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' ' 2 ' i'' " ' ,o T.j ! . Q c Power CO n *O a a T som May 26, 1981 # # 3-051-45 h 9, File: 3-0-3-a-4 e , p Mr. J. P. O'Reilly h 9 fb Director Jun 1 5 g gt ,. -i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7, u.s. g T ' [[ Office of Inspection and Enforcement c,', Suite 3100 ' d.p 101 Marietta Street 4 ' O Atlanta, GA 30303 ., X Subject: Crystal River Unit 3 Docket No. 50-302 Oper:1.ing License No. OPR-72 I.E. Bulletin 81-03 FLOW BLOCKAGE OF COOLING WATER TO SAFETY SYSTEM COMPONENTS Bf CORBICULA SP. (ASIATIC CLAM) AND MYTILUS SP. (MUSSEL) .

Dear Mr. O'Reilly: . , Enclosed is our response to I.E. Bulletin 81-03. As requested, the manhours expended in responding to this Bulletin was 80 hours. Please contact this office if : au require any additional discussion con- cerning our response.

Very truly yours,

N P. Y. Baynard ga Manager Nuclear Support Services S Tibbs(F01)D1-3 /[ cc: Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement Division of Reactor Operations Inspection U.S. Nuclear Pagulatory Commission '4ashington, D.C. 20555

| ' e erca 3a733 . ata-eee.stsi 9 3 3 , g7gg gcg 3202 :n ,1,.,ce,in si,ee, seein . , o ec, ,4c42. si m terseurg m .

' . , ,-

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P. Y. Baynard states that she is the Manager, Nuclear Support Ser- vices of Florida Power Corporation; that she is authorized on the part of said company to sagn and file with the Nuclear Regulatory Comission the information attached hereto; a; f that all such statements made and matters set forth therein are true and correct to the best of her knowledge, information and belief.


"- WL2A,#$ . 3 u N- P. Y. Baynard

. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary ,lic in and for the State and County above named, this 26th day of May, 1981. ,


- Wb 0 Notary Public

i Notary Public, State of Florida at Large, - My Comission Expires: May 29,1984

! !


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-, . . _ _ . , _ . . _ _ _ - . . _ . _ . ______. _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ , , . _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . , . . _ _ . . . , _ _ _ _ ._ . . . _ _ . . . '- ., . .


ITEM 1: Determine whether Corbicula sp. or Mytilus sp. is present in the vicinity of the station (local environment) in either the source or receiving water body. If the results of current field monitoring programs provide reasonable evidence that neither of these is present in the local environment, no further action is necessary except for items 4 and 5 in this section for holders of operating licenses.

RESPONSE: The environmental monitoring program, which provides reasonable evidence that neither Corbicula sp. or Mytilus sp. are present in the local environment, is the CR3 ETS Section 3.1.1 Community Structure Study. The program involves quarterly sampling of marine benthos which would indicate these species if they were present. This ongoing study begsn in April 1977. ?,ttached is a cummulative species list of the four years sampling to date (last sample was during December 1980). Neither of the species of concern appear on the list; and therefore, was not found 'in the Crystal River area between April 1977, and December 1980.

ITEMS 2 & 3: " Items 2 and 3 are not applicable to CR-3. . , ' ITEM 4: l Describe methods either in use or planned (including implementation i date) for preventing and detecting future flow blockage or degrada- l tion due to clams or mussels or shell debris. Include the foll ow- ing information in this description:

ITEM 4a: !. | Evaluation of the potential for intrusion of the organisms into l these systems due to low water level and high velocities in the in- ) take structure expected during worst case conditions. 1 RESPONSE: t There are species in the Crystal River area which pose a potential | for fouling of the cooling water system to varying degrees. | Bivalve mollusk species such as 3rachidontes exustus and Cras- | ! sostrea virginica are always present in the intake area, and have

| the type of growth form which has potential for causing cooling system fouling. However, these species rarely undergo explosive popul ation increases which are typical of the temoerate Mytilus sp. and the introduced freshwater Corbicula sp. Therefore, we do not expect any significant change In fouling by clams, mussels or their debris.


