

By 1937

Colonial NIP .- .-


Ye --

ltf.s\r 4Th

Sutrçc f-r al iisro



-- %OTh COkCEBN1dk bs -aaooSs ITh 1013 COO$1

EsFOith 1.cG


Joepb Ca 1èbert aSQflt1 BEtuger4ist0rih1




itioa- EiatoriC4 Pai -I -it 5- -- .toAVirk41tt -- .- -- iHc 44

--- -- 7t tt -- 4- .4


44 74 14

8- 47 .3


.4 -- 1- 6S

-i------__ 4iI -- 47-4

.4.4 47 ft 33 -- 3- 4---- .4-. _I -- .. -3 14



-C -k

14 .4 4- 73 -- -- t- -- --


.4 _4 4- -- -- _..-- .14_C --

fl .- -- --._ 4.4-- -- -..-- -- 4- 44 COtXEi4t$


4- 44 -4

-.44- -3 -4- .4 _4_ .4 8- 44 7$ .4 48 PagS

Prdao17flQtee sa a3a4_i it

York sraboun- it 33 County Genert .4

Xorktmniisehoutes 1- 43

Roes Ssrehouse 4k-

8Oatq1Iajdjntrehotses 16

Sageation Goroerz4ng fflthet Bsearch 4-

------Y- If

47 44.3


-- 474. _4

14 --

-4 .4--pc _4___.__ 3-- 4- -4 4- -- 44 -- 4444


__44 -1

-4 41


44 .1444.4.44-



-- I-

-- .4 4_I- -- -.4 -- 44 414 tj

44 .z 44 II -.4- 4- 44 1I -It .4

Ip -_ 3-- -- k.. 4-- eatoryHotç


.-- __i .--- -t flia briet tas is beBed aat Ezaination of the Or4er floics in the Zor- Count- Office the Order Bopks ft sofl Of tns yearezare missing 1.7541759 Z76a1765 Pox the etw1Stz jmrt of the erSod undn survey reIiaies wfl pitted on notes Gardnei4a briot index to ndous itsns in the Yozk County tteards 3S914745t For the Inter iericd the ueri tbrq@gii vobne Thuibqd jiige by ge ur vhere t- the indaxt eeejed to have been preparect rith sOzas crire examined oiily the ant pxoiaLng pzges or convenience the zbtfl-ôi%Ltzg the.aonre lLLCteflCI have been iucIued in -$he bodr of the e$Sy- The v1 ujites in the Clerkta Office are lO4ed aOze by nuxtber sbne by 4ate For- uflozeeot idenZlficatioA the tabs sqhesá used ip thqp4sflTltWUeat àitatioü The abbreviations n$ed fle oflost

OW Urdrs and rilIap Zrk County elerk Office U1s ad Thye4qres loric COufltyGlerktThOffjce. 3W ludgmentá nad Orders4 4Th Oraer fooks 1orc County Cier Office Ii fleftiiag $tcihtutes ____ --

Xorktan- September 28 i97 -- ._fr


Si -t

v.-- a- p-

--- a- -. --

ton ctn1y Yttrehou6e Li tsnra

aot coincident with the tondin of the first sett1

.ents in the Y6tktovoi area ths pltxtters of the rteighborhood

beneflttsd from pnbllc warehouses An act paaed by the toI

a$ssibIy in leEk/S provided tatt establishment of OiL five states or wareJiousia on of tbeft to be at tiskyakfl

li1Eos In leçs thanhs year the act was rephstsd 4rn4

the .ti1sber of warehouveS flicreaSedTto soteni Md the scaveli

sttre to be in Charleg rivr for the inhabitants ot

torke and 1he places adioyningeHIfl1

In act prtpossd in 1680 for the purchase in each cpnty

of so acreS to be laid out for toni and storehouses contained

the stateentt ln Yorke eount7 dr iteeda ndwhets the --

SJj1 Ijonors stare was including the lo tdach land wbrtee

tind the old field chere Lebber dtelt tr cohabitation0 jJU 472

the familIar a4 of 1691 which estab3aShQ4 the port on OAr

Bnaatn Reads lclndttL1IIl59 as prob1ày the finished version

-- -.. r_- -- _.._



Iii 3.7il an eat cafSrxed tbe legi34tyof the Wpfl40 rolling

boueSt already builtItIVt$6 Citin aathotity given da

by the Assembly Sn 1718 Lieptenfl aovernor pottsiioOd in let

ter vrittmn to the York C3unty tourt and eonsideteci by that body

Dec El 1713 ahuounced that he wtS appointing commiaflonern to

meet with those designated by the oqunty courts At the totin9

the purpose of wbigb was to crUet flora houses 1hs eozgljsionara

were not to regar4 couu.ty boundaries 1ut only the ease and con

Teniebce of the people At egeb plz%ee designated theie to

built according to Spottatóod tthe storeh4iee as shtU be

directed by Oomraisa Justices atoie together $ith good

when at Zanding adjoining thereto .aThOtiUVjjp2gaT Vor

the meeUn tich as scheduled for Milliansthzg on Janutuy 28

1712/4 the County Court appointed zs delogttea Lawrence

Sith snd Joseph Sta11cerU1Y2g4

As reult of the deliberations in iUinsturg four ioints

for -warehousep to be sad for the storage tobacco pd oher

flle4.g in I82O ezpliinid th UMO oiling houet Rollinghouses not taUed Warehouses were- at first so deñoa iflated trost the node of o.1ing the tobacco to aret whiob ts exclu8ively the manner of rarisport1rx.it 4i-the iar4ncrot u1 ooizptry befde agqhs were introduced or the nev4gatkon Of kte rivers nbovs tide waters itprovedg and which continues to be pSe tifled in great degree to the prieeut day1V2n

