“Other Side”. – Light 1932, Pag

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Vol. XXXVI, 1926-1928, pagg. 455-470. HALL ANGUS - Messaggi dal futuro. - Rizzoli Editore, Milano 1976, pagg. 141. HALL CHARLES A. - Salute to Death. An enquiry into its process. - T. 1/1964, pagg. 30-38. HALL COOK CHARLES - Experiments in Psychic Photography. – J.A.S.P.R. 1916, pagg. 1-56,57-114. HALL EDGAR VINE - Quelques aperçus sur le “Révival Gallois”. – A.S.P. 1905, pagg. 299-307. HALL EDWARD MARSHALL - Some of the Tests Which Convinced a Distinguished Lawyer. - Walter Franklin Prince: Noted Witnesses for Psychic Occurrences, University Books, New York 1963, pagg. 66-67. HALL H., HUSSEIN J.N., FATOOHI L.J., AL-DARGAZELLI S. - Deliberately Caused Bodily Damage Phenomena. – J.S.P.R. 1997, pagg. 97- 113. HALL H. AUSTEN - Experiences with a Trance Medium (Mrs. Garrett). - Light 1930, pag. 304. - The Next Step. - P.S. luly 1931, pag. 115. HALL HENRY C. - An Authentic Ghost Story. Incident which Completely Altered the Writer’s Outlook. - Light 1933, pag. 433. HALL JAMES A. - Unconscious Cultural Influences and Psi: A Jungian Footnote. - Research in Parapsychology 1981, pag. 34. - A Jungian Perspective on Parapsychology Implications for Science and Religion. - Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Rome, August, 23-24, 1985, pag. 20. Hall (Marshall) and Cheiro. - The International Psychic Gazette 1933, pag. 39. HALL PRESCOTT F. - Report of Fire Test Experiments. – J.A.S.P.R. 1909, pagg. 36-53. - Some Account of Sittings with Mrs. M. E. Keeler. - J.A.S.P.R. 1911, pagg. 225- 240. - Digest of Spirit Teachings Received Through Mrs. Minnie E. Keeler. – J.A.S.P.R. 1916, pagg. 632, 679. - Experiments in Astral Projection. – J.A.S.P.R. 1918, pagg. 39-60. - The Harrison Case. - P.A.S.P.R. Vol. XIII, 1920, pagg. 285-477. HALL TREVOR H. - The Spiritualists. The Story of Florence Cook and William Crookes. - Garrett Publications, New York 1963, pagg. 188. - The Strange Story of Ada Goodrich Freer. - Duckworth, London 1980, pagg. 133. - The Enigma of Daniel Home. Medium or Fraud? - Prometheus Books, New York 1984,pagg. 148. - The Wesley Poltergeist: A Reappraisal. – I.J.P. 2/1960, pagg. 62-78. - The Case of Bealings Bells. - T. 3/1961, pagg. 33-41. - The Cock Lane Ghost: A Historical Note. - LJ.P. 1/1962, pagg. 71-87. - “The Spiritualists” in Retrospect. - T. 1/1963, pagg. 54-56. - Florence Cook & William Crookes. - T. 4/1963, pagg. 341-359. - On “The Spiritualists”. – J.P. 1963, pagg. 262-267. - Mr. Trevor Hall’s Reply to Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Review of “The Spiritualists”. J.A.S.P.R. Vol. LVIII, 1964, pag. 57. - Mr. “Xz.’s” Haunted House. T. 2/1964, pagg. 122-124. - The Mourning Years of F. W. H. Myers. - T. 3/1964, pagg. 209-212. - Some Comments on Mr. Fraser Nicol’s Review. – I.J.P. 2/1968, pagg. 149-164. HALL TREVOR H. and DINGWALL ERIC J. - Four Modern Ghosts. - Gerald Duckworth & Co., London 1958, pagg. 111. HALL T. H., DINGWALL E. J., GOLDNEY K. M. - Mr. Hastings and the Borley Report. – J.S.P.R. Vol. 45, 1969-1970, pagg. 115- 124. HALL TREVOR H. & HALL KATHRYN E. - An Appraisal of the Séances at Borley Rectory. – I.J.P. 1/1959, pagg. 64-78. HALLER KURT - Gott selber sieht da lachelnd zu.
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