
Is Genesis History Class Notes

Genesis Chapter 1 – The Origin of Everything Genesis – Original meaning is “Origins” Genesis forms the foundational for almost every Christian doctrine.  Why are we accountable to God – because he is Creator. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth – Genesis 1:1 …here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. – Ecc. 12:13  Why does sin exist – because we rejected God’s authority. When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. – Genesis 3:6 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23  Why does death exist – because God is holy and just He cannot overlook sin, there has to be a penalty and the wages of sin is death. you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die. – Genesis 2:17 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. – Romans 6:23  Why is sexual sin and homosexuality wrong – because man and women were created to be one flesh. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24 "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' – Mark 10:6  Why is human life sacred – because we were created in the image of God. Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image…” - Genesis 1:26-27 You shall not murder. – Exodus 20:13  Why set one day aside for rest and reflection on God. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. – Genesis 2:3 Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. – Exodus 20:8  Why is modest dress appropriate for Christians – because our view of sexuality became distorted at the fall and God provided clothing to limit temptation in this area The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. – Genesis 3:21 I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety… - 1Timothy 2:9

Origin for information in Genesis – Moses penned book, but where did the information come from?  Adam “Heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” – Genesis 3:8  Noah’s life overlapped with that of Shem (Adam’s son) – he had 120 years to prepare for the coming flood.  Moses lived less than 10 generations after the flood – he could easily have had access from documents coming directly from Adam.

Two views of Genesis – History or allegory?  al·le·go·ry - a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning  The vast majority of denominations and Bible colleges teach that Genesis 1-11 is simply an allegory with spiritual meanings. Why? ______ What damage is done by the allegory viewpoint? ______ Key scriptures dealing with this compromise position: o John 3:12: “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” o 2 Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness…” o John 5:46-47: “If you had believed Moses, you would believe Me, because he wrote about Me. But since you do not believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?”

Genesis 1:1-2 – Opening summary statements Style of Genesis 1-11 is same as Hebrew writing in historical books such as Judges, Kings, Chronicles - not poetic books such as Psalms and Song of Solomon.  Starting in the early 1800’s theologians who accepted the non-Biblical, billions of year interpretation of rock layer (that ignores Noah’s flood) looked for a way to “add” this vast time-scale to Scripture.  They “found” a gap of billions of years between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2 and it slowly became doctrinal reality in many denominations.  This puts death before Adams sin, denies a worldwide flood, and distorts dozens of other clear scriptural statements.

Genesis 1:3-5 – Day 1: Creation of the entire electromagnetic spectrum and all of matter in the universe, started day and night cycle so we would know the time period involved.  Lots of speculation as to exactly what was happening here  God’s Word provides relevant, accurate, and understandable information but not exhaustive knowledge  Every time the Word “Yom” is used in Scripture with a number, is means a normal day.

Genesis 1:6-8 – Day 2: Formation and separation Earth and the heavens – starts expansion of space itself He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. – Isaiah 40:22  God is systematically preparing a perfect paradise for mankind to live  The transformation of matter into Earth is beginning and Space is being stretched out.  The waters above may form the edge of the universe

Genesis 1:9-13 – Day 3: Enormous geological activity – Land masses form, oceans form, planet covered in plants  Gathering of waters implies Earth movement – geology of the Earth testifies to this  Miraculous formation of the incredible variety of plant life – grasses, herbs, trees  STRONG emphasis on separate kinds of plants reproducing after their own kind (3 times) – evolution of bacteria to plants could not be true if the Bible is true – Christians need to choose who to believe

Genesis 1:14-19 – Day 4: Sun, moon and stars formed  Order of Creation destroys “Day/Age” theory – how could plants survive billions of years without the sun?  Keeps sun from being center of mankind’s attention – it is for marking seasons, not creator of life. Both evolution and ancient culture deify the Sun  100,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars are a mere “afterthought” to God

Genesis 1:20-23 – Day 5: Sea creatures and birds created  Two more times it is emphasized that creature do not transform one into another kind.  Only day where God does not end by saying “it was good” – creation of animal life is not finished.

Genesis 1:24-31 – Day 6: Creation of land animals and mankind. No death, perfect creation, plants given for food.  FIVE more times it is emphasized that creature do not transform one into another kind.  Four times God states that we were made in HIS image o Creativity, Language, Freedom of choice, Moral understanding  VERY clear that it was a perfect creation with no death – even animals ate vegetation

Genesis Chapter 2 – Mankind’s Creation in God’s Image Genesis 2:1 – Bookend on Chapter 1 (ends overview of creation account that starts with Genesis 1:1)

Genesis 2:2-3 – Creation is finished  Variation of creation continues but no new matter/energy, stars, basic body structures, no increase in complexity, entropy at minimum (universe starts out wound up to maximum perfection)  Creation before the fall completely different than its operation after the fall – much speculation, little known

Genesis 2:4-25 is NOT a “second creation story” – focus is now on creation of mankind Vs. 4 - YOM (“Day”) used as a period of time immediately before man was created (days 3-6) – no number attached Vs. 5-6 – Rain water cycle on Earth very different (possibly a canopy protecting Earth for perfect environment) Vs. 7 – Very significant that our physical body and our soul are listed separately. The essence of who we are comes from the breath of God. Four times God previously listed how we are made in His Image. Very different from all other created life. What are some of those ways:

Intelligence/Creativity Language ability Ability to Love/Empathy Free Will

Vs. 8-14 – Description of area of Earth were Adam was first created  Places and names would have been very familiar to mankind from 6000 – 4300 years ago.  Garden of Eden is GONE. The earth was completely resurfaced by worldwide flood (“…the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.” – 2 Peter 6:6)  Names of places and rivers after the flood renamed for remembrances from before the flood, i.e. Colonial America & original English names

Vs. 15 – Work is NOT part of the curse. Useful work is a blessing from God. All work done to the glory of God is fulfilling.