_ . . _ - - - - .- ._ - - . . - - . ,

' ' RESPONSE (Cont'd) The minimum water level expected during a Postulated Maximum Hur- ricane would be EL 83'3". Assuming all Nuclear Services and Decay Heat Sea Water Pumps were operating, the average velocity in the intake structure would be .66ft/sec. We do not feel this would have the potential for sweeping a large amount of shell and live mussels into the system.

ITEM 4.b: Evaluation of effectiveness of prevention and detection methods used in the past or present or planned for future use.

RESPONSE: The Nuclear Service and Decay Heat Closed Cycle Heat Exchangers are currently cleaned on a six (6) week schedule. In between clean- ings, two parameters are monitored as an indication of heat ex- changer performance. The first is on discharge pressure on the raw water pumps. This is used as an indication of backpressure from the heat exchanger. As pressure increases to a certain point, which varfes with the system, the in-service heat exchanger is taken out and cleaned. The other indicator is the temperature differential between inlet seawater and secondary water outlet. If the temperature differen- tial reaches a certain limit, the respective heat exchanger is cleaned. The above method has prov,ed 'vpry effective at CR-3. The Decay Heat Closed Cycle Heat Exchangers stay exceptionally clean. and do not require cleaning beypnd thb six week cycle. The Nuclear Services Heat Exchangers periodically require shooting prior to their six week schedul e, but normally yield only a small amount of dead shell.

ITEM 5: Describe the actions taken in items 1 through 3 above and include | the following information:

ITEM Sa: Applicable portions of the environmental monitoring program includ- ing last sample date and results.

RESPONSE: Answer provided in response to item 1.

, ITEMS Sb, c, d & e: | | Items 5b, c, d and e are not applicable to CR-3. | | l j Tibbs(F01)D1-3

- . _ - . . .- _ - . - , , . .

. . . ~ c P00R ORIGINAL. N * *f y Table 1. Taxonomic list and relative occurrence of benthic organisms (excluding organisms found only on oyster reefs), in the vicinity of Florida Power Corporation's Crystal River Plant. (Each relative occurrence datum is the percentage of 20 control samples or 28 discharge samples where occurrence was recorded. A relative occurrence of :ero for both the control and discharge basins indicates species presence in 1977 * * and/or 1978 and/or 1979, but not in 1980. Samples were collected during March, June, September and December 1980.)

Relative Occurrence

Con trol Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples


Amphicteis gunneri Amphar c tidae 25 14 Apoprionosp_i_oi pygmaea Spionidae 0 0 Arabadla it icolor Arabellidae 80 14 Arabella irudescens Arabellidae 0 0 Arenicola cristata Arenicolidae 15 7 Aricides fragilis Paraonidae 0 4 Aricidea philbinae Paraonidae 100 AricI 5a taylori 96 Paraonidae 65 79 , Ar'icid[ sp. Parsonidae 20 29 Axiothella mucosa Maldanidae 90 46 nrgnchicasychis americana Maldanidae 65 21 Brania clavata Syllidae 35 18 2C n,itella capitata Capite111dae 85 71 Ceratonereis irritabilis Nereidae 5 4 Ceratonereis sp. Nereidae 25 7 Chone duneri Sabellidae 85 57 Chone sp. Sabellidae 20 0

, C,i,r r a tulus sp. Cirratulidae 5 0 , Clymene11a torquata Maldanidae 30 39 Dy ybranchus lumbricoides Capitellidae 5 0 ! Diopatra cuprea Onuphidae 40 43 Enoplobranchus sanguineus | Terebellidae 13 4 l Eteone heteropoda Phyllodocidae 60 36 Eumida s_anguinea Phy11odocidae 25 14 | ,Eun i,cc atonnata Eunicidae 5 0 Eu_nic_e pinnata Eunicidae 0 0 ' Fgogone dispar Syllidae 75 21

, Exogone sp. Syllidae 10 0 ! Fabricia sabella Sabellidae 5 7 | Fabricia sp. Sabellidae 85 29 Glycera americana Glyceridae 80 54 Glyceridae Glycera sp. _ 20 0 Cl,ycinde solitaria Goniadidae 0 0 | j Glycinde sp. Goniadidae 35 7 Gyptis brevinaloa Resionidae 70 39 Haploscoloplos foliosus. Orbiniidae 15 21 . ! I-20

. - _ - . .