-- I------



I------j H-- 4- .-- 1t 4-9_ -I

-t it


erflgudise yen establiahed $ui York County Yoxktzn SsiiwneAo

teeA8 Creek tCatol tancttng tj and Obarles River or Ron

ton totsek.5 Oxs ebruny iS lfl/4 tse York Coux4ty Court

set the atuuzel rtht for the variotie store bouces thtflupob

l4fljnt xokner Gsntle undertook to 1uild the Store houses

barr at orktotn gave baud ar his perfornance accordi.nly

Jcee Attn undertook to build the Store bouses fbtrf on his

land E.t 8kiaeno ta gate bond for his erfonnqtntie accordingly

8iifliem Row uwjertook to bufl4 the E.toShousea uharf upon

Ins lend on Charles ktver gave bonw for his performance

socordifly. l1lie proprietors of the lnd on ueens Creek -o

dflignated for warehouan refused to buildç0iiXIVt02r For

the Queens Creek arehouces apparently toe county court took

adnntage of the act of 1fl2RlY4 phichellond the county

to con4emn tile necessary land pxid to SuA the warihous$ ate

dounty expense Public supervisory officiçls or agclts vefl

apointed for the four warehouea kr tM York Ooutsty Court Wovein

bar IS 7l4OWflViS636t as also ThAIV39547t477XV2B


Zy the .ect oQ 1730 teh gate 2q11 fori 1t0 tbs inspedtion

tyteiz public warehouses Were established at Roes storehouse

in tae County Ton5 1couedge end Capitol landings upç

-- -- 3- .- -- ..- c------

Mr Uolloway lanu Landind was in Jaies City ouay3

and tte tgni -of Thit -ELera the agents house w4s1IV

z66267 Note thtt of all tm Thrk Coun wirebouse points

incttted in 1714 only $kimeno kimzenoY is omitted Under the

set of 17-30 not one of the warehouses suppgrted en independent

set o-f Inspeetara but in .Th2 it ns provided by la that of

the wsrehou ass just designated onl7 tiapitol landing and Cofleae

landing in tifliasburg were to he under the seas inspectors

In t1 period fran s730 trougti 1774 York Rosa and Capi

to 1andin wer the tnree official points at inspection in Xoxk

CountEes HI t5 583 V143 VI 174 Viii 79 these foflyodd

years ivare the griad era in torktotnts pomiereial 1i1story 14

Vs war period- 17751162 apparently torzcto-n wan discontinued

as ar ins$ctioa point at teest no record is found the ozder

boots for those yesra Both Boss Lnd epito1 Landing continued

to be uaedSee oxder books for f4zct flriodcr Eating iX1S448G


1L J.78 the intpeotion at torktozn was reLestablAbed Roes

snd Capitol Lending discontinued .At no tin after 1785 doeS

there appear to have been any rita official point of inspection

Zork County

-- -___ -- --

-- Yorktowfl Warehouse


tie iiocda of the set of IISQ already cited ursctoubtedly

asart that the 120 inspection point was at the saaue loocUor as

the old vollinglipuee eetabUahd in 1714 or about tvo yearS4

utter 1730 the Torn warehouse wsa operated 14r inSpectors who

4iidod their titte between this and -one other tszohouae that

0at Gloucester toin upon capt Annart lan4htBIVC7 At-

the end of that titae hbIever the York warehouse bt set of

inspectors ot its o1n14L-Vk33k

In Deotber 1744 the hogshesda at test warehouse or ware

house and praauwably the thi1qin itself were erioualy darn

aged by the overflowing Of the tidEV6vitJi The record

of this unfortunate event proves conclusively tliwt the proprie

tOr of the York srehouse 14lt the flructare below ths blzff

and on the nterts edge John Thicnrer1 toe proprietor tn negligent about waking- repaits tarddnes wh.tth caused ie

Saspectorif to rgtster cowpleint agaiast Mnt 4th the county

court qn Iuzust 19 1745Ttl1li38$ it the cte rnoetin

Ednrkd idth and td11iaa 3ie1on Jr ere appointed to investi


--- -i------gate the tbtdco nrel%outes at Xork4vn and report %ihstber the

thildings ouLd be rsaireI or not1tflXt394 Xh osatttee

reported ibM the buildings zsze beyo1c reait thereupon the

-York tountt Coart on JuSts 16 1746 4isaued Sun none for John

so that he ltibJlt declare wb4tber or not he wou24 build

aew warehoubes11lU4zc6 AperiUy uaner refuSed to build

for on July kl 1748 the dourt or4ored SueL Roade t%illtaa

taflttoot and Thnaa Reynolds to tt4gee with orkança to build

tarrjiouze at York Towp for the noettion of tobacco iTz atieb con

veoaeAt plaoe as thej shafl Sec f1ttt the L%pence of the liountyW

QIflX446 Sbus ended the fir period of lilt York ware

houses vnder tte proprietorship of rthe Ikackner$

-- Pros this time to about 1790 the York warehouses to

have been built rçpaIred end opented by the countr The build

ing comñttee appointed 34 1746 conirnoted flth one John Rarvey

to was not paid ingrea.t baste forbis trouhlçt The debVwae

acknowledged by thö court November 16 1747JSAl47 sM on Jon

18 1747/8JOt61 qn Septabert l75 county coàt

9rdered Dudley Digges John Ng rton land Rbert Zhe3.1-d to hve

worknzen repair the UPublSc Warehoveès presuab1y et drttoti

at county expenseJtnEzfl54p eli At the county court ot

iuguO 1750 the seas com4aittee save far the sastitntion dwai4i AmbLers ne tor that pt Joint lortofl ttaa 4n

ordered to a.ttezid 4to tbe ot the Ion arehotweaJOIIZ

684 In the $eae year Dacembé i4 j459 thi ebuxty court

cpxinked SaIn iorton Robert $h.ojld and tJsvid Jatesqa to

agree reith thfaen to build bbarf et the Public 2obacco

arehozMr at ork tosnt JoIflizç The order itzfr5 of

course tke absence of tJrt at areTianse con4attjeted

In 1846 or 1947 and sugesta the riverSide po4tiofl ot the __ 4p_ warehouBek

the coun.tyts v.sterfront tabcbo wsrebofles and ivharZ sufl

hate cutfered tram atonia Mcli tid end iiea\y usage tot the

rcGrO indicate frequent repdra 1Xhe Zork CoUñt7 Cpurt Jima

15 1161- appointed Dudley ti4es Jobnfioxton LtfldLtaVid Jszixe

ton to agtee ith rkaezt to ra4 the 1obacc Wareouse and

.._ -- tue ublie Ehtrf York torn at th expanbe of te CountytG

111243 Possibly th debit charj in the county socount for

17pl ito Robsrt.Adth ro-r uild1nge Wharf t46.a.treten

to th wharf attacked to the Yorto arelousedJQIl19

tie Yrk ounty- Ooqrt of June 11 i46 again p.pointcd cannitteç

Thdlay Digges- Jobui4orthn Xboraafleiaon 3r David Szaeson

and flicholaw Dickeon to agree ith%orttaen to zapdr or retaald

tie tobacco itarihou aes at tort Zmr tL the ezfcnoe of the Countyk

aonx $gfl 14n the saite yer tià cotnty account contained an .44 .4 .4 44

.2 .5 44 4.-


4- .4 .4 .. 52 .4 i4_ t4

item To Jbseh Strohd ttianx for z1edIriug the hbert 14

Jo11i.4S0 Pmsumethly this wMrf that atts.ct e4 to the

tobccb are4QuSeE 44 f. .4

Al the court orders l7-1765 are flssa.ng0 the fate of

.4 the warehov sea for the period can only uesaed One may eui L4 poO thfl they rsat to pieces IM news Single rarehousO was

constructed during te yearS lu the 1765 annu4 co.rnty ccopnt

sheet tiere is uninteZli1b1e i.tn To be Sold to pal Lkny

Debts end Wilding ebgeRtJt1_lff8p.43 The fl2tery

or this line Is matched b7 the uzsle uS flat became of the

tobacco w4rehouae tarf authorized iti lt5 Possibly it iceS

6rdered weehed a1aLy It arty mte it l68 the York Oonty Court

cosfttea Adley Diggfl hoaaa Nelson tr David 5Jaaeaon

Nichols Dicksop arid Jque1in b1er ito igree ith tr1ctea to .5 liharf At the Thhtic Warehouse fQr tobaoào Toot

at the expence tf the C9 nty O4Cl77Gp.E4

Again flew warehise wt8 onflructecta Thq York County Ccurt

for Dececxtbe 18 l89 issued Lsu order p5 follows Dudley D1jeS

Robert Sheild Thp.aas te1son Jut David aneson end Jaçuelip

Ambler Gent three ot thm 4re ITOZ.ired by the Court to .5


ajpee with ttoraezt build arehottse 4t o$t toun for the

fteco1Sikn arid .uapecti0n of tobacco and to1iize Uoue roi tuit

purpoSe untfl puch arehouae can be 1iiltJO i168l70p489

4s the inspectors were charged bz the gountl tith warehouse rent

through the eat 1774 apparöntly th warehoupe as Sit

As altedy Sndicated in pretous setiorn of this esaiy --- -.-.- there seeaia to Mve been npcf$cial toScco warehouse at t9rk_t .5 -5-- ft

town ditring the years 175-.172 inclusive This fact bears tSft

tiony to the dflngel3ént of coiuirci81 aftthi during the -e-w

1ut4on it is not unreflanabla to suppoSe tt the preJevolu

tipna kwarejcju itt rorktot jiris horouh1y dewoli shed by the

military activities dttrhzg The struggle

any ntte in 1785 the General Asseibly authorized Torktown

aS point inspection1IX12U 4.nctdsh4ly the only one in

Xork County and Larencs Elaith viho had underta1cn to build the

Warehouses for receptioii cE Thbacco in thi Countra entere4 into

bond with the county court for the4 perfoztance ot j2i5 obligations oa1n4-17844C

Under joint inspection with College Laz4ing in the Act

ot sthorisation in 178ZiJzt2fl the two points of inspection

nra gfle4 separate dministration in t784U392 -- --

Apparentlj tis anall business the ñaij re-established

ft ft t_ 5- C-

.5 --



.. .- -4


-arChousfl threateae tbe -with the utflic suspension pro

vided by-In if thBy icre not se1fsuppcrtMi1 for they ess

thr4nally reflve by act of ftiAsserab1y in t8UflI58l-

Qarta1ni the ifla ixrtoric County tore ixconSequentia1

as compared -t%tk the tobacco taZftc before-tiiitevolflioii

Lore rtd incr tha center ftpioductioñ zhittei ir4to the Picdtont

egtion of Virgir4aatid lett the tdewater counties ZXcir to

sundry its invol-virig minor çisiflities of ttjnsfer tobaocq the

4-- .- 2-- ---I inpect1ois at Xotoirn wee es follows for the annAsi perioA

ending at tte eptaber or Gctotccr court ot th year Indicated


-- ______óurc -P ______f4c -a j- -t .-xtt Y--y 1785 16 ___iId1jp414- \It-..7$ L-- --- 1/ 1767-- i3-- Sew OBit842787p45O 237 0188it$p82- 41789.. 146 J- ____ 19Q --2ga- ___ftap4tt4.- .... -J 17934 35 -- ______..... -- -t792 z07 ______Lhtd.pSO34 195 64 Thip.58W .24 1794 2.46 -a .4 65- -3$ 17a6 57 ____

