Characterization of Two Oasis Luzerns (El Menea, Tamentit) at the Floral Bud and Early Flowering Stages
Crimson Publishers Research Article Wings to the Research Characterization of Two Oasis Luzerns (El Menea, Tamentit) at the Floral Bud and Early Flowering Stages Alane Farida1*, Moussab Karima B1, Chabaca Rabeha2 and Abdelguerfi Aissa2 1Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique d’Algérie (INRAA) Baraki; Division productions animales, Algeria ISSN: 2578-0336 2Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie (ENSA), Algeria Abstract Adrar’s oasis with great ingenuity knew, taking into account the harshness of pedoclimatic conditions, to adapt the means of production to Lucerne. We compared 2 oasis alfalfa cultivars through biometric is correlated with the phenological stages. Indeed, the older the plant, the greater the assimilation of and chemical parameters at two phenological floral and early flowering stages. The quality of these cultivarmineral atmatter; the same But stagethe needs at the at second the floral mowing. button The stage ratio are of higherleaves tothan stems at the in greenearly bloomand dry stage. is higher The highest value of MAT is 38.7% in El Menea at the floral bud stage and the lowest is 20.8% in the same this ratio, in dry, decreases from 1.51 to 1.04. With the same planting rate, the Tamentit population has *1Corresponding author: Alane Farida, in Tamentit than in El Menea in both stages, resulting in better digestibility. At the initial flowering stage Institut National de la Recherche values of the other 2 parameters, height of stems and number of stems per square meter. The summer Agronomique d’Algérie (INRAA) Baraki; seasonan average and plantthe second per square year ofmeter operation lower encouragethan El Menea, the increase ie 15.8 atin thethe floralnumber bud of stage, stems as and well the as spring lower Division productions animales, Algeria season favors the height of the stems.
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