Vs. 16-17 – Without choice there can be no freedom and no love  “…in the day that thou eat…you will surely die” - A time period not a specific day.  Immediate spiritual separation occurred, in a sense mankind did die spiritually on that day (God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in sins—it is by grace you have been saved. – Ephesians 2:4-5)

Vs. 18-25 – Creation of Woman  Adam shown every basic type of living creature – none suitable for companionship  Mankind’s creativity, intelligence, and language ability immediately apparent  Woman is equal to man in importance, made as a partner, not a servant  Interesting note – the rib is the only human bone capable of regrowing itself  Implication is that man and women are meant to complete each other, implication is “to be one” is for life  Sexuality was meant as a beautiful thing - sin has distorted and twisted it

Strong implication of Chapter 1&2 is that had we not sinned we would live forever both physically and spiritually.  Original Creation not just “good” but “Very Good” – death is presented as a “bad thing” throughout Scripture  Creation operated completely differently before the fall o Perfect copies of every cell division (no aging)? o Instant healing? o Glorified bodies (transcending time and space like Jesus?) o Perpetual motion machines?

Genesis Chapter 3 – Man’s Sin brings Death into Creation Genesis 3:1-6 – Satan’s attempt to thwart the plans of God  Satan cast out of heaven sometime before creation to days/months after creation of Adam/Eve  Throughout time Satan primary attack has been to cast doubt on the trustworthiness of God’s Word, “…did God REALLY say you shall not eat of every tree of the garden…you shall NOT surely die…”  Eve added to God’s Word, “…neither shall you touch it…”  What are the characteristics of sin? - “ good , pleasant , desirable .”

Genesis 3:7-8 – Consequences of sin begin  Sexuality was the first thing distorted  Sin ALWAYS drives us away from God (we want to hide from His holiness.) How else do we respond to sin? Deny that it exists – ultimately denying that God exists Deny accountability – ultimately denying that we have free will Try to cover our own sins – religion

Genesis 3:9-13 – Response of mankind to our own sinfulness  Rhetorical questions force Adam and Eve to face reality  The concept of “hiding from God” never works. In what ways does modern mankind try to “hide from God” WORK ENTERTAINMENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE POWER WEALTH KNOWLEDGE .  Adam blames Eve &God, Eve blames Satan – Mankind exhibits a total blindness to the obvious and an almost infinite ability to justify our actions

Genesis 3:14-15 – Satan’s responsibility is not ignored  First reference to Jesus in Scripture

Genesis 3:16-19 – ALL of creation cursed  Death begins for both man and all of creation  Very genetics of biology altered (pain in childbirth, thorns appear)  God DESTROYED a perfect universe for our benefit – so we would not live forever….and be forever separated from Him

Genesis 3:20-24 – The first sacrifice for sin  All humanity comes from one woman – confirmed by modern genetics  Our attempts to cover our own sin are inadequate  The penalty of sin is death, so God starts the pattern of animal sacrifice to cover sins  Only God’s own sacrificial death is ultimately adequate

Genesis Chapter 4 – The Consequence of Sin Sin always advances to the point we become completely blind to our errors, sins, and beliefs. All creation is fallen, even our intellect. How can we KNOW what is true or morally correct? Three factors causing moral and intellectual blindness (Biblically – “hardening of the heart”)

#1 – Viewing things from man’s perspective rather than God’s perspective #2 – Being repeatedly told false information (especially if the truth is censored or ridiculed) #3 – Pressure to conform

Scripture repeatedly warms us to make God’s Word our foundation for truth. Proverbs 3:5-6 Hebrews 3:8 Psalm 119:105 Deuteronomy 11:18 2 Corinthians 10:5 Isaiah 53:6 Romans 12:2 Colossians 2:8-10 Romans 1:18-28 Matthew 7:13 Proverbs 22:6 Matthew 18:6

Genesis 4:1-8 – Sin proceeds to its inevitable conclusion – Murder Total depavity

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies…” – Matt. 15:19

This narrative could have been anywhere from 50 – 200 years after creation began Cain’s sin is implied (Abel’s offering was the “firstborn of his flock” while Cain brought “some of the fruits of the soil”) Principle of the tithe (or “firstfruits”) to the Lord was apparently established at the beginning of creation Where do evil thoughts come from? Influences around us Our sinful nature Satan Sin is personified in this narrative and has these characteristics:  Desires to rule over us  Crouches (hides) in order to trap us  We are not forced to sin, we can choose to rule over it.

Genesis 4:9-16 – The wages of sin are DEATH  Why is the murder of human life is a particularly grievous sin? – We are made in God’s Image  Why was Cain’s penalty not immediate death? – God’s Mercy  Where did Cain find a wife? – sisters and cousins  Who was around to kill Cain? – tens of thousands of people with 200 years

Genesis 4:17-24 – Lineage of Cain  8 generations from Adam mankind was working with iron and making wind and string instruments  By the end of the chapter murder has become something to brag about

Genesis 4:25-26 – Beginning of genealogy ultimately leading to Christ  By the time of the birth of Enosh (3rd generation after Adam), people began to “call upon the name of the Lord.” o Using the Lord’s name in total depravity. o One possible translation of “call upon” is “to defile.”