1737- -- Ibid..201

-- 59 -- .2 -a- I72- -3 ___ --a

-$ -- 2799 .- 9i--- Ibid.$$$9l-- c- .M -- y- Y- .i si Thithp49I-- --

-- 4- -w- --

-- --- TYJ -a -- -4- 4$ -C 4- --

-- -2- -- --

__4I_ -- .--- -.-

About 1790 the jprstQvAiehop$s renrt from ptzblit os-ner

ship to its earlier ch1racter Main it becjne privately otmed

Luiiding operated by the inapectors state oflicisLa for tho bn- -- efit of the public cpurt o$er dated Septbor 20 1ThG reads

Wafld Jameson Gent is permitted to reove the Tobacco arehouse

comaioiiiy called the York lkarehoQSes trona te Ground on hiob they

are riot situate ecress tne Valley on the Landa of th .Lt.te

Secretary NelsoOEl78a1195p.Sl2 Obviously the torQdno-logy

here suggests more elevatiori tban thmt possesSed by the earlier


fle 41411G50n rily Sn title -to Uie rirSiouses

utter i7E the proprietor of tie I1areho-ie At torC uunced

waS by the York Cnty Jourt on Septeal5r 21 801 Qrth3red to

explain why hi building stat not kept proper reair0BlT96

180$p.47 At itS modthJ3 aeeting On July iä laos -$he court

obeervizz that Thbn 4xieson the prOLrietor of the York stpreoise

io.d not kept the building %n suitable cundition ordered the

inspectofl to reove public property such at scales wsiflt

t1to the out house thomas Icher Sn the tot4 Of tork shd that

14 fithre the lseecticn be aetablisbed aid ei the Mouse of the

said Thomas ArcherW0Bl79S_l8O3p59Ye

tile -writer not carefully exemined the order books for

-- -t -- -4-

-- --_ ------

-- 4_


the years after 1$33 it is onbwner thAt York OUA never recovered Sn colonial positiott In the tobacco industry

though leg1 bipection ws maintained in Thrictotn 1te as

2819g. Code sL I1X135




-- __







--- ft .-.------p -- I-- I.-- tC -- --

I------4r- -4.- --



Ros iaréhoiiff44


Ron 1%arehoueea tine rSvste1y- axied Zrac ther qr1Sn St

1q14 to their duseathbt ânorit as 5oitz.tof inspection about

41 -I

1783 It been axplalnecX bow Ro in .1 b4k blrSy 41fl tgZsk

1714 trndertqo to bui34 the Storetauses thaf tpn b35 Ifla


on Chees Riyerw litI cli toflingboute heai to have been

uti1iz.u point tor inpsetion when the sat of 17t0

eatablisbect an i.nS1 action flRoes storehopas in the County at


Zn 1759 the innpecton compMnS ttto tLte condition zu

hicb ie propfletor kejit t1e flrehoses4 the county toort on

Augtat 20 of that yearuxthor1re czzittee Merit loon

Btnet $.erby ud ffenzy Bocard Ctj to 4eW tarebonee And .I $j tbe proprietor remuees gzt neflebts to izkke ths4uecessary

Aep3irs to the 0410 hrebcazdes that they 41gree -with hOriflezt to

reair the sote at caarge of the County to be repaid out of

tie Renta of Thc aciabarthbiflJ3I1I68

There nsfurtbar 6Qticuity in 1774 over thappob1et tái

upSceep of. the b41diug ta proprietor Tbofl aeltct-5-

iu to repair the ntehouee toamittee conflating at Starkey

and Anthony ojinon ne appbd.zzted to employ the necessAry mk


44 S__c_ -I- 44 -I- 1-.aQ- I- I4




14 4/_

44 -- -- $4 -4 .------..- 4-




ienS017I774p.475J Obv.totsiq the cost tas to be- taken

zom the rents collected Agtdxt iii 1780 the count$ eo1t

appointed committee of ttio this time Starkey Pcbi4aou and

llerritttbicll tórs to atrie lwWi ts wo-r.sman for the repair of

Roes ehQuss at cobn-ty apenseOB1fl41784p 247 tar eirIy

in aat the repair $b Matthew roTo th loft County tourt

.141j 17 1780 was allowed LWQOB11741784pfr 272 3um thith

is uweratandOie only ii the 1igt of the curren6y 4tnflation of

the tses-- --

lor the eepatr of Loss Warohquse eomnittees were apo$rzted

in it8i zrid in 17820I3l774-1S4ppg92ZO5 1n 1fl the corn

zaittes for repair hd its ieatbershig S4creaedOB1774-1764p.5l7

but is tubtful iS the dtzens carried out th4ir iastructiots

tFt act of 1785 p$sed the General Assealy authorized inspec

tion wareboqaes in Zoit Courrip only at TotktoinffflSilt

Tha pztprietra or Etoep 44arehouse ses net to have char

xszted then o14attns to public wbicI td for generations

inereised its -superior logfl rihto oez tb vreboue and neigh

borhood The real fltste b1 the lest decade of the eigriteenth

cefttury was in the hands of oflQ Ma Craig ho thq discpn

tintence ths warolsse prsauably hg the act of 1785 atopped

up -the road leading to the rekoise lending an against thid

4- 14

A4 .4 --- -4- ._.-__-

-4 4-




the peopl of the nesghkntood petitioned the aenera Asneabl74

To the hpnotnable the Speaker and Meaberd of the house -ot D.ltgateS The petition of d4.vera Inhal4tants- of tb Counties of Turk nick EjSSbS1 C14r iUSlIL7 nprespnts that Bose bre house lhg um Charles River in the lower end of orkGouptihcnbyaateActotAaebZy4isr cprttinued Shut -tthere taB public landing at thg sait Isrehouse wajcb an found to of great TJtilttj to the good people -of this Neighbouiood tour petitioners further bes leave to -add that certain tia grsig therest toprietor efthe Lands adjpinitig tS terehopse süd jj said -Lands ixata ynerted in conaequeios oCthe 4A4--4 discontinuance of tht 3445 kirebottas has thought fit to stop up the road leading to the said Ware house lchd.ttg to pet icuers ajin beg lea-ce

tçx remonstrate that the principal erticles which they bave for ariat cozisist of lrain and lu.aber -ax uzzleas -be there pu LcJtanfiing fixed an .- estabUshed in this L4sitbbourhoo4 and your eti t4oner4 know of no plade so coñveztient as the otte- hen propoed tbe who do not p058650 lands lybg iaEledistely on the flaxxkt of the Said river will be

obliged to 4epezu% tipon frtot -Will sn4 Qapricó 4of few individuals LoSt .Anding from tence they zsy their to and -- o$flt ptodqee ftsrket to keep their fisI4ng vasse44s t1 or be iput to th.great Zleon -- .vmiteace at going Live or-s.z Mil-ea furtheç to Bunts 4- point tieb wiU occLbion ao gnat so ag$entatioit of expedc in the land Oarztsge Of 1ürcb -sa rët -- der that pr3.noip4 Article of ittLtle37 vane

