Uh-60A 8023506 Helicopter, Utility Historical Record

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Uh-60A 8023506 Helicopter, Utility Historical Record Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 1 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER OCM/ACE PERFORMED AT 4970.8 ACFT HRS L-3 RASM-E, FT 26-Sep-2012 1 FD441686 BY TEAM MEMBER UU AND QQ CAMPBELL, KY 42223 COLUMBUS, OH 43217 DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 2 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER UH-60-04-ASAM-01 GLARE SHIELD LIGHTING 1/159TH AVN REGT 27-Feb-2004 1 QC000000 CIRCUIT BREAKER REPLACEMENT, (FWD) COMPLIED WITH THIS DATE @ 3329 ACFT CAMP UDAIRI, KUWAIT HRS. (WC4204) DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 3 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER UH-60-04-ASAM-02 ONE TIME INSP OF LOOSE 1107TH AVCRAD 07-Apr-2004 1 QC000000 T/R DRIVESHAFT FLANGE NUTS C/W (GR2952) CAMP ARIFJAN, KUWAIT DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 4 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER H-60-14-ASAM-03, ENGINE INLET BARRIER 1109 TASMG 30-Dec-2013 1 JA580641 FILTER (EIBF) BRACKET REMOVAL. GROTON, CT 06340 COMPLIED WITH. DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 5 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER (TB 1-1520-237-20-261) ASAM UH-60-02-ASAM- 1109TH AVCRAD 02-Oct-2002 1 QC000000 11 AN/ARC 220 WIRING INSPECTION C/W @ GROTON, CT 3069.3 ACFT HRS (MB4514) UH-60-03-SOF-01 UT INSP OF MAIN MOD 1109TH AVCRAD 21-Nov-2002 1 QC000000 PLANETARY CARRIER ASSY C/W 3069.3 GROTON, CT (MR6538) AIRFRAME STRIPPED USING PMB. PAINTED 1109TH AVCRAD 22-Nov-2002 1 QC000000 IAW CONTRACT # F34601-97-D-0423, CARC MIL GROTON, CT -C-53039 (MR6538) UH-60-03-ASAM-02 TAIL ROTOR SERVO 1109TH AVCRAD 30-Dec-2002 1 QC000000 RETIREMENT LIFE C/W 3069.3 ACFT HRS GROTON, CT (MR6538) GEN-03-ASAM-01 SINGARS ARC-201 BATTERY 1109TH AVCRAD 31-Dec-2002 1 QC000000 BOX C/W 3069.3 ACFT HRS (MR6538) GROTON, CT H-60-10-ASAM -06 (AUTO-IGNITION AND 1109TH AVCRAD 10-Feb-2010 1 SS928944 TRANSIENT DROOP IMPROVEMENT MOD) GROTON, CT COMPLIED WITH @ 4457.3 ACFT HRS. H-60-10-ASAM-04 (SAS LINKS) COMPLIED 1109TH AVCRAD 12-Feb-2010 2 SS928944 WITH @ 4457.3 ACFT HRS. GROTON, CT H-60-09-AMAM-07 (HALON HAND HELD FIRE 1109TH AVCRAD 12-Feb-2010 1 SS928944 EXTINGUISHERS) COMPLIED WITH @ 4457.3 GROTON, CT ACFT HRS. THE FOLLOWING AWRS APPLY TOWARDS 1109TH AVCRAD 10-Mar-2010 4 MB844514 THIS AIRFRAME;AWR 1309 RV4 DTD 2DEC09 GROTON, CT 06340 OREGON SEAT CUSHIONS, AWR 1656 DTD 30DEC09 PHOENIX DRIP PAN, AND AWR 1516 RV2 DTD 8JUN09 EBC-406HM ELT TAIL ROTOR CABLE TENSION SET @ 72 1109TH AVCRAD 10-Mar-2010 3 MB844514 DEGREES "F" L/H=145 LBS & R/H=146 LBS GROTON, CT 06340 TAIL BIAS COMPLETED;RED 4.478- 1109TH AVCRAD 10-Mar-2010 2 MB844514 5.118=.334BLK 4.286-4.615=.329YEL 4.884- GROTON, CT 06340 5.217=.333BLU 