A Note Concerning the York County Tobacco Warehouses Before 1800

A Note Concerning the York County Tobacco Warehouses Before 1800

NOTE CONCERNING TRN YORK COUL WAREHOUSES BEFORE 1800 By Joseph Robert 1937 Colonial NIP .- .- -- LIBRARY P-LANNtNG AND RESOURCE PRESERV4TION- -- -E Zi NATIONAL PARK SERVICE4 IABO Ye -- ltf.s\r 4Th Sutrçc f-r al iisro 4- -4 -- %OTh COkCEBN1dk bs -aaooSs ITh 1013 COO$1 EsFOith 1.cG by Joepb Ca 1èbert aSQflt1 BEtuger4ist0rih1 5- 4- -- itioa- EiatoriC4 Pai -I -it 5- -- .toAVirk41tt -- .- -- iHc 44 --- -- 7t tt -- 4- .4 .4 44 74 14 8- 47 .3 .4 .4 -- 1- 6S -i-- -- -- __ 4iI -- 47-4 .4.4 47 ft 33 -- 3- 4---- .4-. _I -- .. -3 14 47 -- -C -k 14 .4 4- 73 -- -- t- -- -- 8- .4 _4 4- -- -- _..-- .14_C -- fl .- -- --._ 4.4-- -- -..-- -- 4- 44 COtXEi4t$ 444 4- 44 -4 -.44- -3 -4- .4 _4_ .4 8- 44 7$ .4 48 PagS Prdao17flQtee sa a3a4_i it York sraboun- it 33 County Genert .4 Xorktmniisehoutes 1- 43 Roes Ssrehouse 4k- 8Oatq1Iajdjntrehotses 16 Sageation Goroerz4ng fflthet Bsearch 4- -- -- -- -Y- If 47 44.3 -k -- 474. _4 14 -- -4 .4--pc _4___.__ 3-- 4- -4 4- -- 44 -- 4444 .31 __44 -1 -4 41 34 44 .1444.4.44- 44 -- -- I- -- .4 4_I- -- -.4 -- 44 414 tj 44 .z 44 II -.4- 4- 44 1I -It .4 Ip -_ 3-- -- k.. 4-- eatoryHotç -8 .-- __i .--- -t flia briet tas is beBed aat Ezaination of the Or4er floics in the Zor- Count- Office the Order Bopks ft sofl Of tns yearezare missing 1.7541759 Z76a1765 Pox the etw1Stz jmrt of the erSod undn survey reIiaies wfl pitted on notes Gardnei4a briot index to ndous itsns in the Yozk County tteards 3S914745t For the Inter iericd the ueri tbrq@gii vobne Thuibqd jiige by ge ur vhere t- the indaxt eeejed to have been preparect rith sOzas crire examined oiily the ant pxoiaLng pzges or convenience the zbtfl-ôi%Ltzg the.aonre lLLCteflCI have been iucIued in -$he bodr of the e$Sy- The v1 ujites in the Clerkta Office are lO4ed aOze by nuxtber sbne by 4ate For- uflozeeot idenZlficatioA the tabs sqhesá used ip thqp4sflTltWUeat àitatioü The abbreviations n$ed fle oflost OW Urdrs and rilIap Zrk County elerk Office U1s ad Thye4qres loric COufltyGlerktThOffjce. 3W ludgmentá nad Orders4 4Th Oraer fooks 1orc County Cier Office Ii fleftiiag $tcihtutes ____ -- Xorktan- September 28 i97 -- ._fr Cl Si -t v.-- a- p- --- a- -. -- ton ctn1y Yttrehou6e Li tsnra aot coincident with the tondin of the first sett1 .ents in the Y6tktovoi area ths pltxtters of the rteighborhood beneflttsd from pnbllc warehouses An act paaed by the toI a$ssibIy in leEk/S provided tatt establishment of OiL five states or wareJiousia on of tbeft to be at tiskyakfl li1Eos In leçs thanhs year the act was rephstsd 4rn4 the .ti1sber of warehouveS flicreaSedTto soteni Md the scaveli sttre to be in Charleg rivr for the inhabitants ot torke and 1he places adioyningeHIfl1 In act prtpossd in 1680 for the purchase in each cpnty of so acreS to be laid out for toni and storehouses contained the stateentt ln Yorke eount7 dr iteeda ndwhets the -- SJj1 Ijonors stare was including the lo tdach land wbrtee tind the old field chere Lebber dtelt tr cohabitation0 jJU 472 the familIar a4 of 1691 which estab3aShQ4 the port on OAr Bnaatn Reads lclndttL1IIl59 as prob1ày the finished version -- -.. r_- -- _.._ -- oftheearlierLcTea Iii 3.7il an eat