lucideany olie of the points made by tue petitioners was

that ince ChtirJeg Thtiab Church aS only one half 3nile froa the

asrehouse lsnding its cl9sing- iopld spske coizing church nre moon

tspte@tPetitipns to Vs IseiI.yMS$Va.$tste LibrsryNo.l9l796

YGr1cTrtidk fllzabeth Cit7 no.5585


t_ 4- __6 AtA -- --




-t .-


Capltoj Latidfl ehpse

the store houses Or rollinghouses eutahlishe4 on 4teena

At JAA AAA Creek were presumably at the ssa plttb çonfirned of

inspection 14 the act of 13C ts Capitol lAnding- In 173.4 the

AA -- AA proprietors had refused to buUd therefore the ouaty constructed

the aecesear-bii1dins Jra that Ue to its diseskbliahmeftt

aS point of inspection in 78Zebd sole in 1786 or 3.786 the

tereho-ucea at Capitol Lsiding ats eith th posSible .xOetion

of one brief period owned by the tcunty4

Jsnuazjj 17 1765 the county court ordere4 the sheriff to

pay Laon Burfoot Z1.9.4S foit regAirS the Capitol nnbout

1Joxnl7sa176345t new watehouse js UIIIt by aiael

Coke at th Capitol Landint about 1706 for at th October 20 1760

county court tia justices acknowledged the iudebte8neas ot the

county to Samue1 Coke for bui4ing barehouse at the Citol

L$r ding Insiectlot an the en of t30..l4.elO t/4JJ18540e p459

The to.rlc County Cout on August 19 1771 appointed corn

sittee to agree tith lloarkaen to eAJni-ir or ritüild the Eublc

arehouAses et the Gaitol Lenoing for the lnsi-eqtion of tobacco

as AaU be touad necessary upon vieti1 the eseJO 1770L772



AA AAA tie wetbers of th etittce -ped enérgy in their

SSsigtitent for by A.1uet S9itii there appedred in the Vii14a

Gazette the following ndvertiiant

be LEt to the b0rLbt BiDDER ttIE


1AuDThG forty Peat by twefly1 witI ane ten

Poot Shed Use tha repAi4n of smother

cferahonse Those tho incUre to undertake

the same en deaired to attend st Mr atthew

$oody acer the Yatuidiflg on tuesdsr th 10th

at next month at eleven oQloit

J0uflflZ4TL Tli043 14LW0 .Tuhibi .1 UbkIIIM VjiL Junir

Coutta of Coiciia3 WSllipbu Inc

The buAding eesignated as xiotha Wsrehouse aS prernably

the old %rehouseu %hteh the inspector .Thmea Shei14s Was

authflitd by the county d6irt on Decsiber 16 775 to sell to

tie bigbest bidder for the benefit of the countyO17741784

p.114 Like other warehoatea taose itt Capitol Landing trnt have

suflère4 troz the deptedstióhs of the BLribiPhI iii 17$tiajjd iSB1.4

In 178t ijiere were to difLerent orders gitan for to reairSng

eftpithltcwarehouseatCatoiLandings The commitiM

appointed wzth the first order on March 20 170 cqxiststed

-- -7 1- .4


-- -r .-

.4 .4_.Y __h- .4. -.a 4- 4- 4.- .- .. .4-

-4- .__S_.- .5 .4 .- \-5k

-4 5_


bitiIz aud $$jain Powoll The acOzd orde4 dated July

1780 e4dd Thos Neien 4r to thqs Jsedy nne0174-

1784pp 258t74Y Zt My easily be janginid thct the tiiev were

too trouUous to hiwe the raMIrlng scIequaWij completed oi that

destruction by the Eritiz3h èsfled tot additibtiel repaira

tor on August Li3 1782 acoordiug to an ordet oç ths Iork Coat

Court Janes beiid tWiam atoA flkB appoantoci to gras ritb

toflG peraor.s to pepait tLÔ warq Roupe the Capitol landSn01


-4 15 -.4 l41784p.tCd

.4 It asj tell be doubted theher the last o4er was ob4ad for

the act of 1183 did not include Capitol Landing In the 1i of

authnized oiins of inap.ction%U On Deeecber 19 L78S

ths lorr Covny Cout qrdered oeul Jha MiAson Gait

.4- .4 .4 445 4.- and hillist Baton to aell the late public Warehotise at Capitol

Landiug t4iug bond as sourity for piyerttOBl8417sp.260$o

Between the ecanber cOurt Qnd the Jandviy court the tie wet

effected to amuel Bull eqikire for the put of rtentr four Voundr

thtee on lontha CreditQB174-s1187ps 264 .4

-I- .4.- -.4 --4 .4 4--.- .4- _-4 4---- 4-


5- -4

-4- .44- .4 --- C- --

-5 4_



4- .4 .4- 4-- 4---- i_-C .4 --- 18 .4

.4 $5

Ii -.-


QgggefliqQ Conoflnixw Eurthtr leePaD

Froa tM infortaUon already disccrvsred Sn tim preperetion

of this essay good binnin ay made towards loc4tine the

wrehoutes used as oficiO points ot inspection t2e colonial

and early national period the JtmeB of the proprietors aight

be traced in the deed books nd the tilt books ad the situation

of ttteir property mprs accurately texiAined

Ag the loee papen hate ot been esened no statement Lsn

be aade in regard to their tejus It is not unreasonstike to sip-s

pose that they contain much aterial tich would gene to atiplifr -2

the --items g1ean fron the .qrder books Ihtdoutedly 4ai4zat3mt --

of the UortQn Jerdone Reynolds and Itelson papers will trQc

edditionel light on the probis of the warhouseS

There ass been copiied Wfflj1e tibt of insoectors Fro-

prietors etc York Ocunty Zarehousee before I6OOJ which is not of eufficient impgrteAce tc be incorporated in this repott All names of proprietors in this list have been included in the various

sections of this esSSy The- rgn of th6 inspectors -at thin point

in the investigation do not aeci of greet significance In any

stu4 of the tobacco iuspectors it oulU be orna 4n $44 that the nxibr ot co recomIendeà by the county ccnlrt wa ttics Vie ntunber

thai could be c.ppointed The governor apparentll wi.thout ceptin -_ -t

appointed tIose first on th iat It might be of inerest in

geneM surveyof the commerota history of Yozt County or York

bwn to obtain en idea of the standimj liz the comrirnnity of the

men appointed to judge of the most- valuable staple the -time

Ira the wills3 inventories and deeds an idea of their proerty

and social position might be obt4ned

In the notes nbich are depoSited vd.th this rneworandut there

ate suggestions of othez phasea of the cosatercial history of York

tosiri the general problem on iich rs orb was plauned As the

season draws to close2 .owever it Ma seemed beat to present

faily detailed report on thS mzterie1 gathere concerning

tobacco -warebqu ass one phase Qf the topmer8a1 history of York

tt.nn before 1800 rther than to gather few xnore notaSa

-- _1_

.1 t-- --

trpsd Boyguber 1-937 by-OLD

-- -- .-t --


.-- Duplicate copy -I




IELE 1t t3OMX bbA


s- -.-Ifs -t CUEQWJ SrnzgerflSstoz-1a4



tai1 hstiopal iitoth fl$C%



AJ.AA 4_ s__A 44 It .p 4_ ____4_ 1$



ii -4 -4 --4.- -- .4 44 -4.. -ç -4

-4 4-






-4 .4

A-i-- ..t



tok OQuAty %retzauses Sr4 enerel

Xorkto-n krehoueeg -p

ja Lszztinc tni ft ft 16

1.41t .4 44


44 ._

Yn4Sxz t9

ThL bpief essar iu based on t1 exnrthrntton et tha Order floon Lu the or County Glarxn Oflice. The Oidr Books for soo of the tra qe t75445G t.17SI7Et 4flr the tr4s$tt aD thó period utià mirtey $tiripco wc plaod QX notes Sn .OntAain4$ hflat In the tofl .4- i4ez Loü nita Oountr 1ecord$ 491.i4$. ov the iter- period tbe oiuaa wre thwzbs6 throtrch pte by4 pc.je Qt hW the iudexcs A6I3d tb hGyes been pretncl rjt2t--cno oare smined ojOy on blie etoAb protsig psgeo POD COflV1it4tt tits notes cSti the coarO flerS4I Irnte be tnC1de4 in ttt body of the eflWyo The tot UZ4S Sn the Oçtt 3tfioa are iAbt4ecl aots tr ..sone bj date pUrpQt at idntttictton the ttie sQhG4 Sb uced in tZto pnuthettcei citrtios The abbzeviation ued ar fo1tns

