In Amenas Inquest 15 September 2014
Day 1 In Amenas Inquest 15 September 2014 1 Monday, 15 September 2014 1 the inquests could begin and the material can be 2 (10.00 am) 2 processed and considered in parallel with the 3 (Proceedings delayed) 3 proceedings. If it transpired at a later stage that 4 (11.00 am) 4 a witness who had already given evidence needed to 5 THE CORONER: Mr Underwood and Ms Dolan, no need to start 5 return for any reason to be asked further questions 6 but if I may address everybody through you. Before 6 there is no bar to that happening. It might even be 7 anything else I just want to make sure that Mrs Green 7 that we would have to have a break in proceedings for 8 has had sufficient time with her legal team after the 8 the process to be completed. 9 circumstances I was told about. 9 So that is the first matter upon which I would like 10 MS DOLAN: Good morning, sir, yes, she has, thank you. 10 to hear the advocates for the interested persons and at 11 THE CORONER: She has, all right. As some of you will know, 11 the conclusion of that I shall turn to Mr Underwood for 12 my name is Nicholas Hilliard and I'm an assistant 12 anything he would like to say. I am also aware that 13 coroner for West Sussex and I have taken over 13 relatively recently and quite understandably a number of 14 responsibility from the senior coroner for hearing 14 matters have arisen which require resolution, some more 15 inquests into the deaths of Mr Garry Barlow, Mr Carson 15 or less urgent, and they include but are not limited to 16 Bilsland, Mr Stephen Green, Mr Sebastian John, Mr Paul 16 the order of questioning, whether a Mr Christie should 17 Morgan, Mr Carlos Estrada Valencia and 17 be called to give evidence about what I will call 18 Mr Kenneth Whiteside.
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