Genesis Chapter 5 – The Interlude before God Intervenes

 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. - Romans 15:4

 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness… - 2 Timothy 3:16

Life expectancy of early human patriarchs were MUCH longer because: A. Each subsequent generation has 100 – 1000 permanent random mutations to the DNA of every cell in their body B. The Earth and its protective environment changed radically after the flood of Noah

Life expectancy dropped off radically after the flood of Noah

Genesis 5:1-5 – Adam means “ Man ”

Genesis 5:6-8 – Seth means “ appointed ”

Genesis 5: 9-11 – Enos or Enosh means “ mortal ”

Genesis 5:12-14 – Kenan means “ Sorrow ”

Genesis 5:15-17– Mahalalel means “ the blessed God ”

Genesis 5: 18-20 – Jared means “ shall come down ”

Genesis 5:21-24 – Enoch means “ teaching ”

Genesis 5:25-27 – Methuselah means “ his death shall bring ”

Genesis 5: 28-31 – Lamech means “ despairing ”

Genesis 5: 29-32– Noah means “ comfort ”

Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow (but) the blessed God shall come down teaching that his death shall bring (the) despairing comfort

The Bible is the story of God’s love and redemption of mankind from cover to cover:

“The I, lo, I come: the volume of the book is written of Me…” - Psalm 40:7 Genesis Chapter 6 – The Key Event of Earth History If you ignore the worldwide flood, you are guaranteed to completely misinterpret all of Earth history. Genesis has far more verses describing the worldwide flood (its purpose, extend, and ramifications) than the creation of the universe, the creation of life, or the origin of sin and death. It is critical to the correct understanding of all Earth history. Yet to most modern theologians - Noah, the ark, and the flood are mere legends.

In addition to Genesis 6-9, throughout the Bible, Noah and the flood are treated as real events:  Joshua 24:3,14,15 – Notes that Abraham and Egyptian captivity came after “the Flood”  Chronicles 1:4 and Luke 3:36 – Both place Noah in the genealogy of Christ  Job 14:11, 22:15-17, 28:4 – Specifically reference the worldwide flood as a judgment of God  Psalms 29:10, 66:6, 74:15, 90:5 – All refer to the flood, in most places as a worldwide judgment  Isaiah 28:2, 54:9 – Mentions both Noah and the flood as real events  Jeremiah 46:8 – Compares a coming judgment with the flood that destroyed the world  Ezekiel 14:14,20 – Lists Noah as one of the three most righteous men in history  Matthew 24:37-39 & Luke 17:26 – Jesus states that Noah and the flood of Noah were real events  Hebrews 11:7 – Mentions the flood and lists Noah as a GREAT man of faith, the only one beginning and ending with, “by faith”  I Peter 3:20, II Peter 2:5-6 – Places Noah as a strategic historic figure, a “preacher of righteousness” and the worldwide flood as a real event. This passage notes that the flood of Noah will be denied “in the last days”!

Genesis 6:1-2 – Evil is overtaking the world on multiple levels - setting the stage for the coming judgment “Sons of God” (or similar terms) always refers to angelic beings (Job 1:6, 2:1, 38:7; Daniel 3:25, Psalms 29:1, Psalms 89:6)  Satan knows the one who will “bruise his head” will come from the “seed of woman”  Spiritual beings can manipulate things in the physical world – angels have eaten with people, appeared as men  Was there genetic manipulation of future generations to destroy the human line leading to Christ?

Genesis 6:3 – After introducing Noah and the birth of the 3 sons (from whom all humanity would later descend - Gen. 5:32), the deadline for a coming judgment upon all mankind is given (120 years).

Genesis 6:4-5 – Two categories of evil – corrupted human genetics and total evil/depravity of humanity. Compare with Sodom and Gomorra where everyone in the city demanded to gang rape visiting angels to the city.

Genesis 6:6-7 – God has all foreknowledge so how can he repent (i.e. “change his mind”)? I Samuel 15:29 states that, “[God] is not a man, that he should repent.” It is from OUR perspective that God “seems” to repent or change His Mind about mankind. Another example is I Samuel 15:11 when God “repented that he had set up Saul to be king...” Our actions can “grieve” the Lord, just as our children’s actions can grieve us – yet we do not reject them as our children.

Genesis 6:8-12 – Stage is set, narrative returns to the main figure in this historical drama “Noah found grace (undeserved and unearned merit) in the eyes of the Lord.” – Noah was not perfect.  He was a “just man” and “perfect in his generations” – one is based on actions, the other is a genetic observation  We neither know how old his sons were nor how many other children Noah had  To corrupt is to mix something impure with something pure. “Corruption” is listed separate than the “violence”.

Genesis 6:13-21 – Building of the Ark  Most commentators believe the command to build the Ark was given shortly after the 120 year deadline. Since Noah was called a “preacher of righteousness” (II Peter 2:5) he spent this time both building the ark and warning the world of a coming judgment.  He had LOTS of time, his family, and hired help to complete the massive construction project  “Gopher wood” is a vague term – could even be a method of construction involving interlocking layers.  Dimensions of the ark are the most stable possible vessel. o Cubit ranges from 18” to 24” depending on ancient culture – The Ark was at least 450’x150’x45’ o Three 15’ tall levels inside – equivalent to 522 railroad stock cars . 125,000 sheep size animals . There are less than 20,000 species of mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian o Automatically alignment into waves to prevent capsizing. o Almost vertical pitching on waves without flipping o Covered opening along entire top would have provided light and ventilation  The flood was no natural occurance, “behold, I, even I, to destroy ALL flesh wherein there is the breath of life, UNDER HEAVEN, and EVERY thing that is in the earth shall die.”  Specific groupings of animals are named (birds, cattle – land mammals, creeping things –reptiles/amphibians) but the key is, “wherein these is the breath of life” (i.e. lungs). No insects/sea creatures/bacteria,etc

Genesis 6:22 – This chapter ends with a wonderful acclimation of Noah’s faithfulness. The account of the flood starts with Noah (Gen. 5:32) and ends with Noah (Gen. 9:29) What two things sets Noah apart as one of the greatest men in all history ? God seems to value these two things above all else. Can you think of any scriptures that support this?