Ozdora and hiflo7 Xqrk Count.7 csrit Office4 ii1s bzveu1t4tI11 toirk County 01er Offióe Jl.-Jn4zneuta 4ald Orden uS iQrüi I3ooJs toa .ounty Wsz$4 Qtfleo.- Let4n Stütuç.4Lss


._.t .4 ._ lnr .4 .4 .4 .4 torktown .1 .4 $ptezber If

4- -4 .- -t

55 .4

.4 .444 .4 ---I- _i

c- S-

__ .- --- f------

_1 st

T4 QSI1ZI yeMufl

S3nofl ooJ.ncjdeut dUt thL tOUPdiUb of tA Sirst nttte

4iGnta in 4o tdriton r$tt the plt%ntet of the nsaaood

beneflt4d fsg public tz%hoae4 act tLsStd the cot

oniui esabty in ls$/3 tdtded for U1 eatabtisbiaent

ti-vs ttozfl or 5t0h03S8 one ot tbet to bu fl

1tF14 48 ip len tha yóar act tn re-pbre4

the nuber of nnhousn Sncesd tG n-ve Atd

stoto to be iz Cherlee titer tot ti-to inhcbit4uta of fl4cJ

Toxke 4ltt the pleas

Au ct proposed in 1a8O tot the xrcbne in ech county

acres tobs Said Out toe tQinj Uid Stqrebqcea oontdacjd

tx tetents In toze county oz eeeds ixtd theta the

Eii-p R8nors store 1ta including the batch fox land rirtn

I--- -._ nd tle cidJi aid terc ehbet 4x4t or cohzbttiQbKE114t

the ftlin tot ot IO1 -thich estahlihe4 t1e ofl on era

EinJczin Be4145 iclndallX robbly tha finS shed va4aioti-

-5 \_


-- -- .------



or tte eeDLtr Ldea

Ia 1712 an set onfLcte4 the lezrUty of the pub1io rotUng

ttQut 1I1ThI4J builtRXV1ttZG Citing tthoity gttett bia

by the Aeeabiy Sn Z7US t$etiterz4mt Govetpor tpottetocd iA let

ter tcrittz tA ihe Zorl County Court butt cgiisid.tedb thlt 1.gy

teoe çt 1718 nzznotncod tnfl he irzs sppo2ntih co 4et0pei

sefl $th those deairzatec by the Colrnty aodzte the anting

te purpoe oI iitb tiJ tt treat Move Louns the coaxdOtQnerp

tre not to regsn eouniq boundar4es but oplly tbe eao 1ud

veoSonoe of the mopIe At noh 4_Le dngPatod tere Was tO

Le boUt aactntdn to tpot%nood the staaflouse sisfl be

dSreoted by Coabo Jut1cn tore$4 toget2er iith EOOd

herf tading 4cZjoSning thcretok

tn aUn4 tsSeI3 ita Scheauled raja tflhiqsfiborg on -Au4r7

lflt/4 the tort County Court zppoidtec htegs.tes Lnrenoe

SaitJz nd Jonih e3.itwQ2Vi$

result ot the 4.liborstious Sn Wiliiotn5tnfrg gout points

An arozaes to be uged tar the Btora3e ot tobseco sz4 othe


$jjg in WO explaibi the ACiZO USnzhous fl toilowez Rot1tng-.honsee now c1ed ssrchounel were t4rat -irnstod Sro the note joU the tob.eo to aszket Aich sis exoitIani$ the snnst-o.t tnnSportj.n itin the Snfltncyof an country bflo$ àggon were- introdu cad or the nnigaticw of the rivets ftbae tide nters ioro e4 thich coot 4untc be prrnc 49ed 5t great degrn to epreaer dcy.ULiV5tn

a- -- .- -- 4.. .- .-

4_ -. .- -. --


p4 -- nrchMtn fl ntbUthed tu tot Comtyi Jotton SkFtmei

aans Creek jCLto1 Lzrnzii t3 mid Cbr1oL Rivsz or Zon

tare jrt YewttEry- 18 1712/4 the Zen Coudt court


set aunuia Debt tor t4znritu3 stofl tptat teroupoxt

41Ut Bvoktite tkatia uz4les1bok .to buitS tUe ttore Loutfl

rhs.rt torkton gn bond tor his pfl4rcvnce scc45.tgty

Jnn DAtes UAdertook to bi4ld Etore buiat thKfl lila

lane st 13ktuon tM gtn bond tar hIS ipflpAc ccordingty

LtUits Roy tzkerthok to Lndli the tGrehQu8eS rhart apa

bL lurid on OhrMss alvat kaye bond tct bL pcrfornnce

be pro of the 1pd ot 4ussnti rnk

designatec or nrehbuaerrtbsa4 to b4ldOflVZ4x $ór

4the u.snw Craek ttsrekiousn spteflLy the county court took

Si sdvantsge of thu act of lntfttvM wMch tUoved the tounty


to condeast tho ueaflflvy s4r.t nd to IOS1 th nehou Pea

coMi npens Liabltc sbiecisor$r ofti4inla or

nppotat.cS for- the bAt earuheAsea ty the to Count Qouxt %Qfla

ter i$ lfl4DtrXiVj3u8M-G7J fl ulio tAIVfl$41471VO


the hitflt Axll to tot of IL7 gesVS toA ths lnapeetioA

fl$tti ub1ia wareotrnas wer ntab3ished tt CI 0$oeaztorehone

Ltr th touty at Zora Cofledgo tnd Cattol lAnd$nts orz

-- .i-

-P --p Pp.V_

4p -p.-- ---P P. __ _P -S


.- Ii ---

Mr1 oIXotr4s lend tCoileg LiAdint writ iii 3in Cite Oount

atd tY At th tQtn ot Zork tñiera the sgttts houSe waiifIV

Sc..sr No tl of sl3 the tork Countwtnhrnee poSntt

Sad catad in L714 only Sicia Sbmo in omitteas Vzier th

act ot ZIZO not one ot th wncehotiOs tuppox te8 an iddependat

set of tnseoton but is 1fl2 Lt va groflded bj ltaw tiat of

the nrèon jusb duignated on1j Capito3 ItXIOIZi tn4 Co3.leze

landinc in iUtatsburg were to be upder the flrte iflaecton

itt the period trp 1720 bwo1fl 3374 Yor rtqea ud Copi.-

tal niin were te tIjreo otttcsza at qseQtion in Xor

wtt4ySeo hIV SS88Vl45Vl174VIXl79 These frtyfld

esn gere the nuttjen ii torktoentnoetcioLidsteqo

the Sr POtiOd l77bl7spsrethtiy Morztati -wS diodrttSAu4

aD en inçeflioA pointj at ent no xcor4 ip und Sa the oroe

books for ThoDe yafl Sqth Roes aria 4epitol Landing ao@tsauea

to 1s aed$n oder books for tht.t period vut Rcnin9 Ut4t


In 1785 the ins4jsoUo3 at torktoa fle zpsewtsbished Rotns

anti .tol tspding 41continued to tjttk efter 1ISS

there ppettr to have beea rival oftici4 point of Srcotion

-- -.q .---- ._ -- _J --

I2P4OWI ar1AJ3Qs -..-

.- The aor4a oi the et X1WJ arbd 4Lt8 ctoubtq4ly meua taat the new irtpecthn poipt fl5 et the asuo 1ootot Cs the old rol4n3bfles sstsbZsheA X4 1714 Pot about tvo rts stter 1.780 thetork cthrthouso wa pnAted by iA85aetofl tio d4yMed their tite batheen thiti Mi4 One otier nezouns that at ioupeflir tor1 usu tuyt Rarw ii 1dfltVa$7 the etid of thfl Wte OWkf the Ofl nreouee brd et of

