y ,}

U JTIEt fi. RIMS, Editor aid P ak llsh cr. |ajjir ftJr % p t ^l)n-2445«s_^$iiteal it! TERHS-Tw* D*Dan fer Tear, la i i f M M * ,

grirafeb tn gtatttrs anb k (SmraI_to % ^«rt, % ®rat, % (Sonb anb % §ta»tifiil, in ^arfidlar.

V o l . 3 . WEST MERIDEN, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1866. N a 4 0 .

HOTCHKISS k MERSICK, The company seated themselves. The _ 8k pttUbn §(«»«», Carpets, Carpets, ^ i r r b e r . I entered npoa wsa the well-known one o f •* Conp> leta.” The flrat pUyer ftamlshed a line o f poe- BTATB o r COBSSCTICnTT. W « offer one of t£e Urgeit and 172 State Street, I try, to be matched or rhymed, by the nextpUyer, liU TH ER a. RIGGS, (Old Stand EN G LISH , A T W A T E B & CO.,) • OrFlOX OF THB COMMANOBBm-CRIKF, \ andsoon. Falling to make the requisite rhyme, lyyj^DaSia BSITu'^SIs NewHaTen,May2d .u a «. A Game of F obfeits. KDROB AWD rBOFBOCTOB. [Generaiprden.] thedellnqnent anat pay a forfeit; Mr. Aaheroft aat next to Margaret. Aashe Most Complete Assortment NEW HAVEN, CONN., TbeGaMBunder-ln' looked up llram the letter « WeU, Mr. Asherolt ?” she held In her haad with sparkUag eyef. AOVKRTlBtMa RilTES: aliJ^ty with which thej hare obejed all “ BhaUlsay on?” Wednewiay; Hl«y IS S 6 . ISON, STEEL AM) NAILS, issitd ftom this office; for their fldelity • lIAX, Hibam O. Hatob, I t appou llv to, and b ^ alMwn by the aobscrlh- yotva ahonld have a distiettve ehsncter, Isabel.’ chorua o f aweet volcea. DAMABCB, Peler Cooper’s Clue, wenatthia tiao Gbobob a . W A m n , AaBotCHXMS. Ing authvtfty, that the aald reapondent ia absent “ She haa. She Is unlike all the woman yon H e Bought his aunt’s private sitting room, hut BEPS, Giaxob Gatiabd, V . B. Walxlbt, flrom this state—gone to paru unknown, There- awlUleaaaaibat aUt have aeen I know. And I have set my heart on it waa dark. She had rethred. He.threw hlmaelf FAIRBANKS* Aoucs Fobbbrbb, Mbs. H. D. WtLUAm, soelear aa Aa Visa Plw llm lor Ojjlmjl H. Fabbab, H. O. Daile t. her foneylng Frank Aahcrott. He haa flirted with down on the sofa. The darkneaa waa pleaaant to MttOH in load oidainnt Wtacn BLACK WALNin? COBNICES, theUnltml SUdtyalMlkiB^ W ithatf •S m H a ^ M ch K f* b i i x iM tim O M dol. all the bellea and beautiea o f New York for the Um. Sometlmea it ia to ua aU. BOSEWOOD COBNICES, GILT COBNICES, llstfbrm . anl> Cffsnttr den, four weeks o a o r Ing o fth e 3 d o f AptU. UHI, ha M i tfea past six yean. I have asked hhn here to spend The sUence sad utter quiet soothed him, and TABLE COVEBS. PIANO COBNICES, before tt|k 19th day o f April, A . D., 18667^ law to Jefferaon Darla aBd.Geaerat Lao aaAthiir AB m lJB D. <^BTOBNk,^lerk September. W on’t It he a glowfaig game o f dto- heknew not whether he waa dreaming or awaka. fellow eonaplraton: # Etc., ITO.. ' «TC., B o o n to u 37W* r Court for New Haven Co. moad cut diamond!” There waa a sott rustle o f garmento near him, the subtle perihme o f violets driited over hi> “ We an now,iw, my frieads, whadlia v a.ra- N E W GOODS CUT AND CLINCH NAILS. ._ ^ ^ J T O B * a la O n O B — The subscri­ “ Ferh a^. I wish yon aneeess o f' yonr belUoB—a gn at < ber l U be athia office, in the Belectmen’a scheme.” aenaes, and then a touch so sUght It would not to overthrow t Song. r0 0 m ,0 BThuraday and Friday o f theflrat and —AT— S. N.&H.W . FOSTER, laabd flitted away to conuaanieate the gaod have wakened a ahmbering h iftet, feU on hia Statea -a govem aent founded opai N. A.—W o hare a large and completa atodc o f aecond «aeka In Mav, from » a . m .to 6 .p . m. focc. plea aad ceatated by tha b a a t ______WBITTBW FOB THB HKBIDEK UTSBABT BICOBDBB, AisoonC aesday and Wednesday, the isth and newa—lie n t. Granville leaned back taJiia chair knolntioa. Yoa aaat iadalga aa m — iT a Wm. JESSOP a SON’S Cart Steel, of aU sixes. 18th IhNaP a. m. to tp .m . to tranaact basiaess A wttdthrUl shot through hia veins. Only one BT J. STABit HOLLOWAT. w ith eyea closed snd meditated. From many one ilBglereaarklBinaassllBwwllharaslf. ja No. 260 Chapel Street, with tho0'Who have not yet p ^ their taxea on woman’ a Usa—one woman in aU the world— the time that the traitora In tha SaaHa a T & F A L E 8.’ Flat, Square, Sheet, Octagon and Bound Steel, theliatour druggiBt, they will he sent by General Agent for New Haven Co. “ Forgive you?” Do we forgive Heaven for t t * aw irt* ilo * * d by the best of woflawn. All summer’s blessings are dead. New Htven, Feb. 26th, 1866. 30m3 Perhaps the thought made it easier to for him opening to na the golden doon P’ entinly dintegardlUof the lawaof sMBasd war. mail socnrely Maled, post paid, with m il instruc- It haa utrodneedthe aoat nvaga aadaeff waf- 1 fe m M l • «MaM> w w tli or New Oooda in SUPPLIES tians, that insure a core, on receipt o f the money; Save thee, thou beautUul bird I to hear hia misfortune; but it is a very bard thing Mr. Ashcroft waa greatly aatonlshed at the and a pamphlet of 100 pages on the errors o f youth TI18TBIOT o r M EB ID llN , SB. FBO turn affaira had taken. He left Bamsford two ■VMnbMttrtMt « « • aada cspMsaly flwBa BATS COUBT, April aoth, 186«. for a strong man to lose anything from the per­ “ Bat,ay lHeada,ln whathMttMNal iiaiW lh lb . consegnencer and remedy, sent free; 10 cents Bird of the winter, 1 lore thee I U daya alter Misa WelUngton’a betrothal waa made ' « n « t t « « M t w M a r . « B « i i t aBassortasent Always OD hsBd. Estate of EDMUND PABKEB, late of Meri­ fect atrcBgth o f hia manhood. .> public. Important bndness caUed him to New of tl^goveraaaeat eeMM3> daa It baa !• Oar atoekof MaddnisU Tools la the best In the required lor postage. Private Circular to geutle- Fly not, O, fly net away I oae a n power! BaaM ljayfcjayaaKaawfc Ih ao M k w M w t t M t y - t r e dWetentkiDds men only, a«nt free on receipt o f envelope and den, InMlil district, deceased. GranviUe had been a month at Bainaford, in State, ■KMMpHring •• STU BS" Toola o f all Unde, I f the storma revel about thee. Ttie com ef probate for the district of Meriden or hi aoaaeoae aaa wha held ahaaW asm *- alao Oem an Gooda, and American Tools o f the atcmp. AddreH, Dr. J. Baxia, Gonaultlng Pby- the quiet anbnrban home o f hia aunt—petted and alciiin, 819 Broadway Hew York.______hath UiAted and allowed six iconths fTom the Not IthaakSodlhafaltlBay L Thou canat sing loutfer than they. data berwf, for the creditors of aald esute to ex­ nursed by his pretty cousin Isabel, and lionized W e woBld eallparttcnlar attention to onr Bing, then; the mellow tide start; hibit t h « siaima for settlement. Those who neg­ “0 -0 —D MAN.” HOBS VALUABLE THAN GOLDI by the b lr ladiea o f Amboy. _ For thou liast tenderly stirred lect to-nesent their sccounts, properly atteated, Otaa aBaagoMtaaaqriMdaaBd aeeibr y««r- The morrow brought Mlaa Wemagton. BELTING. Feelings of love In my heart— will be ifcbarred a recovery. All peraon. indebted M lMB « • aaBBOtfea to plaaaayoBlnreKardto to aaldtsataite are requested to make ImmeOiate There a n some persoas who impnsa yoa with r p o COSBirMFTrV’Jia.-Tha advartlaar. tbrowof tha nboBloa. aad I Love for thee, beautiful bird t X having been reatored to heaUh in a few lhi*lgFla,tw«atava1h«VeqrMtrt. AaNgwda B r y a n ’s EDWIN E. CUBTISS, a aubtUe auuae of their power alitf off. She o f wUcb we haT« a lU l atoekof the VEBY BEST Admr. with the will annned. weeks by a very aiaple nmedy, after having aaf- Vrtaa wa w ffl M t to a U m l d b y aay OM, XXaXaaif broaght a One new atmoaphen withher to Baina­ fared for several yeara with a aeven lung affec­ w m M m * « v awB BMda which aBTcs as pay- p iT ^ ^ O J jgEBPTIBW. sr. grobate tion, and that dread dlaeaae, Gonaniwflon—la PUBIFY THE BLOOD. Fallen. ford. Then bad been nothing ao dangeroaaly anxioaa to make known to hia feUow-aaffenn lha of the aanhslarer and Jobber. Lace L eather. Bemoves Headache, Dlzxlness, Giddiness, Drow­ El Y M. LEWIS, kte of Mer^ aweet befon. the meana o f cure. To aU who dealn it, he wiU siness, Unpleaaaat Dreama, DInmcaa o f daa, a copy o f the preaerlptlon ased (Ikee e f Wo ciateMrgMdatobaMaoiidtoaoM. WBiTim ron tb x K s a u m u ib b a b t bxcobsu^ “i, deceaaed. Horaee GranviUe erimaoaed to (the fbnhead We hava aerend nadea o f trat qnality Laee ’ sight, Indigestion, Cleaii^ the ^ *V c «»T f«jiio ta te for the District of Meri. charge,);e.J withw ith the ...... directloaa for preparing aad ----- ■- — Bowela. BY KATE KENDALL. when her aoft cool fl^entoaeSadVs—aad grew aOOSS MAM XO ORDER, iMlher, dao ra k m t OU-Tanad Lace UwttMf den hath linitM : aaii ,oiawod .tx uumth. i>om vsiag the same, whicheh they wwill ill Andfli a aUBB gov wUidi 4 lU w it atnWh. Thla u admitted to be Insure New Life in the debiUUted and the date hereof, for the credltora o f said estate v— ,a ■»il sngrj with himself for shivering whew { Cum for OmMmsraox.. . B b o n c h i - hytoadWQitaw «»odalo*. the beat tU n g o f the kiBd estaat. to exhibit their elalma for aettlemeat. Those the heavy folda of heir Vaek riifc oecn tll", CpvaHS, Coi^S; Tlmwa BESTOBE THE SICK TO FEBF^T Hcsa I for a Is lying HEALTH. who nsgiectto present their accountai properly Th«i only otileet o f the adver- EBPAIRlNa Wistfully watching for mom. atteat^ within said time, wlU be debarred a re­ croaa hia feet. I tiaer"iB ^s™ dB gWFreaei^&tnis l to Senemthe Tryxryinemi themi theyiney onlyomy eosteosi Stza eenU,eenu, andann uIf yoiyon Deserlptiona never to tueh Woaen aa Marga- aflUeted, and apread in foi______which he eon- NUTS! NUTS 1 Hush I for a hero ia dying. covery. AU yersons Indebted to said eatate a n might triamph. We eaaaa* fosna tbaawhsB VMayaadvtMVtly«aM. BMpMtlUlr. cannot------get them" ----- o' f ------vonr-■ druggist,------■ * send— the monej money requested to make immediate payment to W e hare seeared the ageoay for the aale of the in, 819 ret WeUlngton Juatice. It waa mon the m>u1 gjy?L«°. ^ y v le w tha aaay bloody batttosada o f tha war. to Dr. 4- B B Y A N , Consulting Physician, 8lS He heeda not the gUmmerlng dawn— 39*3 JAMES E. BliLDEN, Adm’r. How York Nat Co.'a eel3ieatod ______aent than the body whleh attracted, though parhapa nothlag, an^ may prom bleaaiag. Parttea CHABLBS A FALES. Broadway, New York, and ttey will be aeni His spirit Is gonel a relattraa, who have S a thstr liarta aa M ta n HOT FBEBBED NUTS, by retam of mall posq?^ -I90B BAUR.-A BABE OPPOBTUNIIY for few reidised the fact. So deep ahold do bewUder^ wishing ■ -. the pnacriptlon, v b e e , by ntnm aall, oathe eaemy’asmy’a aoU, andothenaa~ wha havohasa f anyone wianing to engage in a good manu- WiU pleaae addnaa Bb v . EDWAW A. WLL- Oppodto ttoaapU st Ctutpel. aad a n aow teadyto ftamish them o f aay siae Tenderly I home to a mother ' ing eyes, aad:' ebon hair, aad red Bpa take upon consigaed totothetrUag their long Iaanowhaaaaa wMk na aad la any qaaaUty reralred, and at reiy low T O JLjUfMMi,8 . Octurlng business. Having VUAWother businessUlMftUVM thatUUI» BON,WlUiamabnrgh,KlngaCo.,N.Y. 2Dyl vrtaSut sheet sara their blaaketa aalaraed wWa Ye 're bearing her patriot soa; demsnds aU1 my time, I oneroiler for aale my half in- the senses. MAIN 8TRBBT, Wait Mtridm, Coon. I f you require a reliable remedy to restore you, use .Hl!hraVa O B luB dB flilli l o t Tenderly I then l i another— tereat in thesSoap'Manufiictory ~ altuatedlu Weat A fter that lin t night, Mlaa WeUlngton seldom Merlden,Ct.:. I t haa been in auceeasful operation ALL'S YEGETABLE SICIL,- •‘OaewadaoraaadlhavadaM. ttiatM a: Sr. Harvey’S Fem ale FUI b, A widow betrothed—beeome, noticed Lieut. GranviUe. Other beaotUU women 1 aatefovor of leaieaay; bat, in aty oaiaton. THE BEST PLACE SCBBWS, “ COE’S” WBENCHEB, for the paat two years, snd has a good run o f evUdoen ahonld be aniahed. T M sartT S a never-blilng remedy for the removal of Obstmc- '* In tiOT misery, dumb. euatom in Cucy toUet, white wasUng, yeUow flattered him with their aoft amUea, and their lAN HAIB BENEWEB. ttona, no matter from whal eaute then ariie, Tbey bar, foctory or mlU, and solt aoapa, and ordera ^ h a t jB ^ kaown hitha eatatooo of aliMak Tffiies and Paper, are safe and •ure, and will restore nature in every volcea lowered to aomethlng m on like tender­ Beaewa the Hair. — 1 0 — Lovingly 1 down wheN spring violets on had to the amountof aeveial hundred doUara. ‘•JESSUPS” aad SANDBBBON’S” eaae. Tbey are alao effioaeiona In all eaaes of Weak- The inventor o f our auperior toUet aoapa wiU ness flian the tone in which they addreaaed other HALLS’ VEOBTABLB glClLLAN HAIB EBNEWEB Celebrated Caat BteeL neas. Whites, ProUpsus, Ac. Sold In Boxes con­ Blow, lay that tearless yonng head. atiU remain in the business and attend to the men—they knew and recognized hia hero apirtt— Beatona gn y hair to ita original color. taining 60 PiU., Price One Dellar. NAIL, EHEBY, BOBAX, GLUE, COBDAGE, Lovingly! let their sweet coverlet. \n perion. U ey felt for hia loaa. HALL’S VEGETABLE 8ICIUAH HAIB BENEWEB llE T A L S Of aU kinds. W IB E , The bnainess esn be largely extended, and any Pnventa the hair itom Ihlling off. BUT TOUK DRY GOODS! Dr. Harvey’s Oolden F ills Woven with dalales, be spresd Miaa WeUlngton waa couTteous always, hut one looking for a “ business chance,” should bear HALL’S VEOBTABLB SICILIAN HAIB BENBWBB Oar stodc o fW u A ’and^tabs” Files is A remedy for apecial cases, four degrees strong­ Over bis bed. in mind that these goods Improve by age and her proud eyes never softened, nor h a rich voice JwayaiDomplete,aidas we Import direct we sell er than tiie above; priceFive Dollar, per box. Makea the hair soil snd glossy. ______^o?ss!!a.-’ never go “ out ot fiishlon.” tnm ble when she spoke to him. She maintained at New Y oik prloes. A Private Circular to Ladiea, with hne anatomi­ Softly I dlstiub not his slumber. Apply to or address, Z. E. DOWD. HALL’S VEOBTABLB SICILIAN HAIB BENEWEB Agents for •* Queen’s Portable Forges.” - cal engravlDga, aent free on rtceipt o f directed en­ 37tf ______W est Meriden, Conn. towarda him a sort o f queenly, hlgh-bnd nserve, Does not stain tjie skin. siJSr^Sia^M ^Si velope aad stamp. Break not his undreaming rest weU aaelaewhere. C. T. CANDEE A CO., Softly I our tender esrtb-mother which he never attempted to overcome. HALL’S VEOBTABLB SICILIAN HAIB BENBWBB ••It la not the a n lathe flsid Wholesale and Betail Hardware Dealers, Send for Dr. Harvey’a Private Medical Adviser, Frank Asherolt arrived only two daya after Hsa proved itaeifth e beat preparstton for the greateat traitora. It la the su n . & CO. addrasaad to femalea; 100 pages, giving tall instruc­ Now cradles her child on her breast— » Btatb Btbebt, New Haven, Conn. Margaret. •hair • ever e ve ri pnaented ...... to tlw pnbUe. Price“ tions, 10 ccnU require* for postage. I f you can. So let blm rest! •1X0. For aale by aU dreggiata. not pnrobase the pUla of your drnggiat, Uiey will bealthAUness o f location, it It cannot be sur- The game began directly. FOr once, it waa NEW tfAVBN, CONN. passed, and la very dealrable aa a pUce o f reai- Q O O P 8 XIBTB.- bu sent by mail, poat paid, aeeute trom onaervation, platai to see, Asherolt wsa in earnest. I f he did on receipt ol One Dollar, by Dr J. B btai, Consult­ dence, belns In a central location, and only flve IF YOU HAVE A CABINET mlnntea walk from Meriden center, or Weat Meri­ ot marry Miaa Wellington, it woald he throagh RAND, LEWIS & RAND, ing Pbyridanj«M&oadwiy;NawY^ Sonnet. ______B is* w m tm tm den, and two minutes wslk south o f Town HaU. no laek o f effort on hia part. OBGAN, WBITFIBLD, MABS., For teras, Ac., eaquin o f the anbseriber oa ______I iaio _. _ tfcsfsbslr ‘ ‘ MefcB^lweW ' — WBITTBN FOB THE MBBinEH UTBBABT BBCOBSBB, i^ n m laea. GEO. E. B A LD W IN . She kept aU her feeUaga ont o f aight. What­ riB T A OOFY of “ WINNEBS PEB- •xtsBd loUsBoy; 1 wmkl sbf, m m t o f w r VT f e CT g u i d e ,” for that iaatrnmeat. It •PH I NO DRIBS GOODS. iOmttfketuren a a |d h a a a ia Hoop Skirts. Alao Dwelling House, Bam and out-building one of whiahia worth tha price of^he hook. For ■arala than asm whahofo iifiia* aaa The soil is rich and prodmtire, varying ftom a Am noon-tide breeaea ronad a roaa'a heart. panion in rides, walks, excnrsloaa—her most de­ __j ia assndy loam, auitabla for Wheat. Oraaa, A ra n chance for a buaineaa man to inveat. f i sale by aU mnalc dealen. Price, B ev^^-flve aaa ef thsk iilai Onlwi A m wh» Cloths and Gusimeres. WHh JaaUy aetebrated Globe KachlBe^Joiwed Com, Tobacco, Fmita and Vegeubiea. This is a And pala with aorrow for thy preaenca atart. portlcntan inquire o f voted cavalier eonatai^y. cento._____ Seat poat paid. OLIVEK DI1_ id ri«« Meal, which an wairaated to wear twlea aa loag great fruit country. Five hundred Tinayarda and At every sound then weep withont reatraint. 38w4«______BELA CABTEB, Agent. Onee ahe particnbriy notleed Horace Granville. a O ; Pnbliahera, t a Waahlngton, Boston. aa SBTOther SUrt asade lath e Uaited Statea: ^ h a rd a have bean planted ont by e^periuieed And if I knew thla moment thy ri ch aool B A IiB .—One dwelling houae aoutho I t waa line September weather, and the whole fTOH.—ITOH«—ITOB. A ha|c«**(k«tr apttafaat Bawsr Woar. aad th in balagao atarch aaed In the plaaeof fro itM w e ia . Grape*, Feaebas, Peara, Ac. pro. oattoa, t h v ^ tia alaaaed, aad the eoveriag re- dnoe Immenae profile. Vineland ia already one of Waa budding with atrange beauty for my sake. F AaaphMerrlam’a on thele Colony road. Three party wen alttlng on the verandah. M ia Wel­ X 8 ajtAToa.-a ^ You canto a very o n ------asalaasgoodasaew. Aay lady wishing aa the most beauflfulplaeeain the Dnltad Stntea. The Mine would o'erleap all distance, and control Jding lota aouth o f Albert Fosten. Tw o lota dHagtvtBBlt apN iar diM north o f George Gay’a ahop on the railroad. In­ lington w u embroidering aome ftn eilU design BB THB ITCH IN TOBTT-BIOHT HOU] thewiair Woharapat entire territory, eonsistlDC o f flfty square milea of Fate. Time, in love’a elyalum to wake. _____ , ______rea Balt Bheum, Ubera, ChlUdataa, a •prifiB O a rm e n ta . ELE02LNT DURABLE AND KICELT land, la laid out upon a general system o f Improve- cluding a dwelling house. onasearfof crimaon Thibet. Asherolt waaalt- Go tread thy path of rosea ttiat will die 30tf JULIU S PB ATT. f Ernptlona o f the SUn. Price SO centa. 1 Jadgaeat, FITTINO SKIRT, menta. The land is only sold to actual settlers tin g beside her, nsding serapa o f Lady ra iriM M with provision tor pubUc adornment. The place, Qtadly becansa thy toot hath preased them live I jlO B B A U I.—Two Mowing Machinea, but dine’a Coartahip. **&'’J s S !}.W «ta to WKEKS A POTTHt, on aeooant of itagreat beauty, aa well as other ad- Then aaver waaa I ■ a q a ln ta t BAND’S. Trythem aad yoawUl To bless the morning's calm and dewy eye. X little uaed. In good order: 1 two-horse H e put down the book and took up an end ot Bole Agents. 170 Wssbington street. Boston. I t « ill vantagea, baa become the resort o f people o f taite. W a ^ n ; 1 ona-horae Wagon, 1 o x Cart, Plows, be forwarded by mall, tree of poatage, to any part contained hi tha < r a f t e l B - hayaooth*. aotf I t iiaa iooreasa i five thousand people within the And crown each day that Heaven to thee doth give. the scarf. The movement made her handallp, Chslns, Bopes, Ac. Enquire o f o f tha United Statea. l&yl famy of the nbeWon-of tha daty of a s iM an- doakfl, Saoques, Talmas, puattbree yeara. Cburchea,atorea, schools. Acade­ and the aharp point o f the tiny needle ahe waa mies, SocMUea o f Art and Learning, and other ele- 37tf J .M .B A B T L E T T . using entered her flnger. She made a hasty effort -E iB B______O B S OJ> YOUTH.-A «anUaiL__ ment to the traiton aad ia* 1 menu of re&nemenV and culture, have been Intro­ [From Paterson's Magazine.] BAIiE].