$1 High Mid-Week Edition School Thursday, Football Sept. 3, 2015 / Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — www.chronline.com Guide Inside Pete Caster / pcaster@ chronline.com Geologists Plan to Study Doty Fault Tim Walsh, the chief geologist of the Hazard Sec- tion of the Depart- Line Between Centralia and Chehalis ment of Natural RESEARCH: I f Fault is Active, slideshow presentation with an au- this more intensively, and if it turns Resources, gives dience primarily made up of Lewis out that this is active, it’s a fault that a presentation Proposed Chehalis River County fire chiefs, a geologist said a would be capable of an earthquake on the hazards of a possible fault line between Centralia and Che- between 6½ and 7 (magnitude),” said Dam Could Be Affected earthquake in the halis that has been researched very Timothy J. Walsh, chief geologist with Paciic Northwest By Kaylee Osowski the Washington State Department of little crosses Interstate 5. on Wednesday Natural Resources.
[email protected] It is actually unknown whether or afternoon at Fire not the Doty Fault is active. District 5. In a dimmed room in front of a “Plans are underway to study please see FAULT, page Main 16 Lewis County and Chehalis at Odds Over Urban Growth Workers from Cowlitz Clean Sweep, out of Longview, pick up absorbent pads that were used to soak up veg- Correspondence Reveals Testy Exchange, Elimination of Agreement etable oil that washed into Olequa Creek in August. State Crews Continue to Monitor Winlock Spill WDFW: Cleanup Efforts to Wind Down After up to 100,000 Fish Killed in Olequa Creek By Natalie Johnson
[email protected] Two weeks after a fire de- stroyed a Winlock warehouse full of food products, crews are still monitoring the effects of the resulting vegetable oil spill in Olequa Creek.