APPLYING SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER For best results apply the shampoo & conditioner in the following order: 1. belly & Determine the appropriate shampoo & conditioner for your breed. chest 2. legs and feet 3. neck & face 4. back SHORT COATS need LEMON, MEDIUM COATS need BANANA and bottom. Let soak for 5 full minutes. These LONG COATS need GREEN APPLE. are the sebaceous areas where most dirt and toxins enter the pet’s system.

SHAMPOO: Dilute 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water in a clean container. Wet the coat & apply shampoo. Soak for 5 full minutes. Rinse.

CONDITIONER: Dilute 1 part conditioner to 3 parts water in a clean container. Apply conditioner to coat. Soak for 5 full minutes. Rinse.

Don’t see your breed? Please visit Please visit our info site instructions/akc-breeds-by-coat-type/ Frequently Asked Questions: SHORT COATS MEDIUM COATS LONG COATS Why are there different products for different American Foxhound Bernese Mountain Afghan breeds? All pet coats need oils, minerals and Staffordshire Brussels Griffon Bearded collagen to thrive. However short coats need Basenji more oils, medium coats need more minerals Cavalier King Charles Frise and long coats need more collagen. These Chesapeake Bay Retriever Bolonese products are created to provide the right Chinese Crested balance of each for all coat types. Cocker Spaniel Why do I have to bathe per your instructions? Havanese Since pets absorb dirt & toxins from the ground up into their sebaceous areas (tummy, feet, Irish Wolfhound Apso legs and other areas with less hair) it is Keeshond Longhaired important that the products are applied there Maltese first & allowed to soak for 5 min. Dachshund Malamute Papillon Why do I have to let the product soak for 5 full Dalmatian Newfoundland minutes? In order to allow the shampoo to Puli remove the dirt, it takes 5 minutes for the German Pinscher Saint Bernard shampoo to attach to the dirt so it will all rinse Samoyed Silky Terrier off. When bathed for the proper amount of Ibizan Hound time you should never have to give a second Pharaoh Hound Scottish Terrier bath. Rhodesian Ridgeback Siberian Husky Why do I have to use conditioner? It is Vizla West Highland Terrier important that you give back the oils, minerals Weimaraner CATS-All cats except for and collagen that were washed away during the CATS- Cornish Rex Cat those listed in short coat. bathing process. For dry skin or flakes you may Pharaoh Cat leave the mask on longer before rinsing for a deep intense treatment.

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