Saspeoton at it ownEiVfl -.- -5- In Deccer 1744 tze hogheaO at on urejoUs wne_ boae arid preuwably the bUildinE itself zre orSDUa17 4a- tget by te aveflowiruj of t44 flfceiZfl The rectord of this unfortunate event povep conOlus.tveiy tint the proprlo tor of the Tork arehoi.tse li4tt the etzcietre $.ln tb bLiff sM on the sterè edge JIit 13ucncr the proprtetr rntfligst about kthj repain tardtnna whien 4uved tb$ inSpectofl to- rg.Stet eoep1.sint agAlrAet with the couaty

-coufl on Suzufl 19 l745tIflZZt9 St the egjadeatsng zuM 4th and ttiltaa ikcozt Jr- tore aao1nteo to inflstts



----- _--$y -.- 4- i-

.- .- tobacco cehoes tofltcnrn aZd rsthe bilidinga csrnld pepsSred not1X.UC34 the tstttn

rj.ortod thet the buii4ings are boycrnx repait areupon the tork Gouht Court 4n Juna 2746 tued i1uane for John

Luckner 84 he IScbt daclarp whettiet or not ha vois1d b$t4 nfl wtrehausestI$14$6a Aarently 23uIner retused to build

.2 -- tot an July CL 74 0the court ordar1 SrsA IZetide VSUIa

Libttoot und ihozas Iyna14s to agree %ith to build

crehouBe 4t toz Town t0t th reception of toboe in auch cois-

vontent piece They shell ae fLt vS the bpenee of the Countr

a12lx446J Thus eaded tM ttrat pe %t the oc wan hones -under tle proprietorahIp ot ike Lucktiers

ta this tin to Oout 1790 the tcsrlCwsrehausee see to

heti buiLt rep4red thO opcmt@d br countc the

Sng corAaittis appointe4 in 1748 contnat.e4 with one John rvey

Io was not paic in Erent baste for his troubit The debt wfl aknoplsdgod tq tht court Uotezuber 16 1747JWI47 end on Ja

18 s74/aJ011 On k$nber iS 175$ t$s coirnty tourt

John ordeted Thidley Digges Roflpn vnd Robert Shaild to ne

taAen np4r the Publir S2areSusestt praramaw tt tcrktntt it cothlty eMO1s2174p.SJ -the countr -courZ at

Augac.t 1759 the 4Ss doi1jte vc Ar the aubitution


-- -- .- .- r-

.- ._ p.

.- --

-- 1k


of td.arô Mb1erti U41t for titat or John oxrton agairt

ordered to ztZtend kz the r0p24 ut the Xo$c nLrEhuCesJWIZtj

to itt We $aa ynr flecasEer 17 1Z69 the county cotttt

appflnt.d John Morton hobs t- SbeS4 tnd Dsfld Jcweqn top

aree with sorae4 to bai14 4wrf fl the ublio toWgeo

tareltouass at tnt tozJWflXp11O the ordo iutefl of

courts ths i4exica of tert the flreuoo eanetracted

1846 or 14 atd sugçat tM riversi4e postien o1


The ansnt -atsztzofl tobaeo w$rehopce8 t-4 wharf must

hrYe suffered fros eormnt Isih tidep ano he4 ttage tot the

records indiests frsquexst tej.tSs the tori Count7 Coui June

17 appabted PtAlet 1iias John orton3 Ad David 3gms.r

ton to qte 4t orkwen to uepntzt th Tobseco it1resbov eeii and

tbc thIio iihsfl it ton toyin the zpeutte ot to CbuntyJb

IIIz4O Posqtb1 the dbfl oMrze iu tbG coanty account for

1701 obert attks tar Wiloirc hart reten

to %te ztsrt attut3zsd to the tortout rebousesW111 tie lost tutty Court of Subs L$2 usiu cp$ipted cOodt.tee

ThjcUey 01tce9 JblmlIoflon Tho4tes 1oi 3r David Jatteson

end lbchols Utokeon Wto greta iith 4oxAtncu to repair or rebuilI

th@ tç4mcgo zejious gt lor rosn fl the taeo of tho Ootiaty1

In the S4b year tze coun account cttained


_r -a a- I_

fleA hTe Joseb troid .Latt for reiafrib tM erf i4.--

JOZiL45o Prntznbly his vhuvf nsthfl atts4bedto the

tkceo tarenoute

is tb cQart ederk for 17612S5 mLfling the t4ItC at

the iqrqhoan for t2ii peLbd pn only gnned.- Ga sq auj

pose thkt they twt to ptetaa aitctt Asfiiflfle wemhouc flA

onapited urLng ths years 176$ titzaual cuttti

b.Set.Th4r4 is nr uninte21iLb1 Stsn st7Ld fQ7

Rebta b4i4tnj the q%yAtory

at thts 1iz i.e 4atchea by the intl at tSst baetno of the

tbbsc v4r4h0u80 whjs.rf t4borfld In tY$G -rosuibly it waS

ushed ae At M7 lu 17$ the Xor2c Coufly Court Gzdrcd

04tittee Dudley DIZL$ ThbtatL $e1on Jr Day4$zflon

cbo1fl iiickaoA sad Jacjue4a -kblqr 4tG ajr.e 34th toiers to

flnrt tn Eubtio ltereapuee Co2 Tobucoe fl tti

at the nxstiôe AC the

new flrhQUte wfl coattaufl$to TM tozk Go1ntty Court

tAr 1eber 18 1769 isuw4 oSe ge follow Ad3-.y tiges

Robert bheild Thoap N1aA Juj Inicl JbtnoU tnd Jntuellu

tablet Qstt cz 8h7 Vr ot Tha DZC bpoard by the Cowt to --



.- --

.- _- _t It

4_ -t


rrn 4th Q$betx t4 biiJ4 hrehoua tort Tot or the

IOCjtLOU u34 inseetSon of 1tubcco aqi to hire hcuee that

purpce titt1 Auth 11sArhooe- tnr be buiWttOi76B117Qp.3$Oe

As the ispecbre were charasd b7 tbct cotkrtty sit1fwerehu nttl1

trouh tbt year 1174 piateritis- thc 4wehDtree tss tutit

Is otrettdy Snatottea in revit aflion -of t4s ecay

there aeas to bne bun no aflieiei toimtcO ssrenotae fl taft

ttmr outing the nr 1775173 Sn4uzive This rat boaro teE .-- 1_ --__

tiarnyto the cAernne3ent at oitatcta1 affAirs iJrSt% the Itevo

lutiop in- not unnasusbZé to 4UflGSt tfl the preMno1u --


t4onny wnrthou$s in Zorktt31c flU th oufly dc4isb.d tM

aittny aotifl tin durins the stAtg1e

At tit ret 1r 17$i thp qenertxi MaeibLy sutltorized 1orktt

as ioirtt cC iakpeotsouRfl Lit ioidantafly the oni on ía

torg County a4 Li.srenc Auth the undertaken tQ WZd the

Wareoupes for teoeptiort cflj Yóbceo Sri this County entered into

bond fltb the bupty court tha pcrfoznlnkce at biu bUgstioAs


Under Joint ita1cftor ztth Coil.g Landin in the tot

sthoristtion -i7S$RUflJ to tto poAnta of inçegtioti

are ivea serAte satdx4atrtion in t7e4uxI9o

Ipflntiy the -watJ3 businea at the neU ra4St4bliMed

9- 4-

-t I- _.t


V- -- -.


arehcuos tbresteaed thea dti the aiitOzstic aukenioa pro

vid.d by tart if they were not ae1feport1tag toE ttjef 4ns

torafly ntnd by sot of th AjsebLy Sr 3Th7att1 5fl

.4 .4

Oettainty Vi ine4ctioA1 i@ YQfl6 Cotinty wore iflcOnmt4tt$tttt

as cqrpered dth te tabgcco tnffio bstOzt the tet1ution

Mote and sioro the center of poductIon ISUtM ttto bbs Pistozt

.secUo4 of VirtiMz snct Xett th tidentr eciuatln flost tar

Uadz7 tsns int1vSrs ainor qusrttttn of taidar tobcco %hs

inD4satiotzs at totttan Wee fGllow6 tQ ennuti ftio4

oiding at thtt $tpte3ber or Octotp court at the year idic.ted

.4 -4 ..