Table 1. (Con t. ) n . i.) Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge Taxon Pamily Samples Samples .

Hanloscoloolos robustus Orbiniidae 50 32 Haploscoloplos sp. Orbiniidae 35 32 Harmothoe aculeata Polynoidae 15 7 Harmothoc sp. Polynoidae 0 0 He_teromastus filiformis Capitellidae 75 64 Ilyboscolex longiseta Scalibregidae 0 0 Laconereis culveri Nereidae 65 100 Lepidametria commensalis Polynoidae 40 4 Lepidonotus sp. Polynoidae 25 0 Loandalia f,a_uveli Pilargidae 0 0 _ Loimia viridi; Terebellidae 0 0 Lumbrineris sp. Lumbrinereidae 50 57 Lysidice ninetta Eunicidae 30 25 Lysilla' alba Terebellidae 60 39 Magelona pettiboneae Magelonidae 35 64 Magelona sp. Magelonidae 5 4 Malacoceras vanderhorsti Spionidae 0 4 gg Malacoceras sp. Spionidae 0 0 Marghy,sa sanguinea Eunicidae 70 61 Mglianastus cal _if orniensis Capitellidae 80 79 * i|elinna maculata Ampharetidae 5 13 Minuspio cirrifers Spionidae 10 11 ,_Minuspio cirrobranchiata Spionidae 15 0 Minuspio sp. Spionidae 15 4 Nainereis sp. Orbiniidae 60 13 Nematonereis unicornis Eunicidae 5 14 Nereis acuminata Nereidae 25 11 Nereis falsa Nereidae 25 36 Nereis succipea Nereidae 50 63 Nereis sp. Nereidae 70 36 Notomastus latericeus Capitellidae 0 11 Notomastus sp. Capitellidae 0 0 Odontocyll'is sp. Syllidae 15 4 Onuphis nebulosa , Onuphidae 90 39 | 6phiodromus sp. Hesionidae 5 4 Owenia fusiformis Oweniidae 20 25 Parahesione luteola Hesionidae 5 0 Paramastis nocciosa Capi te llidae 0 0 Paransitis speciosa Phyllodocidae 10 4 Paraonides sp. Paraonidae 25 25 .- Parsonis sp. Paraonidae 5 14 - Parajarionospio pinnata Spionidae 65 64 Pictinaria gouldii Pcctinariidae 20 11 fs Perinereis floridana Nereidae 0 0 'j Perinereis sp. Mereidae 5 0 Phyllodoce arenae Phyllodocidae 15 21 I-21


- es - . . * O ~ P00R Table 1. ORIGlNM f.s (Con t. ) $ Relative Occurrence . Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples ,_

Phyllodoc e sp. Phyllodocidae 0 0 Pilargis sp. Pilargidae 5 0 Piromis eruca Flabelligeridae 15 4 Pista cristata Terebellidae 70 36 Pista palmata Terebellidae 35 11 Pista sp. Terebellidae 10 14 Platynereis dumerilii Nereidae 40 7 Poecilochaetus johnsoni Poecilochaetidae 20 0 Polydora websteri Spionidae 65 61 Polydora sp. Spicnidae 5 0 Polyendentes lupina Polyondentidae 0 0 Prionospio Spionidae 95 54 Sabella micropthalma sabellidae 25 7 Sabellaria vulgar is Sabellariidae 40 7 Sabe11 aria sp. Sabellariidae 0 0 Schistomeringus rudolphi Dorvilleidae 15 0 Scolelepis souamata. Sptonidae 40 50 I Scoloples rubra Orbiniidae 90 36 . Scyphoproctus platyproctus Capitellidae 50 0 Sigambra bassi Pilargidae 0 0 Schaerosv111s sp. Syllidae 45 19 Spio pettibonae Spionidae 0 14 Spiochaetopterus costarum Chaetopteridae 0 0 Spiophanes bombyx Spionidae 0 4 Streblosoma hartmanae Terebellidae 40 7 Streblospio benedicti Spionidae 10 64 Syllides sp. Syllidae 5 0 Syllis sp. Syllidae 75 71 Terebelliden stroemi Terebellidae 10 18 Thar yx sp. Cir ratulidae 100 71 Therochaeta sp. Flabelligeridae 5 0 unid. sp. Ampharetidae 0 0 unid. sp. | Arabellidae 0 4 | unid, sp. Capitellidae 15 21 unid. sp. Chrysopetalidae 0 0

