Program for an Economic Miracle in Southern Europe, the Mediterranean Region, and Africa Contents
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THERE IS LIFE AFTER THE EURO! Program for an Economic Miracle In Southern Europe, The Mediterranean Region, And Africa Contents 3 Introduction: There Is Life After the Euro! An Economic Miracle for Southern Europe And the Mediterranean 11 Greece and a Marshall Plan for the Mediterranean Basin 21 Spain: The World Land-Bridge’s Bridge to African Development 30 The Rebirth of Italy’s Mezzogiorno Means A New Renaissance in Italy 39 Africa Pass: Afro-Mediterranean Revolutionary Project 44 The Transaqua Project: Beginning of An African Rebirth 47 North Africa: From Roudaire’s ‘Inland Sea’ Project to the Blue Revolution 53 What Europe Can Learn from Argentina 56 A German ‘Economic Miracle’ for Europe and The Entire World Copyright © EIR News Service, Inc. June 2012 EIRPA 2012-1-0-0-pdf THERE IS LIFE AFTER THE EURO! An Economic Miracle For Southern Europe And the Mediterranean! by Helga Zepp-LaRouche June 1—All of us—every nation in Europe, along with The Euro Has Created a Monster its citizens—now face a doubly existential crisis: The One might well paraphrase the title of Francisco euro system, and the entire trans-Atlantic financial Goya’s famous etching to describe the result of the Eu- system, are in the process of total disintegration, which ropean Union’s current policies: “The sleep of eco- can be put off only for a few more weeks, by means of nomic reason has produced monsters.” For who could hyperinflationary injections of liquidity. This is the still have any doubt that the euro is a failed experiment? result of the failed system of the British Empire, which The situation in Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and also also, on the basis of the so-called Blair Doctrine, now in the Balkan states, is, in fact, hideous, and is already threatens to draw us into a thermonuclear confrontation costing many human lives. This is not the fault of these with Russia and China. countries’ citizens; rather it is the result of the European A solution does exist. That solution, however, is ab- currency union’s flawed policies, and of the monetarist solutely impossible within our current system. The policies of the EU and of Europe’s governments, which, hopelessly bankrupt system of globalization, and to- especially following the outbreak of the financial crisis day’s casino economy, must be replaced by a credit in July 2007, have merely continued a policy favoring system that is oriented exclusively toward future in- speculators and banks, against the interests of the Gen- vestment into the real economy, with high energy-flux eral Welfare. densities. Re-attaining national sovereignty is the abso- The Eurozone, even from its birth, was not an “opti- lute prerequisite for both economic recovery and the mal currency zone.” It ought to have been clear from preservation of peace. We need to immediately estab- the very outset to anyone with any economic common lish a two-tier banking system in the tradition of Frank- sense, that states with such divergent economic struc- lin D. Roosevelt, along with a credit system in the tradi- tures, and diverse languages and cultures, as Germany, tion of Alexander Hamilton and the FDR-era Finland, Greece, and Portugal, could not develop har- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and we must moniously into a single currency union. return to national currencies, fixed exchange rates, and As is well known, the euro was not born out of solid an economic reconstruction program for Southern economic considerations, but rather out of the geopo- Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the African con- litical intention to bind the reunified Germany into the tinent. corset of the EU, and to force it to abandon the deutsche- Special Report EIR 3 mark. François Mitterrand’s euro, Germany, have been left former advisor Jacques Attali empty-handed. During its 11 later admitted that it was clear years with the euro, its domes- to all participants at the time, tic market has shrunk, real in- that a currency union could comes have declined, pur- not function without political chasing power has gone down, union, and that this birth its health-care system has defect of the euro had been in- grown considerably worse, tentionally designed to force and the spectrum of its em- Europe into political union ployment structure has wors- later on! Precisely that is what ened in the direction of cheap we are witnessing now, with labor. Its ostensible special the advocates of union now at- position as the “world cham- tempting, under extreme crisis pion of exports”—which pri- conditions, to use the intro- marily benefited the DAX duction of eurobonds as a final 500 corporations, and much step toward a federal EU state. less, the small and medium- The extensive powers sized industrial firms—is which the European Stability quite understandably col- Mechanism is to be granted— lapsing, just at the point when its governing council and di- its export markets