Faith Obedience Hebrews 11:6 – Without faith it is impossible to please God Ecc. 12:13 – Fear God and keep His commandments: James 2:14 – Works without faith is dead… for this is the whole duty of man. 2 Corinthians 5:7 – We walk by faith, not sight… John 14:15 – If you love me you will do as I command… Matthew 17:20 – If you have faith as small as a mustard seed John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, …nothing will be impossible for you. and they follow me… Matthew 8:10-13 - Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with James 1:22 - Do not merely listen to the word, and so such great faith. …Then Jesus said to the centurion, deceive yourselves. Do what it says. “Go. Let it be done just as you believed it would.” Psalm 128:1 - Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him.

Genesis Chapter 7 – The Flood Begins – Local or Global? Genesis 7:1-16 – Loading of the Ark: Key learning points

 Vs. 1 - Noah “seen as righteous” in his generation – our righteousness comes from the Lord.

 Vs. 2 - Clean beasts in sevens because they will later be needed for both food and sacrifice.

 Vs. 3 - Birds in sevens – needed to spread seeds across the earth. Food for many other animals.

 Vs. 4 - Seven day warning – animals likely arrived during this time. Every plant, on the whole face of the earth, was to be destroyed – clearly not a local flood (more detail on this later.)  Vs. 5 – Again Noah is affirmed because of his obedience.

 Vs. 6-7 & 10-13 – Eight people are loaded on the Ark and the flood begins. o These events are so significant to all of history that they are repeated twice. o An exact day of the year is stated. Legends are always vague, note the specific nature of the details used. o All of the “fountains of the great deep broke up” and the “windows of heaven were opened.” Notice the order of this. Flood geology reveals that volcanic and tectonic activity restructured the entire earth. o Torrential rain lasted for 40 days and 40 nights.

 Vs. 8-9, 14-15 – The animal “came unto Noah”. This is EXTREMELY significant. Only God would know the genetic make-up of animals needed to “speciate” into all the varieties needed to adapt to the post-flood world. For instance, the hundreds of varieties of wolves, dogs, coyotes, dingos, etc… all came from a a single pair of grey wolves that came off the Ark about 4400 years ago.

 Vs. 16 – “and the Lord shut him in.” The significance of this is easily overlooked. This was a supernatural event. Noah was not saved from the flood by his own ingenuity and engineering skills. God provided the refuge of safety from judgment of sins (the Ark) and God sealed Noah in - to protect him from his holy and righteous judgment and wrath upon a totally sinful mankind. Every human faces that same holy and righteous judgment after death, but it is the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross who is our sealed and closed refuge of safety.

Genesis 7:17-24 – The flooding of the entire world: A planet restructured

 Vs. 17 – The initial flood surge was 40 days of rain o Most likely condensed ocean water being blown miles into the atmosphere as the entire earth cracked open. o “Ring of Fire” is a crack of volcanic activity circling the entire earth – MidAtlantic Ridge to Alaska

 Vs. 18-25 – God wanted to make absolutely clear that this was a global, not a local flood. Note the language: o Vs. 18 – “waters prevailed”…”increased greatly upon the earth” o Vs. 19 – “the water prevailed EXCEEDINGLY upon the earth…”ALL the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered.” o Vs. 20 – “…the mountains were covered.” o Vs. 21 – “ALL flesh died that moved upon the earth…. EVERY creeping thing, EVERY man:” o Vs. 22 – “ALL [things with] the breath of life that was on dry land, died.” o Vs. 23 – “EVERY living substance was destroyed…man…cattle…creeping things…birds…they were destroyed from the earth…ONLY Noah and those with him on the Ark remained alive.”