| unid. sp. Cirratulidae 30 11 unid, sp. Dorvilleidae 0 0 unid. sp. Ec-icidae 0 0 | .unid. sp. Goniadidiae 5 0 | unid. sp. Hesionidae 5 4 I unid. sp. Lumbrinereidae 0 4 ! unid. sp. Maldanidae 15 0 unid. sp. Nereidae 30 21 /' I unid. sp. Opheliidae 0 0 ' .}

; I-22 |


------_ _ . _ - . - . - _ - . _ -_ _ . .

- . , Table 1. (Con t. ) O 8 h Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge - Taxon Family Samples Samples


unid. sp. Orbiniidae 5 11 unid. sp. Paraonidae 5 18 unid. sp, Phyllodocidae 10 4 unid. sp. Polynoidae 0 0 unid. sp. Sabellaridae 5 0 unid. sp. Sabellidae 50 32 unid, sp. Scalibregmidae 0 0 unid sp. Ser pulidae 70 7 unid. sp. Spionidae 15 14 unid. sp. Syllidae 10 0 unid. sp. Terebellidae 20 21





Acteocina canaliculata 75 61 Acteccina bulla ta Acteocinidae 0 0 Acteccina sp. Acteocinidae 5 11 Acteon punctostriatus Acteocinidae 0 0 Acteon sp. Acteocinidae 5 0 pulchella 0 0 Astyris lunata Colombellidae 80 43 (Mitrella lunata) Bittium varium Cecithiidae 60 32 Bulla stria ta Bullidae 30 18 Bulla sp. Bullidae 0 10 Caecum polchellum Caecidae 5 11 Caecum sp. Caecidae 60 43 Cal atrophon ostrearum Muricidae 30 0 Cancettaria reticulata Cancellaridae 0 0 Cer ithiopdis emer soni Cecithiidae 10 0 Cerithium eburneum Cerithiidae 0 14 Carith'idm muscarum Cerithiidae 60 32 Cer,ithium sp. Cerithiidae 5 0 Castoanachis semiplicata Columbellidae 30 0 ( Costoanachis sp. Columbellidae 5 0 I-23


e * . * . Table 1. (Con t . ) A 12h Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples


Crassist rai rampaensis Turridae 0 0 Cr,egidula aculcata Calyp tracidae 30 0 Cre,pidula m,iculosa Calyptracidae 95 18 Creni,dula plana Calyp traeidae 70 25 Crepidula sp. Calyp trac idae 10 4 Cvlindrobu11a beauli Volva te llidae 25 0 Diadora cayenensis Fissurellidae 5 0 Diadora laumei F i ssu re l.lidae 0 0 Epitonium sp. Epitoniidae 0 4 Fasciolaria lilium Fasciolariidae 10 0 Fasciolaris sp. Fasciolariidae 5 0 Granula ovuliformis Margine111dae 25 4 Ilaminoes sp. Haminoe idae 20 18 Mar _ginella apicina Margine111dae 95 14 Ma,r,ginella aureocineta Marginellidae 5 0 Mqrginella lavalceana Marginellidae 20 0 Marginella sp. Marginellidae 0 0 gas Melanella sp. Melanellidae 0 0 Melongena corona Melongenidae 0 0 * Microdochus sn. Rissoidae 0 0 Mitrella dichroa Columbellidae 10 0- N.lssarios vibex Nassaridae 95 69 Odostomia impressa Pyramideltidae 5 18 Odostomia laevigata Pyram8deltidae 10 18 odostomia sp. 40 29 Olivella mutica Olivellidae 0 0 Olivella sp. Olive 111dae 35 0 Pa,r,vanachis obesa Columbellidae 15 0 (Arachis obesa) Polinices duplicatus Natacidae 5 0 Pzramidella sp. Pyramidellidae. 0 0 Pvegoev thara clicosa Turridae 10 4 Pyrgospira ostreatum Turridae 0 0 Rissoina sp. Rissolnidae 25 4 Seila adamsi Cerithidae 25 0 Strombi, formis sp. Strombidae 0 0 Teinestoma sp. Vitrinellidae 5 7 Terebra protexta Terebridae 0 0 T_urbonilla in ter rupta Pyramidellidae 5 18 purbonilla sp. Pyramidellidae 45 14 Urosiininx tamnaensis Mucicidae 15 0 Vitrinella flor idana vitrinellidae 10 11 Vitrinella helicoidea Vitrinellidae 0 4 gg Vitrinella sp. Vitrinellidae 0 7 - j unid. Gastropod ----- 0 7 unid. sp. Columbellidae 0 0 I- 24


