2017 ISSUE 3 CLADGLOBAL.COM mag @CLADGLOBAL FOR LEISURE ARCHITECTS, DESIGNERS, INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS Thom Mayne Patricia Defends his Urquiola controversial Swiss On the inspiration skyscraper behind Como’s Hotel Il Sereno Joshua Prince-Ramus MONTREAL Designing a The creative minds performing arts centre behind the city’s for Ground Zero transformation DAVID CHIPPERFIELD On where city planners are going wrong PHOTO: ALEX DE BRABANT PHOTO: ALEX CREATORS OF WELLBEING AND RELAXATION Interior Design I Engineering Design IWŽŽůнdŚĞƌŵĂů/ŶƐƚĂůůĂƟŽŶI Maintenance Middle East + Asia UK + Europe ƐŝĂWĂĐŝĮĐ Barr + Wray Dubai Barr + Wray Barr + Wray Hong Kong T: + 971 4320 6440 T: + 44 141 882 9991 T: + 852 2214 9990 E:
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[email protected] www.barrandwray.com http://www.holovis.com EDITOR’S LETTER Early adopters can expect to ride a wave of growth Hospitality, health and design Architecture and design students considering their career options now have the opportunity to develop expertise in rapidly emerging growth markets which bring together wellbeing, hospitality and health to create next generation buildings ornell University has announced the launch of a new degree module in hospitality, health and design. The course will be delivered by the Cornell Institute C for Health Futures, an academic centre within the New York-based university. The move comes as a number of new sectors are emerging in the area of design and wellbeing, creating a need for graduates to have a robust grounding in these converging disciplines. These sectors are wellness tourism, wellness communities and next-generation hospitals, health clinics and hospices.