SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18


UNIT TITLE Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level

APPLICATION This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to perform Australian Football skills and tactics at an advanced level through participation in Australian Football. Activities may include conditioning, drills, discussions, games, competitions and other activities relevant to Australian Football.

This unit applies to athletes in the Australian sport industry competing in a sport at a local, state or national level.

Those undertaking this unit work with the support of a coach.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.


COMPETENCY FIELD Australian Football



Elements describe the essential Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the outcomes element.

1. Participate in advanced level 1.1 Interpret and apply Australian Football rules, regulations and policies to Australian Football activities. Australian Football participation. 1.2 Participate in Australian Football activities in a safe manner, according to relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures. 1.3 Link and perform the advanced level Australian Football skills to form a sequence of movements in practice and competition conditions. 1.4 Communicate with team members and coach during activities using Australian Football communication systems and terminology.

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

2. Prepare to compete in 2.1 Identify advanced Australian Football tactics to be developed in consultation Australian Football at an with coach. advanced level. 2.2 Use appropriate methods to develop identified advanced level Australian Football tactics and strategies. 2.3 Determine psychological methods and techniques during Australian Football pre-game preparation. 2.4 Analyse strengths and weaknesses of opposition and identify counter strategies. 2.5 Develop game plans for Australian Football competitions.

3. Implement Australian Football 3.1 Apply agreed tactics to counter own and opposition strengths and game plan at an advanced level. weaknesses. 3.2 Implement advanced level Australian Football game plans in a safe manner, according to Australian Football rules, regulations and policies, relevant legislation and organisational policies and procedures. 3.3 Interpret Australian Football statistics to identify and implement adjustments to improve advanced level performance. 3.4 Maintain effective communication with team members and coach during competitions.

4. Review advanced level 4.1 Seek feedback from others to identify areas to improve own advanced level Australian Football performance. Australian Football performance. 4.2 Record and analyse Australian Football competition statistics to identify own and opposition strengths and weaknesses. 4.3 Reflect on own advanced level Australian Football performance to identify areas for improvement. 4.4 Analyse findings and incorporate learnings in future advanced level Australian Football practice and competitions.


Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.


Reading skills to: access, interpret and apply information about Australian Football rules and regulations.

Writing skills to:

Oral communication skills to: communicate with coaches and clarify tactics seek feedback and instructions from team members, coaches, support staff and officials.

Numeracy skills to: interpret, analyse and discuss statistical information.

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

Learning skills to:

Problem-solving skills to: determine other player’s intentions and movements read play predict the actions of opposition athletes determine the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition and respond with appropriate tactics during competition respond appropriately to changing conditions during training and competition situations apply strategies to resolve disputes related to the conduct and outcome of a competition.

Initiative and enterprise skills to:

Teamwork skills to: encourage and support team members respect other team member decisions participate effectively in training activities.

Planning and organising skills to:

Self-management skills to:

Technology skills to:


LINKS Companion Volume Implementation Guide

TITLE Assessment Requirements for SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level

PERFORMANCE EVIDENCE Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

participate in Australian Football at an advanced level that involves: complying with Australian Football rules, regulations and policies performing tactics at an accuracy rate of 60% at one competition performing skills at an accuracy rate of 60% at three training sessions of no less than 30 minutes each performing skills at an accuracy rate of 60% at three competitions communicating with team members, coach, official and support staff and responding to feedback analysing and reflecting on own and opposition strengths and weaknesses.

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE Demonstrated knowledge required to complete the tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit:

organisational policies and procedures applicable to participating in Australian Football advanced level Australian Football rules, regulations and policies: the Australian Football League (AFL) laws of the game and notes on the laws Australian Football League (AFL) rules of the game best practice codes of conducts such as AFL code of conduct, AFL player’s code of conduct and AFL coaches code of conduct policies of the employer organisation such as anti- doping policy, Australian Sports Commission Harassment-free Sport policy the Australian Football League racial vilification policy psychological methods and techniques used in competition preparation: goal setting visualisation relaxation motivation focusing creating values confidence control commitment types, characteristics, function and safe use of Australian Football equipment, facilities and technological aids: DVDs CDs footballs witches hats bags bump pads goal posts Australian Football communication systems and terminology: verbal signals visual signals codes for player’s names codes for different plays self-reflection principles to enable effective self-evaluation for future improvement of performance Australian Football biomechanical principles: balance stability motion force momentum power types and potential impacts of conditions and external influences: environmental conditions other facility users support staff spectators parents officials and administrators other coaches advanced level Australian Football skills:

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

offensive skills checking skills positional skills specialist skills offensive and checking skill proficiency demonstrated on both sides of the body, where appropriate advanced level Australian Football tactics and strategies: team set-ups centre bounce free kicks kick outs patterns of play in attack patterns of play in defence analysing the match game plans for team and individuals weather or ground condition communication advanced level Australian Football strengths and weaknesses: physical: height weight speed passing accuracy tactical: ability to successfully implement team plays ability to use deception and prediction

advanced level Australian Football game plans: individual and team set plays targeting opposition players identifying weaknesses in opposition team style of play situational plays advanced level Australian Football competition statistics: 50 m penalty ball up bounce behind block centre bounce clanger handball clanger kick clanger kick in contested mark dispossessed handball earned mark short kick short kick in tackle free kick - advantage free kick for and against gather goal ground kick ineffective kick ineffective kick in

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

inside 50 m kick in to self knock on long kick long kick in no pressure error out of bounds rebound 50 m running bounce uncontested mark advanced level Australian Football training activities: those showing a sequential progression to an 'on field' situation or starting with the 'on field' situation and then breaking down skills advanced skill drills based on: the needs of specific players games assessment of opposition stage of the season objectives of the session warm ups and cool downs grid work manual work advanced level Australian Football competition activities: modified games practice matches: specific skill focus specific play focus inter-club or team games competition games.

Sport Draft 1 Consultation SISSAFL003 Participate in Australian Football at an advanced level_Draft 1 March 18

ASSESSMENT CONDITIONS Skills must be demonstrated in:

an Australian Football environment. This can be a workplace or simulated environment.

Assessment must ensure access to:

first aid kit drinking water Australian Football rules, regulations and policies organisational safety, emergency response and first aid procedures.

Assessment must ensure use of:

Australian Football equipment and facilities with marked out fields opposition competing at an advanced level, coach, officials and support staff; these can be: individuals in an Australian Football setting individuals who participate in simulated activities, set up for the purposes of assessment within a training organisation.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations requirements for assessors.

LINKS Companion Volume Implementation Guide

Sport Draft 1 Consultation