Rail Freight Traffic Quietens Down Switzerland First Took Measures to Reduce the Noise Level of Rail Traffic 20 Years Ago
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Edition 33 | June 2020 Latest news for the freight wagon industry Rail freight traffic quietens down Switzerland first took measures to reduce the noise level of rail traffic 20 years ago. This has had a massive impact on RID News: Rules on exemption from periodic people living in the vicinity of railway lines. This success, as inspections of tank wagons 7 well as Switzerland’s role as a pioneer in Europe, have only been possible thanks to effective cooperation between all involved, including the freight wagon industry. by Dr Rudolf Sperlich, Vice Director, Federal Office of Transport (FOT) Railways are a very effective and environ- Noise abatement in the new mentally friendly form of transport that millennium Milestone: needs to be expanded further. But the Internationally, the Swiss government was Framework agreement noise of passing trains can be very annoy- one of the first to take early counter- with DB Cargo AG 12 ing for people who live or work close to rail measures to try to protect and improve tracks. There are, however, big regional the quality of life for people living in the and national differences in the impact of proximity of major transport hubs. An ini- rail traffic noise levels, because of the var- tial programme for noise abatement on ying density of the population and the rail the railways was put in place around the network. It is hardly surprising, therefore, turn of the millennium. The Swiss parlia- that Switzerland, Germany and the Neth- ment set aside CHF 1.854 billion for this erlands are playing a leading role in noise purpose. By 2016, the rolling stock for reduction initiatives because of their high both passenger and freight traffic had Management succession: population density. been completely renewed and around Handover of key in Hamburg branch 14 Continued on page 2 2 In focus: noise abatement Edition 33 | June 2020 Continued from page 1 Other elements of the second noise pro- 276 kilometres of noise barriers had been tection package are investment promo- built. To cater for any remaining excessive tion and government-backed research. noise pollution, the cantons were commis- The investment promotion funds can be sioned by the federal government to install used to support the procurement of mod- around 70,000 soundproof windows in the ern freight wagons with composite brake buildings affected. The government subsi- blocks. dised all the planning costs and half of the installation costs. Over 20 projects were launched as part of the government research programme. The Dear Reader Noise emission threshold for all freight bigger projects were awarded in tranches. wagons travelling in Switzerland as The 5L-Demonstrator initiated by SBB Car- The times are changing. Sometimes of 2020 go was an important project. Wagon keep- quicker than we would like. The coronavi- Back in 2013 the Swiss parliament decided ers in the private sector also launched pro- rus pandemic has come to dominate our to use part of the remaining credit from jects: Wascosa, for example, successfully well-being and social life. The economy, the first noise protection programme to completed two projects involving the de- and with it rail freight as the mainstay finance a follow-on package. It set aside tection of flat spots in wheel sets and the of our basic services, is doing its utmost a total of around CHF 180 million (based energy supply for refrigerated containers to survive the lockdown. The impacts are on October 1998 prices) for projects in with train bus bars. massive. The Federal Office of Transport Switzerland. However, the most impor- (FOT) reports an average of 30% fewer tant measure of this second stage was the Infrastructure measures help as well trains in transalpine freight traffic. introduction of a binding noise emission Additional measures have also been tri- limit for freight wagons – including those alled in the area of track superstructure. Will this change everything in the future? owned by foreign wagon keepers. As a re- They include a new regulation on the moni- Probably not, but it will take a long time sult, the operation of noisy wagons with toring of track unevenness. An innovative for business to recover. The rail freight cast-iron brake blocks has been banned in rail pad (an elastic element between the transport of the future will undergo fur- Switzerland since the beginning of 2020. rail and the sleeper) has been designed to ther innovations and adjustments, even if The long lead time and the announcement dampen the noise generated by the rails it is only to establish new supply chains. in advance to European partners made it and protect the superstructure. The final I fully agree with Peter Balzer, who calls possible