' .

gg Table 1. (Cont. ) 'ph Relative occurrence

- Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples

. unid sp. Marginellidae 0 0 unid. sp. Melanellidae 0 0 unid. sp. Nudibranchia 25 0 unid. sp. Pyramidellidae 5 7 unid. sp. Turridae 0 0 unid. sp. Vitrinellidae 0 0


Abra ae,qualis Semelidae 5 14 Aeguipectin sp. Pectinidae 0 0 Aligena texasiana Leptonidae 0 0 papyrium - 15 11 Arcopsis adamsi Accidae 0 0 Argopecten l'eradians Pectinidae 10 0 Brachidontes domi_ngensis Mytilidae 0 0,

, ,B,rachidentes exustus Mytilidae 0 0 Brachidentes sp. . Mytilidae 45 4

. Carditamera floridana 45 4 Chione cancellata Venecidae 10 7- Chione latilicata Ven'e'e ldae 0 4 Chione sp. Venecidae 0 0 Codakia sp. Lucinidae 0 0 Cor bula contracta Corbulidae 5 0 i Cor bula dietziana Corbulidae 0 0 Cor bula swif tiana Corbulidae 5 0 Corbula sp. Corbulidae 15 7 Crassostrea virginica Ostreidae 20 32 0 | Cumingia coarctata Semelidae 5 Cumingia tellinoides Semelidae 10 11 Cumingia sp. Semelidae 45 43 Cyclinella *:,uis Venecidae 5 0 , Ensis minor Solenidae 0 11 Gemma sp. Venecidae 0 0 Inchadium recurvum Mytilidae 0 0 0 l Laevicardium laevicatum Cardiidae 0 Laevicardiu5 mortoni Cardiidae 35 32 Lima pellucida Limidae 25 4 Lloberus castaneus Mytilidae 0 0 Lucina nassula Lucinidae 0 11 Lyonsildae 40 46 i Ly.onsta hyalina 4 l Macoma constricts Tellinidae 5 Mactra f ragilis Mactridae 5 0 Eercenaria campechiensis venecidae 0 0 i / , ' I I- 25


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Table 1. (Con t. ) D g Relative Occurrence Control Discharge Taxen Family Samples Samples


Musculus lateralis Mytilidae 10 . 4 Mysella glanulata Leptonidae 70 43 Mysella sp. Leptonidae 0 0 Nucula proxi,ma Nuculidae 30 11 Nuculana sp. Nuculidae 0 4 Ostrea equestris Ostreidae 55 0 Parastarte triquetra Venecidae 0 0 Periploma sp. Periplomatidae 0 0 Pleuromeris tridentata Carditidae 0 0 Pteria colymbus Pteridae 5 0 Semele bellastriata Semelidae 5 0 Sqmele porficua Semelidae 30 4 Semele purpurescens Semelidae 0 0 S_cmele sp. Semelidae 0 4 Solemya sp. Solemyacidae 0 0 Tagelus divisus Solecurtidae 0 4 Tellina lineata Tellinidae 5 7 _Te l_li na n _i_ tens Tellinidae 20 14 g5 Tellina texana Tellinidae 15 0 Tellina sp. Tellinidae 65 32 * Teachycardium muricatum Cardiidae 5 0 Trachycardium sp. Cardiidae 0 0 Transennolla conradina venecidae 25 0 ~ Transennella sp. venecidae 0 0 unid sp. Arcidae 0 0 unid. sp. Carditidae 0 0 unid, sp. Leptonidae 0 0 unid. sp. Ostreidae 0 0 unid. sp. Semelidae 0 0 unid. sp. rellinidae 0 0 unid. -- 0 0


Ishnochitan papillosus Ischnochitonidae 55 7 Acanthochitona pygmaea Acanthochitonidae 30 7 unid. sp.