 Vs. 24 – The entire globe was being pulverized for 150 days (5 months!) o The historical difficultly of the biblical flood model was explaining the massive amount of sedimentary rock covering the globe. Some rock layers extend down 40,000 ft. – 8 miles of ground up rock layers across entire continents! o Massive land movement had to have occurred during the year-long event – models show that shear thinning of material under the earth’s continental plates can reduce its viscosity by a factor of one million. Continental movement today is measured at cm per year. During the flood these plate would have been moving at miles per hour. o Magma surged from deep within the earth, shoving water up over land surfaces, and creating worldwide mega sequences of sediment which are misinterpreted as geological eras. o Entire continental plates were being rapidly subducted deep within the earth. o Imagine tidal waves from stick/slip of entire continental plates from Alaska to Mexico dropping hundreds of feet deep into the earth. Thousand foot waves, filled with sediment, would pulverize entire continents. Nothing survived in the preflood world. “By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.” – 2 Peter 3:6 The Bible Makes it Crystal Clear that the Flood of Noah was Global in Extent 1. The wording throughout Genesis 6-9 goes out of its way to make sure the reader understands that this event was universal, not local. All theologians and readers understood it in this way until modern geologists of the 1700’s chose to ignore this possibility and misinterpreted the origin of the earth’s sedimentary (water created) rock layers in the only other possible way – slow accumulation over millions of years. 2. The words ALL or EVERY are 35 times in Genesis 6-9. 3. “The rain was upon the earth for forty days and forty nights.” No rainstorm has ever lasted even a tiny fraction of this long and no know current process could cause this to happen. 4. The word used to describe the flood in Genesis is “mabbul.” There are other words for local floods. This word is only used in describing Noah’s flood. 5. The Ark was big enough to hold every species of land animal. Why have a vessel this large for a local flood? 6. The Hebrew word for the waters “prevailed” actually means “were overwhelmingly mightly.” Job 12:13 states that the waters, “overturned the world.” The text simply does not fit a local flood event. 7. Taking 120 years for the construction, outfitting, and stocking of the Ark for a local event is absurd. Migration of both Noah and animals would be a far better solution if the flood was a local event. 8. The waters cover all the “high hills” and “mountains” (the same Hebrew word was used for emphasis) upon the entire earth. 9. The waters were “overwhelmingly mighty” and “prevailed exceedingly” over the earth. 10. All mountains “under the whole heaven” were covered by at least 25 feet (15 cubits) of water. This is half the height of the Ark indicating that the vessel would have floated over top of any submerged land mass upon the earth. Note that the mountains of today are made from sedimentary rock or volcanism that formed during the flood. The Rockies, Himalayas, Alps, etc… did not exist until after the flood. 11. The Hebrew word used to say the mountains were “covered” – kasha – is often translated “overwhelmed”. The mountains that did exist before the flood were literally ground up and destroyed to create the sediment we find as rock layers around the earth today. 12. In Gen. 7:19 uses the double superlative, “all the high hills under the whole heaven.” All means “all” and whole means “whole”. This could not possibly mean anything other than that the entire earth was covered by water. 13. In Gen. 7:21 it states that “all flesh dies the moved upon the earth.” In a local flood the animals on the entire earth would not have died- most would have fled or migrated. 14. In Gen. 7:21 it states that “..every man died.” A local flood would not have killed every human on the planet. 15. In Gen. 7:23 it states that “every living substance was destroyed…” No local flood would do this and the coal seams found around the world are a testimony to the truth of this statement. 16. Only Noah, his sons, and their wives survived. Therefore all humans have to be related to one of the three sons of Noah. Modern genetic mapping confirm that all humans have descended from the genetic codes of one of three different men. 17. No local flood could possibly last for 150 days (5 months). 18. Even after the Ark landed it was another 2 ½ months before the tops of other mountains could be seen. 19. Four months after the flood had peaked, a dove could find no dry land upon which to rest. 20. Noah remained on the Ark for 7 months after it had landed. This makes no sense if this were a “local flood.” It took this long until there was enough dry land and vegetation for the animals to survive when released. 21. God promised to never send a flood again yet there have been thousands of floods upon the earth. The flood of Noah was completely unique because it was worldwide in scale. 22. The New Testament used a unique term for the flood of Noah (kataklusmos, “catastrophe”) instead of the commonly used Greek word for “flood.” 23. The world changed significantly after the flood – sharply defined seasons, a rainbow appearing with rain, and enmity between man and beast. 24. Man’s lifetime shortened significantly after the flood. Likely caused by a combination of genetic mistake buildup and enormous reduction in the strength of the earth’s protective magnetic field as a direct result of flood events. 25. Later Biblical writers accepted a universal Flood. 26. Jesus Christ accepted the historical and universal Flood – even making it the climatic sign of the coming worldwide judgment when He returns (Matthew 24:37-39).

Genesis Chapter 8 – The Flood Recedes

If you ignore the worldwide flood, you are guaranteed to completely misinterpret all of Earth history. Genesis has far more verses describing the worldwide flood (its purpose, extend, and ramifications) than the creation of the universe, the creation of life, or the origin of sin and death. It is critical to the correct understanding of all Earth history. Yet to most people, including modern theologians - Noah, the ark, and the flood are mere legends.

Genesis 8:1-3 – Summary statement foreshadowing the end of the flood Vs. 1 – Emphasis is on God’s protection – “…[God} remembered Noah.. [God] was with him in the Ark...” After 5 months of continuous volcanic activity and land movement, “a wind passed over the earth and the waters decreased.”  Wind patterns are driven by ocean water temperature. Massive volcanism and land movement would have greatly heated the oceans of the world – resulting in massive worldwide windstorms.  Worldwide increased rainfall (snow in northern latitudes) would have caused an ice age for centuries following the flood until the oceans cooled off to a new equilibrium.

Vs. 2-3 – Major volcanism, land movement comes to end but there were likely reverberations for centuries.  As enormous amounts of new magma (which formed the new ocean basins) cooled, the denser ocean bottom tended to sink while the less dense continental, sedimentary rock layers tended to rise.  New mountain chains continued to rise out of the water.  70% of the land surfaces of the Earth are covered with sedimentary rock formed during the first 5 months of the flood (sandstone, limestone, shale, coal, mudstone, etc…)

Genesis 8:4-14 – Time Line before Noah and the animals are released from the Ark (7 more months!) Gen. 7:11 (Nov. 17) - “...all the fountains of the great deep broke open and the windows of heaven were opened.” Gen. 7:12 – “the rain was upon the [entire] earth for forty days and forty nights [continuously].” Gen. 8:3 – “the waters returned off the earth continually; and after the end of the 150 days the waters were abated.” i.e. - Starting to go down. ~ 5 months of massive worldwide destruction and sediment creation.  Gen. 8:4 (April 17) – “ark rested…upon the mountains of Ararat.” Five months of floating but “God remembered Noah…God was with Noah.” This is Noah’s first look at the “new Earth” - on the 17th of Nisan.  Gen. 8:5 (Aug. 1) – 7 ½ months- more land appearing. “the waters decreased…the tops of mountains seen.”  Gen. 8:6-9 (Sept. 10) – Raven and dove sent out, dove returned (no suitable habitat).  Gen. 8:10-11 (Sept. 17) – Dove brought back an olive tree leaf.  Gen. 8:12 (Sept. 24) – Dove did not return (found a suitable habitat).  Gen. 8:13 (Oct. 1) – Covering taken off the top of the Ark.  Gen. 8:14-19 (Nov. 27) – The land around the ark was fully dry (with lots of vegetation). God let Noah know it was now safe to unload everything from the Ark.  Noah was on the Ark for one year and 10 days. He remained on the Ark for 7 months after it had landed. This makes no sense if this were a “local flood.”