—The bnUdlngon Colony street, X— l who anfferadan for yean from Nervoua De- ilgratitadato < duced. Hnndreda o f people ate conatantly set- now occupied by Tooley A Gladwin, aa a to pnU it ont, and broke off the point In the fleah. C. «. GRIFFIN & CO.. T H B DTXHQ O Z B Ii. bUity, Pm aatun Decay, and aU the effeeta o f theaobla trath thtttUa laaataiir— it of tUnff. Hnndreda o f new nooaes are beiag con­ fomitwre warehonse. E n qn in of Aaheroft uttered an exclamation o f diamay, youu ihl indiaeretion, w ill, for the sake o f anf- structed. Price of Farmland, twenty-acn iota u d SOtf B. P. FOOTE. one man bat of the peopla-aad, tellF . of tha and would have taken her hand. ferlug humanity, send ITee to aU who need It, MANTILLAS, AGBBT FOft THB upward, i26 per acre. Five and tap acre and Vll- BX LCTBBB O. BIQOS. the recipe and direetiona for neceaatty of so restoriag the Uafaa that wa shaU 1m 6 lota for sale. V O B B A U ! . - A good horae, aoimd and weU <• Permit mo, MIm WeUlngton, I waa the un­ , remedyledyby by which he waa cured, MMatoOrdsr. ^ fcu ita and Vegetablea ripen earUerln this dis­ J : conditioned. Enquln " o f have ao mon slavery or treaaoB. ThaattankMaa trict than In any other ioeailty north o f Norfolk, I All dying, mother, dying. 31tf, JULIUS PBATT. fortunate canse—aUow me to do aU I can toward above qaotad an those of ANtHonr JowMhox. Va. Improved placea for aale. For my breath comea tsint and slow. npairing the miachief.' Chamben atnet. New York. ■Mbwtte iTHinc non,m ditG oods H ' h e d e r 4* W i l s o n Openinsa tor all fclnda o f business. Lumber PO H BAZA-Onlona, and Muck of the patriotiaad howaadthai Mmb tm m lha * v e t , the M tib alda o f And my eyes so dim sre closing She turned away fr o a him alowly and htld her TiHaM, ManulkctoriM, Foundries, Btorea, and the A! beat quaUty, by A . E. CAM P. A i r i : 8 .-VASBS.-VASB 8 .- Johnson, FoUtlalaB: Over thhigs of earth below; hand into the only hand o f Lieut. GranviUe. VNOBMAN C. STILES, .gent for JeweU's statement of Johnson’s vim a twetra : Ere the momlngann oe ahinlng, BAIiB.—Straw bT tha Bundle. “ W U l yon obUge me ?” ahe aald. eehibnted WEATHEB VANES, would caU tha ful climate, and a good aoU, In • connta beanU- P^itf J. M. BABTLETT. stttce,staada oat la t ■ KXTX. KXM Baa&T * CO.. SEWma MACHINES. Daath will end all pain cars* » Indeed—but he haa only one hand,” began attention e f the public of Meriden and vicinity to fully improved, abounding in ftnits, and possess­ SALBv-BUILDING LOTS. Enquln these elegant and usafnl art idea. They a n o f au­ ing aU other aodalprivilegea. In the heart o f civlU- Eaae the throbblnga of thla boaom— Aaheroft. perior manatsctun, being o f copper covered wltb . 00 * 71 ABTLUK ST. [39«m2] JOSEPH MOBSE. hia doable vetoes, and of what afion,ltla worthyof a ^ t . Guide me to a region ftlr. •She checked him with a look, and then fo ra r, and embrace over seventy-three V k w H b t b b . Comr. Lettera answered snd the Vineland Bural, a pa­ m o BBNT.-GO('.-GOOD PASTUBE. Enquln it at>les^ adapted to church, factory, barn, m oata per ^ving full IntormaUon, and containing Beporta X o f [3»«m2] JOSEPH MOB^. moment, her eyea met GranvlUe’a. Both gained or atable, one et which can be aeen on the bam oi HABTFOBD, CONN. When the golden annlight lingera a Uttle colOF—both looked away inatanUy. who, not maUag the war. o f Boion^blnson, sent to applicants. the subscriber. UaU andiaee oircnlar, at ofllce of downfhU of the nbelUon, and who 1 Address CHAB. K . LAIIDIS, Vineland P. O., l a the bright and golden aky, TH l’OBHATlOK WAST1II>.-The gen- He looked at the bleeding flnger—took ont hia N. O. STILES A CO.. Landii Towndilp, New Jersey. I will watch and hover o'er you. A tleman from Meriden, who knowa the captain Or at F. J. WHEELEB'S stove store. lOtf ly auataiaed the flag when a taet eaUad ta de­ Imerican WatGhes. JC.. C . M M jraDJtM ^E, From_ _ ^report of Solon Bobinson, n, Agrloultnral Bd o f the ahlpx Harveat Queen” and waa on board pocket-knife—cut the flesh qulekly, with not so _____ From my atarry home on high; fence, becasae the obieeta oftha gwIWaii a d Itor of the Tritm nt: “ I t ia one o f the moat exten­ the day b a o n ahe aaUed from the Atlantic dock, much aa a aingle word o f sympathy, and extract- ^ ^ TBAVELING AGENT. sive feriile tracts, In an almost level position, and And when darkness Slowly gathers. Brooklyn, N . Y ., about March 25th. and maUed a edtheateel. Vr^uemmnte(tf taken in thete flnt atagea, the protection of the govaaMB*-«r avM saff aultable condition for pleaaant farming that we With its unseen, solemn tread, letter b> Weat Meriden, ih>m a boy on the “ Har­ hlapardoB of aaay of thslaadsfs af tto tehsi lsw. know o f thii aide of the Western Pralriea.” 13m6 vest Queen,” would confer a jp «a t favor by com- She bowed In acknowledgment, folded up her themselves______- by land or ae»-or of hia anaaaaHad |f iiy » tofarohaaera. I will keep my wstchftil vigils m u nici^ with SAMUEL S. BlilED, ComwaU, work, and retired. and that withont mntlUtlon or starting a drop o f Silently around your bed; Conn., or the editor o f thla paper.______!i»wS* tionof the eameat aen oftha Bepabae-^ese MILLINEBY. t a MEETDia OF THE HEALTH COMMIT­ Shorty ^ a rd , GranvUle aw the gleam of SSfi, .*S o S «3 ^ iv ’! K SII aV E R W A R E . A TEE of Meriden, held on the 19th day of expreaatoaa posawa Ineatealihia la p n tsais ‘ March, A. D. 1866, at the office of Oeo. A. Fay, in Now ia darlmeas gathering o'er me. A V T B D.—Smart Touns mon. that herler white dnss at the foot ofo f the garden—ahe complexion saaa lU r u it ththey e y ------had never been^ HEW SPBING XILLINEBY GOODS said Meriden, in pursuance of the atatute hiw oi mean bnslneaa, vritb large or amaU cw l- had gone to waUt with Mr. Ashcroft. then. An addnss to Southington, Conn., wUl aad anhataaUala__ Icy chillness round my heart; W tal, to introduce TILDEN’S KEW BON-TON nceive prompt attention and dinctlona. ___ 'iBiia wiUbefoaadtobe —AT— the State—(Bevlsed statutes, title 7, chap^Sd. aec. The month paaaed pleaaantly—awifUy. O ^ y Kiaberly * Co., ■sr. W a.vanaaM fiiD 135, page 118) entitled an act coneemlng communi­ Death comea awUtly on liefore me. FLOUB AND SAUCE BIFTEB. Men having AUGUSTUS BABNES. Haven, Invite tho attealianaf thsB s«lat»tas a f«i* «MsBl|iras.aadttthe pcto as lo v •• BBF capital to Inveat, a n aun o f ita return with a those houra aeemed long which a n given to a ^ - ties and corporations, the following rules snd regu- Bidding me with him df^part N. B.—External eancen only can be cured. 38 M RS. PARKER’S. lationa were unanimously sdopted: handaome proflt. Manufacturing tinmen, or neaa. foct thst theysn reeslvks aswgaeda atoaak Farewell, moOier I Let not sadness peddlen, wUl do weU to noUee this. CaU on, or TBABOB. BBT TBUK-|^« f% « Eifhttl mmrbt Prie* paid for M Whtreat, In view of the epidemics by which we On Saturday Horace GranviUe waa to n tn m to daUy,awl that thnhava M w aaM a^ » fiilnmm- The largeit aad beat icleetloa of are aotiounded and with which we are threatened. Best upon thy spirit here; address, J. E. B A B N E Y A CO., US Asylum young lady and gentlenun in the UnitM dldaaaastaetof tia a a ieadsataa-Ci^af street, Hertford, Conn. 20mB S I Statea can bear aomethlng very much to thehr It ia the duty of the Health Committee to use all We shsU meet, with Joy and gladness. New York. Hia wound disabled him for aervlse, Ehaa.” Smtth, K laha^ A Co. weiUd p^h * - Call. .lowaliXtCanI aadBoamelad BeU,aad JHLLINERY GOODS legal meana to guard agalna the approach of ma- advantage by n tn m mail (ftee o f charge,) by larly laprees it npoa the asiada afthe pWlle In a brighter, happier aphere I TXTABTED .—To rent, for one or mon yean, bnt he'had the offer o f a lucrative position in the addnasing the undersigned. Those having fean thaSlteoata nothlag to isialai gnada MIfeaIr M a^^N iilifcjaalaa aad BrieeleU, la gnat la the state U at Upiant contagious and.infectlons disesse. • » a house for myself and family o f three w r- Aud Whereat, By a atrict adherence tobyglenle WarOfltoe at Waahlngton, and would probably o f being humbugged wiU oblige by not aotlelng ato n . a * 7 8 m s i i i .ma w.t or Ladtoa* Watches aad sons. Address W . A . BACON. thla card. AU o A e n wiU please ad d n u their MRS. PARKER’S NEW STORE. Uwa, aickneaa and dlsesae may be averted. West Meriden, Msrch M, 31tf accept. He waa without fortnne—hia only In- Hotchkias A Meralek, 173 State atrce^ Haa Aitd WhereaM, The presence of putrid decsyed p o B a A z. a obedient aervant, THOM AS F. C H A PM AN , eome would be hia penaioa; and now, for him, 831 Broadway, New York.______^ Haven, a n aeUing goods aa 1 or pulsbabls animal or vegetable anbstances and T D ^ A B T B D .—Tw o gentlemen or a mannal tall w — nnt n f nnftitklll. i __ ___ •6,000Worth of New Cuods all fllth In our atreeta and by-ways snd stresms— 1500 GEDAB BEAN POLES, T V man and wlfo ean obtain board, Jart nealvad ftoas N ew ark, whish m her with uncleanliness ot and neglected d n s s h ig B o x W , Meriaen Post Office. Hto expects, departan w a a = o n « l among iiion to stsgnant waters, cellars, drains, SEASONED AND SHABPENED the gueats at Bahiaford. AU wen profoae in | draff and aU lmpi^tlea, preurves Ae h ^ •old ftwa tweatr to 4hlrtr per eeat leaa thaa oommon sewers, aUughter houses, tan yarda. T D ’A B T B D . - A situation aa month priviea, pabllc markets, yarda and all out-houaea ia W _.itoplyto Mn. MABYVANC . Merl- their expnaaloos of regnt. AU except Miss l.U>US,Ma M« .U .tUfad It to «MT.d- calculated to anperinduce dlsesaes of every type. den, Eaat Diatriet, at Mr. Cone’a honse. 38*ml Wellington. She politely snppnssed a yawn, hi too eyew If pn vantage to eaU before pandhaalng elaewherc. aad cheaper thaa any other Uad at aay gardenen ‘ Theretore be it HetUved, By the underrigned andehaUengedMr.Aaherofttoagaawof pawna. I s ^ and-gloaay. For ^ e by aU - HATS AND BONNETS Health Committee, aa Beana wUlalwaya ellmb them without di&eal- A I E L WANTED.—A good girl wanted, to do tk e lra to n ja a « n ataraya get the ataad- That all or depoaltlng or auffer- ty. Ordera directed to E .B . N E W E L L . housework. Enquire ot L a KLOCK. st Uie She waa tired o f cheaa, and mnale on a aight H ^ ^ o r k !* Mlas Motley la hariag agMat n a •fflHastB MLEACBED, FME8 BED AND COIMBED, Weat Meridai. ~ Drug Store, West Ueriden. ______38tf Ingtotaptioedor__ lepoal - any llltb above retorred lA ea the crlcketa wen aojubllaat, woald be o u t ------* thessUUaeryUaa. The toiba aaeM M rtd of la the best auamer at abort DoUee. to or any mannerof lllth or othn matter whatsoever, wIllbepromptiyMlcd. ’ WBBVOUa DBSIUTT. BUiMlBAi *^ABTBO.-M an to otaop wood and o f place. B a a a y ^ b f GBy’aBaildiBg,MaiBatreet,eaatof ralroad. caleulsteil to superinduce disesse sa atoretaid In VV timber. Apply to A. B. CAMP. W EAKNESS, etc., can be c a ^ b y oaewho MBS. MABY PABKEB, or about the atreda,roada, by-waya or streama of said I Can and Will Sell Aaheroft eonrated readUy, bnt only one eon- haa fn ilT fciiwaoif and bnndKda o f otneraf town of Merloen, or in any place wnatsoever In ’DAOOAQB BXFBBBa.-Baian«a to and dttloS) he laliL and wUl teU you nothhw but toe tmth. A ^ r . MlsaMbUeyISaaseiaSadl^a^ THOMAS 8TEBLE, S7tr W eat Meriden, Conn. said town shall be visited with the penaltlea of the TH B E E Second.hand Planoa j ^ and lh>m the depot, and Ughtfrelght to any with stamp, ED W ABD H. T ^ V B ^ ableJndgsaeBt, the beat that tha aartaasB aM . Uw. AnditUfurther three Second-hand Melodeona part o f the d ty for twenty-flve centa. Particu­ Miss WelUngton was to prond to recede from 25yl . Lock Box. Boston, Msss. Her1ienneta,triaahMn.hals. ate. SN aU>an- BetUvei, That every peraona who shall refnae leaa than antloB prieea—as I mnat lar attention paid to moving tam itun and hfavy the arrangement. tiflil, and Juat aa styUsh w ih ^ eaa be. > UNDERTAKINQ m Immediately for new instramenta. X lO B BAIiB.—A two-story Dweiliag Houm, or neglect to remove any auch fllth or other matter goods. AU orders left at the office from 7 a. m. “ Nameyonrpropoaition,” she said,coldly. W and three bnUdlng lots, sold together or sIih Falea, oppoalto the Bs«tlat ehspal. haa BIMB a» X a . —aa aforessld—deposited or suflisred to be deposit­ Melodeona to rent, and rent appUed, i f par* to 9. p. m., wiU be promply attended to. ehaaed. » It la tUa: I pledge myaelf to perform what­ g ly i located hi Mew " * * * ^ 7’**^ his a to n with a aapwb atoeh o f sfc ta ( M d a « i- SOUTUWiOK’S •COOKSaOB TO WM. M. gMITU, ed or aocnmnlated by theni—or by othera with their » 8 tl J.M.BABTLETT. &J»theB.B.Depot^»W i«^ul«^f knowledge or content—la or about auch places; or Agenta for Lonia Berge and John Dunham, ever forfeit yon may Inflict d ^ n me—and I re- mer boots and ahoea, to w hkh Ihet he I a yeara’ experience in the when any auch Uth or nnlsanee ahall be found on Piano Forte maken. New York. Don’t foU to i p O B B H T .—An American family can be ac- quin the same promlae Atom yon.” 31X02 ______On the Premises. attention of the pabUe. b the Uae of I BOOT AND SHOE STORE, ___ I aow o fe r my services to private property, and the owner or occupant of such A commodated with four rooms, pleasant and o f Meridea, and the surrounding eaU and aec me befon puehaslBg elsewhere. His dsrk eyes, expnsslng so much m on n»«i» wear, than ia aot a atoeh hi town that 1 property shsU refuse or neglect to remove the mnvenlent Addnss, Box 18*, Meriden Post -M r. 1*. J . W H B jn .m compantrtthFsisa’A ^ ^nE^eoaSdeat that I ahaU an eee^ sama ate^legal notice given them by the rader-nnder- THE GOLD PEN AND MUSIC STORE, Offlc6 . 3ft« his words, seanhed herfoce—ahe knew that he P havhig secuwd the services of a ‘^^^-ttdhetlon in all caaea In which UNION BLOCK. signed, said lorperaonaraona ahaU be deemed liable meant to pnt her to aome test. She hesitated. FLUMBEK snd GAB F IT T E B , wUl try to do The vetdlBt haa been pioaoanead hy tha ]a«M benqolred. lahallkeepagood to the I of tbeatatniatatute herein refenred to. N o. 299 CHAPEL STBEET, V O O H D .—In the vicinity of the Central Hotel ■UworK entrusted to U a can, with n eatn eaai^ 5 ^ “ A ia thla town, a certain sum o f money which He laughed tauntingly. of M erida,aaditiaaaalaoM lB Bm torVta. U MWla i.i aKWtarMrtatoetod w lO igoodf o f ' and snbiectbject to pro*prosecutions prescribed therein. S7tf C.1I.LO O M IS. dcipatchs CASKETS AKD COFFINS A. C. WETMOBE,^ Besllh the owner can nave by calling oa tht subscriber “ Miss Wellington, yon are the last one whom MaryParker’a stoek of aUUasiy, aa b atrfo a St his residence in East Meriden, p r o v i^ proper­ Iso Maaaa A Haaaltaa CaM aot Onams, Urgert, haadaoaaat aad bast hi ta w iT s la baota «r th e OEO. A. FAY, f f l B B VULOK TO BUY YOUB OBIBD I would have beUeved would have ahown Ute o f Bo »od. Blaek W ^ , aad o f EDWIN E.COBTIB. Committee. X BBEEF r—- ty, ond paying for tUa advertisement. T forty different styles, adapted to sacrA and highly ad alre d ta aU w h o h are aaem M .a J th a .^thsbeet _____ J a targo aaaorlBaBt o f B0BE 8, o t OTBMEL VES, HAMS, 39W1 WM. MOBAN. white------feather. , Mcular muaic, for |80 to |600 each. FIFTY-O N E m ult to, Mrs. Arker to havto« Jm I w ■ ■ SaHa,MerUa. advietoria Lam.alao t ^ o f President of Board of Health. ordenaa aha can tarn hat h sa d ^ ^ ^ pileaa la ow aM«a gira^ BIBS, T .0 8 T .—Lost, on Fridsy, at the thne o f the ac- She Ufted her eyea-eold, prond. unreadable aa GOLD or B U yU M ^ > ^ or other flnt pre. tfU a d a . FaHlealar atteaUoa L evi E. Cos, Secretary. SAUSAGES, AJ cldent to Mra. Merriea, Dr. WYLIE’S I,. miuma awarded them. lUnstrated Catali«nea fVee. Dated at Meriden, the Uth day of March, 186S. SALT FOBK, poekeVcaaeof Inatrnments, Whoever wlU re­ those of the Sphinx. Address. MABON * BAULIN, Boston, oi- MASON Legato * Flaher, a the "ANaiai’* < 0. F. SOUTHWICK. turn the same to Um, wlU be h an d aom ^ n - “ I niske the pnndse nadUy, romemberlag BBOTHEBB. XewTerk. 4yl street, Hartford, an saUkc B af* •# ( and SMOKED SHOULDEBS, I g n J L F - a i i A . oTk warded. th at you a n a gentleman.” IPO B 8A I.B .-A nlM lot ofHagr sad aadfhAloaahIa toadsk T hetoaikaalad J.I.PAKKn’a, CheatDBt aad Cedar ftBee poatsi alao baUdlng for QUAUTT and PBICC, to at He flnahed hoUy. JT Btnw. Xatalieof W oit ^


A TBIP TO THB WEST. [For The Becoracr.] BIiUB 1.AWB OP CONNECTICUT. ; BOUTniNGTON ITEUS. Sicw inlvfrtliscmcutsi. llr u r PBEOAUTIONB AOAINST DIBEASEi. The follon-ing is tbe te.\t of some of the News in Southington is nscarco commodi- CITIZENS of MERIDEN j.KTTun Fnoit GEonoE b u x g a t . ir. To keep well, not to make w.ell, is tbe “ Acts and Laws passed by the General ty. Not that we don’t Imvo our gossip, and ^1 7'A N T E D .—Agents, Male and Female, in Ifyon want CLOTIIING fksUonsbly made to^ ” e v e ^ town and neighborhood, to take or­ true function of tbe Physician, and by vir­ Court or Assembly of His JIajesty’s English i our home tnlUs, but nows of'suflicient im- PIANO FORTES. ders for “ TH E G REAT LABO R SAV E R ,” a GREAT EXCITEMENT! order and warranted to F IT —go to VhcUteDuiel S. DloUmon-Olnebampton, N. tue of this maxim it is bis duty as ft custo­ Colony of Connecticut in New-Eiigland in portancc to claim tbe altentiun uf olliers. patented article that every family wants. W ill “ THE ABCADE,” Y.—Tb« Coamoroiil College.—l*rof<»«or Low­ save ten times its coBt yearly. Agenta are mak­ dian of the public health to coramana from America,” popularly known as “ the Blue We presume sumo of our people went to ing $5 to per day. Only $:t to 1 10 capital re­ 68 State street Hartford, Conn. ell.—Hon. Bwnejr Johnion.-HorncIliriUc— quired. Full particulars of the business sent to The O tboise H ouie^-B er. U r. W«ldo.—Wclla- time to time with bis friends and fellow la­ Laws of Connecticut.” 'lectior, and some nto ’lejtion cake. As for any address on receipt o f six cents for circulars FRESH ARRIVAL ourselves we were at home and without tbe and return postage. Address, BELDEN ’S THEBE and kaows how to do U. TlUe.-OUTet, lQcli.-OUrot CoUeec.-FUUo borers, in tbe lleldsof industry and iiitellpc- An Act for the runiiihmcnt o f Lying. R. W AYVE LL, Box 4781, Chicago, IlL Patwmi,—Dowagclc, *o. tual cultivation, to pour out of tbs'crucible Be it cnacted by the Governor, Conndl and cake. We now and then have a good story, KeprcHcntatircs, m General Court aBscmbled, and r p o C O K S U M P T r V ia .—You wiU get the To Ike Editor <)f tht Merideu JiuoriSer : of his research, tbe life prolonging alembic by the Autbority of the Bnme, That every I'er- (but since llie private letter, to tlio Editor,) James W. Vose, * recipe for a anre cure f or r Coughs,------Colds, ~ ' 80U o f the Age o f DlHcretion; which ia ac­ Consumption, and all Long commplalnta, b-ly send- IV YO C WANT THB LATE OAXIEI.