Special Days Calendar 2020 United Kingdom

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Special Days Calendar 2020 United Kingdom SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 UNITED KINGDOM MONTH DAY ENGLISH January 1 New Year’s Day January 25 Burns Night January 25 Chinese New Year February 14 Valentine’s Day February 25 Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) February 26 Ash Wednesday March 1 St. David’s Day (Wales) March 8 International Women’s Day March 17 St. Patrick’s Day (Northern Ireland) March 22 Mother’s Day April 10 Good Friday April 12 Easter Sunday April 13 Easter Monday April 22 Administrative Professionals Day April 22 Earth Day April 23 St. George’s Day (England) April 23 Ramadan Start May 4 Early May Bank Holiday May 8 VE Day May 21 Ascension Day May 24 Eid ul Fitr May 27 Spring Bank Holiday June 20 June / Summer Solstice June 21 Father’s Day July 12 Orange Day (Northern Ireland) July 30 Eid ul Adha SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 UNITED KINGDOM MONTH DAY ENGLISH August 3 Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland) August 31 Summer Bank Holiday (England/Wales/Northern Ireland) October 4 Grandparents’ Day October 31 Halloween November 5 Guy Fawkes Day November 8 Remembrance Sunday November 11 Armistice Day November 30 St. Andrew’s Day (Scotland) December 24 Christmas Eve December 25 Christmas Day December 26 Boxing Day (St. Stephen’s Day / Ireland) December 31 New Year’s Eve / Hogmanay (Scotland) SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 DEUTSCHLAND/GERMANY MONTH DAY DEUTSCH ENGLISH January 1 Neujahr New Year January 6 Heilige Drei Könige Epiphany February 14 Valentinstag Valentine’s Day February 20 Weiberfastnacht Women’s Carnival February 22 Karneval / Fasching Carnival February 26 Aschermittwoch Ash Wednesday (start Ortodox Lent) March 8 Internationaler Weltfrauentag Women’s Day April 10 Karfreitag Good Friday April 12-13 Ostern und Ostermontag Easter April 30 Tanz in den Mai Dance into May May 1 Tag der Arbeit / Maifeiertag International Labour Day / Springday May 10 Muttertag Mother’s Day May 21 Christi Himmelfahrt / Vatertag Ascension Day / Father’s Day May 31-June 1st Pfingsten Pentecost June 11 Fronleichnam Corpus Christi August 15 Mariä Himmelfahrt (Bayern / Saarland) Assumption Day October 3 Tag der Deutschen Einheit Day of German Unity October 4 Erntedankfest Thanksgiving October 11 Omatag Grandmother’s Day October 31 Halloween / Reformationstag Halloween / Reformation Day November 1 Allerheiligen All Saints’ Day November 2 Allerseelen (Día de los Muertos) All Souls’ Day November 11 St. Martin St. Martin’s Day November 15 Volkstrauertag Memorial Day November 18 Buß- und Bettag Penance Day SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 DEUTSCHLAND/GERMANY MONTH DAY DEUTSCH ENGLISH November 22 Totensonntag Sunday in commemoration of the dead November 29, 6-13-20 Dec Advent Advent December 6 Nikolaustag St. Nicholas’ Day December 24 Heiligabend Christmas Eve December 25-26 Weihnachten Christmas December 31 Silvester New Year’s Eve SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 FRANCE/FRANCE MONTH DAY FRANÇAIS ENGLISH January 1 Jour de l’An New Year January 6 Épiphanie Epiphany January 25 Nouvel An Chinois Chinese Newyear February 2 Chandeleur Candlemas February 14 St Valentin Valentine’s Day February 25 Mardi Gras Mardi Gras March 1 Fête des Grands-mères Grandmother’s Day March 8 Journée de la Femme Women’s Day March 17 Fête de la Saint-Patrick Saint Patrick’s Day April 12-13 Pâques et lundi de Pâques Easter April 16 Fête des Assistantes et Secrétaires Secretary’s Day May 1 Fête du Travail International Labour Day May 8 Victoire 1945 VE Day May 21 Ascension Ascension Day May 24 Aïd el-Fitr End of Ramadan May 29 Fête des Voisins Neighbour Day May 31-June 1st Pentecôte et lundi de Pentecôte Pentecost June 7 Fête des Mères Mother’s Day June 21 Fête des Pères Father’s Day June 21 Fête de la Musique Music Day July 3 Sortie des classes End of Schoolyear July 14 Fête Nationale National Day August 15 Assomption Assumption Day October 4 Fête des Grands-pères Grandfather’s Day October 5 Sainte Fleur Sainte Fleur SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 FRANCE/FRANCE MONTH DAY FRANÇAIS ENGLISH November 1 Toussaint All Saints’ Day November 2 Fête des Morts (Día de los Muertos) Day of the Death November 11 Armistice 1918 Liberationday WW I November 25 Ste Catherine Sainte Catherine December 10 Hanouka Hanukkah December 25 Noël Christmas December 31 St Sylvestre New Year’s Eve SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 NEDERLAND/NETHERLANDS MONTH DAY NEDERLANDS ENGLISH January 1 Nieuwjaar New Year January 18 Nationale Tulpendag National Tulip Day February 14 Valentijnsdag Valentine’s Day February 23 Carnaval Carnival March 8 Internationale Vrouwendag International Women’s Day April 10 Goede Vrijdag Good Friday April 12-13 Pasen Easter April 16 Secretaressedag Secretary’s Day April 27 Koningsdag King’s Day May 1 Dag van de Arbeid International Labour Day May 4 Dodenherdenking Remembrance of the Death (WW II) May 5 Bevrijdingsdag Liberationday May 10 Moederdag Mother’s Day May 21 Hemelvaart Ascension Day May 31-June 1st Pinksteren Pentecost June 4 Nationale opa en omadag Grandparents’ Day June half Examenuitslag (mavo, havo, vwo) Examination results June 21 Vaderdag Father’s Day June 27 Veteranendag Veterans Day July 24 Finish van de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse Finish of the Four Days Marches September 30 Nationale Broer en Zus Dag National Brother and Sister Day October 4 Werelddierendag World Animal Day October 4 Nationale Grootouderdag Grandparents’ Day October 5 Dag van de Leraar World Teachers’ Day October 31 Halloween Halloween SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 NEDERLAND/NETHERLANDS MONTH DAY NEDERLANDS ENGLISH November 10 Dag van de Mantelzorg Informal Care Day December 5 Sinterklaas St. Nicolas December 25 - 26 Kerstmis Christmas SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 ÖSTERREICH/AUSTRIA MONTH DAY DEUTSCH ENGLISH January 1 Neujahr New Year January 6 Heilige Drei Könige Epiphany February 14 Valentinstag Valentine’s Day February 25 Faschingsdienstag Carnival’s Tuesday February 26 Aschermittwoch Ash Wednesday (start Ortodox Lent) March 19 St. Josef (Ktn./Stmk./T/Vlbg.) St. Joseph’s Day April 5 Palmsonntag Palm Sunday April 9 Gründonnerstag Holy Thursday April 10 Karfreitag Good Friday April 13 Ostermontag Easter May 1 Staatsfeiertag International Labour Day May 4 St. Florian (OÖ) St. Florian’s Day May 10 Muttertag Mother’s Day May 21 Christi Himmelfahrt Ascension Day May 31 Pfingsten Pentecost June 1 Pfingstmontag Pentecost June 14 Vatertag Father’s Day June 11 Fronleichnam Corpus Christi August 15 Maria Himmelfahrt Assumption Day September 24 St. Ruprecht (Slz) St. Rupert’s Day October 26 Nationalfeiertag National Holiday October 31 Halloween Halloween November 1 Allerheiligen All Saints’ Day November 2 Allerseelen All Souls’ Day November 11 St. Martin (B) St. Martin’s Day SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 ÖSTERREICH/AUSTRIA MONTH DAY DEUTSCH ENGLISH November 15 St. Leopold (W, NÖ) St. Leopold’s Day December 6 Nikolaustag St. Nicholas’ Day December 8 Maria Empfängnis Maria Immaculate Conception December 24 Heiliger Abend Christmas Eve December 25 Christtag Christmas December 26 Stefanitag Boxing Day (St. Stephen’s Day) December 31 Silvester New Year’s Eve SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 BELGIQUE/BELGIË/BELGIUM MONTH DAY FRANÇAIS NEDERLANDS ENGLISH January 1 Jour de l’An Nieuwjaar New Year February 14 St Valentin Valentijnsdag Valentine’s Day March 1 Fête des Grands-mères Grootmoederdag Grandmother’s Day March 8 Journée de la Femme Internationale Vrouwendag Women’s Day April 12-13 Pâques Pasen Easter April 16 Fête des Secrétaires Secretaressedag Secretary’s Day May 1 Fête du Travail Dag van de Arbeid International Labour Day May 10 Fête des Mères Moederdag Mother’s Day May 21 Ascension Hemelvaart Ascension Day May 31-June 1st Pentecôte Pinksteren Pentecost June 14 Fête des Pères Vaderdag Father’s Day June 20 La journée des agents d’entretien Poetsvrouwendag Day of the cleaners June 30 Fin de l’année Scolaire Eind van het schooljaar End of schoolyear July 11 Fête de la Communauté culturelle flamande Feest van de Vlaamse Culturele Gemeenschap National holiday of the Flemish community July 21 Fête Nationale Nationale Feestdag National Holiday August 15 Assomption O.L.V.- Hemelvaart Assumption Day September 13 Journée des Malades Ziekendag Day of the ill people September 26-27 Weekend du Client Weekend van de Klant (Unizo - Vlaanderen) Weekend of the customer September 27 Fête de la Communauté Française de Belgique Feest van de Franstalige Culturele Gemeenschap National holiday of the French community October 31 Halloween Halloween Halloween November 1 Toussaint Allerheiligen (tevens Dodenherdenking) All Saints’ Day November 11 Armistice Wapenstilstand Armistice Day November 15 Fête de la Communauté culturelle allemande Feest van de Duitstalige Culturele Gemeenschap National holiday of the German community November 15 Fête de la Dynastie Feest van de Dynastie Dynasty celebration SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 BELGIQUE/BELGIË/BELGIUM MONTH DAY FRANÇAIS NEDERLANDS ENGLISH November 15 Fête des Grands-parents Grootoudersdag Grandparents’ Day December 6 Saint-Nicolas Sinterklaas St. Nicolas December 25 Noël Kerstmis Christmas SPECIAL DAYS CALENDAR 2020 ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA/CZECH REPUBLIC MONTH DAY ČESKY ENGLISH January 1 Nový rok, Den obnovy samostatného českého státu New Year February 14 Den. sv. Valentýna Valentine’s Day February 21 Lenka Nameday Lenka March 8 Mezinárodní den žen (MDŽ) Woman’s Day March 19 Josef Nameday Josef April 10 Velký pátek Good Friday April 12-13 Velikonoce Easter April 24 Jiří Nameday Jiří May 1 Svátek práce International Labour Day May 5 Květnové povstání českého lidu The Czech uprising against the Nazis at the end of WW II May 8 Den vítězství Liberation Day May 10 Den matek Mother’s Day May
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