Subclass Ostracoda O, ' t I-26


- . . . .. * - , .


Table 1. (Con t. ) A Relative Occurrence rq g Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples

. -- 93 . unid. sp. 90

Subclass Copepoda

unid. sp. -- 0 0

Order Calanoida

Acartia tonsa Acartiidae 5 4 Pseudoiiantomus coronatus Diaptomidae 0 0 Tenera turbinata Temoe idae 0 0 unid. sp. -- 20 21

Order Cyclopoida

/ unid. sp. -- 0 11

' Order* liarpacticoids ,

* unid. sp. -- 15' 0

Subclass Malacostraca

Order Cumacea -

unid. sp. Diastylidae 0 0 unid. sp. non-Diastylidae 0 0 unid. Cumacea -- 40 46

Order Tanaidacea

Kalliapseudes sp. Kalliapseudidae 15 4 unid sp. Kalliapseudidae 0 0 unid. sp. Monokonophora 30 4 unid. sp. Dikonophora 40 32 uaid, sp. -- 0 4

Order Isopoda

unid. sp. Aegidae 0 0 unid. sp. Anthuridae 10 29 unid. sp. Cirolanidae 0 0 unid. sp. Excorallinidae 20 0 Idotoidae 80 54 c unid. sp. . = > I- 27


- . * - . , - .

Table 1. (Con t. ) .O .g Relative occurrence Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples

. unid. sp. Sphaeromatidae 50 14 unid. Isopoda -- 0 0

Order Amphipoda

unid. sp. Ampeliscidae 65 29 unid, sp. Amphilochidae 60 11 unid. sp. Ampithoidae 100 61 unid. sp. Aoridae 90 64 unid. sp. Bateidae 20 0 unid. sp. Caprellidae 50 11 unid. sp. Colomastigidae 0 0 unid. sp. Corophiidae 95 14 unid. sp. Hyalidae 5 0 unid. sp. Leucothoidae 30 0 unid. sp. Liljeborgildae 15 21 unid. sp. Lysianassidae 15 0 unid sp. Melitidae 75 39 /*5 unid. sp. Oedicerotidae 10 4 unid. sp. Phliantidae 5 0 unid. sp. Photidae 5 0 unid. sp. Phoxocephalidae 45 7 unid sp. Podoceridae 0 7 unid. sp. Pontogeneidae 5 0 unid sp. Stenothoidae 0 4 unid. sp. -- 10 0

Order Mysidacea unid. sp. -- 35 18

Order Decapoda

Alpheus armillatus Alpheidae 25 4 Alpheus heterochaelis Alpheidae 80 39 Alpheus normannii Alpheidae 35 0 Alpheus sp. Alpheidae 25 4 Ambidexter symmetricus Hippolytidae 40 25 Au toma te sp. Alpheidae 0 0 Callinoctes capidus Portunidae 5 4 Callinectes sp. Portunidae 5 25 Euryganopeus abbreviatus Xanthidae 0 0 Eurvpanopeus depressus X a n thidae 65 21 Eurypanopeus sp. Xanthidae 0 0 !!exapanopeus augustifrons Xanth idae 5 0 b i 1-28

P00R ORlGlNAL . . . _ .. ._ . * * . .. , - * e . . Table 1. r (Con t. ) g Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples


H,exapanopeus sp. Xanthidae 0 0 Hippolyte pleuracantha Hippolytidae 85 43 Nippolyte sp. Hippolytidae 0 0 Latreu tes fucorum Hippolytiose 0 0 Libinia dubia Majidae 45 0 Libinia sp. Majidae 0 0 Menippe mercenaria _ Xanthidae 5 0 Metophorhaphis sp. Majidae 0 0 Neoganope pa_ckardi Xanthidae 25 0 Neopanope texana Xanthidae 80 50 Neoganope sp. Xanthidae 95 43 Ogyrides limicola Ogyridae 0 0 Ogyrides yaquiensis Ogyridae 10 7 Ogyrides sp. Ogyridiae 0 0 Pagurus annulipes Faguridae 0 0 Pagurus spp. Paguridae 90 29 P,alaemon flor idanus Palaemonidae 25 4 Palaemon sp. Palaemonidae 0 0 /~N _Pa13qmonetes intermedius. Palaemonidae 35 36 Pal _aemone tes pucio , Palaemonidae , 15 0 Palaemunetes vulgar is Palaemonidae 10 0 Palaemonetes sp. Palaemonidae 45 21 Panopeus herbstii Xanthidae 15 4 Panopeus occidentalis Xanthidae 15 11 Panopeus sp. Xanthidae 50 14 Pelia mutica Majidae 20 0 Penaeopsis sp. Penaeidae 0 0 Penaeus duorarum Penaeidae 5 4 Penaeus sp. Penaeidae 40 32 Periclimenos americanus Palaemonidae 50 25 Periclimenes longicaudatus Palaemonidae 40 18 Periclimer.es sp. Palaemonidae 10 0 Petrolisthos armatus Porcellanidae 25 0 Petrolisthes sp. Porcellanidae 25 0 Pinnixa sp. Pinnotheridae 20 18 Pi.tho an i.Sodon Majidae 0 0 3.ithropanopeus harrisii Xanthidae 15 4 Thor dobkini Hippolytidae 20 0 Thor floridanus Hippolytidae 10 0 Thor sp. Hippolytidae 10 0 Tozeuma carolinense Hippolytidae 0 7 Teachypenaeus constrictus Penseidae 0 4 Trgqhyggnaeus sp. Penaeidae 0 0 Ugo2ebia affinis Callianassidae 35 18 ("5 unid, sp. Alpheidae 0 0 * / I-29 P00R BRIGINAL

. - -


* . * . ' > .

, Table 1. (Con t . ) *pj Relative occurrenca Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samoles


unid. sp. Callianassidae 15 0 innid. sp. Grapsidae 0 0 unid. sp. Hippolytidae 0 0 unid. sp. Majidae 0 0 unid. sp. Paguridae 0 0 unid. sp. Palaemonidae 30 18 unid. sp. Penaeidae 5 0 unid. sp. Finnotheridae 5 0 unid sp. Porcellanidae 0 0 unid. sp. Portunidae 0 0 unid. sp. Processidae 0 0 unid, sp. Xanthidae 90 46 unid, sp. Caridean 0 0 unid. sp. Brachyuran zoes 0 0 unid, sp. Caridean zoea 0 7 unid. Natantia -- 5 4 unid. sp. post larvae 0 0 unid. sp. p. megalopa 0 0 unid. Reptantia -- 5 14

Subclass Cirripedia * , ,

Balanus sp. Balanidae ,15 21

Subclass Cephalocaridia

unid. sp. -- 0 0






' fs ' f I-30


. * .

* * . ,


gs Table 1. (Con t. )

'[ Relative Occurrence Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples









Acanthophora sp. Rhodomelaceae 0 4 gga Centr _oceras sp. Ceramiaceae 0 0 Ceranium sp. Ceramiaceae 25 4 ' Champia sp. Chsmpiaceae 5 0 Chrysymenia sp. Rhodoymeniaceae 0 0 Chondria sp. Rhodomelaceae 45 4 Dasya sp. Dasyaceae 15 0 Digenia sp. Rhodomelaceae 10 0 Gracilaria sp. Gracilariaceae 55 4 | 0 | Hypnea sp. Hypneaceae 0 | Laurencia sp. Rhodomolaceae 30 4 | Polysiphonia sp. Rhodomelaceae 0 7 Spyridia sp. Ceramiaceae 65 7 i ' DIVISION PHAEOPHYTA

| | Dictyota sp. Dictyotaceae 0 0 Rosenyingea sp. Punctariaceae 0 0 Sargassum sp. Sargassaceae 50 0 Stictyosiphon sp. Striariaceae 0 0 0 | Stilophora sp. Stilophoraceae 5 |


Acetabularia sp. Daacyladaceae 5 0 g Caulerna sp. Caulerpaceae 70 7




. __

- . . . * . - > - . Table 1. (Con t. ) r Relative Occurrence :.Asi Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples

I * ' Cladophora sp. Cladophoraceae 0 0 Halimeda sp. Codia ceae 75 0 Penicillus sp. Codiaceae 0 0 Udotea sp. Codiaceae 15 0