-R. DIOKINSOM. iu the shape of advice as lo the rational wo dare not repeat them ; so tj( become a ing to D. AD EE, No. 381 pearl street,at .New Ne\i York. counted Fourteen Year*, who shall wittingly and JLKHCrACTURBR OF About Um middle of March, 1 left New mode of propagating a lusty vigorous health, witUngly Make or 1‘ublinh any Lie, wbich may Iw faithful chronicler, like Mr. Micawber, we He sends it free. W rite for it. I t has cured Splendid Spring Clothing pcmicloua to the pubUc'Weal, or tending to the thoasands. York to keep lecture appointmeiiU in the and the means to bo employed to repel the Damage or I^ u ry o f any particular fe n a n , to must wait for .'ioniethiug to turn up. Then OF ETEBY DESCBIPTION. Ready-Made Clodiing. , deceive and a1>uie the people with falae News or again we notice tliat another state paper Glassware! Glasaware! Glassware! V est. My first bait was made at Bing- invidious enemy of suffering humanity— Beporta, and be tbereot' convicted Iwfore any Superior Piano Fortes. Yon can’t find a better phm to tnui* thsa rt liamptoD, where I met the late Daniel 8. Disease. I say it is as much the duty of the Court, Assistant, or Justice o f tbe Feoco; •nch contains Southington items over a mysterious BUR8IN A SONS, PHILADELPHIA. J. JOHNSON A CO., Peraona shall be fined for the firat Offencc Ten TBE ABCABB. signature, which we have beeu trying a W E call the attention o f Drugglsta, Perfmners, Sickioion. He was looking remarkably physician thus to bold up the hygienic mir­ Shlllinga: or it unable to pay the aame, then WABEROOMS : W onld respectfUly announce to the dtixens o f aucb Person to sit iu the Stooks, not exceeding long time to make out. We don’t feel that and Patent Kedldne Proprietors to our flint, ^•U, and 1 really thought there was at that ror to the public, again and again as it be­ Three Hours. finished Glassware, superior In color, style and Keriden and vidnity, that they have Jnst Fersou havingBoys to elotherWlU M • o m « comes tbe spiritual doctor, hebdomedally to And i f any Person under the A g e o f Discretion our occupation Is gone, for there is ample fiiah, both o f bottle and lip^ Partienlar atten­ received a large stock o f time twenty j e m of good life in him. He tion given to orders in private moulds. •Mortiseatof shall be Guilty o f Lying, as aforesaid, their Pa> room for two, and very likely l,he new ma­ 6 TEMPLE PLACE, ^upolw of hla esperieDoe u • public man, and present the principles of tbe philosophy of rants. Guardians, or Hastera ahall give thnm due NSW AND FASHIONABLE correction, in tbe Presence o f some Officer, If any chine will run better. After all, though just Boys’ Clothing loUmaled a wiUingoeu to put into a lyceum tbe future to bis wrapt enquirer. That we Uagistrate aboU so sppomt. now there is a dearth of news, fhei'e is usu­ BOSTON. —iX— lectw « aoBM alriUng reminiscences of bis may enjoy the inestimable blessing of health, An A ct for tbe FuniBhmcnt of Uan-slanghtcr. Read this and be Happy. IMblic life. Taking a letter from bis coat while we live a lite of happinoss in health ally something going on in Souibiogton, BEADT-IADE CLOm Bo It Enacted, Ac., That whatsoever Peraon A new and splendid assortment o f "THE ABCADB,” IMcket, lie remarked, “ My wife sent me this that when the dreary night of second child­ shall be Guilty o f the Crime o f Man-alaugbter, something of interest too, if not to our or tbe wilful kUling o f another Parson,. . . he friends abroad, certainly to ourselves at Comprising some o f tbe most note, enclosing a newspai>er scrap eu the hood draws to a close, serenely blessing Qod shall forfeit to tbe public Treasury o f tbia Colony Plano Fortes of all the various styles, which MENS’ YOUTHS’ AND BOYS’ all bis Goods and Cbattela which to him or her home. for long years of lusty life, not cursing him for durability, tone, and action, are nnsnrpassed ■HOBBY” 8mT8,-BROADWAY STYLES, beauties of old age, and I am not sure that belonged at tbe time o f committing the said The officers elect of BetrianTiOdge were T o b ; fonnd in the State. for unendurable afSiction, we quietly die. Crime; and be further punisbed by Whi; on by any other maker, and selling twenty per cent, A L L W A N T its pleasures are nut sui>erior to those of the naked Uody, and be Stigm atize, or iium t on publicly installed at the Congregational BEADY MADE CLOn. Moreover it is especially his duty at a time the Hund, with the letter M oa a hot Iron, and lower than any other first class Piano, yonlh." In the course of onr chat, which Cburcli by W. E. WalkUy, last Tuesday eve­ Every instrument warranted for five years. - like tbe present, when cholera breatens us on shall also be forever diaabled in the Law from For j^prin^r and Somatcr wear, this day reeeiyed GENTS’ FROCK COATS, vrai on the street comer, while crowds were giving Verdict o f Evidence in any o f Ilis Ui^cs- ning. Addresses were made by E. C. Jones Send for Catalogue and Price List. Farnishing Goods, every side, recalling horrors which, alas, from ty ’s Courts in this Government. at Itasaing, be sakl, that when away from his and Solomon Finch. Though iho weather GENTS’ SACK CGAMS, former visits wo are unfortunately too well An Act for regulating and orderly celebrating o f liouie, he wrote to bis wife every day, I re­ Marriages ; and for preventing and puniBluug was stormy quite an audience was collected, A g e n ts W a n te d . O f sll styles snd colors. AndtlMse •slUaKst F O R; OUR Whittelsey’s Clothing House, ferred to bii tenacious memory, and his acquainted that be should convene with bis lueestuouB, and other unlawful Marriages. and nltogetbcr the evening passed quite A large o f those people to consider the imperative necessity Forasmuch as the Ordinance o f UarriaKO is bapiiy qnptatioBi .of poetry—and he ob- Honourable amongst a l l ; so it is meet it sliould pleasantly. GREAT NATIONAL WORK 20 Asylum St., Hartford, FA N C Y L IG H T SITITS, so very CishionsMe THE ABCADE, of doing everything, not lightly esteeming Iw orderly and decently tiolcmuized. ilenry D. Smith has purchased the west THE tbis season. serfed that be had made himself Whieh we arc selling chcap for eash. Also, ELEGAST BLACK SUITS I Be it therefore Enacted by tbe Governor, Corn­ Csa ta d • mse ssisellM or tiM 'wilji the beat eflorti of our best writers, and the m{nulest thing required and recommend­ ell and Bepresontatlves, in General Court as­ shop of the Plant Manufacturing Co., and sembled, and by the autbority o f tbd aame, Tliat Standard History of the War. BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOE­ COATS! PANTS! VESTS! LATEST BTTLXS. that be took great delight in tlia study of ed which is calculated to prevent if possible, Intends ti> use it in connection* with bis es­ Complote in one very largo Volame of oyer no persons sbaU bo Joined iu Marriage before . 1000 pages. SKINS AND VESTINGS. BOYS and YO U TH S’ CLO TH ING , BespeethVy. {ijrliie UtertMu*- Eroiybody iu Bingbamp- an attack of this much to be dreaded mala­ the Pnrpnaa or IntenUans o f tbe pwtles pro­ tablished buiiiusiaa. the. toaumrc lure of car­ dy; of adopting ane executing means and ceeding therein, halb t)een sufllolisntly published riage trimmings. Splendid JUuMtraied with over 160 Fine l\TlraiU Which we are maUng to order in the Latest toD Memrd imnidof the wblle-linired, geoial In some public Meeting or Concregation on the oj Gtntruls, Battle Sunes^ Maps and Diagrama, and most improved Styles at short notice, and Whole Suits from $15 to $50. and eloquent old gentleman;—and the an- ineasures which experience has taught us Lord’s Uay, or on some public Fast, Thanksgiv­ Oeo. Kilbonrii has purchased |of H. D. In the selection of matter for tbi« great work ing, or Lecture Day In the Town, Parish, or So­ the author has confined himself strictly to offic lal at prices that defy competition in the City or G e n t s ’ F u ^ i s h in o G oods, that If we are not wholly potent to prevent, ciety where tbe Parties, .or either o f them do or­ Smith, a dwelling bouse situated east of tbe State. LEBAn 4 FISHER. nooocenMit of hi* audden and premature data derived ih>m tbe reporta of Korthem and NECK TIES, SCARFS, HANDKBCHIKFS, they at least go very far to mitigate its viru­ dinarily reside; or such Purpose or Intention be railroad at Plantsvine. Boatbem Oenerala, the report of tha committee deoMM muit hare fUlen upon the citizens set up In fair W riting upon aome Door or Post PINS, PAPER COLL&BS, new styles, Tbe building now occupied as a hotel, has on tbe CoDdaet o f the W u , National and Bebei IS SUte Street, . • • - • Hartlbrd. like a M l ftom an unclouded sky. lence, and confine within narrower limits of their Heeting House, or near the same in Archives, etc. Furnishing Ooodo. P A P E B CCFF9, ete., ete.. public View, there to stand, so as it may be read Bcmember the place—Second door west o f l i t Haitlbrd. AptO 2Sth^im this most appaling of all human scourges. eight days before aucb Jlarilage. recentiy passed into tbe bands of R. A. He has carefully avoided the introdoction of THB TOWS OF BWGilAUrTOi:. any matter not strictly reliable and official, and We have an endless variety o f Gent’s Furnish­ National Bank, West Meriden, Conn. It were useless to recapitulate those most That no person whatsoierln this Colony, other Neal. There are some other changes in real has succeeded in producing what la univeraally than a Uagistrate or a Jnstioe o f tbe Peace, and ing ChXMls, Including all the Uteat Spring ■r.Pirlilcrsr Ihs mBm sN ct.’* Bhghampton ia a delightful town,aU>and- estate of which we are not sufficlantly in­ demanded, o fair and impartial History o f the miTOHAHlOaP imperative sanitary measures, (which our that within his own county, or ordained Uinister, War. The great snpetiorlty of thia work over aU Patters, snch as the TBA9XNO OO. iag ki varied and beautiful scenery—bills and that only wltlUn the Town, and Society formed to state particulars. others is ev rywhere acknowledged. I t is marked periodicals already teem with, and which wherein he dwells, and dorini' tbe Time he con­ and vaOeya, woods and waterfalls and rir- A sad accident occurred at J. B. Savage’s by a decree o f thoroughness ana accuracy at­ PERSIAN BOWS, Ides’tknowhewtkaay he willi yew elks* ^every one at all interest^ will understand tinues in tbe W ork o f the Ministry, shall Join tempted by no cotemporary. THS'OHSAP OABH STOU sdvatWnKeaslgasare.bat teo M 1 Uke toM e ers—and it is one of the busiest and most any persons together in Marriage. manufactory, the other day, a boy getting Disabled officers and aolllers, teachers, ener­ SHAKSPEARE TIES, as well now as ever) required to expnrgeour Nor shall any atagistrate. Justice o f tbe Peace, getic young men, and all in want of profitable em­ myadvertlsastsBtolntssd slsei Ijps, laissi, the prosperous inland towns of the Empire citizens and towns of all filth, of debris of or ordained Mimster presume to Jolnany persons his band badly crushed beneath one of the ployment, should send at once for circular^, aud SHAESPEARE COLLARS, together in Marriage, tiefore the purpose or In ­ see why It sells faster and gives bt tter satsfaction o r WS3T 31EXIDXX. hleh Ise State. There' seems to - be no poor people tention o f the Partlea to be Married iuve been heavy drops. * ' every kind, vegetable and animal matter, than any other history published. Aadress, And others too namerons to mention. there ;*wbile signs of competency and com­ l*ublished, as aforesaid; Or belore such Hagls- The workmen at the new barytes mines JONES BOOTHEBS & CO.. and good type,hohU oi* greet Inilniimt ite stagnant cess pools, choked drains, and most irute. Justice, or Minister is certified o f the (%n- 14 Phconix Building, Boston. riSHEBUEN, LOOK I LOOK! fort meet one at every tnrn. It has two or sent o f the Parents, or Guardians, ( i f any be) o f arr meeting with good success. The mine sdverttsers, a a d l tbmkths S a c o B o n a e f he especially of fermenting human ordure. Yon w ill find constantly In Store sU kinds o f such Ponies, on pam o f forfeiting for every Of­ is easily worked, and will prove highly re­ THIS IS THE PLACE TO BUT YOUK dasssd among the hilsnesely ir t M psfete, tlwee weekly *ud one daily |«per—the lat­ fence such Magistrate, Justice, or Minister shall TXT A 'K F F in 'n i*OBiiNO*s This latter having proved on farmer visits munerative. m U X a X X M U . SUPERBLY IIXUS* hence I send itthe ibBew hg a d fe rlls s s w lii via ; ter ia a power in the S tate;—and its schools be guilty of, tiie kum of Twenty Poundf One TRATED HISTORY OF THB WAR* 3 vols., Rubber & Oil Cloth Goods, of cholera, to be be the most prodnctive of Moiety shall be to him or them who shall Com- A professed teacher ofVriting has lately COO pages each. Over 2>000 fine engravings, In ­ OBOCTBm AS9 PBOTinOaB. ate of the bi»hest order. The Commercial liUin of, imd Prosccute tbe same to E ffect; and Which we are selling at New York prices. all sources of supply as a cholcra-lVediiis the other Moiety to the Treasury o f the County started two or three schools in different parts sides maps diagrams, &c., costing over $5J,000. CoUsfe is an insUtution of real merit— Indorsed by.Govemors o f all tho States, leading Please call and examine. agent. These measures are recommended wherein the Oifence shall be cummitted. of the town, but has given to none tbe usual Generals, prominent literary men, and others. C. W. COE, AGBjrr, tboroogh iu its teaching, watchful over the ■ And if any person or persons shall presume to This presents a profitable and permanent busi­ by the most scientific of our race as the re­ DePacu or put down any Publishment set up in number of.lessons. He has borrowed small ness to activc intcUi£^ent men or women, clergy> W. F. WHITTLESEY & CO., ■orala of the itudents—«ud its diploma is Writing, as aforesaid, before the expiratlua o f men, and others. sult of indefatigable inquiry into the causes Eight days after the Time o f its bejujj set up. snms from different persons—has not paid ANDREW BOYD, Is a THE M a b k e t e t k b t w e ix . an ebdoraement of merit which any yonng General Afent New England States, BOOK HAUNT, every such Person or Persons shall be lined the 865 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Hartford, Conn. which produce and propagate Asiatic chol- sum o f Six ShUlinga, or be set in the Stocks one his board bills, and has left tbe community. Bian might covet, since it is equivolent to WITH TBS OIABHI - PATSRS08TSS SOW, BASK S!r>SBT. are—measures that are now being enforced whole Hour. His name is Lippt. His recommendations A Book fob the People, Humbug. tb e apccial commendatkm of the most ac- And whereas the right o f Disposing o f Chil­ from various clergymen in tbe vicinity are in all our large cities with a will and deter­ dren in Marriage twlougs to Parents: Therefore Young Men, read S ctianS; Your Sister, vho §eta W Axaaaun, Gam. comblished teachers. Tbe head of tbe to prevent Irregular I*roccediugs towards Mar­ such that we are hardly justifled in pro­ herfortune told thould read it. NEW MEAT MAEEET. LooUngnp BARGAINS for the speeid axax- mination pre-eminently praiseworthy. Sure­ riage contrary to such Uight, college is Professor Lowell—t telatire of ly this is an all important necessity, and it Itc It lurther Enacted by the authority afore- nouncing him a cheat, but thii^ look very 49>Price 25 cents, free o f postage. Sold by all tbe Poet Professor of Harvard University. eaid,■iUUf That ,___ i f any Han shall directly or indi- BookBCllers. MOBSE’S BLOCK, FiT of theirenstoaerel much that way. Our neighbors can bo on 4 9 *Ordera for circulars should have a stamp behooves us a citizens of Meriden, East and rectly endeavor- to draw away tin the Affec- T h lei Be is, in every sense of the word, a business tions o f any Maid in this colony, m pretence o f enclosed. West, to see that tbe means are supplied so, tbeir guard if he comes their way. i^*Pbotograph Albums at prices from to AT THE OLD STAND OF COS * HALL. nan—a man of considerable culture, and Marriage, tiefore be bath obtained^Liberty and that efficiency, in carrying out the required Altowauce from tbe Parents, Governours, or Sent by mail or express. T M I S S T O B M o r ila « s v .i imptoadtable character. 1 am sure our Guardians, ( i f any be) o f such Maid, he shall E. McWHOOD, movements with ardor and enterprise, will forfeit for the first Oifence the Sum o f Five The President would bave beepjustificd In Bookbinder and Publisher, 72 Maiden Lane, N .Y. jo sn g men will find in his st^ool superior be the result. Notwithstanding there are Pounds to tbe Party grieved. driving the vile “ Rump’’ into tke Potomac, Was established for the sole bsasfit of adfiBtaget, and if they go there aOny aug- And wbereaa although this Conrt doth not and closing tbe doors of Congress against THE ENGLISH MINERAL N ew spaper, Periodical, those who take tbe flattering unction to their take in Hand to to determine the whole Extent its adherents. He has not doue-it—but the S c gestioD, will thank me for the hint which o f the divine Command respecting unlawlhl W ilcoz Coe sonls, that cholera will not visit here, and Marriogea; yet it la meet to prevent auch abomi­ time for doing so may come,and tbat speedily. WHITE PAINT KSCHAKZGS tu n e d tbeir faces in that direcUon. Prof. censure as alarmists those who believe it to nable diBbonesty, Confusion and wickedness, as Tbe present order of things cannot continue —AND— are now ready to supply the dtixens o f Herldsn through the Lusts o f Men oO m prevails by in- much longer. Tbe next revolution may be and vlctbty with AS» BOOK STOBS. Iiowell liu no brass band, no brass face, no oestuouB and unlawfU Marriages. Siccohast Linseed Oil be possible. I distinctly insist that a peaceful or a bloody one—effected through Amb, no fnathera. His sUble is not filled am one of those alarmists, that I believe in Be it therefore Enacted by tbe Authority afore­ Constltnte the toughest, hardest, and most'du- FraaNewHaveatoinBaM.MdMsMaato reg- said, Tiiat every Man au Woman, who shall tbe ballot l>ox, or through tbe cartridge bos rable Paint known. M E ^ T WOBKI S O . M l i V . with test hones, and be does not make an the possibility of an attack of cholera, even Marry or carnally know each other, being with —there must not in any event, be another nhirenstoastemussns»sis))stssBtnisin . ly o f the degrecB before mentioned in thia act, I t has a splendid gloss, and w ill neither crack u s of himaelt He says but little, but be session of tbe “ Rump.” OF ALL KINDS. slaesthsaaBea in oar self righteous midst, and if it does and aliall tie Convicted thereof tiefore His MiOes- nor.peelJISend fbr Circulars. A s we eoadnet onr hnsinesa on the P A Y BiMge»oftt»1 .ijieaks bis owolboughts: be writes but lit­ ty ’s Superior Court o f this colony, such Man There is yet a day of grace left for you, Sold by AHATT1RT. W H B K L B B , occur there are elements around us well cal­ and Woman so Convicted, shall lie set upon the STEAKS, ROAST PISCXS, tbe latter phMte* tle, bat he does hit own writing; he is not men of the “Rump,” and aiberenU of 07 Water Street, Boston. DOW N systm , o v enstomera do not have te culated to foster and promote its ravages, Gallows the space o f one Hour with a rope usurpation, but every moment makes it etaded. la an iagtale nor an ignoramus. He nsually about each o f their Necks, and the other end caat SPARS-RIBS, MUTTON, which if removed in time would serve at over the Gallows; and in the way from thence to briefer, shorter, Vour time sbouli be passed D em nleent, pay in profits the LOSSSS iMTted by tks ]iaa about dve linndred students, and be does least to convey a sense of a certain amount the common Goal, shall be sevetely whipt, not in reformation, good deeds, true lepentance VEAL. HAMS, M tgettbem on Iklse pretences—promising exceeding Forty Stripes each. —not in curses, ravings, blaspbenies. Honey, Clyeerine and Palm TRU ST system. of security to our citizens, serve to allay a Also every person to offending, shall forever lilMtioM to gisdosles, and tbeo after wear a Copir " ' The Union must be tbe old Union, tbe SHOITLOXR8, SAUSAOIS, SCHOOL. BOOKS. great amount of apprehension, and in this and proportioni Constitution tbe o2ef Constitution,eien though «nt of tbe engagement witii tbe remark that wise be of incalculable benefit, because it is Contrary Color to tbeir Cloatbs, and sewed upon it may be necessary in re-establiiling them, J. C. HULL'S SON snd everything nsually foand in • THB XBCBABIOB’ TBAOISO Ca so OTBSS COSCSSBCAll roCGBMraUT M B fBaliSed for bniiness can fldtt aitua- tbeir upper Garmenu, on the Ont-side o f tbeir 3t PARK BOW. NEW YORK, well known that excessive dread of any epi­ Arm, or on their Back, in open View. to trample Eadical-fanatlcism unjr foot, and Msanfactnrer o f one hundred different styles o f FIRST CLASS HEAT MARKET- coMPSTM wixm va. 11 » the n e lwa.—Allow me here to ez- And i f any Person or Peraona Convicted and shed the blood of hundreds of taeusands of t h e SHE OF HIGH PRICKS, demic is an agent in the induction of the Sentenced as aforesaid, for such Oflisnce, abali at the enemies ofor both. Tbg re{repulilic of our SOAPS. pnaa my tbanka to tbe Hon. Barney John- anv Tone ne finuid without their letter so worn, f al—11 lire asntn For sale by all Grocers and Druggist in this specific cause inferior to no other agency. durinf tbeir abode in tbia oolaari .fc o ir " 1 lire again!—£a Oroue Demo- ■OB, to wbon I am indebted for many acta In concludimi this u ticU I ezprces it os my Wairait ftom » i P “S .^*‘““ nt or Juatiw erai. place.______Will give tha People the m n n r of tke i t conrteey.