Vs. 4 – Mountains of Ararat are a vague term and the current Mt. Ararat may or may not be the resting place of Noah’s ark.  Lots of sightings, dozens of exhibitions, many eye witness reports…but no definitive proof.  Very politically volatile area (between Iraq and Turkey). Current Mt. Ararat considered a holy site.  Ark may be gone or may be buried in mountain top glaciers. Notice Jesus’ statement in Luke 17:26,27, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and took them all away.” The Ark was a sign to all of mankind of coming judgment. If a ship, big enough to house every species of bird, mammal, reptile, and amphibian is found and seen by people all over the earth on top of a 17,000 foot mountain…what a testimony this would be to another coming judgment!

Vs. 5-9 Noah sent both a raven and a dove. Ravens are meat-eaters, they could have found dead flesh to survive. Doves needed enough vegetation to feed and nest. The Dove had to return, the raven did not.

Vs. 10-12 One week later the dove had found the leaves of a growing olive tree. This is 5 months after the water started receding. Small trees could easily be growing.

Vs. 13-19 Everything is released from the Ark  Almost 2 months before letting the animals off the Ark Noah began opening up the Ark in preparation.  People and animals are finally released, but only in God’s timing

Vs. 20-22 Noah and God’s response to the flood  Noah worships God via sacrifice of some of the clean animals. This was the ultimate in faith giving of “first fruits.” Noah NEEDED these animals for survival. No wonder God was so pleased by this act in vs. 21.  Note that seven of sheep and goat “kind” were taken on the Ark, but genetically, all of the world’s variety of goats and sheep can be traced back to five and four original goats or sheep, respectively. Why not seven? Because some of the original seven were used for sacrifice!  God knows the nature of mankind (“the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth.”) Our goodness and acts of righteousness will never be enough – God must save us through grace.  God makes an unconditional promise that the earth will remain a stable place to live as long as it remains. This promise is contingent on “as long as the earth remains.” The Earth will experience a final judgment by fire and burn in “a fervent heat” before God creates “a new heaven and a new earth.” (- 2 Peter 3:10-13)

One interesting commentary from Chuck Missler (www. https://www.khouse.org/articles/2004/504/) Why did the Holy Spirit want us to know that the Flood ended on the 17th day of the 7th month? This takes a little digging. We know that the seven feasts of Moses are not only commemorative, they are also prophetic. Passover is, of course, prophetic of our Passover, Jesus Christ; who, as the Lamb of God, was offered on the 14th of Nisan. The morning after the Sabbath after Passover is the Feast of First Fruits, and that particular Sunday morning some women were discovering the empty tomb: His resurrection was, indeed, the ultimate "first fruits." Three days in the tomb would indicate that He rose on the 17th of Nisan. When we examine the institution of Passover, God also instructed Moses to make that month, Nisan, the "beginning of months." Therefore, the Jews observe two calendars: the original (Genesis) one which begins at Rosh Hoshana, the 1st of Tishri, in the fall; and the religious one that begins on the 1st of Nisan, in the spring.

So when you examine the "new beginning" of the world under Noah, it was on the very "anniversary-in- advance" of our "new beginning" in Jesus Christ! The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed; and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. One book. One Message. It's all about Him.

Genesis Chapter 9 – A World Restored Genesis 9:1-17 – God’s promise and reassurance to Noah (and all humanity)

 Vs. 1,7 – All humanity descended first from Adam and later from Noah. Noah was given the same command as Adam to “be fruitful, multiple, and fill the earth”, but it is repeated twice! The literal Hebrew reads, “bring forth in swarms.” In only 4400 years the population of the world has risen from 8 to almost 8 billion!

 Vs. 2-4 – Many changes were apparent to Noah after the flood ended: o Animals feared man – both for man and animals benefit. Dangerous animals tended to avoid people. It is interesting that when listing animals, “cattle”, i.e. domesticated animals, is not included here! o Animals now allowed as food instead of just vegetation. o Land surfaces were desolate and barren as vegetation and trees were just rerooting. o Oceans were likely much more extensive (massive subterranean water was now on planet’s surface.) o Wetter environment worldwide, massive storms, and an ice age raging as warm ocean water evaporation drives weather patterns. o Enormous mountain ranges formed late in the flood and continued earth movement for centuries. o More hostile solar radiation as earth’s magnetic field and collapse of water canopy radically effects environment. The first 3 generations born after flood the lifespan drops from 800 years to 400 years. The next 3 generations saw their lifetimes drop to 200 years. The two generations after that saw their life span approach 100 years (Abraham was 8 generations from Shem). The initial drop was likely due to the earth’s environmental changes. Continued deterioration was likely due to the buildus of genetic mistakes which continues to today. There are over 5000 identified genetic mistakes on the human genome and every generation adds more mistakes. It is impossible for humanity to have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.   Vs. 5,6 – Penalty for our rebellion has not been removed. Blood is the payment for our sin. The ultimate price will be paid in the future by God Himself as His blood is shed. Human life is sacred because we are, “made in God’s Image.”

Genesis 9:8-17 – God’s covenant and reassurance to mankind (signified by the rainbow)

 Vs. 9 – God uses the word “covenant” (unconditional promise). o This word is used many times in Scripture but nowhere in the entire Bible is it used so extensively. In the next eight verses, the Lord promises as a covenant with mankind that he will never again destroy the earth by water seven times! Seven is the biblical number signifying completeness. o Image the terror of generations following Noah that their sins would bring another judgment. As we will see in chapter 11 – in spite of God’s assurance that he will NOT send another worldwide flood - mankind refused to spread out over the Earth and started an enormous “tower building” project.

