Approved December 22nd 2020

Disaster Response and Resource

Case Management 1 Approved December 22nd 2020 LTRG Case Management Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Natural Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with (non-pandemic) During Pandemic Disaster Under COVID-19

Outreach, Information and Referral, Outreach, Information and Referral, Outreach, Information and Referral, Outreach, Information and Referral, and Screening and Screening and Screening and Screening Vulnerable survivors often need Volunteers/personnel performing Restricts person-to-person contact May be completed with available in-person support to register with person-to-person contact must follow technology Limited availability of Personal FEMA and complete the process to critical health and safety protocols Protective Equipment (PPE) Non-in person contact needs to be submit required documents, and/or when interacting with survivors to considered: utilize phone calls, to connect with resources obtain signatures on documents Disaster Assistance Centers and emails, and text messaging when gathering spaces are limited or Person-to-person contact is limited, possible. Door-to-door canvassing avoided must be kept to a minimum using safety protocols. Non-contact Messaging about assistance requires distribution of material preferred At risk populations may need to be intentional delivery limited from serving Additional recommendations for in Technology challenges person contact: 6-foot tables, with the worker on one end of the table and the survivor/ applicant on the other end Visit with one person at a time, unless the survivor must be accompanied by one support person for the purpose of interpretation related to language or the need for physical or other support Hand sanitizer must be on the table

Case Management 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Face coverings must be worn for personnel and available to survivors Proper cleaning of all surfaces in contact with survivors is required between each meeting, including shared touch screens Pens must be new for each survivor Bathrooms must be accessible and disinfected between each use Intake, Assessment, and Intake, Assessment, and Intake, Assessment, and Intake, Assessment, and Development of Recovery Plan Development of Recovery Plan Development of Recovery Plan Development of Recovery Plan Client eligibility is determined, cases Person-to-person contact is limited, Person-to-person contact is limited, May be completed with available are prioritized, case managers are must be kept to a minimum must be kept to a minimum technology assigned, immediate needs are Can be completed with available Limited availability of Personal Alternative options include mailings, identified, referrals are made technology Protective Equipment (PPE) online video meetings (e.g., Zoom, Understand past, current and Skype, GoToMeeting), phone calls Technology challenges preferred scenarios, clarify long-term and verbal consent objectives and establish realistic goals, and identify action steps

Advocacy, Monitoring and Closure Advocacy, Monitoring and Closure Advocacy, Monitoring and Closure Advocacy, Monitoring and Closure Identify services, present cases to Person-to-person contact is limited, Person-to-person contact is limited, May be completed with available LTRG, monitor objectives, maintain must be kept to a minimum must be kept to a minimum technology contact with client, program and Can be completed with available Alternative options include mailings, client outcomes are measured Limited PPE technology online meetings (e.g., Zoom, Skype, Technology challenges GoToMeeting), phone calls and verbal consent

It is important for survivors/clients to be empowered and supported in taking control of their recovery. All functions must be done with the consideration of their comfort in working with case managers, volunteer coordinators, construction coordinators, volunteers and others in a pandemic. Flexibility will be needed as the pandemic spreads, exposure and infection of those working in local are assessed.

Case Management 3 Approved December 22nd 2020

Construction Management Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with (Construction is not necessary in During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic response to a pandemic only.) Receive an assessment/estimate Receiving a request in person or Use a secure online process, such as request from Case Management for a meeting Case Manager for any details encrypted email, to send the client cost of repair estimate regarding the client situation is a construction estimator a request for challenge a cost estimate for a location (confidential information may be included)

Do an on-site assessment/estimate On-site visit in person and the Visit with the homeowner should be (may be accompanied by the Case presence of the Case Manager at initiated by the Case Manager by Manager) client’s home phone, email, or text messaging app. The Estimator should use photos to identify damage. Take measurements of house/rooms without homeowner present when possible or practice social distancing, wearing masks, and frequent hand washing/sanitizing

Put together an estimate with an No issue No issue. Work on Construction assessment worksheet and Packet in estimator’s private space, homeowners repair agreement (HRA) using phone and email for vendor (Construction Packet) pricing of items not generally used. Deliver Construction Packet to Case In person conversation with the Case Utilize a secure online/email process Manager for presentation to a Manager addressing any questions on to send Construction Packet to Case resource table Construction Packet Manager. Note that some information may contain confidential