cafSrxed tbe legi34tyof the Wpfl40 rolling boueSt already builtItIVt$6 Citin aathotity given da by the Assembly Sn 1718 Lieptenfl aovernor pottsiioOd in let ter vrittmn to the York C3unty tourt and eonsideteci by that body Dec El 1713 ahuounced that he wtS appointing commiaflonern to meet with those designated by the oqunty courts At the totin9 the purpose of wbigb was to crUet flora houses 1hs eozgljsionara were not to regar4 couu.ty boundaries 1ut only the ease and con Teniebce of the people At egeb plz%ee designated theie to built according to Spottatóod tthe storeh4iee as shtU be directed by Oomraisa Justices atoie together $ith good when at Zanding adjoining thereto .aThOtiUVjjp2gaT Vor the meeUn tich as scheduled for Milliansthzg on Janutuy 28 1712/4 the County Court appointed zs delogttea Lawrence Sith snd Joseph Sta11cerU1Y2g4 As reult of the deliberations in iUinsturg four ioints for -warehousep to be sad for the storage tobacco pd oher flle4.g in I82O ezpliinid th UMO oiling houet Rollinghouses not taUed Warehouses were- at first so deñoa iflated trost the node of o.1ing the tobacco to aret whiob ts exclu8ively the manner of rarisport1rx.it 4i-the iar4ncrot u1 ooizptry befde agqhs were introduced or the nev4gatkon Of kte rivers nbovs tide waters itprovedg and which continues to be pSe tifled in great degree to the prieeut day1V2n -- I- -- -- -- 14- -I I-- -- -- -- ---j H-- 4- .-- 1t 4-9_ -I -t it --I erflgudise yen establiahed $ui York County Yoxktzn SsiiwneAo teeA8 Creek tCatol tancttng tj and Obarles River or Ron ton totsek.5 Oxs ebruny iS lfl/4 tse York Coux4ty Court set the atuuzel rtht for the variotie store bouces thtflupob l4fljnt xokner Gsntle undertook to 1uild the Store houses barr at orktotn gave baud ar his perfornance accordi.nly Jcee Attn undertook to build the Store bouses fbtrf on his land E.t 8kiaeno ta gate bond for his erfonnqtntie accordingly 8iifliem Row uwjertook to bufl4 the E.toShousea uharf upon Ins lend on Charles ktver gave bonw for his performance socordifly. l1lie proprietors of the lnd on ueens Creek -o dflignated for warehouan refused to buildç0iiXIVt02r For the Queens Creek arehouces apparently toe county court took adnntage of the act of 1fl2RlY4 phichellond the county to con4emn tile necessary land pxid to SuA the warihous$ ate dounty expense Public supervisory officiçls or agclts vefl apointed for the four warehouea kr tM York Ooutsty Court Wovein bar IS 7l4OWflViS636t as also ThAIV39547t477XV2B 5152 Zy the .ect oQ 1730 teh gate 2q11 fori 1t0 tbs inspedtion tyteiz public warehouses Were established at Roes storehouse in tae County Ton5 1couedge end Capitol landings upç -- -- 3- .- -- ..- c- ---- -- Mr Uolloway lanu Landind was in Jaies City ouay3 and tte tgni -of Thit -ELera the agents house w4s1IV z66267 Note thtt of all tm Thrk Coun wirebouse points incttted in 1714 only $kimeno kimzenoY is omitted Under the set of 17-30 not one of the warehouses suppgrted en independent set o-f Inspeetara but in .Th2 it ns provided by la that of the wsrehou ass just designated onl7 tiapitol landing and Cofleae landing in tifliasburg were to he under the seas inspectors In t1 period fran s730 trougti 1774 York Rosa and Capi to 1andin wer the tnree official points at inspection