Ii4-QV ______1. ssr 1rnpnot4 lnforqfllQa

1284 73 t8447o7p.To 1786 tbifl.p414 rzae .-..r Nanct4.-- 17$ flat civori itIflpott See Ofl4W44Th7p.5O5 iiae 1T89 148 SkId 3230 299 ____ .mx .... -n ____ 179 307 .$d.p.SO1 329$ B4 l3J4.p.589 3.4 flty.fl59- -b 1795 -es QD179ss160Ep4e- s-. 17% ____

ii44ap4fl 1799 91 ____ 1800 ___ LbId.p.4U


-- 4-

._ -- .-

-. About 17CY tiw toitatn enhqube rayted .troe ub1ie iner

ehip to its anier oharsct ain $t beathe otnod

buS1ing ogrsteU by the inspoetori state oflieialLi for the twa

flt of the p1iLió court order dated Setcnbqr V74 retths

3tDaflcI Jt2.teson e1 per4ttpd to zugove thb Tobaccc harehove

catonly ccflecl the Iork tuflhou$t5 tro the Otound bm chScb they

no bOS Situgte across Vstley ofl- the Lads the 1tbUs et

Secretary Ne1tioG17681795p.S12 Qttionslz th enthioqy

1zsr suggoktt aon eletstion than thst ppaoesseci by the utflizr

nr ou tn

The Jnon tazaS4y teoas tz hrzve %tte to the nrahoxvee

t.fter 7MJOW She propdotor the ebQ4ftt Xork nnrned

na by the Xer ouzty Ourt on Spttbsr tOi orLfld to

np1in ty his buiidip no not pt in propr nairOErltBS

L$pa487 At its zoutht7 meetln On U1y 18 Z8O8 the court

osexvtag thfl o1u Jceson the poflethr of the York warab4uze

b4 not kept the bui3.dirt it suitab2o oondittoA ordered th

i4spectora to flmOVs pu14it-4opertj tuch SEIOS a3ti flitxts

to the out house or thozas Archer in the 2ovn ot York end ztt

in rpthro the tus-eCtion be ntsb1iphed-jj at Vte Uousc the

8ei8 Thomn Mcber3B198-4fiO3J597

4e writer haS not carefully czaained the order books for



-- -- .4 -.4------4- 4- -4-- -7------.4 -- .4 4-- -- .- --.4


-- -$


tbe yeirz artr AO It is inotrn liotoiar thtt- tore4 Ccufly

toter nennd 54a cflontel pO3itiQXL Sn the tobacco industry

Thouh legsl irepcctita 45 zaiintntnod itt Yrktcniu aS late

16J1k 44

.4 .4- .4



.4 $4


7$ $4

.4 -8 4- -4 -$-9 ---4-


4.4 .4

.4- __l -4- --

.4 -8

-I 4- .- .4 -- $$ -- .4

.4 -- 4- -2 --

.4- -- .4__$4 44

.4 -- 4- 2Th

-t 84 -- --

-- .4 .- 444


-- -- .4 .4--- -- .4


.4 --- --4- b-

.4 -- --

-- __% .t

jrjs 14rabpteqg

Roo$ tnrthouta tere pfltntelj Ow4UdZro tboir jfl4jjjfl jfl

1714 to tjuir 8ieetab1ishttent da oint of lnseotlon ibont

rid kt tae 4r bdrAnSteSned ltni fttllta Bow 14ja1 Ia --

1714 uMertook to build the Etoetxoae hart upon uSc tan4

on Cherlea diver Fhi old rot1Thj-hae ens to hcve boen

uttUzed point tot ofticiai ins1otioa the Act of IIaO

eatabU.Shedaa Sn inajsctioa1Râes ttorohoün in the CpubtyM ------to4fft26C

-- 1750 the inçeeton cb$bad to to the eoktditS jx

wbtc1i ths pror-etor e1t the warehotfle Th Aounty court

eutt33 thttt ytr authorized pozmittee Aoflt 4Toote

baitnet rk- snd ii ry ffoezd Eb to win- th flttohouaos and

in oee the propriitor reflisn -or nectacts to uk tp xiecos$ar

Jtcsifl to the -anid tienhouees Wtt they $ree 4th 1rkt8n to

4ir the Snae ztt ttc caaPge ot the Caty to be repc.td out g$

the- id hfloUtcOtlJ3fl1$8

ter is tnther ditieu1t La 1774 over the ptob1cf of the

upkeep ot th 3uildiug the zopUetor Thoan Rob5rts qeglact

in ta reir tht wntouse coaaittee costetSrt of Stnal

wtct Mthony EobjAaon WeS aponted ep$y td nacestLU7 nrke



_L -.- .4 -4

aenPI71774p.416 ObdouMly th cent tcs to be tarnrx

tcoa the renta oollxzted izZ 17O the cQ4flst turt

ooimttteo of twos th3 tie Etaray ttobtnoA tutdL

Merrittq 4oon to ve titn tozcoa to-JM neitr of

kocD cnrnij uziuoseCE1IY4tt84pa.47 pr crttzya

tn fl tio riya$r 3Gb ttW PXttO the lark County aoun

Suly 17 178c cUont atOGUD.1774470ps 27R aum bLob

is uz4ersMndabZs i4 tha 1itM at tue etnQñey int1stioh of

Thttites .3

tar tts reait of hoes tavehothe oqi4ttaos ere nppoiiiWt

i13 1.781 slid in 178ZQB217741fl4pp437t3Z jQ co-s

tttee for rit hted St ttberstilp urM$edQ21174L7$49.a$

1zt it dotfltfa ij the flkIzbls orn.Ud tfl their intruet4ofl

The sot at 7t78 psed by tle kierd kpnb1y eutiojted flSLuQ

tibn iiarebbnn in York Cotit outy at Zoth1t.ZIU4

Ttas br tOeJJ9DebQU1e seet iitt to

UILtd thLz ablibcetionn tt pb1ik shic bAd for eierutione

xtreid$ its sneior lst rXflU oter tha waehoai% in neigb.i

b.bood 4Tha seL ntht bY ta mt dSCLO of the altteath

csrtqty tu Sn ths i.gnds of on Mi Grai vbo on tM duoon 4t

tiuaice or tha w1reho3u prZ4Ulsbit by kb sc$ of 17ML floeS

TdlTT Ti -. -t -2 --

-S -_

ibe 9eopW of tht ibbcDhood peuttosea the flçneral Aesetb1y

-.4 to theA hnounb1e the %aet ertd Moabers of the-hopa-of Deleg4tfl t4s pflXtin -of flytrs Inhtbitanta -of tountes lark ainiek Elitath G5.ty hunbly idptemeut thtt Robe %ltsre house lying Oflr Gbsrln RiveA in ti 1omr eni ôt torQouuty tas by late Lct.ot 4ftteb1y ds-C continued1 That there wtc pttbtic 1arzdirg At the said 1arehpuse Mdch A4 toun4 ta of great titlist to the zoott people of bia 1eiflbourhood0

eertsin Adam Crei thg prOtitir.Latoit ot the--S LeAds AdjqinSn thz %ehova4 end to whQa the said Lanp hsve revertd Sn P0üae4t4ee Of t18 cLLtftxtstt4nucnee ot the s4d $athot$s btut thought Itt to tO up tIe rand tsding to tiG stt 4r hotian lendinge tour pflttionen ogedu be lens -to rezonstratt tht the pncipsl ntieLs thich -- SI buve for zs$.et o%aut at Grx Od lvzbsr n4 unics tan yQ4blio iz4in fl%e tnd --

4--- éstcbtjahed i4 this 1Mifl3o\utoqd .- yoür7sjS- -- tinerM-.kpow at -no plce so onY449snb Othe ob -- hen pxopned tJz who not poeass lanas tying

-- Seditttey- qu thé zinotthe sei4rivtr 4fl obliged to 6epend upo h0 Situ efl Csprice br tew inàiv2u615 tot .audin froia mbonce thej earn their prozce to basrfl aM tc beep their flshiaz vss$45 4t be xut to the rGfl l4cbn ventence of goib ti-re or stx MiLn Crthc ta unZS point ithich vtii pecasion so gnAt aji igseAtetLOn at npeoct 4n the Jsaâ anths ofujsr ra to ten- 4r that prixicip4 Artieta oX iitt4e2/ v4ue