Construction 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

information. Use secure communication only Once project has been resourced, A construction team (when more When the Construction team includes prepare project schedule for starting than one person) must maintain safe more than one person, use video date working with the construction social distancing conferencing, phone and email to team discuss planning a project schedule. If in person communication is necessary use all recommended social distancing, wearing of masks and hand washing/sanitizing protocols

Visit homeowner to get homeowners In person signature of homeowner’s Leave a copy of the homeowner's repair agreement signed agreement repair agreement (HRA) with the client (electronic copy to the case manager) for review and signature and communicate by phone for any questions or additions. Receive signed HRA in same manner. May leave and receive HRA in designated area to lessen physical contact

Secure any architecture or Meeting at architect/engineer in A line of communication between the engineering requirements/permits office or on-site Architect/Engineer Office and that need done in order to start Construction Management office project including drawing and any should be defined. It may not be in specification person but using other methods of sharing documents. Secure methods should be established

Secure building materials. Store Individuals obtaining, storing, Vendor deliveries should be utilized on-site, warehouse, available for warehousing and/or delivering as much as possible. Any in person store pickup or delivery etc…for project materials material procurement should be project start done according to State and local recommendations and requirements on safety protocols, such as, social distancing, wearing of masks and limit store occupancy

Construction 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Schedule volunteers and/or Scheduling volunteers Plan volunteer group size according contractors to prepare worksite and to the local recommendation, Preparing the worksite for perform the work restrictions and requirements ( i.e. contractors/volunteer arrival group of 10 or less) Site preparation should be limited to only necessary items for that group Meet with contractors if being In person meeting with the In person meetings with contractors utilized for all or part of the project contractors should be done using all the (Collect copies of license recommended safety protocols set by (workman’s comp, liability, etc.) the local health department, contracting company and/or the VOAD/COAD/LTRG

Meet with volunteer group for In person construction orientation Create a standard construction orientation and safety and safety practices/protocols, risk and safety video that can be viewed practice and protocols including risk management presentation to lessen speaking to volunteer management (Collect release of group(s) in person. Include all liability forms) pertinent information as standard practice

Deliver volunteers to project site to Delivering and starting volunteers on No large groups but smaller groups begin the work the project following all State and local recommendations and restrictions. Consider traveling in separate vehicles or as family units Begin work on repair/rebuilding on Working on projects using State and Pre-plan all work to accommodate interior and exterior of home as local recommendations and social distancing, wearing of masks directed by the Construction requirements such as social and frequent hand manager/supervisor distancing, wearing of masks and washing/sanitizing. If home is frequent hand washing/sanitizing and occupied by homeowner, use plastic working in homes occupied by and/or other barriers to separate homeowners workers from homeowners

Tracking of volunteer hours, project No issue No issues. Create a system that tracks materials and permitting costs and volunteer hours, permitting costs, contractor cost when applicable materials etc.

Construction 3 Approved December 22nd 2020

Provide on-site supervision based on In person on-site supervision Limit in person, face to face the volunteer skill level. More supervision. Visit site at times when supervision for lesser skilled groups. groups are away from site. If in Depending on skill level, may have to person supervision in necessary use visit site several times a day all State and local recommendations and requirements such as social distancing, wearing of masks and frequent hand washing/sanitizing

Return all tools that have been Returning all tools that have been Returning all tools in good operating provided to the group by the LTRG in provided to the group by the LTRG in condition. All shared tools must be good operating condition good operating condition. Shared sanitized by each group for use by tools are not sanitized for use by another individual or group. Create a another individual or group signoff form to make sure that is done

When project is complete, visit In person sign off of homeowner’s Receive signed HRA. May consider homeowner to sign off on repair agreement receiving HRA in designated area to homeowner’s repair agreement lessen physical contact Upon project completion, deliver all Handing off all final documents to Utilize a secure online/email process project documents to the Case Case Manager in person to send all project documents to the Manager to complete their portion, Case Manager to complete their close the case and secure the records portion, close the case and secure the records to Case Manager. Note that some information may contain confidential information. Use secure communication only

Construction 4 Approved December 22nd 2020

Emotional & Spiritual Care Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Disaster Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic

Spiritual care interventions to kindle Spiritual care interventions to kindle Spiritual care interventions to kindle Spiritual care interventions to kindle hope hope hope hope