- l b . JoboMw-te a^lOTited and tha ptmee,- He foiChwith apprehended, and or- opinion that there is perbapa no conatqr in dered to be publickly Wbipt, not exceeding Ask a democrat why be opposed and vil­ "V" eg eta b lfts, P a h . n i Goods ! «lB«MBt y o u g lawyer, and formerly a mem- the universe at this instant placed so aptly fifteen Stripes > and so from Tune9 to 1nm e, Toliei ified Andy Johnson a year ago, and be will UpMstery Goods. M f J i T T O J T y QuoUet. —OF— liar or ear atalo lagiilatnra. in tbe predisposed condition necessary to the tell you—if be telb the truth—that it was w in d o w s h a d e s , COMJt O SS, COM* A i l ! A n A ct sgainst Proplisne Swearing, and because Johnson was a Union man, while be BOQX8BUUBB * aTATlOJiaB nazt atoppiog place waa Homellaaille, imbibition of the specific causes required to Cursing. WIKDOW SHADE FIXTURES, was opposed to the Union. Ask him why HOLLANDS AND LINENS, EVEBY VABISTY, And we win sell yon Ob o c w x s st prieee that • atiiring town on Uie line of the railroad, produce a universal epidemic as this great Be it Enaeted, Ac., That if any Peraon within he now makes such professions of friend­ BOOM MAVST. tbis Colony sliall Swear Ussbly, Vainly, or Pro- LACE & NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS, eaoBOtlUltosnit! 1 loekad H. on a stormy Saturday night. one of the United States. Wben we consider pbanely,' r> either by tlie Holy Marne of God: or ship for the President, and he will whine CURTAIN CORNICES. Can always he fonnd st our market. anyotbeler Oath: Or shall Sinfully,______and______Wickedly^ B an Sraaar, W Anaarar, Coas. Tbe wind blew all its trumpeU, and the the enormous increase of emigration within about “ preserving tbe Union.” We sub­ Tablr> on CViths, Enunaled Cloths, Picture 21tf C. B. COB.Acmt. Curae any Person, or Persons, anch Peraon so mit tbis parados for the explanation of those REMEMBER THE PLAC E ..* W afbMy.Fefc.mt.______g t f came down so-that it waved like white the last three years, seventy-five i>er cent, of Offending, siuOl upon Conviction thereof before Cords etc., etc. anvOneAasistant, or Justice o f tbe Peace, For­ democratic organs wbo are now worKing Kay be fbunA wholesale and-Betail at MOBSE'S BtOCK. of tbe white lion of the growling which is pressed into your already over­ feit, and Pay for every such Offence the Sum o f themselves into a brain fever to prove that COPP ft P E A B ’S, piM— ■ aACKnOBI Six Shillings. viOBtb—but I found a UMWt comfortable crowded cities. Tbe liberation of millions political somefsaults like tbis are consistent ______387 Washington Street, Boston. WEST MERIDEN, CONN. And if such Ferson, or Persona so Convict with integrity of principle GROCERIES! GBSAT BABeAlSSI! liome a t tbe Osborne House. It is a first of tbe colored race from a condition of ser­ shall not be Able, or shall Kefuse to Pay the .—Hartford Post. aforeaaid Fine, h«, or they shall be set in the VmXK>Z * COB. data booae, newly and neatly famished and vitude, in which their physical wants at least Stooks;■ not...... Exceed: Thiiree Hours, and not TJZ.A.L OORY, GSSAT BAROAIB tbe table* are richly supplied with the sub- Less than One Hour for One Offencc, and pay were cared for comparatively well, to a con­ Cost o f Prosecution. 96 John Street, New York, WM. H. WILCOX, JOHN W. COE. ■tantials and the Ibznries of 4lfe. It is only dition which notwithstanding the provision LATE m SHINGLES. West MeridenTAprn 14th. JTtf DRIED FRUIT, &c. An A c tib r the more Effectual putting in Execn- MANUFACTURER OF «ne day'a distance from Kew York City, and of government to tbe contrary, has resulted tlon tbe Laws against Propbaneneas, and Im­ morality: and for proBoUiiig Christian Knowl­ 150.000 best BANGOR LATH. D B T after a refreshing rest and sleep, tbe traveler in a goodly amount of privation and want edge. flxcelsior VratUating Heater, G can take Um tbe morning trains to Buffalo, B* ic Enaeted, A c .,. . . . That tbe Select-Mcn, to a large number of them. Wben we look ^ A T THB firom Time to Time, ahall make Diligent Enquiry Cooking Baxoes, *s d P lvmbebs Castings. Sonkiik or Cleveland. Should King Choi- into the suffering condition of multitudes of of all Honae-Holdera within their Respective lOO.OOfl best PINE LATH. GOLD AT $1.25! Towns, how they are Fumiabed with Bibles; and •im UA bia aoeptre here, Homellsville would our own poorer white brethren of the South p ia O W B , Seeds and l-ertlllzera.-Coe’s Super Our G o o d s ^ all New, c OBNSB Stobs. i f upon aucb Enquiry any House-Holder be * 1 hospnate o f Lime at manufacturer’a prle- %ea pleaaant retirement, at a ^ e dfstance which the miseries of war has entailed upon fonnd without One Bible at leaat, then tbe Se- 100.000 MICniGAM ISinch SHINGLES. es. Joyce’s Force Pump, Kimball’s' Wheel- lect'Men ahall Warn the aald Uouse-Holder forth­ rakes, and all kinda o f haying tools, for sale br WE OFFER FOR BALE: MSMJDSS Mouam atoes. dk«MM its ravages. them; men whoae sonls and bodies, are only with to procure One Bible at leaat, for the Use, W H ITTE M O B E. B ELCH ES & c 6 ., 3» and M . The snbserihcr having hought a Isrge snd well and Benefit o f tbeir FamlUea Bespcctlvely: And 50,000 SHAVED CEDAR SHINGLES. South Market street, Boston. Tbe ftev. Mr. Waldo, a scholar and gifted kept together by tbe bounties of Uncle Sam’s i f the aame be Neglected, then the aald Select- selected stock o f tMKOOO woMk oc n o r pwiartiar here, showedmemany acta of kind* kitchen. The tent-of thousands of suffer­ Men ahall make Setura thereof to tbe next Au­ ll/rABBIAOB AND OBI.SBIOY __ A a thority i wbo may Deal with aucb House-Hold- EsMy of Warning and Instmctiona fbr aeaa Cor which I here and now tender him ing l>ravea who yet crowd onr thousand and er’ a Family according to the Dbrectlona o f the 200.000 SAWED CEDAR SHINGLES. Boung Men. Alao, the Vital Powers, with sun 75bblSsC.J.Hills’Iloiir Law relatiiig to the Edncatiag, and Governing means o f reUcf. Sent Free o f Charge, In aealed ttTre&Mrts&MSietaeSa^ gratefal acknowledgement. Accompan* one hospitals, whose unhealed wounds emit o f CbUdren, . letter envelopes. Address Dr. J. SKILUN Foreign & D om estic M by Mr. Waldo, 1 visited WellsviUe (tome- And all anch Families as are Numerous, and 200.000 SAWED SPRUCE SHINfaLES. HOUGHTONT Howard Association, Pbil^el cowtanUy the rotten remains of dead animal whose Cireumstancea w ill allow thereof, ahall be phia. Pa. timea called Genesee) and remained over tiame, exhaling a pestilential effluvia^ per Supplied with Bltilea accord ng to theNumlier o f 100 bblSs City Mills, Persons o f Capacity to Use tlM same in anch Our prices are LOW . Onr stock o f LCU BEB AKE YODB OWN SOAP with B. T. Rdgbt in tiiebotpitablebomeof Mr. Beecher, meating large circles Without, and convey­ Families; and with a suitable Number o f Ortho­ BABBITT’S PTBE CONCENTRATED 'DRY G O O D S , say. Wa wsM tke “ QiswUste,” sai'M rt a relative of tbe tbeological tbonderer. dox Cateehiama, and other good Books o f Prac­ T IP -T O P ; and we are in want o f fhnds. mASH, OB READY SOAP MAKKP have these. ing disease and death wherever it lights. tical GodUness, and the like. Double the atrength o f common Potaah, and au- A l U l a l a ^ , The aeKt day I found myaelf with Aiends Wben we think of the thousands still uu And Constables, and Grand,JniT-Ucn in tbe perior to any aaponifier or lye in the market, Brawa C0«0: TA- Bespectlve Towns, sliall on tbe Evenings altw put up in cans e f one, two, three, aix and twelve W H E N GOLD W A S A T *1.25, 5 casks Stuart’s Syrap BLS LtNSSr ■ t Jameatown. This town is in tbe home of buried of many battle fields, and vast terri the Lord's Day, and other Publio Days of U ^- Hubbard Brothers. pounda, with directions in English and German DUTCH] ______gious Solemuty,[ty. Walk tbe Street, and Duly for making Hard and Soft Soao. Onepound wil NUBl B B B AX r/ ~ Chmtnor Fenton—where be owns a palatial toriea fertilized by tbe recent blood of our make fifteen gallona o f Soft Mn>. No lime is aeardi all Places auapected■ ' for■ HarboiHarbouring, ' or Middletown, May 1st, lg«a. CLOicLOAui^ ______- ruKs. n ju n n o.^ » *B. Teath'e, - - - tbe brood gnage at tbe rate of thirty miles -&U Act against high Treason, r s s ^ a a d ------few inches beneath the surface of the soil, Be it enacted, Ac., That i f any Person, or Fer- marking many goeds ss low as they were hefhre sold twenty par —AT— CHEVALIEB’S LIFE FOB THE tho war* an boor, and tbe next day I foand myaelf at we contemplated these facts and weigh them, aona, ahall Compaas, or Inuglno the Death o f tlebemes, theaa last week, Olivat, Uicbigan. Than I found a generous our Sovereigu Lord the King, or o f Our Lady the HAIB, Yo show that wemean what we say, we shall sad take thsoi atyea>« onr common sense telb us we are in jeopardy, Queen,t waor VIo f theauv Heir Apparent tow theM ievsulill Crown: j Or NEW CITY PARK, olTer One haaiim Mtae* ^ ^elcOBM a t Um hoaae of President Morri- and therefore it is a self saving duty incum­ U any Person, or Persons shall Levy War against doahle w ool. SHAWXB.rXB. Wow Our Lord tbe King, or be Adherent to the K ing’a ______hair; stop Its falling out; keep o n e ca.s e m k r r im a c p r in t s . o ^ if LOHr FBlCSa wHlssUths^ ... won. OUvst CoIIago is a first rate, first class Enemies, giving them Aid, and Comfort in the By William Ciesecke. 800 lbs. Sliced Dried What ftw CLOAKS we have IsA wa wlU bent upon os to iMware and prepare. the bead clean, cool, and healty; can be used At 22 Cento. ■data litetaiy inatitntion. IU preeident and Kingdom, or Elsewhere, and thereof be proba by our best Physicians. I assure yon Ladies and almoatotvew bly Attained o f Open D ^ by his Peers upon the M A Y 21st, 1860. Gentlemen, it la all you require for the hair. Tweai^-tvs ytifesaor* and tsocbers are men and wo- We judge, from the following which we Testimony o f Two Lawful, and Credible W it­ Sold by all djruggists, and at my office. No. 1123 Apples, Snbias, aad nesses upon Oath, brought before the Offender oasdaUareee 1 or tba bigiieat caltare and character. Music by YA l ESTILLE STRING BAND. Broadway. N. Y. At Wholesala in Boston by ONE CASS BEAUTIFUL STYLES and FAST quote from the Hannibal (Mo.) Courier, Face to Face at the Time o f hla Arraignment; or Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Weeks & Potter, M. S. FUty^Bataseial Skirts, : Hot a dcap of iiqaor is allowed to be sold in Voluntary Confeasion o f the Party Arraigned; or M r. Giesecke’s are Invited to lie present and en< Bnrr & Co., Carter A W iley.______COLORED MEBRIMAC PRINTS, le h n ir t. that there are no postmasters in that region, i f any Person, o r Persons shall (^unteirfeit tbe Joy themselves on this occasaion. A t 18 Cents. King’s Great Seal, or Privy Seal, and thereof be congenial influences of the deviU, Such wife of the captain of the Toledo Boat Calculated for one or two horses. V A O E X T s, 23_ C onfess Street, Boston, pos­ LINEN GOODS, LACE DRAPERY, DRESS ary. We wUaotlnveaMnthsak was was the character of Judas Iscariot wbo Club. S^e Is 20 feet in length, 20)^ Inches This Is tho Machine that took the Society’s sess unequalled facilitles for securing tbe prompt n ia whole stock of goode te he seU, wNkoat ■ t « f tbe college. After giving five speeches GOODS, FANCY CASSIMERES, DRESS 800 lbs. Yermont But­ sold bis Savior for thirty pieces of silver; in width, 11^^ inches in cock-pit, and Gold Medal from eighteen competitors at the insertion of advertisements in all newspers puh- reserve, hs the next Thirty dsva, Ibr CASH mt leetaree at Olivet (a yoang Indian, a stu great trial of Mowera before tbe Franklin Insti­ lished in the United States or British novinces. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, of Benedict Arnold who most ruthlessly weighs 13S pon'nds. She is covered fore and tute at Syracuse, N. Y ., August 8th and 9th, Ac., ftc., at corresponding low prices. » geeda i deal, rreaidad at my niMtings,) I butened sacrificed his country’s cause to the vensl aft of cock-pit with varnished muslin. She iaes,and also tbe first Premium at tbe Trial of ter, very choice, th la sd e . to Dowageic then to Chicago—remaining Same of a polluted altar, and of Andrew is painted black with a gilt stripe around Mowera belore the Bridgeport Agricultural So­ <■ Those who desire to avail themseJvea o f an Pdeeestthe eoviter that wiU Johnson leaving the ranks of loyal Ameri­ ciety, at Bridgeport, Conn., Jnne SOth, 1865. advertising agenty—and they are very efflclent sale el tas geeda. her top.” CHABLES L. PADDO^, Irat a olMTt UflM, for even at that cold season cans to trepsn tlbe weakness, lick tbe sores, institutions in these days—w ill find that o f Geo. A most remarkable woman, if the editor’s 39m2______' Mebid ex , General Agent. o f Um fm t I fsU tbit effects of tbe malaria and pamper the pestilence of a hM bom P. ROWEI.L ft Co. one o f the best In the coun­ Cloakss Cloaks. Together with as good 8a]ele«easaaBaeeTHUB8DAT, Jsia. Uta. •iW i^ frMB tbe Budralned and nnscraped slave oligarchy. Andrew Johnson has close­ description is not too highly colored. But try. Its facilities are nnsnrpasicd, snd it is en- CHESHIRE NUBSEBY. Ceee flee, eeee ae, aad aie » r jem sbee. ly followed in the footsteps of his illustrious how does it happen that he knows so much tlrely reliable.” —Boston P ott.______llnrlir IhaaiMbotiUea however^ were busi predecessors, Judas Iscariot and Benedict >y in cleanli^ np tbe young Lon- about the she in question 1 That a what F. 8. BBBB8. Proprietor. In this department we have Jnst a large lot o f an assortment of BesBSBbsatteylaae, Arnold. Tbeir spirits fresh from tbe regions T H E H O W E Perfect BeanUes. Prkes way down. Call i te « rih a W M t,a o a a toatoptbe progress of darkness seem to imitate him iu his down­ ive want to know. Very niee Apple Trees,...... a ets. examine the stock and seenre bargains ofllered st « r llwObolKa, dMMild it make tbe tour of ward career. u standard Pears...... SO cts. SEWING MACHINES. PABXBBti Comma Stomm, “ Judas, Arnold and Jobiwon, triplets, as­ Brick Pomeroy, of tbe LaCrosse Demo­ •• Extra size, (plenty of tha floMiank la m j next I will give an Bartlett,5...... TScts. Unrivalled fbr mannfaeturlng cloth or leather sociates, colleagues, copartners—and twin crat, being on bis travels, writes to that pa­ goods. AUo new DROP FEED MACHINE^ CHOICE GROCERIES MXMZDMS MOVaM MUfOM. Momatof ByratamboBW. o.w.b. clippings trom the same piece. Beati* o f D w srf Pear...... 40 to to cts. with the latest Improvements for FA3I1LY TBE FAMOUS D ST OOODS STOSS. the same briUe, and dettU o f the same hell. ' per of all the places he visited, friends he G RAPE TIN E S, Concord and Hartford Prolific, SEW ING and light manufactnring; the most AND Simple, Durable, and Eifectivo in use. called on, acquaintances he made, &c. 25 cents each, HOME BANK BUILDING- W« bava beard racenay of a man who EVERGREENS, CLIMBING BOSES, PIiUMMBB ft WH iDBB. a bUl of divoroe on tbe ground A Dbcibivb B btobt.—There is a magis­ “ There was a reportorial trip to the Po­ General N . E. Agenta, 56 Bromfield, St., Boston. W e s t JUsnBMS. Ageat the esMeatsd STRAWBERBIES, Respectmily, i s s i s . ' fh a t bia wife was extravagant: “ She ases lice Court over which Justice Land, a sound trate in a town in Indiana named Helser. A HABD FLOWERING SHBUB8. U lI iI J A B D B . - T h e undersigned are now pre- le tte r to t sbortaning." This is aboat equal clergyman in tbe same place was called upon Democrat and a good deal of a joker, pre­ PROYISIOHS No charge made for delirerlng. A pared to famish Billiard'I'ablea, with tbeir F. H. W ILLIAM S. t o tha OSOB wbo complained of bis daugh- by a young couple not long since, wishing sides. There we heard the 'eight hour improved Patent Cushions. New and second­ tarlicsbavafBiiee, lieeanse she persisted in him to join them in the holy bonds of naat- movement’ explained in the case wherein 37w2______CHESHIRE, CONN. hand Tablea constantly on hand. Also, all arti­ one Stevens brought suit against one Likens cles connected with tbe business. K A V A N A G H htalB* a wolmlUl for her head when she rimony. He asked tbe bridegroom for bis ft DECKEB, 235 Canal street. New York. As e«n be foim d in the State. fiU • cataract in bar eye. He could n'l marriage license. Tbe man averred tbat he for having so much likings for Mrs. Stevens, CHELHIBE NUBSEBY. Cheap Passage r ^ o a m c n c v r A aaicvuvau. WAaaaovaa in wbich suit, as testified, Stevens sat on tbe B E E B 8 . P ro p rie to r. ISAB I.E D 80IJ>1£B8. ATTBH. T o A m Fbois ^ A2n> B aao s x o a s . lit M k OitL—aaums*. had been engaged to the girl four years, and V . 8. door-step eight hours one night, anxious to A quantity of Apple and Pear trees taken np D T IO N !—Wanted, one or two men in Meri­ Ibonght that would do. The clergyman and But In tlie ground, for thoso wishing to set late. den aud viclnito. who have lost an armor 1 ^ , to OBEAT BBITAUr and IBELAm>. N . Cs HALL « CO. wiM, m. jom iraojr it Tbe Eartftird Posf copies tbe above to thought not, and remarked, as the speed! know what Mrs. Stevens and Mr. Likens engage in the light and profitable business o f TAPSCOTT BROS, i CffS tflirfnM f a aerere rebuke to tbit class of eat w arto obtain license, “ Ton had better were doing in tbe dining-room where people selling D. Wadiworlb’B Waterproof Arnica West Meriden. December IMh. IMS. lOmS sometimes slept. Mr, Stevens waited eight uilding lots. , ^ Healing Plaster. Sales rapid and profita large. Emigration and Forei"^ Exchange OfiSce, AgritMUtiral tmd- Mtti imm, lum isU wboaveloreMrperpetraUng some- take the lady and go to Helser." " You can For sale by Samnlc and all information Bent for 25 cents. A d­ M ARBLE WORKS, hours, and learned what was going on— B dress, A . F. BELCHER. Pblladelpbia, Pa. No. 86 South ftreet. New York. W ooden fcW arei. U^ngcakalatedto )t»riog females into ridi go to b—1 yourself, sir! ” retorted the man; hence tbe suit,” and without waiting for further advice, he £Ll BUTLER, DsafU on England, Ireland, Scotlvid, and Walesi TWO DOORS WEST OF THE M SBID lir Oraia, Iteid. Ofaaa^ Cale. Tha PMB.j«angv, a .^ in i, o. w . m k m «. MERIDEN LITERARY RECORl iiR __ VOL S._Kt>. 40 __ WEDlSrESpAT, MAY 9, 1866. 159