to retrofit the wagons as part of reports for all projects can be found on the for a new culture of innovation in rail regular maintenance schedules. FOT website. (Link 1 page 3). freight transport where everyone pulls together. In response to popular demand we have reproduced the entire interview Noise abatement becoming more important with Peter Balzer on page 10, originally published in the rail industry magazine throughout Europe Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau. Switzerland is not the only country undertaking measures to reduce noise A major advantage in its competition with emissions from rail traffic. Initiatives are also under way in Germany – one of road transport is that rail traffic is al- Switzerland’s most important neighbours – and across the whole of Europe. lowed to continue through the night. The Deutsche Bahn (DB) has set itself the goal of halving noise emissions. Since the basic prerequisite for maintaining this is, LL (low-noise, low-friction) composite brake block was approved in 2013, combined and will remain, noise-reduction meas- with the relatively simple technical solution of retrofitting, this technology has gath- ures. Dr Rudolf Sperlich, Deputy Director ered momentum and is now subsidised by the German government. Thanks to the of the FOT, outlines in his lead article and Rail Noise Protection Act, which will subsequent interview, the achievements impose severe restrictions on noisy to date. In addition, Jens-Erik Galdiks, freight wagons from December Head of Fleet Technology at SBB Cargo, 2020, the noise abatement target is describes on page 5 the next area to now within reach. tackle: the locomotives. From December 2024, the revised An overview of the market for locomotives TSI Noise [Technical Specification for is provided in the article on page 8 by Interoperability on Noise] will take Stefan Hofstetter, CTO, and Willem effect in the European Union: with Goosen, CEO, of European Loc Pool AG, the introduction of noise thresholds as well as the summarised table on the for all freight wagons on busy routes, back of the infoletter. the conversion of wagons for inter- national traffic will have to be by I hope you will enjoy reading these and large completed. Funds for the articles, along with all the others in our conversion have been provided for infoletter. Keep healthy! all member states as part of the Con- necting Europe Facility (CEF). So far subsidies have paid for the modern- isation of around 200,000 vehicles. Philipp Müller Chairman of the Board of Directors An important element to reduce noise: the LL composite brake block. Edition 33 | June 2020 In focus: noise abatement 3 Growth of low-noise freight wagons as a percentage of total mileage travelled in Switzerland % 100 Introduction 90 Cast-iron brake blocks, others of noise Cast-iron brake blocks, D (incl. AAE) thresholds for freight 80 Cast-iron brake blocks, CH wagons Composite brake blocks, others (ban on 70 Composite brake blocks, D (incl. AAE) cast-iron brake blocks) 60 Composite brake blocks, CH 50 40 30 Start of Swiss 20 noise abatement measures for freight wagons 10 % 1000 Introduction 90 Cast-iron brake blocks, others of noise 2004 2005Cast-iron2006 brake2007 blocks,2008 2009 D (incl.2010 AAE2011) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 thresholdsSource: FOT for freight 80 Cast-iron brake blocks, CH wagons Composite brake blocks, others (ban on 70 The government policy of switchingComposite traf brake- Railway blocks, Dnoise (incl. monitoringAAE) have played a key role in makingcast-iron sure the fic from road to rail also plays at least an A system is in place to monitor the de- population near railway routesbrake blockscontinues) 60 Composite brake blocks, CH indirect role in noise abatement, with the velopment of rolling stock and to ensure to have faith in the modernisation pro- construction of the Lötschberg,1850 Gotthard compliance with noise thresholds. It re- gramme. The individual measurement and Ceneri railway base tunnels.2003 For 2019the cords the total noise emissions from roll- data can be viewed on the FOT website affected population 16to40 accept night-time ing stock and the track superstructure. (Link 2) and confirm the success of meas- freight traffic, goods trains must be state The measurements are commissioned by ures taken to date. 30 of the art. This is the 14only way of guaran- the FOT and recorded at six representative Start of Swiss teeing one of the key 20competitive advan- locations across Switzerland. The measur- tagesnoise that theabatement railways12 have: the night-time ing stations have been operating around measures for ban onfreight road freight wagons traffic.10 the clock since 2003 and in the time since 10 Link 1 0 https://www.bav.admin.ch/bav/de/home/verkehrsmittel/eisenbahn/ausbauprogramme_bahninfrastruktur.html8 Link 2 2004 2005 2006 2007