The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary

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The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary by Daniel Christopher Hope A thesis submitted to the College of Engineering at Florida Institute of Technology in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Biological Oceanography Melbourne, Florida December, 2016 We the undersigned committee hereby approve the attached thesis, “The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary,” by Daniel Christopher Hope. _________________________________________________ Kevin Johnson, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Ocean Engineering and Sciences _________________________________________________ John Trefry, Ph.D. Professor Department of Ocean Engineering and Sciences _________________________________________________ Jon Shenker, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Biological Sciences _________________________________________________ Stephen Wood Associate Professor and Department Head Department of Ocean Engineering and Sciences Abstract The Tolerance of Benthic Infauna to Fine-Grained Organic Rich Sediments in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary Author: Daniel Christopher Hope Advisor: Kevin Johnson, Ph.D. Fine-grained organic-rich sediments (FGORS) from anthropogenic impacts are a growing concern for bays and estuaries around the world. This study explores the relationships between infaunal community diversity and species’ abundances with FGORS in the Indian River Lagoon and its tributaries. To examine these potential relationships, infauna were collected monthly using a Petit Ponar grab at 16 stations in the central Indian River Lagoon from October 2015 to August 2016. Abundant taxa in these sediments include polychaete worms (e.g., the polychaete Nereis succinea), molluscs (e.g., clam Parastarte triquetra), and arthropods (e.g., the tanaid Leptochelia dubia) with densities as high as 5.3x104 m-2 (L. dubia in July 2016). Increasing organic matter (OM) in the sediments was inversely correlated with species richness (r2 = 0.74; p-value < 0.001), densities (r2 = 0.72; p-value < 0.001), and diversity (r2 = 0.80; p-value < 0.001). Other infaunal community and population data showed similar relationships with silt-clay (%), sediment porosity, iii and dissolved oxygen (mg/L). Two thresholds of OM and correlated environmental parameters are discussed: an impairment threshold at 2% OM, above which infauna decrease precipitously, and a critical threshold at 10% OM above which infauna are generally absent. iv Table of Contents List of Figures ......................................................................................................... vi List of Tables ......................................................................................................... vii Acknowledgement ................................................................................................ viii Dedication ............................................................................................................... ix Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 Methods ..................................................................................................................... 9 Field Collection ................................................................................................................ 9 Laboratory Procedures and Statistical Analysis ........................................................ 11 Results ..................................................................................................................... 13 Discussion ................................................................................................................ 25 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 38 References ............................................................................................................... 39 v List of Figures Figure 1 — Map of Sampling Stations. ................................................................... 11 Figure 2 — Organic Matter Distribution ................................................................. 14 Figure 3 — Regression of Basic FGORS Parameters .............................................. 15 Figure 4 — Regression of Species Richness vs. FGORS Parameters ..................... 21 Figure 5 — Regression of Infaunal Density vs. FGORS Parameters ...................... 22 Figure 6 — Regression of Infaunal Diversity vs. FGORS Parameters .................... 23 Figure 7 — Regression of Specific Taxonomic Groupings vs. Organic Matter. ..... 24 Figure 8 — Determined Thresholds With ANOVA graphs..................................... 28 Figure 9 — Plot of Richness, Density, and Diversity Against Increasing OM. ...... 34 vi List of Tables Table 1 — GPS Coordinates for Stations ................................................................ 11 Table 2 — Dominant Infaunal Species and Abundances......................................... 18 vii Acknowledgement First and foremost, I would like to give my appreciation to Dr. Kevin Johnson who reached out to me from the beginning and unfailingly guided me through my research and writing. My thanks extends to my committee members Dr. John Trefry and Dr. Jon Shenker for kindly aiding me and providing years of knowledge to my research. I would also like to thank my two great lab mates, Tony Cox and Angelica Zamora-Duran, for their patience and perseverance in the lab and through the many sampling days in the muck. My deepest gratitude goes out to the state legislature through Brevard County for providing the funding with which I was allowed to pursue my dreams. I would like to thank Florida Tech for being such a great school with incredible professors, endless opportunities and amazing friends. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Melissa, who with unwavering support, never stops believing in me. viii Dedication I wish to dedicate this to my parents who showed me what’s important in life, and to my wife who is always there to help me dream big. ix 1 Introduction Estuaries and coastal systems throughout the world are accumulating high organic sediments from various sources such as runoff and sewage (Trefry et al. 1990), terrestrial litter (Hedges et al. 1997, Trefry et al. 2007) and oil and industrial waste (Gray et al. 1979). Sedimented organic matter, although a potential food source for bottom dwellers (Kharlamenko et al. 2001, Coull 1999), is harmful to natural ecosystems in large amounts (Hyland et al. 2005, Pearson and Rosenberg 1978). Anaerobic bacterial processes can further degrade a system via mass decomposition of organic matter, resulting in hypoxia or anoxia (Viaroli et al. 2008), which is exacerbated when the water is static, deep, and warm (Diaz and Rosenberg 1995). These conditions foster sulfur reducing bacteria which release hydrogen sulfide (H2S). This toxic dissolved gas can saturate the benthic environment, making hypoxic habitats even more hostile (Wang and Chapman 1999). Fine-Grained Organic-Rich Sediment (FGORS) buildup in estuaries is heavily influenced by the degree of mixing and flushing in the system. Puente and Diaz (2015) note that high-energy bodies of water stir up sediments more 2 frequently. This prevents small particles from settling and, consequently, there are fewer negative sedimentary impacts on benthic infauna. This mixing also oxygenates the bottom water. In contrast, low energy estuaries allow fine particles and organic matter to settle and accumulate. Because of the small interstitial spaces between fine particles, water movement within sediments is reduced, contributing to weaker penetration of oxygen (Byers and Grabowski 2014). Low energy conditions allow water column stratification, which can perpetuate hypoxia and foster the accumulation of H2S in waters near the benthos. Organic matter also has a strong affinity for sediments and its concentration tends to vary with particle surface area (Milliman 1994, Hedges and Kail 1995, Pelletier et al. 2011). Therefore, the amount of organic matter present likely correlates with the abundance of smaller particles such as silt and clay (Thompson and Lowe 2004). Small particles not only attract organic matter, but also attract and bind toxicants, such as copper (Benton 1995), and other contaminants from anthropological inputs (Swartz 1985; Gray 1979; Gray and Mirza 1979). In a number of ways, FGORS create a stressful environment for benthic infauna. Invertebrate infauna found in FGORS play positive ecological roles in the benthic ecosystem. Some are filter feeders and deposit eaters (Dauer 1993, Lopez and Levinton 1978), others are detritivores (Whitlatch 1981; Levine 1998) and carnivores (Peterson 1979). Because they live and die in the sediments, infauna are a major source of sediment oxidation by particle cycling and bioturbation (Gibson 3 et al. 2001). Also, the process of feeding on and digesting the sediments causes denitrification, remineralization and sediment recycling (Aller 1994; Rhoads 1974). Diaz and Rosenberg (1995) mention that without deposit feeders and detritivores to work sediments, large bacterial mats can form on the benthos which shortens food chains and impedes energy transfer to higher trophic levels. Because they are near the base of estuarine food webs (Chen et al. 2016, Coull, 1999), they form a crucial connection between
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