OiiiuiNAi. Ktchv —Next week wo Bhall liavo llio n E X T B A N IO B s t o c k may be found I n TnrsT i or, Dr. Bertrand’a Houacliold. Ily JFpfrittl Hiotirru. PROF. VAN BUSKIRK'S AMAND.\ H . DOl’ GUtSS. liobtun: Leo ' A lileaiiuri! nf liij iui; liefore oiir readers a eliarming A at BOUTHWICK ’8 GREAT Shepard. lt»0, 18mo. pp. 383. Ktoiy, eiitilled “ A Unll Uay,” written cipreealy HOOT 4- R n OE S T O R E . GREAT GERMAN TUla ia a atory o f more than ordionry nn'rit, by for Tin: llF.i ii«ni:n, liy Amanda M. Diiucusb, iiu- Our ft'icnda w ill And that our atock cannot be “ The wonderful progresa o f medical LIVER REMEDY. OBIENTAL PANACEA I a UEconoRB contributor. The interest bogiua outdone in city or country both in atyle and qual­ 4cicnce during the piiat aix yeara onlyi Having been uaed In tbe private prticticoof one Ihorof " lu Trust,’ ’ cl«ewhcro iiotieed, ity. Giro us a call. in the very flrat chapter, intcnsifli's n» the tale Au intcrefitinf< fiketeli by Clarn Augusta, and po~ makes Itpoaaiblefurtljo conacientioua the moat eminent phyaiciana in Germany, ia now WBST miBIDlUr. CONN. D, F. SOUTIIWICK. I’hyslclan to declare, now, that Conanm- offered to the people o f tne United Statea. When progrcsscB, and ia maintained till tUo cloae o f tUc eiuH liy 3. Starr IIolIo\yay, Kato EcndoU, and Mrs. 4 0 t f ______Union Uloclc. ______ion la aa certainly cureu aa Intermit- the remedy has been aubjected to a fair aad intelli­ book. The story ia told wilh a gr&oe, and freah- gent trial, it will apeedlly toko precedence of all HASHEESH CANDT. Helen lUch, will bo foiind on our flrat page. 1S10B SAX jB .—A Henae and Lot pleasantly ■ ^ ■ ^ ■ uiltent faver, and aa certainly prevent- I.OTHBR O. RIOOB. BdUor. ncaa, and idiomatic force, that la really cimrmiug, * located within three mlnutea’ walk aonth o f ri* s.uuil i'oz,” —CAorfcf jr. King, lit. D..L.L. other Liver remedies now in use. I t ia the latest contribution of medical acionco to the treatment and wbicb wc had hardly cxpccted, even from “ Trade Building” is tho name given to the the lUlIroad depot. Tho lot ia well atocked with D„ ae., cholM fnUt treca, and tho houae in good repair. KINO’S of that extensive, troubleaome and dangerous Hiaa D0 U£Uaa. “ In Tmat ” baa the very great buuutiiul now briek bluek opposite TheBecorder series o f Siaordera growing autof H A For la th e r partlculora enquire on t^ele prenuae Wednesday, May 9, 1866. merit—a rare one in theac daya—o f not being a Office, and occupied by Ivea, Upham & Band, and G. F. SNOW. PREPARED PRESCRIRTION. DEDANOEUENTS OF THE UVEB REUEDY. fiEORfSEw.snn, aenaatiou atory: and yet the iutercat, ao admir­ 1. Butler k Co. Weat Meriden, May Dth, 1806. 40w3» [UAbE riuu TUK FBiBCRirTiON OF Bbv ItSV. OUAI. t^w peraona arc aware of the Debility and Gen­ :E only reliable and safe and agreeable pre- aratiou o f this much esteemed Eastern atim- ably austaiued throughout, not uuft-cqnently be- Bov. E. U. Jerome, having resigned hia office aa E. Kiho, m. u., l l . t>.y ito. 1 U coufiduutlf pretea* eral Derangement o f the whole system produced A T T O R N E Y , "Itabon ldabo be lUted Uiat be [SenMor Fof>- T °t B______B N T .—.A ______Good______Tenement. Enquire at by a Morbid or Unbesltby Action of the Liver, and and tonic. Prepared under the snperrision *erl la aaniortMl b j 'y ’’ FLOUR! FLOUR! FLOUR! (IN I'va uoui' AUVASvai) SrAGEs.) meaaurn, npon the Parity of the Bloo^ and the that the tragedy o f the novel turaa. Tfae char­ Lee .t Jobnaon'a •• Forrcstei’a Combination Purity o f the Blood ia directly dependent upon a r i f , man and JonroaU tbat U ■uni; kliUut; Mr. Foiter a acter of Kiehard Bertrand eapeelally la diaorimi- KABKHA3K. W U jU AKa ft OO. fur the Undluul Cur» uf AHTJIU A. BKONCUITIS, Ilenltbful Functional Action of the Liver. «EOBfiE L gave pleoaing entertainment to appreciative audi- t;ATAUUII, nu|H>rt ’* o f tlie natcd with rare aUU. The book belonga to that Anconatantly reedring direct from the most The diaeaaes arlaing directly or indirectly from HASHEESH CANDY. Attorney and Couh—liar at £sw eucca at the Town Hall, three evenings laat week. reliable brands o f and AlU I'AiiHAUKU : lur Ueneral aud tipuuial Ue- Affections of the Liver can not of oourse, be eno- HMrTotk rinNi. tbe Itortfont i-vurani. uid 8 uu»- claaa o f aorela o f domaatlo life, whiob aucceeded ranguiuuiita of tbu M EUVUUM sySTKU ; aud for and Ifotarjr PitbU^ One evouing laat week ayouttg man—who wiabca merated in a brief ndveriiasment: nor is such sn lorlMkatD combined, ie eouugh to pulitic«Uy duuu to the dramatic aehoel o f W alUr Scott, and FAMILY FLOUR. all KuucUuiial JJIaurdara o t tliu Htomach and enumeration necessary. jm rn . 3 , j n m M M M a r , to atataal luttmy the uobluat patriot living. hia name “ kept out of the paper “ —waa aet upon Uuwi'li. which, ii^ turn, threatena to be auperaeded, to Also a largo asfortment o f Grain and Feed of it iiumodiuteiy increaaca the alreugth and deup- PitOF, VAN BVSKIBK’B WEST MEBIDEH, COIW. A eauma* of our State LoKialature, juat made, in one of onr up-town aaloona, and had hia cheek S H the regret o f all readera o f taate, by the aenaa- all kinds alwaya on band at tho old atand o f A. ona tho C3lur ui tlm iial. bluod. It andduea tli. GREAT GERMAN LIVER REMEDY Mvaala tiie ttot that a great uu^jurity of tta» meiu- bono so badly broken aa to diafigure him for life’ C. U a b k iia m . ' CbiilaKiwl Fever, uuadlmniiahaattae eipectoratlon. doa atoriaa o f Miaa Braddon and W ilkie Col- Tbe Sylvan Orient Company, 151 Waahinc* bera are oonaideriim aa between Ferry and Buck- He waa attended by Dr. Fitch. We hope it will be HABKHAM, WILLIVUfS ft Co. it cbeoka tU» iilglit awuala, alwu ■ li, from seven to htrikes at tuaroot of all diseassp which originate lina, etc. Miaa DougUaa U one o f the moat fourteun day.. Xb» appvtitu Is al once mvlgora'.ed In derangements of the liver. Jaundice, Acnte or torn atreet, BoHton..(opposite tbe Old Sontli li^am . Oua o t tiieat will ttudoubledly be elect­ paiaa taking and artlatie wiltera in the country. a leaaon to the yonng man—and to other young aud tba patient rapidly galna lualt : tbu eou^h aud Chronic Affections ot the liver. Dysrepshk, Sallow Chorcb,) are tbe only importers and mannlbeta* s. R. HvU, ed—and ane, we oate not, ao long aa we know Ui.untenance, Sick Headache are Promptly and rera o f tbe genolne tchich She palnta from real life and not fiombooka, and men—to keep out of the " up-town saloon ''—and Iho dioicull brwiuiiig are apeedlly relicvea ; the the; are both true bmo. The elalma of Fairfield all other gin miUa. suntly on haada for sate SO UTH W ICK. •Reii Ucouiiiea calui aud retrealiing ; the evucua- Badlcally cured by Prof. Van Buskirk's Liver fiionus at 'g v tk . writaa good, honeat Engliah. She slao writea ilona reguUraiid uniform, A i,L TUE UlSMEItAL Remedy. ooaiil7 , however, are perfaaiia the atrosfer. In with high alma, therefore it la we bcapeak for We find the following in the Harttord Potl : 40tf Union Block. syUTO-.M W B A ifliA ll WITU A UKALl Y AS­ Hundreds of testimonials might be given £rom j r m . 5 J rn m r g m m W m * . Vanoual ability and peraooal deaerrins. Oeoeral TON IHUINO itA i'iu i'i'y. peraona who bar. been perm«.ently cured after her aew rolama a wide eircnlation and abondant “ Tho Meriden Houae, under tho management of aB W SD -AJIH7 BBOOAHS-Good for HASHEESH CANDY! wmbtmbbidmm . sir V «n y alanda pia-eminect among the fonanaat ciU- TUiS l'KUlUKil''i'10.N ahuuld be uaed iu every trying other remediea, without any beneficial ef­ naeAilneaa. W c repeat, that “ In Tm at ” ia one Mr. W. Lilley, formerly of Northampton, Maaa., » Farm or Shop, at caau where tiie I'liyMiulaii cuinmonly praacrlbea fect, but ONE TRIAL ot the Lirer Remedy U bet­ ■ena at Connecticut—a peer among the ableat austaius a most excellent reputation, and ia in 40tf SOUTnWICK’S. ter proof to tbe afillcted than a volume of recom­ o f the beat atoriea o f the year. For aale by every way worthy of tho patronage of the traveling “ TuMica." InoKi Auiua, llAaa, (^uiaiNa, Cuu L iv JJEWAJIE OF IMITATIONS! CHARLES I . rtW LER, alaleamen and oraton In the land. Ka UiL, Wiiiaakv, &r.., iind In uvury caae, liy wliau mendations. WiUiaat Patton, at the Book Haunt, Waterbury. public." This medicine Is Mirely vegetable, and doea not We quote ftom the Hartford iV m evernamukuuwii, lu wliieb tliera lauxliibiud auy AnOMEY M il C H M O L M AT U W . There acema to be quite mah o f ctrangera into BLEACHING & PRESSING. oue UI wore of tliu lulluwlug contain Kg- Uereniy. Aloes, Gamboge, Scsmmo- ••WithOBtaward valnat the |M«analy, er sny draalic ding. And Proctor In Admiralty, wlU praoUee ha tha ot Ur. Foater, we aay without rMcrre that hia po- W e find la Tke Jtimetfotrn Democrat the fol­ Meriden, and aome branchca o f knaiaeaa are im- one o f the beat IIIcachern and Preaacra in New Suld by all limggiata. Price one dollar per bot­ United SUtee €k>urts ia the eity o f Now T oik , aad SSYMrTOMa ; tha Court Claims at WaaUnotoa, D . 0., aad altion in the Senate for the laat aix yeara makea na lowing, eomplimentary to one o f our contrib proving. The Meriden House cornea in for lie England, w ill give hia particular attention to Uinicult or irregular llroailiiiig, iyuaaof Otbuth, tle, Ask for Prrufesaaor Vaii BoaEiaK's GREAT ot deatawaanoaeaaor m en traatwocth; on tte ereat GERMAN LIV E R REMFDY, and-lako no other. — nure Pensions, Bountleat Baek Pay aad Priaa ntora: share o f patronage, having been considerably ALTEKING, in.KAOllINH and I'llKSBING C'uukIi. Waalliig ul tiuab, llieediug Iroiii tbu In offeriuB this mcdidne to the public we do Money, In addition totbe general praetlaa o f law 1 of demMrary and frMdom—one more in I,adie«’ and Grata' STRAW HATH. i.uiiK>, l«>'a ul biraiigili, l.uaa ol Ap|iulltu, (iaueral Oue dollar and fil^een centa, either in stamps or The • word* o f cheer ’ which llr . Bungay ut­ crowded for the paat few weeks. The houae ia not pretend that it w ill cure all diseases, but in tbecourta of this state. Cgtteraeneloolng staoap banuiny with the radical princlplea on which thia AlsoLudlcs’ KELT H ATS altered and pressed iiubiliiy, Ml>bl Hwuuia, t'lyiug I'uiua tliruugh the only those o f tha aervous system. To those war «aa (ought through to viotory." tered, *nll o f eloquence aad deep with meaning, uawered without charge. Offlee in the Law ahoald find reaponairc nttcranee in every patriot becoming very popular, a fact which apeaka well n the latest atylea. Hhijulilera, Cheat, Kaea Ul i.iiiiiia, Nervoua liuait- who cannot get a night’s Ks t it is luvalaable. Building, comer o f Court and Cbntch atraotak aoBl and loyal heart. There waa proud, not raln- for the manner In which H r. liUloy managea af> F. S. SM ITH . uclie, Nervcua I'luatratluu, Uldlueaa or Ulziiiaaa, New Haren. «l*Bdlf Weat Ueriden, March lat, 1800. ‘/MroS* Uzeuaalve t'aluneaa, Horn Thruut, Uruwaluaaa, medicine by return mall, post patd. Thavlatabet tliat A>dn>w Johaaon and bia glonoua oonadonancaa o f terrible national triala fiiirs, and we hape his efforta to pleaae the public Agent for Meriden: L B . KLOCK. triumphantly paaacd, toaehlngand eloquent trib- Hluepioiaiiaiia, Hmir Htuiuauh, llaart-Burn, Uppraa- — pportara a n lockinc to aad laborlne Ibr C«p- will he appreciated. aluu ur alakilig uf the Hiuuiaeli, betur. or after eat- niea to our heroca on erery battle-field, and a LADIES RUBBERS! liig, Uoiulueul t'uver, Sic., St., and aai-Kuui.t.( lu FOR DE. CHUBCHIIX pnbead arnpallir aatabUahaa the alartUae dif- dccp-acated well-grounded truat in the character LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH. Wc Icam that onr eatecmed fellow clUaen, Bon. LAD IE S BUBBKBB at 76 Cents. uii Kiualo iylaurUera tie l/K>rliiu Irragularliin, nub Baa removed to tbe fonrtbbooM abov« «b * Timm fticM e batwecB their praoUeea aad protsaaloaa, • f our ueopto, which givca a giorioua hope ol ______Hall, leitnaag aide,______t a t our aatioaal tatnre—a hope founded on our na O. n . Platt, la altont to embark in the dry gro­ LADIES BUBBKKSat fIJO. ua lllllluult, I'ttiulul, liupiireaaad, Ucauty, Excea- •ad alao botwcea their patilotle attitodc, one •Ivu, LiaUjud I'reiuatura ur too I'retiuaiil Uaustru- LIFE-InEALTH-STBENGTH. NKBYOUSNESS, BEADACBE, tional idea, which ia. Liberty! cery busincca. A building on Crotra atrcet, we At I.OOUIS’, year i«o aad thair pieaeat anapielou poaltioa. " S o worda o f oura can do juatiov to the elo- atiou. N. mCKERSON, M. D., are told, haa.been leased for the purpoae. 28tf Meriden Houae Block. tttalamonu iVom fatlauta, Ao., LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH. ra .a a a ooatdentljr expoeta aaalatanee ----- briliianoe, wit and good aenae o f this LOW SPIRITS, COUGBS, (LatoSaigaoBir.a.A,') ______•, which makea na ao dei-ply regret that A big tempeat in a email tea-pot la now raging m o IiE T .—A parlor and bedroom for n gcn- Vuur i'reanrlptlun auved uiy daugbltr'a life, Hnudradaand thousands die annually die pre­ ir.he hkteaalltheobatrae- maturely, wheu i f they wonid gire the great mil our eiUaena were not there to hear it. Unc in Ueridcn, Hubbard U erriim laat week pro- X ticman and wire, with board. Apply at uiid luta aaved me liuuation o f the lecturer waa ao approuriate 30tf UNION BLOCK ttuuruaava, Ueiiiaen, N, V. French Remedy nyiielaB aad targese^ that we wlah erery one who had a Ihend in onr curid an injunction rcatraining W ilcox & Coe We bleaa Uutl lur lliu ki-uellt we hava received the D eaooatie loadera may DR. JUAN DBLAMABRE'S DTSPEPSLA, ASTBMA, WrtT M a m Btbmt, Maainaa, Conr. apUa army ofheroca aad who la there that had not?— from ualng their new slaughter houae, located IO K O B 7 W O O D . — 100 Corda O. K . truiu your I’reparod i'reacrlplluii."—Kev. If. fmum- M t h a t lh e r are ao aeoeaaary to the aaeoeaa of Hickory Wood, for aale by eonld hare heard and been ready to act apon it. weat o f Fenn’a mill pond, and more than eighty H uataic, lilouburg, i'euu. C e l e b r a t e d S p e c i f i c P i l l s . the CMrilMt tm t hia partr. It aiaat anneat Itwaathataomewhere, upon our green hiUa.a 30wtf A . E. CAMP. " Every on.; tu whom I have recomniauded It baa DIARRHtEA A DYSINTSRT, Fa Ja FITCI,S.t., o f pnreat white marble ahoald be roda from any dwelling. A hearing waa lud beueUteU muuh by iu uae."—itev. C. D. Joaaa, Ita- Prepared l » Gabaxoisse k Duroar, No. 213, rue aaaa aacoafNtabte raCratioaa to the latter that Q U IU >lNO XiOTB.—ror Bala by Lombard, Faria, from the preaeriptlon o f Dr. Juan X«to of th* Uaitad Stataa .A n a y . eieetad, upon wlrnieh the name o fc ri'eiy aoldier yeaterday, when the eaae waa poatponed fbr two eiiie, Wla. irtk a aoaatoy had depeaded apoaCoppeahead A . E .C A M P . I Uouds, Aa'roa I’lao k , M. Y.—In th 4 early Dehunarrr, Chief Phyaicbn to tbe Hospital du PHYSICIAN aad BURGEON who went Ik'om among aa, aad gave h hia b litb fbr weeks,the injunction being meanwhile aaapended. Bib lk I Noid on Lariboisiere, a £dr trial, they would And kaip dariac tha tabalUoa, wc ahoold act probablr tala eoaatry, ahoald be engrared, deep eat in partufFkFebruary,------IKliS. . 1 waa aulbring from a vlo- immediate relief, and in a abort time, be fuUy re- ha Ifea haaiga aad ptoaa iaaaoMie o f aerar-tadi^ Uttara—a monument which abould Tho Direclora of the Firat NaUonal Bank, (J. H. lentcuugb,i2b. lot which 1 tiad been treated during atoredto Health and Strength. >tis used in the It Stands Unrivalled be to them a memorial, aad to aa a dear and pat- Guy, Freaident,) at their meetiug. Hat Saturday, aix mouths previoualy without benefit, i bau practice o f many eminent Fnnab physleiana, Wa-atolOa.aa. U tolS T teeT * Aadraw Jolwann. Aad wa eaa eoaeelTe how a riotie and erer-preaeat aoarce o f pride.” A ight BweaU which completely proatruied me. In voted to deolaro a five per cent dividend on the A qua d i Maqiiolu.—T he prettieat tblog, the with unifoim auccesa, aud blgbly recommended iw h o Jovaa hia eoaatir aaataeo- the evening boaracueaa would come on, which as the ouly positive and Bpecifio Bemedy for all capital atock, from the eamlnga ot the last alz aweeteat thing,” and the moat of it fbr the iaaat would pi event me trom apeaking abuva a whiaper. JA S . J . a v b b h i i ^m . d . I aeea tha eloaeate o t tnaaoa aad Hr. Ira U Twiaa, of Ueriden, ia now prepared money. I t ovaroomea the «d o r ot petapiration ', I had theu bad two attacoa of bemmorrbage from peraona suffering fh>m GtonenI or Sexual Oebilty, H V H t t iywllh tKaaoaaaddealr iiUed with to fupply Uie peopltt of **»«■ pl4<^ wiUi ijgUtuing montha. The bank haa been so greatly proapered aoftena and adda delicacy to the akin; la a delight­ the iuuga. Uy tamliy Pbyaician aaaured m . that all dnangementa ot tha Nervoua forcee. Melan­ BaaMMTedUaaaaata roda, and liaa ercry facility for putting them up in a that the directors hare decided to increaaa the ful perfume; allaya headache and Inflammation, choly, Spermatorrhaa or Seminal emlsrion', all g w t ia H d «o a r t«l hr Utoae who have been he could do no more tor me, je t I waa growing rap- aU weakueeaea arising rom Sexusl excesses or aalialbctoty manner. Ho alao poaaeaaca a auperior capital atock one hundred thonaand doUaro. and ia a naoeaaary companion in the aick room, in idjy worae, aud bad been compelled to leave buai- Teatimonlala in ita faror a n numeroaa. First MMIiSwcst If fltilitalWMb m r n m m A ftoM M d aa lr br a patrtoile people, kind ot P ^ auiuble for roota, wliich he alao ap- the nnraery and upon the toilet atdeboard. I t c»n neaa for nearly two montha. A il my aymptona m- Yvutfa‘ Indlscrettons, Losa o f Muacular Energy, For aale by sU druggists. Seat to aay addreaa WIST M nn>ni. com . n a l a a * ' a M M i t ahoald aat hare appalled pUea. We hear that he baa qoiis a number of aucb The Northampton (Haaa.,) FreePret$ haa late­ be obtained everywhere at one dollar per bottle. Phyaical Proatrations. Nervonsneso, Weak Spine, joka to do in lliia vicinity, aud we are aaaured that Uicated, unmittukauly, the pieaence ul CO^£l(/.ilP- Lowneas o f Spirits. Dimness ot Vision. Hysterica^ by tha STLTAN ORIENT GOMPANT, o tn c m 1UKM8 , - / aad natnlBad Aadrew Johaaon Bajr be attribat ly adepted a new dodge In the make up o f their Saratoga S p rin g W a te r, aoldby all Smggiata. TIOM. In tho bcgiuuing of February, Mr. UjUBX if wiiatcver he uudortakea■ i m not prove to be aa Psinsiu the Back and Limbs, Impotency, Ac, 151 Waahington Street. Boston, atolOA.ii. Btto»,«ad>taS».M. Htf a « to the defaeta o f hia early tralaiaf la the repreaeuted, he exacta no»o ^ y . —Mew nriluin pagca. Each adrertiaemcnt la numbered (ih>m 1. Fishes, Treasurer ol tbe American liible tdociety, No language can convey an adequate idea of tbe preaeuted uie with a battle of the I'K h PAMKn Sole Proptieton and maanftctnrera, on neeipt I o ( aUvary. M d to the earelU aulllTatioii o f ttteerd, to 121) and a complete Index la giren in the read­ immediate and almost miraculous change itpn^ JAM aa O. BACON, K . i'ltliaiJiUt'J.'lUK. In a lew daya, mv appetite, duces in the debilitated and shsttered system. In o f price and postsge. tdaifcpaaatoaa which, with the laatineta o f Ur. Tulaa haa recently put two lightning rode on ing eolamna. The changing o f numbera in every (which I had entirely laat,) returueil; wiihin a week fact. It stands unrivalled aa an unfUllng cure ot Price—Large box, 91; Poatage 15 eeata. Small riTsiciim AND sffBCEen, I awUgaitr. he ooatilTad to ooaecal ye ediior’a dwelling, on in ao acluntific, workman- iaaue doabtleaa aerroa to ocaopy the “ apare mo­ my cough had almoat left me ; and iu leaa than two the maladies above mentioned. * o n iC E ON COLONY fflBZET. iike and aatlaikctoiy a manner that we fevl juat like S. T.—1800.—X .—The amount o f FlanUtlcn weeka, ineKigbl-liweata wero broken up. I'heuce- Suffer no more but use the great French Bemedy, boxi50centaipoatage Seents. whUepmfhaalag davotioe to hia eoaattr. Bat menta” o f the foreman or •‘ make np” j and Bittera aold in one year ia aomewbat atartling. forwarU 1 regained atreugtfa rapidly, aud am uow OlBce hours firom > to 13. w.. S to A V. recommending him to ail other folk who want auch They would All Broadway alz feet high, from the it will effeet a cu4e where all others fail, aud al­ SISSON A BUTLSR,WholesalaAgeBU. « - « m ______WBST asw w i*^ that thla eoalnat ahoald aot hare kept within what would 'he do, w en there two hundred and regulailyatteudlug to my dutiea aa clerK to the though a powertul remedy, contatna no tb i^ hurt - C*. Part to 4th atreet. DrakCa manufactory ia one of A U hM U i A \ iJliiU t a o v V S lY , lu Wboaeeiuploj- Bartford, Cona. thactait ■aUoaalCaioa paitrotheraen—men a job done. ______twenty-aeven advcrtlaementa to number and in­ tul to tha most delicate conatitution. the inaUtnti.ina o f New York, i t is aaid that m ei.t 1 have been tor nine yeuta. 1 am now >.ujoy- MERRICK A MOORE, New Baren,Coan. fe M ia lln a alaMa, aad choaea by loyal eoaatitu- dex (aa in our pagca) inatead o f one hundred and Drake painted all the rocka in the Eastern Statea Pamphlets, containing full particuUn luddi- IE B. BEN8LOW We lake it all back I Three wecka aince, Ur. ing good bealili. Your l*iCi::iiUBU"riUM efl'ecied recUona for ualng. In Engliah, French, Spauiah and •ala to thm ia ooactMa-to almoat be- twenty-one, . ^ with hia caboUatio “ S. T.—1800.-X," and then a UUiLU, wheu my frleudg deapaired of my recov­ Franklin W. Bice, of the Ckild Spring Houae, ad- got the old granny legialatora to paaa a law “ pre­ German, accompany eachb x, and are alao aent yaad wqilaMtloa The ftetia wreitheleaa aa ery. Taoa J. tJuNGiat. free to auy addreaa wheu requeated. CHEROKEE PILLSp dreaaed na a note, denying the damaging ciurge I f you wlah to aare yourself a ftature tooth­ venting the disflfuring of the fkce of na­ *‘ i have bad IIxbvocs or Stasmodic Asibha t'ur Im M b la lH M a . ttw iU h a tra ad cr monataina Price Oue Dollar per box; or aix boxea for Dol­ DENTIST, aomewbat widely apread abroad, that on election ache, ace that your teeth an kept healthy and ture," which givea hi ii a monopoly. W e do not eleven yuan. Uuiing the laat aix yeara 1 have lars. . O r M 'emalt M ttffulatmr, • f oW fohlaM «U who (aauia aawaiaed I17 it know how thia ia, but we do know that the Plan­ never had an nuinterrupted nigbt'a reat. Itoiten day aome Democrata plied him with whiaky and clcan with Curtia’ Fragrant Dentliine, aa it is tation Bittera sell oa no other artiole ever did. Sold by all Druggists throughout tbe world : WILCOrS HEW IL tei, aeemed to me that 1 would Uie before 1 could gel or will be sent by mail, secnreiy sealed trom all Cure Sapprtued, Steettin and •■d «U I biidg* a n t thoae diriaiiNa la oar taaka. thereby induced him to vote for Engliah 1 Having the beat article in use. Caa be had o f Druggiata They are uaed by all claaaaa ot the community, air into my lunga. I waa haggard and Bpirilleas, obaervation, by incloalng apecifled price, to any W E S T MXBIDBII. thataow aaM to yawa Ukeao maay srarea of the fuUeat confidcnce in Bice'a integrity, we and are death on Dyipepaia—certain. They are aud auffercdau greatly from ‘aburtueas ot breutb,' and fancy gooda dealers. very invigorating when tanguid nnd weak, and authorized agent. hMW ttbwly. It la ii«o a «d e that that which that I «aa compelled to take frequent reata lu Proprieton' General Agents tar America, OtOAB Itaatenedto infbrm o u rrJ R ia that the whole ato- T h e G r a x d Su breh d eb.