The History of the

BERGER PICARD By Betsy Richards hought to be the oldest upright ears, resembling in many ways a Beauce, or Beaceron). The mid-length of the French - of today. coat was ignored for some time, but final- , the Berger Picard Of course it is not certain that the ly recognized as the Berger de Picardie was brought to northern Berger Picard originates strictly from the (or Picard). France and the Pas de Picardie region of France; it is possible, Although the Berger Picard made an Calais during the second even probable, that they were widespread appearance at the first French show TCeltic invasion of Gaul around 400 BC. as harsh-coated sheep and cattle dogs in 1863 and were judged in the same class Sheepdogs resembling Berger Picards were typical throughout northwestern as the Beaucerons and , the breed's have been depicted for centuries in tapes- Europe. Some experts insist that this breed rustic appearance did not result in popu- tries, engravings and woodcuts. is related to the more well-known larity as a show dog. In 1898 there was One renowned painting in the Bergerie and Beauceron, while others believe it proof that the Picard was a recognizable Nationale at Rambouillet (the National shares a common origin with Dutch and breed but it was tricolor, piebald with red Sheepfold of France) dating to the start Belgian Shepherds. brown markings. of the 19th century, shows the 1st Master Around the mid-19th century, dogs Picards would continue to be shown Shepherd, Clément Delorme, in the com- used for herding were initially classified and participate in herding trials but strug- pany of a medium-sized, strong-boned dog as one of two types: long hair (Berger de gled for recognition. Descriptions of the with mid-length crisp coat and naturally Brie, or Briard) and short hair (Berger de Picard and a standard were written but it is “...THE BERGER PICARD mADE An APPEARAnCE AT THE fIRsT

“Some experts insist fREnCH DoG that this breed is sHow In 1863 related to the more and were judged in well-known Briard and the same class as Beauceron, while the Beaucerons and others believe it Briards, sHAREs A THE BREED’s Common oRIGIn RusTIC wITH DuTCH APPEARAnCE did not result in AnD BElGIAn popularity as a sHEPHERDs.” show dog.”

ShowSight Magazine, December 2012 • 93

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