop through the • Ordained Priest by: Governatorate of Vatican City State. o Ugo Cardinal Poletti † • Principal : • a priest for 47.5547.5 years o Pope Karol Józef Wojtyla † • a bishop for 18.8718.8 years • Principal Co-: • a cardinal for --.1 years o Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy o José Tomás Cardinal Sánchez

Episcopal Lineage / Apostolic Succession: • Principal Consecrator of: o Archbishop Thomas Edward • Archbishop Giovanni Lajolo (1989) Gullickson • Pope Karol Józef Wojtyla † (1958) o Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt • Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak † (1933) • Principal Co-Consecrator of: • Archbishop Boleslaw Twardowski † (1919) o Bishop Walter Mixa • Archbishop St. Józef Bilczewski † (1901) o Archbishop • Jan Maurycy Pawel Cardinal Puzyna de Kosielsko † (1886) • Mieczyslaw Halka Cardinal Ledóchowski † (1861) • Camillo Cardinal Di Pietro † (1839) • Chiarissimo Cardinal Falconieri Mellini † (1826) • Pope Annibale Francesco Clemente Melchiore Girolamo Nicola della Genga † (1794) • Henry Benedict Mary Clement Cardinal Stuart of York † (1758) • Pope Carlo della Torre Rezzonico † (1743) • Pope Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini † (1724) • Pope Pietro Francesco (Vincenzo Maria) Orsini de Gravina, O.P. † (1675) • Paluzzo Cardinal Paluzzi Altieri Degli Albertoni † (1666) • Ulderico Cardinal Carpegna † (1630) • Luigi Cardinal Caetani † (1622) • Ludovico Cardinal Ludovisi † (1621) • Archbishop Galeazzo Sanvitale † (1604) • Girolamo Cardinal Bernerio, O.P. † (1586) • Giulio Antonio Cardinal Santorio † (1566)

8 • Scipione Cardinal Rebiba †

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