—Repudiating all a great appetizer. walking from my reaiuence to my place ol buaineas, lltadaiht, Oiddinet*, snd sll dlt- MBBIDBN HOUa^ alaUtlaa aad dlicraeea the Ftaaideat aad hia par- ry waa a wicked aUnder and a malicioua libel; in G. MOSES k CO., 27 Cortland Street. New York. eaaaa that spring firom irregularity, their former prejudices In favor o f European Saratoga B p n n g W a te r, aoldby all Dmggiat^ ‘-Thonightbetore 1 obbiiued tn «• pmtHAht-.ii Authoiteed Agent lot Ueriden. I. B. KLOCK. 1 7 aaa «r that will aot aaMly orowhaUa I'BEaCUUrtiUN,' waa the worat 1 ever paased. by removing th. canae and all tbe WEST MEBISSN, CONN. abort, that Mr. Bice’a pure name remained apotleta pcrfUiiica, tho ladlca o f America now admit that thoaa who da^ Ha adaoaltioaa aad rely apoB Ita Un obtaining thd remedy, 1 took a teaapoouful at eitecu that arise fi-om It. Thsy aa a anow-wUte pillow-oase. But, " A change Phalona’ a « Kight Bloondng Cenna,” like the noon and again at night, aud slept all nlgbt without ar. perfectly aala in all ca tefM oaaaawort. VoMatonUta of the Uaioa W. W U iir, Jhr«prMtar. came o’er the apirit of my dream I ” Ur. Xathau waking. 1 have kot had a bboksn hiuht's asar G old $1.35. eept when forbidden by di. .. land when it originated, haa no equal imdcrthc and are eaay to administer, fapaatUa that ia to be onaaaaiBMitad aolely la Fenn informa ua that the Ur. Bice aloreaaid siKcs. • • • * • I no louger luok ■ haggard,' have Hone, aun. gaiued in strength and sinrita, aud am not at all as they are nicely tugar coated. Mr. ULLEYhopes^byatteadfawtobia the laMnata « r thoae who attaiapted to dea- departed from the Cold Spring Hotel, taking with “ In lifting the keltle from the fire I acalded my- Thay ahoald be in tbe handa ot torecetreaahareof pnh"- Than eaa be ao peaee siade atUleted with Aatbma, call and aee me. him a woman who ia not hia wife, aud leaving be­ a. T. Saratoga B p rln « W a te r, sold by all Druggists. 8IB JAM£S CLARKE’S gooda we on booad to aell wlthla the aext aixty Bosaa,na, Sign sad vaneyPalathw dote sa — tingon^aln, th« train reiy properly atarted off Hall of Heriden, a g^ 44 yean. N. B.—Cherbkse Pills Neu S s n prepared fitr Office on __ •^ «d iw lta a «B ladMvaadaoMiaaL Xkanla Celsbrated Fem ale Fills. daya i f low prleea w ill d oit. Bead theprlcea ^Statea...... witbonthim. HenoaUoama to paaa, that tVilUam B E YN O LD S .-In Heriden, A p ril 2fith, Jamea epeeial caeee, when milder msdidnes lU l; these den, Vonn. •eallM aptatad lviar o( laaratag, aolataipolalioa P., chUd o f Hlchael and Mary Beynolda, aged 17 and go to P rtpartifrom a pretcripUon of Sir J, Clark, JU.D are sent by mail, flree ot postaga^ ou receipt ot |!V • J e . « h r t M t p t adi aCihatorio ao tnaa aadCBalh. W ilaon-thoa^ aorely againat hia w ill-W t eon- montha. Phyiiciam ^xtraorUinary lo the Qattn. WILLIAMS & SMITH’H the price V « Ow— ir’arlaai oathadghtot Connectlent, Ha£ M h ^ ^ . ment Stamp of Ureat Britain, to prevent ooanterfUta. taiiB. at wbolaaue nrices. aU JTenoue IHteaeee. It re­ lhatpo<±e»-kairaa wen pretty Ikaely aaed. He U . LIS T . French aad Oeiaua Dresa Gooda la giaat railety. CAUTION. stores aew lUa snd vigor to tbe W.BUCKXNOBAM. attended by Snrgeon Fitch.. Adamai Catherine Goodrich. Ida Fine Mohair Cheeka for Trargliag D r«M «a,st - ...... sged,esushig the hot blood ot Beach, FraneU H . K ellogg, Emma J. 3'Amc K i t thotUd nol be taken by Ftm altt during 2S centa per yard. youth to course the velns^ ras- Beldea, Mrs. WeUs J. HeKindler,HiaaJ.C. ua jo x irn B . - naUd aaa of> tha ot aaOkMa- to a naUdaaa of> W hat Did I t I - A young lady, ntarclug to her the FIRST THREE AtOXTBSo/pregnaney, Beantifla Plaid ToU da Nolea, at 371 cents. [aater George Freddie Lewia, who waa ao badly CaldweU, Katie O. FoweU, Alice X. they art n re lo bring on JUitearrioge, but at any Fine stripe Mohair Gooda at 80 eeata- BHOF KKAR OT T. J. COS'S u u ::o racB _____ • whol5wbaaa«adad It, haaaoaa at thair i^/Onnon.Mary country home after a aojoum o f few months in eruahed in an elevator at the Britannia Factory. Peaae, Hra. Franklin w York, waa hardly recognized by ber trienda. other time they are tqfe. Black and W hite Poplina, at «2 eenU. aataamaeatha yaar U U . Ttaoaghyoa hare the Croise, Hary Fomeroy, Slaa C. In all cases o f Nervous and Spinal Affections, MAIJI S T X a a T * •BiabMMa i l ^ to taka aeHoa upon aoch amend- Uat week, la, we are happy to learn, alowly recov­ plaeo of a rnatic, fluahed face, ahe had a aoft, Fine Drab and Browa Alpaeeaai^at ^ centa. tMihetyMem and ' (Hui JM...... eigor, thus proving a Dolan, Uary Thomaa, Jennie Pains In the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on light ex­ Plain French Cambrlea, m k , Baff and Blue, 8- r perfect - JHWr o f £ove," re- taatoaspn aa a h ^ that within a nteh, Mary C. WetBUire, Hattie ruby complezlon, ot almoat marble amoothneaa; W » g r ...... gaaaUoa auy be• again • anl)- nb. ering, bat it will be montha Ufora be entirely r«- id Inatead ol 22 ahe really appeared bnt 17. She ertion, Palpitation ot the liM rt, Uyaterlcs aud at 7S centa. moriug SterilitvtV snd Barronnsss ia both aezas. To be aa iajaatioe. a right de- oovera, if indeed be doea at aU. Fean a n enter­ GENTS' LIST told tb-m plainly ahe uaed Hagan,a Magnolia Balm, Whites, these. ,.-j.PUla will effect — a------cure wheu- other Beautiful Gooda, flne French Ginghama, th. young, mlddb ______ettaaeetonathan tothecol- tained that he may loae hia eyeaight The mother, Aldrich, J. I " Harcy, John J. and would not be without it. Any lady can im­ m ^ a liave failed; and although a powerful rei at 42 eeata. boon tbsn this " MHESAIGU, McLelian, T. H. prove herparaonal appearance very much dy, do not contain^ iron, calomel, antimony. or And a new lot o f Orgaadie MnaUa, pretty laeae ot life, cauaingusing tbe weak and debUitatsd______to Shay are flaw among na, bat our ezam- a meat worthy woman, widowed by the war, baa a 1 by nsing plehaaaa lafiaaawi alaawheta, and aotmd m oal s s r . s s ' r . Hanaaeld, Williaai tiiia arttclo. It can be> ordeiordered of any drug^at for coutitutlon. styles at 50 centa. have renewed strength and vigor, and tike eatir. CABPENTEBS di JOmBBS, aad pnmiBalphnoaopbytaaeh that no eonaiderable numlier of email children, dependant upon the la­ o'Bieme, Edward ouly fiOcenta. diractlans iiPthe iiaiaphlet around each P e r^ e a and. Piqnea, BalT and White graond system to thrill w ith^y sad plessure. Perkins, N. package, which should be carefully preaerved. with handsome colorings,very dealrablegoods. Price, one botti* f i ; three bottles |S; aent by jnm, 1, atmim streHy daaa ern ea can be eaeladed troma ahars ia gov- bor of ber banda for their dally bread. Obrlatian Saratoga S p rin g W a te r , sold by all Dmgviata. amBMatwHhoMwakingerU to all. Thequailfi- Beid, Wm. S. Y e n fine Swiss MusUns, phdaaad atripe, for ezpreas to any addreaa OPFOSITITSK FanQHT D»OT. men and women of Meriden, here ia an opportunity SOLD B Y ALL DRUGGISTS. oaMaiaaf lateinM ee jutd morality pceacribed by gS S fR S A Stewart, Charlea G. anmmer Dressea. Out ui(^idnes are mid a^^ recommended by all Idooatoordaai. « a r Cadaaaaald law, a n anireraaUy H>prored tor doing good onto thoae who are of the houae- Graham,U.fc- Surrla, C. H . Bole Agent for the Unlied Statea and Canada, White Maraeillea, 90 centa. respectable In every part of the civilized Weat Meriden, May w T w iZ llortoB, b- « . JOB UOSES, 2T Corllsndt Street, New York. • I y aaaag aa, aad I atanwaly bopa that we may aoon hold ot faitb. Bemember ttiat even a cup of cold Sanderson, Frederick] 25 Pieeea White Brilliantea, new patiersa, rio U ; tomo dealers, hohowever, . try , to yM d chaartBllyto the itreaiaable drift ol Stebblna, J. B. H. A —<1.00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to cheap aa erer. _ decelre tbeir <*1 fttomera by selling eheap and worth water, beatowed in Hia name, «baii not be with­ Treat, Sherman Heimatreet's inlmiublc Hair ca’aring haa been any authorized Agent, will Insure a battle, eou t^ - Alao a fnU line o f Jaeonet A Saranet Oambrlea, less In order to make money. Be not Ea AolELSn, out ita reward, “ Inaamnch aa ye did it onto the Wilaon, Joaeph ateadlly growing in favor for over twuniy y ng 50 PUU. by return mall. ______3-38eowly anew lot o f Caaabrlc and Maalin Edg­ «Ueelyed atk ibr these medicines and take no I t acu npon the abaorbanta at tho roota o f the bair ings and Inaertioila. othera. I f the dmggbt does not keep them^ write ThaOM«northaaapMka o f tha state Befbrm leaat of the** ye did it tmto me.” ■nd changes to ita original color by degreea. All -DUBB NITBOITB OXIDE, or I>A.UOH< A great bargain in Table Llnea, bx the yard to as» asd we will send them byexpresa^ careftiUy «T h e adtool aoatiaaaa to be well aua- inatautaneoua dye d m en and iidnre tho hair. AT i n G g a s !—The tabled waten o f Letha 871 eeata. packed, free from ob««:rvatiuD. We will be pleaseil £ u o f the t la oat ofdebt. ia oa a gaod A e o id a n ta ^ a o o b Hasa—a workman In the Beimatreet,a <( not a dge, but it ia certain in iu outdone! The only sat k ansstbeOc sgent, pro­ 10 and 11-4 Coanterpanea, Maraeillea Quilta, to receive lettera with fbll stntoments in regascl to BCIX. PoitiaBSfef. resnits, promotes ita growth, and is a beantitnl ducing in aU eases mer/eet intenMiUlUf, foUowed Bleaehed Damaak, Good Linen Oraab, a ^ disease with wbleb IwUes or irentleineD aro ^ _ deUrered ia any p « t o f Ito to g a fN a at ■BMWba*,MdiaaeoagadaaUy adrntalatend. employ o f the Heridea Hanntketaring Co., met BAnDaassmo. Price M centa and |1.00. Sold by only by pleosaroMe exhilaratiott, withoat tbs ttUieenU pee yard. afflicted Address all letters for medicines, xiamph* with a aeiioBi thoagh not fttal aeddeat oa Fri- alldealera. least Idarioas effeet; rapidly aupplsntiag ethsr Alao a large atoek o f Caaataatrea, Ibr Meaa’ lets, or fttlvice, to the sole proprietor, Merld«.,MisylOf..MaA A. BM OT. - e M t o a w t w T.IST OF UBTTBB 8 rem a ln ln s in tha and chloroform in the moat eritical aargleol ap- aad Baya’ Wear, rery ebeu. daylaat. Itw a a ooeaaloned by the tU llag o f a X I Poat Qglee alt H E B ID E N , SUte o f Con- S aratoga S prin # W a te r , aold by an Druggiata antlons. WNewSat^aad BaaqaiMa,]^ ^ Dr.W.Ba1C£}tWI9.37Walto8t,l.T. eOBBter ahattaa hia hdad, knocking him sense- aeeticut. Hay «h , ISOS, all aew atylea. J. I . RARM, ha*a aM M M tiiM the a«hool opmd ia UU leaa, and iaaieUag a aeren woand, whleh, how- Beach, H. B. Moon, Bmau Dr. Ts S. RV8T, 100 aew Boop ~ ' Freaeh trail, at $1M , OppmMlte th t jm n rP ^ Mmm», ta^iiThuSad aadaareaty-ataieiarnai Baxter, A . F. MUler, Wm. CHIiHOKEB COBE, Saehaiaad the paakTMT, oa* haadred______aad £t n ^ - ererMa aot eoaalderod dangcrons. laaored in Browa, Jamea iwarlng, John H . SBAXiBy. ix tha Trarelera. New twia. A fa ll liaa o f Yaidm ______pi a i—t. two haa- Conneal, Thoa. Olmsted, Mrs. Almira Lroa’i S ro ao t or Ptma Jahaioa GnioM—for *'■* THE liatVT DevenportiHartin OUeal, Hra. Eliza WRhaatdoabt thla iaatl- AeqalBtaaee ia called to the adrertlaement of IndlnaUoa, Naaaea, Baartbum, Biek Beadache, DENTIST, f lS f t BnflUiur, Frilliaga. Kdgiaga.Hair NaU aad PAIN TS ANI> O ILS, vithllbarally. G oldatW .1. 0>Heal, Bridget A . Chblen Horbaa, A a , where a warmiug, genial CMla, Liaaea CouiSiiaad CaCs, Draaa C. M. LooaUs, Gold Pen and Mnslc S to n , 2W Hastings, B.C. Boberta, George F. atlmalaat la required. Ila eantttl preparation and iNDlAN MEDICINE. HOVSK, Bier. ADO VlCOaATIVB H o . 0, Moboax Block, Bnttona, Trimminga, Gloraa, Alesoa- Chapel 8 tre^ Kew Harea. From a long ao nanwou,Hartwell, T.j.. S.—2o.—s Blee, A. W. entire purity makaa It a ebeap ana nuable article d«r Kida, Telnt Bibboaa, Cnrea all dl.<>easc4 ctin?ed by P A IH T IR e, 1 HInkley, Hiss A m u H . Bleharda, A . A . laaUltabniaebaa. Alaow Baaai qaaiBtoaee H r. lioomia, we aneaabledto lor eailnary purpoaea. Sold arerywhere, at 60 eta. Bem-atltehcd Bauuaemuu., a.ww.Ladiea* « self-abusc, %\z:^:sMrmator» Wa IM A m WaahUglw t ^ Aadnw Joba- Hodson, Wm. H . Speaeea, Geo. par bottle. Takea pleason i»^ o rm in g b la anmenaa IHands TIea. aad a tail aaaortmeat o f Ladiea’ aad rhm, ikmiitiit - W^aknM9^ got ap ta g ia beat a>!daaHha sot. aw,«kewM tM igta aaka «tnaaaeodloBa,» reaoasend him h ij^ y to thoae a lio bars oecaalon Jaekaoa, W . Smith, Bartlett, Saratoga Bpring W ater. MddbyallDrugglau. aad patrons, thaThe boa, at great expenaa, fitted Gent’a Boalery. Hight • Xojw o/ to parchaae aaythiag iahlaU ae. They w ill flad ,Chaa. Tucker, H n F. np apparataa for manufactariag Fuaa NiTBOva A ll the abore gooda and a great taaay not Jfe/M(M*v, Cnireriiat Laui* KlUXXaAlID * W TH AV, hM «mM*« ta pattaa an tta Hotth Canllaa ap- , _ ..James Thom pson,B.8 . All >ba adore for sale by I, B. KLOCK, and B. OxiOE, nsfaig the aame process employed by iwi€^ Putiut iii Ifte BacMt IHn^ hiaaptight aadAaaerable ia oUUs dealiags- Leonard, J. Weat,E.H.D. P. FOOTE, W est Ueriden, Conn. mentioned are for aahi by (w M i Kum>n, com.,) At a lata dlaaer glmi to the THE COLTON DWfTAL ASSOCIATION Or ntM o f rrw^Mi, Pritmatitr% 1 aad the flO kit n k M o «aa be plaoed oa hia repre- H.T.H.CO. WybeU,Joaeph W IL L IA M S & S M ITH , Olti We^tJb S e r M ------Johaaoa, NEW YOBK CITT, is u a « M taoMad ■tatloaa. W o bespeak for him a libetal shan Feraona calling ibr any o f the above Letten, For fourieen yean Bpauld- A t prieea that wlUbe pei*eUy aatlafoetory to cuU VaU Cowtti* o f the Heridoi trade. w ill please aay, “ A d v e b t is e d ,” and gire the ROSE ing’ a Boaemary baa held a by whom It has been admlnlatered in handreda bnyen. Come one aad all aad aee the Bargalaa »IA» AN! JAPAflin TM WAH, date o f the adrertlaemeat. blgh rank aa pure, unltorm o f thouaaada o f Instancea.aeKAoaf acciitent. now ofered by '5- ‘ t«aw,and all dfse«MS t ^ fol­ The Good Ta bUshi A. B. CUBTIS, Poitniuter. and rellablo. I t ia warranted, Dr. B ust holds himself in resdiness to ad- low as ^ seqnencn of youthful lutll.«rr'*tiona« 4 rc ., WM ha ii il S M * r tfeattwdy Jaoltee wUdi. how- aelrea oa a frm foaadattoa, aad a n adiaittUig MARY. lat. To beautify the hair; 2d, aUaister NiTBOua O x io a at a moment’a warn­ The C4^er»»kee Cqto wlU rcstons b^lt'A and xigor, , To remove dandruff; 3d, To ing, warranthMC the gaa at all times per/eetty WILLIAMS & SMITH. stop th« cmimiona, aud off«>et a pormanfnt cure PID D I^S PUBNISaiD. KAaa. crar. the aMaaataaa orcata of the laat p o ^ new Bwmban at e n r f meetlag. They hare al­ COPPBB, BBA 8 S, ASB PSWTIB t a w aaali aet riliw to b» w d iw d aooBet." iniBST NATION-AX. BANK, curl hair elegantly; 4th, To reatore hair to bald freth and pure, W est Meriden, Coim. after ttll iithcr ino(Ucin«« bave fhil« «l» Thlrty-tvro ready over one htmdred namea on their booka. T West UeridcB,Uay 7th, I 8M. heada; ttb. To force the beard and wblakera to Irr^gnlaritlea o f Children’a Teeth oorreeted. P . S.—Worn out Shla-plaaten not taken. |.jiw pampliN't bcnt In a scaled ouv*^upi% iroe to any IN KXCHANQl W etU a k It aboirt t lM J o l m a i ^ a n Star of Hope Lodge No. 2t, hare elected the fol­ The dircetora o f this Bank at their meeting on grow ; Oth, To prevent the hair trim falling off; hflUedwith Gold, TlnfoU, and Lawrence’sTeeth • ■ g ta thia partoa three. Be has eleariy ahown 7th, To cure all diaeaaea of the acalp; 8th, To pre­ celebrated Amalgam. Full or partial sets in- Prh’c t 2 lu*r bottle, or three bottle* for $5. Sold yOBBVSQ DONM TO hammm lowing olBeen for the easulag quarter: P. A, Saturday, roted to declare a Fire per cent, divi­ dend on the Capital Stock. From the camin^a vent the bair turning gray; Oth, To cure headache ; ssrtcd in any ana erery style, snd by all or will ?»a j«rnt by fspn-.M to any WM.J. KIBTIJUTD. M, *. rum jUiL ssfalffSrtTfJ® Spencer, W . C. T . i M n . K. N. Freeman, W . Y. o f the! laat aix montha, payable to the stockholstock lOtb, To kill bair-eatera. I t liaa done and will do pi»Til »n tUfl v.'orM, ua rccrlpl of j.jIco, by tbe ,4 a a a m M w ta the ALP WORK WARRANTED. Removal. solo T . i H . S. Laureaoe, W . 8 . ; Mary Morgan, F. B. ora aftafter the second Monday in U ay 1806 The all thla. I f youannotaatlafled, try it. Prepared ilh a M n^— y aCtsas • - ^ ■ s s a s s ’jTjK b, E D W A ^ U.BKINNEB, M. D., (aolK proprie­ Dircetoratore alao decided to increaae the Capital The subscriber haa the pleaanre to annobace to Dr. \I. a . KEEWIH, 37 Walkar S l.,y .T . m im m . ■ n f t r l iw t at«M talanaatr at W. W ileoz,T.;C. F. Kidder, M .;J. Bnma.G. Stock o f the bank>ank One Hundred Thousand (gtOO, tor) at hia medical warebooae, 27 Tremont atreet, G. i C. Foek, 1. G OUO) DoUara. And the BookaBooks for aubacraubacription . ___ Boaton, Uaaa. 8 everywhere. lleow ly Dr. Calvin Pembor, the ladiea o f thia rlcinity that ahe haa secured HENRY PEMBER I I n illM i i f ir ~ T * ~ '* Johaaon will be opened at their Banking Boom, to reselre pleasant and apadoua rooma (over the aton o f ------aptthMatateiaUa Heaara. J. Johaaoa * Co., a n doing an ezten- BEAL BSTATS BKOKBB, anbaeripfiona on aaid increaaed atock, on the fhrat DENTIST, Meaara. Ires, Upham A Rand,) in the new baUd------ate “ my alre boslneaa in the clothing lino. They hare a day o f Juae next at 10 a’eloek, -A. H. ^VSBITT.-Ho. IS, VOBOAN la jNwrlaaa, whiah Is not lug opposite the Meriden Bouse, to which ahe Cherokee Resiedy, laige aaaortmeat o f gooda, whidi they a n aell- 40w3W . A . HO IITA.L, Caahier. BOOM N o. 7, B iu a Bu c k , HAKtpon, Cr.. tfeotalaa tntha o f the BLOCK. Ko picture aUowed to leava the c o n . MAIN AND STATE STBEETS, w ill remore aa soon aa they are ready for ocea- ^ ~ Cnrea all Urinary Cim* wWaatMlawhialaad. la g rcrrlk at-low p tlcea doea the baalneaa. The plaint,\ri»: ffr.irtl. Injtum. o a i M i M S r V A T A BBaOIiAB lO B TIH a of the L panoy. miitiMi Tjtaddf}- and otoek o f bOfa* dothiag ia rery fine, embraoing A o. O. F. at tbeir BaU, on Friday evening, rooms uxLKsa p e b f b c t l t satufaotory . 4V>Gity sad aoaatry ptoforty, baagh* aad tha BMtt IkahlOBabla atylea, aad tnmiahing gooda Uay Sth, 1800, the following preamble and rcao- ITEniDSS, CONX. An attraetire assortment o f the latest atylea in RetthUoa. af W oM H iattaloar old Mead. HmmbIu Oonld, rinr, .S(rirtin-?a 0/ the ■’-* CoawaadlaahafaHhahaafca. SMT la great ratletycaB belbnnd at thla eatabUah- lutloas were adopted: ,CrttA/ut^ Di’op^Ical ■aeH«f ■rtdgepertthaabeeome aasoelata editor of WnEBEAB, I t haa plcaaed God to remove by S MILLINERY GOODS, ment. M r. Kaiaer haa ahown good taste in his SVCCE880B TO DB. O. A. OBAOB. Brirk l>uat J%e Bridciport Farmer. Ur. Oonld ia a gtadnate death our napected brother Edmund Parker, and a>1 liiwases that reqiiiro aeloctiona. therefore, eonatantly oa hand, and atteatlon la reapeetfiUly HNnNS> NEWS KFie^ or Tala College, and tor a time waa law partner with inrited to the same. a dlu7i*t!c. nnd when lued in Bepain—much needed—are being made on Uli- Xemlved, That While wc calmy anbmit to the A ll operatloBS earefUly executed and gnaran- cunjunciiou with the LOOK AT THB TAJOBTT. ^ Oaaaaal WIUpB E. llcbla. He haa alnce been dispeaaation o f Divine Providcnec in diminiah- erty atreet The walk oppoaite the Town Hall ia ted to give perfect aatisfaction. Miss A. MOTLEY. P B 0T 06B A P m C ALB17MS. Jadga e flh e PHbotaOonrt hi the Bridgeport dis- Ing our number by the hand o f death, we feel CHEEOKEE IHJECTIOir. also being straightened. Very pretty, all this, for railed upon to expreaa the high esteem in which A rttadal D entana made iu the best maaaer- N. B.