Surrey Park Junior Club Hear us ROAR!

Date 29/05/2016 Opponent Glen Iris N

Round No. 6 Venue T H King Oval

Match Report This week saw the boys travel to the T H King oval which I am reliably informed, is steeped in a rich history of sporting achievement…for some.

The Panthers were about to make their own. Justin was Captain and represented the team well at the coin toss.

Now, some people ask me why I’m talking into my phone at the game. First of all I’ll say, it’s not unusual for me to multi-task. Between election campaign strategy meetings, both domestic and international, chairing various boards via ‘FaceTime’ (the thing where your face comes up on a phone, technophobes), admonishing my brokers for selling too soon, I find time to record match reports on the fly.

This week it went something like this:


Harry scored 1 on the end of some great clearance work by Billy and Rohan, ably supported by Tom Macey and Justin. Harry scored another, after combining really well with Jack. Then Jack swooped on a loose ball created by a turnover forced from a great by Barnaby, and snapped truly over his left shoulder.

We kept it going in the 2nd with a really nice running goal to Julian provided by some link play with Harvey. Ezra and Harvey combined well for a chain of handballs and the mids were continually driving the ball forward. When Glen Iris did move the ball forward, Conor King took a ripper mark at CHB to stop them in their tracks. Some awesome tackling pressure in the FWD 50 saw Julian kick long to the Goal square where Barnaby got on the end of it for another goal. Julian and Harvey had the ball on a string and took some great marks between them. Fintan and Billy were also working their magic with some tough clearance work.

Half time and the oranges were apparently par excellence.

The third Quarter. A glut of goals: - Rohan: running bounce, GOAL! - Harvey: a fantastic running GOAL! - Rohan: another clever GOAL! - Ezra: strong mark, lovely pass to Damian top of goal square, GOAL!!!! - TJ to Harvey to EZ back to Harvey, ……GOALLLLLLLL! - Harvey to Damian, 20 metres out….. GGGOOOOOALLLLLLL!!!!!

….. meanwhile, apart from one screamer by Tom Macey, the backline was suffering hypothermia. In the middle however, and we must remember this is where the ball is won to begin those scoring chains, Tom Jobling put in one of the best Quarters of ask ‘no Quarter’ football that I have personally witnessed. He along with Billy, Aidan, and Conor in the ruck absolutely dominated the game, and sent everything back into our forwards. Some great tackling, some great clearances, some GREAT STUFF!

SURREY PARK JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB | ABN 84 761 293 121 | CNR ELGAR & CANTERBURY RDS, SURREY HILLS, 3127 | EMAIL:[email protected] | WEB: SURREYPARKJFC.COM.AU Surrey Park Junior Football Club Hear us ROAR!

Final term saw the pressure that had existed all day kept up, and it was rare that our opposition were allowed to control the ball. Tom Jobling capped off a brilliant game kicking 2 GOALSSSSS!, one an absolute corker after again turning his opponent inside out. Harry took the midfield on, and sent it long to see Conor take a great mark. The ball found its way over the top for a mark to Aidan, and another GGGOOOAAALL to finish off the game.

I say it every week, but this team is playing some fantastic football, and I think they actually get better with each week that goes by. Their defensive pressure is first rate, and they work incredibly hard to win possession of the ball. Quick, skilful ball movement always gives us the advantage, and making the right decisions when going forward puts us in positions to score.

Keep up the good work boys, it’s great to watch!

Tommy J, this one's for you.

Best Players Opposition Medal Award: Rohan with another top notch game!

Effort for Training/ Match day: Damian, Conor and Aidan

Goal Kickers Damian 2, Harry 2, Harvey 2,Rohan 2, Tom Jobling 2, Barnaby , Julian 1, Jack 1

Officials Coach – Luke van der Pligt Assistant Coach – Chris Banks Team Manager – Peggy Stewart Trainer – Marjie King Goal Umpire – Stephen Timmins Match Report – Damian Kershaw