are drying rectorate would enjoy lifelong up. immunity, and no accountabil- The EU’s policies have ity—would turn such a federal not secured peace in Europe, state into a total dictatorship as the propagandists of Euro- serving the interests of the “The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters,” from the pean integration would have banks and the City of London. “Caprichos,” by the Spanish artist Francisco Goya us believe; rather, enmity (ca. 1797). It would guarantee Europe’s among nations has never been plunge into economic, politi- greater since World War II. cal, and social chaos. Instead of fostering the General Welfare and a sense of Twenty years after the signing of the Maastricht community, the Law of the Jungle is spreading its in- Treaty, a monster has been created; and 11 years after fluence, with each out to save his own skin. A continu- the introduction of the euro, many Eurozone nations are ation of this policy, whether it be through brutal auster- in danger of descending into African-level conditions— ity in the tradition of Brüning,1 or in the form of a social collapse, rising death rates, infrastructure no hyperinflationary collectivization of debt, represents longer maintained, most economic activity ground to a high treason against the very idea of Europe in the halt, one in two or three young persons unemployed, Christian-humanist tradition. and skilled workers fleeing their homelands because they see no future there. The alleged boom in the Euro- Strategic Confrontation Coming Next zone’s so-called catch-up nations was in fact a bubble— The subjugation of Europe’s nations under the Brit- and now that bubble has popped. When the flow of tour- ish Empire’s diktat not only means domestic strife, it ists begins to dry up, and when people can no longer also is drawing Europe inexorably into a strategic con- afford second vacation homes, it will become clear that frontation with Russia, China, and other Asian nations. there was no increase in social wealth in these coun- Both Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and its Prime tries, and that there’s still no adequate infrastructure Minister Dmitri Medvedev have made it very clear that and industrial capacity. Greece, for example, does not have a single rail connection to the rest of Europe, or to 1. Heinrich Brüning was Chancellor of Germany (1930-32), during the Asia! Weimar Republic. His imposition of savage austerity is credited in part But even the citizens of the so-called profiteer of the for Hitler’s rise to power in 1933—ed. 4 EIR Special Report Russia will not accept the undermining of international increasingly eroded. law as set forth in the UN Charter, and that a policy of In a somewhat different context, it becomes clear violating national sovereignty under the pretext of “hu- from European politicians’ muted attitude toward the manitarian intervention” will lead to the use of nuclear stationing of U.S. anti-missile systems in Europe, that weapons. what the Russian government has described as a poten- The Obama Administration has adopted as its own tial casus belli, is by no means mere “propaganda,” as the so-called Blair Doctrine, which claims that the era some politicians have irresponsibly averred. of the Peace of Westphalia is over, and that “humanitar- The same trend is evident in NATO’s new strategic ian interventions” around the world should henceforth concept of “Smart Defense,” which was presented by follow the interests of the Empire, obliterating the na- the head of British Armed Forces, Gen. Sir David tion-state. The Obama Administration’s so-called Richards, among others, at the recent NATO summit Atrocity Prevention Board has drawn up a long list of in Chicago. According to this concept, NATO’s 28 states, including Syria, Sudan, and many others, which member-states must renounce all sovereign rights re- are to be targeted for military intervention. garding both deployment of their own troops abroad Tony Blair, the author of the lies that led to the Iraq and requisitioning of war matériel. Richards an- War, has offered himself to Obama as an election advi- nounced that yet another NATO conference, to be held sor for the next six months, and while Blair was in the in September, will settle this question of full NATO United States in May, he openly stated that, after he access, without any ability of elected national govern- has helped Obama get re-elected, he intends to make ments or parliaments to block it by veto. Richards is a another try for the British Prime Minister’s office. The Commander of the Order of the British Empire, along plan is clearly to rule the world on the basis of the with his colleague, CBE Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Anglo-American “Special Relationship.” Therefore, head of the German Advisory Council on Global we have a confrontation of two irreconcilably op- Change (WBGU), who was likewise personally deco- posed doctrines: the Blair Doctrine of the world as an rated by the British Queen for his service to the empire, where sovereign nation-states no longer Empire.