—Until the completion o f her aew apar^ triet HeiamiaeoonpUahedaoholar.and apoUah- Brother Parker waa held by ua aa a cltizena, and doi‘5 :»i»t fail to cure Ooiim'rhett^ Ctcet nnd aJl .Vii* P 0B X F 0U 08. the anmmer and fUI;—but wbcn spring opens, N iT B O trs O x i d e A dmisistebed . menta. M iss Mo t l e t ean be foand at the nai- •dwittar, and halts anan o f yean ago. waa wen aa a member o f the I; O. O. F., whose life from C{nt4 IhWhargta\n Mule vr Fumalo, curin:^ jvtf»oort t&d A choice atock o f PuoTOOBAFn A lbum s, Mn. LOTTIE K. HULL. in phice of these. iSa not I f tbe dm«. ■d lha Meriden Booae, a three months. MILLINERY GOODS gfits will not bny them fbr yon, write to ns, and we decorated. Barray*s la one ot the laigeat aad Bata and Bonneta Bleached and preaaed ia the a by thsaa aad ooiHboaled by tbeir 40wl DMiBBlT HABTBBOBN, Bcc’y. Ambrotype-Cases, Oral Frames, Ae., ftc„ for in the state la at wttl send them to you by expre&s, seenrel ToaaTHU wtiH o n vavAa TABwn 6* Bioat elegant aaloona in tho atata-and its proprie- lalaat atylea, MmS* and free from observatiou. We treat al! dL. thM la. aaaa to ahow thst then waa aooe bad MBS. PABKER’S NEW STOBE. tof ii dsti7 wimUos (Oldsn oplnloiii^siid ■ale at Mo.-U, Mo b o a n Blo c k , by whicb tbe human system Id suljeot, and will be 8TATIONBBT. W a o tw t Maah bad arhiakyan atooad-lnabort W M W K X T H O O for the Cabinet Organ, pleaded to receive fWl and eiplld l atatementa frem d ta tttm to ta o M a a lo the otMy. lajuatloeto in tha g M , we b o ^ to t no yoong aum was ever JLw Helodaon, Harmoneon, and other Beed In- O . » CO .. those who have fciled to receive relief heretofbre. atrnmenU. •■Zundel’ e Helodeon Inatrnctor.” a T a B I T T. BLANK BOOKS AND KMOOX. BOOKS. d h o y a t — ItlhairaMplayan g in them agood more deserving otancceaa tban thia aame John 98,000 Worth of New Goods Ladios or e^ntlemen caa address os in perfect eon» A Barvey. to which Is added a collection o f the H ost Popn- W £S T M ERID EN, CONK. We deaire to send our thlrty*two paee DABOLL-S • ikiw id » . aad ■ r l hat aanb a n way fcr than being lar aonga o f the Day, and a rariety o f Faalm and Jaat reealred Itom New Tork, whleh v t b e ^ aold Itam tweaty to thirty per ceat leaa tl|an pauipblet ft-ee to every Ia*ly and gentleman in the ■"baata." Ia hriaC ftvas tha daacriplioB givaa na, We employ a regular correapondent in ■onthing- Bymanmea. T " ------Porcelain Photographs, Bare experienee in, and gire earefal attention |att«L Address all letters fbr pamphlets, medicine^ elegant lUaatni forawr pricea. 1 t l a i i « l n i a * » a i* ia g h ia« aad Daria hMeeoly ton to report for ua the local newa. and pay him tot The beaatlful Foreelain photognpha an aow to DESIONINQ AND MANDFACTURINa aU er advitie, to tha solo proprietor, BOBINSON GBUSOB, aomsD n C M n *. the Bodr and B _ , . , ______LAD IES, ona and all w ill flad it to their ad- LATaa* B D iT ig a i. doing it. That ia all right But aome of the city tiona o f InatrumenU. a oopioua dictionary o f made a t____ Unda of nieeMaehlaery and Aatooutle Tools, rantage to call befbre parchaaing elsewhere. ^ » r. W. B. MEBWra, 37 Valkar St.. H. T. ’ dailiee make a praciice of gobbling up the itema Haslcal terms, aad other mattera iwrtaialng to WHEELEB'S OAI.I.EBY, Die Slaking, aa4 light Jobbing to ordw. HATS .^D BONNETS CBXCKBBKD OAMB OF the atudy and practice o f Hualc for Beed Inslm- ply; aadothergoadatoai Hr.IiUie’a every week, and never think of hinting the aoarce menu. Price $1 SO, on receipt o f which ooides The old atand W ILC O X BUILDING. Manaftetare W UJ>ER’S PA T E N T BLEACHED, PRESSED AND COLORED, UNDERTAKIN8 whlla Mr. from whicb they are obtained. Xhia ia all wrong. w ill be sent by mall, postpaid. Published by They an oxquiaitely colored, and are the neat in the beat msBner at short notice. accurate o f likeneaaea, with all o f ihe delicacy ol ••POWEB FXTNCHina PBSBS.” X a . , aaya be OUVEB DITSON A CO', Qay’a BuUdiag, Main atreet, eaat o f ralroad, The Union anard. Captain Adama, report that 227 Washington Street, Boston. the moat flniahed Uintature upon Ivory. IX AI.L sizaa, arccEssoK to wm. m. sw tr, They are alao aa durable aa the porcelain plate MBS. MARY PARKER, .Taaoa'«(lheclltfc>a) "paidoa If be bad they had a good time at New Haven, laat Wodnea- navlBg had eighteen yeara’ experleace ia the b o o k h a u n t upon which they are taken, and may be w ip ^ or WILDER’S PATENT UNIVERSAL MILLING 37tf W est Meriden, Conn. Undertaking business, 1 now offer my serrlceo to ipaaMadMahoaae.” n rooatm . Mr. Buckingham day, whan they wen entertained by the Ooremor’a n i S T B I O T o r taSBXDVS, 8 S. VBOw SO NA]fXI>b«aaaa tkm la whera paapla ta V. BATE COUBT, H eriden, April 2S, 1866. wasted i;ritbaut loaiug their brilliancy and cOcom MACIIINE. tbe resldenls o f HerideB, and the surroaadiBg seaiahof aafaTaaeegarablm - a one dollar liill on tbeCU^ HoneOaards. pleteneaa. country, fteUag confident that I shall anceeed ia EsUto of BOXAKHA BBADLEV, la;e of Mcri- NEWELL'S CENTERINO AND SQUARING mHB F^O S TO BUT TOUB DBXBS • a » asek. t t OUftca, Canada. An hour after he dCQ d6 oes#^f He haa conatantly on hand a complete aasort; giving entire aatiafacllon in all eases ia which a ie Irea, Cpbam Baiid, will remove to their new A b e e f my serrlccs may tie required. 1 shall keep a good idei» wnci ■siMtdtatakalbaaamsblU. and denied glring It k The admiolstrators represent the estate insol- ment o f fnunea and caaea for tha porcelain plc- LATBE ATTACHMENT. UAHS, .«adaaroaa. Searc Booka, sad Booka rsaortad aton, in “ T n d e Bnilding," to-morrow (Thura- rentand pnya tho appointment o f Commission­ tufca. Alao ft«mea o f all Unda for photographs Parties wisbnig to contract for any Machinery or RIBS, assortment o f O. r . eaa aflaa ba obtolaad atma Booh K *H k «» wm, dabalaB awnthat aaaa In the hoaoe mnat ers thereon. and other pictures, oral, gilt, black walnut, rose­ day.) TheywiU open a largeand entirely new atock Toola, requiring good workmanabip, are tarltad SAUSAGES, CASKETS AND COFFINS wheaoeaMhalaawhae la aaorailliv aadaaMaMa i w a s i i w l t to a a a ,** aa iMkedrerymnch like ORDBBEDr—That Commissioners to n eeive wood, Ac. Call and aee nia atoek o f ftamea for S A L T PORK, ezhaaated. ot goods, of every rariety. and examine the eUims o f the creditors o f said youraelvea. He wam uta to aell frames as cheap toaaU. Mlf. o f Boscwood, Blaeh W alaot. and hnitatioa o f Waewwlyadviaaoar yoaag ULi4M aan or chenper than any other place In Ueriden. U aati Ihrt tba Mxt time tbaycametoHarideiH estate, be appointed at the Probate Offloe In Her- and SMOKED SHOULDERS, Rosewood i a large aaaortment o f BOBBS, o f atf BaakStioa*.Wala*a,p^e— ■ la t ttbeaaid. to thecndlt of Ueriden, that we Idon, on the 14th day o f Uay, 1800, at nine o' 1 12 8 a * Satin, Merino, and yietoria Lawn, alao Capa o f « « a lM r ln r a ls , ” that they put ap at Bogsn'a bare eM-gtace in town wbsn a ciUzen or atranger clock, forenoon; of whicb, all peraona la intereat Having been to great expenu in getting lenses A. C. MARKHAM & CO.,. for Q U A L IT Y and PRIC E. U at allkin^. P a ztie^ attention wlUbe gtrea to Mold. whan, we w a wanant, they w ill take notice, and appear, If they aee cause, and other apparatua for making all klnda ot ConUnnea to recelre choice branda o f the la;^g-oat, sharing, dreoaiu and preaerriw eaa obtain a oaod diaaaror a oomfortabte nigbt'a and be heard thereon. » lt f BALL, MORGAN A CO. o f B c ^ s . and eoaduc&ng o f nnerala. Bearse win taa aisal o ( BO aaaga. landacape riewa, buildinga, Ac., he ia ready at EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, IbrMaridea aad rMatty S t lo^giligwilhoat iHag offended by the amell By order o f Court. abort notice to make riewa o f any deainble o b 8 A I bare jart money nihnded. Ston oniosiM Morgan'a Balldlng. 38tf Weat Meriden, Feb. ; i s t , 18eA 2SsaS tal. by Psrrey Bogenifiwil l«r^ *m b «en eoadaclep g iL O V B jra BOOTS, FOB GENTS, A I S L WANTED.—A good girl wanted, to do iMiM boya-hali Soawthlag new aad Dke at F.WHSELKB, ^iaarar«¥« * B. on the tMDpMNnce priadple. roar treaa. v r hooaework. Enqnire of I. B. KLOCK, at the *W SOVTHWIOK'9. N t f V U «O B 9 aailB g.W 0ft ll« ld e B . Drug Store, WHtMaAden. 9«tf


NEW PERFUME BARGAINS! 4 0 0 0 DOLLARS NOTICE. WON’T USE ANY OTHER ! Tlic subscriber, having taken tho old Pont GlBco THE LAST AND BEST; THE RIGHT FINALLY. For the Handkerchief. «tona,ono door aouth of tho Morldon Bank, bega loavo inform the cltizena of Moriden that ho liaa DST eOODS, opcnea a EVERYBODY T j T K E S I T . WORTH Ladies* Slmivls, Cloaks, BARGAINS ! Boot and Shoe Store, Is Purely Vegetable. HALL & MOBeAN. Cloakings and Furs; —OP— whore may be found at olltimos a new and tastofnl variety of all kindn of Ladles’ and Ucntlemen’s Restores Gray Hair in Four Weeks, Arc offered by the subscriber to hia FitronB in oota and Shoes, and ^ FHUON’S CARPETS, Or Money Refunded. BOOTS & SHOES YANKEE NOTIONS, GROCERS, It "W ill do it E very T im e! Apiltnral IplcKits, which will bo acid CHEAP I OIL CLOTHS, Hoping to merit a liberal patronage from tho pub­ THBEX APFUCAOnOBS W UJ. eUBX AXiI. HUMOBB OT THX BCAIf. lic, he bugs leave to assuro thoao who may favor him with a call, that he will not bo undcruuld by PAPER HANGINGS lT o o s v any one acUlng tho aamo quality and stylo. ASK FOB WEBSTER’S RLCH AS Bcspeetfuliy. Henxv J. Ives. CURTAIN MATERIALS, (BirooKMraa to) Meriden, May 24th, 1865. 41tf CURTAIN FIXTURES AND VE6ETABLE HAIR INVI80RAT0R, TRIMMINGS, FLOWS, INSUmHCE AOAiMST CCIDEHTS. AND DOTPT TAKE ART OTBEB. The nndnalgncd eontomplatlng a ehanee hla business, offers his entire stock of THE TRAVELERS’ PICTURE CORDS AND TASSELS, Bold in KBBIBXH. by I. B. XIiOOK. Dniggiat. in Bradley*a BuUdina. H. T. WILCOX A CO., BOOTS AND SHOES, STAIR RODS, C ultivators, Insurance Company, Lobsters, Lobsters, SIB M AIN BTEEKT, HARTFOUD. ToUet and Faney Articles) COST PRICES. THE CAPITAL- - - $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Take pleasare in anBoancug to A ICoct X»iniaite, Delicate, and Fra* &c. Sec. &c. g n a t Feifkuae, Siatilled from the Bare This is «No Hoflikiig or clap-Trap,” INSUBES A O A IN S I ~tha citizens of Meriden an d ■Bd Baautifiil FUmar from which it HOBSE-nOES, RAKES, SHOVELS, PERUVIAN But •• SOBEB EABNEST,” FOR SALE takes ita iiama. okiily, that they hsre pwchttMd ACCIDEIVTS At the lowest market prices. SYRUP Ifami&etaied only by PH A L O N * SON, and our greatly reduccd prices must convlnse the Of every description. 1ft A FBOTBCTBD SOLOTIOS OT IBM KBWTOKK. good people of Meriden and vicinity that wo Causing Loss of Life or Bodily Injury. liie stock and trade of H. T. W a- HOES, QARDEN BAKES, SCYTHES, JOHN IVES & CO. Clams, Fish, mean what we say. Tlio Travolora Inauranco Company o f tlartrord, PROTOXIDE OF 1B0N» lEWABE OF GOmTEBFEITS. Sale to commence the 1st of Febmsry and to la tho pioneer Accident Inauranco Company In JOHN IVES & CO. a new discovery in medicine which cox Ss Co., and will continue th* M K w m nUlAVt-TAKB W) OTHBS. thia country; it has an ample capital and largo snipins,a directory of the hlgheat charaolor, and STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, •M l y Drani fMBiir. coatinue for60 days. In which time we hopeto Meriden, and bnsiness of 0 iaauei policies on favorable terms liisurlug In m m m \ by supplying the blood with Us vital princi­ MANURE, PITCH & SPBEADINQ FOBKS, MAKE A CLEAN SWEEP. auma of^»500 to (10,000, with $3 to |30 per week ple, or life element—UtON. couponKitlou. . ... This is the secret of the wonderful inecMt Agcnclea la all principal towca and eltlca. IVES, UPHAM & RAND, ASD N E W STOVE B. a . IMOJIU 8 , J u n s a. BATiEBaoK, Pretident. of this remedy in coring Bodsev Dsiina, Secr^ary. • {Collins 4^ Co.’s Comer,) AND J. O. ISOWABDf D TSPEP3U, LIVER COMPLAINT, DBOP- DBT 6IB0(XBS, HEBIDEN HOUSE BLOCK. S. DODD, Jr., W est Iferiden. ST, CHBONIC DIABBH(EA, BOOS, 8tr Agents for Meriden and vicinity. NEBYOVS AFFECTIONS, CHILLS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS, FEBBUABY Ut, 18H, AND FEVEBS, H0M0B8, Wholesale and Retail, LOSS OF CONSTITUTIONAL VIG­ OR, DISEASES OF THE KIDNBTS AtthaOUStaai AND BLADDER, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, N E W C O O D 8 . DRESS GOODS, BT and all diseases originating in a CLOVEB, TIUOTinr, BED TOP uiil GAB- BAD STA TE OF THE s;BI.OOD. and th ^ pledge thMmelvM to do DUN SEEDS of every deacrlptlOD. J. F. BEACH, or accompanied by d ib iu tt or a low aTAn O l o t l i s , o r THB aTSTmi. all in their poirar to : Bogers’s Building, W est Meriden. Being free from Alcohol in any fonn, its I. a LEWIS & co„ CASSIMERES. energizing effects are not foUowedby Ofres- u f h e j Ineihoii ponding reaction, but are permanent, infns- Have just returned from New York, where SIBKNOTH TO taE WEAKS! ing STBiaoTB, tiso b , and aaw £ » ■ into all YOUTH TO THE AGED SAEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, WE LO.N’T KNOW Fir*t~Ctan Store, OF parts of the system, and bnilding«np an we have purchased the largest and best as­ IBON CONSyiTCTION. Builders’ Hardware, Tbii preparation l i nncqaallcd as aBcjuv.nalor ZJlTBirB. FZiANHXIiB. and Restorer of waited or inert fonctionu. D7SPSFSIA AND SXBIUT7. sortment of Tho aged abould t>e certaia to mako the Blokreno ANY BETTER PLACE n o n THK vsaaBABLK aaoanaAoos soorr, d. d. by adliering to ta* fidlowiDf p i^ hoasehold god, and enable them to live over Tick^gs, Stripes, Checks, DtrsaAM, Canada East, March 21,1866. again the days of heir priatne Joy. It not only ex- hilaraioa but atreiigthona, and ia really an invaln^ Battings, Waddings, T O B U Y ' * * I am an inveterat* Dyapeptie af cepta, namefy— HAILS, GLASS, PUTTY WHITE LEAD, bio blcaalnif. eapecinlly to thoae who have reduced XOBl TEAS 25 TBAB8’ 8TAB0IBa. * * * (various brud*) Uniccd Oil, boUod and Dry Goods to a condition of aer^lty, aelf abaae, miaforiune or ordinary aickneaa. No matter what the cause Caepet Warps, I have been so wonderfully henaflted in th* raw, Coadi, Famltnre, and Japan Tarnialici of the impoteucy of any human organ, this superi- READY-MADE Clothing three short weeks during which I have uaed PLANES, SAWS, CHISELS, AT7GEBS, ever brought to this town consisting in Hosiery, We ahatt hetp tXe le tt orMobo iS ' pro aratlon will remove the iffcct ut one© and for­ T H A N A T the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely per- Aoeer Blta, FUei, Draw Shavea, Axea, Ham- ever. Alexander's Kid Gloves, black, snade mysrlf of tha reality. People who mera, Hatcheta, Wrcnchca, Tacks, Brada, port of B I 0 KRENE have known me are astonished at the change. he found m the nuniett. nniahing Nails, Screwa, BolU, Locka, Knobs, Curca impotenoy, Genurul Debility, Nervona In- white, and in colors; P. H A L L ’SI am widely known, and can but recommend BBCSUES, of every dcaeription. BROWN AND BLEACHED capucity, Dyapep^in, l>cpresi»iOD, Lusaof Appetite, to others that which has done so much for Alao a weU acleotcd stock of DBUGS, UEDI Low tipirlta, Weukueaaoi' theOrgaoa ol Oeneraiion, DRAWERS, NECK TIES, mei” * * • We ahatt aett fa r OABHy whick Imbecility, Ment 1 Indolouce, J^aclatiou. Knuul. MOBS E ’ s " b l o o k . CINES, PKBFUUEBY & CHEUICALS, OTTON GOOD SI It hua moat Delightful, Dusirable and Novel clTuct A Case o f 27 Tears' Standing Cured I ACIDS, DYE WOODS, together with aU other upon tho nervoua ay stem; and ail who are in any waa SUSPENDERS, From la slb t Jj^ B rr, 15 Avon Place, Boatiw. win enable ns to put evajthiag proatrateU by nervoua diaablUtica are earneatlv ad- He is constantly making additions tq his artielea neeesaary to make hla stock fliU and viaed to aeek u cure in this moat excullcnt uuu im-. “ I have suflered, and sometimes sefetely, &b., &c.. stock, and by a jndicioiu selection hopes to for 27 years, from dyspepsia. I commenced eomplete, all of which are offered at lowest cash PRINTS, equalled preparation. please bis nnmerons customers. As he is dam ttoU iehitBeatJigim . prices. B. P. FOOTE. Teraona who, by imprnrenco, have lost tho!r For sale by taking the Peruvian Syrup, and found imme­ House Furnishing West Meriden. April 18th, 18U. S7tf natural vigors Hmi a apeody and pcr.oanent gradually working out of the HAT AND diate benefit ftom it. In the courae of thia* DRESS GOODS, cure In the JOHN IVES & CO. CAP trade, he will sell anything in that Ca^OODS STORE. BIOKRENE. or four weeks I was entirely relieved from Flour, SngMT, MnTiw^ An old song set to • new tuna. line very low for CASH. my snfierings, and have enjoyed nninteirnpt- Til* FEEBLE, tlie LAKOUID, the OliSPAIB- Meriden, and He has on band shirts, nndershirts, and ed health ever since.” DE LAINES, n iU ibo OLD aboaU glTe thU tfilaable dlacererjr a drawers, overalla and oversbirts, bandker- Butter, Cbeese, Lard, OOi^ Fiih, Griswold's Motto: «-18G G ..eir trial; It Wiu be round toully difleront Iiom ai cbiefs, ties, suspenders, stockings, gloves, 0:!lJ£ OF T B S MOST DIBTINOUISHSD JUKXSIS other arliclea for the aamo purpoaea, IN NEW ENGLAMU WBTTBS TO A trunks, ba^, umbrellas, and other articles, IIUEND AS FOLLQWa: BmaU P r< ^— Quick Balea — “ As apringuproachca CARPETINGS, XU FEMALES.—Thia prcputatlon la invaluable Ives. Upham & Rand. Anta and Koaehea In nervoua weakneaava of all kinda, na It will re- which be will sell for CASH only, as low “ I lisve tried the Pomvian Syrup, and the result Vegetables, ColEee, Teaa, Spioei^ CASH. From their holes oomc out, atoie the wsated with wonderful permanonce. {Collins ^ Co.’s Comer,) as the lowest. folly snataiiia yonr prediction. I t has made s aaw And Miae and Bata, It ia alao a grand tonic, and n 111 gvlo lulief in. He baa a choice lot of tea from one of the WAS of m e; infused into my ayatem new vigor and OBISWOLD BELLS— In apite of eata, &c., &e. Dyspepaiu with the first doae. A brief peralatcnce energy; I am no longer tremulous aad debUitatad. Crockery, Wooden Wair, GlUi OsUy s l^ about." in ilB uao will renovate tht atomach to a degree ot best New York bouses, which be will war­ aa when you laat aaw me. bnt stronger, hsartier * Batstow’s Wide, W-i-d-e perfect health, and baninb Dyapepaia forever. WEST MERIDEN, CONN. rant to five satisfitction. and with larger capacity for labor, mental aad phy Benowned STOVES, One dollar ^ r bottle, or alx iiottlca for |5. Sold Drafts on thfe Boyal Bank of Ireland, anB sical, than at any time during the last Sve years.’* Ware, etc., etc., as cheap u can by Omgglata genera'ly. Sent by eipreaa anywhere passage certificates by steamers and sail- . We have abo an excellent line of by addreaiing iflmuanuBTfimuamlM havtnavt ternoeei» cnamgchanged bi) the m e of (Ut The best made on tliii or any other coa Infl vessels, for sale at New Tork rates. T€nudyt/rom---- - r------ioeoifr»1 nckty^ euffering a creaturu, to Unmtp. OBISWOLD fignres below either HUTCHINS & HILYER, Proprietors. TAKE GABE OF TOQB UH Call on P. HALL, MonM’s Block. atrongtMoUh^^ and happyumentmdmmen; men ondiia- be pnrchaaed ia Hartfoid or Kow Hartford or New Haven pricea. 0I1< CLOTHS I 28 b o j Street, New York. West Meriden. Oetober M, USS. valid* cannot reaaonably ketitmUatelogneitalriid. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing eertiflealesof The rebellion has gone np, then “ Hip, and a new assortment of eurea, and recommendattona from some of tlia m o t HaYen. OTICE! Q T I C E l PAT’S. Sept. s. 186 aminent phyaielana, oiergymen, and othera, iMsidaB Up, bnrrabl a long lond bneEal" for eve* much other valuable and Intereating matter, will ba W IU IA M A. B A U » lybody is getting in {avor of the avikg sold out THB CUABCOAL smtmiaatnanY one sendiagua their nm e aad ia » PAPER HANGINGS,* m H BUSINESS carried on by me for the laat W nAIAM r MOBCUUI. twenty yeara to J. G. DICKINSON on account w r- See that each bottle h a a r a n m A a STB- lu m ia a Which for style and cheapneas eannot be CSntiNiiMm V f blown in tlie glase. o f ill health, I deaire to cxpKaa my thanka to DR. STRIOCLAIID’S MELLDXOVS COUGH voa SAUSV UNION « Uyasrs estsMishad in N. Y. City.” equalled by any other dealer in Meriden. BALSAM la wamnted to cure Condia, Colds, ■ M E R I D E N « Onlj infUllble remedies known.