Halodule beaudettei Cymodoceaceae~ 10 64 H31ophila engelmannii Hydrocharitaceae 0 0 Ruppia maritima Ruppiaceae 15 0 Syringodium filiforme Cymodoccaceae 20 0 _7'talassia testudinum Hydrocharitaceae 0 0

O * Note: Cie following taxonomic revisions to this list have been made: Anach is semiplicata is new Costoanachis semiplicata: Nucula crenulata has

, , been correctly tJ?ntified as Nucula proxima; Eurynanoccus dissimilis has been merged with Eurypanopeus depressus; Hippolyte zoster icola has been , merged with Hippolyte pleuracantha. Taxonomic names in parentheses are are old names which have recently been updated.

i l l :



| |

b... I-32

| | P00R ORIGINA. -- - _ - - -.

' . - ,

. Table 2. Taxonomic list and relative occurrence of benthic organisms on /*5 oyster reefs in the vicinity o8 Florida Power Cor'poration's Crystal River , ,g Plant. (Each relative occurrence datum is the percentage of 12 control or 24 * discharge samples where occurrence was recorded. A relative occurrence of zero for both the control and dischaege basins indicates species presence during 1977and/or 1978 and/or 1979, but not in 1980. Samples were collected during March, June, September and December 1980.)

~ Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples


Cerithiopsis emersoni Cerithiidae 0 0 Cerithium muscarum Cerithiidae 25 4 Crepidula aculeata Calyptrae idae 17 0 Crepidula maculosa Calyptraeidae 17 0 Crepidula plana Calyptraeidae 75 4 Crepidula sp. Calyptraeidae 8 0 Fasciolaria lilium Fasciolariidae 0 0 Melongena corona Melongenidae 0 0 Nassarius vibex Nassaridae 8 0 Odostomia _impressa Pyramidellidae 0 0 Odostomia sp. Pyramidellidae 0 9 obesa (*% , Columbellidae 8 4

(Anachis ebesa) , Setla adamsi Cerithiidae 25 0 Nudibranchia -- 17 0


*Erachidentes spp. Mytilidae 100 58 Carditamera floridana Carditidae 50 0 Chione sp. Vener idae 0 0 Corbula swif tiana Corbulidae 0 0 Corbula sp. Corbolidae 0 0 Crassostrea virginica Ostreidae 100 96 Ostrea equestris Ostreidae 58 0 Semele perficua Semelidae 58 0

Pir/ LUM MOLLUSCA, CLASS AMPHINEURA t Acanthochitona gfgmaaa Acanthochitonidae 8 0 Ischnochiton papillosus Ischnochitonidae 0 0


Order *anaidacea

unid sp. Dikonophora 0 0 I-33


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. . * , ... * , .~


/"S Table 2. (Continued)

L%) , Relative Occurrence

Control Discharge Taxon Family Samples Samples

. Order Amphipoda

unid. sp. Hyalidae 100 29 unid. sp. Melitidae 25 13 unid. Arphipoda - 0 0

Order Isopoda

unid, sp. Sphaeromatidae 8 0

Order Decapoda

Eurypanopeus, decressus Xanthidae 92 83 Eurynanopeus sp. Xanthidae 0 0 Neopanope packardi Xanthidae 0 0 Pagurus sp. Paguridae 0 0 Panopeus herbstii Xanthidae 75 45 Panopeus occidentalis Xanthidae 8 0 ("N Panopeus sp. Xanthidae 17 4 Petrolisthes armatus Porcellanidae 50 17 , Petrolisthes sp. Porcellanidad 92 33 Rithropanopeus harrisii Xanthidae 0 0 Uca minar Ocypodidae 0 4 Uca pu;41ator Ocypodidae 0 0 Uca sp. Ocypodidae 0 17 unid. sp. Grapsidae 0 0 unid sp. Xanthidae 83 79

Subclass Cirripedia

Balanus sp. Balanidae 100 75

Phylum Insecta

Anurida maritima Poduridae 17 21 unid. arachnid -- 0 0

*Brachidontes spp. is a combination of Brachidontes dom'ngensis, Brachidontes exustus and Ischadium recurvum.

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