4.294-4.621=.327 UH-60-10-AMAM-11 OIL SAMPLING SCHEDULE 1109TH AVCRAD 10-Mar-2010 1 MB844514 CHANGES C/W @ 4457.3 ACFT HRS. GROTON, CT 06340 Tail Rotor Bias Completed at 44665. A/C 1109TH AVCRAD 08-Apr-2010 1 EM683732 hoursRED: Initial = 4.758 Bias = 5.088 DIFF = GROTON, CT 06340- 0.330BLK: Initial = 4.182 Bias = 4.515 DIFF = 5300 0.333YEL: Initial = 4.827 Bias = 5.159 DIFF = 0.332BLU: Initial = 4.205 Bias = 4.531 DIFF = 0.326 THE FOLLOWING AWRS APPLY TOWARDS 1109TH AVCRAD 09-Apr-2010 3 EM683732 THIS AIRFRAME;AWR 1309 RV4 DTD 2DEC09 GROTON, CT 06340 OREGON SEAT CUSHIONS, AWR 1656 DTD 30DEC09 PHOENIX DRIP PAN, AND AWR 1516 RV4 DTD 29 Mar 2010 EBC-406HM ELT PMI 2 COMPLETED AT 4457.3 ACFT HRS, PMI 1 1109TH AVCRAD 09-Apr-2010 1 EM683732 WILL BE DUE AT 4817.3 ACFT HRS (EM3732) GROTON CT, 06340-5300 DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 6 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER COMPLIED WITH H-60-13-AMAM-07 LOASD 1109TH TASMG 26-Mar-2013 2 KI646418 DEMAND SPINDLE (LDS) CABLE CLEARANCE. GROTON, CT 06340 FOUND OK COMPLIED WITH THE REQIUREMENTS OF H-60 1109TH TASMG 26-Mar-2013 1 KI646418 -13-ASAM-04, PLASTIC MEDIA BLAST (PMB) GROTON, CT AND OXIDE FLAKE RESIDUE. FOUND OK COMPLIED WITH H-60-13-ASAM-05, BREEZE 1109TH TASMG 12-Apr-2013 1 KI646418 EASTERN VARIABLE SPEED ELECTRIC GROTON, CT RESCUE HOIST. NOT INSTALLED H-60-13-SOF-01 (ATTITUDE HEADING 1109TH TASMG 31-May-2013 2 SS928944 REFERENCE SET AHRS) COMPLIED WITH @ GROTON, CT 5067.3 ACFT HRS. DURING UNSCHEDULED MAINTENANCE IT 1109TH TASMG 31-May-2013 1 SS928944 WAS DISCOVERED THAT THE AIRFRAME HAS GROTON, CT HAD IN THE PAST MAJOR REPAIRS COMPLETED AND WHEN RESEARCHED THERE IS NO RECORD OF THE REPAIR. THE REPAIRS IN THE CABIN CEILING AREA WERE DEPOT LEVEL AND AFTER FURTHER INSPECTION AND GUIDANCE FROM THE AMCOM LAR AND ENGINEERING AS WELL AS A RECENT ACE INSPECTION THE AIRCRAFT IS DEEMED FLIGHT WORTHY. H-60-13-AMAM-01 (FLIGHT CONTROL RIGGING 1109TH TASMG 03-Jun-2013 2 SS928944 PROCEDURES) COMPLIED WITH @ 5067.3 GROTON, CT ACFT HRS. H-60-13-ASAM-03 (MAIN ROTOR SPINDLE ANTI 1109TH TASMG 03-Jun-2013 1 SS928944 -FLAP ASSEMBLIES) COMPLIED WITH @ GROTON, CT 5067.3 ACFT HRS. OCM/ACE PERFORMED AT 5067.3 ACFT HRS 1109TH TASMG 13-Jun-2013 1 WS521003 BY TEAM MEMBERS L9 + M3 GROTON, CT MEC # F168046, The 1109th TASMG of 1109TH TASMG 21-Jun-2013 1 Connecticut is granted permission to use GROTON, CT 06340 Sikorsky AED approved airframe repair tooling specifically: Sikorsky Enterprise tool kit 70210- 02102-041T046 and the cabin height measurement procedure to verify that the Flight Deck’s structural configuration has not changed significantly due to an extraordinary and extensive amount of undocumented structural repairs.which were discovered during the aircrafts induction process. THE RESULTS OF THE NON-DESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION WERE TURNED IN TO ENGINEERING FOR FURTHER GUIDANCE. H-60-13-AMAM-11 (MAIN TRANSMISSION 1109TH TASMG 02-Jul-2013 1 SS928944 FILTER BOWL ATTACHMENT HARDWARE GROTON, CT 06340 REPLACEMENT) COMPLIED WITH @ 5067.3 ACFT HRS. DA FORM 2408-15 E, OCT 91 HISTORICAL RECORD FOR AIRCRAFT EDITION OF JAN 64 IS OBSOLETE For use of this form, see DA PAM 738-751; the proponent agency is DCSLOG Report Date: 09-Mar-2016 Page 7 of 124 1. AIRCRAFT MODEL 2. NOMENCLATURE 3. AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER UH-60A HELICOPTER, UTILITY 8023506 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. REMARKS ORGANIZATION DATE ENTRY PID LOCATION NUMBER MEC F168434: Upon completion of the 48 1109TH TASMG 09-Jul-2013 1 SS928944 month flight control inspection unit had sever GROTON, CT 06340 dificulty Performing the aircraft rig.Upon troubleshooting/fault isolation of the aircraft LAR/Sikorsky FSR noted an extensive amount of sheetmetal repairs to the structure (20 Total)and were inquiring if this had any effect. Upon further research it appeared that all the repairs were not documented anywhere. ACFT GRANTED PERMISSION TO REMAIN IN SERVICE. 1. The 1109th TASMG, Connecticut is granted permission to allow Aircraft 80- 23506 to remain in service. 2. The Liaison Engineer Bill Humes and the Aviation Engineering Directoratehas reviewed the request and it is authorized to keep the aircraft in service as long as the previous repairs are inspected and they have been accomplished properly. Below are the major structural components that were discovered as repaired/replaced without documentation:1.) L/H 16.5 beam P/N: 70219- 02133-045 2.) R/H 16.5 beam P/N: 70219-02133- 046 3.) Sta 360 BL 16.5L to 16.5R (aft xmsn beam) P/N: 70219-02132-042, was replaced and currently cracked 4.) Sta 379 beam P/N: 70211- 02114-102 5.) Support-L/H BL 14 Sta 379-398 P/N: 70212-02124-101 6.) Support- L/H BL 10.75 Sta 379-398 P/N: 70212-02124-102 7.) Channel- L/H BL 5 Sta 361-379 P/N: 70212-02116-107 8.) Channel-R/H BL Sta 361-379 P/N: 70212-02116- 108 9.) Web Sta 379-398 P/N: 70212-02113-101 10.) Angle Sta 361-379 RH BL0 P/N: 70212- 02123-103 11.) Angle Sta 361-379 LH BL0 P/N: 70212-02123-109 12.) L/H 34.5 channel P/N: 70212-02112-011 13.) R/H 34.5 channel P/N: 70212-02112-012 14.) Skin Sta 360-399 L/H BL 10 to R/H BL10 P/N: 70213-02101-105 15.) Skin Sta 342-398 L/H BL 10 to BL 41 P/N: 70213- 02101-145 16.) Entire R/H broom closet from Sta 247-265 WL 208-260 17.) Web Sta 281 to 295 BL 16.5L P/N: 70212-02113-126 18.) Web Sta 281 to 295 BL 16.5R P/N: 70212-02113-127 19.) Former STA 189-200 P/N: 70201-01003-109 Cracked 20.) Frame splice STA 485 P/N: 70211-03009-041 GEN-13-AMAM-04 (AN/APN-209 RADAR 1109TH TASMG 26-Jul-2013 1 RB749359 ALTIMETER SET COMPONENT TRACKING) GROTON, CT 06340 COMPLIED WITH @5067.3 AIRCRAFT HOURS.
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