^’ Our stock of the public for the liberal patronage extended to Hoaiseness, Asthma.WhoopiDgCoagh,SoieThroat J. P . DIN8 MOBE, 38 Dey Street, ITew York COOKING STOVE! Free fhtm Poisons.’' me m paat yeara and would aak a eontindlmcc o f ConsumpUon. and aU affeotioaa of tiw Throat and SSTH W . FOWLE * SOM. U Trcmont St, ' Not dangerous to the Bamaa Family.” the same to my aucceaaor, J. G. DICKINSON. Lungs. Forsaieb yd ru f^ ts. M_centB per bot­ ______AmUntaUDrttggieU.______« Bats come out of their holes to die.” tle. OeOrgeO. Goodwin k Co., S7 Hanover street, EIRE IN8TJEAHCE, .GROCERIES Having had dcoHnga with him for a number o f Boston, scde sgenta for New Bngland. . «ma "Costar's” Bat, Boach, &c. Exter's, years, I take pleaaure m recomtaending him to The Model Republic Is a paste—uaed Ibr Bata, Mice, Boaehes, —ASD— the luhabitanta o f Meriden as an houoral>lc He Ca BUTLEBy AffsxL ■ a fixed fkct; so is the Model Cook. The Black and Bed Anta, Ae., Ae.;Ice., Ac. dealer, feeling confident that he w ill do all he Hoin F i b b I b s u b a b o b C q m p a - OLD BAT BTATE leads off against the “ CosUr's” Bed-Bne Exterminator, CROCKERYl ptomUea. mcHABD HOTCHKISS. rrtMis, and the B T , New T ork; la a liquid er wash—used to destroy, and S E E L Y ’S Dr. STBICXIANB'S PILE BEMEDT has cnred also a preventative of Bed-Bugs, Ac, have been bought at prices which defy com­ CHABCOA1.I CHABCOAI.! thonaands of the worst cases of Blind and Bleeding I O J H 2 . H a b t y o b d F i b b I b s u b a b c b C o m - CoBtar’s ” Electro-Powder, for Insecta, petition. We also keep on hand at all times Patent m etallic flkile Piles. It gives immediate relief and effects a per­ DB. H. ANDEBS’ IODINE WATER, Bay State Cook Stove a v i n g b o u g h t o u t t h e c h a r c o a l manent cnre. Try it directly. It is warranted to A Pure SobUim o f Iodine, wrraouT a soLvnrrI I P A in r , Hartford ; la for Motha, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed-Bugs, a full stock of BUSINESS forfteriy carried on by R. A MEW INVBMTlOar. cure. For sale by all Druggists. Fifty oentk per Containining a roLi. oaAia to each onnca e f wal«r. H Wetting tUe Feet ia the most prolide cana» o f P h o b i z F i b b I b s u b a b o b Cqh- insecta on Planta, Fowls, Animals, Ae, Hotehkiaa with boreca, wagons, coal, Ac., 1 take bottle. Oeo. O. Goodwin k Co., 37 Hsaover street, The most powerful vitaliaing agent and reatoratlv* b u taken the lead and obtained a greater dueaae and death known to humanity. Itis al- Boston, sole aaenta for New England. known. ____ ' PANT, Hartford ; reputation than any other stove tliat ever « 9 >! I ! BkwabbI I I of all worthless imita­ FLOUR, CORN, OATS, thia mcana o f Informing the Iniubitanta o f meat aure to bring on a cold; and colda, neglected, It |A(u cured and itiU cure SCBOFULA ia all Ita tions. a9*See tliat “ CosTAn’s ” asme Is on Keriden that I w ill keep constantly on hand a and often when not neglected, lead to fevera or EOASifold ' ----- N o b t h A m b b ic a b I b i^ b a b o b was invented. each Box, Bottle, and Tlaak, before yon buy. to eougha and fatal conaumptiona. It la in recog­ INSUBANOE large quantity o f all klnda o f charcoal wliich ULCERS, CAIICI __ COMPABT OBISWOLD sells the gennine avAddress, HENBVHENBY K. COSTAB, MEAL, FEED, &c., nition o f ttala tiuth that the Inventive talent ot the SALT BBi^lfM; i82 B ros^ay. New Y’ork. I deliver to all parta o f Heriden and vicini­ country hw for years been deviaing aome method and it has been used withaatoniahlngsaeeeaaiB ■ aaba ty at prices aoitablo to the time*. 'Xhere are or attempting to devlaelt, for keeping tb^ fm t dry, Fire, Life, and Marine. oaaeaof lOa M onitor Clothes W ringer Sold, m Meriden by I. B. KLOCK aad B. P. and yet that should not give inconvenience to the thaa which we will sail a little lower,than the others that claim to be driving Ibr me and aelUng COMBINED CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS OY£B BHitniATisM, DvaraisiA, coHsuiirTn.a, ta raeaiva nalieattoaa aad «• iaaaa aawtsa agrinaa FOOTK, andby aU Drugglsta and BetsUcrs. wearer. 8 ioaa aa« *Kie5ftoe,aadiW tfaBnC5a5*ee wbidi has a aolid white rubber roller, that on my name tiu t are not in my employ, to remedy nouLa coMn.uaT , Haaar, uvaa, lowest market prices. We would invite our Rubber ahoea in one form or another, have hith­ $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . aan am aiT nisaiais^ ao. ■ariaa aad miaad aaaHaMsa, aa ustaiii iM a» will not im nt your ctothes. customers and the public generally to call th li 1 iiave put my name on each aide o f my erto been our relionou; but it is well known, aa Cirenlar sent raaa to any address. praaaioB. Ha aiaa laaaraa !■ tw«lv» aa m tm Come on, then, with your postal national among^helr many evils, that while thsy keep the BAliVEL B. MOBGAN is acting for the Price 11.00 per bottle, or 6 tor t&OO. ethea aersapoaalMaaoaiiaalaaae tta sa aaa ! ■ tte 1 8 6 6 . and exmine our stock, knowing that if wagons and aleda. So do not believe such de- feet from external moiamre, they aweat carreney rags, that are to be worthless Da. H . ANDEBS * Ca, Phyaielana A Ch«ni.ts, INCREASE OF RATS.—The F a n u r's they do so none will go away without pur­ ceivera, but aee for youraeives for 1 ahall have them over much, and by thus indoeing an undue srvnrycitaaaaar aometime in the unseen future, and ex­ chasing. We Intend to sell if low prices no teama without my name ia on them. So that tendemeaa increase a ausceptibiiity to colds rather 428 Broadway, New Fork. (ToxfM (English) asserts and proves by fig' than otherwiae. They are alao enmberaome to Conn. Mutual Life, change it for metal that has the true ring, and good goods will effect it. If you do not get what you pay for, you will know Alaoforaaleby SETH W. FOWLS A SOIT.M and rubber that has no smut; for Stoves, uresthrt one pair of BATS will qave a yro- who to patroniae in fliture. Having made ar- the feet, and withal are very expenatra. The de- HABTFOBO, Tremont Street, Boaton, and by Druggiata gaa- and decendantano leaa than 661,0M ingenya rangementa to furnlah most o f the manufaetoriea, II and ia for aomething that ahaU make the ordi- •raUy. ______' ' Eureka^urska. BaagM, Vaniaoes, Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper, my teama w ill be m lleriden, aa oitea aa every nar> boot and ahoe impervious to wmot, wltiiontwi CAPITAL, $9,000,000. Britannia, Brats, Glass, Wooden and Wil­ three;years. Now unless this immence fsm- Otaer day and sometimea ev330 per Share. I ^ S e e ''CosTAB'B,' advertisement above. distance from the thoroughCues through whieh herewitii preaented to the public. ____ Bates the same aa other Companiea, CO nail B U S AIL WEED’S SEWING MACHINE. charcoal teams uauaUy paas, 1 have hung alatea Tiie invention conaiats in Inserting between the CITY FIBE...... Hartford. In the roat Offloea at W id e n and Weal Meri­ inner and outer sole when the iMot ia making, a PUTNAM FIBE ...... Hartford. T B B OBSAT B B O B V O F den, upon wliieh those wlshinK coal are mvited thin Metolllo Plate, exceedingly ductile, combining PEOPLES FIBK ...... Middletown. 1 8 6 6 . to leave their orders, givm g the name and atreet flexibility to the end desired, while the additional CONWAY FIKB ...... Boston. expenae is merely nominoL It furnishes a perfect BATS BIBDS.—Whoever engages dlsUnetly as possible. 1 hope by honorable deal PEOPLE’S FIBE...... Worcester. t S U X j . versus ins and striet attention to business to merit a barrier against the admission o f wet or dampness, LTTOHFIBLD MtTTUAL...... Litchfieid. F. J. >EBe in shooting small birds ia a cruel man; who­ shore o f the pubUo patronage, all orders lelt at though the feet may lie exposed ever so long noon MIDDLETOWN MUTUAL...... Biddletown. FIRST DOOR WEST For thirty-five yeaiB Dr. PM - ,(r-- ever ^ds in exterminating raU is a benefac- the aiwve places, with my teams or addressed to wet pavements or dsmp ground. And several othera. Tu ladles and ebiliren the Metallic Soks will be aa oheapaat. OB’S Consh Bahaa baa W torw We should like some one to give us the subscriber at Rockland, Conn., w ill be of incalculable value, aa from their habits oi life pwmpUy attended to. q . p^^KIN sO N. organ Block, the benefit of their experience in driviDS and delicacy ot dress, they are particularly exposed andS for sale of MERIDEN HOUSE, osed with tnumphao* sneceak m m m out their peata. We need something b^ to the long train o f ills that attend upon an la « l^ foreign countries. 62-tf quate protection to the feet. West Meriden, Coim. No article has e m Iwaa aidea dogs, cats, and traps for this bnainess. These soles have already been tried by the best wnted to the piOli^ poMSiing —Beind ^ Awitriean, of all teat% aotuai. vbk, and the testimonials to Make your own Soap l y S e e " Coitab'b ” advertisement above. their merits, freely preferred, indicate that they such power and efficacy. Some Folks can’t Sleep Nights! mi at be speedily and universally adopted by the S to v e s , puliUe. The Patent Metallic Soled Boots and BY SAVDIO AND USING YOUB WASTB B a n g e s. I t win earn OOLDSL COUOHS. FISH Q£0. C. GOODWIN & CO., M. 8 . BUBR dc CO., GBEASE. BUY A BOX OF THE and WKUKS & ro T T K lt, Wbolesule Drugglsta, loes are being very gonerallT mtroduceddt throughout Ithe United States, and will snpplan H ot A ir Fum aces, h o a b s e n e s s T s o b b 1 8 6 6 . —ASD— Boaton, and DEMAB BAR^iB k O., WholoaaU Druggiata, New York. all forma of overahoea, except possibly for'deep ^eMMgyiraMia Sait J&mmWae^ TIN, SHEET IBON and COPPER WARI, THBOAT, CATABB^ JDIPB- WHEELEB & WILSON'S, “ COSTAR’S ” RAT EXTERMINATOR Are now prepared to aupply^Hoapitala, Physlciani, mud or aoow, aa they twcome known. Be aure to get them and take no other, tw r im g CoMjHiny’* POBCELAIN KETTLBS, IRON, JAP- is simple, safe, and sure—the most perfect OYSTER DEPOT. and tho trade, with the standard and invalablo I f yonr ataoemaker ANED and BBITANNU WABB, THEBIA, W HOOPINO remedy. • doea not ha. . to have them, he can procure mOBEST PREMIUM RAT-iflcation meeting we have ever a t­ them without diOlonlty. I f he will not, then aend COUGH, ASTHMA, BBON- tended. Every rat that can get it, properly DODD’S ^BV U ra:. yonr youraelf to the inventor one dollar and titirty prepared, will eat it, and everyone that eaU LOBSTERS &. SHAD, This article surpaaaea all known preparatlona for cents, and ol)tain aiz pair, aaaorted aizea, with right SAPONIFIER, Clothes Wringers I CHinS, CONSUXPTIOH, the cure of all forma of to use, which will be promptly forwardeU by mjail Sewing Machines, it will die, generally at some place u dis­ SHAD & LOBSTERS. or express pru-paid. wiiieh can be made up by any OR CONCENTSATED LT£. COPPEB AND CHAIN PUMPS, and aU affectioos of tha T hnai tant aa possible ft«m where it was taken.— CONN. RH'EB SHAD. Nervousness. shoemaker in the country. A^eQciea will be e.- It will make ten pounds o f excellent hard soap, andLnnga. Lake Shore {Michigan) Mirror. It ia rapidly superseding all preparatlona of Ubltahed in every city or villuge, and anpplied or twenty-flve gallona o f the very beat lOft soap, HARDWARE; Opium and Yalerian^the well-known result of for 01^ thirty-five cents. Directions on each A a BBT VOB Thonauida have used it. aad The teeoids of the varioos taapotiaat meehaal' l y S e e ' CoBTAa's advertisement obove. with solea and proprietary atampa, at achedule eal and indostiUl aaaoclations throashont the NORWALK OYSTERS, wnlch ia to produce Ooatlveneaa and other serious pricea, and liberal commlaaion allowed on aalea. box For sale at aUdmg and grocery aiorcs. dlfflcultioa—aa it allaya Irritation, Beatleasness, and Also General Agenclea for BUtea appointed on ap­ found ratief whenaU elM haslUbd. eeaator are aigBiaaaatof thepemUaitty of the Spasma, and induces regular action of the bowels plication, with proper teatimonlals to the inventor. Fairbanks’s Scales. I t has no flqiaa^ an d » trial wiU Wfcselsr * WUsca Mschlae. They have stamped and accretive organs. 8 AMUEI. 3. BBELY, B uildinq lots. , ^ 1 8 6 6 . CLABIS & HALIBUT, N o preparation for nervont Dlieasea ever sold For sale by BASKETS, WOODEN WARB, apoa it n c FLUB DLTBA. The AmeriosalB' General Dvpot, comer City Hall f lace and Beade conviooe the most akqpticaL HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin so readily, or met wwi i h such universal m approval. street. New L'otk. ELI BUTLER, stttute, Sew Totk, niNnts: FRESH & SALT FISH, For Fits, tUeepleaaness, Loas of Kuergy, FecuUur A t the Home National Bank. X j a m ' D S , Sold by L B . KLOCK, nXfelsmaeUae makmthe need be so no longer, if they use “ Cob- Female Weakneaaea and IrregnUrltiea, and all TB8TZKOIJA1.8. tab’b ” Exterminator. We have used it to Of every description. tlie fearful mental and bodily aymptoms that fc‘ The undersigned have for the paat alx months LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD. low in the train of nervoua dlaeaaes, Dodd'a Ne worn boots and nhoea posaeaaing Mr. Seeley’a Me­ . oar satislitction; and if a box cost five dol­ vine is the best remedy known to science. Sol tallic Sole, and find them an elfeciaal preventative F u R N I T U B l C M.OV M , lars, we would have it. We have tried pois- VEGETABLES, FRUIT, .&c. by all Druggist#. l*rice, $1. againat dampneaa, and the colds so often taken NON EXPLOSIVE CABBON FLUID, LOCE-STITCH, ons, but theyeflected nothing; but “ Cos- 1 1 . B* STORBR, 4b Co». ProprtetorSf from dampness. Most gladly do we testify to tar'a” article knocks the breath ont of Rats, |[Cash paid for produce of all kinds, or [20w0ffi] 75 i'ulton Street, Now York. the perfect eiUoiency o f their service. The Me- A choice assortment of SILVER PLATED ■ad ranka hlgfceat on aeeount ef the elaatielty, allic Bole is not only a grand contribntio n to the SMALL ADVANCE ON COST, WARE. permanance, beauty, and eeneral deainbleneaa of Mice, Roaches, AnU, and Bed-Bugs, quicker taken in exchange. cause o f general heal heutlh, but a posttim luxury, REMOVAL! than we can write it. It is in great demand obviating all neoessity o f India Uubber shoes, ex­ AT EOUSEKBEPINO ARTICLES of tha stlcthlnK when done, and the wide range of cept in 'imddy weatLer. All ordinary dampness, tbs sppUeriton.” all over the country .—Jireitna( Ohio) Oazetie. every variety. I ^ S e e “ Costab’b ’’ advertisement airave. and even water upon pavements, is completely this teport was is aeeordance with the previonaly failed o f it> power of harm by tills most simple FARMING UTENSILS aiwt GARDEN TSB rspsated awards at the Pair of tho United States J- I. PARKER, Packing Boxes. and useful invention. No one who haa ever need TOOLEY &J^LADWIN’S. SEEDS. XAaCPAOTURED BT them will ever bo without them agam, as they iu> Agftcaltaral Boeiety. at tha Fatra of the 1 8 6 6 . crease the cost of shoes by a sum which is scarcely New Boot aad Shoe store No. 2 STATE STREET. worth naming, and insure, positively, dry feet, GAS FIXTURES, AnaiCAB Im m iT K , New York, A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST.— which is reckoned amP"g tbo first conditions of O l d F u b n i t o b b HaoBAinca’ AasocuTioH, Boaton, Speaking of “ Cobtab'b ” Rat, Roach, Ant, GEORGE GAY, health and comfort. We heartily commend the AND Next door to Paddock's Meat Market. LICJiiNSED “ Metallic Sole” to all the sensible. Watbb, Stbax, Oas F it­ la Now Open n u K u a laaiiTDTB, Philadelphia, Ac. Exterminator—“more grain and pro- J. CLEMENT FBENCH, BOUOHT AWO B O I iD , t in g , P lu m w o , EairevcKT lasrw uTc, umlsvilie, vistona are destroyed annually in Orant Faster Central Congr^ t i ^ M lC h u re^ Brooklyn. ■T HaoaAmoa* I mstitctk, BslUmorc, coimty by vermin than would pay for tons West Meridca, April isth. S7tf House Carpenter. Dec,lS68, and jobbing done aVjhort notice. EAST OF RAILROAD, SmusL J. Staa.iT,Esq. : by experienced workmen. Mbobavicai. AssociAnoH, St. Louis, iW it) Herald. (near Foster & Merriam’s.) Uear Sir—In reply to yonr inquiries regarding LOOLKY & G LADWIN. MacHonos' Uistitutb, Ban Frandaco, ly S e e “ Cobtab'b’* advertisement above. WEST MERIDEN. your patent HetaUic Soles, I take great plessnre in FBEDEBICK J. WHEELER. K btbopoutab Mbchasios’ lasnruTB. PAINTING stating that I had them put in a fine pdr of saif FOB UFHOLSTSBINO. rSMlSlS. Washinctoa. _ « ^> o ld In Meriden by I. B. KLOCK and skin boots, which I wore the whole o f last winter B. P. FOOTE,andaUDr^gUtaandDa&. In the wet streeU of Albany. I have had them CABFKT FITTING, Aad the WMa Fslrs of Maine, Vcnnont, Coa- A . H A B V E Y . haIf.soled since, and am wearing yonr Metallic S ta te of Conn., and M tridtn, asedoit, Saw Yoik, >ew Jersey, Pennsylvania, Bolea now, with foil intention never to be without aaw slaaa a« Calaav si TEAWSLATOH OT SOUSS, them. I have not had a wet or damp foot during CUBTAIN UAHGING. NEWW HATB9 COTOTT, TbHala, msdsalppi, Wesonri, OUo, CURTIS’ FRAGRANT the whole timu 1 have worn them. I pronounce aiwgaslaeb s f 8rs* < Iowa, Tsaaessee, Illinois, Kentucky, meUgsn, Reatorer o f J>eace« and them the best insole yet made. I am satisfied ASD JOBBING » THAT U as, UsathaNaw SnhalltalallgrtevaOoatab wtsseasla, CsUlbmU, and at hundreds of County that no person having once worn them will do CAU. oa W H I T E Sc M O O R E * S CASH Fairs. DENTILINE Paper Hanging, HABUONIZEB OF WIDE SEPABATIOSS, AT without them. Wishing you the success yon de­ CoC and Examim Them. Rnatle Bloek, serve for ao valuable an invention for the preser­ O riginal M att CofEbe. AT A SUOH* A D fAJK B V M S «QSI’. CLEANSES AND PBX8EBVE8 THE vation o f health. I remain trflly yonra, Will hold forth at all reaaonablehoum. Advlcjfree G l a d w i n . An maehines wairsated one year. Ail kinds —BT— SAMUEL JEFFEBSON, Contractor, New York. T o o l k y & The only L ______Welaraipaiedi except to thoae who imow more than I do. Itubbera Jan. 10. 21tf For sale by all groeera TEETH, repaired if poaaible. Mn. Saudsl j . Sellxx : ' „ , «f maeUae trimmings, SUk, Thread and Needles, Dear Sir—1 take great pleaaure in ooc ring my a . « , • , 8I,,.> awyo, s » s a * •sabskad lyr eyiiiy ^ ^ house, between the CUB^S SOFT AKD SPONGY OB . HI OTHER WORDS, teatimony to the uaefUlneas and comfort of yonr L ook H ere I Bsplistaad< JONES * HULL. Give me a eall, and i f you chooae r. COOK k 80N,’ w£Md^Agm£iforMaridsa aadflritdsaliiw e hOfataaMBM • 8 a M i« « * patent MeUllic Bole. I ^ v e uaed a pair of boota e i f \ Barrula of Forest Mills Flour, at U i u . 38 ly J. W. I ’U mend your Boota, repair your Shoes: for the paat aeven months, furnished with this sole, d £ \ J MonoAsi i Co’s. and vcinlty. Send on yonr orders. pabUegaiMmag^ - Meriden \ j B. P. FOOTE, and L Set up the Heels, renew the Soles, Agent fbrHcridtn. KLOCK.______20nS and feel no hesitation In aaying that I have never 2onaIf Boxes Raisins. Sew all the rips, and patch the holes: woma hoea that combined ao TCrfectly the deairable ar.T. a BTZCUIS U8B1> B T COAL ! H y seat o f work. In Rustic Ulock, qualities of dryness and durability. A new lot of liest quality Crockery and Yellow BOOTS & SHOES i>i7XLDnro L o n . Is wlier. 1 use the best o f stock; EMMA OVEltTON, Brooklyn, New Xork. Stone Ware, bought before the advance, Ibr sale ELECTRO PLAT E ^ B i B »u > iss OBKAr. Foraaleby M y thread ia atrong, my leather tough. SAunsL J. S s u jv , 1 sq.: JD The subesriber ia now prepared to fumlah M y T ebms are C A B H -I -ye aaid enough. Such sa ACIDS, CYANIDES, BAX ELI FLl BUTLER, Dear Sir—In answer to yonr request, I am aOBarrela of good WIN T E R Apples. A few bush­ pleased to state that I have mannlkctnred ahoea els of Litchfield Co. Walnuts. TESY CUE, * 0., goto A i O c A m u NaHtmal Btmk. A t the Borne NaixoMu £oMk. who waat Osal, at low ratae for eaah, oomprisinB Nice SMOKED BALUOir&DBlED containing yonr Metallio Bole by macidnery. 1 A splendid lot of B. KLOCK’8. B E E F, a t think them a superior article for keeping the feet all the kinds and qualities known to the trade. d n . In manufactoring them there is no tronbia FAUBUTTEB. He haaalso Jnrt^< I. ByTLER * 6 0 .1 E LI UXJTLER, ELI BUTLER, W . H .F I 8 E . 100 Dos. irauESH s a a s . at BALL. MOaOAK k CO. AiVM Etmt JftUmuASank, Ai ike Horn Notimua Bank. MeridtB,ftipNmb«rlMb,ieH. Ttf H A U « KOBQAN * 00’S, Fraetleal 8ho» Hannfketunr, SraoUrn. H, Y. A t J. X. WUiQOl *

m m - .