Responses and interventions focused Limit and redesign personal Spread of virus is increased by Limit and redesign personal on the individual are needed to lift interventions to slow the spread, proximity and time spent together interventions to comply with federal, spirits, offer hope providing distance between (and occurs even when asymptomatic state, and local safety protocols or participants and providers or pre-symptomatic); person-to- use online / video technologies (e.g., person contact is limited Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting) Community emotional and spiritual Community emotional and spiritual Community emotional and spiritual Community emotional and spiritual assessment assessment assessment assessment

Conducting a community-wide Community spread of virus varies and Person-to-person contact is limited, Perform assessment by electronic assessment is necessary to determine may be mostly unknown; anecdotal must be kept to a minimum and survey and tele-/video conference; extent of needs, identify appropriate assessment may be directed through follow all recommended safety when person-to-person contact is responses spiritual/faith leaders and counselors guidelines necessary, conduct with safety precautions (e.g., social distancing, masks, frequent handwashing) Attention to emotional and spiritual Attention to emotional and spiritual Attention to emotional and spiritual Attention to emotional and spiritual issues around anniversary times issues around anniversary times issues around anniversary times issues around anniversary times

Anniversaries can trigger emotional Identifying a shared anniversary is Person-to-person contact is limited, Encourage use of tele-health services, and spiritual setbacks and may complicated by the different pace of must be kept to a minimum and spiritual care and counseling using require extra attention experiencing the crisis thus there may follow all recommended safety video technologies be no single event anniversary guidelines

ESC 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

Organized community services of Organized community services of Organized community services of Organized community services of memorial and remembrance memorial and remembrance memorial and remembrance memorial and remembrance

Commemorating anniversaries is an Limit or avoid this type of community Even where not prohibited, large Offer anniversary/commemorative important way to bring the event due to the increased risk of gatherings are unwise given easy services online, live and recorded to community together to honor loss, spread spread of coronavirus; singing and increase access; consider having change, and recovery progress participatory litanies increase spread multiple events with limits on attendance and other precautions for those who cannot participate online Retreat opportunities, other care for Retreat opportunities, other care for Retreat opportunities, other care for Retreat opportunities, other care for caregivers events caregivers events caregivers events caregivers events

Providing retreats or specialized Overnight events are discouraged Group gatherings increase the risk of Enhanced retreat logistics are trainings can enhance skills while unless private quarters are an option; spread; length of time together is of challenging; stress of safety offering respite, needed break and attendance must meet local particular concern along with the guidelines must be ameliorated by boost to caregivers guidelines; adequate spacing, number of participants and the space content of retreat masking, and hygiene practices required for social distancing followed; digital resources and online Consider offering virtual retreats or sessions recommended organizing small groups that meet virtually, perhaps more frequently but for shorter periods of time Training to enhance skills for social Training to enhance skills for social Training to enhance skills for social Training to enhance skills for social support providers in community support providers in community support providers in community support providers in community

Provide training, continuing Provide virtual trainings and digital This double threat will further As with other responses, training will education, or skills certification to resources for variety of concerns that exacerbate the emotional, spiritual, likely move to virtual settings, taking meet elevated or disaster-specific are likely to increase (e.g., suicide and psychological toll on individuals, advantage of video conferencing needs awareness and prevention, alcohol driving an increased need for this platforms (e.g., Zoom, Skype, and drug dependency, domestic training at the same time that the GoToMeeting) abuse) threat of spread will challenge the ways in which training can be provided

ESC 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Donations Management Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Disaster Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic

Solicit disaster and need specific Solicit disaster and need specific Solicit disaster and need specific Solicit disaster and need specific donations donations donations donations

Appeal directly for needed items and PPE may be in limited supply; food PPE is required for both and may Staff/volunteers/clients need communicate what is not needed; banks and pantries may be stretched become even harder to find; appropriate PPE - solicit donations develop policy for what to do with thin by economic impact of furloughs concerns for disease spread via early; follow recommended unsolicited goods. and rising unemployment contact of shared surfaces (e.g. guidelines for donated donated goods) goods Unsolicited donations Unsolicited donations Unsolicited donations Unsolicited donations

Reject unsolicited or inappropriate Reject unsolicited or inappropriate Reject unsolicited or inappropriate Managing unsolicited donations donations. Cash is the best donation. donations. Cash is the best donation. donations. Cash is the best donation. during a pandemic creates unnecessary risk; additional time and effort required is at a premium for nonprofits. Don’t be afraid to say no. Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing Warehousing

Receiving/Sorting/Managing Be prepared to operate following Staffing/volunteers limited by Adapt donations management plan Donations safety protocols, limits and social complexity of dual disasters; possibly to scale with staff/volunteer force; distance for staff/volunteers for limited available warehousing space consider equipment that could person-to-person contact reduce amount of volunteers needed Distributions Distributions Distributions Distributions