in Xoxk CountEes HI t5 583 V143 VI 174 Viii 79 these foflyodd years ivare the griad era in torktotnts pomiereial 1i1story 14 Vs war period- 17751162 apparently torzcto-n wan discontinued as ar ins$ctioa point at teest no record is found the ozder boots for those yesra Both Boss Lnd epito1 Landing continued to be uaedSee oxder books for f4zct flriodcr Eating iX1S448G I47S.476 1L J.78 the intpeotion at torktozn was reLestablAbed Roes snd Capitol Lending discontinued .At no tin after 1785 doeS there appear to have been any rita official point of inspection Zork County -- -___ -- -- -- Yorktowfl Warehouse -J- tie iiocda of the set of IISQ already cited ursctoubtedly asart that the 120 inspection point was at the saaue loocUor as the old vollinglipuee eetabUahd in 1714 or about tvo yearS4 utter 1730 the Torn warehouse wsa operated 14r inSpectors who 4iidod their titte between this and -one other tszohouae that 0at Gloucester toin upon capt Annart lan4htBIVC7 At- the end of that titae hbIever the York warehouse bt set of inspectors ot its o1n14L-Vk33k In Deotber 1744 the hogshesda at test warehouse or ware house and praauwably the thi1qin itself were erioualy darn aged by the overflowing Of the tidEV6vitJi The record of this unfortunate event proves conclusively tliwt the proprie tOr of the York srehouse 14lt the flructare below ths blzff and on the nterts edge John Thicnrer1 toe proprietor tn negligent about waking- repaits tarddnes wh.tth caused ie Saspectorif to rgtster cowpleint agaiast Mnt 4th the county court qn Iuzust 19 1745Ttl1li38$ it the cte rnoetin Ednrkd idth and td11iaa 3ie1on Jr ere appointed to investi Cr --- -i-- -- -- gate the tbtdco nrel%outes at Xork4vn and report %ihstber the thildings ouLd be rsaireI or not1tflXt394 Xh osatttee reported ibM the buildings zsze beyo1c reait thereupon the -York tountt Coart on JuSts 16 1746 4isaued Sun none for John so that he ltibJlt declare wb4tber or not he wou24 build aew warehoubes11lU4zc6 AperiUy uaner refuSed to build for on July kl 1748 the dourt or4ored SueL Roade t%illtaa taflttoot and Thnaa Reynolds to tt4gee with orkança to build tarrjiouze at York Towp for the noettion of tobacco iTz atieb con veoaeAt plaoe as thej shafl Sec f1ttt the L%pence of the liountyW QIflX446 Sbus ended the fir period of lilt York ware houses vnder tte proprietorship of rthe Ikackner$ -- Pros this time to about 1790 the York warehouses to have been built rçpaIred end opented by the countr The build ing comñttee appointed 34 1746 conirnoted flth one John Rarvey to was not paid ingrea.t baste forbis trouhlçt The debVwae acknowledged by thö court November 16 1747JSAl47 sM on Jon 18 1747/8JOt61 qn Septabert l75 county coàt 9rdered Dudley Digges John Ng rton land Rbert Zhe3.1-d to hve worknzen repair the UPublSc Warehoveès presuab1y et drttoti at county expenseJtnEzfl54p eli At the county court ot iuguO 1750 the seas com4aittee save far the sastitntion dwai4i AmbLers ne tor that pt Joint lortofl ttaa 4n ordered to a.ttezid 4to tbe ot the Ion arehotweaJOIIZ 684 In the $eae year Dacembé i4 j459 thi ebuxty court cpxinked SaIn iorton Robert $h.ojld and tJsvid Jatesqa to agree reith thfaen to build bbarf et the Public 2obacco

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