Zneid4axtteily one of the points sade by tc pntltibiefl n$

that 540 Charm PariAh Chtb jfl only one bate sails troz the

wvehout 2adig Its u1osinj would ake corning to church sore 1tflc0Thk

v.nientenitoua to Va Ass

Zosrsta ZLzzabsth City cs.568S


-- .4- 74_ -- t-

k$th1 Lniding pre1iouet

t2S flora toUi4eS Oz rtg1SgLouses okb1iched 012 C2B

Cnn woe pvo$uabZy tt trrn ni 7pita oontiztea as point inarnction in th cct at 1750 at boX 4rndju Zn 1714 the prprietora nad ntu8ad to bu114 thretoro t-te tourtty cofltruatd

the necessary b4ldiusa Vxt ttat tine to- it dipastblisuaefl ad poSnt of inspectioi Lu 1785 in 1785 or tYse teo.ue st Orpitol 44ndb vare -with the oflib1e eXc6kteio4

one brtet axiod o.net1by the ccUztt7

On Jpnnjnr 17 1765 tbç oUntq coatt dore the sheriff to

97 Leimon 2ufloot $4 L.13 tott tepuirs at the Capitol irehazst

3wIII17166457 ttev Era-o2.so sa thilt by oke zt jhe spito Lsuuiug about LW3G tar at the fotober 1766 coaaty court the justices cknow1em4 tIe izidçbt.ten at the county to tnu4 Cake tar buiidtnz kertjouts .4 ttie Cpjtq1

Landipg InsocUort in trw inz at L.it44 .10 z/4JOlu-116


Tim ..torz County C04rt7 on Augast 11 2i sppointeá afltee tà jree with o4an to rpzii cu rebsild the Public ereouan at the Gt1tq1 LtccU.ug- ror the Zeec40n of toacco us s41 be found fleosBnfl upoi vit4t the ttOU70117t -4 .4 .- .--.2 ._ I- -t .. -- 4- -... --



4- Sc-

-4 _%_


a._ --ç -_

4t Sue izeibers at the cad tt shnsd exirgy- Sn ttctet

Avuat 10 1171 theta pe4rod iri the7Sgifl4t

Gflatt the toUodnd a1iYert1$awflti

Gte1iit totheLOPhtB1DDEZt trTha

WJuiiZt of 3U ide the GkLTO.u

L4JAt4tk torty Feetb tnttj $th one t$t

bot thed Mso thi- repgi.rSn5 oç 41othr

nInhotfle tiQGe bflO mount tiundeflee

ths taE aopired t.c cttc4d fl cir Jatthn

ioody loCzt Vie Ig4adtn3 un4t te lGtr

pat tonta at elctu oUloot

ZAM tLi4ih JOUiO


4- 4ourissy ot Co1oiSrei ii1tSnburj1 Inc

fle b111drng 4eb1nAt44 cL1 snotht 1are1%buafl tin 9rnuntb1y

the G1 rehous tbSh the iaspec1x Jcs2fl $heild taO-

the count cirt o-t zeoe bOr LG tfl5 tx gdt to

hShnt tidder Lot the twiefit at te oq1ntOD17t447a4

p.U4Y LSa other snekoues thoee fl Capitol Lriztinj uflht.te --S -r --- 4_i

hAtCerqd flo the 4e1w.dttion$ of tze 2i4tSsk Sn 3.7dO tr441184

4- -IA 1%O thsn iter ito dittnnt 6r4Gx0 net toy the tep4irlae

of tze publie waflhounat Ca4tot LancWAg tscoitt.e

sppoStsd ith the tint arde ott March 2Q ltbG --


Wtflisn Graves truZ LenjmLa eowe11 the eeeon iqr Sted JeIy

17 ..780 added Thoaas Ueltpa Jr to tho6 alte4 umztedOBt774

184p4b8fl4 It mu easily %e isaEined tut The thna nra

too trob1çu tO Mire the ro$ifl4 deqtJfle1vozp1eteU or

turther dathaUtion by the britiub osfled lot tdditiotwL spaira

f9Z 011 AuguSt 1ii 1782k ceording to un ordei qf the Zork County

Cot Jizies bhoild l4Ilita Eaton Ate sppeinte4 to gree tath

smo pesozts to pdr tw tan oflae ttt the Citp.to1 LmU1nGE4 1741p$C4

It mq well be icubtmd Lster tljt last oztz waS obeyed tor

the sot ot .78S did not include Capitol InAdSAg in the 1it ot

at1oflted points ut LuspsctionEflfl On 3Dcenbx 19 1185

the lark Cotrnty iaufl ordered Etnjanft Pqwefl JohA kitaon Gi1t

fj4 jflj aton to telL ktiie Iftt4 9131 tiarshcJ s1t Ca1jto1

Aasxttiing zaaltg ond as Iecuritr ior ptFeptOBr1Maxt8v.ZcO

BetcseA the Lec.zber pourt and the Jarniozy court $las bale sa

sttoot.d Us Sarnt4 Sn13 Esquire Sos swa of Tsnty four Poundc

on twee Uonthe QrodLt1O3L84ei787ap.t64

-t --


1_s -r

-S --.- --- .- __i -c

j4.uttpn Con nlxl ntttq Reanrch

.t Yr ti4 inforstiot z4rea43r diicoyçtetfln t$ reEVatA.Ot oi this osaq good beginuStig ity be iSe toerda loestinE the

mrehouses used ai ottiaW poiuS of $itspâetion in ibe orat esrly sUonal erid fle reraes of the proprieton $ght be traced the deed books it4 the wilf bookS ot4 the sitution of teir propert7 ots eccij3fltt4lydetmri.tlned

La the Sooae ppsfl hvve 4nfl been eat4ned no statcteat oftis be it4e Sit regsr4 to their vtlti4 It it not wnnotN t4 pods that they contain much mstrS6l tic1 wot4d Gene to --

the itçS gleaned troa tbt order books Undoabtedly s.t ezvdnttton of the 4oflob JeSons Reynôlda cncUelnox pAper dli

sdittOSa liht on the prob1es of the warthoises

There hs been capiled htiAsr f4st ot Inscttafl ro prietore te Xo$ Ccurtty Zanhoueca- b.tors t6005 tcl%tCh 14 nOt of ksortnoe to be $.ncosonte4 Sn this report -AU

çf propvSotofl in thia lStt lane been itictuded Sn the variud

asotiAns cf this .eay The aean of the in5setn fl tstS po$t in the iAvestig4ttiokt do not an of nest SienjfIoance liP

thr it bolt in Stdt et tobOoo iidct0r should mind Vtt the guar o4 ncoaonde by the c3unty to4rt t.tn the nnbr

thst- outd LppoInte34 The thnor aflbflfltL7 vzttiott ncetion


i-S c4 4- -a-


Z4 -i --


It -I --


pa.tntod Voe tint the list.- It atht be ot iflrestSo

genor4 tuney of the tommeroii1 bistorj -of Y-odt Gount or Xork

totrs to obtt4n idea the steudin in 12w corrnnity of the

tet ppointeJ jUdjje of the .ost velpable .t1e of %he t4us

Pros the StlSb Mnntorice and death en idea of their rofltty

swi s4cisl pociUon miflt ha obtainedis

In the igtss uhiohan dpoaitd Uth this neerwidtn then

ore suggestion of Ther phases or tl$ cotterSü bl4torj of tork.4-

toit the eeraL ohita on tbi4h wso planned AS the

seor drews to o1eee hqwover 14 hn Sceaed best to prflSt

LrIy detailed report on tb nteri1 gothertd t3fleEerfliXt

tobtc wnebpusfl one phne at the qoaaXoial bieto at Yofl-o

totu before 18Q0 rttftet tsn to ethev tsw tare rtotes


.4- S-I------I- 4- -4 It_.4 I. --

typed soto4bEr 195

-- --


.4 .4


I------60 4- -- .S --- 4---.- 4.----.-


5__._ -- -_ ..s -5 55 -4-

4- 4-

-- 4- 4------5 544 554 4--

.3 .5 .5 -_ ------.4___4 855 44- -- 4.4-i -- crtt of -h -- -.-- 4- t.f454 -- tLtteSL itt cs-c OxiC3