Identify policy, hours, and location if Use adapted distributions such as Staffing/volunteers limited by “Drive thru” limits contact; prepack the warehouse in out of the local “drive thru” events which limit complexity of dual disasters; possibly items helps efficiency; identify client area person to person contact limited available warehousing space by license number; additional signage

Donations 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

Donations Management provides for the process that organizes giving, receiving, and distribution of solicited and unsolicited donated goods. This process encompasses significant endeavors such as Warehousing, Distribution, Transportation (of donated goods), and the additional management of Unsolicited Donations (items that were not requested and did not have a clear route to distribution).

The efficient use of member resources in managing donated goods is essential during a and only becomes compounded in a pandemic environment. Donations Management is incredibly resource-intense; without appropriate collaboration and cooperation, the financial cost to each organization alone or the disaster impacted community, themselves, can be overwhelming. The management of in-kind donations requires a large amount of physical space, equipment, and physical labor.

The same questions apply when handling donations management, when facing a natural disaster or coupled with limitations caused by a pandemic.

Will we handle donated goods? What is needed and when will it be used? Where will we store donated goods? How will we staff? How will we manage (record keeping, etc.) the donations? Who will oversee distribution? What equipment will we need to receive goods? Will we need to handle transportation of donated goods? Can donations be shared with other partners? What do we do with surplus or unneeded donations?

Donations 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Financial Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Disaster Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic

General concerns: General concerns: General concerns: Response Actions: Disaster is in defined area Pandemic is municipality, county, Natural Disaster is in defined area but Greater demand for scarce resources state, nation-wide Pandemic is widespread may result in more eligibility Response Actions: requirements for some types of VOAD/COAD/LTRG sets up Financial Sharp downturn in stock market More clients may need assistance assistance, e.g. affected by disaster Committee negatively impacts national economy than under a disaster alone and income requirements, or narrower focusing of relief on certain Committee secures and works Stimulus package released by Community foundations and Trustees affected areas closely with 501(c)(3) Fiscal Agent to government likely exhausted unrestricted funding accept monetary donations and pay Consider creating eligibility criteria bills Everyone is affected in some capacity Local Charities/Churches and food for disaster assistance tiered to the pantries likely struggling to meet amount of resources you may have Establish Fundraising/Monetary Many individuals have lost their jobs, increased need available (i.e. approaches for high Donations sub-committee or have had their positions scaled resource environment, limited NOTE: Some VOAD/COAD/LTRGs put back resource environment, and scarce the fundraising sub-committee under resource environment) that the Donations Management Food pantries see large increase in effectively prioritizes the vulnerable Committee but they work closely need populations the LTRG prefers to serve with the Financial Committee first as resources become scarce Increased stress on already strained government and nonprofit programs and systems With compounding/multifaceted needs clients needs may be Response Actions: resourced by multiple sources, May convene for fundraising and/or including some not considered distribution of local resources traditional LTRG partners

Financial 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

Concerns affecting finances: Concerns affecting finances: Concerns affecting finances: Response Actions: How to provide the services that the Fewer monetary donations due to Fewer direct donations to charitable Must be aggressive and creative in community requires to move through economic conditions organizations for disaster event fundraising (e.g., block parties where the phases of the disaster while social distancing can be adhered to) maintaining the LTRG’s mission Grants may be deferred until after Fewer full/part-time staff to execute pandemic has been “contained” program(s) Consider distance-based donors and Response Actions: engage new donors via all Fundraising/Monetary Donations Response Actions: Fewer or more stretched internal digital/web/tv/print/radio means sub-committee reaches out to Increase fundraising activity resources to serve clients; more members of COAD, State VOAD, and dependent on just-in-time Activate partnerships with local National VOAD for financial fundraising and in-kind donations for-profits and nonprofits that benefit donations; appeals to area local households community foundations; proceeds Trustees likely unable to provide with fundraising activities financial support due to their own The impetus is to provide as much as financial distress possible; however, unless there is funding and staffing to expand the service area, stay within your mission

