y ,} U JTIEt fi. RIMS, Editor aid P ak llsh cr. |ajjir ftJr % p t ^l)n-2445«s_^$iiteal it! TERHS-Tw* D*Dan fer Tear, la i i f M M * , grirafeb tn gtatttrs anb k (SmraI_to % ^«rt, % ®rat, % (Sonb anb % §ta»tifiil, in ^arfidlar. V o l . 3 . WEST MERIDEN, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1866. N a 4 0 . HOTCHKISS k MERSICK, The company seated themselves. The _ 8k pttUbn §(«»«», Carpets, Carpets, ^ i r r b e r . I entered npoa wsa the well-known one o f •* Conp> leta.” The flrat pUyer ftamlshed a line o f poe- BTATB o r COBSSCTICnTT. W « offer one of t£e Urgeit and 172 State Street, I try, to be matched or rhymed, by the nextpUyer, liU TH ER a. RIGGS, (Old Stand EN G LISH , A T W A T E B & CO.,) • OrFlOX OF THB COMMANOBBm-CRIKF, \ andsoon. Falling to make the requisite rhyme, lyyj^DaSia BSITu'^SIs NewHaTen,May2d .u a «. A Game of F obfeits. KDROB AWD rBOFBOCTOB. [Generaiprden.] thedellnqnent anat pay a forfeit; Mr. Aaheroft aat next to Margaret. Aashe Most Complete Assortment NEW HAVEN, CONN., TbeGaMBunder-ln'<niler,onretiilns'.flrom the wnm sN roB ib b mebocb uzbbabt bbcobdbb, had expected he gave out aline the hut word o f MiUibaa n w r Wadnaidir morains, it No. 3 terrlco, takea this occasion to speak in eomaen* BY CLABA AUGUSTA. IMPOSTERS OF AND SEALERS IX which it Is impossible to match. She made no L V V H U a . ■ 1 M 8 .MMMP. ’ ^ ^ n S a i S Z O d o ^ a iM t . Wert XerUUn, • — OP— datlon o f the seTcral companies o f GoTeinor’a attempt to do so, but merely said, Gnards,anidof the Conncetient National Gnard, I s a b e l B ain s fo b ]> looked up llram the letter « WeU, Mr. Asherolt ?” she held In her haad with sparkUag eyef. AOVKRTlBtMa RilTES: aliJ^ty with which thej hare obejed all “ BhaUlsay on?” Wednewiay; Hl«y IS S 6 . ISON, STEEL AM) NAILS, issitd ftom this office; for their fldelity • <Oh! how good. She will be here to-nor- 9, CABPETS She grew a little pale—set her teeth—as an­ and efflapfer while cn duty rand eordlally to ro w !” swered him in a cool, even volcc, thank th e a A r serriees thns rendered. » Who,BeU.”’ OHAHOB 8 O p A n A B . IX XEW ESQLAKD. M ETAIiS OF ALL KINDS, “ Yes, yon may aay on.” He eoa||0tnlates. the whole mlHtary force in ‘■Pardon me. I had forgotten your preaencc, *■ And yon promise to perform.”’ O n ly a UtUe m ow thaa oae year haa slapsi il being b ett^ arined anUirmed and equipped, than Horace. I rafor to Mlaa Wellington—Margaret. BOTAL VELVET CABPET 8 , I have promised.” slaee Bobert B. I.ee, the traitor chief of the r period. Yon have heard me mentfam'her I" ENGLISH BRUBBEL8 , Manufacturers’ Supplies, ** V ery well then.** He leaned ovsf aad whia- traitor foreea. anrrendered the a i ^ Of aatlhsm ■ pleaanre in paaslng the eomnand ■•Manytlmea. Abeauty b shenotl” VIrglalato Usaf. Geaeral 6 iaA bal tha AHBBICAN BaUBBELS. peredlaher ear-th e worda w en totaUy taaadl- r whose ezperlenee in the laid “ Xon thaa that. SheUdMMsoaU thegea. shsMgaa'W that jea» at ahi^ ENQU 8 H TAPESTET. ble to othera. bat Wsa WalHi^tw AXEBICAN TAPKSTBY, ittita ’ Bitlr ^mral liirlibnrt, <l»llBat » “ Klsetho auk y«h love hsafcn .» f TH B E K F L Y . iSSSi^'Si^SSiSSiS& SS ShenddaaedvWbly.aad a Imdi of pda eaae inierast wiU' raealr* do* herloveteaflM, Bhalaa* aoU-bat aaftadaa- IN O B A IN S , into her eyea. attentien.. ^ WM. A. BUCKINOHAII. liBg I aad prond aa aa empreaa. I ’ d g ive a g rsa t <• isthla fldr, Mr. Asherolt Belting, Files and Screws, Official: ' Commandar-ln^Jhlef. dealtoaee themaa whosepreaeaeewoaldbring FLOOB OIL CLOTHS, H o^ c e J. H obse, *• Ccrtshily—there waa no attpnhition in regard tha*lfth«ya TABLE OIL CLOTHS, BEOOBDEB OONTBIBUTOBB: onestalnof erimsontotheaaowy marble o f her to the nature o f the forfeit.” he happy aad gratalhl-aMa. n a w waa ■•• • 40wl Ad)ntan^General. forehead.” FA F E B H a n g in g s , aZ.nE, JBMERY AND BOBAX. “ Yon are dght. Shall I take my own time alave between the Matytan* Itaa « • «w e iA « ■ GILT HOLDINGS, TasaDOBB Tnoos, WUXIAH B. BUBLBlaB, State oj^CoinreoTicnT, New Haven couhtt, “ Yen are an enthualaat, Bell,” aald Lieut. the Texaa Border, th a ^ New Haven, April», A. O. I860. “ Yea.” BBAOES, OBOBaa W. BunoAT, OBABLBS a . IiBI^ABn, GranviUe, anppressing a yawn, for the mentfon feaaedto be, by theae si AOEKTS FOB THE BALB OF aso. Lmania Ta tia b , J. SiABB Holloway, ANN CLABK, i o f thla beantUU flirt wearied him. He had aeea She amlled to herself-Asheroft, h alf triam- HOLLANDS, abah b ow us abob phsat, hade the the game go on. Horaee Gran­ to the right o f ABMriean nWlasas^ S B. K , VnuA Ji E. P , ao nmny aouUeaa thinga la Ua day. W . f t s . BU TO H EB’8 LO R D LiawooD, Amaboa M. OODOIiAaS, ESLBKY D; CLABK. I ville aoftly withdrew. For aome reaaona the selvaa. The two seven taaehsn o f tha M l t t aVTM M ir adVMtlHra «iU be MtUttcd to iiMp X a t b Kxudau, Ab x a ILB atbs, T P O N tte petition o f the aald A N N Hetook v th e dainty envelope thatteyinhla LACI CUBTAINB, som idaof mirth and happiness grated harshly A p ril. 188B, w en Defkat a « l B N M na. t » ccwpodMw w a IM audi Olaba AuocstA, H is . Hbleb BioR, J CLAUK, praying, for reaaona therein aet eonala’ s I9 , and glaaced listlessly at the ehlfog- mrSLIN CUBTAINB, feat o f high-reaehiBK pbao s a l h ife E. W. Bonnnis, SBBLnXB B. Thobfb, forth for a divorce, aow pending the before the « ^ y , oirhia ear—it waa miaery for him to sit there and NOTTINGHAX LACES, FAxan A. F. S h u t , B. aBBBTLADoWO, Superior Coart ia and for New Haven County, to aorso sttendant npoa the Cast Steel, POes ail Tools, •• Clear. dlaUnet and IbreM e. ThU U rt o f <»«» llatea to the BBOCATELLES, T.ram J. Bablow, Cabbib U . Sibvbbs, lie W d e a the Sd Tneaday o f May, A . D. i860. setoasaessof weU< H. B. WtU>lIAX, Hibam O. Hatob, I t appou llv to, and b ^ alMwn by the aobscrlh- yotva ahonld have a distiettve ehsncter, Isabel.’ chorua o f aweet volcea. DAMABCB, Peler Cooper’s Clue, wenatthia tiao Gbobob a . W A m n , AaBotCHXMS. Ing authvtfty, that the aald reapondent ia absent “ She haa. She Is unlike all the woman yon H e Bought his aunt’s private sitting room, hut BEPS, Giaxob Gatiabd, V . B. Walxlbt, flrom this state—gone to paru unknown, There- awlUleaaaaibat aUt have aeen I know. And I have set my heart on it waa dark. She had rethred. He.threw hlmaelf FAIRBANKS* Aoucs Fobbbrbb, Mbs. H. D. WtLUAm, soelear aa Aa Visa Plw llm lor Ojjlmjl H. Fabbab, H. O. Daile t. her foneylng Frank Aahcrott. He haa flirted with down on the sofa. The darkneaa waa pleaaant to MttOH in load oidainnt Wtacn BLACK WALNin? COBNICES, theUnltml SUdtyalMlkiB^ W ithatf •S m H a ^ M ch K f* b i i x iM tim O M dol. all the bellea and beautiea o f New York for the Um. Sometlmea it ia to ua aU. BOSEWOOD COBNICES, GILT COBNICES, llstfbrm . anl> Cffsnttr den, four weeks o a o r Ing o fth e 3 d o f AptU. UHI, ha M i tfea past six yean. I have asked hhn here to spend The sUence sad utter quiet soothed him, and TABLE COVEBS. PIANO COBNICES, before tt|k 19th day o f April, A . D., 18667^ law to Jefferaon Darla aBd.Geaerat Lao aaAthiir AB m lJB D. <^BTOBNk,^lerk September. W on’t It he a glowfaig game o f dto- heknew not whether he waa dreaming or awaka. fellow eonaplraton: # Etc., ITO.. ' «TC., B o o n to u 37W* r Court for New Haven Co. moad cut diamond!” There waa a sott rustle o f garmento near him, the subtle perihme o f violets driited over hi> “ We an now,iw, my frieads, whadlia v a.ra- N E W GOODS CUT AND CLINCH NAILS. ._ ^ ^ J T O B * a la O n O B — The subscri­ “ Ferh a^. I wish yon aneeess o f' yonr belUoB—a gn at < ber l U be athia office, in the Belectmen’a scheme.” aenaes, and then a touch so sUght It would not to overthrow t Song. r0 0 m ,0 BThuraday and Friday o f theflrat and — AT— S. N.&H.W . FOSTER, laabd flitted away to conuaanieate the gaod have wakened a ahmbering h iftet, feU on hia Statea -a govem aent founded opai N. A.—W o hare a large and completa atodc o f aecond «aeka In Mav, from » a . m .to 6 .p . m. focc. plea aad ceatated by tha b a a t _____________ WBITTBW FOB THB HKBIDEK UTSBABT BICOBDBB, AisoonC aesday and Wednesday, the isth and newa—lie n t. Granville leaned back taJiia chair knolntioa. Yoa aaat iadalga aa m — iT a Wm.
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