SPRING 2008 Prof. Ghislaine Géloin, Modern Languages Department Office: Craig Lee CL 147. X 8707
[email protected] Office hours: M, W 11-1 or by appointment. GENERAL EDUCATION CORE IV : CRITICAL INQUIRY. AFAM 262/01 -- THE FRANCOPHONE AFRICAN WORLD. WebCT course. Please make sure to access all documents before class session Course description This course is designed to introduce you to the cultural products of the French- speaking African world. Art, poetry, novels, plays, films and essays in translation are analyzed as documents of historical, social, political and cultural issues of Francophone Africa. Films provide authentic cultural products to explore important aspects of Africa. Students will thus be able to experience the fabric and texture of African. A variety of topics have been selected in order to familiarize you with essential cultural aspects of African countries that have been influenced by French colonization. (See detailed description of topics of exploration in Course content.) Throughout the course you will come to understand the complex realities of Africa, its geographical, historical and social/cultural contexts and its relationships to the West, especially to France. You will listen to African voices telling their side of the story on colonial, neo-colonial, postcolonial Francophone Africa as well as on the cultural values of traditional and contemporary Africa. You will thereby better understand African perspectives, the relationship and the ongoing dialogue between the West and the Non-West as illustrated through the examples of Francophone Africa. By learning about a part of the world that you are not familiar with, you will become more aware of other cultures.