 Vs. 14-17 – The rainbow is as significant as the fossil record as God’s reminder of the past o Every fossil is a testimony that sin brings death and a righteous holy God has and will judge sin. o Every rainbow is a reminder that God provides salvation from His judgment and that God has promised to NEVER send another water judgment upon the earth. o It is no coincidence that God’s symbol of unconditional love and forgiveness of sin (the rainbow) has been stolen by sinful mankind and used as a symbol of for homosexual sin. How can there be forgiveness of sin when it is denied that we are even sinners or attempt to atone for our own sins?

 Vs. 18-19 – It is again emphasized that all humanity came from Noah’s sons. The mention of Canaan is interesting. Perhaps because Moses is compiling this record and the Caananites were an evil enemy in his day.

 Vs. 20-27 – Noah sins o Vs. 20-21 Noah apparently chose to get drunk, it was a choice not an accident. Given all that was lost from the world that perished, including all of Noah’s friends and family, his desire to escape is understandable. But understanding why people sin, does not change the sin or the consequences. o Vs. 24 Noah was very displeased when he knew what his younger son, “had done unto him.” This refers to more than just seeing his father naked. o Vs. 22-23 At the very least, Ham apparently reveled in the failure and sin of his father. The literal Hebrew text of this verse means that, “[Ham] told his brothers with delight.” Ham apparently resented his father and harbored a spirit of rebellion or envy. Noah’s prophetic statements that followed may have been as much observations of the direction these family lines were heading as a “curse.” o Vs. 25-27 Noah apparently could not bring himself to “curse” his youngest son, Ham, so prophesied the effect of his behavior on Canaan, the next generation. o The “curse” is basically that the descendants of Ham would serve the descendants of Shem and Japheth. In chapter 10 we will see the nations that come from all three sons and there are both good and bad, large and small, significant and unknown nations from each of Noah’s sons. o In general, the nations who descended from Ham have been great innovators, cultivators, and commerce developers. Nations descended from Shem and Japheth have routinely conquered these nations. Thus in a very real way, the descendants of Ham have become servants to the descendants of Shem and Japheth.

 Vs. 28-29 Noah dies 250 years after the flood ends at age 950 o Noah was likely the most famous and respected person on the planet for the next 350 years. o Noah lived until Abraham was 58 years old. It is quite possible that knew each other!

Flood Timeline:

Gen. 7:11 – The worldwide flood started on 17th day of the second month of the year. The original Hebrew calendar starts with full moon in month of Tishri (October). For simplicity, let’s assume Oct. 1 is first day of the first month of the Hebrew year on the year the flood started.

Gen. 7:11 (Nov. 17) - “..all the fountains of the great deep broke open and the windows of heaven were opened.” Gen. 7:12 – “the rain was upon the [entire] earth for forty days and forty nights [continuously].” Gen. 8:3 – “the waters returned off the earth continually; and after the end of the 150 days the waters were abated.” i.e. - Starting to go down. ~ 5 months of massive worldwide destruction and sediment creation. Gen. 8:4 (April 17) – “ark rested…upon the mountains of Ararat.” Five months of floating but “God remembered Noah.” Gen. 8:5 (Aug. 1) – 7 ½ months- more land appearing. “the waters decreased…the tops of mountains seen.” Gen. 8:6-9 (Sept. 10) – Raven and dove sent out, Dove returned (no suitable habitat). Gen. 8:10-11 (Sept. 17) – Dove brought back an olive tree leaf. Gen. 8:12 (Sept. 24) – Dove did not return (found a suitable habitat). Gen. 8:13 (Oct. 1) – Covering taken off the top of the Ark. Gen. 8 14 (Nov. 27) – Exit Ark. The land around the ark was fully dry (with lots of vegetation). God let Noah know it was now safe to unload everything from the Ark.

Why did the Holy Spirit want us to know that the Flood ended on the 17th day of the 7th month? We know that the seven feasts of Moses are not only commemorative, they are also prophetic. Passover is, of course, prophetic of our Passover, Jesus Christ; who, as the Lamb of God, was offered on the 14th of Nisan. The morning after the Sabbath after Passover is the Feast of First Fruits, and that particular Sunday morning some women were discovering the empty tomb: His resurrection was, indeed, the ultimate "first fruits." Three days in the tomb would indicate that He rose on the 17th of Nisan. When we examine the institution of Passover, God also instructed Moses to make that month, Nisan, the "beginning of months." Therefore, the Jews observe two calendars: the original (Genesis) one which begins at Rosh Hoshana, the 1st of Tishri, in the fall; and the religious one that begins on the 1st of Nisan, in the spring.

So when you examine the "new beginning" of the world under Noah, it was on the very "anniversary-in-advance" of our "new beginning" in Jesus Christ! The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed; and the Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed. One book. One Message. It's all about Him.* *Chuck Missler, www. https://www.khouse.org/articles/2004/504/

Genesis Chapter 10 – The Roots of Mankind’s Family Tree

 Genesis chapter 10 is often called the “table of nations” because entire nations can be traced back to the original descendent of Noah from which they came. There is no accurate record of ancient ancestral history which is even close to this exhaustive. The origin of 70 different nations is listed.  Grandsons and great grandsons of Noah are listed along with the cities or nations they established.  Shem’s sons are listed to the sixth generation after Noah (when Genesis 11 is included). Shem lived 502 years after the flood. Ham and Japheth’s descendants only go 3 generations from the flood. For this reason it is generally believed these records were maintained by Shem.  The following cultural origin is general in nature. Modern genetic mapping shows extensive intermarriage between people groups from all over the world but a convergence of common genetic traits indicating all humans have descended from 3 original males (Japheth, Shem, Ham)

