A Prayer to Our Lady of Good Health

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A Prayer to Our Lady of Good Health For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light – for the fruit of the light is found in all that is good and right and true. Try to find MARCH 22, 2020 out what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but TERHAD PP 8460/11/2012(030939) instead expose them. For it is shameful even ISSN: 1394-3294 to mention what such people do secretly. Vol. 27 No. 11 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY Eph 5:8-12 Pope makes walking prayer pilgrimage for coronavirus pandemic Pope Francis walks down Via del Corso to pray at the Church of St Marcellus in Rome March 15, 2020. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) OME: Pope Francis on Sun- days, and asked that their families and friends day, March 15 took a brief find consolation and comfort,” a Vatican state- walking pilgrimage in the ment said. R The Pope also prayed for healthcare workers, city of Rome, and prayed for an end doctors, nurses and those working to keep soci- to the coronavirus pandemic during ety functioning while many are under forced or a surprise visit to both the Basilica of voluntary quarantine. St Mary Major and to a miraculous The Byzantine icon of Salus Populi Romani was also processed through Rome by Pope cross that traversed Rome during a Gregory I in 593 for an end to the plague known 16th century plague. as the Black Death. According to the Vatican, the Pope went to The icon has been revered by the people of the basilica to visit the icon of Salus Populi Rome for centuries and is considered a symbol Romani, Mary Protection of the Roman People, of the city and its people. to invoke her prayers against the coronavirus According to Lops, Pope Francis wanted to pandemic affecting Italy and the world. make the visit to encourage Italians during the A priest of the vicariate of Rome, Fr Elio quarantine conditions across Italy. Lops, said Pope Francis was accompanied dur- “It was all a surprise,” Lops said, adding that ing his visit by the Archpriest of the basilica, Francis had wanted to go to the Basilica of St Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko. Mary Major on March 13, the seventh anniver- Lops, who was present, said the Pope prayed sary of his pontificate, but being unable to, had silently before the icon for about 20 minutes and told Cardinal Rylko he would come at another, also stopped briefly at the chapel of the crucifix. unspecified time. From the papal basilica, the Pope walked Rome, like all of Italy, is currently under about half a mile on foot to the Church of San lockdown, with people required to stay home Marcello al Corso to pray before a miraculous except for strict cases of necessity. All non-es- crucifix which was once carried in procession sential businesses are also closed. through the streets of Rome during the plague The action by the Pope was not in any way of 1522. intended to be against the decrees of the Italian Pope Francis prays in front of a crucifix at the Church of St Marcellus in Rome March 15, 2020. According to the church’s rector, Fr Enrico government, Lops explained, but was meant (CNS photo/Vatican Media) Casini, Francis also stopped to pray before a as a sign of encouragement to Romans. It was silica of St Mary Major during the coronavirus Mary Major remains open for prayer, confes- statue of St Joseph. “also risky in a certain sense for his health, be- lockdown in Italy. sions and communion for any Catholics who Pope Francis “implored healing for the many cause he is old,” Lops added. Though public Masses have been suspended may request it, Fr Lops said. — By Hannah sick, remembered the many victims of these Lops has been assigned to serve at the Ba- throughout the diocese, the Papal Basilica of St Brockhaus, CNA Pope Francis has composed A prayer to Our Lady of Good Health a prayer to O Mary, you shine continuously We are certain that you will provide, Our Lady, Health We seek refuge on our journey as a so that, as you did at Cana of Galilee, under your protection, of the Sick, sign of salvation and hope. joy and feasting might return after this moment of trial. O Holy Mother of God. to implore her We entrust ourselves to you, Help us, Mother of Divine Love, Health of the Sick. to conform ourselves to the Father’s will protection during Do not despise our pleas – At the foot of the Cross you participated and to do what Jesus tells us: the Covid-19 we who are put to the test – in Jesus’ pain, with steadfast faith. He who took our sufferings upon Himself, coronavirus You, Salvation of the Roman People, and bore our sorrows to bring us, and deliver us from every danger, pandemic. know what we need. through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. Amen. O glorious and blessed Virgin. 2 FORUM / REFLECTION HERALD March 22, 2020 Coronavirus pandemic should make us reflect on what really matters he coronavirus pandemic should make eigners turning up at government hospitals. us take stock of what really matters in Undocumented migrants are also afraid of Tour lives. Sunday Observer going to government hospitals for treatment For me, the key takeaway is that we must for fear of being detained. ensure we have a robust public healthcare By The indirect exclusion of millions of mi- system that can handle crisis and emergency Anil Netto grants from the public healthcare system situations. worsens the situation during times of crisis For too long, we have underfunded our [email protected] and, thankfully, this has been recognised government hospitals and clinics, spending during the present crisis and some measures only around two per cent of gross domestic have been taken to encourage migrants to product (GDP) on public healthcare. (The This is one of the reasons China has been about 18 per cent of GDP on healthcare – seek treatment. Our hospitals, should rightly, private healthcare sector spends another two able to contain the rapid spread of the coro- that’s about double the average of the devel- be open for all who are resident in the coun- per cent). We should be spending at least six navirus in the country. The number of cases oped nations, much of it is inefficient or goes try, for treatment at minimal rates. per cent of GDP on healthcare. seems to have reached a plateau at around to the private sector. A silver lining behind this pandemic is that The result of this underfunding is that our 81,000 cases, with only a few new cases Some might even say that the US barely we realise which of our activities are really public hospitals are crammed, with beds be- every day. has a “public healthcare” system as such, ie necessary and which only add more stress ing placed all over the place, as our poor spe- China is showing us that the rapid spread to take care of those most in need of treat- and pollution to our lives. cialists, doctors and nurses struggle to cope of the coronavirus can be contained – even ment and who cannot afford private health- By spending more time indoors, we may with their heavy workload. without a Covid-19 vaccine. The key seems care or medical insurance. get a chance to smell the roses (or the scent We are also critically short of ICU beds, to be some of its meticulous and stringent For us in Malaysia, this is all the more rea- of hot coffee), read a book, actually phone with only 691 beds in 56 government hos- preventive measures, backed by strong politi- son to ensure we have a strong, adequately (instead of text) a friend or relative, listen to pitals (Malaysian Registry of Intensive Care cal will and the ability to marshal its tremen- funded public healthcare system and to sup- calming music. Report 2017)., dous logistical and financial resources. port our medical staff. We need to stem the Less traffic on the road will give nature These beds are usually around 90 per cent In contrast, Italy, which spends 8-9 per cent brain drain of experienced specialists, doc- some breathing space. Our air will be cleaner occupied (2013-2017). Perhaps a more ideal of GDP on healthcare, has suffered greatly. tors, nurses and support staff to the private with less traffic on the roads. Perhaps we will optimum ratio should be around 70-75 per Although its healthcare system was once one sector by recognising and rewarding them rediscover our neighbours and establish local cent. of the world’s best, it has been hit by short- without discrimination. social solidarity. If ICU beds are almost full during normal sighted healthcare spending cuts. So this was The coronavirus pandemic has exposed But many workers will suffer because of times, how do we cope during times of crisis a crisis in the making for them after years of our seriously misguided policy of focus- the weak economy and businesses being af- or epidemic, let alone a pandemic? austerity cuts. (I have an academic friend in ing on medical tourism instead of the needs fected. We can also reflect on the sudden This is why we need to ensure we have a Italy who used to complain similarly about of the local people. This has aggravated the takeover of a legitimately elected govern- proper public healthcare system staffed by cuts in funding for universities as well.) brain drain to the private sector.
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