Important to “tell the story” of the community you are serving Concerns affecting households: Concerns affecting household: Concerns affecting households: Response Actions: Funding for immediate needs, Households struggle to pay Housing costs may increase, utilities Local social service organizations temporary housing, utilities rent/mortgages, utilities, food; may demand past due amounts stretched beyond capacity may seek evictions, foreclosures, and utility before restoring services guidance from larger, more regional Response Actions: shut-offs may be imminent or spike or statewide organizations Fundraising, partnering with within months Landlords or mortgage lenders may organizations to provide funding, and not be willing to work with Work with Donations Committee to working with Case Management to Undocumented immigrants fall households to mitigate financial reach out to State VOAD and National match resources with clients through the cracks as they will be distress VOAD partners for in-kind donations unable to access federal/state to meet immediate needs supported programs Undocumented may not come forward to seek assistance Increase efforts to reach Response Actions: undocumented population May convene for fundraising and/or distribution of local resources

Financial 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Financial 3 Approved December 22nd 2020

Communications Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Disaster Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic

Electric and communication grids are Electric and communication grids are Electric and communication grids are Electric and communication grids are okay okay okay okay Work with OEM/DHS POC (Office of Cell phone sales/repair fronts closed Cell phone sales/repair fronts closed Consider holding meetings outdoors Management/Dept. of People at home, relying People at home, relying Consider holding initial meetings on a Homeland Security Point of Contact) completely/heavily on TV/Radio completely/heavily on TV/Radio block by block basis in order to Communicate via public TV/radio stations, online newspapers, social stations, online newspapers, social implement social distancing: Block A stations, newspapers, social media, media, cell phones media, cell phones meets at a given time, block B meets website, cell phones 30 minutes later, then Block C, D. Committee develops website, social Committee develops website, social Committee sets up website, social media: facebook page, twitter media (including facebook page, media avenues address, other social media accounts twitter address, and other social media accounts) Committee sets up online webinar/meeting accounts (for Committee sets up online example, Zoom, Skype, webinar/meeting accounts (for GoToMeeting) example, Zoom, Skype, GoToMeeting)

Loss of Electricity and/or Electric and or communication grids Electric and or communication grids communication grids from Disaster lost lost Cell Phones may be affected or Internet and cell lines may be Use door hangers to let people know limited in disrupted VOAD/COAD/LTRG is present and actively working Internet down or limited in disaster No way to communicate emergency area information Procure and distribute solar power equipment for LTRG Committee

Communications 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

Communication sources are Phones Cell Phone affected or limited members’ use and to distribute to compromised in disaster area in disaster area vulnerable families in disaster area Committee reaches outside of area Internet down or limited in disaster Have satellite wi-fi equipment ready for printed materials area Contact National VOAD member Committee reaches out to cell service Communication sources are Information Technology Disaster providers to respond with portable compromised in disaster area Resource Center (ITDRC), cellular cell stations/charging stations providers, and other internet/cell Committee will reach outside of area groups for printed materials Committee will reach out to cell service providers to respond with portable cell stations/charging stations Storefronts for printed materials may be closed

Communications 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Volunteer Management Response Impacted by Pandemic This document provides members of the National VOAD movement with guidance for operations and service to impacted households and neighborhoods in the event of a crisis that is coupled with the added implications of a pandemic (such as COVID-19). Written by National VOAD members and partners for the membership, it is not intended to suggest a “one size fits all” response; rather, it is meant to be coupled with current state and local pandemic guidelines along with other pertinent resources such as those found at the end of the document. It should also be noted that the National VOAD Points of Consensus shall be followed. Response to Disaster Response to Pandemic Potential Difficulties Suggested Response Only (non-pandemic) Only when Disaster Occurs Adaptations with During Pandemic Disaster Under Pandemic

Develop volunteer streams Develop volunteer streams Develop volunteer streams Develop volunteer streams Local community, state, national and Limit volunteers to those who are not Travel restrictions limit volunteers’ Develop local volunteer stream international faith-based, non-profits, in the at-risk population availability Utilize at-risk volunteers in virtual school, associations, and State and Volunteers may not be familiar with At-risk populations unavailable to tasks National VOAD agencies needed services work on site projects Team Size Team Size Team Size Team Size Few restrictions for volunteers or Social distancing requirements limit Required social distancing limits team Identify the maximum number of team size team size size volunteers that can be efficiently supervised Identify workstations to keep volunteers spread out

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Only PPE needed depends on tasks All volunteers require some form of Limited availability of PPE Volunteers supply personal cloth the volunteers will be assigned, such PPE, face masks, gloves, in masks, other PPE as necessary as N-95 respirator masks, Tyvek suits, accordance with jurisdiction Work with other agencies, Office of goggles, gloves. No supply issues requirements/recommendations , Volunteers can make cloth masks VOAD/COAD/LTRG to develop professional rated PPE supply chain