Vs. 2-5 The sons and grandsons of Japheth  Japheth was the oldest son so it is appropriate for Jewish tradition to list his descendants first.  It is quite possible that many other sons were born but these were the ones Shem had maintained enough knowledge of to comment on. Obviously many daughters were also born in each generation.  The names and ancestry of Japheth can be traced through extra-biblical historical records to the nations of Greece, India, Crimea, Germany, Wales, Armenia, Denmark, Turkey, China, Russia, and Spain.  In general, Japheth family spread to Persia, India, many parts of Europe, but also had ancestors moving east into China and ultimately the Americas.  Verse 5 notes that people moved out into lands with “different tongues”. Obvious Genesis 10 was compiled after the events of the Tower of Babel in chapter 11.  14 nations are attributed to Japheth

Vs. 6-20 The sons and grandsons of Ham  Ham was the youngest son but since Shem was compiling the record he placed himself last.  Ham’s ancestors have been traced to various Arab nations, Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Mongolia, China, and North/ (via the Bering Sea land bridge).  Ham’s relatives are the primary ethnic group ultimately populating much of Africa and Australia, but again, there was mixing of his genes with the relatives of other brothers in other areas.  His ancestors started the Babylonian, Nineveh, Hittite, Philistine, Canaanite empires.  Again it is noted that families were divided “by tongues”– placing Genesis 10 as being compiled after Genesis 11.  In general, Ham’s family spread to the Middle East, Asia, Africa, with some mixing of genes into North and South America.  30 nations are attributed to Ham

Vs. 8-12 Nimrod was such an influential historic figure that 5 verse are devoted exclusively to him  The name Nimrod means, “Let us rebel.” Apparently the prediction that Ham’s resentment of Noah would pass on to his sons and grandsons was quite accurate!  It is traditionally believed that Nimrod was responsible for the building of the Tower of Babel. Ancient Jewish reports in the Jerusalem Targum: “Nimrod was powerful in hunting and wickedness before the Lord, for he was a hunter of the sons of men, and said to them, ‘Depart from the judgment of the Lord, nd adhere to the judgment of Nimrod.”  Seven cities are listed that were founded by Nimrod - including the great (and evil) cities of Babylon and Nineveh.

Vs. 20-31 The sons and grandsons of Shem  Shem’s ancestors formed the Persian, Assyrian, Syrian empires, and settled in Asia Minor and Arabia.  26 nations are attributed to Shem.  of Shem leads to Abraham and ultimately Jesus  This section notes that in the time of Peleg (the fourth generation after Noah) the “earth was divided.” The most likely meaning of this verse is the most obvious – there was a time of massive land movement during Peleg’s life. This fits what we know about the geologic record of the Earth. There is geologic evidence for massive land movements subsequent to the laying down of the majority of the sedimentary rock record during the year-long flood of Noah – apparently more than 100 years later.

Here is a simplified view using biblical information to understand where the various ethnic groups of humanity spread to. In reality, genetic mapping has shown that over time there has been extensive mixing of genes from all three sons in most areas of the world.

Genesis Chapter 11 – The Origin of Human Languages One classic way to look at Biblical history is through the “seven ‘C’s”. These are the “might acts of God.”

“One generation shall praise Your works to another, And shall declare Your mighty acts.” – Psalm 145:4

Imagine our world if these acts of God were actually acknowledged as real history by our schools, museums, and media. In the first 11 chapters of the Bible, God intervenes in the natural world four times in ways that affected all of humanity.

#1 – The Creation of the universe, the Earth, life, and humanity #2 – The Curse of creation so that sinful man will not live forever separated from himself. #3 – The Catastrophe where the entire world was destroyed because of the sin of mankind. #4 – The Confusion of languages resulting in the dispersal of mankind in order to slow the spread of evil.

The next intervention was almost 2500 years later #5 – God became a human being as Jesus Christ and was Crucified as an atonement for our sins

The final intervention is yet to come #7 – The Consummation of all things as Christ returns, not as Savior but as our righteous judge, followed by the ultimate creation of a new heaven and new earth.

The primary focus of chapter 11 is the origin of human language. Mankind was commanded to multiply and spread across the Earth but instead chose to stay in the Middle East area. Instead of trusting God’s promise to never send another flood, human’s started an enormous tower building project. God forced mankind to spread into individual nation groups across the globe by confusing human languages.

Vs. 1-4 – Direct disobedience of the command of God  Mankind was told to fill the Earth but chose to settle in one place.  Their goal was to “make a name for themselves”, i.e glorify and serve themselves, not to obey and please God.  Why build a tower? Likely a place of refuge from the previous flood which has never been forgotten. They ignored God’s promise to never send another such flood. The tower was likely a pyramid type structure because these structures appear throughout cultures in the ancient world from those who later spread out from Babel.  Ancient pyramid-like structures can be found in Egypt, Mexico, South and Central America, North America, China, Bosnia, and South East Asia.

Vs. 5—6 – God is aware of our activities, motivations, and the ultimate consequences  The intentions of man’s heart “are evil from his youth” – Genesis 8:21.  One language allows for the rapid spreading of evil throughout a population.  God’s solution was to set up multiple world governmental systems as a check to evil spreading rapidly and universally. This was forced upon mankind by the confusion of human languages.  Mankind made in God image is highly intelligent and highly creative. But we have a bent to use these traits for evil purposes – “nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”

Vs. 7-9 – Multiple human languages are the result of divine intervention, not slow modification  Human languages are so radically different that there are no agreed upon theory by linguistic experts how they could have transformed one into another.

Vs. 10-32 – Genealogy from Shem to Abraham  The stage is now set for the next most significant event in human history – the selection of one people group, out of an entire world of diverse nations, whereby God will enter into human history to save all mankind. The rest of the Bible is essentially the history of this event – the story of which begins in Genesis chapter 12.  Through Abraham’s seed, “all the nations of the world will be blessed.” – Genesis 12:3 Additional Resources:

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