Volunteer 1 Approved December 22nd 2020

Disinfecting and sanitizing Disinfecting and sanitizing Disinfecting and sanitizing Disinfecting and sanitizing Routine cleaning, no required Required workstation and volunteer Limited water supply on projects Schedule volunteers to sanitize sanitation. sanitation; no water supply limits; workstations, establish schedule Difficult for site sanitation; hand sanitizer and disinfectants may disinfectant supplies may be difficult Create hand washing area be difficult to locate to locate Supply alcohol based hand sanitizer and disinfectants Work with other agencies, OEM, VOAD/COAD/LTRG to develop supply chain, if needed Volunteer Housing Volunteer Housing Volunteer Housing Volunteer Housing Few restrictions on volunteer housing No volunteer housing needed Travel restrictions may limit how far Define “family unit” to stay together commuting is allowed Volunteers clean sleeping area; no Separate family unit sleeping areas, extraordinary sanitizing required Social distance requirements gender specific in dorm style Limits on sleeping area available Volunteers provide own bedding Routine cleaning/sanitizing sleeping Schedule and supply disinfecting area cleaners

Volunteer Meals Volunteer Meals Volunteer Meals Volunteer Meals Few restrictions on volunteer Meals not provided or volunteers Social distance requirements Bring personal supply of food and feeding-usually buffet style bring from their own homes drink if needed to avoid sharing Routine cleaning/sanitizing dishes/food with others Breakfast can be prepared or No buffet style meals self-served Schedule meals with “family unit” Restrict access to kitchen area to only Volunteers prepare their Schedule routine cleaning necessary persons brown-bagged lunches or food Supply disinfecting cleaners service / kitchen crew prepares Worksite meal complications Sanitize coolers Limit access to kitchen area Create “clean” area for eating on job sites for meals with social distancing

Volunteer 2 Approved December 22nd 2020

Volunteer Orientation Volunteer Orientation Volunteer Orientation Volunteer Orientation In-person volunteer orientation to House rules orientation not needed Limited social interaction Create standard virtual orientation house rules, safety, and task may be for cleaning, safety, house rules Task orientation may be done Multiple needs for orientation; done by more than one person, done virtually or in space where volunteers cleaning, task, safety, house rules Task orientation may also be done in group setting can spread out virtually by a skilled person

Volunteer Oversight Volunteer Oversight Volunteer Oversight Volunteer Oversight Volunteer manager and site manager Oversight done by the manager of Limited social interaction and direct Volunteer manager and site manager meet face-to-face with volunteers that location, limited direct contact contact; client may be included in the may not meet face-to-face; need for with clients “at risk” population an on-line meeting platform (for Volunteers can be in direct contact example, Zoom, Skype, with clients (homeowners) where GoToMeeting) work is to be done Develop work area to limit direct contact with clients

Volunteers are a vital part of recovery. It is important the clients or homeowners feel comfortable and understand all precautions are being done to limit the possible contamination to them or their family members. It is equally important that volunteers who are offering their services feel comfortable and understand that all precautions are being taken to reduce the risk of contamination. This can be accomplished by following all state and local guidance, restrictions and recommendations.

It should be noted that the agency providing the service should consider altering/providing the necessary waivers describing what conditions the volunteer may be working in (i.e. damaged buildings) to clearly state that they may also be exposed to communicable disease (i.e. COVID-19) and that they hold the nonprofit harmless.

It is important the local COAD/LTRG identifies what a “family unit” is. Suggestions include 2 or more people who are traveling together or who reside together in normal circumstances.

Volunteer 3 Approved December 22nd 2020

Additional Agency Resources & Guidance Documents

CDC Links

Center for Disease Control COVID-19 Home Page

CDC Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes

OSHA Links

OSHA COVID-19 Home Page

OSHA Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19

OSHA Guidance for Construction Workforce

FEMA Links

FEMA COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance for the 2020 Hurricane Season

COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance Plan 5/2020_Hurricane_Pandemic_Plan.pdf

COVID-19 Pandemic Operational Guidance - Spanish d/OperationalPandemicGuideHurricaneSeason2020_spanish.pdf

National VOAD

General Comment Larger spaces with more ventilation to allow for adequate social distancing may be needed in all functions of a Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG). All staffing and volunteers should follow safety protocols on and off duty to reduce the possibility of exposure.